99-1024. Isofenphos; Receipt of Request to Cancel Registrations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 10 (Friday, January 15, 1999)]
    [Pages 2642-2644]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-1024]
    [OPP-64039; FLR-6056-5]
    Isofenphos; Receipt of Request to Cancel Registrations
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice of Receipt to Cancel Registrations.
    SUMMARY: In accordance with section 6(f)(1) of the Federal Insecticide, 
    Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amended, EPA is issuing a 
    notice of its receipt of requests for amendment by Bayer Corporation, 
    the sole U.S. registrant of the insecticide isofenphos, to terminate 
    their registrations for all products containing isofenphos. This notice 
    describes the Agency's current intention to grant Bayer Corporation's 
    request for cancellation of all product registrations for the 
    organophosphate isofenphos. It further provides an opportunity for the 
    public to provide comment on the pending cancellation. Finally, this 
    notice describes the terms and conditions under which the Agency 
    intends to allow existing stocks to be sold, distributed, and/or used 
    if the cancellations take effect.
    DATES: In order to be considered, public comment on this notice must be 
    received by March 16, 1999. Unless the cancellation request is 
    withdrawn or adverse comments are received, the Agency intends to 
    publish a final cancellation notice in the Federal Register on or about 
    March 16, 1999, subject to the existing stocks provision specified 
    ADDRESSES: By mail, submit written comments to: Public Information and 
    Records Integrity Branch, Information Resources and Services Division 
    (7506C), Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 
    401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. In person, deliver comments to: 
    Rm. 119, CM #2, 1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA.
        Comments and data may also be submitted electronically to: docket@epamail.epa.gov. Follow the instructions under Unit V of this 
    document. No Confidential Business Information (CBI) should be 
    submitted through e-mail.
        Information submitted as a comment concerning this document may be 
    claimed confidential by marking any part or all of that information as 
    ``Confidential Business Information'' (CBI). Information so marked will 
    not be disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in 40 
    CFR part 2. A copy of the comment that does not contain CBI must be 
    submitted for inclusion in the public record. Information not marked 
    confidential will be included in the public docket by EPA without prior 
    notice. The public docket is available for public inspection in Rm. 119 
    at the address given above, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through 
    Friday, excluding legal holidays.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: By mail: Philip Poli, Special Review 
    and Reregistration Division (7508C), Office of Pesticide Programs, 
    Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. 
    Office location, telephone number and e-mail: Reregistration Branch 3, 
    Crystal Mall #2, 6th floor, 1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, 
    VA; (703) 308-8038; e-mail: poli.philip@epamail.epa.gov.
    I. Introduction
        Section 6(f)(1) of FIFRA provides that a registrant of a pesticide 
    product may, at any time, request that any of its pesticide 
    registrations be canceled or amended. FIFRA further provides that, 
    before acting on the request, EPA must publish a notice of receipt of 
    any such request in the Federal Register. Thereafter, the EPA 
    Administrator may approve or deny the request consistent
    [[Page 2643]]
    with the provisions established pursuant to section 6(f)(1).
        On December 11, 1998 Bayer Corporation transmitted a letter to the 
    Agency requesting a phased cancellation of all their isofenphos product 
    registrations. The Agency is providing a 60-day comment period, during 
    which the public may submit comments concerning this action. If any 
    current registrant of isofenphos notifies the Agency during the 60-day 
    comment period of an agreement to transfer one or more of Bayer's 
    registrations, EPA will not issue the cancellation order provided that 
    the following conditions are met. Within 30 days of notifying the 
    Agency of its intention to transfer a registration, a request for 
    transfer of registration must be submitted to the Agency in accordance 
    with 40 CFR 152.135. Once all required documentation have been 
    submitted, the Agency will notify the transferor and transferee of its 
    approval. Thereafter, the transferee will be regarded as the registrant 
    for all purposes under FIFRA. The new registrant or transferee would be 
    responsible for ensuring all data requirements are satisfied including 
    all outstanding requirements consistent with established deadlines 
    since Bayer Corporation has outstanding studies which are approaching 
    the required due date.
        The Agency will proceed with the cancellation of these isofenphos 
    products according to the scheduled dates within unless the request for 
    voluntary cancellation is withdrawn by Bayer Corporation, a 
    registration is transferred, or substantive comments are received from 
    the public which cause the Agency to reconsider its approach to 
    canceling the Bayer Corporation isofenphos registrations. If the Agency 
    grants some or all of the request for voluntary cancellation, it will 
    publish a final cancellation order in the Federal Register canceling 
    some or all registrations of isofenphos. Once an active ingredient is 
    canceled, any person wishing to bring the pesticide back on the market 
    would need to apply to EPA for a ``new chemical'' registration. Such a 
    registration generally would not be approved until all applicable data 
    requirements are satisfied.
    II. Background
        Isofenphos is the common name for an insecticide of the 
    organophosphate class; its trade name is Oftanol. The chemical name for 
    isofenphos is 1-methylethyl 2-[ethoxy[(1-methylethyl)-amino]-
    phosphinothioyl]-oxy]ben-zoate. Bayer Corporation is the sole technical 
    manufacturer of isofenphos and manufactures the technical material 
    overseas. Isofenphos is presently registered in the United States for 
    use on turf and ornamentals for control of white grubs and 
    molecrickets, although only turf use products are currently being sold. 
    Most residential use is by lawn care professionals. There are no 
    current registered uses on food crops in the United States, and all 
    tolerances have been revoked. The Agency published a notice in the 
    Federal Register of Monday, October 26, 1998 revoking the food use 
    tolerances for isofenphos (63 FR 57067)(6035-8).
    III. Voluntary Cancellation Request
         Bayer Corporation requested voluntary phased cancellation of all 
    its product registrations containing the active ingredient isofenphos 
    in a letter to the Agency dated December 11, 1998. In addition to 
    declining sales and diminishing use, Bayer Corporation cited the 
    availability of registered alternatives and the introduction of new and 
    advanced ingredients for grub and mole cricket control as contributing 
    to its decision to seek voluntary cancellation. The company further 
    concluded that the expenditures necessary to generate the outstanding 
    data required to fulfill reregistration program requirements could not 
    be recovered, and that such studies would likely not be complete until 
    after the projected sales ``life'' of the product. The registrations 
    for which Bayer has requested product cancellation are listed below in 
    the following Table.
       Table --Isofenphos Registrations With Requests To Cancel Pesticide
         Registration Number          Product Name        Action Requested
    EPA Reg. No. 3125-435         Oftanol 5% Granular   Cancel Registration
                                   Turf & Ornamental
    EPA Reg. No. 3125-330         Oftanol 5% Granular   Cancel Registration
    EPA Reg. No. 3125-331         Oftanol 1.5%          Cancel Registration
    EPA Reg. No. 3125-350          Lawn Food and        Cancel Registration
    EPA Reg. No. 3125-342         Oftanol 2             Cancel Registration
                                   Insecticide           effective September
                                                         30, 1999
    EPA Reg. No. 3125-326         Oftanol Technical     Cancel Registration
                                   Action Requested      effective December
                                                         31, 1999
        According to Bayer's request, cancellation of Bayer Corporation's 
    isofenphos registrations would be accomplished in three steps over a 
    12-month period. First, if the Agency publishes a final cancellation 
    order as proposed by this notice, the following product registrations 
    would be immediately canceled:
        \  Oftanol 5% Granular Turf and Ornamental Insecticide, EPA Reg. 
    No. 3125-435
        \  Oftanol 5% Granular Insecticide, EPA Reg. No. 3125-330
        \  Oftanol 1.5% Granular Insecticide, EPA Reg. No. 3125-331
        \  Lawn Food and Insecticide, EPA Reg. No. 3125-350
        Second, Bayer's product Oftanol 2 Insecticide (EPA Reg. No. 3125-
    342) would be canceled on September 30, 1999. Bayer requested an 
    existing stocks provision that would allow Bayer until September 30, 
    2000 to deplete any remaining inventory of Oftanol 2 Insecticide. 
    Third, the cancellation of Oftanol technical will become effective on 
    December 31, 1999. Bayer will discontinue any further sales and/or 
    distribution of Oftanol technical as of this date.
        Further, because sales of isofenphos have been steadily declining 
    since 1994, Bayer has agreed to limit the sale of Oftanol Technical in 
    1999 to the level of current 1998 sales. Finally, Bayer also stated in 
    its December 11, 1998 letter to the Agency that they will notify 
    formulator customers of the schedule for discontinuance of their 
    isofenphos product registration ``to give them adequate transition time 
    to develop or identify alterative products.''
        The Agency has reviewed Bayer Corporation's proposed phased 
    cancellation and agrees with the basic tenets of the approach which 
    have been described above. To better involve the public in the 
    implementation of the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 (FQPA), the 
    Agency and the United States Department of Agriculture
    [[Page 2644]]
    (USDA) established the Tolerance Reassessment Advisory Committee (TRAC) 
    on April 30, 1998. The TRAC was established as a subcommittee under the 
    auspices of EPA's National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy 
    and Technology. It provides a forum for a broad range of interest 
    groups to provide input on a variety of matters including tolerance 
    reassessment and reregistration. The organophosphate pesticides' 
    tolerance reassessment and reregistration eligibility decision 
    activities are being brokered through the TRAC process.
        To ensure the public has full access to the documents and analysis 
    providing the basis for its regulatory decision making, the Agency has 
    established public dockets for the organophosphate pesticides currently 
    undergoing tolerance reassessment and reregistration. The public 
    dockets include preliminary human health risk assessments and where 
    available, ecological risk assessments that have been conducted by the 
    Agency. Registrants' corrections to these assessments, rebuttal 
    comments, and other public comments on the Agency's risk assessments 
    have been docketed also.
        Isofenphos, is in the first group of 9 of a total of 43 
    organophosphates that are slated to have tolerance reassessment and 
    reregistration eligibility decision made via the TRAC's enhanced 
    stakeholder involvement process. However, since the sole technical 
    registrant, Bayer Corporation has elected to voluntarily cancel its 
    existing registrations on a schedule that the Agency believes is 
    consistent with the scheduling goals fundamental to the TRAC process, 
    the Agency is proposing to cancel Bayer's registrations consistent with 
    the terms and conditions described in this notice. The information 
    currently available to the Agency on the human health environmental 
    consequences of allowing Bayer Corporation's proposed phased 
    cancellation of isofenphos products is not expected to trigger imminent 
    hazard or other unreasonable adverse effect concerns. Moreover, the 
    Agency believes that given the declining market for isofenphos, it is 
    unlikely distribution, sale, or use of existing stocks of a relatively 
    small volume of canceled products would pose significant human health 
    or environmental risks. The public is invited to provide comment on 
    this Agency action and is encouraged to consider all documentation and 
    risk assessments currently available in providing those comments.
    IV. Existing Stocks
        If the Agency grants any or all of the requested cancellations, it 
    is likely that the Agency will establish an existing stocks provision 
    consistent with the following schedule. Bayer Corporation requested in 
    its December 11, 1998 voluntary cancellation letter a 1-year existing 
    stocks provision for its end-use product Oftanol 2 Insecticide (EPA 
    Reg. No. 3125-342). The effective date of cancellation for this product 
    will be September 30, 1999. Any remaining product inventory will be 
    depleted subject to a 1-year existing stock provision, whereby Bayer 
    Corporation may sell and distribute all remaining inventory until 
    September 30, 2000.
        EPA will continue to permit, after September 30, 2000 (EPA Reg. No. 
    3125-342) and December 31, 1999 (EPA Reg. No. 3125-326), the sale, 
    distribution and use of existing stocks of product containing 
    isofenphos already in the channels of distribution by persons other 
    than the registrant or supplemental registrants, (i.e., stocks already 
    in the hands of dealers or users). EPA will also continue to permit the 
    sale, distribution and use of existing stocks of the following product 
    registrations already in the hands of dealers or users:
        \  Oftanol 5% Granular Turf and Ornamental Insecticide, EPA Reg. 
    No. 3125-435
        \  Oftanol 5% Granular Insecticide, EPA Reg. No. 3125-330
        \  Oftanol 1.5% Granular Insecticide, EPA Reg. No. 3125-331
        \   Lawn Food and Insecticide, EPA Reg. No. 3125-350
        EPA believes it is appropriate to allow sale and use until stocks 
    already in the channels of distribution are exhausted rather than 
    impose a time limit on use of existing stocks, so that persons who have 
    legally purchased stocks of isofenphos will be able to sell or use 
    those stocks without violating the cancellation order (although the 
    Agency may place restrictions if such stocks are not exhausted in a 
    reasonable time). Continued use of existing stocks of a canceled 
    product until such stocks are exhausted would likely be permitted, 
    provided that such use is consistent with the previously-approved 
    labeling for the product.
    V. Public Record and Electronic Submission of Comments
        The official record for this rulemaking, as well as the public 
    version, has been established for this rulemaking under docket control 
    number [OPP-64039] (including comments and data submitted 
    electronically as described below). A public version of this record, 
    including printed, paper versions of electronic comments, which does 
    not include any information claimed as CBI, is available for inspection 
    from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal 
    holidays. The official rulemaking record is located at the address in 
    ``ADDRESSES'' at the beginning of this document.
        Electronic comments can be sent directly to EPA at:
        Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the 
    use of special characters and any form of encryption. Comments and data 
    will also be accepted on disks in WordPerfect in 5.1/6.1 or ASCII file 
    format. All comments and data in electronic form must be identified by 
    the docket control number [OPP-64039]. Electronic comments on this 
    proposed rule may be filed online at many Federal Depository Libraries.
    Lists of Subjects
        Environmental protection, Agricultural commodities, Pesticides and 
    pests, Product registrations
        Dated: January 7, 1999.
    Jack E. Housenger,
    Acting Director, Special Review and Reregistration Division, Office of 
    Pesticide Programs.
    [FR Doc. 99-1024 Filed 1-14-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Notice of Receipt to Cancel Registrations.
Document Number:
In order to be considered, public comment on this notice must be received by March 16, 1999. Unless the cancellation request is withdrawn or adverse comments are received, the Agency intends to publish a final cancellation notice in the Federal Register on or about March 16, 1999, subject to the existing stocks provision specified herein.
2642-2644 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
OPP-64039, FLR-6056-5
PDF File: