99-701. Timely Mailing Treated as Timely Filing/Electronic Postmark  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 10 (Friday, January 15, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 2606-2610]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-701]
    Internal Revenue Service
    26 CFR Part 301
    RIN 1545-AW81
    Timely Mailing Treated as Timely Filing/Electronic Postmark
    AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking; and, withdrawal of previous 
    notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: This document contains proposed regulations relating to timely 
    mailing treated as timely filing and paying under section 7502. The 
    proposed regulations generally reflect changes to the law made since 
    1960. The proposed regulations affect taxpayers that file documents or 
    make payments or deposits. This document also withdraws a previous 
    notice of proposed rulemaking published in the Federal Register of 
    December 11, 1979.
    DATES: Written comments and requests for a public hearing must be 
    received by April 15, 1999. The notice of proposed rulemaking published 
    at 44 FR 71430, December 11, 1979, is withdrawn as of January 15, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Send submissions to: CC:DOM:CORP:R (REG-115433-98), room 
    5226, Internal Revenue Service, POB 7604, Ben Franklin Station, 
    Washington, DC 20044. Submissions may be hand delivered Monday through 
    Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. to: CC:DOM:CORP:R (REG-
    115433-98), Courier's Desk, Internal Revenue Service, 1111 Constitution 
    Avenue NW, Washington, DC. Alternatively, taxpayers may submit comments 
    electronically via the Internet by selecting the ``Tax Regs'' option on 
    the IRS Home Page, or by submitting comments directly to the IRS 
    Internet site at http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/prod/tax__regs/
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Concerning submissions, Michael 
    Slaughter, (202) 622-7180; concerning the regulations, Charles A. Hall, 
    (202) 622-4940 (not toll-free numbers).
        This document contains proposed amendments to the Regulations on 
    Procedure and Administration (26 CFR part 301) under section 7502 
    relating to timely mailing treated as timely filing and paying. As 
    originally enacted in the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, Public Law 
    591, ch. 736 (68A Stat. 895 (1954)), section 7502 provided that if any 
    claim, statement, or other document is delivered to the appropriate 
    agency, officer, or office after the filing date, the date of the 
    United States postmark will be deemed to be the date of delivery if the 
    postmark date is on or before the filing due date. In the case of 
    registered mail, section 7502 provided that the registration will be 
    prima facie evidence of delivery and the date of registration will be 
    deemed the postmark date. At the time, section 7502 did not apply to 
    the mailing of tax returns or payments.
        The Technical Amendments Act of 1958, Public Law 85-866 (72 Stat. 
    1665 (1958)), amended section 7502 by authorizing the Secretary to 
    provide by regulations the extent to which the provisions with respect 
    to prima facie evidence of delivery and the postmark date will apply to 
    certified mail.
        Section 5(a) of the Act of November 2, 1966, Public Law 89-713 (80 
    Stat. 1110 (1966)), amended section 7502 to apply the timely mailing 
    rules to returns and the payment of taxes. Section 106(a) of the 
    Revenue and Expenditure Control Act of 1968, Public Law 90-364 (82 
    Stat. 266 (1968)), extended these rules to the mailing of deposits of 
    tax. The Deficit Reduction Act of 1984, Public Law 98-369 (98 Stat. 695 
    (1984)), limited the timely mailing rules to deposits of less than 
    $20,000 in the case of any person who is required to deposit more than 
    once a month.
        Minor changes were also made to section 7502 by the Tax Reform Act 
    of 1976, Public Law 94-455 (90 Stat. 1831 and 1834 (1976)), the Act of 
    October 28, 1977, Public Law 95-147 (91 Stat. 1228 (1977)), and the Tax 
    Reform Act of 1986,
    [[Page 2607]]
    Public Law 99-514 (100 Stat. 2833 (1986)).
        The existing regulations (TD 6232) under section 7502 were last 
    amended on October 25, 1960 (25 FR 10247) to implement changes made by 
    the Technical Amendments Act of 1958. The regulations provide that the 
    prima facie evidence of delivery and postmark date rules apply to 
    certified mail.
        A notice of proposed rulemaking (REG-209351-71, formerly LR-1406) 
    was published on December 11, 1979 (44 FR 71430) to implement changes 
    made by the Act of November 2, 1966, the Revenue and Expenditure 
    Control Act of 1968, the Tax Reform Act of 1976, and the Act of October 
    28, 1977. The proposed regulations would have conformed the existing 
    regulations to these changes. Because the proposed changes are 
    incorporated in this document, the earlier notice of proposed 
    rulemaking is withdrawn.
        In 1996, section 1210 of The Taxpayer Bill of Rights 2, Public Law 
    104-168 (110 Stat. 1474 (1996)), added section 7502(f) to provide that 
    the term United States mail includes a designated delivery service and 
    that the term postmark includes the date recorded or marked by a 
    designated delivery service. The provision allows the IRS to determine 
    whether a service of a private delivery service (PDS) is a designated 
    delivery service. Section 7502(f) also allows the IRS to provide a rule 
    that equates a service provided by a PDS to United States registered or 
    certified mail. The IRS has determined that certain delivery services 
    of four PDSs are designated for purposes of section 7502(f). However, 
    the IRS has not yet determined that any service of a PDS is 
    substantially equivalent to United States registered or certified mail. 
    See Notice 98-47 (1998--37 I.R.B. 8 (September 14, 1998)).
        Finally, section 7502(c)(2) was amended by section 2003(b) of the 
    Internal Revenue Service Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998, Public 
    Law 105-206 (112 Stat. 725 (1998)), to authorize the Secretary to 
    provide the extent to which the prima facie evidence of delivery and 
    postmark date rules apply to electronic filing.
    Explanation of Provisions
        These proposed regulations propose to add a new Sec. 301.7502-1(d) 
    to provide that the date of an electronic postmark given by an 
    authorized electronic return transmitter will be deemed the filing date 
    if the date of the electronic postmark is on or before the filing due 
    date. It also permits the Commissioner to enter into an agreement with 
    an electronic return transmitter or to prescribe in forms, 
    instructions, or other appropriate guidance the procedures under which 
    the electronic return transmitter is authorized to provide taxpayers 
    with an electronic postmark to acknowledge the date and time that the 
    electronic return transmitter received the electronically filed 
        An electronic return transmitter is defined for purposes of the 
    regulation the same as in the revenue procedures governing the 
    Electronic Filing Program, currently Rev. Proc. 98-50 (1998-38 I.R.B. 8 
    (September 21, 1998)), and the On-Line Filing Program, currently Rev. 
    Proc. 98-51 (1998-38 I.R.B. 20 (September 21, 1998)). An electronic 
    postmark is a record of the date and time that an authorized electronic 
    return transmitter receives the transmission of the taxpayer's 
    electronically filed document on its host system.
        For tax year 1998, the rules on electronic postmarks are effective 
    for income tax returns filed through electronic return transmitters 
    authorized to provide an electronic postmark pursuant to an agreement 
    under the Electronic Tax Administration's Request for Agreement 
    released on November 26, 1997. For taxable years beginning after 1998, 
    the rules on electronic postmarks are effective for documents submitted 
    to electronic return transmitters that are authorized to provide an 
    electronic postmark pursuant to Sec. 301.7502-1(d)(2).
        The remainder of the changes contained in Secs. 301.7502-1 and 
    301.7502-2 conform the regulations to the expanded scope of section 
    7502 as amended over the years. For instance, Sec. 301.7502-1 provides 
    that the timely mailing treated as timely filing rule extends to the 
    mailing of tax returns and payments. Additionally, Sec. 301.7502-2 
    provides guidance on the timely mailing of deposits.
        In 1980, IRS and the Treasury Department received comments in 
    response to the notice of proposed rulemaking. Comments have not been 
    requested since that time. Accordingly, the public is encouraged to 
    make comments regarding this notice of proposed rulemaking, including 
    comments regarding whether section 7502 should apply to claims for 
    refunds made on delinquent original income tax returns or whether the 
    prima facie evidence of delivery rule for registered mail should be 
    extended to services of a PDS or to electronic filing of documents.
    Effect on Other Documents
        The notice of proposed rulemaking published in the Federal Register 
    for December 11, 1979 (REG-209351-71, formerly LR-1406, 44 FR 71430) is 
    withdrawn as of January 15, 1999.
    Special Analyses
        It has been determined that this notice of proposed rulemaking is 
    not a significant regulatory action as defined in EO 12866. Therefore, 
    a regulatory assessment is not required. It also has been determined 
    that section 553(b) of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 
    chapter 5) does not apply to these regulations, and because these 
    regulations do not impose a collection of information on small 
    entities, the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. chapter 6) does not 
    apply. Pursuant to section 7805(f) of the Internal Revenue Code, this 
    notice of proposed rulemaking will be submitted to the Chief Counsel 
    for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration for comment on its 
    impact on small business.
    Comments and Requests for a Public Hearing
        Before these proposed regulations are adopted as final regulations, 
    consideration will be given to any comments (a signed original and 
    eight (8) copies) that are submitted timely to the IRS. The IRS and 
    Treasury Department request comments on the clarity of the proposed 
    rules and how they can be made easier to understand. All comments will 
    be available for public inspection and copying. A public hearing may be 
    scheduled if requested by any person that timely submits comments. If a 
    public hearing is scheduled, notice of the date, time, and place for 
    the hearing will be published in the Federal Register.
        Drafting information. The principal author of these regulations is 
    Charles A. Hall, Office of Assistant Chief Counsel (Income Tax & 
    Accounting). However, other personnel from the IRS and Treasury 
    Department participated in their development.
    List of Subjects in 26 CFR Part 301
        Employment taxes, Estate taxes, Excise taxes, Gift taxes, Income 
    taxes, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    Proposed Amendments to the Regulations
        Accordingly, 26 CFR part 301 is proposed to be amended as follows:
        Paragraph 1. The authority citation for part 301 is amended by 
    adding entries in numerical order to read as follows:
    [[Page 2608]]
        Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *
        Section 301.7502-1 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 7502 * * *
        Section 301.7502-2 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 7502 * * *
        Par. 2. Section 301.7502-1 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 301.7502-1  Timely mailing of documents and payments treated as 
    timely filing and paying.
        (a) General rule. Section 7502 provides that, if the requirements 
    of that section are met, a document or payment (within the meaning of 
    paragraph (b) of this section) is deemed to be filed or paid on the 
    date of the postmark stamped on the envelope or other appropriate 
    wrapper (envelope) in which the document or payment was mailed. Thus, 
    if the envelope that contains the document or payment has a timely 
    postmark, the document or payment is considered timely filed or paid 
    even if it is received after the last date, or the last day of the 
    period, prescribed for filing the document or making the payment. 
    However, if a document or payment is not considered timely filed or 
    timely paid under section 7502, the document or payment is not deemed 
    to be filed or paid on the date of the postmark stamped on the envelope 
    in which the document or payment was mailed. Thus, section 7502 does 
    not apply to determine the period of time during which there is a 
    failure to file a return or pay a tax for purposes of computing the 
    penalties and additions to tax imposed by section 6651. Except as 
    provided in section 7502(e) and Sec. 301.7502-2, relating to the timely 
    mailing of deposits, and paragraph (d) of this section, relating to 
    electronically filed documents, section 7502 is applicable only to 
    those documents or payments as defined in paragraph (b) of this section 
    and only if the document or payment is mailed in accordance with 
    paragraph (c) of this section and is delivered in accordance with 
    paragraph (e) of this section.
        (b) Definitions--(1) Document defined. (i) The term document, as 
    used in this section, means any return, claim, statement, or other 
    document required to be filed within a prescribed period or on or 
    before a prescribed date under authority of any provision of the 
    internal revenue laws, except as provided in paragraph (b)(1)(ii), 
    (iii), or (iv) of this section.
        (ii) The term does not include returns, claims, statements, or 
    other documents that are required under any provision of the internal 
    revenue laws or the regulations thereunder to be delivered by any 
    method other than mailing.
        (iii) The term does not include any document filed in any court 
    other than the Tax Court, but the term does include any document filed 
    with the Tax Court, including a petition for redetermination of a 
    deficiency and a petition for review of a decision of the Tax Court.
        (iv) The term does not include any document that is required to be 
    filed with a bank or other depositary under section 6302. However, see 
    Sec. 301.7502-2 for special rules relating to the timeliness of 
    deposits and documents required to be filed with deposits.
        (2) Payment defined. (i) The term payment, as used in this section, 
    means any payment required to be made within a prescribed period or on 
    or before a prescribed date under the authority of any provision of the 
    internal revenue laws, except as provided in paragraph (b)(2)(ii), 
    (iii), (iv), or (v) of this section.
        (ii) The term does not include any payment that is required under 
    any provision of the internal revenue laws or the regulations 
    thereunder to be delivered by any method other than mailing. See, for 
    example, section 6302(h) and the regulations thereunder regarding 
    electronic funds transfer.
        (iii) The term does not include any payment, whether it is made in 
    the form of currency or other medium of payment, unless it is actually 
    received and accounted for. For example, if a check is used as the form 
    of payment, this section does not apply unless the check is honored 
    upon presentation.
        (iv) The term does not include any payment to any court other than 
    the Tax Court.
        (v) The term does not include any deposit that is required to be 
    made with a bank or other depositary under section 6302. However, see 
    Sec. 301.7502-2 for rules relating to the timeliness of deposits.
        (3) Last date or last date prescribed. As used in this section, the 
    term the last date, or the last day of the period, prescribed for 
    filing the document or making the payment includes any extension of 
    time granted for that action. When the last date, or the last day of 
    the period, prescribed for filing the document or making the payment 
    falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, section 7503 applies. 
    Therefore, in applying the rules of this paragraph (b)(3), the next 
    succeeding day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday is 
    treated as the last date, or the last day of the period, prescribed for 
    filing the document or making the payment.
        (c) Mailing requirements--(1) In general. Section 7502 does not 
    apply unless the document or payment is mailed in accordance with the 
    following requirements:
        (i) Envelope and address. The document or payment must be contained 
    in an envelope, properly addressed to the agency, officer, or office 
    with which the document is required to be filed or to which the payment 
    is required to be made.
        (ii) Timely deposited in U.S. mail. The document or payment must be 
    deposited within the prescribed time in the mail in the United States 
    with sufficient postage prepaid. For this purpose, a document or 
    payment is deposited in the mail in the United States when it is 
    deposited with the domestic mail service of the U.S. Postal Service. 
    The domestic mail service of the U.S. Postal Service, as defined by the 
    Domestic Mail Manual as incorporated by reference in the postal 
    regulations, includes mail transmitted within, among, and between the 
    United States of America, its territories and possessions, and Army 
    post offices (APO), fleet post offices (FPO), and the United Nations, 
    NY. (See Domestic Mail Manual, section G011.2.1, as incorporated by 
    reference in 39 CFR 111.1.) Section 7502 does not apply to any document 
    or payment that is deposited with the mail service of any other 
        (iii) Postmark--(A) U.S. Postal Service postmark. If the postmark 
    on the envelope is made by the U.S. Postal Service, the postmark must 
    bear a date on or before the last date, or the last day of the period, 
    prescribed for filing the document or making the payment. If the 
    postmark does not bear a date on or before the last date, or the last 
    day of the period, prescribed for filing the document or making the 
    payment, the document or payment is considered not to be timely filed 
    or paid, regardless of when the document or payment is deposited in the 
    mail. Accordingly, the sender who relies upon the applicability of 
    section 7502 assumes the risk that the postmark will bear a date on or 
    before the last date, or the last day of the period, prescribed for 
    filing the document or making the payment. See, however, paragraph 
    (c)(2) of this section with respect to the use of registered mail or 
    certified mail to avoid this risk. If the postmark on the envelope is 
    made by the U.S. Postal Service but is not legible, the person who is 
    required to file the document or make the payment has the burden of 
    proving the date that the postmark was made. Furthermore, if the 
    envelope that contains a document or payment has a timely postmark made 
    by the U.S. Postal Service but it is received after the time when a 
    document or payment postmarked and mailed at that
    [[Page 2609]]
    time would ordinarily be received, the sender may be required to prove 
    that it was timely mailed.
        (B) Postmark made by other than U.S. Postal Service--(1) In 
    general. If the postmark on the envelope is made other than by the U.S. 
    Postal Service--
        (i) The postmark so made must bear a legible date on or before the 
    last date, or the last day of the period, prescribed for filing the 
    document or making the payment; and
        (ii) The document or payment must be received by the agency, 
    officer, or office with which it is required to be filed not later than 
    the time when a document or payment contained in an envelope that is 
    properly addressed, mailed, and sent by the same class of mail would 
    ordinarily be received if it were postmarked at the same point of 
    origin by the U.S. Postal Service on the last date, or the last day of 
    the period, prescribed for filing the document or making the payment.
        (2) Document or payment received late. If the document or payment 
    is received after the time when a document or payment so mailed and so 
    postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service would ordinarily be received, the 
    document or payment is treated as having been received at the time when 
    a document or payment so mailed and so postmarked would ordinarily be 
    received if the person who is required to file the document or make the 
    payment establishes--
        (i) That it was actually deposited in the U.S. mail before the last 
    collection of the mail from the place of deposit which was postmarked 
    (except for the metered mail) by the U.S. Postal Service on or before 
    the last date, or the last day of the period, prescribed for filing the 
    document or making the payment;
        (ii) That the delay in receiving the document or payment was due to 
    a delay in the transmission of the U.S. mail; and
        (iii) The cause of the delay.
        (3) U.S. and non-U.S. postmarks. If the envelope has a postmark 
    made by the U.S. Postal Service in addition to the postmark not so 
    made, the postmark that was not made by the U.S. Postal Service is 
    disregarded, and whether the envelope was mailed in accordance with 
    this paragraph (c)(1)(iii)(B) will be determined solely by applying the 
    rule of paragraph (c)(1)(iii)(A) of this section.
        (2) Registered or certified mail. If the document or payment is 
    sent by U.S. registered mail, the date of registration of the document 
    or payment is treated as the postmark date. If the document or payment 
    is sent by U.S. certified mail and the sender's receipt is postmarked 
    by the postal employee to whom the document or payment is presented, 
    the date of the U.S. postmark on the receipt is treated as the postmark 
    date of the document or payment. Accordingly, the risk that the 
    document or payment will not be postmarked on the day that it is 
    deposited in the mail may be eliminated by the use of registered or 
    certified mail.
        (d) Electronically filed documents--(1) In general. A document 
    filed electronically with an electronic return transmitter (as defined 
    in paragraph (d)(3)(i) of this section and authorized pursuant to 
    paragraph (d)(2) of this section) in the manner and time prescribed by 
    the Commissioner is deemed to be filed on the date of the electronic 
    postmark (as defined in paragraph (d)(3)(ii) of this section) given by 
    the authorized electronic return transmitter. Thus, if the electronic 
    postmark is timely, the document is considered filed timely although it 
    is received by the agency, officer, or office after the last date, or 
    the last day of the period, prescribed for filing such document.
        (2) Authorized electronic return transmitters. The Commissioner may 
    enter into an agreement with an electronic return transmitter or 
    prescribe in forms, instructions, or other appropriate guidance the 
    procedures under which the electronic return transmitter is authorized 
    to provide taxpayers with an electronic postmark to acknowledge the 
    date and time that the electronic return transmitter received the 
    electronically filed document.
        (3) Definitions--(i) Electronic return transmitter. For purposes of 
    this paragraph (d), the term electronic return transmitter has the same 
    meaning as contained in section 3.02(4) of Rev. Proc. 98-50 (1998-38 
    I.R.B. 8 (September 21, 1998)) and section 3.02(3) of Rev. Proc. 98-51 
    (1998-38 I.R.B. 20 (September 21, 1998)) (See Sec. 601.601(d)(2) of 
    this chapter.) or in procedures subsequently prescribed by the 
        (ii) Electronic postmark. For purposes of this paragraph (d), the 
    term electronic postmark means a record of the date and time (in a 
    particular time zone) that an authorized electronic return transmitter 
    receives the transmission of a taxpayer's electronically filed document 
    on its host system. However, if the taxpayer and the electronic return 
    transmitter are located in different time zones, it is the time in the 
    taxpayer's time zone that controls the timeliness of the electronically 
    filed document.
        (e) Delivery. (1) Except as provided in section 7502(f) and 
    paragraph (d) of this section, section 7502 is not applicable unless 
    the document or payment is delivered by U.S. mail to the agency, 
    officer, or office with which the document is required to be filed or 
    to which payment is required to be made. However, in the case of a 
    document (but not a payment) sent by registered or certified mail, 
    proof that the document was properly registered or that a postmarked 
    certified mail sender's receipt was properly issued and that the 
    envelope was properly addressed to the agency, officer, or office 
    constitutes prima facie evidence that the document was delivered to the 
    agency, officer, or office.
        (2) Section 7502 is applicable only when the document or payment is 
    delivered after the last date, or last day of the period, prescribed 
    for filing the document or making the payment. Thus, section 7502 is 
    applicable when a claim for credit or refund is delivered after the 
    last day of the period specified in section 6511 or in any other 
    corresponding provision of law relating to the limit on the amount of 
    credit or refund that is allowable. For example, taxpayer A was 
    required to file an income tax return for 1993 on or before April 15, 
    1994, but A secured an extension until August 15, 1994, to file such 
    return. A filed the return on August 15, 1994, but no tax was paid at 
    that time because the tax liability disclosed by the return had been 
    completely satisfied by the income tax that had been withheld on A's 
    wages. On August 14, 1997, A mailed in accordance with the requirements 
    of this section a claim for refund of a portion of this 1993 tax. The 
    envelope containing the claim was postmarked on August 14, 1997, but it 
    was not delivered to the Service Center until August 18, 1997. Under 
    section 6511, A's claim for refund is timely if filed within three 
    years from August 15, 1994. Thus, since A's claim for refund was mailed 
    in accordance with the requirements of this section and was delivered 
    after the last day of the period specified in section 6511, section 
    7502 is applicable and the claim is deemed to have been filed on August 
    14, 1997.
        (f) Effective date--(1) In general. This section applies to any 
    payment or document mailed and delivered in accordance with the 
    requirements of this section in an envelope bearing a postmark dated 
    after January 15, 1999.
        (2) Electronically filed documents--(i) For taxable year 1998. For 
    taxable year 1998, this section only applies to electronically filed 
    income tax returns transmitted to an electronic return transmitter that 
    was authorized to provide an electronic postmark pursuant to an 
    agreement entered into in response to submissions received in
    [[Page 2610]]
    reply to the Electronic Tax Administration's Request for Agreement 
    released on November 26, 1997.
        (ii) For taxable years after 1998. For taxable years after 1998, 
    this section applies to any electronically filed return, claim, 
    statement, or other document transmitted to an electronic return 
    transmitter that is authorized to provide an electronic postmark 
    pursuant to paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
        Par. 3. Section 301.7502-2 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 301.7502-2  Timely mailing of deposits. 
        (a) General rule-(1) Two day rule. Section 7502(e) provides that, 
    if the requirements of that section are met, a deposit is deemed to be 
    received on the date the deposit was mailed even though it is received 
    after the date prescribed for making the deposit. The requirements of 
    the section are met if the person required to make the deposit 
    establishes that the date of mailing was on or before the second day 
    preceding the date prescribed for making the deposit. If the date of 
    mailing was not established to be on or before the second day preceding 
    the date prescribed for making the deposit, the deposit will not be 
    considered timely received unless it is actually received on or before 
    the date prescribed for making the deposit. Section 7502(e) only 
    applies to a deposit mailed to the bank, trust company, domestic 
    building and loan association, or credit union authorized to receive 
    that deposit. Thus, section 7502(e) does not apply to any remittance 
    mailed to an internal revenue service center.
        (2) Deposits of $20,000 or more. Paragraph (a)(1) of this section 
    does not apply with respect to any deposit of $20,000 or more by any 
    person required to deposit any tax more than once a month. Any such 
    deposit must be made by the due date for such deposit, regardless of 
    the method of delivery.
        (b) Deposit defined. The term deposit, as used in this section, 
    means any deposit of tax required to be made on or before a prescribed 
    date pursuant to regulations prescribed under section 6302. For 
    information regarding the making of deposits by electronic funds 
    transfer, see section 6302(h) and the regulations thereunder.
        (c) Mailing requirements--(1) In general. Section 7502(e) does not 
    apply unless the deposit is mailed in accordance with the requirements 
    of paragraph (c)(2) of this section.
        (2) Requirements. The date of mailing must fall on or before the 
    second day preceding the prescribed date for making a deposit 
    (including any extension of time granted for making the deposit). For 
    example, if a deposit is due on or before January 15, the date of 
    mailing must fall on or before January 13. The deposit must be 
    contained in an envelope or other appropriate wrapper approved for use 
    in the mails by the U.S. Postal Service, properly addressed to the 
    bank, trust company, domestic building and loan association, or credit 
    union authorized to receive the deposit. The deposit must be deposited 
    with sufficient postage prepaid on or before the second day in the mail 
    in the United States within the meaning of Sec. 301.7502-1.
        (3) Registered and certified mail. The provisions of Sec. 301.7502-
    1(c)(2) apply to a deposit sent by U.S. registered mail or U.S. 
    certified mail as if the deposit were a payment, except that the date 
    of registration or the date of the postmark on the sender's receipt is 
    considered the date of mailing of such deposit.
        (d) Delivery. Section 7502(e) does not apply unless a deposit is 
    actually delivered by U.S. mail to the authorized financial institution 
    with which the deposit is required to be made and is accepted by that 
    financial institution. For rules relating to the acceptance of deposits 
    by authorized financial institutions (see 31 CFR 203.18). The fact that 
    a deposit is sent by U.S. registered or U.S. certified mail does not 
    constitute prima facie evidence that the deposit was delivered to the 
    financial institution authorized to receive the deposit. Section 
    7502(e) does not apply unless the deposit is delivered after the date 
    prescribed for making the deposit.
        (e) Effective date. This section applies to all deposits required 
    to be made after January 15, 1999.
    Robert E. Wenzel,
    Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
    [FR Doc. 99-701 Filed 1-14-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4830-01-U

Document Information

Internal Revenue Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking; and, withdrawal of previous notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Written comments and requests for a public hearing must be received by April 15, 1999. The notice of proposed rulemaking published at 44 FR 71430, December 11, 1979, is withdrawn as of January 15, 1999.
2606-2610 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
1545-AW81: Timely Mailing Treated as Timely Filing/Electronic Postmark
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
26 CFR 301.7502-1
26 CFR 301.7502-2