97-810. Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model A300, A300-600, A310, and A320 Series Airplanes  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 14 (Wednesday, January 22, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 3204-3209]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-810]
    14 CFR Part 39
    [Docket No. 95-NM-227-AD; Amendment 39-9888; AD 97-02-04]
    RIN 2120-AA64
    Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model A300, A300-600, A310, and 
    A320 Series Airplanes
    AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This amendment supersedes an existing airworthiness directive 
    (AD), applicable to certain Airbus Model A300, A300-600, A310, and A320 
    series airplanes, that currently requires an inspection of the landing 
    gear brakes for wear, and replacement if the specified wear limits are 
    not met. That AD also requires incorporation of the specified wear 
    limits into the FAA-approved maintenance inspection program. This 
    amendment requires that certain wear limits that are dependent on brake 
    stack weight be used in conjunction with specified brake stack weights, 
    and that maximum allowable brake wear limits for additional brake units 
    be incorporated into the FAA-approved maintenance program. This 
    amendment is prompted by a report that some brakes that are subject to 
    the requirements of the existing AD have not been removed from service 
    and by the determination of the maximum allowable brake wear limits for 
    additional brake unit part numbers. The actions specified by this AD 
    are intended to prevent the loss of brake effectiveness during a high 
    energy rejected takeoff.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: February 26, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: The service information that pertains to this rulemaking 
    action may be obtained from Messier Services, 45635 Willow Pond Plaza, 
    Sterling, Virginia 20164; Allied Signal Aerospace, Technical 
    Publications, Dept. 65-70, P.O. Box 52170, Phoenix, Arizona 85072-2170; 
    or BFGoodrich Company, Aircraft Evacuation Systems, Department 7916, 
    Phoenix, Arizona 85040. This information may be examined at the Federal 
    Aviation Administration (FAA), Transport Airplane Directorate, Rules 
    Docket, 1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton, Washington; or at the Office of 
    the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, 
    Washington, DC.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joe Jacobsen, Aerospace Engineer, 
    Standardization Branch, ANM-113, FAA, Transport Airplane Directorate, 
    1601 Lind Avenue, SW., Renton,
    [[Page 3205]]
    Washington 98055-4056; telephone (206) 227-2011; fax (206) 227-1149.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A proposal to amend part 39 of the Federal 
    Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) by superseding AD 94-26-05, 
    amendment 39-9101 (59 FR 65927, December 22, 1994), which is applicable 
    to certain Airbus Model A300, A300-600, A310, and A320 series 
    airplanes, was published in the Federal Register on June 13, 1996 (61 
    FR 29996). The action proposed to continue to require inspection of 
    certain landing gear brakes for wear, replacement of the brakes if 
    certain wear limits are not met, and incorporation of the specified 
    wear limits into the FAA-approved maintenance inspection program. 
    Additionally, the action proposed to:
        1. Revise certain brake part numbers and maximum brake wear 
    information specified in the existing AD;
        2. Require that certain wear limits that are dependent on brake 
    stack weight be used in conjunction with appropriate brake stack 
    weights specified in various service documents; and
        3. Require that maximum allowable brake wear limits for additional 
    brake units be incorporated into the FAA-approved maintenance program.
        Interested persons have been afforded an opportunity to participate 
    in the making of this amendment. Due consideration has been given to 
    the comments received.
    Support for the Proposal
        Several commenters support the proposed rule.
    Request for Clarification of Information in TABLE 3
        One commenter states that certain information in TABLE 3 of the 
    proposal needs clarification to add the following information:
        1. Messier-Bugatti C20060-100 series brakes can also be installed 
    on Airbus Model A300B4-200 series airplanes; however, TABLE 3 indicates 
    only the Model A300-600 as having these brakes installed.
        2. Messier Bugatti C20175100 series brakes should be included as 
    brakes that can be installed on Model A300-600 series airplanes.
        3. Messier-Bugatti C20210500 series brakes should be included as 
    brakes that can be installed on Model A300 B4-600R series airplanes.
        The commenter points out that these brake models (and their 
    applicable brake wear limits) are included in the referenced 
    manufacturer's Component Maintenance Manual (CMM), but TABLE 3 did not 
    make it clear which airplane models are equipped with them.
        The FAA concurs with the commenters observations and has made the 
    appropriate revisions to both TABLE 3 and TABLE 4 accordingly.
    Request to Increase Wear Pin Length for Modified Brakes
        One commenter requests that the proposal be revised to increase the 
    allowable wear pin length for Messier Bugatti C20210200 series brakes 
    from 1.97 inches to 2.559 inches by installation of a shim at the 
    thrust plate. The commenter states that this provision is contained in 
    Messier Service Bulletin 470-32-675, Revision 1, dated September 26, 
    1994 (which is cited in TABLE 4 under the brake wear limit references 
    for Model A300 B4-600R series airplanes).
        The FAA does not concur. The FAA contacted the manufacturer, who 
    clarified this provision: When the shim is added, the total wear of the 
    heat pack is increased. However, the wear pin limit of 1.97 inches does 
    not change. In light of this, the FAA finds that the wear limit of 1.97 
    inches, as indicated in the notice, is correct.
    Request for Addition of Wear Limits for Brakes with Carbon /D3/ 
    Heat Packs
        One commenter requests that the proposal be revised to specify what 
    the wear limits are for brakes equipped with the latest version of 
    Messier carbon /D3/ heat packs.
        The FAA does not concur that a revision is necessary. The 
    manufacturer has advised the FAA that, contrary to what was previously 
    assumed, some /D3/ heat packs are still in service. However, the 
    manufacturer confirmed that the allowable wear limits specified in the 
    notice are independent of whether or not a /D3/ heat pack is used. The 
    wear limits, as stated in the notice, are correct.
    Request to Clarify Requirement to Incorporate TABLE 3 Information
        One commenter expresses confusion concerning the requirements of 
    proposed paragraph (b)(1), which appears to indicate that the entirety 
    of TABLE 3 must be incorporated into the FAA-approved maintenance 
    program, regardless of the type of airplane an operator may operate or 
    the type of brakes used. The commenter requests that this be clarified.
        The FAA concurs that clarification may be necessary. In presenting 
    the information in the form of a table, the FAA assumed that operators 
    would incorporate into their programs only the specific information 
    pertaining to the airplanes that they actually operate, rather than all 
    of the information contained in TABLE 3. The table format was selected 
    as a more convenient method of displaying this information, rather than 
    designating individual paragraphs applicable to each individual 
    airplane model and/or brake models. Regardless of the format in which 
    this information is introduced, operators are required to comply only 
    with those items that directly affect the equipment that they operate. 
    The FAA has revised the wording of paragraph (b)(1) of the final rule 
    to make this more precise.
    Request to Clarify Provisions Regarding Brake Stack Weights
        One commenter requests that proposed paragraph (b)(3) be clarified 
    with regard to its specific requirements. That paragraph states first 
    that the brake wear is to be measured in accordance with certain 
    documents; it then states that listed brake wear limits that are 
    identified in referenced service documents as being dependent on brake 
    stack weights ``shall be used in conjunction with the brake stack 
    weights specified in that service information.'' The commenter 
    considers this to be ``impossible to understand.''
        The FAA concurs that clarification may be appropriate. The purpose 
    of paragraph (b)(3) is to direct operators to service information that 
    provides specific procedures for measuring the brake wear of each type 
    of brake addressed in this AD. As indicated in that paragraph, these 
    procedural instructions are contained in the following sources:
        1. Chapter 32-42-27 of the Airplane Maintenance Manual;
        2. Chapter 32-32-( ) of the brake manufacturers Component 
    Maintenance Manual; and/or
        3. Service bulletins listed in TABLE 4 of this AD.
        The second sentence of paragraph (b)(3) addresses particular brakes 
    that, because of their lower (brake stack) weight, have proven to be 
    unable to withstand maximum rejected takeoff (RTO) energy when they are 
    fully worn to the limit that is specified in the previously issued AD. 
    If any of the service bulletins listed in TABLE 4 indicates that the 
    brake wear limit for a specific brake is dependent on the brake stack 
    weight of that brake, then the operator must verify that the brake wear 
    limit specified in TABLE 3 is being used with the correct brake stack 
    weight. The FAA points to an incident that occurred previously in which 
    the brake wear limit specified in the previously issued AD was used 
    with an incorrect brake
    [[Page 3206]]
    stack weight. This situation presented an unsafe condition because the 
    brake wear limit being used was beyond what the particular brake 
    actually should have been limited to in order to maintain braking 
    effectiveness during a high energy RTO. The wording of paragraph (b)(3) 
    is an attempt to prevent that error from occurring again.
        The FAA has revised the wording of paragraph (b)(3) in this final 
    rule to clarify the intent of that paragraph.
        After careful review of the available data, including the comments 
    noted above, the FAA has determined that air safety and the public 
    interest require the adoption of the rule with the changes previously 
    described. The FAA has determined that these changes will neither 
    increase the economic burden on any operator nor increase the scope of 
    the AD.
    Cost Impact
        There are approximately 165 Model A300, A300-600, A310, and A320 
    series airplanes of U.S. registry that will be affected by this 
    proposed AD.
        Incorporation of the revision of the FAA-approved maintenance 
    inspection program, which is currently required by AD 94-26-05, takes 
    approximately 20 work hours per operator (for 4 U.S. operators) to 
    accomplish, at an average labor rate of $60 per work hour. Based on 
    these figures, the cost impact on U.S. operators to accomplish this 
    currently required action is estimated to be $4,800, or $1,200 per 
        The inspection currently required by AD 94-26-05 takes 
    approximately 15 work hours per airplane to accomplish, at an average 
    labor rate of $60 per work hour. The cost of required parts to 
    accomplish the change in wear limits for these airplanes (that is, the 
    cost resulting from the requirement to change the brakes before they 
    are worn to their previously approved limits for a one-time change) 
    will be approximately $2,236 per airplane. The FAA estimates that 46 of 
    the 165 affected airplanes of U.S. registry will be required to 
    accomplish the inspection. Based on these figures, the cost impact on 
    U.S. operators to accomplish the currently required inspection is 
    estimated to be $144,256, or $3,136 per airplane.
        The new actions that are required in this AD action will affect 1 
    U.S. operator of 8 airplanes. The FAA estimates that the new actions 
    will take approximately 15 work hours per airplane to accomplish, at an 
    average labor rate of $60 per work hour. Required parts will cost 
    approximately $2,236 per airplane. Based on these figures, the cost 
    impact on the affected U.S. operator of the requirements of this AD is 
    estimated to be $3,136 per airplane.
        The cost impact figures discussed above are based on assumptions 
    that no operator has yet accomplished any of the requirements of this 
    AD action, and that no operator would accomplish those actions in the 
    future if this AD were not adopted.
    Regulatory Impact
        The regulations adopted herein will not have substantial direct 
    effects on the States, on the relationship between the national 
    government and the States, or on the distribution of power and 
    responsibilities among the various levels of government. Therefore, in 
    accordance with Executive Order 12612, it is determined that this final 
    rule does not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant the 
    preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
        For the reasons discussed above, I certify that this action (1) is 
    not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive Order 12866; 
    (2) is not a ``significant rule'' under DOT Regulatory Policies and 
    Procedures (44 FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and (3) will not have a 
    significant economic impact, positive or negative, on a substantial 
    number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act. A final evaluation has been prepared for this action 
    and it is contained in the Rules Docket. A copy of it may be obtained 
    from the Rules Docket at the location provided under the caption 
    List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
        Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Safety.
    Adoption of the Amendment
        Accordingly, pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the 
    Administrator, the Federal Aviation Administration amends part 39 of 
    the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 39) as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
    Sec. 39.13  [Amended]
        2. Section 39.13 is amended by removing amendment 39-9101 (59 FR 
    65927, December 22, 1994), and by adding a new airworthiness directive 
    (AD), amendment 39-9888, to read as follows:
    97-02-04  Airbus Industrie: Amendment 39-9888. Docket 95-NM-227-AD. 
    Supersedes AD 94-26-05, Amendment 39-9101.
        Applicability: Model A300, A300-600, A310, and A320 series 
    airplanes equipped with Messier-Bugatti, BFGoodrich, Allied Signal 
    (ALS) Aerospace Company (Bendix), or Aircraft Braking Systems (ABS) 
    brakes; certificated in any category.
        Note 1: This AD applies to each airplane identified in the 
    preceding applicability provision, regardless of whether it has been 
    modified, altered, or repaired in the area subject to the 
    requirements of this AD. For airplanes that have been modified, 
    altered, or repaired so that the performance of the requirements of 
    this AD is affected, the owner/operator must request approval for an 
    alternative method of compliance in accordance with paragraph (d) of 
    this AD. The request should include an assessment of the effect of 
    the modification, alteration, or repair on the unsafe condition 
    addressed by this AD; and, if the unsafe condition has not been 
    eliminated, the request should include specific proposed actions to 
    address it.
        Compliance: Required as indicated, unless accomplished 
        To prevent the loss of brake effectiveness during a high energy 
    rejected takeoff (RTO), accomplish the following:
    Restatement of Requirements of AD 94-26-05
        (a) Within 180 days after January 23, 1995 (the effective date 
    of AD 94-26-05, amendment 39-9101), accomplish paragraphs (a)(1) and 
    (a)(2) of this AD.
        (1) Inspect main landing gear brakes having the brake part 
    numbers listed in TABLE 1, below, for wear. Any brake worn more than 
    the maximum wear limit specified in TABLE 1, below, must be 
    replaced, prior to further flight, with a brake within that limit.
                                                         Table 1                                                    
         [Airbus Industrie Model A300, A300-600, A310, and A320 Series Airplanes Equipped with Messier-Bugatti,     
          BFGoodrich, Allied Signal (ALS) Aerospace Company (Bendix), or Aircraft Braking Systems (ABS) Brakes]     
                                                                                           Maximum brake wear limit 
        Airplane model/series         Brake manufacturer            Brake part No.                 (inch/mm)        
    A300 B2-100.................  Messier-Bugatti             286349-115                  0.98''(25.0 mm).          
    [[Page 3207]]
    A300 B2-100.................  Messier-Bugatti             286349-115                  0.98''(25.0 mm).          
    A300 B2-100.................  BFGoodrich                  2-1449                      1.4''(35.6 mm).           
    A300 B2-100.................  BFGoodrich                  2-1449                      1.1''(27.9 mm) S.C.*      
    A300 B2-100.................  Messier-Bugatti             A21329-41-7                 1.1''(28.0 mm).           
    A300 B4-100.................  Messier-Bugatti             A21329-41-17                1.1''(28.0 mm).           
    A300 B4-100.................  ALS (Bendix)                2606802-3/-4/-5             0.9''(22.9 mm).           
    A300 B4-100.................  ALS (Bendix)                2606802-3/-4/-5             1.48''(37.6 mm) S.C.*     
    A300 B4-100.................  BFGoodrich                  2-1449                      1.4''(35.6 mm).           
    A300 B4-100.................  BFGoodrich                  2-1449                      1.1''(27.9 mm) S.C.*      
    A300 B4-200.................  Messier-Bugatti             C20060-100                  1.1''(28.0 mm).           
    A300-600....................  Messier-Bugatti             C20060-100                  1.1''(28.0 mm).           
    A300-600....................  ALS (Bendix)                2607932-1                   0.9''(22.9 mm).           
    A300-600....................  ALS (Bendix)                2607932-1                   1.48''(37.6 mm) S.C.*     
    A300 B4-600R................  Messier-Bugatti             C20210000                   1.97''(50.0 mm).          
    A300 B4-600R................  Messier-Bugatti             C20210200                   1.97''(50.0 mm).          
    A310-200....................  Messier-Bugatti             C20089000                   1.1''(28.0 mm).           
    A310-200....................  ALS (Bendix)                2606822-1                   1.26''(32.0 mm).          
    A310-200....................  ALS (Bendix)                2606822-1                   1.5''(38.2 mm) S.C.*      
    A310-300....................  Messier-Bugatti             C20194000                   1.97''(50.0 mm).          
    A310-300....................  Messier-Bugatti             C20194200                   1.97''(50.0 mm).          
    A310-300....................  ABS                         5010995                     1.97''(50.0 mm).          
    A320........................  Messier-Bugatti             C20225000                   1.97''(50.0 mm).          
    A320........................  Messier-Bugatti             C20225200                   1.97''(50.0 mm).          
    A320........................  BFGoodrich                  2-1526-2                    1.97''(50.0 mm).          
    A320........................  BFGoodrich                  2-1526-3/-4                 2.68''(68.0 mm).          
    * S.C. represents ``Service Configured'' brakes, which are marked according to the instructions provided in the 
      brake manufacturer's Component Maintenance Manual (CMM).                                                      
        Note 2: Measuring instructions that must be revised to 
    accommodate the new brake wear limits specified in TABLE 1, above, 
    can be found in Chapter 32-42-27 of the Airplane Maintenance Manual 
    (AMM), in Chapter 32-32-( ) or 32-44-( ) of the brake manufacturer's 
    CMM, or in certain service bulletins (SB), as listed in TABLE 2, 
                                                         Table 2                                                    
                                                                                                  Date/Revision (or 
            Brake manufacturer               Part No.                 Document/Chapter             later revisions) 
    For Model A300 B2-100 Series                                                                                    
        Messier-Bugatti..............  286349-115..........  CMM 32-42-27......................  April 1991.        
        Messier-Bugatti..............  286349-116..........  CMM 32-42-27......................  April 1991.        
        BF Goodrich..................  2-1449 and S.C.*....  CMM 32-44-37......................  January 1993.      
                                                             SB 567, (2-1449-32-4).............  January 30, 1993.  
    For Model A300 B4-100 Series                                                                                    
        ALS (Bendix).................  2606802-3...........  CMM 32-42-02......................  September 1993.    
                                       2606802-4, 2606802-   SB 2606802- 32-003................  March 31, 1993.    
                                        5, and S.C.*.                                                               
        BF Goodrich..................  2-1449 and S.C.*....  CMM 32-44-37......................  January 1993.      
                                                             SB 567 (2-1449-32-4)..............  January 30, 1993.  
    For Model A300 B4-200 and A300-                                                                                 
     600 Series Airplanes:                                                                                          
        ALS (Bendix).................  2607932-1 and S.C.*.  CMM 32-42-27......................  September 1993.    
                                                             SB 2607932-32-002.................  March 31,1993, and 
                                                                                                  Revision \1\      
                                                                                                  October 1, 1993.  
    For Model A300 B4-600R Series                                                                                   
        Messier-Bugatti..............  C20210000 and         Airbus SB 470-32-675..............  April 6, 1990.     
    For Model A310-200 Series                                                                                       
        ALS (Bendix).................  2606822-1 and S.C.*.  CMM 32-42-03......................  September 1993.    
                                                             SB 2606822-32-002.................  March 31, 1993.    
    For Model A310-300 Series                                                                                       
        Messier-Bugatti..............  C20225000 and         Airbus SB 470-32-675..............  April 6, 1990.     
    * S.C. represents ``Service Configured'' brakes, which are marked according to the instructions provided in the 
      brake manufacturer's CMM.                                                                                     
        (2) Incorporate into the FAA-approved maintenance inspection 
    program the maximum brake wear limits specified in paragraph (a)(1) 
    of this AD.
    [[Page 3208]]
        Note 3: Once an operator has complied with the requirements of 
    paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this AD, those paragraphs do not 
    require that operators subsequently record accomplishment of those 
    requirements each time a brake is inspected or overhauled in 
    accordance with that operator's FAA-approved maintenance inspection 
    New Requirements of This AD
        (b) Within 90 days after the effective date of this AD, revise 
    the FAA-approved maintenance program to include the requirements of 
    paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(3), and (b)(4) of this AD. 
    Accomplishment of these requirements terminates the requirements of 
    paragraph (a) of this AD.
        (1) Incorporate into the FAA-approved maintenance program the 
    maximum brake wear limits specified in paragraph TABLE 3 of this AD 
    for the applicable airplane model.
        (2) Comply with those measurements thereafter.
        (3) Measure the brake wear in accordance with Chapter 32-42-27 
    of the AMM; or Chapter 32-32-( ) of the brake manufacturer's CMM; or 
    the service bulletins (SB) listed in TABLE 4, below. Note that the 
    brake wear limits specified in TABLE 3 may be dependent on brake 
    stack weight. In those cases, refer to the service information 
    specified in TABLE 4 to verify that the correct brake stack weight 
    is being used.
        (4) If any brake has measured wear beyond the maximum wear 
    limits specified in TABLE 3 of this AD, prior to further flight, 
    replace it with a brake that is within the wear limits specified in 
    TABLE 3.
                                                         Table 3                                                    
         [Airbus Industrie Model A300, A300-600, A310, and A320 Series Airplanes Equipped with Messier-Bugatti,     
          BFGoodrich, Allied Signal (ALS) Aerospace Company (Bendix), or Aircraft Braking Systems (ABS) Brakes]     
                                                                                           Maximum brake wear limit 
        Airplane model/Series         Brake manufacturer            Brake part No.                 (inch/mm)        
    A300 B2-100.................  Messier-Bugatti             286349-115                  0.98'' (25.0 mm).         
    A300 B2-100.................  Messier-Bugatti             286349-116                  0.98'' (25.0 mm).         
    A300 B2-100.................  BFGoodrich                  2-1449                      1.4'' (35.6 mm).          
    A300 B2-100 S.C.*...........  BFGoodrich                  2-1449                      1.1'' (27.9 mm).          
    A300 B4-100.................  Messier-Bugatti             A21329-41-7                 1.1'' (28.0 mm).          
    A300 B4-100.................  Messier-Bugatti             A21329-41-17                1.1'' (28.0 mm).          
    A300 B4-100/-200............  ALS (Bendix)                2606802-3/-4/-5             0.9'' (22.9 mm).          
    A300 B4-100/-200............  ALS (Bendix)                2606802-3/-4/-5             1.48'' (37.6 mm) S.C.*    
    A300-B4-100.................  BFGoodrich                  2-1449                      1.4'' (35.6 mm).          
    A300-B4-100.................  BFGoodrich                  2-1449                      1.1'' (27.9 mm) S.C.*     
    A300-B4-200.................  Messier-Bugatti             C20060-100 Series           1.1'' (28.0 mm).          
    A300-600....................  Messier-Bugatti             C20060-100 Series           1.1'' (28.0 mm).          
    A300-600....................  Messier-Bugatti             C20175100                   1.1'' (50.0 mm).          
    A300-600....................  ALS (Bendix)                2607932-1                   0.9'' (22.9 mm).          
    A300-600....................  ALS (Bendix)                2607932-1                   1.48'' (37.6 mm) S.C.*    
    A300 B4-600R................  Messier-Bugatti             C20210000 Series            1.97'' (50.0 mm).         
    A300 B4-600R................  Messier-Bugatti             C20210200 Series            1.97'' (50.0 mm).         
    A300 B4-600R................  Messier-Bugatti             C20210500 Series            1.97'' (50.0 mm).         
    A310-200....................  Messier-Bugatti             C20089000 Series            1.1'' (28.0 mm).          
    A310-200....................  ALS (Bendix)                2606822-1                   1.26'' (32.0 mm).         
    A310-200....................  ALS (Bendix)                2606822-1                   1.5'' (38.2 mm) S.C.*     
    A310-300....................  Messier-Bugatti             C20194000 Series            1.97'' (50.0 mm).         
    A310-300....................  Messier-Bugatti             C20194200 Series            1.97'' (50.0 mm).         
    A310-300....................  ABS                         5010995                     2.22'' (56.39 mm).        
    A320........................  Messier-Bugatti             C20225000 Series            1.97'' (50.0 mm).         
    A320........................  Messier-Bugatti             C20225200 Series            1.97'' (50.0 mm).         
    A320........................  BFGoodrich                  2-1526                      1.97'' (50.0 mm).         
    A320........................  BFGoodrich                  2-1526-2                    1.97'' (50.0 mm).         
    A320........................  BFGoodrich                  2-1526-5                    1.97'' (50.0 mm).         
    A320........................  BFGoodrich                  2-1526-3/-4                 2.68'' (68.0 mm).         
    A320........................  BFGoodrich                  2-1572                      2.68'' (68.0 mm).         
    A320........................  ABS                         5011075                     2.14'' (54.36 mm).        
    * S.C. represents ``Service Configured'' brakes, which are marked according to the instructions provided in the 
      brake manufacturer's CMM.                                                                                     
                                                         Table 4                                                    
    [Service information sources containing measuring instructions that must be revised to accommodate the new brake
                       wear limits specified in TABLE 3. (Refer to paragraph (b)(3) of this AD.)]                   
                                                                                                  Date/Revision (or 
            Brake manufacturer               Part No.                 Document/Chapter             later revisions) 
    For Model A300 B2-100 Series                                                                                    
        Messier-Bugatti..............  286349-115..........  CMM 32-42-27                        April 30, 1991.    
        Messier-Bugatti..............  286349-116..........  CMM 32-42-27                        April 30, 1991.    
        BFGoodrich...................  2-1449..............  CMM 32-44-37                        January 30, 1993.  
                                       and S.C.*...........  SB 567 (2-1449-32-4)                January 30, 1993.  
    For Model A300 B4-100 Series                                                                                    
    [[Page 3209]]
        Messier-Bugatti..............  A21329-41-17........  CMM 32-44-37                        January 30, 1993.  
        ALS (Bendix).................  2606802-3...........  CMM 32-42-02                        Revision 7/April   
                                                                                                  30, 1995.         
                                       2606802-4...........  SB 2606802-32-003                   March 31, 1993, and
                                                                                                  Revision 1/October
                                                                                                  1, 1993.          
                                       2606802-5 and S.C.*.                                                         
        BFGoodrich...................  2-1449..............  CMM 32-44-37                        January 30, 1993.  
                                       and S.C.*...........  SB 567 (2-1449-32-4)                January 30, 1993.  
    For Model A300 B4-200 Series                                                                                    
        Messier-Bugatti..............  C20060-100 Series...  CMM 32-44-24                        December 31, 1991. 
        ALS (Bendix).................  2606802-3...........  CMM 32-42-02;                       Revision 7/April   
                                                                                                  30, 1995.         
                                       2606802-4, 2606802-5  SB 2606802-32-003                   March 31, 1993, and
                                        and S.C.*.                                                Revision 1/October
                                                                                                  1, 1993.          
    For Model A300-600 Series                                                                                       
        Messier-Bugatti..............  C20060-100 Series...  CMM 32-44-24                        December 31, 1991. 
        Messier-Bugatti..............  C20175100...........  CMM 32-44-50                        November 30, 1991. 
        ALS (Bendix).................  2607932-1 and S.C.*.  CMM 32-42-05;                       Revision 4/February
                                                             SB 2607932-32-002;                  March 31,1993, and 
                                                                                                  Revision 1/October
                                                                                                  1, 1993.          
                                                             SB 2607932-32-003                   May 31, 1995.      
    For Model A300 B4-600R Series                                                                                   
        Messier-Bugatti..............  C20210000...........  CMM 32-44-51                        August 31, 1994.   
                                       and C20210200 Series  SB 470-32-675                       Revision 1/        
                                                                                                  September 26,     
        Messier-Bugatti..............  C20210500 Series....  CMM 32-44-68                        November 30, 1995. 
    For Model A310-200 Series                                                                                       
        Messier-Bugatti..............  C20089000 Series....  CMM 32-46-23                        January 31, 1992.  
        ALS (Bendix).................  2606822-1 and S.C...  CMM 32-42-03                        Revision 5/January 
                                                                                                  31, 1991.         
                                                             SB 2606822-32-002                   March 31, 1993.    
    For Model A310-300 Series                                                                                       
        Messier-Bugatti..............  C20194000...........  CMM 32-46-37                        August 31, 1994.   
                                       and C20194200 Series  SB 470-32-675                       Revision 1/        
                                                                                                  September 26,     
        ABS..........................  5010995.............  CMM 32-43-97                        February 28, 1991. 
    For Model A320 Series Airplanes:                                                                                
        Messier-Bugatti..............  C20225000...........  CMM 32-47-20                        January 31, 1995.  
                                       and C20225200 Series  SB 580-32-3042                      Revision 1/June 30,
        BFGoodrich...................  2-1526/-2/-5........  CMM 32-44-38                        March 15, 1993.    
                                       2-1526-3/-4.........  CMM 32-44-38                        March 15, 1993.    
                                       2-1572..............  CMM 32-41-63                        April 29, 1994.    
        ABS..........................  5011075.............  CMM 32-41-18                        February 28, 1991. 
    * S.C. represents ``Service Configured'' brakes, which are marked according to the instructions provided in the 
      brake manufacturer's CMM.                                                                                     
        Note 4: Once an operator has complied with the requirement of 
    paragraph (b) of this AD, that paragraph does not require that the 
    operator subsequently record accomplishment of those requirements 
    each time a brake is inspected or overhauled in accordance with that 
    operator's FAA-approved maintenance inspection program.
        (c) Prior to installation of any brake having a part number 
    other than those specified in TABLE 3 of this AD, revise the FAA-
    approved maintenance program to include the provisions specified in 
    paragraph (b) of this AD for that part number brake, that have been 
    approved by the Manager, Standardization Branch, ANM-113, FAA, 
    Transport Airplane Directorate.
        (d) An alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the 
    compliance time that provides an acceptable level of safety may be 
    used if approved by the Manager, Standardization Branch, ANM-113. 
    Operators shall submit their requests through an appropriate FAA 
    Principal Maintenance Inspector, who may add comments and then send 
    it to the Manager, Standardization Branch, ANM-113.
        Note 5: Information concerning the existence of approved 
    alternative methods of compliance with this AD, if any, may be 
    obtained from the Standardization Branch, ANM-113.
        (e) Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with 
    sections 21.197 and 21.199 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 
    CFR 21.197 and 21.199) to operate the airplane to a location where 
    the requirements of this AD can be accomplished.
        (f) This amendment becomes effective on February 26, 1997.
        Issued in Renton, Washington, on January 7, 1997.
    Darrell M. Pederson,
    Acting Manager, Transport Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification 
    [FR Doc. 97-810 Filed 1-21-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-U

Document Information

Effective Date:
Transportation Department
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
February 26, 1997.
3204-3209 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 95-NM-227-AD, Amendment 39-9888, AD 97-02-04
2120-AA64: Airworthiness Directives
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
14 CFR 39.13