02-976. Environmental Documents Prepared for Proposed Oil and Gas Operations on the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)  

  • Start Preamble


    Minerals Management Service, Interior.


    Notice of the availability of environmental documents. Prepared for OCS mineral proposals on the Gulf of Mexico OCS.


    Minerals Management Service (MMS), in accordance with Federal Regulations that implement the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), announces the availability of NEPA-related Site-Specific Environmental Assessments (SEA) and Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI), prepared by Start Printed Page 1985MMS for the following oil and gas activities proposed on the Gulf of Mexico OCS.

    Start Further Info


    Public Information Unit, Information Services Section at the number below. Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, Attention: Public Information Office (MS 5034), 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard, Room 114, New Orleans, Louisiana 70123-2394, or by calling 1-800-200-GULF.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    MMS prepares an SEA and FONSI for proposals that relate to exploration for and the development/production of oil and gas resources on the Gulf of Mexico OCS. The EA examines the potential environmental effects of activities described in the proposals and present MMS conclusions regarding the significance of those effects.

    Environmental Assessments are used as a basis for determining whether or not approval of the proposals constitutes major Federal actions that significantly affect the quality of the human environment in the sense of NEPA section 102(2)(C). A FONSI is prepared in those instances where MMS finds that approval will not result in significant effects on the quality of the human environment. The FONSI briefly presents the basis for that finding and includes a summary or copy of the EA.

    This notice constitutes the public notice of availability of environmental documents required under the NEPA Regulations.

    This listing includes all proposals for which the Gulf of Mexico OCS Region prepared a FONSI in the period subsequent to publication of the preceding notice.

    Murphy Exploration & Production Company, Supplemental Development Operations, SEA Nos. S-05676, P-13457 and P-13458South Timbalier Area, Block 86, Lease OCS-G 00605, 18 miles south of Lafourche Parish, Louisiana09/10/01
    TotalFinaElf, Inc., Williams Field Services-Gulf Coast Company, L.P., Right-of-Use and Easement and Pipeline Activity, SEA Nos. P-13233-13260, 13355-13358 and RUE-1Canyon Express and Canyon Station Projects, Camden Hill, Aconcagua and King's Peak Field Development from Mississippi Canyon and DeSoto Canyon, through Viosca Knoll and Main Pass to Main Pass 261, 89 miles south of Mobile County Alabama, and 68 to 93 miles east and southeast of Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana09/13/01
    Marathon Oil Company, Initial Exploration Plan, SEA No. N6974Desoto Canyon Area, Block 927, Lease OCS-G 10480, 104 miles off the coast of Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana10/18/01
    El Paso Production Oil & Gas Company, Pipeline Activity, SEA No. P-13114High Island Area, Block A-368, Lease OCS-G 02433, 118 miles off the coast of Texas, and 123 miles from Cameron, Louisiana12/06/01
    Forest Oil Company, Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 00-038AWest Cameron Area, Block 212, Lease OCS-G 04758, 39 miles south of Cameron, Louisiana, and 37 miles south of Cameron Parish, Louisiana09/07/01
    RME Petroleum Company, Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 01-049AShip Shoal Area, Block 204, Lease OCS-G 01520, 81 miles south of Morgan City, Louisiana, and 38 miles south-southwest of Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana09/05/01
    Callon Petroleum Company, Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 01-070AMain Pass (South and East Addition) Area, Block 165, Lease OCS-G 05705, 26 miles southeast of Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, and 66 miles south-southwest of Theodore, Alabama09/17/01
    Hall-Houston Oil Company, Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 01-072West Delta Area, Block 94, Lease OCS-G 00839, 29 miles southeast of Fourchon, Louisiana, and 25 miles southeast of LaFourche Parish, Louisiana08/27/01
    Agip Petroleum, Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 01-073AGrand Isle Area, Block 102, Lease OCS-G 05662, 46 miles south-southeast of LaFourche Parish, Louisiana, and 48 miles south-southeast of Fourchon, Louisiana08/29/01
    Amerada Hess Corporation, Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 01-074East Cameron Area, Block 188, Lease OCS-G 13586, 73 miles south-southeast of Cameron, Louisiana, and 57 miles south-southwest of Cameron Parish, Louisiana08/24/01
    Callon Petroleum Company, Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 01-071AMain Pass (South and East Addition) Area, Block 165, Lease OCS-G 05705, 26 miles east-southeast of Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, and 64 miles south-southwest of Theodore, Alabama09/04/01
    Energy Resource Technology, Inc., Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 01-077Eugene Island Area, Block 128A, Lease OCS-G 00442, 30 miles southwest of Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, and 58 miles south-southwest of Morgan City, Louisiana09/17/01
    El Paso Production GOM, Inc., Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 01-078West Cameron (South Addition) Area, Block 509, Lease OCS-G 15101, 95 miles south-southeast of Cameron, Louisiana, and 83 miles south-southwest of Cameron Parish, Louisiana09/26/01
    Kelley Oil Company, Structure Removal Activity, SEA Nos. ES/SR 01-079 and 01—080Mobile Area, Blocks 822 and 865, Leases OCS-G 05056 and 06847, Platform B lies 7 miles south of Dauphin Island, Alabama, and 41 miles south-southwest of Mobile, Alabama. Platform A lies 6 miles south of Dauphin Island, Alabama, and 39 miles south-southwest of Mobile, Alabama10/04/01
    Amerada Hess Corporation, Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 01-081Breton South Area, Block 55, Lease OCS-G 04492, 6 miles southeast of Breton Island, and 23 miles northeast of Venice, Louisiana10/04/01
    Forest Oil Corporation, Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 01-082High Island Area, Block A20, Lease OCS-G 06178, 34 miles southeast of Galveston, Texas, and 76 miles southwest of Cameron, Louisiana10/17/01
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    Louis Dreyfus Natural Gas, Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 01-083West Cameron (West Addition) Area, Block 408, Lease OCS-G 10508, 64 miles south-southwest of Cameron Parish, Louisiana, and 83 miles southeast of Sabine Pass, Texas10/17/01
    Texaco Exploration and Production, Inc., Structure Removal Activity, SEA Nos. ES/SR 01-084, 01-085, 01-086, 01-087 and 01-088South March Island (North Addition) Area, Blocks 217, 218, 238 and 239, Lease OCS 00310, between 8 to 11 miles southwest and 6 miles south-southwest of Iberia Parish, Louisiana, and 23 to 36 miles southeast of Intracoastal City, Louisiana11/14/01
    Texaco Exploration and Production, Inc., Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 01-089Vermilion Area, Block 30, Lease OCS-G 04785, 7 miles south-southeast of Vermilion Parish, Louisiana, and 21 miles south of Intracoastal City, Louisiana11/27/01
    Vastar Offshore, Inc., Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 01-090South Pelto Area, Block 11, Lease OCS-G 00071, 8 miles south of Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, and 33 miles south-southwest of Fourchon, Louisiana11/08/01
    Denbury Resources Inc., Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 01-091High Island (East Addition South Extension) Area, Block A-286, Lease OCS-G 03486, 91 miles south-southeast of Galveston County, Texas, and 105 miles south-southwest of Cameron, Louisiana11/15/01
    Maritech Resources, Inc., Structure Removal Activity, SEA Nos. ES/SR 01-092, 01-093, 01-094, 01-095, 01-096, 01-097, 01-098, 01-099 and 01-100West Delta Area, Block 32, Leases OCS-G 00367 and 01332, 19 miles east-southeast of Grand Isle, Louisiana, and 10 miles south-southwest of Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana11/28/01
    Seneca Resources Corporation, Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 01-101Vermilion Area (South Addition), Block 296, Lease OCS-G 09511, 114 miles southwest of Morgan City, Louisiana, and 78 miles south-southwest of Iberia Parish, Louisiana11/27/01
    BP America, Inc., Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 01-102South Pelto Area, Block 11, Lease OCS-G 00071, 8 miles south of Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, and 33 miles south-southwest of Fourchon, Louisiana11/16/01
    Apex Oil & Gas, Inc., Structure Removal Activity, SEA No. ES/SR 01-103East Cameron Area, Block 24, Lease OCS-G 04098, 5 miles south-southwest of Cameron Parish, Louisiana, and 35 miles east-southeast of Cameron, Louisiana12/10/01

    Persons interested in reviewing environmental documents for the proposals listed above or obtaining information about EAs and FONSIs prepared for activities on the Gulf of Mexico OCS are encouraged to contact MMS at the address or telephone listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION section.

    Start Signature

    Dated: December 18, 2001.

    Chris C. Oynes,

    Regional Director, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 02-976 Filed 1-4-02; 8:45 am]


Document Information

Minerals Management Service
Entry Type:
Notice of the availability of environmental documents. Prepared for OCS mineral proposals on the Gulf of Mexico OCS.
Document Number:
1984-1986 (3 pages)
PDF File: