Table 1—U.S. Customs and Border Protection Civil Penalties Adjustments
Penalty name Citation Penalty amount as adjusted in the 2024 FR Multiplier * New penalty as adjusted by this final rule Penalties for non-compliance with arrival and departure manifest requirements for passengers, crewmembers, or occupants transported on commercial vessels or aircraft arriving to or departing from the United States 8 U.S.C. 1221(g); 8 CFR 280.53(b)(1) (INA section 231(g)) $1,696 1.02598 $1,740. Penalties for non-compliance with landing requirements at designated ports of entry for aircraft transporting aliens 8 U.S.C. 1224; 8 CFR 280.53(b)(2) (INA section 234) $4,610 1.02598 $4,730. Penalties for failure to depart voluntarily 8 U.S.C. 1229c(d); 8 CFR 280.53(b)(3) (INA section 240B(d)) $1,942-$9,718 1.02598 $1,992-$9,970. Penalties for violations of removal orders relating to aliens transported on vessels or aircraft under section 241(d) of the INA, or for costs associated with removal under section 241(e) of the INA 8 U.S.C. 1253(c)(1)(A); 8 CFR 280.53(b)(4) (INA section 243(c)(1)(A)) $3,887 1.02598 $3,988. Penalties for failure to remove alien stowaways under section 241(d)(2) of the INA 8 U.S.C. 1253(c)(1)(B); 8 CFR 280.53(b)(5) (INA section 243(c)(1)(B)) $9,718 1.02598 $9,970. ( print page 3) Penalties for failure to report an illegal landing or desertion of alien crewmen, and for each alien not reported on arrival or departure manifest or lists required in accordance with section 251 of the INA 8 U.S.C. 1281(d); 8 CFR 280.53(b)(6) (INA section 251(d)) $460 for each alien 1.02598 $472 for each alien. Penalties for use of alien crewmen for longshore work in violation of section 251(d) of the INA 8 U.S.C. 1281(d); 8 CFR 280.53(b)(6) (INA section 251(d)) $11,524 1.02598 $11,823. Penalties for failure to control, detain, or remove alien crewmen 8 U.S.C. 1284(a); 8 CFR 280.53(b)(7) (INA section 254(a)) $1,152-$6,913 1.02598 $1,182-$7,093. Penalties for employment on passenger vessels of aliens afflicted with certain disabilities 8 U.S.C. 1285; 8 CFR 280.53(b)(8) (INA section 255) $2,304 1.02598 $2,364. Penalties for discharge of alien crewmen 8 U.S.C. 1286; 8 CFR 280.53(b)(9) (INA section 256) $3,457-$6,913 1.02598 $3,547-$7,093. Penalties for bringing into the United States alien crewmen with intent to evade immigration laws 8 U.S.C. 1287; 8 CFR 280.53(b)(10) (INA section 257) $23,048 1.02598 $23,647. Penalties for failure to prevent the unauthorized landing of aliens 8 U.S.C. 1321(a); 8 CFR 280.53(b)(11) (INA section 271(a)) $6,913 1.02598 $7,093. Penalties for bringing to the United States aliens subject to denial of admission on a health-related ground 8 U.S.C. 1322(a); 8 CFR 280.53(b)(12) (INA section 272(a)) $6,913 1.02598 $7,093. Penalties for bringing to the United States aliens without required documentation 8 U.S.C. 1323(b); 8 CFR 280.53(b)(13) (INA section 273(b)) $6,913 1.02598 $7,093. Penalties for failure to depart 8 U.S.C. 1324d; 8 CFR 280.53(b)(14) (INA section 274D) $973 1.02598 $998. Penalties for improper entry 8 U.S.C. 1325(b); 8 CFR 280.53(b)(15) (INA section 275(b)) $97-$487 1.02598 $100-$500. Penalty for dealing in or using empty stamped imported liquor containers 19 U.S.C. 469 $645 1.02598 $662.** Penalty for employing a vessel in a trade without a required Certificate of Documentation 19 U.S.C. 1706a; 19 CFR 4.80(i) $1,617 1.02598 $1,659. Penalty for transporting passengers coastwise for hire by certain vessels (known as Bowaters vessels) that do not meet specified conditions 46 U.S.C. 12118(f)(3) $645 1.02598 $662.** Penalty for transporting passengers between coastwise points in the United States by a non-coastwise qualified vessel 46 U.S.C. 55103(b); 19 CFR 4.80(b)(2) $971 1.02598 $996. Penalty for towing a vessel between coastwise points in the United States by a non-coastwise qualified vessel 46 U.S.C. 55111(c); 19 CFR 4.92 $1,132-$3,558 plus $193 per ton 1.02598 $1,161-$3,650 plus $198 per ton. * Office of Mgmt. and Budget, Exec. Office of the President, M-25-02, Implementation of Penalty Inflation Adjustments for 2024, Pursuant to the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015 (Dec. 17, 2024) ( ** No applicable conforming edit to regulatory text.