98-1851. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Endangered Status for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (Willamette Daisy) and Fender's Blue Butterfly (Icaricia icarioides fenderi) and Proposed Threatened Status for Lupinus ...  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 17 (Tuesday, January 27, 1998)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 3863-3877]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-1851]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 17
    RIN 1018-AE53
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed 
    Endangered Status for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (Willamette 
    Daisy) and Fender's Blue Butterfly (Icaricia icarioides fenderi) and 
    Proposed Threatened Status for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii 
    (Kincaid's lupine)
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    [[Page 3864]]
    SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) proposes 
    endangered status pursuant to the Endangered Species Act (Act) of 1973, 
    as amended, for a plant and a butterfly, Erigeron decumbens var. 
    decumbens (Willamette daisy) and Fender's blue butterfly (Icaricia 
    icarioides fenderi), and proposes threatened status for a plant, 
    Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (Kincaid's lupine). These species are 
    restricted to native prairie in the Willamette Valley of Oregon and are 
    currently known from a few small remnants of a formerly widespread 
    distribution. In addition to its Oregon occurrences, L. sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii is also known from one small site in southern Washington. The 
    three taxa are threatened by one or more of the following--commercial 
    and/or residential development, agriculture, silviculture, road 
    improvement, over-collection, herbicide use, and naturally occurring 
    demographic and random environmental events. This proposal, if made 
    final, would invoke the Federal protection and recovery provisions of 
    the Act for these plant and butterfly species.
    DATES: Comments from all interested parties must be received by March 
    30, 1998. Public hearing requests must be received by March 13, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Comments and materials concerning this proposal should be 
    sent to the State Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Oregon 
    State Office, 2600 SE 98th Ave., Suite 100, Portland, Oregon 97266. 
    Comments and materials received will be available for public 
    inspection, by appointment, during normal business hours at the above 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Andrew F. Robinson, Jr., Botanist; 
    or Diana Hwang, Fish and Wildlife Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
    Service (see ADDRESSES section above or telephone 503-231-6179, FAX 
        Fender's blue butterfly (Icaricia icarioides fenderi), Lupinus 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (Kincaid's lupine), and Erigeron decumbens 
    var. decumbens (Willamette daisy) are restricted to the Willamette 
    Valley of Oregon. The valley is a 209 kilometer (km) long (130 miles 
    (mi)) and 32-64 km (20-40 mi) wide alluvial flood plain with an overall 
    northward gradient (Orr et al. 1992). The valley is narrow and flat at 
    its southern end, widening and becoming hilly near its northern end at 
    the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers. In addition to 
    its Oregon occurrences, L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii is also known from 
    one small site in southern Washington.
        The alluvial soils of the Willamette Valley and southern Washington 
    host a mosaic of grassland, woodland, and forest communities. Fender's 
    blue butterfly, Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, and Erigeron 
    decumbens var. decumbens occupy native grassland habitats within the 
    Willamette Valley. Based on the limited available evidence, Franklin 
    and Dyrness (1973) asserted that most Willamette Valley grasslands are 
    seral (one stage in a sequential progression), requiring natural or 
    human-induced disturbance for their maintenance. Johannessen et al. 
    (1971) indicated that the vast majority of Willamette Valley grasslands 
    would be forested if left undisturbed. Important exceptions to this 
    successional pattern are grass balds on valley hillsides, which may be 
    climax grasslands due to the presence of deep, fine-textured, self-
    mulching soils or xeric (very dry) lithosoils (Franklin and Dyrness 
        Two native prairie types occur in the Willamette Valley, wet 
    prairie and upland prairie. Fender's blue butterfly and Lupinus 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii are typically found in native upland prairie 
    with the dominant species being Festuca rubra (red fescue) and/or 
    Festuca idahoensis (Idaho fescue) and Calochortus tolmiei (Tolmie's 
    mariposa), Silene hookeri (Hooker's catchfly), Fragaria virginiana 
    (broadpetal strawberry), Sidalcea virgata (rose checker-mallow), and 
    Lomatium spp. (common lomatium) serving as herbaceous indicator species 
    (Hammond and Wilson 1993). These dry, fescue prairies make up the 
    majority of habitat for Fender's blue butterfly and L. sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii. Although Fender's blue butterfly and L. sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii are occasionally found on steep, south-facing slopes and 
    barren rocky cliffs, neither of these species appear capable of 
    occupying the most xeric oatgrass communities on these south facing 
        The primary habitat for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens is native 
    wetland prairie. This habitat is characterized by the seasonally-wet 
    Deschampsia caespitosa (tufted hairgrass) community that occurs in low, 
    flat regions of the Willamette Valley where flooding creates anaerobic 
    and strongly reducing soil conditions. This wet prairie community 
    includes Juncus spp. (rush) and Danthonia californica (California 
    oatgrass) as co-dominant native species, as well as the introduced 
    species Festuca arundinaceae (tall fescue), Bromus japonicus (Japanese 
    brome) and Anthoxanthum odoratum (sweet vernal grass) (USFWS 1993). 
    Another endangered species, Lomatium bradshawii (Bradshaw's lomatium) 
    also grows in wet prairie habitat. Atypically, one population of E. 
    decumbens var. decumbens occurs on top of a dry, stony butte in an 
    upland prairie.
        The impact of humans on the botanical communities of the Willamette 
    Valley date back several centuries to the Kalapooya Indians, who 
    cleared and burned lands used for hunting and food gathering. Early 
    accounts by David Douglas in 1826 indicate extensive burning of the 
    valley floor, from its northern end at the falls of the Willamette 
    River to its southern extremities near Eugene. Burned areas were 
    documented by Douglas as being so complete as to limit the forage 
    available for his horse and to reduce game availability (Douglas 1972). 
    Accounts by other early explorers support Douglas' observations and 
    suggest a pattern of annual burning by the Kalapooya (Johannessen et 
    al. 1971). The Kalapooya land practices resulted in the maintenance of 
    extensive wet and dry prairie grasslands, which may have facilitated 
    their hunting efforts and limited the potential for sneak attacks by 
    enemies (Clarke 1905, Douglas 1972, Minto 1900, Smith 1949). Although 
    much of the woody vegetation was prevented from becoming established on 
    the grasslands by this treatment, the random survival of young fire-
    resistant species such as Quercus garryana (Oregon white oak) accounted 
    for the widely spaced trees on the margins of the valley (Habeck 1961). 
    After 1848, burning decreased sharply through the efforts of settlers 
    to suppress large-scale fires. Consequently, the open, park-like nature 
    of the valley floor was lost, replaced by agricultural fields, dense 
    oak and fir forests, and scrub lands following logging.
        The Willamette basin covers approximately 2,600,000 hectares (ha) 
    (6,400,000 acres (ac)), which was estimated in the mid-1880's to 
    consist of one-sixth prairie and five-sixths forest (Lang 1885). The 
    extent of the prairie component can be analyzed through historical 
    information from land survey records. Natural grasslands described by 
    Federal land surveyors in the 1850's were broken down into three 
    distinct types--oak savannah, upland prairie, and wet prairie (Habeck 
    1961). Of the estimated 409,000 ha (1,010,000 ac) of historic native 
    grasslands extant prior to 1850, approximately 277,000 ha (685,000 ac) 
    appears to have consisted of upland prairie and 132,000 ha
    [[Page 3865]]
    (325,000 ac) of wet prairie (E. Alverson, The Nature Conservancy, 
    Eugene, pers. comm., 1994).
        This extensive resource was rapidly depleted through the conversion 
    of native prairie to agricultural use during settlement. Within 30 
    years of passage of the Donation Land Act of 1850, most prairie lands 
    were occupied by European-American settlers who quickly subdivided 
    their original land grants to accommodate the rapid increase in 
    population (Lang 1885). The level, open tracts of prairie were the 
    first to go under the plow (Lang 1885) and only boggy, flood-prone 
    areas prevented complete conversion of the native grassland community 
    to cropped monoculture. Limitations on development imposed by seasonal 
    flooding and a high water table were, however, overcome after 1936, 
    when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) initiated water projects 
    to provide flood control and security for expanded agricultural 
        Fender's blue butterfly, Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii and 
    Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens likely once occurred over a large 
    distribution throughout the historic native prairie, and have been 
    eliminated from these areas as native prairie habitat has been 
    converted to agriculture or otherwise developed. Native prairie 
    vegetation in the Willamette Valley was decimated by the rapid 
    expansion of agriculture during the 140-year period from the 1850's to 
    the present. With extensive changes in the fire regime, disturbance 
    forces that maintained native prairies were substantially altered. Fire 
    suppression allowed shrub and tree species to overtake grasslands, 
    while agricultural practices hastened the decline of native prairie 
    species through habitat loss and increased grazing (Johannessen, et al. 
    1971; Franklin and Dyrness 1973). Refugia from these forces of change 
    were limited to fence rows and intervening strips of land along 
    agricultural fields and roadsides.
        Although large prairie expanses dominated by native species had 
    been lost by the early 1900's, many remnant grasslands with a large 
    native species component have been recently identified. These remnants, 
    even though dominated by exotic species, support the only remaining 
    occurrences of native prairie species in the Willamette Valley. Current 
    estimates of the remaining native upland prairie in the Willamette 
    Valley total less than 400 ha (1,000 ac) (Alverson, pers. comm. 1994). 
    This estimate represents only one-tenth of one percent of the original 
    upland prairie once available to Fender's blue butterfly, Lupinus 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, and less than one half of this habitat (84 
    sites) is currently occupied by Fender's blue butterfly and/or L. 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii and/or Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens. 
    Within this available habitat, E. decumbens var. decumbens occupies 28 
    sites across 116 ha (286 ac), L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii occupies 51 
    sites across 145 ha (357 ac), while Fender's blue butterfly occupies 31 
    sites across 165 ha (408 ac). Similar losses have occurred for wet 
    prairie habitats, but estimates of current acreage are not available.
    Fender's Blue Butterfly
        Fender's blue butterfly is one of about a dozen subspecies of 
    Boisduval's blue butterfly (Icaricia icarioides). Icaricia icarioides 
    is found in western North America; subspecies fenderi is restricted to 
    the Willamette Valley (Dornfeld 1980; R. H. T. Mattoni, University of 
    California, pers. comm. to C. Nagano 1997; J. Emmel, Hemet, California, 
    pers. comm. to C. Nagano 1997). Fender's blue butterfly was described 
    by Ralph W. Macey (1931) as Plebejus maricopa fenderi based on 
    specimens he had collected in Yamhill County, Oregon. The species 
    maricopa is currently considered to be a synonym of the species 
    icarioides (Miller and Brown 1981). The species icaricia has been 
    determined to be a member of the genus Icaricia, rather than the genus 
    Plebejus (Miller and Brown 1981; R. H. T. Mattoni, pers. comm. to C. D. 
    Nagano 1997). Subspecies fenderi was considered to be a synonym of the 
    pardalis blue butterfly (Icaricia icarioides pardalis), an inhabitant 
    of the central California Coast Range near San Francisco (Downey 1975; 
    Miller and Brown 1981); however Fender's blue butterfly is a distinct 
    taxon based on adult characters and geographic distribution (Dornfeld 
    1980; Hammond and Wilson 1993; R. H. T. Mattoni and J. Emmel, pers. 
    comm. to C. D. Nagano 1997).
        Fender's blue butterfly is a small sized butterfly with a wingspan 
    of approximately 2.5 centimeter (cm) (1 inch (in)). The upper wings of 
    the males are brilliant blue in color and the borders and basal areas 
    are black. The upper wings of the females are completely brown colored. 
    The undersides of the wings of both sexes are creamish tan with black 
    spots surrounded with a fine white border or halo. The dark spots on 
    the underwings of the males are small on Fender's blue butterfly; 
    surrounded with wide white haloes on the pembina blue butterfly 
    (Icaricia icarioides pembina); the underside is very pale whitish gray 
    with broad haloes around the black spots on the hindwings of 
    Boisduval's blue butterfly.
        The historic distribution of Fender's blue butterfly is not 
    precisely known due to the limited information collected on this 
    species prior to its description in 1931. Although the type specimens 
    for this butterfly were collected in 1929 by Ralph W. Macy, only a 
    limited number of collections were made between the time of the 
    subspecies' discovery and Macy's last observation on May 23, 1937, in 
    Benton County, Oregon (Hammond and Wilson 1992a). A lack of information 
    on the identity of the butterfly's host plant caused researchers to 
    focus their survey efforts on common lupine species known to occur in 
    the vicinity of Macy's collections. As a result, no Fender's blue 
    butterflies were observed during 20 years of widespread investigation. 
    Finally, Fender's blue butterfly was rediscovered in 1989 by Dr. Paul 
    Hammond at McDonald Forest, Benton County, Oregon on an uncommon 
    species of lupine, Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii. Based on this 
    additional information, recent surveys have determined that the animal 
    is confined to the Willamette Valley and currently occupies 31 sites in 
    Yamhill, Polk, Benton, and Lane Counties (Hammond and Wilson 1993; 
    Schultz 1996). One population at Willow Creek is found in wet, 
    Deschampsia-type prairie, while the remaining sites are found on drier 
    upland prairies characterized by Festuca spp. Sites occupied by 
    Fender's blue butterfly are located almost exclusively on the western 
    side of the valley, within 33 km (21 mi) of the Willamette River.
        Although only limited observations have been made of the early life 
    stages of Fender's blue butterfly, the life cycle of the species likely 
    is similar to other subspecies of Icaricia icarioides (R. H. T. 
    Mattoni, pers. comm. to C. Nagano 1997; G. Pratt, Riverside, 
    California, pers. comm. to C. Nagano 1997; Hammond and Wilson 1993). 
    Adult butterflies lay their eggs on perennial Lupinus sp. (Ballmer and 
    Pratt 1988), the foodplant of the caterpillar during May and June. 
    Newly hatched larvae feed for a short time, reaching their second 
    instar in the early summer, at which point they enter an extended 
    diapause (maintaining a state of suspended activity). Diapausing larvae 
    remain in the leaf litter at or near the base of the host plant through 
    the fall and winter and some individuals likely become active again in 
    March or April of the following year. Some larvae may be able to extend 
    diapause for more than one season depending upon the
    [[Page 3866]]
    individual and environmental conditions (R. H. T. Mattoni pers. comm. 
    to C. Nagano 1997). Once diapause is broken, the larvae feed and grow 
    through three to four additional instars, enter their pupal stage, and 
    then emerge as adult butterflies in April and May. Behavioral 
    observations of Fender's blue butterfly indicate the larvae are alert 
    to potential predators, with individuals dropping from their feeding 
    position on lupine leaves to the base of the plant at the slightest 
    sign of disturbance (C. Schultz, University of Washington, pers. comm. 
    1994). The life cycle of Fender's blue butterfly may be completed in 
    one year.
        The larvae of many species of lycaenid butterflies, including 
    Icaricia icarioides, possess specialized glands that secrete a sweet 
    solution sought by some ant species who may actively ``tend'' and 
    protect them from predators and parasites (Ballmer and Pratt 1988; G. 
    Pratt pers. comm. to C. Nagano 1997). Although other subspecies of 
    Boisduval's blue butterfly are tended by ants during their larval stage 
    (Downey 1962, 1975; Thomas Reid Associates 1982; R. H. T. Mattoni and 
    G. Pratt, pers. comm. to C. Nagano 1997), limited observations of 
    Fender's blue butterfly larvae in the field have failed to document 
    such a mutualistic association (Hammond 1994). However, this may be due 
    to the nocturnal activity patterns of the larvae of Icaricia icarioides 
    as it appears that this species has an obligate relationship with ants 
    (G. Pratt pers. comm. to C. Nagano 1997). Non-native Argentine ants 
    (Iridomyrmex humilis) have been observed tending Fender's blue 
    butterfly larvae during indoor rearing trials (Schultz, pers. comm. 
        The near absence of Fender's blue butterfly at sites without 
    Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii suggest that L. laxiflorus (spurred 
    lupine) and L. albicaulis (sickle keeled lupine) are secondary 
    foodplants used by the animal (Hammond and Wilson 1993k). Fender's blue 
    butterfly inhabits two sites that contain only L. laxiflorus, where it 
    is the primary foodplant (Schultz 1996) and L. laxiflorus co-occurs 
    with L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii at two additional sites (Hammond and 
    Wilson 1993). Fender's blue butterfly occupies six sites containing 
    only L. albicaulis, where it is the primary foodplant. However, the 
    butterfly is declining at two of these sites. Lupinus albicaulis and L. 
    laxiflorus may possess physical or biochemical properties that render 
    them less suitable for Fender's blue butterfly than L. sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii. This phenomenon in foodplants has been documented in other 
    species of butterflies and moths (Longcore et al. 1997).
    Lupinus Sulphureus ssp. Kincaidii
        Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii was first described in 1924 by 
    C.P. Smith as L. oreganus var. kincaidii from a collection made in 
    Corvallis, Oregon (Kuykendall and Kaye 1993a). Phillips (1955) 
    transferred the taxon to a subspecies status as L. sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii. Hitchcock et al. (1961) retained the position noted by 
    Phillips (1955), but preferred the combination as a varietal rank, L. 
    sulphureus var. kincaidii.
        Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii occupies 51 sites throughout the 
    Willamette Valley and one site in southern Washington. The northern 
    limit of L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii is Lewis County, Washington, 
    while it ranges south to Douglas County, Oregon, a latitudinal span of 
    over 400 km (250 mi). This distribution implies a close association 
    with native upland prairie sites that are characterized by heavier 
    soils and mesic to slightly xeric soil moisture levels. At the southern 
    limit of its range, the subspecies occurs on well-developed soils 
    adjacent to serpentine outcrops where the plant is often found under 
    scattered oaks (Kuykendall and Kaye 1993a).
        With its low-growing habit and unbranched inflorescence, Lupinus 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii is easily distinguished from other sympatric 
    members of the genus Lupinus. Its aromatic flowers have a slightly 
    reflexed, distinctly ruffled banner and are yellowish-cream colored, 
    often showing shades of blue on the keel. The upper calyx lip is short, 
    yet unobscured by the reflexed banner when viewed from above. The 
    leaflets tend to be a deep green with an upper surface that is often 
    glabrous. The plants are 4-8 decimeters (dm) (16-32 in) tall, with 
    single to multiple unbranched flowering stems and basal leaves that 
    remain after flowering (Kuykendall and Kaye 1993).
        Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii is a long-lived perennial 
    species, with a maximum reported age of 25 years (M. Wilson, Oregon 
    State University, in litt., 1993). Individual plants are capable of 
    spreading by rhizomes producing clumps of plants exceeding 20 meters 
    (m) (65.62 feet (ft)) in diameter (P. Hammond, independent consultant, 
    pers. comm. 1994). The long rhizomes do not produce adventitious roots, 
    apparently do not separate from the parent clump, and the clumps may be 
    short-lived, regularly dying back to the crown (Kuykendall and Kaye 
    1993a). Self-incompatible, L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii is pollinated 
    by solitary bees and flies (P. Hammond, pers. comm. 1994). Seed set and 
    seed production are low, with few (but variable) numbers of flowers 
    producing fruit from year to year and each fruit containing an average 
    of 0.3-1.8 seeds (Liston et al. 1994). Seeds are dispersed from fruits 
    that open explosively upon drying.
    Erigeron Decumbens var. Decumbens
        Thomas Nuttall (1840) based his description of Erigeron decumbens 
    on a specimen he collected in the summer of 1835. The autonym E. 
    decumbens var. decumbens was automatically established by Cronquist 
    (1947) when he described E. decumbens var. robustior. Recent revisions 
    of the Erigeron genus (Strother and Ferlatte 1988, Nesom 1989) treat 
    the plant as a variety, E. decumbens var. decumbens.
        According to Strother and Ferlatte (1988), Erigeron decumbens var. 
    decumbens is geographically limited to the Willamette Valley. They also 
    restrict the morphologically similar E. decumbens var. robustior to 
    Humboldt and western Trinity Counties, California. Intermediate 
    specimens of Erigeron from southern Oregon are considered by Strother 
    and Ferlatte (1988) to be robust specimens of E. eatonii var. 
        A review of herbarium specimens by Clark et al. (1993) shows a 
    historical distribution of Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens throughout 
    the Willamette Valley. Collections were frequent between 1881 and 1934, 
    yet from 1934 to 1980 no collections or observations were made (Clark 
    et al. 1993). The species was rediscovered in 1980 in Lane County, 
    Oregon, and has since been identified at 28 sites in Polk, Marion, 
    Linn, Benton, and Lane counties, Oregon. With 28 occurrences and 115 ha 
    (284 ac) of occupied habitat, E. decumbens var. decumbens has the most 
    restricted range of the species proposed for listing herein.
        Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens is a perennial herb, 15-60 mm 
    (0.6-2.4 in.) tall, with erect to sometimes prostrate stems at the 
    base. The basal leaves often wither prior to flowering and are mostly 
    linear, 5-12 cm (2-5 in.) long and 3-4 mm (0.1-0.2 in.) wide. Flowering 
    stems produce 2-5 heads, each of which is daisy-like, with pinkish to 
    pale blue ray flowers and yellow disk flowers. Ray flowers often fade 
    to white with age (Siddall and Chambers 1978). The morphologically 
    similar E. eatonii occurs east of the Cascade Mountains, while the 
    sympatric species Aster hallii flowers later in the summer. Erigeron 
    decumbens var. decumbens can be confused with A. hallii in their 
    vegetative state, but close
    [[Page 3867]]
    examination reveals the reddish stems of A. hallii in contrast to the 
    green stems of E. decumbens var. decumbens (Clark et al. 1993).
        As with many species in the family Asteraceae, Erigeron decumbens 
    var. decumbens produces large quantities of wind-dispersed seed. 
    Flowering typically occurs in June and July with pollination carried 
    out by syphrid flies and solitary bees. Seeds are released in July and 
    August. Although the seeds are wind-dispersed, the short stature of 
    this species likely precludes the long-distance travel of many of these 
    seeds. Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens is capable of vegetative 
    spreading and is commonly found in large clumps scattered throughout a 
    site (Clark et al. 1993).
    Previous Federal Action
        Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens was initially included as a 
    category 2 candidate in a Notice of Review published by the Service on 
    December 15, 1980 (45 FR 82506). Category 2 candidates were those 
    species for which the Service had information in its possession 
    indicating that listing may be appropriate, but for which additional 
    information was needed to support the preparation of a proposed rule. 
    On November 28, 1983, the Service published a Notice of Review 
    upgrading this species to category 1 status (48 FR 53649). Category 1 
    taxa were taxa for which the Service had sufficient data in its 
    possession to support preparation of listing proposals. Subsequently, 
    E. decumbens var. decumbens was reassigned category 2 candidacy by a 
    Notice of Review published on September 27, 1985 (50 FR 39527). On 
    February 21, 1990 the Service published a Notice of Review (55 FR 6202) 
    that reinstated E. decumbens var. decumbens as a category 1 candidate 
    and also designated Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii as a category 2 
    candidate (55 FR 6121). The Service published a Notice of Review on 
    February 28, 1996 (61 FR 7596), updating the candidate species list and 
    changing the policy on candidates to discontinue the use of candidate 
    categories. Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens was retained as a 
    candidate species; however, Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii and other 
    former category 2 candidates were not. The 1997 Notice of Review 
    retained Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens as a candidate species; 
    Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii was not included as a candidate. 
    Since this Notice of Review was published, the Service has reevaluated 
    the available information and determined that listing is warranted for 
    both Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens and Lupinus sulphureus ssp. 
        Fender's blue butterfly was initially assigned to category 3A taxa 
    in the Notice of Review published by the Service on January 6, 1989 (54 
    FR 572). The best available information at that time indicated that 
    this butterfly was likely extinct because the subspecies was last 
    observed in 1937. Category 3A taxa were taxa for which the Service had 
    pervasive evidence of extinction, however if rediscovered, such taxa 
    might be reconsidered for listing. The rediscovery of this butterfly in 
    May 1989 prompted the Service to change the status of the subspecies to 
    a category 2 candidate in the Notice of Review published on November 
    21, 1991 (56 FR 58830). In the Notice of Review published on February 
    28, 1996 (61 FR 7596), the Service retained Fender's blue butterfly as 
    a candidate for listing. The 1997 Notice of Review also retained 
    Fender's blue butterfly as a candidate for listing.
        The processing of this proposed listing rule conforms with the 
    Service's final listing priority guidance for fiscal year (FY) 1997 
    that was published in the Federal Register on December 5, 1996 (61 FR 
    64475-64481), and the Service's extension of the FY 1997 guidance 
    published in the Federal Register on October 23, 1997 (62 FR 55268). 
    The guidance clarifies the order in which the Service will process 
    rulemakings following two related events--(1) the lifting, on April 26, 
    1996, of the moratorium on final listings imposed on April 10, 1995 
    (Public Law 104-6), and (2) the restoration of significant funding for 
    listing through passage of the omnibus budget reconciliation law on 
    April 26, 1996, following severe funding constraints imposed by a 
    number of continuing resolutions between November 1995 and April 1996. 
    The guidance calls for giving highest priority to handling emergency 
    situations (Tier 1) and second highest priority (Tier 2) to resolving 
    the listing status of the outstanding proposed listings. Tier 3 
    includes the processing of new proposed listings for species facing 
    high magnitude threats. This proposed rule for Fender's blue butterfly 
    (Icaricia icarioides fenderi), Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii 
    (Kincaid's lupine), and Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (Willamette 
    daisy) falls under Tier 3. According to the Listing Priority Guidance, 
    the Service is operating under a more balanced listing program and may 
    process Tier 3 actions. Processing of this proposed rule is in 
    accordance with the current Listing Priority Guidance.
    Summary of Factors Affecting the Species
        Section 4 of the Endangered Species Act and regulations (50 CFR 
    Part 424) promulgated to implement the listing provisions of the Act 
    set forth the procedures for adding species to the Federal lists. A 
    species may be determined to be an endangered or threatened species due 
    to one or more of the five factors described in Section 4(a)(1). These 
    factors and their application to Fender's blue butterfly (Icaricia 
    icarioides fenderi), Lupinus sulphureus Dougl. ssp. kincaidii (Smith) 
    Phillips (Kincaid's lupine), and Erigeron decumbens Nutt. var. 
    decumbens (Willamette daisy) are as follows.
    A. The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment 
    of its Habitat or Range
        The primary loss of habitat for Fender's blue butterfly, Lupinus 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, and Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens has 
    resulted from the extensive alteration of native prairie in the 
    Willamette Valley that has occurred over the last 140 years, described 
    in the ``Background'' section above. As a result, over 99 percent of 
    the native prairie in the Willamette Valley, the only known habitat 
    area of Fender's blue butterfly, L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, and E. 
    decumbens var. decumbens, has been lost (E. Alverson, pers. comm. 
        Within the 84 remnants of native prairie occupied by these species 
    in the Willamette Valley, Fender's blue butterfly occurs at 31 sites 
    (Hammond and Wilson 1993, Schultz 1996), Lupinus sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii occurs at 51 sites (Kuykendall and Kaye 1993a), and Erigeron 
    decumbens var. decumbens occurs at 28 sites (Clark et al. 1993). In 
    this collection of sites, Fender's blue butterfly and L. sulphureus 
    ssp. kincaidii are found in close association, occurring together at a 
    total of 24 sites. Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens co-occurs with L. 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii at only one site and with Fender's blue 
    butterfly at only this same site, Baskett Butte. Typically these sites 
    are small, with extirpation likely in the near future. Activities that 
    destroy, modify or curtail the habitat of L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, 
    E. decumbens var. decumbens, and Fender's blue butterfly are discussed 
        The immediacy of the threat of habitat loss in the last remaining 
    84 remnants of native prairie occupied by these species has been well 
    documented. Habitat at 80 percent of the sites (e.g., 68 sites) is 
    rapidly disappearing due to
    [[Page 3868]]
    agriculture practices, development activities, forestry practices, 
    grazing, roadside maintenance, and commercial Christmas tree farms.
        At least eleven prairie remnants are likely to be impacted by 
    agricultural activities. Five of these are wetland prairies occupied by 
    Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens and the remaining six are upland 
    prairies occupied by Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii and Fender's 
    blue butterfly. The types of impacts include examples such as a wheat 
    field boundary adjustment near Buell in Polk County (Mill Creek-Hwy 22 
    at Buell) that is likely to lead to loss of a population of Fender's 
    blue butterfly and L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (Hammond 1994). By 
    1996, this boundary adjustment was implemented with a diminished 
    population of L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii and Fender's blue butterfly 
    still present; however, no Fender's blue butterflies were observed at 
    this site in 1997 (Hammond, pers. comm. 1997). The majority of the 
    habitat supporting populations of each of these species are habitat 
    remnants, e.g., small habitat patches remaining after other habitat 
    loss has occurred. Small habitat patches that occur along State and 
    County roadsides face greater threats from agriculture than those 
    occurring along non-roadside areas. While in past decades many roadside 
    habitats were less disturbed, today roadside stretches of habitats 
    adjoining grass seed farms are now being disked and/or sprayed with 
    herbicides to kill all roadside vegetation (A. Robinson, U.S. Fish and 
    Wildlife Service, pers. comm. 1997). Grass seed farms use herbicide 
    spraying to create bare soil as a common practice to prevent the spread 
    of weeds from roadsides into the grass seed fields. Many of these areas 
    are inhabited by populations of E. decumbens var. decumbens.
        Urban development has caused additional loss of prairie habitat 
    (Clark et al. 1993; Hammond 1992, 1994, 1996; Kuykendall and Kaye 1993; 
    Liston et al. 1994; Schultz, 1996; Sidall and Chambers 1978). 
    Destruction of upland prairie habitat occupied by Fender's blue 
    butterfly and Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii at several sites since 
    1992 has caused the butterflies at these sites to either completely die 
    out or to be reduced to low, non-viable numbers (Hammond 1994, 1996). 
    Future losses for 48 prairie remnants are projected as a result of 
    urban development. This is the largest single factor currently 
    threatening the survival of these prairie species. Nineteen of these 
    remnants are wetland prairies supporting Erigeron decumbens var. 
    decumbens and the other 29 are upland prairie remnants supporting 
    populations of Fender's blue butterfly and L. sulphureus ssp. 
        Examples of this type of threat are the Dallas-Oakdale Avenue sites 
    1 and 2 covering about 2 ha (5 ac) occupied by Fender's blue butterfly 
    and L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii near the town of Dallas in Polk County 
    that is expected to be lost due to housing development planned at that 
    site (Hammond 1996). The loss of native prairie habitat is further 
    exemplified by the destruction of a site supporting 6,000 plants in 
    Lane County, formerly the largest occurrence of E. decumbens var. 
    decumbens, plowed under in 1986 prior to the development of an 
    industrial and residential site (Kagan and Yamamoto 1987). Construction 
    of a single driveway resulted in the loss of one site occupied by 
    Fender's blue butterfly and L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii in Kings 
    Valley (Hammond 1994). Future highway construction potentially 
    threatens the Nielson Road site of L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii located 
    in a highway expansion corridor in Lane County (Oregon Natural Heritage 
    Program 1996). The population of Fender's blue butterfly and L. 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii at Wren in Benton County occurs at two sites 
    and covers about 9 ha (22 ac, however, only a portion of the population 
    (7.4 ha) occurs on land owned by The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Heavy 
    clearing and mowing activities on private lands adjacent to the TNC 
    property has caused the decline of the lupine and is reducing the 
    butterfly population at the Wren site to a non-viable state (Hammond 
    and Wilson 1993). At the Willow Creek Main site, Fender's blue 
    butterfly and L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii occur together. This site is 
    actively managed for the benefit of the species and the lands are 
    considered relatively secure from development threats. Although this 
    TNC site is considered a secure habitat area, extensive damage to 
    habitat occupied by Fender's blue butterfly and L. sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii occurred in 1996 during pipeline repair work conducted on a 
    utility corridor easement. Two other moderately sized habitat patches 
    occupied by E. decumbens var. decumbens face habitat loss from trash 
    dumping (at the Grande Ronde site) and urbanization (at the west Eugene 
    site) (Clark et al. 1993).
        Silvicultural activities for timber production have threatened 6 
    percent (5 sites) of the remaining 84 prairie occurrences. The Coburg 
    Ridge area-2 site in Lane County is the largest site occupied by 
    Fender's blue butterfly and is among the best examples of remnant 
    upland native prairie in the Willamette Valley (Hammond 1994). Native 
    species were severely damaged, however, by the application of grass-
    specific herbicide that eliminated grasses and severely damaged other 
    herbaceous species prior to tree planting activities. Approximately 1 
    ha (2.5 ac) was sprayed with herbicide. The saddle section of Coburg 
    Ridge (area-2) that received aerial application of the herbicide is 
    used by Fender's blue butterfly due to the presence of Lupinus 
    laxiflorus, an alternate host plant, but this site does not contain L. 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (Schultz 1996). Loss of such alternate host 
    plant sites further limits the habitat that is available to support 
    Fender's blue butterfly. Additional tree-planting efforts by an 
    adjacent Coburg Ridge landowner threatens to alter a different portion 
    of the grassland in area-2, which has displayed the highest levels of 
    butterfly activity in previous years (Schultz 1996). This site received 
    spot herbicide application during the planting efforts, rather than the 
    aerial broadcast method of the first case; therefore, the immediate 
    effects to the habitat were not as severe. However, tree saplings were 
    planted and as the trees grow they will eventually shade out the native 
    prairie species, resulting in the loss of butterfly habitat. Herbicide 
    spraying associated with reforestation after logging has also altered 
    habitat and caused a decline of a L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii 
    population on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) properties. The other 
    large sized occurrence of the butterfly and L. sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii is in Benton County on McDonald State Forest and adjacent 
    private lands that could be similarly affected by surrounding 
    silvicultural operations.
        Grazing is currently impacting 12 of the occupied habitat patches, 
    with five of these being wetlands occupied by Erigeron decumbens var. 
    decumbens. Most of the habitat occupied by Fender's blue butterfly and 
    Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii at the Oak Ridge south site in 
    Yamhill County has been lost due to heavy grazing (Hammond 1996). 
    Another site of L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, covering about 4.6 ha (11 
    ac) at Crabtree Hill in Lane County, is being damaged by extensive 
    livestock grazing. The Crabtree Hill population of 6,000 plants is the 
    largest known L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii population.
        The next most common threat to these species is roadside 
    maintenance activities. At least 30 sites occur along roadsides and are 
    impacted by maintenance activities. Examples
    [[Page 3869]]
    include the populations of Fender's blue butterfly and Lupinus 
    sulpheureus ssp. kincaidii at the Oak Ridge north site that were 
    recently lost due to road maintenance activities. When planned 
    developments are completed on the Oak Ridge south site, the butterfly 
    and lupine will essentially be extirpated from the Oak Ridge area 
    (Hammond 1996). Two sites on Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) 
    property and one site on land owned by the City of Corvallis receive 
    only limited protection and could potentially be impacted by future 
    development and highway maintenance activities. Publicly-owned roadside 
    sites receive varying degrees of protection on a district by district 
    basis. Although some roadside sites have been marked as no-spray zones 
    by the Native Plant Society of Oregon, this protective measure is not 
    always effective. The roadside portion of a L. sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii population in Kings Valley continues to receive herbicide 
    application during roadside weed control activities, despite efforts to 
    restrict spraying. Other roadside sites receive only sporadic 
    protection during herbicide application. Privately managed roadside 
    occurrences do not fare much better; extensive mowing at the Wren sites 
    in Benton County and Fir Butte Road roadside sites in Lane County have 
    caused declines in Fender's blue butterfly and L. sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii populations (Hammond 1994). With frequent weed control 
    efforts ongoing, as well as highway and driveway construction, small 
    roadside occurrences of Fender's blue butterfly, L. sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii, and Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens are unlikely to 
    persist. Between 1994 and 1996, Fender's blue butterfly populations 
    disappeared from (or are considered no longer viable) at least seven 
    small roadside sites (Liberty Road, Monmouth Falls City Road, Fern 
    Corner, Grant Creek, and McTimmonds Valley in Polk County, and two 
    sites at Wren) and populations at many of the remaining roadside sites 
    continue to decline.
        Between 1990 and 1992, three sites occupied by both Fender's blue 
    butterfly and Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii were lost in the 
    McTimmond's Valley to the expansion of Christmas tree farming 
    operations (Hammond 1994). Conversion of these three sites destroyed 
    approximately 3 ha (7 ac) of habitat along roadside and private land 
    that comprised the nucleus of two Fender's blue butterfly populations 
    and a substantial number of L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii plants. The 
    two roadside occurrences of the butterfly that remain nearby are no 
    longer considered viable due to the loss of the source butterfly 
    populations and considerable numbers of L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii 
    plants. Hammond (1994) stated that these two roadside occurrences are 
    not expected to persist for more than a few additional years. The 
    Service does not know if the two roadside occurrences still exist.
        In summary, habitat loss from a wide variety of causes 
    (urbanization, agriculture, silvicultural practices, and roadside 
    maintenance) is a severe problem faced by Fender's blue butterfly, 
    Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, and Erigeron decumbens var. 
    decumbens at a majority of their occurrences. Development and land 
    alteration in the Willamette Valley has been so extensive that all the 
    occurrences of the three species on the valley floor have essentially 
    been relegated to small patches of habitat, except for three hilltop 
    areas (Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge, Coburg Ridge, and 
    McDonald State Forest) that, because of their topography, have not been 
    subjected to agricultural and urban development activities occurring on 
    the valley floor. Only 16 out the 84 remnant prairie sites that are 
    occupied by one or more of these species are currently not threatened 
    with destruction of habitat. However, herbivory, exotic weed species 
    competition, and/or succession threaten all of these 16 sites (see 
    Factor E below for more information). As habitat loss continues on 
    these prairie remnants, populations of the three species in these 64 
    areas are likely to be extirpated. At least 12 of 31 sites occupied by 
    Fender's blue butterfly, 47 of 51 sites occupied by L. sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii, and 24 of 28 sites occupied by E. decumbens var. decumbens 
    occur on private lands and, without further action, are expected to be 
    lost in the near future. The threat of extinction for these species is 
    high, given the expected continuing extirpation of small populations, 
    the continued habitat loss on moderate sites and large sites, and the 
    continuing degradation of habitat, even on secure sites (see Factor E 
    below for more information about continuing degradation of habitat).
    B. Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or 
    Educational Purposes
        Rare butterflies, such as Fender's blue butterfly are highly prized 
    by insect collectors. Although there are no studies on the impact of 
    the removal of individuals from natural populations of this animal, 
    based on studies of another lycaenid butterfly (Duffey 1968), and an 
    endangered nymphalid butterfly (Gall, 1984a and 1984b), it is likely 
    that Fender's blue butterfly could be adversely affected due to its 
    isolated, possibly small populations. There is an international 
    commercial trade for butterfly species proposed for listing, as well as 
    other imperiled or rare butterflies (C.D. Nagano, J. Mendoza, and C. 
    Schroeder, USFWS, pers. obs., 1992-1997) and specimens of Fender's blue 
    butterfly are known to have recently been offered for trade (C. Nagano 
    pers. obs.). Some collectors and dealers closely monitor listing 
    activities by the Service and they are known to have stockpiled rare 
    butterflies in anticipation of their becoming designated as endangered 
    or threatened species (C.D. Nagano and J. Mendoza, pers. obs., 1992). 
    Collecting from small colonies or repeated handling and marking 
    (particularly of females and in years of low abundance) could seriously 
    damage the populations through loss of individuals and genetic 
    variability (Gall 1984b; Murphy 1988; Singer and Wedlake 1981). 
    Collection of females dispersing from a colony also can reduce the 
    probability that new colonies will be founded. Collectors pose a threat 
    because they may be unable to recognize when they are depleting 
    butterfly colonies below the thresholds of survival or recovery, 
    especially when they lack appropriate biological training or the area 
    is visited for a short period of time (Collins and Morris 1985).
        There likely is high interest by collectors in Fender's blue 
    butterfly due to its unique history of assumed extinction. The 
    rediscovery in 1989 of this animal generated a great deal of publicity 
    and interest, which in turn increases demand by collectors. Collectors 
    often highly prize rare butterflies (Morris et al. 1991) and at times 
    take all wild specimens obtainable for use in trade (U. S. Department 
    of Justice, in litt. 1993). The populations of Fender's blue butterfly 
    that remain face strong pressure from some members of the collecting 
    community. Since many of the Fender's blue butterfly populations occur 
    along public roadsides, the species is easily acquired and the 
    extremely limited numbers and distribution of many of the remaining 
    populations make this species vulnerable to collectors.
        Due to their unattractive weedy like appearance, the threat to 
    Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens and/or Lupinus sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii from collection for horticultural purposes may be less than 
    the threat from collectors faced by Fender's blue butterfly. Although 
    no current evidence exists of such horticultural collection or
    [[Page 3870]]
    other overutilization for scientific purposes for either E. decumbens 
    var. decumbens or L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, the threat posed by 
    collecting for personal herbarium specimens is significant due to their 
    rarity and the relative accessability of roadside populations.
    C. Disease or Predation
        Although most lepidopteran larvae suffer significant mortality from 
    parasitoid attack, no instances of parasitism (Hammond 1993) or disease 
    (R. H. T. Mattoni, pers. comm. to C. D. Nagano 1997) have been 
    documented for Fender's blue butterfly.
        Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii evidently hosts a number of 
    herbivore and parasite species. Gall-forming insects attack unopened 
    flowers and the bases of woody stems. Weevils lay eggs in the 
    developing floral embryos and their offspring stimulate the fruit to 
    produce callous tissue as a food source. Misdirection of the developing 
    fruit by weevil larvae effectively prevents viable seed formation in 
    the parasitized fruits (Kuykendall and Kaye 1993b). Weevil damage at 
    some sites (e.g., Willow Creek) can be high, with some plants suffering 
    90 percent loss of mature fruits (E. Alverson, pers. comm. 1994). 
    Herbivory has been documented at all three Fern Ridge Reservoir sites. 
    Loss of floral parts through herbivory can also significantly reduce 
    reproduction. Larvae of the silvery blue butterfly (Glaucopsyche 
    lygdamus) graze flowers for pollen and in doing so effectively destroy 
    them. Silvery blue larvae can reach high population densities at some 
    of the sites and may reduce the fecundity of L. sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii, but do not appear to cause the death of mature individual 
    plants (C. Schultz, pers. comm. 1994).
        Evidence of insect herbivory on Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens 
    is limited. Insect species collected on E. decumbens var. decumbens in 
    1993 included sap-sucking insects (Hemiptera), a bruchid beetle, 
    thrips, and mites (Clark et al. 1993). Other threats from herbivory 
    include consumption of E. decumbens var. decumbens by cattle; no plants 
    were found in areas currently or recently grazed during surveys 
    conducted in 1986 (Kagan and Yamamoto 1987) and only one site was 
    observed to support E. decumbens var. decumbens in the presence of 
    cattle in 1993 (Clark et al. 1993).
    D. The Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms
        In 1963, the protection of natural botanical resources by the State 
    of Oregon was initiated with the passage of the Oregon Wildflower Law 
    (ORS 564.010-564.040). This law was designed to protect specific showy 
    botanical groups including lilies, shooting stars, orchids, and 
    rhododendrons from collection and trade by horticulturists interested 
    in the cultivation of these species. It also prohibits the collection 
    of wildflowers from ``within 500 feet of the centerline of any public 
    highway'' (ORS 564.020 (2)). Although protective in spirit, the Oregon 
    Wildflower Law carries minimal penalties and is rarely enforced. As a 
    means of protecting Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii and Erigeron 
    decumbens var. decumbens populations, the effectiveness of the law is 
        In 1987, Oregon Senate Bill 533 was passed to augment the 
    legislative actions available for the protection of the State's 
    threatened and endangered species, both plant and animal. This bill, 
    known as the Oregon Endangered Species Act, mandates responsibility for 
    threatened and endangered species in Oregon to two State agencies--the 
    Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODOA) for plant species (ORS 564.105) 
    and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) for ``wildlife'' 
    species (ORS 496.172).
        As reauthorized in 1995 (HB 2120), the Oregon Endangered Species 
    Act does not include invertebrate animals in the definition of 
    ``wildlife.'' Therefore, Fender's blue butterfly receives no protection 
    under the Oregon Endangered Species Act. The Oregon Natural Heritage 
    Program is the only State agency ``which tracks locations of and works 
    to protect the rare, threatened and endangered invertebrates of 
    Oregon'' (Oregon Natural Heritage Program 1993). The Heritage program 
    has created a Sensitive Species invertebrate list, which includes 
    Fender's blue butterfly as a ``priority 1 species.'' Priority 1 species 
    are ``taxa threatened or endangered throughout range'' (Oregon Natural 
    Heritage Program 1993). The program can assist planning agencies in 
    managing lands for the benefit of rare invertebrate taxa, but it has no 
    regulatory authority over rare invertebrates (Jimmy Kagan, Oregon 
    Natural Heritage Program, pers. comm. 1997).
        For plant species, the Oregon Endangered Species Act directs the 
    ODOA to maintain a strong program to conserve and protect native plant 
    species classified by the State as threatened or endangered. Erigeron 
    decumbens var. decumbens, as a State-listed endangered species and 
    Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii as a State-listed threatened species 
    receive protection on State-managed lands under the Oregon Endangered 
    Species Act. The ODOA is able to regulate the import, export, or 
    trafficking of State-listed plant species when they are in transit 
    (under ORS 564.1200). The ODOA's ability to protect plant populations, 
    such as restricting take under the Oregon Endangered Species Act, is 
    limited to ``land owned or leased by the State, or for which the State 
    holds a recorded easement'' (ORS 564.115). ``Nothing in ORS 564.100 to 
    564.130 is intended * * * to require the owner of any commercial forest 
    land or other private land to take action to protect a threatened 
    species or endangered species'' on his lands (ORS 564.135(1)). As a 
    result, populations of L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii and E. decumbens 
    var. decumbens on private lands receive minimal protection from their 
    State status as endangered or threatened.
        ODOT owns and manages roadside habitat where Lupinus sulphureus 
    ssp. kincaidii and Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens are present. The 
    Oregon Endangered Species Act requires the protection of these State-
    listed species. ODOT has responded, in conjunction with Oregon State 
    University researchers and the Native Plant Society of Oregon, by 
    providing road crews with maps of these areas and instruction to avoid 
    herbicide use.
        Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, Erigeron decumbens var. 
    decumbens, and Fender's blue butterfly occurrences within the Service's 
    National Wildlife Refuges receive protection within the boundaries of 
    the refuge. All three species occur together only at Baskett Slough 
    National Wildlife Refuge, which actively manages habitat for the 
    benefit of the species.
        Under section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, Federal agencies are 
    required to consult with the Service if any action they regulate, fund 
    or carry out may jeopardize the continued existence of an endangered or 
    threatened species. Species that are candidates for listing receive no 
    formal regulatory protection under the Act. The BLM and the Forest 
    Service (FS) manage lands occupied by Lupinus sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii. This species on BLM properties is given some protection 
    through a general conservation agreement that applies to all Federal 
    candidate species. The population of L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii that 
    occurs in the Umpqua National Forest is not covered under any 
    conservation agreement and receives no official protection under the 
        On Corps lands, discretion for the protection and management of 
    [[Page 3871]]
     listed and Federal candidate species lies at the local level. Funds 
    may be available in some years to proactively manage these species. 
    Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens, 
    and Fender's blue butterfly have received habitat protection, as well 
    as support for research activity from the Corps through allocation of 
    personnel and supplies to these projects. This protection and 
    cooperation is voluntary for candidate species and is dependent on 
    continuation of sufficient funding.
        Populations of Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens occur in 
    seasonally flooded wet prairies with hydric soils (Clark et al. 1993). 
    Under section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the Corps regulates the 
    discharge of fill into waters of the United States, including navigable 
    waters, wetlands (e.g., wet prairies), and other waters (33 CFR parts 
    320-330). The Clean Water Act requires project proponents to obtain a 
    permit from the Corps prior to undertaking many activities (e.g., 
    grading, discharge of soil or other fill material, etc.) that would 
    result in the filling of wetlands subject to the Corps' jurisdiction. 
    The Corps promulgated nationwide permit number 26 (NWP 26) to address 
    fill of isolated or headwater wetlands. Under the 1996 reauthorized NWP 
    26 (61 FR 65873), project proposals that involve the fill of wetlands 
    less than one third of an acre are considered authorized. Fill areas 
    between 0.33 acre and 1 acre require only notification to the Corps. 
    When placement of fill would adversely modify between 1 to 3 acres of 
    wetland, the Corps circulates a predischarge notification to the 
    Service and other interested parties for comment to determine whether 
    or not an individual permit should be required for the proposed fill 
    activity and associated impacts.
        Individual Corps permits are required for discharge of material 
    that would fill or adversely modify greater than 3 acres of wetlands. 
    The review process for individual permits is more rigorous than for 
    nationwide permits. Unlike nationwide permits, an analysis of 
    cumulative wetland impacts is required for individual permit 
    applications. Resulting permits may include special conditions that 
    require potential avoidance or mitigation for environmental impacts. On 
    nationwide permits, the Corps has discretionary authority to instead 
    require an individual permit if the Corps believes that resources are 
    sufficiently important, regardless of the wetland's size. In practice, 
    however, the Corps generally does not require an individual permit when 
    a project qualifies for a nationwide permit, unless a threatened or 
    endangered species or other significant resources would be adversely 
    affected by the proposed activity. In such cases, conferencing and 
    consultation requirements of section 7 of the Act do pertain to the 
    Corps' regulatory process.
        Disking and some other farming, ranching and silviculture practices 
    can degrade or destroy wetland habitat without a permit from the Corps 
    because these activities are exempt from regulation under the Clean 
    Water Act (33 CFR 323.4 (a)). The discontinuous configuration of the 
    existing wet prairies further obscures these wetland losses. 
    Occurrences of Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, and Fender's blue 
    butterfly in upland (non-wetland) areas receive no protection under 
    section 404 of the Clean Water Act.
        The primary inadequacies in existing regulations pertain to 
    populations of Fender's blue butterfly, Lupinus sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii, and Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens that occur on private 
    lands that currently have no connection to Federal authority or 
    funding. Privately owned lands where populations of these species occur 
    constitute a significant portion of the range of these species and play 
    a substantial role in their continued existence.
    E. Other Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting its Continued Existence
        Larger sites (greater than 10 ha (25 ac)) currently support 
    relatively stable populations of Fender's blue butterflies, Lupinus 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, and Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens and 
    provide the greatest potential for long-term persistence of the species 
    if their current condition can be sustained or improved. However, few 
    of these larger sites are secure from threats due to habitat loss. The 
    only large site occupied by each of the species that is considered 
    relatively secure from habitat loss is Baskett Slough National Wildlife 
    Refuge in Polk County, although the habitat condition is declining from 
    invasion by alien plants (Hammond 1996, Hammond 1994, Hammond and 
    Wilson 1993). The two remaining large butterfly sites (Coburg Ridge 
    area--1 and 2, and McDonald State Forest 1) and the one remaining large 
    lupine site (McDonald State Forest 1) are not considered secure because 
    these sites face loss or degradation of habitat through adjacent 
    silviculture operations, ecological succession to shrub and forest, and 
    competition from alien species (Hammond 1994, Kuykendall and Kaye 
        Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens occupies three large sites. Two 
    of those sites, one occurring on Corps property and the other on land 
    owned by TNC, are being managed to benefit native prairie species and 
    are relatively secure. The third site on private land is not managed 
    for native prairie species and is not protected from habitat loss.
        The small occurrences of the three taxa in this proposed rule, 
    predominantly roadside and fence line/boundary sites, face an immediate 
    threat of destruction from a variety of activities including 
    development, agriculture, silvicultural practices, roadside 
    maintenance, and herbicide application. The degree to which habitat 
    loss threatens Fender's blue butterfly, Lupinus sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii, and Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens becomes evident when 
    the size of the populations is examined. Of the 51 sites occupied by L. 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, 40 consist of small area occurrences, less 
    than 3.4 ha (8.3 ac) in size. The Fender's blue butterfly, occupying a 
    subset of the lupine sites, shows a similar pattern with 23 of its 31 
    populations found on parcels of 3.4 ha (8.3 ac) or less. All of the 
    small site occurrences of the Fender's blue butterfly are likely to be 
    extirpated within the next five years because habitat may not be large 
    enough to support viable populations. Of the 28 sites occupied by E. 
    decumbens var. decumbens, 17 are less than 3.4 ha (8.3 ac) in size. 
    These small occurrences account for a majority of the known populations 
    for all three species.
        Given the impact of such habitat losses on these small habitat 
    patches, the extirpation of most of the small Fender's blue butterfly 
    populations is anticipated within five years. Lupinus sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii may survive for a time in these small sites; nonetheless, 
    extirpation of L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii at most, if not all, of 
    their 40 small sites is also anticipated in the future. Similarly, 
    these habitat losses are expected to also cause extirpation of the 17 
    small populations of Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens. Should these 
    smaller populations disappear, only 8 habitat areas of Fender's blue 
    butterfly (a 75 percent reduction in number of sites), 11 habitat areas 
    of L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (a 78 percent reduction in number of 
    sites), and 11 habitat areas of E. decumbens var. decumbens (a 61 
    percent reduction of sites) will remain.
        The importance of these sites, particularly for the Fender's blue 
    butterfly, lies in their potential to serve as corridors among larger, 
    neighboring populations. The loss of these sites and
    [[Page 3872]]
    the loss of accompanying potential habitat, severely compromises the 
    ability of any of the species to disperse from larger sites (Hammond 
    and Wilson 1993, Schultz 1996). Larger populations will remain 
    isolated, with no opportunities for migration and/or recolonization if 
    local conditions become unfavorable. Thus, the status of the species as 
    a whole declines.
        A less visible threat to the smaller occurrences is the decrease in 
    vigor and viability experienced by populations of few individuals. For 
    the Fender's blue butterfly, small numbers and localized populations 
    increase the risk of loss through random genetic or demographic 
    factors. (Gilpin and Soule' 1986, Kuykendall and Kaye 1993b, Lacy 
    1992). Eighteen of the 31 Fender's blue butterfly sites contain 50 or 
    fewer individuals. The threat of extinction due to naturally occurring 
    genetic or demographic events can play a significant role in the 
    instability of the species as a whole. The isolation of these small 
    populations due to habitat fragmentation precludes recolonization from 
    larger populations and could result in the permanent loss of 
    occurrences once populations fall below a critical level.
        This pattern of extinction and recolonization of connected colonies 
    of butterflies has been disrupted by the extensive fragmentation of 
    remaining habitat and the disruption of the disturbance regimes that 
    have maintained them. The remnant populations, now small in numbers, 
    are either unconnected or exchange individuals to a very limited 
    degree. With their limited dispersal abilities, low numbers and 
    dwindling habitat, a majority of the remaining populations of Fender's 
    blue butterfly likely face permanent extirpation. The small population 
    sizes at several sites pose their own threat to the survival of 
    Fender's blue butterfly as demographic and genetic problems can push a 
    population to extinction (Hammond and Wilson 1993).
        Random human and environmental events may also affect the small 
    populations of these species and cause future extirpations. The impact 
    of such events are magnified by the size of the populations. It is much 
    easier to cause the extirpation of a population occupying a small area 
    than one occupying a larger area. Due to the small area occupied by 
    many of the remaining populations, randomly occurring natural events 
    can play a role in extirpation. One small population of Erigeron 
    decumbens var. decumbens previously found on Finley National Wildlife 
    Refuge was recently lost due to erosion (Meincke 1980). A natural 
    change in a waterway course was apparently responsible. Shultz (1996) 
    stated that large fluctuations in populations evident in her 3-year 
    study from 1993 to 1995 indicate that Fender's blue butterfly 
    populations are strongly influenced by random variation in weather 
    conditions from year to year; these large fluctuations make Fender's 
    blue butterfly extremely susceptible to loss of habitat and host plants 
    due to human-caused events or invasive alien plants.
        A serious long-term threat to all Fender's blue butterfly, Lupinus 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, and Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens 
    occurrences is the change in community structure due to succession. 
    Currently, succession has been documented for 70 of the 84 relic 
    prairie sites occupied by one or more of these species proposed for 
    listing. Invasion by alien plant species has been documented at 36 of 
    these 84 prairie sites. The natural transition of grassland to forest 
    in the absence of disturbance means that prairie sites left unmanaged 
    likely will eventually be lost (Clark et al. 1993; Franklin and Dyrness 
    1973; Hammond and Wilson 1993; Johannsesen et al. 1971; Kuykendall and 
    Kaye 1993). In addition, the presence of tall, fast-growing alien 
    species speeds the conversion of open upland prairie to dense, rank 
    grasslands and shrublands. Invasive woody species of concern include 
    the alien plants Rubus discolor (Himalayan blackberry) and Cytisus 
    scoparius (Scotch broom), and the native Toxicodendron diversiloba 
    (poison oak). Non-native grass species aggressive enough to suppress L. 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii and E. decumbens var. decumbens include 
    Holcus lanatus (velvet grass), Dactylis glomerata (orchard grass), 
    Brachypodium sylvaticum (false-brome), and Arrhenatherum elatius (tall 
    oat-grass) (Hammond 1996).
        The degree of the threat of succession at roadside sites varies 
    considerably depending on the vegetation control employed by each 
    County at each site. Fender's blue butterfly populations at small 
    roadside sites are weak (low numbers) and are close to extinction 
    either through degradation of habitat from invasion of alien grasses, 
    succession by shrubs and trees, or through development activities 
    (Hammond 1996). One roadside site at Oak Ridge that was previously 
    considered stable has declined since 1992, and is being invaded by 
    large thickets of Rubus ssp. (blackberry) and Cytisus scoparius 
    (Hammond 1996).
        Non-roadside sites in general face the greatest threat from 
    succession/weed expansion and invasion due to a lack of disturbance 
    that disrupts successional progress. Otherwise secure habitat on Corps 
    lands is being heavily invaded by the alien plant Arrhenatherum 
    elatius, and the butterfly population is alarmingly small (Schultz 
    1996). Prime habitat occupied by Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens at 
    Baskett Butte is rapidly being overgrown with alien grass and trees 
    (Hammond 1996). About 25 percent of the large Coburg Ridge site 
    occupied by Fender's blue butterfly and Lupinus sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii is threatened by the profuse shrub growth of Cytisus 
    scoparius (Hammond 1996). Regardless of the size of the site, invasion 
    by non-native plants is a threat at all of the sites occupied by any of 
    the three species proposed for listing in this rule.
        The application of pesticides and biological control agents to 
    control insect pests, such as gypsy moths, is also a threat to Fender's 
    blue butterfly. Although the sensitivity of Fender's blue butterfly 
    larvae to specific insecticides is not known, the potential result from 
    use of gypsy moth control agents on habitats occupied by the Fender's 
    blue butterfly should not be dismissed (Hammond 1994). The use of 
    microbial insecticides, such as Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) has been 
    shown to have significant residual toxic impacts on native butterflies 
    under field conditions even with heavy rain and ultraviolet light 
    exposure (Schriber and Gage 1995).
        Taken together as a category, other natural and manmade factors 
    have a profound effect on the remaining populations of Fender's blue 
    butterflies, Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, and Erigeron decumbens 
    var. decumbens. Nearly all of the populations are threatened by either 
    alien species, successional transition of habitat, or demographic and 
    genetic factors as a result of small population size. Populations of 
    Fender's blue butterfly at all of the 31 sites are currently threatened 
    by one of these factors. The same holds true for all 28 sites of E. 
    decumbens var. decumbens and for all 51 sites of L. sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii. Although progressing on a slower time scale, the 
    encroachment of alien plants, the successional advance of tree and 
    shrub species and other naturally occurring random events will, if 
    unchecked, lead to reductions in population size, reductions in 
    population viability and, ultimately, the extinction of these native 
    prairie species.
        The Service has carefully assessed the best scientific and 
    commercial information available regarding the past,
    [[Page 3873]]
    present, and future threats faced by these species in determining to 
    propose this rule. Threats to Fender's blue butterfly are more imminent 
    than threats to Lupinus sulphureus kincaidii since the butterfly, with 
    its biology and shorter life span, will exhibit more rapid declines in 
    numbers and in the face of threats will be extirpated more quickly at 
    any one location. Because of its longer life span, small numbers of L. 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii plants are likely to persist longer in any 
    given habitat area than are small numbers of butterflies. Threats to 
    Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens are also more imminent than threats 
    to L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii because of the fewer populations of E. 
    decumbens var. decumbens. Secondly, many of the populations of E. 
    decumbens var. decumbens grow along roadsides adjacent to agricultural 
    activities (especially grass seed farms) where herbicide spraying to 
    create bare soil is common practice. Based on this evaluation, Fender's 
    blue butterfly and E. decumbens var. decumbens are in danger of 
    extinction throughout all or a significant portion of their respective 
    ranges, while L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii is likely to become 
    endangered within the foreseeable future. Therefore, the Service 
    proposes to list Fender's blue butterfly (Icaricia icarioides fenderi) 
    and E. decumbens var. decumbens (Willamette daisy) as endangered and to 
    list L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (Kincaid's lupine) as threatened.
    Critical Habitat
        Critical habitat is defined in section 3(5)(A) of the Act as (i) 
    the specific areas within the geographical area occupied by a species, 
    at the time it is listed in accordance with the Act, on which are found 
    those physical or biological features (i) essential to the conservation 
    of the species and (II) that may require special management 
    considerations or protection; and (ii) specific areas outside the 
    geographical area occupied by a species at the time it is listed, upon 
    a determination that such areas are essential for the conservation of 
    the species. The term ``conservation'' means the use of all methods and 
    procedures needed to bring the species to the point at which listing 
    under the Act is no longer necessary.
        Section 4(a)(3) of the Act, as amended, requires that to the 
    maximum extent prudent and determinable, the Secretary propose critical 
    habitat at the time a species is determined to be threatened or 
    endangered. The Service finds that designation of critical habitat is 
    not prudent for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens, Lupinus sulphureus 
    ssp. kincaidii, or Fender's blue butterfly at this time. Service 
    regulations (50 CFR 424.12(a)(1)) state that the designation of 
    critical habitat is not prudent when one or both of the following 
    situations exist--(1) The species is threatened by taking or other 
    human activity, and identification of critical habitat can be expected 
    to increase the degree of threat to the species or (2) such designation 
    of critical habitat would not be beneficial to the species.
        The listing of Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii and Erigeron 
    decumbens var. decumbens in and of itself contributes to a certain 
    level of risk from over-collection. This is because listing 
    acknowledges the rarity of a species, which then creates a certain 
    level of demand by collectors. Easily accessible roadside populations 
    with few individuals would be particularly susceptible to 
    indiscriminate collection by persons interested in rare plants and/or 
    butterflies if not for the fact that location information is not 
    readily available.
        Designation of critical habitat for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii, Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens, and Fender's blue 
    butterfly is not considered prudent, because the disclosure of precise 
    maps and descriptions of critical habitat in the Federal Register would 
    likely subject these populations to loss of individuals and over-
    collection, resulting in the further decline of the species. The 
    Fender's blue butterfly is also vulnerable to acts of vandalism, which 
    may damage or eliminate populations of this animal.
        In the case of Fender's blue butterfly, both criteria apply. As 
    discussed under ``Summary of Factors Affecting the Species,'' this 
    animal and its habitat are vulnerable to several activities, especially 
    the removal of specimens for scientific or personal collections. The 
    Service is concerned about the impacts of the illicit commercial trade 
    on Fender's blue butterfly. Specimens of this species are known to have 
    recently been offered for trade by a butterfly collector. Unauthorized 
    collecting is an activity that can be difficult to control because it 
    can be done in an inconspicuous and discreet manner. The international 
    trade of butterflies, including listed species, is an established 
    practice and the value of a specimen is commensurate with the quality 
    of the specimen and its rarity. High prices for prized specimens can 
    provide an incentive for illegal take and trade. Listing in itself 
    increases the publicity and interest in a species' rarity, and thus may 
    directly increase the value and demand for specimens. Trade of 
    illegally captured or held butterflies and other invertebrates has lead 
    to several arrests and convictions for violations of the Lacey Act 
    (Claiborne 1997; Hoekwater 1997; Mendoza 1995; U. S. Department of 
    Justice 1993, 1994, 1995a, 1995b; Williams 1996). However, with the 
    designation of critical habitat, precise pinpointing of localities 
    would result from publication of critical habitat descriptions and maps 
    in the Federal Register. Since the access to many sites is not actively 
    protected, managed or monitored closely enough to prevent trespass or 
    restrict access, the disclosure of critical location information on 
    rare species increases collection activities on the animal, even for 
    butterflies that have been designated as endangered or threatened 
        Since many of the extant populations of Fender's blue butterfly are 
    comprised of a small number of individuals (less than a few hundred 
    individuals, and at seven sites only five individuals), one person 
    seeking to augment a private or scientific collection could extirpate a 
    population with the removal of a few individuals. Several populations 
    are along roadsides, which make them particularly accessible. 
    Therefore, designation of critical habitat would increase the 
    vulnerability of smaller sites, thereby increasing the risk of 
    extinction at these smaller sites from collection.
        In addition to the threat of over-collection, critical habitat 
    designation may also make Fender's blue butterfly and its habitat prone 
    to visitation and impact by non-collectors curious about any of the 
    three species discussed in this proposed rule. Curiosity seekers may 
    inadvertently trample host plants and crush eggs, larvae or adult 
    butterflies. Fender's blue butterfly co-occurs with Lupinus sulphureus 
    ssp. kincaidii at 14 sites and also occurs with Erigeron decumbens var. 
    decumbens at 1 site. Publication of critical habitat descriptions and 
    maps for L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, E. decumbens var. decumbens, or 
    Fender's blue butterfly would place all three species at an increased 
    risk of harm from trampling or habitat destruction. For example, in the 
    spring of 1997, naturalists intent on observing the endangered Palos 
    Verdes blue butterfly (Glaucopsyche lygdamus palosverdesensis) trampled 
    and damaged its habitat in their quest to obtain photographs of the 
    animal (C. Nagano, pers. obs. 1997).
        Designation of critical habitat could also increase the 
    vulnerability of Fender's blue butterfly habitat to intentional 
    destruction by landowners
    [[Page 3874]]
    who do not want a protected species on their property. In the mid-
    1980's, a landowner disked the habitat of the now endangered Quino 
    checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha quino) and eliminated the 
    species from the site after being informed about its presence (C. 
    Nagano, pers. obs.).
        Furthermore, the designation of critical habitat provides limited 
    benefit in addition to the protection and awareness that these three 
    taxa will receive by virtue of their listing. Section 7(a)(2) of the 
    Act requires Federal agencies in consultation with the Service, to 
    ensure that any action authorized, funded, or carried out by such 
    agency, does not jeopardize the continued existence of a federally 
    listed species, or does not destroy or adversely modify designated 
    critical habitat. The occurrences of these three species are so closely 
    associated to their habitat year-round that any designated critical 
    habitat areas would overlap areas of species' presence and occurrence. 
    Therefore, when a species is listed, an analysis to determine jeopardy 
    under section 7(a)(2) would consider take associated with habitat 
    impacts. Such an analysis would closely parallel any analysis of 
    habitat impacts conducted to determine adverse modification of critical 
    habitat. As a result, a determination of adverse modification of 
    critical habitat for Fender's blue butterfly or Lupinus sulfureus ssp. 
    kincaidii or Erigeron decumbens ssp. decumbens is highly likely to be 
    accompanied with a determination of jeopardy. Listing of these species 
    will ensure that section 7 consultation occurs and potential impacts to 
    the species and its habitat are considered for any Federal action that 
    may affect these species. In the case of Fender's blue butterfly, the 
    listing of L. sulfureus ssp. kincaidii will also ensure that Federal 
    agencies consult even when Federal actions may affect unoccupied 
    potentially suitable habitat for the butterfly.
        It is the intent of critical habitat designation to provide 
    additional benefits to the species through increased awareness and 
    management activities. Benefits resulting from designation of critical 
    habitat are anticipated to be limited because Federal, State, and 
    conservation group land managers with moderate and larger extant 
    populations of Fender's blue butterfly and Erigeron decumbens ssp. 
    decumbens have known of the occurrence of these species and have 
    initiated management activities in several cases. The largest 
    populations of the Fender's blue butterfly occur at Baskett Slough 
    National Wildlife Refuge (1,400 individuals on 50 ha) and the second 
    largest is at Willow Creek Main managed by TNC (764 individuals on 3.8 
    ha). The largest population of Erigeron decumbens ssp. decumbens occurs 
    at Willow Creek Preserve managed by TNC (2,080 individual plants on 
    20.3 ha) and the second and third occur on Corps land (Fisher Butte has 
    1,500 plants on 20.3 ha and Fisher Butte Dike has 1,000 plants on 4.1 
    ha). All of the large populations of Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii 
    occur on private lands and designating critical habitat for L. 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii would reveal locations of the Fender's blue 
        The BLM, FS, Corps, and the Service are aware of the presence and 
    locations of the three species on their properties. The Corps and 
    Service are managing the lands that are under their jurisdiction to 
    restore habitat for the three species and are monitoring the existing 
        Extant populations of Fender's blue butterfly and Lupinus 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii occur on State lands managed by ODOT and 
    Oregon State University (OSU) College of Forestry. The ODOT is aware of 
    locations of Fender's blue butterfly, L. sulfureus ssp. kincaidii, and 
    Erigeron decumbens ssp. decumbens sites, and are currently managing 
    these sites to avoid impacts from State road maintenance activities. 
    The ODOT is a non-Federal representative of the Federal Highway 
    Administration (FHA) for the purposes of section 7 consultation. 
    Therefore, any ODOT activities funded by the FHA that may affect listed 
    species would require section 7 consultation. The OSU Department of 
    Botany and Plant Pathology has been working cooperatively with OSU 
    College of Forestry to conserve habitats at McDonald State Forest where 
    L. sulphureus ssp. kincaidii and Fender's blue butterfly occur in 
    butterfly meadows on OSU lands (Mark Wilson, pers. comm. 1997).
        Other Federal agencies will be notified with this proposed rule. 
    Therefore, agencies such as the Department of Housing and Urban 
    Development (HUD) would be subject to section 7 consultation under the 
    Act. Agencies, such as HUD, with any actions that may impact listed 
    species whether occurring on Federal, State, or private lands, would be 
    subject to section 7 consultation under the Act. Since activities on 
    Federal lands and federally funded activities would be subject to 
    section 7 consultation and recovery planning with listing, protection 
    of habitat will be addressed through the consultation and recovery 
        Aside from consideration under section 7, the Act does not provide 
    any additional protection to lands designated as critical habitat. 
    Designating critical habitat does not create a management plan for the 
    areas where the listed species occurs; does not establish numerical 
    population goals or prescribe specific management actions (inside or 
    outside of critical habitat); and does not have a direct effect on 
    areas not designated as critical habitat.
        Critical habitat designation would provide limited benefit on 
    private lands. The primary reasons are that critical habitat 
    designation provides protection only on Federal lands or on private 
    lands if there is Federal involvement through authorization or funding 
    of, or participation in, a project or activity. In other words, a 
    designation of critical habitat on private lands does not compel or 
    require private landowners to undertake recovery or active management 
    for the species. Also, Federal actions on private lands are likely to 
    be limited, but nevertheless would require section 7 consultation if 
    such actions may affect listed species. In addition, private landowners 
    with sizeable or significant populations of the Fender's blue 
    butterfly, Lupinus sulfureus ssp. kincaidii, and Erigeron decumbens 
    var. decumbens are aware of the populations of the species on their 
    lands. Landowners and managers of smaller sites will be notified with 
    publication of the proposed rule. In the case of The Nature 
    Conservancy, management and conservation activities have been 
        Smaller roadside sites may benefit from critical habitat 
    designation by increasing awareness of locations to County road 
    maintenance crews. However, the benefit of critical habitat designation 
    of these smaller sites would be small to negligible when compared to 
    the increased risks and vulnerability these smaller sites may face from 
    collection or vandalism with disclosure of their locations.
        In summary, the Service believes that any benefit potentially 
    provided by designation of critical habitat for Fender's blue 
    butterfly, Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, or Erigeron decumbens 
    var. decumbens would be outweighed by the increase in threats to the 
    species and their habitat from illegal collecting and vandalism caused 
    by such designation. Therefore, the Service has determined that 
    designation of critical habitat for Fender's blue butterfly, Lupinus 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, or Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens is not 
    prudent. Protection of Fender's blue butterfly habitat, Lupinus
    [[Page 3875]]
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, and Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens will 
    be addressed through the section 7 consultation process and through 
    recovery actions.
    Available Conservation Measures
        Conservation measures provided to species listed as endangered or 
    threatened under the Act include recognition, recovery actions, 
    requirements for Federal protection, and prohibitions against certain 
    activities. Recognition through listing encourages and results in 
    conservation actions by Federal, State, and private agencies, groups, 
    and individuals. The Act provides for possible land acquisition and 
    cooperation with the States and requires that recovery actions be 
    carried out for all listed species. The protection required of Federal 
    agencies and the prohibitions against taking and harm of animals and 
    certain activities involving listed plants are discussed, in part, 
        Section 7(a) of the Act, as amended, requires Federal agencies to 
    evaluate their actions with respect to any species that is proposed or 
    listed as endangered or threatened and with respect to its critical 
    habitat, if any is being designated. Regulations implementing this 
    interagency cooperation provision of the Act are codified at 50 CFR 
    Part 402. Section 7(a)(4) requires Federal agencies to confer 
    informally with the Service on any action that is likely to jeopardize 
    the continued existence of a proposed species or result in destruction 
    or adverse modification of proposed critical habitat. If a species is 
    listed subsequently, section 7(a)(2) requires Federal agencies to 
    ensure that activities they authorize, fund, or carry out are not 
    likely to jeopardize the continued existence of such a species or to 
    destroy or adversely modify its critical habitat. If a Federal action 
    is likely to adversely affect a listed species or its critical habitat, 
    the responsible Federal agency must enter into formal consultation with 
    the Service.
        As a result of the occupation of roadside habitat by Erigeron 
    decumbens var. decumbens, Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, and 
    Fender's blue butterfly, the FHA would become involved with these 
    species in the event of full or partial funding of state highway 
    maintenance by the Federal government. Such maintenance activities 
    would be subject to review under the Act. Additionally, sites 
    supporting occurrences of E. decumbens var. decumbens, L. sulphureus 
    ssp. kincaidii, and Fender's blue butterfly on private holdings would 
    be subject to review under section 7 of the Act if HUD is involved in 
    the issuance of housing loans. The BLM, FS, and Corps manage lands 
    known to contain extant populations of the three species in this 
    proposed rule. In all of these cases, the consultation and conservation 
    requirements placed upon Federal agencies by the Act would be 
    initiated. Furthermore, opportunities for land acquisition, 
    conservation agreements and other recovery strategies would be 
    bolstered by listing these species as endangered or threatened.
        The Act and its implementing regulations set forth a series of 
    general prohibitions and exceptions that apply to all endangered and 
    threatened plants. All prohibitions of section 9(a)(2) of the Act, 
    implemented by 50 CFR 17.61 for endangered plants and 50 CFR 17.71 for 
    threatened plants, apply. These prohibitions, in part, make it illegal 
    for any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to 
    import or export, transport in interstate or foreign commerce in the 
    course of a commercial activity, sell or offer for sale in interstate 
    or foreign commerce, or remove and reduce the species to possession 
    from areas under Federal jurisdiction. In addition, for plants listed 
    as endangered, the Act prohibits the malicious damage or destruction of 
    areas under Federal jurisdiction and the removal, cutting, digging up, 
    or damaging or destroying of such plants in knowing violation of any 
    State law or regulation, including State criminal trespass law (see 16 
    U.S.C. Sec. 1538 (a)(2)(B). Section 4(d) of the Act allows for the 
    provision of such protection to threatened species through regulation. 
    This protection may apply to Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii in the 
    future if a special regulation is promulgated after opportunity for 
    public notice and comment. Seeds from cultivated specimens of 
    threatened plants are exempt from these prohibitions provided that 
    their containers are marked ``Of Cultivated Origin.'' Certain 
    exceptions to the prohibitions apply to agents of the Service and State 
    conservation agencies.
        The Act and 50 CFR 17.62, 17.63, and 17.72 also provide for the 
    issuance of permits to carry out otherwise prohibited activities 
    involving endangered and threatened plants under certain circumstances. 
    Such permits are available for scientific purposes and to enhance the 
    propagation or survival of the species. For threatened plants, permits 
    also are available for botanical or horticultural exhibition, 
    educational purposes, or special purposes consistent with the purposes 
    of the Act. It is anticipated that few trade permits would ever be 
    sought or issued because Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii and Erigeron 
    decumbens var. decumbens are not common in cultivation or in the wild.
        The Act and implementing regulations also set forth a series of 
    general prohibitions and exceptions that apply to all endangered 
    wildlife. These prohibitions, codified at 50 CFR 17.21, in part, make 
    it illegal for any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United 
    States to take (includes harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, 
    kill, trap, capture, collect; or to attempt any of these), import or 
    export, ship in interstate commerce in the course of commercial 
    activity, or sell or offer for sale in interstate or foreign commerce 
    any listed species. It also is illegal to possess, sell, deliver, 
    carry, transport, or ship any such wildlife that has been taken 
    illegally. Certain exceptions apply to agents of the Service and State 
    conservation agencies.
        Permits may be issued to carry out otherwise prohibited activities 
    involving endangered wildlife under certain circumstances. Regulations 
    governing permits are codified at 50 CFR 17.22 and 17.23. Such permits 
    are available for scientific purposes, to enhance the propagation or 
    survival of the species, and/or for incidental take in connection with 
    otherwise lawful activities.
        It is the policy of the Service, as published in the Federal 
    Register on July 1, 1994 (59 FR 34272), to identify to the maximum 
    extent practicable at the time a species is listed, those activities 
    that would or would not constitute a violation of section 9 of the Act. 
    The intent of this policy is to increase public awareness of the effect 
    of the listing on proposed and ongoing activities within the range of a 
    species. Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens, and Lupinus sulphureus ssp. 
    kincaidii are known to occur on Federal lands under the jurisdiction of 
    the Service, Corps, BLM, or FS. In the event of listing, occurrences of 
    these species on Federal lands would be protected from collection, 
    damage or destruction under section 9 of the Act. State law provides 
    some protection to populations on State-owned lands as discussed 
    previously. In appropriate cases, collection of these species could be 
    allowed through the issuance of a Federal endangered species permit. 
    The Service is not aware of any otherwise lawful activities being 
    conducted or proposed by the public that will be affected by this 
    listing and result in a violation of Section 9.
        As a listed wildlife species, Fender's blue butterfly would receive 
    more extensive protection under the Act than described for the plant 
    species above.
    [[Page 3876]]
    Section 9 prohibits the take of any listed wildlife species by any 
    person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. The Service 
    believes that, based on the best available information, the following 
    actions would not be violations of section 9:
        (1) Possession, delivery, or movement, including interstate 
    transport and import or export from the United States, involving no 
    commercial activity, of dead specimens of Fender's blue butterfly that 
    were collected prior to the date of publication in the Federal Register 
    of a final regulation adding this taxon to the list of endangered 
        (2) Actions that may affect Fender's blue butterfly and are 
    authorized, funded, or carried out by a Federal agency when the action 
    is conducted in accordance with section 7 of the Act;
        (3) Land actions or management carried out under a habitat 
    conservation plan approved by the Service pursuant to section 
    10(a)(1)(B) of the Act, or an approved conservation agreement; and,
        (4) Scientific research carried out under a recovery permit issued 
    by the Service pursuant to section 10(a)(1)(A) of the Act.
        Potential activities involving Fender's blue butterfly that the 
    Service will likely consider a violation of section 9 include, but are 
    not limited to, the following:
        (1) Take of Fender's blue butterfly without a recovery permit 
    pursuant to section 10(a)(1)A) or an incidental take permit pursuant to 
    section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Act (this includes harassing, harming, 
    pursuing, hunting, shooting, wounding, killing, trapping, capturing, or 
    collecting, or attempting any of these actions);
        (2) Possess, sell, deliver, carry, transport, or ship illegally 
    taken specimens of Fender's blue butterfly, except for properly 
    documented antique specimens of this taxon at least 100 years old, as 
    defined by section 10(h)(1) of the Act;
        (3) The unauthorized release of biological control agents that 
    attack, damage, or kill any stage of this taxa;
        (4) The removal or destruction of the foodplants being utilized by 
    Fender's blue butterfly, defined as Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, 
    L. albicaulis, and L. laxiflorus; and,
        (5) Destruction or alteration of Fender's blue butterfly habitat by 
    grading, leveling, plowing, mowing, burning, herbicide or pesticide 
    spraying, intensively grazing, or otherwise disturbing grasslands that 
    result in the death or injury of adult butterflies and/or their larvae 
    or eggs, or that impair the species' essential breeding, foraging, or 
        Questions regarding whether specific activities will constitute a 
    violation of section 9 should be directed to the State Supervisor of 
    the Service's Oregon State Office (see ADDRESSES section). Requests for 
    copies of the regulations concerning listed plant and animal species 
    and general inquiries regarding prohibitions and permits may be 
    addressed to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Endangered Species 
    Permits, 911 N.E. 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97232-4181 (telephone 
    503-231-2063; FAX 503-231-6243).
    Public Comments Solicited
        The Service intends that any final action resulting from this 
    proposal will be as accurate and as effective as possible. Therefore, 
    comments or suggestions from the public, other concerned governmental 
    agencies, the scientific community, industry, or any other interested 
    party concerning this proposed rule are hereby solicited. Comments 
    particularly are sought concerning:
        (1) Biological, commercial trade, or other relevant data concerning 
    any threat (or lack thereof) to these species;
        (2) The location of any additional populations of these species and 
    the reasons why any habitat should or should not be determined to be 
    critical habitat pursuant to section 4 of the Act;
        (3) Additional information concerning the range, distribution, and 
    population size of these species; and
        (4) Current or planned activities in the subject area and their 
    possible impacts on Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens, Lupinus 
    sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, and Fender's blue butterfly.
        Final promulgation of the regulation on these species will take 
    into consideration the comments and any additional information received 
    by the Service. Such communications may lead to a final regulation that 
    differs from this proposal.
        The Endangered Species Act provides for one or more public hearings 
    on this proposal, if requested. Requests must be received within 45 
    days of the date of publication of the proposal in the Federal 
    Register. Such requests must be made in writing and addressed to State 
    Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Oregon State Office (see 
    ADDRESSES above).
    Required Determinations
        This rule does not contain collections of information that require 
    approval by the Office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et 
    National Environmental Policy Act
        The Fish and Wildlife Service has determined that Environmental 
    Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements, as defined under the 
    authority of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, need not be 
    prepared in connection with regulations adopted pursuant to section 
    4(a) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. A notice 
    outlining the Service's reasons for this determination was published in 
    the Federal Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).
    Required Determinations
        This rule does not contain collections of information that require 
    approval by the Office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et 
    References Cited
        A complete list of all references cited herein, as well as others, 
    is available upon request from the Oregon State Office (see ADDRESSES 
        Author. The primary author of this proposed rule is Richard 
    VanBuskirk, Fish and Wildlife Biologist (see ADDRESSEES section). 
    Assistance with the portions of this proposed rule dealing with 
    Fender's blue butterfly were completed by Chris Nagano, staff 
    entomologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Field Office, 
    2730 Loker Avenue West, Carlsbad, California 92008.
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
        Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Transportation.
    Proposed Regulation Promulgation
        Accordingly, the Service hereby proposes to amend part 17, 
    subchapter B of chapter I, title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, 
    as set forth below:
    PART 17--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 16 U.S.C. 1531-1544; 16 U.S.C. 
    4201-4245; Pub. L. 99-625, 100 Stat. 3500, unless otherwise noted.
        2. Amend section 17.11(h) by adding the following, in alphabetical 
    order, under INSECTS, to the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 17.11  Endangered and threatened wildlife.
    * * * * *
        (h) * * *
    [[Page 3877]]
                            Species                                                    Vertebrate                                                           
    --------------------------------------------------------                        population where                       When       Critical     Special  
                                                                Historic range       endangered or         Status         listed      habitat       rules   
               Common name                Scientific name                              threatened                                                           
                    *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *               
                    *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *               
    Fender's blue butterfly..........  Icaricia icarioides   U.S.A. (OR)........  NA.................  E               ...........           NA           NA
                    *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *               
        3. Amend section 17.12(h) by adding the following, in alphabetical 
    order, under FLOWERING PLANTS, to the List of Endangered and Threatened 
    Plants to read as follows:
    Sec. 17.12  Endangered and threatened plants.
    * * * * *
        (h) * * *
    --------------------------------------------------------    Historic range           Family            Status      When listed    Critical     Special  
             Scientific name                Common name                                                                               habitat       rules   
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  
             Flowering Plants                                                                                                                               
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  
    Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens  Willamette daisy....  U.S.A. (OR)........  Asteraceae.........  E               ...........           NA           NA
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  
    Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii  Kincaid's lupine....  U.S.A. (OR, WA)....  Fabaceae...........  T               ...........           NA           NA
                       *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  *                  
        Dated: December 30, 1997.
    Jamie Rappaport Clark,
    Director, Fish and Wildlife Service.
    [FR Doc. 98-1851 Filed 1-26-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P

Document Information

Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments from all interested parties must be received by March 30, 1998. Public hearing requests must be received by March 13, 1998.
3863-3877 (15 pages)
1018-AE53: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Endangered Status for Willamette Daisy, Fender's Blue Butterfly and Threatened Status for Kincaid's Lupine
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
50 CFR 17.11
50 CFR 17.12