93-31968. Agency Information Collection Under OMB Review; Office of Child Support and Enforcement  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 1 (Monday, January 3, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 93-31968]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: January 3, 1994]
    Administration for Children and Families
    Agency Information Collection Under OMB Review; Office of Child 
    Support and Enforcement
        Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 
    Chapter 35), we have submitted to the Office of Management and Budget 
    (OMB) a request to approve a revised questionnaire for the April 1994 
    Current Population Survey Supplement on Child Support. This inquiry, to 
    be conducted by the Census Bureau, is sponsored by the Office of Child 
    Support Enforcement (OCSE) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human 
        The Administration for Children and Families is requesting an 
    expedited review by the Office of Management and Budget in order to 
    have the questionnaire available in time for the April 1994 survey. 
    Therefore, as prescribed by the Federal Paperwork Reduction Act of 
    1980, Office on Management and Budget's Regulations and the Department 
    of Health and Human Services IRM Circular #15 issued on September 14, 
    1992 for expedited review of information collections activities, we are 
    including in this notice the entire information collection materials 
    for review by the general public.
        The following is a copy of the package in its entirety. Written 
    comments and questions regarding the requested approval for information 
    collection should be sent by January 31, 1994, directly to: Laura 
    Oliven, OMB Desk Officer for ACF, OMB Reports Management Branch, New 
    Executive Office Building, room 3002, 725 17th Street, NW., Washington, 
    DC 20503, (202) 395-7316.
    Information on Document
        Title: April 1994 Current Population Survey Supplement on Child 
        OMB No.: 0992-0272.
        Description: This collection of information is authorized by Title 
    IV-D of the Social Security Act. An Office of Management and Budget 
    letter dated July 1, 1983, also directs the Office of Child Support 
    Enforcement to collect this information. OMB previously approved this 
    data collection under OMB approval number 0992-0272.
        The Survey of Child Support is designated to obtain information on 
    the characteristics of individuals eligible to receive child support 
    and the types of financial arrangements made to assist in the support 
    of such individuals and any children for whom they retain custody. 
    These data will assist legislators and policymakers in determining how 
    effective their policy making efforts have been over time in applying 
    the various child support legislation to the overall child support 
    enforcement picture.
    Survey Instrument: 1994 CHILD SUPPORT SUPPLEMENT, OMB No. 0992-0272, 
        All items in the instrument have a blind Don't Know and Refusal 
    (102 is asked of Married respondents)
        102. This month we are also asking questions about children who do 
    not live with both of their parents. I have listed that (NAMES OF 
    CHILDREN) are all under the age of 21. Which of these children, IF ANY 
    have a (father/mother/father or mother) who lives outside of this 
         for None, No More, Parent temporarily absent  GO TO 104
    (103a is asked of Never Married, Divorced, Widowed, and Separated 
        103a. Does (Child) have a (father/mother) who lives outside this 
        Yes  GO TO 104
        103b. There are many reasons why children may not live with both of 
    their biological or adoptive parents. Why doesn't (CHILD) have a 
    biological or adoptive (mother/father) living outside the household?
      Other parent has died.....................................  1 END     
      Child was adopted by a single parent......................  2 END     
      Other parent terminated their parental rights.............  3 END     
      Other parent is living in the household...................  4 END     
      Other parent is no longer recognized as a parent by this    5         
      Other (Specify)________...................................  6         
        103c. Did (Child's) (mother/father) ever have any type of child 
    support agreement or ever attempt to have any type of child support 
    agreement with (Child's) (mother/father)?
        No  END
        104. (Are you/Which of the adults in this household is) LEGALLY 
    responsible for CHILD?
        Enter Liner Number________
        or  for None ____ GO TO 104b
        104a. What is (Name for adult from Q104)'s relationship to (CHILD)?
      Grandparent                        1 END INTERVIEW                    
      Aunt or Uncle                      2 END INTERVIEW                    
      Sister or Brother                  3 END INTERVIEW                    
      Foster Parent                      4 END INTERVIEW                    
      Parent                             5                                  
      Other (Specify) ________           6 END INTERVIEW                    
        104b. What is (REFERENCE PERSON's) relationship to (CHILD)?
      Grandparent                        1 END INTERVIEW                    
      Aunt or Uncle                      2 END INTERVIEW                    
      Sister or Brother                  3 END INTERVIEW                    
      Foster Parent                      4 END INTERVIEW                    
      Parent                             5                                  
      Other (Specify) ________           6 END INTERVIEW                    
    (105-108 are asked or married respondents)
        105. Are you CHILD's natural biological (mother/father)?
        Yes  GO TO 107
        No   GO TO 105
        106. Did you ever legally adopt CHILD?
        107. Is (NAME OF MOTHER/FATHER) CHILD's natural biological (mother/
        Yes  GO TO 150
        No   GO TO 108
        108. Did (NAME OF MOTHER/FATHER) ever legally adopt (CHILD)?
    Lead-in. A legal arrangement about financial support for a child could 
    be called many things, for example, a court order, a court award, a 
    divorce or separation agreement, or a legal agreement.
        150. Has there ever been any kind of legal arrangement that says 
    that (CHILD)'s (father/mother) should provide any kind of financial 
    support for (him/her)?
      Yes                                GO TO 151                          
      No                                 GO TO 152                          
      Legal arrangement pending          GO TO 154                          
      There is an arrangement, but R     GO TO 153                          
       does not know if it is legal                                         
        151. Would you call it a court order, a court award, or a legal 
      Court order                        GO TO 154                          
      Court award                        GO TO 154                          
      Legal agreement                    GO TO 154                          
        152. Has there ever been any other kind of agreement or 
    understanding that says that (CHILD)'s (father/mother) should help 
    support (him/her)?
        153. Would you call it an agreement or an understanding?
        154. Payments that are made for the support of a child are called 
    child support, even if there is no legal agreement.
        Did this agreement ever say that (CHILD)'s (father/mother) should 
    make child support payments?
        156. Which of your other children were ever covered by the same 
         for None, No More, Parent temporarily absent
        249. I am going to ask you questions about (NAME ALL COVER 
        251. An agreement about child support can be made legal by going 
    through a court, before a judge, or through an official legal process.
        Was this agreement about child support payments for (NAME ALL 
    COVERED CHILDREN) ever made legal?
        Yes    GO TO 258
        253. In what year did you first (have this agreement/have this 
        19 ________
        255. And in what year was (the children's) (father/mother) supposed 
    to begin making child support payments?
        19 ________
        257. What month was that? ________
        258. Some parents agree to the amount of child support before 
    making the agreement legal.
        Did you and the (children's) (father/mother) do this?
        259. In what year was the (agreement) first made legal?
        19 ________
        261. And in what year was the children's (father/mother) supposed 
    to begin making child support payments?
        19 ________
        263. What month was that? ________
        266. Since the (agreement) was first made legal, has there been a 
    change in the amount of child support that (the children's) (father/
    mother) is legally required to pay?
      Yes..............................  1                                  
      No...............................  2 GO TO 271                        
      Yes, but don't know if it is       3                                  
        267. Did the amount change because a child was too old to receive 
        268. In what year was (the children's) (father/mother) supposed to 
    begin paying the new amount?
        PROBE IF NEEDED: For the most recent legal change.
        19 ________
        270. What month was that? ________
        271. Have you and (the children's) (father/mother) ever agreed to 
    change the amount of child support that (he/she) is supposed to pay 
    (without going through a judge or legal process)?
        No    GO TO 300
        273. In what year was (the children's) (father/mother) supposed to 
    begin paying the new amount?
        PROBE IF NEEDED: The last time this happened.
        19 ________
        275. What month was that? ________
        300. The next questions ask about the (agreement about) child 
    support for (NAME ALL COVERED CHILDREN). The questions ask about what 
    was supposed to happen, even if the (agreement) was not followed 
        Between January 1 and December 31, 1992, was (the children's) 
    (father/mother) supposed to  make any child support payments for (any 
    of them)? 
      Yes..............................  1 GO TO 302                        
      No...............................  2                                  
      Yes, if he has a job.............  3 GO TO 302                        
      DK because Child Support                                              
       Enforcement Office filed the                                         
       paper work......................  4                                  
        301. Why was that?
      Child(ren) too old in 1992.......  1 GO TO 340                        
      Other parent died before 1992....  2 END INTERVIEW                    
      Family lived together in all or    3 GO TO 375                        
       part of 1992.                                                        
      Child(ren) lived with other        4 GO TO 375                        
       parent in all or part of 1992.                                       
      Other (Specify) ________.........  5 GO TO 375                        
        302. During 1992, were any of the child support payments supposed 
    to be deducted from (his/her) paycheck?
        303. And during 1992, were any of these payments supposed to be 
    sent to you (READ ALL CATEGORIES):
        PROBE IF NEEDED: For most of 1992.
      By a child support, welfare or other public agency.............      1
      By a court.....................................................      2
      or did the payments come directly from (him/her) (or (his/her)        
       place of employment)?.........................................      3
      Other (Specify) ________.......................................      4
        306. The following questions ask about the child support (the 
    children's) (father/mother) was supposed to pay, whether or not you 
    received it. During 1992, how often was (he/she) supposed to make these 
        PROBE IF NEEDED: Would that be every week, every month, or some 
    other way?
      Every week                         1GO TO 312                         
      Every other week                   2GO TO 312                         
      Twice a month                      3GO TO 312                         
      Every month or Monthly             4GO TO 312                         
      Every quarter                      5GO TO 312                         
      For the year                       6GO TO 312                         
      Other (Specify) ________           7GO TO 314                         
        312. Sometimes child support that was not paid in previous years is 
    added to the amount of support owed today. This is called back support. 
    Did the amount that (the children's) (father/mother) was supposed to 
    pay in 1992 include back support?
        313. (How) much was (the weekly) payment for (NAME ALL COVERED 
    CHILDREN) supposed to be, during 1992?
        ENTER AMOUNT $________.00
        OTHER (Specify) ________
        314. Sometimes child support that was not paid in previous years is 
    added to the amount of support owed today. This is called back support. 
    Did the amount that (the children's) (father/mother) was supposed to 
    pay in 1992 include back support?
        315. About how much altogether was (he/she) supposed to pay for 
    (NAME ALL COVERED CHILDREN) during 1992?
        ENTER AMOUNT $________ .00
        OTHER (Specify) ________ GO TO 326
        316. The following questions ask about the child support (CHILD/the 
    children's) (father/mother) was supposed to pay, whether or not you 
    received it. (Before the change was made in 1992, how often was (he/
    she) supposed to make these payments?
        PROBE IF NEEDED: Would that be every week, every month, or some 
    other way? 
      Every week                         1                                  
      Every other week                   2                                  
      Twice a month                      3                                  
      Every month or monthly             4                                  
      Every quarter                      5                                  
      For the year                       6                                  
      None                               7                                  
      Other (Specify) ________           8GO TO 319                         
        317. Sometimes child support that was not paid in previous years is 
    added to the amount of support owed today. This is called back support. 
    Did the amount that (the children's) (father/mother) was supposed to 
    pay (before the change was made in 1992 include back support?
        318. (Before was made, how much was (the weekly) payment for (NAME 
    ALL COVERED CHILDREN) supposed to be?
      ENTER AMOUNT $________.00          GO TO 321 or 325b                  
      AMOUNT VARIED                      GO TO 320                          
      OTHER (Specify) ________           GO TO 320                          
        319. Sometimes child support that was not paid in previous years is 
    added to the amount of support owed today. This is called back support. 
    Did the amount that (the childrens's) (father/mother) was supposed to 
    pay (before the change from in 1992 include back support?
        320. About how much altogether was (he/she) supposed to pay for 
    (NAME ALL COVERED CHILDREN) before the change was made in 1992?
        ENTER AMOUNT $________.00
        OTHER (Specify) ________
        321. Next, (after the change was made in through December) 1992, 
    how often was (the children's) (father/mother) supposed to make these 
        PROBE IF NEEDED: Would that be every week, every month, or some 
    other way?
      Every week                         1                                  
      Every other week                   2                                  
      Twice a month                      3                                  
      Every month or monthly             4                                  
      Every quarter                      5                                  
      For the year                       6                                  
      None                               7GO TO 326                         
      Other (Specify) ________           8GO TO 324                         
        322. Did the amount that (he/she) was supposed to pay (after the 
    change was made in 1992 include back support?
        323. (After the change was made), how much was (the weekly) payment 
    for (NAME ALL COVERED CHILDREN) supposed to be)?
        ENTER AMOUNT $________.00
        OTHER (Specify) ________ GO TO 326
        324. Did the amount that (the children's) (father/mother) was 
    supposed to pay (after the change was made in 1992 include back 
        325. About how much altogether was (he/she) supposed to pay for 
    (NAME ALL COVERED CHILDREN) (after the change was made in) 1992?
        ENTER AMOUNT $________.00
        OTHER (Specify) ________
        325b. Altogether, you were supposed to receive (X$ from output 
    variable) during 1992. Is that correct?
        325c. (About) how much altogether was (he/she) supposed to pay for 
    (NAME ALL COVERED CHILDREN) during 1992?
        ENTER AMOUNT $________.00
        OTHER (Specify) ________
        326. Someone receiving A.F.D.C. may get up to $50 of child support 
    each month in addition to A.F.D.C.. This money is sometimes called a 
    bonus or a pass through. This child support bonus may come with an 
    A.F.D.C. check or in a separate check.
        Between January 1 and December 31, 1992, was any child support 
    passed on to you by A.F.D.C. for (NAME ALL COVERED CHILDREN)?
      Yes                                                                  1
      No                                                                   2
      No, I was not on A.F.D.C. in 1992                                    3
      Other (Specify) ________                                             4
        327. (The next questions ask about the amount of child support you 
    received during 1992. Please include any child support forwarded to you 
    by a court, or a child support enforcement agency, and any payments 
    made directly to you. Between) January 1 and December 31, 1992, did you 
    actually receive any child support payments--even one--for (NAME ALL 
      Yes..............................  1 IF 326=1, GO TO 333, ELSE GO TO  
      No...............................  2 IF 326=1, GO TO 333, ELSE GO TO  
      Other (Specify) ________.........  3 IF 326=1, GO TO 333, ELSE GO TO  
        328. In 1992, did you receive every single one of the child support 
    payments you were supposed to receive for (the children)?
        329. Of the child support payments you received in 1992, how many 
    of them were received on time. Would you say all of them were on time, 
    most of them, some of them or none of them?
      All..............................  1                                  
      Most.............................  2                                  
      Some.............................  3                                  
      None.............................  4                                  
        330. And of the child support payments you received, how many of 
    them were for the full amount you were supposed to receive? Would you 
    say all of them, most of them, some of them, or none of them?
      All..............................  1                                  
      Most.............................  2                                  
      Some.............................  3                                  
      None.............................  4                                  
        331. So you received ($ from 313) (every week) for (NAME ALL 
    COVERED CHILDREN) in 1992. Is this correct?
        Yes  GO TO 340
        332. How much child support did you actually receive altogether in 
    1992 for (the children)?
        ENTER AMOUNT $________ ALL  SKIP TO 340
        333. The next questions ask about the amount of child support you 
    received between January 1 and December 31, 1993. (Please include any 
    back support and any child support passed through the welfare agency in 
    addition to you regular A.F.D.C. payment.)
        How much child support did you actually receive altogether in 1992 
        ENTER AMOUNT $________
        334. So you received (Total amount from 333) dollars altogether in 
    1992. Is this correct?
        Yes  SKIP TO 340
        335. What is the correct amount of child support you actually 
    received in 1992?
        ENTER AMOUNT $________
        340. The next questions are about health insurance.
        Does the child support (agreement) say who is supposed to provide 
    health insurance for (NAME ALL COVERED CHILDREN)?
        No  SKIP TO 342
        341. According to the (agreement), who was supposed to provide 
    health insurance for (NAME ALL COVERED CHILDREN)?
      Respondent for all children....................................      1
      Other parent for all children..................................      2
      Both parents for all children..................................      3
      Parents each cover different children..........................      4
      Not specified in the award.....................................      5
      DK--because the Child Support Enforcement Office filed the            
       paper work....................................................      6
    Other ________
        342. During 1992, did (the children's) father/mother) actually have 
    health insurance that covered (the children)--through an HMO, a regular 
    insurance policy, or some other plan?
        PROBE: FOR MOST OF 1992
        Yes  GO TO 400
        No    GO TO 400
        343. Someone receiving A.F.D.C. may get up to $50 for child support 
    each month in addition to A.F.D.C.. This money is sometimes called a 
    bonus or a pass through. This child support bonus may come with an 
    A.F.D.C. check or in a separate check.
        Between January 1 and December 31, 1992, was any child support 
    passed on to you by A.F.D.C. for (CHILD)?
      Yes............................................................      1
      No.............................................................      2
      No, Not on A.F.D.C.............................................      3
      Other (Specify) ________.......................................      4
        344. (The next questions ask about the amount of child support you 
    received during 1992. Please include any child support forwarded to you 
    by a court, or a child support enforcement agency, and any payments 
    made directly to you. Between) January 1 and December 31, 1992, did you 
    actually receive any child support payments--even one--for (CHILD)?
      Yes..............................  1                                  
      No...............................  2 IF 341=1 GO TO 345, ELSE GO TO   
      Other (Specify) ________.........  3 GO TO 355                        
        345. How much child support did you actually receive altogether in 
    1992 for (CHILD)?
        ENTER AMOUNT $________
        346. So you received ($ from 345) dollars altogether in 1992. Is 
    this correct?
        Yes  1 SKIP TO 355
        No   2
        347. What is the correct amount of child support you actually 
    received in 1992?
        ENTER AMOUNT $________
        348. The next question is about health insurance.
        During 1992, did (CHILD)'s (father/mother) actually have health 
    insurance that covered (CHILD)--through an HMO, a regular insurance 
    policy, or some other plan?
        PROBE: FOR MOST OF 1992?
        Yes  GO TO 376
        No   GO TO 376
        Is there a legal agreement about child support for (CHILD) pending 
      Yes                                1GO TO 400                         
      No                                 2                                  
      DK Because Child Enforcement                                          
       Office or A.F.D.C. Office may                                        
       have filed papers                 3                                  
        377. Here are some reasons a parent might not have a legal 
    arrangement about child support. Please tell me which of these reasons 
    describe why you do not have a legal arrangement about child support 
    for (CHILD).
            PROBE: Was that a reason you did not have a legal arrangement 
    about child support? 
                                                   YES    NO     DK     REF 
    A. Did you not have a child support order     1      2      3      4    
     because (IF AGE CHILD > 17) (CHILD) was too                            
     old for child support.                                                 
    B. Did you not have a child support order     1      2      3      4    
     because (CHILD) stays with (his/her)                                   
     (father/mother) part of the time.                                      
    C. Did you not have a child support order     1      2      3      4    
     because (CHILD)'S (father/mother) provides                             
     what (he/she) can.                                                     
    D. Did you not have a child support order     1      2      3      4    
     because you did not feel the need to get                               
     legal, that is go to court.                                            
    E. Did you not have a child support order     1      2      3      4    
     because you did not want (CHILD) or                                    
     yourself to have contact with (CHILD)'s                                
    F. Did you not have a child support order                               
     because you did not want (Child)'s (father/                            
     mother) to pay child support.                                          
    G. Did you not have a child support order     1      2      3      4    
     because (CHILD)'s (father/mother) could not                            
     afford to pay child support.                                           
    H. Did you not have a child support order     1      2      3      4    
     because (IF R=FEMALE) you did not have a                               
     legal ruling about who the father was, that                            
     is you did not legally establish paternity.                            
    I. Did you not have a child support order     1      2      3      4    
     because you could not locate (CHILD)'s                                 
        378. Why did you not have a legal agreement about child support for 
      Other parent in jail/prison        1GO TO 400                         
      Other parent died before 1992      2END INTERVIEW                     
      Other parent lives in another      3GO TO 400                         
      Split custody                      4GO TO 400                         
      Respondent able to support the     5GO TO 400                         
      Recently separated                 6GO TO 400                         
      Other (Specify)________            7GO TO 400                         
        379. Other than the reasons you have already told me about, was 
    there any other reason you did not have a legal agreement or court 
    order about child support for (CHILD)?
        No    GO TO 400
        380. What was that?
      Other parent in jail/prison        1GO TO 400                         
      Other parent died before 1992      2END INTERVIEW                     
      Other parent lives in another      3GO TO 400                         
      Split custody                      4GO TO 400                         
      Respondent able to support the     5GO TO 400                         
      Recently separated                 6GO TO 400                         
      Other (Specify)________            7GO TO 400                         
        400. Have you ever contacted a child support enforcement or 4D 
    office, a department of social services, a welfare office, or any state 
    or local government agency about anything to do with child support?
        Yes  GO TO 402
        401. Have you ever been contacted by one of these agencies about 
    anything to do with child support?
        No  IF 400-1 GO TO 402, ELSE GO TO 406
        402. Which of the following things did you have contact about: 
                                                   YES    NO     DK     REF 
    A. Were you in contact about finding the      1      2      3      4    
     other parent.                                                          
    B. Were you in contact about (IF R=FEMALE)    1      2      3      4    
     getting a legal ruling about who the father                            
     is, that is establishing paternity.                                    
    C. Were you in contact about getting a legal  1      2      3      4    
     agreement or court award for the other                                 
     parent to pay child support.                                           
    D. Were you in contact about collecting       1      2      3      4    
     child support that the other parent owed.                              
    E. Were you in contact about changing the     1      2      3      4    
     amount of child support the other parent                               
     was legally required to pay.                                           
    F. Were you in contact about getting an       1      2      3      4    
     agreement for the other parent to provide                              
     health insurance.                                                      
    G. Were you in contact about getting          1      2      3      4    
     A.F.D.C. or Medicaid.                                                  
        405. In what year did you last have contact with one of these 
    agencies? 19________
        406. Next, thinking about the government programs that help 
    families with children, between January 1 and December 31, 1992: 
                                                   YES    NO     DK     REF 
    A. Did you have Medicaid or any other state   1      2      3      4    
     provided health insurance coverage at any                              
    B. Did you receive any food stamps?.........  1      2      3      4    
    C. Did you receive any A.F.D.C. or A.D.C.     1      2      3      4    
        501. The next questions are about the relationship between (CHILD) 
    and (his/her) (father/mother).
        Does (CHILD)'s (father/mother) have visitation privileges?
        No  GO TO 503
        502. Did you ever go to court, before a judge, or through a legal 
    process to make the visitation privileges legal?
        503. Sometimes children live with each parent for part of the time. 
    This is called joint physical custody.
        Did a court or judge ever give you and (CHILD)'s (father/mother) 
    joint physical custody?
        504. Joint legal custody of a child means that both parents have 
    the right to help make decisions about the child
        Did a court or judge ever give you and (CHILD)'s (father/mother) 
    joint legal custody?
        601. Did you and (CHILD)'s (father/mother) live in the same state 
    during 1992?
        PROBE IF NEEDED: As far as you know, did you live in the same state 
    during most of 1992?
        Yes  GO TO 603
        602. In what state did (CHILD)'s (father/mother) live during 1992?
        PROBE IF NEEDED: Where did (he/she) live during most of 1992?
        ENTER NAME OF STATE ______
        Outside of the United States
        603. Did either you or (CHILD) have any kind of contact at all with 
    (CHILD)'s (father/mother) during 1992?
        No  GO TO 700
        604. Did (CHILD) spend time with (his/her) (father/mother) on at 
    least one day in 1992?
        No  SKIP TO 611
        605. Including birthdays, holidays and vacation days, between 
    January 1, 1992 and December 31, 1992, on how many days altogether did 
    (CHILD) spend time with (his/her) (father/mother)?
        611. (Other than the child support you told me about, between) 
    January 1 and December 31, 1992 did (the children's) (father/mother) do 
    any of the following for (NAME ALL COVERED CHILDREN):
                                                   YES     NO     DK    REF 
    A. Give any birthday, holiday or other gifts  1      2      3      4    
     to (CHILD/the children.                                                
    B. Provide clothes (IF REFERENCE CHILD OR     1      2      3      4    
     ANY CHILD W/ AGREE = 1 has AGE <4, diapers,)="" or="" shoes="" for="" (name="" all="" covered="" children).="" c.="" provide="" food="" or="" groceries="" reference="" child="" 1="" 2="" 3="" 4="" or="" any="" child="" w/="" agree="1" has="" age="">< 2="" or="" formula)="" for="" (name="" all="" covered="" children.="" d.="" pay="" for="" child="" care="" or="" summer="" camp........="" 1="" 2="" 3="" 4="" e.="" pay="" for="" medical="" expenses,="" such="" as="" 1="" 2="" 3="" 4="" medicine="" or="" visits="" to="" the="" doctor="" or="" dentist,="" other="" than="" health="" insurance.="" section="" 7--background="" questions="" 700.="" check="" item:="" current="" martial="" status?="" never="" married....................="" 1="" end="" interview="" currently="" married................="" 2="" go="" to="" 701="" divorced.........................="" 3="" go="" to="" 702="" separated........................="" 4="" go="" to="" 703="" widowed..........................="" 5="" go="" to="" 704="" 701.="" last,="" i="" have="" a="" couple="" of="" background="" questions.="" have="" you="" been="" married="" before="" or="" is="" your="" current="" marriage="" your="" first="" marriage?="" married="" before...................="" 1="" go="" to="" 705="" first="" marriage...................="" 2="" go="" to="" 720="" other="" ______.....................="" 3="" end="" interview="" 702.="" last,="" i="" have="" a="" couple="" of="" background="" questions.="" have="" you="" been="" married="" more="" than="" once?="" yes="" go="" to="" 705="" no="" go="" to="" 705="" 703.="" last,="" i="" have="" a="" couple="" background="" questions.="" in="" what="" year="" did="" your="" separation="" take="" place?="" 19="" ______="" go="" to="" 706="" 704.="" last,="" i="" have="" a="" couple="" of="" background="" questions.="" have="" you="" ever="" been="" divorced?="" yes,="" divorced....................="" 1go="" to="" 705="" no...............................="" 3end="" interview="" 705.="" in="" what="" year="" did="" your="" (most="" recent)="" (divorce)="" take="" place?="" 19______="" 706.="" what="" was="" the="" year="" of="" that="" marriage="" 19______="" 707.="" at="" the="" time="" you="" separated,="" were="" you="" working?="" yes="" go="" to="" 708="" no="" go="" to="" 709="" 708.="" were="" you="" working="" 35="" hours="" or="" more="" per="" week="" or="" less="" than="" 35="" hours="" per="" week?="" 35="" hours="" or="" more.................="" 1="" go="" to="" 710="" less="" than="" 35="" hours...............="" 2="" go="" to="" 710="" 709.="" did="" you="" work="" at="" any="" time="" during="" the="" five="" years="" before="" your="" last="" separation?="" yes="" go="" to="" 710="" no="" go="" to="" 701="" 710.="" check="" item:="" total="" number="" of="" kids="" in="" household:="" one..............................="" 1="" go="" to="" 711="" other............................="" 2="" go="" to="" 710="" 711.="" is="" (child)="" from="" (the="" marriage="" before="" this="" one)?="" yes..............................="" 1="" end="" interview="" no...............................="" 2="" end="" interview="" 712.="" which="" of="" your="" children="" living="" here="" are="" from="" (the="" marriage="" before="" this="" one)?="" none="" end="" interview="" all="" end="" interview="" annual="" number="" of="" respondents:="" 56,000.="" annual="" frequency:="" 1.="" average="" burden="" hours="" per="" response:="" .0241.="" burden="" hours:="" 1,350.="" dated:="" december="" 22,="" 1993.="" larry="" guerrero,="" deputy="" director,="" office="" of="" information="" systems="" management.="" [fr="" doc.="" 93-31968="" filed="" 12-30-93;="" 8:45="" am]="" billing="" code="" 4184-01-m="">

Document Information

Children and Families Administration
Entry Type:
Document Number:
90-95 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: January 3, 1994