2024-31756. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Species Status With Section 4(d) Rule for Clear Lake Hitch
Table 1—Demographic and Habitat Factors Condition Categories for Population and Analysis Unit Resiliency With High Condition as the Best Condition and Zero as the Lowest Condition
Condition category Demographic factor— reproduction Demographic factor— recruitment Habitat element—tributary water quantity Habitat element—lake water quality High Overall total from reproduction analysis is high Overall total from recruitment analysis is high Water is retained within the tributaries throughout the spawning season Lake water is well oxygenated and minimally contaminated. ( print page 4930) Moderate Overall total from reproduction analysis is moderate Overall total from recruitment analysis is moderate Water is retained within the tributaries throughout a large portion of the spawning season Lake water is oxygenated most of the time, hypoxic conditions do occur periodically. Some contaminants are present, but not at lethal levels. Low Overall total from reproduction analysis is low Overall total from recruitment analysis is low Water is retained within the tributaries throughout a small portion of the spawning season Lake water is not well oxygenated and hypoxic conditions occur frequently. Contaminants are present, sometimes at lethal levels. 0 (Zero) No reproduction No recruitment Water is not retained within the tributaries during any portion of the spawning season Lake water quality is uninhabitable.