99-1065. Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Fisheries; Fishery Management Plan, Plan Amendment, and Consolidation of Regulations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 12 (Wednesday, January 20, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 3154-3194]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-1065]
    [[Page 3153]]
    Part II
    Department of Commerce
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Part 285 et al.
    Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Fisheries, Fishery Management 
    Plan, Plan Amendment, and Consolidation of Regulations; Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 12 / Wednesday, January 20, 1999 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 3154]]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Parts 285, 600, 630, 635, 644, and 678
    [Docket No. 981216308-8308-01; I.D. 071698B]
    RIN 0648-AJ67
    Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Fisheries; Fishery 
    Management Plan, Plan Amendment, and Consolidation of Regulations
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Proposed rule; request for comments.
    SUMMARY: NMFS proposes regulations to implement the draft Fishery 
    Management Plan for Atlantic Tunas, Swordfish, and Sharks (HMS FMP), 
    and draft Amendment 1 to the Atlantic Billfish Fishery Management Plan 
    (Billfish FMP). The proposed regulations would address requirements of 
    the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-
    Stevens Act), implement recommendations of the International Commission 
    for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) as required by the 
    Atlantic Tunas Convention Act (ATCA), and consolidate existing 
    regulations, organized by species, for the conservation and management 
    of highly migratory species (HMS) into one part of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations (CFR), organized by theme, as part of the President's 
    Regulatory Reinvention Initiative.
        NMFS previously published a Notice of Availability for the HMS FMP 
    and for Amendment 1 to the Billfish FMP. NMFS extends the comment 
    period for the HMS FMP and reopens the comment period for the Billfish 
    FMP to coincide with the proposed rule. NMFS will announce public 
    hearings to receive comments from fishery participants and other 
    members of the public regarding this proposed rule, the draft HMS FMP, 
    Amendment 1 to the Billfish FMP and associated supporting documents in 
    a separate Federal Register document. NMFS requests comments 
    specifically on the revised Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis 
    (IRFA), updated since publication of the Draft HMS FMP, and the IRFA 
    associated with the billfish management measures.
    DATES: Comments on the proposed rule, the HMS FMP, Amendment 1 to the 
    Billfish FMP and/or supporting documents must be received by March 4, 
    1999. Public hearings on this proposed rule will be held in February 
    1999 and will be announced in a separate Federal Register document.
    ADDRESSES: To submit comments on, or to obtain copies of, the draft HMS 
    FMP, the draft Amendment 1 to the Billfish FMP, the proposed rule and 
    supporting documents, including the revised IRFA, or a summary of these 
    items, contact Rebecca Lent, Chief, Highly Migratory Species Management 
    Division, Office of Sustainable Fisheries (F/SF1), NMFS, 1315 East-West 
    Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282, phone (301) 713-2347, fax (301) 
    713-1917. Send comments regarding the burden-hour estimates or other 
    aspects of the collection-of-information requirements contained in this 
    proposed rule to Rebecca Lent and to the Office of Information and 
    Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Washington, 
    DC 20503 (Attention: NOAA Desk Officer).
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Pat Scida regarding tuna issues at 
    (978) 281-9260; Jill Stevenson regarding swordfish issues at (301) 713-
    2347; Margo Schulze regarding shark issues at (301) 713-2347; Buck 
    Sutter regarding billfish issues at (727) 570-5447; Karyl Brewster-
    Geisz regarding limited access at (301) 713-2347; and Chris Rogers 
    regarding the regulatory consolidation at (301) 713-2347.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Atlantic HMS included in the HMS FMP are 
    Atlantic swordfish (Xiphias gladius), west Atlantic bluefin tuna 
    (Thunnus thynnus), Atlantic yellowfin tuna (T. albacares), Atlantic 
    bigeye tuna (T. obesus), North Atlantic albacore tuna (T. alalunga), 
    west Atlantic skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), 39 species of 
    Atlantic sharks grouped into three management sub-groups. Four species 
    of Atlantic billfish other than swordfish are also Atlantic HMS, and 
    they are included in the Billfish FMP: Atlantic blue marlin (Makaira 
    nigricans), Atlantic white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus), west Atlantic 
    sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus), and west Atlantic spearfish (T. 
    pfluegeri). U.S. fishing vessels, both commercial and recreational, 
    fish for Atlantic HMS in the North and South Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of 
    Mexico, and Caribbean Sea. The fisheries for Atlantic tunas, swordfish, 
    sharks, and billfish each have some unique characteristics, but they 
    overlap considerably in participants, gear usage, and species pursued.
        Atlantic HMS migrate widely throughout the North and South Atlantic 
    Ocean, including the Mediterranean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, and the 
    Caribbean Sea, requiring cooperative management not only among 
    different user groups within the United States, but also between the 
    United States and other fishing nations. In some cases, the United 
    States accounts for only a small portion of the total Atlantic-wide 
    mortality for a species, and unilateral management action could not be 
    expected to have significant effect on the status of the stock. In 
    other cases, the United States accounts for a larger portion of 
    Atlantic-wide fishing mortality, giving it more influence on total 
    fishing mortality levels. In all cases, however, the international 
    component of the fishery is an important consideration in developing 
    and implementing domestic management measures.
        To meet requirements of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, NMFS prepared an 
    FMP for Atlantic tunas, swordfish and sharks and an amendment to the 
    Billfish FMP. NMFS published a Notice of Availability of the Draft 
    Amendment 1 to the Billfish FMP on October 9, 1998 (63 FR 54433) with a 
    comment period ending on January 7, 1999 and a Notice of Availability 
    of the Draft HMS FMP on October 26, 1998 (63 FR 57093) with a comment 
    period ending on January 25, 1999. NMFS extends the comment periods for 
    these documents to coincide with the comment period on this proposed 
    rule. Therefore, comments are invited and may address the HMS FMP, 
    Amendment 1 to the Billfish FMP, the supporting documents, the proposed 
    rule or all of these items, but must be received by March 4, 1999 to be 
    considered in the decisions on the HMS FMP, Amendment 1 to the Billfish 
    FMP and the final rule. All comments received by March 4, 1999, whether 
    specifically directed to any of the documents or to the proposed rule, 
    will be considered in the decisions on the final documents and the 
    final rule.
        The following is an outline of the information presented in the 
    preamble to this proposed rule:
        I. Background
        A. Regulatory Consolidation
        B. Fishery Management Plans
        C. The HMS Management Process
        II. Management Strategy
        A. Problems and Objectives
        B. Management Measures
        III. Quotas and Monitoring/Adjustment Procedures
        A. Quotas
        B. Accounting for All Sources of Fishing Mortality
        C. Quota Adjustment Procedures
        IV. Restrictions on Catch and Retention
    [[Page 3155]]
        V. Minimize Bycatch and Bycatch Mortality
        A. Marine Mammal Bycatch
        B. Finfish Bycatch
        VI. Improve Data Collection and Enforcement
        VII. Administrative and Procedural Changes
        VIII. Limited Access Program
        A. Permit Categories
        B. Eligibility Criteria
        C. Permit Process
        D. Transfer of Permits
        E. Vessel Upgrading
        F. Ownership Limits
        IX. Essential Fish Habitat (EFH)
        X. Minor Administrative and Technical Changes
        XI. Applicability of Regulations in State Waters
    I. Background
    A. Regulatory Consolidation
        On November 6, 1996, NMFS published a proposed rule consolidating 
    fishery regulations pertaining to Atlantic HMS (61 FR 57361). 
    Background information about the need for the consolidation appeared in 
    the preamble to that proposed rule and is not repeated here. Since that 
    proposed rule was issued, several significant changes to HMS 
    regulations were made necessary by new legislative requirements, ICCAT 
    recommendations, and several domestic management initiatives including 
    limited access systems for the Atlantic swordfish and shark fisheries. 
    Considering comments submitted to date, NMFS elected to re-propose the 
    technical and administrative changes from the consolidation in the 
    context of the HMS FMP implementation. This proposed rule carries out 
    the President's directive on regulatory reform with respect to existing 
    regulations for the conservation and management of Atlantic HMS in the 
    exclusive economic zone (EEZ), and, as applicable, in regulatory areas 
    beyond the U.S. EEZ.
        Regulations pertaining to management of Atlantic HMS are currently 
    found in species-specific sections of the Code of Federal Regulations 
    (50 CFR parts: 285--Atlantic Tunas Fisheries, 630--Atlantic Swordfish 
    Fishery, 644-Atlantic Billfishes, and 678--Atlantic Sharks). These 
    regulations are proposed to be consolidated into a new part: 635-
    Atlantic Highly Migratory Species. The intent is to make the 
    regulations more concise, clearer, and easier to use than the previous 
    B. Fishery Management Plans
        Atlantic HMS that transit the U.S. EEZ are managed under the 
    authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Act and, in the case of tunas, 
    swordfish, and billfish, also under ATCA. ATCA authorizes the Secretary 
    of Commerce to implement the binding recommendations of ICCAT, to which 
    the United States is a contracting party. ICCAT recommends harvest 
    levels, minimum sizes, and other management measures for implementation 
    by its 25 contracting parties. Through its scientific body, ICCAT 
    conducts stock assessments and other Atlantic HMS-related research. It 
    is the intent of the HMS FMP and Amendment 1 to the Billfish FMP to 
    issue regulations for HMS fishery management under the dual authority 
    of ATCA and the Magnuson-Stevens Act, whenever possible. In some cases, 
    such as for sharks, management authority is limited to the Magnuson-
    Stevens Act; in other cases, such as for South Atlantic swordfish and 
    southern albacore, the Magnuson-Stevens Act does not apply because the 
    stock does not venture into the U.S. EEZ.
        The Magnuson-Stevens Act is the primary legislation affecting 
    domestic management of fisheries in the U.S. EEZ. Further guidance on 
    interactions of HMS fisheries with protected resources is given under 
    the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Marine Mammal Protection Act 
    (MMPA). Provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens Act allow NMFS and the eight 
    regional fishery management councils (the Councils) to develop FMPs 
    that are implemented through regulations to manage the Nation's fishery 
    resources. Generally, FMPs contain objectives for each fishery and 
    guidance on allowable gear types in the fisheries; acceptable harvest 
    levels; restrictions on the time, area, or manner in which fish may be 
    caught; and consideration of how the fishery affects other parts of the 
    marine ecosystem or coastal communities, including essential fish 
    habitat (EFH), non-target finfish, marine mammals, sea turtles, and sea 
        FMPs and their implementing regulations must be consistent with 
    each of the 10 national standards set forth in the Magnuson-Stevens 
    Act, as well as with the Act's general requirements for the contents of 
    FMPs and the Act's requirement that overfished fisheries be rebuilt. 
    Additionally, FMPs to manage HMS and their implementing regulations 
    must be consistent with section 304(g) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, 
    which pertains specifically to Atlantic HMS and requires NMFS to 
    consult with the Councils and advisory panels (APs); minimize 
    disadvantages resulting from implementation of domestic conservation 
    and management measures to U.S. fishermen relative to international 
    fisheries to the extent practicable; provide a reasonable opportunity 
    for fishermen to harvest an allocation, quota, or fishing mortality 
    level allocated to the United States under an international agreement; 
    review, on a continuing basis, and revise as appropriate measures 
    included in this plan; and diligently pursue, through international 
    entities, comparable international management measures. Regarding HMS 
    management, NMFS is also required to ensure that management measures 
    promote international conservation; consider traditional fishing 
    patterns of the U.S. fleet; allocate fishing privileges fairly and 
    equitably; and promote, to the extent practicable, research programs 
    that include tagging and release of HMS.
        Currently, Atlantic billfish, swordfish, and sharks are managed 
    under FMPs developed and implemented under the authority of the 
    Magnuson-Stevens Act. No Magnuson-Stevens Act FMP has previously been 
    developed for Atlantic tunas, although regulations have been developed 
    under ATCA with consistency with the Magnuson-Stevens Act in mind. The 
    draft HMS FMP integrates management of Atlantic tunas, swordfish, and 
    sharks by combining management measures for the three species groups 
    into one FMP. NMFS elected to combine the FMP for tunas, swordfish, and 
    sharks in recognition of the multispecies nature of these fisheries and 
    to promote better integration of HMS management. A single management 
    plan for these species will help ease the regulatory burden on user 
    groups and is consistent with the ecosystem-oriented provisions of the 
    National Environmental Policy Act and with the Presidential Regulatory 
    Reform Initiative.
        The U.S. fishery for Atlantic billfish is a recreational fishery 
    only (no commercial retention is allowed) and, given its unique 
    characteristics, will continue to be managed separately under the FMP 
    for Atlantic Billfish. However, NMFS recognizes the multispecies nature 
    of all HMS fisheries and the need for well-integrated management of 
    fishing activity for all HMS. Wherever possible, management objectives 
    and practices are integrated, and analyses have been conducted with 
    consideration of the overlapping participation, target species, and 
    habitats of these multispecies fisheries. The HMS FMP and Amendment 1 
    to the Billfish FMP overlap in certain preferred measures due to the 
    multispecies nature of the recreational and pelagic longline fisheries 
    and the need for combined data collection in all
    [[Page 3156]]
    HMS fisheries. This proposed rule would implement both the integrated 
    HMS FMP and Amendment 1 to the Billfish FMP.
    C. The HMS Management Process
        The HMS Management Process encompasses administrative procedures 
    that NMFS follows in developing FMPs and implementing regulations. 
    Congress gave the Secretary of Commerce (Secretary) management 
    authority for Atlantic HMS in 1990, following many years of joint 
    management for several of these species by the five Atlantic, Gulf, and 
    Caribbean Councils and for Atlantic tunas under ICCAT. The Secretary 
    has delegated management of Atlantic HMS to the Administrator of NOAA, 
    who delegated it to the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, NMFS 
    (AA). Within NMFS, daily responsibility for management of Atlantic HMS 
    fisheries rests with the Office of Sustainable Fisheries, and is 
    carried out by the HMS Management Division.
        The development of an FMP or plan amendment commences with the 
    preparation of a document that describes issues in the fisheries and 
    states options for management (the scoping document). The October 1997 
    scoping document, which covered all HMS species, was used as the basis 
    for discussion at 21 public scoping meetings that were held throughout 
    the management region in October and November 1997 (62 FR 54035, 
    October 17, 1997). Public comments at scoping meetings and during the 
    accompanying comment period were reviewed and considered in preparation 
    of draft HMS FMP documents.
        The HMS AP and the Billfish AP were established pursuant to the 
    Magnuson-Stevens Act (section 302 (g)(1)). The HMS AP advised NMFS 
    throughout the development of the scoping document and of the draft 
    FMP. The HMS AP is composed of representatives of the commercial, 
    recreational, environmental, and scientific sectors, as well as one 
    representative from each of the five fishery management councils that 
    work with Atlantic HMS and the Chair, or the Chair's designee, of the 
    U.S. ICCAT Advisory Committee. Each of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast 
    states, as well as the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, may send a non-
    voting representative to AP meetings to participate in the process. The 
    Billfish AP is composed of members of the recreational, commercial, 
    environmental, and scientific communities, as well as fishery 
    management council representatives and non-voting state members. AP 
    meetings are open to the public, and NMFS rotates meeting locations 
    throughout the management region to provide fishery participants a 
    reasonable opportunity to attend meetings. For all but the final 
    meetings, the HMS and Billfish APs convened at the same locations with 
    agendas arranged to allow joint discussion of overlapping issues.
        The HMS AP met six times in development of the draft HMS FMP. At 
    the first meeting, in October 1997, members of both APs provided input 
    on the draft scoping document. The document was extensively revised 
    following the APs' input before it was distributed to the general 
    public (62 FR 54035, October 17, 1997). The second AP meeting, held in 
    Baltimore, MD, in January 1998, focused on Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT) 
    issues, specifically, on quota allocations and effort controls for the 
    HMS AP. The Billfish AP discussed the implementation of an ICCAT 
    recommendation to reduce billfish landings by 25 percent by 1999, and 
    NMFS subsequently implemented measures through an interim rule under 
    the authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Act. At its third meeting, held 
    in Tampa, FL, in March 1998, the HMS AP and the Billfish AP advised 
    NMFS on criteria that should be considered in overfishing definitions, 
    and developing rebuilding programs for overfished HMS.
        The AP reviewed draft sections of the HMS FMP at its fourth meeting 
    in Hauppauge, NY, in May 1998. Draft sections included issues and 
    objectives for management, the management unit, alternatives to rebuild 
    overfished fisheries, and descriptions of fishing activities. In July 
    1998, the Billfish AP and the HMS AP met in Alexandria, VA, to discuss 
    measures that would minimize bycatch and bycatch mortality in all HMS 
    fisheries, and the HMS AP met separately to discuss shark issues. The 
    HMS AP reviewed the pre-draft HMS FMP at its sixth meeting, held August 
    27-28, 1998, in Warwick, RI. The Billfish AP reviewed the pre-draft 
    Amendment 1 to the Billfish FMP at its sixth meeting, held September 2-
    3, 1998, in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. These draft documents had 
    been extensively revised following each AP meeting.
        Restrictions on the billfish fishery to implement the ICCAT 
    recommendation were discussed in several AP meetings and resulted in an 
    interim rule (63 FR 14030, March 24, 1998), which established 
    tournament registration and reporting requirements, and increased 
    minimum sizes for blue and white marlin. An extension of that interim 
    rule followed (63 FR 51859, September 29, 1998), which further 
    increased the blue marlin minimum size and established a retention 
    limit of one marlin per vessel per day (adjustable by the AA). An 
    amendment to that rule removed the measure that would allow the AA to 
    reduce the retention limit to zero. NMFS also proposes these measures 
    as part of this rule to implement Amendment 1 to the Billfish FMP.
        This proposed rule would implement the preferred alternatives 
    identified in the draft HMS FMP (63 FR 57093, October 26, 1998) and 
    Amendment One to the Billfish FMP (63 FR 54433, October, 9, 1998). NMFS 
    will hold a series of public hearings to solicit comments on this 
    proposed rule and the FMP documents. The purpose of the public hearings 
    is to provide NMFS with additional information to evaluate impacts and 
    the effectiveness of the proposed measures. NMFS has updated the 
    economic analyses related to the HMS FMP and Amendment 1 to the 
    Billfish FMP since their publication to include updated analyses of 
    limited access under more recent eligibility criteria, and analyses of 
    billfish measures, respectively. NMFS specifically requests comments on 
    these updated analyses. During the comment period, NMFS will hold 
    additional HMS and Billfish AP meetings.
    II. Management Strategy
        The regulations contained in this proposed rule would completely 
    replace current regulations for all Atlantic HMS, including billfish. 
    Thus, NMFS intends that the regulatory text proposed here restates all 
    existing regulations that it intends to retain. In addition to the 
    consolidation of current regulations, NMFS proposes numerous regulatory 
    changes to incorporate new elements of the HMS FMP and Amendment 1 to 
    the Billfish FMP (e.g., rebuilding overfished stocks) and to achieve 
    consistency in the HMS regulations. NMFS has performed a thorough 
    review of the restructured regulatory text to ensure that all changes 
    are noted. However, given the scope of the restructuring, certain 
    changes may not be specifically identified and explained, or unintended 
    changes may have been made. Identification of, and comments on any such 
    inadvertent or unexplained changes are specifically invited.
    A. Problems and Objectives
        Amendment 1 to the Atlantic Billfish FMP identifies several 
    management problems affecting billfish stocks: (1) Overfished blue and 
    white marlin stocks, (2) excess fishing mortality
    [[Page 3157]]
    caused by bycatch and discards, (3) compliance with ICCAT 
    recommendation to reduce marlin landings, (4) need for improved data 
    collection, and (5) decreased or unknown stock levels of sailfish and 
    longbill spearfish.
        Several management objectives are presented in draft Amendment 1 to 
    the Billfish FMP to address these problems: (1) Prevent overfishing, 
    (2) rebuild stocks and monitor all fishing mortality from directed and 
    incidental catch, (3) promote comparable international conservation, 
    (4) minimize bycatch and bycatch mortality to the extent practicable, 
    (5) coordinate multispecies fisheries, (6) improve data collection, (7) 
    promote live release of billfish, (8) protect EFH, (9) manage for 
    optimum yield, and (10) minimize adverse impacts on recreational and 
    commercial activities. Amendment 1 would add these to the existing 
    objectives of the Billfish FMP.
        The following management problems are identified in the HMS FMP: 
    (1) Overfished populations of HMS, (2) excess fishing mortality caused 
    by bycatch and discards, (3) inconsistencies and inadequacies in 
    international compliance with conservation and management measures, (4) 
    the need to assure optimal data collection, (5) the need for integrated 
    and streamlined domestic HMS management, and (6) overcapitalization.
        The draft HMS FMP lists several management objectives for the 
    fisheries for Atlantic tunas, swordfish, and sharks, paraphrased here: 
    (1) Prevent overfishing, (2) rebuild stocks, (3) minimize adverse 
    impacts of rebuilding to the extent practicable, (4) control all 
    components of fishing mortality, (5) minimize bycatch and bycatch 
    mortality to the extent practicable, (6) establish a foundation for 
    international negotiation on conservation and management, (7) 
    facilitate compliance with ICCAT recommendations, (8) improve data 
    collection, (9) simplify and streamline HMS management, (10) manage for 
    continuing optimum yield, (11) protect areas identified as EFH for 
    tunas, swordfish, and sharks, and (12) reduce overcapitalization in the 
    Atlantic swordfish and shark commercial fisheries. Conservation and 
    management measures to address these objectives follow.
    B. Management Measures
        To address these objectives, NMFS proposes domestic management 
    programs for all HMS. Although the management measures are domestic 
    actions, stock status and rebuilding programs are designed to be 
    implemented stock-wide. NMFS also suggests specific measures to be 
    addressed internationally by ICCAT. These measures include proposed 
    overfishing status determination criteria, designation of biomass and 
    fishing mortality targets, and a suite of proposed management 
    alternatives that are intended to reduce fishing mortality on 
    overfished species, and to minimize bycatch and bycatch mortality, to 
    the extent practicable.
    III. Quotas and Monitoring/Adjustment Procedures
    A. Quotas
        Quotas for HMS are implemented and allocated among fishing 
    categories and seasons by the AA. The Director of the Office of 
    Sustainable Fisheries has been delegated the authority to make inseason 
    adjustments among categories and adjustments to each period's quota 
    based on overharvest or underharvest during the previous year.
        NMFS proposes rebuilding programs for North Atlantic swordfish in 
    the draft HMS FMP. However, NMFS cannot implement management measures 
    that effectively raise or lower the quota the United States receives 
    from ICCAT. Therefore, this proposed rule incorporates existing U.S. 
    quotas for swordfish stocks. The draft HMS FMP did not identify a 
    preferred rebuilding alternative for bluefin tuna. In the future, the 
    United States may seek to negotiate quotas and other measures that 
    contribute to rebuilding of swordfish and BFT through the international 
    process, including counting dead discards of swordfish against the 
    quota. NMFS proposes that the existing quotas established for North 
    Atlantic swordfish (through 1999) and South Atlantic swordfish (through 
    2000) under ATCA remain in effect pending new stock assessments (in 
    1999) and further recommendations of ICCAT.
        Based on the results of the 1998 ICCAT meeting, and recommendations 
    regarding BFT, NMFS will prepare an addendum to the HMS FMP. The 
    addendum will specifically address BFT quota and discard issues 
    addressed under ICCAT's recommendation to establish a rebuilding 
    program for west Atlantic BFT. It is NMFS' intent to publish this 
    addendum before the end of 1998 or shortly thereafter. For the large 
    coastal shark (LCS) management unit, NMFS is proposing to separate the 
    LCS unit into two subgroups based on the presence or absence of a mid-
    dorsal ridge, which is easily identified after the carcass has been 
    dressed. NMFS proposes to use this characteristic to separate the LCS 
    into a ``ridgeback'' subgroup (which would include sandbar and silky 
    sharks) and a ``non-ridgeback'' group (which would include blacktip, 
    spinner, bull, tiger, nurse, lemon, narrowtooth, great hammerhead, 
    scalloped hammerhead, and smooth hammerhead sharks) and to establish 
    separate quotas and management measures for the two subgroups.
        NMFS is also proposing to prohibit possession of certain shark 
    species that are uncommon in U.S. waters or are seriously depleted 
    (note discussion under Retention Limits). To reduce mortality on 
    ridgeback LCS, NMFS also proposes to establish a minimum size for 
    retention of ridgeback LCS of 54 inches (137 cm) fork length. Observer 
    data indicate that the primary ridgeback LCS, the sandbar shark, 
    segregates by size and depth. Therefore, NMFS expects a reduction in 
    fishing mortality since fishermen should be able to target larger 
    sandbar sharks. Because of the expectation that this minimum size for 
    ridgeback sharks (in combination with other management measures) will 
    reduce ridgeback LCS harvests by the amount necessary to rebuild this 
    subgroup, NMFS proposes to maintain the current ridgeback LCS harvest 
    levels of 642 mt dressed weight (dw).
        NMFS is not proposing to establish a minimum size for non-ridgeback 
    sharks due to indications that the primary non-ridgeback LCS, the 
    blacktip shark, does not segregate by size or depth and that a minimum 
    size would not reduce fishing mortality. To reduce mortality for these 
    species, NMFS is proposing to lower the commercial quota for non-
    ridgeback LCS by 66 percent from current catch levels to 218 mt dw.
        For the pelagic shark management unit, NMFS is proposing to 
    establish a separate porbeagle shark quota of 30 mt dw based on 
    historical harvest levels. NMFS also proposes to subtract that quota 
    from the pelagic shark quota, resulting in a 550 mt dw quota for 
    pelagic sharks, other than porbeagle. This measure is intended to 
    establish separate controls for porbeagle sharks because this species 
    is highly susceptible to overfishing. NMFS is also proposing to 
    prohibit possession of blue sharks and to establish a quota for blue 
    shark dead discards of 273 mt dw, based on a 10-year dead discard 
    average. NMFS is proposing to reduce the pelagic shark quota each year 
    by any overharvest of the blue shark dead discard quota occurring in 
    the previous year. The intent of these measures is to address concerns 
    regarding the high numbers of blue sharks discarded dead by longline 
    fisheries and to create an incentive to reduce blue shark dead
    [[Page 3158]]
    discards, while mitigating the potential adverse impacts of counting 
    dead discards against the available quota.
        For the small coastal shark (SCS) management unit, NMFS is 
    proposing to cap the commercial quota at 359 mt dw, which is 10 percent 
    higher than 1997 harvest levels. This measure is intended to allow for 
    limited fishery expansion but would eliminate the potential for 
    excessive growth of this fishery. This measure is also proposed because 
    NMFS believes that SCS landing statistics may substantially 
    underestimate SCS mortality. This is a result of unreported catches of 
    SCS because they are used for bait and thus are not always landed.
        In November 1997, ICCAT adopted a recommendation with several 
    measures to address billfish resources throughout the Atlantic Ocean, 
    including reduction of Atlantic blue marlin and Atlantic white marlin 
    landings by at least 25 percent from 1996 levels, starting in 1998, to 
    be accomplished by the end of 1999. Reductions will be assessed in 2000 
    based on landing data through 1999. Delaying the stock assessment until 
    2000 (per the 1998 ICCAT recommendation) will allow preliminary 
    evaluation of the effectiveness of landing reductions for over-
    exploited Atlantic billfish resources. A total of 34.9 mt of Atlantic 
    blue marlin and 3.3 mt of Atlantic white marlin were reported as 
    recreational landings for the U.S. in 1996. Therefore, under the 1997 
    ICCAT recommendation, the U.S. landing limits for Atlantic blue marlin 
    will be 26.2 mt, and 2.48 mt for Atlantic white marlin.
    B. Accounting for All Sources of Fishing Mortality
        NMFS seeks to account for all sources of fishing mortality on HMS 
    stocks. In recreational HMS fisheries, post-release mortality rates are 
    currently unknown; however, recorded dead discards of HMS are minimal. 
    ICCAT currently subtracts an estimate of dead discards of BFT from the 
    total allowable catch to allocate a stock-wide landing quota, a portion 
    of which is then allocated to the United States. NMFS may seek this 
    type of strategy with respect to all species.
        For the Atlantic tunas fishery, NMFS proposes to establish a 
    reserve quota for school BFT (27 inches - <47 inches="" or="" 69-119="" cm="" curved="" fork="" length).="" the="" intent="" of="" this="" measure="" is="" to="" provide="" an="" ``overflow''="" allowance="" in="" the="" event="" that="" projections="" underestimate="" actual="" recreational="" landings="" of="" school-size="" bft.="" this="" measure="" would="" further="" ensure="" that="" the="" united="" states="" does="" not="" exceed="" the="" 8-percent="" tolerance="" established="" under="" the="" iccat="" quota="" scheme="" for="" school="" bft.="" this="" provision="" will="" be="" further="" addressed="" in="" the="" bft="" addendum="" to="" incorporate="" recent="" modifications="" by="" iccat.="" nmfs="" also="" proposes="" to="" subtract="" dead="" discards="" of="" sharks="" in="" the="" commercial="" fishery="" and="" to="" subtract="" commercial="" landings="" of="" sharks="" from="" state="" waters="" after="" federal="" closures="" from="" the="" federal="" commercial="" quotas.="" while="" these="" measures="" may="" reduce="" the="" available="" lcs="" commercial="" quota="" significantly,="" accounting="" for="" this="" additional="" mortality="" would="" enhance="" the="" rebuilding="" of="" shark="" stocks.="" for="" pelagic="" sharks,="" this="" measure="" could="" substantially="" reduce="" the="" available="" commercial="" quota="" because="" recent="" estimates="" of="" dead="" discards="" of="" pelagic="" sharks="" approach="" current="" quota="" levels.="" for="" scs,="" these="" measures="" are="" not="" expected="" to="" reduce="" the="" available="" quota="" substantially="" because="" most="" scs="" that="" are="" not="" landed="" are="" kept="" for="" bait;="" they="" are="" not="" discarded,="" and="" therefore,="" would="" not="" be="" included="" in="" estimates="" of="" dead="" discards.="" some="" hms="" are="" collected="" for="" the="" purpose="" of="" science,="" education,="" or="" public="" display.="" nmfs="" must="" account="" for="" such="" mortality,="" particularly="" for="" overfished="" species.="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" establish="" a="" separate="" shark="" public="" display="" quota="" of="" 0.5="" percent="" of="" the="" lcs="" annual="" quota="" (60="" mt="" whole="" weight).="" this="" measure="" would="" make="" quota="" accounting="" and="" monitoring="" procedures="" for="" sharks="" collected="" under="" the="" authority="" of="" an="" exempted="" fishing="" permit="" (efp)="" consistent="" with="" those="" for="" atlantic="" tunas.="" bft="" collected="" under="" the="" authority="" of="" an="" efp="" would="" be="" deducted="" from="" the="" reserve="" quota="" or="" school="" reserve="" quota,="" depending="" on="" size.="" nmfs="" also="" proposes="" to="" establish="" a="" new="" permitting="" and="" reporting="" system="" to="" monitor="" efp="" collections="" (refer="" to="" section="" iv).="" for="" the="" swordfish="" fishery,="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" deduct="" recreational="" landings="" of="" swordfish="" from="" the="" incidental="" catch="" quota="" until="" such="" time="" that="" the="" swordfish="" population="" rebuilds="" and="" a="" directed="" recreational="" fishery="" is="" sustained.="" this="" measure="" would="" account="" for="" recreational="" fishing="" mortality="" of="" atlantic="" swordfish,="" which="" is="" currently="" incidental="" to="" other="" hms="" recreational="" fisheries.="" if="" the="" recreational="" fishery="" directs="" fishing="" effort="" on="" swordfish="" successfully="" in="" the="" future,="" nmfs="" may="" establish="" a="" recreational="" fishing="" quota.="" c.="" quota="" adjustment="" procedures="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" adjust="" any="" commercial="" shark="" quota="" overharvest="" and="" underharvest="" in="" a="" given="" period="" in="" the="" same="" period="" the="" following="" year="" and="" to="" adjust="" management="" measures="" to="" account="" for="" recreational="" overharvest="" and="" underharvest="" of="" the="" recreational="" harvest="" limits="" on="" an="" annual="" basis.="" these="" measures="" support="" rebuilding="" of="" lcs="" because="" they="" would="" ensure="" that="" overharvesting="" will="" be="" accounted="" for="" in="" setting="" future="" harvest="" limits="" and="" will="" not="" delay="" lcs="" rebuilding.="" additionally,="" nmfs="" seeks="" to="" simplify="" the="" procedures="" for="" managing="" the="" brief="" fishing="" season="" for="" lcs.="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" establish="" opening="" and="" closing="" dates="" of="" the="" lcs="" fishery="" prior="" to="" the="" fishery="" opening="" based="" on="" catch="" rates="" from="" previous="" years.="" fishery="" seasons="" would="" be="" scheduled="" for="" a="" specific="" period="" instead="" of="" projecting="" closure="" dates="" based="" on="" landings="" information.="" the="" director="" of="" the="" office="" of="" sustainable="" fisheries="" will="" file="" for="" publication="" with="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register="" a="" notice="" of="" each="" season's="" length="" in="" a="" timely="" manner.="" nmfs="" also="" proposes="" to="" adjust="" overharvest="" and="" underharvest="" levels="" the="" following="" year="" and="" to="" not="" reopen="" the="" fishery="" within="" a="" season="" if="" there="" is="" a="" quota="" underharvest.="" this="" measure="" is="" intended="" to="" increase="" the="" stability="" and="" predictability="" of="" the="" lcs="" fishery="" and="" to="" reduce="" enforcement="" costs="" and="" the="" administrative="" burden="" of="" projecting="" fishery="" closures="" based="" on="" near="" real-time="" landings="" data.="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" add="" an="" additional="" criterion="" to="" use="" in="" determining="" the="" appropriateness="" of="" a="" proposed="" in-season="" quota="" transfer="" for="" the="" bft="" fishery:="" ``effects="" on="" rebuilding="" and="" overfishing.''="" adding="" this="" criterion="" to="" other="" factors="" to="" be="" considered="" would="" be="" consistent="" with="" the="" precautionary="" approach="" to="" fisheries="" management="" and="" the="" 20-year="" rebuilding="" program="" recently="" adopted="" by="" iccat,="" to="" be="" addressed="" in="" the="" addendum="" to="" the="" draft="" hms="" fmp.="" nmfs="" also="" proposes="" to="" change="" the="" way="" quotas="" are="" tallied="" by="" nmfs="" by="" changing="" the="" fishing="" year="" for="" atlantic="" tunas="" from="" the="" current="" calendar="" year="" to="" a="" june="" 1="" through="" may="" 31="" ``fishing="" year.''="" this="" would="" facilitate="" timely="" implementation="" of="" iccat="" recommendations="" for="" the="" fishing="" year.="" since="" it="" is="" not="" nmfs'="" intention="" to="" substantially="" change="" the="" fishing="" practices="" of="" purse="" seine="" vessels="" targeting="" atlantic="" tunas,="" the="" bft="" fishing="" season="" for="" the="" purse="" seine="" category="" will="" continue="" to="" open="" august="" 15="" and="" close="" december="" 31,="" or="" when="" each="" vessel's="" individual="" vessel="" quota="" (ivq)="" is="" filled.="" purse="" seine="" category="" vessels="" may="" fish="" for="" tunas,="" other="" than="" bft,="" at="" any="" point="" in="" the="" fishing="" year;="" however,="" a="" purse="" seine="" category="" vessel="" may="" not="" fish="" for="" other="" tunas="" from="" august="" 15="" through="" december="" 31="" if="" that="" vessel's="" ivq="" for="" bft="" is="" filled.="" bft="" caught="" prior="" to="" august="" 15="" in="" the="" yellowfin="" tuna="" purse="" seine="" fishery="" may="" not="" be="" sold,="" but="" will="" be="" counted="" against="" the="" harvesting="" vessel's="" ivq.="" [[page="" 3159]]="" iv.="" restrictions="" on="" catch="" and="" retention="" retention="" limits="" are="" employed="" by="" fishery="" managers="" to="" reduce="" fishing="" mortality.="" in="" some="" cases,="" restrictions="" on="" catch="" may="" increase="" bycatch="" mortality="" due="" to="" the="" discard="" of="" dead="" fish="" or="" post-release="" mortality.="" although="" post-release="" mortality="" in="" recreational="" hms="" fisheries="" is="" currently="" unknown,="" it="" is="" estimated="" to="" be="" low="" for="" most="" shark="" species="" and="" for="" many="" tuna="" and="" billfish="" species="" if="" those="" fish="" are="" properly="" handled.="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" increase="" the="" minimum="" size="" limits="" for="" blue="" marlin="" to="" 99="" inches="" (251="" cm)="" lower="" jaw-fork="" length="" (ljfl)="" and="" for="" sailfish="" to="" 63="" inches="" (160="" cm)="" ljfl="" and="" to="" maintain="" the="" minimum="" size="" for="" white="" marlin="" at="" 66="" inches="" (168="" cm)="" ljfl.="" these="" measures="" will="" contribute="" to="" the="" 25="" percent="" reduction="" in="" landings="" required="" by="" a="" 1997="" iccat="" recommendation.="" nmfs="" further="" proposes="" to="" establish="" a="" retention="" limit="" of="" one="" atlantic="" white="" or="" blue="" marlin="" per="" vessel="" per="" trip,="" with="" a="" provision="" to="" adjust="" the="" retention="" limit="" for="" each="" species="" to="" zero="" when="" the="" landing="" limits="" for="" that="" species="" have="" been="" reached.="" nmfs="" has="" drafted="" an="" irfa="" regarding="" the="" economic="" impacts="" of="" these="" measures="" on="" small="" businesses.="" together,="" the="" minimum="" size="" limits="" and="" the="" retention="" limit="" should="" ensure="" that="" the="" united="" states="" meets="" its="" international="" obligations="" regarding="" reductions="" in="" billfish="" landings.="" to="" date,="" no="" stock="" assessment="" of="" longbill="" spearfish="" exists,="" and="" nmfs="" does="" not="" know="" of="" any="" directed="" or="" substantial="" incidental="" fishery="" for="" this="" species.="" therefore,="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" prohibit="" the="" retention="" of="" spearfish.="" nmfs="" proposes="" new="" restrictions="" on="" catch="" and="" retention="" for="" sharks="" that="" reflect="" a="" change="" in="" management="" policy="" regarding="" sharks="" from="" one="" where="" possession="" of="" only="" certain="" species="" known="" to="" be="" vulnerable="" to="" overfishing="" is="" prohibited="" to="" one="" where="" only="" possession="" of="" those="" species="" expected="" to="" be="" able="" to="" withstand="" some="" fishing="" mortality="" is="" allowed.="" this="" change="" in="" policy="" employs="" the="" precautionary="" approach="" and="" would="" reduce="" the="" number="" of="" species="" authorized="" for="" retention="" by="" approximately="" 50="" percent.="" in="" addition="" to="" the="" five="" species="" of="" lcs="" currently="" prohibited="" from="" being="" retained,="" this="" measure="" would="" prohibit="" possession="" by="" any="" u.s.="" fisherman="" (recreational="" or="" commercial)="" of="" dusky,="" night,="" bignose,="" caribbean="" reef,="" galapagos,="" and="" narrowtooth="" sharks="" from="" the="" lcs="" management="" unit;="" longfin="" mako,="" blue,="" bigeye="" thresher,="" sevengill,="" sixgill,="" and="" bigeye="" sixgill="" sharks="" from="" the="" pelagic="" shark="" management="" unit;="" and="" caribbean="" sharpnose,="" smalltail,="" and="" atlantic="" angel="" sharks="" from="" the="" scs="" management="" unit.="" prohibiting="" retention="" of="" these="" sharks="" is="" intended="" to="" prevent="" development="" of="" directed="" fisheries="" or="" a="" market="" for="" uncommon="" or="" seriously="" depleted="" species.="" despite="" reductions="" in="" shark="" retention="" limits="" of="" 50="" percent="" in="" the="" recreational="" fishery="" in="" 1997,="" recreational="" harvest="" of="" lcs="" was="" reduced="" by="" only="" 12="" percent="" (in="" numbers="" of="" fish),="" and,="" for="" sandbar="" and="" blacktip="" sharks,="" recreational="" harvest="" increased.="" nmfs,="" therefore,="" concludes="" that="" the="" 1997="" retention="" limit="" reduction="" was="" not="" effective="" at="" implementing="" the="" desired="" 50="" percent="" harvest="" reduction,="" and="" that="" additional="" measures="" are="" necessary.="" therefore,="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" prohibit="" retention="" of="" all="" atlantic="" lcs="" and="" scs="" in="" the="" recreational="" fishery="" and="" to="" set="" a="" retention="" limit="" of="" one="" pelagic="" shark="" per="" vessel="" per="" trip.="" the="" proposed="" reduction="" in="" retention="" limits="" to="" zero="" for="" lcs="" and="" scs="" and="" one="" for="" pelagic="" sharks="" is="" consistent="" with="" national="" standard="" 1="" to="" rebuild="" the="" overfished="" lcs="" stocks="" and="" is="" precautionary="" regarding="" pelagic="" and="" small="" coastal="" shark="" stocks="" for="" which="" recent="" assessments="" have="" not="" been="" conducted.="" nmfs="" also="" proposes="" a="" recreational="" retention="" limit="" of="" three="" yellowfin="" tuna="" per="" person="" per="" day.="" this="" retention="" limit="" would="" help="" reduce="" or="" redistribute="" recreational="" landings="" while="" allowing="" for="" continued="" access="" to="" the="" fishery="" by="" recreational="" anglers.="" the="" director="" of="" the="" office="" of="" sustainable="" fisheries="" will="" file="" for="" publication="" a="" notice="" at="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register="" of="" any="" adjustment="" to="" retention="" limits="" for="" atlantic="" tunas="" at="" least="" 3="" calendar="" days="" prior="" to="" the="" change="" becoming="" effective.="" v.="" minimize="" bycatch="" and="" bycatch="" mortality="" a="" 1997="" nmfs="" biological="" opinion="" (bo),="" which="" identifies="" threats="" to="" endangered="" species="" and="" provides="" alternatives="" to="" reduce="" those="" threats,="" concludes="" that="" the="" pelagic="" longline="" component="" of="" the="" atlantic="" pelagic="" fishery="" for="" tuna,="" swordfish,="" and="" sharks="" may="" adversely="" affect,="" but="" is="" not="" likely="" to="" jeopardize,="" the="" continued="" existence="" of="" the="" northern="" right="" whale.="" it="" also="" concludes="" that="" the="" longline="" fishery="" may="" adversely="" affect,="" but="" is="" not="" likely="" to="" jeopardize,="" the="" continued="" existence="" of="" any="" endangered="" or="" threatened="" species.="" the="" bo="" concluded="" that="" the="" driftnet="" component="" for="" tuna,="" swordfish,="" and="" sharks="" is="" likely="" to="" jeopardize="" the="" continued="" existence="" of="" the="" northern="" right="" whale="" and="" may="" adversely="" affect="" humpback="" and="" sperm="" whales,="" kemp's="" ridley,="" green,="" loggerhead,="" and="" leatherback="" sea="" turtles.="" nmfs="" seeks="" to="" minimize="" bycatch="" and="" bycatch="" mortality="" of="" protected="" species="" and="" finfish="" to="" the="" extent="" practicable="" in="" hms="" fisheries="" and="" has,="" thus,="" evaluated="" all="" hms="" fisheries="" with="" respect="" to="" bycatch="" information.="" a.="" marine="" mammal="" bycatch="" to="" reduce="" marine="" mammal="" bycatch,="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" (1)="" implement="" pelagic="" longline="" gear="" restriction="" and="" deployment="" measures="" recommended="" by="" the="" atlantic="" offshore="" cetacean="" take="" reduction="" team="" (aoctrt)="" in="" the="" pelagic="" longline="" fishery,="" (2)="" prohibit="" the="" use="" of="" driftnet="" gear="" for="" atlantic="" tunas,="" and="" (3)="" implement="" take="" reduction="" measures="" recommended="" by="" the="" atlantic="" large="" whale="" take="" reduction="" team="" in="" the="" southeast="" shark="" gillnet="" fishery.="" these="" measures="" are="" also="" expected="" to="" reduce="" takes="" of="" sea="" turtles="" in="" these="" fisheries.="" (1)="" nmfs="" convened="" the="" aoctrt="" in="" may="" 1996="" to="" address="" interactions="" between="" strategic="" marine="" mammal="" stocks="" and="" the="" atlantic="" pelagic="" driftnet="" and="" pelagic="" longline="" fisheries="" for="" tunas,="" sharks,="" and="" swordfish.="" cumulatively,="" these="" fisheries="" (and="" the="" pair="" trawl="" fishery="" which="" was="" operating="" at="" that="" time="" under="" an="" efp)="" take="" incidentally="" several="" species="" of="" marine="" mammals="" at="" levels="" that="" are="" estimated="" to="" be="" above="" the="" potential="" biological="" removal="" (pbr)="" levels="" established="" for="" these="" stocks.="" the="" aoctrt="" included="" representatives="" of="" each="" of="" the="" fisheries,="" environmental="" and="" conservation="" groups,="" several="" states,="" the="" mid-atlantic="" fishery="" management="" council,="" independent="" fisheries,="" the="" marine="" mammal="" biological="" community,="" and="" nmfs.="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" implement="" the="" following="" measures,="" the="" majority="" of="" which="" were="" recommended="" by="" the="" aoctrt,="" to="" reduce="" marine="" mammal="" takes="" in="" the="" pelagic="" longline="" fishery:="" mandatory="" educational="" workshops.="" mandatory="" educational="" workshops="" for="" pelagic="" longline="" fishermen="" are="" an="" effective="" means="" of="" reducing="" bycatch;="" several="" workshops="" have="" been="" held="" thus="" far.="" nmfs="" began="" workshops="" in="" october="" 1998="" for="" pelagic="" longline="" captains,="" crew,="" and="" vessel="" owners,="" and="" proposes="" that="" these="" workshops="" be="" mandatory="" for="" all="" vessel="" owners/operators.="" these="" workshops="" educate="" fishery="" participants="" about="" the="" mmpa="" and="" the="" problem="" of="" marine="" mammal="" interactions,="" promote="" open="" communication="" at="" sea="" concerning="" interactions,="" encourage="" communication="" between="" nmfs="" and="" fishermen="" experienced="" with="" handling="" interactions,="" and="" provide="" marine="" mammal="" identification="" keys.="" guidance="" for="" preventing="" interactions="" with="" and="" disentanglement="" of="" mammals="" with="" pelagic="" longline="" gear="" has="" been="" developed="" and="" is="" distributed="" at="" those="" workshops.="" [[page="" 3160]]="" limited="" access.="" nmfs="" is="" re-proposing="" a="" limited="" access="" program="" for="" the="" atlantic="" swordfish="" and="" shark="" fisheries.="" gear="" length="" restrictions.="" nmfs="" proposes="" as="" an="" interim="" measure="" for="" one="" year="" a="" requirement="" that="" pelagic="" longlines="" set="" in="" the="" mid-atlantic="" bight="" during="" august="" 1="" through="" november="" 30="" do="" not="" exceed="" 24="" nautical="" miles="" (nm)="" in="" length.="" in="" 1996,="" the="" aoctrt="" estimated="" that="" this="" measure="" could="" reduce="" bycatch="" and="" bycatch="" mortality="" of="" marine="" mammals="" by="" 20="" to="" 30="" percent.="" however,="" 1996="" and="" 1997="" observer="" data="" indicate="" that="" the="" average="" length="" of="" longlines="" in="" that="" area="" during="" that="" time="" of="" year="" is="" 20="" and="" 22="" nm,="" respectively.="" nevertheless,="" this="" measure="" would="" prevent="" the="" use="" of="" longer="" gear="" in="" the="" future="" and="" may="" increase="" survival="" of="" some="" finfish="" species,="" particularly="" billfish,="" due="" to="" the="" shorter="" soak="" time="" of="" the="" gear.="" this="" measure,="" recommended="" by="" the="" aoctrt,="" was="" intended="" to="" be="" implemented="" on="" a="" trial="" basis="" for="" one="" year,="" to="" be="" followed="" by="" an="" evaluation="" of="" the="" success="" of="" the="" management="" measure="" in="" reducing="" bycatch="" of="" marine="" mammals.="" requirement="" to="" move="" gear="" after="" one="" entanglement.="" because="" observer="" and="" logbook="" data="" show="" that="" marine="" mammals="" and="" sea="" turtles="" are="" often="" encountered="" in="" clusters,="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" require="" pelagic="" longline="" fishermen="" to="" retrieve="" their="" gear="" and="" move="" their="" vessels="" at="" least="" 1="" nm="" away="" after="" any="" gear="" interaction="" with="" a="" marine="" mammal="" or="" sea="" turtle.="" this="" is="" a="" common="" practice="" among="" many="" pelagic="" longline="" fishermen="" and="" is="" considered="" by="" fishermen="" to="" be="" effective="" in="" some="" areas="" at="" reducing="" bycatch.="" the="" aoctrt="" estimated="" that="" this="" measure="" could="" result="" in="" a="" 40-="" percent="" reduction="" in="" serious="" injury="" and="" incidental="" mortality="" of="" marine="" mammals.="" this="" measure="" is="" also="" likely="" to="" reduce="" takes="" of="" sea="" turtles.="" closure="" of="" right="" whale="" critical="" habitat.="" nmfs="" is="" proposing="" a="" time/="" area="" closure="" of="" critical="" right="" whale="" habitat="" to="" reduce="" potential="" interactions="" between="" pelagic="" longline="" gear="" and="" the="" endangered="" northern="" right="" whale.="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" close="" critical="" right="" whale="" habitat="" to="" pelagic="" longline="" fishing="" in="" new="" england="" and="" the="" southeast="" coastal="" united="" states="" (refer="" to="" regulatory="" text="" for="" specific="" times="" and="" areas).="" other.="" because="" of="" current="" funding="" constraints,="" nmfs="" at="" this="" time="" cannot="" adopt="" the="" recommendation="" of="" the="" aoctrt="" and="" pursue="" research="" on="" acoustic="" deterrent="" devices.="" however,="" nmfs="" is="" interested="" in="" identifying="" gear="" modifications="" which="" may="" increase="" post-release="" survival,="" including="" hook="" types,="" rig="" configurations,="" and="" so="" forth.="" nmfs="" has="" developed="" a="" research="" plan="" to="" identify="" research="" needs="" and="" objectives="" for="" a="" comprehensive="" plan="" for="" hms="" and="" related="" fisheries.="" should="" funding="" become="" available,="" nmfs="" would="" assign="" a="" priority="" to="" such="" research="" needs.="" (2)="" the="" aoctrt,="" in="" a="" draft="" plan="" submitted="" to="" nmfs="" in="" 1996="" recommended="" measures="" for="" the="" driftnet="" fishery="" to="" reduce="" marine="" mammal="" bycatch.="" at="" this="" time,="" nmfs="" does="" not="" propose="" to="" implement="" those="" measures="" because="" of="" a="" proposed="" rule="" to="" prohibit="" the="" use="" of="" this="" gear="" for="" taking="" swordfish.="" in="" a="" separate="" rulemaking="" (63="" fr="" 55998,="" october="" 20,="" 1998),="" nmfs="" proposed="" to="" prohibit="" the="" use="" of="" driftnets="" in="" the="" atlantic="" swordfish="" fishery="" due="" to="" the="" high="" management="" burden="" of="" reducing="" bycatch="" of="" marine="" mammals="" and="" sea="" turtles="" in="" a="" limited="" fishery="" that="" lasts="" approximately="" 14="" days="" a="" year="" for="" 12="" vessels.="" such="" a="" ban="" in="" the="" atlantic="" swordfish="" fishery="" may="" discourage="" anyone="" from="" entering="" a="" driftnet="" tuna="" fishery="" because="" the="" possession="" of="" swordfish="" on="" a="" vessel="" with="" a="" driftnet="" on="" board="" would="" be="" prohibited,="" thereby="" decreasing="" the="" gross="" ex-vessel="" revenues="" of="" the="" driftnet="" trip.="" therefore,="" extending="" this="" proposed="" ban="" to="" include="" driftnets="" in="" the="" tuna="" fishery="" is="" not="" expected="" to="" have="" a="" significant="" negative="" economic="" impact.="" the="" final="" rule="" implementing="" the="" hms="" fmp="" will="" include="" any="" measures="" finalized="" as="" a="" result="" of="" the="" proposed="" rule="" to="" ban="" driftnets="" in="" the="" swordfish="" fishery.="" (3)="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" adopt="" measures="" in="" the="" atlantic="" large="" whale="" take="" reduction="" plan="" (alwtrp)="" to="" reduce="" bycatch="" of="" marine="" mammals="" in="" the="" shark="" gillnet="" fishery.="" the="" implementing="" regulations="" for="" the="" alwtrp,="" which="" include="" observer="" coverage="" requirements,="" gear="" marking="" requirements,="" closed="" times="" and="" areas,="" and="" special="" provisions="" for="" strikenetting="" (refer="" to="" interim="" final="" rule,="" 62="" fr="" 39157,="" july="" 22,="" 1997)="" are="" applicable="" to="" the="" southeast="" shark="" drift="" gillnet="" fishery.="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" adopt="" the="" regulations="" of="" the="" alwtrp="" under="" the="" authority="" of="" the="" magnuson-stevens="" act="" to="" ensure="" regulatory="" consistency.="" b.="" finfish="" bycatch="" to="" reduce="" finfish="" bycatch="" mortality,="" nmfs="" encourages="" recreational="" and="" commercial="" fishermen="" to="" handle="" released="" fish="" carefully.="" handling="" options="" include="" leaving="" a="" fish="" in="" the="" water="" and="" cutting="" the="" leader="" close="" to="" the="" hook="" or="" releasing="" the="" fish="" by="" using="" a="" dehooking="" device.="" current="" billfish="" regulations="" stipulate="" that="" billfish="" must="" be="" released="" by="" cutting="" the="" leader.="" however,="" public="" comments="" and="" data="" suggest="" that="" dehooking="" devices="" are="" very="" useful,="" even="" for="" large="" pelagic="" fish,="" and="" may="" decrease="" post-release="" mortality.="" therefore,="" for="" billfish,="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" allow="" alternative="" mechanisms="" to="" remove="" a="" hook="" from="" a="" billfish="" caught="" on="" commercial="" or="" recreational="" gear="" either="" by="" cutting="" the="" leader="" close="" to="" the="" hook="" or="" by="" using="" a="" dehooking="" device.="" multiple="" hooks="" per="" bait="" or="" lure="" may="" increase="" post-release="" mortality="" by="" increasing="" the="" probability="" that="" fish="" are="" hooked="" in="" the="" gills="" or="" throat.="" nmfs,="" therefore,="" takes="" a="" precautionary="" approach="" and="" proposes="" to="" prohibit="" the="" use="" of="" more="" than="" one="" hook="" per="" bait="" or="" lure="" in="" the="" recreational="" billfish="" fishery.="" to="" address="" the="" incidental="" catch="" of="" undersized="" swordfish="" in="" the="" pelagic="" longline="" fishery,="" nmfs="" analyzed="" catch="" data="" from="" 1987="" through="" 1996.="" based="" on="" logbook="" data="" submitted="" by="" pelagic="" longline="" fishermen,="" small="" swordfish="" appear="" to="" aggregate="" in="" areas="" that="" include="" the="" charleston="" hump,="" the="" east="" coast="" of="" florida,="" and="" the="" florida="" escarpment.="" given="" unknowns="" related="" to="" seasonal="" distribution="" of="" small="" swordfish,="" nmfs="" intends="" to="" reduce="" bycatch="" of="" undersized="" swordfish="" in="" an="" area="" that="" consistently="" produces="" small="" swordfish="" year-round.="" fishery-dependent="" data="" indicate="" that="" catch="" rates="" of="" undersized="" swordfish="" (less="" than="" 33="" lb="" or="" 15="" kg="" dw)="" are="" high="" in="" some="" areas="" at="" certain="" times="" of="" the="" year="" but="" appear="" to="" be="" high="" year-round="" in="" the="" florida="" straits.="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" prohibit="" the="" use="" of="" pelagic="" longline="" gear="" in="" the="" florida="" straits="" (26-="" 28="" deg.="" n.="" lat,="" 78-81="" deg.="" long.)="" during="" july-september.="" analysis="" of="" 1996="" pelagic="" logbook="" data="" indicates="" that="" swordfish="" discard="" ratios="" are="" the="" highest="" in="" this="" area="" during="" the="" third="" quarter;="" however="" if="" seasonal="" distribution="" of="" small="" swordfish="" shifts,="" reductions="" in="" bycatch="" are="" still="" likely="" to="" occur.="" nmfs="" will="" evaluate="" the="" efficacy="" of="" this="" program="" in="" reducing="" discards="" of="" undersized="" swordfish,="" given="" the="" distribution="" of="" swordfish="" and="" re-distribution="" of="" fishing="" effort,="" and="" may="" implement="" other="" time/area="" closures="" in="" the="" future="" to="" reduce="" swordfish="" discards.="" this="" measure="" is="" likely="" to="" have="" a="" significant="" impact="" on="" small="" businesses="" that="" regularly="" fish="" in="" that="" area="" during="" the="" third="" quarter="" and="" may="" have="" significant="" impacts="" on="" related="" businesses="" such="" as="" those="" that="" specialize="" in="" high-quality="" swordfish.="" the="" florida="" straits="" consistently="" produces="" high="" quality="" swordfish="" due="" to="" the="" proximity="" of="" the="" fishing="" grounds="" to="" port="" and="" to="" the="" subsequent="" short="" fishing="" trips.="" (refer="" to="" the="" regulatory="" impact="" review="" and="" the="" irfa="" in="" the="" fmp="" for="" details="" on="" estimated="" economic="" impacts.)="" nmfs="" recognizes="" that="" the="" proposed="" measures="" to="" minimize="" juvenile="" swordfish="" bycatch="" mortality="" may="" result="" in="" significant="" economic="" impacts="" to="" small="" businesses.="" however,="" long="" term="" positive="" economic="" impacts="" resulting="" from="" a="" [[page="" 3161]]="" larger="" spawning="" stock="" biomass="" may="" mitigate="" the="" effects="" of="" short-term="" closures="" such="" as="" the="" closure="" proposed="" herein.="" nmfs="" is="" proposing="" a="" large="" closure="" area="" to="" discourage="" fishermen="" from="" fishing="" the="" ``fringes''="" of="" the="" closed="" area="" and="" thus="" impeding="" the="" discard="" reduction="" and="" lengthening="" the="" amount="" of="" time="" needed="" for="" rebuilding.="" in="" order="" to="" effectively="" enforce="" the="" time/area="" closure,="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" require="" all="" vessels="" with="" pelagic="" longline="" gear="" on="" board="" to="" submit="" regular="" position="" reports="" (one="" report="" per="" hour)="" to="" nmfs="" via="" a="" vessel="" monitoring="" system="" (vms)="" unit="" meeting="" nmfs'="" specifications.="" the="" vms="" requirement="" would="" be="" extended="" to="" all="" vessels="" in="" the="" pelagic="" longline="" fleet="" with="" a="" directed="" or="" incidental="" limited="" access="" permit="" because="" any="" vessel="" could="" fish="" off="" the="" coast="" of="" florida="" at="" any="" given="" time.="" a="" vms="" would="" also="" reduce="" the="" cost="" of="" enforcing="" the="" time/area="" closure.="" a="" vms="" has="" a="" vessel="" safety="" feature="" because="" it="" increases="" communication="" with="" shore.="" other="" possible="" benefits="" include="" allowing="" pelagic="" longline="" fishermen="" reporting="" from="" a="" vms="" to="" offload="" swordfish="" after="" a="" directed="" fishery="" closure,="" provided="" no="" fishing="" activity="" takes="" place="" after="" the="" closure="" date.="" in="" addition,="" because="" vms="" units="" would="" be="" on="" board,="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" allow="" longline="" vessels="" to="" transit="" the="" north="" atlantic="" ocean="" with="" south="" atlantic="" swordfish="" on="" board="" during="" a="" closure="" of="" the="" north="" atlantic="" directed="" swordfish="" fishery.="" fishermen="" should="" consult="" with="" nmfs="" on="" vms="" requirements="" before="" purchasing="" a="" vms="" unit.="" the="" cost="" of="" a="" vms="" unit="" would="" be="" approximately="" $3,000="" to="" $5,000,="" with="" an="" additional="" $1,000="" estimated="" for="" installation.="" vessel="" owners="" would="" be="" responsible="" for="" the="" maintenance="" of="" the="" vms="" unit="" and="" communication="" costs,="" which="" are="" not="" likely="" to="" exceed="" $2.50="" per="" day.="" related="" to="" bycatch="" reduction="" monitoring,="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" require="" that="" all="" hms="" longline="" and="" shark="" nets="" be="" marked="" on="" the="" terminal="" floats="" and="" high="" flyers,="" as="" applicable.="" this="" requirement="" would="" result="" in="" better="" identification="" of="" gear="" in="" the="" enforcement="" of="" current="" regulations="" and="" facilitate="" enforcement="" of="" the="" proposed="" time/area="" closure="" for="" pelagic="" longline="" vessels.="" identifying="" lost="" gear="" or="" gear="" entangling="" protected="" species="" is="" also="" facilitated="" if="" the="" gear="" has="" the="" vessel's="" official="" number="" or,="" in="" the="" case="" of="" atlantic="" tunas,="" a="" vessel's="" permit="" number="" clearly="" marked.="" further,="" marked="" gear="" can="" be="" reported="" for="" any="" violation="" of="" fishery="" conservation="" and="" management="" measures.="" therefore,="" nmfs="" proposes="" that="" all="" harpoon="" and="" handline="" floats="" be="" marked="" as="" well.="" to="" reduce="" bycatch="" mortality="" in="" recreational="" hms="" fisheries,="" nmfs="" intends="" to="" initiate="" an="" educational="" program="" by="" (1)="" distributing="" information="" concerning="" dehooking="" devices="" and="" hook="" and="" leader="" types="" that="" may="" increase="" post-release="" survival;="" (2)="" informing="" fishermen="" about="" problems="" of="" recreational="" fishery="" bycatch;="" (3)="" promoting="" a="" survival="" ethic="" concerning="" released="" fish;="" and="" (4)="" informing="" fishermen="" about="" reporting="" requirements="" that="" include="" reporting="" of="" bycatch="" species.="" vi.="" improve="" data="" collection="" and="" enforcement="" the="" proposed="" rule="" contains="" several="" existing="" and="" several="" new="" permitting="" requirements.="" in="" all="" cases="" except="" initial="" limited="" access="" permits="" (ilaps),="" vessel="" and="" dealer="" permit="" applications="" and="" instructions="" for="" their="" completion="" are="" available="" from="" the="" nmfs="" regional="" offices="" (for="" tuna="" vessel="" permits,="" call="" 888-usa-tuna;="" for="" tuna="" dealer="" permits,="" call="" 978-281-9370;="" for="" swordfish/shark="" dealer="" permits="" and="" the="" first="" lap,="" call="" 727-570-5326).="" ilaps="" will="" be="" issued="" by="" the="" director="" of="" the="" office="" of="" sustainable="" fisheries.="" application="" forms="" and="" instructions="" for="" ilaps="" and="" laps="" are="" available="" from="" the="" hms="" management="" division="" of="" nmfs="" at="" 301-="" 713-2347.="" based="" upon="" application="" information="" and="" the="" eligibility="" criteria,="" the="" office="" director="" will="" make="" determinations="" regarding="" eligibility="" for="" limited="" access.="" inquiries="" and="" concerns="" related="" to="" the="" issuance="" of="" ilaps="" and="" laps="" should="" be="" directed="" to="" the="" hms="" management="" division.="" after="" you="" receive="" your="" first="" lap,="" lap="" renewals="" and="" replacements="" will="" be="" issued="" by="" nmfs.="" permitting="" requirements="" for="" specific="" hms="" fisheries="" are="" detailed="" in="" the="" regulatory="" text.="" the="" proposed="" rule="" contains="" several="" new="" and="" existing="" reporting="" requirements.="" pelagic="" logbook="" and="" swordfish="" and="" shark="" dealer="" reporting="" forms="" are="" available="" from="" the="" southeast="" fisheries="" science="" center="" and="" are="" mailed="" regularly="" to="" all="" permit="" holders="" in="" the="" database.="" bft="" bi-weekly="" dealer="" reports="" and="" bft="" landing="" report="" forms,="" bluefin="" statistical="" documents,="" and="" bft="" dealer="" tags="" are="" available="" from="" the="" hms="" management="" division,="" in="" gloucester,="" ma="" 978-281-9140.="" for="" hms="" other="" than="" bluefin="" tuna,="" in="" lieu="" of="" reporting="" to="" the="" northeast="" science="" director="" (sd)="" in="" woods="" hole,="" ma="" or="" the="" southeast="" sd="" in="" miami,="" fl,="" reports="" may="" be="" submitted="" to="" a="" state="" or="" federal="" fishery="" port="" agent="" designated="" by="" the="" sd.="" bft="" landing="" reports="" should="" be="" submitted="" by="" dealers="" to="" the="" hms="" management="" division="" in="" gloucester,="" ma="" by="" electronic="" facsimile="" or="" interactive="" voice="" response(fax,="" 978-281-9393)="" and="" by="" u.s.="" mail="" (nmfs-="" nero,="" 1="" blackburn="" drive,="" gloucester,="" ma,="" 01930).="" bi-weekly="" reports="" on="" bft="" purchases="" should="" be="" submitted="" to="" the="" same="" address.="" if="" you="" carry="" a="" general,="" longline,="" harpoon,="" or="" trap="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" and="" you="" land="" a="" large="" medium/giant="" bft="" but="" do="" not="" sell="" it,="" you="" must="" contact="" nmfs="" enforcement="" at="" the="" time="" of="" landing="" and,="" if="" requested,="" make="" the="" fish="" available="" for="" inspection="" by="" a="" nmfs="" enforcement="" agent.="" if="" you="" land="" any="" size="" bft="" and="" are="" permitted="" in="" the="" angling="" category="" or="" fishing="" under="" angling="" retention="" limits="" with="" a="" charter/headboat="" permit,="" you="" must="" report="" the="" bft="" through="" the="" automated="" catch="" reporting="" system="" by="" calling="" 888-usa-tuna.="" nmfs="" will="" inform="" fishery="" participants="" of="" reporting="" requirements="" and="" procedures,="" and="" alternatives="" or="" changes="" to="" those="" requirements,="" for="" school,="" large="" school,="" and="" small="" medium="" bft.="" anglers="" who="" voluntarily="" release="" hms="" are="" encouraged="" to="" tag="" their="" released="" fish.="" anglers="" who="" catch="" a="" bft="" during="" a="" closed="" season="" must="" tag="" all="" released="" bft.="" you="" may="" obtain="" nmfs-issued="" conventional="" tags,="" or="" request="" permission="" to="" use="" alternate="" tags,="" by="" contacting="" the="" nmfs="" cooperative="" tagging="" program="" at="" 800-437-3936.="" mandatory="" registration="" of="" tournaments="" involving="" any="" atlantic="" hms="" is="" proposed.="" under="" the="" proposed="" measure,="" tournament="" operators="" must="" notify="" the="" nmfs="" southeast="" fisheries="" science="" center="" (``tournament="" registration'',="" 75="" virginia="" beach="" drive,="" miami,="" fl="" 33149,="" fax:="" 305-361-="" 4219)="" of="" the="" purpose,="" dates,="" and="" location="" of="" a="" fishing="" tournament="" for="" atlantic="" hms="" at="" least="" 4="" weeks="" prior="" to="" tournament="" commencement.="" when="" selected="" by="" nmfs,="" this="" measure="" is="" accompanied="" by="" reporting="" requirements="" for="" all="" tournament="" directors.="" this="" measure,="" proposed="" in="" the="" consolidated="" rule,="" and="" re-proposed="" here,="" is="" currently="" implemented="" under="" a="" separate="" interim="" rulemaking="" for="" billfish="" tournaments="" only.="" to="" account="" for="" limited="" access="" and="" to="" improve="" quota="" monitoring="" and="" catch="" data="" collection,="" shark="" and="" swordfish="" vessel="" permit="" holders="" or="" dealer="" permit="" holders="" would="" no="" longer="" be="" exempt="" from="" obtaining="" an="" atlantic="" tunas="" dealer="" permit="" to="" purchase="" tunas.="" these="" permit="" holders="" would="" also="" be="" subject="" to="" reporting="" requirements="" associated="" with="" the="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit.="" additionally,="" the="" requirement="" for="" owners="" and="" operators="" to="" present="" the="" harvesting="" vessel's="" permit="" to="" the="" receiving="" dealer="" upon="" transfer="" of="" hms="" is="" proposed="" to="" be="" extended="" to="" all="" atlantic="" tunas,="" shark,="" and="" swordfish="" permit="" holders.="" [[page="" 3162]]="" to="" facilitate="" enforcement="" and="" prevent="" circumvention="" of="" the="" proposed="" certificate="" of="" eligibility="" requirement,="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" extend="" the="" authority="" to="" designate="" and="" restrict,="" after="" consultation="" with="" the="" u.s.="" customs="" service,="" ports="" of="" entry="" for="" import="" into="" the="" united="" states="" to="" any="" pacific="" or="" atlantic="" swordfish="" from="" any="" source.="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" create="" an="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permit="" in="" order="" to="" identify="" the="" universe="" of="" these="" vessels.="" this="" universe="" would="" be="" useful="" in="" estimating="" economic="" and="" social="" aspects="" of="" the="" fishery="" as="" well="" as="" providing="" a="" universe="" for="" implementing="" proposed="" logbook="" and="" observer="" coverage="" requirements.="" charter/headboat="" operators="" who="" currently="" report="" their="" hms="" catch="" and="" effort="" data="" in="" non-hms="" federal="" logbooks="" would="" be="" able="" to="" continue="" to="" do="" so.="" all="" others="" would="" report="" catch="" and="" effort="" data="" in="" the="" large="" pelagic="" logbook="" and="" submit="" to="" nmfs,="" logbook="" program,="" p.o.="" box="" 491500,="" key="" biscayne,="" fl="" 33149-9916.="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" require="" all="" hms="" logbooks="" to="" be="" completed="" within="" 24="" hours="" of="" hauling="" a="" longline="" or="" shark="" net="" set="" or="" of="" completing="" a="" day's="" fishing="" activities,="" if="" a="" single="" day="" trip.="" this="" measure="" would="" lessen="" the="" management="" and="" enforcement="" costs="" of="" hms="" regulations="" and="" would="" ultimately="" aid="" in="" rebuilding="" overfished="" stocks="" and="" preventing="" overfishing.="" currently,="" pelagic="" logbooks="" must="" be="" submitted="" to="" nmfs="" within="" 7="" days="" after="" offloading="" hms="" from="" a="" trip.="" if="" selected="" by="" nmfs,="" the="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permit="" holders,="" along="" with="" all="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" holders,="" would="" be="" required="" under="" this="" proposal="" to="" carry="" an="" observer.="" this="" would="" supplement="" bycatch="" and="" bycatch="" mortality="" databases="" as="" well="" as="" provide="" coverage="" of="" catch="" and="" discard="" rates="" of="" target="" and="" non-target="" species.="" to="" collect="" sufficient="" data="" from="" efps,="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" develop="" a="" reporting="" system="" regarding="" collection="" of="" sharks="" for="" public="" display.="" this="" information="" would="" be="" useful="" in="" monitoring="" the="" proposed="" public="" display="" quota="" (see="" section="" i).="" to="" facilitate="" enforcement,="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" require="" that="" sharks="" be="" recreationally="" landed="" with="" heads,="" tails,="" and="" fins="" attached.="" this="" measure="" is="" expected="" to="" have="" minimal="" economic="" and="" social="" impacts,="" but="" would="" greatly="" facilitate="" dockside="" species-specific="" identification="" of="" shark="" landings="" for="" monitoring,="" management,="" and="" enforcement="" purposes.="" finally,="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" extend="" the="" prohibition="" on="" finning="" to="" all="" sharks,="" regardless="" of="" whether="" the="" shark="" species="" are="" defined="" as="" part="" of="" federal="" management="" unit="" or="" are="" subject="" to="" any="" federal="" regulations,="" as="" a="" condition="" of="" the="" federal="" commercial="" shark="" permit.="" this="" measure="" is="" intended="" to="" enhance="" enforcement="" capabilities="" by="" removing="" a="" costly="" and="" time-consuming="" administrative="" burden="" of="" verifying="" species-specific="" identification="" of="" shark="" fins="" through="" genetic="" testing.="" note="" that="" the="" mid-atlantic="" and="" new="" england="" fishery="" management="" councils="" are="" proposing="" a="" finning="" prohibition="" in="" a="" draft="" fmp="" for="" spiny="" dogfish.="" vii.="" administrative="" and="" procedural="" changes="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" dissolve="" the="" shark="" operations="" team="" due="" to="" the="" subsequent="" formation="" of="" the="" hms="" advisory="" panel.="" the="" hms="" ap="" serves="" essentially="" the="" same="" advisory="" function="" for="" shark="" management.="" by="" eliminating="" the="" shark="" operations="" team,="" nmfs="" would="" reduce="" management="" costs,="" avoid="" duplication="" of="" effort,="" and="" reduce="" the="" burden="" on="" interested="" constituents.="" further,="" nmfs="" seeks="" to="" reduce="" management="" costs="" of="" administering="" these="" panels="" and="" would="" continue="" to="" rely="" on="" the="" hms="" ap="" to="" provide="" comments="" on="" fmps="" or="" fmp="" amendments="" related="" to="" shark="" management.="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" adjust="" the="" fishing="" year="" to="" be="" june="" 1="" through="" may="" 31="" for="" the="" atlantic="" tunas="" and="" billfish="" fishery,="" consistent="" with="" the="" atlantic="" swordfish="" fishery.="" the="" atlantic="" shark="" fishing="" year="" will="" continue="" to="" be="" january="" 1="" through="" december="" 31.="" to="" further="" prevent="" u.s.="" overfishing,="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" extend="" the="" management="" unit="" definitions="" for="" atlantic="" blue="" marlin="" and="" atlantic="" white="" marlin="" to="" the="" entire="" atlantic="" ocean.="" this="" would="" allow="" for="" consistent="" management="" with="" other="" atlantic="" hms="" and="" is="" consistent="" with="" the="" biology="" of="" the="" species="" (atlantic-wide="" stock).="" viii.="" limited="" access="" program="" vessel="" permit="" limited="" access="" systems="" were="" considered="" by="" nmfs="" in="" a="" draft="" amendment="" to="" the="" atlantic="" sharks="" fmp="" (november="" 8,="" 1996)="" for="" which="" a="" proposed="" rule="" published="" on="" december="" 27,="" 1996="" (61="" fr="" 68202)and="" to="" the="" atlantic="" swordfish="" fmp="" (january="" 28,="" 1997)="" for="" which="" a="" proposed="" rule="" published="" on="" february="" 26,="" 1997="" (62="" fr="" 8672).="" significant="" changes="" to="" the="" qualifying="" criteria="" and="" operational="" characteristics="" of="" the="" limited="" access="" systems="" are="" being="" considered="" by="" nmfs="" in="" response="" to="" comments="" on="" those="" proposed="" rules.="" due="" to="" the="" magnitude="" of="" changes="" under="" development="" and="" the="" need="" to="" update="" ownership="" records="" under="" the="" revised="" eligibility="" criteria,="" nmfs="" decided="" to="" re-propose="" the="" limited="" access="" systems="" as="" part="" of="" the="" hms="" fmp.="" furthermore,="" the="" proposed="" rule="" to="" implement="" the="" hms="" fmp="" offers="" an="" opportunity="" to="" propose="" an="" expanded="" limited="" access="" program="" for="" longline="" vessels="" that="" also="" includes="" tunas.="" comments="" on="" the="" first="" limited="" access="" proposed="" rules="" are="" summarized="" with="" nmfs="" responses="" in="" the="" hms="" fmp.="" nmfs="" has="" also="" updated="" the="" economic="" analyses="" since="" the="" publication="" of="" the="" hms="" fmp="" to="" include="" analyses="" of="" limited="" access="" under="" the="" revised="" eligibility="" criteria.="" the="" objectives="" of="" the="" limited="" access="" system="" are="" to:="" (1)="" reduce="" latent="" effort="" by="" eliminating="" speculative="" permit="" holders="" who="" have="" not="" participated="" in="" the="" fisheries="" (i.e.,="" to="" allow="" only="" permit="" holders="" who="" were="" active="" and="" dependent="" on="" swordfish="" or="" shark="" fishing="" before="" january="" 1,="" 1998,="" and="" who="" are="" still="" active);="" (2)="" provide="" mechanisms="" to="" allow="" traditional="" swordfish="" handgear="" fishermen="" (whose="" permits="" may="" have="" lapsed="" due="" to="" the="" scarcity="" of="" large="" fish,="" which="" they="" target)="" to="" participate="" fully="" as="" the="" stock="" recovers;="" (3)="" reduce="" regulatory="" discards="" in="" both="" directed="" and="" incidental="" fisheries;="" (4)="" provide="" mechanisms="" to="" account="" for="" the="" dynamic="" and="" multispecies="" aspects="" of="" these="" fisheries="" through="" permit="" transferability="" and="" vessel="" upgrading="" provisions;="" and="" (5)="" prevent="" substantial="" increases="" in="" vessel="" harvesting="" capacity="" of="" the="" currently="" active="" fleet.="" a="" long-term="" objective="" for="" the="" atlantic="" swordfish="" and="" shark="" fisheries="" is="" to="" create="" a="" management="" system="" in="" which="" the="" u.s.="" harvesting="" capacity="" would="" be="" commensurate="" with="" resource="" productivity="" to="" achieve="" the="" dual="" goals="" of="" economic="" efficiency="" and="" biological="" conservation.="" as="" described="" below="" and="" in="" the="" draft="" hms="" fmp,="" major="" changes="" from="" the="" previously="" proposed="" rules="" include:="" (1)="" an="" extension="" of="" the="" eligible="" permit="" and="" landings="" periods="" from="" june="" 30,="" 1995,="" to="" december="" 31,="" 1997,="" in="" order="" to="" be="" consistent="" with="" the="" goal="" of="" limited="" access="" to="" reduce="" latent="" effort="" only;="" (2)="" the="" establishment="" of="" historical="" evidence="" or="" meeting="" an="" earned="" income="" requirement="" as="" the="" criteria="" for="" a="" swordfish="" handgear="" permit;="" (3)="" a="" withdrawal="" of="" the="" proposed="" decrease="" in="" the="" directed="" swordfish="" fishery="" harvest="" limit="" for="" longline="" vessels="" during="" a="" directed="" longline="" fishery="" closure;="" (4)="" a="" provision="" for="" transferability="" of="" incidental="" catch="" permits;="" (5)="" an="" elimination="" of="" the="" allowance="" to="" submit="" landings="" records="" other="" than="" official="" nmfs="" fishing="" vessel="" logbook="" records,="" except="" for="" the="" period="" january="" 1,="" 1991,="" through="" june="" 30,="" 1993,="" for="" sharks;="" (6)="" an="" elimination="" of="" the="" restriction="" on="" permit="" and="" vessel="" transferability="" during="" the="" first="" year="" of="" limited="" access="" implementation;="" (7)="" the="" clarification="" that="" a="" limited="" access="" [[page="" 3163]]="" permit="" is="" a="" privilege="" and="" not="" a="" right="" in="" perpetuity;="" (8)="" an="" exemption="" for="" those="" persons="" who="" purchased="" a="" qualifying="" vessel="" and="" its="" landings="" history="" after="" december="" 31,="" 1997,="" from="" the="" requirement="" to="" have="" owned="" a="" vessel="" issued="" a="" valid="" federal="" swordfish="" or="" shark="" permit="" at="" any="" time="" from="" july="" 1,="" 1994="" through="" december="" 31,="" 1997;="" (9)="" an="" exemption="" for="" persons="" who="" first="" obtained="" a="" federal="" swordfish="" or="" shark="" permit="" in="" 1997="" from="" the="" requirement="" to="" document="" a="" second="" year="" of="" atlantic="" swordfish="" or="" shark="" landings,="" and="" the="" establishment="" of="" the="" requirement="" that="" such="" persons="" have="" documented="" landings="" for="" the="" calendar="" year="" of="" january="" 1,="" 1997,="" through="" december="" 31,="" 1997,="" of="" at="" least="" 25="" swordfish="" or="" 102="" sharks="" for="" a="" directed="" permit="" or="" at="" least="" one="" swordfish="" or="" shark="" for="" an="" incidental="" catch="" permit;="" (10)="" the="" clarification="" that="" vessel="" landing="" histories="" cannot="" be="" divided="" among="" permit="" holders;="" (11)="" the="" clarification="" that="" vessel="" landings="" histories="" cannot="" be="" consolidated="" from="" several="" vessels;="" (12)="" a="" modification="" of="" the="" provision="" for="" contested="" eligibility="" of="" vessel="" ownership,="" or="" permit,="" or="" landings="" histories;="" (13)="" an="" extension="" of="" the="" eligibility="" requirements="" for="" a="" limited="" access="" permit="" to="" persons="" who="" fish="" for,="" possess,="" land,="" or="" sell="" swordfish="" from="" the="" south="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock="" (consistent="" with="" the="" 1997="" rulemaking="" for="" south="" atlantic="" swordfish);="" and="" (14)="" an="" extension="" of="" limited="" access="" requirements="" to="" the="" atlantic="" tunas="" longline="" category="" permit="" holders.="" a.="" permit="" categories="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" establish="" a="" two-tiered="" commercial="" fishing="" permit="" system="" in="" which="" permits="" are="" classified="" as="" ``directed''="" or="" ``incidental''="" based="" on="" historical="" and="" current="" permit="" and="" landings="" histories="" in="" the="" relevant="" hms="" fisheries.="" five="" types="" of="" permits="" would="" be="" issued:="" directed="" swordfish;="" incidental="" swordfish;="" swordfish="" handgear;="" directed="" shark;="" and="" incidental="" shark.="" directed="" permits="" would="" allow="" holders="" of="" such="" permits="" to="" operate="" under="" the="" commercial="" quotas,="" trip="" limits,="" minimum="" size="" restrictions,="" closures,="" harvest="" limits="" during="" closures,="" gear="" restrictions,="" and="" other="" regulations,="" that="" will="" be="" established="" by="" the="" hms="" fmp.="" directed="" handgear="" permits="" would="" allow="" holders="" of="" such="" permits="" to="" harvest="" swordfish="" with="" handgear,="" provided="" no="" longline="" gear="" is="" on="" board.="" incidental="" catch="" permits="" would="" allow="" holders="" of="" such="" permits="" to="" harvest="" a="" smaller="" limited="" number="" of="" swordfish="" or="" sharks="" per="" trip.="" limited="" access="" permits="" would="" be="" issued="" only="" for="" gears="" and="" areas="" for="" which="" a="" commercial="" quota="" has="" been="" authorized.="" access="" to="" both="" the="" directed="" and="" incidental="" swordfish="" and="" shark="" fisheries="" would="" be="" limited.="" a="" vessel's="" owner="" would="" be="" issued="" only="" one="" type="" of="" swordfish="" permit="" and="" one="" type="" of="" shark="" permit.="" b.="" eligibility="" criteria="" only="" persons="" who:="" (1)="" owned="" a="" vessel="" issued="" a="" valid="" federal="" swordfish="" or="" shark="" permit="" at="" any="" time="" from="" july="" 1,="" 1994,="" through="" december="" 31,="" 1997;="" (2)="" have="" documented="" landings="" that="" meet="" at="" least="" the="" directed="" or="" incidental="" threshold="" levels="" of="" participation="" in="" the="" swordfish="" or="" shark="" fishery="" (defined="" below);="" and="" (3)="" owned="" a="" swordfish-="" permitted="" or="" shark-permitted="" vessel="" at="" any="" time="" during="" the="" period="" june="" 1="" through="" august="" 31,="" 1998="" (swordfish),="" or="" july="" 1="" through="" august="" 4,="" 1998="" (sharks),="" would="" be="" eligible="" for="" a="" limited="" access="" permit.="" separate="" criteria="" are="" proposed="" for="" a="" swordfish="" handgear="" permit.="" recreational="" anglers="" would="" not="" need="" a="" permit="" to="" fish="" for,="" possess,="" or="" land="" swordfish="" or="" sharks;="" however,="" they="" may="" not="" sell="" swordfish="" or="" sharks="" and="" would="" be="" subject="" to="" relevant="" retention="" limits="" and="" other="" restrictions="" (e.g.,="" recreational="" retention="" limits,="" size="" restrictions,="" gear="" restrictions)="" as="" part="" of="" the="" eligibility="" criteria="" for="" the="" directed="" permit,="" documented="" landings="" of="" at="" least="" 25="" swordfish="" or="" 102="" sharks="" per="" year="" in="" any="" 2="" calendar="" years="" between="" january="" 1,="" 1987,="" and="" december="" 31,="" 1997="" (swordfish),="" or="" between="" january="" 1,="" 1991="" and="" december="" 31,="" 1997="" (shark),="" would="" be="" required.="" this="" threshold="" is="" roughly="" equivalent="" to="" having="" landed="" sufficient="" swordfish="" or="" shark="" each="" year="" on="" average="" to="" earn="" $5,000="" per="" year="" in="" gross="" revenue.="" nmfs="" estimates="" that="" approximately="" 190="" vessels="" would="" be="" eligible="" for="" directed="" swordfish="" permits="" and="" approximately="" 187="" vessels="" would="" be="" eligible="" for="" directed="" shark="" permits="" based="" on="" these="" criteria.="" the="" actual="" number="" of="" directed="" permits="" that="" are="" issued="" may="" be="" higher="" than="" this="" estimate="" if="" additional="" landings="" records="" or="" evidence="" of="" vessel="" history="" transfers="" are="" presented="" in="" support="" of="" an="" application="" or="" appeal.="" nmfs="" would="" issue="" swordfish="" handgear="" permits="" only="" to="" those="" persons="" who="" provide="" evidence="" of="" having="" been="" issued="" a="" swordfish="" permit="" for="" use="" with="" handgear="" or="" having="" landed="" swordfish="" with="" handgear,="" or="" to="" those="" who="" have="" derived="" more="" than="" 50="" percent="" of="" their="" earned="" income="" from="" all="" commercial="" fishing="" through="" the="" harvest="" and="" first="" sale="" of="" fish="" or="" from="" charter/headboat="" fishing,="" or="" to="" those="" who="" had="" gross="" sales="" of="" fish="" greater="" than="" $20,000="" harvested="" from="" their="" vessel,="" during="" any="" one="" of="" the="" last="" three="" calendar="" years="" (earned="" income="" requirement).="" there="" would="" be="" no="" requirement="" of="" having="" a="" permit="" or="" landings="" history="" specific="" to="" the="" swordfish="" fishery="" in="" order="" to="" qualify="" for="" a="" swordfish="" handgear="" permit,="" although="" historical="" evidence="" of="" swordfish="" permit="" and="" landings="" history="" would="" be="" accepted.="" as="" part="" of="" the="" eligibility="" criteria="" for="" an="" incidental="" swordfish="" permit,="" a="" minimum="" of="" 11="" swordfish="" landed="" between="" january="" 1,="" 1987,="" and="" december="" 31,="" 1997,="" and="" meeting="" the="" same="" earned="" income="" requirement="" as="" for="" a="" directed="" handgear="" permit="" would="" be="" required.="" as="" part="" of="" the="" eligibility="" criteria="" for="" an="" incidental="" shark="" permit,="" a="" minimum="" of="" seven="" sharks="" landed="" between="" january="" 1,="" 1991,="" and="" december="" 31,="" 1997,="" would="" be="" required.="" nmfs="" estimates="" that="" approximately="" 70="" vessels="" and="" 305="" vessels="" would="" be="" eligible="" for="" incidental="" swordfish="" and="" shark="" permits,="" respectively.="" as="" with="" the="" directed="" permits,="" the="" actual="" number="" of="" incidental="" permits="" that="" are="" issued="" may="" be="" higher="" depending="" on="" additional="" record="" or="" vessel="" history="" transfer="" submissions.="" vessel="" landings="" histories="" are="" assumed="" to="" belong="" to="" the="" owner="" of="" the="" vessel="" at="" the="" time="" of="" actual="" landing.="" however,="" if="" a="" vessel="" was="" sold="" and="" its="" landings="" history="" was="" included="" specifically="" in="" the="" original="" written="" sales="" agreement,="" such="" landings="" would="" accrue="" to="" the="" purchaser="" instead="" of="" the="" seller="" for="" purposes="" of="" qualifying="" for="" a="" directed="" or="" incidental="" permit="" under="" the="" limited="" access="" system.="" because="" nmfs="" does="" not="" currently="" maintain="" records="" of="" associated="" vessel="" history="" sales="" or="" purchases,="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" consider="" claims="" that="" a="" vessel's="" landings="" history="" was="" transferred="" at="" the="" time="" the="" vessel="" was="" sold="" during="" the="" application="" process.="" nmfs="" is="" proposing="" two="" exemptions="" to="" these="" eligibility="" criteria="" in="" order="" to="" be="" consistent="" with="" the="" overall="" intent="" of="" the="" limited="" access="" system,="" to="" accommodate="" for="" the="" dynamic="" aspect="" of="" this="" fishery="" since="" nmfs="" first="" began="" limited="" access="" rulemaking="" in="" mid-1995,="" and="" to="" address="" the="" effects="" of="" delays="" in="" implementation="" of="" this="" limited="" access="" program.="" the="" first="" exemption="" would="" exempt="" persons="" who="" purchased="" a="" qualifying="" vessel="" and="" its="" landings="" history="" after="" december="" 31,="" 1997,="" from="" the="" requirement="" to="" have="" owned="" a="" vessel="" issued="" a="" valid="" federal="" swordfish="" or="" shark="" permit="" at="" any="" time="" from="" july="" 1,="" 1994,="" through="" december="" 31,="" 1997.="" such="" persons="" would="" have="" to="" have="" purchased="" vessels="" and="" their="" associated="" landings="" histories="" that="" meet="" the="" landings="" eligibility="" criteria="" specified="" above,="" through="" documented="" transfer="" at="" the="" time="" of="" purchase,="" and="" would="" have="" to="" have="" owned="" this="" swordfish-permitted="" or="" shark-="" permitted="" vessel="" at="" any="" time="" during="" the="" period="" june="" 1="" through="" august="" 31,="" 1998="" (swordfish),="" or="" july="" 1="" through="" [[page="" 3164]]="" august="" 4,="" 1998="" (shark).="" this="" exemption="" would="" provide="" a="" mechanism="" to="" account="" for="" vessel="" sales="" since="" nmfs="" initiated="" rulemaking="" and="" would="" not="" result="" in="" any="" increase="" in="" the="" number="" of="" current="" participants.="" without="" such="" an="" exemption,="" qualifying="" vessels="" could="" be="" eliminated="" despite="" legitimate="" purchases="" of="" vessels="" and="" their="" associated="" landings="" histories="" because="" the="" current="" owner="" did="" not="" own="" a="" vessel="" issued="" a="" valid="" federal="" swordfish="" permit="" before="" december="" 31,="" 1997.="" because="" nmfs="" does="" not="" currently="" maintain="" records="" of="" associated="" vessel="" history="" sales="" or="" purchases,="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" consider="" such="" claims="" on="" vessel="" landings="" history="" transfer="" during="" the="" application="" process.="" the="" second="" exemption="" would="" exempt="" persons="" who="" first="" obtained="" a="" federal="" swordfish="" or="" shark="" permit="" in="" 1997="" from="" the="" requirement="" to="" document="" a="" second="" year="" of="" swordfish="" or="" shark="" landings.="" rather,="" such="" persons="" would="" have="" to="" document,="" for="" the="" calendar="" year="" of="" january="" 1,="" 1997,="" through="" december="" 31,="" 1997,="" landings="" of="" at="" least="" 25="" swordfish="" or="" 102="" sharks="" for="" a="" directed="" permit,="" or="" at="" least="" 1="" swordfish="" or="" shark="" for="" an="" incidental="" catch="" permit.="" this="" exemption="" would="" provide="" for="" persons="" who="" first="" obtained="" federal="" swordfish="" permits="" in="" 1997="" to="" be="" eligible="" for="" directed="" or="" incidental="" permits,="" as="" appropriate.="" the="" requirements="" to="" own="" a="" vessel="" issued="" a="" valid="" permit="" at="" any="" time="" from="" july="" 1,="" 1994,="" through="" december="" 31,="" 1997,="" and="" to="" own="" a="" swordfish-permitted="" or="" shark-permitted="" vessel="" at="" any="" time="" during="" the="" period="" june="" 1="" through="" august="" 31,="" 1998="" (swordfish),="" or="" july="" 1="" through="" august="" 4,="" 1998="" (shark),="" would="" still="" apply.="" the="" rationale="" for="" this="" exemption="" is="" that="" persons="" who="" first="" entered="" the="" fishery="" in="" 1997="" would="" be="" incapable="" of="" meeting="" the="" 2-year="" landings="" requirement.="" nmfs="" estimates="" that="" approximately="" 4="" and="" 3="" additional="" vessels="" would="" qualify="" for="" a="" directed="" swordfish="" and="" shark="" permits,="" respectively,="" and="" approximately="" 5="" and="" 21="" additional="" vessels="" would="" qualify="" for="" an="" incidental="" catch="" swordfish="" or="" incidental="" catch="" shark="" permit,="" respectively,="" based="" on="" this="" exemption.="" many="" permit="" holders="" who="" will="" receive="" these="" directed/incidental="" permits="" also="" hold="" atlantic="" tunas="" incidental="" category="" permits.="" nevertheless,="" to="" address="" the="" multispecies="" nature="" of="" the="" pelagic="" longline="" fishery,="" anyone="" who="" had="" an="" atlantic="" tunas="" incidental="" category="" permit="" between="" january="" 1,="" 1998,="" and="" august="" 31,="" 1998,="" would="" receive="" a="" swordfish="" and="" a="" shark="" incidental="" permit.="" also,="" anyone="" with="" a="" swordfish="" permit="" would="" receive="" a="" shark="" incidental="" permit="" and="" an="" atlantic="" tunas="" longline="" category="" permit.="" a="" total="" of="" 738="" vessels="" would="" be="" expected="" to="" receive="" at="" least="" one="" type="" of="" limited="" access="" permit.="" more="" vessels="" could="" receive="" permits="" under="" the="" application="" and="" appeals="" processes.="" given="" the="" limited="" quota="" available="" to="" u.s.="" vessels="" in="" the="" south="" atlantic="" swordfish="" fishery,="" nmfs="" does="" not="" intend="" to="" allow="" expansion="" of="" pelagic="" longline="" fishing="" effort="" in="" that="" area.="" on="" july="" 25,="" 1997="" (62="" fr="" 40039),="" nmfs="" published="" a="" proposed="" rule="" to="" establish="" commercial="" quotas="" for="" swordfish="" from="" the="" south="" atlantic="" stock.="" in="" that="" rulemaking,="" nmfs="" provided="" the="" public="" the="" opportunity="" to="" comment="" on="" the="" proposal="" that="" vessel="" permits="" to="" fish="" for="" swordfish="" from="" the="" south="" atlantic="" stock="" be="" limited="" to="" those="" who="" qualify="" for="" a="" directed="" permit="" under="" the="" previously="" proposed="" limited="" access="" system="" for="" swordfish.="" at="" the="" time,="" nmfs="" noted="" that="" most="" vessels="" that="" have="" fished="" for="" swordfish="" in="" the="" south="" atlantic="" have="" also="" landed="" swordfish="" from="" the="" north="" atlantic="" ocean.="" nmfs="" received="" no="" comments="" during="" the="" comment="" period="" on="" this="" measure="" and="" concluded="" in="" the="" final="" rule="" (62="" fr="" 55357,="" october="" 24,="" 1997)="" that="" permits="" in="" the="" south="" atlantic="" should="" be="" limited="" to="" those="" who="" qualify="" for="" a="" directed="" swordfish="" permit="" under="" limited="" access.="" this="" proposed="" rule="" and="" the="" draft="" hms="" fmp="" reflect="" that="" decision.="" c.="" permit="" process="" effective="" 1="" june="" 1999,="" all="" federal="" swordfish="" and="" shark="" vessel="" permits="" issued="" prior="" to="" this="" date="" by="" the="" nmfs="" southeast="" regional="" office="" would="" be="" invalid.="" all="" owners="" of="" vessels="" who="" wish="" to="" fish="" for,="" possess,="" land,="" or="" sell="" swordfish="" or="" sharks="" from="" the="" management="" unit="" (except="" those="" participating="" in="" the="" recreational="" fishery="" only="" or="" fishing="" exclusively="" in="" state="" waters)="" would="" be="" required="" to="" obtain="" an="" initial="" limited="" access="" permit="" from="" the="" director="" of="" the="" office="" of="" sustainable="" fisheries.="" after="" nmfs="" conducts="" an="" analysis="" of="" landings="" and="" permit="" histories,="" all="" those="" who="" owned="" swordfish-permitted="" vessels="" and="" owned="" or="" operated="" shark-permitted="" vessels="" at="" any="" time="" during="" the="" period="" june="" 1="" through="" august="" 31,="" 1998="" (swordfish),="" or="" july="" 1="" through="" august="" 4,="" 1998="" (shark),="" would="" be="" notified="" by="" letter="" of="" their="" eligibility="" status="" for="" the="" directed="" or="" incidental="" swordfish="" and="" shark="" fisheries.="" nmfs="" would="" issue="" initial="" limited="" access="" permits="" to="" those="" who="" qualify.="" those="" permits="" would="" be="" valid="" through="" the="" marked="" expiration="" date.="" if="" a="" vessel="" owner="" or="" operator="" is="" informed="" that="" he="" or="" she="" does="" not="" qualify="" for="" a="" limited="" access="" permit,="" but="" he="" or="" she="" believes="" that="" there="" is="" credible="" evidence="" to="" the="" contrary,="" he="" or="" she="" may="" apply="" for="" either="" a="" directed="" or="" incidental="" catch="" permit="" and="" provide="" the="" appropriate="" documentation="" to="" nmfs="" within="" 90="" days.="" similarly,="" if="" a="" vessel="" owner="" or="" operator="" is="" notified="" that="" he="" or="" she="" qualifies="" for="" an="" incidental="" catch="" permit,="" but="" he="" or="" she="" believes="" that="" there="" is="" credible="" evidence="" of="" eligibility="" for="" a="" directed="" permit,="" he="" or="" she="" may="" apply="" for="" a="" directed="" permit="" and="" provide="" the="" appropriate="" documentation="" to="" nmfs="" within="" 90="" days.="" nmfs="" would="" notify="" no="" one="" as="" to="" his="" or="" her="" status="" for="" handgear="" permits.="" if="" a="" person="" believes="" he="" or="" she="" is="" eligible="" for="" a="" handgear="" permit,="" that="" person="" may="" apply="" to="" nmfs="" within="" 90="" days.="" nmfs="" would="" then="" evaluate="" all="" applications="" and="" accompanying="" documentation,="" and="" notify="" the="" applicant="" of="" its="" decision="" either="" to="" issue="" or="" deny="" the="" permit.="" if="" denied,="" the="" applicant="" may="" appeal="" the="" decision="" by="" submitting="" an="" appeal,="" in="" writing,="" to="" nmfs="" within="" 90="" days="" of="" receipt="" of="" the="" notice="" of="" denial.="" oral="" hearings="" would="" not="" be="" provided.="" provisional="" limited="" access="" permits,="" as="" appropriate,="" would="" be="" issued="" for="" use="" by="" the="" appellant="" pending="" the="" outcome="" of="" an="" appeal="" until="" the="" final="" agency="" decision="" has="" been="" rendered.="" the="" sole="" grounds="" for="" appeal="" would="" be="" that="" nmfs="" reviewed="" incorrect="" or="" incomplete="" landings="" data="" in="" the="" eligibility="" analysis="" or="" improperly="" considered="" the="" applicant's="" earned="" income="" documentation,="" if="" applicable.="" no="" ``hardship''="" appeals="" would="" be="" considered.="" landings="" documentation="" that="" would="" be="" considered="" in="" support="" of="" an="" application="" or="" an="" appeal="" would="" be="" restricted="" to="" official="" nmfs="" logbook="" records="" of="" landings="" that="" were="" received="" by="" nmfs="" prior="" to="" march="" 2,="" 1998="" (60="" days="" after="" the="" cutoff="" date="" for="" eligible="" landings)="" and="" that="" reflect="" landings="" during="" the="" time="" the="" person="" held="" a="" valid="" permit.="" landings="" records="" from="" sources="" other="" than="" fishing="" vessel="" logbooks="" would="" not="" be="" accepted="" because="" mandatory="" permitting="" and="" reporting="" requirements="" existed="" during="" the="" entire="" permit="" eligibility="" and="" landings="" time="" frame,="" except="" for="" sharks="" landed="" from="" january="" 1,="" 1991,="" through="" june="" 30,="" 1993.="" for="" sharks="" landed="" from="" january="" 1,="" 1991,="" through="" june="" 30,="" 1993,="" landings="" documentation="" that="" would="" be="" considered="" in="" support="" of="" an="" application="" or="" appeal="" for="" a="" shark="" limited="" access="" permit="" would="" be="" restricted="" to="" official,="" verifiable="" sales="" slips="" or="" receipts="" from="" registered="" dealers,="" and="" state="" landings="" records.="" dealer="" sales="" slips="" or="" receipts="" would="" have="" to="" show="" definitively="" the="" species="" and="" the="" vessel's="" name="" or="" other="" traceable="" indication="" of="" the="" harvesting="" vessel.="" dealer="" records="" would="" have="" to="" contain="" a="" sworn="" affidavit="" by="" the="" dealer="" confirming="" the="" accuracy="" of="" the="" records.="" additionally,="" landings="" records="" during="" periods="" that="" a="" vessel="" did="" not="" have="" a="" [[page="" 3165]]="" valid="" federal="" permit="" would="" not="" be="" accepted.="" landings="" histories="" may="" not="" be="" divided="" among="" permit="" holders;="" only="" complete="" catch="" histories="" of="" sold="" vessels="" would="" be="" accepted.="" this="" restriction="" is="" intended="" to="" prevent="" increases="" in="" fleet="" capacity="" that="" would="" result="" from="" multiple="" vessels="" qualifying="" for="" a="" limited="" access="" permit="" based="" on="" a="" single="" vessel's="" catch="" history.="" similarly,="" landings="" may="" not="" be="" consolidated="" among="" vessels;="" permit="" holders="" may="" not="" pool="" landings="" from="" several="" ineligible="" vessels="" to="" meet="" eligibility="" requirements.="" this="" restriction="" is="" intended="" to="" prevent="" increases="" in="" fleet="" capacity="" that="" would="" result="" from="" the="" pooling="" of="" multiple="" ineligible="" vessel="" catch="" histories.="" in="" the="" event="" that="" more="" than="" one="" vessel="" owner="" claims="" eligibility="" for="" a="" limited="" access="" permit="" based="" on="" one="" vessel's="" ownership,="" permit,="" or="" landings="" history,="" the="" applicants="" claiming="" the="" vessel's="" ownership="" or="" permit="" or="" landings="" history="" would="" have="" to="" determine="" which="" person="" will="" receive="" the="" limited="" access="" permit.="" nmfs="" would="" not="" determine="" the="" outcome="" of="" contractual="" conflicts,="" but="" the="" applicants="" would="" have="" to="" resolve="" the="" contested="" issue="" and="" inform="" nmfs.="" d.="" transfer="" of="" permits="" directed="" and="" incidental="" permits="" would="" be="" transferable="" with="" the="" sale="" of="" the="" permitted="" vessel,="" or="" to="" a="" transfer="" vessel,="" or="" to="" a="" replacement="" vessel="" owned="" or="" purchased="" by="" the="" original="" permittee,="" but="" not="" under="" any="" other="" circumstances.="" such="" transfers="" would="" be="" subject="" to="" upgrading="" restrictions="" (described="" in="" the="" following="" paragraph).="" swordfish="" handgear="" permits="" would="" be="" transferable,="" but="" only="" for="" use="" with="" handgear.="" after="" the="" initial="" limited="" access="" permits="" (ilaps)="" are="" issued="" in="" 1999,="" the="" eligibility="" criteria="" to="" which="" initial="" limited="" access="" permit="" holders="" are="" subject="" would="" no="" longer="" apply;="" the="" only="" requirement="" would="" be="" to="" have="" been="" issued="" a="" limited="" access="" permit="" in="" the="" preceding="" year.="" similarly,="" transferees/buyers="" of="" limited="" access="" vessel="" permits="" would="" not="" be="" subject="" to="" the="" initial="" limited="" access="" eligibility="" criteria;="" only="" transfer="" restrictions="" would="" apply="" (i.e.,="" vessel="" upgrading="" and="" ownership="" restrictions,="" if="" applicable).="" after="" the="" issuance="" of="" ilaps,="" all="" renewals="" or="" transferred="" permits="" would="" be="" issued="" as="" limited="" access="" permits="" (laps)="" by="" nmfs.="" e.="" vessel="" upgrading="" nmfs="" proposes="" that="" any="" vessel="" to="" which="" a="" lap="" is="" transferred,="" defined="" as="" the="" ``transfer''="" vessel,="" have="" no="" more="" than="" a="" 20-percent="" increase="" in="" vessel="" horsepower="" or="" 10-percent="" increase="" in="" length="" overall,="" gross="" registered="" tonnage,="" net="" tonnage,="" and="" hold="" capacity="" as="" the="" vessel="" originally="" issued="" the="" limited="" access="" permit.="" this="" restriction="" would="" apply="" to="" replacement="" vessels,="" transfer="" vessels,="" and="" to="" the="" refurbishment="" of="" existing="" permitted="" vessels.="" these="" proposed="" upgrading="" criteria="" are="" based="" on="" proposed="" guidelines="" recently="" adopted="" by="" the="" mid-="" atlantic="" and="" new="" england="" fishery="" management="" councils.="" since="" hms="" vessels="" are="" also="" affected="" by="" upgrading="" restrictions="" of="" fisheries="" under="" management="" by="" these="" two="" councils,="" nmfs="" is="" attempting="" to="" achieve="" consistency="" on="" upgrading="" restrictions.="" f.="" ownership="" limits="" nmfs="" proposes="" to="" restrict="" the="" number="" of="" permitted="" vessels="" that="" any="" one="" person="" could="" own="" or="" control="" to="" no="" more="" than="" five="" percent="" of="" the="" directed="" fleet.="" ix.="" essential="" fish="" habitat="" (efh)="" the="" hms="" fmp="" and="" the="" amendment="" 1="" to="" the="" billfish="" fmp="" identify="" efh="" as="" required="" by="" the="" magnuson-stevens="" act.="" because="" they="" range="" over="" vast="" expanses="" of="" the="" ocean,="" factors="" that="" control="" or="" limit="" habitat="" use="" by="" hms="" are="" largely="" unknown="" or="" are="" difficult="" to="" determine.="" however,="" to="" the="" extent="" possible,="" efh="" has="" been="" described="" and="" identified="" based="" on="" scientific="" publications,="" expert="" knowledge,="" and="" analysis="" of="" presence/="" absence="" and="" relative="" abundance="" data,="" when="" available.="" where="" information="" is="" available="" (e.g.,="" temperature/salinity="" tolerances,="" and/or="" current="" or="" water="" mass="" information),="" it="" has="" been="" used="" to="" narrow="" the="" extent="" of="" efh="" within="" the="" areas="" most="" commonly="" used="" by="" the="" species.="" analyses="" of="" fishing="" practices="" led="" to="" the="" conclusion="" that="" adverse="" impacts="" on="" efh="" from="" hms="" fishing="" gears="" are="" negligible.="" however,="" there="" are="" potential="" threats="" from="" gears="" of="" other="" fisheries="" that="" warrant="" further="" investigation.="" non-fishing="" activities="" with="" the="" potential="" to="" adversely="" affect="" efh="" are="" described="" in="" the="" draft="" hms="" and="" billfish="" fmp="" documents="" along="" with="" conservation="" measures="" based="" on="" recommendations="" made="" in="" the="" past="" by="" nmfs="" regional="" staff="" and="" consistent="" with="" conservation="" measures="" delineated="" by="" the="" councils="" that="" have="" jurisdiction="" over="" other="" species="" that="" occur="" in="" the="" same="" areas="" as="" those="" identified="" as="" efh="" in="" the="" hms="" and="" billfish="" fmps="" and="" supporting="" documents.="" research="" recommendations="" include="" investigation="" of="" hms="" habitat="" associations="" and="" preferences,="" life="" history="" studies="" and="" early="" life="" stage="" species="" identification,="" habitat="" characterizations="" (e.g.,="" for="" nursery="" and="" spawning="" areas),="" improved="" tagging="" and="" tracking="" technology,="" and="" the="" role="" of="" habitat="" in="" survival="" and="" productivity="" for="" the="" various="" life="" stages.="" the="" efh="" portions="" of="" the="" hms="" fmp="" and="" amendment="" 1="" to="" the="" billfish="" fmp="" do="" not="" have="" any="" measures="" requiring="" regulatory="" implementation="" at="" this="" time.="" x.="" minor="" administrative="" and="" technical="" changes="" these="" measures="" represent="" administrative="" and="" technical="" changes="" to="" hms="" regulations="" or="" changes="" to="" the="" regulations="" that="" are="" necessary="" to="" implement="" the="" draft="" hms="" fmp="" or="" draft="" amendment="" 1="" to="" the="" billfish="" fmp.="" they="" may="" not="" be="" explicitly="" addressed="" in="" the="" draft="" hms="" fmp="" or="" in="" draft="" amendment="" 1="" to="" the="" billfish="" fmp.="" nmfs="" issued="" a="" proposed="" rule="" to="" consolidate="" hms="" regulations="" for="" tunas,="" sharks,="" swordfish,="" and="" billfish="" on="" november="" 6,="" 1996="" (61="" fr="" 57361).="" five="" public="" hearings="" were="" held="" to="" receive="" comments="" on="" the="" proposed="" rule.="" additionally,="" numerous="" written="" comments="" were="" received="" by="" mail="" and="" fax.="" most="" of="" these="" comments="" focused="" on="" the="" identified="" substantive="" changes="" to="" the="" regulations="" rather="" than="" on="" the="" consolidated="" format.="" the="" following="" changes="" to="" the="" regulations="" were="" identified="" in="" the="" previously="" proposed="" consolidated="" rule="" or="" have="" been="" made="" in="" response="" to="" the="" comments="" received="" on="" that="" proposed="" rule="" or="" are="" necessary="" to="" implement="" measures="" in="" the="" draft="" hms="" fmp="" and="" draft="" billfish="" amendment.="" 1.="" the="" incidental="" catch="" permit="" category="" for="" atlantic="" tunas="" would="" be="" eliminated="" and="" redefined="" as="" ``longline''="" to="" reflect="" the="" existing="" authorization="" of="" directed="" longline="" fisheries="" for="" tunas="" other="" than="" bluefin="" tuna="" and="" as="" ``traps''="" to="" account="" for="" unavoidable="" catch="" of="" bluefin="" tuna="" by="" pound="" nets,="" traps="" and="" weirs.="" as="" a="" consequence="" of="" this="" reorganization="" and="" to="" address="" enforcement="" issues="" concerning="" unauthorized="" landing="" of="" bluefin="" tuna="" under="" the="" incidental="" catch="" quota,="" fixed="" gear="" other="" than="" ``traps''="" and="" purse="" seines="" for="" non-tuna="" fisheries="" will="" be="" no="" longer="" allowed="" to="" land="" bft.="" additionally,="" due="" to="" the="" limited="" incidental="" catch="" quota,="" an="" incidental="" catch="" limit="" of="" one="" bft="" per="" year="" is="" established="" for="" trap="" fishermen.="" this="" measure="" would="" also="" eliminate="" confusion="" with="" incidental="" limited="" access="" permits.="" 2.="" to="" achieve="" consistency="" between="" regulations="" applicable="" to="" all="" hms,="" the="" definition="" of="" rod="" and="" reel="" gear="" would="" be="" modified="" to="" include="" the="" use="" of="" electrically="" operated="" reels.="" although="" electric="" reels="" are="" permitted="" under="" current="" billfish="" regulations,="" conflicts="" with="" the="" consolidated="" regulations="" would="" arise="" when="" fishing="" for,="" or="" incidentally="" taking,="" atlantic="" tunas.="" therefore,="" the="" broader="" definition="" would="" be="" made="" applicable="" to="" all="" hms.="" [[page="" 3166]]="" 3.="" the="" handgear="" exemption="" for="" fishing="" vessels="" and="" dealers="" of="" atlantic="" tunas,="" shark,="" and="" swordfish="" permits,="" in="" puerto="" rico="" and="" the="" u.s.="" virgin="" islands="" would="" be="" eliminated.="" these="" vessel="" owners="" and="" dealers="" would="" be="" required="" to="" obtain="" the="" appropriate="" permits="" and="" follow="" all="" reporting="" requirements.="" these="" exemptions="" were="" created="" because="" it="" was="" presumed="" catch="" data="" could="" be="" accessed="" from="" other="" information="" collection="" programs.="" however,="" it="" has="" not="" been="" possible="" to="" access="" this="" information="" in="" a="" timely="" manner.="" given="" the="" likelihood="" of="" continuing="" restricted="" quotas="" for="" tunas,="" swordfish,="" and="" sharks,="" accurate="" and="" timely="" reporting="" of="" all="" catch="" is="" necessary.="" 4.="" the="" permit="" category="" for="" bft="" buy-boats="" would="" be="" eliminated="" as="" obsolete.="" for="" the="" last="" several="" years,="" the="" retention="" limit="" for="" general="" category="" vessels="" has="" been="" set="" at="" one="" fish="" per="" day,="" thus="" precluding="" the="" need="" to="" offload="" bft="" at="" sea.="" in="" addition,="" compliance="" with="" applicable="" vessel="" and="" dealer="" reporting="" requirements="" would="" be="" difficult="" to="" achieve="" under="" at-sea="" transfer="" conditions.="" iccat="" has="" also="" recommended="" prohibiting="" transfer="" of="" bft="" at="" sea.="" 5.="" the="" 30-day="" allowance="" for="" swordfish="" and="" shark="" dealers="" to="" operate="" under="" the="" permit="" of="" the="" previous="" business="" owner="" would="" be="" removed="" to="" achieve="" consistency="" with="" tuna="" dealer="" permit="" regulations.="" 6.="" regulations="" that="" are="" no="" longer="" necessary="" on="" tuna="" vessel="" reporting,="" as="" approved="" under="" omb="" control="" number="" 0648-0168,="" would="" be="" replaced="" by="" the="" vessel="" logbook="" requirements="" approved="" under="" omb="" control="" number="" 0648-0016.="" 7.="" to="" facilitate="" enforcement="" and="" to="" achieve="" consistency="" with="" regulations="" applicable="" to="" all="" hms,="" the="" allowance="" to="" transfer="" hms="" at="" sea="" by="" transfer="" vessels="" would="" be="" removed.="" this="" allowance="" was="" originally="" implemented="" for="" purse="" seine="" fishermen="" using="" transport="" vessels="" for="" cannery="" deliveries,="" a="" practice="" that="" no="" longer="" occurs="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean.="" the="" allowance="" for="" at-sea="" transfer="" of="" bft="" among="" permitted="" purse="" seine="" vessels="" would="" remain.="" 8.="" the="" distinction="" between="" selected="" and="" non-selected="" vessels="" for="" the="" purposes="" of="" shark="" logbooks="" would="" be="" dropped="" because="" all="" vessels="" have="" been="" selected="" in="" recent="" years="" under="" the="" previously="" implemented="" mandatory="" reporting="" requirement.="" 9.="" the="" time="" frame="" for="" reporting="" and="" submitting="" the="" bi-weekly="" bft="" dealer="" report="" would="" be="" adjusted="" to="" the="" time="" frame="" applicable="" for="" the="" bi-weekly="" dealer="" report="" for="" swordfish,="" sharks,="" and="" other="" atlantic="" tunas.="" thus,="" all="" dealer="" reports="" regarding="" these="" three="" species="" groups="" would="" be="" due="" not="" later="" than="" the="">th day of the month for 
    HMS received on the 1st through the 15th days of 
    each month, and not later than the 5th day of the following 
    month for HMS received on the 16th through the last day of 
    each month.
        10. Current regulations that prohibit sale of billfish are unclear 
    concerning the sale of such related species as striped marlin, black 
    marlin, shortbill spearfish. The consolidation would clarify the 
    regulatory text to achieve consistency with the prohibition on sale as 
    implemented through the certificate of eligibility requirements for 
    sale of billfish and related species. All billfish species found in 
    commerce would be considered to be Atlantic billfish unless accompanied 
    by a Certificate of Eligibility.
        11. Regulations applicable to the swordfish donation program would 
    be removed as unnecessary codified text. Donation programs for 
    swordfish or any of the regulated HMS could be established and 
    adequately enforced under a specific letter of authorization.
        12. Current regulations prohibit a change of tuna permit category 
    after May 15. This restriction was imposed so that a vessel could not 
    fish in more than one quota category subsequent to the June 1 
    commencement of the Harpoon and General category BFT fishing seasons. 
    Existing regulations have not prevented some vessel operators from 
    fishing under the bluefin tuna Incidental category prior to May 15 and 
    in the General category after June 1. Under this proposed rule, 
    Atlantic tunas permit category changes would be limited to one change 
    each year, between January 1 and May 15. No permit changes would be 
    permitted from May 16 through December 31, regardless of sale of a 
    vessel. This would prevent commercial vessel operators from fishing for 
    bluefin tuna in more than one commercial quota category in a single 
    year. To be consistent among all categories, the one-per-year limit on 
    category changes for Atlantic Tunas permits would also apply to 
    recreational vessels obtaining Angling category permits.
        13. To facilitate enforcement of minimum size and retention limit 
    regulations and to facilitate identification of species, all Atlantic 
    tunas would be required to be landed with the tail attached.
        14. The set-aside of swordfish quota for the harpoon segment of the 
    directed fishery would be removed because it is unnecessary. A prior 
    rulemaking established the swordfish fishing year and first semiannual 
    quota period beginning June 1. When the fishing year and the first 
    semiannual period began on January 1, a set-aside was needed because 
    the summer harpoon fishery could be precluded by a directed fishery 
    closure at the end of the period. The change in fishing year has 
    eliminated this problem.
        15. Gear restrictions applicable to specific categories of tuna 
    permits would be limited to fishing activity for bluefin tuna. In a 
    prior rulemaking, the requirement for tuna permits was extended from 
    BFT to all Atlantic tunas. Gear restrictions necessary to implement 
    category quotas for bluefin tuna were carried over to apply to all 
    Atlantic tunas. Because Atlantic tunas other than bluefin are not 
    subject to quotas, gear restrictions are not necessary, with the 
    exception of driftnets.
        16. Much of the regulatory text regarding restrictions on imports 
    would be removed as obsolete since ATCA has been amended. The 
    Department of State will be consulted during the comment period for 
    this proposed rule, as necessary, to ensure that the revised trade 
    restrictions regulations comply with ATCA. NMFS implemented a final 
    rule in 1997 that banned the import of BFT from Belize, Honduras, and 
    Panama as a result of an ICCAT recommendation. Further, NMFS proposed 
    trade restrictions for Atlantic swordfish on October 13, 1998 (63 FR 
    54661). The final rule to implement the HMS FMP will include any 
    finalized trade restrictions that result from that separate rulemaking 
    for swordfish.
        17. Except for applications for an initial limited access permit, 
    vessel and dealer permit applicants will have up to 30 days to submit 
    required information not supplied with original applications, 
    otherwise, the application will be considered abandoned. Information 
    changes must be reported within 30 days for permits to remain valid.
        18. Logbook requirements approved under OMB control number 0648-
    0016 would apply to commercial and for-hire tuna vessels only if 
    selected by NMFS. Initially, a sample of vessels from each permit 
    category, (except for Charter/headboat permit holders, which will all 
    be selected), will be selected to evaluate reporting forms and 
    reporting schedules.
        19. To enhance flexibility in business decisions, purse seine 
    notification would be set at 24 hours prior to sailing or landing, with 
    automatic waiver of inspection requirements if not undertaken within 24 
    hours of notification.
        20. To be consistent with revised 50 CFR 600.745, Sec. 635.32 
    incorporates new policies and procedures on issuance of letters of 
    authorization, exempted
    [[Page 3167]]
    fishing permits, and scientific research permits.
        21. Technical changes were made to reflect NMFS reorganization by 
    changing references from Regional Director to Regional Administrator 
    and from Science and Research Director to Science Director. Where 
    necessary, cross references to regulations in other CFR parts were 
        22. The method of taking tuna measurements was amended to conform 
    with instructions given in past years and to reflect an analysis of 
    measurement conversion data obtained in 1996.
        23. Given the increased use of inseason retention limit adjustments 
    to restrict harvest in the BFT Angling category to seasonal and 
    geographic subquotas, the retention limit for school, large school, and 
    small medium BFT is established at one per vessel, per day. This 
    retention limit may be adjusted inseason through one or more 
    specification notices published in the Federal Register.
        24. Changes were made to the BFT trophy catch provisions applicable 
    within the Gulf of Mexico to clarify that anglers may retain large 
    medium or giant BFT onboard vessels permitted in the Angling or 
    Charter/Headboat categories if taken incidental to fishing for other 
        25. Specific regulatory text was added to prohibit purchase or 
    possession by dealers of undersized Atlantic swordfish landed by 
    fishing vessels of the United States.
        26. Technical revisions were made to the bluefin tuna statistical 
    document (BSD) program. Current regulations require that a BSD be 
    completed and provided to NMFS for import or export of bluefin tuna. 
    NMFS has recently acquired import records from U.S. Customs that 
    indicate non-compliance with the BSD program, particularly for imports. 
    Revisions are necessary to clarify procedures for BSD filing by 
    defining import, importer, export and exporter, and by specifying 
    circumstances under which a BSD must be completed. These revisions do 
    not materially change the requirements, but provide more explicit 
    instructions for the benefit of both tuna dealers and NMFS/Customs 
        27. Revisions are also made to the ICCAT port inspection scheme. At 
    its 1997 meeting, ICCAT recommended revisions to its port inspection 
    scheme, to which the United States is a party. These revisions are 
    technical in nature and serve to clarify the authority for inspections, 
    procedures for inspections, and the requirements for reports to flag 
    states and the ICCAT Secretariat. The revisions are not substantive and 
    only standardize procedures already in place for most contracting 
    parties that have adopted the port inspection scheme.
        28. A revision to the Angling category trophy fish tagging 
    requirement is made to provide coordination with harvest tagging 
    programs for school, large school, and small medium fish as implemented 
    by NMFS or by any of the States. In coordinating such programs, the 
    burden on anglers and NMFS enforcement will be reduced.
        29. NMFS has removed the notification requirement for vessels 
    transiting the Panama Canal with regulated species on board. This 
    requirement was originally implemented for purse seine vessels 
    offloading Pacific tuna catch at canneries in Puerto Rico. NMFS 
    believes that fishing and offloading practices have changed so as to 
    make this regulation obsolete.
        30. The effective date of all regulatory amendments and inseason 
    actions will be the date of filing with the Office of the Federal 
    Register or, if subject to delayed effectiveness, on the prescribed 
    period of delay based on the date of filing. Existing regulations 
    variously refer to dates of filing or publication, with the publication 
    delay normally three or four days. The discrepancies arise from 
    balancing the need for timely action with the need for advance 
    notification. Given the ability to rapidly communicate with fishery 
    interest groups via the HMS Fax Information Network and NOAA weather 
    radio, standardizing the effective date relative to filing will allow 
    NMFS to be more responsive without unduly restricting the advance 
    notification required by fishery participants.
    XI. Applicability of Regulations in State Waters
        State regulations applicable to ICCAT-managed species (Atlantic 
    tunas, swordfish, and billfishes) that are less restrictive than 
    Federal regulations or are not effectively enforced are subject to 
    preemption by Federal regulations under section 971g(d) of ATCA. 
    Pursuant to 971g(e) of ATCA, the Secretary of Commerce is required to 
    perform a continuing review of the laws and regulations of all states 
    for which preemption by Federal regulations applies and the extent to 
    which such laws and regulations are enforced. Also, under section 
    306(b)(1) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, after notice and an opportunity 
    for a hearing, Federal regulations may apply within state waters if the 
    state has taken action or omitted to take action which will 
    substantially and adversely affect the carrying out of Federal FMPs and 
    the regulations to implement them (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.).
        In an effort to review those regulations and make determinations 
    about preemption, NMFS contacted the following states: Alabama, 
    Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, 
    Michigan, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New 
    York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, 
    Texas, Virginia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
        As of October 1998, NMFS has received replies from the following 
    states: Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, North 
    Carolina, and Virginia. With the issuance of this proposed rule, NMFS 
    will again contact the states to request information regarding state 
    regulations applicable to ICCAT-managed HMS and the gear used in 
    fisheries targeting or catching them.
        NMFS will be conducting public hearings in several states regarding 
    the proposed regulations to implement the HMS FMP and Billfish 
    Amendment. In addition, NMFS will contact all Atlantic Coast states and 
    territories to determine if additional hearings on the FMPs and 
    proposed regulations are necessary, particularly regarding the 
    preemption issue. NMFS intends to coordinate and consult with all 
    Atlantic Coast states and territories to meet management objectives and 
    to achieve regulatory consistency.
        This proposed rule is published under the authority of the 
    Magnuson-Stevens Act, 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq., and the Atlantic Tunas 
    Convention Act, 16 U.S.C. 971 et seq.
        NMFS has concluded that this proposed rule to implement the HMS FMP 
    would have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
    small entities. Specifically, the time/area closure for pelagic 
    longline fishermen in the Florida Straits, the non-ridgeback LCS quota 
    reduction, and limited access measures for the shark fishery would have 
    a significant economic impact on affected entities. In combination, the 
    proposed alternatives for sharks and swordfish would also have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
    Accordingly, an IRFA has been prepared to accompany the HMS FMP. A 
    summary of the IRFA regarding these issues follows:
    [[Page 3168]]
    Time/Area Closure for Pelagic Longline Fishing
        NMFS proposes to ban the use of pelagic longline gear in the 
    Florida Straits between July and September. The preferred time/area 
    closure would likely have significant economic impacts for 17 of the 20 
    vessels that fish in that area at that time.
        NMFS considered several alternatives that would reduce catches of 
    small swordfish and that could have less severe economic impacts on the 
    pelagic longline fishery participants. The alternatives included 
    continuing the existing minimum size (33 lb, or 15 kg dw) and counting 
    dead discards against the swordfish quota. If ICCAT adopts a 
    recommendation that dead discards should count against the quota, NMFS 
    will further consider this measure in future rulemaking. Although these 
    alternatives may have lesser economic impacts on the pelagic longline 
    fishery participants and provide incentives to reduce small swordfish 
    catch, neither measure guarantees reduced discards of undersized 
        NMFS also considered the alternative of closing other areas with 
    high swordfish discard rates in addition to the Florida Straits. NMFS 
    rejected this alternative for several reasons, including the 
    significant economic impacts expected on additional pelagic longline 
    participants. NMFS may consider closing these areas in the future if 
    deemed necessary to reduce the bycatch of undersized swordfish. 
    Although the status quo alternative (no time/area closure) would have 
    less of an economic impact in the short term, this alternative was 
    rejected because it is not expected to meet the statutory objectives of 
    reducing the discard rate and rebuilding the stock. Thus, in the long 
    term, the status quo alternative may have even greater significant 
    impacts for all pelagic longline participants.
    Non-Ridgeback LCS Quota Reduction
        NMFS proposes to separate the current LCS management unit into 
    ridgeback and non-ridgeback LCS and to reduce the quota for non-
    ridgeback LCS by 66 percent (by weight). This alternative is expected 
    to minimize adverse economic impacts on LCS fishermen by allowing 
    higher harvest levels than those maintained if the LCS management unit 
    were kept as a single unit. This measure should rebuild ridgeback LCS 
    stocks consistent with the Magnuson-Stevens Act requirements to rebuild 
    overfished fisheries and to consider the impacts of fishery resources 
    on communities. NMFS estimates that 53 participants may cease business 
    operations due to this alternative.
        NMFS considered other alternatives, including keeping the LCS 
    management unit as a single group, with status quo reduced, and zero 
    harvest levels, as well as implementing a phased-in quota for non-
    ridgeback LCS. Some of these quota alternatives, such as a closure, 
    would meet the management objectives of rebuilding LCS stocks, and 
    would have significant negative economic impacts in the short term, but 
    would have economic benefits in the long term. Other alternatives 
    considered, such as status quo, would have little or no negative 
    economic impacts in the short term, but they would have significant 
    negative economic impacts in the long term if the stock continued to 
    decline. Additionally, the status quo alternative may possibly have no 
    positive economic benefits and would not meet the statutory objectives 
    to rebuild the LCS stock. NMFS chose the alternative that minimizes the 
    short and long term economic impacts while also rebuilding LCS stocks. 
    Limited Access to the Atlantic Swordfish and Shark Fisheries
        The proposed limited access system would affect all current permit 
    holders in the Atlantic swordfish and shark fisheries and those vessels 
    fishing for Atlantic tunas with longlines. The intent of limited access 
    is to exclude only those fishermen whose logbook records indicate they 
    are neither active nor dependent on the swordfish and shark fisheries 
    except that tuna longliners would automatically receive a swordfish or 
    shark limited access permit to authorize landing of incidental catch. 
    The proposed limited access program for swordfish is not expected to 
    have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities. However, a similar analysis indicates that, due to the 
    proposed limited access system for the shark fishery, a significant 
    number of shark vessels (48) would be forced to cease business 
    operations. NMFS found that many of these vessels were directing for 
    sharks in 1997 (the year used in the analysis) but had left the fishery 
    in 1998, and, therefore, would not qualify under the proposed limited 
    access system. Thus, NMFS believes that many of the vessels that the 
    analysis indicates would not be eligible for permits may have already 
    left the fishery due to circumstances other than limited access. 
    Because this limited access system is not intended to remove any active 
    entity dependent on the fishery, NMFS may reconsider the requirement of 
    having held a permit during the open season in 1998 for sharks, based 
    on comments received on this proposed rule.
        The other alternatives regarding the implementation of limited 
    access for swordfish and shark fisheries include a range of permit and 
    landings history (eligibility) alternatives, incidental harvest limits, 
    and permit transfer and vessel upgrade restrictions. While these 
    alternatives might have lesser economic impacts on the fishery 
    participants, NMFS believes those alternatives may be inconsistent with 
    the objectives of removing inactive permits and limiting increases in 
    the harvesting capacity of the fleet.
        The draft HMS RIR/IRFA provides further discussion of the economic 
    effects of all the alternatives considered in the draft HMS FMP.
        To ensure that the impacts of the Amendment 1 to the Billfish FMP 
    are fully analyzed, NMFS has prepared an IRFA pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 603 
    without regard to whether the proposed action would have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. A summary of 
    the IRFA follows:
    Adjustment to Billfish Retention Limit
        NMFS proposes to institute a retention limit of one Atlantic 
    billfish per vessel per trip with an additional provision that would 
    reduce the retention limit for blue and/or white marlin to zero if 
    landing limits for Atlantic blue marlin and/or white marlin are reached 
    (26.2 mt and 2.48 mt, respectively). Cumulative landings would be 
    determined from the most recent tournaments and from other state or 
    federal data sources. Implementation of a zero retention limit, or just 
    the possibility of such, may affect participation in Atlantic billfish 
    tournaments. NMFS has received indications that tournaments may be 
    canceled or may experience a significant reduction in participation if 
    fishermen are not allowed to land a billfish that meets the legal size 
    constraints. The zero retention limit provision was included in this 
    proposed rule to avoid exceeding the 1997 ICCAT recommended landing 
    levels for blue and white marlin. In other words, this measure would 
    allow recreational fishermen to land billfish until the landing limits 
    are reached. NMFS believes that this measure, while it may reduce 
    tournament participation in the short-term, will aid in rebuilding the 
    stocks, thus increasing participation in the long term.
        NMFS considered other alternatives to reduce the landings of 
    Atlantic billfish, including prohibiting possession of Atlantic 
    billfish by all
    [[Page 3169]]
    U.S.-flagged recreational vessels. This alternative was not selected 
    because it was considered to be too drastic in lowering landings 
    unnecessarily. In addition, the mortality of Atlantic billfish 
    recreationally caught by U.S. anglers is small relative to Atlantic-
    wide mortality levels. Thus, the short- and long-term negative economic 
    impacts experienced by entities who rely on the billfish recreational 
    fishery would exceed any advantages of this measure on rebuilding 
    billfish stocks. This alternative would also put U.S. fishermen at a 
    disadvantage compared with fishermen from other countries.
        Another alternative considered would allow Atlantic blue marlin and 
    Atlantic white marlin to be landed only during fishing tournaments and 
    from charter vessels. All other recreational landings of Atlantic 
    marlin (this alternative did not include sailfish) would be prohibited. 
    Although this alternative might minimize any negative economic impacts 
    on tournament sponsors and charter vessel owners, NMFS rejected this 
    alternative because it would have a discriminatory impact on private 
    vessels operating outside tournaments.
        The last alternative considered would prohibit landing of billfish 
    in conjunction with a tournament to be released (i.e., require all 
    tournaments to be ``no-kill''). Atlantic billfish could still be landed 
    during other recreational efforts. NMFS believes that this alternative 
    would not reduce Atlantic billfish landings or economic impacts because 
    Atlantic billfish tournaments are currently moving toward alternative 
    means to measure angler success in catching billfish.
    Adjustment to a Higher Minimum Size Limit
        NMFS considered other alternatives to reduce the landings of 
    Atlantic billfish, including the minimum sizes implemented in the 
    interim rule. This alternative would also provide NMFS the authority to 
    increase the minimum size limits in season, rather than decreasing the 
    retention limits to ensure compliance with the ICCAT landings limits 
    for marlins. NMFS believes that this alternative could restrict 
    landings to the allowable level without undue economic impacts because 
    very large Atlantic billfish could still be landed in tournaments or 
    for mounting purposes by private anglers. In this way, the potential 
    for landing a very large billfish would still provide an incentive for 
    fishing activity. Implementation of this alternative would require an 
    accurate monitoring system for NMFS to provide sufficient notice of 
    size limit adjustments to tournaments.
        The draft RIR/IRFA for Amendment 1 to the Billfish FMP provides 
    further discussion of the economic impacts of all the alternatives 
        This proposed rule contains new and revised collection-of-
    information requirements, subject to review and approval by the Office 
    of Management and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), 
    and restates several current requirements. The new and revised 
    collections have been submitted to OMB for approval. In particular, six 
    new reporting requirements would include position reports from a 
    vessel-monitoring system for all pelagic longline vessels; gear marking 
    and vessel identification requirements for longline and shark net gear, 
    and for handgear and harpoon floats; permits for all HMS Charter/
    Headboat vessels; observer requirements for HMS Charter/Headboat 
    vessels if selected; logbooks for all Atlantic tuna vessels and HMS 
    Charter/Headboat vessels; and revised reporting procedures for EFPs. 
    The following requirements have been approved by OMB or have been 
    submitted to OMB for approval:
        1. Requirement for HMS Charter/Headboat Permits in Sec. 635.4, 
    estimated at 30 minutes per initial permit application and 6 minutes 
    per renewal, has been submitted for OMB clearance in association with 
    this proposed rule. However, no additional burden is anticipated as 
    nearly all HMS charter/headboats are permitted under currently approved 
    permitting collections (0648-0202; 0648-0205; 0648-0327), any of which 
    will serve to meet this requirement.
        2. Atlantic tunas vessel permits in Sec. 635.4 (approved under OMB 
    control number 0648-0327), estimated at 30 minutes per initial permit 
    application and 6 minutes per renewal; and Atlantic tunas dealer 
    permits in Sec. 635.4 (approved under OMB control number 0648-0202), 
    estimated at 5 minutes per permit action.
        3. Shark and swordfish vessel permits in Sec. 635.4 (approved under 
    OMB control number 0648-0205), estimated at 20 minutes per permit 
    action; and shark and swordfish dealer permits in Sec. 635.4 (approved 
    under OMB control number 0648-0205), estimated at 5 minutes per permit 
    action. Importer permitting requirements for swordfish in Sec. 635.4, 
    estimated at 5 minutes per application, for which a proposed rule 
    published on October 13, 1998 (63 FR 54661), have since been approved 
    by OMB under 0648-0205.
        4. Dealer reporting and recordkeeping requirements for Atlantic 
    bluefin tuna in Sec. 635.5 (approved under OMB control number 0648-
    0239), estimated at 3 minutes for daily reports, 14 minutes per bi-
    weekly report of fish purchases, and 1 minute to affix tags and label 
        5. Dealer reporting and recordkeeping requirements for swordfish, 
    sharks, and Atlantic tunas in Sec. 635.5 (approved under OMB control 
    numbers 0648-0013 and/or 0648-0239) estimated at 15 minutes per bi-
    weekly report of fish purchases and 3 minutes per negative report. 
    Importer reporting requirements for swordfish in Sec. 635.5, estimated 
    at 15 minutes per bi-weekly report, for which a proposed rule published 
    on October 13, 1998 (63 FR 54661), have since been approved by OMB 
    under 0648-0013.
        6. Vessel reporting and recordkeeping requirements for swordfish 
    and sharks in Sec. 635.5 (currently approved under OMB control number 
    0648-0016) estimated at 10 minutes per logbook entry, including the 
    attachment of tally sheets, and 2 minutes for ``no-fishing'' reports. 
    NMFS has submitted a request to OMB for vessel reporting requirements 
    for Atlantic tunas and HMS charter boats in Sec. 630.5 estimated at 12 
    minutes per logbook entry and 2 minutes for a negative catch report. 
    NMFS intends to randomly select 10 percent of the tuna vessels and all 
    HMS charter boats on an annual basis. While NMFS intends to consolidate 
    HMS logbooks under a new information collection, there will be an 
    initial trial period for tuna vessels and HMS charter/headboats with 
    the pelagic logbook forms currently approved under 0648-0016. After 
    evaluation of the program, NMFS will request OMB approval to issue 
    logbooks tailored to the specific reporting requirements of individual 
    fishery segments
        7. Fishing tournament registration and selective reporting in 
    Sec. 635.5 (approved under OMB control number 0648-0323) estimated at 
    10 minutes per report.
        8. Swordfish and shark limited access permit documentation 
    requirements in Sec. 635.16 (approved under OMB control number 0648-
    0325) estimated at 1.5 hours per response.
        9. Vessel identification requirements for permitted HMS vessels in 
    Sec. 635.6 estimated at 45 minutes per vessel, have been submitted to 
    OMB for approval.
        10. HMS gear marking requirements in Sec. 635.6, estimated at 15 
    minutes per action and pertaining to longline gear (terminal floats and 
    hi-flyers), shark nets (terminal floats) and harpoon and handgear 
    floats, have been submitted to OMB for approval.
        11. Notification for at-sea observer requirements for Atlantic 
    tuna, swordfish, and shark vessels in Sec. 635.7, estimated at 2 
    minutes per response, has
    [[Page 3170]]
    been consolidated and submitted for OMB approval.
        12. Position reporting and communication from a vessel monitoring 
    system in Sec. Sec. 635.9 and 635.69, estimated at 0.033 seconds per 
    position report or 5 minutes per vessel per year, 4 hours for 
    installation, and 2 hours for annual maintenance, has been submitted to 
    OMB for clearance.
        13. BFT purse seine inspection requests in Sec. 635.21 (approved 
    under OMB control number 0648-0202) estimated at 5 minutes per request.
        14. Angler reporting of trophy BFT in Sec. 635.23 (approved under 
    OMB control number 0648-0239) estimated at 3 minutes per report, and 
    Angler reporting of school and medium tuna in Sec. 635.5 (approved 
    under OMB control number 0648-0328) estimated at 5 minutes per 
        15. HMS catch and release program requirements in Sec. 635.26 
    (approved under OMB control number 0648-0247) estimated at 2 minutes 
    per tagging card.
        16. Documentation requirements for sale of billfish in Sec. 635.31 
    (approved under OMB control number 0648-0216) estimated at 20 minutes 
    for dealers purchasing from vessels and 2 minutes for subsequent 
        17. Swordfish Certificate of Eligibility in Sec. 635.46, estimated 
    at 60 minutes per document, for which a proposed rule published on 
    October 13, 1998 (63 FR 54661), has since been approved under OMB 
    control number 0648-0363. Bluefin Tuna Statistical Document in 
    Sec. 635.42 (approved under OMB control number 0648-0040) estimated at 
    20 minutes per document.
        18. Revised application and reporting requirements under EFPs in 
    Sec. 635.32, estimated at 30 minutes per application, 5 minutes per 
    fish collection report, and 30 minutes per annual summary report, have 
    been submitted for OMB clearance.
        19. Archival tag reporting requirements in Sec. 635.33, estimated 
    at 1.5 hours for implantation reports and 30 minutes per fish catch 
    report, have been approved by OMB under control number 0648-0338.
        20. Bluefin tuna statistical documents in Sec. 635.42, estimated at 
    20 minutes per fish import report, and government validation of BSDs in 
    Sec. 635.44, estimated at 2 hours per occurrence, have been approved by 
    OMB under control number 0648-0040.
        Written requests for purse seine allocations for Atlantic tunas as 
    required under Sec. 635.27 are not currently approved by OMB. Requests 
    for purse seine allocations are not subject to the PRA because, under 
    current regulations, a maximum of five vessels could be subject to 
    reporting under this requirement. Since it is impossible for 10 or more 
    respondents to be involved, the information collection is exempt from 
    the PRA clearance requirement.
        Certificate of eligibility requirements for imports of fish subject 
    to trade restrictions under Sec. 635.40 are not currently approved by 
    OMB. These regulations were required under ATCA and were originally 
    issued prior to the enactment of the PRA. NMFS would consult with OMB 
    prior to implementing any trade restrictions under this section. While 
    ATCA and the implementing regulations at Sec. 635.40 authorize 
    unilateral trade action by the United States, it is more likely that 
    multilateral action would be taken upon a recommendation of ICCAT. In 
    such case, notice and comment rulemaking procedures under ATCA would 
    apply and OMB clearance for information collections would be requested 
    prior to issuance of a proposed rule.
        Public comment is sought regarding whether these proposed new or 
    revised collections-of-information are necessary for the proper 
    performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the 
    information has practical utility; the accuracy of the burden 
    estimates; ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
    information to be collected; and ways to minimize the burden of the 
    collection of information, including the use of automated collection 
    techniques or other forms of information technology. Send comments on 
    these or any other aspects of the collection of information to NMFS, 
    Highly Migratory Species Management Division and OMB (see ADDRESSES).
        Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required 
    to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure 
    to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements 
    of the PRA unless that collection of information displays a currently 
    valid OMB Control Number.
        NMFS initiated formal consultation for all HMS fisheries on 
    September 25, 1996, under section 7 of the ESA. NMFS requested an 
    additional formal consultation on the HMS FMP and Billfish Amendment on 
    May 12, 1998. The consultation request concerned the possible effects 
    of management measures in the Amendment 1 to the Billfish FMP and the 
    HMS FMP, including implementation of AOCTRP measures for the pelagic 
    longline fishery. In a BO issued on May 29, 1997, NMFS concluded that 
    operation of the harpoon fishery is not likely to adversely affect the 
    continued existence of any endangered or threatened species under NMFS 
    jurisdiction and that operation of the longline fishery may adversely 
    affect, but may not jeopardize, the continued existence of any 
    endangered or threatened species under NMFS jurisdiction. Conversely, 
    it was concluded that driftnet fishing for swordfish in the Northeast 
    and Mid-Atlantic and for sharks in the Southeast jeopardized the 
    continued existence of the northern right whale. NMFS proposed on 
    October 20, 1998 (63 FR 55998), to prohibit the use of driftnets in the 
    Atlantic swordfish fishery. Another rulemaking implemented a take 
    reduction plan for Atlantic large whales in the southeastern United 
    States under the MMPA (62 FR 39157, July 22, 1997). This proposed rule, 
    if implemented, would further reduce the likelihood of interactions 
    between HMS fishing gears and northern right whales and endangered sea 
    turtles through gear modifications and educational workshops for 
    pelagic longline fishermen that were recommended by the AOCTRT.
        This proposed rule has been determined to be significant for 
    purposes of E.O. 12866.
    List of Subjects
    50 CFR Part 285
        Fisheries, Fishing, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Treaties.
    50 CFR Parts 600, 630, 635, 644, and 678
        Fisheries, Fishing, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
        Dated: January 12, 1999.
    Rolland A. Schmitten,
    Assistant Administrator, National Marine Fisheries Service.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR chapters II and VI 
    are proposed to be amended as follows:
    50 CFR Chapter II
        1. Under the authority of 16 U.S.C. 971 et seq., part 285 is 
    50 CFR Chapter VI
        2. Under the authority of 16 U.S.C. 971 et seq. and 16 U.S.C. 1801 
    et seq., parts 630, 644, and 678 are removed.
    [[Page 3171]]
        3. The authority citation for part 600 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 561 and 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
        4. In Sec. 600.10, the definitions for ``Albacore'', ``Angling'', 
    ``Atlantic tunas'', ``Atlantic Tunas Convention Act'', ``Bigeye tuna'', 
    ``Billfish'', ``Bluefin tuna'', ``Blue marlin'', ``Carcass'', ``Catch 
    limit'', ``Charter vessel'', ``Fillet'', ``Fish weir'', ``Headboat'', 
    ``Land'', ``Longbill spearfish'', ``Pelagic longline'', ``Person'', 
    ``Postmark'', ``Pound net'', ``Purchase'', ``Round'', ``Sailfish'', 
    ``Sale or sell'', ``Shark net'', ``Skipjack tuna'', ``Strikenet for 
    sharks'', ``Swordfish'', ``Trip'', ``White marlin'', and ``Yellowfin 
    tuna'' are added in alphabetical order to read as follows:
    Sec. 600.10  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Albacore means the species Thunnus alalunga, or a part thereof.
    * * * * *
        Angling means fishing for or catching of, or the attempted fishing 
    for or catching of, fish by any person (angler) with a hook attached to 
    a line that is hand-held or by rod and reel made for this purpose.
    * * * * *
        Atlantic tunas means bluefin tuna, albacore, bigeye tuna, skipjack 
    tuna and yellowfin tuna found in the Atlantic Ocean.
        Atlantic Tunas Convention Act means the Atlantic Tunas Convention 
    Act of 1975, 16 U.S.C. 971-971h.
    * * * * *
        Bigeye tuna means the species Thunnus obesus, or a part thereof.
        Billfish means blue marlin, longbill spearfish, sailfish, or white 
        Bluefin tuna means the species Thunnus thynnus, or a part thereof.
        Blue marlin means the species Makaira nigricans, or a part thereof.
        Carcass means a fish that has been gilled and/or gutted and the 
    head and some or all fins have been removed, but that is otherwise in 
    whole condition.
        Catch limit means the total allowable harvest or take from a single 
    fishing trip or day, as defined in this section.
    * * * * *
        Charter vessel means a vessel less than 100 gross tons (90.8 mt) 
    that meets the requirements of the U.S. Coast Guard to carry six or 
    fewer passengers for hire.
    * * * * *
        Fillet means to remove slices of fish flesh from the carcass by 
    cuts made parallel to the backbone.
    * * * * *
        Fish weir means a large catching arrangement with a collecting 
    chamber that is made of non-textile material (wood, wicker) instead of 
    netting as in a pound net.
    * * * * *
        Headboat means a vessel that holds a valid Certificate of 
    Inspection issued by the U.S. Coast Guard to carry passengers for hire.
    * * * * *
        Land means to begin offloading fish, to offload fish, or to arrive 
    in port or at a dock, berth, beach, seawall, or ramp.
        Longbill spearfish means the species Tetrapturus pfluegeri, or a 
    part thereof.
    * * * * *
        Pelagic longline means a suspended monofilament longline with 
    greater than 3 hooks or leaders that is supported along its length by 
    floats and is marked on the surface by high-flyers. It is a rebuttable 
    presumption that a longline marked with floats and high-flyers in water 
    depths greater than 50 fathoms (91 m) is a pelagic longline.
        Person means any individual, partnership, corporation, or 
    association subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.
    * * * * *
        Postmark means independently verifiable evidence of the date of 
    mailing, such as a U.S. Postal Service postmark, United Parcel Service, 
    or other private carrier postmark, certified mail receipt, overnight 
    mail receipt, or a receipt issued upon hand delivery to a 
    representative of NMFS authorized to collect fishery statistics.
        Pound net means a set net. The trap portion is composed of netting 
    with a vertical side, a top, a cover, and non-return valves fitted 
    inside. This may be moored with anchors and casks and held open with 
    stretcher poles or floats.
    * * * * *
        Purchase means the act or activity of buying, trading, or 
    bartering, or attempting to buy, trade, or barter.
    * * * * *
        Round means a whole fish--one that has not been gilled, gutted, 
    beheaded, or definned.
    * * * * *
        Sailfish means the species Istiophorus platypterus, or a part 
        Sale or sell means the act or activity of transferring property for 
    money or credit, trading, or bartering, or attempting to so transfer, 
    trade, or barter.
    * * * * *
        Shark net, sometimes called a shark gillnet or shark driftnet, 
    means a flat net with webbing of 5 inches or greater stretched mesh and 
    a twine size of 0.52 mm diameter or greater. The shark net is 
    unattached to the ocean bottom, whether or not it is attached to a 
    vessel, and it is designed to be suspended vertically in the water to 
    entangle the head or other body parts of a shark that attempts to pass 
    through the meshes.
        Skipjack tuna means the species Katsuwonus pelamis, or a part 
    * * * * *
        Strikenet for sharks means to fish with strikenet gear and to land 
    or have on board an amount of shark that exceeds the recreational catch 
    * * * * *
        Swordfish means the species Xiphias gladius, or a part thereof.
    * * * * *
        Trip means the time period that begins when a fishing vessel 
    departs from a dock, berth, beach, seawall, ramp, or port to carry out 
    fishing operations and that terminates with a return to a dock, berth, 
    beach, seawall, ramp, or port.
    * * * * *
         White marlin means the species Tetrapturus albidus, or a part 
        Yellowfin tuna means the species Thunnus albacares, or a part 
        5. Section 600.15 is amended by redesignating paragraphs (a)(2) 
    through (a)(6) as paragraphs (a)(5) through (a)(9), by redesignating 
    paragraphs (a)(7) through (a)(11) as paragraphs (a)(11) through 
    (a)(15), and by adding paragraphs (a)(2) through (a)(4) and paragraph 
    (a)(10) to read as follows:
    Sec. 600.15  Other acronyms.
    (a) * * *
        (2) ATCA-Atlantic Tunas Convention Act
        (3) BFT (Atlantic bluefin tuna) means the subspecies of bluefin 
    tuna, Thunnus thynnus thynnus, or a part thereof, that is found in the 
    Atlantic Ocean.
        (4) BSD means the ICCAT bluefin tuna statistical document.
    * * * * *
        (10) ICCAT means the International Commission for the Conservation 
    of Atlantic Tunas.
    * * * * *
        6. Part 635 is added to read as follows:
    Subpart  A--General
    635.1  Purpose and scope.
    635.2  Definitions.
    635.3  Relation to other laws.
    [[Page 3172]]
    635.4  Permits and fees.
    635.5  Recordkeeping and reporting.
    635.6  Vessel and gear identification.
    635.7  At-sea observer coverage.
    635.8  Educational workshops.
    635.9  Vessel monitoring.
    Subpart  B--Limited Access
    635.16  Limited access permits.
    Subpart  C--Management Measures
    635.19  BFT size classes.
    635.20  Size limits.
    635.21  Gear operation and deployment restrictions.
    635.22  Recreational retention limits.
    635.23  Retention limits for BFT.
    635.24  Commercial retention limits for sharks and swordfish.
    635.26  Catch and release.
    635.27  Quotas.
    635.28  Closures.
    635.29  Transfer at sea.
    635.30  Possession at sea and landing.
    635.31  Restrictions on sale and purchase.
    635.32  Specifically authorized activities.
    635.33  Archival tags.
    635.34  Adjustment of management measures.
    Subpart  D--Restrictions on Imports
    635.40  Restrictions to enhance conservation.
    635.41  Species subject to documentation requirements.
    635.42  Documentation requirements.
    635.43  Contents of documentation.
    635.44  Validation requirements.
    635.45  Import restrictions for Belize, Honduras, and Panama.
    635.46  Import restrictions on swordfish.
    Subpart  E--International Port Inspection
    635.50  Basis and purpose.
    635.51  Authorized officer.
    635.52  Vessels subject to inspection.
    635.53  Reports.
    635.54  Ports of entry
    Subpart  F--Enforcement
    635.69  Vessel monitoring systems.
    635.70  Penalties.
    635.71  Prohibitions.
    Appendix  A to Part 635--Species Tables
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 971 et seq.; 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
    Subpart A--General
    Sec. 635.1  Purpose and scope.
        (a) Atlantic tunas, billfish, and swordfish. The regulations in 
    this part govern the conservation and management of Atlantic tunas, 
    billfish, and Atlantic swordfish under the authority of the Magnuson-
    Stevens Act and ATCA. They implement the Fishery Management Plan for 
    Atlantic Tunas, Swordfish, and Sharks and in the Fishery Management 
    Plan for Atlantic Billfishes. The Atlantic tunas regulations govern 
    conservation and management of Atlantic tunas in the management area 
    and apply to a person or vessel subject to the jurisdiction of the 
    United States. The Atlantic billfish regulations govern conservation 
    and management in the management area and apply to a person or vessel 
    subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. The swordfish 
    regulations govern conservation and management of North and South 
    Atlantic swordfish in the management unit. North Atlantic swordfish are 
    managed under the authority of both ATCA and the Magnuson-Stevens Act. 
    South Atlantic swordfish are managed under the sole authority of ATCA. 
    The swordfish regulations apply to a person or vessel subject to the 
    jurisdiction of the United States.
        (b) Shark. The regulations in this part govern sharks under the 
    authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Act and implement management measures 
    in the Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic HMS. The shark regulations 
    in this part govern conservation and management of sharks in the 
    management area and apply to a person or vessel subject to the 
    jurisdiction of the United States.
    Sec. 635.2  Definitions.
        In addition to the definitions in the Magnuson-Stevens Act, ATCA, 
    and Sec. 600.10 of this chapter, the terms used in this part have the 
    following meanings:
        Archival tag means a device that is implanted or affixed to a fish 
    to electronically record scientific information about the migratory 
    behavior of that fish.
        Atlantic HMS means Atlantic tunas, billfish, oceanic sharks, and 
        Atlantic Ocean, as used in this part, includes the North and South 
    Atlantic Oceans, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea.
        Bottom longline means a monofilament longline with greater than 3 
    hooks or leaders that is maintained on the ocean floor along its length 
    by weights and is marked on the surface by marker buoys and/or high 
        BSD tag means the numbered tag affixed to a BFT issued by any 
    country in conjunction with a catch statistics information program and 
    recorded on a BSD.
        Cape Cod Bay closed area means the area bounded by lines connecting 
    the following coordinates: 42 deg.04.8' N. lat., 70 deg.10' W. long.; 
    42 deg.12' N' lat., 70 deg.15' W. long; 42 deg.12' N. lat., 70 deg. 30' 
    W. long.; 41 deg.46.8' N. lat., 70 deg.30' W. long.; and on the south 
    and east by the interior shore line of Cape Cod, MA.
        Certificate of Eligibility (COE) means the certificate that 
    accompanies a shipment of imported swordfish indicating that the 
    swordfish or swordfish parts are not from the Atlantic Ocean or if they 
    are, are derived from a swordfish weighing more than 33 lb (15 kg) dw.
        CFL (curved fork length) means the length of a fish measured from 
    the tip of the upper jaw to the fork of the tail along the contour of 
    the body in a line that runs along the top of the pectoral fin and the 
    top of the caudal keel.
        CK means the length of a fish measured along the body contour, 
    i.e., a curved measurement, from the cleithrum to the anterior portion 
    of the caudal keel. The cleithrum is the semicircular bony structure at 
    the posterior edge of the gill opening. The measurement must be made 
    from the point on the cleithrum that provides the shortest possible 
    measurement along the body contour.
        Convention means the International Convention for the Conservation 
    of Atlantic Tunas, signed at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on May 14, 1966, 
    20 U.S.T. 2887, TIAS 6767, including any amendments or protocols 
    thereto, which are binding upon the United States.
        Conventional tag means a numbered, flexible ribbon that is 
    implanted or affixed to a fish that is released back into the ocean. 
    The tag allows the identification of that fish in the event it is 
        Dealer tag means the numbered, flexible, self-locking ribbon issued 
    by NMFS for the identification of BFT sold to a permitted dealer as 
    required under Sec. 635.5 (b)(2)(ii).
        Dehooking device means a device intended to remove a hook imbedded 
    in a fish in order to release the fish with minimum damage.
        Downrigger means a piece of equipment attached to a vessel and with 
    a weight on a cable that is in turn attached to hook-and-line gear to 
    maintain lures or bait at depth while trolling, and that has a release 
    system to retrieve the weight by rod and reel or by manual, electric, 
    or hydraulic winch after a fish strike on the hook-and-line gear.
        Dress means to remove head, viscera, and fins, but does not include 
    removal of the backbone, halving, quartering, or otherwise further 
    reducing the carcass.
        Dressed weight (dw) means the weight of a fish after it has been 
        EFP means an exempted fishing permit issued pursuant to 
    Sec. 600.745 of this chapter and to Sec. 635.32.
        Eviscerated means a fish that has only the alimentary organs 
        Export means shipment of fish or fish products to a destination 
    outside the customs territory of the United States for which a 
    Shipper's Export Declaration (Customs Form 7525) is required. Atlantic 
    HMS destined from one foreign country to another, which transits the 
    United States and for which a Shipper's Export Declaration is not
    [[Page 3173]]
    required to be filed, will not be considered an export under this 
        Exporter means the principal party responsible for effecting export 
    from the United States as listed on the Shipper's Export Declaration 
    (Customs Form 7525) or any authorized electronic medium available from 
    U.S. Customs.
        First transaction in the United States means the time and place at 
    which the swordfish, is filleted, cut into steaks, or processed in any 
    way that physically alters it after being landed in or imported into 
    the United States.
        Fishing record means all records of navigation and operations, as 
    well as all records of catching, harvesting, transporting, landing, 
    purchase, or sale.
        Fishing vessel means any vessel engaged in fishing, processing, or 
    transporting fish loaded on the high seas, or any vessel outfitted for 
    such activities.
        Fishing year means--
        (1) For Atlantic tunas, billfish, and swordfish--June 1 through May 
    31 of the following year; and
        (2) For shark--January 1 through December 31.
        FL (fork length) means the straight-line measurement of a fish from 
    the tip of the snout to the fork of the tail. The measurement is not 
    made along the curve of the body.
        Florida Straits means the area off the east coast of Florida 
    between 26 deg. N. lat. and 28 deg. N. lat. and 78 deg. W. long. and 
    81 deg. W. long.
        Giant BFT means an Atlantic BFT measuring 81 inches (206 cm) CFL or 
        Great South Channel closed area means the area bounded by lines 
    connecting the following coordinates: 41 deg.40' N. lat., 69 deg.45' W. 
    long.; 41 deg.00' N. lat., 69 deg.05' W. long.; 41 deg.38' N. lat., 
    68 deg.13' W. long.; and 42 deg.10' N. lat., 68 deg.31' W. long.
        Highly migratory species (HMS) means bluefin, bigeye, yellowfin, 
    albacore, and skipjack tunas; swordfish; oceanic sharks (listed in 
    Appendix A to this part); white marlin; blue marlin; sailfish; and 
    longbill spearfish.
        ILAP means an initial limited access permit issued pursuant to 
    Sec. 635.4.
        Import means the release of HMS from a nation's Customs' custody 
    and entry into the territory of that nation. HMS are imported into the 
    United States upon release from U.S. Customs' custody pursuant to 
    filing an entry summary document (Customs Form 7501) or any authorized 
    electronic medium. HMS destined from one foreign country to another, 
    which transit the United States and for which an entry summary is not 
    required to be filed, are not considered an import under this 
        Importer, for the purpose of HMS imported into the United States, 
    means the importer of record as declared on U.S. Customs Form 7501 or 
    any authorized electronic medium.
        Intermediate country means a country that exports to the United 
    States HMS previously imported by that nation. Shipments of HMS through 
    a country on a through bill of lading or in another manner that does 
    not enter the shipments into that country as an importation do not make 
    that country an intermediate country under this definition.
        LAP means a limited access permit issued pursuant to Sec. 635.4.
        Large coastal shark means one of the species, or a part thereof, 
    listed in paragraph (a) of Table 1 in Appendix A to this part.
        Large medium BFT means a BFT measuring 73 to < 81="" inches="" (185="" to="">< 206="" cm)="" cfl.="" large="" school="" bft="" means="" a="" bft="" measuring="" 47="" to="">< 59="" inches="" (119="" to="">< 150="" cm)="" cfl.="" ljfl="" (lower="" jaw-fork="" length)="" means="" the="" straight-line="" measurement="" of="" a="" fish="" from="" the="" tip="" of="" the="" lower="" jaw="" to="" the="" fork="" of="" the="" caudal="" fin.="" the="" measurement="" is="" not="" made="" along="" the="" curve="" of="" the="" body.="" management="" area="" (1)="" for="" atlantic="" tunas,="" blue="" marlin,="" longbill="" spearfish,="" and="" white="" marlin,="" means="" the="" atlantic="" ocean,="" (2)="" for="" sailfish,="" means="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" north="" of="" 5="" deg.="" n.="" lat.="" and="" west="" of="" 30="" deg.="" n.="" long.,="" (3)="" for="" north="" atlantic="" swordfish,="" means="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" north="" of="" 5="" deg.="" n.="" lat.,="" (4)="" for="" south="" atlantic="" swordfish,="" means="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" south="" of="" 5="" deg.="" n.="" lat.,="" and="" (5)="" for="" sharks,="" means="" the="" western="" north="" atlantic="" ocean,="" including="" the="" gulf="" of="" mexico="" and="" the="" caribbean="" sea.="" mid-atlantic="" bight="" means="" the="" area="" off="" the="" mid-atlantic="" states="" between="" 35="" deg.="" n.="" lat.="" and="" 43="" deg.="" n.="" lat.="" to="" 71="" deg.="" w.="" long.="" non-ridgeback="" shark="" means="" one="" of="" the="" species,="" or="" a="" part="" thereof,="" listed="" in="" paragraph="" (a)(2)="" of="" table="" 1="" in="" appendix="" a="" to="" this="" part.="" north="" atlantic="" swordfish="" or="" north="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock="" means="" those="" swordfish="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" north="" of="" 5="" deg.="" n.="" lat.="" office="" director="" means="" the="" director="" of="" the="" office="" of="" sustainable="" fisheries,="" nmfs.="" operator,="" with="" respect="" to="" any="" vessel,="" means="" the="" master="" or="" other="" individual="" on="" board="" and="" in="" charge="" of="" that="" vessel.="" pelagic="" shark="" means="" one="" of="" the="" species,="" or="" a="" part="" thereof,="" listed="" in="" paragraph="" (c)="" of="" table="" 1="" in="" appendix="" a="" to="" this="" part.="" pfcfl="" (pectoral="" fin="" curved="" fork="" length)="" means="" the="" length="" of="" a="" beheaded="" fish="" from="" the="" dorsal="" insertion="" of="" the="" pectoral="" fin="" to="" the="" fork="" of="" the="" tail="" measured="" along="" the="" contour="" of="" the="" body="" in="" a="" line="" that="" runs="" along="" the="" top="" of="" the="" pectoral="" fin="" and="" the="" top="" of="" the="" caudal="" keel.="" prohibited="" shark="" means="" one="" of="" the="" species,="" or="" a="" part="" thereof,="" listed="" in="" paragraph="" (d)="" of="" table="" 1="" in="" appendix="" a="" to="" this="" part.="" regional="" administrator="" (ra)="" means="" the="" director="" of="" the="" nmfs="" regional="" office="" in="" either="" the="" northeast="" region="" (gloucester,="" ma)="" or="" the="" southeast="" region="" (st.="" petersburg,="" fl),="" whichever="" is="" applicable.="" restricted-fishing="" day="" (rfd)="" means="" a="" day,="" beginning="" at="" 0000="" hours="" and="" ending="" at="" 2400="" hours="" local="" time,="" during="" which="" a="" person="" aboard="" a="" vessel="" for="" whom="" a="" general="" category="" permit="" for="" atlantic="" tunas="" has="" been="" issued="" may="" not="" fish="" for,="" possess,="" or="" retain="" a="" bft.="" ridgeback="" shark="" means="" one="" of="" the="" species,="" or="" a="" part="" thereof,="" listed="" in="" paragraph="" (a)(1)="" of="" table="" 1="" in="" appendix="" a="" to="" this="" part.="" school="" bft="" means="" a="" bft="" measuring="" 27="" to="">< 47="" inches="" (69="" to="">< 119="" cm)="" cfl.="" shark="" means="" one="" of="" the="" species,="" or="" a="" part="" thereof,="" listed="" in="" tables="" 1="" and="" 2="" in="" appendix="" a="" to="" this="" part.="" small="" coastal="" shark="" means="" one="" of="" the="" species,="" or="" a="" part="" thereof,="" listed="" in="" paragraph="" (b)="" of="" table="" 1="" in="" appendix="" a="" to="" this="" part.="" small="" medium="" bft="" means="" a="" bft="" measuring="" 59="" to="">< 73="" inches="" (150="" to="">< 185="" cm)="" cfl.="" south="" atlantic="" swordfish="" or="" south="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock="" means="" those="" swordfish="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" south="" of="" 5="" deg.="" n.="" lat.="" southeastern="" united="" states="" closed="" area="" means="" the="" coastal="" waters="" between="" 28="" deg.00'="" n.="" lat.="" and="" 30="" deg.15'="" n.="" lat.="" from="" the="" coast="" to="" 5="" nm="" (9="" km)="" offshore;="" and="" coastal="" waters="" between="" 30="" deg.15'="" n.="" lat.="" and="" 31="" deg.15'="" n.="" lat.="" from="" the="" coast="" to="" 15="" nm="" (28="" km)="" offshore.="" tournament="" means="" any="" fishing="" competition="" involving="" atlantic="" hms="" in="" which="" participants="" must="" register="" or="" otherwise="" enter="" or="" in="" which="" a="" prize="" or="" award="" is="" offered="" for="" catching="" such="" fish.="" trip="" limit="" means="" the="" total="" allowable="" take="" from="" a="" single="" trip="" as="" defined="" in="" this="" section.="" weighout="" slip="" means="" a="" document="" provided="" by="" a="" person="" who="" weighs="" fish="" or="" parts="" thereof="" that="" are="" landed="" from="" a="" fishing="" vessel="" to="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" the="" vessel.="" a="" weighout="" slip="" for="" sharks="" prior="" to="" or="" as="" part="" of="" a="" commercial="" transaction="" involving="" shark="" carcasses="" or="" [[page="" 3174]]="" fins="" must="" record="" the="" weights="" of="" carcasses="" and="" any="" detached="" fins.="" a="" document,="" such="" as="" a="" ``tally="" sheet,''="" ``trip="" ticket,''="" or="" ``sales="" receipt,''="" that="" contains="" such="" information="" is="" considered="" a="" weighout="" slip.="" young="" school="" bft="" means="" an="" atlantic="" bft="" measuring="" less="" than="" 27="" inches="" (69="" cm)="" cfl.="" sec.="" 635.3="" relation="" to="" other="" laws.="" (a)="" the="" relation="" of="" this="" part="" to="" other="" laws="" is="" set="" forth="" in="" sec.="" 600.705="" of="" this="" chapter="" and="" in="" paragraphs="" (b)="" and="" (c)="" of="" this="" section.="" (b)="" in="" accordance="" with="" regulations="" issued="" under="" the="" marine="" mammal="" protection="" act="" of="" 1972,="" as="" amended,="" it="" is="" unlawful="" for="" a="" commercial="" fishing="" vessel,="" a="" vessel="" owner,="" or="" a="" master="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" to="" engage="" in="" fisheries="" for="" hms="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean,="" unless="" the="" vessel="" owner="" or="" authorized="" representative="" has="" complied="" with="" specified="" requirements="" including,="" but="" not="" limited="" to,="" registration,="" exemption="" certificates,="" decals,="" and="" reports,="" as="" contained="" in="" part="" 229="" of="" this="" title.="" (c)="" general="" provisions="" on="" facilitation="" of="" enforcement,="" penalties,="" and="" enforcement="" policy="" applicable="" to="" all="" domestic="" fisheries="" are="" set="" forth="" in="" secs.="" 600.730,="" 600.735,="" and="" 600.740="" of="" this="" chapter,="" respectively.="" (d)="" an="" activity="" that="" is="" otherwise="" prohibited="" by="" this="" part="" may="" be="" conducted="" if="" authorized="" as="" scientific="" research="" activity,="" exempted="" fishing,="" or="" exempted="" educational="" activity,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 600.745="" of="" this="" chapter="" or="" in="" sec.="" 635.32.="" sec.="" 635.4="" permits="" and="" fees.="" (a)="" permits.="" (1)="" each="" permit="" issued="" by="" nmfs="" authorizes="" certain="" activities,="" and="" persons="" may="" not="" conduct="" these="" activities="" from="" a="" vessel="" without="" the="" appropriate="" permit,="" unless="" otherwise="" authorized="" by="" nmfs.="" (2)="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" of="" the="" united="" states="" must="" have="" the="" appropriate="" valid="" permit="" on="" board="" the="" vessel="" to="" fish="" for,="" take,="" retain,="" or="" possess="" any="" atlantic="" hms="" and="" must="" make="" such="" permit="" available="" for="" inspection="" upon="" request="" by="" nmfs.="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" the="" vessel="" is="" responsible="" for="" satisfying="" all="" of="" the="" requirements="" associated="" with="" obtaining,="" maintaining,="" and="" making="" available="" for="" inspection,="" all="" valid="" vessel="" permits.="" (3)="" limited="" access="" vessel="" permits="" issued="" pursuant="" to="" this="" part="" do="" not="" represent="" either="" an="" absolute="" right="" to="" the="" resource="" or="" any="" interest="" that="" is="" subject="" to="" the="" takings="" provision="" of="" the="" fifth="" amendment="" of="" the="" u.s.="" constitution.="" rather,="" such="" permits="" represent="" only="" a="" harvesting="" privilege="" that="" may="" be="" revoked,="" suspended,="" or="" amended="" subject="" to="" the="" requirements="" of="" the="" magnuson-stevens="" act="" or="" other="" applicable="" law.="" (4)="" a="" vessel="" permit="" issued="" upon="" the="" qualification="" of="" an="" operator="" is="" valid="" only="" when="" that="" person="" is="" the="" operator="" of="" the="" vessel.="" (5)="" a="" dealer="" permit="" issued="" under="" this="" section,="" or="" a="" copy="" thereof,="" must="" be="" available="" at="" each="" of="" the="" dealer's="" places="" of="" business.="" a="" dealer="" must="" present="" the="" permit="" or="" a="" copy="" for="" inspection="" upon="" the="" request="" of="" a="" nmfs-authorized="" officer.="" (6)="" upon="" transfer="" of="" atlantic="" hms,="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" the="" harvesting="" vessel="" must="" present="" for="" inspection="" the="" vessel's="" atlantic="" tunas,="" shark="" or="" swordfish="" permit="" to="" the="" receiving="" dealer.="" the="" permit="" must="" be="" presented="" prior="" to="" completing="" the="" landing="" report="" specified="" at="" sec.="" 635.5="" (a)(1),="" (a)(2)="" and="" (b)(2)(i).="" (7)="" sanctions="" and="" denials.="" a="" permit="" issued="" under="" this="" section="" may="" be="" revoked,="" suspended,="" or="" modified,="" and="" a="" permit="" application="" may="" be="" denied,="" in="" accordance="" with="" the="" procedures="" governing="" enforcement-related="" permit="" sanctions="" and="" denials="" found="" at="" subpart="" d="" of="" 15="" cfr="" part="" 904.="" (8)="" alteration.="" a="" vessel="" or="" dealer="" permit="" that="" is="" altered,="" erased,="" or="" mutilated="" is="" invalid.="" (9)="" replacement.="" nmfs="" will="" issue="" a="" replacement="" permit.="" an="" application="" for="" a="" replacement="" permit="" will="" not="" be="" considered="" a="" new="" application.="" an="" appropriate="" fee,="" consistent="" with="" paragraph="" (h)="" of="" this="" section,="" may="" be="" charged="" for="" issuance="" of="" the="" replacement="" permit.="" (b)="" fees.="" nmfs="" may="" charge="" a="" fee="" for="" each="" application="" for="" a="" permit="" or="" each="" transfer="" or="" replacement="" of="" a="" permit.="" the="" amount="" of="" the="" fee="" is="" calculated="" in="" accordance="" with="" the="" procedures="" of="" the="" noaa="" finance="" handbook,="" available="" from="" nmfs,="" for="" determining="" administrative="" costs="" of="" each="" special="" product="" or="" service.="" the="" fee="" may="" not="" exceed="" such="" costs="" and="" is="" specified="" in="" the="" instructions="" provided="" with="" each="" application="" form.="" each="" applicant="" must="" include="" the="" appropriate="" fee="" with="" each="" application="" or="" request="" for="" transfer="" or="" replacement.="" a="" permit="" will="" not="" be="" issued="" to="" anyone="" who="" fails="" to="" pay="" the="" fee.="" (c)="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permits.="" (1)="" vessels="" that="" are="" used="" as="" charter="" boats="" or="" headboats="" to="" fish="" for,="" take,="" retain,="" or="" possess="" any="" atlantic="" hms="" must="" be="" permitted="" to="" do="" so.="" such="" permit="" requirement="" may="" be="" met="" by="" the="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permit="" issued="" under="" this="" sec.="" 635.4="" or="" by="" a="" charter/headboat="" permit="" issued="" under="" sec.="" sec.="" 622.4="" or="" 648.4.="" (2)="" the="" operator="" of="" a="" charter="" vessel="" or="" headboat="" that="" has="" been="" issued="" an="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permit="" must="" also="" have="" a="" valid="" merchant="" marine="" license="" or="" uninspected="" passenger="" vessel="" license="" while="" fishing="" for="" or="" possessing="" atlantic="" hms.="" (d)="" atlantic="" tunas="" vessel="" permits.="" (1)="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" each="" vessel="" used="" to="" fish="" for="" or="" take="" atlantic="" tunas="" or="" on="" which="" atlantic="" tunas="" are="" retained="" or="" possessed="" must="" obtain,="" in="" addition="" to="" any="" other="" required="" permits,="" one="" and="" only="" one="" of="" six="" category="" permits:="" angling,="" general,="" harpoon,="" longline,="" purse="" seine,="" or="" trap.="" (2)="" persons="" on="" board="" a="" vessel="" with="" a="" valid="" atlantic="" tunas="" vessel="" permit="" may="" fish="" for,="" take,="" retain,="" or="" possess="" atlantic="" tunas,="" but="" only="" in="" compliance="" with="" the="" quotas,="" catch="" limits,="" and="" size="" classes="" applicable="" to="" the="" permit="" category="" of="" the="" vessel="" from="" which="" he="" or="" she="" is="" fishing.="" persons="" may="" sell="" atlantic="" tunas="" only="" if="" the="" harvesting="" vessel's="" valid="" permit="" is="" in="" the="" general,="" harpoon,="" charter/headboat,="" longline,="" purse="" seine,="" or="" trap="" category="" of="" the="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit.="" persons="" may="" not="" sell="" atlantic="" tunas="" caught="" on="" board="" a="" vessel="" with="" a="" permit="" in="" the="" angling="" category.="" (3)="" except="" for="" purse="" seine="" vessels="" for="" which="" that="" permit="" has="" been="" issued="" under="" this="" section,="" a="" vessel="" owner="" may="" change="" the="" category="" of="" the="" vessel's="" permit="" no="" more="" than="" once="" each="" year="" and="" only="" from="" january="" 1="" through="" may="" 15.="" from="" may="" 16="" through="" december="" 31,="" the="" vessel's="" permit="" category="" may="" not="" be="" changed,="" regardless="" of="" a="" change="" in="" the="" vessel's="" ownership.="" (4)="" an="" atlantic="" tunas="" longline="" category="" permit="" can="" be="" obtained="" for="" a="" vessel="" only="" if="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" the="" vessel="" has="" both="" a="" shark="" directed="" or="" incidental="" catch="" limited="" access="" permit="" and="" a="" swordfish="" directed="" or="" incidental="" catch="" limited="" access="" permit.="" (5)="" an="" owner="" of="" a="" vessel="" with="" an="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" in="" the="" purse="" seine="" category="" may="" transfer="" the="" permit="" to="" another="" vessel="" that="" he="" or="" she="" owns="" or="" to="" a="" vessel="" owned="" by="" someone="" else.="" in="" either="" case,="" a="" written="" request="" for="" transfer="" must="" be="" submitted="" to="" nmfs,="" to="" a="" designated="" address,="" accompanied="" by="" an="" application="" for="" the="" new="" vessel="" and="" the="" existing="" permit.="" nmfs="" will="" issue="" no="" more="" than="" 5="" atlantic="" tunas="" purse="" seine="" category="" permits.="" (e)="" commercial="" shark="" vessel="" limited="" access="" permits.="" (1)="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" each="" vessel="" used="" to="" fish="" for="" or="" take="" atlantic="" sharks="" or="" on="" which="" atlantic="" sharks="" are="" retained="" or="" possessed="" with="" an="" intention="" to="" sell="" or="" that="" are="" sold="" must="" obtain,="" in="" addition="" to="" any="" other="" required="" permits,="" only="" one="" of="" two="" types="" of="" commercial="" limited="" access="" shark="" permits:="" shark="" directed="" limited="" access="" permit="" or="" shark="" incidental="" limited="" access="" permit.="" see="" sec.="" 635.16="" [[page="" 3175]]="" regarding="" the="" initial="" issuance="" of="" these="" two="" types="" of="" permits.="" it="" is="" a="" rebuttable="" presumption="" that="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" on="" which="" sharks="" are="" possessed="" in="" excess="" of="" the="" recreational="" catch="" limits="" are="" intended="" to="" be="" sold.="" (2)="" a="" commercial="" limited="" access="" permit="" for="" shark="" is="" not="" required="" if="" the="" vessel="" is="" recreational="" fishing="" under="" recreational="" catch="" limits,="" is="" operating="" under="" a="" shark="" efp,="" or="" is="" fishing="" exclusively="" within="" state="" waters.="" (3)="" as="" of="" june="" 1,="" 1999,="" the="" only="" valid="" federal="" commercial="" vessel="" permits="" for="" shark="" are="" those="" that="" have="" been="" issued="" under="" the="" limited="" access="" criteria="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.16.="" (4)="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" issued="" a="" permit="" pursuant="" to="" this="" part="" must="" agree,="" as="" a="" condition="" of="" such="" permit,="" that="" the="" vessel's="" shark="" fishing,="" catch,="" and="" gear="" are="" subject="" to="" the="" requirements="" of="" this="" part="" during="" the="" period="" of="" validity="" of="" the="" permit,="" without="" regard="" to="" whether="" such="" fishing="" occurs="" in="" the="" eez,="" landward="" of="" the="" eez,="" or="" outside="" the="" eez,="" and="" without="" regard="" to="" where="" such="" shark="" or="" gear="" are="" possessed,="" taken,="" or="" landed.="" however,="" when="" a="" vessel="" fishes="" in="" the="" waters="" of="" a="" state="" that="" has="" more="" restrictive="" regulations="" on="" shark="" fishing,="" those="" more="" restrictive="" regulations="" may="" be="" applied="" by="" that="" state="" in="" its="" waters.="" (f)="" commercial="" swordfish="" vessel="" limited="" access="" permits.="" (1)="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" each="" vessel="" used="" to="" fish="" for="" or="" take="" atlantic="" swordfish="" or="" on="" which="" atlantic="" swordfish="" are="" retained="" or="" possessed="" with="" an="" intention="" to="" sell="" or="" that="" are="" sold="" must="" obtain,="" in="" addition="" to="" any="" other="" required="" permits,="" only="" one="" of="" three="" types="" of="" commercial="" limited="" access="" swordfish="" permits:="" swordfish="" directed="" limited="" access="" permit,="" swordfish="" incidental="" limited="" access="" permit,="" or="" swordfish="" handgear="" limited="" access="" permit.="" see="" sec.="" 635.16="" regarding="" the="" initial="" issuance="" of="" these="" three="" types="" of="" permits.="" (2)="" a="" commercial="" federal="" permit="" for="" swordfish="" is="" not="" required="" if="" the="" vessel="" is="" recreational="" fishing.="" (3)="" as="" of="" june="" 1,="" 1999,="" the="" only="" valid="" commercial="" federal="" vessel="" permits="" for="" swordfish="" are="" those="" that="" have="" been="" issued="" under="" the="" limited="" access="" criteria="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.16.="" (4)="" a="" limited="" access="" permit="" for="" swordfish="" is="" valid="" only="" when="" the="" vessel="" has="" on="" board="" a="" valid="" commercial="" limited="" access="" permit="" for="" shark="" and="" an="" atlantic="" tunas="" longline="" category="" permit.="" (g)="" dealer="" permits--(1)="" atlantic="" tunas.="" a="" valid="" dealer="" permit="" for="" atlantic="" tunas="" is="" required="" to="" receive,="" purchase,="" trade="" for,="" or="" barter="" for="" atlantic="" tunas="" from="" a="" fishing="" vessel="" of="" the="" united="" states="" an="" atlantic="" tuna="" or="" import="" or="" export="" bluefin="" tuna,="" regardless="" of="" origin.="" (2)="" shark.="" a="" valid="" dealer="" permit="" for="" shark="" is="" required="" to="" receive,="" purchase,="" trade="" for,="" or="" barter="" for="" an="" atlantic="" shark="" from="" a="" fishing="" vessel="" of="" the="" united="" states.="" (3)="" swordfish.="" a="" valid="" dealer="" permit="" for="" swordfish="" is="" required="" to="" receive,="" purchase,="" trade="" for,="" or="" barter="" for="" an="" atlantic="" swordfish="" from="" a="" fishing="" vessel="" of="" the="" united="" states="" or="" import="" a="" swordfish,="" regardless="" of="" origin.="" (h)="" applications="" for="" permits.="" except="" for="" ilaps,="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" or="" dealer="" must="" submit="" a="" complete="" application="" and="" required="" supporting="" documents="" at="" least="" 30="" days="" before="" the="" date="" on="" which="" the="" permit="" is="" to="" be="" made="" effective.="" application="" forms="" and="" instructions="" for="" their="" completion="" are="" available="" from="" the="" office="" director="" (ilap)="" or="" the="" ra="" (dealer="" permit="" and="" lap).="" (1)="" atlantic="" tunas="" vessel="" and="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permits.="" (i)="" an="" owner="" must="" provide="" all="" information="" concerning="" his="" or="" her="" identification,="" vessel,="" gear="" used,="" fishing="" areas,="" fisheries="" participated="" in,="" the="" corporation="" or="" partnership="" owning="" the="" vessel,="" and="" income="" requirements="" requested="" by="" nmfs="" and="" included="" on="" the="" application="" form.="" (ii)="" an="" owner="" must="" also="" submit="" a="" copy="" of="" the="" vessel's="" valid="" u.s.="" coast="" guard="" certificate="" of="" documentation="" or,="" if="" not="" documented,="" a="" copy="" of="" its="" valid="" state="" registration="" certificate="" and="" any="" other="" information="" that="" may="" be="" necessary="" for="" the="" issuance="" or="" administration="" of="" the="" permit="" as="" requested="" by="" nmfs.="" the="" owner="" must="" submit="" such="" information="" to="" a="" designated="" nmfs="" address.="" (iii)="" nmfs="" may="" require="" an="" applicant="" to="" provide="" documentation="" supporting="" the="" application="" before="" a="" permit="" is="" issued="" or="" to="" substantiate="" why="" such="" permit="" should="" not="" be="" revoked="" or="" otherwise="" sanctioned="" under="" paragraph="" (a)(7)="" of="" this="" section.="" (2)="" limited="" access="" permits="" for="" swordfish="" and="" shark.="" see="" sec.="" 635.16="" for="" the="" issuance="" of="" ilaps="" for="" shark="" and="" swordfish.="" see="" paragraph="" (l)="" of="" this="" section="" for="" transfers="" of="" ilaps="" and="" laps="" for="" shark="" and="" swordfish.="" see="" paragraph="" (m)="" of="" this="" section="" for="" renewals="" of="" laps="" for="" shark="" and="" swordfish.="" (3)="" dealer="" permits.="" (i)="" an="" applicant="" for="" a="" dealer="" permit="" must="" provide="" all="" the="" information="" requested="" on="" the="" application="" form,="" including="" the="" company="" name,="" principal="" place="" of="" business,="" mailing="" address,="" and="" telephone="" number.="" (ii)="" an="" applicant="" must="" also="" submit="" a="" copy="" of="" each="" state="" wholesaler's="" license="" held="" by="" the="" dealer="" and,="" if="" a="" business="" is="" owned="" by="" a="" corporation="" or="" partnership,="" the="" corporate="" or="" partnership="" documents="" (copy="" of="" certificate="" of="" incorporation="" and="" articles="" of="" association="" or="" incorporation)="" along="" with="" the="" names,="" addresses,="" and="" telephone="" numbers="" of="" all="" shareholders="" owning="" 5="" percent="" or="" more="" of="" the="" corporation's="" stock.="" (iii)="" an="" applicant="" must="" also="" submit="" any="" other="" information="" that="" may="" be="" necessary="" for="" the="" issuance="" or="" administration="" of="" the="" permit,="" as="" requested="" by="" nmfs.="" (i)="" change="" in="" application="" information.="" a="" vessel="" owner="" or="" operator="" or="" dealer="" must="" report="" any="" change="" in="" the="" information="" contained="" in="" an="" application="" for="" a="" permit="" within="" 30="" days="" after="" such="" change.="" the="" report="" must="" be="" submitted="" in="" writing="" to="" the="" office="" director="" or="" the="" ra.="" in="" the="" case="" of="" a="" vessel="" permit="" for="" atlantic="" tunas="" or="" an="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permit,="" the="" vessel="" owner="" must="" report="" the="" change="" to="" nmfs="" by="" phone="" or="" internet.="" a="" new="" permit="" will="" be="" issued="" to="" incorporate="" the="" new="" information,="" subject="" to="" limited="" access="" provisions="" specified="" in="" paragraph="" (l)(2)="" of="" this="" section.="" for="" certain="" informational="" changes,="" nmfs="" may="" require="" supporting="" documentation="" before="" a="" new="" permit="" will="" be="" issued.="" if="" a="" change="" in="" the="" permit="" information="" is="" not="" reported="" within="" 30="" days,="" the="" permit="" is="" void="" as="" of="" the="" 31st="" day="" after="" such="" change.="" (j)="" permit="" issuance.="" (1)="" except="" for="" ilaps,="" the="" office="" director="" or="" the="" ra="" will="" issue="" a="" permit="" within="" 30="" days="" of="" receipt="" of="" a="" complete="" and="" qualifying="" application.="" an="" application="" is="" complete="" when="" all="" requested="" forms,="" information,="" and="" documentation="" have="" been="" received.="" (2)="" nmfs="" will="" notify="" the="" applicant="" of="" any="" deficiency="" in="" the="" application.="" if="" the="" applicant="" fails="" to="" correct="" the="" deficiency="" within="" 30="" days="" following="" the="" date="" of="" notification,="" the="" application="" will="" be="" considered="" abandoned.="" (3)="" for="" issuance="" of="" ilaps="" for="" shark="" and="" swordfish,="" see="" sec.="" 635.16.="" (k)="" duration.="" a="" permit="" issued="" under="" this="" section="" remains="" valid="" for="" the="" period="" specified="" on="" it="" unless="" it="" is="" revoked,="" suspended,="" or="" modified="" pursuant="" to="" subpart="" d="" of="" 15="" cfr="" part="" 904,="" the="" vessel="" or="" dealership="" is="" sold,="" or="" any="" other="" information="" previously="" submitted="" on="" the="" application="" changes,="" as="" specified="" in="" paragraph="" (i)="" of="" this="" section.="" (l)="" transfer--="" (1)="" general.="" a="" permit="" issued="" under="" this="" section="" is="" not="" transferable="" or="" assignable="" to="" another="" vessel="" or="" owner="" or="" operator,="" or="" dealer;="" it="" is="" valid="" only="" for="" the="" vessel="" and="" owner="" or="" operator,="" or="" dealer="" to="" which="" it="" is="" issued.="" if="" a="" person="" acquires="" a="" vessel="" or="" dealership="" and="" wants="" to="" conduct="" activities="" for="" which="" a="" permit="" is="" required,="" that="" person="" must="" apply="" for="" a="" permit="" in="" accordance="" with="" the="" provisions="" of="" paragraph="" (h)="" of="" this="" section;="" if="" the="" acquired="" vessel="" is="" permitted="" in="" the="" [[page="" 3176]]="" atlantic="" tunas="" fishery="" in="" the="" purse="" seine="" category,="" in="" accordance="" with="" paragraph="" (d)(5)="" of="" this="" section;="" or,="" if="" the="" acquired="" vessel="" is="" permitted="" in="" either="" the="" shark="" or="" swordfish="" fishery,="" in="" accordance="" with="" paragraph="" (l)(2)="" of="" this="" section.="" if="" the="" acquired="" vessel="" or="" dealership="" is="" currently="" permitted,="" an="" application="" must="" be="" accompanied="" by="" the="" original="" permit="" and="" a="" copy="" of="" a="" signed="" bill="" of="" sale="" or="" equivalent="" acquisition="" papers.="" (2)="" shark="" and="" swordfish="" commercial="" limited="" access="" permits.="" (i)="" subject="" to="" the="" restrictions="" on="" upgrading="" the="" harvesting="" capacity="" of="" permitted="" vessels="" in="" paragraph="" (l)(2)(ii)="" of="" this="" section="" and="" the="" limitations="" on="" ownership="" of="" permitted="" vessels="" in="" paragraph="" (l)(2)(iii)="" of="" this="" section,="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" may="" transfer="" a="" shark="" or="" swordfish="" ilap="" or="" lap="" to="" another="" vessel="" that="" he="" or="" she="" owns="" or="" to="" a="" vessel="" owned="" by="" another="" person.="" directed="" handgear="" ilaps="" and="" laps="" may="" be="" transferred="" to="" another="" vessel="" but="" only="" for="" use="" with="" handgear="" and="" subject="" to="" upgrading="" restrictions="" in="" paragraph="" (l)(2)(ii)="" of="" this="" section.="" incidental="" catch="" ilaps="" and="" laps="" are="" not="" subject="" to="" the="" requirements="" specified="" in="" paragraphs="" (l)(2)(ii)="" and="" (iii)="" of="" this="" section.="" (ii)="" limitations="" are="" imposed="" on="" upgrading="" the="" fishing="" capacity="" of="" vessels="" that="" have="" commercial="" permits="" for="" shark="" or="" swordfish.="" these="" limitations="" apply="" to="" a="" permitted="" vessel="" or="" to="" a="" transfer="" or="" replacement="" vessel="" when="" the="" permit="" is="" transferred.="" specifically,="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" may="" not="" upgrade="" the="" permitted="" vessel="" or="" transfer="" the="" permit="" to="" another="" vessel="" if="" the="" upgrade="" or="" transfer="" results="" in="" an="" increase="" in="" horsepower="" of="" more="" than="" 20="" percent,="" or="" an="" increase="" in="" length="" overall,="" gross="" registered="" tonnage,="" net="" tonnage,="" or="" hold="" capacity="" of="" more="" than="" 10="" percent="" from="" the="" horsepower,="" length="" overall,="" gross="" registered="" tonnage,="" net="" tonnage,="" or="" hold="" capacity="" of="" the="" vessel="" issued="" an="" ilap.="" only="" one="" upgrade="" in="" each="" of="" these="" vessel="" characteristics="" is="" allowed.="" upgrades="" to="" a="" vessel="s" length="" overall,="" gross="" registered="" tonnage,="" net="" tonnage,="" or="" hold="" capacity="" must="" be="" made="" at="" the="" same="" time.="" however,="" an="" upgrade="" in="" horsepower="" may="" be="" made="" separately="" from="" an="" upgrade="" in="" the="" other="" vessel="" characteristics="" listed="" here.="" (iii)="" no="" person="" may="" own="" or="" control="" more="" than="" 5="" percent="" of="" the="" vessels="" that="" have="" swordfish="" directed="" commercial="" permits="" or="" more="" than="" 5="" percent="" of="" the="" vessels="" that="" have="" shark="" directed="" commercial="" permits.="" (iv)="" for="" ilap="" or="" lap="" transfers="" to="" a="" replacement="" vessel,="" an="" owner="" of="" a="" vessel="" issued="" an="" ilap="" or="" lap="" pursuant="" to="" this="" part="" must="" request="" the="" ra="" to="" transfer="" the="" ilap="" or="" lap="" to="" another="" vessel="" owned="" by="" the="" same="" owner,="" subject="" to="" requirements="" specified="" in="" paragraph="" (l)(2)(ii)="" of="" this="" section,="" if="" applicable.="" the="" owner="" must="" return="" the="" current="" valid="" ilap="" or="" lap="" to="" the="" ra="" with="" a="" complete="" application="" for="" a="" lap,="" as="" specified="" in="" paragraph="" (h)="" of="" this="" section,="" for="" the="" replacement="" vessel.="" copies="" of="" both="" vessels'="" documentation="" or="" state="" registration="" must="" accompany="" a="" completed="" application.="" (v)="" for="" ilap="" or="" lap="" transfers="" to="" a="" different="" person,="" the="" transferee="" of="" an="" ilap="" or="" lap="" must="" request="" the="" ra="" to="" transfer="" the="" original="" ilap="" or="" lap,="" subject="" to="" requirements="" specified="" in="" paragraphs="" (l)(2)(ii)="" and="" (iii)="" of="" this="" section,="" if="" applicable.="" the="" following="" must="" accompany="" the="" completed="" application:="" the="" original="" ilap="" or="" lap="" with="" signatures="" of="" both="" parties="" on="" the="" back="" of="" the="" permit,="" the="" bill="" of="" sale="" of="" the="" ilap="" or="" lap,="" and="" copies="" of="" both="" vessels'="" documentation="" or="" state="" registration.="" (vi)="" for="" ilap="" or="" lap="" transfers="" with="" the="" sale="" of="" the="" permitted="" vessel,="" the="" transferee="" of="" the="" vessel="" and="" ilap="" or="" lap="" issued="" to="" that="" vessel="" must="" request="" the="" ra="" to="" transfer="" the="" ilap="" or="" lap,="" subject="" to="" requirements="" specified="" in="" paragraphs="" (l)(2)(ii)="" and="" (iii)="" of="" this="" section,="" if="" applicable.="" the="" following="" must="" accompany="" the="" completed="" application:="" the="" original="" ilap="" or="" lap="" with="" signatures="" of="" both="" parties="" on="" the="" back="" of="" the="" permit,="" the="" bill="" of="" sale="" of="" the="" ilap="" or="" lap="" and="" the="" vessel,="" and="" a="" copy="" of="" the="" vessels'="" documentation="" or="" state="" registration.="" (vii)="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" issued="" an="" ilap="" or="" lap="" who="" sells="" the="" permitted="" vessel,="" but="" retains="" the="" ilap="" or="" lap,="" must="" notify="" the="" ra="" within="" 30="" days="" after="" the="" sale="" of="" the="" change="" in="" application="" information="" in="" accordance="" with="" paragraph="" (i)="" of="" this="" section.="" if="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" wishes="" to="" transfer="" the="" ilap="" or="" lap="" to="" a="" replacement="" vessel,="" he/she="" must="" apply="" and="" follow="" the="" procedures="" in="" paragraph="" (l)(2)(iv)="" of="" this="" section.="" (viii)="" as="" specified="" in="" paragraph="" (f)(4)="" of="" this="" section,="" a="" directed="" or="" incidental="" ilap="" or="" lap="" for="" swordfish,="" a="" directed="" or="" an="" incidental="" catch="" ilap="" or="" lap="" for="" shark,="" and="" an="" atlantic="" tuna="" longline="" category="" permit="" are="" required="" to="" fish="" in="" the="" swordfish="" fishery.="" accordingly,="" a="" lap="" for="" swordfish="" obtained="" by="" transfer="" without="" either="" a="" directed="" or="" incidental="" catch="" shark="" lap="" or="" an="" atlantic="" tunas="" longline="" category="" permit="" will="" not="" entitle="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" to="" use="" a="" vessel="" to="" fish="" in="" the="" swordfish="" fishery.="" (m)="" renewal--(1)="" general.="" persons="" must="" apply="" annually="" for="" a="" vessel="" or="" dealer="" permit="" for="" atlantic="" tunas,="" sharks,="" swordfish="" and="" hms="" charter/="" headboats.="" a="" renewal="" application="" must="" be="" submitted="" to="" the="" ra="" at="" least="" 30="" days="" before="" a="" permit's="" expiration="" to="" avoid="" a="" lapse="" of="" permitted="" status.="" nmfs="" will="" renew="" a="" permit="" provided="" that="" the="" specific="" requirements="" for="" the="" requested="" permit="" are="" met,="" all="" reports="" required="" under="" the="" magnuson-stevens="" act="" have="" been="" submitted,="" including="" those="" described="" in="" sec.="" 635.5,="" and="" the="" applicant="" is="" not="" subject="" to="" a="" permit="" sanction="" or="" denial="" under="" paragraph="" (a)(7)="" of="" this="" section.="" (2)="" limited="" access="" permits="" for="" shark="" and="" swordfish.="" as="" of="" june="" 1,="" 2000,="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" of="" the="" united="" states="" that="" fishes="" for,="" possesses,="" lands,="" or="" sells="" shark="" or="" swordfish="" from="" the="" management="" unit,="" or="" takes="" or="" possesses="" such="" shark="" or="" swordfish="" as="" incidental="" catch,="" must="" have="" a="" lap="" issued="" pursuant="" to="" the="" requirements="" in="" sec.="" 635.4(e)="" and="" (f).="" however,="" any="" ilap="" that="" expires="" june="" 30,="" 2000,="" is="" valid="" through="" that="" date.="" only="" valid="" ilap="" or="" lap="" holders="" in="" the="" preceding="" year="" are="" eligible="" for="" a="" lap.="" sec.="" 635.5="" recordkeeping="" and="" reporting.="" (a)="" vessels--(1)="" logbooks.="" if="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" an="" hms="" charter/headboat="" vessel,="" an="" atlantic="" tunas="" vessel,="" or="" a="" commercial="" shark="" or="" swordfish="" vessel,="" for="" which="" a="" permit="" has="" been="" issued="" under="" sec.="" 635.4="" (a),(c),(d),="" (e),="" and="" (f)="" respectively,="" is="" selected="" in="" writing="" by="" nmfs,="" he="" must="" maintain="" a="" fishing="" record="" on="" a="" logbook="" specified="" by="" nmfs.="" entries="" are="" required="" on="" the="" vessel's="" fishing="" effort,="" and="" the="" number="" of="" fish="" landed="" and="" discarded.="" entries="" on="" a="" day's="" fishing="" activities="" must="" be="" entered="" on="" the="" form="" within="" 24="" hours="" and,="" for="" a="" 1-day="" trip,="" before="" offloading.="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" must="" submit="" the="" form="" postmarked="" within="" 7="" days="" of="" offloading="" all="" atlantic="" hms.="" (2)="" weighout="" slips.="" if="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" is="" required="" to="" maintain="" and="" submit="" logbooks="" under="" paragraph="" (a)(1)="" of="" this="" section,="" and="" atlantic="" hms="" harvested="" on="" a="" trip="" are="" sold,="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" must="" obtain="" and="" submit="" copies="" of="" weighout="" slips="" for="" those="" fish.="" each="" weighout="" slip="" must="" show="" the="" dealer="" to="" whom="" the="" fish="" were="" transferred,="" the="" date="" they="" were="" transferred,="" and="" the="" carcass="" weight="" of="" each="" fish="" for="" which="" individual="" weights="" are="" normally="" recorded.="" for="" fish="" that="" are="" not="" individually="" weighed,="" a="" weighout="" slip="" must="" record="" total="" weights="" by="" species="" and="" market="" category.="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" must="" also="" submit="" copies="" of="" weighout="" slips="" with="" the="" logbook="" forms="" required="" under="" paragraph="" (a)(1)="" of="" this="" section.="" (b)="" dealers.="" persons="" who="" have="" been="" issued="" a="" dealer="" permit="" under="" sec.="" 635.4,="" must="" submit="" reports="" to="" nmfs="" (as="" prescribed="" by="" nmfs)="" and="" maintain="" records="" as="" follows:="" [[page="" 3177]]="" (1)="" atlantic="" hms="" other="" than="" bft.="" (i)="" dealers="" must="" report="" atlantic="" tunas="" (including="" bft),="" atlantic="" swordfish="" and="" swordfish="" imports,="" and="" atlantic="" sharks="" received="" on="" the="" first="" through="" the="" 15th="" of="" each="" month;="" the="" report="" must="" be="" submitted="" to="" nmfs="" postmarked="" not="" later="" than="" the="" 20th="" of="" that="" month.="" reports="" of="" such="" fish="" received="" on="" the="" 16th="" through="" the="" last="" day="" of="" each="" month="" must="" be="" postmarked="" not="" later="" than="" the="" 5th="" of="" the="" following="" month.="" if="" a="" dealer="" did="" not="" receive="" atlantic="" tunas,="" swordfish="" or="" swordfish="" imports,="" or="" sharks="" during="" a="" reporting="" period,="" he="" must="" submit="" a="" report="" to="" a="" designated="" nmfs="" address="" so="" stating,="" and="" the="" report="" must="" be="" postmarked="" as="" specified="" for="" the="" reporting="" period.="" (ii)="" the="" reporting="" requirement="" of="" paragraph="" (b)(1)(i)="" of="" this="" section="" may="" be="" satisfied="" by="" a="" dealer="" if="" he="" provides="" a="" copy="" of="" each="" appropriate="" weighout="" slip="" and/or="" sales="" record,="" provided="" such="" weighout="" slip="" and/or="" sales="" record="" by="" itself="" or="" combined="" with="" the="" form="" available="" from="" nmfs="" includes="" all="" of="" the="" required="" information="" and="" identifies="" fish="" to="" the="" species="" level.="" (iii)="" in="" lieu="" of="" providing="" a="" report="" required="" under="" paragraph="" (b)(1)(i)="" of="" this="" section="" to="" nmfs="" by="" mail,="" the="" dealer="" may="" give="" the="" report="" to="" a="" state="" or="" federal="" fishery="" port="" agent="" designated="" by="" nmfs.="" a="" report="" given="" to="" such="" port="" agent="" must="" be="" delivered="" not="" later="" than="" the="" prescribed="" postmark="" date="" for="" the="" reporting="" period.="" (2)="" bft--(i)="" reports="" of="" bft.="" the="" dealer="" must="" submit="" a="" completed="" landing="" report="" to="" a="" designated="" nmfs="" location="" by="" electronic="" facsimile="" (fax)="" or="" an="" interactive="" voice="" response="" system="" on="" bft="" received="" not="" later="" than="" 24="" hours="" from="" receipt.="" the="" landing="" report="" must="" be="" signed="" by="" the="" permitted="" vessel's="" owner="" or="" operator="" immediately="" upon="" transfer="" of="" the="" fish="" and="" must="" verify="" the="" name="" and="" permit="" number="" of="" the="" vessel="" that="" landed="" the="" fish.="" the="" dealer="" must="" inspect="" the="" vessel's="" permit="" to="" verify="" that="" the="" required="" vessel="" name="" and="" vessel="" permit="" number="" are="" correctly="" recorded="" on="" the="" landing="" report.="" in="" addition,="" the="" dealer="" must="" submit="" that="" landing="" report="" to="" the="" designated="" nmfs="" address="" postmarked="" within="" 24="" hours="" of="" the="" purchase="" or="" receipt="" of="" each="" bft.="" the="" dealer="" must="" also="" submit="" a="" biweekly="" report="" on="" forms="" supplied="" by="" nmfs.="" for="" bft="" received="" on="" the="" first="" through="" the="" 15th="" of="" each="" month,="" the="" dealer="" must="" submit="" the="" biweekly="" report="" forms="" to="" nmfs="" postmarked="" not="" later="" than="" the="" 20th="" of="" that="" month.="" reports="" of="" receipt="" of="" such="" bft="" received="" on="" the="" 16th="" through="" the="" last="" day="" of="" each="" month="" must="" be="" postmarked="" not="" later="" than="" the="" 5th="" of="" the="" following="" month.="" (ii)="" dealer="" tags.="" nmfs="" will="" issue="" numbered="" dealer="" tags="" to="" each="" person="" issued="" a="" dealer="" permit="" for="" atlantic="" tunas="" under="" sec.="" 635.4.="" a="" dealer="" tag="" is="" not="" transferable="" and="" is="" usable="" only="" by="" the="" dealer="" to="" whom="" it="" is="" issued.="" dealer="" tags="" may="" not="" be="" reused="" once="" affixed="" to="" a="" tuna="" or="" recorded="" on="" a="" package,="" container,="" or="" report.="" (a)="" affixing="" dealer="" tags.="" a="" dealer="" or="" a="" dealer's="" agent="" must="" affix="" a="" dealer="" tag="" to="" each="" bft="" purchased="" or="" received="" immediately="" upon="" its="" offloading="" from="" a="" vessel.="" the="" dealer="" or="" dealer's="" agent="" must="" affix="" the="" tag="" to="" the="" tuna="" between="" the="" fifth="" dorsal="" finlet="" and="" the="" keel.="" (b)="" removal="" of="" dealer="" tags.="" a="" dealer="" tag="" affixed="" to="" any="" bft="" under="" paragraph="" (b)(2)(ii)(a)="" of="" this="" section="" or="" a="" bsd="" tag="" affixed="" to="" an="" imported="" bft="" must="" remain="" on="" the="" tuna="" until="" the="" tuna="" is="" cut="" into="" portions.="" if="" the="" bft="" or="" bft="" parts="" subsequently="" are="" packaged="" for="" transport="" for="" domestic="" commercial="" use="" or="" for="" export,="" the="" dealer="" or="" bsd="" tag="" number="" must="" be="" written="" legibly="" and="" indelibly="" on="" the="" outside="" of="" any="" package="" or="" container.="" such="" tag="" number="" must="" be="" recorded="" on="" any="" document="" accompanying="" shipment="" of="" bft="" for="" commercial="" use="" or="" export.="" (3)="" recordkeeping.="" dealers="" must="" retain="" at="" their="" place="" of="" business="" a="" copy="" of="" each="" written="" report="" required="" under="" paragraphs="" (b)(1)(i)="" and="" (b)(2)(i)="" of="" this="" section="" for="" a="" period="" of="" 2="" years="" from="" the="" date="" on="" which="" each="" report="" was="" required="" to="" be="" submitted.="" (c)="" bft="" not="" sold.="" (1)="" except="" as="" specified="" in="" paragraph="" (c)(2)="" of="" this="" section,="" persons="" that="" catch="" and="" land="" a="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" and="" do="" not="" transfer="" it="" to="" a="" dealer="" who="" has="" a="" dealer="" permit="" for="" atlantic="" tunas,="" must="" contact="" nmfs="" enforcement="" at="" the="" time="" of="" landing="" such="" bft="" and,="" if="" requested,="" make="" the="" tuna="" available="" so="" that="" a="" nmfs="" enforcement="" agent="" may="" inspect="" the="" fish="" and="" attach="" a="" tag="" to="" it.="" (2)="" persons="" that="" catch="" and="" land="" a="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" that="" is="" counted="" against="" the="" angling="" category="" quota="" must="" report="" it="" through="" the="" automated="" catch="" reporting="" system="" by="" calling="" 1-888-usa-tuna.="" in="" any="" state="" where="" a="" nmfs="" or="" state-level="" harvest="" tag="" or="" catch-card="" reporting="" program="" is="" in="" effect="" for="" school,="" large="" school,="" or="" small="" medium="" bft,="" such="" tags="" must="" also="" be="" used="" on="" large="" medium="" and="" giant="" bft="" reported="" under="" this="" paragraph="" (c)(2).="" (d)="" anglers.="" in="" addition="" to="" the="" requirements="" in="" paragraph="" (c)="" of="" this="" section,="" the="" owner="" of="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" an="" angling="" category="" permit="" for="" atlantic="" tunas="" will="" be="" notified="" by="" nmfs="" of="" the="" reporting="" requirements="" and="" procedures="" for="" school,="" large="" school,="" and="" small="" medium="" bft.="" alternative="" reporting="" procedures="" may="" be="" established="" by="" nmfs="" in="" cooperation="" with="" states="" and="" may="" include="" telephone,="" dockside="" or="" mail="" surveys,="" mail-in="" or="" phone-in="" reports,="" tagging="" programs,="" or="" mandatory="" bft="" check-in="" stations.="" a="" statistically="" based="" sampling="" of="" persons="" fishing="" under="" the="" angling="" category="" may="" be="" used="" for="" these="" alternative="" reporting="" programs.="" once="" notified="" by="" nmfs="" of="" the="" reporting="" requirmeents="" and="" procedures,="" each="" person="" so="" notified="" must="" comply="" with="" those="" requirements="" and="" procedures.="" (e)="" tournament="" operators.="" persons="" that="" conduct="" a="" fishing="" tournament="" involving="" scores="" or="" awards="" for="" the="" catch="" of="" atlantic="" hms,="" whether="" or="" not="" retained,="" from="" a="" port="" in="" an="" atlantic="" coastal="" state,="" including="" the="" u.s.="" virgin="" islands="" and="" puerto="" rico,="" must="" notify="" nmfs="" of="" the="" purpose,="" dates,="" and="" location="" of="" the="" tournament="" at="" least="" 4="" weeks="" prior="" to="" commencement="" of="" the="" tournament.="" if="" selected="" for="" reporting,="" a="" tournament="" operator="" must="" maintain="" and="" submit="" to="" a="" designated="" nmfs="" address="" a="" record="" of="" catch="" and="" effort="" on="" forms="" available="" from="" nmfs.="" completed="" forms="" must="" be="" submitted="" to="" nmfs="" postmarked="" not="" later="" than="" the="" 7th="" day="" after="" the="" conclusion="" of="" the="" tournament="" and="" must="" be="" accompanied="" by="" a="" copy="" of="" the="" tournament="" rules.="" (f)="" inspection.="" any="" person="" authorized="" to="" carry="" out="" enforcement="" activities="" under="" the="" regulations="" in="" this="" part="" has="" authority,="" without="" warrant="" or="" other="" process,="" to="" inspect,="" at="" any="" reasonable="" time,="" catch="" on="" board="" a="" vessel="" or="" on="" the="" premises="" of="" a="" dealer,="" logbooks,="" catch="" reports,="" statistical="" records,="" sales="" receipts,="" or="" other="" records="" and="" reports="" required="" by="" this="" part="" to="" be="" made,="" kept,="" or="" furnished.="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" fishing="" vessel="" that="" has="" been="" issued="" a="" permit="" under="" sec.="" 635.4="" must="" allow="" nmfs="" to="" inspect="" and="" copy="" any="" required="" reports="" and="" the="" records,="" in="" any="" form,="" on="" which="" the="" completed="" reports="" are="" based.="" a="" dealer="" who="" has="" been="" issued="" a="" permit="" under="" sec.="" 635.4="" must="" allow="" nmfs="" to="" inspect="" and="" copy="" any="" required="" reports="" and="" the="" records,="" in="" any="" form,="" on="" which="" the="" completed="" reports="" are="" based.="" (g)="" additional="" data="" and="" inspection.="" additional="" data="" on="" atlantic="" hms="" may="" be="" collected="" by="" statistical="" reporting="" agents,="" as="" designees="" of="" nmfs,="" and="" by="" authorized="" officers.="" a="" person="" who="" fishes="" for="" or="" possesses="" an="" atlantic="" hms="" is="" required="" to="" make="" such="" fish="" or="" parts="" thereof="" available="" for="" inspection="" by="" nmfs="" upon="" request.="" sec.="" 635.6="" vessel="" and="" gear="" identification.="" (a)="" vessel="" number.="" for="" the="" purposes="" of="" this="" section,="" a="" vessel's="" number="" is="" either="" the="" vessel's="" official="" number="" issued="" by="" the="" u.s.="" coast="" guard="" or="" an="" analogous="" state="" agency.="" [[page="" 3178]]="" (b)="" vessel="" identification.="" (1)="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" for="" which="" a="" permit="" has="" been="" issued="" under="" sec.="" 635.4,="" must="" display="" the="" vessel's="" number--="" (i)="" on="" the="" port="" and="" starboard="" sides="" of="" the="" deckhouse="" or="" hull="" and="" on="" an="" appropriate="" weather="" deck,="" so="" as="" to="" be="" clearly="" visible="" from="" an="" enforcement="" vessel="" or="" aircraft.="" (ii)="" in="" block="" arabic="" numerals="" permanently="" affixed="" to="" or="" painted="" on="" the="" vessel="" in="" contrasting="" color="" to="" the="" background.="" (iii)="" at="" least="" 18="" inches="" (45.7="" cm)="" in="" height="" for="" vessels="" over="" 65="" ft="" (19.8="" m)="" long="" and="" at="" least="" 10="" inches="" (25.4="" cm)="" in="" height="" for="" all="" other="" vessels.="" (2)="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" for="" which="" a="" permit="" has="" been="" issued="" under="" sec.="" 635.4="" must="" keep="" the="" vessel's="" number="" clearly="" legible="" and="" in="" good="" repair="" and="" ensure="" that="" no="" part="" of="" the="" vessel,="" its="" rigging,="" its="" fishing="" gear,="" or="" any="" other="" material="" on="" board="" obstructs="" the="" view="" of="" the="" vessel's="" number="" from="" an="" enforcement="" vessel="" or="" aircraft.="" (c)="" gear="" identification.="" (1)="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" for="" which="" a="" permit="" has="" been="" issued="" under="" sec.="" 635.4="" and="" that="" uses="" a="" handline,="" harpoon,="" longline,="" or="" shark="" net,="" must="" display="" the="" vessel's="" registration="" number="" or="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" number="" on="" each="" float="" attached="" to="" a="" handline="" or="" harpoon="" and="" on="" the="" terminal="" end="" floats="" and="" high-flyers="" (if="" applicable)="" on="" a="" longline="" or="" shark="" net="" used="" by="" the="" vessel.="" a="" high-flyer="" is="" a="" flag,="" radar="" reflector,="" or="" radio="" beacon="" transmitter="" attached="" to="" a="" longline.="" the="" vessel's="" number="" must="" be="" at="" least="" 1="" inch="" (2.5="" cm)="" in="" height="" in="" block="" arabic="" numerals="" in="" a="" color="" that="" contrasts="" with="" the="" background="" color="" of="" the="" float="" or="" high-flyer.="" (2)="" an="" unmarked="" handline,="" harpoon,="" longline,="" or="" shark="" net="" is="" illegal="" and="" may="" be="" disposed="" of="" in="" an="" appropriate="" manner="" by="" nmfs="" or="" an="" authorized="" officer.="" (3)="" provisions="" on="" gear="" marking="" for="" the="" southeast="" u.s.="" shark="" driftnet="" fishery="" to="" implement="" the="" atlantic="" large="" whale="" take="" reduction="" plan="" are="" set="" forth="" in="" sec.="" 229.32="" (b)="" of="" this="" title.="" sec.="" 635.7="" at-sea="" observer="" coverage.="" (a)="" nmfs="" may="" select="" for="" observer="" coverage="" any="" trip="" of="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" a="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permit,="" an="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit,="" or="" a="" shark="" or="" swordfish="" permit,="" issued="" under="" sec.="" 635.4="" (a),="" (c),="" (d),="" (e),="" and="" (f),="" respectively.="" nmfs="" will="" advise="" a="" vessel="" owner,="" in="" writing,="" when="" his="" or="" her="" vessel="" is="" selected="" for="" observer="" coverage.="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" that="" is="" selected="" must="" notify="" nmfs="" before="" commencing="" any="" fishing="" trip="" that="" may="" result="" in="" the="" harvest="" of="" atlantic="" hms.="" notification="" procedures="" will="" be="" specified="" in="" a="" selection="" letter="" sent="" by="" nmfs.="" (b)="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" on="" which="" a="" nmfs-approved="" observer="" is="" embarked="" must="" comply="" with="" secs.="" 600.725="" and="" 600.746="" of="" this="" chapter="" and:="" (1)="" provide="" accommodations="" and="" food="" that="" are="" equivalent="" to="" those="" provided="" to="" the="" crew.="" (2)="" allow="" the="" observer="" access="" to="" and="" use="" of="" the="" vessel's="" communications="" equipment="" and="" personnel="" upon="" request="" for="" the="" transmission="" and="" receipt="" of="" messages="" related="" to="" the="" observer's="" duties.="" (3)="" allow="" the="" observer="" access="" to="" and="" use="" of="" the="" vessel's="" navigation="" equipment="" and="" personnel="" upon="" request="" to="" determine="" the="" vessel's="" position.="" (4)="" allow="" the="" observer="" free="" and="" unobstructed="" access="" to="" the="" vessel's="" bridge,="" working="" decks,="" holding="" bins,="" weight="" scales,="" holds,="" and="" any="" other="" space="" used="" to="" hold,="" process,="" weigh,="" or="" store="" fish.="" (5)="" allow="" the="" observer="" to="" inspect="" and="" copy="" the="" vessel's="" log,="" communications="" logs,="" and="" any="" records="" associated="" with="" the="" catch="" and="" distribution="" of="" fish="" for="" that="" trip.="" sec.="" 635.8="" educational="" workshops.="" no="" later="" than="" june="" 1,="" 2000,="" each="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" that="" uses="" a="" pelagic="" longline="" to="" fish="" for="" atlantic="" hms="" must="" attend="" an="" educational="" workshop="" on="" measures="" to="" reduce="" the="" incidental="" catch="" of="" protected="" species.="" a="" certificate="" of="" attendance="" at="" such="" workshop="" must="" be="" available="" on="" such="" vessel="" and="" made="" available="" for="" inspection="" upon="" the="" request="" of="" nmfs.="" sec.="" 635.9="" vessel="" monitoring.="" (a)="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" that="" fishes="" for="" atlantic="" hms="" with="" a="" pelagic="" longline="" must="" have="" an="" operating="" vessel="" monitoring="" system="" (vms)="" unit="" on="" board="" each="" trip.="" only="" vms="" units="" that="" have="" been="" approved="" by="" nmfs="" for="" use="" in="" the="" fisheries="" for="" atlantic="" hms="" will="" meet="" this="" requirement.="" (b)="" no="" person="" may="" interfere="" with,="" tamper="" with,="" alter,="" damage,="" disable,="" or="" impede="" the="" operation="" of="" a="" vms="" unit,="" or="" attempt="" any="" of="" the="" same.="" (c)="" when="" a="" vms="" unit="" fails,="" or="" when="" notified="" by="" nmfs="" that="" a="" unit="" appears="" to="" have="" failed,="" the="" vessel="" owner="" or="" operator="" must="" communicate="" to="" a="" designated="" nmfs="" location="" the="" vessel's="" position="" at="" least="" every="" 2="" hours="" starting="" when="" the="" failure="" is="" discovered="" or="" nmfs's="" notification="" is="" received.="" each="" position="" so="" reported="" must="" be="" communicated="" to="" nmfs="" within="" 2="" hours="" of="" the="" time="" of="" the="" position.="" the="" vessel's="" owner="" or="" operator="" must="" replace="" or="" repair="" a="" failed="" vms="" unit="" prior="" to="" the="" vessel's="" next="" trip.="" subpart="" b--limited="" access="" sec.="" 635.16="" limited="" access="" permits.="" as="" of="" june="" 1,="" 1999,="" the="" only="" valid="" commercial="" vessel="" permits="" for="" shark="" and="" swordfish="" are="" those="" that="" have="" been="" issued="" under="" the="" limited="" access="" criteria="" specified="" in="" this="" section.="" (a)="" eligibility="" requirements="" for="" ilaps--(1)="" directed="" permits.="" to="" be="" eligible="" for="" a="" directed="" ilap="" in="" the="" shark="" or="" swordfish="" fishery,="" a="" vessel="" owner="" or="" an="" operator="" that="" qualified="" that="" vessel="" for="" a="" federal="" commercial="" permit="" must="" demonstrate="" past="" participation="" in="" the="" respective="" fishery="" by="" having:="" (i)="" been="" the="" owner="" or="" qualifying="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" that="" was="" issued="" a="" valid="" permit="" for="" the="" respective="" fishery="" at="" any="" time="" during="" the="" period="" july="" 1,="" 1994,="" through="" december="" 31,="" 1997;="" and="" (ii)="" documented="" landings="" from="" the="" respective="" federally="" permitted="" vessel="" that="" he="" or="" she="" owned="" or="" was="" the="" qualifying="" operator="" of="" at="" least:="" (a)="" one="" hundred="" and="" two="" sharks="" per="" year="" for="" any="" 2="" calendar="" years="" during="" the="" period="" january="" 1,="" 1991,="" through="" december="" 31,="" 1997,="" provided="" the="" landings="" after="" july="" 1,="" 1993,="" occurred="" when="" the="" permit="" was="" valid;="" or="" (b)="" twenty-five="" swordfish="" per="" year="" for="" any="" 2="" calendar="" years="" during="" the="" period="" january="" 1,="" 1987,="" through="" december="" 31,="" 1997,="" provided="" the="" landings="" occurred="" when="" the="" permit="" was="" valid;="" and="" (iii)="" been="" the="" owner="" or="" qualifying="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" that:="" (a)="" had="" a="" valid="" federal="" shark="" permit="" at="" any="" time="" during="" the="" period="" july="" 1,="" 1998,="" through="" august="" 4,="" 1998,="" or="" (b)="" had="" a="" valid="" federal="" swordfish="" permit="" at="" any="" time="" during="" the="" period="" june="" 1,="" 1998,="" through="" august="" 31,="" 1998.="" (2)="" incidental="" catch="" permits.="" to="" be="" eligible="" for="" an="" incidental="" ilap="" in="" the="" shark="" or="" swordfish="" fishery,="" a="" vessel="" owner="" or="" an="" operator="" that="" qualified="" that="" vessel="" for="" a="" federal="" commercial="" permit="" must="" demonstrate="" past="" participation="" in="" the="" respective="" fishery="" by="" having:="" (i)="" been="" the="" owner="" or="" qualifying="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" that="" was="" issued="" a="" valid="" permit="" for="" the="" respective="" fishery="" at="" any="" time="" during="" the="" period="" july="" 1,="" 1994,="" through="" december="" 31,="" 1997;="" and="" (ii)="" documented="" landings="" from="" the="" respective="" federally="" permitted="" vessel="" that="" he="" or="" she="" owned="" or="" was="" the="" qualifying="" operator="" of="" at="" least:="" (a)="" seven="" sharks="" during="" the="" period="" january="" 1,="" 1991,="" through="" december="" 31,="" 1997,="" provided="" the="" landings="" after="" july="" 1,="" 1993,="" occurred="" when="" the="" permit="" was="" valid;="" or="" (b)="" eleven="" swordfish="" during="" the="" period="" january="" 1,="" 1987,="" through="" december="" 31,="" 1997,="" provided="" the="" [[page="" 3179]]="" landings="" occurred="" when="" the="" permit="" was="" valid;="" and="" (iii)="" been="" the="" owner="" or="" qualifying="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" that:="" (a)="" had="" a="" valid="" federal="" shark="" permit="" at="" any="" time="" during="" the="" period="" july="" 1,="" 1998,="" through="" august="" 4,="" 1998,="" or="" (b)="" had="" a="" valid="" federal="" swordfish="" permit="" at="" any="" time="" during="" the="" period="" june="" 1,="" 1998,="" through="" august="" 31,="" 1998;="" and="" (iv)="" met="" either="" the="" gross="" income="" from="" fishing="" or="" the="" gross="" sales="" of="" fish="" requirement="" specified="" in="" paragraph="" (a)(3)(i)="" or="" (ii)="" of="" this="" section;="" or="" (v)="" been="" the="" owner="" of="" a="" vessel="" that="" had="" a="" permit="" for="" atlantic="" tuna="" in="" the="" incidental="" category="" at="" any="" time="" from="" january="" 1,="" 1998,="" through="" august="" 31,="" 1998;="" or="" (vi)="" been="" the="" owner="" of="" a="" vessel="" that="" is="" eligible="" for="" a="" directed="" or="" incidental="" ilap="" for="" swordfish.="" (3)="" handgear="" permits.="" to="" be="" eligible="" for="" a="" swordfish="" handgear="" ilap--="" (i)="" the="" owner's="" gross="" income="" from="" commercial="" fishing="" (i.e.,="" harvest="" and="" first="" sale="" of="" fish)="" or="" from="" charter/headboat="" fishing="" must="" be="" more="" than="" 50="" percent="" of="" his="" or="" her="" earned="" income,="" during="" one="" of="" the="" 3="" calendar="" years="" preceding="" the="" application;="" or="" (ii)="" the="" owner's="" gross="" sales="" of="" fish="" harvested="" from="" his="" or="" her="" vessel="" must="" have="" been="" more="" than="" $20,000,="" during="" one="" of="" the="" 3="" calendar="" years="" preceding="" the="" application;="" or="" (iii)="" the="" owner="" must="" provide="" documentation="" of="" having="" been="" issued="" a="" swordfish="" permit="" for="" use="" with="" harpoon="" gear;="" or="" (iv)="" the="" owner="" must="" document="" his="" or="" her="" historical="" landings="" of="" swordfish="" with="" handgear="" through="" logbook="" records,="" verifiable="" sales="" slips="" or="" receipts="" from="" registered="" dealers="" or="" state="" landings="" records.="" (b)="" landings="" histories.="" for="" the="" purposes="" of="" the="" landings="" history="" criteria="" in="" paragraphs="" (a)(1)(ii)="" and="" (a)(2)(ii)="" of="" this="" section,="" (1)="" the="" owner="" or="" qualifying="" operator="" of="" a="" permitted="" vessel="" at="" the="" time="" of="" a="" landing="" retains="" credit="" for="" the="" landing="" unless="" ownership="" of="" the="" vessel="" has="" been="" transferred="" and="" there="" is="" a="" written="" agreement="" signed="" by="" both="" parties="" to="" the="" transfer,="" or="" there="" is="" other="" credible="" written="" evidence="" that="" the="" original="" owner="" transferred="" the="" landings="" history="" to="" the="" new="" owner.="" (2)="" a="" vessel's="" landings="" history="" may="" not="" be="" divided="" among="" owners.="" a="" transfer="" of="" credit="" for="" landings="" history="" must="" be="" for="" the="" entire="" record="" of="" landings="" under="" the="" previous="" owner="" or="" operator.="" (3)="" vessel="" landings="" histories="" may="" not="" be="" consolidated="" among="" vessels.="" owners="" or="" operators="" may="" not="" pool="" landings="" histories="" to="" meet="" the="" eligibility="" requirements.="" (4)="" if="" more="" than="" one="" person="" claims="" eligibility="" for="" an="" ilap="" based="" on="" a="" vessel="s" ownership="" or="" permit="" or="" landings="" history,="" the="" applicants="" claiming="" the="" ownership="" or="" permit="" or="" landings="" history="" must="" determine="" which="" person="" will="" receive="" the="" ilap.="" nmfs="" will="" issue="" only="" one="" ilap="" based="" on="" a="" vessel's="" ownership="" or="" permit="" or="" landings="" history.="" (c)="" alternative="" eligibility="" requirements="" for="" initial="" permits.="" (1)="" persons="" that="" acquired="" ownership="" of="" a="" vessel="" and="" its="" landings="" history="" after="" december="" 31,="" 1997,="" are="" exempt="" from="" the="" requirement="" to="" have="" owned="" a="" federally="" permitted="" shark="" or="" swordfish="" vessel="" at="" any="" time="" during="" the="" period="" july="" 1,="" 1994,="" through="" december="" 31,="" 1997.="" the="" acquired="" landings="" history="" must="" meet="" the="" criteria="" for="" a="" directed="" or="" incidental="" catch="" permit="" specified="" in="" paragraph="" (a)(1)(ii)(a),="" (a)(1)(ii)(b),="" (a)(2)(ii)(a)="" or="" (a)(2)(ii)(b)="" of="" this="" section,="" and="" such="" persons="" must="" have="" had="" a="" valid="" federal="" shark="" permit="" at="" any="" time="" during="" the="" period="" july="" 1,="" 1998,="" through="" august="" 4,="" 1998,="" or="" a="" valid="" federal="" swordfish="" permit="" at="" any="" time="" during="" the="" period="" june="" 1,="" 1998,="" through="" august="" 31,="" 1998.="" (2)="" if="" a="" person="" first="" obtained="" a="" shark="" or="" swordfish="" permit="" in="" 1997,="" the="" required="" shark="" landings="" for="" a="" directed="" or="" incidental="" catch="" permit="" specified="" in="" paragraphs="" (a)(1)(ii)="" and="" (a)(2)(ii)="" are="" modified="" as="" follows:="" (i)="" to="" qualify="" for="" a="" directed="" shark="" or="" swordfish="" ilap,="" respectively,="" such="" persons="" must="" document="" landings="" from="" a="" federally="" permitted="" vessel="" of="" at="" least:="" (a)="" one="" hundred="" and="" two="" sharks="" in="" calendar="" year="" 1997,="" provided="" such="" landings="" occurred="" when="" the="" permit="" was="" valid,="" or="" (b)="" twenty-five="" swordfish="" in="" calendar="" year="" 1997,="" provided="" such="" landings="" occurred="" when="" the="" permit="" was="" valid.="" (ii)="" to="" qualify="" for="" an="" incidental="" shark="" or="" swordfish="" catch="" ilap,="" respectively,="" such="" persons="" must="" document="" landings="" from="" a="" federally="" permitted="" vessel="" of="" at="" least="" one="" shark="" or="" swordfish="" in="" calendar="" year="" 1997,="" provided="" such="" landings="" occurred="" when="" the="" permit="" was="" valid.="" (d)="" procedures="" for="" initial="" issue="" of="" limited="" access="" permits--(1)="" notification="" of="" status.="" (i)="" shortly="" after="" the="" final="" rule="" is="" published,="" the="" division="" chief="" will="" notify="" by="" certified="" mail="" each="" owner="" or="" qualifying="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" that="" had="" a="" valid="" federal="" shark="" permit="" during="" the="" period="" july="" 1,="" 1998,="" through="" august="" 4,="" 1998,="" each="" owner="" of="" a="" vessel="" that="" had="" a="" valid="" federal="" swordfish="" permit="" during="" the="" period="" june="" 1,="" 1998,="" through="" august="" 31,="" 1998,="" and="" each="" owner="" of="" a="" vessel="" that="" had="" a="" valid="" atlantic="" tuna="" incidental="" category="" permit="" at="" any="" time="" from="" january="" 1,="" 1998,="" through="" august="" 31,="" 1998,="" of="" the="" initial="" determination="" of="" the="" owner's="" eligibility="" for="" a="" directed="" or="" incidental="" catch="" ilap.="" the="" division="" chief="" will="" make="" the="" initial="" determination="" based="" on="" the="" criteria="" in="" paragraphs="" (a)(1),="" (a)(2),="" and="" (c)(2)="" of="" this="" section="" and="" records="" available="" to="" nmfs.="" the="" division="" chief="" will="" not="" make="" initial="" determinations="" of="" eligibility="" for="" a="" vessel="" permit="" under="" the="" alternative="" eligibility="" requirements="" specified="" in="" paragraph="" (a)(3)="" or="" (c)(1)="" of="" this="" section.="" (ii)="" if="" nmfs="" determines="" that="" all="" qualifications="" for="" a="" directed="" or="" incidental="" catch="" ilap="" have="" been="" met,="" no="" further="" action="" is="" required-the="" appropriate="" permit="" for="" the="" vessel="" will="" be="" included="" with="" the="" notification.="" an="" ilap="" issued="" by="" nmfs="" will="" be="" valid="" through="" the="" marked="" expiration="" date.="" (iii)="" a="" person="" must="" apply="" to="" the="" division="" chief="" for="" the="" appropriate="" permit="" if--="" (a)="" he="" or="" she="" does="" not="" agree="" with="" the="" initial="" determination;="" (b)="" he="" or="" she="" believes="" that="" he="" or="" she="" qualifies="" for="" a="" directed="" or="" incidental="" catch="" ilap="" but="" did="" not="" receive="" a="" letter="" from="" the="" division="" chief="" regarding="" eligibility="" status;="" or="" (c)="" he="" or="" she="" believes="" that="" he="" or="" she="" qualifies="" for="" a="" swordfish="" handgear="" permit.="" (2)="" applications="" for="" ilaps.="" (i)="" application="" forms="" and="" instructions="" are="" available="" from="" the="" division="" chief.="" a="" completed="" signed="" application="" form="" and="" required="" supporting="" documents="" must="" be="" submitted="" by="" the="" vessel="" owner="" or="" operator;="" or="" in="" the="" case="" of="" a="" corporate-owned="" vessel,="" an="" officer="" or="" shareholder;="" or="" in="" the="" case="" of="" a="" partnership-owned="" vessel,="" a="" general="" partner.="" (ii)="" an="" application="" for="" a="" directed="" or="" incidental="" catch="" ilap="" must="" be="" received="" by="" the="" division="" chief="" no="" later="" than="" 90="" days="" after="" the="" final="" rule="" is="" published.="" an="" application="" for="" an="" initial="" swordfish="" handgear="" permit="" must="" be="" received="" by="" the="" division="" chief="" no="" later="" than="" 180="" days="" after="" the="" final="" rule="" is="" published.="" an="" application="" received="" by="" the="" division="" chief="" after="" these="" dates="" will="" not="" be="" considered.="" (iii)="" each="" application="" must="" be="" accompanied="" by="" documentation="" showing="" that="" the="" criteria="" for="" the="" requested="" permit="" have="" been="" met.="" vessel="" landings="" of="" sharks="" through="" june="" 30,="" 1993,="" may="" be="" documented="" by="" verifiable="" sales="" slips="" or="" receipts="" from="" registered="" dealers="" or="" by="" state="" landings="" records.="" vessel="" landings="" of="" sharks="" after="" july="" 1,="" 1993,="" and="" all="" vessel="" landings="" of="" swordfish="" may="" be="" documented="" only="" by="" fishing="" vessel="" logbook="" records="" that="" nmfs="" received="" before="" march="" 2,="" 1998.="" [[page="" 3180]]="" nmfs="" will="" not="" count="" a="" landing="" when="" the="" vessel="" did="" not="" have="" a="" valid="" federal="" permit.="" (iv)="" information="" submitted="" on="" an="" application="" and="" documentation="" in="" support="" of="" an="" application="" are="" subject="" to="" verification="" by="" comparison="" with="" federal,="" state,="" and="" other="" records="" and="" information.="" submission="" of="" false="" information="" or="" documentation="" may="" result="" in="" disqualification="" from="" initial="" participation="" in="" the="" shark="" fishery="" and="" may="" result="" in="" federal="" prosecution.="" (v)="" if="" the="" division="" chief="" receives="" an="" incomplete="" application="" in="" a="" timely="" manner,="" nmfs="" will="" notify="" the="" applicant="" of="" the="" deficiency.="" if="" the="" applicant="" fails="" to="" correct="" the="" deficiency="" within="" 30="" days="" of="" the="" date="" of="" the="" division="" chief's="" notification,="" the="" application="" will="" be="" considered="" abandoned.="" (3)="" actions="" on="" applications.="" within="" 30="" days="" of="" receipt="" of="" a="" complete="" application,="" the="" division="" chief="" will="" take="" one="" of="" the="" following="" actions:="" (i)="" if="" the="" eligibility="" requirements="" are="" met,="" the="" division="" chief="" will="" issue="" the="" appropriate="" ilap="" which="" will="" be="" valid="" through="" the="" marked="" expiration="" date.="" (ii)="" if="" the="" information="" and="" documentation="" presented="" in="" the="" application="" are="" insufficient,="" inconsistent="" with="" vessel="" ownership,="" landings="" history,="" and="" other="" information="" available="" from="" nmfs'="" records,="" or="" cannot="" be="" verified,="" the="" division="" chief="" will="" notify="" the="" applicant="" that="" the="" information="" supplied="" is="" not="" adequate="" to="" warrant="" issuance="" of="" the="" requested="" permit.="" the="" applicant="" will="" have="" 30="" days="" to="" submit="" to="" the="" division="" chief="" corroborating="" documents="" in="" support="" of="" the="" application="" or="" to="" submit="" a="" revised="" application.="" (iii)="" if,="" based="" on="" the="" information="" and="" documentation="" supplied="" with="" the="" application,="" the="" division="" chief="" determines="" that="" the="" applicant="" does="" not="" meet="" the="" eligibility="" criteria="" for="" the="" requested="" vessel="" permit,="" the="" division="" chief="" will="" deny="" the="" application.="" each="" letter="" of="" denial="" will="" be="" sent="" via="" certified="" mail.="" if,="" based="" on="" the="" documentation="" supplied,="" the="" division="" chief="" believes="" the="" applicant="" is="" qualified="" for="" an="" incidental="" catch="" vessel="" permit="" instead="" of="" the="" requested="" directed="" ilap,="" he="" or="" she="" will="" notify="" the="" applicant="" of="" the="" denial="" of="" the="" requested="" directed="" ilap="" but="" will="" issue="" the="" incidental="" catch="" ilap.="" (4)="" appeals.="" (i)="" if="" an="" application="" for="" an="" ilap="" is="" denied="" or="" an="" incidental="" catch="" ilap="" is="" issued="" instead="" of="" the="" requested="" directed="" ilap,="" the="" applicant="" may="" appeal="" the="" denial="" to="" the="" office="" director.="" the="" sole="" grounds="" for="" appeal="" is="" that="" the="" original="" denial="" by="" the="" division="" chief="" was="" based="" on="" incorrect="" or="" incomplete="" information.="" no="" other="" grounds="" will="" be="" considered.="" an="" appeal="" must="" be="" in="" writing,="" must="" be="" received="" by="" the="" office="" director="" within="" 90="" days="" of="" the="" notice="" of="" denial,="" must="" specify="" the="" grounds="" for="" the="" appeal,="" and="" must="" include="" documentation="" supporting="" the="" grounds="" for="" the="" appeal.="" documentation="" of="" vessel="" landings="" of="" sharks="" through="" june="" 30,="" 1993,="" that="" the="" office="" director="" may="" consider="" in="" support="" of="" an="" appeal="" are="" verifiable="" sales="" slips="" or="" receipts="" from="" registered="" dealers,="" or="" state="" landings="" records.="" the="" only="" documentation="" of="" vessel="" landings="" of="" sharks="" after="" july="" 1,="" 1993,="" that="" the="" office="" director="" will="" consider="" in="" support="" of="" an="" appeal="" are="" official="" nmfs="" logbook="" records="" that="" nmfs="" received="" prior="" to="" march="" 2,="" 1998.="" the="" office="" director="" will="" not="" accept="" vessel="" landings="" records="" of="" sharks="" dated="" after="" july="" 1,="" 1993,="" from="" periods="" in="" which="" a="" vessel="" did="" not="" have="" a="" valid="" federal="" shark="" permit.="" the="" only="" documentation="" of="" vessel="" landings="" of="" swordfish="" that="" the="" office="" director="" will="" consider="" in="" support="" of="" an="" appeal="" are="" official="" nmfs="" logbook="" records="" that="" nmfs="" received="" prior="" to="" march="" 2,="" 1998.="" photocopies="" of="" documentation="" (e.g.,="" permits,="" logbook="" reports)="" will="" be="" acceptable="" for="" initial="" submission.="" the="" office="" director="" may="" request="" originals="" at="" a="" later="" date,="" which="" would="" be="" returned="" to="" the="" appellant="" via="" certified="" mail.="" (ii)="" upon="" receipt="" of="" a="" written="" appeal="" with="" supporting="" documentation,="" the="" office="" director="" may="" issue="" a="" provisional="" ilap="" that="" is="" valid="" for="" the="" pendency="" of="" the="" appeal.="" this="" provisional="" permit="" will="" be="" valid="" only="" for="" use="" with="" the="" specified="" gear="" and="" will="" be="" subject="" to="" all="" regulations="" contained="" in="" this="" part.="" (iii)="" the="" office="" director="" will="" appoint="" an="" appeals="" officer="" who="" will="" review="" the="" appeal="" documentation="" and="" other="" available="" records.="" the="" appeals="" officer="" will="" make="" findings="" and="" a="" recommendation,="" which="" shall="" be="" advisory="" only,="" to="" the="" office="" director.="" (iv)="" the="" office="" director="" will="" make="" a="" final="" decision="" on="" the="" appeal="" and="" send="" the="" appellant="" notice="" of="" the="" decision="" by="" certified="" mail.="" the="" office="" director's="" decision="" is="" the="" final="" administrative="" action="" of="" the="" department="" of="" commerce="" on="" the="" application.="" (v)="" if="" the="" appeal="" is="" denied,="" the="" provisional="" permit="" will="" become="" invalid="" 5="" days="" after="" receipt="" of="" the="" notice="" of="" denial,="" which="" nmfs="" will="" send="" by="" certified="" mail.="" if="" the="" appeal="" is="" accepted,="" nmfs="" will="" issue="" an="" appropriate="" permit.="" (5)="" contested="" eligibility="" criteria.="" if="" more="" than="" one="" person="" claims="" eligibility="" for="" an="" ilap="" based="" on="" contested="" vessel's="" ownership,="" permit,="" or="" landings="" histories,="" the="" owners="" or="" operators="" claiming="" the="" ownership/="" permit/landings="" histories="" must="" determine="" which="" person="" will="" receive="" the="" ilap.="" the="" division="" chief="" or="" office="" director="" will="" issue="" only="" one="" permit="" based="" on="" a="" vessel's="" ownership/permit/landings="" histories.="" in="" the="" event="" that="" the="" parties="" are="" unable="" to="" reach="" resolution,="" nmfs="" will="" not="" issue="" a="" permit="" to="" any="" of="" the="" parties.="" (e)="" transfers="" of="" limited="" access="" permits.="" for="" provisions="" on="" transfer="" of="" limited="" access="" permits,="" see="" sec.="" 635.4(l).="" (f)="" renewals="" of="" limited="" access="" permits.="" for="" provisions="" on="" renewal="" of="" limited="" access="" permits,="" see="" sec.="" 635.4(m).="" subpart="" c--management="" measures="" sec.="" 635.19="" bft="" size="" classes.="" the="" cfl="" of="" any="" bft="" found="" with="" the="" head="" removed="" will="" be="" calculated="" using="" the="" following="" formula:="" cfl="" equals="" pectoral="" fin="" curved="" fork="" length="" (pfcfl)="" multiplied="" by="" a="" factor="" of="" 1.35.="" the="" cfl,="" as="" taken="" or="" determined="" by="" conversion="" of="" the="" pfcfl,="" will="" be="" the="" sole="" criterion="" for="" determining="" the="" size="" class="" of="" a="" beheaded="" bft.="" this="" formula="" may="" be="" changed="" if="" additional="" information="" becomes="" available="" by="" filing="" a="" notice="" at="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register="" of="" the="" new="" formula.="" sec.="" 635.20="" size="" limits.="" (a)="" general.="" cfl="" will="" be="" the="" sole="" criterion="" for="" determining="" the="" size="" and/or="" size="" class="" of="" whole="" (head="" on)="" atlantic="" tunas.="" (b)="" bft,="" bigeye="" tuna,="" and="" yellowfin="" tuna.="" (1)="" no="" person="" may="" take,="" retain,="" or="" possess="" a="" bft,="" bigeye="" tuna,="" or="" yellowfin="" tuna="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" that="" is="" less="" than="" 27="" inches="" (69="" cm)cfl;="" (2)="" further,="" no="" person="" may="" retain="" or="" possess="" a="" bft="" with="" the="" head="" removed="" that="" is="" less="" than="" 20="" inches="" (51="" cm),="" pfcfl.="" (3)="" no="" person="" may="" remove="" the="" head="" of="" a="" bigeye="" tuna="" or="" yellowfin="" tuna="" if="" the="" remaining="" portion="" is="" less="" than="" 27="" inches="" (69="" cm),="" cfl.="" (c)="" billfish.="" no="" person="" may="" take="" a="" billfish="" from,="" or="" retain="" or="" possess="" a="" billfish="" in="" its="" management="" area="" that="" is="" less="" than="" the="" following="" minimum="" size="" limits:="" (1)="" blue="" marlin--99="" inches="" (251="" cm),="" ljfl.="" (2)="" white="" marlin--66="" inches="" (168="" cm),="" ljfl.="" (3)="" sailfish--63="" inches="" (160="" cm),="" ljfl.="" (d)="" sharks.="" no="" person="" may="" take,="" retain,="" or="" possess="" any="" species="" classified="" as="" a="" ridgeback="" lcs="" shark="" in="" or="" from="" the="" atlantic="" eez,="" that="" is="" less="" than="" 54="" inches="" (137="" cm),="" fl,="" or,="" if="" the="" head="" and="" fins="" have="" been="" removed,="" 30="" inches="" (76="" cm),="" from="" the="" forward="" edge="" of="" the="" cut="" where="" the="" first="" dorsal="" fin="" is="" removed="" to="" the="" precaudal="" pit.="" if="" the="" precaudal="" pit="" has="" been="" removed,="" such="" measurement="" will="" be="" to="" the="" posterior="" edge="" of="" the="" carcass.="" [[page="" 3181]]="" (e)="" swordfish.="" (1)="" no="" person="" may="" take,="" retain,="" or="" possess="" a="" swordfish="" on="" board="" a="" fishing="" vessel="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" that="" is="" less="" than="" 29="" inches="" (73="" cm),="" ck.="" ck="" length="" will="" be="" the="" sole="" criterion="" for="" determining="" the="" size="" of="" atlantic="" swordfish="" caught.="" (2)="" a="" swordfish="" or="" part="" thereof="" that="" weighs="" less="" than="" 33="" lb="" (15="" kg),="" dw,="" is="" deemed="" to="" have="" been="" harvested="" by="" a="" vessel="" of="" the="" united="" states="" and="" in="" violation="" of="" the="" minimum="" size="" if="" less="" than="" 29="" inches="" (73="" cm)="" ck="" unless="" it="" is="" accompanied="" by="" a="" certificate="" of="" eligibility.="" the="" certificate="" should="" attest="" that="" the="" swordfish="" was="" imported,="" and="" either="" harvested="" from="" other="" than="" the="" atlantic="" ocean,="" or="" that="" the="" fish="" part="" was="" derived="" from="" an="" atlantic="" swordfish="" that="" weighed="" at="" least="" 33="" lb="" (15="" kg)="" dw="" at="" harvest.="" refer="" to="" sec.="" 635.46(b)="" for="" the="" requirements="" related="" to="" the="" certificate="" of="" eligibility.="" (3)="" a="" swordfish="" or="" part="" thereof="" will="" be="" monitored="" for="" compliance="" with="" the="" minimum="" size="" requirement="" from="" the="" time="" it="" is="" landed="" in="" or="" imported="" into="" the="" united="" states="" to="" the="" first="" point="" of="" transaction="" and="" including="" the="" time="" and="" place="" that="" it="" is="" filleted,="" cut="" into="" steaks,="" or="" processed="" in="" any="" way="" that="" physically="" alters="" it.="" sec.="" 635.21="" gear="" operation="" and="" deployment="" restrictions.="" (a)="" all="" atlantic="" hms="" fishing="" gears.="" (1)="" an="" atlantic="" hms="" harvested="" in="" its="" management="" area="" that="" is="" not="" retained="" must="" be="" released="" in="" a="" manner="" that="" will="" ensure="" maximum="" probability="" of="" survival,="" but="" without="" removing="" the="" fish="" from="" the="" water.="" (2)="" if="" a="" billfish="" is="" caught="" by="" a="" hook,="" the="" fish="" must="" be="" released="" by="" cutting="" the="" line="" near="" the="" hook="" or="" by="" using="" a="" dehooking="" device,="" in="" either="" case="" without="" removing="" the="" fish="" from="" the="" water.="" (b)="" general.="" no="" person="" may="" use="" any="" gear="" to="" fish="" for="" atlantic="" hms="" other="" than="" those="" gears="" specifically="" authorized="" in="" this="" part.="" a="" vessel="" using="" or="" having="" on="" board="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" any="" unauthorized="" gear="" may="" not="" have="" on="" board="" an="" atlantic="" hms.="" (c)="" pelagic="" longlines.="" (1)="" from="" august="" 1,="" 1999,="" through="" november="" 30,="" 1999,="" no="" person="" may="" deploy="" a="" pelagic="" longline="" that="" is="" more="" than="" 24="" nautical="" miles="" (nm)="" (44.5="" km)="" in="" length="" in="" the="" mid-atlantic="" bight.="" (2)="" no="" person="" that="" fishes="" in="" the="" following="" areas="" during="" the="" following="" periods="" and="" has="" a="" pelagic="" longline="" on="" board="" may="" possess="" atlantic="" tunas="" or="" swordfish.="" no="" person="" may="" use="" a="" pelagic="" longline="" in="" the="" following="" areas="" and="" periods:="" (i)="" southeastern="" united="" states="" closed="" area--december="" 1="" through="" march="" 31.="" (ii)="" great="" south="" channel="" closed="" area--march="" 1="" through="" june="" 30.="" (iii)="" cape="" cod="" bay="" closed="" area--february="" 1="" through="" april="" 30.="" (iv)="" florida="" straits="" --july="" 1="" through="" september="" 30.="" (3)="" when="" the="" gear="" being="" fished="" by="" a="" person="" aboard="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" a="" permit="" for="" atlantic="" hms="" hooks="" or="" entangles="" a="" marine="" mammal="" or="" sea="" turtle,="" the="" operator="" of="" the="" vessel="" must="" immediately="" release="" the="" animal,="" retrieve="" his="" fishing="" gear,="" and="" move="" at="" least="" 1="" nm="" (2="" km)="" from="" the="" location="" of="" the="" incident="" before="" resuming="" fishing.="" reports="" of="" marine="" mammal="" entanglements="" must="" be="" submitted="" to="" nmfs="" consistent="" with="" regulations="" in="" sec.="" 229.6="" of="" this="" title.="" (d)="" authorized="" gear--(1)="" atlantic="" tunas.="" no="" person="" that="" fishes="" for,="" takes,="" retains,="" or="" possesses="" atlantic="" tunas="" may="" have="" on="" board="" or="" use="" any="" gear="" other="" than="" that="" authorized="" for="" the="" category="" for="" which="" the="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" has="" been="" issued="" for="" the="" harvesting="" vessel.="" gear="" types="" authorized="" for="" each="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" category="" are:="" (i)="" angling.="" rod="" and="" reel="" (including="" downriggers)="" and="" handline.="" (ii)="" charter/headboat.="" rod="" and="" reel="" (including="" downriggers),="" bandit="" gear,="" and="" handline.="" (iii)="" general.="" rod="" and="" reel="" (including="" downriggers),="" handline,="" harpoon,="" and="" bandit="" gear.="" (iv)="" harpoon.="" harpoon.="" (v)="" longline.="" longline.="" (vi)="" purse="" seine.="" purse="" seine.="" (a)="" mesh="" size.="" (1)="" a="" purse="" seine="" used="" in="" directed="" fishing="" for="" bft="" must="" have="" a="" mesh="" size="" equal="" to="" or="" smaller="" than="" 4.5="" inches="" (11.4="" cm)="" in="" the="" main="" body="" (stretched="" when="" wet)="" and="" must="" have="" at="" least="" 24-count="" thread="" throughout="" the="" net.="" (2)="" nmfs="" may="" exempt="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" from="" the="" mesh="" requirements="" in="" paragraph="" (d)(2)(i)="" of="" this="" section="" if="" the="" exemption="" will="" not="" result="" in="" significant="" injury="" or="" mortality="" to="" bft="" that="" are="" encircled="" by="" the="" net="" but="" manage="" to="" escape.="" (b)="" inspection="" of="" purse="" seine="" vessels.="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" purse="" seine="" vessel="" conducting="" a="" directed="" fishery="" for="" atlantic="" tunas="" must="" have="" their="" fishing="" gear="" inspected="" for="" mesh="" size="" by="" an="" enforcement="" agent="" of="" nmfs="" prior="" to="" commencing="" fishing="" for="" the="" season="" in="" any="" fishery="" that="" may="" result="" in="" the="" harvest="" of="" atlantic="" tunas.="" such="" persons="" must="" request="" such="" inspection="" at="" least="" 24="" hours="" before="" commencement="" of="" the="" first="" fishing="" trip="" of="" the="" season.="" if="" nmfs="" does="" not="" inspect="" the="" vessel="" within="" 24="" hours="" of="" such="" notification,="" the="" inspection="" requirement="" is="" waived.="" in="" addition,="" at="" least="" 24="" hours="" before="" commencement="" of="" offloading="" any="" bft="" after="" a="" fishing="" trip,="" such="" persons="" must="" request="" an="" inspection="" of="" vessel="" and="" catch="" by="" notifying="" nmfs.="" if="" nmfs="" does="" not="" inspect="" the="" vessel="" at="" offloading,="" the="" inspection="" requirement="" is="" waived.="" (vii)="" trap.="" pound="" net="" and="" fish="" weir.="" trap="" gear="" is="" authorized="" for="" bft="" only.="" (2)="" billfish.="" (i)="" persons="" may="" possess="" a="" billfish="" in="" or="" take="" a="" billfish="" from="" its="" management="" area="" only="" if="" it="" is="" harvested="" by="" rod="" and="" reel.="" regardless="" of="" how="" taken,="" persons="" may="" not="" possess="" a="" billfish="" in="" or="" take="" a="" billfish="" from="" its="" management="" area="" on="" board="" a="" vessel="" using="" or="" having="" on="" board="" a="" pelagic="" longline.="" (ii)="" in="" a="" hook-and-line="" fishery="" for="" billfish,="" persons="" may="" not="" use="" more="" than="" one="" hook="" per="" bait="" or="" lure.="" (3)="" sharks.="" (i)="" no="" person="" may="" possess="" a="" shark="" in="" or="" take="" a="" shark="" from="" its="" management="" area="" by="" any="" gear="" other="" than="" rod="" and="" reel,="" longline,="" or="" driftnet.="" (ii)="" no="" person="" may="" use="" a="" driftnet="" with="" a="" total="" length="" of="" 2.5="" km="" or="" more="" to="" fish="" for="" sharks.="" no="" person="" may="" have="" on="" board="" a="" vessel="" a="" driftnet="" with="" a="" total="" length="" of="" 2.5="" km="" or="" more.="" (iii)="" provisions="" on="" gear="" deployment="" for="" the="" southeast="" u.s.="" shark="" net="" fishery="" to="" implement="" the="" atlantic="" large="" whale="" take="" reduction="" plan="" are="" set="" forth="" in="" sec.="" 229.32="" (f)="" of="" this="" title.="" (4)="" swordfish.="" (i)="" no="" person="" may="" possess="" atlantic="" swordfish="" taken="" by="" any="" gear="" other="" than="" rod="" and="" reel,="" harpoon,="" handline,="" or="" longline="" unless="" he="" or="" she="" possesses="" an="" incidental="" lap="" for="" swordfish.="" a="" swordfish="" from="" its="" management="" area="" may="" not="" be="" taken="" by="" a="" driftnet,="" and="" may="" not="" be="" retained,="" or="" possessed="" by="" a="" vessel="" with="" a="" driftnet="" on="" board.="" (ii)="" a="" swordfish="" will="" be="" deemed="" to="" have="" been="" harvested="" by="" a="" driftnet="" when="" it="" is="" onboard,="" or="" offloaded="" from="" a="" vessel="" using="" or="" having="" onboard="" a="" driftnet.="" (iii)="" a="" swordfish="" will="" be="" deemed="" to="" have="" been="" harvested="" by="" handgear="" when="" it="" is="" onboard,="" or="" offloaded="" from="" a="" vessel="" using="" or="" having="" onboard="" handgear="" if="" such="" vessel="" does="" not="" have="" a="" longline="" on="" board.="" sec.="" 635.22="" recreational="" retention="" limits.="" (a)="" general.="" recreational="" retention="" limits="" apply="" to="" billfish="" taken="" from="" or="" possessed="" in="" the="" management="" area,="" a="" shark="" taken="" from="" or="" possessed="" in="" the="" atlantic="" eez,="" and="" a="" yellowfin="" tuna="" taken="" from="" or="" possessed="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean.="" the="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" for="" which="" a="" retention="" limit="" applies="" is="" responsible="" for="" the="" vessel="" trip="" limit="" and="" the="" cumulative="" retention="" limit="" based="" on="" the="" number="" of="" persons="" aboard.="" the="" retention="" limits="" apply="" to="" a="" person="" who="" fishes="" in="" any="" manner,="" except="" a="" person="" aboard="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" on="" board="" the="" commercial="" vessel="" permit="" issued="" under="" [[page="" 3182]]="" sec.="" 635.4="" for="" the="" appropriate="" species/species="" group.="" federal="" recreational="" retention="" limits="" may="" not="" be="" combined="" with="" any="" recreational="" retention="" limit="" applicable="" in="" state="" waters.="" (b)="" billfish.="" one="" white="" marlin,="" blue="" marlin="" or="" sailfish="" may="" be="" retained="" per="" vessel="" per="" trip.="" no="" longbill="" spearfish="" may="" be="" retained.="" nmfs="" may="" decrease="" the="" retention="" limit="" for="" blue="" and/or="" white="" marlin="" to="" zero="" if="" nmfs="" projects="" that="" the="" landings="" limit="" for="" the="" applicable="" species="" will="" be="" reached.="" such="" decrease="" will="" be="" based="" on="" a="" review="" of="" current="" landings="" data,="" and="" any="" other="" relevant="" factors.="" nmfs="" will="" file="" for="" publication="" notification="" of="" any="" decrease="" in="" retention="" limit="" with="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register="" at="" least="" 3="" calendar="" days="" prior="" to="" the="" decrease="" becoming="" effective.="" (c)="" sharks.="" (1)="" large="" coastal="" sharks,="" prohibited="" sharks,="" small="" coastal="" sharks.="" none="" may="" be="" retained.="" (2)="" pelagic="" shark.="" one="" pelagic="" shark="" per="" vessel="" per="" trip="" may="" be="" retained.="" (d)="" yellowfin="" tuna.="" three="" yellowfin="" tunas="" per="" person="" per="" day="" may="" be="" retained.="" regardless="" of="" the="" length="" of="" a="" trip,="" no="" more="" than="" three="" yellowfin="" tuna="" per="" person="" may="" be="" retained="" on="" board="" a="" vessel.="" sec.="" 635.23="" retention="" limits="" for="" bft.="" the="" retention="" limits="" in="" this="" section="" are="" subject="" to="" the="" quotas="" and="" closure="" provisions="" in="" secs.="" 635.27="" and="" 635.28.="" (a)="" general="" category.="" (1)="" a="" person="" aboard="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" a="" general="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" may="" not="" possess,="" retain,="" land,="" or="" sell="" a="" bft="" in="" the="" school,="" large="" school,="" or="" small="" medium="" size="" class.="" (2)="" on="" an="" rfd,="" a="" person="" aboard="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" a="" general="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" may="" not="" possess,="" retain,="" land,="" or="" sell="" a="" bft="" in="" the="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" size="" class.="" on="" days="" other="" than="" rfds,="" when="" the="" general="" category="" is="" open,="" one="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" may="" be="" caught="" and="" landed="" from="" such="" vessel="" per="" day.="" nmfs="" will="" annually="" publish="" a="" schedule="" of="" rfds="" in="" the="" federal="" register.="" an="" rfd="" applies="" only="" when="" the="" general="" category="" fishery="" is="" open.="" (3)="" regardless="" of="" the="" length="" of="" a="" trip,="" no="" more="" than="" a="" single="" day's="" retention="" limit="" of="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" may="" be="" possessed="" or="" retained="" aboard="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" a="" general="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit.="" on="" days="" other="" than="" rfds,="" when="" the="" general="" category="" is="" open,="" no="" person="" aboard="" such="" vessel="" may="" continue="" to="" fish="" and="" the="" vessel="" must="" immediately="" proceed="" to="" port="" once="" the="" applicable="" limit="" for="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" is="" retained.="" (4)="" to="" provide="" for="" maximum="" utilization="" of="" the="" quota="" for="" bft,="" nmfs="" may="" increase="" or="" decrease="" the="" daily="" retention="" limit="" of="" large="" medium="" and="" giant="" bft="" over="" a="" range="" from="" zero="" (on="" rfds)="" to="" a="" maximum="" of="" three="" per="" vessel.="" such="" increase="" or="" decrease="" will="" be="" based="" on="" a="" review="" of="" dealer="" reports,="" daily="" landing="" trends,="" availability="" of="" the="" species="" on="" the="" fishing="" grounds,="" and="" any="" other="" relevant="" factors.="" nmfs="" will="" publish="" notification="" in="" the="" federal="" register="" of="" any="" adjustment="" in="" the="" allowable="" daily="" retention="" limit="" specified="" in="" paragraph="" (b)(2)="" of="" this="" section.="" nmfs="" will="" file="" such="" notification="" at="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register="" at="" least="" 3="" calendar="" days="" prior="" to="" the="" change="" becoming="" effective.="" (b)="" angling="" category--(1)="" large="" medium="" and="" giant="" bft.="" (i)="" no="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" may="" be="" retained,="" possessed,="" landed,="" or="" sold="" in="" the="" gulf="" of="" mexico,="" except="" one="" per="" vessel="" per="" year,="" which="" may="" be="" caught="" incidentally="" to="" fishing="" for="" other="" species.="" (ii)="" one="" per="" vessel="" per="" year="" may="" be="" retained,="" possessed,="" and="" landed="" in="" non-gulf="" of="" mexico="" areas.="" (iii)="" when="" a="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" has="" been="" caught="" and="" retained="" under="" paragraph="" (b)(1)="" of="" this="" section,="" no="" person="" aboard="" the="" vessel="" may="" continue="" to="" fish="" and="" the="" vessel="" must="" immediately="" proceed="" to="" port.="" large="" medium="" and="" giant="" bft="" caught="" by="" a="" person="" aboard="" a="" vessel="" with="" an="" angling="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" may="" not="" be="" sold="" or="" transferred="" to="" any="" person="" for="" a="" commercial="" purpose.="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" the="" vessel="" must="" report="" the="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" via="" the="" automated="" catch="" reporting="" system="" by="" telephone="" within="" 24="" hours="" of="" landing.="" (2)="" school,="" large="" school,="" or="" small="" medium="" bft.="" one="" per="" vessel="" per="" day="" may="" be="" retained,="" possessed,="" or="" landed.="" regardless="" of="" the="" length="" of="" a="" trip,="" no="" more="" than="" a="" single="" day's="" allowable="" catch="" of="" school,="" large="" school,="" or="" small="" medium="" bft="" may="" be="" possessed="" or="" retained="" aboard="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" an="" angling="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit.="" (3)="" changes="" to="" retention="" limits.="" to="" provide="" for="" maximum="" utilization="" of="" the="" quota="" for="" bft="" spread="" over="" the="" longest="" period="" of="" time,="" nmfs="" may="" increase="" or="" decrease="" the="" retention="" limit="" for="" any="" size="" class="" bft="" or="" change="" a="" vessel="" trip="" limit="" to="" an="" angler="" limit="" and="" vice="" versa.="" such="" increase="" or="" decrease="" will="" be="" based="" on="" a="" review="" of="" daily="" landing="" trends,="" availability="" of="" the="" species="" on="" the="" fishing="" grounds,="" and="" any="" other="" relevant="" factors.="" nmfs="" will="" file="" such="" notification="" at="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register="" at="" least="" 3="" calendar="" days="" prior="" to="" the="" change="" becoming="" effective.="" (c)="" hms="" charter/headboat.="" (1)="" when="" fishing="" in="" the="" gulf="" of="" mexico,="" the="" restrictions="" applicable="" to="" the="" angling="" category="" specified="" in="" paragraphs="" (b)(1)="" and="" (2)="" of="" this="" section="" apply="" to="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" an="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permit.="" (2)="" when="" fishing="" other="" than="" in="" the="" gulf="" of="" mexico="" when="" the="" fishery="" for="" the="" general="" category="" is="" closed,="" the="" restrictions="" applicable="" to="" the="" angling="" category="" specified="" in="" paragraphs="" (b)(1)="" through="" (3)="" of="" this="" section="" apply="" on="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" an="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permit.="" (3)="" when="" fishing="" other="" than="" in="" the="" gulf="" of="" mexico="" and="" when="" the="" fishery="" under="" the="" general="" category="" has="" not="" been="" closed="" under="" sec.="" 635.28,="" a="" person="" aboard="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" an="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permit="" may="" fish="" under="" either="" the="" retention="" limits="" applicable="" to="" the="" general="" category="" specified="" in="" paragraphs="" (a)(2)="" and="" (3)="" of="" this="" section="" or="" the="" retention="" limits="" applicable="" to="" the="" angling="" category="" specified="" in="" paragraphs="" (b)(2)="" and="" (3)="" of="" this="" section.="" the="" size="" category="" of="" the="" first="" bft="" retained="" will="" determine="" the="" fishing="" category="" applicable="" to="" the="" vessel="" that="" day.="" (d)="" harpoon="" category.="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" a="" harpoon="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" may="" retain,="" possess,="" or="" land="" multiple="" giant="" bfts="" per="" day,="" but="" only="" one="" large="" medium="" bft="" per="" vessel="" per="" day="" may="" be="" retained,="" possessed,="" or="" landed.="" (e)="" purse="" seine="" category.="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" a="" purse="" seine="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit,="" (1)="" may="" retain,="" possess,="" land,="" or="" sell="" large="" medium="" bft="" in="" amounts="" not="" exceeding="" 15="" percent,="" by="" weight,="" of="" the="" giant="" bft="" landed="" on="" that="" trip,="" provided="" that="" the="" total="" amount="" of="" large="" medium="" bft="" landed="" by="" that="" vessel="" during="" the="" fishing="" year="" does="" not="" exceed="" 10="" percent,="" by="" weight,="" of="" the="" total="" amount="" of="" giant="" bft="" allocated="" to="" that="" vessel="" for="" that="" fishing="" year.="" (2)="" may="" retain,="" possess="" or="" land="" bft="" smaller="" than="" the="" large="" medium="" size="" class="" that="" are="" taken="" incidentally="" when="" fishing="" for="" skipjack="" tuna="" or="" yellowfin="" tuna="" in="" an="" amount="" not="" exceeding="" 1="" percent,="" by="" weight,="" of="" the="" skipjack="" tuna="" and="" yellowfin="" tuna="" landed="" on="" that="" trip.="" landings="" of="" bft="" smaller="" than="" the="" large="" medium="" size="" class="" may="" not="" be="" sold="" and="" are="" counted="" against="" the="" purse="" seine="" category="" bft="" quota="" allocated="" to="" that="" vessel.="" (f)="" longline="" category.="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" a="" longline="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" may="" retain,="" possess,="" land,="" or="" sell="" large="" medium="" and="" giant="" bft="" taken="" incidentally="" in="" fishing="" for="" other="" species.="" limits="" on="" such="" retention/possession/landing/sale="" are="" as="" follows:="" [[page="" 3183]]="" (1)="" for="" landings="" south="" of="" 34="" deg.00'="" n.="" lat.,="" one="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" per="" vessel="" per="" trip="" may="" be="" landed,="" provided="" that="" for="" the="" months="" of="" january="" through="" april="" at="" least="" 1,500="" lb="" (680="" kg),="" and="" for="" the="" months="" of="" may="" through="" december="" at="" least="" 3,500="" lb="" (1,588="" kg),="" either="" dw="" or="" round="" weight,="" of="" species="" other="" than="" bft="" are="" legally="" caught,="" retained,="" and="" offloaded="" from="" the="" same="" trip="" and="" are="" recorded="" on="" the="" dealer="" weighout="" slip="" as="" sold.="" (2)="" for="" landings="" north="" of="" 34="" deg.00'="" n.="" lat.,="" landings="" per="" vessel="" per="" trip="" of="" large="" medium="" and="" giant="" bft="" may="" not="" exceed="" 2="" percent="" by="" weight,="" either="" dw="" or="" round="" weight,="" of="" all="" other="" fish="" legally="" caught,="" retained,="" and="" offloaded="" from="" the="" same="" trip="" and="" which="" are="" recorded="" on="" the="" dealer="" weighout="" slip="" as="" sold.="" (g)="" trap="" category.="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" a="" trap="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" may="" retain,="" possess,="" land,="" and="" sell="" each="" fishing="" year="" only="" one="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" that="" is="" taken="" incidentally="" while="" fishing="" for="" other="" species="" with="" a="" pound="" net="" or="" fish="" weir.="" sec.="" 635.24="" commercial="" retention="" limits="" for="" sharks="" and="" swordfish.="" the="" retention="" limits="" in="" this="" section="" are="" subject="" to="" the="" quotas="" and="" closure="" provisions="" in="" secs.="" 635.27="" and="" 635.28.="" (a)="" sharks.="" (1)="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" a="" directed="" ilap="" or="" lap="" for="" shark="" issued="" pursuant="" to="" sec.="" 635.16="" may="" retain,="" possess="" or="" land="" no="" more="" than="" 4,000="" lb="" (1,814="" kg),="" dw,="" of="" lcs="" per="" trip.="" (2)="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" an="" incidental="" catch="" ilap="" or="" lap="" for="" sharks="" may="" retain,="" possess="" or="" land="" no="" more="" than="" five="" lcs="" and="" 16="" scs="" and="" pelagic="" sharks,="" combined,="" per="" trip.="" (b)="" swordfish.="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" an="" incidental="" catch="" permit="" for="" swordfish="" may="" retain,="" possess,="" or="" land="" no="" more="" than="" two="" swordfish="" per="" trip="" in="" or="" from="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" north="" of="" 5="" deg.="" n.="" lat.="" or="" landed="" in="" an="" atlantic="" coastal="" state,="" except="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" vessel="" in="" the="" squid="" trawl="" fishery="" that="" has="" such="" permit="" may="" retain,="" possess,="" or="" land="" no="" more="" than="" five="" swordfish="" per="" trip="" in="" or="" from="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" north="" of="" 5="" deg.="" n.="" lat.="" or="" landed="" in="" an="" atlantic="" coastal="" state.="" a="" vessel="" is="" considered="" to="" be="" in="" the="" squid="" trawl="" fishery="" when="" it="" has="" no="" commercial="" fishing="" gear="" other="" than="" trawls="" on="" board="" and="" squid="" constitute="" not="" less="" than="" 75="" percent="" by="" weight="" of="" the="" total="" fish="" on="" board="" or="" offloaded="" from="" the="" vessel.="" sec.="" 635.26="" catch="" and="" release.="" (a)="" bft.="" (1)="" notwithstanding="" other="" provisions="" of="" this="" part,="" an="" angler="" may="" fish="" for="" bft="" under="" a="" tag="" and="" release="" program,="" provided="" the="" angler="" tags="" all="" bft="" so="" caught="" with="" conventional="" tags="" issued="" or="" approved="" by="" nmfs,="" returns="" such="" fish="" to="" the="" sea="" immediately="" after="" tagging="" with="" a="" minimum="" of="" injury,="" and="" reports="" the="" catching="" of="" the="" tagged="" bft.="" if="" nmfs-="" issued="" or="" nmfs-approved="" conventional="" tags="" are="" not="" on="" board="" a="" vessel,="" all="" anglers="" aboard="" that="" vessel="" are="" ineligible="" to="" fish="" under="" the="" tag="" and="" release="" program.="" (2)="" persons="" may="" obtain="" nmfs-issued="" conventional="" tags,="" reporting="" cards,="" and="" detailed="" instructions="" for="" their="" use="" from="" the="" nmfs="" cooperative="" tagging="" center.="" persons="" may="" use="" a="" conventional="" tag="" obtained="" from="" a="" source="" other="" than="" nmfs="" to="" tag="" bft,="" provided="" the="" use="" of="" such="" tags="" is="" registered="" each="" year="" with="" the="" cooperative="" tagging="" center="" and="" the="" nmfs="" program="" manager="" has="" approved="" the="" use="" of="" a="" conventional="" tag="" from="" that="" source.="" an="" angler="" using="" an="" alternative="" source="" of="" tags="" wishing="" to="" tag="" bft="" may="" contact="" the="" nmfs="" cooperative="" tagging="" center="" at="" the="" southeast="" fishery="" science="" center.="" (3)="" an="" angler="" registering="" for="" the="" hms="" tagging="" program="" is="" required="" to="" provide="" his="" or="" her="" name,="" address,="" phone="" number="" and,="" if="" applicable,="" the="" identity="" of="" the="" alternate="" source="" of="" tags.="" (b)="" sharks.="" notwithstanding="" other="" provisions="" of="" this="" part,="" a="" person="" may="" fish="" for="" white="" sharks="" (carcharodon="" carcharias),="" blue="" sharks="" (prionace="" glauca),="" or="" atlantic="" sharpnose="" sharks="" (rhizoprionodon="" terraenovae)="" with="" rod="" and="" reel="" under="" a="" catch="" and="" release="" program,="" provided="" the="" person="" tags="" and="" releases="" such="" fish="" to="" the="" sea="" immediately="" with="" a="" minimum="" of="" injury.="" sec.="" 635.27="" quotas.="" (a)="" bft.="" consistent="" with="" iccat="" recommendations,="" nmfs="" has="" divided="" the="" fishing="" year's="" total="" amount="" of="" bft="" that="" may="" be="" caught,="" retained,="" possessed,="" or="" landed="" by="" persons="" and="" vessels="" subject="" to="" u.s.="" jurisdiction="" among="" the="" general,="" angling,="" harpoon,="" purse="" seine,="" longline,="" and="" trap="" categories="" of="" atlantic="" tunas="" permits="" and="" the="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permit="" holders.="" allocations="" of="" quota="" are="" according="" to="" the="" following="" percentages:="" general="" -="" 47.1="" percent;="" angling="" -="" 19.7="" percent,="" which="" includes="" the="" school="" bft="" held="" in="" reserve="" as="" described="" under="" paragraph="" (a)(7)(ii)="" of="" this="" section;="" harpoon="" -="" 3.9="" percent;="" purse="" seine="" -="" 18.6="" percent="" or="" 250="" mt,="" whichever="" is="" less;="" longline="" -="" 8.1="" percent;="" and="" trap="" -="" 0.1="" percent.="" in="" addition,="" nmfs="" is="" holding="" in="" reserve="" 2.5="" percent="" of="" the="" quota="" of="" bft="" for="" inseason="" adjustments,="" to="" compensate="" for="" overharvest="" in="" any="" category="" other="" than="" the="" angling="" category="" school="" bft="" subquota="" or="" for="" fishery="" independent="" research.="" nmfs="" may="" apportion="" a="" quota="" allocated="" to="" any="" category="" to="" specified="" fishing="" periods="" or="" to="" geographic="" areas.="" bft="" quotas="" are="" specified="" in="" whole="" weight.="" (1)="" general="" category="" quota.="" (i)="" catches="" from="" vessels="" for="" which="" general="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permits="" have="" been="" issued="" and="" certain="" catches="" from="" vessels="" for="" which="" an="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permit="" has="" been="" issued="" are="" counted="" against="" the="" general="" category="" quota.="" see="" sec.="" 635.23(c)(3)="" regarding="" catches="" by="" vessels="" with="" an="" hms="" charter/="" headboat="" permit="" that="" are="" counted="" against="" the="" general="" category="" quota.="" the="" total="" amount="" of="" large="" medium="" and="" giant="" bft="" that="" may="" be="" caught,="" retained,="" possessed,="" landed,="" or="" sold="" under="" the="" general="" category="" quota="" is="" 47.1="" percent="" of="" the="" overall="" u.s.="" quota,="" available="" for="" periods="" as="" follows:="" (a)="" june="" 1="" through="" august="" 31--60="" percent;="" (b)="" september="" 1="" through="" september="" 30--30="" percent;="" and="" (c)="" october="" 1="" through="" may="" 31--10="" percent.="" (ii)="" nmfs="" will="" adjust="" each="" period's="" quota="" based="" on="" overharvest="" or="" underharvest="" in="" the="" prior="" period.="" (iii)="" when="" the="" remainder="" of="" the="" fishing="" year's="" quota="" is="" projected="" to="" be="" 10="" mt,="" nmfs="" will="" file="" a="" notification="" at="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register="" that="" sets="" aside="" the="" remaining="" quota="" for="" an="" area="" comprising="" the="" waters="" north="" of="" 38="" deg.47'="" n.="" lat.="" and="" south="" and="" west="" of="" a="" straight="" line="" originating="" at="" a="" point="" on="" the="" southern="" shore="" of="" long="" island="" at="" 72="" deg.27'="" w.="" long.="" (shinnecock="" inlet)="" and="" running="" south-southeast="" 150="" degrees="" true.="" the="" daily="" catch="" limit="" for="" this="" set-aside="" area="" will="" be="" one="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" per="" vessel="" per="" day.="" upon="" the="" effective="" date="" of="" the="" set-aside,="" fishing="" for,="" possessing,="" retaining,="" or="" landing="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" must="" cease="" in="" all="" waters="" outside="" the="" set-aside="" area.="" (iv)="" the="" remainder="" of="" each="" preceding="" category="" may="" be="" caught,="" retained,="" possessed,="" and="" landed="" north="" of="" 38="" deg.="" 47'="" n.="" lat.="" (2)="" angling="" category="" quota.="" the="" total="" amount="" of="" bft="" that="" may="" be="" caught,="" retained,="" possessed,="" and="" landed="" by="" anglers="" aboard="" vessels="" for="" which="" angling="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" or="" an="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permit="" have="" been="" issued="" is="" 19.7="" percent="" of="" the="" overall="" u.s.="" bft="" quota.="" no="" more="" than="" 2.3="" percent="" of="" the="" angling="" category="" quota="" may="" be="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" and="" no="" more="" than="" 8="" percent="" of="" the="" overall="" u.s.="" bft="" quota="" may="" be="" school="" bft.="" the="" angling="" category="" includes="" the="" school="" bft="" held="" in="" reserve="" described="" under="" paragraph="" (a)(7)(ii)="" of="" this="" section.="" [[page="" 3184]]="" the="" size="" class="" subquotas="" for="" bft="" are="" further="" subdivided="" as="" follows:="" (i)="" under="" paragraph="" (a)(7)(ii)="" of="" this="" section,="" 47.2="" percent="" of="" the="" school="" bft="" angling="" category="" quota,="" minus="" the="" school="" bft="" quota="" held="" in="" reserve="" may="" be="" caught,="" retained,="" possessed,="" or="" landed="" south="" of="" 38="" deg.="" 47'="" n.="" lat.="" (ii)="" 47.2="" percent="" of="" the="" large="" school/small="" medium="" bft="" angling="" category="" quota,="" may="" be="" caught,="" retained,="" possessed,="" or="" landed="" south="" of="" 38="" deg.="" 47'="" n.="" lat.="" (iii)="" 66.7="" percent="" of="" the="" large="" medium="" and="" giant="" bft="" angling="" category="" quota="" may="" be="" caught,="" retained,="" possessed,="" or="" landed="" south="" of="" 38="" deg.="" 47'="" n.="" lat.="" (3)="" longline="" category="" quota.="" the="" total="" amount="" of="" large="" medium="" and="" giant="" bft="" that="" may="" be="" caught="" incidentally="" and="" retained,="" possessed,="" or="" landed="" by="" vessels="" for="" which="" longline="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permits="" have="" been="" issued="" is="" 8.1="" percent="" of="" the="" overall="" u.s.="" quota.="" no="" more="" than="" 78.9="" percent="" of="" the="" longline="" category="" quota="" may="" be="" caught,="" retained,="" possessed,="" or="" landed="" in="" the="" area="" south="" of="" 34="" deg.00'="" n.="" lat.="" (4)="" purse="" seine="" category="" quota.="" (i)="" the="" total="" amount="" of="" large="" medium="" and="" giant="" bft="" that="" may="" be="" caught,="" retained,="" possessed,="" or="" landed="" by="" vessels="" for="" which="" purse="" seine="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permits="" have="" been="" issued="" is="" 18.6="" percent="" of="" the="" overall="" u.s.="" quota="" or="" 250="" mt,="" whichever="" is="" less.="" the="" purse="" seine="" fishery="" under="" this="" quota="" commences="" on="" august="" 15="" each="" year.="" (ii)="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" for="" which="" a="" purse="" seine="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" has="" been="" issued="" must="" apply="" in="" writing="" to="" nmfs="" for="" an="" allocation="" of="" bft="" from="" the="" purse="" seine="" category="" quota.="" the="" application="" must="" be="" postmarked="" no="" later="" than="" april="" 15="" for="" an="" allocation="" of="" the="" quota="" that="" becomes="" available="" on="" august="" 15.="" (iii)="" on="" or="" about="" may="" 1,="" nmfs="" will="" make="" equal="" allocations="" of="" the="" available="" size="" classes="" of="" bft="" among="" purse="" seine="" vessel="" owners="" so="" requesting.="" such="" allocations="" are="" freely="" transferable,="" in="" whole="" or="" in="" part,="" among="" vessels="" that="" have="" purse="" seine="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permits.="" an="" owner="" of="" a="" purse="" seine="" vessel="" intending="" to="" fish="" for="" more="" than="" one="" allocation="" in="" any="" fishing="" season="" must="" provide="" written="" notice="" of="" such="" intent="" to="" nmfs="" 15="" days="" before="" commencing="" fishing.="" an="" owner="" of="" a="" purse="" seine="" vessel="" who="" transfers="" his="" or="" her="" allocation="" to="" another="" purse="" seine="" vessel="" may="" not="" use="" his="" or="" her="" vessel="" in="" any="" fishery="" in="" which="" bft="" might="" be="" caught="" for="" the="" remainder="" of="" the="" fishing="" year="" after="" his="" or="" her="" allocation="" is="" transferred.="" (iv)="" an="" owner="" of="" a="" vessel="" for="" which="" a="" purse="" seine="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" has="" been="" issued="" may="" apply="" to="" nmfs="" to="" permanently="" consolidate="" purse="" seine="" category="" vessel="" permits="" issued="" under="" sec.="" 635.4.="" upon="" written="" approval="" of="" consolidation="" by="" nmfs,="" the="" purse="" seine="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" of="" a="" transferring="" vessel="" will="" be="" canceled,="" and="" the="" receiving="" owner="" may="" apply="" for="" allocations="" of="" bft="" commensurate="" with="" the="" number="" of="" consolidated="" permits.="" an="" owner="" of="" a="" purse="" seine="" vessel="" whose="" permit="" is="" canceled="" through="" consolidation="" may="" not="" use="" his="" or="" her="" vessel="" in="" any="" fishery="" in="" which="" bft="" might="" be="" caught.="" (5)="" harpoon="" category="" quota.="" the="" total="" amount="" of="" large="" medium="" and="" giant="" bft="" that="" may="" be="" caught,="" retained,="" possessed,="" landed,="" or="" sold="" by="" vessels="" for="" which="" harpoon="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permits="" have="" been="" issued="" is="" 3.9="" percent="" of="" the="" overall="" u.s.="" quota.="" (6)="" trap="" category="" quota.="" the="" total="" amount="" of="" large="" medium="" and="" giant="" bft="" that="" may="" be="" caught,="" retained,="" possessed,="" or="" landed="" by="" vessels="" for="" which="" trap="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permits="" have="" been="" issued="" is="" 0.1="" percent="" of="" the="" overall="" u.s.="" bft="" quota.="" (7)="" reserve.="" (i)="" the="" total="" amount="" of="" bft="" that="" is="" held="" in="" reserve="" for="" inseason="" adjustments="" and="" fishery-independent="" research="" using="" quotas="" or="" subquotas="" other="" than="" the="" angling="" category="" school="" bft="" subquota,="" is="" 2.5="" percent="" of="" the="" overall="" u.s.="" bft="" quota.="" nmfs="" may="" allocate="" any="" portion="" of="" this="" reserve="" for="" inseason="" adjustments="" to="" any="" category="" quota="" in="" the="" fishery,="" other="" than="" the="" angling="" category="" school="" bft="" subquota.="" (ii)="" the="" total="" amount="" of="" school="" bft="" that="" is="" held="" in="" reserve="" for="" inseason="" adjustments="" and="" fishery="" independent="" research="" is="" 18.5="" percent="" of="" the="" total="" school="" bft="" quota="" for="" the="" angling="" category="" as="" described="" under="" paragraph="" (a)(2)="" of="" this="" section;="" which="" is="" in="" addition="" to="" the="" amounts="" specified="" in="" paragraph="" (a)(7)(i)="" of="" this="" section.="" nmfs="" may="" allocate="" any="" portion="" of="" the="" school="" bft="" held="" in="" reserve="" for="" inseason="" adjustments="" to="" the="" angling="" category.="" (iii)="" nmfs="" will="" file="" notification="" of="" any="" inseason="" adjustment="" at="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register="" before="" such="" allocation="" is="" to="" become="" effective.="" before="" making="" any="" such="" adjustment,="" nmfs="" will="" consider="" the="" following="" factors:="" (a)="" the="" usefulness="" of="" information="" obtained="" from="" catches="" in="" the="" particular="" category="" for="" biological="" sampling="" and="" monitoring="" of="" the="" status="" of="" the="" stock.="" (b)="" the="" catches="" of="" the="" particular="" category="" quota="" to="" date="" and="" the="" likelihood="" of="" closure="" of="" that="" segment="" of="" the="" fishery="" if="" no="" allocation="" is="" made.="" (c)="" the="" projected="" ability="" of="" the="" vessels="" fishing="" under="" the="" particular="" category="" quota="" to="" harvest="" the="" additional="" amount="" of="" bft="" before="" the="" end="" of="" the="" fishing="" year.="" (d)="" the="" estimated="" amounts="" by="" which="" quotas="" for="" other="" gear="" categories="" of="" the="" fishery="" might="" be="" exceeded.="" (e)="" effects="" of="" the="" transfer="" on="" bft="" rebuilding="" and="" overfishing.="" (f)="" effects="" of="" the="" transfer="" on="" accomplishing="" the="" objectives="" of="" the="" fishery="" management="" plan="" for="" atlantic="" tunas,="" swordfish,="" and="" sharks.="" (8)="" inseason="" adjustments.="" within="" a="" fishing="" year,="" nmfs="" may="" transfer="" quotas="" among="" categories="" or,="" as="" appropriate,="" subcategories.="" if="" it="" is="" determined,="" based="" on="" the="" factors="" in="" paragraphs="" (a)(7)(iii)(a)="" through="" (f)="" of="" this="" section="" and="" the="" probability="" of="" exceeding="" the="" total="" quota,="" that="" vessels="" fishing="" under="" any="" category="" or="" subcategory="" quota="" are="" not="" likely="" to="" take="" that="" quota,="" nmfs="" may="" transfer="" inseason="" any="" portion="" of="" the="" remaining="" quota="" of="" that="" fishing="" category="" to="" any="" other="" fishing="" category="" or="" to="" the="" reserve="" as="" specified="" in="" paragraphs="" (a)(7)(i)="" and="" (ii)="" of="" this="" section.="" nmfs="" will="" file="" a="" notification="" of="" any="" inseason="" adjustment="" with="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register="" before="" such="" transfer="" is="" to="" become="" effective.="" (9)="" annual="" adjustments.="" if="" nmfs="" determines,="" based="" on="" landings="" statistics="" and="" other="" available="" information,="" that="" a="" bft="" quota="" in="" any="" category,="" or,="" as="" appropriate,="" subcategory,="" has="" been="" exceeded="" or="" has="" not="" been="" reached,="" nmfs="" may="" subtract="" the="" overharvest="" from,="" or="" add="" the="" underharvest="" to,="" that="" quota="" category="" for="" the="" following="" fishing="" year,="" provided="" that="" the="" total="" of="" the="" adjusted="" quotas="" and="" the="" reserve="" is="" consistent="" with="" a="" recommendation="" of="" iccat="" regarding="" country="" quotas.="" nmfs="" will="" file="" at="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register="" a="" notice="" of="" the="" amount="" to="" be="" subtracted="" or="" added="" and="" the="" basis="" for="" the="" quota="" reductions="" or="" increases.="" (b)="" shark--(1)="" commercial="" quotas.="" the="" commercial="" quotas="" for="" shark="" specified="" in="" paragraphs="" (b)(1)(i)="" through="" (iv)="" of="" this="" section="" apply="" to="" persons="" fishing="" aboard="" vessels="" for="" which="" commercial="" federal="" vessel="" permits="" for="" shark="" have="" been="" issued="" under="" sec.="" 635.4="" and="" to="" persons="" who="" sell="" shark="" harvested="" solely="" from="" state="" waters.="" commercial="" quotas="" are="" specified="" for="" each="" of="" the="" categories="" of="" large="" coastal="" shark,="" small="" coastal="" shark,="" and="" pelagic="" shark.="" (i)="" large="" coastal="" sharks.="" the="" annual="" commercial="" quota="" for="" large="" coastal="" sharks="" is="" 860="" mt="" dw,="" apportioned="" between="" ridgeback="" and="" non-="" ridgeback="" shark="" and="" divided="" between="" two="" semiannual="" fishing="" seasons,="" january="" 1="" through="" june="" 30,="" and="" july="" 1="" through="" december="" 31.="" the="" length="" of="" each="" season="" will="" be="" determined="" based="" on="" the="" projected="" catch="" rates,="" available="" quota,="" [[page="" 3185]]="" and="" other="" relevant="" factors.="" nmfs="" will="" file="" a="" notice="" of="" each="" season's="" length="" at="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register="" in="" a="" timely="" manner.="" the="" quotas="" for="" each="" fishing="" season="" (unless="" otherwise="" specified="" in="" the="" federal="" register)="" are="" as="" follows:="" (a)="" ridgeback="" shark--321="" mt="" dw.="" (b)="" non-ridgeback="" shark--109="" mt="" dw.="" (ii)="" small="" coastal="" shark.="" the="" annual="" commercial="" quota="" for="" small="" coastal="" shark="" is="" 359="" mt="" dw,="" divided="" between="" two="" equal="" semiannual="" periods,="" january="" 1="" through="" june="" 30,="" and="" july="" 1="" through="" december="" 31.="" the="" quota="" for="" each="" semiannual="" period="" is="" 179.5="" mt,="" dw.="" (iii)="" pelagic="" sharks.="" the="" annual="" commercial="" quotas="" for="" pelagic="" sharks="" are="" 30="" mt="" dw="" for="" porbeagle="" sharks="" and="" 550="" mt="" dw="" for="" all="" other="" pelagic="" sharks="" (unless="" otherwise="" specified="" in="" the="" federal="" register).="" these="" quotas="" are="" divided="" between="" two="" equal="" semiannual="" periods,="" january="" 1="" through="" june="" 30,="" and="" july="" 1="" through="" december="" 31.="" the="" quotas="" for="" each="" semiannual="" period="" are="" as="" follows:="" (a)="" porbeagle="" sharks--15="" mt="" dw.="" (b)="" pelagic="" sharks,="" other="" than="" porbeagle="" sharks--225="" mt="" dw.="" (iv)="" annual="" adjustments.="" (a)="" nmfs="" will="" adjust="" the="" next="" year's="" semiannual="" quotas="" for="" large="" coastal,="" small="" coastal,="" and="" pelagic="" sharks="" to="" reflect="" actual="" catches="" during="" any="" semiannual="" period.="" for="" example,="" a="" commercial="" quota="" underage="" or="" overage="" in="" the="" season="" that="" begins="" january="" 1="" will="" result="" in="" an="" equivalent="" increase="" or="" decrease="" in="" the="" following="" year's="" quota="" for="" that="" season,="" provided="" that="" the="" annual="" quotas="" are="" not="" exceeded.="" nmfs="" will="" file="" a="" notice="" of="" any="" adjustment="" at="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register.="" (b)="" the="" annual="" quota="" for="" dead="" discards="" of="" blue="" shark,="" which="" is="" a="" prohibited="" shark,="" is="" 545="" mt="" whole="" weight="" (273="" mt="" dw).="" nmfs="" will="" reduce="" the="" annual="" commercial="" quota="" for="" pelagic="" shark="" for="" the="" next="" fishing="" year="" by="" the="" amount="" that="" this="" quota="" is="" exceeded.="" (c)="" sharks="" taken="" or="" discarded="" dead="" are="" counted="" against="" the="" applicable="" directed="" fishery="" quota.="" sharks="" taken="" and="" landed="" from="" state="" waters="" are="" counted="" against="" the="" applicable="" directed="" fishery="" quota.="" (v)="" public="" display="" quota.="" the="" annual="" quota="" for="" persons="" who="" collect="" sharks="" under="" an="" efp="" is="" 60="" mt="" whole="" weight="" (43="" mt="" dw).="" (2)="" [reserved]="" (c)="" swordfish.="" (1)="" consistent="" with="" iccat="" recommendations,="" the="" fishing="" year's="" total="" amount="" of="" swordfish="" that="" may="" be="" caught,="" retained,="" possessed,="" or="" landed="" by="" persons="" and="" vessels="" subject="" to="" u.s.="" jurisdiction="" is="" divided="" into="" quotas="" for="" the="" north="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock="" and="" the="" south="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock.="" the="" quota="" for="" the="" north="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock="" is="" further="" divided="" into="" semi-annual="" directed="" fishery="" quotas="" and="" an="" incidental="" catch="" quota="" for="" fishermen="" targeting="" other="" species.="" a="" swordfish="" from="" the="" north="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock="" landed="" before="" the="" effective="" date="" of="" a="" closure="" of="" the="" directed="" fishery="" by="" a="" vessel="" for="" which="" a="" directed="" fishery="" permit="" or="" a="" handgear="" permit="" for="" swordfish="" has="" been="" issued="" is="" counted="" against="" the="" directed="" fishery="" quota.="" a="" swordfish="" from="" the="" north="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock="" landed="" by="" a="" vessel="" for="" which="" an="" incidental="" catch="" permit="" for="" swordfish="" has="" been="" issued,="" landed="" consequent="" to="" recreational="" fishing,="" or="" landed="" after="" the="" effective="" date="" of="" a="" closure="" of="" the="" directed="" fishery="" from="" a="" vessel="" for="" which="" a="" directed="" fishery="" permit="" or="" a="" handgear="" permit="" for="" swordfish="" has="" been="" issued="" is="" counted="" against="" the="" incidental="" catch="" quota.="" the="" entire="" quota="" for="" the="" south="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock="" is="" reserved="" for="" longline="" vessels="" for="" which="" a="" directed="" fishery="" permit="" for="" swordfish="" has="" been="" issued;="" retention="" of="" swordfish="" caught="" incidental="" to="" other="" fishing="" activities="" is="" prohibited="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" south="" of="" 5="" deg.="" n.="" lat.="" (i)="" north="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock.="" (a)="" the="" annual="" directed="" fishery="" quota="" for="" the="" north="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock="" is="" 2073.4="" mt="" dw,="" divided="" into="" two="" equal="" semiannual="" quotas="" of="" 1036.6="" mt="" dw,="" one="" for="" the="" period="" june="" 1="" through="" november="" 30,="" and="" the="" other="" for="" the="" period="" december="" 1="" through="" may="" 31="" of="" the="" following="" year.="" (b)="" the="" annual="" incidental="" catch="" quota="" for="" the="" north="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock="" is="" 300="" mt="" dw.="" (ii)="" south="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock.="" the="" annual="" directed="" fishery="" quota="" for="" the="" south="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock="" is="" 289="" mt="" dw.="" incidental="" harvest="" of="" swordfish="" is="" prohibited="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" south="" of="" 5="" deg.="" n.="" lat.="" (2)="" inseason="" adjustments.="" (i)="" nmfs="" may="" adjust="" the="" december="" 1="" through="" may="" 31="" semiannual="" directed="" fishery="" quota="" to="" reflect="" actual="" catches="" during="" the="" june="" 1="" through="" november="" 30="" semiannual="" period,="" provided="" that="" the="" fishing="" year's="" directed="" fishery="" quota="" is="" not="" exceeded.="" (ii)="" if="" nmfs="" determines="" that="" the="" annual="" incidental="" catch="" quota="" will="" not="" be="" taken="" before="" the="" end="" of="" the="" fishing="" year,="" the="" excess="" quota="" may="" be="" allocated="" to="" the="" directed="" fishery="" quota.="" (iii)="" if="" nmfs="" determines="" that="" it="" is="" necessary="" to="" close="" the="" directed="" swordfish="" fishery="" prior="" to="" the="" scheduled="" end="" of="" a="" semi-annual="" season,="" any="" estimated="" overharvest="" or="" underharvest="" of="" the="" directed="" fishery="" quota="" for="" that="" semi-annual="" period="" will="" be="" used="" to="" adjust="" the="" annual="" incidental="" catch="" quota="" accordingly.="" (iv)="" nmfs="" will="" file="" a="" notice="" at="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register="" of="" any="" inseason="" swordfish="" quota="" adjustment="" and="" its="" apportionment="" made="" under="" this="" paragraph="" (c)(3)="" of="" this="" section.="" (3)="" annual="" adjustments.="" (i)="" as="" necessary,="" nmfs="" will="" reevaluate="" the="" quotas="" specified="" in="" paragraphs="" (c)(1)="" and="" (2)="" of="" this="" section="" based="" on="" consideration="" of="" the="" following="" factors:="" (a)="" swordfish="" stock="" abundance="" assessments;="" (b)="" swordfish="" stock="" age="" and="" size="" composition;="" (c)="" catch="" and="" effort="" in="" the="" swordfish="" fishery;="" and="" (d)="" consistency="" with="" iccat="" recommendations.="" (ii)="" except="" for="" the="" carryover="" provisions="" of="" paragraph="" (c)(3)(iii)="" of="" this="" section,="" nmfs="" will="" file="" a="" notice="" of="" any="" adjustment="" at="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register,="" providing="" for="" a="" minimum="" 30-day="" comment="" period.="" (iii)="" if="" consistent="" with="" applicable="" iccat="" recommendations,="" total="" landings="" above="" or="" below="" the="" specific="" north="" atlantic="" or="" south="" atlantic="" swordfish="" annual="" quota="" will="" be="" subtracted="" from,="" or="" added="" to,="" the="" following="" year's="" quota="" for="" that="" area.="" any="" adjustments="" to="" the="" 12-month="" directed="" fishery="" quota="" will="" be="" apportioned="" equally="" between="" the="" two="" semiannual="" periods.="" nmfs="" will="" file="" a="" notice="" at="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register="" of="" any="" adjustment="" or="" apportionment="" made="" under="" this="" paragraph="" (c)(3)(iii)="" of="" this="" section.="" sec.="" 635.28="" closures.="" (a)="" bft.="" (1)="" when="" a="" bft="" quota,="" other="" than="" the="" purse="" seine="" category="" quota="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.27(a)(4),="" is="" reached,="" or="" is="" projected="" to="" be="" reached,="" nmfs="" will="" file="" a="" notice="" of="" closure="" at="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register.="" on="" and="" after="" the="" effective="" date="" and="" time="" of="" such="" notification,="" for="" the="" remainder="" of="" the="" fishing="" year,="" fishing="" for,="" retaining,="" possessing,="" or="" landing="" bft="" under="" that="" quota="" is="" prohibited="" until="" the="" opening="" of="" the="" subsequent="" quota="" period.="" (2)="" from="" august="" 15="" through="" december="" 31,="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" been="" allocated="" a="" portion="" of="" the="" purse="" seine="" category="" quota="" under="" sec.="" 635.27(a)(4)="" may="" fish="" for="" bft,="" yellowfin,="" bigeye,="" albacore,="" or="" skipjack="" tuna="" from="" january="" 1="" through="" august="" 14.="" landings="" of="" bft="" taken="" incidental="" to="" fisheries="" targeting="" other="" atlantic="" tunas="" or="" in="" any="" fishery="" in="" which="" bft="" might="" be="" caught="" will="" be="" deducted="" from="" the="" individual="" vessel's="" quota="" for="" the="" following="" fishing="" season="" (i.e.,="" august="" 15="" through="" december="" 31).="" upon="" reaching="" its="" individual="" vessel="" allocation="" of="" bft,="" the="" vessel="" may="" not="" participate="" in="" a="" directed="" purse="" seine="" fishery="" for="" atlantic="" [[page="" 3186]]="" tunas="" for="" the="" remainder="" of="" the="" fishing="" year.="" (3)="" if="" nmfs="" determines="" that="" variations="" in="" seasonal="" distribution,="" abundance,="" or="" migration="" patterns="" of="" bft,="" or="" the="" catch="" rate="" in="" one="" area,="" precludes="" anglers="" in="" another="" area="" from="" a="" reasonable="" opportunity="" to="" harvest="" a="" portion="" of="" the="" angling="" and="" charter/headboat="" categories="" quota,="" nmfs="" may="" close="" all="" or="" part="" of="" the="" fishery="" under="" that="" category="" and="" may="" reopen="" it="" at="" a="" later="" date="" if="" nmfs="" determines="" that="" bft="" have="" migrated="" into="" the="" other="" area.="" in="" determining="" the="" need="" for="" any="" such="" temporary="" or="" area="" closure,="" nmfs="" will="" consider="" the="" following="" factors:="" (i)="" the="" usefulness="" of="" information="" obtained="" from="" catches="" of="" a="" particular="" geographic="" area="" of="" the="" fishery="" for="" biological="" sampling="" and="" for="" monitoring="" the="" status="" of="" the="" stock;="" (ii)="" the="" current="" year="" catches="" from="" the="" particular="" geographic="" area="" relative="" to="" the="" catches="" recorded="" for="" that="" area="" during="" the="" preceding="" 4="" years;="" (iii)="" the="" catches="" from="" the="" particular="" geographic="" area="" to="" date="" relative="" to="" the="" entire="" category="" and="" the="" likelihood="" of="" closure="" of="" that="" entire="" category="" of="" the="" fishery="" if="" no="" allocation="" is="" made;="" (iv)="" the="" projected="" ability="" of="" the="" entire="" category="" to="" harvest="" the="" remaining="" amount="" of="" bft="" before="" the="" anticipated="" end="" of="" the="" fishing="" season.="" (b)="" shark.="" (1)="" the="" commercial="" fishery="" for="" large="" coastal="" shark="" will="" remain="" open="" for="" fixed="" semiannual="" seasons,="" as="" specified="" at="" sec.="" 635.27(b)(1)(i).="" from="" the="" effective="" date="" and="" time="" of="" a="" season="" closure="" until="" an="" additional="" quota="" becomes="" available,="" the="" fishery="" for="" large="" coastal="" sharks="" is="" closed,="" and="" sharks="" of="" that="" species="" group="" may="" not="" be="" retained="" on="" board="" a="" fishing="" vessel="" issued="" a="" commercial="" permit="" pursuant="" to="" sec.="" 635.4.="" (2)="" when="" a="" semiannual="" quota="" for="" small="" coastal="" sharks="" or="" pelagic="" sharks="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.27(b)(1)(ii)="" and="" (iii)="" is="" reached,="" or="" is="" projected="" to="" be="" reached,="" nmfs="" will="" file="" for="" publication="" a="" notification="" to="" that="" effect="" with="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register.="" nmfs="" will="" file="" a="" notification="" of="" closure="" at="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register="" at="" least="" 5="" days="" before="" the="" closure="" becomes="" effective.="" from="" the="" effective="" date="" and="" time="" of="" the="" closure="" until="" an="" additional="" quota="" becomes="" available,="" the="" fishery="" for="" the="" appropriate="" shark="" species="" group="" is="" closed,="" and="" sharks="" of="" that="" species="" group="" may="" not="" be="" retained="" on="" board="" a="" fishing="" vessel="" issued="" a="" commercial="" permit="" pursuant="" sec.="" 635.4.="" (3)="" when="" the="" fishery="" for="" a="" shark="" species="" group="" is="" closed,="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" a="" commercial="" federal="" permit="" for="" sharks="" may="" not="" possess="" or="" sell="" a="" shark="" of="" that="" species="" group,="" and="" a="" permitted="" shark="" dealer="" may="" not="" purchase="" from="" a="" fishing="" vessel="" a="" shark="" of="" that="" species="" group,="" whether="" or="" not="" the="" fishing="" vessel="" has="" a="" commercial="" permit="" for="" shark,="" except="" that="" a="" permitted="" shark="" dealer="" or="" processor="" may="" possess="" sharks="" that="" were="" harvested,="" off-loaded,="" and="" sold,="" traded,="" or="" bartered,="" prior="" to="" the="" effective="" date="" of="" the="" closure="" and="" were="" held="" in="" storage.="" (c)="" swordfish--(1)="" directed="" fishery="" closure.="" when="" the="" annual="" or="" semiannual="" directed="" fishery="" quota="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.27(c)(1)(i)="" or="" (c)(2)="" is="" reached,="" or="" is="" projected="" to="" be="" reached,="" nmfs="" will="" file="" for="" publication="" (at="" least="" 14="" days="" before="" the="" closure="" becomes="" effective)="" a="" notification="" to="" that="" effect="" with="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register.="" from="" the="" effective="" date="" and="" time="" of="" the="" closure="" until="" additional="" directed="" fishery="" quota="" becomes="" available,="" the="" directed="" fishery="" for="" the="" appropriate="" stock="" is="" closed="" and="" the="" following="" catch="" limits="" apply:="" (i)="" when="" the="" directed="" fishery="" for="" the="" north="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock="" is="" closed,="" (a)="" no="" more="" than="" 15="" swordfish="" per="" trip="" may="" be="" possessed="" in="" or="" from="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" north="" of="" 5="" deg.="" n.="" lat.="" or="" landed="" in="" an="" atlantic="" coastal="" state="" on="" a="" vessel="" using="" or="" having="" on="" board="" a="" longline.="" however,="" legally="" taken="" swordfish="" from="" the="" south="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock="" may="" be="" possessed="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" north="" of="" 5="" deg.="" n.="" lat.="" or="" landed="" in="" an="" atlantic="" coastal="" state="" on="" a="" vessel="" with="" a="" longline="" provided="" the="" harvesting="" vessel="" does="" no="" fishing="" on="" that="" trip="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" north="" of="" 5="" deg.="" n.="" lat.="" and="" reports="" positions="" with="" a="" vessel="" monitoring="" system,="" subject="" to="" the="" provisions="" in="" sec.="" 635.69.="" nmfs="" may="" change="" this="" incidental="" catch="" retention="" limit="" upon="" filing="" for="" publication="" notification="" of="" the="" change="" with="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register.="" the="" effective="" date="" of="" such="" change="" will="" be="" at="" least="" 14="" days="" after="" the="" date="" such="" notification="" is="" filed.="" changes="" in="" the="" incidental="" catch="" limits="" will="" be="" based="" upon="" the="" length="" of="" the="" directed="" fishery="" closure="" and="" the="" estimated="" rate="" of="" catch="" by="" vessels="" fishing="" under="" the="" incidental="" catch="" quota.="" (b)="" no="" swordfish="" may="" be="" possessed="" in="" or="" from="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" north="" of="" 5="" deg.="" n.="" lat.="" or="" landed="" in="" an="" atlantic="" coastal="" state="" on="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" been="" issued="" a="" handgear="" permit="" under="" sec.="" 635.4(f)(1).="" (ii)="" when="" the="" directed="" fishery="" for="" the="" south="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock="" is="" closed,="" swordfish="" from="" that="" stock="" taken="" incidental="" to="" fishing="" for="" other="" species="" may="" not="" be="" retained.="" (2)="" incidental="" catch="" closure.="" when="" the="" annual="" incidental="" catch="" quota="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.27(c)(1)(ii)="" is="" reached,="" or="" is="" projected="" to="" be="" reached,="" nmfs="" will="" file="" for="" publication="" a="" notification="" to="" that="" effect="" with="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register.="" from="" the="" effective="" date="" and="" time="" of="" such="" notification="" until="" an="" additional="" incidental="" catch="" quota="" becomes="" available,="" no="" swordfish="" may="" be="" possessed="" in="" or="" from="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" north="" of="" 5="" deg.="" n.="" lat.="" or="" landed="" in="" an="" atlantic="" coastal="" state,="" and="" a="" swordfish="" in="" or="" from="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" north="" of="" 5="" deg.="" n.="" lat.="" may="" not="" be="" sold.="" however,="" legally="" taken="" swordfish="" from="" the="" south="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock="" may="" be="" possessed="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" north="" of="" 5="" deg.="" n.="" lat.="" or="" landed="" in="" an="" atlantic="" coastal="" state="" on="" a="" vessel="" with="" a="" longline,="" provided="" the="" harvesting="" vessel="" does="" not="" fish="" on="" that="" trip="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" north="" of="" 5="" deg.="" n.="" lat.="" and="" submits="" position="" reports="" from="" a="" vessel="" monitoring="" ystem="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.69.="" sec.="" 635.29="" transfer="" at="" sea.="" (a)="" persons="" may="" not="" transfer="" an="" atlantic="" tuna,="" billfish,="" or="" swordfish="" at="" sea="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean,="" regardless="" of="" where="" the="" fish="" was="" harvested.="" however,="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" for="" which="" a="" purse="" seine="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" has="" been="" issued="" under="" sec.="" 635.4="" may="" transfer="" large="" medium="" and="" giant="" bft="" at="" sea="" from="" the="" net="" of="" the="" catching="" vessel="" to="" another="" vessel="" for="" which="" a="" purse="" seine="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" has="" been="" issued,="" provided="" the="" amount="" transferred="" does="" not="" cause="" the="" receiving="" vessel="" to="" exceed="" its="" vessel="" allocation.="" (b)="" persons="" may="" not="" transfer="" a="" shark="" at="" sea="" in="" the="" eez="" regardless="" of="" where="" the="" shark="" was="" harvested,="" and="" persons="" may="" not="" transfer="" at="" sea="" a="" shark="" taken="" in="" the="" eez="" regardless="" of="" where="" the="" transfer="" takes="" place.="" sec.="" 635.30="" possession="" at="" sea="" and="" landing.="" (a)="" atlantic="" tunas.="" (1)="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" fishing="" vessel="" that="" possesses="" an="" atlantic="" tuna="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" or="" that="" lands="" an="" atlantic="" tuna="" in="" an="" atlantic="" coastal="" port="" must="" maintain="" such="" atlantic="" tuna="" through="" offloading="" either--="" (i)="" in="" round="" form;="" or="" (ii)="" eviscerated="" with="" the="" head="" and="" fins="" removed,="" provided="" one="" pectoral="" fin="" and="" the="" tail="" remain="" attached.="" (2)="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" purse="" seine="" vessel="" must="" have="" each="" large="" medium="" and="" giant="" bft="" in="" the="" vessel's="" catch="" weighed,="" measured,="" and="" the="" information="" recorded="" on="" the="" required="" landing="" cards="" at="" the="" time="" of="" offloading="" and="" prior="" to="" transporting="" such="" bft="" from="" the="" area="" of="" offloading.="" (b)="" billfish.="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" fishing="" vessel="" that="" possesses="" a="" billfish="" in="" its="" management="" area="" or="" lands="" a="" billfish="" in="" an="" atlantic="" coastal="" port="" must="" maintain="" such="" billfish="" with="" its="" [[page="" 3187]]="" head,="" fins,="" and="" bill="" intact="" through="" offloading.="" persons="" may="" eviscerate="" such="" billfish,="" but="" it="" must="" otherwise="" be="" maintained="" whole.="" (c)="" shark.="" (1)="" the="" practice="" of="" ``finning,''="" i.e.,="" removing="" only="" the="" fins="" and="" returning="" the="" remainder="" of="" the="" shark="" to="" the="" sea,="" is="" prohibited="" in="" the="" eez="" and="" on="" board="" a="" vessel="" for="" which="" a="" commercial="" vessel="" permit="" for="" shark="" has="" been="" issued.="" the="" prohibition="" on="" finning="" applies="" to="" all="" species="" of="" sharks.="" for="" a="" list="" of="" species="" known="" to="" occur="" in="" the="" u.s.="" eez,="" refer="" to="" tables="" 1="" and="" 2="" of="" appendix="" a="" to="" this="" part.="" (2)="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" been="" issued="" a="" commercial="" permit="" for="" shark="" may="" not="" fillet="" a="" shark="" at="" sea.="" persons="" may="" eviscerate="" and="" remove="" the="" head="" and="" fins,="" but="" must="" retain="" the="" fins="" with="" the="" dressed="" carcasses.="" while="" on="" board="" and="" when="" offloaded,="" the="" wet="" shark="" fins="" may="" not="" exceed="" 5="" percent="" of="" the="" weight="" of="" the="" shark="" carcasses.="" (3)="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" been="" issued="" a="" commercial="" permit="" that="" lands="" shark="" in="" an="" atlantic="" coastal="" port,="" must="" have="" all="" fins="" weighed="" in="" conjunction="" with="" the="" weighing="" of="" the="" carcasses="" at="" the="" vessel's="" first="" point="" of="" landing.="" such="" weights="" must="" be="" recorded="" on="" the="" weighout="" slips="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.5(a)(2).="" persons="" may="" not="" possess="" a="" shark="" fin="" on="" board="" a="" fishing="" vessel="" after="" the="" vessel's="" first="" point="" of="" landing.="" the="" wet="" fins="" may="" not="" exceed="" 5="" percent="" of="" the="" weight="" of="" the="" carcasses.="" (4)="" persons="" aboard="" a="" vessel="" that="" does="" not="" have="" a="" commercial="" permit="" for="" shark="" must="" maintain="" a="" shark="" in="" or="" from="" the="" eez="" intact="" through="" landing--the="" head,="" tail,="" or="" fins="" may="" not="" be="" removed.="" the="" shark="" may="" be="" bled.="" (d)="" swordfish.="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" fishing="" vessel="" that="" possesses="" a="" swordfish="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" or="" lands="" a="" swordfish="" in="" an="" atlantic="" coastal="" port,="" must="" maintain="" such="" swordfish="" in="" round="" or="" dressed="" form="" through="" off-loading.="" however,="" a="" swordfish="" that="" is="" damaged="" by="" shark="" bites="" may="" be="" retained="" and="" offloaded="" if="" the="" remainder="" of="" the="" carcass="" is="" at="" least="" 29="" inches="" (73="" cm)="" ck.="" sec.="" 635.31="" restrictions="" on="" sale="" and="" purchase.="" (a)="" atlantic="" tunas.="" (1)="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" vessel="" that="" possesses="" an="" atlantic="" tuna="" may="" sell="" such="" atlantic="" tuna="" only="" if="" that="" vessel="" has="" a="" valid="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permit,="" or="" a="" general,="" harpoon,="" longline,="" purse="" seine,="" or="" trap="" category="" permit="" for="" atlantic="" tunas.="" persons="" may="" not="" sell="" a="" bft="" smaller="" than="" the="" large="" medium="" size="" class.="" however,="" a="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" taken="" by="" a="" person="" on="" a="" vessel="" with="" an="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permit="" fishing="" in="" the="" gulf="" of="" mexico,="" or="" fishing="" outside="" the="" gulf="" of="" mexico="" when="" the="" fishery="" under="" the="" general="" category="" has="" been="" closed,="" may="" not="" be="" sold="" (see="" sec.="" 635.23(c)).="" persons="" may="" sell="" atlantic="" tunas="" only="" to="" a="" dealer="" that="" has="" a="" valid="" permit="" for="" purchasing="" atlantic="" tunas.="" (2)="" dealers="" may="" purchase="" atlantic="" tunas="" only="" from="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" a="" valid="" commercial="" permit="" for="" atlantic="" tunas="" in="" the="" appropriate="" category.="" (3)="" dealers="" or="" seafood="" processors="" may="" not="" purchase="" or="" sell="" a="" bft="" smaller="" than="" the="" large="" medium="" size="" class="" unless="" it="" is="" lawfully="" imported="" and="" is="" accompanied="" by="" a="" bsd,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.42(a).="" (4)="" a="" bft="" in="" the="" possession="" of="" a="" dealer="" or="" seafood="" processor="" is="" deemed="" to="" be="" from="" the="" atlantic="" ocean.="" however,="" a="" bft="" will="" not="" be="" deemed="" to="" be="" from="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" if--="" (i)="" it="" was="" landed="" in="" a="" pacific="" state="" and="" remains="" in="" the="" state="" of="" landing,="" or="" (ii)="" it="" is="" accompanied="" by="" a="" bsd,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.42(a).="" (b)="" billfish.="" (1)="" persons="" may="" not="" sell="" or="" purchase="" a="" billfish="" caught="" in="" its="" management="" area.="" (2)="" a="" billfish="" or="" a="" closely="" related="" species,="" namely,="" black="" marlin,="" makaira="" indica,="" striped="" marlin,="" tetrapturus="" audax,="" or="" shortbill="" spearfish,="" tetrapturus="" angustirostris,="" or="" a="" part="" thereof,="" in="" the="" possession="" of="" a="" dealer="" or="" seafood="" processor="" is="" considered,="" for="" purposes="" of="" this="" part,="" to="" be="" a="" billfish="" from="" its="" atlantic="" ocean="" management="" area.="" however,="" a="" billfish="" or="" a="" closely="" related="" species="" will="" not="" be="" considered="" to="" be="" from="" its="" management="" area="" if--="" (i)="" it="" was="" landed="" in="" a="" pacific="" state="" and="" remains="" in="" the="" state="" of="" landing,="" or="" (ii)="" it="" is="" accompanied="" by="" a="" certificate="" of="" eligibility="" that="" documents="" that="" it="" was="" harvested="" from="" other="" than="" its="" management="" area.="" (c)="" shark.="" (1)="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" vessel="" that="" possesses="" a="" shark="" in="" or="" from="" the="" eez="" may="" sell="" such="" shark="" only="" if="" the="" vessel="" has="" a="" valid="" commercial="" permit="" for="" shark.="" persons="" may="" possess="" and="" sell="" a="" shark="" only="" when="" the="" fishery="" for="" that="" species="" group="" has="" not="" been="" closed,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.28(b)(3).="" (2)="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" vessel="" on="" which="" a="" shark="" in="" or="" from="" the="" eez="" or="" state="" waters="" is="" possessed,="" may="" sell="" such="" shark="" only="" to="" a="" dealer="" that="" has="" a="" valid="" permit="" for="" shark.="" (3)="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" fishing="" vessel="" may="" not="" sell="" fins="" from="" a="" shark="" harvested="" in="" the="" eez,="" or="" harvested="" in="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" by="" a="" vessel="" for="" which="" a="" commercial="" permit="" for="" shark="" has="" been="" issued,="" that="" are="" disproportionate="" to="" the="" weight="" of="" shark="" carcasses="" landed;="" i.e.,="" the="" fins="" may="" not="" exceed="" 5="" percent="" of="" the="" weight="" of="" the="" carcasses.="" (4)="" only="" dealers="" that="" have="" a="" valid="" permit="" for="" shark="" may="" purchase="" a="" shark="" from="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" fishing="" vessel.="" dealers="" may="" purchase="" a="" shark="" only="" from="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" who="" has="" a="" valid="" commercial="" permit="" for="" shark,="" except="" that="" dealers="" may="" purchase="" a="" shark="" from="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" vessel="" who="" fishes="" exclusively="" in="" state="" waters="" and,="" thus,="" does="" not="" have="" a="" commercial="" permit="" for="" shark.="" dealers="" may="" purchase="" a="" shark="" from="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" fishing="" vessel="" only="" when="" the="" fishery="" for="" that="" species="" group="" has="" not="" been="" closed,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.28(b)(3).="" (5)="" dealers="" may="" not="" purchase="" from="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" fishing="" vessel="" shark="" fins="" that="" are="" disproportionate="" to="" the="" weight="" of="" shark="" carcasses="" landed,="" i.e.,="" the="" fins="" may="" not="" exceed="" 5="" percent="" of="" the="" weight="" of="" the="" carcasses.="" (d)="" swordfish.="" (1)="" persons="" that="" own="" or="" operate="" a="" vessel="" on="" which="" a="" swordfish="" in="" or="" from="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" is="" possessed,="" may="" sell="" such="" swordfish="" only="" if="" the="" vessel="" has="" a="" valid="" commercial="" permit="" for="" swordfish.="" persons="" may="" sell="" such="" swordfish="" only="" to="" a="" dealer="" that="" has="" a="" valid="" permit="" for="" swordfish.="" (2)="" dealers="" may="" purchase="" a="" swordfish="" harvested="" from="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" only="" from="" an="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" fishing="" vessel="" who="" has="" a="" valid="" commercial="" permit="" for="" swordfish.="" sec.="" 635.32="" specifically="" authorized="" activities.="" (a)="" consistent="" with="" the="" provisions="" of="" sec.="" 600.745="" of="" this="" chapter,="" nmfs="" may="" authorize,="" for="" the="" conduct="" of="" scientific="" research,="" the="" acquisition="" of="" information="" and="" data,="" public="" display,="" or="" the="" reduction="" of="" bycatch,="" economic="" discards="" or="" regulatory="" discards,="" activities="" otherwise="" prohibited="" by="" the="" regulations="" contained="" in="" this="" part.="" activities="" subject="" to="" the="" provisions="" of="" this="" section="" may="" include,="" but="" are="" not="" limited="" to,="" scientific="" research="" resulting="" in,="" or="" likely="" to="" result="" in,="" the="" take,="" harvest="" or="" incidental="" mortality="" of="" atlantic="" hms,="" exempted="" fishing="" and="" exempted="" educational="" activities,="" or="" programs="" under="" which="" regulated="" species="" retained="" in="" contravention="" to="" otherwise="" applicable="" regulations="" may="" be="" donated="" through="" approved="" food="" bank="" networks.="" such="" activities="" must="" be="" authorized="" in="" writing="" and="" are="" subject="" to="" all="" conditions="" specified="" in="" any="" letter="" of="" authorization,="" exempted="" fishing="" permit="" or="" scientific="" research="" permit="" issued="" in="" response="" to="" requests="" for="" authorization.="" for="" the="" purposes="" of="" all="" regulated="" species="" covered="" under="" this="" part,="" nmfs="" has="" the="" sole="" authority="" to="" issue="" permits,="" authorizations,="" and="" acknowledgments.="" [[page="" 3188]]="" for="" the="" purposes="" of="" all="" regulated="" species="" covered="" under="" this="" part,="" other="" than="" atlantic="" sharks,="" the="" requirements="" of="" sec.="" 600.745(a)="" and="" (c)(1)="" of="" this="" chapter="" are="" mandatory.="" if="" a="" regulated="" species="" landed="" or="" retained="" under="" the="" authority="" of="" this="" section="" is="" subject="" to="" a="" quota,="" the="" fish="" shall="" be="" counted="" against="" the="" quota="" category="" as="" specified="" in="" the="" written="" authorization.="" (b)(1)="" notwithstanding="" the="" provisions="" of="" sec.="" 600.745="" of="" this="" chapter="" and="" other="" provisions="" of="" this="" part,="" a="" valid="" shark="" efp="" is="" required="" to="" fish="" for,="" take,="" retain,="" or="" possess="" a="" shark="" in="" or="" from="" the="" atlantic="" eez="" for="" the="" purposes="" of="" public="" display="" under="" the="" shark="" public="" display="" quota="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.27(b)(2).="" a="" valid="" shark="" efp="" must="" be="" on="" board="" the="" harvesting="" vessel,="" must="" be="" available="" when="" the="" shark="" is="" landed,="" must="" be="" available="" when="" the="" shark="" is="" transported="" to="" the="" display="" facility,="" and="" must="" be="" presented="" for="" inspection="" upon="" request="" of="" an="" authorized="" nmfs="" employee.="" a="" shark="" efp="" is="" valid="" for="" the="" specific="" time,="" area,="" gear,="" and="" species="" specified="" on="" it.="" (2)="" to="" be="" eligible="" for="" a="" shark="" efp,="" a="" person="" must="" provide="" all="" information="" concerning="" his="" or="" her="" identification,="" numbers="" by="" species="" of="" sharks="" to="" be="" collected,="" when="" and="" where="" they="" will="" be="" collected,="" vessel(s)="" and="" gear="" to="" be="" used,="" description="" of="" the="" facility="" where="" they="" will="" be="" displayed,="" and="" any="" other="" information="" that="" may="" be="" necessary="" for="" the="" issuance="" or="" administration="" of="" the="" permit,="" as="" requested="" by="" nmfs.="" (3)="" written="" reports="" on="" fishing="" activities="" and="" disposition="" of="" catch="" must="" be="" submitted="" to="" nmfs="" for="" each="" fish="" collected="" within="" 24="" hours="" of="" the="" collection.="" an="" annual="" written="" summary="" report="" of="" all="" fishing="" activities="" and="" disposition="" of="" all="" fish="" collected="" under="" the="" permit="" must="" also="" be="" submitted="" to="" nmfs.="" specific="" reporting="" requirements="" will="" be="" provided="" by="" nmfs="" with="" the="" efp.="" sec.="" 635.33="" archival="" tags.="" (a)="" implantation="" report.="" any="" person="" affixing="" or="" implanting="" an="" archival="" tag="" into="" a="" regulated="" species="" must="" obtain="" authorization="" from="" nmfs="" pursuant="" to="" sec.="" 635.32.="" persons="" so="" authorized="" to="" conduct="" archival="" tag="" implantation="" must="" provide="" a="" written="" report="" to="" nmfs="" indicating="" the="" type="" and="" number="" of="" tags,="" the="" species="" and="" approximate="" size="" of="" the="" fish="" as="" well="" as="" any="" additional="" information="" requested="" in="" the="" authorization.="" (b)="" landing.="" notwithstanding="" other="" provisions="" of="" this="" part,="" persons="" may="" catch,="" possess,="" retain,="" and="" land="" an="" atlantic="" hms="" in="" which="" an="" archival="" tag="" has="" been="" implanted="" or="" affixed,="" provided="" such="" persons="" comply="" with="" the="" requirements="" of="" paragraph="" (c)="" of="" this="" section.="" (c)="" landing="" report.="" persons="" that="" retain="" an="" atlantic="" hms="" that="" has="" an="" archival="" tag="" must="" contact="" nmfs,="" prior="" to="" or="" at="" the="" time="" of="" landing;="" furnish="" all="" requested="" information="" regarding="" the="" location="" and="" method="" of="" capture;="" and,="" as="" instructed,="" remove="" the="" archival="" tag="" and="" return="" it="" to="" nmfs="" or="" make="" the="" fish="" available="" for="" inspection="" and="" recovery="" of="" the="" tag="" by="" a="" nmfs="" scientist,="" enforcement="" agent,="" or="" other="" person="" designated="" in="" writing="" by="" nmfs.="" (d)="" quota="" monitoring.="" if="" an="" atlantic="" hms="" landed="" under="" the="" authority="" of="" paragraph="" (b)="" of="" this="" section="" is="" subject="" to="" a="" quota,="" the="" fish="" will="" be="" counted="" against="" the="" applicable="" quota="" for="" the="" species="" consistent="" with="" the="" fishing="" gear="" and="" activity="" which="" resulted="" in="" the="" catch.="" in="" the="" event="" such="" fishing="" gear="" or="" activity="" is="" otherwise="" prohibited="" under="" applicable="" provisions="" of="" this="" part,="" the="" fish="" shall="" be="" counted="" against="" the="" reserve="" quota="" established="" for="" that="" species.="" sec.="" 635.34="" adjustment="" of="" management="" measures.="" (a)="" consistent="" with="" the="" convention,="" atca,="" and="" this="" part,="" nmfs="" may="" change="" the="" commencement="" date="" for="" bft="" fishing="" for="" any="" vessel="" permit="" or="" quota="" category.="" such="" change="" may="" be="" made="" when="" nmfs="" determines="" that="" the="" changed="" date="" will="" enable="" scientific="" research="" on="" the="" status="" of="" the="" stock="" to="" be="" conducted="" more="" effectively="" and="" will="" not="" prevent="" the="" quotas="" for="" the="" affected="" fishery="" from="" being="" reached,="" based="" on="" historical="" catch="" data="" or="" other="" relevant="" information.="" nmfs="" will="" file="" a="" notice="" at="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register="" of="" any="" change="" in="" a="" commencement="" date="" at="" least="" 60="" days="" before="" commencement="" of="" the="" affected="" fishery.="" (b)="" nmfs="" may="" adjust="" the="" catch="" limits="" for="" bft,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.23,="" and="" the="" quotas="" for="" bft,="" shark,="" and="" swordfish,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.27.="" (c)="" in="" accordance="" with="" the="" framework="" procedures="" in="" the="" fishery="" management="" plan="" for="" atlantic="" tunas,="" swordfish,="" and="" sharks="" and="" the="" fishery="" management="" plan="" for="" atlantic="" billfishes,="" nmfs="" may="" establish="" or="" modify="" for="" species="" or="" species="" groups="" of="" atlantic="" hms="" the="" following="" management="" measures:="" optimum="" yield;="" total="" allowable="" catch;="" quotas;="" recreational="" and="" commercial="" catch="" limits,="" including="" target="" catch="" requirements;="" size="" limits;="" fishing="" years="" or="" fishing="" seasons;="" species="" in="" the="" management="" unit="" and="" the="" specification="" of="" the="" species="" groups="" to="" which="" they="" belong;="" permitting="" and="" reporting="" requirements;="" monitoring="" and="" tracking="" programs;="" time/area="" restrictions;="" allocations="" among="" user="" groups;="" gear="" restrictions;="" effort="" limitations;="" and="" actions="" to="" implement="" iccat="" recommendations,="" if="" appropriate.="" subpart="" d--restrictions="" on="" imports="" sec.="" 635.40="" restrictions="" to="" enhance="" conservation.="" (a)="" determinations.="" upon="" a="" determination="" by="" nmfs="" that="" species="" of="" fish="" subject="" to="" regulation="" or="" under="" investigation="" by="" iccat="" (yellowfin,="" bigeye,="" bft,="" swordfish,="" billfishes,="" albacore="" and="" skipjack="" tunas,="" and="" bonito)="" are="" ineligible="" for="" entry="" into="" the="" united="" states="" under="" 16="" u.s.c.="" 971d(c)(4)="" or="" (c)(5),="" nmfs,="" with="" the="" approval="" of="" the="" secretary="" and="" the="" concurrence="" of="" the="" secretary="" of="" state,="" will="" publish="" a="" finding="" to="" that="" effect="" in="" the="" federal="" register.="" effective="" upon="" the="" date="" of="" filing="" of="" such="" finding="" in="" the="" federal="" register,="" every="" shipment="" of="" fish="" in="" any="" form="" of="" the="" species="" found="" to="" be="" ineligible="" will="" be="" denied="" entry="" unless="" it="" is="" established="" by="" satisfactory="" proof="" pursuant="" to="" paragraph="" (b)="" of="" this="" section="" that="" a="" particular="" shipment="" of="" such="" fish="" is="" eligible="" for="" entry.="" entry="" will="" not="" be="" denied="" and="" no="" such="" proof="" will="" be="" required="" for="" any="" such="" shipment="" that,="" on="" the="" date="" of="" such="" publication,="" was="" in="" transit="" to="" the="" united="" states="" on="" board="" a="" vessel="" operating="" as="" a="" common="" carrier.="" (b)="" proof="" of="" admissibility.="" (1)="" for="" the="" purposes="" of="" paragraph="" (a)="" of="" this="" section="" and="" section="" 6(c)="" of="" atca,="" a="" shipment="" of="" fish="" in="" any="" form="" of="" the="" species="" under="" regulation="" or="" under="" investigation="" by="" iccat="" offered="" for="" entry,="" directly="" or="" indirectly,="" from="" a="" country="" named="" in="" a="" finding="" published="" under="" paragraph="" (a)="" of="" this="" section="" is="" eligible="" for="" entry="" if="" the="" shipment="" is="" accompanied="" by="" a="" completed="" certificate="" of="" eligibility="" attached="" to="" the="" invoice="" certifying="" that="" the="" fish="" in="" the="" shipment:="" (i)="" are="" not="" of="" the="" species="" specified="" in="" the="" published="" finding;="" (ii)="" are="" of="" the="" species="" named="" in="" the="" published="" finding,="" but="" were="" not="" taken="" in="" the="" regulatory="" area;="" or="" (iii)="" are="" of="" the="" species="" named="" in="" the="" published="" finding,="" but="" are="" products="" of="" an="" american="" fishery="" and="" are="" lawfully="" taken="" in="" conformity="" with="" applicable="" conservation="" laws="" and="" regulations="" and="" landed="" in="" the="" country="" named="" in="" the="" published="" finding="" solely="" for="" transshipment.="" (2)="" if="" the="" fish="" are="" offered="" for="" entry="" under="" paragraph="" (b)(1)(i)="" or="" (b)(1)(ii)="" of="" this="" section,="" the="" certificate="" must="" be="" executed="" by="" a="" duly="" authorized="" official="" of="" the="" country="" named="" in="" the="" published="" finding="" and="" the="" certificate="" must="" be="" validated="" by="" a="" consular="" officer="" or="" consular="" agent="" of="" the="" united="" states.="" [[page="" 3189]]="" such="" validation="" must="" be="" attached="" to="" the="" certificate="" of="" eligibility.="" (3)="" if="" the="" fish="" are="" offered="" for="" entry="" under="" paragraph="" (b)(1)(iii)="" of="" this="" section,="" the="" certificate="" must="" be="" executed="" by="" a="" consular="" officer="" or="" consular="" agent="" of="" the="" united="" states="" and="" be="" accompanied="" by="" the="" declaration(s)="" required="" by="" 19="" cfr="" 10.79.="" the="" ``declaration="" of="" master="" and="" two="" members="" of="" crew="" on="" entry="" of="" products="" of="" american="" fisheries''="" required="" by="" 19="" cfr="" 10.79="" must="" contain="" a="" further="" statement="" as="" follows:="" ``we="" further="" declare="" that="" the="" said="" fish="" were="" caught="" by="" us="" in="" full="" compliance="" with="" part="" 635,="" title="" 50,="" code="" of="" federal="" regulations,="" and="" such="" other="" conservation="" laws="" and="" regulations="" as="" were="" applicable="" at="" the="" time="" the="" fishing="" operation="" was="" in="" progress.''="" (c)="" removal="" of="" import="" restrictions.="" upon="" a="" determination="" by="" nmfs="" that="" the="" conditions="" no="" longer="" exist="" that="" warranted="" the="" imposition="" of="" import="" restrictions="" in="" the="" finding="" published="" pursuant="" to="" paragraph="" (a)="" of="" this="" section,="" nmfs,="" with="" the="" approval="" and="" the="" concurrence="" of="" the="" secretary="" of="" state,="" will="" remove="" the="" import="" restriction="" through="" notification="" in="" the="" federal="" register="" effective="" on="" the="" date="" of="" filing="" of="" the="" notification.="" the="" restriction="" will="" be="" removed,="" provided="" that,="" for="" 1="" year="" from="" such="" date="" of="" publication,="" every="" shipment="" of="" fish="" in="" any="" form="" that="" was="" subject="" to="" the="" finding="" published="" pursuant="" to="" paragraph="" (a)="" of="" this="" section="" will="" continue="" to="" be="" denied="" entry,="" unless="" the="" shipment="" is="" accompanied="" by="" a="" certification="" executed="" by="" an="" authorized="" official="" of="" the="" country="" of="" export="" and="" authenticated="" by="" a="" consular="" officer="" or="" consular="" agent="" of="" the="" united="" states="" certifying="" that="" no="" portion="" of="" the="" shipment="" is="" composed="" of="" fish="" taken="" prior="" to="" or="" during="" the="" import="" restriction.="" sec.="" 635.41="" species="" subject="" to="" documentation="" requirements.="" imports="" into="" the="" united="" states="" and="" exports="" or="" re-exports="" from="" the="" united="" states="" of="" all="" bft="" or="" bft="" products,="" regardless="" of="" ocean="" area="" of="" catch,="" are="" subject="" to="" the="" documentation="" requirements="" of="" this="" subpart.="" (a)="" documentation="" is="" required="" for="" bft="" identified="" by="" the="" following="" item="" numbers="" from="" the="" harmonized="" tariff="" schedule:="" (1)="" fresh="" or="" chilled="" bft,="" excluding="" fillets="" and="" other="" fish="" meat,="" no.="" 0302.39.00.20.="" (2)="" frozen="" bft,="" excluding="" fillets,="" no.="" 0303.49.00.20.="" (b)="" in="" addition,="" bft="" products="" in="" other="" forms="" (e.g.,="" chunks,="" fillets,="" canned)="" listed="" under="" any="" other="" item="" numbers="" from="" the="" harmonized="" tariff="" schedule="" are="" subject="" to="" the="" documentation="" requirements="" of="" this="" subpart,="" except="" that="" fish="" parts="" other="" than="" meat="" (e.g.,="" heads,="" eyes,="" roe,="" guts,="" tails)="" may="" be="" allowed="" entry="" without="" said="" statistical="" documentation.="" 635.42="" documentation="" requirements.="" (a)="" bft="" imports.="" (1)="" imports="" of="" all="" bft="" products="" into="" the="" united="" states="" must="" be="" accompanied="" at="" the="" time="" of="" entry="" (filing="" of="" customs="" form="" 7501="" or="" electronic="" equivalent)="" by="" an="" original="" completed="" approved="" bsd="" with="" the="" information="" and="" exporter's="" certification="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.43(a).="" such="" information="" must="" be="" validated="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.44(a)="" by="" a="" responsible="" government="" official="" of="" the="" country="" whose="" flag="" vessel="" caught="" the="" tuna="" (regardless="" of="" where="" the="" fish="" are="" first="" landed).="" (2)="" bft="" imported="" into="" the="" united="" states="" from="" a="" country="" requiring="" a="" bsd="" tag="" on="" all="" such="" tuna="" available="" for="" sale="" must="" be="" accompanied="" by="" the="" appropriate="" bsd="" tag="" issued="" by="" that="" country,="" and="" said="" bsd="" tag="" must="" remain="" on="" any="" tuna="" until="" it="" reaches="" its="" final="" import="" destination.="" if="" the="" final="" import="" destination="" is="" the="" united="" states,="" the="" bsd="" tag="" must="" remain="" on="" the="" tuna="" until="" it="" is="" cut="" into="" portions.="" if="" the="" tuna="" portions="" are="" subsequently="" packaged="" for="" domestic="" commercial="" use="" or="" re-export,="" the="" bsd="" tag="" number="" and="" the="" issuing="" country="" must="" be="" written="" legibly="" and="" indelibly="" on="" the="" outside="" of="" the="" package.="" (3)="" a="" dealer="" who="" sells="" bft="" that="" was="" previously="" imported="" into="" the="" united="" states="" for="" domestic="" commercial="" use="" must="" provide="" on="" the="" original="" bsd="" that="" accompanied="" the="" import="" shipment="" the="" correct="" information="" and="" importer's="" certification="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.43(a)(13)="" and="" must="" note="" on="" the="" top="" of="" the="" bsd="" the="" entry="" number="" assigned="" at="" the="" time="" of="" filing="" the="" entry="" summary.="" the="" original="" of="" the="" completed="" bsd="" must="" be="" postmarked="" and="" mailed="" by="" said="" dealer="" to="" nmfs="" within="" 24="" hours="" of="" the="" time="" the="" tuna="" was="" imported="" into="" the="" united="" states.="" (b)="" bft="" exports.="" (1)="" a="" dealer="" who="" exports="" bft="" that="" was="" harvested="" by="" u.s.="" vessels="" and="" first="" landed="" in="" the="" united="" states="" must="" complete="" an="" original="" numbered="" bsd="" issued="" to="" that="" dealer="" by="" nmfs.="" such="" an="" individually="" numbered="" document="" is="" not="" transferable="" and="" may="" be="" used="" only="" once="" by="" the="" dealer="" to="" which="" it="" was="" issued="" to="" report="" on="" a="" specific="" export="" shipment.="" a="" dealer="" must="" provide="" on="" the="" bsd="" the="" correct="" information="" and="" exporter="" certification="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.43(a).="" the="" bsd="" must="" be="" validated="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.44(b).="" a="" list="" of="" such="" officials="" may="" be="" obtained="" by="" contacting="" nmfs.="" a="" dealer="" requesting="" u.s.="" government="" validation="" for="" exports="" should="" notify="" nmfs="" as="" soon="" as="" possible="" after="" arrival="" of="" the="" vessel="" to="" avoid="" delays="" in="" inspection="" and="" validation="" of="" the="" export="" shipment.="" (2)="" a="" dealer="" who="" re-exports="" bft="" that="" was="" previously="" imported="" into="" the="" united="" states="" through="" filing="" an="" entry="" summary="" (customs="" form="" 7501="" or="" electronic="" equivalent)="" must="" provide="" on="" the="" original="" bsd="" that="" accompanied="" the="" import="" shipment="" the="" correct="" information="" and="" intermediate="" importer's="" certification="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.43(a)(13)="" and="" must="" note="" on="" the="" top="" of="" the="" bsd="" the="" entry="" number="" assigned="" at="" the="" time="" of="" filing="" the="" entry="" summary.="" this="" requirement="" does="" not="" apply="" to="" bft="" destined="" from="" one="" foreign="" country="" to="" another="" which="" transits="" the="" united="" states="" and="" for="" which="" an="" entry="" summary="" (customs="" form="" 7501="" or="" electronic="" equivalent)="" is="" not="" filed="" and="" for="" which="" a="" shipper's="" export="" declaration="" for="" in-transit="" merchandise="" (customs="" form="" 7513="" or="" electronic="" equivalent)="" is="" filed.="" (3)="" a="" dealer="" must="" submit="" the="" original="" of="" the="" completed="" bsd="" to="" accompany="" the="" shipment="" of="" bft="" to="" its="" export="" or="" re-export="" destination.="" a="" copy="" of="" the="" bsd="" completed="" as="" specified="" under="" paragraph="" (b)(1)="" or="" (b)(2)="" of="" this="" section="" must="" be="" postmarked="" and="" mailed="" by="" said="" dealer="" to="" nmfs="" within="" 24="" hours="" of="" the="" time="" the="" tuna="" was="" exported="" or="" re-exported="" from="" the="" united="" states.="" (c)="" recordkeeping.="" a="" dealer="" must="" retain="" at="" his="" or="" her="" principal="" place="" of="" business="" a="" copy="" of="" each="" bsd="" required="" to="" be="" submitted="" to="" nmfs="" pursuant="" to="" this="" section="" for="" a="" period="" of="" 2="" years="" from="" the="" date="" on="" which="" it="" was="" submitted="" to="" nmfs.="" sec.="" 635.43="" contents="" of="" documentation.="" (a)="" a="" bsd,="" to="" be="" deemed="" complete,="" must="" state:="" (1)="" the="" document="" number="" assigned="" by="" the="" country="" issuing="" the="" document.="" (2)="" the="" name="" of="" the="" country="" issuing="" the="" document,="" which="" must="" be="" the="" country="" whose="" flag="" vessel="" harvested="" the="" bft,="" regardless="" of="" where="" the="" tuna="" is="" first="" landed.="" (3)="" the="" name="" of="" the="" vessel="" that="" caught="" the="" fish="" and="" the="" vessel's="" registration="" number,="" if="" applicable.="" (4)="" the="" name="" of="" the="" owner="" of="" the="" trap="" that="" caught="" the="" fish,="" if="" applicable.="" (5)="" the="" point="" of="" export,="" which="" is="" the="" city,="" state="" or="" province,="" and="" country="" from="" which="" the="" bft="" is="" first="" exported.="" (6)="" the="" product="" type="" (fresh="" or="" frozen)="" and="" product="" form="" (round,="" gilled="" and="" gutted,="" dressed,="" fillet,="" or="" other).="" (7)="" the="" method="" of="" fishing="" used="" to="" harvest="" the="" fish="" (e.g.,="" purse="" seine,="" trap,="" rod="" and="" reel).="" (8)="" the="" ocean="" area="" from="" which="" the="" fish="" was="" harvested="" (western="" atlantic,="" [[page="" 3190]]="" eastern="" atlantic,="" mediterranean,="" or="" pacific).="" (9)="" the="" weight="" of="" each="" fish="" (in="" kilograms="" for="" the="" same="" product="" form="" previously="" specified).="" (10)="" the="" identifying="" bsd="" tag="" number,="" if="" landed="" by="" vessels="" from="" countries="" with="" tagging="" programs.="" (11)="" the="" name="" and="" license="" number="" of,="" and="" be="" signed="" and="" dated="" in="" the="" exporter's="" certification="" block="" by,="" the="" exporter.="" (12)="" if="" applicable,="" the="" name="" and="" title="" of,="" and="" be="" signed="" and="" dated="" in="" the="" validation="" block="" by,="" a="" responsible="" government="" official="" of="" the="" country="" whose="" flag="" vessel="" caught="" the="" tuna="" (regardless="" of="" where="" the="" tuna="" are="" first="" landed)="" or="" by="" an="" official="" of="" an="" institution="" accredited="" by="" said="" government,="" with="" official="" government="" or="" accredited="" institution="" seal="" affixed,="" thus="" validating="" the="" information="" on="" the="" bsd.="" (13)="" as="" applicable,="" the="" name(s)="" and="" address(es),="" including="" the="" name="" of="" the="" city="" and="" state="" or="" province="" of="" import,="" and="" the="" name(s)="" of="" the="" intermediate="" country(ies)="" or="" the="" name="" of="" the="" country="" of="" final="" destination,="" and="" license="" number(s)="" of,="" and="" be="" signed="" and="" dated="" in="" the="" importer's="" certification="" block="" by="" each="" intermediate="" and="" the="" final="" importer.="" (b)="" an="" approved="" bsd="" may="" be="" obtained="" from="" nmfs="" to="" accompany="" exports="" of="" bft="" from="" the="" united="" states.="" a="" bft="" dealer="" in="" a="" country="" that="" does="" not="" provide="" an="" approved="" bsd="" to="" exporters="" may="" obtain="" an="" approved="" bsd="" from="" nmfs="" to="" accompany="" exports="" to="" the="" united="" states.="" (c)="" a="" dealer="" who="" exports="" bluefin="" tuna="" to="" the="" united="" states="" may="" use="" the="" approved="" bsd="" obtainable="" from="" nmfs="" or="" a="" document="" developed="" by="" the="" country="" of="" export,="" if="" that="" country="" submits="" a="" copy="" to="" the="" iccat="" executive="" secretariat="" and="" nmfs="" concurs="" with="" the="" iccat="" secretariat's="" determination="" that="" the="" document="" meets="" the="" information="" requirements="" of="" the="" iccat="" recommendation.="" in="" such="" case,="" nmfs="" will="" provide="" a="" list="" of="" countries="" for="" which="" bsds="" are="" approved,="" with="" examples="" of="" approved="" documents,="" to="" the="" appropriate="" official="" of="" the="" u.s.="" customs="" service.="" effective="" upon="" the="" date="" indicated="" in="" such="" notice="" to="" the="" u.s.="" customs="" service,="" shipments="" of="" bft="" or="" bft="" products="" offered="" for="" importation="" from="" said="" country(ies)="" may="" be="" accompanied="" by="" either="" that="" country's="" approved="" bsd="" or="" by="" the="" bsd="" provided="" to="" the="" foreign="" country="" exporter="" by="" nmfs.="" sec.="" 635.44="" validation="" requirements.="" (a)="" imports.="" the="" approved="" bsd="" accompanying="" any="" import="" of="" bft,="" regardless="" of="" whether="" the="" issuing="" country="" is="" a="" member="" of="" iccat,="" must="" be="" validated="" by="" a="" government="" official="" from="" the="" issuing="" country,="" unless="" nmfs="" waives="" this="" requirement="" for="" that="" country="" following="" a="" recommendation="" to="" do="" so="" by="" the="" iccat="" secretariat.="" nmfs="" will="" furnish="" a="" list="" of="" countries="" for="" which="" government="" validation="" requirements="" are="" waived="" to="" the="" appropriate="" official="" of="" the="" u.s.="" customs="" service.="" such="" list="" will="" indicate="" the="" circumstances="" of="" exemption="" for="" each="" issuing="" country="" and="" the="" non-government="" institutions,="" if="" any,="" accredited="" to="" validate="" bsds="" for="" that="" country.="" (b)="" exports.="" the="" approved="" bsd="" accompanying="" any="" export="" of="" bft="" from="" the="" united="" states="" must="" be="" validated="" by="" a="" u.s.="" government="" official,="" except="" pursuant="" to="" a="" waiver,="" if="" any,="" specified="" on="" the="" form="" and="" accompanying="" instructions,="" or="" in="" a="" letter="" to="" the="" permitted="" dealer="" from="" nmfs.="" any="" waiver="" of="" government="" validation="" will="" be="" consistent="" with="" iccat="" recommendations="" concerning="" validation="" of="" bsds.="" if="" authorized,="" such="" waiver="" of="" government="" validation="" may="" include:="" (1)="" exemptions="" from="" government="" validation="" for="" fish="" with="" individual="" bsd="" tags="" affixed="" pursuant="" to="" sec.="" 300.26="" of="" this="" title="" or="" sec.="" 635.5(b)(2)(ii);="" or="" (2)="" validation="" by="" non-government="" officials="" authorized="" to="" do="" so="" by="" nmfs="" under="" paragraph="" (c)="" of="" this="" section.="" (c)="" authorization="" for="" non-government="" validation.="" an="" institution="" or="" association="" seeking="" authorization="" to="" validate="" bsds="" accompanying="" exports="" from="" the="" united="" states="" must="" apply="" in="" writing="" to="" nmfs="" for="" such="" authorization.="" the="" application="" must="" indicate="" the="" procedures="" to="" be="" used="" for="" verification="" of="" information="" to="" be="" validated,="" list="" the="" names,="" addresses,="" and="" telephone/fax="" numbers="" of="" individuals="" to="" perform="" validation,="" and="" provide="" an="" example="" of="" the="" stamp="" or="" seal="" to="" be="" applied="" to="" the="" bsd.="" nmfs,="" upon="" finding="" the="" institution="" or="" association="" capable="" of="" verifying="" the="" information="" required="" on="" the="" bsd,="" will="" issue,="" within="" 30="" days,="" a="" letter="" specifying="" the="" duration="" of="" effectiveness="" and="" conditions="" of="" authority="" to="" validate="" bsds="" accompanying="" exports="" from="" the="" united="" states.="" the="" effectiveness="" of="" such="" authorization="" will="" be="" delayed="" as="" necessary="" for="" nmfs="" to="" notify="" the="" iccat="" secretariat="" of="" non-government="" institutions="" and="" associations="" authorized="" to="" validate="" bsds.="" sec.="" 635.45="" import="" restrictions="" for="" belize,="" honduras,="" and="" panama.="" all="" shipments="" of="" bft="" or="" bft="" products="" in="" any="" form="" harvested="" by="" a="" vessel="" of="" belize,="" honduras,="" or="" panama="" will="" be="" denied="" entry="" into="" the="" united="" states="" unless="" a="" validated="" bsd="" required="" under="" secs.="" 635.41="" through="" 635.44,="" shows="" that="" a="" particular="" shipment="" of="" such="" bft="" was="" exported="" from="" belize="" or="" honduras="" prior="" to="" august="" 20,="" 1997,="" or="" exported="" from="" panama="" prior="" to="" january="" 1,="" 1998.="" sec.="" 635.46="" import="" restrictions="" on="" swordfish.="" the="" policies="" and="" procedures="" contained="" in="" sec.="" 635.40,="" which="" implement="" the="" provisions="" of="" section="" (6)(c)="" of="" atca="" with="" respect="" to="" import="" controls="" and="" which="" specify="" procedures="" for="" the="" establishment="" of="" restrictions="" on="" imports="" of="" tuna,="" apply="" to="" swordfish="" taken="" from="" the="" north="" and="" south="" atlantic="" stocks.="" (a)="" general.="" to="" facilitate="" enforcement="" of="" domestic="" regulations,="" a="" swordfish,="" or="" part="" thereof,="" less="" than="" the="" minimum="" size="" specified="" at="" sec.="" 635.20(e)="" may="" not="" be="" imported,="" or="" attempted="" to="" be="" imported,="" into="" the="" united="" states="" unless="" it="" is="" accompanied="" by="" a="" certificate="" of="" eligibility="" attesting="" either="" that="" the="" swordfish="" was="" harvested="" from="" an="" ocean="" area="" other="" than="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" or="" that="" the="" fish="" part="" was="" derived="" from="" a="" swordfish="" harvested="" from="" the="" atlantic="" ocean="" that="" weighed="" at="" least="" 33="" lb="" (15="" kg)="" dw="" at="" harvest.="" (b)="" certificate="" of="" eligibility.="" (1)="" a="" shipment="" of="" swordfish="" in="" any="" form="" offered="" for="" import="" into="" the="" united="" states,="" directly="" or="" indirectly,="" from="" any="" country="" is="" admissible="" only="" if="" accompanied="" by="" a="" certificate="" of="" eligibility.="" such="" a="" certificate="" is="" required="" for="" swordfish="" identified="" by="" any="" item="" number="" from="" the="" harmonized="" tariff="" schedule="" including="" but="" not="" limited="" to="" the="" following:="" (i)="" fresh="" or="" chilled="" swordfish="" steaks,="" no.="" 0302.69.20.41.="" (ii)="" fresh="" or="" chilled="" swordfish,="" excluding="" steaks,="" no.="" 0302.69.20.49.="" (iii)="" frozen="" swordfish="" steaks,="" no.="" 0302.79.20.41.="" (iv)="" frozen="" swordfish,="" excluding="" fillets,="" steaks="" and="" other="" fish="" meat,="" no.="" 0302.79.20.49.="" (v)="" frozen="" swordfish,="" fillets,="" no.="" 0304.20.60.92.="" (2)="" the="" certificate="" of="" eligibility="" required="" under="" this="" section="" must="" indicate="" the="" flag="" state="" of="" the="" harvesting="" vessel,="" the="" ocean="" area="" of="" harvest="" and,="" if="" the="" shipment="" contains="" swordfish="" or="" parts="" thereof="" less="" than="" the="" minimum="" size="" specified="" at="" sec.="" 635.20(e),="" the="" reason="" such="" swordfish="" is="" eligible="" for="" entry,="" as="" specified="" in="" paragraph="" (a)="" of="" this="" section.="" the="" certificate="" must="" be="" attached="" to="" the="" invoice="" accompanying="" the="" swordfish="" shipment="" from="" the="" point="" of="" import="" into="" the="" united="" states="" to="" and="" including="" the="" time="" and="" place="" that="" it="" is="" filleted,="" cut="" into="" steaks,="" or="" processed="" in="" any="" way="" that="" physically="" alters="" it.="" (3)="" the="" certificate="" of="" eligibility="" required="" under="" this="" section="" must="" [[page="" 3191]]="" include="" the="" name="" and="" title="" of="" a="" responsible="" government="" official="" of="" the="" country="" exporting="" the="" swordfish="" to="" the="" united="" states="" and="" must="" be="" signed="" and="" dated="" by="" that="" official="" with="" official="" government="" seal="" affixed,="" thus="" validating="" the="" information="" on="" flag="" vessel="" and="" ocean="" area="" of="" harvest.="" (4)="" a="" certificate="" of="" eligibility="" may="" refer="" to="" swordfish="" taken="" from="" only="" one="" ocean="" area="" of="" harvest="" (atlantic,="" pacific,="" or="" indian)="" and="" by="" vessels="" under="" the="" jurisdiction="" of="" only="" one="" nation.="" if="" a="" shipment="" contains="" swordfish="" taken="" from="" more="" than="" one="" ocean="" area,="" or="" swordfish="" harvested="" by="" several="" vessels="" from="" different="" flag="" states,="" a="" separate="" certificate="" must="" accompany="" the="" shipment="" for="" each="" ocean="" area="" of="" harvest="" and="" for="" each="" flag="" state="" of="" the="" harvesting="" vessels.="" (5)="" a="" model="" certificate="" of="" eligibility="" is="" available="" from="" nmfs.="" an="" equivalent="" form="" may="" be="" used="" provided="" it="" contains="" all="" the="" information="" required="" under="" this="" section.="" subpart="" e--international="" port="" inspection="" sec.="" 635.50="" basis="" and="" purpose.="" the="" regulations="" in="" this="" subpart="" implement="" the="" iccat="" port="" inspection="" scheme.="" the="" text="" of="" the="" iccat="" port="" inspection="" scheme="" may="" be="" obtained="" from="" nmfs.="" sec.="" 635.51="" authorized="" officer.="" for="" the="" purposes="" of="" this="" subpart,="" an="" authorized="" officer="" is="" a="" person="" appointed="" by="" an="" iccat="" contracting="" party="" that="" has="" accepted="" the="" port="" inspection="" scheme="" to="" serve="" as="" an="" authorized="" inspector="" for="" iccat,="" and="" who="" possesses="" an="" identification="" card="" so="" stating="" issued="" by="" the="" authorized="" officer's="" national="" government.="" a="" list="" of="" such="" contracting="" parties="" may="" be="" obtained="" from="" nmfs.="" sec.="" 635.52="" vessels="" subject="" to="" inspection.="" (a)="" all="" u.s.="" fishing="" vessels="" or="" vessels="" carrying="" tuna,="" and="" their="" catch,="" gear,="" and="" relevant="" documents,="" including="" fishing="" logbooks="" and="" cargo="" manifests,="" are="" subject="" to="" inspection="" under="" this="" subpart="" to="" verify="" compliance="" with="" iccat="" measures="" by="" an="" authorized="" officer="" when="" landing="" or="" transshipping="" tuna="" or="" when="" making="" a="" port="" call="" at="" a="" port="" of="" any="" iccat="" contracting="" party="" that="" has="" accepted="" the="" port="" inspection="" scheme.="" (b)="" a="" tuna="" vessel,="" or="" a="" vessel="" carrying="" tuna,="" that="" is="" registered="" by="" any="" of="" the="" iccat="" contracting="" parties="" that="" have="" accepted="" the="" port="" inspection="" scheme,="" and="" the="" vessel's="" catch,="" gear,="" and="" relevant="" documents,="" including="" fishing="" logbooks="" and="" cargo="" manifests,="" are="" subject="" to="" inspection="" under="" this="" subpart="" to="" verify="" compliance="" with="" iccat="" measures="" when="" landing="" or="" transshipping="" tuna="" or="" when="" making="" a="" port="" call="" in="" the="" united="" states.="" (c)="" a="" vessel="" entering="" a="" port="" because="" of="" force="" majeure="" is="" exempt="" from="" inspection="" by="" an="" authorized="" officer="" of="" any="" of="" the="" iccat="" contracting="" parties="" that="" have="" accepted="" the="" port="" inspection="" scheme.="" (d)="" the="" master="" of="" a="" tuna="" vessel="" or="" a="" vessel="" carrying="" tuna="" must="" cooperate="" with="" a="" nmfs="" authorized="" officer="" during="" the="" conduct="" of="" an="" inspection.="" inspections="" will="" be="" carried="" out="" so="" that="" the="" vessel="" suffers="" minimum="" interference="" and="" inconvenience,="" and="" so="" that="" degradation="" of="" the="" quality="" of="" catch="" is="" avoided.="" sec.="" 635.53="" reports.="" (a)="" apparent="" violations="" shall="" be="" reported="" on="" a="" standardized="" iccat="" form="" or="" form="" produced="" by="" the="" national="" government="" which="" collects="" the="" same="" quality="" of="" information.="" the="" nmfs="" authorized="" officer="" must="" sign="" the="" form="" in="" the="" presence="" of="" the="" master="" of="" the="" vessel,="" who="" is="" entitled="" to="" add="" or="" have="" added="" to="" the="" report="" any="" observations,="" and="" to="" add="" his="" own="" signature.="" the="" authorized="" officer="" should="" note="" in="" the="" vessel's="" log="" that="" the="" inspection="" has="" been="" made.="" (b)="" copies="" of="" the="" report="" form="" must="" be="" sent="" to="" the="" flag="" state="" of="" the="" vessel="" within="" 10="" days.="" flag="" states="" will="" consider="" and="" act="" on="" reports="" of="" apparent="" violations="" by="" foreign="" inspectors="" on="" a="" similar="" basis="" as="" the="" reports="" of="" their="" national="" inspectors="" in="" accordance="" with="" their="" national="" legislation.="" the="" vessel's="" flag="" state="" will="" notify="" iccat="" of="" actions="" taken="" to="" address="" the="" violation.="" sec.="" 635.54="" ports="" of="" entry.="" nmfs="" shall="" monitor="" the="" importation="" of="" bft="" and="" swordfish="" into="" the="" united="" states.="" if="" a="" nmfs="" official="" determines="" that="" the="" diversity="" of="" handling="" practices="" at="" certain="" ports="" at="" which="" bft="" or="" swordfish="" is="" being="" imported="" into="" the="" united="" states="" allow="" for="" circumvention="" of="" the="" bluefin="" tuna="" statistical="" document="" or="" certificate="" of="" eligibility="" requirement,="" he/she="" may="" designate,="" after="" consultation="" with="" the="" u.s.="" customs="" service,="" those="" ports="" at="" which="" pacific="" or="" atlantic="" bluefin="" tuna="" or="" swordfish="" from="" any="" source="" may="" be="" imported="" into="" the="" united="" states.="" nmfs="" shall="" announce="" through="" filing="" at="" the="" office="" of="" the="" federal="" register="" the="" names="" of="" ports="" so="" designated="" and="" the="" effective="" dates="" of="" entry="" restrictions.="" subpart="" f--enforcement="" sec.="" 635.69="" vessel="" monitoring="" systems.="" (a)="" general.="" (1)="" owners="" or="" operators="" of="" vessels="" fishing="" with="" pelagic="" longlines="" for="" swordfish,="" tunas,="" or="" sharks="" must="" submit="" an="" automatic="" position="" report="" with="" date,="" unique="" identifier="" vessel="" number,="" and="" speed="" and="" heading="" data="" to="" nmfs="" every="" hour="" beginning="" when="" the="" vessel="" leaves="" port="" to="" begin="" a="" fishing="" trip="" or="" at="" any="" time="" swordfish,="" sharks,="" or="" tunas="" are="" possessed="" on="" board="" the="" vessel.="" (2)="" if="" a="" vessel="" operator="" is="" notified="" by="" nmfs="" that="" his="" system="" is="" not="" transmitting="" position="" reports,="" he="" may="" be="" ordered="" to="" return="" to="" port="" and="" may="" not="" commence="" fishing="" until="" position="" reports="" are="" sent="" once="" an="" hour="" for="" 24="" hours.="" (b)="" hardware="" specifications.="" (1)="" the="" vms="" hardware="" must="" contain="" an="" integrated="" global="" positioning="" system="" with="" an="" accuracy="" to="" within="" 100="" meters,="" and="" must="" be="" tamper-proof.="" (2)="" the="" hardware="" must="" be="" able="" to="" perform="" the="" following="" functions:="" (i)="" transmit="" automatically="" generated="" position="" reports,="" event-driven="" position="" reports,="" internet="" e-mail="" text="" messages="" when="" optional="" input="" interface="" is="" connected,="" and="" safety="" and="" distress="" alerts="" and="" messages,="" (ii)="" receive="" e-mail="" text="" messages,="" (iii)="" have="" the="" ability="" to="" remotely="" create="" new="" message="" types="" and="" to="" remotely="" create="" message="" templates="" or="" forms,="" (iv)="" allow="" for="" variable="" reporting="" intervals="" between="" 5="" minutes="" and="" 24="" hours,="" (v)="" have="" the="" ability="" to="" store="" 100="" position="" reports="" in="" local="" memory="" when="" the="" hardware="" is="" unable="" to="" transmit.="" (3)="" the="" hardware="" must="" have="" an="" onboard="" visible="" or="" audible="" alarm="" that="" indicates="" malfunctioning.="" (4)="" the="" hardware="" must="" function="" uniformly="" within="" the="" entire="" area="" of="" geographic="" coverage="" of="" the="" vessel.="" vessels="" that="" fish="" outside="" the="" geographic="" area="" of="" the="" vms="" will="" be="" in="" violation="" of="" sec.="" 635.9.="" (c)="" communications="" specifications.="" (1)="" the="" communications="" service="" provider="" must="" have="" the="" ability="" to:="" (i)="" transmit="" automatically="" generated="" position="" reports,="" event="" driven="" position="" reports,="" safety="" and="" distress="" alerts="" and="" messages,="" and="" e-mail="" text="" messages="" when="" an="" optional="" input="" interface="" is="" connected,="" (ii)="" create="" new="" message="" types="" and="" message="" templates="" or="" forms,="" (iii)="" perform="" two-way="" communications="" for="" delivery="" and="" acceptance="" of="" data,="" supporting="" messages,="" position="" reports,="" queries,="" and="" administrative="" functions,="" (iv)="" attach="" a="" date="" and="" time="" stamp="" when="" the="" position="" report="" is="" sent="" to="" nmfs,="" (v)="" accommodate="" a="" near="" real-time="" system="" for="" 95="" percent="" of="" transmissions="" or="" a="" store="" and="" forward="" system="" for="" two="" way="" messaging,="" (vi)="" provide="" auto-forwarding="" or="" auto-delivery="" of="" messages.="" [[page="" 3192]]="" (2)="" the="" communications="" service="" provider="" must="" provide="" service="" secure="" from="" tampering="" or="" interception,="" including="" the="" eading="" of="" passwords="" and="" data.="" sec.="" 635.70="" penalties.="" (a)="" general.="" see="" sec.="" 600.735="" of="" this="" chapter.="" (b)="" civil="" procedures="" for="" atlantic="" tuna.="" because="" of="" the="" perishable="" nature="" of="" atlantic="" tuna="" when="" it="" is="" not="" chilled="" or="" frozen,="" an="" authorized="" officer="" may="" cause="" to="" be="" sold,="" for="" not="" less="" than="" its="" reasonable="" market="" value,="" unchilled="" or="" unfrozen="" atlantic="" tuna="" that="" may="" be="" seized="" and="" forfeited="" under="" atca="" and="" this="" part.="" sec.="" 635.71="" prohibitions.="" in="" addition="" to="" the="" prohibitions="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 600.725="" of="" this="" chapter,="" it="" is="" unlawful="" for="" any="" person="" subject="" to="" the="" jurisdiction="" of="" the="" united="" states="" to="" violate="" any="" other="" provision="" of="" this="" part,="" atca,="" the="" magnuson-stevens="" act,="" or="" any="" other="" rules="" promulgated="" under="" atca="" or="" the="" magnuson-stevens="" act.="" (a)="" general.="" it="" is="" unlawful="" for="" any="" person="" or="" vessel="" subject="" to="" the="" jurisdiction="" of="" the="" united="" states="" to:="" (1)="" falsify="" information="" required="" on="" an="" application="" for="" a="" permit="" submitted="" under="" secs.="" 635.4="" or="" 635.16.="" (2)="" fish="" for,="" catch,="" possess,="" retain,="" or="" land="" an="" atlantic="" hms="" without="" a="" valid="" permit="" on="" board="" the="" vessel,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.4.="" (3)="" purchase,="" receive,="" or="" transfer="" for="" commercial="" purposes="" any="" atlantic="" hms="" landed="" by="" owners="" or="" operators="" of="" vessels="" not="" permitted="" to="" do="" so="" under="" sec.="" 635.4,="" or="" purchase,="" receive,="" or="" transfer="" for="" commercial="" purposes="" any="" atlantic="" hms="" without="" a="" valid="" dealer="" permit="" issued="" under="" sec.="" 635.4.="" (4)="" sell,="" offer="" for="" sale,="" or="" transfer="" an="" atlantic="" tuna,="" shark,="" or="" swordfish="" other="" than="" to="" a="" dealer="" that="" has="" a="" valid="" dealer="" permit="" issued="" under="" sec.="" 635.4.="" (5)="" fail="" to="" possess="" and="" make="" available="" a="" permit="" on="" board="" the="" permitted="" vessel,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.4(a).="" (6)="" falsify="" or="" fail="" to="" record,="" report,="" or="" maintain="" information="" required="" to="" be="" recorded,="" reported,="" or="" maintained,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.5.="" (7)="" fail="" to="" allow="" an="" authorized="" agent="" of="" nmfs="" to="" inspect="" and="" copy="" reports="" and="" records,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.5(f).="" (8)="" fail="" to="" make="" available="" for="" inspection="" an="" atlantic="" hms="" or="" its="" area="" of="" custody,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.5(g).="" (9)="" fail="" to="" report="" the="" catching="" of="" any="" atlantic="" hms="" to="" which="" a="" conventional="" tag="" has="" been="" affixed="" under="" a="" tag="" and="" release="" program.="" (10)="" falsify="" or="" fail="" to="" display="" and="" maintain="" vessel="" and="" gear="" identification,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.6.="" (11)="" fail="" to="" comply="" with="" the="" requirements="" for="" at-sea="" observer="" coverage,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.7="" and="" sec.="" 600.746="" of="" this="" chapter.="" (12)="" for="" any="" person="" to="" assault,="" resist,="" oppose,="" impede,="" intimidate,="" interfere="" with,="" obstruct,="" delay,="" or="" prevent,="" by="" any="" means,="" any="" authorized="" officer="" in="" the="" conduct="" of="" any="" search,="" inspection,="" seizure="" or="" lawful="" investigation="" made="" in="" connection="" with="" enforcement="" of="" this="" part.="" (13)="" interfere="" with,="" delay,="" or="" prevent="" by="" any="" means,="" the="" apprehension="" of="" another="" person,="" knowing="" that="" such="" person="" has="" committed="" any="" act="" prohibited="" by="" this="" part;="" (14)="" fail="" to="" attend="" an="" educational="" workshop="" or="" to="" present="" for="" inspection="" a="" certificate="" of="" attendance="" at="" an="" educational="" workshop,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.8.="" (15)="" tamper="" with,="" or="" fail="" to="" operate="" and="" maintain="" a="" vessel="" monitoring="" system="" unit,="" as="" specified="" in="" secs.="" 635.9="" and="" 635.69.="" (16)="" fish="" for="" or="" possess="" atlantic="" tunas="" or="" swordfish="" with="" a="" driftnet="" on="" board,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.21="" (b),="" (d)(1),="" and="" (d)(4)(ii).="" (17)="" fail="" to="" retrieve="" fishing="" gear="" and="" move="" after="" an="" interaction="" with="" a="" marine="" mammal="" or="" sea="" turtle,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.21(c)(3).="" (18)="" fail="" to="" release="" an="" atlantic="" hms="" in="" the="" manner="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.21(a).="" (19)="" fail="" to="" report="" the="" retention="" of="" an="" atlantic="" hms="" that="" has="" an="" archival="" tag,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.33.="" (20)="" fail="" to="" maintain="" an="" atlantic="" hms="" in="" the="" form="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.30.="" (21)="" fish="" for,="" catch,="" retain,="" or="" possess="" an="" atlantic="" hms="" that="" is="" less="" than="" its="" minimum="" size="" limit="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.20.="" (22)="" fail="" to="" comply="" with="" the="" restrictions="" on="" use="" of="" a="" pelagic="" longline="" or="" shark="" net="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.21="" (c),="" (d)(3)(ii),="" and="" (d)(3)(iii).="" (23)="" import="" any="" bft="" or="" swordfish="" in="" a="" manner="" inconsistent="" with="" any="" ports="" of="" entry="" designated="" by="" nmfs="" as="" authorized="" by="" sec.="" 635.54.="" (24)="" dispose="" of="" fish="" or="" parts="" thereof="" or="" other="" matter="" in="" any="" manner="" after="" any="" communication="" or="" signal="" from="" an="" authorized="" officer,="" or="" after="" the="" approach="" of="" an="" authorized="" officer.="" (b)="" atlantic="" tunas.="" it="" is="" unlawful="" for="" any="" person="" or="" vessel="" subject="" to="" the="" jurisdiction="" of="" the="" united="" states="" to:="" (1)="" engage="" in="" fishing="" with="" a="" vessel="" that="" has="" a="" permit="" for="" atlantic="" tuna="" under="" sec.="" 635.4,="" unless="" the="" vessel="" travels="" to="" and="" from="" the="" area="" where="" it="" will="" be="" fishing="" under="" its="" own="" power="" and="" the="" person="" operating="" that="" vessel="" brings="" any="" bft="" under="" control="" (secured="" to="" the="" catching="" vessel="" or="" on="" board)="" with="" no="" assistance="" from="" another="" vessel,="" except="" as="" shown="" by="" the="" operator="" that="" the="" safety="" of="" the="" vessel="" or="" its="" crew="" was="" jeopardized="" or="" other="" circumstances="" existed="" that="" were="" beyond="" the="" control="" of="" the="" operator.="" (2)="" import="" or="" export="" bluefin="" tuna="" without="" a="" dealer="" permit,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.4(b)(2).="" (3)="" fish="" for,="" catch,="" retain,="" or="" possess="" a="" bft="" less="" than="" the="" large="" medium="" size="" class="" by="" a="" vessel="" other="" than="" one="" that="" has="" on="" board="" an="" angling="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit,="" an="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permit,="" or="" a="" purse="" seine="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" as="" authorized="" under="" sec.="" 635.23="" (b),="" (c),="" and="" (e)(2).="" (4)="" fail="" to="" inspect="" a="" vessel's="" permit,="" fail="" to="" affix="" a="" dealer="" tag="" to="" a="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft,="" or="" fail="" to="" use="" such="" tag="" properly,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.5(b)(2)(ii).="" (5)="" fail="" to="" report="" a="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" that="" is="" not="" sold,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.5(c).="" (6)="" as="" an="" angler,="" fail="" to="" report="" a="" bft,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.5(d).="" (7)="" fish="" for,="" catch,="" retain,="" or="" possess="" a="" bft="" with="" gear="" not="" authorized="" for="" the="" category="" permit="" issued="" to="" the="" vessel="" or="" to="" have="" on="" board="" such="" gear="" when="" in="" possession="" of="" a="" bft,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.21(d)(1).="" (8)="" fail="" to="" request="" an="" inspection="" of="" a="" purse="" seine="" vessel,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.21(d)(1)(vi)(b).="" (9)="" fish="" for="" or="" catch="" bft="" in="" a="" directed="" fishery="" with="" purse="" seine="" nets="" without="" an="" allocation="" made="" under="" sec.="" 635.27(a)(4).="" (10)="" fish="" for="" or="" catch="" any="" atlantic="" tunas="" in="" a="" directed="" fishery="" with="" purse="" seine="" nets="" from="" august="" 15="" through="" december="" 31="" if="" there="" is="" no="" remaining="" bft="" allocation="" made="" under="" sec.="" 635.27="" (a)(4).="" (11)="" exceed="" the="" recreational="" catch="" limit="" for="" yellowfin="" tuna,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.22(d).="" (12)="" exceed="" a="" catch="" limit="" for="" bft="" specified="" for="" the="" appropriate="" permit="" category,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.23.="" (13)="" as="" a="" vessel="" with="" a="" general="" category="" atlantic="" tuna="" permit,="" fail="" to="" immediately="" cease="" fishing="" and="" immediately="" return="" to="" port="" after="" catching="" a="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" on="" a="" commercial="" fishing="" day,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.23(a)(3).="" (14)="" as="" a="" vessel="" with="" an="" angling="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" or="" an="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permit,="" fail="" to="" immediately="" cease="" fishing="" and="" immediately="" return="" to="" port="" after="" catching="" a="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" or="" fail="" to="" report="" such="" catch,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.23(b)(1)(iii)="" and="" (c)(1)="" through="" (c)(3).="" (15)="" as="" a="" vessel="" with="" an="" angling="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit="" or="" an="" hms="" charter/headboat="" permit,="" sell,="" [[page="" 3193]]="" offer="" for="" sale,="" or="" attempt="" to="" sell="" a="" large="" medium="" or="" giant="" bft="" after="" fishing="" under="" the="" circumstances="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.23(b)(1)(iii)="" and="" (c)(1)="" through="" (3).="" (16)="" retain="" a="" bft="" caught="" under="" the="" catch="" and="" release="" program="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.26.="" (17)="" as="" a="" vessel="" with="" a="" purse="" seine="" category="" atlantic="" tuna="" permit,="" catch,="" possess,="" retain,="" or="" land="" bft="" in="" excess="" of="" its="" allocation="" of="" the="" purse="" seine="" category="" quota,="" or="" fish="" for="" bft="" under="" that="" allocation="" prior="" to="" august="" 15,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.27(a)(4).="" (18)="" as="" a="" vessel="" with="" a="" purse="" seine="" category="" atlantic="" tunas="" permit,="" land="" bft="" smaller="" than="" the="" large="" medium="" size="" class="" except="" as="" specified="" under="" sec.="" 635.23(e)(2).="" (19)="" fish="" for,="" retain,="" possess,="" or="" land="" a="" bft="" when="" the="" fishery="" is="" closed,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.28(a),="" except="" as="" may="" be="" authorized="" for="" catch="" and="" release="" under="" sec.="" 635.26.="" (20)="" approach="" to="" within="" 100="" yd="" (91.5="" m)="" of="" the="" cork="" line="" of="" a="" purse="" seine="" net="" used="" by="" a="" vessel="" fishing="" for="" atlantic="" tuna,="" or="" for="" a="" purse="" seine="" vessel="" to="" approach="" to="" within="" 100="" yd="" (91.5="" m)="" of="" a="" vessel="" actively="" fishing="" for="" atlantic="" tuna,="" except="" that="" two="" vessels="" that="" have="" purse="" seine="" category="" atlantic="" tuna="" permits="" may="" approach="" closer="" to="" each="" other.="" (21)="" transfer="" at="" sea="" an="" atlantic="" tuna,="" except="" as="" may="" be="" authorized="" for="" the="" transfer="" of="" bft="" between="" purse="" seine="" vessels,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.29(a).="" (22)="" as="" the="" owner="" or="" operator="" of="" a="" purse="" seine="" vessel,="" fail="" to="" comply="" with="" the="" requirements="" for="" weighing,="" measuring,="" and="" information="" collection="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.30(a)(2).="" (23)="" fish="" for,="" catch,="" possess,="" or="" retain="" a="" bft="" from="" the="" gulf="" of="" mexico="" except="" as="" specified="" under="" sec.="" 635.23(f)(1),="" or="" if="" taken="" incidental="" to="" recreational="" fishing="" for="" other="" species="" and="" retained="" in="" accordance="" with="" sec.="" 635.23(b)="" and="" (c).="" (24)="" fail="" to="" comply="" with="" the="" restrictions="" on="" sale="" and="" purchase="" of="" an="" atlantic="" tuna,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.31(a)="" and="" 635.5(b).="" (25)="" fail="" to="" comply="" with="" the="" documentation="" requirements="" for="" imported="" or="" exported="" bft="" or="" bft="" products,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.42.="" (26)="" import="" a="" bft="" or="" bft="" product="" into="" the="" united="" states="" from="" belize,="" panama,="" or="" honduras="" other="" than="" as="" authorized="" in="" sec.="" 635.45.="" (27)="" for="" any="" person="" to="" refuse="" to="" provide="" information="" requested="" by="" nmfs="" personnel="" or="" anyone="" collecting="" information="" for="" nmfs,="" under="" an="" agreement="" or="" contract,="" relating="" to="" the="" scientific="" monitoring="" or="" management="" of="" atlantic="" tunas.="" (c)="" billfish.="" it="" is="" unlawful="" for="" any="" person="" or="" vessel="" subject="" to="" the="" jurisdiction="" of="" the="" united="" states="" to:="" (1)="" retain="" a="" billfish="" on="" board="" a="" vessel="" with="" a="" pelagic="" longline="" on="" board="" or="" harvested="" by="" gear="" other="" than="" rod="" and="" reel,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.21(d)(2).="" (2)="" use="" more="" than="" one="" hook="" per="" bait="" or="" lure="" in="" a="" hook-and-line="" fishery="" for="" billfish,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.21(d)(2)(ii).="" (3)="" exceed="" the="" vessel="" trip="" limit="" for="" billfish="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.22(b)(1).="" (4)="" transfer="" a="" billfish="" at="" sea,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.29(a).="" (5)="" fail="" to="" maintain="" a="" billfish="" in="" the="" form="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.30(b).="" (6)="" sell="" or="" purchase="" a="" billfish,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.31(b).="" (d)="" shark.="" it="" is="" unlawful="" for="" any="" person="" or="" vessel="" subject="" to="" the="" jurisdiction="" of="" the="" united="" states="" to:="" (1)="" exceed="" a="" recreational="" catch="" limit="" for="" shark,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.22(c).="" (2)="" exceed="" a="" trip="" limit="" for="" shark,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.24(a).="" (3)="" retain,="" possess,="" or="" land="" a="" shark="" of="" a="" species="" group="" when="" the="" fishery="" for="" that="" species="" group="" is="" closed,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.28(b)(1)="" and="" (2).="" (4)="" sell="" or="" purchase="" a="" shark="" of="" a="" species="" group="" when="" the="" fishery="" for="" that="" species="" group="" is="" closed,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.28(b)(3).="" (5)="" transfer="" a="" shark="" at="" sea,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.29(b).="" (6)="" remove="" the="" fins="" from="" a="" shark,="" or="" from="" one="" of="" the="" additional="" shark="" species="" listed="" in="" table="" 2="" in="" appendix="" a="" to="" this="" part,="" and="" discard="" the="" remainder,="" or="" otherwise="" fail="" to="" maintain="" a="" shark="" in="" its="" proper="" form,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.30(c)(1)="" through="" (c)(4).="" (7)="" have="" on="" board="" a="" fishing="" vessel,="" sell,="" or="" purchase="" shark="" fins="" that="" are="" disproportionate="" to="" the="" weight="" of="" shark="" carcasses,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.30(c)(2)="" and="" (3).="" (8)="" fail="" to="" have="" shark="" fins="" and="" carcasses="" weighed="" and="" recorded,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.30(c)(3).="" (9)="" fail="" to="" comply="" with="" the="" restrictions="" on="" sale="" and="" purchase="" of="" a="" shark,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.31(c).="" (10)="" retain,="" possess,="" sell,="" or="" purchase="" a="" prohibited="" shark.="" (11)="" falsify="" information="" submitted="" under="" sec.="" 635.16(d)(2)="" or="" (d)(4)="" in="" support="" of="" an="" application="" for="" an="" ilap="" or="" an="" appeal="" of="" nmfs's="" denial="" of="" an="" initial="" limited="" access="" permit="" for="" shark.="" (e)="" swordfish.="" it="" is="" unlawful="" for="" any="" person="" or="" vessel="" subject="" to="" the="" jurisdiction="" of="" the="" united="" states="" to:="" (1)="" purchase,="" barter="" for,="" trade="" for,="" or="" import="" a="" swordfish="" without="" a="" dealer="" permit,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.4(g)(3).="" (2)="" fail="" to="" comply="" with="" the="" restrictions="" on="" use="" of="" a="" pelagic="" longline="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.21(b)="" and="" (c).="" (3)="" when="" the="" directed="" fishery="" for="" swordfish="" is="" closed,="" exceed="" the="" limits="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.28(c)(1)(i)="" and="" (ii).="" (4)="" when="" the="" incidental="" catch="" fishery="" for="" swordfish="" is="" closed,="" possess,="" land,="" sell,="" or="" purchase="" a="" swordfish,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.28(c)(2).="" (5)="" transfer="" at="" sea="" a="" swordfish,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.29(a).="" (6)="" fail="" to="" maintain="" a="" swordfish="" in="" the="" form="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.30(d).="" (7)="" fail="" to="" comply="" with="" the="" restrictions="" on="" sale="" and="" purchase="" of="" a="" swordfish,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.31(d).="" (8)="" fish="" for="" north="" atlantic="" swordfish="" from,="" or="" possess="" or="" land="" north="" atlantic="" swordfish="" on="" board="" a="" vessel,="" using="" or="" having="" on="" board="" gear="" other="" than="" pelagic="" longline,="" harpoon,="" rod="" and="" reel,="" or="" handline.="" (9)="" fish="" for="" swordfish="" from="" the="" south="" atlantic="" swordfish="" stock="" using="" any="" gear="" other="" than="" pelagic="" longline.="" (10)="" fail="" to="" comply="" with="" the="" documentation="" requirements="" for="" the="" importation="" of="" a="" swordfish,="" or="" part="" thereof,="" that="" is="" less="" than="" the="" minimum="" size,="" as="" specified="" in="" sec.="" 635.46.="" (11)="" falsify="" information="" submitted="" under="" sec.="" 635.16(d)(2)="" or="" (d)(4)="" in="" support="" of="" an="" application="" for="" an="" ilap="" or="" an="" appeal="" of="" nmfs's="" denial="" of="" an="" initial="" limited="" access="" permit="" for="" swordfish.="" appendix="" a="" to="" part="" 635--species="" tables="" table="" 1="" of="" appendix="" a="" to="" part="" 635--sharks="" (a)="" large="" coastal="" sharks:="" (1)="" ridgeback="" sharks:="" sandbar,="" carcharhinus="" plumbeus="" silky,="" carcharhinus="" falciformis="" (2)="" non-ridgeback="" sharks:="" blacktip,="" carcharhinus="" limbatus="" bull,="" carcharhinus="" leucas="" great="" hammerhead,="" sphyrna="" mokarran="" lemon,="" negaprion="" brevirostris="" nurse,="" ginglymostoma="" cirratum="" scalloped="" hammerhead,="" sphyrna="" lewini="" smooth="" hammerhead,="" sphyrna="" zygaena="" spinner,="" carcharhinus="" brevipinna="" tiger,="" galeocerdo="" cuvieri.="" (b)="" small="" coastal="" sharks:="" atlantic="" sharpnose,="" rhizoprionodon="" terraenovae="" blacknose,="" carcharhinus="" acronotus="" bonnethead,="" sphyrna="" tiburo="" finetooth,="" carcharhinus="" isodon="" (c)="" pelagic="" sharks:="" oceanic="" whitetip,="" carcharhinus="" longimanus="" porbeagle,="" lamna="" nasus="" shortfin="" mako,="" isurus="" oxyrinchus="" thresher,="" alopias="" vulpinus.="" (d)="" prohibited="" sharks:="" [[page="" 3194]]="" atlantic="" angel,="" squatina="" dumerili="" basking,="" cetorhinus="" maximus="" bigeye="" sand="" tiger,="" odontaspis="" noronhai="" bigeye="" sixgill,="" hexanchus="" vitulus="" bigeye="" thresher,="" alopias="" superciliosus="" bignose,="" carcharhinus="" altimus="" blue,="" prionace="" glauca="" caribbean="" reef,="" carcharhinus="" perezi="" caribbean="" sharpnose,="" rhizoprionodon="" porosus="" dusky,="" carcharhinus="" obscurus="" galapagos,="" carcharhinus="" galapagensis="" longfin="" mako,="" isurus="" paucus="" narrowtooth,="" carcharhinus="" brachyurus="" night,="" carcharhinus="" signatus="" sand="" tiger,="" odontaspis="" taurus="" sevengill,="" heptranchias="" perlo="" sixgill,="" hexanchus="" griseus="" smalltail,="" carcharhinus="" porosus="" whale,="" rhincodon="" typus="" white,="" carcharodon="" carcharias="" table="" 2="" of="" appendix="" a="" to="" part="" 635--additional="" shark="" species="" catsharks-scyliorhinidae="" blotched="" catshark,="" scyliorhinus="" meadi="" broadgill="" catshark,="" apristurus="" riveri="" chain="" dogfish,="" scyliorhinus="" retifer="" deepwater="" catshark,="" apristurus="" profundorum="" dwarf="" catshark,="" scyliorhinus="" torrei="" iceland="" catshark,="" apristurus="" laurussoni="" marbled="" catshark,="" galeus="" arae="" smallfin="" catshark,="" apristurus="" parvipinnis="" dogfish="" sharks--squalidae="" bigtooth="" cookiecutter,="" isistius="" plutodus="" blainville's="" dogfish,="" squalus="" blainvillei="" bramble="" shark,="" echinorhinus="" brucus="" broadband="" dogfish,="" etmopterus="" gracilispinnis="" caribbean="" lanternshark,="" etmopterus="" hillianus="" cookiecutter="" shark,="" isistius="" brasiliensis="" cuban="" dogfish,="" squalus="" cubensis="" flatnose="" gulper="" shark,="" deania="" profundorum="" fringefin="" lanternshark,="" etmopterus="" schultzi="" great="" lanternshark,="" etmopterus="" princeps="" green="" lanternshark,="" etmopterus="" virens="" greenland="" shark,="" somniosus="" microcephalus="" gulper="" shark,="" centrophorus="" granulosus="" japanese="" gulper="" shark,="" centrophorus="" acuus="" kitefin="" shark,="" dalatias="" licha="" lined="" lanternshark,="" etmopterus="" bullisi="" little="" gulper="" shark,="" centrophorus="" uyato="" portuguese="" shark,="" cetroscymnus="" coelolepis="" pygmy="" shark,="" squaliolus="" laticaudus="" roughskin="" spiny="" dogfish,="" squalus="" asper="" smallmouth="" velvet="" dogfish,="" scymnodon="" obscurus="" smooth="" lanternshark,="" etmopterus="" pusillus="" spiny="" dogfish,="" squalus="" acanthias="" sawsharks--pristiophoridae="" american="" sawshark,="" pristiophorus="" schroederi="" smoothhound="" sharks--triakiidae="" florida="" smoothhound,="" mustelus="" norrisi="" smooth="" dogfish,="" mustelus="" canis="" [fr="" doc.="" 99-1065="" filed="" 1-15-99;="" 8:45="" am]="" billing="" code="" 3510-22-f="">

Document Information

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule; request for comments.
Document Number:
Comments on the proposed rule, the HMS FMP, Amendment 1 to the Billfish FMP and/or supporting documents must be received by March 4, 1999. Public hearings on this proposed rule will be held in February 1999 and will be announced in a separate Federal Register document.
3154-3194 (41 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 981216308-8308-01, I.D. 071698B
0648-AJ67: Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (64)
50 CFR 635.43(a)
50 CFR 635.44(a)
50 CFR 635.21(a)
50 CFR 635.29(a)
50 CFR 635.22(b)(1)
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