2025-00496. Regulations for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Management Review: Blueprint for Restoration  

  • Table 1 to Paragraph (d)

    Wildlife management area Access and use restriction
    Barnes-Card Sound Wildlife Management Area Idle speed no wake.
    Crocodile Lake Wildlife Management Area No entry within 300 feet (100 yards) of shorelines.
    Exceptions: Steamboat Creek.
    Eastern Lake Surprise Wildlife Management Area Idle speed no wake east of Highway 1.
    No entry within 300 feet (100 yards) of shorelines.
    No entry in the canal and basin on the southeast side.
    Whitmore Bight Wildlife Management Area No motor.
    Pelican Key Wildlife Management Area No entry.
    Dove and Rodriguez Keys Wildlife Management Area No motor.
    Pigeon Key Wildlife Management Area No entry.
    Tavernier Key Wildlife Management Area No motor.
    Exceptions: Tavernier Creek. Unnamed channel to the northeast of Tavernier Creek.
    Snake Creek Wildlife Management Area No motor.
    Exceptions: Snake Creek. Three channels providing access to Windley Key.
    Cotton Key Wildlife Management Area No motor.
    Channel Key Banks Wildlife Management Area Idle speed no wake. No entry around Channel Key.
    Marathon Oceanside Shoreline Wildlife Management Area Idle speed no wake.
    Exceptions: Ten channels providing access to Marathon.
    Red Bay Bank Wildlife Management Area Idle speed no wake.
    East Bahia Honda Key Wildlife Management Area No motor.
    West Bahia Honda Key Wildlife Management Area No motor.
    Horseshoe Keys Wildlife Management Area No entry.
    Little Pine Key Mangrove Wildlife Management Area No entry.
    Water Key Mangroves Wildlife Management Area No entry.
    Howe Key Mangrove Wildlife Management Area No motor.
    East Content Keys and Upper Harbor Key Flats Wildlife Management Area Idle speed no wake in all tidal creeks and shallow flats.
    No entry around Upper Harbor Key.
    West Content Keys Wildlife Management Area Idle speed no wake in the eastern tidal creek.
    No entry in the western cove.
    Torch Key Mangroves Wildlife Management Area No entry.
    Northeast Tarpon Belly Keys Wildlife Management Area No motor.
    Crane Key Wildlife Management Area No entry.
    Sawyer Key Wildlife Management Area No entry.
    ( print page 6142)
    Happy Jack Key Wildlife Management Area No entry.
    Barracuda Keys Wildlife Management Area Idle speed no wake.
    Pelican Shoal Wildlife Management Area No entry.
    Snipe Keys Wildlife Management Area Idle speed no wake in the main tidal creek.
    No motor in all other tidal creeks. No entry around the two small southern islands.
    Mud Keys Wildlife Management Area Idle speed no wake.
    Lower Harbor Keys Wildlife Management Area Idle speed no wake.
    East Harbor Key Wildlife Management Area No entry.
    Cayo Agua Keys Wildlife Management Area Idle speed no wake.
    Bay Keys Wildlife Management Area Idle speed no wake in the channel north of the western island.
    No motor around the eastern and western islands.
    Big Mullet Key Wildlife Management Area No motor.
    Cottrell Key Wildlife Management Area No entry.
    Little Mullet Key Wildlife Management Area No entry.
    Ballast and Man Keys Flats Wildlife Management Area Idle speed no wake.
    Exception: Two channels between the keys.
    Western Dry Rocks Wildlife Management Area From April 1 to July 31, continuous transit without interruption and no anchor.
    Woman Key Wildlife Management Area No entry.
    Boca Grande Key Wildlife Management Area No entry.
    Marquesas Keys Wildlife Management Area Idle speed no wake in the creek east of Gull Keys.
    No entry around the small island west of Gull Key. No entry around three smallest islands on the western side of Mooney Harbor.
    Marquesas Keys Turtle Wildlife Management Area Idle speed no wake.
    Tortugas Bank Wildlife Management Area No anchor by vessels >50m length.

    (e) Sanctuary Preservation Areas. Appendix F to this subpart sets forth the geographic coordinates of Sanctuary Preservation Areas. The following activities are prohibited within the Sanctuary Preservation Areas:

    (1) Discharging or depositing any material or other matter, except cooling water from vessels.

    (2) Moving, fishing, harvesting, removing, collecting, damaging, disturbing, breaking, cutting, spearing, otherwise injuring, or possessing, in or from the area, any coral, marine invertebrate, fish, bottom formation, algae, seagrass or other living or dead organism, including shells, or attempting any of these activities. However, fish, invertebrates, and marine plants may be possessed aboard a vessel provided that the vessel remains in continuous transit without interruption.

    (3) Anchoring a vessel.

    (f) Conservation Areas. Appendix G to this subpart sets forth the geographic coordinates of Conservation Areas. The following activities are prohibited within the Conservation Areas:

    (1) Conducting any activity prohibited at 922.164(e)(1) and 922.164(e)(2).

    (2) Anchoring a vessel, except in a portion of the Western Sambo Conservation Area where anchoring is allowed landward of the line connecting the points 24.498774, −81.725441 and 24.504693, −81.693012.

    (3) Entering a Conservation Area other than the Western Sambo Conservation Area, except for continuous transit without interruption.

    (g) Habitat Restoration Areas. Appendix H to this subpart sets forth the geographic coordinates of Habitat Restoration Areas. Conducting any activity prohibited at 922.164(e) is prohibited within the Habitat Restoration Areas.

    (h) Nursery Restoration Areas. Appendix I to this subpart sets forth the geographic coordinates of Nursery Restoration Areas. The following activities are prohibited within the Nursery Restoration Areas:

    (1) Conducting any activity prohibited at 922.164(e).

    (2) Entering any Nursery Restoration Area, except for continuous transit without interruption.

Temporary regulation for emergency and adaptive management.

(a) Any and all activities are subject to temporary regulation, including prohibition of any activity, restriction of access or uses, or designation or modification of any areas identified in §§ 922.164(d) through (h), subject to the limitations in this section.

(b) The Director may temporarily regulate activities in the sanctuary only if the Director determines, based on the best available information, that immediate action is reasonably necessary to:

(1) Prevent or minimize destruction of, loss of, or injury to sanctuary resources, or risk of the same, from any human-made or natural circumstances. These circumstances may include, but are not limited to, a concentration of human use, change in migratory or habitat use patterns, vessel impacts, natural disaster or similar emergency, disease, or bleaching;

(2) Initiate restoration, recovery, or other activity to improve or repair living habitats and species where a delay in time would impair the ability of such activity to succeed; or

(3) Initiate research where an unforeseen event produces an opportunity for scientific research that may be lost if research is not initiated immediately.

(c) Any temporary regulation issued under this section shall be subject to the following procedure:

(1) No temporary regulation issued under this section will take effect unless the proposed rule is published in the Federal Register for public comment and the final rule is published not less than 30 days before its effective date, unless the Director finds for good cause that notice and comment rulemaking and a 30 day delay of the effectiveness date under the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 553, is ( print page 6143) impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest.

(2) If the Director decides, for good cause, that a temporary rule is to be made effective immediately without affording prior notice and opportunity for public comment, the Director may decide to receive public comments on the necessity for, and extent of, the temporary regulation for a period of 15 days after the effective date of notification.

(3) Notification in the Federal Register of temporary regulation issued by the Director under this section will include the following information:

(i) A description of the regulation;

(ii) Reason(s) for the regulation under paragraph (b) of this section and the good cause determinations required under paragraph (c)(1) of this section; and

(iii) The effective date and termination date of such regulation.

(d) Any temporary regulation may be in effect for up to six months (180 days), with one six-month (additional 186-day) extension. NOAA will announce any extension by publishing a notice in the Federal Register .

(e) Temporary regulations under this section shall not take effect in Florida State waters until approved by the Governor of the State of Florida.

(f) It is unlawful for any person to violate any temporary regulation imposed under this section.

National Marine Sanctuary permitting—General permits, special use permits, and authorizations

(a) National Marine Sanctuary general permits. (1) Except as noted at § 922.163(d), a person may conduct an activity prohibited by § 922.163 or 922.164 if such activity is specifically allowed by and conducted in accordance with the scope, purpose, and terms and conditions of a general permit issued under this section or subpart D of this part.

(2) The Director, at his or her discretion, may issue a general permit under this section subject to such terms and conditions as he or she deems appropriate if the Director finds that the activity falls within one of the general permit categories at § 922.30(b) or one of the following categories:

(i) Archaeological research: Activities involving the scientific study of the physical remains of human activity and its surrounding environmental context, utilizing research questions to inform society's understanding of the past;

(ii) Restoration: Activities that further restoration of natural resources of the sanctuary; and

(iii) Tortugas North Conservation Area Access: Activities that involve access to and entry into the Tortugas North Conservation Area.

(b) Application requirements and procedures. (1) Applications for general permits, special use permits, and authorizations under this section or subpart D of this part, other than for Tortugas North Conservation Area Access shall be addressed to the Superintendent, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 33 East Quay Road, Key West, FL 33040, or sent by electronic means as defined in the instructions for the ONMS permit application. All applications, except those for Tortugas North Conservation Area Access, shall comply with the requirements and procedures under subpart D of this part.

(2) Applications for general permits for Tortugas North Conservation Area shall be requested via telephone to FKNMS at (305) 809-4700 or by email to TortugasNorthPermit@noaa.gov at least 72 hours before the date the permit is desired to be effective. All applications shall include:

(i) Vessel name;

(ii) Name, address, and telephone number of owner and operator;

(iii) Name, address, and telephone number of applicant;

(iv) USCG documentation, State license, or registration number;

(v) Home port;

(vi) Length of vessel and propulsion type ( i.e., motor or sail);

(vii) Number of divers; and

(viii) Requested effective date (date of ingress) and date of egress. General permits for Tortugas North Conservation Area Access shall be issued for a period not exceeding two weeks.

(c) Review procedures and evaluation. (1) General permits, special use permits, and authorizations. The Director shall review and evaluate an application for a general permit, special use permit, or authorization in accordance with this section and subpart D of this part.

(2) General permits for archaeological research. The Director shall not issue a general permit for archaeological research unless the Director conducts the required review and evaluation required by paragraph (c)(1) of this section and further finds that:

(i) The applicant is a supervising archaeologist responsible for project planning, field operations, research analysis, and reporting and will directly supervise and be on site for any excavation and/or historical resource recovery operations. A supervising archaeologist shall have underwater archaeological experience related to the research proposed and shall meet the requirements for prehistoric or historic archaeology in the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation, which are:

(A) A graduate degree in archaeology, anthropology, or closely related field;

(B) At least one year of full-time professional experience or equivalent specialized training in archaeological research, administration, or management;

(C) At least four months of supervised field and analytic experience in general North American archaeology;

(D) Demonstrated ability to carry research to completion; and

(E) A professional in prehistoric archaeology shall have at least one year of full-time professional experience at a supervisory level in the study of prehistoric period archaeological resources. A professional in historic archaeology shall have at least one year of full-time professional experience at a supervisory level in the study of historic period archaeological resources;

(ii) The applicant commits to following an explicit statement of objectives and methods that respond to needs identified in the planning process;

(iii) The methods and techniques of the proposed activity are selected to obtain the information required by the statement of objectives; and

(iv) The applicant commits to assess the results against the statement of objectives and integrate them into the planning process.

(3) Activities in designated sanctuary areas. The Director shall not issue a general permit, special use permit, or authorization under this section or subpart D of this part for activities within any of the areas described in § 922.164(b) through (h) unless the Director finds that such activities will further and are consistent with the purposes for which such area was established as described in §§ 922.162 and 922.164 and in the currently applicable FKNMS management plan for the sanctuary.

(d) Terms and conditions. (1) In addition to any terms and conditions in subpart D of this part, general permits, special use permits, and authorizations issued under this section or subpart D of this part shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:

(i) Except for Tortugas North Conservation Area Access Permits, the signed permit or a copy thereof shall be maintained in legible condition on board all vessels or aircraft used in the conduct of the permitted activity and be displayed for inspection upon the request of any authorized officer;

(ii) All permitted activities shall be conducted in a manner that does not ( print page 6144) destroy, cause the loss of, or injure sanctuary resources or qualities, except to the extent that such may be specifically authorized;

(iii) The permittee agrees to hold the United States harmless against any claims arising out of the conduct of the permitted activities; and

(iv) All necessary Federal, State, and/or local leases, permits, licenses, approvals, or other authorizations from all agencies with jurisdiction over the proposed activities shall be secured before commencing any activities authorized pursuant to a sanctuary permit.

(2) General permits for archaeological research shall be subject to the terms and conditions in paragraph (d)(1) of this section and to the following terms and conditions:

(i) An agreement with a conservation laboratory shall be in place before historical resource recovery operations begin, where a qualified marine archaeological materials conservator shall be in charge of planning, conducting, and supervising the conservation of any historical resources and other materials recovered. To be considered a qualified marine archaeological materials conservator, the individual shall have a graduate degree in archaeology, history, anthropology, or science with experience conserving archaeological materials recovered from the marine environment documented in a Curriculum Vitae and professional references; and

(ii) A curation agreement with a museum or facility for curation, public access, periodic public display, and maintenance of the recovered historical resources shall be in place before commencing field operations involving historical resource recovery. The curation facility shall meet the requirements of 36 CFR part 79.

(3) The Director, at his or her discretion, may subject a general permit, special use permit, or authorization issued under this section of subpart D of this part to such additional terms and conditions as he or she deems appropriate. These may include but are not limited to the following:

(i) Any data, information, or results obtained pursuant to the permit shall be made available to NOAA and the public;

(ii) A NOAA official shall be allowed to observe any activity conducted pursuant to the permit;

(iii) The permittee shall submit to NOAA one or more reports on the status, progress, or results of any activity authorized by the permit, including all revenues derived from such activities during the year and/or term of the permit, as applicable; and

(iv) The permittee shall purchase and maintain general liability insurance or other acceptable security against potential claims for destruction, loss of, or injury to sanctuary resources arising out of the permitted activities. The amount of insurance or security should be commensurate with an estimated value of the sanctuary resources in the permitted area. A copy of the insurance policy or security instrument shall be submitted to the Director.

(4) Sunken military craft are administered by the respective Secretary concerned pursuant to the Sunken Military Craft Act. The Director will enter into a Memorandum of Agreement regarding collaboration with other Federal agencies charged with implementing the Sunken Military Craft Act that may address aspects of managing and protecting sunken military craft. The Director will request approval from the Secretary concerned for any terms and conditions of ONMS authorizations that may involve sunken military craft.

National Marine Sanctuary permitting—Certifications.

(a) Except as noted at § 922.163(d), a person may conduct an activity prohibited by § 922.163 or 922.164 within the sanctuary if such activity is specifically authorized by a valid Federal, State, or local lease, permit, license, or right of subsistence use or of access that is in existence on the effective date of the final regulations for the designation or any revised terms of designation for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, provided that the holder of the lease, permit, license, or right of subsistence use or of access complies with § 922.10 and provided that:

(1) The holder of such authorization or right notifies the Director, in writing, within 90 days of the effective date of the revised terms of designation of the existence and location of such authorization or right and requests certification of such authorization or right; and

(2) The holder complies with any terms and conditions on the exercise of such authorization or right imposed as a condition of certification by the Director to achieve the purposes for which the sanctuary was designated.

(b) Requests for certifications shall be addressed to the Superintendent, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 33 East Quay Road, Key West, FL 33040, or sent by electronic means as defined in the instructions for the ONMS permit application. A copy of the lease, permit, license, or right of subsistence use or of access must accompany the request.

(c) A certification requester with an authorization or right described in paragraph (a) of this section authorizing an activity prohibited by § 922.163 or 922.164 may continue to conduct the activity without being in violation of applicable provisions of § 922.163 or 922.164 pending the Director's review of and decision regarding his or her certification request.

(d) The Director may request additional information from the certification requester as the Director deems reasonably necessary to condition appropriately the exercise of the certified authorization or right to achieve the purposes for which the sanctuary was designated. The Director must receive the information requested within 45 days of the date of the Director's request for information. Failure to provide the requested information within this time frame may be grounds for denial by the Director of the certification request.

(e) In considering whether to issue a certification, the Director may seek and consider the views of any other person or entity, within or outside the Federal government, and may hold a public hearing as deemed appropriate by the Director.

(f) Upon completion of review of the authorization or right and information received with respect thereto, the Director shall communicate, in writing, any decision on a certification request or any action taken with respect to any certification made under this section to both the holder of the certified lease, permit, license, approval, other authorization, or right, and the issuing agency and shall set forth the reason(s) for the decision or action taken.

(g) The Director may amend, suspend, or revoke any certification issued under this section whenever continued operation would otherwise be inconsistent with any terms or conditions of the certification. Any such action shall be forwarded in writing to both the certification holder and the agency that issued the underlying lease, permit, license, or right of subsistence use or of access, and shall set forth reason(s) for the action taken.

(h) The Director may amend any certification issued under this section whenever additional information becomes available that he or she determines justifies such an amendment.

(i) Any time limit prescribed in or established under this section may be extended by the Director for good cause. ( print page 6145)

(j) It is unlawful for any person to violate any terms and conditions in a certification issued under this section.

Incorporation by reference.

Certain material is incorporated by reference into this subpart with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. All approved incorporation by reference (IBR) material is available for inspection at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Contact NOAA at: the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS), 1305 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910; website: https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/​contact.html. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, visit www.archives.gov/​federal-register/​cfr/​ibr-locations or email fr.inspection@nara.gov. The material may be obtained from the following source:

(a) State of Florida—Department of State. R.A. Gray Building, 500 South Bronough Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250; phone:(850)245-6270; email: AdministrativeCode@dos.myflorida.com; website: https://flrules.org/​.

(1) F.A.C. 68B-42.001. Florida Administrative Code chapter 68B-42, Marine Life, rule 68B-42.001, Purpose and Intent; Designation of Restricted Species; Definition of Marine Life, effective November 1, 2012; IBR into § 922.162.

(2) F.A.C. 68B-42.002. Florida Administrative Code chapter 68B-42, Marine Life, rule 68B-42.002, Definitions, effective November 1, 2012; IBR into § 922.162.

(b) [Reserved]

Appendix A to Subpart P of Part 922—Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Boundary Coordinates

The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (sanctuary) encompasses an area of 3,622 square nautical miles (4,797 square miles) of coastal, ocean, and Gulf of Mexico waters and the submerged lands thereunder from the boundary to the shoreline as defined by the mean high water tidal datum surrounding the Florida Keys in southern Florida.

The sanctuary boundary begins approximately 4 miles east of the northern extent of Key Biscayne at Point 1 and continues roughly south and then southwest and west in numerical order to Point 15 approximately 27 miles SW of Loggerhead Key. From Point 15 the sanctuary boundary continues north to Point 17 which is approximately 18 miles NW of Loggerhead Key and then continues roughly east in numerical order to Point 23 just north of Sprigger Bank. From Point 23 the boundary continues in numerical order roughly SE to Point 26 just north of Old Dan Bank. From Point 26 the boundary continues NE in numerical order through Bowlegs Cut and Steamboat Channel to Point 42 near the southern entrance to Cowpens Cut west of Plantation Key.

From Point 42 the boundary continues towards Point 43 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline roughly NNE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 44 and Point 45.

From this intersection the boundary continues NNE to Point 45 and then roughly NE in numerical order to Point 61 just west of Hammer Point in Tavernier, FL. From Point 61 the boundary continues in numerical order roughly north and then NW to Point 64 just west of Pigeon Key. From Point 64 the boundary continues in numerical order roughly NE then NNE through Baker Cut to Point 69. From Point 69 the boundary continues in numerical order roughly NE through Buttonwood Sound to Point 73.

From Point 73 the boundary continues towards Point 74 until it intersects the shoreline near the southern entrance to Grouper Creek west of Key Largo, FL. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NE along Grouper Creek until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 75 and Point 76. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 76 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline roughly east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 77 and Point 78.

From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 78 and then roughly ESE in numerical order through Tarpon Basin to Point 85. From Point 85 the boundary continues NE and then NW to Point 92.

From Point 92 the boundary continues towards Point 93 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline roughly north along Dusenberry Creek until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 94 and Point 95.

From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 95 and then NE in numerical order through Blackwater Sound to Point 102 south of the entrance to Jewfish Creek.

From Point 102 the boundary continues towards Point 103 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline roughly NNE and then NW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 104 and Point 105. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 105 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline roughly NNE and then roughly west along southwestern Barnes Sound and around Division Point until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 106 and Point 107 near Manatee Creek east of Long Sound. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 107 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline roughly NNW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 108 and Point 109. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 109 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline roughly east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 109 and 110. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 110 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline roughly north and then NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 111 and Point 112. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 112 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline roughly east and then north around Bay Point and then west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 113 and Point 114. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 114 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline north along the western side of Manatee Bay until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 115 and Point 116. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 116 until it intersects the shoreline.

From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline around northern Manatee Bay and Barnes Sound until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 117 and Point 118. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 118 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline roughly to the SE south of FL State Route 905A—Card Sound Road then NW and roughly north along western Little Card Sound and then Card Sound cutting off the mouths of canals and drainage ditches until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 119 and Point 120 south of Midnight Pass. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 120 and then roughly SE to each successive point in numerical order approximating the southern boundary of Biscayne National Park to Point 142 approximately 3 miles ENE of Turtle Rocks. From Point 142 the boundary continues roughly N to each successive point in numerical order ending at Point 158.

The inner landward sanctuary boundary is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified in the description above.

Dry Tortugas National Park is not included within the FKNMS and the inner sanctuary boundary in this area is coterminous with this national park boundary and begins at Point DT1 and continues in numerical order counterclockwise around the national park ending at Point DT10.

Coordinates listed in this appendix are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983. ( print page 6146)

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Boundary Coordinates

Point Latitude Longitude
1 25.72274 −80.08695
2 25.64500 −80.04500
3 25.36667 −80.05000
4 25.10633 −80.17467
5 24.93950 −80.32100
6 24.63167 −80.78833
7 24.48667 −81.28833
8 24.37167 −81.71950
9 24.38333 −81.89167
10 24.38333 −82.05833
11 24.38749 −82.22133
12 24.38854 −82.26357
13 24.36667 −82.80000
14 24.30000 −83.08333
15 24.30084 −83.16711
16 24.54992 −83.16627
17 24.76760 −83.16665
18 24.76670 −83.10000
19 24.76667 −82.90000
20 24.76333 −82.80000
21 24.73333 −81.91667
22 24.85000 −81.43333
23 24.91667 −80.93333
24 24.87555 −80.89054
25 24.87315 −80.88754
26 24.85164 −80.83258
27 24.86699 −80.77381
28 24.89338 −80.74983
29 24.90039 −80.73560
30 24.90073 −80.73483
31 24.91255 −80.72551
32 24.93676 −80.67597
33 24.93859 −80.67223
34 24.93891 −80.67163
35 24.94153 −80.66370
36 24.94315 −80.65854
37 24.96567 −80.63474
38 24.99620 −80.56513
39 24.99637 −80.56482
40 24.99756 −80.56322
41 24.99919 −80.56088
42 25.00054 −80.56067
43 * 25.00130 −80.56032
44 * 25.00597 −80.55863
45 25.00722 −80.55812
46 25.00786 −80.55769
47 25.00883 −80.55694
48 25.01038 −80.55553
49 25.01590 −80.54977
50 25.01695 −80.54876
51 25.02295 −80.53795
52 25.02304 −80.53783
53 25.02309 −80.53768
54 25.02361 −80.53499
55 25.02687 −80.53021
56 25.03011 −80.52417
57 25.03095 −80.52186
58 25.03179 −80.51954
59 25.03388 −80.51809
60 25.03398 −80.51804
61 25.03409 −80.51801
62 25.03740 −80.51778
63 25.03825 −80.51790
64 25.05836 −80.52178
65 25.06772 −80.49982
66 25.08144 −80.47469
67 25.09063 −80.46820
68 25.09088 −80.46808
69 25.09294 −80.46779
70 25.09387 −80.46704
71 25.12097 −80.44703
72 25.12126 −80.44688
( print page 6147)
73 25.12142 −80.44684
74 * 25.12214 −80.44683
75 * 25.12785 −80.44378
76 * 25.12845 −80.44309
77 * 25.12878 −80.44084
78 25.12875 −80.44022
79 25.12870 −80.43984
80 25.12834 −80.43776
81 25.12787 −80.43414
82 25.12772 −80.43313
83 25.12739 −80.43078
84 25.12690 −80.42809
85 25.12667 −80.42678
86 25.12815 −80.42335
87 25.12839 −80.42307
88 25.12889 −80.42266
89 25.12942 −80.42242
90 25.12972 −80.42234
91 25.13040 −80.42244
92 25.13126 −80.42273
93 * 25.13200 −80.42327
94 * 25.14298 −80.42513
95 25.14339 −80.42491
96 25.14359 −80.42472
97 25.14390 −80.42416
98 25.14744 −80.41865
99 25.17698 −80.39366
100 25.17961 −80.39071
101 25.17986 −80.39049
102 25.18009 −80.39037
103 * 25.18302 −80.38932
104 * 25.18612 −80.39050
105 * 25.18637 −80.39084
106 * 25.23068 −80.43215
107 * 25.23093 −80.43225
108 * 25.23170 −80.43239
109 * 25.23193 −80.43244
110 * 25.23245 −80.43118
111 * 25.23533 −80.42929
112 * 25.23578 −80.42858
113 * 25.24041 −80.43052
114 * 25.24081 −80.43041
115 * 25.25651 −80.42968
116 * 25.25692 −80.43006
117 * 25.30013 −80.38710
118 * 25.30034 −80.38658
119 * 25.37260 −80.31062
120 25.36649 −80.28245
121 25.35144 −80.25593
122 25.34986 −80.25492
123 25.34899 −80.25473
124 25.34633 −80.25384
125 25.34545 −80.25288
126 25.34484 −80.25239
127 25.34370 −80.25134
128 25.34246 −80.25012
129 25.34203 −80.24950
130 25.34151 −80.24892
131 25.34107 −80.24829
132 25.34069 −80.24776
133 25.33956 −80.24736
134 25.33816 −80.24685
135 25.33724 −80.24628
136 25.33661 −80.24578
137 25.33587 −80.24482
138 25.33530 −80.24386
139 25.33531 −80.24328
140 25.33638 −80.21007
141 25.32064 −80.19434
142 25.29144 −80.16515
143 25.30885 −80.15424
144 25.46608 −80.10667
( print page 6148)
145 25.48154 −80.10296
146 25.49758 −80.09999
147 25.51415 −80.09664
148 25.52104 −80.09524
149 25.52554 −80.09471
150 25.55760 −80.09125
151 25.57223 −80.09004
152 25.59328 −80.08848
153 25.59972 −80.08808
154 25.60242 −80.08791
155 25.61437 −80.08784
156 25.63198 −80.08743
157 25.64476 −80.08736
158 25.72274 −80.08695
DT1 24.72612 −82.79849
DT2 24.72537 −82.86646
DT3 24.71690 −82.89975
DT4 24.64904 −82.96770
DT5 24.56533 −82.96789
DT6 24.56624 −82.90040
DT7 24.61764 −82.79902
DT8 24.66867 −82.76542
DT9 24.70164 −82.76522
DT10 24.72612 −82.79849

Note: The coordinates in the table above marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the sanctuary boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

Appendix B to Subpart P of Part 922—Areas To Be Avoided Boundary Coordinates

Coordinates listed in this appendix are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.

The boundary for the following Area to be Avoided zones begins at Point 1 and continues to each successive point in numerical order until ending at the zone's last point as listed in its specific coordinate table.


Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.37167 −81.71950
2 24.46667 −81.71950
3 24.47833 −81.72500
4 24.49667 −81.71950
5 24.55167 −81.58583
6 24.56000 −81.43333
7 24.63667 −81.11667
8 24.72000 −80.88667
9 24.76833 −80.76917
10 24.85167 −80.61833
11 24.95833 −80.45833
12 25.16500 −80.27000
13 25.40000 −80.15167
14 25.52500 −80.11667
15 25.66167 −80.11417
16 25.75000 −80.10167
17 25.72262 −80.08689
18 25.64500 −80.04500
19 25.36667 −80.05000
20 25.10633 −80.17467
21 24.93950 −80.32100
22 24.63167 −80.78833
23 24.48667 −81.28833
24 24.37167 −81.71950


Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.46583 −81.81084
2 24.38333 −81.89167
3 24.44333 −81.97500
( print page 6149)
4 24.46250 −81.92834
5 24.48917 −81.89000
6 24.48917 −81.83334
7 24.46583 −81.81084


Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.38854 −82.26357
2 24.39333 −82.46333
3 24.57500 −82.62500
4 24.71667 −82.44167
5 24.63850 −81.90100
6 24.63183 −81.89000
7 24.60250 −81.86300
8 24.57333 −81.84333
9 24.55733 −81.82883
10 24.52000 −81.86833
11 24.47833 −81.94666
12 24.44333 −81.99250
13 24.38333 −82.05833
14 24.38854 −82.26357


Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.53333 −82.89167
2 24.53333 −83.00083
3 24.66167 −83.00083
4 24.76000 −82.90667
5 24.76000 −82.78667
6 24.71333 −82.73167
7 24.65833 −82.73167
8 24.59333 −82.77333
9 24.53333 −82.89167

Appendix C to Subpart P of Part 922—Management Areas Boundary Coordinates

Coordinates listed in this appendix are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.

The boundary for the following Management Area zones begins at each individual zone's Point 1 and continues to each successive point in numerical order until ending at that same zone's last point as listed in its specific coordinate table.

Key Largo Management Area

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.96750 −80.31889
2 25.02050 −80.39784
3 25.02111 −80.39765
4 25.02349 −80.39596
5 25.02480 −80.39511
6 25.02647 −80.39412
7 25.02835 −80.39311
8 25.03026 −80.39219
9 25.03239 −80.39127
10 25.03437 −80.39054
11 25.03582 −80.39006
12 25.03766 −80.38952
13 25.04131 −80.38859
14 25.04242 −80.38834
15 25.04466 −80.38792
16 25.04654 −80.38767
17 25.04899 −80.38745
18 25.05181 −80.38736
( print page 6150)
19 25.05367 −80.38740
20 25.05394 −80.38732
21 25.05501 −80.38504
22 25.05674 −80.38186
23 25.05817 −80.37953
24 25.05915 −80.37808
25 25.06050 −80.37585
26 25.06127 −80.37467
27 25.06219 −80.37338
28 25.06343 −80.37103
29 25.06500 −80.36841
30 25.06659 −80.36607
31 25.06791 −80.36430
32 25.06917 −80.36273
33 25.07090 −80.36078
34 25.07161 −80.35932
35 25.07319 −80.35646
36 25.07492 −80.35370
37 25.07627 −80.35170
38 25.07758 −80.34993
39 25.07871 −80.34852
40 25.07988 −80.34715
41 25.08122 −80.34569
42 25.08233 −80.34456
43 25.08376 −80.34320
44 25.08584 −80.34140
45 25.08816 −80.33961
46 25.09008 −80.33827
47 25.09123 −80.33754
48 25.09340 −80.33628
49 25.09508 −80.33461
50 25.09727 −80.33265
51 25.09909 −80.33118
52 25.10065 −80.33003
53 25.10306 −80.32842
54 25.10455 −80.32753
55 25.10675 −80.32633
56 25.10986 −80.32489
57 25.11178 −80.32356
58 25.11340 −80.32254
59 25.11593 −80.32113
60 25.11717 −80.31955
61 25.11860 −80.31788
62 25.12093 −80.31541
63 25.12266 −80.31379
64 25.12400 −80.31262
65 25.12523 −80.31162
66 25.12694 −80.31033
67 25.12887 −80.30900
68 25.13035 −80.30808
69 25.13203 −80.30711
70 25.13443 −80.30588
71 25.13689 −80.30478
72 25.13830 −80.30423
73 25.14048 −80.30347
74 25.14175 −80.30309
75 25.14388 −80.30178
76 25.14505 −80.30112
77 25.14692 −80.30015
78 25.14953 −80.29897
79 25.15236 −80.29789
80 25.15525 −80.29691
81 25.15781 −80.29618
82 25.16003 −80.29567
83 25.16189 −80.29534
84 25.16377 −80.29507
85 25.16640 −80.29484
86 25.16831 −80.29476
87 25.17038 −80.29477
88 25.17167 −80.29483
89 25.17332 −80.29382
90 25.17517 −80.29279
( print page 6151)
91 25.17672 −80.29201
92 25.17811 −80.29137
93 25.17936 −80.29046
94 25.18113 −80.28928
95 25.18344 −80.28789
96 25.18581 −80.28665
97 25.18754 −80.28585
98 25.18939 −80.28428
99 25.19109 −80.28297
100 25.19284 −80.28174
101 25.19464 −80.28059
102 25.19715 −80.27915
103 25.19887 −80.27828
104 25.20114 −80.27726
105 25.20274 −80.27663
106 25.20410 −80.27526
107 25.20523 −80.27420
108 25.20638 −80.27318
109 25.20756 −80.27221
110 25.21054 −80.26987
111 25.21246 −80.26852
112 25.21408 −80.26749
113 25.21540 −80.26671
114 25.21691 −80.26589
115 25.21947 −80.26464
116 25.22157 −80.26376
117 25.22312 −80.26299
118 25.22521 −80.26208
119 25.22681 −80.26146
120 25.22861 −80.26085
121 25.22973 −80.26014
122 25.23088 −80.25948
123 25.23240 −80.25831
124 25.23381 −80.25731
125 25.23571 −80.25608
126 25.23687 −80.25540
127 25.23879 −80.25310
128 25.24041 −80.25134
129 25.24283 −80.24901
130 25.24477 −80.24735
131 25.24725 −80.24545
132 25.24940 −80.24349
133 25.25105 −80.24211
134 25.25338 −80.24035
135 25.25547 −80.23894
136 25.25694 −80.23804
137 25.25835 −80.23724
138 25.26092 −80.23594
139 25.26355 −80.23480
140 25.26687 −80.23359
141 25.26915 −80.23204
142 25.27098 −80.23093
143 25.27251 −80.23008
144 25.27697 −80.22775
145 25.27997 −80.22644
146 25.28249 −80.22552
147 25.28432 −80.22495
148 25.28642 −80.22274
149 25.28768 −80.22149
150 25.29000 −80.21941
151 25.29197 −80.21783
152 25.29352 −80.21644
153 25.29547 −80.21481
154 25.29748 −80.21329
155 25.29940 −80.21199
156 25.30114 −80.20984
157 25.30329 −80.20751
158 25.30570 −80.20518
159 25.30734 −80.20377
160 25.30980 −80.20185
161 25.31204 −80.20031
162 25.31452 −80.19880
( print page 6152)
163 25.31588 −80.19805
164 25.31708 −80.19745
165 25.31853 −80.19611
166 25.32064 −80.19434
167 25.29144 −80.16515
168 25.26130 −80.13652
169 25.11806 −80.20139
170 24.96750 −80.31889

Looe Key Management Area

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.53389 −81.43333
2 24.56583 −81.43333
3 24.57083 −81.38333
4 24.53889 −81.38333
5 24.53389 −81.43333

Appendix D to Subpart P of Part 922—National Wildlife Refuges Boundary Coordinates

Coordinates listed in this appendix are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.

Note: The coordinates in the tables of this appendix marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the zone's boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

Key West National Wildlife Refuge

The seaward boundary for the Key West National Wildlife Refuge begins at Point 1 and continues to each successive point in numerical order until ending at Point 5. The inner landward boundary for Key West National Wildlife Refuge is defined by and follows the shoreline at mean high water.

Note: This boundary description only represents the marine portions of the Key West National Wildlife Refuge that fall within the sanctuary. The full Key West National Wildlife Refuge boundary was established by Executive Order 923 in 1908.

Key West National Wildlife Refuge

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.66495 −82.16653
2 24.66715 −81.81657
3 24.44728 −81.81653
4 24.44690 −82.16601
5 24.66495 −82.16653

Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge

The boundary description below only represents the marine portions of the Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge that fall within the sanctuary. The full Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge boundary was established by Executive Order 7993 in 1938, with additional islands acquired under the Migratory Bird Conservation Act (16 U.S.C., S. 715).

The Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge boundary begins approximately 1.6 miles south of Cocoanut Key at Point 1 and continues west to Point 2 and then south to Point 3. From Point 3 the boundary continues west towards Point 4 until it intersects the shoreline at No Name Key. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 5 and Point 6. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 6 and then south towards Point 7 until it intersects the shoreline at Big Pine Key. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally north and then around to the south and then east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 8 and Point 9. From this intersection the boundary continues south to Point 9 and then west towards Point 10 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west and then north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 11 and Point 12. From this intersection the boundary continues north to Point 12 and then west towards Point 13 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 14 and Point 15. From this intersection the boundary continues north to Point 15 and then west towards Point 16 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline north around the northern end of Big Pine Key and then generally south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 17 and Point 18. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 18 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west and then south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 19 and Point 20. From this intersection the boundary continues west towards Point 20 until it intersects the shoreline at Big Torch Key. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 21 and Point 22. From this intersection the boundary continues north to Point 22 and then west towards Point 23 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline north around the northern end of Big Torch Key and then generally south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 24 and Point 25. From this intersection the boundary continues south towards Point 25 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 26 and Point 27. From this intersection the boundary continues south to Point 27 then west to Point 28 and south towards Point 29 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 30 and Point 31. From this intersection the boundary continues west to Point 31 and then south towards Point 32 ( print page 6153) until it intersects the shoreline at Cudjoe Key. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west and then east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 32 and Point 33. From this intersection the boundary continues south towards Point 33 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 34 and Point 35. From this intersection the boundary continues west to Point 35 and then south to Point 36 and west to Point 37 and north to Point 38. From Point 38 the boundary continues west towards Point 39 until it intersects the shoreline at Sugarloaf Key. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline around the northern end of Sugarloaf Key until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 40 and Point 41. From this intersection the boundary continues west to Point 41 and then generally SW to each successive point in numerical order to Point 45. From Point 45 the boundary continues south towards Point 46 until it intersects the shoreline at Saddlebunch Keys. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 47 and Point 48. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 48 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 48 and Point 49. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 49 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 50 and Point 51. From this intersection the boundary continues west to Point 51 and then south towards Point 52 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 53 and Point 54. From this intersection the boundary continues west to Point 54 and then south towards Point 55 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 55 and Point 56. From this intersection the boundary continues south to Point 56 and then west to Point 57 and then south to Point 58. From Point 58 the boundary continues towards Point 59 until it intersects the shoreline at Big Coppitt Key. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 60 and Point 61. From this intersection the boundary continues west to Point 61 and then south towards Point 62 until it intersects the shoreline at Rockland Key. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline south and then west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 63 and Point 64. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 64 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 65 and Point 66. From this intersection the boundary continues north to Point 66 and then west towards Point 67 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 67 and Point 68. From this intersection the boundary continues west towards Point 68 until it intersects the shoreline at Channel Key. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 69 and Point 70. From this intersection the boundary continues west to Point 70 and then generally NE to each successive point in numerical order to Point 78. From Point 78 the boundary continues south and then west to each successive point in numerical order ending at Point 81. The inner landward boundary of this National Wildlife Refuge is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.72002 −81.23787
2 24.71978 −81.26930
3 24.70532 −81.26938
4 * 24.70505 −81.33922
5 * 24.70504 −81.34280
6 24.70502 −81.34800
7 * 24.69801 −81.34804
8 * 24.69391 −81.34807
9 24.69081 −81.34809
10 * 24.69087 −81.35670
11 * 24.70579 −81.36417
12 24.71964 −81.36412
13 * 24.71976 −81.37785
14 * 24.72221 −81.37952
15 24.73455 −81.37969
16 * 24.73458 −81.39071
17 * 24.72233 −81.39533
18 * 24.72180 −81.39532
19 * 24.72005 −81.39747
20 * 24.72017 −81.43404
21 * 24.72197 −81.43521
22 24.73481 −81.43526
23 * 24.73478 −81.43997
24 * 24.73337 −81.45123
25 * 24.72838 −81.45121
26 * 24.72109 −81.45119
27 24.72012 −81.45119
28 24.71965 −81.49089
29 * 24.70513 −81.49086
30 * 24.70510 −81.49384
31 24.70498 −81.50701
32 * 24.70121 −81.50701
33 * 24.69340 −81.50703
34 * 24.69042 −81.51572
35 24.69044 −81.52277
36 24.67596 −81.52261
37 24.67582 −81.53856
38 24.69038 −81.53872
( print page 6154)
39 * 24.69045 −81.55392
40 * 24.69047 −81.55588
41 24.69053 −81.57072
42 24.67611 −81.57031
43 24.67605 −81.58622
44 24.66152 −81.58615
45 24.66145 −81.60206
46 * 24.65367 −81.60210
47 * 24.65278 −81.60211
48 * 24.65161 −81.60212
49 * 24.64975 −81.60213
50 * 24.64716 −81.61461
51 24.64715 −81.61790
52 * 24.63403 −81.61779
53 * 24.63271 −81.62618
54 24.63278 −81.63326
55 * 24.62056 −81.63345
56 24.61820 −81.63349
57 24.61820 −81.66690
58 24.60367 −81.66677
59 * 24.60365 −81.67007
60 * 24.60363 −81.67520
61 24.60359 −81.68266
62 * 24.59486 −81.68266
63 * 24.58918 −81.69107
64 * 24.58905 −81.69613
65 * 24.59312 −81.69862
66 24.60374 −81.69868
67 * 24.60370 −81.70391
68 * 24.60360 −81.72036
69 * 24.60359 −81.72386
70 24.60338 −81.81000
71 24.73450 −81.81037
72 24.73433 −81.61816
73 24.82134 −81.61827
74 24.82180 −81.33316
75 24.79245 −81.33308
76 24.79258 −81.23840
77 24.82172 −81.23861
78 24.82103 −81.14278
79 24.73416 −81.14243
80 24.73455 −81.23785
81 24.72002 −81.23787

Personal Watercraft (PWC) Exception Area 1—Key West National Wildlife Refuge

Personal watercraft are allowed within the following area inside Key West National Wildlife Refuge. The boundary for PWC Exception Area 1 begins at Point 1 and continues to each successive point in numerical order until ending at Point 4 in the following coordinate table:

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.52853 −81.81654
2 24.54833 −81.81655
3 24.54298 −81.82584
4 24.52853 −81.81654

PWC Exception Area 2—Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge

Personal watercraft are allowed within the following area inside Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge. The area begins just north of No Name Key at Point 1 and continues west towards Point 2 until it intersects the shoreline at No Name Key. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 3 and Point 4. From this intersection the boundary continues west to Point 4 then south towards Point 5 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally NW then south and then east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 6 and Point 7. From this intersection the boundary continues south to Point 7 and then west towards Point 8 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally NW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 9 and Point 10. From this intersection the boundary continues north to Point 10 then east to Point 11 and then south to Point 12 where it ends. The inner landward boundary of this zone is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified. ( print page 6155)

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.70499 −81.33226
2 * 24.70505 −81.33922
3 * 24.70504 −81.34280
4 24.70502 −81.34800
5 * 24.69801 −81.34804
6 * 24.69391 −81.34807
7 24.69081 −81.34809
8 * 24.69087 −81.35670
9 * 24.70579 −81.36417
10 24.71964 −81.36412
11 24.71969 −81.33228
12 24.70499 −81.33226

PWC Exception Area 3—Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge

Personal watercraft are allowed within the following area inside the Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge. This area begins on Howe Key at the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed by Point 1 and Point 2. From this intersection the boundary continues east towards Point 2 until it intersects the shoreline at Big Pine Key. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 3 and Point 4. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 4 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west and south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 5 and Point 6. From this intersection the boundary continues west to Point 6 and then north towards Point 7 until it intersects the shoreline at Howe Key. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally south and east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 8 and Point 9 where it ends. The inner landward boundary of this zone is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 * 24.73472 −81.40463
2 * 24.73464 −81.39898
3 * 24.72233 −81.39533
4 * 24.72180 −81.39532
5 * 24.72005 −81.39747
6 24.72025 −81.41181
7 * 24.73480 −81.41169
8 * 24.73472 −81.40463
9 * 24.73464 −81.39898

PWC Exception Area 4—Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge

Personal watercraft are allowed within the following area inside the Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge. This area begins just west of Big Torch Key at Point 1 and continues west to Point 2 and then north towards Point 3 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 3 and Point 4. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 4 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the boundary continues north to Point 5 and then east towards Point 6 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment between Point 6 and Point 7. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 7 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 7 and Point 8. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 8 until it intersects the shoreline at Big Torch Key. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 9 and Point 10. From this intersection the boundary continues south towards Point 10 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 11 and Point 12. From this intersection the boundary continues south to Point 12 where it ends. The inner landward boundary of this zone is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.72012 −81.45119
2 24.72024 −81.45910
3 * 24.72739 −81.45914
4 * 24.72850 −81.45915
5 24.73470 −81.45913
6 * 24.73472 −81.45545
7 * 24.73472 −81.45506
8 * 24.73474 −81.45214
9 * 24.73337 −81.45123
10 * 24.72838 −81.45121
11 * 24.72109 −81.45119
12 24.72012 −81.45119
( print page 6156)

PWC Exception Area 5—Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge

Personal watercraft are allowed within the following area inside the Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge. This area begins just NW of Halfmoon Key at Point 1 and continues south to Point 2 and then west towards Point 3 until it intersects the shoreline at Big Coppitt Key. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the boundary continues west to Point 5 and then north towards Point 6 until it intersects the shoreline at Duck Key. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline SW and then NW around Duck Key until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 7 and Point 8. From this intersection the boundary continues east to Point 8 where it ends. The inner landward boundary of this zone is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.61820 −81.66690
2 24.60367 −81.66677
3 * 24.60365 −81.67007
4 * 24.60363 −81.67520
5 24.60359 −81.68266
6 * 24.61716 −81.68207
7 * 24.61821 −81.68201
8 24.61820 −81.66690

PWC Exception Area 6—Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge

Personal watercraft are allowed within the following area inside the Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge. This area begins just north of Rockland Key at Point 1. From Point 1 the boundary continues south towards Point 2 until it intersects the shoreline at Rockland Key. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally south and west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 3 and Point 4. From this intersection the boundary continues west towards Point 4 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 5 and Point 6. From this intersection the boundary continues north to Point 6 and then east to Point 7 where it ends. The inner landward boundary of this zone is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.60359 −81.68266
2 * 24.59486 −81.68266
3 * 24.58918 −81.69107
4 * 24.58905 −81.69613
5 * 24.59312 −81.69862
6 24.60374 −81.69868
7 24.60359 −81.68266

Appendix E to Subpart P of Part 922—Wildlife Management Areas Boundary Coordinates and Access and Use Restrictions

Coordinates listed in this appendix are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.

The access and use restriction for each zone is listed under the zone name and set forth at 15 CFR 922.164(d).

The boundary for the following Wildlife Management Areas begins at each individual zone's Point 1 and continues to each successive point in numerical order until ending at that same zone's last point as listed in its specific coordinate table.

Ballast and Man Keys Flats WMA 1

Idle Speed No Wake

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.52370 −81.94818
2 24.52568 −81.94852
3 24.53128 −81.95063
4 24.53197 −81.95088
5 24.53253 −81.95179
6 24.53296 −81.95226
7 24.53342 −81.95250
8 24.53515 −81.95235
9 24.53455 −81.93151
10 24.52213 −81.93124
11 24.52370 −81.94818
( print page 6157)

Ballast and Man Keys Flats WMA 2

Idle Speed No Wake

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.53526 −81.95645
2 24.53513 −81.95653
3 24.53507 −81.95660
4 24.53466 −81.95711
5 24.53398 −81.95777
6 24.53361 −81.95844
7 24.53336 −81.95918
8 24.53296 −81.95969
9 24.53242 −81.95984
10 24.53195 −81.95987
11 24.53135 −81.95991
12 24.53059 −81.96006
13 24.52984 −81.96056
14 24.52911 −81.96119
15 24.52803 −81.96208
16 24.52728 −81.96270
17 24.52645 −81.96261
18 24.52513 −81.96213
19 24.52499 −81.96205
20 24.52614 −81.96561
21 24.53545 −81.96303
22 24.53526 −81.95645

Ballast and Man Keys Flats WMA 3

Idle Speed No Wake

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.53519 −81.95404
2 24.53482 −81.95413
3 24.53373 −81.95423
4 24.53298 −81.95422
5 24.53266 −81.95348
6 24.53234 −81.95281
7 24.53192 −81.95214
8 24.53153 −81.95139
9 24.53085 −81.95099
10 24.53006 −81.95075
11 24.52913 −81.95055
12 24.52806 −81.95035
13 24.52705 −81.95038
14 24.52630 −81.95049
15 24.52522 −81.95083
16 24.52400 −81.95136
17 24.52489 −81.96102
18 24.52510 −81.96119
19 24.52632 −81.96187
20 24.52710 −81.96176
21 24.52782 −81.96125
22 24.52858 −81.96083
23 24.52937 −81.96021
24 24.53002 −81.95986
25 24.53131 −81.95944
26 24.53214 −81.95929
27 24.53278 −81.95925
28 24.53307 −81.95871
29 24.53340 −81.95777
30 24.53430 −81.95707
31 24.53503 −81.95625
32 24.53517 −81.95610
33 24.53525 −81.95601
34 24.53519 −81.95404
( print page 6158)

Channel Key Banks WMA 1

Idle Speed No Wake

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.79864 −80.91482
2 24.79054 −80.90649
3 24.78363 −80.91293
4 24.79325 −80.91988
5 24.79864 −80.91482

Channel Key Banks WMA 2

Idle Speed No Wake

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.79341 −80.90382
2 24.79144 −80.90566
3 24.80042 −80.91454
4 24.80139 −80.91446
5 24.80827 −80.90440
6 24.80309 −80.90109
7 24.79341 −80.90382

Channel Key Banks WMA 3

Idle Speed No Wake

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.80936 −80.90509
2 24.80357 −80.91428
3 24.81171 −80.91360
4 24.81164 −80.90655
5 24.80936 −80.90509

Channel Key Banks WMA 4

Idle Speed No Wake

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.83778 −80.90001
2 24.82315 −80.89502
3 24.82025 −80.89590
4 24.82013 −80.89894
5 24.82623 −80.90103
6 24.82468 −80.90508
7 24.81429 −80.90823
8 24.81441 −80.91337
9 24.83992 −80.91123
10 24.84415 −80.90734
11 24.84561 −80.90353
12 24.83925 −80.90463
13 24.83778 −80.90001

Channel Key Banks WMA 5

Idle Speed No Wake

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.87054 −80.88345
2 24.85033 −80.87681
3 24.84612 −80.89420
4 24.84127 −80.90120
5 24.83946 −80.90058
( print page 6159)
6 24.84016 −80.90280
7 24.84742 −80.90170
8 24.84649 −80.90518
9 24.85246 −80.89969
10 24.85295 −80.89489
11 24.85097 −80.88579
12 24.85682 −80.88193
13 24.87021 −80.88591
14 24.87054 −80.88345

Channel Key Banks WMA

The wildlife management area outer seaward boundary begins just north of Channel Key at Point 1. From Point 1 the boundary continues SE to Point 2 and to each successive point in numerical order ending at Point 5. The inner boundary is defined by the Channel Key Banks Wildlife Management Area No Entry Zone around Channel Key beginning at Point 1 of that zone and continuing to each successive point in numerical order until it ends at Point 159.

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.79084 −80.91578
2 24.79083 −80.91570
3 24.79084 −80.91564
4 24.79085 −80.91549
5 24.79085 −80.91544
6 24.79086 −80.91539
7 24.79087 −80.91532
8 24.79089 −80.91524
9 24.79090 −80.91521
10 24.79094 −80.91512
11 24.79095 −80.91509
12 24.79097 −80.91502
13 24.79100 −80.91496
14 24.79104 −80.91489
15 24.79109 −80.91483
16 24.79114 −80.91477
17 24.79119 −80.91472
18 24.79122 −80.91470
19 24.79133 −80.91460
20 24.79138 −80.91454
21 24.79149 −80.91429
22 24.79152 −80.91424
23 24.79155 −80.91417
24 24.79160 −80.91411
25 24.79162 −80.91408
26 24.79173 −80.91395
27 24.79177 −80.91390
28 24.79181 −80.91387
29 24.79187 −80.91382
30 24.79193 −80.91378
31 24.79199 −80.91374
32 24.79206 −80.91371
33 24.79207 −80.91370
34 24.79217 −80.91367
35 24.79229 −80.91363
36 24.79260 −80.91357
37 24.79261 −80.91357
38 24.79268 −80.91356
39 24.79275 −80.91355
40 24.79277 −80.91356
41 24.79293 −80.91356
42 24.79313 −80.91352
43 24.79320 −80.91351
44 24.79327 −80.91351
45 24.79334 −80.91351
46 24.79341 −80.91352
47 24.79346 −80.91353
48 24.79355 −80.91356
49 24.79360 −80.91357
50 24.79364 −80.91359
51 24.79371 −80.91362
( print page 6160)
52 24.79387 −80.91370
53 24.79390 −80.91371
54 24.79400 −80.91376
55 24.79405 −80.91378
56 24.79410 −80.91381
57 24.79413 −80.91383
58 24.79415 −80.91384
59 24.79420 −80.91386
60 24.79426 −80.91389
61 24.79432 −80.91393
62 24.79438 −80.91397
63 24.79444 −80.91402
64 24.79445 −80.91403
65 24.79461 −80.91418
66 24.79466 −80.91423
67 24.79470 −80.91428
68 24.79475 −80.91434
69 24.79478 −80.91441
70 24.79481 −80.91446
71 24.79489 −80.91463
72 24.79491 −80.91467
73 24.79493 −80.91470
74 24.79497 −80.91477
75 24.79500 −80.91484
76 24.79503 −80.91491
77 24.79504 −80.91496
78 24.79506 −80.91503
79 24.79507 −80.91508
80 24.79508 −80.91513
81 24.79509 −80.91521
82 24.79509 −80.91523
83 24.79511 −80.91530
84 24.79513 −80.91537
85 24.79514 −80.91543
86 24.79515 −80.91548
87 24.79515 −80.91554
88 24.79517 −80.91589
89 24.79517 −80.91591
90 24.79520 −80.91643
91 24.79520 −80.91647
92 24.79519 −80.91655
93 24.79518 −80.91663
94 24.79517 −80.91670
95 24.79517 −80.91671
96 24.79515 −80.91678
97 24.79514 −80.91681
98 24.79508 −80.91698
99 24.79503 −80.91708
100 24.79496 −80.91721
101 24.79496 −80.91723
102 24.79492 −80.91730
103 24.79487 −80.91736
104 24.79482 −80.91742
105 24.79477 −80.91747
106 24.79474 −80.91750
107 24.79470 −80.91753
108 24.79465 −80.91757
109 24.79457 −80.91763
110 24.79454 −80.91765
111 24.79450 −80.91768
112 24.79444 −80.91771
113 24.79437 −80.91774
114 24.79433 −80.91776
115 24.79428 −80.91777
116 24.79407 −80.91783
117 24.79403 −80.91784
118 24.79379 −80.91789
119 24.79376 −80.91790
120 24.79370 −80.91792
121 24.79363 −80.91794
122 24.79355 −80.91795
123 24.79348 −80.91795
( print page 6161)
124 24.79341 −80.91795
125 24.79334 −80.91794
126 24.79331 −80.91793
127 24.79328 −80.91792
128 24.79322 −80.91791
129 24.79300 −80.91784
130 24.79295 −80.91782
131 24.79288 −80.91779
132 24.79227 −80.91748
133 24.79221 −80.91744
134 24.79216 −80.91741
135 24.79212 −80.91738
136 24.79200 −80.91728
137 24.79197 −80.91725
138 24.79191 −80.91719
139 24.79182 −80.91709
140 24.79169 −80.91701
141 24.79154 −80.91694
142 24.79149 −80.91691
143 24.79143 −80.91686
144 24.79137 −80.91682
145 24.79132 −80.91677
146 24.79128 −80.91672
147 24.79119 −80.91660
148 24.79118 −80.91659
149 24.79113 −80.91653
150 24.79109 −80.91646
151 24.79108 −80.91644
152 24.79095 −80.91617
153 24.79094 −80.91614
154 24.79092 −80.91610
155 24.79090 −80.91606
156 24.79088 −80.91601
157 24.79086 −80.91594
158 24.79085 −80.91586
159 24.79084 −80.91578

Marquesas Keys Turtle WMA

Idle Speed No Wake

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.55110 −82.25453
2 24.57496 −82.25476
2 24.57546 −82.19300
4 24.55156 −82.19305
5 24.55110 −82.25453

Pelican Shoal WMA

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.50252 −81.63114
2 24.50206 −81.63075
3 24.50164 −81.63064
4 24.50147 −81.63068
5 24.50132 −81.63078
6 24.50122 −81.63094
7 24.50118 −81.63113
8 24.50120 −81.63126
9 24.50135 −81.63162
10 24.50158 −81.63188
11 24.50193 −81.63207
12 24.50223 −81.63212
13 24.50245 −81.63212
( print page 6162)
14 24.50259 −81.63207
15 24.50273 −81.63196
16 24.50282 −81.63179
17 24.50284 −81.63160
18 24.50280 −81.63141
19 24.50269 −81.63126
20 24.50252 −81.63114

Red Bay Bank WMA 1

Idle Speed No Wake

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.75060 −81.13581
2 24.74698 −81.13746
3 24.75323 −81.15290
4 24.75430 −81.17123
5 24.75726 −81.16952
6 24.75960 −81.16188
7 24.75728 −81.15075
8 24.75060 −81.13581

Red Bay Bank WMA 2

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.76489 −81.17336
2 24.76116 −81.17789
3 24.76932 −81.18551
4 24.77090 −81.17929
5 24.76489 −81.17336

Snake Creek WMA 1

No Motor

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.94965 −80.58774
2 24.94895 −80.58751
3 24.94821 −80.58710
4 24.94790 −80.58685
5 24.94761 −80.58643
6 24.94695 −80.58520
7 24.94676 −80.58495
8 24.94554 −80.58387
9 24.94439 −80.58404
10 24.94374 −80.58407
11 24.94327 −80.58395
12 24.94236 −80.58331
13 24.94151 −80.58182
14 24.94114 −80.58139
15 24.94047 −80.58102
16 24.93612 −80.58770
17 24.94352 −80.59103
18 24.94840 −80.59079
19 24.94965 −80.58774
( print page 6163)

Snake Creek WMA 2

No Motor

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.94824 −80.59116
2 24.94368 −80.59135
3 24.94737 −80.59330
4 24.94824 −80.59116

Snake Creek WMA 3

No Motor

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.94725 −80.59360
2 24.93974 −80.58991
3 24.94570 −80.59761
4 24.94725 −80.59360

Snake Creek WMA 4

No Motor

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.94540 −80.59785
2 24.93942 −80.58980
3 24.93584 −80.58814
4 24.93424 −80.59059
5 24.93594 −80.59222
6 24.93666 −80.59207
7 24.93715 −80.59183
8 24.93750 −80.59175
9 24.93772 −80.59177
10 24.93806 −80.59181
11 24.93873 −80.59213
12 24.93904 −80.59239
13 24.93919 −80.59258
14 24.93934 −80.59288
15 24.93943 −80.59321
16 24.93972 −80.59488
17 24.93972 −80.59536
18 24.93981 −80.59567
19 24.93981 −80.59581
20 24.93994 −80.59618
21 24.93996 −80.59675
22 24.93985 −80.59760
23 24.93984 −80.59972
24 24.93994 −80.60078
25 24.94007 −80.60166
26 24.94020 −80.60233
27 24.94046 −80.60274
28 24.94061 −80.60290
29 24.94082 −80.60298
30 24.94111 −80.60335
31 24.94540 −80.59785

Tortugas Bank WMA

No Anchor by Vessels >50 m Length

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.53333 −83.00080
2 24.61666 −83.10000
3 24.65000 −83.10000
4 24.65000 −83.00080
( print page 6164)
5 24.53333 −83.00080

Western Dry Rocks WMA

From April 1 to July 31, Continuous Transit Without Interruption and No Anchor

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.42822 −81.92479
2 24.42802 −81.95011
3 24.43694 −81.95018
4 24.43712 −81.92488
5 24.42822 −81.92479

The seaward boundary for the following Wildlife Management Areas begins at each individual zone's Point 1 and continues to each successive point in numerical order until ending at that same zone's last point as listed in its specific coordinate table. The inner landward boundary for each individual zone below is defined by and follows the shoreline at mean high water.

Bay Keys WMA 1

No Motor

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.63604 −81.76179
2 24.63575 −81.76133
3 24.63530 −81.76112
4 24.63469 −81.76077
5 24.63400 −81.76062
6 24.63310 −81.76065
7 24.63218 −81.76082
8 24.63178 −81.76125
9 24.63111 −81.76203
10 24.63071 −81.76286
11 24.63099 −81.76382
12 24.63123 −81.76472
13 24.63160 −81.76550
14 24.63204 −81.76629
15 24.63289 −81.76629
16 24.63353 −81.76601
17 24.63416 −81.76584
18 24.63511 −81.76579
19 24.63559 −81.76530
20 24.63589 −81.76457
21 24.63584 −81.76399
22 24.63603 −81.76353
23 24.63613 −81.76319
24 24.63622 −81.76258
25 24.63604 −81.76179

Bay Keys WMA 2

No Motor

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.63560 −81.77521
2 24.63493 −81.77494
3 24.63452 −81.77470
4 24.63414 −81.77460
5 24.63384 −81.77461
6 24.63364 −81.77467
7 24.63323 −81.77490
8 24.63302 −81.77509
9 24.63288 −81.77531
10 24.63277 −81.77576
11 24.63279 −81.77619
12 24.63322 −81.77719
( print page 6165)
13 24.63355 −81.77758
14 24.63378 −81.77774
15 24.63402 −81.77784
16 24.63423 −81.77788
17 24.63444 −81.77786
18 24.63484 −81.77774
19 24.63549 −81.77748
20 24.63573 −81.77733
21 24.63591 −81.77714
22 24.63595 −81.77709
23 24.63610 −81.77691
24 24.63620 −81.77672
25 24.63621 −81.77668
26 24.63627 −81.77643
27 24.63627 −81.77619
28 24.63620 −81.77588
29 24.63607 −81.77561
30 24.63585 −81.77536
31 24.63560 −81.77521

Big Mullet Key WMA

No Motor

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.58096 −81.91817
2 24.58090 −81.91758
3 24.58080 −81.91723
4 24.58051 −81.91671
5 24.58029 −81.91649
6 24.58001 −81.91630
7 24.57930 −81.91618
8 24.57897 −81.91606
9 24.57803 −81.91612
10 24.57730 −81.91636
11 24.57690 −81.91667
12 24.57677 −81.91683
13 24.57659 −81.91714
14 24.57647 −81.91762
15 24.57650 −81.91818
16 24.57665 −81.91856
17 24.57690 −81.91886
18 24.57758 −81.91929
19 24.57757 −81.91952
20 24.57761 −81.91975
21 24.57793 −81.92047
22 24.57863 −81.92131
23 24.57887 −81.92147
24 24.57917 −81.92155
25 24.57962 −81.92151
26 24.58006 −81.92128
27 24.58042 −81.92092
28 24.58068 −81.92051
29 24.58079 −81.92015
30 24.58106 −81.91976
31 24.58116 −81.91940
32 24.58112 −81.91861
33 24.58096 −81.91817

Cottrell Key WMA

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.60377 −81.91824
2 24.60300 −81.91882
( print page 6166)
3 24.60285 −81.91909
4 24.60262 −81.91937
5 24.60197 −81.91958
6 24.60109 −81.92023
7 24.60095 −81.92045
8 24.60061 −81.92084
9 24.60034 −81.92138
10 24.60020 −81.92193
11 24.59996 −81.92219
12 24.59984 −81.92238
13 24.59972 −81.92274
14 24.59969 −81.92298
15 24.59982 −81.92389
16 24.60029 −81.92486
17 24.60069 −81.92516
18 24.60112 −81.92528
19 24.60144 −81.92526
20 24.60176 −81.92512
21 24.60209 −81.92487
22 24.60271 −81.92470
23 24.60296 −81.92458
24 24.60317 −81.92441
25 24.60365 −81.92457
26 24.60402 −81.92463
27 24.60463 −81.92461
28 24.60482 −81.92465
29 24.60514 −81.92463
30 24.60537 −81.92456
31 24.60556 −81.92445
32 24.60584 −81.92407
33 24.60612 −81.92403
34 24.60647 −81.92408
35 24.60701 −81.92405
36 24.60734 −81.92386
37 24.60753 −81.92358
38 24.60764 −81.92319
39 24.60765 −81.92284
40 24.60759 −81.92245
41 24.60770 −81.92202
42 24.60765 −81.92152
43 24.60752 −81.92112
44 24.60734 −81.92085
45 24.60652 −81.92024
46 24.60646 −81.92009
47 24.60649 −81.91955
48 24.60627 −81.91899
49 24.60567 −81.91844
50 24.60534 −81.91826
51 24.60455 −81.91806
52 24.60430 −81.91808
53 24.60377 −81.91824

Crane Key WMA

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.75715 −81.51346
2 24.75651 −81.51279
3 24.75602 −81.51237
4 24.75603 −81.51177
5 24.75562 −81.51127
6 24.75527 −81.51098
7 24.75436 −81.51080
8 24.75327 −81.51102
9 24.75218 −81.51170
10 24.75169 −81.51339
11 24.75232 −81.51475
12 24.75330 −81.51486
( print page 6167)
13 24.75392 −81.51468
14 24.75491 −81.51549
15 24.75599 −81.51582
16 24.75709 −81.51581
17 24.75748 −81.51526
18 24.75753 −81.51437
19 24.75715 −81.51346

Dove and Rodriguez Keys WMA

No Motor

Point Latitude Longitude
1 25.05010 −80.47599
2 25.05531 −80.44249
3 25.04935 −80.43991
4 25.04375 −80.45695
5 25.04506 −80.47474
6 25.04718 −80.47836
7 25.05010 −80.47599

East Bahia Honda Key WMA

No Motor

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.78258 −81.22843
2 24.78185 −81.22775
3 24.78061 −81.22719
4 24.77864 −81.22625
5 24.77759 −81.22590
6 24.77676 −81.22560
7 24.77592 −81.22468
8 24.77522 −81.22475
9 24.77521 −81.22593
10 24.77468 −81.22756
11 24.77484 −81.22917
12 24.77600 −81.22990
13 24.77704 −81.23140
14 24.77783 −81.23134
15 24.77834 −81.23113
16 24.77909 −81.23108
17 24.77950 −81.23098
18 24.78013 −81.23124
19 24.78055 −81.23169
20 24.78069 −81.23242
21 24.78138 −81.23261
22 24.78257 −81.23189
23 24.78284 −81.23101
24 24.78284 −81.22957
25 24.78258 −81.22843

East Content Keys and Upper Harbor Key Flats WMA 1

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.81100 −81.44379
2 24.81136 −81.44433
3 24.81144 −81.44439
4 24.81175 −81.44454
5 24.81239 −81.44470
( print page 6168)
6 24.81287 −81.44470
7 24.81356 −81.44459
8 24.81381 −81.44449
9 24.81402 −81.44431
10 24.81418 −81.44400
11 24.81425 −81.44356
12 24.81424 −81.44332
13 24.81419 −81.44309
14 24.81418 −81.44216
15 24.81414 −81.44176
16 24.81408 −81.44144
17 24.81401 −81.44128
18 24.81370 −81.44076
19 24.81351 −81.44056
20 24.81323 −81.44040
21 24.81294 −81.44033
22 24.81273 −81.44033
23 24.81235 −81.44042
24 24.81196 −81.44062
25 24.81160 −81.44088
26 24.81130 −81.44114
27 24.81099 −81.44147
28 24.81085 −81.44169
29 24.81075 −81.44190
30 24.81067 −81.44224
31 24.81067 −81.44252
32 24.81070 −81.44278
33 24.81100 −81.44379

Happy Jack Key WMA

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.69922 −81.56774
2 24.69900 −81.56754
3 24.69868 −81.56741
4 24.69841 −81.56738
5 24.69810 −81.56746
6 24.69765 −81.56771
7 24.69732 −81.56797
8 24.69715 −81.56823
9 24.69707 −81.56861
10 24.69708 −81.56887
11 24.69717 −81.56917
12 24.69732 −81.56940
13 24.69758 −81.56967
14 24.69783 −81.56983
15 24.69846 −81.57007
16 24.69872 −81.57023
17 24.69901 −81.57031
18 24.69922 −81.57030
19 24.69938 −81.57026
20 24.69968 −81.57008
21 24.69989 −81.56980
22 24.69996 −81.56962
23 24.70000 −81.56939
24 24.70001 −81.56918
25 24.69998 −81.56895
26 24.69977 −81.56838
27 24.69961 −81.56814
28 24.69932 −81.56791
29 24.69922 −81.56774
( print page 6169)

Horseshoe Keys WMA

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.78282 −81.29316
2 24.78271 −81.29266
3 24.78160 −81.29255
4 24.78133 −81.29209
5 24.78055 −81.29126
6 24.77962 −81.29059
7 24.77887 −81.29017
8 24.77867 −81.28991
9 24.77840 −81.28970
10 24.77820 −81.28961
11 24.77800 −81.28958
12 24.77817 −81.28908
13 24.77816 −81.28867
14 24.77804 −81.28833
15 24.77792 −81.28814
16 24.77774 −81.28746
17 24.77751 −81.28715
18 24.77734 −81.28700
19 24.77700 −81.28683
20 24.77679 −81.28678
21 24.77601 −81.28692
22 24.77585 −81.28665
23 24.77530 −81.28600
24 24.77512 −81.28588
25 24.77489 −81.28582
26 24.77464 −81.28562
27 24.77444 −81.28553
28 24.77423 −81.28550
29 24.77395 −81.28552
30 24.77375 −81.28560
31 24.77357 −81.28573
32 24.77316 −81.28561
33 24.77291 −81.28560
34 24.77291 −81.28526
35 24.77278 −81.28494
36 24.77249 −81.28453
37 24.77209 −81.28425
38 24.77188 −81.28420
39 24.77125 −81.28419
40 24.77093 −81.28432
41 24.77053 −81.28436
42 24.77029 −81.28448
43 24.77039 −81.28374
44 24.77011 −81.28284
45 24.76971 −81.28267
46 24.76963 −81.28273
47 24.76939 −81.28261
48 24.76804 −81.28243
49 24.76783 −81.28248
50 24.76760 −81.28261
51 24.76727 −81.28254
52 24.76701 −81.28259
53 24.76665 −81.28280
54 24.76649 −81.28295
55 24.76635 −81.28320
56 24.76613 −81.28400
57 24.76610 −81.28423
58 24.76612 −81.28446
59 24.76638 −81.28521
60 24.76764 −81.28733
61 24.76778 −81.28748
62 24.76789 −81.28783
63 24.76793 −81.28817
64 24.76821 −81.28889
65 24.76831 −81.28999
66 24.76866 −81.29104
67 24.76910 −81.29164
68 24.76935 −81.29183
69 24.76999 −81.29247
70 24.77012 −81.29286
( print page 6170)
71 24.77046 −81.29327
72 24.77067 −81.29344
73 24.77099 −81.29354
74 24.77134 −81.29408
75 24.77163 −81.29431
76 24.77186 −81.29461
77 24.77216 −81.29485
78 24.77316 −81.29517
79 24.77343 −81.29514
80 24.77383 −81.29497
81 24.77417 −81.29510
82 24.77454 −81.29507
83 24.77448 −81.29520
84 24.77557 −81.29723
85 24.77572 −81.29705
86 24.77606 −81.29682
87 24.77624 −81.29658
88 24.77638 −81.29652
89 24.77678 −81.29666
90 24.77700 −81.29664
91 24.77720 −81.29657
92 24.77740 −81.29678
93 24.77764 −81.29663
94 24.77779 −81.29650
95 24.77797 −81.29623
96 24.77830 −81.29587
97 24.77835 −81.29572
98 24.77837 −81.29537
99 24.77842 −81.29532
100 24.77871 −81.29546
101 24.77898 −81.29551
102 24.78047 −81.29525
103 24.78078 −81.29510
104 24.78111 −81.29488
105 24.78170 −81.29405
106 24.78281 −81.29406
107 24.78290 −81.29384
108 24.78293 −81.29361
109 24.78290 −81.29337
110 24.78282 −81.29316

Howe Key Mangrove WMA

No Motor

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.77266 −81.43359
2 24.77228 −81.43272
3 24.77178 −81.43246
4 24.77106 −81.43234
5 24.77040 −81.43278
6 24.77026 −81.43410
7 24.77044 −81.43557
8 24.77101 −81.43616
9 24.77192 −81.43662
10 24.77300 −81.43639
11 24.77337 −81.43584
12 24.77338 −81.43524
13 24.77303 −81.43477
14 24.77281 −81.43429
15 24.77266 −81.43359
( print page 6171)

Little Mullet Key WMA

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.58361 −81.94891
2 24.58321 −81.94826
3 24.58295 −81.94794
4 24.58272 −81.94778
5 24.58224 −81.94762
6 24.58199 −81.94762
7 24.58178 −81.94768
8 24.58151 −81.94787
9 24.58070 −81.94817
10 24.58033 −81.94850
11 24.58014 −81.94882
12 24.58006 −81.94904
13 24.58005 −81.94974
14 24.57994 −81.94996
15 24.57990 −81.95019
16 24.57991 −81.95113
17 24.58000 −81.95160
18 24.58016 −81.95197
19 24.58040 −81.95240
20 24.58067 −81.95266
21 24.58117 −81.95292
22 24.58145 −81.95297
23 24.58167 −81.95295
24 24.58217 −81.95278
25 24.58307 −81.95243
26 24.58326 −81.95232
27 24.58342 −81.95214
28 24.58356 −81.95190
29 24.58375 −81.95132
30 24.58378 −81.95090
31 24.58384 −81.95059
32 24.58388 −81.95008
33 24.58384 −81.94970
34 24.58373 −81.94926
35 24.58361 −81.94891

Little Pine Key Mangrove WMA

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.75670 −81.34069
2 24.75666 −81.33996
3 24.75632 −81.33942
4 24.75569 −81.33901
5 24.75502 −81.33900
6 24.75434 −81.33963
7 24.75372 −81.34056
8 24.75333 −81.34189
9 24.75390 −81.34298
10 24.75431 −81.34336
11 24.75492 −81.34342
12 24.75534 −81.34361
13 24.75604 −81.34380
14 24.75641 −81.34362
15 24.75700 −81.34347
16 24.75723 −81.34325
17 24.75745 −81.34263
18 24.75748 −81.34190
19 24.75722 −81.34130
20 24.75689 −81.34101
21 24.75674 −81.34094
22 24.75670 −81.34069
( print page 6172)

Marquesas Keys WMA 1

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.57552 −82.14685
2 24.57554 −82.14726
3 24.57569 −82.14771
4 24.57599 −82.14805
5 24.57633 −82.14822
6 24.57692 −82.14822
7 24.57725 −82.14811
8 24.57756 −82.14783
9 24.57774 −82.14742
10 24.57778 −82.14695
11 24.57764 −82.14651
12 24.57722 −82.14600
13 24.57688 −82.14583
14 24.57645 −82.14584
15 24.57595 −82.14613
16 24.57566 −82.14644
17 24.57552 −82.14685

Marquesas Key WMA 2

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.57633 −82.14964
2 24.57590 −82.14952
3 24.57549 −82.14958
4 24.57519 −82.14976
5 24.57488 −82.14980
6 24.57459 −82.14995
7 24.57423 −82.15031
8 24.57391 −82.15098
9 24.57381 −82.15130
10 24.57236 −82.15268
11 24.57235 −82.15295
12 24.57246 −82.15366
13 24.57260 −82.15397
14 24.57279 −82.15417
15 24.57299 −82.15427
16 24.57331 −82.15435
17 24.57361 −82.15434
18 24.57381 −82.15426
19 24.57554 −82.15273
20 24.57580 −82.15233
21 24.57630 −82.15195
22 24.57652 −82.15172
23 24.57687 −82.15115
24 24.57697 −82.15068
25 24.57695 −82.15030
26 24.57684 −82.15003
27 24.57668 −82.14983
28 24.57633 −82.14964

Marquesas Keys WMA 3

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.56599 −82.15858
2 24.56647 −82.15876
3 24.56674 −82.15878
4 24.56704 −82.15871
5 24.56723 −82.15860
6 24.56748 −82.15837
7 24.56775 −82.15788
( print page 6173)
8 24.56792 −82.15724
9 24.56783 −82.15642
10 24.56775 −82.15620
11 24.56754 −82.15590
12 24.56738 −82.15574
13 24.56719 −82.15564
14 24.56667 −82.15555
15 24.56571 −82.15574
16 24.56532 −82.15600
17 24.56510 −82.15638
18 24.56504 −82.15664
19 24.56503 −82.15697
20 24.56511 −82.15735
21 24.56525 −82.15770
22 24.56554 −82.15821
23 24.56599 −82.15858

Marquesas Keys WMA 4

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.55340 −82.13516
2 24.55248 −82.13464
3 24.55170 −82.13506
4 24.55169 −82.13633
5 24.55215 −82.13727
6 24.55300 −82.13727
7 24.55362 −82.13677
8 24.55378 −82.13566
9 24.55340 −82.13516

Northeast Tarpon Belly Keys WMA

No Motor

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.73167 −81.50581
2 24.73095 −81.50581
3 24.73060 −81.50606
4 24.73044 −81.50671
5 24.73042 −81.50717
6 24.73047 −81.50759
7 24.73064 −81.50789
8 24.73090 −81.50815
9 24.73114 −81.50851
10 24.73128 −81.50877
11 24.73137 −81.50897
12 24.73181 −81.50900
13 24.73207 −81.50902
14 24.73238 −81.50898
15 24.73262 −81.50880
16 24.73275 −81.50868
17 24.73290 −81.50854
18 24.73294 −81.50821
19 24.73293 −81.50769
20 24.73289 −81.50723
21 24.73278 −81.50707
22 24.73267 −81.50689
23 24.73252 −81.50663
24 24.73232 −81.50622
25 24.73205 −81.50587
26 24.73167 −81.50581
( print page 6174)

Pelican Key WMA

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 25.09429 −80.45566
2 25.09324 −80.45404
3 25.09202 −80.45437
4 25.08935 −80.45648
5 25.09236 −80.45738
6 25.09338 −80.45711
7 25.09429 −80.45566

Pigeon Key WMA

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 25.05874 −80.50884
2 25.05365 −80.50892
3 25.05367 −80.51362
4 25.05876 −80.51361
5 25.05874 −80.50884

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.68464 −81.67036
2 24.68437 −81.66977
3 24.68443 −81.66914
4 24.68456 −81.66873
5 24.68463 −81.66823
6 24.68472 −81.66743
7 24.68456 −81.66699
8 24.68443 −81.66677
9 24.68429 −81.66655
10 24.68370 −81.66644
11 24.68300 −81.66677
12 24.68246 −81.66724
13 24.68208 −81.66778
14 24.68198 −81.66874
15 24.68216 −81.66928
16 24.68249 −81.66978
17 24.68255 −81.67000
18 24.68249 −81.67027
19 24.68216 −81.67057
20 24.68211 −81.67118
21 24.68213 −81.67210
22 24.68268 −81.67287
23 24.68338 −81.67292
24 24.68396 −81.67280
25 24.68445 −81.67252
26 24.68488 −81.67219
27 24.68506 −81.67173
28 24.68511 −81.67140
29 24.68504 −81.67106
30 24.68499 −81.67092
31 24.68464 −81.67036

Tavernier Key WMA 1

No Motor

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 and continues generally west to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 9. From Point 9 the boundary continues towards Point 10 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 11 and Point 12. From this intersection the boundary continues south to Point 12 and ends at Point 13.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.99714 −80.52042
( print page 6175)
2 24.99669 −80.52156
3 24.99678 −80.52273
4 24.99718 −80.52350
5 24.99737 −80.52449
6 24.99814 −80.52557
7 24.99877 −80.52654
8 24.99903 −80.52697
9 24.99904 −80.52698
10 * 24.99958 −80.52898
11 * 25.00200 −80.51992
12 24.99800 −80.52098
13 24.99714 −80.52042

Torch Key Mangroves WMA 1

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.74240 −81.46950
2 24.74188 −81.46907
3 24.74113 −81.46884
4 24.74050 −81.46898
5 24.73993 −81.46952
6 24.73970 −81.47021
7 24.73979 −81.47084
8 24.74002 −81.47115
9 24.74090 −81.47141
10 24.74162 −81.47180
11 24.74189 −81.47180
12 24.74223 −81.47173
13 24.74241 −81.47161
14 24.74259 −81.47116
15 24.74268 −81.47055
16 24.74276 −81.46996
17 24.74240 −81.46950

Torch Key Mangroves WMA 2

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.73398 −81.47187
2 24.73345 −81.47166
3 24.73300 −81.47159
4 24.73253 −81.47185
5 24.73232 −81.47243
6 24.73221 −81.47312
7 24.73229 −81.47375
8 24.73260 −81.47403
9 24.73294 −81.47415
10 24.73319 −81.47420
11 24.73341 −81.47431
12 24.73373 −81.47436
13 24.73420 −81.47412
14 24.73432 −81.47386
15 24.73462 −81.47313
16 24.73458 −81.47252
17 24.73436 −81.47211
18 24.73398 −81.47187
( print page 6176)

Water Key Mangroves WMA 1

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.74854 −81.34645
2 24.74837 −81.34611
3 24.74828 −81.34592
4 24.74790 −81.34566
5 24.74774 −81.34520
6 24.74755 −81.34494
7 24.74724 −81.34456
8 24.74672 −81.34442
9 24.74625 −81.34448
10 24.74571 −81.34494
11 24.74559 −81.34543
12 24.74557 −81.34602
13 24.74565 −81.34633
14 24.74593 −81.34659
15 24.74636 −81.34677
16 24.74659 −81.34683
17 24.74676 −81.34706
18 24.74687 −81.34741
19 24.74702 −81.34773
20 24.74733 −81.34796
21 24.74746 −81.34794
22 24.74754 −81.34799
23 24.74762 −81.34816
24 24.74771 −81.34824
25 24.74790 −81.34858
26 24.74810 −81.34869
27 24.74834 −81.34871
28 24.74860 −81.34874
29 24.74886 −81.34863
30 24.74904 −81.34853
31 24.74914 −81.34833
32 24.74924 −81.34808
33 24.74933 −81.34778
34 24.74931 −81.34735
35 24.74921 −81.34685
36 24.74883 −81.34649
37 24.74854 −81.34645

Water Key Mangroves WMA 2

No Entry

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.74448 −81.34500
2 24.74448 −81.34460
3 24.74448 −81.34437
4 24.74433 −81.34388
5 24.74392 −81.34358
6 24.74322 −81.34334
7 24.74260 −81.34305
8 24.74211 −81.34317
9 24.74181 −81.34369
10 24.74170 −81.34442
11 24.74188 −81.34512
12 24.74224 −81.34588
13 24.74252 −81.34616
14 24.74284 −81.34656
15 24.74320 −81.34678
16 24.74364 −81.34669
17 24.74406 −81.34664
18 24.74437 −81.34636
19 24.74449 −81.34604
20 24.74456 −81.34588
21 24.74458 −81.34571
22 24.74460 −81.34552
23 24.74455 −81.34514
24 24.74448 −81.34500
( print page 6177)

West Bahia Honda Key WMA

No Motor

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.78525 −81.27156
2 24.78470 −81.27108
3 24.78428 −81.27094
4 24.78352 −81.27019
5 24.78274 −81.26991
6 24.78195 −81.26989
7 24.78128 −81.26965
8 24.78047 −81.26962
9 24.77941 −81.26936
10 24.77877 −81.26932
11 24.77824 −81.26939
12 24.77777 −81.26967
13 24.77761 −81.27003
14 24.77754 −81.27073
15 24.77755 −81.27144
16 24.77779 −81.27204
17 24.77829 −81.27222
18 24.77860 −81.27223
19 24.77886 −81.27238
20 24.77912 −81.27259
21 24.77955 −81.27279
22 24.78067 −81.27283
23 24.78116 −81.27303
24 24.78156 −81.27303
25 24.78210 −81.27338
26 24.78234 −81.27391
27 24.78284 −81.27483
28 24.78295 −81.27513
29 24.78333 −81.27544
30 24.78401 −81.27555
31 24.78453 −81.27532
32 24.78487 −81.27512
33 24.78525 −81.27485
34 24.78556 −81.27449
35 24.78582 −81.27398
36 24.78587 −81.27368
37 24.78590 −81.27320
38 24.78585 −81.27253
39 24.78560 −81.27186
40 24.78525 −81.27156

Note: The coordinates in the tables below marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the zone's boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

Barnes-Card Sound WMA

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins SW of Middle Key in the NW corner of Barnes Sound at the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 1 and Point 2. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally around to the NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 3 and Point 4. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 4 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary continues to follow the shoreline generally to the SW and then to the east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 5 and Point 6. From this intersection the boundary continues SW to the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 7 and Point 8 on Middle Key. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline around the western side of Middle Key until it intersects the line segment between Point 9 and Point 10. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 11 and Point 12 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 * 25.27503 −80.39899
2 * 25.27519 −80.39925
3 * 25.29560 −80.38496
4 * 25.29534 −80.38494
5 * 25.29207 −80.38250
6 * 25.29189 −80.38228
7 * 25.28008 −80.39430
8 * 25.28027 −80.39516
9 * 25.27574 −80.39840
10 * 25.27557 −80.39829
11 * 25.27503 −80.39899
( print page 6178)
12 * 25.27519 −80.39925

Bay Keys WMA 3

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins at the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 1 and Point 2 on Bay Keys. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 2 and then to the south and back generally to the north to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 29. From Point 29 the boundary continues towards Point 30 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary continues around the eastern side of Bay Keys until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 31 and Point 32. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 32 and to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 38. From Point 38 the boundary continues towards Point 39 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary continues around the western side of Bay Keys until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 40 and Point 41 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 * 24.64084 −81.77765
2 24.64039 −81.77751
3 24.63991 −81.77707
4 24.63927 −81.77672
5 24.63882 −81.77661
6 24.63834 −81.77669
7 24.63786 −81.77669
8 24.63705 −81.77692
9 24.63645 −81.77684
10 24.63621 −81.77668
11 24.63620 −81.77672
12 24.63610 −81.77691
13 24.63595 −81.77709
14 24.63644 −81.77736
15 24.63786 −81.77743
16 24.63879 −81.77724
17 24.63921 −81.77727
18 24.63952 −81.77752
19 24.63984 −81.77794
20 24.64020 −81.77830
21 24.64079 −81.77871
22 24.64083 −81.78048
23 24.64090 −81.78064
24 24.64137 −81.78126
25 24.64154 −81.78166
26 24.64189 −81.78113
27 24.64159 −81.78064
28 24.64151 −81.78042
29 24.64139 −81.77968
30 * 24.64152 −81.77950
31 * 24.64219 −81.77902
32 24.64249 −81.77886
33 24.64281 −81.77877
34 24.64295 −81.77860
35 24.64299 −81.77841
36 24.64289 −81.77823
37 24.64259 −81.77808
38 24.64237 −81.77804
39 * 24.64208 −81.77795
40 * 24.64084 −81.77765
41 * 24.64039 −81.77751

Boca Grande Key WMA

No Entry

The wildlife management area boundary begins just south of Boca Grande Key at Point 1. From Point 1 the boundary continues generally to the west and then north to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 29. From Point 29 the boundary continues towards Point 30 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline to the south and then east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 31 and Point 32. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 32 and then to each successive point in numerical order ending at Point 34.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.52704 −82.00396
2 24.52705 −82.00424
3 24.52697 −82.00481
4 24.52689 −82.00508
5 24.52687 −82.00529
( print page 6179)
6 24.52676 −82.00566
7 24.52676 −82.00591
8 24.52677 −82.00627
9 24.52678 −82.00636
10 24.52688 −82.00676
11 24.52696 −82.00697
12 24.52744 −82.00791
13 24.52748 −82.00799
14 24.52755 −82.00809
15 24.52778 −82.00832
16 24.52787 −82.00838
17 24.52799 −82.00845
18 24.52821 −82.00854
19 24.52837 −82.00857
20 24.52858 −82.00856
21 24.52883 −82.00867
22 24.52943 −82.00887
23 24.52950 −82.00890
24 24.52996 −82.00919
25 24.53071 −82.00957
26 24.53182 −82.01006
27 24.53192 −82.01010
28 24.53230 −82.01019
29 24.53298 −82.01037
30 * 24.53310 −82.00904
31 * 24.52812 −82.00374
32 24.52770 −82.00343
33 24.52721 −82.00335
34 24.52704 −82.00396

Crocodile Lake WMA 1

No Entry Within 300 Feet (100 Yards) of Shorelines

The wildlife management area boundary begins just north of the mouth of Steamboat Creek on the Card Sound side of North Key Largo at the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 1 and Point 2. From this intersection the boundary continues NW to Point 2 and then Point 3. From Point 3 the boundary continues generally NE to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 32. From Point 32 the boundary continues roughly SE towards Point 33 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally to the SW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 34 and Point 35 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 * 25.28658 −80.32913
2 25.28713 −80.32954
3 25.28756 −80.32992
4 25.28770 −80.32975
5 25.28783 −80.32950
6 25.28793 −80.32909
7 25.28823 −80.32865
8 25.28833 −80.32844
9 25.28871 −80.32700
10 25.28874 −80.32669
11 25.28895 −80.32629
12 25.28947 −80.32552
13 25.28967 −80.32533
14 25.28984 −80.32506
15 25.28999 −80.32491
16 25.29038 −80.32445
17 25.29065 −80.32407
18 25.29131 −80.32276
19 25.29142 −80.32245
20 25.29157 −80.32232
21 25.29188 −80.32195
22 25.29271 −80.32078
23 25.29289 −80.32061
24 25.29340 −80.31995
25 25.29360 −80.31956
26 25.29384 −80.31921
27 25.29406 −80.31879
28 25.29433 −80.31857
29 25.29470 −80.31819
30 25.29493 −80.31804
31 25.29548 −80.31757
32 25.29591 −80.31714
( print page 6180)
33 * 25.29532 −80.31608
34 * 25.28658 −80.32913
35 25.28713 −80.32954

Crocodile Lake WMA 2

No Entry Within 300 Feet (100 Yards) of Shorelines; Exception for Steamboat Creek

The wildlife management area boundary begins just NW of Cormorant Point on the Card Sound side North Key Largo at Point 1. From Point 1 the boundary continues generally to the east in Card Sound to each successive point in numerical order to Point 36. From Point 36 the boundary continues towards Point 37 until it intersects the shoreline on the western side of the northern mouth of Steamboat Creek. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline roughly west and then south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 38 and Point 39 just north of the southern mouth of Steamboat Creek. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 39 and then roughly west to each successive point in numerical order to Point 173 west of Barnes Point. From Point 173 the boundary continues roughly east to each successive point in numerical order to Point 253 where it ends. The inner landward boundary is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 25.29164 −80.34016
2 25.29157 −80.34000
3 25.29151 −80.33971
4 25.29141 −80.33947
5 25.29128 −80.33928
6 25.29108 −80.33912
7 25.29108 −80.33882
8 25.29101 −80.33860
9 25.29074 −80.33807
10 25.29062 −80.33790
11 25.29036 −80.33770
12 25.29005 −80.33751
13 25.28928 −80.33729
14 25.28891 −80.33706
15 25.28872 −80.33682
16 25.28842 −80.33658
17 25.28804 −80.33636
18 25.28788 −80.33600
19 25.28780 −80.33556
20 25.28790 −80.33522
21 25.28792 −80.33502
22 25.28790 −80.33482
23 25.28782 −80.33454
24 25.28744 −80.33396
25 25.28727 −80.33381
26 25.28707 −80.33372
27 25.28692 −80.33336
28 25.28677 −80.33284
29 25.28645 −80.33224
30 25.28644 −80.33203
31 25.28652 −80.33177
32 25.28653 −80.33131
33 25.28669 −80.33049
34 25.28670 −80.33026
35 25.28614 −80.33008
36 25.28585 −80.32979
37 * 25.28566 −80.33011
38 * 25.26721 −80.34202
39 25.26672 −80.34252
40 25.26657 −80.34307
41 25.26702 −80.34330
42 25.26724 −80.34334
43 25.26743 −80.34331
44 25.26770 −80.34321
45 25.26805 −80.34293
46 25.26821 −80.34287
47 25.26873 −80.34253
48 25.26901 −80.34240
49 25.26923 −80.34219
50 25.26949 −80.34208
51 25.26966 −80.34195
52 25.26981 −80.34188
53 25.27002 −80.34189
54 25.27030 −80.34182
55 25.27019 −80.34209
56 25.27011 −80.34263
( print page 6181)
57 25.27011 −80.34285
58 25.27016 −80.34308
59 25.27068 −80.34411
60 25.27100 −80.34447
61 25.27119 −80.34460
62 25.27146 −80.34468
63 25.27161 −80.34468
64 25.27185 −80.34473
65 25.27205 −80.34472
66 25.27225 −80.34466
67 25.27250 −80.34453
68 25.27276 −80.34448
69 25.27318 −80.34432
70 25.27377 −80.34401
71 25.27411 −80.34399
72 25.27433 −80.34393
73 25.27487 −80.34403
74 25.27512 −80.34403
75 25.27544 −80.34412
76 25.27597 −80.34471
77 25.27635 −80.34548
78 25.27634 −80.34583
79 25.27637 −80.34609
80 25.27634 −80.34634
81 25.27621 −80.34657
82 25.27599 −80.34680
83 25.27579 −80.34715
84 25.27553 −80.34766
85 25.27539 −80.34808
86 25.27539 −80.34840
87 25.27551 −80.34878
88 25.27544 −80.34911
89 25.27547 −80.34959
90 25.27565 −80.35024
91 25.27579 −80.35058
92 25.27592 −80.35074
93 25.27608 −80.35088
94 25.27625 −80.35096
95 25.27655 −80.35102
96 25.27687 −80.35114
97 25.27736 −80.35152
98 25.27756 −80.35164
99 25.27792 −80.35178
100 25.27800 −80.35193
101 25.27805 −80.35219
102 25.27815 −80.35240
103 25.27832 −80.35261
104 25.27862 −80.35282
105 25.27831 −80.35296
106 25.27754 −80.35341
107 25.27725 −80.35369
108 25.27691 −80.35422
109 25.27668 −80.35469
110 25.27659 −80.35496
111 25.27648 −80.35567
112 25.27649 −80.35586
113 25.27640 −80.35619
114 25.27642 −80.35656
115 25.27651 −80.35681
116 25.27661 −80.35699
117 25.27677 −80.35715
118 25.27699 −80.35728
119 25.27716 −80.35758
120 25.27730 −80.35776
121 25.27775 −80.35809
122 25.27788 −80.35816
123 25.27813 −80.35822
124 25.27835 −80.35821
125 25.27829 −80.35852
126 25.27817 −80.35888
127 25.27814 −80.35912
128 25.27806 −80.35934
129 25.27803 −80.35966
130 25.27829 −80.36063
( print page 6182)
131 25.27845 −80.36089
132 25.27867 −80.36107
133 25.27887 −80.36116
134 25.27901 −80.36119
135 25.27924 −80.36119
136 25.27971 −80.36124
137 25.28004 −80.36123
138 25.28041 −80.36133
139 25.28063 −80.36134
140 25.28122 −80.36121
141 25.28172 −80.36092
142 25.28208 −80.36086
143 25.28289 −80.36049
144 25.28313 −80.36065
145 25.28317 −80.36087
146 25.28330 −80.36114
147 25.28320 −80.36132
148 25.28312 −80.36157
149 25.28304 −80.36170
150 25.28283 −80.36189
151 25.28269 −80.36216
152 25.28262 −80.36265
153 25.28242 −80.36350
154 25.28230 −80.36371
155 25.28224 −80.36390
156 25.28205 −80.36412
157 25.28184 −80.36452
158 25.28164 −80.36477
159 25.28154 −80.36507
160 25.28153 −80.36530
161 25.28160 −80.36566
162 25.28150 −80.36589
163 25.28146 −80.36612
164 25.28147 −80.36636
165 25.28151 −80.36651
166 25.28161 −80.36672
167 25.28190 −80.36714
168 25.28207 −80.36728
169 25.28227 −80.36738
170 25.28253 −80.36741
171 25.28320 −80.36730
172 25.28342 −80.36732
173 25.28369 −80.36731
174 25.28405 −80.36721
175 25.28439 −80.36707
176 25.28477 −80.36680
177 25.28493 −80.36673
178 25.28512 −80.36661
179 25.28534 −80.36633
180 25.28566 −80.36606
181 25.28588 −80.36571
182 25.28613 −80.36559
183 25.28636 −80.36541
184 25.28649 −80.36522
185 25.28659 −80.36500
186 25.28663 −80.36485
187 25.28664 −80.36461
188 25.28653 −80.36418
189 25.28655 −80.36380
190 25.28661 −80.36361
191 25.28663 −80.36339
192 25.28657 −80.36298
193 25.28644 −80.36267
194 25.28626 −80.36244
195 25.28621 −80.36197
196 25.28610 −80.36163
197 25.28605 −80.36133
198 25.28588 −80.36086
199 25.28583 −80.36063
200 25.28560 −80.35995
201 25.28538 −80.35940
202 25.28530 −80.35909
203 25.28499 −80.35846
204 25.28477 −80.35819
( print page 6183)
205 25.28467 −80.35799
206 25.28463 −80.35764
207 25.28436 −80.35684
208 25.28429 −80.35652
209 25.28425 −80.35617
210 25.28427 −80.35604
211 25.28439 −80.35564
212 25.28454 −80.35488
213 25.28477 −80.35467
214 25.28493 −80.35440
215 25.28510 −80.35389
216 25.28513 −80.35361
217 25.28536 −80.35331
218 25.28568 −80.35300
219 25.28639 −80.35223
220 25.28694 −80.35172
221 25.28713 −80.35147
222 25.28732 −80.35108
223 25.28743 −80.35028
224 25.28742 −80.34993
225 25.28727 −80.34936
226 25.28735 −80.34856
227 25.28734 −80.34825
228 25.28737 −80.34806
229 25.28784 −80.34645
230 25.28801 −80.34548
231 25.28810 −80.34520
232 25.28833 −80.34478
233 25.28863 −80.34442
234 25.28880 −80.34434
235 25.28896 −80.34421
236 25.28916 −80.34390
237 25.28964 −80.34394
238 25.28991 −80.34390
239 25.29008 −80.34385
240 25.29026 −80.34389
241 25.29048 −80.34388
242 25.29075 −80.34377
243 25.29102 −80.34353
244 25.29135 −80.34287
245 25.29144 −80.34251
246 25.29144 −80.34214
247 25.29152 −80.34187
248 25.29154 −80.34161
249 25.29164 −80.34129
250 25.29164 −80.34099
251 25.29170 −80.34073
252 25.29169 −80.34037
253 25.29164 −80.34016

Crocodile Lake WMA 3

No Entry Within 300 Feet (100 Yards) of Shorelines

The wildlife management area boundary begins just west of the southern mouth of Steamboat Creek on the Barnes Sound side of North Key Largo at Point 1. From Point 1 the boundary continues towards Point 2 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline roughly to the SE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 3 and Point 4. From this intersection the boundary continues SW into Barnes Sound to Point 4. From Point 4 the boundary continues NW to Point 5 and Point 6. From Point 6 the boundary continues NE to Point 7 and then to Point 8 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 25.26635 −80.34179
2 * 25.26608 −80.34141
3 * 25.26527 −80.34055
4 25.26447 −80.34149
5 25.26543 −80.34236
6 25.26588 −80.34258
7 25.26616 −80.34204
8 25.26635 −80.34179
( print page 6184)

Crocodile Lake WMA 4

No Entry Within 300 Feet (100 Yards) of Shorelines

The wildlife management area boundary begins at the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 1 and Point 2 near the northern mouth of Jewfish Creek on Key Largo. From this intersection the boundary continues roughly west into Barnes Sound to Point 2 and then Point 3. From Point 3 the boundary continues roughly north in Barnes Sound to Point 299. From Point 299 the boundary continues towards Point 300 until it intersects the shoreline just south of the southern mouth of Steamboat Creek on North Key Largo. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline roughly south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 301 and Point 302 where it ends near the northern mouth of Jewfish Creek. The inner landward boundary is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 * 25.19810 −80.38422
2 25.19826 −80.38441
3 25.19862 −80.38523
4 25.19903 −80.38484
5 25.19921 −80.38457
6 25.19931 −80.38423
7 25.19933 −80.38395
8 25.19926 −80.38366
9 25.19934 −80.38348
10 25.19954 −80.38325
11 25.19975 −80.38277
12 25.19992 −80.38264
13 25.20016 −80.38239
14 25.20033 −80.38208
15 25.20051 −80.38183
16 25.20061 −80.38160
17 25.20068 −80.38134
18 25.20082 −80.38098
19 25.20090 −80.38056
20 25.20087 −80.38032
21 25.20075 −80.37991
22 25.20051 −80.37943
23 25.20026 −80.37921
24 25.20000 −80.37910
25 25.19975 −80.37874
26 25.19927 −80.37831
27 25.19917 −80.37814
28 25.19899 −80.37766
29 25.19899 −80.37715
30 25.19880 −80.37646
31 25.19887 −80.37610
32 25.19882 −80.37579
33 25.19873 −80.37558
34 25.19856 −80.37531
35 25.19840 −80.37515
36 25.19819 −80.37503
37 25.19831 −80.37480
38 25.19838 −80.37447
39 25.19853 −80.37426
40 25.19861 −80.37405
41 25.19887 −80.37396
42 25.19906 −80.37383
43 25.19924 −80.37362
44 25.19934 −80.37340
45 25.19960 −80.37342
46 25.19987 −80.37334
47 25.20012 −80.37316
48 25.20032 −80.37288
49 25.20041 −80.37281
50 25.20087 −80.37281
51 25.20123 −80.37288
52 25.20142 −80.37297
53 25.20163 −80.37302
54 25.20191 −80.37302
55 25.20226 −80.37294
56 25.20277 −80.37317
57 25.20298 −80.37322
58 25.20320 −80.37321
59 25.20347 −80.37311
60 25.20370 −80.37329
61 25.20392 −80.37336
62 25.20398 −80.37375
63 25.20407 −80.37398
64 25.20420 −80.37417
65 25.20437 −80.37431
( print page 6185)
66 25.20464 −80.37442
67 25.20486 −80.37443
68 25.20507 −80.37438
69 25.20536 −80.37421
70 25.20572 −80.37388
71 25.20600 −80.37349
72 25.20639 −80.37264
73 25.20676 −80.37173
74 25.20683 −80.37146
75 25.20683 −80.37117
76 25.20657 −80.36968
77 25.20658 −80.36957
78 25.20662 −80.36944
79 25.20695 −80.36885
80 25.20726 −80.36818
81 25.20751 −80.36756
82 25.20771 −80.36685
83 25.20776 −80.36621
84 25.20776 −80.36572
85 25.20763 −80.36476
86 25.20743 −80.36409
87 25.20746 −80.36367
88 25.20742 −80.36254
89 25.20750 −80.36207
90 25.20766 −80.36159
91 25.20787 −80.36117
92 25.20796 −80.36088
93 25.20813 −80.36063
94 25.20837 −80.36008
95 25.20856 −80.35934
96 25.20877 −80.35887
97 25.20898 −80.35817
98 25.20916 −80.35732
99 25.20915 −80.35668
100 25.20911 −80.35635
101 25.20903 −80.35613
102 25.20891 −80.35595
103 25.20865 −80.35566
104 25.20852 −80.35558
105 25.20828 −80.35549
106 25.20806 −80.35543
107 25.20784 −80.35542
108 25.20763 −80.35548
109 25.20736 −80.35563
110 25.20707 −80.35570
111 25.20688 −80.35581
112 25.20667 −80.35602
113 25.20650 −80.35627
114 25.20623 −80.35640
115 25.20605 −80.35654
116 25.20588 −80.35675
117 25.20576 −80.35699
118 25.20563 −80.35708
119 25.20539 −80.35693
120 25.20516 −80.35686
121 25.20500 −80.35685
122 25.20494 −80.35631
123 25.20479 −80.35596
124 25.20473 −80.35564
125 25.20467 −80.35549
126 25.20455 −80.35532
127 25.20444 −80.35500
128 25.20424 −80.35473
129 25.20420 −80.35449
130 25.20442 −80.35403
131 25.20449 −80.35379
132 25.20474 −80.35378
133 25.20479 −80.35406
134 25.20497 −80.35442
135 25.20511 −80.35458
136 25.20535 −80.35475
137 25.20555 −80.35482
138 25.20570 −80.35483
139 25.20602 −80.35481
( print page 6186)
140 25.20622 −80.35474
141 25.20642 −80.35460
142 25.20661 −80.35443
143 25.20680 −80.35415
144 25.20697 −80.35412
145 25.20717 −80.35405
146 25.20736 −80.35393
147 25.20750 −80.35376
148 25.20770 −80.35370
149 25.20798 −80.35357
150 25.20848 −80.35311
151 25.20872 −80.35282
152 25.20919 −80.35213
153 25.20926 −80.35195
154 25.20931 −80.35172
155 25.20929 −80.35128
156 25.20982 −80.35232
157 25.21002 −80.35254
158 25.21028 −80.35267
159 25.21052 −80.35271
160 25.21075 −80.35269
161 25.21098 −80.35260
162 25.21117 −80.35248
163 25.21137 −80.35227
164 25.21158 −80.35188
165 25.21197 −80.35149
166 25.21238 −80.35116
167 25.21316 −80.35032
168 25.21341 −80.35013
169 25.21357 −80.34991
170 25.21375 −80.34953
171 25.21412 −80.34905
172 25.21448 −80.34843
173 25.21483 −80.34835
174 25.21508 −80.34833
175 25.21550 −80.34820
176 25.21565 −80.34832
177 25.21609 −80.34858
178 25.21642 −80.34865
179 25.21664 −80.34866
180 25.21692 −80.34859
181 25.21731 −80.34842
182 25.21748 −80.34831
183 25.21767 −80.34824
184 25.21797 −80.34804
185 25.21834 −80.34767
186 25.21862 −80.34753
187 25.21914 −80.34705
188 25.21943 −80.34663
189 25.21956 −80.34631
190 25.21976 −80.34631
191 25.22006 −80.34625
192 25.22065 −80.34605
193 25.22090 −80.34600
194 25.22119 −80.34589
195 25.22144 −80.34585
196 25.22169 −80.34576
197 25.22238 −80.34566
198 25.22258 −80.34557
199 25.22277 −80.34543
200 25.22293 −80.34527
201 25.22304 −80.34507
202 25.22311 −80.34484
203 25.22312 −80.34459
204 25.22322 −80.34433
205 25.22344 −80.34441
206 25.22373 −80.34441
207 25.22411 −80.34425
208 25.22440 −80.34406
209 25.22462 −80.34382
210 25.22567 −80.34239
211 25.22597 −80.34208
212 25.22635 −80.34157
213 25.22672 −80.34127
( print page 6187)
214 25.22718 −80.34076
215 25.22752 −80.34064
216 25.22777 −80.34048
217 25.22791 −80.34034
218 25.22855 −80.34002
219 25.22955 −80.33964
220 25.22976 −80.33960
221 25.22989 −80.33955
222 25.23009 −80.33942
223 25.23034 −80.33931
224 25.23097 −80.33891
225 25.23173 −80.33860
226 25.23226 −80.33827
227 25.23292 −80.33812
228 25.23351 −80.33781
229 25.23452 −80.33748
230 25.23549 −80.33731
231 25.23625 −80.33713
232 25.23688 −80.33683
233 25.23792 −80.33613
234 25.23849 −80.33589
235 25.23917 −80.33547
236 25.23985 −80.33528
237 25.24085 −80.33514
238 25.24115 −80.33502
239 25.24151 −80.33498
240 25.24168 −80.33493
241 25.24246 −80.33497
242 25.24440 −80.33526
243 25.24530 −80.33532
244 25.24561 −80.33530
245 25.24673 −80.33557
246 25.24739 −80.33564
247 25.24783 −80.33561
248 25.24821 −80.33549
249 25.24906 −80.33500
250 25.24985 −80.33448
251 25.25048 −80.33403
252 25.25093 −80.33375
253 25.25134 −80.33358
254 25.25194 −80.33341
255 25.25272 −80.33343
256 25.25362 −80.33336
257 25.25379 −80.33338
258 25.25414 −80.33335
259 25.25458 −80.33326
260 25.25480 −80.33316
261 25.25521 −80.33325
262 25.25612 −80.33330
263 25.25668 −80.33320
264 25.25729 −80.33333
265 25.25743 −80.33332
266 25.25763 −80.33325
267 25.25793 −80.33325
268 25.25807 −80.33321
269 25.25825 −80.33311
270 25.25847 −80.33310
271 25.25872 −80.33302
272 25.26013 −80.33313
273 25.26041 −80.33309
274 25.26061 −80.33303
275 25.26107 −80.33299
276 25.26124 −80.33294
277 25.26193 −80.33287
278 25.26275 −80.33293
279 25.26301 −80.33306
280 25.26311 −80.33317
281 25.26329 −80.33351
282 25.26373 −80.33394
283 25.26393 −80.33403
284 25.26429 −80.33410
285 25.26471 −80.33407
286 25.26480 −80.33427
287 25.26472 −80.33458
( print page 6188)
288 25.26473 −80.33532
289 25.26468 −80.33573
290 25.26429 −80.33726
291 25.26425 −80.33793
292 25.26417 −80.33813
293 25.26389 −80.33909
294 25.26381 −80.33972
295 25.26381 −80.34022
296 25.26391 −80.34062
297 25.26405 −80.34089
298 25.26427 −80.34110
299 25.26461 −80.34057
300 * 25.26494 −80.33988
301 * 25.19810 −80.38422
302 25.19826 −80.38441

Eastern Lake Surprise WMA 1

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins in Lake Surprise on North Key Largo at Point 1. From Point 1 the boundary continues NW to Point 2 and then towards Point 3 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally to the NW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the boundary continues roughly NE into Eastern Lake Surprise to Point 5. From Point 5 the boundary continues to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 93 where it ends. The inner landward boundary is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 25.17978 −80.38141
2 25.18000 −80.38161
3 * 25.18118 −80.38331
4 * 25.18175 −80.38414
5 25.18236 −80.38348
6 25.18255 −80.38340
7 25.18277 −80.38341
8 25.18291 −80.38345
9 25.18349 −80.38383
10 25.18363 −80.38383
11 25.18358 −80.38356
12 25.18358 −80.38309
13 25.18367 −80.38278
14 25.18386 −80.38247
15 25.18403 −80.38232
16 25.18423 −80.38223
17 25.18450 −80.38220
18 25.18477 −80.38225
19 25.18502 −80.38216
20 25.18533 −80.38194
21 25.18585 −80.38133
22 25.18583 −80.38114
23 25.18586 −80.38091
24 25.18596 −80.38063
25 25.18609 −80.38043
26 25.18618 −80.38015
27 25.18622 −80.38003
28 25.18625 −80.37949
29 25.18637 −80.37919
30 25.18674 −80.37803
31 25.18677 −80.37762
32 25.18692 −80.37669
33 25.18711 −80.37634
34 25.18716 −80.37611
35 25.18730 −80.37583
36 25.18752 −80.37561
37 25.18778 −80.37548
38 25.18788 −80.37519
39 25.18806 −80.37488
40 25.18817 −80.37454
41 25.18800 −80.37450
42 25.18774 −80.37456
43 25.18758 −80.37456
44 25.18717 −80.37474
45 25.18683 −80.37480
46 25.18654 −80.37478
47 25.18634 −80.37469
( print page 6189)
48 25.18612 −80.37448
49 25.18579 −80.37392
50 25.18571 −80.37352
51 25.18576 −80.37311
52 25.18570 −80.37305
53 25.18555 −80.37315
54 25.18516 −80.37333
55 25.18485 −80.37340
56 25.18456 −80.37334
57 25.18431 −80.37318
58 25.18402 −80.37313
59 25.18377 −80.37297
60 25.18358 −80.37307
61 25.18318 −80.37320
62 25.18303 −80.37321
63 25.18283 −80.37318
64 25.18268 −80.37335
65 25.18257 −80.37344
66 25.18228 −80.37356
67 25.18199 −80.37358
68 25.18181 −80.37355
69 25.18166 −80.37349
70 25.18140 −80.37364
71 25.18111 −80.37369
72 25.18097 −80.37368
73 25.18077 −80.37361
74 25.18043 −80.37338
75 25.18018 −80.37327
76 25.18009 −80.37332
77 25.17999 −80.37346
78 25.17979 −80.37362
79 25.17957 −80.37387
80 25.17911 −80.37413
81 25.17893 −80.37438
82 25.17878 −80.37483
83 25.17877 −80.37516
84 25.17870 −80.37542
85 25.17863 −80.37556
86 25.17849 −80.37573
87 25.17835 −80.37605
88 25.17817 −80.37632
89 25.17812 −80.37643
90 25.17806 −80.37665
91 25.17805 −80.37720
92 25.17733 −80.37783
93 25.17978 −80.38141

Eastern Lake Surprise WMA 2

No Entry

The wildlife management area boundary begins in Eastern Lake Surprise on North Key Largo at the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 1 and Point 2. From this intersection the boundary continues NW into the lake to Point 2 and then roughly NE to Point 3 and then to each successive point in numerical order to Point 89. From Point 89 the boundary continues towards Point 90 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary continues NW along the shoreline until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 91 and Point 92. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 92 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary continues along the shoreline around Eastern Lake Surprise until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 93 and Point 94 where it ends. The inner landward boundary is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 * 25.17666 −80.37687
2 25.17733 −80.37783
3 25.17805 −80.37720
4 25.17806 −80.37665
5 25.17812 −80.37643
6 25.17817 −80.37632
7 25.17835 −80.37605
8 25.17849 −80.37573
9 25.17863 −80.37556
10 25.17870 −80.37542
11 25.17877 −80.37516
12 25.17878 −80.37483
13 25.17893 −80.37438
( print page 6190)
14 25.17911 −80.37413
15 25.17957 −80.37387
16 25.17979 −80.37362
17 25.17999 −80.37346
18 25.18009 −80.37332
19 25.18018 −80.37327
20 25.18043 −80.37338
21 25.18077 −80.37361
22 25.18097 −80.37368
23 25.18111 −80.37369
24 25.18140 −80.37364
25 25.18166 −80.37349
26 25.18181 −80.37355
27 25.18199 −80.37358
28 25.18228 −80.37356
29 25.18257 −80.37344
30 25.18268 −80.37335
31 25.18283 −80.37318
32 25.18303 −80.37321
33 25.18318 −80.37320
34 25.18358 −80.37307
35 25.18377 −80.37297
36 25.18402 −80.37313
37 25.18431 −80.37318
38 25.18456 −80.37334
39 25.18485 −80.37340
40 25.18516 −80.37333
41 25.18555 −80.37315
42 25.18570 −80.37305
43 25.18576 −80.37311
44 25.18571 −80.37352
45 25.18579 −80.37392
46 25.18612 −80.37448
47 25.18634 −80.37469
48 25.18654 −80.37478
49 25.18683 −80.37480
50 25.18717 −80.37474
51 25.18758 −80.37456
52 25.18774 −80.37456
53 25.18800 −80.37450
54 25.18817 −80.37454
55 25.18806 −80.37488
56 25.18788 −80.37519
57 25.18778 −80.37548
58 25.18752 −80.37561
59 25.18730 −80.37583
60 25.18716 −80.37611
61 25.18711 −80.37634
62 25.18692 −80.37669
63 25.18677 −80.37762
64 25.18674 −80.37803
65 25.18637 −80.37919
66 25.18625 −80.37949
67 25.18622 −80.38003
68 25.18618 −80.38015
69 25.18609 −80.38043
70 25.18596 −80.38063
71 25.18586 −80.38091
72 25.18583 −80.38114
73 25.18585 −80.38133
74 25.18533 −80.38194
75 25.18502 −80.38216
76 25.18477 −80.38225
77 25.18450 −80.38220
78 25.18423 −80.38223
79 25.18403 −80.38232
80 25.18386 −80.38247
81 25.18367 −80.38278
82 25.18358 −80.38309
83 25.18358 −80.38356
84 25.18363 −80.38383
85 25.18349 −80.38383
86 25.18291 −80.38345
87 25.18277 −80.38341
( print page 6191)
88 25.18255 −80.38340
89 25.18236 −80.38348
90 * 25.18175 −80.38414
91 * 25.18218 −80.38470
92 * 25.18283 −80.38464
93 * 25.17666 −80.37687
94 25.17733 −80.37783

Lower Harbor Keys WMA 1

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 just north of Lower Harbor Keys. From Point 1 the boundary continues to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 9. From Point 9 the boundary continues towards Point 10 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline to the east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 11 and Point 12. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 12 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 13 and Point 14. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 14 and then to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 22. From Point 22 the boundary continues towards Point 23 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline to the SE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 23 and Point 24. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 24 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 24 and Point 25. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 25 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west and south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 26 and Point 27. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 27 and then to each successive point in numerical order until it ends at Point 41.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.65039 −81.73302
2 24.65042 −81.73330
3 24.65046 −81.73369
4 24.65054 −81.73444
5 24.65065 −81.73518
6 24.65106 −81.73609
7 24.65164 −81.73561
8 24.65138 −81.73502
9 24.65138 −81.73446
10 * 24.65145 −81.73357
11 * 24.65238 −81.73229
12 * 24.65286 −81.73252
13 * 24.65373 −81.73248
14 24.65397 −81.73231
15 24.65431 −81.73240
16 24.65458 −81.73294
17 24.65450 −81.73331
18 24.65407 −81.73414
19 24.65449 −81.73388
20 24.65473 −81.73335
21 24.65490 −81.73266
22 24.65467 −81.73248
23 * 24.65459 −81.73192
24 * 24.65378 −81.73136
25 * 24.65315 −81.73141
26 * 24.65288 −81.73189
27 24.65229 −81.73119
28 24.65171 −81.73116
29 24.65173 −81.73040
30 24.65133 −81.72978
31 24.65102 −81.72915
32 24.65187 −81.72797
33 24.64998 −81.72693
34 24.65020 −81.72884
35 24.65047 −81.72930
36 24.65076 −81.72973
37 24.65120 −81.73080
38 24.65089 −81.73139
39 24.65036 −81.73151
40 24.65033 −81.73223
41 24.65039 −81.73302
( print page 6192)

Lower Harbor Keys WMA 2

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins at the intersection of the southern shoreline and the line segment formed by Point 1 and Point 2. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 2 until it intersects the northern shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 3 and Point 4. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 4 and then to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 35. From Point 35 the boundary continues towards Point 36 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 37 and Point 38. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 38 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary continues NE and then NW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 39 and Point 40. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 40 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 41 and Point 42. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 42 and then generally south to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 58. From Point 58 the boundary continues towards Point 59 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 60 and Point 61 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 * 24.63714 −81.72648
2 * 24.63786 −81.72658
3 * 24.64324 −81.72504
4 24.64357 −81.72482
5 24.64379 −81.72478
6 24.64398 −81.72471
7 24.64431 −81.72469
8 24.64453 −81.72475
9 24.64467 −81.72493
10 24.64488 −81.72525
11 24.64502 −81.72554
12 24.64512 −81.72578
13 24.64514 −81.72594
14 24.64506 −81.72610
15 24.64490 −81.72632
16 24.64481 −81.72669
17 24.64480 −81.72697
18 24.64475 −81.72733
19 24.64470 −81.72750
20 24.64459 −81.72765
21 24.64432 −81.72817
22 24.64418 −81.72849
23 24.64397 −81.72882
24 24.64378 −81.72928
25 24.64359 −81.72965
26 24.64334 −81.73000
27 24.64306 −81.73054
28 24.64269 −81.73109
29 24.64231 −81.73194
30 24.64192 −81.73319
31 24.64240 −81.73364
32 24.64239 −81.73331
33 24.64245 −81.73291
34 24.64258 −81.73221
35 24.64290 −81.73172
36 * 24.64366 −81.73050
37 * 24.64393 −81.73019
38 * 24.64423 −81.73019
39 * 24.64863 −81.72961
40 * 24.64875 −81.72928
41 * 24.64906 −81.72888
42 24.64909 −81.72802
43 24.64893 −81.72729
44 24.64860 −81.72812
45 24.64795 −81.72822
46 24.64775 −81.72862
47 24.64688 −81.72765
48 24.64640 −81.72754
49 24.64573 −81.72762
50 24.64529 −81.72752
51 24.64491 −81.72753
52 24.64495 −81.72682
53 24.64517 −81.72625
54 24.64532 −81.72589
55 24.64524 −81.72562
56 24.64460 −81.72447
57 24.64403 −81.72442
58 24.64344 −81.72451
59 * 24.64267 −81.72468
( print page 6193)
60 * 24.63714 −81.72648
61 * 24.63786 −81.72658

Lower Harbor Keys WMA 3

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins at the intersection of the southeastern shoreline and the line segment formed by Point 1 and Point 2. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 2 until it intersects the southwestern shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 3 and Point 4. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 4 until it intersects the northeastern shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally SW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 5 and Point 6 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 * 24.63598 −81.72307
2 * 24.63671 −81.72340
3 * 24.63793 −81.72233
4 * 24.63763 −81.72191
5 * 24.63598 −81.72307
6 * 24.63671 −81.72340

Marathon Oceanside Shoreline WMA 1

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 just south of Vaca Key and continues south to Point 2. From Point 2 the boundary continues towards Point 3 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west and then north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 5 and then east and south to each successive point in numerical order ending at Point 12.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.69269 −81.07529
2 24.69203 −81.07537
3 * 24.69177 −81.07551
4 * 24.69376 −81.07932
5 24.69368 −81.07888
6 24.69356 −81.07840
7 24.69350 −81.07803
8 24.69346 −81.07746
9 24.69341 −81.07712
10 24.69340 −81.07675
11 24.69322 −81.07522
12 24.69269 −81.07529

Marathon Oceanside Shoreline WMA 2

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 and continues towards Point 2 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 2 and Point 3. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 3 and then to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 20. From Point 20 the boundary continues towards Point 21 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 22 and Point 23. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 23 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 24 and Point 25. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 25 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.70081 −81.07727
2 * 24.70137 −81.07703
3 24.70133 −81.07685
4 24.70114 −81.07592
5 24.70099 −81.07551
6 24.70076 −81.07505
7 24.70054 −81.07481
8 24.70024 −81.07455
9 24.69997 −81.07442
10 24.69968 −81.07421
11 24.69952 −81.07411
12 24.69889 −81.07346
13 24.69528 −81.07496
14 24.69341 −81.07520
15 24.69351 −81.07594
16 24.69355 −81.07631
( print page 6194)
17 24.69360 −81.07688
18 24.69362 −81.07743
19 24.69372 −81.07816
20 24.69387 −81.07886
21 * 24.69395 −81.07930
22 * 24.69559 −81.07875
23 * 24.69569 −81.07910
24 * 24.70020 −81.07787
25 24.70081 −81.07727

Marathon Oceanside Shoreline WMA 3

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 and continues to Point 2 and then to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 11. From Point 11 the boundary continues towards Point 12 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 13 and Point 14. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 15 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.70296 −81.07077
2 24.69992 −81.07304
3 24.69907 −81.07339
4 24.69968 −81.07396
5 24.70001 −81.07420
6 24.70029 −81.07440
7 24.70061 −81.07467
8 24.70088 −81.07496
9 24.70112 −81.07539
10 24.70131 −81.07586
11 24.70148 −81.07676
12 * 24.70152 −81.07701
13 * 24.71061 −81.07095
14 * 24.71059 −81.07084
15 24.70296 −81.07077

Marathon Oceanside Shoreline WMA 4

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 and continues to Point 2 and then to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 4. From Point 4 the boundary continues towards Point 5 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 6 and Point 7. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 7 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.70382 −81.07013
2 24.70345 −81.07041
3 24.71124 −81.07041
4 24.71160 −81.07013
5 * 24.70842 −81.07013
6 * 24.70814 −81.07013
7 24.70382 −81.07013

Marathon Oceanside Shoreline WMA 5

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 and continues to Point 2 and then to Point 3.

From Point 3 the boundary continues north towards Point 4 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline to the NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 5 and Point 6. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 6 and Point 7. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 7 and Point 8. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally to the NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 9 and Point 10. From this intersection the boundary continues south to Point 10 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.70751 −81.06421
2 24.70582 −81.06865
3 24.70448 −81.06964
4 * 24.71254 −81.06968
5 * 24.71314 −81.06943
6 * 24.71351 −81.06927
7 * 24.71335 −81.06914
( print page 6195)
8 * 24.71350 −81.06895
9 * 24.71556 −81.06431
10 24.70751 −81.06421

Marathon Oceanside Shoreline WMA 6

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 and continues to Point 2. From Point 2 the boundary continues north towards Point 3 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 5 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 6 and Point 7. From this intersection the boundary continues south to Point 7 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.70843 −81.06178
2 24.70762 −81.06391
3 * 24.71557 −81.06392
4 * 24.71557 −81.06380
5 * 24.71549 −81.06339
6 * 24.71565 −81.06177
7 24.70843 −81.06178

Marathon Oceanside Shoreline WMA 7

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 and continues to Point 2. From Point 2 the boundary continues north towards Point 3 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 5 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.70909 −81.06003
2 24.70860 −81.06134
3 * 24.71568 −81.06139
4 * 24.71604 −81.06000
5 24.70909 −81.06003

Marathon Oceanside Shoreline WMA 8

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 and continues to Point 2. From Point 2 the boundary continues north towards Point 3 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 6 and Point 7. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 8 and Point 9. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 9 and Point 10. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 11 and Point 12. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 13 and Point 14. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 15 and Point 16. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 17 and Point 18. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 19 and 20. From this intersection the boundary continues south to Point 20 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.71070 −81.05387
2 24.70930 −81.05937
3 * 24.71645 −81.05956
4 * 24.71694 −81.05857
5 * 24.71683 −81.05843
6 * 24.71705 −81.05819
7 * 24.71724 −81.05789
8 * 24.71724 −81.05769
9 * 24.71718 −81.05754
10 * 24.71722 −81.05740
11 * 24.71771 −81.05691
12 * 24.71764 −81.05676
13 * 24.71798 −81.05676
14 * 24.71819 −81.05665
15 * 24.71872 −81.05617
16 * 24.71859 −81.05604
17 * 24.71881 −81.05600
18 * 24.71896 −81.05588
( print page 6196)
19 * 24.72026 −81.05397
20 24.71070 −81.05387

Marathon Oceanside Shoreline WMA 9

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 and continues to Point 2. From Point 2 the boundary continues north towards Point 3 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 5 and Point 6. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 7 and Point 8. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 8 and Point 9. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects with the line segment formed between Point 10 and Point 11. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 11 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.71131 −81.05148
2 24.71083 −81.05339
3 * 24.72015 −81.05343
4 * 24.72135 −81.05298
5 * 24.72127 −81.05279
6 * 24.72145 −81.05268
7 * 24.72148 −81.05217
8 * 24.72135 −81.05203
9 * 24.72148 −81.05184
10 * 24.72150 −81.05155
11 24.71131 −81.05148

Marathon Oceanside Shoreline WMA 10

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 and continues to Point 2. From Point 2 the boundary continues north towards Point 3 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline SE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 5 and Point 6. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 7 and Point 8. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 8 and Point 9. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 10 and Point 11. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 11 and Point 12. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 13 and Point 14. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 14 and Point 15. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NE until it intersects with the line segment formed between Point 16 and Point 17. From this intersection the boundary continues south to Point 17 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.71265 −81.04627
2 24.71142 −81.05107
3 * 24.72151 −81.05114
4 * 24.72111 −81.05061
5 * 24.72097 −81.05042
6 * 24.72110 −81.05030
7 * 24.72109 −81.04978
8 * 24.72085 −81.04965
9 * 24.72096 −81.04944
10 * 24.72238 −81.04897
11 * 24.72233 −81.04885
12 * 24.72242 −81.04872
13 * 24.72244 −81.04692
14 * 24.72239 −81.04651
15 * 24.72254 −81.04625
16 * 24.72269 −81.04605
17 24.71265 −81.04627

Marathon Oceanside Shoreline WMA 11

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 and continues north towards Point 2 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 3 and Point 4. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 6 and Point 7. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 7 and Point 8. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 9 and Point 10. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of ( print page 6197) the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 10 and Point 11. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 12 and Point 13. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 13 and Point 14. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 15 and Point 16. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 17 and Point 18. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 19 and Point 20. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 20 and Point 21. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 22 and Point 23. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 23 and Point 24. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 25 and Point 26. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 26 and Point 27. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 28 and Point 29. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 30 and 31. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects with the line segment formed between Point 32 and Point 33. From this intersection the boundary continues south to Point 33 and then to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 43 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.71297 −81.04491
2 * 24.72368 −81.04480
3 * 24.72371 −81.04462
4 * 24.72365 −81.04439
5 * 24.72387 −81.04421
6 * 24.72401 −81.04373
7 * 24.72381 −81.04357
8 * 24.72401 −81.04339
9 * 24.72414 −81.04293
10 * 24.72400 −81.04278
11 * 24.72429 −81.04264
12 * 24.72535 −81.04143
13 * 24.72520 −81.04118
14 * 24.72546 −81.04101
15 * 24.72586 −81.03979
16 * 24.72575 −81.03947
17 * 24.72599 −81.03943
18 * 24.72616 −81.03933
19 * 24.72720 −81.03490
20 * 24.72711 −81.03470
21 * 24.72724 −81.03458
22 * 24.72728 −81.03390
23 * 24.72708 −81.03375
24 * 24.72720 −81.03356
25 * 24.72731 −81.03264
26 * 24.72718 −81.03239
27 * 24.72739 −81.03227
28 * 24.72756 −81.03154
29 * 24.72742 −81.03125
30 * 24.72778 −81.03133
31 * 24.72801 −81.03115
32 * 24.72821 −81.03029
33 24.72521 −81.03060
34 24.72248 −81.03188
35 24.71857 −81.03016
36 24.71598 −81.02914
37 24.71362 −81.02521
38 24.71169 −81.02500
39 24.71234 −81.03006
40 24.71291 −81.03354
41 24.71342 −81.03673
42 24.71362 −81.03903
43 24.71297 −81.04491

Marquesas Keys WMA 5

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 and continues west to Point 2. From Point 2 the boundary continues towards Point 3 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the boundary continues east to Point 5. From Point 5 the boundary continues towards Point 6 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 7 and Point 8. From this intersection the boundary continues west to Point 8 where it ends. ( print page 6198)

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.54928 −82.12325
2 24.54925 −82.12387
3 * 24.54932 −82.12463
4 * 24.55071 −82.12565
5 24.55084 −82.12426
6 * 24.55100 −82.12265
7 * 24.54930 −82.12248
8 24.54928 −82.12325

Snake Creek WMA 5

No Motor

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 and continues north to Point 2 and Point 3. From Point 3 the boundary continues towards Point 4 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally east until it intersects the segment formed between Point 5 and Point 6. From this intersection the boundary continues south to Point 6 and then to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 14 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.94988 −80.58636
2 24.95017 −80.58640
3 24.95120 −80.58686
4 * 24.95213 −80.58686
5 * 24.95365 −80.57247
6 24.95186 −80.57257
7 24.94680 −80.57271
8 24.94129 −80.58042
9 24.94368 −80.58226
10 24.94592 −80.58277
11 24.94742 −80.58409
12 24.94797 −80.58525
13 24.94863 −80.58603
14 24.94988 −80.58636

Tavernier Key WMA 2

No Motor

Point Latitude Longitude
1 25.00175 −80.49206
2 24.99672 −80.48946
3 24.99390 −80.49587
4 24.98732 −80.51278
5 24.99099 −80.52419
6 24.99283 −80.52588
7 24.99646 −80.52861
8 24.99898 −80.52879
9 24.99885 −80.52771
10 24.99856 −80.52683
11 24.99823 −80.52632
12 24.99713 −80.52483
13 24.99687 −80.52417
14 24.99678 −80.52373
15 24.99658 −80.52314
16 24.99631 −80.52256
17 24.99619 −80.52227
18 24.99625 −80.52149
19 24.99679 −80.52019
20 24.99562 −80.51942
21 24.99766 −80.51215
22 25.00175 −80.49206

Tavernier Key WMA 3

No Motor

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 and continues generally south and then west to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 6. From Point 6 the boundary continues towards Point 7 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline to the east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 8 and Point 9. From this intersection the boundary continues east to Point 9 and then generally NE to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 23 where it ends. ( print page 6199)

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.99533 −80.52814
2 24.99333 −80.52659
3 24.98952 −80.52362
4 24.98458 −80.52899
5 24.98735 −80.53482
6 24.99049 −80.53631
7 * 24.99154 −80.53528
8 * 24.99304 −80.53406
9 24.99289 −80.53310
10 24.99284 −80.53281
11 24.99291 −80.53246
12 24.99287 −80.53218
13 24.99294 −80.53193
14 24.99297 −80.53182
15 24.99308 −80.53174
16 24.99312 −80.53171
17 24.99384 −80.53075
18 24.99380 −80.53042
19 24.99379 −80.53026
20 24.99407 −80.52967
21 24.99500 −80.52932
22 24.99635 −80.52893
23 24.99533 −80.52814

West Content Keys WMA 1

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 and continues west towards Point 2 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 3 and Point 4. From this intersection the boundary continues east to Point 4 and then south to Point 5. From Point 5 the boundary continues towards Point 6 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 6 and Point 7. From this intersection the boundary continues SW to Point 7. From Point 7 the boundary continues towards Point 8 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 9 and Point 10. From this intersection the boundary continues south to Point 10 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.78196 −81.48875
2 * 24.78194 −81.49159
3 * 24.79184 −81.48926
4 24.79152 −81.48779
5 24.79037 −81.48830
6 * 24.79030 −81.48832
7 24.79020 −81.48848
8 * 24.79008 −81.48864
9 * 24.78374 −81.48891
10 24.78196 −81.48875

West Content Keys WMA 2

No Entry

The wildlife management area boundary begins at the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 1 and Point 2. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 3 and Point 4. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 4 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 5 and Point 6. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 6 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east and then south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 7 and the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 8 and Point 9. From this intersection the boundary continues west to the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 8 and Point 9 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 * 24.78361 −81.49804
2 * 24.78383 −81.49804
3 * 24.78689 −81.50019
4 * 24.78758 −81.50002
5 * 24.78877 −81.49667
6 * 24.78898 −81.49638
7 * 24.78342 −81.49486
8 * 24.78361 −81.49804
9 * 24.78383 −81.49804
( print page 6200)

Whitmore Bight WMA

No Motor

The wildlife management area boundary begins at the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 1 and Point 2 near Upper Sound Point on Rattlesnake Key. From this intersection the boundary continues east to Point 3 and then roughly SW to Point 4. From Point 4 the boundary continues roughly west to each successive point in numerical order to Point 7. From Point 7 the boundary continues towards Point 8 until it intersects the shoreline on the eastern side of the mouth of South Sound Creek. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 9 and the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 10 and point 11. From this intersection the boundary continues across the mouth of South Creek to the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 10 and point 11. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline roughly north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 12 and Point 13 near Sound Point. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 13 and then to Point 14. From Point 14 the boundary continues towards Point 15 until it intersects the shoreline on Rattlesnake Key. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline roughly NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 16 and Point 17 where it ends. The inner landward boundary is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 * 25.16915 −80.35011
2 * 25.16918 −80.34978
3 25.16672 −80.34438
4 25.09659 −80.39692
5 25.09868 −80.40633
6 25.09997 −80.41157
7 25.10046 −80.41261
8 * 25.10294 −80.41379
9 * 25.10368 −80.40861
10 * 25.10369 −80.40770
11 * 25.10384 −80.40763
12 * 25.15866 −80.35582
13 25.16045 −80.35397
14 25.16109 −80.35387
15 * 25.16314 −80.35469
16 * 25.16915 −80.35011
17 * 25.16918 −80.34978

Woman Key WMA

No Entry

The wildlife management area boundary begins at Point 1 SE of Woman Key and continues west to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 24. From Point 24 the boundary continues north towards Point 25 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 26 and Point 27. From this intersection the boundary continues east to Point 27 then south to Point 28 and Point 29 where it ends.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.52295 −81.96687
2 24.52294 −81.96689
3 24.52291 −81.96698
4 24.52290 −81.96706
5 24.52289 −81.96714
6 24.52286 −81.96723
7 24.52283 −81.96740
8 24.52281 −81.96758
9 24.52281 −81.96773
10 24.52285 −81.96855
11 24.52286 −81.96866
12 24.52289 −81.96885
13 24.52290 −81.96913
14 24.52290 −81.96971
15 24.52291 −81.96981
16 24.52296 −81.97038
17 24.52296 −81.97069
18 24.52295 −81.97104
19 24.52282 −81.97202
20 24.52276 −81.97239
21 24.52269 −81.97282
22 24.52268 −81.97293
23 24.52265 −81.97340
24 24.52265 −81.97349
25 * 24.52391 −81.97363
26 * 24.52419 −81.96746
27 24.52420 −81.96700
28 24.52319 −81.96689
29 24.52295 −81.96687
( print page 6201)

Barracuda Keys WMA

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area seaward boundary begins just east of Barracuda Keys at Point 1 and continues SW to Point 2. From Point 2 the seaward boundary continues towards Point 3 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline to the NE and then generally SW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the boundary continues SW to Point 5 and then to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 8 where it ends. The inner landward boundary is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.72801 −81.59614
2 24.71841 −81.60001
3 * 24.71345 −81.60925
4 * 24.71318 −81.60986
5 24.70529 −81.62653
6 24.71727 −81.63677
7 24.73373 −81.60053
8 24.72801 −81.59614

Cayo Agua Keys WMA

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area seaward boundary begins in northern Cayo Agua Keys at the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 1 and Point 2. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 3 and Point 4. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 4 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline SE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 5 and Point 6. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 6 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 7 and Point 8. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 8 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 8 and Point 9. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 9 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 10 and Point 11. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 11 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west and then north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 12 and Point 13. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 13 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 14 and Point 15. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 15 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally east and then north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 16 and Point 17. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 17 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 18 and Point 19. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 19 and then to point 20 and to Point 21. From Point 21 the boundary continues towards Point 22 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 23 and Point 24. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 24 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 25 and Point 26. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 27 and Point 28 where it ends. The inner landward boundary is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 * 24.63365 −81.74368
2 * 24.63352 −81.74371
3 * 24.63305 −81.74364
4 * 24.63300 −81.74353
5 * 24.63216 −81.74279
6 * 24.63163 −81.74274
7 * 24.63001 −81.74285
8 * 24.62958 −81.74284
9 * 24.62947 −81.74324
10 * 24.62948 −81.74393
11 * 24.62956 −81.74444
12 * 24.63249 −81.74670
13 * 24.63244 −81.74697
14 * 24.63224 −81.74788
15 * 24.63250 −81.74800
16 * 24.63323 −81.74701
17 * 24.63356 −81.74700
18 * 24.63474 −81.74603
19 24.63485 −81.74580
20 24.63468 −81.74542
21 24.63370 −81.74540
22 * 24.63326 −81.74553
23 * 24.63270 −81.74530
24 * 24.63258 −81.74514
25 * 24.63366 −81.74419
26 * 24.63374 −81.74406
27 * 24.63365 −81.74368
( print page 6202)
28 * 24.63352 −81.74371

Cotton Key WMA

No Motor

The wildlife management area seaward boundary begins just north of Cotton Key at Point 1 and continues to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 13. From Point 13 the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed by Point 14 and Point 15. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 16 and Point 17. From this intersection the boundary continues south to Point 17 and then to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 34 where it ends. The inner landward boundary is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.96534 −80.62371
2 24.96217 −80.62222
3 24.95775 −80.62167
4 24.95604 −80.62041
5 24.95566 −80.62018
6 24.95510 −80.61969
7 24.95467 −80.61944
8 24.95382 −80.61882
9 24.95357 −80.61860
10 24.95342 −80.61853
11 24.95315 −80.61857
12 24.95207 −80.61844
13 24.95168 −80.61848
14 * 24.95134 −80.61852
15 * 24.95140 −80.61866
16 * 24.95048 −80.61950
17 24.95012 −80.61944
18 24.94987 −80.61950
19 24.94932 −80.61943
20 24.94901 −80.61933
21 24.94868 −80.61911
22 24.94778 −80.61887
23 24.94753 −80.61886
24 24.94740 −80.62102
25 24.94742 −80.62205
26 24.94748 −80.62268
27 24.94804 −80.62353
28 24.95682 −80.62360
29 24.95838 −80.62506
30 24.95650 −80.63762
31 24.96032 −80.63704
32 24.96016 −80.62849
33 24.96322 −80.62475
34 24.96534 −80.62371

East Content Keys and Upper Harbor Key Flats WMA 2

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area seaward boundary begins just NE of Upper Harbor Key at Point 1 and continues generally SW and then NW to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 9. From Point 9 the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 10 and Point 11. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 12 and Point 13. From this intersection the boundary continues north to Point 14 and then Point 15. From Point 15 the boundary continues towards Point 16 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 16 and Point 17. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 17 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline SW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 17 and Point 18. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 18 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 19 and Point 20. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 20 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally south and then west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 21 and Point 22. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 22 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 23 and Point 24. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 24 and then to Point 25. From Point 25 the boundary continues towards Point 26 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally north and then NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 27 and Point 28. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 28 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 29 and Point 30. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 30 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline roughly north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 30 and Point 31. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 31 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 31 and ( print page 6203) Point 32. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 32 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 33 and Point 34. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 34 and then to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 38 where it ends. The inner landward boundary is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified. In addition the inner boundary is also defined by the East Content Keys and Upper Harbor Key Flats Wildlife Management Area No Entry Zone around Upper Harbor Key that begins at Point 1 of that zone and continues to each successive point in numerical order until it ends at Point 33.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.81837 −81.42989
2 24.81206 −81.43563
3 24.80073 −81.44120
4 24.79213 −81.45039
5 24.78816 −81.45029
6 24.78526 −81.45419
7 24.77345 −81.45394
8 24.77339 −81.46382
9 24.78344 −81.46760
10 * 24.78440 −81.46821
11 * 24.78451 −81.46802
12 * 24.78492 −81.46804
13 * 24.78493 −81.46825
14 24.78593 −81.46810
15 24.79541 −81.46748
16 * 24.79638 −81.46742
17 * 24.79588 −81.46810
18 * 24.79556 −81.46851
19 * 24.79537 −81.47051
20 * 24.79331 −81.47179
21 * 24.79230 −81.47551
22 * 24.79230 −81.47601
23 * 24.79361 −81.47575
24 24.79382 −81.47614
25 24.79593 −81.47599
26 * 24.79610 −81.47565
27 * 24.79978 −81.47308
28 * 24.80041 −81.47262
29 * 24.80184 −81.46881
30 * 24.80207 −81.46886
31 * 24.80228 −81.46889
32 * 24.80224 −81.46866
33 * 24.80322 −81.46592
34 24.80377 −81.46534
35 24.82795 −81.44055
36 24.82599 −81.43778
37 24.82329 −81.43647
38 24.81837 −81.42989

East Harbor Key WMA

No Entry

The wildlife management area seaward boundary begins just NE of East Harbor Key at Point 1 and continues to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 8. From Point 8 the boundary continues towards Point 9 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline to the north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 10 and Point 11. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 11 and then to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 36 where it ends. The inner landward boundary is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.65964 −81.73360
2 24.65919 −81.73347
3 24.65892 −81.73346
4 24.65871 −81.73349
5 24.65843 −81.73361
6 24.65820 −81.73377
7 24.65807 −81.73391
8 24.65794 −81.73410
9 * 24.65787 −81.73422
10 * 24.65779 −81.73518
11 24.65784 −81.73532
12 24.65797 −81.73552
13 24.65813 −81.73570
14 24.65827 −81.73598
15 24.65842 −81.73617
( print page 6204)
16 24.65856 −81.73629
17 24.65881 −81.73645
18 24.65906 −81.73655
19 24.65931 −81.73657
20 24.65959 −81.73658
21 24.65981 −81.73652
22 24.66001 −81.73643
23 24.66017 −81.73632
24 24.66032 −81.73615
25 24.66040 −81.73601
26 24.66048 −81.73578
27 24.66049 −81.73549
28 24.66045 −81.73511
29 24.66041 −81.73496
30 24.66034 −81.73480
31 24.66031 −81.73454
32 24.66022 −81.73420
33 24.66013 −81.73402
34 24.65999 −81.73383
35 24.65983 −81.73369
36 24.65964 −81.73360

Mud Keys WMA

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area seaward boundary begins on the eastern side of Mud Keys at the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 1 and Point 2. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 2 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 3 and Point 4. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 4 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 5 and Point 6. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 6 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 7 and Point 8. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 8 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 9 and Point 10. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 10 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 11 and Point 12. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 12 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 13 and Point 14. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 14 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 15 and Point 16. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 16 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 17 and Point 18. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 18 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 19 and Point 20. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 20 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally east and then north and then west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 21 and Point 22. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 22 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally east and then north and then west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 23 and Point 24. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 24 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 25 and Point 26. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 26 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 27 and Point 28. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 28 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally north and then east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 29 and Point 30. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 30 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 31 and Point 32. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 32 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 33 and Point 34. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 35 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 36 and Point 37 where it ends. The inner landward boundary is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 * 24.67121 −81.69116
2 * 24.67064 −81.69055
3 * 24.67040 −81.69063
4 * 24.66977 −81.69077
5 * 24.66936 −81.69118
6 * 24.66866 −81.69180
7 * 24.66809 −81.69341
8 * 24.66820 −81.69402
9 * 24.66824 −81.69461
10 * 24.66856 −81.69564
11 * 24.66899 −81.69598
( print page 6205)
12 * 24.66861 −81.69695
13 * 24.66868 −81.69730
14 * 24.66862 −81.69785
15 * 24.66876 −81.69814
16 * 24.66961 −81.69805
17 * 24.66999 −81.69847
18 * 24.67044 −81.69861
19 * 24.67121 −81.69800
20 * 24.67132 −81.69766
21 * 24.67168 −81.69848
22 * 24.67243 −81.69841
23 * 24.67377 −81.69850
24 * 24.67412 −81.69866
25 * 24.67461 −81.69839
26 * 24.67488 −81.69850
27 * 24.67502 −81.69888
28 * 24.67581 −81.69883
29 * 24.67604 −81.69760
30 * 24.67656 −81.69672
31 * 24.67642 −81.68895
32 * 24.67529 −81.68934
33 * 24.67312 −81.69109
34 * 24.67292 −81.69091
35 * 24.67227 −81.69186
36 * 24.67121 −81.69116
37 * 24.67064 −81.69055

Sawyer Key WMA

No Entry

The wildlife management area seaward boundary begins at Point 1 and continues west to Point 2. From Point 2 the boundary continues west towards Point 3 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline SW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 5 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline SW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 6 and the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 7 and Point 8. From this intersection the boundary continues SW to the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 7 and Point 8. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 9 and Point 10. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 10 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 10 and Point 11. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally north and then east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 12 and Point 13. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 13 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 14 and Point 15. From this intersection the boundary continues south to Point 16 where it ends. The inner landward boundary is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.75564 −81.55825
2 24.75565 −81.55869
3 * 24.75564 −81.55915
4 * 24.75537 −81.56027
5 * 24.75502 −81.56068
6 * 24.75390 −81.56322
7 * 24.75174 −81.56691
8 * 24.75186 −81.56706
9 * 24.75761 −81.56705
10 * 24.75769 −81.56691
11 * 24.75785 −81.56602
12 * 24.75830 −81.56476
13 * 24.75826 −81.56416
14 * 24.75880 −81.55778
15 * 24.75851 −81.55730
16 24.75564 −81.55825

Snipe Keys WMA 2

Idle Speed No Wake

The wildlife management area seaward boundary begins at the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 1 and Point 2. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 3 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 5 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 6 and Point 7. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 7 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 8 and Point 9. From ( print page 6206) this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 9 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 10 and Point 11. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 11 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 12 and Point 13. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 13 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 13 and Point 14. From this intersection the boundary continues NW to Point 14 and then west to Point 15. From Point 15 the boundary continues SW towards Point 16 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally SW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 16 and Point 17. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 17 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 18 and Point 19. From this intersection the boundary continues west to Point 19 and then Point 20. From Point 20 the boundary continues towards Point 21 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 21 and Point 22. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 22 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 23 and Point 24. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 24 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 25 and Point 26. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 26 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 26 and Point 27. From this intersection the boundary continues NW to Point 27 and then to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 34. From Point 34 the boundary continues east towards Point 35 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 36 and Point 37. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 37 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 38 and Point 39. From this intersection the boundary continues east to the intersection of the shoreline with the line segment formed between Point 40 and Point 41. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects with the line segment formed between Point 42 and Point 43. From this intersection the boundary continues east towards Point 43 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 44 and Point 45 where it ends. The inner landward boundary is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 * 24.69379 −81.66054
2 * 24.69368 −81.66045
3 * 24.69316 −81.66077
4 * 24.69355 −81.66239
5 * 24.69343 −81.66275
6 * 24.69298 −81.66378
7 * 24.69273 −81.66402
8 * 24.69167 −81.66801
9 * 24.69152 −81.66834
10 * 24.69174 −81.66910
11 * 24.69185 −81.67023
12 * 24.69241 −81.67087
13 * 24.69262 −81.67119
14 24.69293 −81.67142
15 24.69291 −81.67153
16 * 24.69285 −81.67160
17 * 24.69275 −81.67166
18 * 24.69278 −81.67176
19 24.69279 −81.67189
20 24.69276 −81.67206
21 * 24.69264 −81.67220
22 * 24.69259 −81.67231
23 * 24.69269 −81.67266
24 * 24.69263 −81.67287
25 * 24.69274 −81.67328
26 * 24.69281 −81.67341
27 24.69292 −81.67346
28 24.69343 −81.67337
29 24.69328 −81.67278
30 24.69330 −81.67221
31 24.69335 −81.67208
32 24.69327 −81.67196
33 24.69327 −81.67191
34 24.69335 −81.67182
35 * 24.69342 −81.67153
36 * 24.69345 −81.67122
37 * 24.69330 −81.67089
38 * 24.69295 −81.67030
39 * 24.69283 −81.67030
40 * 24.69309 −81.66963
41 * 24.69299 −81.66963
42 * 24.69337 −81.66454
43 * 24.69380 −81.66326
44 * 24.69379 −81.66054
45 * 24.69368 −81.66045
( print page 6207)

Snipe Keys WMA 3

No Motor

The wildlife management area seaward boundary begins at Point 1 at Snipe Keys and continues towards Point 2 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline SE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 2 and Point 3. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 3 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 4 and Point 5. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 5 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 6 and Point 7. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 7 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 7 and Point 8. From this intersection the boundary continues east to Point 8 and then to Point 9. From Point 9 the boundary continues towards Point 10 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 11 and Point 12. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 12 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 12 and Point 13. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 13 and then Point 14. From Point 14 the boundary continues towards Point 15 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 15 and Point 16. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 16 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline SE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 17 and Point 18. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 18 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 19 and Point 20. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 21 and Point 22. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 22 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline NE and then east until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 23 and Point 24. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 24 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline east and then south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 25 and Point 26. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 26 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline south and then west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 27 and 28. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 28 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 29 and Point 30. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 30 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 30 and Point 31. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 31 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 31 and Point 33. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 33 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 34 and Point 35. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 35 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally NW until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 36 and the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 37 and Point 38. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 37 and Point 38. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 39 and Point 40. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 41 and Point 42. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 43 and Point 44. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 45 and Point 46. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 47 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 48 and Point 49. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 49 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 50 and Point 51. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 51 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline south until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 52 and Point 53. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 53 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline west until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 54 and Point 55. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 55 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally west and then north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 56 and Point 57. From this intersection the boundary continues towards Point 57 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline north until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 58 and the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 59 and Point 60. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 59 and Point 60. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 61 and Point 62. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline generally NE until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 63 and the intersection formed between the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 64 and Point 65. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 64 and Point 65. From this intersection the boundary continues to the intersection of the shoreline and the line segment formed between Point 66 and Point 67. From this intersection the boundary continues NE to Point 67. From Point 67 the boundary continues east towards Point 68 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary follows the shoreline until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 69 and Point 70. From this intersection the boundary continues north to Point 70 and Point 71 and then generally east to each successive point in numerical order until it reaches Point 83. From Point 83 the boundary continues towards Point 84 until it intersects the shoreline where it ends. The inner landward boundary is defined by and follows the shoreline where not already specified.

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.69292 −81.67346
2 * 24.69281 −81.67341
3 * 24.69274 −81.67328
4 * 24.69263 −81.67287
5 * 24.69269 −81.67266
6 * 24.69259 −81.67231
7 * 24.69264 −81.67220
( print page 6208)
8 24.69276 −81.67206
9 24.69279 −81.67189
10 * 24.69278 −81.67176
11 * 24.69275 −81.67166
12 * 24.69285 −81.67160
13 24.69291 −81.67153
14 24.69293 −81.67142
15 * 24.69262 −81.67119
16 * 24.69241 −81.67087
17 * 24.69185 −81.67023
18 * 24.69174 −81.66910
19 * 24.69152 −81.66834
20 * 24.69167 −81.66801
21 * 24.69273 −81.66402
22 * 24.69298 −81.66378
23 * 24.69343 −81.66275
24 * 24.69355 −81.66239
25 * 24.68938 −81.66143
26 * 24.68868 −81.66151
27 * 24.68598 −81.66518
28 * 24.68574 −81.66543
29 * 24.68572 −81.66562
30 * 24.68573 −81.66580
31 * 24.68577 −81.66598
32 * 24.68592 −81.66595
33 * 24.68604 −81.66622
34 * 24.68655 −81.66859
35 * 24.68733 −81.66899
36 * 24.68843 −81.67065
37 * 24.68852 −81.67164
38 * 24.68869 −81.67164
39 * 24.68832 −81.67239
40 * 24.68849 −81.67241
41 * 24.68821 −81.67283
42 * 24.68836 −81.67294
43 * 24.68780 −81.67317
44 * 24.68798 −81.67334
45 * 24.68753 −81.67355
46 * 24.68768 −81.67373
47 * 24.68702 −81.67392
48 * 24.68598 −81.67433
49 * 24.68579 −81.67505
50 * 24.68506 −81.67548
51 * 24.68481 −81.67598
52 * 24.68454 −81.67621
53 * 24.68420 −81.67739
54 * 24.68415 −81.67947
55 * 24.68453 −81.67966
56 * 24.68780 −81.68024
57 * 24.68815 −81.68001
58 * 24.68838 −81.67997
59 * 24.68883 −81.67993
60 * 24.68880 −81.67979
61 * 24.68970 −81.67984
62 * 24.68965 −81.67964
63 * 24.69017 −81.67882
64 * 24.69054 −81.67760
65 * 24.69029 −81.67763
66 * 24.69055 −81.67730
67 24.69078 −81.67719
68 * 24.69099 −81.67589
69 * 24.69180 −81.67492
70 24.69239 −81.67474
71 24.69256 −81.67476
72 24.69262 −81.67462
73 24.69256 −81.67437
74 24.69243 −81.67423
75 24.69256 −81.67406
76 24.69260 −81.67391
77 24.69288 −81.67376
78 24.69290 −81.67369
79 24.69296 −81.67367
80 24.69300 −81.67364
81 24.69302 −81.67354
( print page 6209)
82 24.69299 −81.67350
83 24.69292 −81.67346
84 * 24.69281 −81.67341

Appendix F to Subpart P of Part 922—Sanctuary Preservation Areas Boundary Coordinates

Coordinates listed in this appendix are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.

The boundary for the following Sanctuary Preservation Areas (SPA) begins at each individual zone's Point 1 and continues to each successive point in numerical order until ending at that same zone's last point as listed in its specific coordinate table.

Alligator Reef SPA

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.85383 −80.61950
2 24.84691 −80.60967
3 24.84002 −80.62083
4 24.84683 −80.62716
5 24.85383 −80.61950

Carysfort Reef SPA

Point Latitude Longitude
1 25.22734 −80.19447
2 25.19451 −80.20821
3 25.20476 −80.23208
4 25.23405 −80.21709
5 25.23671 −80.21573
6 25.23492 −80.21169
7 25.22734 −80.19447

Cheeca Rocks SPA

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.90367 −80.61917
2 24.90700 −80.61517
3 24.90417 −80.61283
4 24.90167 −80.61667
5 24.90367 −80.61917

Coffins Patch SPA

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.67917 −80.97217
2 24.68433 −80.97467
3 24.69117 −80.96133
4 24.68533 −80.95883
5 24.67917 −80.97217

Conch Reef SPA

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.95800 −80.45783
2 24.95567 −80.45433
3 24.94986 −80.45703
4 24.94633 −80.45867
5 24.94933 −80.46217
6 24.95800 −80.45783
( print page 6210)

Davis Reef SPA

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.92233 −80.50867
2 24.92683 −80.50450
3 24.92350 −80.50083
4 24.91850 −80.50583
5 24.92233 −80.50867

Eastern Dry Rocks SPA

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.46200 −81.84767
2 24.46533 −81.84250
3 24.46217 −81.83883
4 24.45783 −81.84667
5 24.46200 −81.84767

Hen and Chickens SPA

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.93400 −80.55317
2 24.93967 −80.54767
3 24.93683 −80.54383
4 24.93100 −80.54917
5 24.93400 −80.55317

Key Largo Dry Rocks−Grecian Rocks SPA

Point Latitude Longitude
1 25.10502 −80.30565
2 25.10880 −80.31061
3 25.12650 −80.29850
4 25.12432 −80.29468
5 25.10502 −80.30565

Looe Key SPA

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.55200 −81.41350
2 24.55400 −81.40050
3 24.54500 −81.39750
4 24.54200 −81.41167
5 24.54745 −81.41267
6 24.55200 −81.41350

Molasses Reef SPA

Point Latitude Longitude
1 25.01767 −80.36400
2 25.00483 −80.37833
3 25.01200 −80.38050
4 25.01667 −80.37550
5 25.01767 −80.36400

Newfound Harbor Key SPA

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.61233 −81.39667
( print page 6211)
2 24.61667 −81.39767
3 24.61833 −81.38900
4 24.61417 −81.38800
5 24.61233 −81.39667

Sand Key SPA

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.45033 −81.88250
2 24.46017 −81.88233
3 24.45967 −81.87150
4 24.45017 −81.87200
5 24.45033 −81.88250

Sombrero Key SPA

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.62500 −81.10317
2 24.62083 −81.11483
3 24.62536 −81.11674
4 24.62629 −81.11398
5 24.63183 −81.11300
6 24.62832 −81.10790
7 24.62930 −81.10497
8 24.62500 −81.10317

The Elbow SPA

Point Latitude Longitude
1 25.14950 −80.26050
2 25.14917 −80.25367
3 25.13633 −80.26067
4 25.14167 −80.26783
5 25.14320 −80.26640
6 25.14720 −80.26266
7 25.14950 −80.26050

Turtle Rocks SPA

Point Latitude Longitude
1 25.30828 −80.20750
2 25.27452 −80.23195
3 25.28222 −80.24276
4 25.31519 −80.22184
5 25.30828 −80.20750

Turtle Shoal SPA

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.73452 −80.92027
2 24.72375 −80.91202
3 24.71386 −80.93661
4 24.72406 −80.94341
5 24.73452 −80.92027
( print page 6212)

Appendix G to Subpart P of Part 922—Conservation Areas Boundary Coordinates

Coordinates listed in this appendix are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.

The boundary for the following Conservation Areas begins at each individual zone's Point 1 and continues to each successive point in numerical order until ending at that same zone's last point as listed in its specific coordinate table.

Conch Reef Conservation Area

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.95167 −80.44883
2 24.94717 −80.45433
3 24.94986 −80.45703
4 24.95567 −80.45433
5 24.95167 −80.44883

Eastern Sambo Conservation Area

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.48950 −81.66600
2 24.49617 −81.66717
3 24.49733 −81.65983
4 24.49250 −81.65583
5 24.48950 −81.66600

Tennessee Reef Conservation Area

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.77003 −80.75115
2 24.75788 −80.74189
3 24.75157 −80.75147
4 24.76495 −80.75955
5 24.77003 −80.75115

Tortugas North Conservation Area

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.76667 −83.10000
2 24.76667 −82.90000
3 24.76333 −82.80000
4 24.72610 −82.80000
5 24.72537 −82.86646
6 24.71690 −82.89975
7 24.65000 −82.96674
8 24.65000 −83.10000
9 24.76667 −83.10000

Tortugas South Conservation Area

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.55017 −83.16643
2 24.55000 −83.08333
3 24.30000 −83.08333
4 24.30084 −83.16711
5 24.55017 −83.16643

Western Sambo Conservation Area

The Western Sambo Conservation Area boundary begins approximately 6 miles south of Boca Chica Key at Point 1. From Point 1 the boundary continues to Point 2 and Point 3. From Point 3 the boundary continues towards Point 4 until it intersects the shoreline. From this intersection the boundary continues east following the shoreline until it intersects the line segment formed between Point 5 and Point 6. From this intersection the boundary continues to Point 6 and ends at Point 7. ( print page 6213)

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.47295 −81.70024
2 24.46655 −81.72928
3 24.49877 −81.72544
4* 24.55794 −81.71838
5* 24.56201 −81.67996
6 24.50469 −81.69301
7 24.47295 −81.70024

Note: The coordinates in the table above marked with an asterisk (*) are not a part of the zone's boundary. These coordinates are landward reference points used to draw a line segment that intersects with the shoreline.

Within the Western Sambo Conservation Area, an additional no anchor zone surrounds the offshore reef tract. The boundary for the Western Sambo Conservation Area No Anchor zone begins at Point 1 and continues to each successive point in numerical order until ending at Point 5.

Western Sambo Conservation Area

No Anchor

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.49877 −81.72544
2 24.50469 −81.69301
3 24.47295 −81.70024
4 24.46655 −81.72928
5 24.49877 −81.72544

Appendix H to Subpart P of Part 922—Restoration Areas—Habitat Boundary Coordinates

Coordinates listed in this appendix are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.

The boundary for the following Restoration Areas—Habitat zones begins at each individual zone's Point 1 and continues to each successive point in numerical order until ending at that same zone's last point as listed in its specific coordinate table.

Cheeca Rocks East Restoration Area—Habitat

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.90299 −80.61106
2 24.90298 −80.60901
3 24.90194 −80.60902
4 24.90195 −80.61106
5 24.90299 −80.61106

Cheeca Rocks South Restoration Area—Habitat

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.89782 −80.62210
2 24.89846 −80.61492
3 24.89581 −80.61500
4 24.89587 −80.62216
5 24.89782 −80.62210

Horseshoe Reef Restoration Area—Habitat

Point Latitude Longitude
1 25.13797 −80.29796
2 25.14422 −80.29317
3 25.13806 −80.28500
4 25.13196 −80.28979
5 25.13797 −80.29796

Pickles Reef Restoration Area—Habitat

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.97864 −80.43372
2 24.97866 −80.44120
( print page 6214)
3 24.98488 −80.44055
4 24.98459 −80.43332
5 24.97864 −80.43372

Appendix I to Subpart P of Part 922—Restoration Areas—Nursery Boundary Coordinates

Coordinates listed in this appendix are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.

The boundary for the following Restoration Areas—Nursery zones begins at each individual zone's Point 1 and continues to each successive point in numerical order until ending at that same zone's last point as listed in its specific coordinate table.

Carysfort Reef Restoration Area—Nursery

Point Latitude Longitude
1 25.23492 −80.21169
2 25.23231 −80.21302
3 25.23405 −80.21709
4 25.23671 −80.21573
5 25.23492 −80.21169

Islamorada Restoration Area—Nursery

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.88775 −80.56321
2 24.88777 −80.56754
3 24.89171 −80.56753
4 24.89169 −80.56319
5 24.88775 −80.56321

Key Largo Restoration Area—Nursery

Point Latitude Longitude
1 25.08091 −80.31483
2 25.08484 −80.31479
3 25.08482 −80.31048
4 25.08089 −80.31050
5 25.08091 −80.31483

Looe Key East Restoration Area—Nursery

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.55911 −81.40124
2 24.56385 −81.40272
3 24.56554 −81.39802
4 24.56109 −81.39638
5 24.55911 −81.40124

Looe Key West Restoration Area—Nursery

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.55149 −81.41663
2 24.55200 −81.4135
3 24.54745 −81.41267
4 24.54705 −81.41568
5 24.55149 −81.41663

Marathon Restoration Area—Nursery ( print page 6215)

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.66333 −81.02078
2 24.66333 −81.02780
3 24.66986 −81.02781
4 24.66986 −81.02078
5 24.66333 −81.02078

Marker 32 Restoration Area—Nursery

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.47712 −81.77809
2 24.48104 −81.77811
3 24.48105 −81.77368
4 24.47717 −81.77372
5 24.47712 −81.77809

Middle Keys Restoration Area—Nursery

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.65659 −81.02141
2 24.65858 −81.01799
3 24.65533 −81.01548
4 24.65337 −81.01932
5 24.65659 −81.02141

Sand Key Restoration Area—Nursery

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.45983 −81.88394
2 24.45605 −81.88389
3 24.45603 −81.88804
4 24.45981 −81.88808
5 24.45983 −81.88394

Tavernier Restoration Area—Nursery

Point Latitude Longitude
1 24.98883 −80.42110
2 24.99140 −80.41819
3 24.98708 −80.41356
4 24.98417 −80.41647
5 24.98883 −80.42110

The Elbow Restoration Area—Nursery

Point Latitude Longitude
1 25.14320 −80.26640
2 25.14515 −80.26901
3 25.14928 −80.26534
4 25.14720 −80.26266
5 25.14320 −80.26640

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
Effective Date: Pursuant to section 304(b) of the National Marine Sanctuaries Act (NMSA) (16 U.S.C. 1434(b)), the designation and regulations shall take effect and become final after the close of a review period of forty-five days of continuous session of Congress, beginning on the date on which this Federal rulemaking is published, which is January 17, 2025; however, if the Governor of the State of Florida certifies to the Secretary of Commerce during that same review period that any such ...
6104-6215 (112 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 241204-0311
0648-BJ14: Rule for the Florida Keys Management Plan Review: Blueprint for Restoration
RIN Links:
Administrative practice and procedure, Coastal zone, Incorporation by reference, Marine resources, Natural resources, Penalties, Recreation and recreation areas, Wildlife
PDF File:
Supporting Documents:
» 2022 Socioeconomic Report for the Florida Keys NMS Restoration Blueprint
» Management Plan for the Florida Keys NMS Restoration Blueprint 2022
» FKNMS DEIS_Federal Register_Notice of Availability_84 FR 45728
CFR: (1)
15 CFR 922