95-1474. Commonwealth Edison Company; (Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Unit 2); Exemption  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 13 (Friday, January 20, 1995)]
    [Pages 4202-4203]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-1474]
    [Docket No. 50-237]
    Commonwealth Edison Company; (Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Unit 
    2); Exemption
        Commonwealth Edison Company (ComEd, the licensee) is the holder of 
    Facility Operating License No. DPR-19, which authorizes operation of 
    the Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Unit 2 (the facility), at a steady-
    state power level not in excess of 2527 megawatts thermal. The facility 
    is a boiling water reactor located at the licensee's site in Grundy 
    County, Illinois. This license provides, among other things, that the 
    facility is subject to all rules, regulations, and Orders of the U.S. 
    Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) now or hereafter in 
        By letter dated November 23, 1994, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12(a), 
    ComEd requested a schedular exemption for Dresden, Unit 2, from the 24-
    month test interval for the Type B and C local leak rate test (LLRT) as 
    required by 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix J, Sections III.D.2(a) and 
    III.D.3. The exemption is requested to avoid a potential reactor shut 
    down to perform the Type B and C tests.
        Due to two forced outages, ComEd has had to reschedule the Dresden, 
    Unit 2, refueling outage from February 1995 to July 1995. Subsequently, 
    ComEd requested a maximum extension of up to an additional 180 days for 
    the most extreme case, from performing the Type B and C testing. The 
    Type B and C tests cannot be performed during power operation.
        In its letter dated November 23, 1994, ComEd requested a one-time 
    exemption from the 24-month Type B and C test interval requirements of 
    Appendix J for certain volumes (i.e., bellows, manway gasket seals, 
    flanges, and isolation valves) identified in Attachment III of the 
    licensee's submittal. ComEd stated that these volumes cannot be tested 
    while the reactor is at power and provided the basis for this 
    conclusion in Attachment IV of their submittal.
        The licensee provided leakage test results and maintenance 
    information on these volumes for the past two refueling outages. The 
    current maximum pathway leakage rate for Dresden, Unit 2, as determined 
    through Type B and C leak rate testing, is 309.46 standard cubic feet 
    per hour (scfh). This value is approximately 63 percent of the 
    Technical Specification (TS) limit of 488.45 scfh (o.6La). In 
    addition, the previous outage ``as left'' total minimum pathway leakage 
    rate for Type B and C testable penetrations was 173.25 scfh.
        The Type A integrated leak rate test, which obtains the summation 
    of all potential leakage paths (including containment welds, valves, 
    fittings, and penetrations) was performed on May 14, 1993. The 
    resulting leakage from the test was 493.36 scfh. This value is 
    approximately 80.8 percent of the limit specified in the TS (o.75 
        In order to provide an added margin of safety and to account for 
    possible increases in the leakage rates of untested volumes during the 
    relatively short period of the exemption, Dresden Nuclear Power 
    Station, United 2, will impose an administrative limit for maximum 
    pathway leakage of 80 percent of 0.6La for the remaining Unit 2 
    fuel cycle.
        To reduce the number of volumes which need an exemption, ComEd will 
    test the volumes listed in Attachment V of their submittal during 
    reactor operation. In addition, volumes listed in Attachment III of 
    their submittal will be tested should a forced outage of suitable 
    duration occur prior to July 16, 1995.
        The staff has reviewed ComEd's submittal regarding the Appendix J 
    test interval exemption request. In summary, the staff finds that, for 
    the specific volumes listed in Attachment III of ComEd's submittal, 
    extending the schedule for the required Type B and C tests by 180 days 
    will not affect containment integrity based on the following:
        1. Testing has shown low ``as found'' leakage during the past two 
    outages. The ample margin between the measured leakage and the 
    allowable leakage should accommodate any degradation likely to be 
    experienced for these components during the extended period.
        2. The intent of Appendix J was that Type B and C testing be 
    performed during a refueling outage. It is not the intent of Appendix J 
    to require a shutdown solely for surveillance testing. The exemption 
    would provide relief from the requirements of Appendix J to allow a 
    test interval extension for these components which only became 
    necessary as a result of rescheduling the Unit 2, Cycle 14, refueling 
    outage .
        Based on the above discussion, the staff finds that for the 
    component volumes identified in Attachment III of ComEd's submittal, an 
    exemption from the LLRT test frequency specified in Appendix J should 
    be granted.
        Based on the above, the staff concludes that the licensee's 
    proposed extension of the test intervals for test components identified 
    in its submittal is acceptable. This is a one-time exemption from the 
    Type B and C test interval requirements as prescribed in Appendix J, 
    and is intended to be in effect until July 16, 1995. This approval is 
    based on the assumption that all other tests will be conducted in 
    accordance with the requirements of Appendix J.
        The Commission's regulations at 10 CFR 50.12 provide that special 
    circumstances must be present in order for an exemption from the 
    regulations to be granted. According to 10 CFR 50.12(a)(2)(ii), special 
    circumstances are present whenever application of the regulation in the 
    particular circumstances would not serve the underlying purpose of the 
    rule or is not necessary to achieve the underlying purpose of the rule. 
    The underlying purpose of the requirement to perform Type B and Type C 
    containment leak rate tests at intervals not to exceed 2 years, is to 
    ensure that any potential leakage pathways through the containment 
    boundary are identified within a time span that prevents significant 
    degradation from continuing [[Page 4203]] or being unknown, and long 
    enough to allow the tests to be conducted during scheduled refueling 
    outages. This interval was originally published in Appendix J when 
    refueling cycles were conducted at approximately annual intervals and 
    has not been changed to reflect 18-month or 2-year operating cycles. It 
    is not the intent of the regulation to require a plant shutdown solely 
    for the purpose of conducting the periodic leak rate tests. As 
    indicated above, based on past local leakage rate testing data, the 
    180-day extension of the test interval will not affect the performance 
    of the containment. To require a shutdown solely for surveillance 
    testing would not serve the underlying purpose of the rule.
        Accordingly, the Commission has determined, pursuant to 10 CFR 
    50.12(a), that this exemption is authorized by law and will not present 
    an undue risk to the public health and safety, and is consistent with 
    the common defense and security. In addition, the Commission has found 
    special circumstances in that application of the regulation in these 
    particular circumstances would not serve the underlying purpose of the 
    rule. Therefore, the Commission hereby grants the exemption from 10 CFR 
    Part 50, Appendix J, Sections III.D.2(a) and III.D.3 to the extent that 
    the Appendix J test interval for performing Type B tests (except for 
    air locks) and Type C tests may be extended for 180 days until July 16, 
    1995, on a one-time only basis, for Dresden, Unit 2, as described in 
    Section III above.
        Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.32, the Commission has determined that the 
    granting of this Exemption will have no significant impact on the 
    quality of the human environment (60 FR 3277).
        Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 13th day of January 1995.
        For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
    Jack W. Roe,
    Director, Division of Reactor Projects--III/IV, Office of Nuclear 
    Reactor Regulation.
    [FR Doc. 95-1474 Filed 1-19-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7590-01-M

Document Information

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
4202-4203 (2 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 50-237
PDF File: