99-1616. Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 15 (Monday, January 25, 1999)]
    [Pages 3673-3674]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-1616]
                                                    Federal Register
    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains documents other than rules 
    or proposed rules that are applicable to the public. Notices of hearings 
    and investigations, committee meetings, agency decisions and rulings, 
    delegations of authority, filing of petitions and applications and agency 
    statements of organization and functions are examples of documents 
    appearing in this section.
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 15 / Monday, January 25, 1999 / 
    [[Page 3673]]
    Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
    January 20, 1999.
        The Department of Agriculture has submitted the following 
    information collection requirement(s) to OMB for review and clearance 
    under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13. Comments 
    regarding (a) whether the collection of information is necessary for 
    the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including 
    whether the information will have practical utility; (b) the accuracy 
    of the agency's estimate of burden including the validity of the 
    methodology and assumptions used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, 
    utility and clarity of the information to be collected; (d) ways to 
    minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are 
    to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, 
    electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or 
    other forms of information technology should be addressed to: Desk 
    Officer for Agriculture, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, 
    Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Washington, D.C. 20503 and to 
    Departmental Clearance Office, USDA, OCIO, Mail Stop 7602, Washington, 
    D.C. 20250-7602. Comments regarding these information collections are 
    best assured by having their full effect if received within 30 days of 
    this notification. Copies of the submission(s) may be obtained by 
    calling (202) 720-6746.
        An agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information 
    unless the collection of information displays a currently valid OMB 
    control number and the agency informs potential persons who are to 
    respond to the collection of information that such persons are not 
    required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays 
    a currently valid OMB control number.
    Forest Service
        Title: National Survey on Recreation and the Environment.
        OMB Control Number: 0596-0127.
        Summary of Collection: The National Survey on Recreation and the 
    Environment (NSRE) 2000, which began in 1960 as the primary source of 
    recreation data from the U.S. population, is the latest in a series of 
    surveys conducted by the Forest Service (FS). This information is vital 
    for federal land managing agencies to obtain an understanding of the 
    outdoor recreation participation levels and preferences of the American 
    people so that effective policy making, planning, and decision-making 
    can occur. Information from the survey is shared with and relied upon 
    by organizations outside the federal government including educational 
    institutions, private sector companies, state agencies, and other 
    governmental organizations as the fundamental source of outdoor 
    recreation trend and demand data on a national scale. The survey will 
    be administered using a statistically valid sampling methodology 
    through computer-assisted telephone interviewing techniques.
        Need and Use of the Information: The Forest Service will collect 
    information nationally from the public to assess trends in recreation 
    participation over the years since the survey was last conducted and to 
    estimate demand for outdoor recreation among the U.S. population. In 
    addition, the survey will collect information from the public on 
    people's attitudes and values toward natural resources and their 
    management. The information will be used by the Forest Service and 
    other federal agencies to develop long-range strategic plans, adjust 
    programs and activities to meet customer needs and expectations, and 
    better manage federally owned lands.
        Description of Respondents: Individuals or households.
        Number of Respondents: 40,000.
        Frequency of Responses: Reporting: Other (one time).
        Total Burden Hours: 13,333.
    Forest Service
        Title: The Wildland-Urban Interface Series.
        OMB Control Number: 0596-NEW.
        Summary of Collection: Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources 
    Research Act of 1978 (Public Law 95-307) directs the Secretary of 
    Agriculture to research the multiple uses and products, including 
    recreation, of forests and rangelands to facilitate their most 
    effective use. Study results will be provided to resource managers in 
    the areas studied, as well as to managers across the United States 
    addressing urban national forest, to enable more effective management 
    of those areas. Results will also inform managers of broader community 
    recreation patterns, interests, and resource concerns. A direct benefit 
    to the public is anticipated through improvements in customer service, 
    more informed recreation management decisions, and increased attention 
    to the diverse customers served by the National Forests. Forest Service 
    (FS) will collect information using a study provided to resource 
    managers and a questionnaire given to potential respondents.
        Need and Use of the Information: FS will collect information to 
    assist resource managers in their effective management of recreation 
    activities in the region studied and, in addition, the Wildland 
    Recreation and Urban Culture Project will use the information to 
    further expand its information base on visitor characteristics, 
    communication, and mitigation of depreciative behaviors such as 
    vandalism. Participants will be asked to answer a questionnaire on the 
    following topics (1a) age, gender, and education; (1b) National Forest 
    visitation history and patterns; (2) identification of leisure 
    activities in which visitors participate; (3) how they heard about the 
    area; (4a) how they would rate amenities; (4b) accessibility for a 
    wide-range of individuals, including those with special needs; (5a) 
    knowledge of natural resource and wilderness areas and policies 
    regarding those areas; (5b) how closely visitors identify with the 
    National Forest or recreation area; (6) preference about different 
    management options (limit number of people on trails versus limit 
    access to trails, increase levels of user knowledge by brochures, 
    nature walk, signs versus require users to have taken an educational 
    program; (7a) gain visitor's suggestions on different penalties for 
    depreciative actions; (7b) personal and or group participation in 
    environmentally responsible and
    [[Page 3674]]
    depreciative acts, as well as the extent to which visitors observe 
    them; (8) experience of conflict within and between user groups and 
    managing agency representatives. If the information is not collected 
    resource managers will have to make visitor based decisions on very 
    limited, potentially biased, or non-existent information.
        Description of Repondents: Individuals or households.
        Number of Respondents: 3,000.
        Frequency of Responses: Reporting: On occasion.
        Total Burden Hours: 750.
    National Food and Agriculture Council (NFAC)
        Title: Customer Service Information Collections for USDA Service 
    Centers 1999-2001.
        OMB Control Number: New.
        Summary of Collection: The National Food and Agriculture Council 
    (NFAC), and partner agencies in the USDA Service Center, help the USDA 
    meet the requirements of the President's Executive Order 12862, 
    ``Setting Customer Service Standards,'' which requires agencies to 
    annually ``survey customers to determine the kind and quality of 
    services they want and their level of satisfaction with existing 
    services.'' Improved customer service is the core mission of the USDA 
    Service Centers and participating partner agencies, according to the 
    Secretary. The Service Center Customer Service Team is requesting a 
    generic clearance for customer service information collection 
    activities. The Customer Service Team will collect information using 
    telephone surveys, comment and complaint cards, structured interviews, 
    focus groups and benchmarking studies.
        Need and Use of the Information: The Customer Service Team will 
    collect information to develop and publish customer service standards 
    for USDA Service Centers; develop a feedback system for USDA Service 
    Center customer complaints and comments; establish performance measures 
    consistent with GPRA requirements for the information technology 
    investments and the strategic plans of the USDA Service Center partner 
    agencies; and support evaluations of proposed improvements in service 
    and analyses of service delivery by significant demographic and social 
    characteristics. NFAC and the USDA Service Center partner agencies plan 
    to use this information to help meet their responsibilities under GPRA, 
    to improve operations in the USDA Service Center by preserving helpful 
    activities and implementing needed changes.
        Description of Respondents: Individuals or households.
        Number of Respondents: 56,970.
        Frequency of Responses: Reporting: On occasion; Annually; Other: 
    When need arises as determined by the managing and coordinating group 
    Quality Customer Service Team.
        Total Burden Hours: 11,180.
    Nancy B. Sternberg,
    Departmental Clearance Officer.
    [FR Doc. 99-1616 Filed 1-22-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-01-M

Document Information

Agriculture Department
Entry Type:
Document Number:
3673-3674 (2 pages)
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