95-1553. International Drug Scheduling; Convention on Psychotropic Substances; World Health Organization Scheduling Recommendations for Seven Drug Substances  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 13 (Friday, January 20, 1995)]
    [Pages 4169-4173]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-1553]
    Food and Drug Administration
    [Docket No. 94N-0173]
    International Drug Scheduling; Convention on Psychotropic 
    Substances; World Health Organization Scheduling Recommendations for 
    Seven Drug Substances
    AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is providing interested 
    persons with the opportunity to submit written comments and to request 
    an informal public meeting concerning recommendations by the World 
    Health Organization (WHO) to impose international manufacturing and 
    distributing restrictions, pursuant to international treaties, on 
    certain drug substances. The comments received in response to this 
    notice and/or public meeting will be considered in preparing the U.S. 
    position on these proposals for a meeting of the United Nations 
    Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) in Vienna, Austria, on March 14-23, 
    1995. This notice is issued pursuant to the Controlled Substances Act 
    DATES: Written comments by February 9, 1995; written requests for a 
    public meeting and the reasons for such a request by January 30, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Submit written comments to the Dockets Management Branch 
    (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, rm. 1-23, 12420 Parklawn Dr., 
    Rockville, MD 20857; written requests for a public meeting and the 
    reasons for such a request to Nicholas P. Reuter (address below).
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Nicholas P. Reuter, Office of Health 
    Affairs (HFY-20), Food and Drug Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane, 
    Rockville, MD 20857, 301-443-1382.
    I. Background
        The United States is a party to the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic 
    Substances (the Convention). Section 201(d)(2)(B) of the CSA (21 U.S.C. 
    811(d)(2)(B)) provides that when the United States is notified under 
    Article 2 of the Convention that CND proposes to decide whether to add 
    a drug or other substance to one of the schedules of the Convention, 
    transfer a drug or substance from one schedule to another, or delete it 
    from the schedules, the Secretary of State must transmit notice of such 
    information to the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS).
        The Secretary of HHS must then publish a summary of such 
    information in the Federal Register and provide opportunity for 
    interested persons to submit comments. The Secretary of HHS shall then 
    evaluate the proposal and furnish a recommendation to the Secretary of 
    State which shall be binding on the representative of the United States 
    in discussions and negotiations relating to the proposal.
        As detailed below in this document, the Secretary of State has 
    received a notification from the Secretary-General of the United 
    Nations. This notification reflects the recommendations from the 29th 
    WHO Expert Committee for Drug Dependence (ECDD), which met in September 
    1994. WHO recommends that the substances aminorex, brotizolam, and 
    mesocarb be added to Schedule IV of the Convention. In addition, WHO 
    recommends that etryptamine and methcathinone be [[Page 4170]] added to 
    Schedule I of the Convention and that zipeprol be added to Schedule II. 
    WHO also recommends that flunitrazepam, presently controlled in 
    Schedule IV of the Convention, be transferred to Schedule III.
        A notice published in the Federal Register of June 20, 1994 (59 FR 
    31639), announced the WHO review of these seven substances and provided 
    an opportunity for interested parties to submit information to be 
    forwarded to WHO. Information submitted in response to that notice was 
    forwarded to WHO and was considered during the 29th meeting of the WHO 
    Expert Committee on Drug Dependence in September, 1994.
        The full text of the notification from the Secretary-General of the 
    United Nations is provided below in Section II of this notice. Section 
    201(d)(2)(B) of the CSA (21 U.S.C. 811(d)(2)(B)) requires the Secretary 
    of HHS, after receiving a notification proposing scheduling, to publish 
    a notice in the Federal Register to provide the opportunity for 
    interested parties to submit information and comments on the proposed 
    scheduling action.
    II. United Nations Notification
        UNDCP 421/12(1) 1971 CPS
        WHO 29th ECDD
        CU 94/231
        The Secretary-General of the United Nations presents his 
    compliments to the Secretary of State of the United States of 
    America and has the honour to inform the Government that, pursuant 
    to article 2, paragraphs 1, 4 and 6, of the Convention on 
    Psychotropic Substances of 1971, he has received a notification 
    dated 11 November 1994, from the Director-General of the World 
    Health Organization (WHO), concerning recommendations for 
    international control of the following seven substances: aminorex, 
    brotizolam, etryptamine, flunitrazapam, mesocarb, methcathinone and 
        In accordance with the provisions of article 2, paragraph 2, of 
    the 1971 Convention, the Secretary-General hereby transmits the text 
    of that notification as an annex to the present note.
        As will be seen from the notification and the attached 
    assessments and recommendations, WHO recommends that aminorex, 
    brotizolam and mesocarb be included in Schedule IV of the 1971 
    Convention; that etryptamine and methcathinone be included in 
    Schedule I; and that zipeprol be included in Schedule II. WHO also 
    recommends that flunitrazepam be transferred from Schedule IV to 
    Schedule III of the Convention.
        Pursuant to article 2, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the 
    notification from WHO will be brought to the attention of the 
    Commission on Narcotic Drugs at its thirty-eighth session (14-23 
    March 1995). Any action or decision taken by the Commission with 
    respect to the notification, pursuant to article 2, paragraph 5 or 
    6, or the Convention, will be notified to States Parties in due 
        Article 2, paragraph 5, reads:
        ``The Commission, taking into account the communication from the 
    World Health Organization, whose assessments shall be determinative 
    as to medical and scientific matters, and bearing in mind the 
    economic, social, legal, administrative and other factors it may 
    consider relevant, may add the substance to Schedule I, II, III or 
    IV. The Commission may seek further information from the World 
    Health Organization or from other appropriate sources.''
        Article 2, paragraph 6 reads:
         ``If a notification under paragraph 1 relates to a substance 
    already listed in one of the Schedules, the World Health 
    Organization shall communicate to the Commission its new findings, 
    any new assessment of the substance it may make in accordance with 
    paragraph 4 and any new recommendations on control measures it may 
    find appropriate in the light of that assessment. The Commission 
    taking into account the communication from the World Health 
    Organization as under paragraph 5 and bearing in mind the factors 
    referred in that paragraph, may decide to transfer the substance 
    from one Schedule to another or to delete it from the Schedules.''
        The Secretary-General would appreciate it if the Government 
    would submit data on seizures of any of these substances or on the 
    existence of clandestine laboratories manufacturing them. Such data 
    would assist the Commission in its consideration of possible 
    international control of some or all of the substances under review.
        In order to further assist the Commission in reaching a 
    decision, it would be appreciated if any economic, social, legal, 
    administrative or other factors the Government may consider relevant 
    to the question of the possible scheduling or rescheduling of these 
    seven substances could be communicated by 15 January 1995 to the 
    United Nations International Drug Control Programme, c/o Secretariat 
    of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, P.O. Box 500, A-1400 Vienna, 
    Austria (telefax 239397).
    7 December 1994
    Note dated 11 November 1994 addressed to the Secretary-General by the 
    Director-General of the World Health Organization
        The Director-General of the World Health Organization presents 
    his compliments to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and 
    has the honour to transmit, in accordance with article 2, paragraph 
    1, 4 and 6 of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971, 
    assessments and recommendations of the World Health Organization, as 
    set forth in the annex hereto, concerning proposed international 
    control in respect of aminorex, brotizolam, etryptamine, 
    flunitrazepam, mesocarb, methcathinone, and zipeprol.
        The Director-General of the World Health Organization avails 
    himself of this opportunity to renew to the Secretary-General of the 
    United Nations the assurance of his highest consideration.
    1. Substance identification
        Aminorex (INN; CAS 2207-50-3), chemically 2-amino-5-phenyl-2-
    oxazoline, is also known as aminoxaphen and aminozafen, and formerly 
    as Apiquel and Monocil (aminorex fumarate). Aminorex has one 
    asymmetric carbon atom in the molecule, so that two stereoisomeric 
    forms and one racemate are possible.
    2. Similarity to already known substances and affects on the central 
    nervous system
        Aminorex is chemically similar to 4-methylaminorex, which is 
    included in Schedule I of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 
    1971. Aminorex produces effects that are characteristic of central 
    nervous system stimulants such as amfetamine, and was used 
    clinically for its anorectic effects. Aminorex produces adverse 
    effects similar to those produced by central nervous system 
    stimulants. In addition, when used as an anorectic, aminorex was 
    considered to have been responsible for the occurrence of a 
    significant incidence of pulmonary hypertension. This led to its 
    withdrawal from the market in 1968.
    3. Dependence potential
        In drug discrimination studies, aminorex generalized to 
    amfetamine and cocaine. Animal self-administration studies indicate 
    that aminorex has some reinforcing effects. These animal studies 
    suggest that aminorex has a moderate dependence potential.
    4. Actual abuse and/or evidence of likelihood of abuse
        Police and forensic reports indicate that aminorex is illicitly 
    distributed in the United States of America as well as to a limited 
    degree in Germany. These cases document the distribution of aminorex 
    as amfetamine or metamfetamine on the street, suggesting that the 
    population using the drug mainly comprises stimulant abusers. In 
    spite of the limited level of actual abuse, aminorex is assessed to 
    have a moderate abuse liability, taking into account the relative 
    simplicity of its manufacturing in clandestine laboratories.
    5. Therapeutic usefulness
        Because of serious adverse effects, aminorex is assessed to have 
    very little, if any, therapeutic usefulness.
    6. Recommendation
        Based on the available data concerning its pharmacological and 
    toxicological profile, dependence potential and likelihood of abuse, 
    the degree of seriousness of the public health and social problems 
    associated with the abuse of aminorex is assessed to be significant. 
    On the basis of this and the assessment of its therapeutic 
    usefulness, it is recommended that aminorex be included in Schedule 
    IV of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971.
    1. Substance identification
        Brotizolam (INN; CAS 57801-81-7), chemically 2-bromo-4-
    (-chloropenyl)-9- [[Page 4171]] methyl-6H-thianol[3,2-f]-s-
    triazolol[4,3-a][1,4]diazepine, is also known as Ladormin, Lendorm, 
    Lendormin, Lindormin, Noctilan, Dormex, and Sintonal.
    2. Similarity to already known substances and affects on the central 
    nervous system
        Brotizolam produces pharmacological effects typical of the class 
    of benzodiazepines. It binds with high affinity to benzodiazepine 
    receptors. A number of studies have demonstrated the therapeutic 
    effects of brotizolam as a short-acting hypnotic with a mean 
    elimination half-life of 4-5 hours.
    3. Dependence potential
        Animal studies have shown that brotizolam has barbiturate type 
    subjective effects. It produces alcohol-barbiturate type mild-to-
    severe withdrawal syndromes, and has some reinforcing effects. The 
    few clinical studies available demonstrate the occurrence of rebound 
    insomnia upon withdrawal of the drug. These findings collectively 
    indicate that brotizolam has a moderate dependence potential similar 
    to other benzodiazepine hypnotics.
    4. Actual abuse and/or evidence of likelihood of abuse
        In spite of its pharmacological similarity to other 
    benzodiazepine hynotics, and its marketing in 18 countries, actual 
    abuse of brotizolam has been reported only in Germany and Hong Kong. 
    In Germany, although there has been some abuse and illicit activity 
    involving brotizolam, this was not considered serious enough to 
    subject the drug to the distribution control measures which are 
    applicable to controlled drugs. In Hong Kong, following its 
    introduction to the local market in 1988, the abuse of brotizolam 
    increased rapidly among young people, leading to the application of 
    stricter regulatory control measures in 1990. The company withdrew 
    the product from the market in 1992.
        Based on the experiences of Germany and Hong Kong with 
    brotizolam, it is assessed that brotizolam has an appreciable abuse 
    liability. The problem may be more acute in situations where 
    prescription requirements for dispensing are not effectively 
    implemented or are not applicable.
    5. Therapeutic usefulness
        Brotizolam is marketed as a hypnotic in 18 countries and may be 
    considered to have a moderate to great therapeutic usefulness.
    6. Recommendation
        Based on the available data concerning its pharmacological and 
    toxicological profile, dependence potential and likelihood of abuse, 
    the degree of seriousness of the public health and social problems 
    associated with the abuse of brotizolam is assessed to be 
    significant, in cases where prescription requirements are not 
    effectively implemented or required, a situation which exists in 
    many developing countries. On the basis of this and the assessment 
    of its therapeutic usefulness, it is recommended that brotizolam be 
    included in Schedule IV of the Convention on Psychotropic 
    Substances, 1971.
    1. Substance identification
        Etryptamine (INN; CAS 2235-90-7), chemically 3-(2-
    aminobutyl)indole, is also known as -ethyltryptamine and 
    Monase. Etryptamine has a single chiral centre, so that two 
    stereoisomeric forms and one racemate are possible.
    2. Similarity to already known substances and affects on the central 
    nervous system
        Chemically, etryptamine is similar to hallucinogenic 
    tryptamines, some of which are already in Schedule I of the 1971 
    Convention. Animal studies indicate that etryptamine produces 
    effects similar to those produced by 3,4,-
    methylenedioxymetamfetamine (MDMA), but its hallucinogenic effects 
    are more pronounced than its stimulant effects. Like amfetamine, 
    etryptamine increases locomotor activity in rodents. In a study 
    using the behaviour pattern monitoring method, etryptamine 
    significantly decreased investigatory behaviour, which is typical of 
    hallucinogens and MDMA-like substances. The stimulant effects of 
    etryptamine are slower in onset and more prolonged in duration than 
    those of amfetamine. In addition, etryptamine inhibits monoamine 
        In the early 1960s, etryptamine acetate was placed on the United 
    States market as an anti-depressant. Soon after its release on the 
    market, it was reported that etryptamine was associated with a high 
    incidence of agranulocytosis, a potentially fatal condition. More 
    recently, there were isolated reports of etryptamine being 
    associated with the deaths of drug abusers in Germany, Spain, and 
    the United States of America.
    3. Dependence potential
        Animal drug discrimination studies indicate that etryptamine has 
    subjective effects resembling MDMA. Self-administration studies 
    indicate that etryptamine has a moderate dependence potential, which 
    is lower than that of cocaine.
    4. Actual abuse and/or evidence of likelihood of abuse
        Information available from various sources indicates that there 
    has been some abuse of etryptamine in Germany, Spain and the United 
    States of America. Etryptamine is estimated to have a high abuse 
    5. Therapeutic usefulness
        In view of its association with serious adverse reactions such 
    as agranulocytosis, the therapeutic usefulness of etryptamine is 
    assessed to be very limited, if any.
    6. Recommendation
        Based on the available data concerning its pharmacological and 
    toxicological profile, dependence potential and likelihood of abuse, 
    the degree of seriousness of the public health and social problems 
    associated with the abuse of etryptamine is assessed to be 
    especially serious. On the basis of this and the assessment of its 
    therapeutic usefulness, it is recommended that etryptamine be 
    included in Schedule I of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 
    1. Substance identification
        Flunitrazepam (INN; CAS 1622-62-4), chemically 5-(-
    one, is also known as Absint, Darkene, Fluninoc, Flunipam, Fluinita, 
    Flunitrazepan-ratiopharm, Hypnodrom, Hipnosedon, Inervon, Narcozep, 
    Parnox, Primun, Rohipnol, Rohypnol and Valsers.
    2. Similarity to already known substances and affects on the central 
    nervous system
        Flunitrazepam has typical benzodiazepine effects, with a greater 
    sedative-hypnotic potency than diazepam or chlordiazepoxide. 
    Flunitrazepam binds with high affinity to central benzodiazepine 
    receptors. Flunitrazepam is rapidly absorbed after oral 
    administration. The elimination half-life of flunitrazepam following 
    a single oral dose ranges between 9 and 25 hours in humans. 
    Accumulation occurs with chronic administration.
    3. Dependence potential
        Drug discrimination, drug withdrawal and self-administration 
    studies indicate that flunitrazepam has a dependence potential 
    similar to other benzodiazepines. Rebound insomnia, which is 
    considered a form of withdrawal from sedative-hypnotics, may be 
    contributing to the tendency of continuing the medication. These 
    data do not suggest any substantive difference between flunitrazepam 
    and other benzodiazepine hypnotics.
        However, drug preference studies in opiod users have shown that 
    flunitrazepam and diazepam stand out from other benzodiazepines in 
    terms of producing a strong positive reinforcing effect in these 
        Based on the above, flunitrazepam is estimated to have a 
    moderate abuse potential which may be higher than other 
    benzodiazepines. The rapid onset and longer duration of action, 
    coupled with the strong sedative-hypnotic effects, may be 
    contributing to its higher abuse potential.
    4. Actual abuse and/or evidence of likelihood of abuse
        Information available indicates that the non-medical use or 
    abuse of flunitrazepam is widespread among drug abusers, 
    particularly opioid and cocaine abusers. Flunitrazepam is reported 
    to be the most widely abused benzodiazepine by opioid abusers in 
    many large cities in Europe, Asia and Oceania. Flunitrazepam abuse 
    is reported even in the United States of America where the drug is 
    not marketed for therapeutic use.
        Reported reasons for the abuse of flunitrazepam include 
    potentiation of opioid effects, substitution for the opioid when it 
    is difficult to obtain, and self-medication for opioid withdrawal. 
    Oral intake is the most common route of administration of 
    flunitrazepam but some abusers take the drug by intravenous 
    injection or by smoking. Health problems associated with the abuse 
    of flunitrazepam include deaths directly or indirectly related with 
    the drug use, drug dependence, withdrawal syndrome, paranoia, 
    amnesia and other psychiatric disorders. [[Page 4172]] 
        Information on the extent of association of 37 benzodiazepines 
    with illicit activities during the period 1984-1989, available to 
    the 27th meeting of the WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence in 
    1980, clearly indicated a higher incidence of association with 
    illicit activities of both diazepam and flunitrazepam in comparison 
    with other benzodiazepines. At that time, however, the data were not 
    evaluated in relation to drug availability. After and adjustment for 
    the amounts manufactured and for potency, flunitrazepam further 
    stands out in both seizures and the number of illicit cases 
    involving the drug, whereas diazepam is no longer outstanding.
        Information on drug involvement in illicit activities after 
    1980, received from governments in response to the WHO questionnaire 
    in 1994, is limited, and does not allow a comparison among a large 
    number of benzodiazepines. However, the recent report from Interpol 
    and the increasing trend in the United States of America, despite 
    the lack of licit medical supplies in that country, together with 
    several recent reports showing flunitrazepam as being the main non-
    opioid drug abused by opioid abusers in major European cities, 
    further substantiate its high abuse liability.
    5. Therapeutic usefulness
        Flunitrazepam is useful for the treatment of insomnia. It is 
    also indicated as a pre-anaesthetic medication to assist in the 
    induction and maintenance of anaesthesia. Flunitrazepam has a 
    therapeutic usefulness similar to other benzodiazepine hypnotics, 
    within the range from moderate to great.
    6. Recommendation
        Flunitrazepam has a greater likelihood of abuse than other 
    benzodiazepines. Although there is some element of self-medication 
    for opioid withdrawal, the abuse of flunitrazepam by opioid abusers 
    complicates the clinical picture, leading to multiple drug 
    dependence. Its abuse is prevalent also among youths and cocaine 
    abusers. In addition to its oral and intravenous use, abuse by 
    ``snorting'' has recently been reported. As yet, no other 
    benzodiazepine has been reported as being abused by three different 
    routes of administration: oral, nasal and intravenous. Flunitrazepam 
    abuse has been associated with dependence and other behavioural 
    problems. Illicit activities involving flunitrazepam are increasing 
    even in the United States of America, where it is available 
    illegally despite the lack of marketing for therapeutic use.
        Based on the available data concerning its pharmacological and 
    toxicological profile, dependence potential and likelihood of abuse, 
    and paying particular regard to the above characteristics, the 
    degree of seriousness of the public health and social problems 
    associated with the abuse of flunitrazepam is assessed to have 
    become substantial. On the basis of this and the assessment of its 
    therapeutic usefulness, it is recommended that flunitrazepam be 
    rescheduled into Schedule III of the Convention on Psychotropic 
    Substances, 1971.
    1. Substance identification
        Mesocarb (INN; CAS 34262-84-5), is chemically 3-(-
    methlylphenethyl)-N-(phenylcarbamoyl)syndone imine, is also known as 
    Pharbamocarb, Sidnocarb and Sydnocarb. Mesocarb has one asymmetric 
    carbon atom in the molecule, so that two stereoisomeric forms and 
    one racemate are possible.
    2. Similarity to already known substances and effects on the central 
    nervous system
        Chemically, mesocarb is a sydnone imine having an amfetamine-
    like moiety in its molecule. Of the two optical isomers of mesocarb, 
    only the levorotatory isomer exerts a stimulant effect on the 
    central nervous system. This effect is significantly weaker than 
    that of dexamfetamine. Mesocarb produces locomotor stimulation, 
    anorectic activity, enhancement of conditioned reflexes, and 
    shortening of the period of action of hypnotic agents. In addition, 
    there are several pharmacological studies on mesocarb used in 
    combination with other substances in animals, such as mesocarb-
    acetylsalicylic acid combination. Mesocarb has been reported to 
    increase work capacity and improve cardiovascular function while 
    maintaining normal oxygen consumption. Adverse reactions are similar 
    to those of other CNS stimulants. Several studies in humans have 
    shown that mesocarb increases resistance to environmental stress 
    such as cold temperature, low gravity, and low oxygen levels in the 
    3. Dependence potential
        Animal studies indicate that mesocarb has discriminative 
    stimulus effects similar to CNS stimulants such as dexamfetamine and 
    cocaine, as well as some reinforcing effects in monkeys, suggesting 
    a low to moderate dependence potential.
    4. Actual abuse and/or evidence of likelihood of abuse
        There is some evidence to indicate that mesocab is abused in 
    sports, and its use has been banned by the International Olympic 
        Though reportedly discontinued, information from the 
    International Narcotics Control Board indicated that large 
    quantities of a pharmaceutical preparation containing mesocarb and 
    acetylsalicylic acid were illegally exported to western Africa. 
    Although epidemiological data are not available, it is believed that 
    most, if not all, of the exported combination products was abused. 
    On the basis of available information, mesocarb is assessed to have 
    an appreciable abuse liability.
    5. Therapeutic usefulness
        Mesocarb is used in several countries, mainly in eastern Europe, 
    as a stimulant to counteract acute intoxication by depressants; for 
    the treatment of hyperactivity and nocturnal enureses in children; 
    and as an ``energizer'' to enhance resistance to environmental 
    stress. The therapeutic usefulness of mesocarb is estimated to be 
    within the range between little and moderate.
    6. Recommendation
        Although no epidemiological data are available on health 
    problems associated with the actual abuse of mesocarb, mesocarb is 
    abused in sports, and illicit activities involving mesocarb have 
    been reported. Based on this and the available data concerning its 
    pharmacological and toxicological profile, dependence potential and 
    likelihood of abuse, the degree of seriousness of the public health 
    and social problems associated with the abuse of mesocarb is 
    assessed to be significant. On the basis of this and the assessment 
    of its therapeutic usefulness, it is recommended that mesocarb be 
    included in Schedule IV of the Convention on Psychotropic 
    Substances, 1971.
    1. Substance identification
        Methcathinone (CAS 5650-44-2) chemically 2-(methylamino)-1-
    phenylpropan-1-one, is also know as ephedrone and metylcathinone. It 
    has one chiral centre, so that two stereoisomeric forms and one 
    racemate are possible.
    2. Similarity to already known substances and affects on the central 
    nervous system
        Methcathinone is the N-methyl derivative of cathinone, and is 
    closely related to metamfetamine. Animal studies have shown that 
    methcathinone produces CNS stimulant effects similar to those 
    produces by amfetamine, metamfetamine, cathinone and cocaine. Of the 
    two optical isomers, the levorotatory form is more active.
    3. Dependence potential
        Drug discrimination and self-administration studies in animal 
    indicate that methcathinone has a dependence potential similar to 
    central nervous system stimulants such as amfetamine and cocaine. 
    Case reports and a study conducted in the United States of America 
    on methcathinone abusers also suggest that methcathinone has a high 
    dependence potential similar to that of metamfetamine.
    4. Actual abuse and/or evidence of likelihood of abuse
        Significant abuse of methcathinone has been reported in Estonia, 
    Latvia, the Russian Federation, and in some countries of the 
    Commonwealth of Independent States as well as in the United States 
    of America. Methcathinone is readily manufactured from ephedrine by 
    oxidation. Methcathinone is assessed to have a high abuse liability.
    5. Therapeutic usefulness
        Methcathinone has not been marketed for therapeutic purposes. 
    Its therapeutic usefulness is assessed to be very limited, if any.
    6. Recommendation
        Studies from the United States of America and the Russian 
    Federation have confirmed that methcathinone abuse results in 
    adverse health effects similar to those associated with the abuse of 
    metamfetamine, including fatal cases of acute intoxication. Illicit 
    activities involving methcathinone, including clandestine 
    manufacturing, are also reported widely.
        Based on the available data concerning its pharmacological and 
    toxicological profile, dependence potential and likelihood of abuse, 
    and paying particular regard to the above characteristics, the 
    degree of [[Page 4173]] seriousness of the public health and social 
    problems associated with the abuse of methcathinone is assessed to 
    be especially serious. On the basis of this and the assessment of 
    its therapeutic usefulness, it is recommended that methcathinone be 
    included in Schedule I of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 
    1. Substance identification
        Zipeprol (INN; CAS 34758-83-3), chemically -(-
    is also know as Antituxil-Z, Carm-3024, Chilvax, Delaviral, 
    Dovavixin, Jactus, Eritos, Mirsol, Ogyline, Rospilene, Respirase, 
    Respirax, Sanotus, Sentus, Silentos, Sousibim, Talasa, Tusigen, 
    Tussiflex and Zitoxil. Zipeprol has three asymmetric carbon atoms in 
    the molecule, so that eight stereoisomeric forms are possible.
    2. Similarity to already known substances and affects on the central 
    nervous system
        In laboratory animals, zipeprol has been shown to have an 
    antitussive activity weaker than codeine and comparable to 
    dextromethorphan. Its pharmacological properties are different from 
    those of opioid antitussives, such as codeine, in that zipeprol has 
    anti-cholinergic activities. It also does not produce respiratory 
    depression, bile duct constriction or constipation, which are often 
    associated with narcotic antitussives.
        Unlike opioids, zipeprol is essentially devoid of analgesic 
    activity, but at higher doses, zipeprol acts like a weak opioid 
    agonist. Zipeprol showed a bi-phasic effect in competing for binding 
    sites in rat brain homogenates.
    3. Dependence potential
        In rats, lower doses of zipeprol amplify some opioid withdrawal 
    manifestations whereas at higher doses it suppresses several 
    morphine withdrawal symptoms. In the monkey, zipeprol suppresses 
    morphine abstinence. Zipeprol is assessed to have a moderate 
    dependence potential.
    4. Actual abuse and/or evidence of likelihood of abuse
        There have been a number of reports on the abuse of zipeprol 
    from Brazil, Chile, Italy, Mexico, the Republic of Korea, 
    Switzerland, and the former Yugoslavia. These reports suggest that 
    its sedative, hallucinatory and euphorigenic effects, and its 
    ability to suppress some signs of opioid withdrawal at high doses, 
    may be the reasons for its abuse. Over-the-counter distribution of 
    zipeprol preparations may have contributed to its widespread abuse 
    in some places. Taking this into account, zipeprol is assessed to 
    have a moderate abuse liability.
        Adverse health consequences of zipeprol abuse include seizures, 
    hallucinations, confusion and amnesia. Dose escalation is not 
    uncommon and fatal cases from intoxication were reported from 
    several countries. The tablet form has been used for intravenous 
    5. Therapeutic usefulness
        A number of clinical studies have demonstrated the therapeutic 
    efficacy of zipeprol in the treatment of cough. The therapeutic 
    usefulness of zipeprol is assessed to be within the range between 
    little to moderate.
    6. Recommendation
        Although zipeprol is a weak opioid agonist at high doses, its 
    toxicity, hallucinogenic and other psychotropic effects constitute a 
    significant element in its abuse. It is therefore appropriate to 
    consider its control under the Convention on Psychotropic 
    Substances, 1971.
        Based on the available data concerning its pharmacological and 
    toxicological profile, dependence potential and likelihood of abuse, 
    the degree of seriousness of the public health and social problems 
    associated with the abuse of zipeprol is assessed to be substantial. 
    On the basis of this and the assessment of its therapeutic 
    usefulness, it is recommended that zipeprol be included in Schedule 
    II of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971.
    III. Discussion
        Although WHO has made specific scheduling recommendations for each 
    of the drug substances, CND is not obliged to follow the WHO 
    recommendations. Options available to CND include:
        (1) Acceptance of the WHO recommendations;
        (2) acceptance of the recommendations to control but control the 
    drug substance in a schedule other than that recommended; or
        (3) reject the recommendations entirely.
        Methcathinone, etryptamine and aminorex, are controlled under the 
    CSA in Schedule I. The proposed international drug scheduling actions, 
    if adopted by CND, will result in no greater degree of control of these 
    substances than are currently applied domestically. Flunitrazepam is 
    controlled domestically in Schedule IV of the CSA; additional controls 
    may be necessary if the United Nations moves this substance to Schedule 
    III of the Convention. Brotizolam, mesocarb, and zipeprol are neither 
    controlled domestically nor currently marketed for medical use in the 
    United States. In order to comply with obligations under the 
    Convention, these three substances would have to be controlled under 
    the CSA if the United Nations endorses the WHO recommendations.
        FDA, on behalf of the Secretary of HHS, invites interested persons 
    to submit comments on the United Nations notifications concerning these 
    seven drug substances. FDA, in cooperation with the National Institute 
    on Drug Abuse, will consider the comments on behalf of HHS in 
    evaluating the WHO scheduling recommendations. Then, pursuant to 
    section 811(d)(2)(B) of the CSA, HHS will recommend to the Secretary of 
    State what position the United States should take when voting on the 
    recommendations at the CND meeting in March 1995.
    IV. Submission of Comments and Opportunity for Public Meeting
        Interested persons may, on or before February 9, 1995, submit to 
    the Dockets Management Branch (address above) written comments 
    regarding this notice. FDA does not presently plan to hold a public 
    meeting. If any person believes that, in addition to its written 
    comments, a public meeting would contribute to the development of the 
    U.S. position on any of these two substances, a request for a public 
    meeting and the reasons for such a request should be sent to Nicholas 
    P. Reuter (address above) on or before January 30, 1995. The short time 
    period for the submission of comments and requests for a public meeting 
    is needed to assure that HHS may, in a timely fashion, carry out the 
    required action and be responsive to the United Nations. Comments are 
    to be identified with the docket number found in brackets in the 
    heading of this document. Received comments may be seen in the Dockets 
    Management Branch (address above) between 9 a.m and 4 p.m., Monday 
    through Friday.
        Dated: January 17, 1995.
    William K. Hubbard,
    Interim Deputy Commissioner for Policy.
    [FR Doc. 95-1553 Filed 1-19-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4160-01-F

Document Information

Food and Drug Administration
Entry Type:
Document Number:
Written comments by February 9, 1995; written requests for a public meeting and the reasons for such a request by January 30, 1995.
4169-4173 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 94N-0173
PDF File: