95-1956. Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, et al.; Natural Gas Certificate Filings  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 17 (Thursday, January 26, 1995)]
    [Pages 5175-5177]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-1956]
    [Docket No. CP95-152-000, et al.]
    Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, et al.; Natural Gas 
    Certificate Filings
    January 19, 1995.
        Take notice that the following filings have been made with the 
    1. Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America
    [Docket No. CP95-152-000]
        Take notice that on January 11, 1995, Natural Gas Pipeline Company 
    of America (Natural), 701 East 22nd Street, Lombard, Illinois 60148, 
    filed an application pursuant to Section 7(b) of the Natural Gas Act 
    for permission and approval to abandon, by sale to MidCon Texas 
    Pipeline Corp (MidCon Texas), an intrastate pipeline and affiliate, the 
    Willamar Facilities, all as more fully set forth in the application 
    which is on file with the Commission and open to public inspection.
    [[Page 5176]]
        Transwestern states that the Willamar Facilities consist of 
    following facilities:
           Lateral name                         Description                 
    16-in Willamar Lateral...  --42.61 miles of 16-inch lateral--one 10-inch
                                sidetap--Jim Wells, Brooks and Kenedy       
                                Counties, Texas.                            
    12-in Willamar Lateral...  --30.29 miles of 12-inch lateral--Dual 6-inch
                                meter stations--Dual 8-inch meter stations--
                                Kenedy & Willacy Counties, Texas.           
    Encinitas Lateral........  --17.11 miles of 8-inch lateral--one 6-inch  
                                sidetap--Dual 4-inch meter stations--Brooks 
                                County, Texas.                              
    Sal del Rey Lateral......  --14.19 miles of 10-inch lateral--one 8-inch 
                                sidetap--Dual 6-inch meter stations--Kenedy 
                                & Hidalgo Counties, Texas.                  
    Santa Fe Lateral.........  --5.15 miles of 8-inch lateral--one 6-inch   
                                sidetap--one meter station--Brooks County,  
    Nile Lateral.............  --1.52 miles of 4-inch lateral--one 4-inch   
                                sidetap--one meter station--Willacy County, 
    Raymondville Lateral.....  --0.85 mile of 4-inch lateral--one 4-inch    
                                sidetap--one meter station--Willacy County, 
    Tennessee Gas Facilities.  --one 4-inch sidetap--Brooks County, Texas.  
    North Willamar Lateral...  --2.27 miles of 4-inch lateral--one 3-inch   
                                sidetap--one meter station--Willacy County, 
    Sal del Rey No. 2 Lateral  --0.37 miles of 3-inch lateral--one 3-inch   
                                sidetap--one meter station--Hidalgo County, 
        As a result of Order No. 636, Natural states that it no longer 
    provides bundled sales service and thus no longer has any need to 
    utilize the Willamar Facilities to receive gas purchased by Natural for 
    its system supply. Natural states that, over the years, the volumes of 
    gas that are connected to the Willamar Facilities have declined so that 
    currently, given the operating pressures on Natural's system, there are 
    only approximately 5,000 MMBtu per day available to be transported by 
        According to Natural, MidCon Texas has identified additional 
    opportunities to utilize the Willamar Facilities in the sense of 
    providing intrastate transportation service for gas supplies not 
    currently attached to these facilities. It is stated that MidCon has 
    advised Natural that some of these intrastate opportunities would need 
    to be provided at rates that could be below Natural's minimum rates 
    (taking into account the ACA charge and the costs associated with the 
    reimbursement of fuel and gas lost and unaccounted for, as well as 
    Natural's transportation rates). It is further stated that, thus, these 
    opportunities would not be available to Natural if it retained the 
    Willamar Facilities.
        Natural states that it has entered into an agreement to transfer 
    the Willamar Facilities to MidCon Texas, at net book value as of the 
    Closing Date under the agreement. It is stated that as of November 30, 
    1994, the net book value was $1,064,632. Natural states that a portion 
    of the facilities are being rehabbed during the first quarter of 1995 
    under Section 2.55(b) of the Commission's regulations. Natural states 
    that the net book value shown here does not include the cost of such 
    rehab work, but the amount to be paid by MidCon Texas will include that 
        Natural contends that it is arranging for alternative primary 
    points of receipt for any of its shippers receiving service under firm 
    transportation agreements with primary receipt points on the Willamar 
    Facilities. It is stated that MidCon Texas provides open access 
    transportation under Section 311(a)(2) of the NGPA, in addition to 
    intrastate transportation, and will continue to provide transportation 
    service to the producers currently connected to the Willamar Facilities 
    and deliver the gas back to Natural for further transportation.
        Natural states that MidCon Texas has advised that one of its 
    prospective new customers has requested that MidCon Texas be ready to 
    commence intrastate transportation services for new production that 
    would be attached to the Willamar Facilities by May 15, 1995, subject 
    to Natural's receipt of abandonment authorization. Therefore, Natural 
    requests that the Commission act on its application by May 1, 1995, or 
    as soon thereafter as possible, in order to allow sufficient time to 
    complete the necessary paperwork to transfer the facilities by May 15, 
        Comment date: February 9, 1995, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph F at the end of this notice.
    2. Transwestern Pipeline Company
    [Docket No. CP95-153-000]
        Take notice that on January 12, 1995, Transwestern Pipeline Company 
    (Transwestern), 1400 Smith Street, Post Office Box 1188, Houston, Texas 
    77251-1188 filed an application pursuant to Section 7(b) of the Natural 
    Gas Act for permission and approval to abandon by sale to GPM Gas 
    Corporation (GPM) certain portions of Transwestern's Brillhart and 
    Kiowa Creek gathering systems, including small diameter gathering 
    pipeline and measurement facilities and requests that the Commission 
    authorize the proposed accounting treatment in accordance with the 
    Commission's Gas Plant Instruction No. 5 of the Uniform System of 
    Accounts, all as more fully set forth in the application which is on 
    file with the Commission and open to public inspection.
        Transwestern states that under the terms of a January 10, 1995, 
    Purchase and Sale Agreement (Sale Agreement) Transwestern agreed to 
    sell the subject facilities to GPM for a price of $250,000. 
    Transwestern states that it has agreed to sell to GPM a portion of its 
    Brillhart gathering facilities in Hansford County, Texas, consisting of 
    approximately seven miles of 4 to 8-inch pipelines and eight meter 
    stations. It is stated that the subject Brillhart facilities were 
    initially constructed and certificated in Docket No. CP69-102 and 
    additional facilities were subsequently built to attach gas wells under 
    various dockets.
        In addition, Transwestern states that it proposes to sell to GPM a 
    portion of its Kiowa Creek gathering facilities in Lipscomb County, 
    Texas, which consists of approximately one mile of 4-inch pipeline and 
    two meter stations. It is stated that Transwestern was granted 
    certificate authority in Docket No. CP62-160 to construct the pipeline 
    and one meter station to connect the Meier No. 1 well to Transwestern's 
    pipeline system. In Docket No. CP78-62, Transwestern submits that it 
    was granted certificate authority to construct the pipeline and one 
    meter station to connect the Meier No. 2 well to Transwestern's system. 
    Transwestern contends that both Meier wells are now split connected and 
    flowing to GPM's gathering system. Also, it is stated that a small 
    field compressor unit, the Meier Cruise Unit No. 813, was installed on 
    the Kiowa Creek 4-inch lateral under Docket No. CP73-337 to allow the 
    low pressure Meier wells to flow into the Kiowa Creek 6-inch lateral. 
    It is stated that the Meier Cruise Compressor Unit No. 813 is included 
    in Transwestern's abandonment application in Docket No. CP94-751-000, 
    and is not subject to the [[Page 5177]] Sales Agreement. Transwestern 
    submits that it desires to sell such facilities to GPM because the gas 
    wells attached to these gathering laterals are now dedicated and 
    flowing to GPM's gathering systems and no longer flow through its 
        Transwestern states that GPM has informed it that GPM has executed 
    a 10-year purchase contract on all production from the gas wells 
    flowing into Transwestern's laterals, which are the subject of the 
    Sales Agreement. Transwestern states that it is currently providing an 
    interruptible transportation service for GPM and is redelivering 
    volumes from the wells to interconnects with GPM located on certain of 
    the subject laterals.
        Transwestern states that its Exhibit Y proposes to account for the 
    abandonment by sale of the Brillhart and Kiowa Creek gathering systems 
    to GPM as a disposition of an operating unit or system(s) under Gas 
    Plant Instruction No. 5, Gas Plant Purchased or Sold, (GPI 5) of the 
    Uniform System of Accounts. It is stated that GPI 5 requires that : (i) 
    the original cost of the facilities sold be removed from Account No. 
    101, Gas Plant in Service; (ii) the related accumulated provision for 
    depreciation be removed from Account No. 108; and (iii) the resultant 
    gain or loss be recorded in Account No. 421.1, Gain on Disposition of 
    Property, or Account No, 421.2, Loss on Disposition of Property, as 
    appropriate. It is stated that GPI 5 also requires that a disposition 
    of an operating unit or system be recorded through Account No. 102, Gas 
    Plant Purchased or Sold.
        Therefore, in compliance with the Commission's Rules and 
    Regulations, Transwestern states that it shall account for the sale of 
    the Brillhart and Kiowa Creek gathering facilities as a gain on the 
    disposition of facilities in accordance with GPI 5.
        Comment date: February 9, 1995, in accordance with Standard 
    Paragraph F at the end of this notice.
    3. Florida Gas Transmission Company
    [Docket No. CP95-155-000]
        Take notice that on January 13, 1995, Florida Gas Transmission 
    Company (FGT), 1400 Smith Street, Houston, Texas 77002, filed a request 
    with the Commission in Docket No. CP95-155-000, pursuant to 
    Secs. 157.205(b) and 157.212 of the Commission's Regulations under the 
    Natural Gas Act (NGA) (18 CFR 157.205(b) and 157.212) and under FGT's 
    blanket certificate issued in Docket No. CP82-553-000 pursuant to 
    Section 7(c) of the NGA, for authorization to operate an existing meter 
    station initially constructed under Section 311(a) of the Natural Gas 
    Policy Act of 1978 (NGPA), as a jurisdictional facility, all as more 
    fully set forth in the request on file with the Commission and open to 
    public inspection.
        FGT states that it proposes to operate the Lake Blue Meter Station 
    located in Polk County, Florida as a jurisdictional facility for the 
    purpose of transporting and delivering natural gas under Part 284 of 
    the Commission's Regulations. FGT further states that the meter station 
    is serving as a delivery point to Peoples Gas System, Inc. under an 
    existing firm transportation service agreement pursuant to FGT's Rate 
    Schedule FTS-1.
        FGT further states that the present and proposed gas quantities for 
    transportation and delivery to Peoples by FGT are 30,300 MMBtu daily 
    and 11,059,500 MMBtu annually.
        Comment date: March 6, 1995, in accordance with Standard Paragraph 
    G at the end of this notice.
    Standard Paragraphs
        F. Any person desiring to be heard or to make any protest with 
    reference to said application should on or before the comment date, 
    file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 
    20426, a motion to intervene or a protest in accordance with the 
    requirements of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (18 
    CFR 385.214 or 385.211) and the Regulations under the Natural Gas Act 
    (18 CFR 157.10). All protests filed with the Commission will be 
    considered by it in determining the appropriate action to be taken but 
    will not serve to make the protestants parties to the proceeding. Any 
    person wishing to become a party to a proceeding or to participate as a 
    party in any hearing therein must file a motion to intervene in 
    accordance with the Commission's Rules.
        Take further notice that, pursuant to the authority contained in 
    and subject to the jurisdiction conferred upon the Federal Energy 
    Regulatory Commission by Sections 7 and 15 of the Natural Gas Act and 
    the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, a hearing will be 
    held without further notice before the Commission or its designee on 
    this application if no motion to intervene is filed within the time 
    required herein, if the Commission on its own review of the matter 
    finds that a grant of the certificate and/or permission and approval 
    for the proposed abandonment are required by the public convenience and 
    necessity. If a motion for leave to intervene is timely filed, or if 
    the Commission on its own motion believes that a formal hearing is 
    required, further notice of such hearing will be duly given.
        Under the procedure herein provided for, unless otherwise advised, 
    it will be unnecessary for applicant to appear or be represented at the 
        G. Any person or the Commission's staff may, within 45 days after 
    issuance of the instant notice by the Commission, file pursuant to Rule 
    214 of the Commission's Procedural Rules (18 CFR 385.214) a motion to 
    intervene or notice of intervention and pursuant to Sec. 157.205 of the 
    Regulations under the Natural Gas Act (18 CFR 157.205) a protest to the 
    request. If no protest is filed within the time allowed therefor, the 
    proposed activity shall be deemed to be authorized effective the day 
    after the time allowed for filing a protest. If a protest is filed and 
    not withdrawn within 30 days after the time allowed for filing a 
    protest, the instant request shall be treated as an application for 
    authorization pursuant to Section 7 of the Natural Gas Act.
    Lois D. Cashell,
    [FR Doc. 95-1956 Filed 1-25-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6717-01-P

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Document Number:
February 9, 1995, in accordance with Standard Paragraph F at the end of this notice.
5175-5177 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. CP95-152-000, et al.
PDF File: