Table 1 to Subpart E of Part 59—Product-Weighted Reactivity Limits by Coating Category
Coating category Category code a Reactivity limit (g O 3 /g product) Art Fixatives or Sealants AFS 1.75 Auto Body Primers ABP 0.95 Automotive Bumper and Trim Products ABT 1.70 Aviation or Marine Primers AMP 1.25 Aviation Propeller Coatings APC 1.40 Clear Coatings CCP 0.85 Corrosion Resistant Brass, Bronze, or Copper Coatings CRB 1.80 Electrical/Electronic/Conformal Coatings ECC 2.00 Exact Match Finish—Automotive EFA 0.95 Exact Match Finish—Engine Enamel EEE 0.95 Exact Match Finish—Industrial EFI 1.20 Flat Coatings FCP 0.80 Flexible Coatings FCC 1.60 Floral Sprays FSP 0.85 Fluorescent Coatings FLP 1.30 Glass Coatings GCP 1.35 Ground Traffic/Marking GTM 0.85 High Temperature Coatings HTC 1.85 Hobby/Model/Craft Coatings HMC 1.60 Marine Spar Varnishes MSV 0.90 Metallic Coatings MCP 1.25 Mold Release Coating MRC 1.10 Non-Flat Coatings NFP 0.95 Photograph Coatings PHC 0.75 Pleasure Craft Primers, Surfacers or Undercoaters PCS 0.90 Pleasure Craft Topcoats PCT 0.60 Polyolefin Adhesion Promoters PAP 2.50 Primers PCP 0.70 Rust Converter Coating RCC 1.10 Shellac Sealers SSC 1.00 Slip-Resistant Coatings SRC 2.10 Spatter/Multicolor Coatings SMC 1.05 Two Component Coating TWC 1.20 Uniform Finish Coating UFC 1.30 Vinyl/Fabric/Leather/Polycarbonate Coatings VFL 1.45 Webbing/Veiling Coatings WFC 0.75 Weld-Through Primers WTP 1.00 Wood Stains WSP 0.90 Wood Touch-up/Repair or Restoration Coatings WTR 1.45 a Regulated entities may use these category codes or define their own in accordance with § 59.511(b)(6).