95-2001. Certain Textile Mill Products from Mexico; Preliminary Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 17 (Thursday, January 26, 1995)]
    [Pages 5166-5168]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-2001]
    Certain Textile Mill Products from Mexico; Preliminary Results of 
    Countervailing Duty Administrative Review
    AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration, 
    ACTION: Notice of Preliminary Results of Countervailing Duty 
    Administrative Review.
    SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce (the Department) is conducting an 
    administrative review of the countervailing duty order on certain 
    textile mill products from Mexico for the period January 1, 1992, 
    through December 31, 1992. We preliminarily determine the total net 
    subsidy to be 0.15 percent ad valorem for all companies during this 
    review period. In accordance with 19 CFR 355.7, any rate less than 0.50 
    percent ad valorem is de minimis. We invite interested parties to 
    comment on these preliminary results.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: January 26, 1995.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mercedes Fitchett or Dana Mermelstein, 
    Office of Countervailing Compliance, Import Administration, 
    International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th 
    Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20230, 
    telephone: (202) 482-2786.
        On March 12, 1993, the Department published a notice of 
    ``Opportunity to Request Administrative Review'' (58 FR 13583) for the 
    countervailing duty order on certain textile mill products from Mexico 
    (50 FR 10824; March 18, 1985). We received a request for review from 
    the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU), an 
    interested party. The Government of Mexico and the Camara Nacional de 
    la Industria Textil, a Mexican textile trade association, objected to 
    ACTWU's request for review, claiming that ACTWU was not an interested 
    party. The Department reviewed the information provided by the ACTWU 
    with its request for review, which indicated that ACTWU members 
    produced the subject merchandise. In accordance with 19 CFR Sec. 355.2, 
    the Department determined that ACTWU is an interested party in the 
    proceeding, and is thus entitled to request an administrative review.
        We initiated the review, covering the period January 1, 1992, 
    through December 31, 1992, on May 6, 1993 (58 FR 26960). This review 
    involves 32 companies and 10 government programs. The Department is now 
    conducting this review in accordance with section 751 of the Tariff Act 
    of 1930, as amended (the Act).
    Scope of Review
        Imports covered by this review are certain textile mill products 
    from Mexico. Shipments of such merchandise are classifiable under the 
    Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) item numbers listed in the Appendix to 
    this notice.
    Calculation Methodology for Assessment and Deposit Purposes
        We calculated the net subsidy on a country-wide basis by first 
    calculating the subsidy rate for each company subject to the 
    administrative review. We then weight-averaged the rate received by 
    each company using as the weight its share of total Mexican exports to 
    the United States of subject merchandise, including all companies, even 
    those with de minimis and zero rates. We then summed the individual 
    companies' weighted-average rates to determine the subsidy rate from 
    all programs benefiting exports of subject merchandise to the United 
        Since the country-wide rate calculated using this methodology was 
    de minimis, as defined by 19 CFR Sec. 355.7(1994), no further 
    calculations were necessary.
    Analysis of Programs
    (1) BANCOMEXT Financing for Exporters
        Effective January 1, 1992, the Mexican Treasury Department 
    eliminated the FOMEX loan program and transferred the FOMEX trust to 
    the Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior, S.N.C. (BANCOMEXT). The 
    BANCOMEXT program operates much like its predecessor, FOMEX. BANCOMEXT 
    offers short-term financing to producers or trading companies engaged 
    in export activities; any company generating foreign currency through 
    exports is eligible for financing under this program. In addition, 
    BANCOMEXT may provide financing to foreign buyers of Mexican goods and 
    services. BANCOMEXT provides two types of financing, both in U.S. 
    dollars: working capital loans (pre-export loans), and loans secured by 
    export sales (export loans).
        The Department has previously found this program to confer an 
    export subsidy to the extent that the loans are provided at 
    preferential rates. See, e.g., Ceramic Tile From Mexico; Preliminary 
    Results of Countervailing Duty Review (57 FR 5997; February 19, 1992) 
    and Ceramic Tile From Mexico; Final Results of Countervailing Duty 
    Review (57 FR 24247; June 8, 1992). In this review, the Government of 
    Mexico provided no new information or evidence of changed circumstances 
    that would warrant reconsideration of that determination.
        Because loans are provided by BANCOMEXT to commercial banks in 
    dollars and indexed to dollars for repayment, we used a dollar 
    benchmark. See Certain Steel Products from Mexico; Final Countervailing 
    Duty Determination (58 FR 37357; July 9, 1993). To determine the 
    benchmark for BANCOMEXT pre-export and export loans on which interest 
    was due during 1992, we used the average of the quarterly weighted-
    average effective interest rates published in the Federal Reserve 
    Bulletin, namely 7.18 percent. Generally, the BANCOMEXT loans under 
    review were granted at annual interest rates ranging from 7.0 percent 
    to 11.11 percent.
        We consider the benefits from preferential loans to occur at the 
    time the interest is paid. Because interest on BANCOMEXT pre-export 
    loans is paid at maturity, we calculated benefits based on pre-export 
    loans that matured during the review period; such loans were obtained 
    between March 1992 and May 1992. Interest on BANCOMEXT 
    [[Page 5167]] export loans is paid in advance; we therefore calculated 
    benefits based on BANCOMEXT export loans received during the review 
    period. Also, because exporters are able to tie BANCOMEXT loans to 
    specific shipments, we measure the benefit only from BANCOMEXT loans 
    tied to shipments of the subject merchandise to the United States.
        Several exporters of certain textile mill products used BANCOMEXT 
    export sales financing; however, during the review period, BANCOMEXT 
    charged a preferential annual interest rate on only one loan. To 
    determine the benefit for this loan, we multiplied the difference 
    between the interest rate charged and the benchmark interest rate by 
    the principal and then multiplied this amount by the term of the loan 
    divided by 365. We then divided the BANCOMEXT benefit by the value of 
    the company's total exports of subject merchandise to the United States 
    during the review period and then weight-averaged the resulting benefit 
    by the company's portion of total exports of subject merchandise to the 
    United States. On this basis, we preliminarily determine the benefit 
    from this program to be less than 0.005 percent ad valorem.
    (2) PITEX
        The Program for Temporary Importation of Products used in the 
    Production of Exports (PITEX) was established by a decree published in 
    the Diario Oficial on May 9, 1985, and amended in the Diario Oficial on 
    September 19, 1986, and May 3, 1990. The program is jointly 
    administered by the Ministry of Commerce and Industrial Development 
    (SECOFI) and the Customs Administration. Under PITEX, exporters with a 
    proven export record may receive authorization to temporarily import 
    products to be used in the production of exports for up to five years 
    without having to pay the import duties normally imposed on those 
    imports. PITEX allows for the exemption of import duties for the 
    following categories of merchandise used in export production: raw 
    materials, packing materials, fuels and lubricants, machinery used to 
    manufacture products for export, and spare parts and other machinery. 
    The importer must post a bond or other security to guarantee the 
    reexportation of the temporary imports. Because it is only available to 
    exporters, the Department previously found in Certain Textile Mill 
    Products From Mexico; Final Results of Countervailing Duty 
    Administrative Review (56 FR 50859; October 9, 1991) and Ceramic Tile 
    From Mexico; Final Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review 
    (57 FR 24247; June 8, 1992) that PITEX provides countervailable 
    benefits to the extent that it provides duty exemptions on imports of 
    merchandise not physically incorporated into exported products. In this 
    review, the Government of Mexico provided no new information or 
    evidence of changed circumstances that would warrant reconsideration of 
    that determination.
        During the review period, three firms used the PITEX program for 
    temporary imports of machinery and spare parts which are not physically 
    incorporated into exported products. To calculate the benefit from this 
    program, we first calculated the duties which would have otherwise been 
    paid by each company on the non- physically incorporated items that 
    were imported under the PITEX program during the review period. We then 
    divided that amount by each company's total exports of subject 
    merchandise to the United States during the review period and then 
    weight-averaged the resulting benefit by each company's portion of 
    total exports of subject merchandise to the United States. On this 
    basis, we preliminarily determine the benefit from this program to be 
    0.15 percent ad valorem. 
    (3) Other Programs
        We also examined the following programs and preliminarily determine 
    that producers and exporters of the subject merchandise did not apply 
    for or receive benefits under these programs during the review period:
    (A) Other BANCOMEXT preferential financing;
    (B) Fiscal Promotion Certificates (CEPROFI);
    (C) Import duty reductions and exemptions;
    (D) State tax incentives;
    (E) Article 15 Loans;
    (F) NAFINSA FONEI-type financing; and
    (G) NAFINSA FOGAIN-type financing.
    Preliminary Results of Review
        We preliminarily determine the total net subsidy to be 0.15 percent 
    ad valorem during the period January 1, 1992 through December 31, 1992. 
    In accordance with 19 CFR 355.7, any rate less than 0.5 percent ad 
    valorem is de minimis.
        If the final results of this review remain the same as these 
    preliminary results, the Department intends to instruct the Customs 
    Service to liquidate, without regard to countervailing duties, all 
    shipments of the subject merchandise from Mexico exported on or after 
    January 1, 1992, and on or before December 31, 1992. Further, as 
    provided by section 751(a)(1) of the Act, the Department will instruct 
    Customs to collect cash deposits of estimated countervailing duties at 
    a rate of zero for all shipments of the subject merchandise from Mexico 
    entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after the 
    date of publication of the final results of this administrative review.
        Parties to the proceeding may request disclosure of the calculation 
    methodology and interested parties may request a hearing not later than 
    10 days after the date of publication of this notice. Interested 
    parties may submit written arguments in case briefs on these 
    preliminary results within 30 days of the date of publication. Rebuttal 
    briefs, limited to arguments raised in case briefs, may be submitted 
    seven days after the time limit for filing the case brief. Any hearing, 
    if requested, will be held seven days after the scheduled date for 
    submission of rebuttal briefs. Copies of case briefs and rebuttal 
    briefs must be served on interested parties in accordance with 19 CFR 
        Representatives of parties to the proceeding may request disclosure 
    of proprietary information under administrative protective order no 
    later than 10 days after the representative's client or employer 
    becomes a party to the proceeding, but in no event later than the date 
    the case briefs, under 19 CFR 355.38(c), are due.
        The Department will publish the final results of this 
    administrative review including the results of its analysis of issues 
    raised in any case or rebuttal brief or at a hearing.
        This administrative review and notice are in accordance with 
    section 751(a)(1) of the Tariff Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(a)(1)) and 19 CFR 
        Dated: January 16, 1995.
    Susan G. Esserman
    Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
          Appendix--Certain Textile Mill Products from Mexico C-201-405 Harmonized Tariff System (HTS) Numbers      
    4010.10.10...........         5109.10.60             5109.90.60             5111.11.70             5111.19.60   
    5111.20.90...........         5111.30.90             5112.20.30             5112.30.30            5204.11.00    
    [[Page 5168]]                                                                                                   
    5204.19.00...........         5204.20.00             5205.11.10             5205.12.10             5205.12.20   
    5205.13.10...........         5205.13.20             5205.14.10             5205.23.00             5205.24.00   
    5205.25.00...........         5205.31.00             5205.32.00             5205.33.00             5205.34.00   
    5205.42.00...........         5205.43.00             5205.44.00             5206.11.00             5206.12.00   
    5206.13.00...........         5206.14.00             5206.15.00             5206.31.00             5206.32.00   
    5206.33.00...........         5206.34.00             5206.35.00             5206.41.00             5206.42.00   
    5206.43.00...........         5206.44.00             5206.45.00             5207.10.00             5207.90.00   
    5208.11.20...........         5208.12.40             5208.13.00             5208.19.40             5208.21.20   
    5208.21.40...........         5208.22.40             5208.22.60             5208.23.00             5208.29.40   
    5208.29.60...........         5208.31.40             5208.31.60             5208.31.80             5208.32.30   
    5208.32.40...........         5208.32.50             5208.33.00             5208.39.20             5208.39.80   
    5208.41.40...........         5208.41.60             5208.41.80             5208.42.30             5208.42.40   
    5208.42.50...........         5208.43.00             5208.49.40             5208.51.40             5208.51.60   
    5208.51.80...........         5208.52.30             5208.52.40             5208.52.50             5208.53.00   
    5208.59.20...........         5208.59.80             5209.11.00             5209.19.00             5209.31.60   
    5209.32.00...........         5209.41.60             5209.43.00             5209.51.60             5209.52.00   
    5210.21.40...........         5210.21.60             5210.22.00             5210.29.40             5210.29.60   
    5210.32.00...........         5210.39.40             5210.39.60             5210.52.00             5210.59.40   
    5210.59.60...........         5211.31.00             5211.51.00             5401.10.00             5401.20.00   
    5402.10.30...........         5402.20.30             5402.31.30             5402.31.60             5402.32.30   
    5402.32.60...........         5402.33.30             5402.41.00             5402.43.00             5402.49.00   
    5402.51.00...........         5402.52.00             5402.59.00             5403.20.30             5403.20.60   
    5406.10.00...........         5406.20.00             5407.41.00             5407.42.00             5407.43.20   
    5407.44.00...........         5407.52.20             5407.53.10             5407.53.20             5407.54.00   
    5407.60.05...........         5407.60.10             5407.60.20             5407.91.05             5407.92.05   
    5407.93.05...........         5407.94.05             5408.21.00             5408.22.00             5408.23.20   
    5408.24.00...........         5408.31.05             5408.32.05             5408.33.05             5408.34.05   
    5508.10.00...........         5508.20.00             5509.12.00             5509.21.00             5509.22.00   
    5509.31.00...........         5509.32.00             5509.41.00             5509.51.30             5509.51.60   
    5509.53.00...........         5509.69.20             5509.69.40             5509.99.20             5509.99.40   
    5511.10.00...........         5511.20.00             5511.30.00             5513.11.00             5513.13.00   
    5513.19.00...........         5513.21.00             5513.23.00             5513.29.00             5513.33.00   
    5513.39.00...........         5513.41.00             5513.43.00             5513.49.00             5514.11.00   
    5514.19.00...........         5514.21.00             5514.29.00             5514.41.00             5514.49.00   
    5515.13.05...........         5516.11.00             5516.12.00             5516.13.00             5516.14.00   
    5516.41.00...........         5516.42.00             5516.43.00             5516.44.00             5516.91.00   
    5516.92.00...........         5516.93.00             5516.94.00             5601.10.20             5601.22.00   
    5602.10.90...........         5602.21.00             5602.90.60             5603.00.90             5607.41.30   
    5607.49.15...........         5607.49.25             5607.50.20             5608.11.00             5701.10.16   
    5701.10.20...........         5701.90.20             5702.10.90             5702.31.10             5702.31.20   
    5702.32.10...........         5702.32.20             5702.41.10             5702.41.20             5702.42.10   
    5702.42.20...........         5702.51.20             5702.51.40             5702.52.00             5702.91.30   
    5702.91.40...........         5702.92.00             5703.10.00             5703.20.10             5703.20.20   
    5703.30.00...........         5704.10.00             5704.90.00             5705.00.20             5801.31.00   
    5801.33.00...........         5801.34.00             5801.35.00             5801.36.00             5803.10.00   
    5803.90.30...........         5804.10.00             5804.21.00             5804.29.00             5804.30.00   
    5805.00.25...........         5806.32.10             5810.10.00             5810.91.00             5810.92.00   
    5902.10.00...........         5902.20.00             5902.90.00             5911.10.20             5911.20.10   
    5911.31.00...........         5911.32.00             6001.10.20             6001.22.00             6001.92.00   
    6002.10.80...........         6002.20.10             6002.20.60             6002.30.20             6002.43.00   
    6002.93.00...........         6301.10.00             6301.20.00             6301.30.00             6301.40.00   
    6301.90.00...........         6302.22.10             6302.22.20             6302.32.10             6302.32.20   
    6302.40.10...........         6302.40.20             6302.51.10             6302.51.20             6302.51.30   
    6302.51.40...........         6302.52.10             6302.52.20             6302.53.00             6302.59.00   
    6302.91.00...........         6302.92.00             6302.93.20             6302.99.20             6303.12.00   
    6303.19.00...........         6303.92.00             6303.99.00             6304.11.20             6304.19.05   
    6304.19.15...........         6304.19.20             6304.91.00             6304.92.00             6304.93.00   
    6304.99.15...........         6304.99.60             7019.20.10             9404.90.90      ....................
    5209.32.00  Coverage limited to fabrics, not napped, of numbers 17 
    to 33.
    5209.52.00  Coverage limited to fabrics, not napped, of numbers 17 
    to 33.
    5402.10.30  Coverage limited to yarns provided for in subheading 
    5402.20.30  Coverage limited to yarns provided for in subheading 
    5402.33.30  Coverage limited to yarns, valued not over $2.20 per 
    5402.41.00  Coverage limited to yarns provided for in subheading 
    5402.43.00  Coverage limited to yarns provided for in subheading 
    5402.49.00  Coverage limited to yarns provided for in subheading 
    5402.49.0070 and 5402.49.0080.
    5509.31.00  Not to include single blended yarns containing a 
    combination of noncontinuous acrylic and continuous nylon filaments.
    5509.32.00  Not to include plied blended yarns containing a 
    combination of noncontinuous acrylic and continuous nylon filaments.
    [FR Doc. 95-2001 Filed 1-25-95; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Effective Date:
Commerce Department
Entry Type:
Notice of Preliminary Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review.
Document Number:
January 26, 1995.
5166-5168 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File: