98-1644. Phosphoric Acid; Toxic Chemical Release Reporting; Community Right-to-Know  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 15 (Friday, January 23, 1998)]
    [Pages 3566-3571]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-1644]
    [OPPTS-400056; FRL-5762-2]
    Phosphoric Acid; Toxic Chemical Release Reporting; Community 
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Denial of petition.
    SUMMARY: EPA is denying a petition to delete phosphoric acid from the 
    reporting requirements under section 313 of the Emergency Planning and 
    Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA) and section 6607 of the 
    Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 (PPA). This action is based on EPA's 
    conclusion that phosphoric acid does not meet the deletion criteria of 
    EPCRA section 313(d)(3). Specifically, EPA is denying this petition 
    because EPA's review of the petition and available information resulted 
    in the conclusion that phosphoric acid meets the listing criterion in 
    EPCRA section 313(d)(2)(C) in that the phosphates that result from the 
    neutralization of phosphoric acid may cause algal blooms. Algal blooms 
    result in deoxygenation of the water and other effects that may 
    ultimately lead to a number of serious adverse effects on ecosystems, 
    including fish kills and changes in the composition of animal and plant 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Daniel R. Bushman, Petitions 
    Coordinator, 202-260-3882, e-mail: bushman.daniel@epamail.epa.gov, for 
    specific information on this document, or for more information on EPCRA 
    section 313, the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know 
    Hotline, Environmental Protection Agency, Mail Code 5101, 401 M St., 
    SW., Washington, DC 20460, Toll free: 1-800-535-0202, in Virginia and 
    Alaska: 703-412-9877 or Toll free TDD: 1-800-553-7672.
    I. Introduction
    A. Statutory Authority
        This action is taken under sections 313(d) and (e)(1) of the 
    Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA), 42 
    U.S.C. 11023. EPCRA is also referred to as Title III of the Superfund 
    Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) (Pub. L. 99-499).
    B. Background
        Section 313 of EPCRA requires certain facilities that manufacture, 
    process, or otherwise use listed toxic chemicals in amounts above 
    reporting threshold levels, to report their environmental releases of 
    such chemicals annually. Beginning with the 1991 reporting year, such 
    facilities must also report pollution prevention and recycling data for 
    such chemicals, pursuant to section 6607 of the Pollution Prevention 
    Act (42 U.S.C. 13106). Section 313 established an initial list of toxic 
    chemicals that was comprised of more than 300 chemicals and 20 chemical 
    categories. Phosphoric acid (PA) was included in the initial list of 
    chemicals and chemical categories. Section 313(d) authorizes EPA to add 
    chemicals to or delete chemicals from the list, and sets forth criteria 
    for these actions. Under section 313(e)(1), any person may petition EPA 
    to add chemicals to or delete chemicals from the list. EPA has added 
    and deleted chemicals from the original statutory list. Pursuant to 
    EPCRA section 313(e)(1), EPA must respond to petitions within 180 days 
    either by initiating a rulemaking or by publishing an explanation of 
    why the petition has been denied.
        EPCRA section 313(d)(2) states that a chemical may be listed if any 
    of the listing criteria are met. Therefore, in order to add a chemical, 
    EPA must demonstrate that at least one criterion is met, but does not 
    need to examine whether all other criteria are also met. Conversely, in 
    order to remove a chemical from the list, EPA must demonstrate that 
    none of the criteria are met.
        EPA issued a statement of petition policy and guidance in the 
    Federal Register of February 4, 1987 (52 FR 3479), to provide guidance 
    regarding the recommended content and format for petitions. On May 23, 
    1991 (56 FR 23703), EPA issued a statement of policy and guidance 
    regarding the recommended content of petitions to delete individual 
    members of the section 313 metal compound categories. EPA has issued a 
    statement clarifying its interpretation of the section 313(d)(2) and 
    (3) criteria for adding and deleting chemicals from the section 313 
    toxic chemical list (59 FR 61432; November 30, 1994) (FRL-4922-2).
    II. Description of Petition
        On November 9, 1990, The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) petitioned the 
    Agency to delist PA from the list of toxic chemicals subject to 
    reporting under section 313 of EPCRA (Ref. 1). The TFI petition was 
    very similar to a petition that Ecolab, Inc. submitted on December 14, 
    1989, requesting EPA to delete PA from the EPCRA section 313 list of 
    toxic chemicals (Ref. 2). During the final days of the review on this 
    first petition, Ecolab, Inc. withdrew the petition. Nevertheless, EPA 
    issued a notice in the Federal Register of June 25, 1990 (55 FR 25876), 
    describing its technical review and evaluation of the petition. As part 
    of the notice, the Agency stated that it would have denied the petition 
    and noted that its concern for PA is due to PA's contribution to 
    eutrophication, which results from phosphate loading in the 
    environment. In that notice, the Agency also requested public comment 
    on the creation of an EPCRA section 313 phosphates category that would 
    include PA. Although EPA is not proposing to add a phosphates category 
    at this time, it intends to propose such a category in a separate 
    rulemaking at a later date. Because it believes that the comments 
    received in response to the earlier notice and EPA's responses to those 
    comments provide information relevant to the listing of PA under EPCRA 
    section 313, it addresses those comments in Unit V. of this document.
        The petition submitted by TFI was reviewed to identify the issues 
    that differed from the Ecolab petition. The assertions that TFI 
    addressed in its subsequent petition were: (1) PA does not meet the 
    statutory criteria of section 313 of EPCRA; (2) the vast majority of PA 
    releases are by sources not covered by the requirements of EPCRA 
    section 313 at that time and therefore, the environmental effects 
    attributed to phosphate loading caused by PA are not
    [[Page 3567]]
    effects for which the manufacturers subject to section 313 reporting 
    should be held accountable; and (3) EPA in its exposure assessment used 
    ``flawed assumptions'' and ``inaccurate data'' in the course of the 
        These issues are addressed in Units IV., V., and VI. of this 
    document. EPA's technical assessment remains basically unchanged since 
    the original review of the Ecolab petition; the previous review is 
    summarized in the following unit.
    III. EPA's Technical Review of Phosphoric Acid
    A. Toxicity Evaluation
        1. Human health. In the physiological pH range of 6 to 9, PA 
    dissociates to phosphate ions which predominately exist as a 
    combination of H2PO4- and 
    HPO4-2. Phosphate is readily absorbed from the 
    gastrointestinal tract. Phosphate levels in the blood of higher animals 
    are regulated by the parathyroid gland and are strongly tied to calcium 
    ion regulation in the body. No information was found in the available 
    literature regarding the absorption of PA from the lungs or skin (Ref. 
        EPA's hazard assessment resulted in the following conclusions:
        a. Acute effects. PA may cause irritation and corrosive effects as 
    do many other acids. PA is weaker than the other strong mineral acids. 
    The Poison Index states that ``[PA] causes irritation of eyes, skin, 
    and the respiratory tract. When ingested it can produce nausea, 
    vomiting, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, acidosis, shock and 
    irritation or burns of the oropharyngeal mucosa, esophagus and 
    stomach.'' As with other corrosive or caustic materials, the extent of 
    damage is generally determined by the acidity of the solution and 
    duration of contact. PA, however, is not expected to exist beyond 
    facility site boundaries at a pH that will cause these effects (Ref. 
        b. Chronic effects. PA has been shown to cause nephrocalcinosis in 
    rats when administered at relatively high concentrations in the diet 
    (Ref. 3). PA cannot be reasonably anticipated to cause heritable 
    genetic effects in humans (Ref. 4). No information was found in the 
    available literature with which to evaluate the potential of PA to 
    cause carcinogenic effects. PA cannot be reasonably anticipated to 
    cause developmental or reproductive toxicity in humans. No information 
    was found in the available literature with which to evaluate the 
    potential of PA to cause neurotoxic effects (Ref. 3).
        2. Environmental toxicity. PA, which is a source of phosphates, can 
    reasonably be anticipated to cause significant adverse effects on the 
    environment. PA, as well as other phosphates have the potential to 
    cause increased algal growth leading to eutrophication in the aquatic 
    environment (Ref. 5). Eutrophication may result when nutrients, 
    especially phosphates, enter into an aquatic ecosystem in the presence 
    of sunlight and nitrogen. The phosphate ion is a plant nutrient and it 
    can be a major limiting factor for plant growth in freshwater 
    environments. In excess, PA can cause extreme algal blooms. Toxic 
    effects result from oxygen depletion as the algae die and decay. Toxic 
    effects have also been related to the release of decay products or 
    direct excretion of toxic substances from sources such as blue-green 
    algae. In addition, phosphates in aquatic environments may encourage 
    the growth of introduced plants to the detriment of native plants and 
    thereby change plant distribution.
        Laboratory studies indicate that eutrophication may occur at 
    phosphate concentrations as low as 50 parts per billion (ppb) in lakes. 
    The resulting oxygen depletion and toxic decay products (e.g., hydrogen 
    sulfide) kill many invertebrates and fish (Ref. 5).
        Although green algae are more sensitive to growth stimulation by 
    phosphates in fresh water, blue-green algal blooms are also stimulated 
    by phosphates and may cause greater damage. At least three species of 
    blue-green algae are known to excrete toxins. Secretions by 
    cyanobacteria of dialyzable metabolites have inhibited the growth of 
    other species of algae and may result in algal monoculture. When algal 
    blooms of these toxic species occur in a reservoir, lake, slough, or 
    pond, the cells and toxins can become sufficiently concentrated to 
    cause illness or death in invertebrates and vertebrates. Major losses 
    have been reported for cattle, sheep, hogs, birds (domestic and wild) 
    and fishes, minor losses for dogs, horses, small wild animals, 
    amphibians, and invertebrates (Ref. 5).
        In addition to eutrophication effects, PA exhibits low toxicity to 
    freshwater organisms where typical toxicity values are greater than 100 
    milligrams per liter (mg/L) (Ref. 5). Due to the existing pH 
    restrictions under the Clean Water Act (CWA), releases of PA to surface 
    waters are not anticipated to lead to problematic pH excursions. Under 
    the CWA, parameters such as pH may be subject to both technology-based 
    and water quality-based limitations. The technology-based limitations 
    are either derived from nationally applicable effluent guidelines or 
    pretreatment standards (many of which limit pH to a range of 6.0 to 
    9.0) or are based on: (1) The permit writer's ``Best Professional 
    Judgement'' if there is no applicable guideline for a direct 
    discharger, or (2) local pretreatment requirements. Water quality-based 
    limitations generally would be established to ensure that applicable 
    water quality standards are attained and maintained. Dischargers are 
    typically subject to monitoring provisions under which permittees are 
    to report discharges of controlled parameters.
    B. Release and Exposure
        EPA does not believe that consideration of release or exposure 
    information is necessary in determining whether to keep PA on the list 
    of EPCRA section 313 toxic chemicals. In 1994, EPA clarified its policy 
    on the use of exposure assessments in listing decisions under EPCRA 
    section 313(d)(2) and (3) (November 30, 1994, 59 FR 61432). As part of 
    this clarification, EPA stated that, under the criterion of section 
    313(d)(2)(C), exposure considerations are not appropriate
        . . .for chemicals that are highly ecotoxic or induce well-
    established adverse environmental effects. For chemicals which 
    induce well-established serious adverse effects, e.g., 
    chlorofluorocarbons, which cause stratospheric ozone depletion, EPA 
    believes that an exposure assessment is unnecessary. EPA believes 
    that these chemicals typically do not affect solely one or two 
    species but rather cause changes across a whole ecosystem. EPA 
    believes that these effects are sufficiently serious because of the 
    scope of their impact and the well-documented evidence supporting 
    the adverse effects. (November 30, 1994, 59 FR 61432).
        Eutrophication due to phosphate loading is a well-established 
    serious adverse effect that induces a number of changes to ecosystems, 
    including fish kills and changes in the composition of animal and plant 
    life. Therefore, an exposure assessment is not necessary in order to 
    determine that phosphates, including PA, meet the listing criterion of 
    EPCRA section 313(d)(2)(C). During its review of Ecolab's earlier 
    petition, however, EPA conducted an exposure assessment for PA. Thus, 
    for informational purposes only, the Agency is setting forth the 
    results of this exposure assessment below.
        PA will dissociate in water to hydrogen and phosphate ions (Refs. 6 
    and 7). Further reactions by abiotic processes are not expected to 
    reduce the amount of PA released to the environment (Ref. 7). PA can be 
    expected to enter the phosphorus cycle and become available as a 
    nutrient in both aquatic and terrestrial settings. In aquatic settings, 
    algae are able to
    [[Page 3568]]
    bioconcentrate low levels of phosphorus. The phosphorus cycle tends to 
    lose phosphorus to soil and bottom sediments. Phosphorus binds to soil 
    so its movement through soil is very slow. Ultimately, phosphorus moves 
    from land to the sea and is deposited in bottom sediments (Ref. 7).
        The exposure assessment conducted for EPA's original review of PA 
    was based upon information from the 1987 TRI data base, which listed 
    1,173 facilities that discharged some amount of PA (Ref. 7). From this 
    EPA identified 150 facilities from which PA is released to the 
    environment in significant quantities. Of these, 46 facilities reported 
    releases to surface waters and 52 facilities reported releases to the 
    atmosphere. The exposure assessment concentrated on releases to water 
    to address environmental toxicity concerns. It is important to note 
    that this assessment only analyzed PA releases, the phosphates that are 
    released as a result of neutralization of PA at a facility are not 
    currently reported to the TRI. Although the currently reported PA 
    releases do indicate which facilities are releasing phosphates, they do 
    not reflect the full magnitude of the actual phosphate loading from 
    facility releases. Therefore, the exposure assessment did not provide a 
    complete picture of the significance of phosphate loading as a result 
    of releases of phosphoric acid and phosphates from facilities that 
    report under EPCRA section 313.
        Aquatic exposure to PA was calculated by determining the stream 
    flow at each facility. Surface water concentrations, under low flow 
    conditions, from discharges during manufacture of PA ranged from 8.76 
    to 72,123 ppb. Surface water concentrations from discharges during 
    processing and use ranged, under low flow conditions, from 0.62 to 
    337,262 ppb.
        Facilities that routinely discharge PA to surface waters must 
    comply with the CWA requirements. Under EPCRA section 313, by 
    neutralizing their releases, facilities are technically releasing 
    phosphates rather than PA to water and thus can report a release of 
    zero. Even with neutralization of the PA, for the 1995 reporting year, 
    TRI facilities still reported over 20 million pounds of releases of PA 
    to surface waters from the more than 2,200 Form R reports filed. As 
    stated above, these facilities are releasing additional phosphates to 
    surface waters from the neutralization of PA, which are not currently 
    captured under EPCRA section 313, but are the basis for concern for 
    facilities that release PA.
    C. Summary of Technical Review
        PA is acutely toxic to human tissue with effects ranging from 
    irritation to acidosis and burns. The extent of the damage is dependant 
    on the acidity of the PA solution and duration of exposure. There, 
    however, are no acute human health effects expected to result from 
    exposure to PA at an acidity that can reasonably be anticipated to 
    exist in the environment under normal release conditions. Therefore, PA 
    cannot reasonably be anticipated to cause ``. . . significant adverse 
    acute human health effects at concentration levels that are reasonably 
    likely to exist beyond facility site boundaries as a result of 
    continuous, or frequently recurring, releases.''
        In terms of chronic health effects, the available data indicate 
    that PA cannot reasonably be anticipated to cause cancer, heritable 
    genetic effects, neurotoxicity, developmental or reproductive toxicity, 
    or other chronic health effects with the exception of nephrocalcinosis 
    when PA is administered at relatively high concentrations in the diet.
        PA can reasonably be anticipated to cause significant adverse 
    effects on the environment. PA has been demonstrated to cause 
    environmental toxicity by its contribution to phosphate loading in the 
    environment, which can lead to eutrophication. Eutrophication takes 
    place in oceans, rivers, lakes, and estuaries and results when 
    nutrients, such as phosphates, enter into an aquatic ecosystem, well 
    supplied with sunlight and nitrogen, and stimulate excessive algal 
    growth. EPA believes that eutrophication due to phosphate loading is a 
    well-established serious adverse effect that induces a number of 
    changes to ecosystems including fish kills and changes in the 
    composition of animal and plant life.
    IV. Technical Issues Addressed by The Fertilizer Institute
        TFI's petition to delist PA focused, among other things, on 
    environmental exposure to PA from EPCRA section 313 covered facilities. 
    Specifically, TFI argued that industrial releases of PA have no 
    significant link to eutrophication of the nation's surface waters. EPA 
    believes that the adverse effects associated with phosphates, including 
    phosphoric acid, are well-established effects that cause changes across 
    a whole ecosystem. Further, as stated in Unit III.B. of this document, 
    EPA believes that the effects induced by phosphates are of such 
    sufficient seriousness that factoring exposure considerations into the 
    listing decision is not warranted because of the scope of their impact 
    and the well-documented evidence supporting the adverse effects. 
    Although information on exposure is not being used in today's action to 
    support the determination that phosphoric acid and phosphates meet the 
    section 313(d)(2)(C) criteria, TFI's comments do pertain to information 
    presented by EPA in the June 25, 1990 (55 FR 25876) Federal Register 
    notice and, thus, will be addressed.
        TFI claims that the exposure assessment portion of the technical 
    review of Ecolab's petition was flawed. TFI's main claims are: (1) 
    EPA's exposure modeling of releases of PA to surface waters did not 
    sufficiently account for the fate of much of the phosphate which TFI 
    claims would be consumed by plant and/or animal life or would be bound 
    and thus not contribute to the concentration; (2) the modeling 
    incorrectly calculated phosphate concentration rather than phosphorus 
    concentration; and (3) improper receiving streams were used in the 
    models. EPA believes that there is not expected to be any significant 
    abiotic removal of PA after discharge into streams. PA will dissociate 
    to hydrogen and phosphate ions when released to water. In this state 
    there are four possible removal mechanisms: volatilization, photolysis, 
    hydrolysis, and adsorption to sludge and sediments. Phosphate is non-
    volatile, therefore there will be no removal via this mechanism. 
    Phosphate ions also will not undergo hydrolysis or photolysis. 
    Inorganic phosphate will not adsorb to stream sediments. The only way 
    for a phosphate ion to be able to sorb is for it first to be 
    transformed by other processes. These transformations, however, do not 
    limit the availability of phosphate ions to algae for several reasons. 
    Inorganic phosphate ion is most rapidly taken up by algae, but organic 
    and complexed phosphate can also be readily utilized by most species, 
    particularly those with alkaline phosphatase activity. The transformed 
    phosphate complex that is sorbed to sediments can be released back to 
    the epilimnion by biota in the sediments, and by anaerobic conditions 
    in the water. Lastly, algae are able to effectively utilize phosphorus 
    from the sediments. In conclusion, phosphate ions are capable of 
    several chemical reactions in the environment, but very few of these 
    reactions limit its biological availability (Refs. 3, 6, and 7).
        While TFI is correct that phosphate ions will be removed from 
    surface water by organisms, this is precisely the basis for the concern 
    over surface water releases. Uptake of and utilization of
    [[Page 3569]]
    phosphate by algae is the primary concern, since it can lead to 
    eutrophication. While removal of phosphate ions by heterotrophic 
    organisms could theoretically be significant, in reality it accounts 
    for only a minor amount of removal because there is a far larger 
    biomass of algae, and bacteria are poor competitors under carbon 
    limiting conditions.
        TFI claims that the background levels of phosphorus are above the 
    level of concern at each of the receiving streams examined by EPA. TFI 
    did not provide data to support this blanket statement nor did TFI 
    describe the type of phosphorous measurement it was examining.
        EPA agrees that the exposure evaluation report details the 
    phosphate concentrations in analyzed receiving streams, whereas the 
    concern concentration is expressed in terms of total phosphorous. 
    Phosphate amounts are 3.07 times the phosphorous atom in the ion. 
    Therefore, the concern concentration could be expressed as 153.5 ppb of 
    phosphate (converted from concentration of concern of 50 ppb total 
    phosphorous). Comparing this value to the exposure concentrations shows 
    that 27 of the 46 surface water dischargers analyzed exceeded the 
    concern concentration, rather than the 30 referred to in the exposure 
    assessment. This does not alter the significance of the releases.
        TFI claims that EPA used incorrect flow data for one facility in 
    its exposure modeling. A reexamination of the river flow data, which is 
    contained in EPA's Industrial Facilities Discharge file, showed that 
    the original flow values used by EPA were correct. This file, which 
    uses U.S. Geological Survey data, is maintained by EPA's Office of 
        For a second facility, TFI claims that EPA identified and used an 
    incorrect receiving stream. A reexamination of the information 
    available to EPA at the time of the initial assessment confirmed the 
    original estimated discharge site. Further inquiry substantiated the 
    claim that surface water discharges go to the receiving waters 
    identified by TFI. Nevertheless, the discrepancy in the flow data of 
    the streams is of a magnitude that would not substantially affect the 
    estimated concentrations of phosphate. Thus, the reexamination of the 
    exposure data based on the comments by TFI has had little effect on the 
    final concentration numbers generated in the review conducted in 
    response to the Ecolab petition.
    V. Public Comment
        In the notice issuing the results of EPA's technical review and 
    evaluation of the Ecolab petition to delete PA (June 25, 1990, 55 FR 
    25876), the Agency requested public comment on the creation of a 
    phosphates category. In 1990, EPA received 12 comments on the creation 
    of this category, 2 of which were in favor of the creation and 10 of 
    which were opposed to it. Although EPA is not proposing to add a 
    phosphates category at this time, because PA is a source of phosphates, 
    EPA believes that the comments received and EPA's responses to those 
    comments provide information relevant to the listing of PA under EPCRA 
    section 313. Therefore, EPA is including the comments and responses to 
    the issue of the addition of a phosphates category in this document. 
    EPA intends to propose the creation of a phosphates category at a later 
        The majority of the commenters contended that eutrophication is an 
    indirect toxic effect and that a phosphates category should not be 
    listed under section 313 because phosphates do not exhibit direct 
    toxicity. They asserted that Congress intended that the section 313 
    list of toxic chemicals include only chemicals that induce direct 
    toxicity, and that Congress did not intend the list to include 
    chemicals which are only indirectly toxic.
        EPA disagrees with these commenters. The EPCRA section 313(d)(2) 
    listing criteria each state that EPA may list a chemical that it 
    determines ``is known to cause or can reasonably be anticipated to 
    cause'' the relevant adverse human health or environmental effect. It 
    further provides that ``[a] determination under this paragraph shall be 
    based on generally accepted scientific principles.'' Ultimately, the 
    crux of the issue commenters raise lies in interpreting the phrase 
    ``cause or can reasonably be anticipated to cause,'' which Congress 
    chose not to define. In arguing that EPA lacks the statutory authority 
    to base its listing decisions on ``indirect toxicity,'' the commenters 
    would have the Agency adopt an artificially narrow view of causation 
    that would require a single-step path between exposure to the toxic 
    chemical and the effect. Such a mechanistic approach confuses the mode 
    or mechanism of the chemical's action (i.e., the chain of causation) 
    with the fundamental question of whether, regardless of the number of 
    intervening steps, there is a natural and continuous line, unbroken by 
    any intervening causes, between exposure to the chemical and the toxic 
    effect. By contrast, EPA believes that Congress granted the Agency 
    broad discretion in making listing decisions and directed EPA to rely 
    on generally accepted scientific principles in making determinations to 
    implement this section of EPCRA.
        It is a generally accepted scientific principle that causality need 
    not be linear, i.e., a one-step process. e.g., Proposed Guidelines for 
    Ecological Risk Assessment, 61 FR 47552, September 9, 1996; Proposed 
    Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment, 61 FR 17960, April 23, 1996. 
    For purposes of EPCRA section 313, the distinction between direct and 
    indirect effects is technically an artificial one. Whether the toxic 
    effect is caused directly by a chemical through a one-step process, or 
    indirectly by a degradation product of the chemical, a second chemical 
    that is created through chemical reactions involving the first 
    chemical, or some other mechanism, the toxic effect still occurs as a 
    result of exposure to the chemical. It makes no difference to the 
    affected organism whether the toxic agent was a result of chemical 
    degradation or chemical reactions. Fundamentally, EPCRA section 313 is 
    concerned with adverse effects on humans and the environment, not the 
    chain of causation by which such effects occur. In fact, this type of 
    ``indirect'' toxicity is not unlike the effects of certain nonlinear 
    carcinogens. Some carcinogens induce cancer through a two step 
    mechanism in which the chemical causes an intervening pathological 
    change, and this pathological change is the direct cause of the cancer, 
    but this does not mean that the chemical is not known or reasonably 
    anticipated to cause cancer. It is therefore reasonable for EPA to 
    consider such effects in light of the broad statutory purpose to inform 
    the public about releases to the environment. Were EPA to exclude 
    indirect effects from consideration, it would dilute the purpose of the 
    statute by precluding public access to information about chemicals that 
    cause a wide range of adverse health and environmental effects.
        In prior petition decisions, EPA has considered other types of 
    significant adverse effects on the environment that result from the 
    releases of chemicals. For example, the addition of seven 
    chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons (August 3, 1990, 55 FR 31594) and 
    the denial of petitions on volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 
    specifically, the ethylene and propylene petition (January 27, 1989, 54 
    FR 4072) and the cyclohexane petition (March 15, 1989, 54 FR 10668) all 
    concerned adverse effects on the environment.
        Some commenters do not believe that it is probable that 
    eutrophication will
    [[Page 3570]]
    occur and believe that if it does occur it is not necessarily tied to 
    phosphate releases.
        Although a number of nutrients in addition to phosphorus (as 
    phosphates) are required for eutrophication to occur, in many cases 
    phosphorus levels are the limiting factor. Phosphorus (as phosphate) is 
    the most critical nutrient in controlling the growth of blue-green 
    algal species. There is no indication in the literature that the 
    connection between phosphates and algal blooms and fish kills is 
        A number of communities have experienced problems with 
    eutrophication that is a result of phosphate loading. For example, in 
    the Chowan River in North Carolina significant algal blooms have 
    occurred in 1987, 1989, and 1990 (Ref. 8).
        Many commenters believe that a phosphates category should not be 
    added because releases of phosphates from industrial facilities subject 
    to section 313 reporting requirements are an insignificant part of 
    total phosphates released to the environment.
        Nationwide, approximately two to three percent of all releases of 
    phosphates to the environment are from industrial facilities that are 
    required to report under EPCRA section 313. However, discharges from 
    industrial facilities can contribute significantly to the levels of 
    phosphates in a receiving stream. There are cases in which the major 
    contributor of phosphates to a stream or river is an industrial 
    facility that is covered by EPCRA section 313. Whether EPCRA section 
    313 covered facilities are a significant source of a toxic chemical in 
    the environment compared to other sources does not change the fact that 
    a toxic chemical that meets the listing criteria of EPCRA section 313 
    is being released to the environment and adding to the overall amount 
    of the chemical in the environment.
        Many commenters believe that a phosphates category should not be 
    added to the section 313 list because information on phosphate releases 
    are captured by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System 
        Not all industries required to report under EPCRA section 313 are 
    required to have NPDES permits. Moreover, even if an individual 
    discharger is regulated and has monitoring data related to its releases 
    of PA, this information is not readily available to the public, as it 
    would be if the discharger were required to comply with EPCRA section 
    313. Rather, the public would have to resort to the more cumbersome 
    Freedom of Information Act process to obtain the information. Thus, 
    contrary to commenters suggestions, listing phosphates on TRI would 
    provide useful, easily accessible information to the public.
    VI. Explanation of Denial of Petition
        EPA believes that the types of deleterious changes that PA effects 
    in aquatic ecosystems meet the listing criteria under EPCRA section 
    313(d)(2). As stated in the Conference Report accompanying EPCRA, 99-
    962, October 3, 1986, Joint Explanatory Statement of the Committee of 
    Conference (p. 295):
        In determining what constitutes a significant adverse effect on 
    the environment...the Administrator should consider the extent to 
    which the toxic chemical causes or can reasonably be anticipated to 
    cause any of the following adverse reactions, even if restricted to 
    the immediate vicinity adjacent to the site:
        (1) Gradual or sudden changes in the composition of animal life 
    or plant life, including fungal or microbial organisms in an area.
        (2) Abnormal number of deaths of organisms (e.g., fish kills).
        (3) Reduction of the reproductive success or the vigor of a 
        (4) Reduction in agricultural productivity, whether crops or 
        (5) Alterations in the behavior or distribution of a species.
        (6) Long lasting or irreversible contamination of components of 
    the physical environment, especially in the case of ground water, 
    and surface water and soil resources that have limited self-
    cleansing capability.
        The effect of phosphates, including PA, on the environment is to 
    induce a number of changes to the environment specified above, 
    particularly fish kills and changes in the composition of animal and 
    plant life in an area.
        EPA has serious concerns for the contribution of PA to phosphate 
    loading in the environment and its potential eutrophic effects. EPA 
    believes that the adverse effects associated with phosphates, including 
    phosphoric acid, are well-established effects that cause changes across 
    a whole ecosystem. Further, EPA believes that the effects induced by 
    phosphates, including PA, are of such sufficient seriousness that 
    additional exposure considerations are not warranted because of the 
    scope of the impact of the effects and the well-documented evidence 
    supporting the adverse effects. This determination is consistent with 
    EPA's stated policy on the use of exposure assessments in EPCRA section 
    313 listing and delisting decisions (59 FR 61432, November 30, 1994). 
    Therefore, EPA is denying TFI's petition to delete PA from the EPCRA 
    section 313 list of toxic chemicals because EPA has determined that PA 
    meets the listing criteria of EPCRA section 313(d)(2)(C).
        The Agency believes that the most efficient manner to address its 
    concerns for phosphates is by the formation of a phosphates category. 
    However, at this time, EPA is not proposing to create a phosphates 
    category under EPCRA section 313. EPA intends to propose the creation 
    of such a category as a separate rulemaking at a later date.
    VII. References
        1. TFI. Petition to Delete Phosphoric Acid from the List of Toxic 
    Chemicals Subject to the Requirements of Section 313 of Title III of 
    the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1996 (SARA). The 
    Fertilizer Institute. (November 9, 1990).
        2. ECOLAB. Letter from John R. Keenan to EPA Administrator William 
    K. Reilly, Subject: Phosphoric Acid (CAS 7664-38-2) Petition for 
    Deletion from SARA 313. Ecolab Inc. (December 8, 1989).
        3. USEPA, OPPT. Memorandum from Janette Houk, Ph.D., Hazard 
    Integrator, Chemical Review and Evaluation Branch, Health and 
    Environmental Review Division. Re: Petition to Delist Phosphoric Acid. 
    (February 14, 1990).
        4. USEPA, OPPT. Memorandum from Michael C. Cimino, Ph.D., 
    Biologist, Toxic Effects Section, Toxic Effects Branch, Health and 
    Environmental Review Division. Re: Mutagenicity Review of Delist 
    Petition for Phosphoric Acid. (February 9, 1990).
        5. USEPA, OPPT. Memorandum from Ossi Meyn, D.Env., Environmental 
    Effects Branch, Health and Environmental Review Division. Re: Petition 
    to Delist Phosphoric Acid - Ecological Hazard. (February 27, 1990).
        6. USEPA, OPPT. DeVito, Stephen C., ``Phosphoric Acid Chemistry 
    Report.'' (January 11, 1990).
        7. USEPA, OPPT. LaVeck, Gerald, ``Exposure Assessment for a 
    Petition to Delist Phosphoric Acid.'' (1990).
        8. NCDNRCD. ``Chowan River Water Quality Management Plan 1990 
    Update.'' North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community 
    Development. (September 28, 1990).
    VIII. Administrative Record
        The record supporting this decision is contained in docket control 
    number OPPTS-400056. Comments on EPA's previous phosphoric acid 
    petition response are contained in docket number OPPTS-400048. All 
    documents, including the references listed in Unit VII. of this 
    document and an index of the docket, are available to the public in the 
    TSCA Nonconfidential Information Center (NCIC), also known as the 
    Public Docket Office, from noon to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
    excluding legal
    [[Page 3571]]
    holidays. The TSCA NCIC is located at EPA Headquarters, Rm. NE-B607, 
    401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460.
    List of Subjects
        Environmental protection, Chemicals, Community right-to-know, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Toxic chemicals.
        Dated: January 12, 1998.
    Lynn R. Goldman,
    Assistant Administrator for Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic 
    [FR Doc. 98-1644 Filed 1-22-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Denial of petition.
Document Number:
3566-3571 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
OPPTS-400056, FRL-5762-2
PDF File: