2025-00450. Marine Mammals; Proposed Incidental Harassment Authorization for the Southern Beaufort Sea Stock of Polar Bears During Well Remediation Activities, North Slope of Alaska; Draft Environmental Assessment
Table 1—Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) and Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS) Thresholds Established by Southall et al. (2019) Through Modeling and Extrapolation for “Other Marine Carnivores,” Which Includes Polar Bears
TTS PTS Non-impulsive Impulsive Non-impulsive Impulsive SEL CUM SEL CUM Peak SPL SEL CUM SEL CUM Peak SPL Air 157 146 170 177 161 176 ( print page 2723) Water 199 188 226 219 203 232 Note: Values are weighted for other marine carnivores' hearing thresholds and given in cumulative sound exposure level (SEL CUM dB re 20µPa in air and SEL CUM dB re 1 µPa in water) for impulsive and nonimpulsive sounds, and unweighted peak sound pressure level in air (dB re 20µPa) and water (dB 1µPa) (impulsive sounds only).