99-750. Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Savannah River Site (SRS) Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Management, Savannah River Site, South Carolina  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 8 (Wednesday, January 13, 1999)]
    [Pages 2201-2203]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-750]
    Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Savannah River 
    Site (SRS) Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Management, Savannah River Site, 
    South Carolina
    AGENCY: Department of Energy.
    ACTION: Notice of availability and public meetings.
    SUMMARY: The Department of Energy announces the availability of the 
    Savannah River Site Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Draft Environmental 
    Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0279D). This draft EIS evaluates the 
    potential impacts of reasonable alternatives for the safe and efficient 
    management of spent nuclear fuel and targets stored and scheduled to be 
    received at the Savannah River Site (SRS), including placing these 
    materials in a form suitable for disposition.
    DATES: The public comment period began on December 24, 1998 and extends 
    through February 8, 1999. DOE will consider comments postmarked or 
    submitted after February 8, 1999 to the extent practicable. Oral and 
    written comments will be accepted at public meetings on the dates and 
    at the locations given below. The Department will hold two public 
    meetings, with two sessions each, to discuss the Draft EIS and receive 
        1. Thursday, January 28, 1999, at the Holiday Inn Coliseum, 630 
    Assembly Street, Columbia, SC, (803) 799-7800. The first session begins 
    at 1:00 p.m. and the second begins at 6:00 p.m.
        2. Tuesday, February 2 at the North Augusta Community Center, 495 
    Brookside Drive, North Augusta, SC, (803) 441-4290. The first session 
    begins at 1:00 p.m. and the second begins at 6:00 p.m.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments, requests for further information on the 
    draft EIS or public meetings, and requests for copies of the document 
    should be directed to Andrew R. Grainger, NEPA Compliance Officer, 
    Savannah River Site, Building 742-A, Room 185, Aiken, South Carolina 
    29802; orally by calling (800) 881-7292; or electronically to 
    nepa@srs.gov. Addresses of locations where the Draft EIS is available 
    for public review are listed in this notice under ``Availability of 
    Copies of the Draft EIS.''
        General information on the DOE National Environmental Policy Act 
    (NEPA) process may be requested from Ms. Carol Borgstrom, Director, 
    Office of NEPA Policy and Assistance (EH-42), U.S. Department of 
    Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20585. Ms. 
    Borgstrom may be contacted by telephone at (202) 586-4600 or by leaving 
    a message at 1-800-472-2756.
        The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, a DOE predecessor agency, 
    established the SRS in the early 1950s for the production of special 
    radioactive isotopes to support national programs. Historically, the 
    primary Site mission was the production of strategic isotopes 
    (plutonium-239 and tritium) for use in the development and production 
    of nuclear weapons. The SRS produced other isotopes (e.g., californium-
    252, plutonium-238, and americium-241) to support research in nuclear 
    medicine, space exploration, and commercial applications. DOE produced 
    these isotopes in the five SRS production reactors.
        The material used to produce isotopes consisted of nuclear fuel and 
    targets. The nuclear fuel was enriched uranium that was alloyed with 
    aluminum and then clad in aluminum. The targets were either oxides or 
    metallic forms of various isotopes such as neptunium-237 or uranium-238 
    that were clad with aluminum. Fuel and targets were fabricated at the 
    SRS and placed in the reactors and then the reactors operated to create 
    the neutrons necessary to transmute the target material. After 
    irradiation, the fuel and targets (collectively referred to as spent 
    nuclear fuel) were removed from the reactors and placed in water-filled 
    basins for short-term storage, about 12 to 18 months, before they were 
    chemically processed in the SRS separations facilities.
        SNF was chemically dissolved in F or H Canyon to recover the 
    uranium or transuranic isotopes for future use (``reprocessing''). The 
    remaining residue from the fuel, high-level radioactive waste 
    consisting primarily of fission products and cladding in liquid form, 
    was transferred to large steel tanks for storage. The high-level waste 
    is being vitrified in the Defense Waste Processing Facility at the SRS 
    to prepare it for placement in a geologic repository.
        In 1992, the Secretary of Energy directed that reprocessing 
    operations to produce strategic nuclear materials be phased out 
    throughout the DOE complex. However, unprocessed SNF and targets 
    remained in storage. SRS also has accepted SNF from foreign and 
    domestic research reactors. In the past, most of this material was 
    reprocessed. With the end of the Site's strategic nuclear materials 
    production mission, SNF from research reactors has been accumulating in 
    the Receiving Basin for Offsite Fuels and the L-Reactor Disassembly 
        DOE has taken action to stabilize about 175 MTHM of the 195 MTHM of 
    aluminum-based SNF that was in storage at SRS in 1995. DOE decided to 
    stabilize this material following completion of the Interim Management 
    of Nuclear Materials Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0220). The 
    primary purpose of the actions described in that environmental impact 
    statement (EIS) was to correct or eliminate potential health and safety 
    vulnerabilities related to some of the methods used to store nuclear 
    materials (including SNF) at SRS. In that EIS, DOE identified the 
    remaining 20 MTHM (out of 195 MTHM) of aluminum-based SNF at SRS as 
    ``stable'' (i.e., the SNF likely could be safely stored for about 10 
    more years, pending decisions on final disposition). Thus, that 20 MTHM 
    of aluminum-based SNF is included in this EIS.
        On June 1, 1995, DOE decided (60 FR 28680) under the Department of 
    Energy Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho National 
    Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management 
    Programs Final Environmental Impact Statement to consolidate existing 
    [[Page 2202]]
    newly generated SNF at three existing Departmental sites (including 
    SRS) based on the fuel type, pending future decisions on ultimate 
    disposition. DOE designated the SRS as the site that would manage 
    aluminum-based SNF. As a result, DOE will transfer 20 MTHM of non-
    aluminum-based SNF from SRS to Idaho National Engineering and 
    Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) and will transfer about 5 MTHM of 
    aluminum-based SNF at INEEL to SRS. Additionally, SRS could receive 
    about 5 MTHM of aluminum-based SNF from domestic research reactors.
        In May 1996, DOE announced a decision (61 FR 25092) under the Final 
    Environmental Impact Statement on a Proposed Nuclear Weapons 
    Nonproliferation Policy Concerning Foreign Research Reactor Spent 
    Nuclear Fuel to accept about 18 MTHM of aluminum-based SNF containing 
    uranium of U.S. origin from foreign research reactors for management in 
    the United States at the SRS. The receipt of foreign research reactor 
    SNF at SRS is now underway and receipts are scheduled to be completed 
    by 2009. The 18 MTHM of foreign research reactor SNF that could be 
    received at SRS is included in the scope of this EIS. (Recent decisions 
    by some foreign research reactor operators have reduced the quantity of 
    SNF expected to be shipped to SRS from about 18 MTHM to about 14 MTHM; 
    however, for this EIS the 18 MTHM projection is used because foreign 
    research reactor operators still have the option to ship to the United 
    States.) Table S-1 summarizes the amount of SNF to be managed at SRS 
    that is considered in this EIS.
                 Table 1.--Quantity of SNF Discussed in This EIS
    Aluminum-based SNF stored at SRS.............................    20 MTHM
    Domestic and DOE aluminum-based research reactor SNF to be
     received at SRS.............................................    10 MTHM
    Foreign Research Reactor aluminum-based SNF to be received at
     SRS.........................................................    18 MTHM
    Non-aluminum-based SNF at SRS (to be shipped to INEEL).......    20 MTHM
    Purpose and Need for Action
        DOE anticipates that it eventually will place most of its aluminum-
    based SNF inventory in a geologic repository after treatment or 
    repackaging. DOE currently is conducting analysis leading to a decision 
    whether to recommend the Yucca Mountain site in Nevada as the site of 
    this nation's first geologic repository. Even if the Nuclear Regulatory 
    Commission eventually were to license such a site, DOE does not expect 
    a geologic repository to be available until at least 2010 and it is 
    unclear when shipments from DOE sites could begin. Regardless of when a 
    repository is available, the Department intends to develop and 
    implement a safe and efficient SNF management strategy that includes 
    preparing for ultimate disposition the aluminum-based SNF stored at SRS 
    or expected to be shipped to SRS. DOE is committed to avoiding 
    indefinite storage at the SRS of this nuclear fuel in a form that is 
    unsuitable for final disposition. Therefore, DOE needs to identify 
    management technologies and facilities for storing and treating this 
    SNF in preparation for final disposition.
        In this EIS, DOE is evaluating the treatment and storage of about 
    48 MTHM of aluminum-based SNF pending shipment to a geologic 
    repository, including impacts from the construction and operation of 
    facilities (either new or modified existing facilities) that would be 
    used to receive, store, treat, and package SNF in preparation for 
    ultimate disposition.
        Onsite transportation impacts are considered; however, no impacts 
    associated with transporting SNF to SRS are included, because these 
    impacts have been assessed in other EISs.
        The potential impacts of transporting SNF to a geologic repository 
    are discussed for completeness but no decisions related to transporting 
    SNF offsite will be made under this EIS. Transportation of SNF to a 
    federal repository will be addressed in the EIS for a Geologic 
    Repository for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level 
    Radioactive Waste at Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada (Notice of 
    Intent published in 60 FR 40164 on August 7, 1995). The Yucca Mountain 
    EIS is being prepared in the event DOE decides to recommend Yucca 
    Mountain as the site of the Nation's first geologic repository for SNF 
    and high-level radioactive waste.
        DOE also evaluates transferring 20 MTHM of non-aluminum-clad spent 
    nuclear fuel currently stored in the Receiving Basin for Offsite Fuel 
    at SRS to a new dry storage facility at SRS. This transfer would occur 
    only if a dry storage facility were built as part of the implementation 
    of a treatment technology to prepare aluminum-based spent nuclear fuel 
    for disposition and if the dry storage facility became operational 
    before the non-aluminum-clad fuel was transferred to the INEEL. The 
    transfer to dry storage would occur after the fuel had been relocated 
    from the Receiving Basin for Offsite Fuel to the L-Reactor Disassembly 
    Basin in support of activities necessary to phase out the use of the 
    Receiving Basin for Offsite Fuel by 2006.
        This EIS does not evaluate the impacts of managing the non-
    aluminum-clad fuel at INEEL or of transporting the fuel to INEEL. These 
    impacts were considered in the SNF programmatic EIS which served as the 
    basis for DOE's decision to consolidate the storage of non-aluminum-
    clad spent nuclear fuel at the INEEL.
        Additionally, in this EIS DOE evaluates alternative storage 
    arrangements for Mark-51 and ``other'' targets currently located in the 
    Receiving Basin for Offsite Fuel at the SRS. In addition to evaluating 
    the continued use of wet storage, DOE considers transferring the 
    targets to dry storage to provide flexibility in material management 
    operations. The targets contain americium and curium isotopes that have 
    potential programmatic use.
    Decisions To Be Based on This EIS
        DOE expects to make the following decisions on the management of 
    SNF and preparation of SNF for ultimate disposition.
         Select the appropriate treatment or packaging technology 
    to prepare for ultimate disposal of the aluminum-based SNF that is to 
    be managed at SRS.
         Determine whether DOE should construct new facilities or 
    use existing facilities to store and treat or package aluminum-based 
    SNF that is expected to be managed at SRS in preparation for its 
    ultimate disposition.
         Determine whether DOE should repackage and dry-store 
    stainless-steel and zirconium-clad SNF pending shipment to INEEL, and 
    whether DOE should repackage and dry-store americium/curium targets 
    pending decisions on programmatic use. Repackaging and dry-storing 
    these fuels would further DOE's plan to phase out the use of the 
    Receiving Basin for Offsite Fuel at the SRS.
    Proposed Action
        DOE's proposed action is to safely manage SNF that is currently 
    located or expected to be received at SRS, including treating or 
    packaging aluminum-based fuel for offsite shipment and placement in a 
    monitored geologic repository, and packaging non-aluminum-clad fuel and 
    programmatic material for dry storage.
        In the Record of Decision for the Foreign Research Reactor EIS (61 
    FR 25092--May 17, 1996), DOE stated that it would embark on an 
    [[Page 2203]]
    program at SRS to identify, develop, and demonstrate one or more non-
    reprocessing, cost effective treatment or packaging technologies to 
    prepare aluminum-based foreign research reactor spent nuclear fuel for 
    ultimate disposition.
        Based on that decision, DOE's strategy is to select a new non-
    chemical processing technology or a new packaging technology that would 
    put aluminum-based foreign research reactor SNF into a form or 
    container suitable for direct placement in a monitored geologic 
    repository. The SNF would be treated or conditioned to address 
    potential repository acceptance criteria or safety concerns. After 
    implementing the new non-chemical processing treatment or packaging 
    technology, DOE would manage the SNF in a road-ready condition at SRS 
    in dry storage pending shipment to a geologic repository.
        Because of the similarity of the materials, DOE proposes to manage 
    the other aluminum-alloy SNF that is the subject of this EIS (domestic 
    research reactor and DOE reactor fuels) in the same manner as the 
    foreign research reactor fuels.
        DOE has included chemical processing as a management alternative in 
    this EIS. However, DOE's strategy and preference is to use non-chemical 
    separations processes when practical. DOE proposes to use chemical 
    separation processes when a potential health or safety vulnerability 
    exists for aluminum-based SNF that DOE considers should be alleviated 
    before a non-chemical separations process is in operation in about 
    2005. Additionally, such SNF in its current form would likely not be 
    acceptable in a geologic repository.
    Alternatives Considered
        For analysis in this EIS, DOE has categorized the SNF at SRS into 
    six groups based on characteristics such as fuel size, physical or 
    chemical properties, and radionuclide inventories. To manage this SNF 
    and prepare it for disposition, DOE identified six reasonable new 
    technologies and one existing technology (conventional chemical 
    processing) for analysis. Because of the differences in the 
    characteristics of the SNF and the capabilities of the technologies, no 
    single technology could be applied to all the SNF. Although there are 
    many possible combinations of technologies and fuel groups, DOE 
    evaluated a limited number of configurations as alternatives. The 
    alternatives were chosen to illustrate the range of impacts that could 
    occur and consist of: Preferred Alternative, Minimum Impact 
    Alternative, Direct Disposal Alternative, Maximum Impact Alternative, 
    and the No Action Alternative.
        In the Preferred Alternative, DOE proposes to implement several 
    technologies to manage the SNF at SRS. These include Melt and Dilute, 
    Conventional Processing, and Repackage and Prepare to Ship. The Melt 
    and Dilute option is the preferred method for treating most (about 97 
    percent by volume and 60 percent by mass) of the spent nuclear fuel. 
    Conventional processing would be used for the remaining 3 percent by 
    volume (40 percent by mass) because of the potential health and safety 
    vulnerability of continuing wet storage of those fuels while awaiting 
    the availability of Melt and Dilute technology and uncertainties 
    associated with repository acceptance. DOE would continue to wet store 
    the Higher Actinide Targets and the non-aluminum clad SNF. If this 
    material has not been transferred offsite by the time a dry storage 
    facility is in operation at the SRS, DOE could repackage this material 
    and transfer it to dry storage.
    Availability of Copies of the Draft EIS
        Copies of the Draft EIS are being distributed to Federal, State and 
    local officials and agencies; Tribes; and organizations and individuals 
    that have indicated an interest in SRS or the Draft EIS. In addition, 
    the Draft EIS is available on the Internet at the following address: 
    http://www.eh.doe.gov/nepa/docs/docs.htm. Addresses of DOE Public 
    Reading Rooms and libraries where the Draft EIS will be available for 
    public review are listed below:
    Freedom of Information Public Document Room, University of South 
    Carolina at Aiken, SC, Gregg-Graniteville Library, 471 University 
    Parkway, Aiken, SC 29801
    Freedom of Information Reading Room, U.S. Department of Energy, Room 
    1E-190, Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, 
    DC 20585
    Battelle-Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Technical Library, P.O. Box 
    999, Richland, WA 99352
    Pullen Public Library, 100 Decatur Street, SE, Atlanta, GA 30303
    Reese Library, Augusta College, 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30904
    Georgia Institute of Technology, Bobby Dodd Way, Atlanta, GA 30332
    Chatham-Effingham-Liberty Regional Library, 2002 Bull Street, Savannah, 
    GA 31499-4301
    Los Alamos Technical Association, 1200 Trinity Drive, Los Alamos, NM 
    U.S. Department of Energy, FOIA Reading Room, 4700 Morris NE, 
    Albuquerque, NM 87111
    U.S. Department of Energy, Albuquerque Operations Office, National 
    Atomic Museum, 20358 Wyoming Boulevard SE, Kirtland Air Force Base, 
    P.O. Box 5400, Albuquerque, NM 87185
    The Libraries, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523
    Erskine College, McCain Library, One Depot Street, Due West, SC 29639
    Parsons Brinckeroff Library, 1660 Lincoln Street, Suite 2000, Denver, 
    CO 80264
    Public Reading Room, Chicago Operations Office, 9800 South Cass Avenue, 
    Argonne, IL 60439
    Argonne National Laboratory, Technical Library, P.O. Box 2528, Idaho 
    Falls, ID 83403
    Library of Congress, CRS-STR-LM413, Washington, DC 20540-7490
    South Carolina State Library, 1500 Senate Street, Columbia, SC 29211
    County Library, 404 King Street, Charleston, SC 29403
    Savannah River Site Library, Savannah River Technology Center, 773-A, 
    Savannah River Site, Aiken, SC 29808
    Westinghouse Savannah River Site Company Library, 766-H, Savannah River 
    Site, Aiken, SC 29808
    U.S. Department of Energy, Public Reading Room, Oak Ridge Operations 
    Office, 55 Jefferson Circle, Room 1123, Oak Ridge, TN 37831
        Issued in Washington, DC on January 7, 1999.
    David G. Huizenga,
    Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Material and Facility 
    Stabilization, Office of Environmental Management.
    [FR Doc. 99-750 Filed 1-12-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Notice of availability and public meetings.
Document Number:
The public comment period began on December 24, 1998 and extends through February 8, 1999. DOE will consider comments postmarked or submitted after February 8, 1999 to the extent practicable. Oral and written comments will be accepted at public meetings on the dates and at the locations given below. The Department will hold two public meetings, with two sessions each, to discuss the Draft EIS and receive comments:
2201-2203 (3 pages)
PDF File: