96-1058. Pennslyvania Electric Company, et al.; Electric Rate and Corporate Regulation Filings  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 16 (Wednesday, January 24, 1996)]
    [Pages 1909-1914]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-1058]
    [Docket No. EL96-24-000, et al.]
    Pennslyvania Electric Company, et al.; Electric Rate and 
    Corporate Regulation Filings
    January 16, 1996.
        Take notice that the following filings have been made with the 
    1. Pennsylvania Electric Company
    [Docket No. EL96-24-000]
        Take notice that on December 18, 1995, Pennsylvania Electric 
    Company (Penelec) tendered for filing a request for waiver from 
    Sections 35.14 and 35.19a of the Commissions Regulations to allow 
    Penelec to pass back to its wholesale customers certain refunds, 
    including interest, in accordance with the proposed refund plan 
    described in its filing.
        Comment date: January 31, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    2. Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
    [Docket No. EL96-26-000]
        Take notice that on December 22, 1995, Niagara Mohawk Power 
    Corporation (Niagara Mohawk) filed a petition under the Public Utility 
    Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, section 210(h)(2)(B). In this 
    Petition, Niagara Mohawk asks the Commission to bring an enforcement 
    action against the Public Service Commission of the State of New York 
    (PSC) to bar the PSC from enforcing 1991 New York Sessions laws ch. 
    166, section 149-B, insofar as that New York statute purports to 
    require utilities including Niagara Mohawk to reimburse PURPA-
    qualifying facilities (Qfs) for certain gas tax payments. Niagara 
    Mohawk contends that the New York tax reimbursement statute is 
    preempted by PURPA because it purports to require utilities to pay Qfs 
    in excess of avoided costs, and because it employs a cost-of-service 
    methodology rather than the avoided cost methodology that PURPA 
    requires in setting the rates that utilities must pay to Qfs.
        Niagara Mohawk has served a copy of the filing on the PSC.
        Comment date: January 31, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    3. Gulf Power Company
    [Docket No. EL96-27-000]
        Take notice that on December 29, 1995, Gulf Power Company (Gulf) 
    requested a waiver of the Commission's fuel adjustment clause 
    regulations to the extent necessary to permit the recovery, through a 
    fuel adjustment clause applicable to jurisdictional customers, 
    [[Page 1910]]
    of a proportionate share of the cost associated with the buyout of a 
    long-term coal supply agreement. Gulf states that its purchase of 
    replacement coal at more favorable prices will produce cumulative 
    savings to its customers in excess of the cumulative amortization of 
    the associated buyout costs. Gulf proposes to recover such amortized 
    buyout costs through the fuel cost recovery mechanism in its tariff. 
    The waiver is requested to be effective as of January 1, 1996.
        Comment date: January 31, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    4. Pacific Gas and Electric
    [Docket No. EL96-28-000 Company]
        Take notice that on December 29, 1995, Pacific Gas and Electric 
    Company tendered for filing a petition for waiver of requirement for 
    filing within three years of rate change for recovery of costs for 
    post-employment benefits other than pensions.
        Comment date: January 31, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    5. Central Illinois Light Company
    [Docket No. ER95-1469-001]
        Take notice that Central Illinois Light Company (CILCO), on 
    December 11, 1995, tendered for filing its refund report in the above-
    referenced docket.
        Comment date: January 26, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    6. Delmarva Power & Light Company
    [Docket No. ER95-1640-001]
        Take notice that on December 8, 1995, Delmarva Power & Light 
    Company tendered for filing its compliance filing in the above-
    referenced docket.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    7. Nevada Power Company
    [Docket No. ER96-98-000]
        Take notice that on December 8, 1995, Nevada Power Company tendered 
    for filing an amendment in the above-referenced docket.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    8. Illinois Power Company
    [Docket No. ER96-268-000]
        Take notice that on December 21, 1995, Illinois Power Company 
    tendered for filing an amendment in the above-referenced docket.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    9. International Utility Consultants Inc.
    [Docket No. ER96-594-000]
        Take notice that on December 26, 1995, International Utility 
    Consultants, Inc. tendered for filing an amendment in the above-
    referenced docket.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    10. Jersey Central Power & Light Company, Metropolitan Edison Company, 
    and Pennsylvania Electric Company
    [Docket No. ER96-665-000]
        Take notice that on December 22, 1995, GPU Service Corporation 
    (GPU), on behalf of Jersey Central Power & Light Company, Metropolitan 
    Edison Company and Pennsylvania Electric Company (jointly referred to 
    as the GPU Operating Companies), filed an executed Service Agreement 
    between GPU and Cenergy, Inc., dated December 19, 1995. This Service 
    Agreement specifies that Cenergy, Inc. has agreed to the rates, terms 
    and conditions of the GPU Operating Companies' Operating Capacity and/
    or Energy Sales Tariff (Sales Tariff) designated as FERC Electric 
    Tariff, Original Volume No. 1. The Sales Tariff was accepted by the 
    Commission by letter order issued on February 10, 1995 in Jersey 
    Central Power & Light Co., Metropolitan Edison Co. and Pennsylvania 
    Electric Co., Docket No. ER95-276-000 and allows GPU and Cenergy, Inc. 
    to enter into separately scheduled transactions under which the GPU 
    Operating Companies will make available for sale, surplus operating 
    capacity and/or energy at negotiated rates that are no higher than the 
    GPU Operating Companies' cost of service.
        GPU requests a waiver of the Commission's notice requirements for 
    good cause shown and an effective date of December 19, 1995 for the 
    Service Agreement.
        GPU has served copies of the filing on regulatory agencies in New 
    Jersey and Pennsylvania.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    11. Jersey Central Power & Light Company, Metropolitan Edison Company, 
    and Pennsylvania Electric Company
    [Docket No. ER96-666-000]
        Take notice that on December 22, 1995, GPU Service Corporation 
    (GPU), on behalf of Jersey Central Power & Light Company, Metropolitan 
    Edison Company and Pennsylvania Electric Company (jointly referred to 
    as the GPU Companies), filed a Service Agreement between GPU and 
    Phibro, Inc. (Phibro) dated December 1, 1995. This Service Agreement 
    specifies that Phibro has agreed to the rates, terms and conditions of 
    the GPU Companies' Energy Transmission Service Tariff accepted by the 
    Commission on September 28, 1995 in Docket No. ER95-7091-000 and 
    designated as FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 3.
        GPU requests a waiver of the Commission's notice requirements for 
    good causes shown and an effective date December 1, 1995 for the 
    Service Agreement. GPU has served copies of the filing on regulatory 
    agencies in New Jersey and Pennsylvania and on Phibro.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    12. Jersey Central Power & Light Company, Metropolitan Edison Company, 
    and Pennsylvania Electric Company
    [Docket No. ER96-667-000]
        Take notice that on December 22, 1995, GPU Service Corporation 
    (GPU), on behalf of Jersey Central Power & Light Company, Metropolitan 
    Edison Company and Pennsylvania Electric Company (jointly referred to 
    as the GPU Operating Companies), filed an executed Service Agreement 
    between GPU and Tenneco Energy Marketing Company, (Tenneco), dated 
    December 12, 1995. This Service Agreement specifies that Tenneco has 
    agreed to the rates, terms and conditions of the GPU Operating 
    Companies' Operating Capacity and/or Energy Sales Tariff (Sales 
    Tariff), designated as FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 1. The 
    Sales Tariff was accepted by the Commission by letter order issued on 
    February 10, 1995 in Jersey Central Power & Light Co., Metropolitan 
    Edison Co. and Pennsylvania Electric Co., Docket No. ER95-276-000 and 
    allows GPU and Tenneco to enter into separately scheduled transactions 
    under which the GPU Operating Companies will make available for sale, 
    surplus operating capacity and/or energy at negotiated rates that are 
    no higher than the GPU Operating Companies' cost of service.
        GPU requests a waiver of the Commission's notice requirements for 
    good cause shown and an effective date of December 12, 1995, for the 
    Service Agreement.
        GPU has served copies of the filing on regulatory agencies in New 
    Jersey and Pennsylvania.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice. 
    [[Page 1911]]
    13. Virginia Electric and Power Company
    [Docket No. ER96-668-000]
        Take notice that on December 22, 1995, Virginia Electric and Power 
    Company (Virginia Power), tendered for filing a Service agreement 
    between National Gas & Electric L.P. and Virginia Power, dated December 
    6, 1995, under the Power Sales Tariff to Eligible Purchasers dated May 
    27, 1994. Under the tendered Service Agreement Virginia Power agrees to 
    provide services to National Gas & Electric L.P. under the rates, terms 
    and conditions of the Power Sales Tariff as agreed by the parties 
    pursuant to the terms of the applicable Service Schedules included in 
    the Power Sales Tariff.
        Copies of the filing were served upon the Virginia State 
    Corporation Commission, and the North Carolina Utilities Commission.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    14. Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company
    [Docket No. ER96-669-000]
        Take notice that on December 22, 1995, Oklahoma Gas and Electric 
    Company (OG&E), tendered for filing revised Electric Service Agreement 
    for the City of Watonga, Oklahoma a wholesale municipal customer served 
    under OG&E's WM-1 Firm Power Rate Schedule which is part of OG&E's FERC 
    Electric Tariff 1st Revised Volume No. 1.
        Copies of this filing have been sent to the affected customer, the 
    Oklahoma Corporation Commission, and the Arkansas Public Service 
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
        15. Allegheny Generating Company
    [Docket No. ER96-670-000]
        Take notice that on December 22, 1995, Allegheny Power Service 
    Corporation, as agent for Allegheny Generating Company, tendered for 
    filing a request to lower the return on equity component of its cost of 
    service formula rates. The proposed effective date for the decreased 
    rates is January 1, 1996. Copies of the filing have been provided to 
    the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, the Maryland Public Service 
    Commission, the Virginia State Corporation Commission, the West 
    Virginia Public Service Commission, the Ohio Public Utilities 
    Commission and all parties of record.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    16. Alabama Power Company
    [Docket No. ER96-671-000]
        Take notice that on December 22, 1995, Alabama Power Company 
    (APCo), tendered for filing Amendment No. 5 to the Interconnection 
    Agreement between APCo and Alabama Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AEC), 
    together with a new Service Schedule UP (Unit Peaking Capacity) from 
    APCo to AEC and a related Off-System Generation Agreement. Under the 
    service schedule, APCo would make available and AEC would purchase 
    certain peaking capacity during the period January 1, 1996 through 
    December 31, 1997, at which time the service schedule expires and 
    terminates. AEC is entitled to schedule the capacity in accordance with 
    its needs, but utilization cannot exceed a twelve percent (12%) 
    capacity factor during the stated periods. The service schedule 
    provides for a monthly capacity charge and an energy charge, with 
    transmission service being provided under a pre-existing arrangement. 
    This new service schedule is added to and incorporated in the existing 
    Interconnection Agreement through Amendment No. 5, thereby facilitating 
    transactions pursuant to the other terms and conditions governing the 
    parties' interconnected operations.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    17. Jersey Central Power & Light Company, Metropolitan Edison Company, 
    and Pennsylvania Electric Company
    [Docket No. ER96-672-000]
        Take notice that on December 22, 1995, GPU Service Corporation 
    (GPU), on behalf of Jersey Central Power & Light Company, Metropolitan 
    Edison Company and Pennsylvania Electric Company (jointly referred to 
    as the GPU Operating Companies), filed an executed Service Agreement 
    between GPU and Industrial Energy Applications, Inc., dated November 
    28, 1995. This Service Agreement specifies that Industrial Energy 
    Applications, Inc. has agreed to the rates, terms and conditions of the 
    GPU Operating Companies' Operating Capacity and/or Energy Sales Tariff 
    (Sales Tariff) designated as FERC Electric Tariff, Original Volume No. 
    1. The Sales Tariff was accepted by the Commission by letter order 
    issued on February 10, 1995 in Jersey Central Power & Light Co., 
    Metropolitan Edison Co. and Pennsylvania Electric Co., Docket No. ER95-
    276-000 and allows GPU and Industrial Energy Applications, Inc. to 
    enter into separately scheduled transactions under which the GPU 
    Operating Companies will make available for sale, surplus operating 
    capacity and/or energy at negotiated rates that are no higher than the 
    GPU Operating Companies' cost of service.
        GPU requests a waiver of the Commission's notice requirements for 
    good cause shown and an effective date of November 28, 1995 for the 
    Service Agreement.
        GPU has served copies of the filing on regulatory agencies in New 
    Jersey and Pennsylvania.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    18. Canal Electric Company
    [Docket No. ER96-673-000]
        Take notice that on December 22, 1995, Canal Electric Company, 
    tendered for filing proposed changes in its Rate Schedules Nos. 1, 2, 
    3, 4, 17 and 21 for recovery of costs arising out of Canal's 
    recognition (consistent with SFAS No. 106) of post retirement benefits 
    other than pensions (PBOP) on an accrual basis, commencing with 
    calendar year 1993. Canal seeks authority to collect deferred PBOPs 
    accrued for the years 1993 through 1995 and to bill in the future on an 
    accrual basis under the foregoing rate schedules.
        Copies of the limited Section 205 filing were served upon Canal 
    Electric's jurisdictional customers under these rate schedules and the 
    Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    19. Minnesota Power & Light Company
    [Docket No. ER96-674-000]
        Take notice that on December 22, 1995, Minnesota Power & Light 
    Company (Minnesota Power), 30 West Superior Street, Duluth, Minnesota 
    55802, tendered for filing, pursuant to 205 of the Federal Power Act 
    and Part 35 of the Commission's Rules and Regulations, an abbreviated 
    filing for a change in rates, under its Rate Schedule Nos. 100, 104, 
    106, 107, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 133, 150, 164, 
    165. The proposed changes would result in an overall decrease in 
    revenues from jurisdictional customers.
        Minnesota Power states that the change in rates is primarily to 
    recover accrued Post Employment Benefits Other than Pensions resulting 
    from Minnesota Power's adoption of Financial Accounting Standards No. 
    106, in accordance with the Commission's Post Employment Benefits Other 
    Than Pensions, 
    [[Page 1912]]
    Statement of Policy and changes in other costs. Minnesota Power 
    requests an effective date of January 1, 1996 for the proposed change 
    in rates.
        Copies of this filing were served upon Minnesota Power's 
    jurisdictional customers and the Minnesota Public Utility Commission 
    and Public Service Commission of Wisconsin.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    20. Calpine Newark Cogen, Inc.
    [Docket No. ER96-675-000]
        Take notice that on December 22, 1995, Calpine Newark Cogen, Inc. 
    (Calpine Newark), tendered for filing an initial rate schedule with the 
    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Pursuant to the initial rate 
    schedule, Calpine Newark proposes to make sales of power at wholesale 
    in accordance with a Power Purchase Agreement, dated March 10, 1986, as 
    amended, and the Third Amendment to Power Purchase Agreement between 
    Calpine Newark and Jersey Central Power & Light Company (JCP&L) dated 
    November 30, 1995.
        Calpine Newark respectfully requests waiver of the Commission's 60-
    day prior notice requirement (18 CFR 35.11 (1995)). Calpine Newark 
    requests waiver of the filing requirements contained in Parts B and C 
    of 18 CFR Part 35 (except sections 35.12(a), 35.13(b), 35.15 and 
    35.16). Finally, Calpine Newark requests (1) Waiver of Parts 41, 101, 
    and 141 of the Commission's regulations, (2) waiver of the full 
    requirements of Part 45 of the Commission's regulations, with an 
    abbreviated filing required instead, and (3) blanket approval under 
    Part 34 of all future issuances of securities and assumptions.
        Copies of the filing were served upon JCP&L.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    21. Calpine Parlin Cogen, Inc.
    [Docket No. ER96-676-000]
        Take notice that on December 22, 1995, Calpine Parlin Cogen, Inc. 
    (Calpine Parlin), tendered for filing an initial rate schedule with the 
    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Pursuant to the initial rate 
    schedule, Calpine Parlin proposes to make sales of power at wholesale 
    in accordance with the Amended and Restated Agreement for Purchase and 
    Sale of Electric Power between Calpine Parlin and Jersey Central Power 
    & Light Company (JCP&L), dated November 30, 1995.
        Calpine Parlin respectfully requests waiver of the Commission's 60-
    day prior notice requirement (18 CFR 35.11 (1995)). Calpine Parlin 
    requests waiver of the filing requirements contained in Parts B and C 
    of 18 CFR Part 35 (except sections 35.12(e), 35.13(b), 35.15 and 
    35.16). Finally, Calpine Parlin requests (1) Waiver of Parts 41, 101, 
    and 141 of the Commission's regulations, (2) waiver of the full 
    requirements of Part 45 of the Commission's regulations, with an 
    abbreviated filing required instead, and (3) blanket approval under 
    Part 34 of all future issuances of securities and assumptions.
        Copies of the filing were served upon JCP&L.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    22. Union Electric Company and Central Illinois Public Service 
    [Docket No. ER96-677-000]
        Take notice that on December 22, 1995, Union Electric Company (UE) 
    and Central Illinois Public Service Company (CIPS), tendered for filing 
    with the Commission their Point-to-Point Transmission Service Tariff 
    and Network Integration Service Tariff. The two tariffs are based on 
    the pro forma tariffs included in the Commission's Open Access Notice 
    of Proposed Rulemaking.
        UE and CIPS state that they are making this filing in connection 
    with a proposed combination between UE and CIPS. The tariffs are 
    proposed to become effective upon the consummation of the combination 
    and, therefore, UE and CIPS request waiver of the Commission's 120-day 
    notice requirement contained in 18 CFR 33.3. By the tariffs, the 
    combined companies will offer non-discriminatory point-to-point and 
    network transmission service on a system-wide basis.
        Copies of the filing have been served on the Missouri and Illinois 
    state utility commissions.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    23. Ohio Edison Company and Pennsylvania Power Company
    [Docket No. ER96-678-000]
        Take notice that on December 22, 1995, Ohio Edison Company tendered 
    for filing on behalf of itself and Pennsylvania Power Company, 
    Supplemental No. 3 to the Power Supply Agreement between Ohio Edison 
    and Potomac Electric Power Company (FERC Rate Schedule No. 153). This 
    supplemental rate schedule will enable Ohio Edison to recover 
    incremental SFAS costs consistent with the Commission's Policy 
    Statement in Docket No. PL93-1-000.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    24. Cinergy Services, Inc.
    [Docket No. ER96-680-000]
        Take notice that on December 26, 1995, Cinergy Services, Inc. 
    (Cinergy), tendered for filing a service agreement under Cinergy's Non-
    Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service Tariff (the Tariff) entered 
    into between Cinergy and Commonwealth Edison Company.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    25. Cinergy Services, Inc.
    [Docket No. ER96-681-000]
        Take notice that on December 26, 1995, Cinergy Services, Inc. 
    (Cinergy), tendered for filing a service agreement under Cinergy's Non-
    Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service Tariff (the Tariff) entered 
    into between Cinergy and Aquila Power Corporation.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    26. Northern States Power Company (Wisconsin)
    [Docket No. ER96-682-000]
        Take notice that on December 26, 1995, Northern States Power 
    Company, Eau Claire, Wisconsin (NSPW), tendered for filing the 
    following document:
        A Power and Energy Supply Agreement by and between the City of 
    Medford, Wisconsin, and NSPW dated December 19, 1995. The City 
    currently purchases power and energy from NSPW under a power supply 
    agreement dated September 1, 1997, as amended on March 19, 1991. The 
    1977 agreement as amended is superseded by the 1995 agreement. NSPW 
    submitted a Certificate of Concurrence on behalf of the City of 
        NSPW requests an effective date of January 1, 1996. NSPW states 
    that under this new agreement, the City of Medford will be entitled to 
    a 3% discount from NSPW's currently effective W-1 rate.
        A copy of the filing was served upon the City of Medford and the 
    State of Wisconsin Public Service Commission.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    27. Madison Gas and Electric Company
    [Docket No. ER96-683-000]
        Take notice that on December 26, 1995, Madison Gas and Electric 
    [[Page 1913]]
        Company (MGE), tendered for filing a service agreement with Valero 
    Power Services Company under MGE's Power Sales Tariff. MGE requests an 
    effective date 60 days from the filing date.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    28. Wisconsin Electric Power Company
    [Docket No. ER96-684-000]
        Take notice that on December 26, 1995, Wisconsin Electric Power 
    Company (Wisconsin Electric), tendered for filing revisions to its FERC 
    Electric Tariff, Volume 1, Service Agreement No. 23.
        Wisconsin Electric requests an effective date of December 15, 1995, 
    in order to implement the Agreement's modifications, which do not 
    result in revenue increases.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    29. PacifiCorp
    [Docket No. ER96-685-000]
        Take notice that on December 26, 1995, PacifiCorp tendered for 
    filing in accordance with 18 CFR Part 35 of the Commission's Rules and 
    Regulations, a Long-Term Power Sale and Exchange Agreement (Agreement) 
    between PacifiCorp and the City of Redding (Redding) dated December 6, 
        Under the Agreement, PacifiCorp will deliver 50 megawatts of firm 
    capacity and associated energy to Redding through November 30, 2000. 
    Commencing December 1, 2000, the Agreement converts to a seasonal power 
    exchange that continues through November 30, 2015.
        Copies of this filing were supplied to Redding, the Washington 
    Utilities and Transportation Commission, the Public Utility Commission 
    of Oregon and the Public Utilities Commission of the State of 
        A copy of this filing may be obtained from PacifiCorp's Regulatory 
    Administration Department's Bulletin Board System through a personal 
    computer by calling (503) 464-6122 (9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 
    stop bit.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    30. E. Craig Wall, Jr.
    [Docket No. ID-2928-000]
        Take notice that on December 21, 1995, E. Craig Wall, Jr. 
    (Applicant) filed an application under section 305(b) of the Federal 
    Power Act to hold the following positions:
    Director--South Carolina Electric & Gas Company
    Director--South Carolina Generating Company, Inc.
    Director--NationsBank Corporation
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    31. David O. Maxwell
    [Docket No. ID-2931-000]
        Take notice that on January 2, 1996, David O. Maxwell, (Applicant) 
    filed an application under section 305(b) of the Federal Power Act to 
    hold the following positions:
    Director--Potomac Electric Power Company
    Director--Salmon Inc.
        Comment date: January 30, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    32. Mid-Georgia Cogen, L.P.
    [Docket No. QF96-26-000]
        On December 29, 1995, Mid-Georgia Cogen, L.P. (Applicant), c/o 
    Energy Initiatives, Inc., One Upper Pond Road, Parsippany, New Jersey 
    07054, submitted for filing an application for certification of a 
    facility as a qualifying cogeneration facility pursuant to Section 
    292.207(b) of the Commission's Regulations. No determination has been 
    made that the submittal constitutes a complete filing.
        According to the applicant, the topping-cycle cogeneration facility 
    will be located in Houston County, Georgia, and will consist of two 
    combustion turbine generators, two unfired heat recovery boilers, one 
    back pressure steam turbine generator, and an extraction/condensing 
    steam turbine generator. Steam recovered from the facility will be sold 
    to Frito-Lay, Inc. for space and water heating, and for frying and 
    cooking food. The power output of the facility will be sold to Georgia 
    Power Company. The primary energy source will be natural gas. The 
    maximum net electric power production capacity of the facility will be 
    approximately 296 MW. Construction of the facility is scheduled to 
    begin on March 1, 1996.
        Comment date: Thirty days after the date of publication of this 
    notice in the Federal Register, in accordance with Standard Paragraph E 
    at the end of this notice.
    33. Union Electric Company and Central Illinois Public Service 
    [Docket Nos. EC96-7-000 and ER96-679-000]
        Take notice that on December 22, 1995, Union Electric Company (UE) 
    and Central Illinois Public Service (CIPS) (collectively, the 
    Applicants) filed a joint application pursuant to Sections 203 and 205 
    of the Federal Power Act and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's 
    applicable regulations seeking authorization and approval of a 
    strategic alliance between the Applicants under a common holding 
    company, Ameren Corporation (Ameren), a corporation newly incorporated 
    in the State of Missouri.
        Applicants further request findings that the System Support 
    Agreement and Joint Dispatch Agreement are just and reasonable and an 
    order allowing them to become effective as of completion of the 
    transaction resulting in the holding company structure. Additionally, 
    Applicants seek approval of the proposed regulatory accounting 
    treatment of a shared savings plan and cost recovery mechanism, and 
    certain approvals as to UE's decommissioning fund.
        UE is a combination electric and gas utility operating in Missouri 
    and west central Illinois. CIPS is a combination electric and gas 
    utility operating in Illinois and is a wholly owned subsidiary of 
    CIPSCO, Inc. (CIPSCO). Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, CIPSCO will be 
    merged into Ameren, with Ameren as the surviving entity. CIPS and 
    other-non-utility subsidiaries of CIPSCO will, thus, become wholly 
    owned subsidiaries of Ameren. UE will be merged with and into Arch 
    Merger, Inc., a corporation newly incorporated in the State of Missouri 
    as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ameren,, with UE as the surviving 
    corporation. UE will thus become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ameren. 
    In addition, UE will transfer to CIPS certain of its Illinois electric 
    and gas public utility facilities.
        On January 5, 1996, UE tendered for filing additional information 
    to its December 22, 1995, filing in the above-referenced dockets.
        Comment date: January 31, 1996, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
    Standard Paragraph
        E. Any person desiring to be heard or to protest said filing should 
    file a motion to intervene or protest with the Federal Energy 
    Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426, in 
    accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of the Commission's Rules of Practice 
    and Procedure (18 CFR 385.211 and 18 CFR 385.214). All such motions or 
    protests should be filed on or before the comment date. Protests will 
    be considered by the Commission in determining the appropriate action 
    to be taken, but will not serve to make protestants parties to the 
    [[Page 1914]]
    Any person wishing to become a party must file a motion to intervene. 
    Copies of this filing are on file with the Commission and are available 
    for public inspection.
    Lois D. Cashell,
    [FR Doc. 96-1058 Filed 1-23-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6717-01-P

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Document Number:
January 31, 1996, in accordance with Standard Paragraph E at the end of this notice.
1909-1914 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. EL96-24-000, et al.
PDF File: