98-1661. Electric System Operations and Maintenance  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 15 (Friday, January 23, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 3449-3453]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-1661]
    Rules and Regulations
                                                    Federal Register
    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains regulatory documents 
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    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 15 / Friday, January 23, 1998 / Rules 
    and Regulations
    [[Page 3449]]
    Rural Utilities Service
    7 CFR Part 1730
    RIN 0572-AA74
    Electric System Operations and Maintenance
    AGENCY: Rural Utilities Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Rural Utilities Service (RUS) is amending its regulations 
    by adding a new part on electric system operations and maintenance. 
    This action codifies and clarifies RUS policy relating to the 
    operations and maintenance of electric systems by RUS electric 
    borrowers. This rule also contains provisions relating to the review 
    and evaluation of borrowers' electric systems and facilities operations 
    and maintenance practices. These policies are presently contained in 
    RUS Bulletin 161-5, which will be rescinded when the final rule becomes 
    effective. This action clarifies the policies, procedures, and 
    requirements, facilitates understanding and compliance, and improves 
    program effectiveness with respect to electric system operations and 
    EFFECTIVE DATE: This rule is effective February 23, 1998.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Fred J. Gatchell, Deputy Director, 
    Electric Staff Division, Rural Utilities Service, U.S. Department of 
    Agriculture, Stop 1569, 1400 Independence Ave., SW., Washington, DC 
    20250-1569, telephone (202) 720-1398, e-mail fgatchel@rus.usda.gov.
    Executive Order 12866
        This rule has been determined to be not significant for the 
    purposes of Executive Order 12866 and therefore has not been reviewed 
    by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
    Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
        The Administrator of RUS has determined that a rule relating to the 
    RUS electric loan program is not a rule as defined in the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), and, therefore, the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act does not apply to this rule.
    National Environmental Policy Act Certification
        The Administrator has determined that this rule will not 
    significantly affect the quality of the human environment as defined by 
    the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.). 
    Therefore, this action does not require an environmental impact 
    statement or assessment.
    Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
        The program described by this rule is listed in the Catalog of 
    Federal Domestic Assistance programs under No. 10.850, Rural 
    Electrification Loans and Loan Guarantees. This catalog is available on 
    a subscription basis from the Superintendent of Documents, the United 
    States Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402-9325.
    Executive Order 12372
        This rule is excluded from the scope of Executive Order 12372, 
    Intergovernmental Consultation, which may require consultation with 
    State and local officials. A Final Rule-Related Notice entitled, 
    ``Department Programs and Activities Excluded from Executive Order 
    12372,'' (50 Fed. Reg. 47034) exempted RUS loans and loan guarantees 
    from coverage under this order.
    Executive Order 12988
        This rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12988, Civil 
    Justice Reform. RUS has determined that this rule meets the applicable 
    standards in section 3 of the Executive Order.
    National Performance Review
        This regulatory action is being taken as part of the National 
    Performance Review program to eliminate unnecessary regulations and 
    improve those that remain in force.
    Information Collection and Recordkeeping Requirements
        The recordkeeping and reporting burdens contained in this rule were 
    approved by OMB pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 
    U.S.C. chapter 35) under control number 0572-0025.
    Unfunded Mandates
        This rule contains no Federal mandates (under the regulatory 
    provision of Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act) for State, 
    local, and tribal governments or the private sector. Thus, this rule is 
    not subject to the requirements of section 202 and 205 of the Unfunded 
    Mandates Reform Act.
        RUS has promulgated policies and procedures regarding the review 
    and evaluation of the operations and maintenance practices of RUS 
    financed electric systems. These policies and procedures are presently 
    contained in RUS Bulletin 161-5, Electric System Review and Evaluation. 
    The security instrument and loan contract between RUS and electric 
    borrowers set certain standards for the operation and maintenance of 
    each borrower's electric system. The purpose of this rule is to 
    implement the operations and maintenance provisions of the security 
    instrument and loan contract between RUS and electric borrowers and to 
    consolidate and clarify RUS policies and procedures with respect to 
    electric system operations and maintenance. Most of the provisions of 
    this rule represent policies and requirements that have been in effect 
    for some time. One new provision expands the requirement for electric 
    system review and evaluation of borrower's electric systems to include 
    power supply borrowers in addition to the distribution borrowers 
    presently covered by Bulletin 161-5. Proper operation and maintenance 
    practices are equally significant for power supply borrowers, so RUS 
    believes that power supply borrowers' operation and maintenance 
    practices should be covered under the review and evaluation 
    requirements of this rule. RUS Form 300, Review Rating Summary, has 
    also been updated and revised based on RUS' experience using this form.
    [[Page 3450]]
        On April 16, 1997, RUS published a proposed rule at 62 Fed. Reg. 
    18544. Comments were received from ten parties, including two 
    cooperative associations, a borrower engineering committee, two 
    distribution borrowers, and five power supply borrowers. RUS considered 
    all comments received. The significant and most commonly made comments 
    are addressed herein.
        Several commenters requested that RUS provide more guidance and 
    supplemental information regarding these requirements, especially the 
    ratings of the items on RUS Form 300, Review Rating Summary. RUS is 
    currently preparing Bulletin 1730-1, ``Electric System Operation and 
    Maintenance (O&M),'' which will provide guidelines related to O&M, 
    including a rating guide for RUS Form 300.
        Some commenters requested that RUS provide for an ``alternative 
    dispute resolution'' procedure if a borrower disagrees with a rating or 
    determination made by RUS. This type of disagreement has rarely 
    occurred, and RUS believes that an adequate appeal avenue already 
    exists. Any disagreements with the RUS staff's rating can always be 
    appealed with the Regional Director or the Administrator.
        One commenter requested that this rule address more operational 
    concerns, such as momentary interruptions, voltage stability, job 
    training and safety, and lightning protection. It was also suggested 
    that RUS require that an O&M survey be completed prior to beginning a 
    new construction work plan (CWP) or long-range engineering plan (LRP). 
    RUS encourages borrowers to expand and elaborate on the O&M 
    requirements prescribed by this rule to meet their specific needs; 
    however, RUS has decided not to expand the requirements of this rule in 
    these areas.
        Some commenters recommended that the O&M reviews be limited to 
    specific areas where a borrower has experienced problems, to borrowers 
    with specific financial problems, or to certain specific types of 
    facilities. RUS believes that all aspects of all borrowers' O&M should 
    be reviewed periodically and these reviews should cover all facilities. 
    These reviews can reveal potential problem areas that can be corrected 
    before they manifest themselves as operational or financial 
    difficulties. Therefore, RUS has not changed the scope of this rule.
        Several commenters pointed out that the proposed rule does not 
    adequately address borrowers who own but do not operate certain 
    facilities. The rule has been changed to address this situation.
        Several commenters requested that the frequency of inspection and 
    test be determined giving due consideration to the manufacturer's 
    recommendations, but that borrowers should not be specifically required 
    to blindly follow such recommendations. RUS agrees and has revised the 
    rule accordingly.
        Some commenters requested that RUS clarify the requirement to 
    evaluate compliance with the prior editions of the National Electrical 
    Safety Code (NESC) and the National Electrical Code (NEC), when 
    applicable. The rule has been clarified with respect to the NEC. Since 
    the NESC itself specifically addresses facilities that comply with 
    prior editions of the NESC, no change is needed in the rule with 
    respect to the NESC.
        Several commenters requested that RUS eliminate duplication of 
    reviews made by other Federal agencies and State commissions, etc. The 
    rule has been changed to indicate that RUS will not duplicate these 
    reviews, but may review the reports of these other reviewers. Since 
    some of these other reviews may target a specific area (e.g., safety), 
    and the RUS' review covers a wider range of areas (e.g., safety, 
    reliability, economy, etc.), the RUS review may partially overlap the 
    reviews of others.
        Several commenters requested that RUS eliminate the requirement for 
    an explanation of the borrower's rating of acceptable items. It is not 
    RUS' intent to require an extensive discussion of these items, but 
    simply an explanation of how the borrower arrived at its rating. RUS 
    believes that this should involve little extra effort and should 
    improve the overall value of the review, so no change has been made to 
    this requirement.
        One commenter suggested that RUS require that the borrower's Board 
    of Directors be appraised of the findings of the O&M review. Item 15 of 
    RUS Form 300 calls for the date that the O&M review was reviewed by the 
    Board of Directors. For purposes of clarifying the rule, a specific 
    provision has been added to the rule requiring discussion of the O&M 
    review with the Board of Directors.
        One commenter suggested that RUS not require a corrective action 
    plan (CAP) in all cases where there is an unsatisfactory (i.e., 0 or 1) 
    rating. RUS considers any unsatisfactory rating to be a potentially 
    serious problem, so a CAP should be prepared. However, if the 
    correction of the deficiency is already underway or can be accomplished 
    in a short time or simply, the CAP may be very short and simple, such 
    as referring to an item in an approved CWP. The rule does not specify 
    the format or amount of detail required for a CAP, so that borrowers 
    have sufficient flexibility to tailor it to the seriousness and 
    complexity of the problem. No change has been made to this requirement.
        A number of commenters requested that RUS clarify or eliminate 
    various items on the RUS Form 300. RUS has reviewed these items and has 
    determined that requiring ``Staff Hours'' under part IV, Operations and 
    Maintenance Budgets, is confusing, burdensome, and of limited benefit. 
    This item has been deleted. RUS believes that Bulletin 1730-1, 
    ``Electric System Operation and Maintenance (O&M),'' should provide 
    additional guidance.
        Some commenters are concerned that RUS requirements with respect to 
    O&M may require excessive and unavailable funding. RUS recognizes that 
    correcting operating and maintenance deficiencies may indeed be 
    expensive, especially if the system has been allowed to deteriorate. 
    Nevertheless, proper O&M of borrowers' systems is essential to the 
    success of the rural electric program and to protecting the property 
    that is the security for the Government's loans and guarantees. It is 
    essential that each borrower budget sufficient resources to operate and 
    maintain its system efficiently and properly.
        One commenter stated that ``this wasteful activity [the proposed 
    rule] is unneeded, unnecessary and without common sense.'' RUS 
    disagrees. As stated above, proper O&M of borrowers' systems is 
    essential to the success of the rural electric program and to 
    protecting the property that is the security for the Government's loans 
    and guarantees. This rule is intended to clearly outline RUS policies 
    and procedures and the borrowers' responsibilities with respect to O&M.
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 1730
        Electric power, Loan programs--energy, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Rural areas.
        In view of the above, RUS hereby amends 7 CFR chapter XVII by 
    adding part 1730 to read as follows:
    Subpart A--General
    1730.1  Introduction.
    1730.2  RUS policy.
    1730.3  RUS addresses.
    1730.4  Definitions.
    1730.5-1730.19  [Reserved]
    [[Page 3451]]
    Subpart B--Operations and Maintenance Requirements
    1730.20  General.
    1730.21  Inspections and tests.
    1730.22  Borrower analysis.
    1730.23  Review rating summary, RUS Form 300.
    1730.24  RUS review and evaluation.
    1730.25  Corrective action.
    1730.26  Engineer's certification.
    1730.27-1730.99  [Reserved]
    Appendix A to Subpart B of Part 1730--Review Rating Summary, RUS 
    Form 300
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 901 et seq., 1921 et seq., 6941 et seq.
    Subpart A--General
    Sec. 1730.1  Introduction.
        (a) This part contains the policies and procedures of the Rural 
    Utilities Service (RUS) related to electric borrowers' operation and 
    maintenance practices and RUS' review and evaluation of such practices.
        (b) The policies and procedures included in this part apply to all 
    electric borrowers (both distribution borrowers and power supply 
    borrowers) and are intended to clarify and implement certain provisions 
    of the security instrument and loan contract between RUS and electric 
    borrowers regarding operations and maintenance. This part is not 
    intended to waive or supersede any provisions of the security 
    instrument and loan contract between RUS and electric borrowers.
        (c) The Administrator may waive, for good cause, on a case by case 
    basis, certain requirements and procedures of this part.
    Sec. 1730.2  RUS policy.
        It is RUS policy to require that all property of a borrower be 
    operated and maintained properly in accordance with the requirements of 
    each borrower's loan documents. It is also RUS policy to provide 
    financial assistance only to borrowers whose operations and maintenance 
    practices and records are satisfactory or to those who are taking 
    corrective actions expected to make their operations and maintenance 
    practices and records satisfactory to RUS.
    Sec. 1730.3  RUS addresses.
        (a) Persons wishing to obtain forms referred to in this part should 
    contact: Program Support and Regulatory Analysis, Rural Utilities 
    Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Stop 1522, 1400 Independence 
    Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20250-1522, telephone (202) 720-8674. 
    Borrowers or others may reproduce any of these forms in any number 
        (b) Documents required to be submitted to RUS under this part are 
    to be sent to the office of the borrower's assigned RUS General Field 
    Representative (GFR) or such other office as designated by RUS.
    Sec. 1730.4  Definitions.
        Terms used in this part have the meanings set forth in 7 CFR Part 
    1710.2. References to specific RUS forms and other RUS documents, and 
    to specific sections or lines of such forms and documents, shall 
    include the corresponding forms, documents, sections and lines in any 
    subsequent revisions of these forms and documents. In addition to the 
    terms defined in 7 CFR Part 1710.2, the term Prudent Utility Practice 
    has the meaning set forth in Article 1, Section 1.01 of Appendix A to 
    Subpart B of 7 CFR Part 1718--Model Form of Mortgage for Electric 
    Distribution Borrowers, for the purposes of this Part.
    Secs. 1730.5-1730.19  [Reserved]
    Subpart B--Operations and Maintenance Requirements
    Sec. 1730.20  General.
        Each distribution borrower and power supply borrower shall operate 
    and maintain its system in compliance with Prudent Utility Practice, in 
    compliance with its loan documents, and in compliance with all 
    applicable laws, regulations and orders, shall maintain its systems in 
    good repair, working order and condition, and shall make all needed 
    repairs, renewals, replacements, alterations, additions, betterments 
    and improvements, in accordance with applicable provisions of the 
    borrower's security instrument. Each borrower is responsible for on-
    going operations and maintenance programs, for maintaining records of 
    the physical and electrical condition of its electric system and for 
    the quality of services provided to its customers. The borrower is also 
    responsible for all necessary inspections and tests of the component 
    parts of its system, and for maintaining records of such inspections 
    and tests. Each borrower shall budget sufficient resources to operate 
    and maintain its system in accordance with the requirements of this 
    part. For portions of the borrower's system that are not operated by 
    the borrower, if any, the borrower is responsible for ensuring that the 
    operator is operating and maintaining the system properly in accordance 
    with the operating agreement.
    Sec. 1730.21  Inspections and tests.
        (a) Each borrower shall conduct all necessary inspections and tests 
    of the component parts of its electric system, and maintain adequate 
    records of such inspections and tests.
        (b) The frequency of inspection and testing will be determined by 
    the borrower in conformance with applicable laws, regulations, national 
    standards, and Prudent Utility Practice. The frequency of inspection 
    and testing will be determined giving due consideration to the type of 
    facilities or equipment, manufacturer's recommendations, age, operating 
    environment and hazards to which the facilities are exposed, 
    consequences of failure, and results of previous inspections and tests. 
    The records of such inspections and tests will be retained in 
    accordance with applicable regulatory requirements and Prudent Utility 
    Practice. The retention period should be of a sufficient time period to 
    identify long-term trends. Records must be retained at least until the 
    applicable inspections or tests are repeated.
        (c) Inspections of facilities must include a determination of 
    whether the facility complies with the National Electrical Safety Code, 
    National Electrical Code (as applicable), and applicable State or local 
    regulations. Any serious or life-threatening deficiencies shall be 
    promptly repaired, disconnected, or isolated in accordance with 
    applicable codes or regulations. Any other deficiencies found as a 
    result of such inspections and tests are to be recorded and those 
    records are to be maintained until such deficiencies are corrected or 
    for the retention period required by paragraph (b) of this section, 
    whichever is longer.
    Sec. 1730.22  Borrower analysis.
        (a) Each borrower shall periodically analyze in writing its 
    operations and maintenance policies, practices, and procedures to 
    determine if they are appropriate and if they are being followed. The 
    records of inspections and tests are also to be reviewed and analyzed 
    to identify any trends which could indicate deterioration in the 
    physical condition or the operational effectiveness of the system or 
    suggest a need for changes in operations or maintenance practices. For 
    portions of the borrower's system that are not operated by the 
    borrower, if any, the borrower's written analysis would also include a 
    review of the operator's performance under the operating agreement.
        (b) When a borrower's operations and maintenance policies, 
    practices, and procedures are to be reviewed and evaluated by RUS, the 
    borrower shall:
        (1) Conduct the analysis required by paragraph (a) of this section 
    not more
    [[Page 3452]]
    than 90 days prior to the scheduled RUS review;
        (2) Complete RUS Form 300, Review Rating Summary, and other related 
    forms, prior to RUS' review and evaluation; and
        (3) Make available to RUS the borrower's completed RUS Form 300 
    (including a written explanation of the basis for each rating) and 
    records related to the operations and maintenance of the borrower's 
        (c) For those facilities not included on the RUS Form 300 (e.g., 
    generating plants), the borrower shall prepare and complete an 
    appropriate supplemental form for such facilities.
    Sec. 1730.23  Review rating summary, RUS Form 300.
        RUS Form 300 in Appendix A shall be used when required by this 
    Sec. 1730.24  RUS review and evaluation.
        RUS will initiate and conduct a periodic review and evaluation of 
    the operations and maintenance practices of each borrower for the 
    purpose of assessing loan security and determining borrower compliance 
    with RUS policy as outlined in this part. This review will normally be 
    done at least once every three years. The borrower will make available 
    to RUS the borrower's policies, procedures, and records related to the 
    operations and maintenance of its complete system. Reports made by 
    other inspectors (e.g., other Federal agencies, State inspectors, etc.) 
    will also be made available, as applicable. RUS will not duplicate 
    these other reviews but will use their reports to supplement its own 
    review. RUS may inspect facilities, as well as records, and may also 
    observe construction and maintenance work in the field. Key borrower 
    personnel responsible for the facilities being inspected are to 
    accompany RUS during such inspections, unless otherwise determined by 
    RUS. RUS personnel may prepare an independent summary of the operations 
    and maintenance practices of the borrower. The borrower's management 
    will discuss this review and evaluation with its Board of Directors.
    Sec. 1730.25  Corrective action.
        (a) For any items on the RUS Form 300 rated unsatisfactory (i.e., 0 
    or 1) by the borrower or by RUS, the borrower shall prepare a 
    corrective action plan (CAP) outlining the steps (both short term and 
    long term) the borrower will take to improve existing conditions and to 
    maintain an acceptable rating. The CAP must include a time schedule and 
    cost estimate for corrective actions, and must be approved by the 
    borrower's Board of Directors. The CAP must be submitted to RUS for 
    approval within 90 days after the completion of RUS' evaluation noted 
    in Sec. 1730.24.
        (b) The borrower must periodically report to RUS in writing 
    progress under the CAP. This report must be submitted to RUS every six 
    months until all unsatisfactory items are corrected unless RUS 
    prescribes a different reporting schedule.
    Sec. 1730.26  Engineer's certification.
        Where provided for in the borrower's loan documents, RUS may 
    require the borrower to provide an ``Engineer's Certification'' as to 
    the condition of the borrower's system (including, but not limited to, 
    all mortgaged property.) Such certification shall be in form and 
    substance satisfactory to RUS and shall be prepared by a professional 
    engineer satisfactory to RUS. If RUS determines that the Engineer's 
    Certification discloses a need for improvements to the condition of its 
    system or any other operations of the borrower, the borrower shall, 
    upon notification by RUS, promptly undertake to accomplish such 
    Secs. 1730.27-1730.99  [Reserved]
    Appendix--A to Subpart B of Part 1730--Review Rating Summary, RUS 
    Form 300
    Borrower Designation ________
    Date Prepared ________
        Ratings on form are:
    0: Unsatisfactory--no records
        1: Unsatisfactory--corrective action needed
        2: Acceptable, but should be improved--see attached 
        3: Satisfactory--no additional action required at this time
        N/A: Not applicable
    1. Substations (Transmission and Distribution)
        a. Safety, Clearance, Code Compliance--Rating: ________
        b. Physical Condition: Structure, Major Equipment, Appearance--
        Rating: ________
        c. Inspection Records Each Substation--Rating: ________
        d. Oil Spill Prevention--Rating: ________
    2. Transmission Lines
        a. Right-of-Way: Clearing, Erosion, Appearance, Intrusions--
        Rating: ________
        b. Physical Condition: Structure, Conductor, Guying--Rating: 
        c. Inspection Program and Records--Rating: ________
    3. Distribution Lines--Overhead
        a. Inspection Program and Records--Rating: ________
        b. Compliance with Safety Codes: Clearances--Rating: ________
        Compliance with Safety Codes: Foreign Structures--Rating: 
        Compliance with Safety Codes: Attachments--Rating: ________
        c. Observed Physical Condition from Field Checking: Right-of-
    Way--Rating: ________
        Observed Physical Condition from Field Checking: Other--Rating: 
    4. Distribution--Underground Cable
        a. Grounding and Corrosion Control--Rating: ________
        b. Surface Grading, Appearance--
        Rating: ________
        c. Riser Poles: Hazards, Guying, Condition--Rating: ________
    5. Distribution Line Equipment: Conditions and Records
        a. Voltage Regulators--Rating: ________
        b. Sectionalizing Equipment--
        Rating: ________
        c. Distribution Transformers--
        Rating: ________
        d. Pad Mounted Equipment--Safety: Locking, Dead Front, 
    Barriers--Rating: ________
        Pad Mounted Equipment--Appearance: Settlement, Condition--
    Rating: ________
        e. Kilowatt-hour and Demand Meter Reading and Testing--Rating: 
    6. Line Maintenance and Work Order Procedures
        a. Work Planning and Scheduling--
        Rating: ________
        b. Work Backlogs: Right-of-Way Maintenance--Rating: ________
        Work Backlogs: Poles--Rating: ________
        Work Backlogs: Retirement of Idle Services--Rating: ________
        Work Backlogs: Other--Rating: ________
    7. Service Interruptions
        a. Average Annual Hours/Consumer by Cause (Complete for each of 
    the previous 5 years)
    1. Power Supplier ________
    2. Major Storm ________
    3. Scheduled ________
    4. All Other ________
    5. Total ________
        Rating: ________
        b. Emergency Restoration Plan--Rating:________
    8. Power Quality
        General Freedom from Complaints--Rating:________
    9. Loading and Load Balance
        a. Distribution Transformer Loading--Rating:________
        b. Load Control Apparatus--Rating:________
        c. Substation and Feeder Loading--Rating:________
    10. Maps and Plant Records
        a. Operating Maps: Accurate and Up-to-Date--Rating:________
        b. Circuit Diagrams--Rating:________
        c. Staking Sheets--Rating:________
    11. System Load Conditions and Losses
        a. Annual System Loses, ________%--Rating:________
        b. Annual Load Factor, ________%--Rating:________
    [[Page 3453]]
        c. Power Factor at Monthly Peak, ________%--Rating:________
        d. Ratio of Individual Substation Peak kW to kVA, ________--
    12. Voltage Conditions
        a. Voltage Surveys--Rating:________
        b. Substation Transformer Output Voltage Spread--Rating:________
    13. Load Studies and Planning
        a. Long Range Engineering Plan--Rating:________
        b. Construction Work Plan--Rating:________
        c. Sectionalizing Study--Rating:________
        d. Load Data for Engineering Studies--Rating:________
        e. Load Forecasting Data--Rating:________
        For Previous 2 Years:
    Normal Operation--Actual $________
    Normal Maintenance--Actual $________
    Total--Actual $________
        For Present Year:
    Normal Operation--Budget $________
    Normal Maintenance--Budget $________
    Total--Budget $________
        For Future 3 Years:
    Normal Operation--Budget $________
    Normal Maintenance--Budget $________
    Additional (Deferred) Maintenance--Budget $________
    Total--Budget $________
        14. Budgeting:
    Adequacy of Budgets For Needed Work--Rating:________
        15. Date Discussed with Board of Directors ________
    Remarks: ________
    Item No. ________ Comments ________
    Rated by ________ ________ Title ________ Date ________
    Reviewed by ________ Manager ________ Date ________
    Reviewed by ________ RUS GFR ________ Date ________
        Dated: January 14, 1998.
    Jill Long Thompson,
    Under Secretary, Rural Development.
    [FR Doc. 98-1661 Filed 1-22-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-15-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Rural Utilities Service
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule is effective February 23, 1998.
3449-3453 (5 pages)
0572-AA74: Electric Systems Operations and Maintenance
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