99-1786. Oranges, Grapefruit, Tangerines, and Tangelos Grown in Florida; Limiting the Volume of Small Red Seedless Grapefruit  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 16 (Tuesday, January 26, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 3807-3814]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-1786]
    Rules and Regulations
                                                    Federal Register
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    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 16 / Tuesday, January 26, 1999 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 3807]]
    Agricultural Marketing Service
    7 CFR Part 905
    [Docket No. FV98-905-4 FIR]
    Oranges, Grapefruit, Tangerines, and Tangelos Grown in Florida; 
    Limiting the Volume of Small Red Seedless Grapefruit
    AGENCY: Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Department of Agriculture (Department) is finalizing 
    without change the provisions of an interim final rule limiting the 
    volume of small red seedless grapefruit entering the fresh market under 
    the Florida citrus marketing order. The marketing order regulates the 
    handling of oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and tangelos grown in 
    Florida and is administered locally by the Citrus Administrative 
    Committee (committee). This rule continues in effect limits on the 
    volume of size 48 and/or size 56 red seedless grapefruit handlers could 
    ship during the first 11 weeks of the 1998-1999 season that began in 
    September. The limits provided a sufficient supply of small sized red 
    seedless grapefruit to meet market demand, without saturating all 
    markets with these small sizes. The committee believed this action was 
    necessary to help stabilize the market and improve grower returns.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: February 25, 1999.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William G. Pimental, Marketing 
    Specialist, Southeast Marketing Field Office, Marketing Order 
    Administration Branch, F&V, AMS, USDA, P.O. Box 2276, Winter Haven, 
    Florida 33883; telephone: (941) 299-4770, Fax: (941) 299-5169; or Anne 
    Dec, Marketing Order Administration Branch, F&V, AMS, USDA, room 2522-
    S, P.O. Box 96456, Washington, DC 20090-6456; telephone: (202) 720-
    2491, Fax: (202) 205-6632. Small businesses may request information on 
    complying with this regulation, or obtain a guide on complying with 
    fruit, vegetable, and specialty crop marketing agreements and orders by 
    contacting Jay Guerber, Marketing Order Administration Branch, Fruit 
    and Vegetable Programs, AMS, USDA, P.O. Box 96456, room 2525-S, 
    Washington, DC 20090-6456; telephone (202) 720-2491, Fax: (202) 205-
    6632, or E-mail: Jay__N__Guerber@usda.gov. You may view the marketing 
    agreement and order small business compliance guide at the following 
    web site: http://www.ams.usda.gov/fv/moab.html.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This rule is issued under Marketing No. 84 
    and Marketing Order No. 905, both as amended (7 CFR part 905), 
    regulating the handling of oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and 
    tangelos grown in Florida, hereinafter referred to as the ``order.'' 
    The marketing agreement and order are effective under the Agricultural 
    Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended (7 U.S.C. 601-674), 
    hereinafter referred to as the ``Act.''
        The Department is issuing this rule in conformance with Executive 
    Order 12866.
        This final rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12988, 
    Civil Justice Reform. This rule limited the volume of size 48 and/or 
    size 56 red seedless grapefruit handlers could ship during the first 11 
    weeks of the 1998-99 season beginning in September. This rule is not 
    intended to have retroactive effect. This rule will not preempt any 
    State or local laws, regulations, or policies, unless they present an 
    irreconcilable conflict with this rule.
        The Act provides that administrative proceedings must be exhausted 
    before parties may file suit in court. Under section 608c(15)(A) of the 
    Act, any handler subject to an order may file with the Secretary a 
    petition stating that the order, any provision of the order, or any 
    obligation imposed in connection with the order is not in accordance 
    with law and request a modification of the order or to be exempted 
    therefrom. A handler is afforded the opportunity for a hearing on the 
    petition. After the hearing the Secretary would rule on the petition. 
    The Act provides that the district court of the United States in any 
    district in which the handler is an inhabitant, or has his or her 
    principal place of business, has jurisdiction to review the Secretary's 
    ruling on the petition, provided an action is filed not later than 20 
    days after date of the entry of the ruling.
        The order provides for the establishment of grade and size 
    requirements for Florida citrus, with the concurrence of the Secretary. 
    These grade and size requirements are designed to provide fresh markets 
    with citrus fruit of acceptable quality and size. This helps create 
    buyer confidence and contributes to stable marketing conditions. This 
    is in the interest of growers, handlers, and consumers, and is designed 
    to increase returns to Florida citrus growers. The current minimum 
    grade standard for red seedless grapefruit is U.S. No. 1, and the 
    minimum size requirement is size 56 (at least 3\5/16\ inches in 
        Section 905.52 of the citrus marketing order provides authority to 
    limit shipments of any grade or size, or both, of any variety of 
    Florida citrus. Such limitations may restrict the shipment of a portion 
    of a specified grade or size of a variety. Under such a limitation, the 
    quantity of such grade or size that may be shipped by a handler during 
    a particular week is established as a percentage of the total shipments 
    of such variety by such handler in a prior period, established by the 
    committee and approved by the Secretary, in which the handler shipped 
    such variety.
        Section 905.153 of the order provides procedures for limiting the 
    volume of small red seedless grapefruit entering the fresh market. The 
    procedures specify that the committee may recommend that only a certain 
    percentage of size 48 and/or 56 red seedless grapefruit be made 
    available for shipment into fresh market channels for any week or weeks 
    during the regulatory period. The 11 week period begins the third 
    Monday in September. Under such a limitation, the quantity of sizes 48 
    and/or 56 red seedless grapefruit that may be shipped by a handler 
    during a regulated week is calculated using the recommended percentage. 
    By taking the recommended weekly percentage times the average weekly 
    volume of red grapefruit handled by such handler in the previous five 
    seasons, handlers can calculate the volume of sizes 48 and/or 56 they 
    may ship in a regulated week.
    [[Page 3808]]
        This rule finalizes the provisions of an interim final rule 
    limiting the volume of small red seedless grapefruit entering the fresh 
    market for each week of an 11 week period beginning the week of 
    September 21, 1998. A proposed rule was published on August 11, 1998, 
    in the Federal Register (63 FR 42764). Subsequently, an interim final 
    rule was published September 28, 1998, in the Federal Register (63 FR 
    51511). That rule limited the volume of small red seedless grapefruit 
    entering the fresh market for each week of an 11 week period beginning 
    the week of September 21. That rule limited the volume of sizes 48 and/
    or 56 red seedless grapefruit by establishing a weekly percentage for 
    each of the 11 weeks. This rule finalizes the interim final rule 
    without change. The interim rule established the weekly percentage for 
    the first seven weeks (September 21 through November 8) at 37 percent 
    and for the final four weeks (November 9 through December 6) at 32 
        The interim final rule included a change in the percentages 
    originally recommended by the committee. The committee had voted to 
    establish a weekly percentage of 25 percent for each of the 11 weeks in 
    a vote of 14 in favor to 2 opposed at its meeting on May 22, 1998. The 
    committee's initial recommendation was issued as a proposed rule 
    published on August 11, 1998 (63 FR 42764). No comments were received 
    during the comment period which expired August 31, 1998. The committee 
    subsequently recommended adjusting the proposed percentages at its 
    meeting September 3, 1998, in a vote of 13 in favor to 1 opposed.
        For the seasons 1994-95, 1995-96, and 1996-97, returns on red 
    seedless grapefruit had been declining, often not returning the cost of 
    production. On tree prices for red seedless grapefruit had fallen 
    steadily from $9.60 per carton (\3/5\ bushel) during the 1989-90 
    season, to $3.45 per carton during the 1994-95 season, to a low of 
    $1.41 per carton during the 1996-97 season.
        The committee determined that one problem contributing to the 
    market's condition was the excessive number of small sized grapefruit 
    shipped early in the marketing season. In the 1994-95, 1995-96, and 
    1996-97 seasons, sizes 48 and 56 accounted for 34 percent of total 
    shipments during the 11 week regulatory period, with the average weekly 
    percentage exceeding 40 percent of shipments. This contrasts with sizes 
    48 and 56 representing only 26 percent of total shipments for the 
    remainder of the season. While there is a market for early grapefruit, 
    the shipment of large quantities of small red seedless grapefruit in a 
    short period oversupplies the fresh market for these sizes and 
    negatively impacts the market for all sizes.
        For the majority of the season, larger sizes return higher prices 
    than smaller sizes. However, there is a push early in the season to get 
    fruit into the market to take advantage of the high prices available at 
    the beginning of the season. The early season crop tends to have a 
    greater percentage of small sizes. This creates a glut of smaller, 
    lower priced fruit on the market, driving down the price for all sizes. 
    Early in the season, larger sized fruit commands a premium price. In 
    some cases, the f.o.b. is $4 to $6 a carton more than for the smaller 
    sizes. In early October, the f.o.b. for a size 27 averages around 
    $10.00 per carton. This compares to an average f.o.b. of $5.50 per 
    carton for size 56. By the end of the 11 week period covered in this 
    rule, the f.o.b. for large sizes dropped to within two dollars of the 
    f.o.b. for small sizes.
        In the three seasons prior to 1997-98, prices of red seedless 
    grapefruit fell from a weighted average f.o.b. of $7.80 per carton to 
    an average f.o.b. of $5.50 per carton during the period covered by this 
    rule. Even though later in the season the crop sized to naturally limit 
    the amount of smaller sizes available for shipment, the price structure 
    in the market had already been negatively affected. During the three 
    seasons, the market did not recover, and the f.o.b. for all sizes fell 
    to around $5.00 to $6.00 per carton for most of the rest of the season.
        The committee believes that the over shipment of smaller sized red 
    seedless grapefruit early in the season has contributed to below 
    production cost returns for growers and lower on tree values. An 
    economic study done by the University of Florida--Institute of Food and 
    Agricultural Sciences (UF-IFAS) in May 1997, found that on tree prices 
    had fallen from a high near $7.00 in 1991-92 to around $1.50 for the 
    1996-97 season. The study projected that if the industry elected to 
    make no changes, the on tree price would remain around $1.50. The study 
    also indicated that increasing minimum size restrictions could help 
    raise returns.
        To address this issue, the committee voted to utilize the 
    provisions of Sec. 905.153, and establish weekly percentage of size 
    regulation during the first 11 weeks of the 1997-98 season. The initial 
    recommendation from the committee was to set the weekly percentage at 
    25 percent for each of the 11 weeks. As more information on the crop 
    became available, and as the season progressed, the committee met 
    several times and adjusted its recommendations for the weekly 
    percentages. The committee considered information from past seasons, 
    crop estimates, fruit size, and other information to make their 
    recommendations. Actual weekly percentages established during the 11 
    week period during the 1997-98 season were 50 percent for the first 
    three weeks, and 35 percent for the other eight weeks.
        In making this recommendation, the committee reviewed its 
    experiences from the past season, and those of prior seasons. The 
    committee believes establishing weekly percentages last season was 
    successful. The committee examined shipment data covering the 11 week 
    regulatory period for the last season and the four prior seasons. The 
    information contained the amounts and percentages of sizes 48 and 56 
    shipped during each week and weekly f.o.b. figures. During the 11 week 
    period, the regulation was successful at helping maintain prices at a 
    higher level than the prior season, and sizes 48 and 56 by count and as 
    a percentage of total shipments were reduced.
        In comparison with f.o.b. prices from the 1996-97 season, for weeks 
    when pricing information was available (weeks 6 through 11), last 
    season's numbers were higher in five of the six weeks. The average 
    f.o.b. for these weeks was $6.28 for the 1996-97 season and $6.55 for 
    the 1997-98 season. Last season, sizes 48 and 56 represented only 31 
    percent of total shipments during the 11 week regulatory period as 
    compared to 38 percent during the previous season. There was also a 15 
    percent reduction in shipments of sizes 48 and 56 by count for the 11 
        Other information also indicates the regulation was successful. In 
    past seasons, the on tree price had been dropping steadily. However, on 
    tree prices for the month following the 11 weeks of regulation indicate 
    that in December 1997 the on tree price for grapefruit was $2.26 
    compared to $1.55 for the previous season.
        The committee was concerned that the glut of smaller, lower priced 
    fruit on the early market was driving down the price for all sizes. 
    There was a steep decline in prices for larger sizes in previous 
    seasons. During the six weeks for mid-October through November, prices 
    for sizes 23, 27, 32, and 36 fell by 28, 27, 21, and 20 percent, 
    respectively, during the 1996-97 season. Prices for the same sizes 
    during the same period fell only 5, 5, 2, and 7 percent, respectively, 
    last season with regulation. In fact, prices for all sizes were firmer 
    during this period for last season when compared to the previous
    [[Page 3809]]
    year, with the weighted average price dropping only 9 percent during 
    this period as compared to 22 percent for the previous season.
        An economic study done by Florida Citrus Mutual (Lakeland, Florida) 
    in April 1998, found that the weekly percentage regulation had been 
    effective. The study stated that part of the strength in early season 
    pricing appeared to be due to the use of the weekly percentage rule to 
    limit the volume of sizes 48 and 56. It said that prices were generally 
    higher across the size spectrum with sizes 48 and 56 having the largest 
    gains, with larger sized grapefruit registering modest improvements. 
    The rule shifted the size distribution toward the higher priced, larger 
    sized grapefruit which helped raise weekly average f.o.b. prices. It 
    further stated that sizes 48 and 56 grapefruit accounted for around 27 
    percent of domestic shipments during the same 11 weeks during the 1996-
    97 season. Comparatively, sizes 48 and 56 accounted for only 17 percent 
    of domestic shipments during the same period last season, as small 
    sizes were used to supply export customers with preferences for small 
    sized grapefruit.
        A subcommittee had been formed to examine how weekly percentage of 
    size regulation could best be used. The subcommittee recommended to the 
    full committee that the weekly percentage of size regulation should be 
    set at 25 percent for the 11 week period. Members believed that the 
    problems associated with an uncontrolled volume of small sizes entering 
    the market early in the season would continue. The subcommittee thought 
    that to provide the committee with the most flexibility, the weekly 
    percentage should be set at 25 percent for each of the 11 weeks in the 
    regulated period. The subcommittee believed it was best to set 
    regulation at the most restrictive level, and then relax the percentage 
    as warranted by conditions later in the season. The subcommittee also 
    recommended that the committee meet on a regular basis early in the 
    season to consider adjustments in the weekly percentage rates as was 
    done in the previous season.
        The recommendations of the subcommittee were reviewed by the 
    committee at its meeting on May 22, 1998. In its discussion, the 
    committee recognized the need for and the benefits of the weekly 
    percentage regulation. The committee agreed with the findings of the 
    subcommittee, and recommended establishing the base percentage at 25 
    percent for each of the regulation weeks. This is as restrictive as 
    Sec. 905.153 will allow.
        In making this recommendation, the committee considered that by 
    establishing regulation at 25 percent, they could meet again in August 
    and the months following and use the best information available to help 
    the industry and the committee make the most informed decisions as to 
    whether the established percentage is appropriate.
        Based on this information and the experiences from last season, the 
    committee agreed to establish the weekly percentage at the most 
    restrictive level, then meet in late August, and in September and 
    October as needed when additional information is available and 
    determine whether the set percentage level is appropriate. They said 
    this is essentially what was done the prior year, and it had been very 
    successful. The committee had met in May 1997, and recommended a weekly 
    percentage be established at 25 percent for each of the eleven weeks. 
    In August, the committee met again, and recommended that the weekly 
    percentage be relaxed. They met again in October, and recommended 
    further relaxations. Changes to any established weekly percentages 
    require additional rulemaking and the approval of the Secretary.
        The committee noted that more information helpful in determining 
    the appropriate weekly percentages would be available after August. At 
    the time of the May meeting, grapefruit had not yet begun to size, 
    giving little indication as to the distribution of sizes. Only the most 
    preliminary of crop estimates was available, with the official estimate 
    not to be issued until October.
        The committee met again on September 3, 1998, and revisited the 
    weekly percentage issue and reviewed the information it had acquired 
    since its May 22, 1998, meeting. At the meeting, the committee 
    recommended that the weekly percentages be changed from 25 percent for 
    each of the 11 regulated weeks to 37 percent for the first seven weeks 
    (September 21 through November 8), and 32 percent for the next four 
    weeks (November 9 through December 6).
        In its discussion of this change, the committee reviewed the 
    initial percentages recommended and the current state of the crop. The 
    committee also reexamined shipping information from past seasons, 
    looking particularly at volume across the 11 weeks. Based on this 
    review, the committee agreed that setting the weekly percentage at 25 
    percent would be too restrictive and that allowing 37 percent for the 
    first seven weeks and 32 percent for the final four weeks was more 
        In its deliberations, the committee agreed that the weekly 
    percentage of 35 percent that was in place for the majority of the 
    weeks regulated last season was effective. This percentage seemed to 
    have provided a sufficient volume of small sizes to service those 
    markets, while being restrictive enough to prevent over supply.
        During deliberations last season on weekly percentages, the 
    committee considered how past shipments had affected the market. Based 
    on statistical information, committee members believed there was an 
    indication that once shipments of sizes 48 and 56 reached levels above 
    250,000 cartons a week, prices declined on those and most other sizes 
    of red seedless grapefruit. The committee believed that if shipments of 
    small sizes could be maintained at around 250,000 cartons a week, 
    prices should stabilize and demand for larger, more profitable sizes 
    should increase.
        As for this season, the committee wanted to recommend a weekly 
    percentage that would provide a sufficient volume of small sizes 
    without adversely impacting the markets for larger sizes. They also 
    originally recommended that the percentage for each of the 11 weeks be 
    established at the 25 percent level. This percentage, when combined 
    with the average weekly shipments for the total industry, provided a 
    total industry allotment of approximately 244,000 cartons of sizes 48 
    and/or 56 red seedless grapefruit per regulated week. The total 
    shipments of small red seedless grapefruit would approach the 250,000 
    carton mark during regulated weeks without exceeding it.
        However, during the 11 week period of weekly percentage regulation 
    last season, the committee recommended increasing the weekly 
    percentages to 35 percent for the majority of the 11 weeks, similar to 
    what was recommended for this season. Even with the weekly percentage 
    at 35 percent, shipments of sizes 48 and 56 remained close to the 
    250,000 carton mark during the 11 weeks. In only 3 of the 11 weeks did 
    the volume of sizes 48 and 56 exceed 250,000 cartons, and even then, by 
    not more than 35,000 cartons.
        The committee recognized that since last season a number of 
    packinghouses have gone out of business, lowering the total allotment 
    available to the industry. The committee believed that adjusting the 35 
    percent to 37 percent would provide for the allotment lost and increase 
    the total allotment available to the industry for loan or transfer. 
    Therefore, the committee recommended relaxing the weekly percentage to 
    [[Page 3810]]
    percent for the first seven weeks of the regulated period.
        The committee further recommended that the weekly percentage for 
    the last four weeks of the 11 weeks be established at 32 percent. The 
    committee resolved that a lower percentage was desirable moving into 
    the last four weeks of regulation. The committee believed that 32 
    percent was a viable figure as the season progressed because the crop 
    would have begun to size and there would be a greater availability of 
    larger sizes. The committee believed that as the industry moved into 
    the season and shipments increased, a weekly percentage of 32 percent 
    would provide the best balance between supply and demand for small 
    sized red seedless grapefruit.
        The committee again included in its deliberations that if crop and 
    market conditions should change, the committee could recommend that the 
    percentages be increased or eliminated to provide for the shipment of 
    more small sizes in any one, or all of the 11 weeks. After examining 
    the way the crop was sizing and maturing, the committee believed the 
    rule at 25 percent was too restrictive and that the change to 37 
    percent for the first seven weeks and 32 percent for the last four 
    weeks was preferable. They decided that a loosening of the regulated 
    percentages could be done without adversely affecting the marketable 
    quantity and returns on these small sizes. The interim final rule 
    allowed all packinghouses to take advantage of the increased 
    percentages, while not oversupplying the market.
        While the official crop estimate was not available until October, 
    there were indications that the grapefruit crop was not as large as in 
    1997-98. Also, grapefruit had been slow in maturing this season due to 
    scattered rains and hot summer temperatures. This caused the harvest 
    season to start late and may mean a greater volume of smaller sizes. 
    Using this information on the 1998-99 crop, the committee members 
    believed that relaxing the weekly percentages as recommended provided 
    enough small sizes to supply those markets without disrupting the 
    markets for larger sizes.
        Under Sec. 905.153, the quantity of sizes 48 and/or 56 red seedless 
    grapefruit that could be shipped by a handler during a regulated week 
    was calculated using the recommended percentage of 37 or 32 percent 
    depending on the regulated week. By taking the weekly percentage times 
    the average weekly volume of red grapefruit handled by such handler in 
    the previous five seasons, handlers could calculate the volume of sizes 
    48 and/or 56 they could ship in a regulated week.
        An average week was calculated by the committee for each handler 
    using the following formula. The total red seedless grapefruit 
    shipments by a handler during the 33 week period beginning the third 
    Monday in September and ending the first Sunday in May during the 
    previous five seasons were added and divided by five to establish an 
    average season. This average season was then divided by the 33 weeks to 
    derive the average week. This average week was the base for each 
    handler for each of the 11 weeks of the regulatory period. The weekly 
    percentage, in this case 37 or 32 percent, was multiplied by a 
    handler's average week. The product was that handler's allotment of 
    sizes 48 and/or 56 red seedless grapefruit for the given week.
        The calculated allotment is the amount of small sized red seedless 
    grapefruit a handler could ship. The minimum size was established under 
    Sec. 905.52 at size 56, and handlers could fill their allotment with 
    size 56, size 48, or a combination of the two sizes such that the total 
    of these shipments were within the established limits. The committee 
    staff performed the specified calculations and provided them to each 
        To illustrate, suppose Handler A shipped a total of 50,000 cartons, 
    64,600 cartons, 45,000 cartons, 79,500 cartons, and 24,900 cartons of 
    red seedless grapefruit in the last five seasons, respectively. Adding 
    these season totals and dividing by five yields an average season of 
    52,800 cartons. The average season is then divided by 33 weeks to yield 
    an average week, in this case, 1,600 cartons. This is Handler A's base. 
    The weekly percentage of 37 percent is then applied to this amount. 
    This provides this handler with a weekly allotment of 592 cartons 
    (1,600  x  .37) of size 48 and/or 56.
        The average week for handlers with less than five previous seasons 
    of shipments is calculated by the committee by averaging the total 
    shipments for the seasons they did ship red seedless grapefruit during 
    the immediately preceding five years and dividing that average by 33. 
    New handlers with no record of shipments have no prior period on which 
    to base their average week. Therefore, under the established 
    procedures, a new handler could ship small sizes equal to 37 percent of 
    their total volume of shipments during their first shipping week. Once 
    a new handler had established shipments, their average week would be 
    calculated as an average of the weeks they shipped during the current 
        This rule finalizes, without change, the weekly percentages for 
    each of the eleven weeks of the regulatory period (September 21 through 
    December 6) that appeared in the interim final rule.
        The rules and regulations contain a variety of provisions designed 
    to provide handlers with some marketing flexibility. When regulation is 
    established by the Secretary for a given week, the committee calculates 
    the quantity of small red seedless grapefruit which may be handled by 
    each handler. Section 905.153(d) provides allowances for overshipments, 
    loans, and transfers of allotment. These allowances should allow 
    handlers the opportunity to supply their markets while limiting the 
    impact of small sizes on a weekly basis.
        During any week for which the Secretary has fixed the percentage of 
    sizes 48 and/or 56 red seedless grapefruit, any handler could handle an 
    amount of sizes 48 and/or 56 red seedless grapefruit not to exceed 110 
    percent of their allotment for that week. The quantity of overshipments 
    (the amount shipped in excess of a handler's weekly allotment) is 
    deducted from the handler's allotment for the following week. 
    Overshipments are not allowed during week 11 because there are no 
    allotments the following week from which to deduct the overshipments.
        If handlers fail to use their entire allotments in a given week, 
    the amounts undershipped will not be carried forward to the following 
    week. However, a handler to whom an allotment has been issued could 
    lend or transfer all or part of such allotment (excluding the 
    overshipment allowance) to another handler. In the event of a loan, 
    each party will, prior to the completion of the loan agreement, notify 
    the committee of the proposed loan and date of repayment. If a transfer 
    of allotment is desired, each party will promptly notify the committee 
    so that proper adjustments of the records could be made. In each case, 
    the committee confirms in writing all such transactions prior to the 
    following week. The committee could also act on behalf of handlers 
    wanting to arrange allotment loans or participate in the transfer of 
    allotment. Repayment of an allotment loan is at the discretion of the 
    handlers party to the loan.
        The committee computed each handler's allotment by multiplying the 
    handler's average week by the percentage established by regulation for 
    that week. The committee notified each handler prior to that particular 
    week of the quantity of sizes 48 and 56 red seedless grapefruit such 
    handler could
    [[Page 3811]]
    handle during a particular week, making the necessary adjustments for 
    overshipments and loan repayments.
        During committee deliberations at the May 22, 1998, meeting, 
    several concerns were raised regarding the regulation. One area of 
    concern was the way allotment base is calculated. Two members commented 
    that the rule was not fair to those handlers that shipped the majority 
    of their grapefruit shipments during the 11 week period. They said that 
    using a 33 week season as the basis for allotment was not reflective of 
    their shipments during the regulated period, and that their allotment 
    was not enough to cover their customer base.
        The committee chose to use the past five seasons to provide the 
    most accurate picture of an average season. When recommending 
    procedures for establishing weekly percentage of size regulation for 
    red seedless grapefruit, the committee discussed several methods of 
    measuring a handler's volume to determine this base. It was decided 
    that shipments for the five previous years and for the 33 weeks 
    beginning the third Monday in September to the first Sunday the 
    following May should be used for calculation purposes.
        This bases allotment on a 33 week period of shipments, not just a 
    handler's early shipments. This was done specifically to accommodate 
    small shippers or light volume shippers, who may not have shipped much 
    grapefruit in the early season. The use of an average week based on 33 
    weeks also helps adjust for variations in growing conditions that may 
    affect when fruit matures in different seasons and growing areas. After 
    considering different ways to calculate the average week, the committee 
    settled on this method as the definition of prior period that provides 
    each handler with an equitable base from which to establish shipments.
        In its discussion, the committee recognized that there were 
    concerns regarding the way base is calculated. However, committee 
    members also stated that this type of regulation is intended to be 
    somewhat restrictive, and providing a system that satisfies everyone is 
    difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. There was general agreement 
    that this method was the best option considered thus far. Another 
    member commented that this option also provides a larger industry base 
    than an 11 week calculation, supplying a greater amount of available 
    base overall.
        In regards to whether their allotment is enough to cover their 
    customer base, the procedures under which this rule was recommended 
    provide flexibility through several different options. Handlers could 
    transfer, borrow or loan allotment based on their needs in a given 
    week. Handlers also had the option of overshipping their allotment by 
    10 percent in a week, as long as the overshipment was deducted from the 
    following week's shipments. Statistics show that in none of the 
    regulated weeks was the total available allotment used. The closest it 
    came was 83 percent of available base used. However, this still left an 
    available allotment for loan or transfer of over 57,000 cartons. 
    Approximately 190 loans and transfers were utilized last season. To 
    facilitate this process, the committee staff provided a list of handler 
    names and telephone numbers to help handlers find possible sources of 
    allotment if needed for loan or trade. Also, this regulation only 
    restricts shipments of small sized red grapefruit. There are no volume 
    restrictions on larger sizes.
        Another concern expressed was that the rule only covers red 
    seedless grapefruit. One member wanted the committee to consider adding 
    white grapefruit to the regulation. The member also asked that the 
    committee continue to consider other possibilities on which to base 
    regulation. The committee agreed that the provisions by which this 
    regulation is recommended should be reviewed on a continuous base. It 
    was also stated that should the committee want to change Sec. 905.153, 
    the section outlining the procedures for setting weekly percentage of 
    size regulation, they could consider it as part of the current meeting. 
    No motions for change were received.
        Another concern expressed was that the committee was considering 
    meeting too often during the regulatory period to consider changing the 
    weekly percentages. The member said that marketing plans are made 
    further in advance than two to three weeks. The committee responded 
    that information that is valuable in considering the appropriate 
    percentage levels is not available until the regulatory period begins. 
    Members agreed that it was important to meet and adjust percentages as 
    necessary as seasonal information becomes available.
        At the September 3, 1998, meeting, the concern was raised that the 
    weekly percentages recommended were not high enough. One member 
    expressed that they had routinely shipped all their allotment and that 
    the weekly percentages should be higher. The committee responded that 
    the provisions for loans, transfers, and overshipment were available to 
    offset such problems. With the weekly percentages established, total 
    industry allotment should exceed shipments for the majority of the 11 
    weeks, so that some allotment should be available for loan or transfer.
        After considering the concerns expressed, and the available 
    information, the committee determined that this rule is needed to 
    regulate shipments of small sized red seedless grapefruit.
        This rule does not affect the provision that handlers may ship up 
    to 15 standard packed cartons (12 bushels) of fruit per day exempt from 
    regulatory requirements. Fruit shipped in gift packages that are 
    individually addressed and not for resale, and fruit shipped for animal 
    feed are also exempt from handling requirements under specific 
    conditions. Also, fruit shipped to commercial processors for conversion 
    into canned or frozen products or into a beverage base are not subject 
    to the handling requirements under the order.
        Section 8(e) of the Act requires that whenever grade, size, quality 
    or maturity requirements are in effect for certain commodities under a 
    domestic marketing order, including grapefruit, imports of that 
    commodity must meet the same or comparable requirements. This rule does 
    not change the minimum grade and size requirements under the order, 
    only the percentages of sizes 48 and/or 56 red grapefruit that may be 
    handled. Therefore, no change is necessary in the grapefruit import 
    regulations as a result of this action.
        Pursuant to requirements set forth in the Regulatory Flexibility 
    Act (RFA), the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has considered the 
    economic impact of this action on small entities. Accordingly, AMS has 
    prepared this final regulatory flexibility analysis.
        The purpose of the RFA is to fit regulatory actions to the scale of 
    business subject to such actions in order that small businesses will 
    not be unduly or disproportionately burdened. Marketing orders issued 
    pursuant to the Act, and the rules issued thereunder, are unique in 
    that they are brought about through group action of essentially small 
    entities acting on their own behalf. Thus, both statutes have small 
    entity orientation and compatibility.
        There are approximately 80 grapefruit handlers subject to 
    regulation under the order and approximately 11,000 growers of citrus 
    in the regulated area. Small agricultural service firms, which includes 
    handlers, have been defined by the Small Business Administration (SBA) 
    as those having annual receipts of less than $5,000,000, and small 
    agricultural producers are defined as
    [[Page 3812]]
    those having annual receipts of less than $500,000 (13 CFR 121.601).
        Based on the industry and committee data for the 1997-98 season, 
    the average annual f.o.b. price for fresh Florida red grapefruit during 
    the 1997-98 season was around $6.30 per \4/5\ bushel cartons, and total 
    fresh shipments for the 1997-98 season are estimated at 15.5 million 
    cartons of red grapefruit. Approximately 20 percent of all handlers 
    handled 60 percent of Florida grapefruit shipments. In addition, many 
    of these handlers ship other citrus fruit and products which are not 
    included in committee data but would contribute further to handler 
    receipts. Using the average f.o.b. price, about 80 percent of 
    grapefruit handlers could be considered small businesses under SBA's 
    definition and about 20 percent of the handlers could be considered 
    large businesses. The majority of Florida grapefruit handlers, and 
    growers may be classified as small entities.
        Under the authority of Sec. 905.52 of the order, this rule limits 
    the volume of small red seedless grapefruit entering the fresh market 
    during the 11 weeks beginning the third Monday in September for the 
    1998-99 season. This rule utilizes the provisions of Sec. 905.153. This 
    rule limits the volume of sizes 48 and/or 56 red seedless grapefruit by 
    setting the weekly percentage for each of the 11 weeks at 37 percent 
    for the first seven weeks (September 21 through November 8), and 32 
    percent for the next four weeks (November 9 through December 6). This 
    is a change from the committee's original recommendation of a 25 
    percent weekly percentage for each of the 11 weeks. Under such a 
    limitation, the quantity of sizes 48 and/or 56 red seedless grapefruit 
    that may be shipped by a handler during a particular week is calculated 
    using the established percentage.
        By taking the established percentage times the average weekly 
    volume of red grapefruit handled by such handler in the previous five 
    seasons, the committee calculates a handler's weekly allotment of small 
    sizes. The rule sets the weekly percentage at 37 percent for the first 
    seven weeks (September 21 through November 8), and 32 percent for the 
    next four weeks (November 9 through December 6) of the 11 week period. 
    This rule provides a supply of small sized red seedless grapefruit 
    sufficient to meet market demand, without saturating all markets with 
    these small sizes. This rule is necessary to help stabilize the market 
    and improve grower returns during the early part of the season.
        At the May 22, 1998, meeting, the committee recommended that the 
    percentage for each of the 11 weeks be established at the 25 percent 
    level. They reasoned that this percentage, when combined with the 
    average weekly shipments for the total industry, would provide a total 
    industry allotment of 239,243 cartons of sizes 48 and/or 56 red 
    seedless grapefruit per regulated week. This percentage would have 
    allowed total shipments of small red seedless grapefruit to approach 
    the 250,000 carton mark during regulated weeks without exceeding it.
        The committee met again September 3, 1998, and revisited the weekly 
    percentage issue. The committee recommended that the weekly percentages 
    be set to 37 percent for the first seven weeks (September 21 through 
    November 8), and 32 percent for the next four weeks (November 9 through 
    December 6).
        The weekly percentage of 25 percent, when combined with the average 
    weekly shipments for the total industry, would provide a total industry 
    allotment of nearly 250,000 cartons of sizes 48 and/or 56 red seedless 
    grapefruit per regulated week. Based on shipments from seasons 1993-97, 
    a total available weekly allotment of 250,000 cartons would exceed 
    actual shipments for each of the first three weeks that will be 
    regulated under this rule. In addition, if a 25 percent restriction on 
    small sizes had been applied during the 11 week period in the three 
    seasons prior to the 1996-97 season, an average of 4.2 percent of 
    overall shipments during that period would have been affected. This 
    rule affects even fewer shipments by establishing less restrictive 
    weekly percentages. In addition, a large percentage of this volume most 
    likely could have been replaced by larger sizes. Under this rule a 
    sufficient volume of small sized red grapefruit will still be allowed 
    into all channels of trade, and allowances will be in place to help 
    handlers address any market shortfall. Therefore, the overall impact on 
    total seasonal shipments and on industry cost should be minimal.
        The early season crop tends to have a greater percentage of small 
    sizes. This creates a glut of smaller, lower priced fruit, driving down 
    the price for all sizes. Early in the season, larger sized fruit 
    commands a premium price. In some cases, the f.o.b. is $4 to $6 a 
    carton more than for the smaller sizes. In early October, the f.o.b. 
    for a size 27 averages around $10.00 per carton. This compares to an 
    average f.o.b. of $5.50 per carton for size 56. By the end of the 11 
    week period covered in this rule, the f.o.b. for large sizes has 
    dropped to within two dollars of the f.o.b. for small sizes.
        The over shipment of smaller sized red seedless grapefruit early in 
    the season has contributed to below production cost returns for growers 
    and lower on tree values. An economic study done by the University of 
    Florida--Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF-IFAS) in May 
    1997, found that on tree prices had fallen from a high near $7.00 in 
    1991-92 to around $1.50 for the 1996-97 season. The study projected 
    that if the industry elected to make no changes, the on tree price 
    would remain around $1.50. The study also indicated that increasing 
    minimum size restrictions could help raise returns.
        This regulation will have a positive impact on affected entities. 
    The purpose of this rule is to help stabilize the market and improve 
    grower returns by limiting the volume of small sizes marketed early in 
    the season. There are no volume restrictions on larger sizes. 
    Therefore, larger sizes could be substituted for smaller sizes with a 
    minimum effect on overall shipments. While this rule may necessitate 
    spot picking, which may entail slightly higher harvesting costs, many 
    in the industry are already using the practice, and because this 
    regulation is only in effect for part of the season, the overall effect 
    on costs is minimal. This rule is not expected to appreciably increase 
    costs to producers.
        This rule helps limit the effects of an over supply of small sizes 
    early in the season. A similar rule was enacted successfully last 
    season. During the 11 week period, the regulation was successful at 
    helping maintain prices at a higher level than the prior season, and 
    sizes 48 and 56 by count and as a percentage of total shipments were 
    reduced. Therefore, this action should have a positive impact on grower 
        For the weeks when pricing information was available, last season's 
    prices were higher in five of the six weeks when compared with f.o.b. 
    prices from the 1996-97 season. The average f.o.b. for these weeks was 
    $6.28 for the 1996-97 season and $6.55 for the 1997-98 season. It also 
    reduced sizes 48 and 56 as a percentage of the crop. Last season sizes 
    48 and 56 represented 31 percent of shipments during the 11 week 
    regulatory period, compared to 38 percent during the previous season. 
    There was also a 15 percent reduction in shipments of sizes 48 and 56 
    by count. Numbers from the month following the 11 weeks of regulation 
    also indicate that in December 1997 the on tree price for grapefruit 
    was $2.26 compared to $1.55 for the previous season.
    [[Page 3813]]
        The rule was also successful in reducing the steep drop in prices 
    for larger sizes that had occurred in previous seasons. During the six 
    weeks from mid-October through November, prices for sizes 23, 27, 32, 
    and 36 fell by 28, 27, 21, and 20 percent, respectively, during the 
    1996-97 season. Prices for the same sizes during the same period last 
    season only fell by 5, 5, 2, and 7 percent, respectively, under 
    regulation. Prices for all sizes were firmer during this period last 
    season when compared to the previous year, with the weighted average 
    price dropping only 9 percent during this period last season as 
    compared to 22 percent for the previous season.
        An economic study done by Florida Citrus Mutual (Lakeland, Florida) 
    in April 1998, found that the weekly percentage regulation had been 
    effective. The study indicated that part of the strength in early 
    season pricing appeared to be due to the use of the weekly percentage 
    rule to limit the volume of sizes 48 and 56. Prices were generally 
    higher across the size spectrum with sizes 48 and 56 having the largest 
    gains, with larger sized grapefruit registering modest improvements. It 
    also stated that sizes 48 and 56 grapefruit accounted for around 27 
    percent of domestic shipments during the 11 weeks during the 1996-97 
    season, compared to only 17 percent during the same period last season, 
    as small sizes were used to supply export customers with preferences 
    for small sized grapefruit.
        Even with restrictions in place, total shipments during the 11 week 
    period last season were higher than the previous season. There was also 
    no noticeable drop in exports. Therefore, shipments remained strong and 
    prices were stabilized during the regulated period.
        The interim final rule increased the weekly percentages over the 
    percentages originally recommended at the May 22, 1998, meeting. The 
    changes recommended by the committee at its September 3, 1998, meeting 
    set the percentages at a higher level, and at levels comparable to last 
    season. These percentages were still restrictive, but allowed the 
    utilization of more small sized fruit. During the 11 week period of 
    weekly percentage regulation last season, the committee recommended 
    increasing the weekly percentages to 35 percent for the majority of the 
    11 weeks, similar to what was recommended for this season. Even with 
    the weekly percentage at 35 percent, shipments of sizes 48 and 56 
    remained close to the 250,000 carton mark during the 11 weeks. In only 
    3 of the 11 weeks did the volume of sizes 48 and 56 exceed 250,000 
    cartons, and even then, by not more than 35,000 cartons.
        Over 50 percent of red seedless grapefruit is shipped to the fresh 
    market. Because of reduced demand and an oversupply, the processing 
    outlet is not currently profitable. Consequently, it is essential that 
    the market for fresh red grapefruit be fostered and maintained. Any 
    costs associated with this action will only be for the 11 week 
    regulatory period. However, benefits from this action could stretch 
    throughout the entire 33 week season.
        This rule is intended to stabilize the market during the early 
    season and increase grower returns. Information available from last 
    season suggests the regulation could do both. A stabilized price that 
    returns a fair market value benefits both small and large growers and 
    handlers. The opportunities and benefits of this rule are expected to 
    be available to all red seedless grapefruit handlers and growers 
    regardless of their size of operation.
        One alternative to the actions approved was considered by the 
    committee prior to making the recommendations at the May 22, 1998, 
    meeting. The alternative discussed was whether to amend Sec. 905.153 in 
    conjunction with setting a weekly percentage. Two members suggested 
    that the calculation used to determine a handler's allotment base 
    should be changed from 33 weeks to a calculation that used the 11 weeks 
    regulated by the rule. In its discussion, the committee recognized that 
    there were concerns regarding the way base is calculated. However, 
    committee members also stated that this type of regulation is intended 
    to be somewhat restrictive, and providing a system that satisfies 
    everyone is difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. There was general 
    agreement that though this method had its concerns, it was the best 
    option considered thus far. Therefore, the committee rejected this 
    alternative, concluding the recommendations previously discussed were 
    appropriate for the industry.
        Another alternative action was considered at the September 3, 1998, 
    meeting. Rather than changing all the weekly percentages, it was 
    suggested that the committee only consider three weeks at a time in 
    making its recommendations for change. The committee would then meet 
    before each three week period began to consider the appropriate weekly 
    percentages for those three weeks. The committee agreed that it was 
    important to meet on a regular basis during the regulation period to 
    help ensure that the weekly percentages are at the appropriate level. 
    However, the committee also recognized that marketing plans are made 
    more than three weeks in advance, and that it was important to try to 
    provide handlers with as much advance notice of their allotment of 
    small sizes as possible. Therefore, the committee rejected this 
        Handlers utilizing the flexibility of the loan and transfer aspects 
    of this action will be required to submit a form to the committee. The 
    rule increases the reporting burden on approximately 80 handlers of red 
    seedless grapefruit who will be taking about 0.03 hour to complete each 
    report regarding allotment loans or transfers. The information 
    collection requirements contained in this section have been approved by 
    the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the provisions of the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13) and assigned OMB 
    number 0581-0094. As with all Federal marketing order programs, reports 
    and forms are periodically reviewed to reduce information requirements 
    and duplication by industry and public sector agencies.
        As noted in the initial regulatory flexibility analysis, the 
    Department has not identified any relevant Federal rules that 
    duplicate, overlap or conflict with this rule. However, red seedless 
    grapefruit must meet the requirements as specified in the U.S. 
    Standards for Grades of Florida Grapefruit (7 CFR 51.760 through 
    51.784) issued under the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (7 U.S.C. 
    1621 through 1627).
        In addition, the committee's meetings were widely publicized 
    throughout the citrus industry and all interested persons were invited 
    to attend the meetings and participate in committee deliberations on 
    all issues. Like all committee meetings, the May 22, 1998, meeting, and 
    the September 3, 1998, meeting were public meetings and all entities, 
    both large and small, were able to express views on this issue.
        A proposed rule concerning this action was published in the Federal 
    Register on Tuesday, August 11, 1998 (63 FR 42764). A 20-day comment 
    period was provided to allow interested persons to respond to the 
    proposal. The comment period ended August 31, 1998. No comments were 
    received. An interim final rule concerning this action was published in 
    the Federal Register on Monday, September 28, 1998 (63 FR 51511). A 10-
    day comment period was provided to allow interested persons to respond 
    to the rule. The comment period ended October 8, 1998. No comments were 
    received. Copies of both rules were mailed or sent via facsimile
    [[Page 3814]]
    to all committee members and to grapefruit growers and handlers. The 
    rules were also made available through the Internet by the Office of 
    the Federal Register.
        After consideration of all relevant matter presented, including the 
    information and recommendations submitted by the committee and other 
    available information, it is found that finalizing the interim final 
    rule, without change, as published in the Federal Register (63 FR 
    51511, September 28, 1998) will tend to effectuate the declared policy 
    of the Act.
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 905
        Grapefruit, Marketing agreements, Oranges, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Tangelos, Tangerines.
        Accordingly, the interim final rule amending 7 CFR part 905 which 
    was published at 63 FR 51511 on September 28, 1998, is adopted as a 
    final rule without change.
        Dated: January 21, 1999.
    Robert C. Keeney,
    Deputy Administrator, Fruit and Vegetable Programs.
    [FR Doc. 99-1786 Filed 1-25-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-02-U

Document Information

Effective Date:
Agricultural Marketing Service
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
February 25, 1999.
3807-3814 (8 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FV98-905-4 FIR
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
7 CFR 905.52
7 CFR 905.153