[Federal Register Volume 60, Number 13 (Friday, January 20, 1995)]
[Pages 4330-4335]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 95-1416]
[[Page 4329]]
Part V
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing
NOFA for the Traditional Indian Housing Development Program for Fiscal
Year 1995; Notice
Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 13 / Friday, January 20, 1995 /
[[Page 4330]]
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing
[Docket No. N-95-3843; FR-3769-N-01]
NOFA for the Traditional Indian Housing Development Program for
Fiscal Year 1995
AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian
Housing, HUD.
ACTION: Notice of funding availability (NOFA) for fiscal year 1995.
SUMMARY: A. This notice announces the availability of funding for
Fiscal Year (FY) 1995 for the development of new Indian Housing (IH)
units and provides the applicable criteria, processing requirements and
action timetable. All Indian housing authorities (IHAs) which have not
been determined to be administratively incapable, in accordance with 24
CFR 905.135, are invited to submit applications for Indian Housing
developments in accordance with the requirements of this NOFA.
B. This NOFA contains information concerning the purpose of this
NOFA; eligibility; available amounts; and the procedures that an IHA
must follow to apply for new Indian Housing units. The procedures for
rating, ranking, and funding IHA applications are also in this NOFA.
DATES: Applications must be physically received by the Field Office of
Native American Programs (FONAP) having jurisdiction over the applicant
on or before 3:00 p.m., FONAP local time, March 6, 1995. The applicant
shall submit its application(s) for new housing units on Form HUD-52730
with all supporting documentation required by Appendix 2, and for
demolition or disposition in accordance with 24 CFR part 905, subpart
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Applicants may contact the appropriate
FONAP for further information. Refer to Appendix 1, for a complete list
of FONAPs and telephone numbers.
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U. S. C.
3501-3520), the information collection requirements contained in these
application procedures for development funds were reviewed by the
Office of Management and Budget and assigned OMB control number 2577-
Changes From FY 1994 NOFA
The Indian Housing Development NOFA for FY 1995 is essentially the
same document published for the FY 1994 funding cycle with the
following substantive changes:
A. Revised program administration criterion. The rating factor for
current IHA development pipeline activity has been modified to allow
field offices to consider all facilities development, renovation, and/
or maintenance activities of an IHA.
B. Regional variations in maximum points available for rating
factors. Previous Indian Housing Development NOFAs established a
national standard for points to be awarded for each rating factor. To
address differences in circumstances in each of the field office
jurisdictions, the FY 1995 NOFA includes variations, by FONAP
jurisdiction, in the points to be awarded for each rating factor.
C. Regional variations in the maximum unit award table. Previous
Indian Housing Development NOFAs established a national standard for
the maximum number of units to be awarded for each approved
application. To address differences in circumstances in each of the
FONAP jurisdictions, the FY 1995 NOFA includes variations, by FONAP
jurisdiction, in the maximum units award table.
D. Bonus rating factor. A new factor has been added to the rating
criteria which provides up to 5 points for project pre-planning,
economical selection of housing sites, and/or innovative approaches to
development or financing.
I. New Development
A. Authority
1. Statutory Authority. Sections 5 and 6, U.S. Housing Act of 1937
(42 U.S.C. 1437c, 1437d), as amended; U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act for
Fiscal Year 1995; Section 23 U.S. Housing Act of 1937, as added by
section 554, Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act; section
7(d), Department of Housing and Urban Development Act (42 U.S.C.
2. Indian Housing Regulations. Indian Housing Development
regulations are published at 24 CFR part 905.
3. 24 CFR Part 135. Economic Opportunities for Low and Very Low
Income Persons. All applicants are herein notified that the provisions
of section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as
amended, and the regulations in 24 CFR part 135 are applicable to
funding awards made under this NOFA. One of the purposes of the
assistance is to give to the greatest extent feasible, and consistent
with existing Federal, State, and local laws and regulations, job
training, employment, contracting and other economic opportunities to
section 3 residents and section 3 business concerns. IHAs and tribes
that receive HUD assistance described in this part shall comply with
the procedures and requirements of this part to the maximum extent
consistent with, but not in derogation of, compliance with section 7(b)
of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25
U.S.C. 450e(b).
B. Development Allocation Amount
The FY 1995 VA-HUD Appropriations Act (Public Law 103-327) made
available $282,000,000 of budget authority for the Indian Housing
Development program (new Indian Housing units). Since some of the
appropriated funds are to be derived from the recapture of prior year
obligations and anticipated carryover funds, the actual amount
available may be less.
Each of the FONAP jurisdictions has been designated as the smallest
practical area for the allocation of assistance. Funds available for
new units will be assigned to the FONAPs consistent with 24 CFR
Up to $20,000,000 of the available Indian Housing Development funds
will be made available by the Department in order to provide funds
needed to replace units approved for demolition/disposition. Any
portion of the $20,000,000 that is not designated for demolition/
disposition replacements by July 1, 1995, as well as any amounts of
actual recaptures that are realized and reallotted to the program, will
be made available to the six FONAPs on the same basis as the amounts
allocated for new units.
The competitive process described in this NOFA will be used to
select IHA applications to be funded for new Indian Housing units.
Departmental compliance with the metropolitan/non-metropolitan
provisions of section 213(d) of the Housing and Community Development
Act of 1974 may require the selection of lower rated metropolitan
applications over higher rated non-metropolitan applications. The table
below indicates the percentage of grant authority available for new
units in FY 1995 for the six FONAPs, inclusive of funds needed to meet
off-site sewer and water requirements.
[[Page 4331]]
FONAP location of total
Eastern/Woodlands......................................... 14.0547
Southern Plains........................................... 14.7517
Northern Plains........................................... 11.4959
Southwest................................................. 31.0788
Northwest................................................. 09.0740
Alaska.................................................... 19.5449
Total................................................. 100
C. Eligibility for New Housing Units
All IHAs which have not been determined to be administratively
incapable in accordance with 24 CFR 905.135, have been organized in
accordance with 24 CFR 905.125 and 905.126, and have the required
tribal and/or local cooperation agreements as required by the U.S.
Housing Act of 1937, as amended, are invited to submit applications for
new Indian Housing units.
All IHAs that have developments assisted under the U.S. Housing Act
of 1937, as amended, and meet the requirements of 24 CFR part 905
subpart M, may apply for funds for demolition or disposition, whether
eligible for new units or not.
D. Development Award Application Process
1. Application Due Date. An IHA may submit an application(s) for a
project at any time after the publication date of this NOFA, to the
FONAP having jurisdiction over the IHA applicant on or before 3:00
p.m., FONAP local time, March 6, 1995 for new Indian Housing units. The
application(s) shall be submitted on Form HUD-52730 and shall be
accompanied by all the legal and administrative attachments required by
the form and the items specified in Appendix 2. A facsimile of the
application will not constitute physical delivery.
The application deadline is firm as to date and hour. HUD will
treat as ineligible for consideration any application that is received
after the application deadline. Applicants should make early submission
of their materials to avoid any risk of loss of eligibility brought
about by unanticipated delays or other delivery related problems.
2. Application Kit. Application Kit and applicable forms may be
obtained from any FONAP listed in Appendix 1.
3. Submittal of Complete Application. Completed applications must
be submitted to the FONAP having jurisdiction over the IHA applicant at
the address/location listed in Appendix 1.
4. Action on Application. When the application is received by HUD,
HUD will provide written notification to the IHA showing the date and
time the application was received in the FONAP. The FONAP will begin
review of the application within 14 calendar days after the application
deadline. The application must be complete and must demonstrate legal
sufficiency and the IHA must not have been disqualified for funding of
new projects, as determined in accordance with 905.135. If it is
evident that any application fails to satisfy these technical
requirements, the FONAP will immediately return the application and
will identify, in writing, the deficiencies. The IHA will be allowed to
cure minor technical deficiencies within 14 calendar days of written
notification by the FONAP. All responses must be in writing and
received within 14 calendar days of the date HUD issues a written
notification of deficiency. Under no circumstances may an applicant
submit information which would affect the rating of the application
after the original due date for application submission.
E. Ranking Factors and Selection Criteria
1. Rating and Ranking. Rating and ranking of applications from IHAs
for new Indian Housing units will be done in accordance with 24 CFR
905.220. Applications from new IHAs, or, in the case of an umbrella IHA
that has added a new tribe, the application from the new tribe, will
receive 100 points. If an IHA that serves more than one tribal
government, or, in the case of Alaska, more than one village, submits
applications for housing units in several of the communities, each
application will be treated separately, for purposes of the number of
points awarded. Newly created IHAs for tribes which have previously
received housing units under an umbrella IHA shall not be awarded 100
points but scored as an established IHA.
For each FONAP jurisdiction, the rankings will be based on awarding
points to each application for the following categories in accordance
with the table of maximum points available per category by FONAP
jurisdictional area (see g. below):
a. The relative unmet IHA need for housing units compared to the
other eligible applications for that program type (i.e., low rent (LR)
or mutual help (MH), based on IHA waiting lists and the total number of
units in management and in the development pipeline. There should be a
separate waiting list for each program type. This need will be measured
for each program type by dividing the number of families on the waiting
list, by the IHA's total number of units in management and under
development. If the result of this division is greater than 1.00, the
maximum points for this category shall be awarded. Otherwise, the
result of this division shall be multiplied by the maximum possible
points available. If the IHA has 500 or more families on the waiting
list, it is awarded the maximum points available for the category.
b. The relative IHA occupancy rate compared to the occupancy rates
of other eligible IHA applications for that program type. The occupancy
rate for an IHA shall be derived from the most recent data entered in
the HUD Management Information Retrieval System (MIRS) national data
base, which reports total units available and total units occupied
based on information supplied by IHAs on forms submitted periodically
to HUD. For all IHA projects in management, the total number of units
occupied is divided by the total number of units available, multiplied
by 100. This occupancy rate for an IHA will then be divided by the
highest occupancy rate of any IHA (never to exceed 97%, in any event),
and this ratio shall be multiplied by the maximum points available for
the category to calculate an IHA's points for this category. An
existing IHA that is applying for a previously unfunded program type
will be awarded a score equal to the highest rated score for this
factor in the FONAP jurisdiction competition. A newly created IHA for a
tribe which previously received housing units under an Umbrella IHA
shall be awarded a score based on the units within such tribe's
jurisdiction whether or not such units have been transferred to the
newly created IHA.
c. Length of time since the last Program Reservation date. The
number of days from January 1, 1995 to the date of the last Program
Reservation for an IHA shall be divided by the longest time, in number
of days, since the last Program Reservation for any IHA. This ratio
shall be multiplied by the maximum points available for the category to
calculate an IHA's points for this category. A newly created IHA for a
tribe which previously received housing units under an Umbrella IHA
shall be awarded a score based on the last Program Reservation for
units within such tribe's jurisdiction. Units received for demolition
or disposition purposes will not be counted for rating and ranking
purposes for new Indian Housing units in FY 1995.
d. Current IHA development and physical improvements activity. This
factor evaluates the IHA's performance during the past 24 months in
developing new housing or maintaining/improving current housing. The
FONAP will [[Page 4332]] evaluate the IHA's performance in these areas
and will award points based upon but not limited to:
(1) Submittal of approvable Development Programs within the time
frames prescribed in the IHA's planning schedules;
(2) Construction start within 30 months of Program Reservation, not
including time under statutory exclusion;
(3) Submittal of Actual Development Cost Certificates within 24
months after the Date of Full Availability;
(4) Compliance with CompGrant/modernization implementation
(5) Effectiveness of maintenance policies and procedures in
protecting physical assets of the IHA;
(6) Effectiveness of the IHA's development and physical
improvements contract administration.
The FONAP will prepare written support for the number of points
awarded which will be available to the IHA upon request. The FONAP
shall take into consideration any unforeseen events such as natural
disasters or other factors that may have precluded the IHA from meeting
the criteria for this factor. The maximum points available for this
category are listed in the table under g. below. A newly created IHA
for a tribe which previously received housing units under an Umbrella
IHA shall be awarded a score based on the IHA's plan for developing and
maintaining the units.
e. A bonus of up to 5 points will be awarded to any application
where the applicant clearly demonstrates:
(1) Pre-planning of site selection and coordination with other
funding agencies, utility companies, and tribal departments, or
(2) That the applicant has identified and selected sites for the
development which result in savings of not less than 5 percent of the
proposed development cost from using existing utility systems, pre-
developed subdivision sites, or other items documented by the
(3) Innovative approaches to development or financing which will
significantly reduce the delivery time of housing or expand the number
of houses developed without reducing quality.
f. Computation. Scores for ranking shall be carried out to two
decimal places (xx.xx).
g. Points available for each rating category. The following table
reflects the maximum points available for each category for each of the
FONAP jurisdictional areas:
Points Awarded for Rating Factors
(b) (d)
(a) Need Occupancy (c) Time Workload
Eastern/Woodlands........... 30 30 20 20
Southern Plains............. 35 10 25 30
Northern Plains............. 30 20 20 30
Southwest................... 40 20 20 20
Northwest................... 10 10 20 60
Alaska...................... 40 20 20 20
2. Selection Criteria.
a. The ranking process will produce an ordered list of IHA
applications by FONAP jurisdiction that may receive funding. The order
is established by the total number of points the application received
in the rating process. If any funds remain after the initial funding
cycle within the FONAP jurisdiction, the funds will be provided to more
fully fund applications that were reduced due to the Maximum Units
Award table shown in paragraph b below.
b. The number of units awarded shall be based upon the following
table to ensure a more equitable distribution and meaningful
competition based on need. Exceptions to the maximum number of units
awarded based on the table shall be made and approved by the FONAP
Administrator upon proper justification. Examples of justifications for
varying from the table include equalization of units awarded to IHAs
with similar scores or adjustments to assure the award of reasonably
sized projects to all IHAs above a minimum score determined by the
Total of all units IHA requested in Eastern/ Southern Northern
application(s) by program type Woodlands Plains Plains Southwest Northwest Alaska
1,000 and above............................. 300 300 100 240 300 300
750 to 999.................................. 200 200 90 160 200 200
500 to 749.................................. 150 150 80 120 100 150
400 to 499.................................. 100 100 70 80 80 100
300 to 399.................................. 80 80 60 64 60 80
200 to 299.................................. 60 60 50 48 40 60
199 and fewer............................... 40 40 40 32 20 40
If an IHA that serves more than one tribal government, or in the
case of Alaska, more than one village, submits applications for housing
units in several of the communities, each application will be treated
separately, for purposes of the number of units awarded.
c. Tie breaker. In the case of ties, priority will be given to the
application that has the highest ratio of units to: (1) Pre-approved
sites, and, if there is still a tie: (2) BIA approved leases for the
proposed project site(s).
3. Replacement Housing. IHA applications for demolition or
disposition may require a commitment for replacement housing units on a
one for one replacement to comply with requirements of Section 18 of
the U.S. Housing Act, as amended. IHAs are to process requests for
demolition or disposition in accordance with 24 CFR part 905, subpart
M. [[Page 4333]]
II. Other Matters
A. HUD Reform Act
1. Required Disclosures by Applicants
a. Disclosures. All applicants are required to disclose information
with respect to any additional funds that can reasonably be expected to
be received by them as assistance in excess of $200,000 (in the
aggregate) during the Fiscal Year that will be related to the project.
Disclosure must be made relative to any related assistance from the
Federal instrumentalities (other than HUD), a state, or a unit of
general local government that is expected to be made available with
respect to the project for which the applicant is seeking assistance.
The assistance shall include but not be limited to any loan, grant,
guarantee, insurance, payment, rebate, subsidy, credit, tax benefit, or
any other form of direct or indirect assistance.
b. Updates. The IHA applicant shall update this disclosure within
30 days of any substantial change. This update is required during the
period when an application is pending or assistance is being provided.
2. Prohibited Disclosures by HUD Employees
HUD's regulation implementing section 103 of the Department of
Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989 was published May 13,
1991 (56 FR 22088) and became effective on June 12, 1991. That
regulation, codified as 24 CFR part 4, applies to this funding
competition. The requirements of the rule continue to apply until the
selection of successful applicants. HUD employees involved in the
review of applications and in the making of funding decisions are
restrained by part 4 from providing advance information to any person
(other than an authorized employee of HUD) concerning funding
decisions, or from otherwise giving any applicant an unfair competitive
advantage. Persons who apply for assistance in this competition should
confine their inquiries to the subject areas permitted under 24 CFR
Part 4.
Applicants who have questions should contact the HUD Office of
Ethics (202) 708-3815. (This is not a toll-free number). The Office of
Ethics can provide information of a general nature to HUD employees, as
well. However, a HUD employee who has specific program questions, such
as whether particular subject matter can be discussed with persons
outside the Department, should contact his or her FONAP counsel, or
headquarters counsel for the Indian Housing Development program.
B. Lobbying
Section 319 of the Department of the Interior and Related Agencies
Appropriations Act hereafter referred to as the ``Byrd amendment,''
prohibits grantees from using any federally appropriated funds to
influence federal employees, members of Congress, and congressional
staff regarding specific grants or contracts. The Department has
determined that the requirements of the Byrd amendment do not apply to
IHAs established by a tribal government exercising its sovereign powers
with respect to expenditures specifically permitted by other Federal
law. The Byrd amendment requires all IHAs established under state law
to submit the following documents for applications for grants exceeding
1. Certification. A certification that no federal appropriated
funds will be used for lobbying purposes. The certification shall be
submitted on the Form entitled ``Certification for Contracts, Grants,
Loans and Cooperative Agreements''.
2. Disclosure Document. A document disclosing any lobbying
activities (on Standard Form--LLL, ``Disclosure of Lobbying
Activities'') where any funds other than federally appropriated funds
will be or have been used to influence federal employees, members of
Congress, and congressional staff regarding specific grants or
C. Conversions
During the first 24 months after Program Reservation, project
conversion between program type (LR or MH) may only be considered
1. An IHA submitted projects for mutual help (MH) and low rent
(LR), each scored high enough to be funded, and the IHA has the waiting
list to support the conversion, or
2. If only one application was submitted and approved, the
application upon re-ranking in the other program has to score at least
0.01 higher than the number of points achieved by the highest rated
application from any IHA which was not funded. If neither circumstance
exists, the request to convert will not be approved.
D. Errors in Ranking and Rating Fiscal Year 1994
1. Errors made by a FONAP during the 1994 fiscal year rating and
ranking that resulted in a change of rank order detrimental to an IHA
may be corrected as follows:
a. The FONAP will construct a hypothetical distribution that would
have existed if the error had not been made, and
b. The FONAP will determine what the unit award/funding would have
been for the IHA subject to the funds that were available at the time.
2. Remedial action will be taken for errors made by a FONAP as
a. The FONAP will deduct any funds needed from the FY 1995 fair
share assigned to that FONAP before any FY 1995 rating and rankings are
b. A correction of an error for an IHA will not adversely affect
the IHA participation on the FY 1995 rating and ranking process. The
IHA's application will be rated and ranked on the same basis as other
applications and as if no error was made.
E. Environment
A Finding of No Significant Impact with respect to the environment
has been made in accordance with HUD regulations that implement section
102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U. S. C.
4332). The Finding of No Significant Impact is available for public
inspection during business hours in the Office of the Rules Docket
Clerk, Office of General Counsel, room 10276, Department of Housing and
Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20410.
F. Other Federal Requirements
In order to be eligible for funding, activities must be in
compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and
implementing regulations at 24 CFR 8 and the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and implementing regulations for Title
II of the ADA issued by the Department of Justice at 28 CFR 35.
Dated: December 14, 1994.
Michael B. Janis,
General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing.
[[Page 4334]]
Appendix 1.--Listing of Field Offices of Native American Programs
IHAs located ONAP address
East of the Mississippi Eastern/Woodlands Office of Native American
River (including all of Programs, 5P, Metcalfe Federal Building, 77
Minnesota) and Iowa. West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois
60604-3507, (312) 353-1282 or (800) 735-
3239, TDD Numbers: 1-800-927-9275 or 312-886-
Louisiana, Missouri, Southern Plains Office of Native American
Kansas, Oklahoma, and Programs, 6.IPI, Murrah Federal Building,
Texas except for Isleta 200 NW 5th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
del Sur. 73102-3202, (405) 231-4101, TDD Numbers: 405-
231-4181 or 405-231-4891.
Colorado, Montana, Northern Plains Office of Native American
Nebraska, North Dakota, Programs, 8P, First Interstate Tower North,
South Dakota, and 633 17th Street, Denver, Colorado 80202-
Wyoming. 3607, (303) 672-5462, TDD Number: 303-844-
Arizona, California, New Southwest Office of Native American Programs,
Mexico, Nevada, and 9EPID, Two Arizona Center, 400 North Fifth
Isleta del Sur in Texas. Street, Suite 1650, Phoenix, Arizona 85004-
2361, (602) 379-4156, TDD Number: 602-379-
Albuquerque Division of Native American
Programs, 9EPIDI Albuquerque Plaza, 201 3rd
Street, NW, Suite 1830, Albuquerque, New
Mexico 87102-3368, (505) 766-1372, TDD
Number: None.
Idaho, Oregon, and Northwest Office of Native American Programs,
Washington. 10PI, 909 First Avenue, Suite 300, Seattle,
Washington 98104-1000, (206) 220-5270, TDD
Number: (206) 220-5185.
Alaska................... Alaska Office of Native American Programs,
10.1PI, 949 East 36th Avenue, Suite 401,
Anchorage, Alaska 99508-4399, (907) 271-
4633, TDD Number: (907) 271-4328.
Apendix 2
New Indian Housing Development Application Submission Checklist.
Note: Certain submission requirements listed on the following
checklist are included on the application form HUD-52730. It is the
responsibility of the IHA to assure that all submission requirements of
the checklist are met whether through the application form or by
separate submittal:
1. Application Form HUD-52730:
________ Complete application on Form HUD-52730 (5/94).
________ Attach all exhibits and tables as required.
2. IHA Resolution(s): each application must be accompanied by an
IHA Resolution which contains the following:
________ A statement that authorizes the submission of the
application for units.
________ A statement explaining how solid waste disposal for the
proposed development will be addressed.
________ A statement regarding the planned access to public utility
services and a listing of any official commitment(s) for these utility
services for the development.
________ The IHA Resolution must advise HUD of any persons with a
pecuniary interest in the proposed development. Persons with a
pecuniary interest in the development shall include but not be limited
to any developers, contractors, and consultants involved in the
application, planning, construction, or implementation of the
development. (During the period when an application is pending or
assistance is being provided, the applicant shall update the disclosure
required within thirty days of any substantial change.)
3. Certifications: Each application must contain the following
certifications provided by the Executive Director on IHA letterhead, in
addition to the certifications included on Form HUD-52730 (5/94).
________ Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements
as directed by 24 CFR 24.630(b).
________ Certification that the IHA has complied with all
requirements of 24 CFR Part 135, which implements Section 3 of the HUD
Act of 1968, as amended.
4. Letters: Each IHA application must be accompanied by a letter of
support signed by the CEO of the general local government indicating:
________ Support for the proposed application and development.
________ Support for the IHA's intent to apply for planning funds
for the development.
________ Where applicable, assurance to HUD that access road needs
will be identified by Tribal Resolution (with BIA concurrence) and
entered on the BIA Indian Reservation Roads prioritization schedule
used by BIA for resource allocation(25 CFR part 170: 57 BIAM 4 and
Supplement 4; and 24 CFR part 905 B, appendix I, item 6).
________ Acknowledgement that there is a need for the housing
assistance applied for that is not being met by private enterprise.
________ Assurance that there are, or will be available, public
facilities and services adequate to serve the proposed housing. (If
available, Tribal support is evidenced by attached letters from various
organizations that will provide utilities and services to the proposed
housing units.)
5. Supporting Documentation: Each application must be accompanied
by the following supporting documentation:
________ Disclosure of additional assistance from other sources
that will be used in association with the project for which the
applicant is seeking assistance.
________ Statement specifying the number of eligible applicant
families by program type (LR or MH). The statement must be supported by
a sufficient number of current applications from eligible families
maintained by the IHA.
________ Identify sites proposed for Mutual Help development in the
application in accordance with 905.230, 905.245, and 905.407.
6. Items That Should be Submitted, If Not Previously Submitted:
________ Certified Copy of the Transcript of Proceedings containing
the IHA Resolution pursuant to which the Application is being made.
________ IHA Organization Transcript or General Certificate.
________ Tribal Ordinance
________ Cooperation Agreements. Where the provisions of the
necessary local government cooperation are not contained in the
ordinance or other enactment creating the IHA, the IHA shall submit an
executed cooperation agreement (or copy of an existing one) for the
location involved, which is sufficient to cover the number of units in
the application.
7. Optional Items: [[Page 4335]]
________ Preliminary Site Reports indicating pre-approved sites,
and BIA approved leases for the proposed project site(s), if any.
8. Force Account. To enable the Field Office of Native American
Programs to make an initial determination of the viability of the
proposal, there are additional submission requirements for the
application, including:
________ IHA justification for HUD approval of the force account
method, pursuant to 24 CFR 905.215(a)(6).
________ IHA or Tribal resolution agreeing to cover any costs in
excess of the HUD-approved estimated construction cost.
________ Evidence that either the IHA or Tribe has the resources to
cover such excess costs.
________ An action plan as outlined in HUD Handbook 7450.01 REV-1,
Chapter 14, paragraph 14-5.
[FR Doc. 95-1416 Filed 1-19-95; 8:45 am]