94-1275. Preparation of a Roll of Independent Seminole Indians of Florida; Final Rule DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 13 (Thursday, January 20, 1994)]
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    [FR Doc No: 94-1275]
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    [Federal Register: January 20, 1994]
    Part V
    Department of the Interior
    Bureau of Indian Affairs
    25 CFR Part 67
    Preparation of a Roll of Independent Seminole Indians of Florida; Final 
    Bureau of Indian Affairs
    25 CFR Part 67
    RIN 1076-AC48
    Preparation of a Roll of Independent Seminole Indians of Florida
    AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is adding a new part 67 to 
    title 25 of the Code of Federal Regulations to provide procedures to 
    govern the preparation, certification and approval of a descendancy 
    roll of Independent Seminole Indians of Florida. The descendancy roll 
    of Independent Seminole Indians of Florida will be used as the basis 
    for compiling a list of persons eligible for a per capita distribution 
    of a portion of the Seminole judgment funds.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: January 20, 1994.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bill D. Ott, Area Director, Bureau of 
    Indian Affairs, Eastern Area Office, 3701 North Fairfax Drive, Mailstop 
    260, Virginia Square Plaza, Arlington, Virginia 22201, telephone 
    number: (703) 235-3006.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This final rule is published in exercise of 
    the authority delegated by the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) to 
    the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs in the Departmental Manual at 
    209 DM 8.
        Section 7 of the Act of April 30, 1990, (Act) Public Law 101-277, 
    104 Stat. 143, which provides for the use and distribution of funds 
    awarded the Seminole Indians in Dockets 73, 151, and 73-A of the Indian 
    Claims Commission, directs the Secretary to compile a roll of certain 
    individuals of Seminole Indian descent under regulations prescribed by 
    the Secretary. To be eligible for enrollment, Seminole Indian 
    descendants must have been living on April 30, 1990, must be listed on 
    or be lineal descendants of persons listed on the annotated Florida 
    Seminole Agency Census of 1957 as independent Seminoles, and must not 
    be members of a federally-recognized tribe.
        To establish eligibility for enrollment, the final rule requires 
    persons to file or have filed on their behalf an application form with 
    the Superintendent, Seminole Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs, by the 
    deadline specified in proposed Sec. 67.4(b). The deadline is 150 days 
    from the date of publication of the final rule in the Federal Register. 
    An application filed more than 150 days after the date of publication 
    of the final rule will be rejected for failure to file on time 
    regardless of whether the applicant otherwise meets the qualifications 
    for enrollment.
        Section 7(d) of the Act provides that except for persons who apply 
    for enrollment and are determined eligible and who apply for and accept 
    a per capita share of the payment, ``distribution of the award in 
    accordance with this Act shall not be construed to impair, diminish or 
    affect in any manner any rights and claims of the independent Seminole 
    Indians, either as a group or individually, to any lands or natural 
    resources in the State.'' Because acceptance of a per capita share of 
    the judgment funds may impair, diminish or affect the claims of the 
    Independent Seminole Indians to lands or natural resources in the State 
    of Florida, the BIA has determined that individual applicants must be 
    made aware of this before accepting a per capita share of the judgment 
        The final rule provides for the applicant to make an election on 
    the application form as to whether he or she wishes to share in the per 
    capita payment. In other words, individuals will not only be applying 
    to establish that they qualify for enrollment, but will also be 
    electing whether they wish to receive a per capita payment of the 
    judgment funds if they are determined to meet the qualifications for 
        Because of the serious potential impact of such an election, the 
    final rule restricts the making of the election to accept the per 
    capita payment to adult applicants or to legal guardians of incompetent 
    adults or, in the case of minors, such election is restricted to the 
    parents or legal guardians. Therefore, those who fail to elect to share 
    in the payment will not be eligible to share in the payment even though 
    they have qualified for enrollment.
        In most cases where the BIA is preparing a roll of Indians, general 
    public notice and actual notice to potentially eligible individual 
    beneficiaries is provided. Actual notice to potentially eligible 
    individuals is possible because of the existence, in most cases, of a 
    previously prepared roll or a tribal membership roll. In this instance, 
    there exists no previously prepared or tribal membership roll because 
    the Independent Seminole Indians of Florida have not been affiliated 
    with any other group or tribe of Indians.
        The census roll prepared in 1957 does not show addresses for the 
    persons named on the roll. Even if there were addresses shown, after 
    the elapse of more than 30 years, the addresses would be so out-of-date 
    that it would be impractical to use them. Consequently, no general 
    mailings of notices to potentially eligible beneficiaries is 
    anticipated. Reasonable effort will be made to place notices for public 
    display in community buildings, tribal buildings and Indian centers as 
    well as publishing notices in newspapers in appropriate localities 
    throughout the State of Florida. It is also anticipated that public 
    meetings will be held in appropriate localities in the State of Florida 
    to explain the provisions of the Act and the need to apply for 
    enrollment by the deadline specified.
        The information collection requirement contained in this final rule 
    does not require the approval of the Office of Management and Budget 
    under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
        The Department of the Interior (Department) has determined that 
    this is not a major rule under Executive Order (E.O.) 12291 because 
    only a limited number of individuals will be affected. Those 
    individuals who are enrolled will be eligible to participate in the 
    distribution of a portion of a relatively small judgment award granted 
    the Seminole Indians.
    Comments and Changes
        A proposed rule to add a new part 67 to title 25 of the CFR was 
    published for public comment in the Federal Register on Wednesday, 
    September 30, 1992, (57 FR 45252). Interested persons were invited to 
    submit comments by October 30, 1992. The period for comment on proposed 
    part 67 to title 25 of the CFR to provide procedures to govern the 
    preparation, certification, and approval of a descendancy roll of 
    Independent Seminole Indians of Florida, closed on October 30, 1992. No 
    timely written comments were received.
        The Department has certified to the Office of Management and Budget 
    that these final regulations meet the applicable standards provided in 
    sections 2(a) and 2(b) (2) of E.O. 12778.
        The Department has determined that this rule will not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities 
    within the meaning of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et 
        In accordance with E.O. 12630, the Department has determined that 
    this rule does not have significant takings implications.
        The Department has determined that this rule does not have 
    significant federalism effects.
        The Department has determined that this rule is not a major Federal 
    action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment and 
    that neither an environmental assessment nor an environmental impact 
    statement is required pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act 
    of 1969.
    List of Subjects in 25 CFR Part 67
        Indians--claims, Indians--enrollment.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, a new part 67 of title 25, 
    chapter I of the Code of Federal Regulations is added as set forth 
    67.1  Definitions.
    67.2  Purpose.
    67.3  Information collection.
    67.4  Qualifications for enrollment and the deadline for filing 
    application forms.
    67.5  Notices.
    67.6  Application forms.
    67.7  Filing of application forms.
    67.8  Burden of proof.
    67.9  Action by Superintendent.
    67.10  Appeals.
    67.11  Decision of the Area Director on appeals.
    67.12  Exhaustion of administrative remedies.
    67.13  Preparation, certification and approval of the roll.
    67.14  Preparation of a per capita payment roll.
    67.15  Special instructions.
    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 25 U.S.C. 2 and 9; and Pub.L. 101-277, 104 
    Stat. 143.
    Sec. 67.1  Definitions.
        As used in this part:
        Act means the Act of Congress approved April 30, 1990, Public Law 
    101-277, 104 Stat. 143, which authorizes the use and distribution of 
    funds awarded the Seminole Indians in Dockets 73, 151, and 73-A of the 
    Indian Claims Commission.
        Adopted person means a person whose natural parents' parental 
    rights have been terminated by court order and persons other than the 
    natural parents have exercised or do exercise parental rights with 
    regard to the adopted person.
        Applicant means a person who is making application for inclusion on 
    the roll prepared by the Secretary pursuant to the Act of April 30, 
    1990, by either personally filing an application or by having a sponsor 
    complete and file an application on his or her behalf.
        Assistant Secretary means the Assistant Secretary for Indian 
    Affairs or authorized representative.
        BIA means the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior.
        Commissioner means the Commissioner of Indian Affairs or authorized 
        Director means the Area Director, Eastern Area Office, Bureau of 
    Indian Affairs or authorized representative.
        Lineal descendant(s) means those persons who are the issue of the 
    ancestor through whom enrollment rights are claimed; namely, the 
    children, grandchildren, etc. It does not include collateral relatives 
    such as brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, cousins, etc., or adopted 
    children, adopted grandchildren, etc.
        Living means born on or before and alive on the date specified.
        Secretary means the Secretary of the Interior or authorized 
        Sponsor means any person who files an application for enrollment or 
    an appeal on behalf of another person.
        Superintendent means the Superintendent, Seminole Agency, Bureau of 
    Indian Affairs or authorized representative.
    Sec. 67.2  Purpose.
        The regulations in this part govern the compilation of a roll of 
    persons who meet the requirements specified in section 7 of the Act who 
    will be eligible to share in the distribution of a portion of the 
    judgment funds awarded the Seminole Indians in Dockets 73, 151, and 73-
    A of the Indian Claims Commission.
    Sec. 67.3  Information collection.
        The information collection requirement contained in this part does 
    not require approval by the Office of Management and Budget under 44 
    U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
    Sec. 67.4  Qualifications for enrollment and the deadline for filing 
    application forms.
        (a) The roll shall contain the names of persons of Seminole Indian 
    descent who:
        (1) Were born on or before, and living on April 30, 1990;
        (2) Are listed on or who are lineal descendants of persons listed 
    on the annotated Seminole Agency Census of 1957 as Independent 
    Seminoles; and
        (3) Are not members of an Indian tribe recognized by the Secretary 
    on the most recent list of such Indian tribes published in the Federal 
        (b) To qualify for enrollment, all persons must file application 
    forms with the Superintendent, Seminole Agency, Bureau of Indian 
    Affairs, 6075 Stirling Road, Hollywood, Florida 33024 by June 19, 1994. 
    An application filed after June 19, 1994 will be rejected for failure 
    to file on time regardless of whether the applicant otherwise meets the 
    qualifications for enrollment.
    Sec. 67.5  Notices.
        (a) The Director shall give notice to all Area Directors of the BIA 
    and all Superintendents within the jurisdiction of the Director of the 
    preparation of the roll for public display in BIA field offices. 
    Notices shall be placed for public display in community buildings, 
    tribal buildings and Indian centers.
        (b) The Superintendent shall, on the basis of available residence 
    data, publish, and republish when advisable, notices of the preparation 
    of the roll in appropriate localities utilizing media suitable to the 
        (c) Notices shall advise of the preparation of the roll and the 
    relevant procedures to be followed, including the qualifications for 
    enrollment and the deadline for filing application forms to be eligible 
    for enrollment. The notices shall also state how and where application 
    forms may be obtained, as well as the name, address, and telephone 
    number of a person who may be contacted for further information.
    Sec. 67.6  Application forms.
        (a) Application forms to be filed by or for applicants for 
    enrollment shall be furnished by the Area Director, Superintendent, or 
    other designated persons upon written or oral request. Each person 
    furnishing application forms shall keep a record of the names of 
    individuals to whom forms are given, as well as the control numbers of 
    the forms and the date furnished. Instructions for completing and 
    filing application forms shall be furnished with each form. The form 
    shall indicate prominently the deadline date for filing application 
        (b) Among other information, each application form shall contain:
        (1) Certification as to whether the application form is for a 
    natural child or an adopted child of the parent through whom 
    eligibility is claimed.
        (2) If the application form is filed by a sponsor, the name and 
    address of the sponsor and the sponsor's relationship to the applicant.
        (3) A control number for the purpose of keeping a record of forms 
    furnished to interested individuals.
        (4) Certification that the information given on the application 
    form is true to the best of the knowledge and belief of the person 
    filing the application. Criminal penalties are provided by statute for 
    knowingly filing false information in such applications (18 U.S.C. 
        (5) An election by the applicant as to whether the applicant, if 
    determined to meet the qualifications for enrollment, wishes to share 
    in the per capita payment.
        (c) Sponsors may file application forms on behalf of other persons, 
    but may not file elections to share in the per capita payment.
        (1) The election to share in the per capita payment shall be made 
    as follows:
        (i) If the applicant is a competent adult, the election shall be 
    made by the applicant.
        (ii) If the applicant is not a competent adult, the election shall 
    be made by the applicant's legal guardian.
        (iii) If the applicant is a minor, the election shall be made by 
    the applicant's parent or legal guardian.
        (2) When an application is filed by a sponsor, the Superintendent 
        (i) Furnish the sponsor a copy of the application for forwarding to 
    the applicant or his/her guardian for completion of the election to 
    share in the per capita payment; and
        (ii) Make a reasonable effort to furnish a copy of the application 
    directly to the applicant or his/her guardian for completion of the 
    election to share in the per capita payment.
        (d) Every applicant or sponsor shall furnish the applicant's 
    mailing address on the application form. Thereafter, the applicant or 
    sponsor shall promptly notify the Superintendent of any change in 
    address, giving appropriate identification of the applicant. Otherwise, 
    the mailing address as stated on the application form shall be accepted 
    as the address of record for all purposes under the regulations in this 
    Sec. 67.7  Filing of application forms.
        (a) Application forms filed by mail must be postmarked no later 
    than midnight on the deadline date specified in Sec. 67.4(b). Where 
    there is no postmark date showing on the envelope or the postmark date 
    is illegible, application forms mailed from within the United States, 
    including Alaska and Hawaii, received more than 15 days after the 
    specified deadline, and application forms mailed from outside of the 
    United States received more than 30 days after the specified deadline 
    in the office of the Superintendent, will be rejected for failure to 
    file in time.
        (b) Application forms filed by personal delivery must be received 
    in the office of the Superintendent no later than close of business on 
    the deadline date specified in Sec. 67.4(b).
        (c) If the deadline date for filing application forms falls on a 
    Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or other nonbusiness day, the deadline 
    will be the next working day thereafter.
    Sec. 67.8  Burden of proof.
        The burden of proof rests upon the applicant to establish 
    eligibility for enrollment. Documentary evidence such as birth 
    certificates, death certificates, baptismal records, copies of probate 
    findings, or affidavits may be used to support claims of eligibility 
    for enrollment. Records of the BIA may be used to establish 
    Sec. 67.9  Action by Superintendent.
        (a) The Superintendent shall notify each individual applicant or 
    sponsor, as applicable, upon receipt of an application. The 
    Superintendent shall consider each application and all documentation. 
    Upon determining an individual's eligibility, the Superintendent shall 
    notify the individual; the parent or guardian having legal custody of a 
    minor or incompetent adult; or the sponsor, as applicable.
        (1) Written notification of the Superintendent's decision shall be 
    sent to the applicant by certified mail, for receipt by the addressee 
    only, return receipt requested.
        (2) If a decision by the Superintendent is sent out of the United 
    States, registered mail will be used. If a certified or registered 
    notice is returned as ``Unclaimed,'' the Superintendent shall remail 
    the notice by regular mail together with an acknowledgment of receipt 
    form to be completed by the addressee and returned to the 
    Superintendent. If the acknowledgment of receipt is not returned, 
    computation of the period specified for changes in election and for 
    appeals shall begin on the date the notice was remailed. A certified or 
    registered notice returned for any reason other than ``Unclaimed'' need 
    not be remailed.
        (3) If an individual files an application on behalf of more than 
    one person, one notice of eligibility or adverse action may be 
    addressed to the person who filed the applications. However, the notice 
    must list the name of each person to whom the notice is applicable. 
    Where an individual is represented by a sponsor, notification to the 
    sponsor of eligibility or adverse action shall be considered 
    notification to the individual.
        (b) On the basis of an applicant's election with regard to whether 
    he or she wishes to share in the per capita payment, the 
    Superintendent's decision shall also state whether the applicant's name 
    will be included on the per capita payment roll. If no election has 
    been made by the applicant, parent, or legal guardian on the 
    application form, the individual applicant's name will not be included 
    on the per capita payment roll.
        (1) The eligible individual will have 30 days from notification of 
    his or her eligibility in which to request a change in the election of 
    whether to share in the per capita payment. Computation of the 30-day 
    period will be in accordance with Sec. 67.9(a)(2) and Sec. 67.9(d). 
    Upon written request received within the 30-day period, to avoid 
    hardship or gross injustice, the Superintendent may grant an applicant 
    additional time, not to exceed 30 days, in which to submit a request 
    for a change in election.
        (2) A change in the election of whether to share in the per capita 
    payment can only be made by competent adult applicants; by the legal 
    guardian of an incompetent adult; or, in the case of a minor, by the 
    minor's parent or legal guardian.
        (c) If the Superintendent determines that an applicant is not 
    eligible for enrollment as an Independent Seminole Indian of Florida, 
    the Superintendent shall notify the applicant of the decision and shall 
    fully explain the reasons for the adverse action and explain the 
    rejected applicant's right to appeal to the Area Director. The decision 
    of the Area Director shall be final and conclusive.
        (d) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, a 
    notice of adverse action concerning an individual's enrollment 
    eligibility or the inclusion or exclusion of an individual's name on 
    the per capita payment roll is considered to have been made, and 
    computation of the period for appeal shall begin on the earliest of the 
    following dates:
        (1) Delivery date indicated on the return receipt;
        (2) Date of acknowledgment of receipt;
        (3) Date of personal delivery; or
        (4) Date of return by the post office of an undelivered certified 
    or registered letter.
        (e) To avoid hardship or gross injustice, the Area Director or the 
    Superintendent may waive technical deficiencies in application forms or 
    other submittals. Failure to file by the deadline date does not 
    constitute a technical deficiency.
    Sec. 67.10  Appeals.
        (a) Appeals from or on behalf of applicants who have been rejected 
    for enrollment must be in writing and must be filed pursuant to part 62 
    of this chapter. When the appeal is on behalf of more than one person, 
    the name of each person must be listed in the appeal.
        (b) A copy of part 62 of this chapter shall be furnished with each 
    notice of adverse action. All sections of part 62 shall be applicable 
    to appeals filed under this part except Secs. 62.10, 62.11 and 62.12.
    Sec. 67.11  Decision of the Area Director on appeals.
        (a) The Area Director will consider the record as presented, 
    together with such additional information as may be considered 
    pertinent. Any additional information relied upon shall be specifically 
    identified in the decision.
        (b) The decision of the Area Director on an appeal shall be final 
    and conclusive, and written notice, which shall state that the decision 
    is final and conclusive, shall be given to the individual applicant, 
    parent, legal guardian, or sponsor, as applicable.
        (c) If an individual files an appeal on behalf of more than one 
    applicant, one notice of the Area Director's decision may be addressed 
    to the person who filed the appeal. The Area Director's decision must 
    list the name of each person to whom the decision is applicable. Where 
    an individual applicant is represented by a sponsor, notification to 
    the sponsor of the Area Director's decision is sufficient.
        (d) Written notice of the Area Director's decision on the appeal 
    shall be sent to the applicant by certified mail, to be received by the 
    addressee only, return receipt requested.
        (1) On the basis of the individual's election with regard to 
    whether he or she wishes to share in the per capita payment, the Area 
    Director's decision shall also state whether the individual's name will 
    be included on the per capita payment roll. If no election is made by 
    the individual applicant, parent, or legal guardian, the individual's 
    name will not be included on the per capita payment roll.
        (2) The eligible individual will have 30 days from notification of 
    his or her eligibility in which to request a change in the election of 
    whether to share in the per capita payment. Computation of the 30-day 
    period will be in accordance with Sec. 67.9(a)(2) and Sec. 67.9(d). 
    Upon written request received within the 30-day period, to avoid 
    hardship or gross injustice, the Area Director may grant additional 
    time, not to exceed 30 days, in which to submit a request for a change 
    in election.
        (3) The change in the election of whether to share in the per 
    capita payment can only be made by adult applicants, or by the legal 
    guardian of an incompetent adult, or in the case of minors, by the 
    parents or legal guardian of such minors.
    Sec. 67.12  Exhaustion of administrative remedies.
        The decision of the Area Director on appeal, which shall be final 
    for the Department, is subject to judicial review under 5 U.S.C. 704.
    Sec. 67.13  Preparation, certification and approval of the roll.
        (a) The Superintendent shall prepare a minimum of three (3) copies 
    of the roll of those persons determined to be qualified for enrollment 
    as an Independent Seminole Indian of Florida. The roll shall contain 
    for each person a roll number or identification number, name, address, 
    sex, date of birth, date of death (when applicable), and the name and 
    relationship of the ancestor on the annotated Seminole Agency Census of 
    1957 through whom eligibility for enrollment was established.
        (b) A certificate shall be attached to the roll by the 
    Superintendent certifying that to the best of his or her knowledge and 
    belief, the roll contains only the names of those persons who were 
    determined to meet the qualifications for enrollment.
        (c) The Area Director shall approve the roll.
    Sec. 67.14  Preparation of a per capita payment roll.
        (a) The Superintendent shall, based on the roll approved under 
    Sec. 67.12(c), prepare a per capita payment roll. The payment roll 
    shall be comprised of those persons whose names appear on the approved 
    roll and who have elected to share in the per capita payment.
        (b) The per capita payment roll shall contain for each person a 
    roll number or identification number, name, and address.
        (c) The Area Director shall authorize the distribution of the 
    judgment funds to those persons named on the per capita payment roll.
    Sec. 67.15  Special instructions.
        To facilitate the work of the Superintendent and Area Director, the 
    Assistant Secretary may issue special instructions not inconsistent 
    with the regulations in this part.
        Dated: November 19, 1993.
    Ada E. Deer,
    Assistant Secretary, Indian Affairs.
    [FR Doc. 94-1275 Filed 1-19-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-02-P

Document Information

Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
January 20, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: January 20, 1994
CFR: (16)
25 CFR 67.12(c)
25 CFR 67.1
25 CFR 67.2
25 CFR 67.3
25 CFR 67.4
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