2025-00467. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Status for the Florida Manatee and Endangered Status for the Antillean Manatee
Table 1—Current Resiliency for the Four Florida Manatee Winter Management Units and Two Warm Season Coastal Resiliency Units
[Service 2024a, pp. 93-94]
Abundance Trend (2011-2020) Forage Winter forage Warm-water refugia Overall resiliency Management Unit: Northwest 1,270 (790-1,840) High Good Good Good HIGH. ( print page 3149) Southwest 2,966 (2,551-3,434) Moderate Good Good Good HIGH. Atlantic 3,520 (2,750-4,430) Moderate Diminished Diminished Good MODERATE. 2021-2023 (Low) (LOW). Upper St. Johns River 480 (460-510) High Good Good Good HIGH. Warm Season Coastal Resiliency Unit: Gulf Coast 4,810 (3,820-6,010) High Good Good Good HIGH. East Coast 4,000 (3,240-4,910) Moderate Caution * Diminished Good MODERATE. * “Caution” condition indicates that there are some metrics that indicate that forage resources are being impacted.