[Federal Register Volume 59, Number 1 (Monday, January 3, 1994)]
[Unknown Section]
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From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: X94-10103]
[[Page Unknown]]
[Federal Register: January 3, 1994]
Part IV
Reader Aids
Cumulative List of Public Laws
103d Congress, First Session
This is the cumulative list of public laws for the 103d Congress.
The List of Public Laws will resume when bills are enacted into public
law during the second session of the 103d Congress, which convenes on
January 25, 1994. Any comments may be addressed to the Director, Office
of the Federal Register, Washington, DC 20408.
Public Law Title Approved 107 Stat.
103-1...... To authorize the United States Secret Service to continue to Jan. 15, 1993........ 3
furnish protection to the former Vice President or his spouse.
103-2...... To ensure that the compensation and other emoluments attached to Jan. 19, 1993........ 4
the office of Secretary of the Treasury are those which were in
effect on January 1, 1989.
103-3...... Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993............................ Feb. 5, 1993......... 6
103-4...... To designate the Federal Judiciary Building in Washington, D.C., Feb. 8, 1993......... 30
as the ``Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building''.
103-5...... To designate February 21 through February 27, 1993, as Feb. 25, 1993........ 31
``National FFA Organization Awareness Week''.
103-6...... Emergency Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1993.......... Mar. 4, 1993......... 33
103-7...... Aircraft Equipment Settlement Leases Act of 1993................ Mar. 17, 1993........ 36
103-8...... Designating March 25, 1993, as ``Greek Independence Day: A Mar. 20, 1993........ 37
National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy''.
103-9...... To proclaim March 20, 1993, as ``National Agriculture Day''..... Mar. 20, 1993........ 38
103-10..... To extend the Export Administration Act of 1979 and to authorize Mar. 27, 1993........ 40
appropriations under that Act for fiscal years 1993 and 1994.
103-11..... To extend the suspended implementation of certain requirements Apr. 1, 1993......... 41
of the food stamp program on Indian reservations, and for other
103-12..... To provide for a temporary increase in the public debt limit.... Apr. 6, 1993......... 42
103-13..... To amend the Airport and Airway Safety, Capacity, Noise Apr. 7, 1993......... 43
Improvement, and Intermodal Transportation Act of 1992 with
respect to the establishment of the National Commission to
Ensure a Strong Competitive Airline Industry.
103-14..... Designating April 2, 1993, as ``Education and Sharing Day, Apr. 12, 1993........ 45
103-15..... Concerning the dedication of the United States Holocaust Apr. 12, 1993........ 47
Memorial Museum.
103-16..... To authorize the adjustment of the boundaries of the South Apr. 12, 1993........ 49
Dakota portion of the Sioux Ranger District of Custer National
Forest, and for other purposes.
103-17..... Idaho Land Exchange Act of 1993................................. Apr. 12, 1993........ 50
103-18..... To amend title 38, United States Code, and title XIX of the Apr. 12, 1993........ 53
Social Security Act to make technical corrections relating to
the Veterans Health Care Act of 1992.
103-19..... Providing for the appointment of Hanna Holborn Gray as a citizen Apr. 12, 1993........ 55
regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution.
103-20..... Providing for the appointment of Barber B. Conable, Jr., as a Apr. 12, 1993........ 56
citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian
103-21..... Providing for the appointment of Wesley S. Williams, Jr. as a Apr. 12, 1993........ 57
citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian
103-22..... Designating March 1993 and March 1994 both as ``Women's History Apr. 12, 1993........ 58
103-23..... To amend the Stock Raising Homestead Act to resolve certain Apr. 16, 1993........ 60
problems regarding subsurface estates, and for other purposes.
103-24..... Making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal Apr. 23, 1993........ 67
year ending September 30, 1993, and for other purposes.
103-25..... To revise the boundaries of the George Washington Birthplace May 3, 1993.......... 68
National Monument, and for other purposes.
103-26..... To provide for the rehabilitation of historic structures within May 3, 1993.......... 70
the Sandy Hook Unit of Gateway National Recreation Area in the
State of New Jersey, and for other purposes.
103-27..... To designate the weeks of April 25 through May 2, 1993, and May 3, 1993.......... 72
April 10 through 17, 1994, as ``Jewish Heritage Week''.
103-28..... To authorize the President to proclaim the last Friday of April May 6, 1993.......... 74
1993 as ``National Arbor Day''.
103-29..... To designate the week beginning April 25, 1993, as ``National May 6, 1993.......... 75
Crime Victims' Rights Week''.
103-30..... To designate the weeks beginning April 18, 1993, and April 17, May 7, 1993.......... 76
1994, each as ``Nancy Moore Thurmond National Organ and Tissue
Donor Awareness Week''.
103-31..... National Voter Registration Act of 1993......................... May 20, 1993......... 77
103-32..... To authorize the construction of a memorial on Federal land in May 25, 1993......... 90
the District of Columbia or its environs to honor members of
the Armed Forces who served in World War II and to commemorate
United States participation in that conflict.
103-33..... To authorize the conduct and development of NAEP assessments for May 25, 1993......... 93
fiscal year 1994.
103-34..... Designating May 30, 1993, through June 7, 1993, as a ``Time for May 31, 1993......... 95
the National Observance of the Fiftieth Anniversary of World
War II''.
103-35..... To amend title 10, United States Code, to revise the May 31, 1993......... 97
applicability of qualification requirements for certain
acquisition workforce positions in the Department of Defense,
to make necessary technical corrections in that title and
certain other defense-related laws, and to facilitate real
property repairs at military installations and minor military
construction during fiscal year 1993.
103-36..... Central Intelligence Agency Voluntary Separation Pay Act........ June 8, 1993......... 104
103-37..... To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to authorize June 8, 1993......... 107
appropriations for refugee assistance for fiscal years 1993 and
103-38..... Designating the weeks beginning May 23, 1993, and May 15, 1994, June 8, 1993......... 108
as ``Emergency Medical Services Week''.
103-39..... To designate the months of May 1993 and May 1994 as ``National June 8, 1993......... 110
Trauma Awareness Month''.
103-40..... Government Printing Office Electronic Information Access June 8, 1993......... 112
Enhancement Act of 1993.
103-41..... Designating the week beginning June 6, 1993, and June 5, 1994, June 8, 1993......... 115
``Lyme Disease Awareness Week''.
103-42..... National Cooperative Production Amendments of 1993.............. June 10, 1993........ 117
103-43..... National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act of 1993........ June 10, 1993........ 122
103-44..... To amend the Federal Deposit Insurance Act to improve the June 28, 1993........ 220
procedures for treating unclaimed insured deposits, and for
other purposes.
103-45..... Forest Resources Conservation and Shortage Relief Amendments Act July 1, 1993......... 223
of 1993.
103-46..... Big Thicket National Preserve Addition Act of 1993.............. July 1, 1993......... 229
103-47..... To designate July 1, 1993, as ``National NYSP Day''............. July 1, 1993......... 232
103-48..... To resolve the status of certain lands relinquished to the July 2, 1993......... 234
United States under the Act of June 4, 1897 (30 Stat. 11, 36),
and for other purposes.
103-49..... To provide authority for the President to enter into trade July 2, 1993......... 239
agreements to conclude the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade
negotiations under the auspices of the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade, to extend tariff proclamation authority to
carry out such agreements, and to apply congressional ``fast
track'' procedures to a bill implementing such agreements.
103-50..... Supplemental Appropriations Act of 1993......................... July 2, 1993......... 241
103-51..... To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service July 16, 1993........ 270
located at 20 South Main in Beaver, Utah, as the ``Abe Murdock
United States Post Office Building''.
103-52..... Designating July 2, 1993 and July 2, 1994 as ``National Literacy July 16, 1993........ 271
103-53..... Designating July 17 through July 23, 1993, as ``National July 22, 1993........ 273
Veterans Golden Age Games Week''.
103-54..... To authorize the transfer of naval vessels to certain foreign July 28, 1993........ 274
103-55..... Armored Car Industry Reciprocity Act of 1993.................... July 28, 1993........ 276
103-56..... Cave Creek Canyon Protection Act of 1993........................ Aug. 2, 1993......... 278
103-57..... To provide for planning and design of a National Air and Space Aug. 2, 1993......... 279
Museum extension at Washington Dulles International Airport.
103-58..... To modify the boundary of Hot Springs National Park............. Aug. 2, 1993......... 280
103-59..... To extend the operation of the migrant student record transfer Aug. 2, 1993......... 281
103-60..... Designating April 9, 1994, as ``National Former Prisoner of War Aug. 2, 1993......... 282
Recognition Day''.
103-61..... To designate August 1, 1993, as ``Helsinki Human Rights Day''... Aug. 2, 1993......... 283
103-62..... Government Performance and Results Act of 1993.................. Aug. 3, 1993......... 285
103-63..... Spring Mountains National Recreation Area Act................... Aug. 4, 1993......... 297
103-64..... To establish the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Aug. 4, 1993......... 302
Area in the State of Idaho, and for other purposes.
103-65..... To extend the period during which chapter 12 of title 11 of the Aug. 6, 1993......... 311
United States Code remains in effect, and for other purposes.
103-66..... Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993....................... Aug. 10, 1993........ 312
103-67..... To provide for the conveyance of certain lands and improvements Aug. 11, 1993........ 686
in Washington, District of Columbia, to the Columbia Hospital
for Women to provide a site for the construction of a facility
to house the National Women's Health Resource Center.
103-68..... To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to permit members Aug. 11, 1993........ 691
of national securities exchanges to effect certain transactions
with respect to accounts for which such members exercise
investment discretion.
103-69..... Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1994..................... Aug. 11, 1993........ 692
103-70..... To authorize the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Aug. 11, 1993........ 714
Administration to conduct appropriate programs and activities
to acknowledge the status of the county of Fond du Lac,
Wisconsin, as the ``World Capital of Aerobatics'', and for
other purposes.
103-71..... To designate September 13, 1993, as ``Commodore John Barry Day'' Aug. 11, 1993........ 715
103-72..... Fluid Milk Promotion Amendments Act of 1993..................... Aug. 11, 1993........ 717
103-73..... Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1993........................... Aug. 11, 1993........ 718
103-74..... Designating September 9, 1993, and April 21, 1994, each as Aug. 11, 1993........ 737
``National D.A.R.E. Day''.
103-75..... Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Relief From the Major, Aug. 12, 1993........ 739
Widespread Flooding in the Midwest Act of 1993.
103-76..... Depository Institutions Disaster Relief Act of 1993............. Aug. 12, 1993........ 752
103-77..... Colorado Wilderness Act of 1993................................. Aug. 13, 1993........ 756
103-78..... To amend title 38, United States Code, to codify the rates of Aug. 13, 1993........ 767
disability compensation for veterans with service-connected
disabilities and the rates of dependency and indemnity
compensation for survivors of such veterans as such rates took
effect on December 1, 1992.
103-79..... To authorize major medical facility construction projects for Aug. 13, 1993........ 770
the Department of Veterans Affairs for fiscal year 1994, and
for other purposes.
103-80..... Nutrition Labeling and Education Act Amendments of 1993......... Aug. 13, 1993........ 773
103-81..... Small Business Guaranteed Credit Enhancement Act of 1993........ Aug. 13, 1993........ 780
103-82..... National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993................ Sep. 21, 1993........ 785
103-83..... To designate the weeks of September 19, 1993, through September Sep. 21, 1993........ 924
25, 1993, and of September 18, 1994, through September 24,
1994, as ``National Rehabilitation Week''.
103-84..... To designate October 1993 as ``National Breast Cancer Awareness Sep. 21, 1993........ 926
103-85..... Designating September 10, 1993, as ``National POW/MIA Sep. 21, 1993........ 928
Recognition Day'' and authorizing the display of the National
League of Families POW/MIA flag.
103-86..... To extend the current interim exemption under the Marine Mammal Sep. 30, 1993........ 930
Protection Act for commercial fisheries until April 1, 1994.
103-87..... Making appropriations for foreign operations, export financing, Sep. 30, 1993........ 931
and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30,
1994, and making supplemental appropriations for such programs
for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1993, and for other
103-88..... Making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1994, and Sep. 30, 1993........ 977
for other purposes.
103-89..... Performance Management and Recognition System Termination Act... Sep. 30, 1993........ 981
103-90..... To designate the Federal building to be constructed between Gay Oct. 1, 1993......... 986
and Market Streets and Cumberland and Church Avenues in
Knoxville, Tennessee, as the ``Howard H. Baker, Jr. United
States Courthouse''.
103-91..... Gallatin Range Consolidation and Protection Act of 1993........ Oct. 1, 1993......... 987
103-92..... To designate the month of August as ``National Scleroderma Oct. 1, 1993......... 994
Awareness Month'', and for other purposes.
103-93..... Utah Schools and Lands Improvement Act of 1993.................. Oct. 1, 1993......... 995
103-94..... Hatch Act Reform Amendments of 1993............................. Oct. 6, 1993......... 1001
103-95..... To designate the United States courthouse located at 10th and Oct. 6, 1993......... 1012
Main Streets in Richmond, Virginia, as the ``Lewis F. Powell,
Jr. United States Courthouse''.
103-96..... To designate the Federal building in Jacksonville, Florida, as Oct. 6, 1993......... 1013
the ``Charles E. Bennett Federal Building''.
103-97..... To redesignate the Pulaski Post Office located at 111 West Oct. 6, 1993......... 1014
College Street in Pulaski, Tennessee, as the ``Ross Bass Post
103-98..... To continue the authorization of appropriations for the East Oct. 6, 1993......... 1015
Court of the National Museum of Natural History, and for other
103-99..... To designate the week of October 3, 1993, through October 9, Oct. 6, 1993......... 1016
1993, as ``Mental Illness Awareness Week''.
103-100.... To designate October 6, 1993 and 1994, as ``German-American Oct. 6, 1993......... 1018
103-101.... To authorize appropriations for the American Folklife Center for Oct. 8, 1993......... 1020
fiscal years 1994 and 1995.
103-102.... To provide that certain property located in the State of Oct. 8, 1993......... 1021
Oklahoma owned by an Indian housing authority for the purpose
of providing low-income housing shall be treated as Federal
property under the Act of September 30, 1950 (Public Law 874,
81st Congress).
103-103.... Federal Employees Leave Sharing Amendments Act of 1993.......... Oct. 8, 1993......... 1022
103-104.... To establish the Jemez National Recreation Area in the State of Oct. 12, 1993........ 1025
New Mexico, and for other purposes.
103-105.... To provide for the reauthorization of the collection and Oct. 12, 1993........ 1030
publication of quarterly financial statistics by the Secretary
of Commerce through fiscal year 1998, and for other purposes.
103-106.... National Forest Foundation Act Amendment Act of 1993............ Oct. 12, 1993........ 1031
103-107.... To designate the months of October 1993 and October 1994 as Oct. 12, 1993........ 1033
``Country Music Month''.
103-108.... Designating October 16, 1993, and October 16, 1994, each as Oct. 18, 1993........ 1034
World Food Day.
103-109.... To designate October 19, 1993, as ``National Mammography Day''.. Oct. 18, 1993........ 1036
103-110.... Military Construction Appropriations Act, 1994.................. Oct. 21, 1993........ 1037
103-111.... Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, Oct. 21, 1993........ 1046
and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1994.
103-112.... Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, Oct. 21, 1993........ 1082
and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1994.
103-113.... Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year Oct. 21, 1993........ 1114
1994, and for other purposes.
103-114.... To amend title 5, United States Code, to extend the Federal Oct. 26, 1993........ 1115
Physicians Comparability Allowance Act of 1978, and for other
103-115.... To amend the definition of a rural community for eligibility for Oct. 26, 1993........ 1117
economic recovery funds, and for other purposes.
103-116.... Catawba Indian Tribe of South Carolina Land Claims Settlement Oct. 27, 1993........ 1118
Act of 1993.
103-117.... Designating October 21, 1993, as ``National Biomedical Research Oct. 27, 1993........ 1139
103-118.... Designating the week beginning September 18, 1994 as ``National Oct. 27, 1993........ 1141
Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week''.
103-119.... To designate the month of October 1993 as ``National Down Oct. 27, 1993........ 1142
Syndrome Awareness Month''.
103-120.... HUD Demonstration Act of 1993................................... Oct. 27, 1993........ 1144
103-121.... Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Oct. 27, 1993........ 1153
Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1994.
103-122.... Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Oct. 27, 1993........ 1198
Act, 1994.
103-123.... Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government Appropriations Oct. 28, 1993........ 1226
Act, 1994.
103-124.... Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Oct. 28, 1993........ 1275
Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1994.
103-125.... Middle East Peace Facilitation Act of 1993...................... Oct. 28, 1993........ 1309
103-126.... Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 1994........... Oct. 28, 1993........ 1312
103-127.... Making appropriations for the government of the District of Oct. 29, 1993........ 1336
Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part
against the revenues of said District for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 1994, and for other purposes.
103-128.... Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year Oct. 29, 1993........ 1355
1994, and for other purposes.
103-129.... Rural Electrification Loan Restructuring Act of 1993............ Nov. 1, 1993......... 1356
103-130.... To amend the National Wool Act of 1954 to reduce the subsidies Nov. 1, 1993......... 1368
that wool and mohair producers receive for the 1994 and 1995
marketing years and to eliminate the wool and mohair programs
for the 1996 and subsequent marketing years, and for other
103-131.... Designating the beach at 53 degrees 53'51''N, 166 degrees Nov. 1, 1993......... 1370
34'15''W to 53 degrees 53'48''N, 166 degrees 34'21''W on Hog
Island, which lies in the Northeast Bay of Unalaska, Alaska as
``Arkansas Beach'' in commemoration of the 206th regiment of
the National Guard, who served during the Japanese attack on
Dutch Harbor, Unalaska on June 3 and 4, 1942.
103-132.... To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to convey certain lands Nov. 2, 1993......... 1371
to the town of Taos, New Mexico.
103-133.... To approve the extension of nondiscriminatory treatment with Nov. 2, 1993......... 1373
respect to the products of Romania.
103-134.... To designate the Pittsburgh Aviary in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Nov. 8, 1993......... 1374
as the National Aviary in Pittsburgh.
103-135.... To modify the project for flood control, James River Basin, Nov. 8, 1993......... 1375
Richmond, Virginia.
103-136.... Designating the week beginning October 31, 1993, as ``National Nov. 8, 1993......... 1376
Health Information Management Week''.
103-137.... Designating November 22, 1993, as ``National Military Families Nov. 8, 1993......... 1377
Recognition Day''.
103-138.... Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Nov. 11, 1993........ 1379
Act, 1994.
103-139.... Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1994.................. Nov. 11, 1993........ 1418
103-140.... Veterans' Compensation Rates Amendments of 1993................. Nov. 11, 1993........ 1485
103-141.... Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993....................... Nov. 16, 1993........ 1488
103-142.... To amend title 18, United States Code, to authorize the Federal Nov. 17, 1993........ 1491
Bureau of Investigation to obtain certain telephone subscriber
103-143.... To designate the Federal building located at 280 South First Nov. 17, 1993........ 1493
Street in San Jose, California, as the ``Robert F. Peckham
United States Courthouse and Federal Building''.
103-144.... El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro Study Act of 1993.............. Nov. 17, 1993........ 1494
103-145.... El Camino Real Para Los Texas Study Act of 1993................. Nov. 17, 1993........ 1496
103-146.... Designating the week beginning November 14, 1993, and the week Nov. 17, 1993........ 1498
beginning November 13, 1994, each as ``Geography Awareness
103-147.... To designate the third Sunday in November of 1993 as ``National Nov. 17, 1993........ 1500
Children's Day''.
103-148.... Designating the week beginning November 7, 1993, and the week Nov. 17, 1993........ 1502
beginning November 6, 1994, each as ``National Women Veterans
Recognition Week''.
103-149.... South African Democratic Transition Support Act of 1993......... Nov. 23, 1993........ 1503
103-150.... To acknowledge the 100th anniversary of the January 17, 1893 Nov. 23, 1993........ 1510
overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii, and to offer an apology to
Native Hawaiians on behalf of the United States for the
overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
103-151.... To authorize the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution Nov. 24, 1993........ 1515
to plan, design, and construct the West Court of the National
Museum of Natural History building.
103-152.... Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1993.................... Nov. 24, 1993........ 1516
103-153.... To authorize the President to issue a proclamation designating Nov. 24, 1993........ 1521
the week beginning on November 21, 1993, and November 20, 1994,
as ``National Family Week''.
103-154.... To designate the month of November in 1993 and 1994 as Nov. 24, 1993........ 1522
``National Hospice Month''.
103-155.... To amend the Indian Environmental General Assistance Program Act Nov. 24, 1993........ 1523
of 1992 to extend the authorization of appropriations.
103-156.... United States Grain Standards Act Amendments of 1993............ Nov. 24, 1993........ 1525
103-157.... To designate the periods commencing on November 28, 1993, and Nov. 24, 1993........ 1532
ending on December 4, 1993, and commencing on November 27,
1994, and ending on December 3, 1994, as ``National Home Care
103-158.... To authorize the placement of a memorial cairn in Arlington Nov. 24, 1993........ 1533
National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, to honor the 270
victims of the terrorist bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.
103-159.... To provide for a waiting period before the purchase of a Nov. 30, 1993........ 1536
handgun, and for the establishment of a national instant
criminal background check system to be contacted by firearms
dealers before the transfer of any firearm.
103-160.... National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994......... Nov. 30, 1993........ 1547
103-161.... To amend title 38, United States Code, to increase the rate of Nov. 30, 1993........ 1967
special pension payable to persons who have received the
Congressional Medal of Honor.
103-162.... To designate portions of the Maurice River and its tributaries Dec. 1, 1993......... 1968
in the State of New Jersey as components of the National Wild
and Scenic Rivers Systems.
103-163.... To authorize the Air Force Memorial Foundation to establish a Dec. 2, 1993......... 1973
memorial in the District of Columbia or its environs.
103-164.... Designating January 16, 1994, as ``National Good Teen Day''..... Dec. 2, 1993......... 1974
103-165.... To express appreciation to W. Graham Claytor, Jr., for a Dec. 2, 1993......... 1975
lifetime of dedicated and inspired service to the Nation.
103-166.... To extend authorities under the Middle East Peace Facilitation Dec. 2, 1993......... 1978
Act of 1993 by six months.
103-167.... Designating January 2, 1994, through January 8, 1994, as Dec. 2, 1993......... 1979
``National Law Enforcement Training Week''.
103-168.... Designating December 1993 as ``National Drunk and Drugged Dec. 2, 1993......... 1981
Driving Prevention Month''.
103-169.... Lechuguilla Cave Protection Act of 1993......................... Dec. 2, 1993......... 1983
103-170.... Red River Designation Act of 1993.............................. Dec. 2, 1993......... 1986
103-171.... Older Americans Act Technical Amendments of 1993................ Dec. 2, 1993......... 1988
103-172.... Federal Employees Clean Air Incentives Act...................... Dec. 2, 1993......... 1995
103-173.... International Parental Kidnapping Crime Act of 1993............. Dec. 2, 1993......... 1998
103-174.... To authorize the leasing of naval vessels to certain foreign Dec. 2, 1993......... 2000
103-175.... To authorize and direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey Dec. 2, 1993......... 2002
certain lands in Cameron Parish, Louisiana, and for other
103-176.... Indian Tribal Justice Act....................................... Dec. 3, 1993......... 2004
103-177.... American Indian Agricultural Resource Management Act............ Dec. 3, 1993......... 2011
103-178.... Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994............. Dec. 3, 1993......... 2024
103-179.... Patent and Trademark Office Authorization Act of 1993........... Dec. 3, 1993......... 2040
103-180.... Negotiated Rates Act of 1993.................................... Dec. 3, 1993......... 2044
103-181.... Hazard Mitigation and Relocation Assistance Act of 1993......... Dec. 3, 1993......... 2054
103-182.... North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act.......... Dec. 8, 1993......... 2057
103-183.... Preventive Health Amendments of 1993............................ Dec. 14, 1993........ 2226
103-184.... To provide for the addition of the Truman Farm Home to the Harry Dec. 14, 1993........ 2243
S Truman National Historic Site in the State of Missouri.
103-185.... To provide increased flexibility to States in carrying out the Dec. 14, 1993........ 2244
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program.
103-186.... To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in Dec. 14, 1993........ 2245
commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the birth of Thomas
Jefferson, Americans who have been prisoners of war, the
Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the occasion of the 10th
anniversary of the Memorial, and the Women in Military Service
for America Memorial, and for other purposes.
103-187.... Designating December 15, 1993, as ``National Firefighters Day''. Dec. 14, 1993........ 2255
103-188.... Egg Research and Consumer Information Act Amendments of 1993.... Dec. 14, 1993........ 2256
103-189.... Watermelon Research and Promotion Improvement Act of 1993....... Dec. 14, 1993........ 2259
103-190.... Fresh Cut Flowers and Fresh Cut Greens Promotion and Information Dec. 14, 1993........ 2266
Act of 1993.
103-191.... To amend the Thomas Jefferson Commemoration Commission Act to Dec. 14, 1993........ 2291
extend the deadlines for reports.
103-192.... To extend arbitration under the provisions of chapter 44 of Dec. 14, 1993........ 2292
title 28, United States Code, and for other purposes.
103-193.... To provide for the extension of certain authority for the Dec. 14, 1993........ 2293
Marshal of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court Police.
103-194.... Lime Research, Promotion, and Consumer Information Improvement Dec. 14, 1993........ 2294
103-195.... To make a technical amendment, and for other purposes........... Dec. 14, 1993........ 2297
103-196.... Designating January 16, 1994, as ``Religious Freedom Day''...... Dec. 14, 1993........ 2299
103-197.... To provide for additional development at War in the Pacific Dec. 17, 1993........ 2301
National Historical Park, and for other purposes.
103-198.... Copyright Royalty Tribunal Reform Act of 1993................... Dec. 17, 1993........ 2304
103-199.... Act For Reform In Emerging New Democracies and Support and Help Dec. 17, 1993........ 2317
for Improved Partnership with Russia, Ukraine, and Other New
Independent States or the FRIENDSHIP Act.
103-200.... Domestic Chemical Diversion Control Act of 1993................. Dec. 17, 1993........ 2333
103-201.... To clarify the regulatory oversight exercised by the Rural Dec. 17, 1993........ 2342
Electrification Administration with respect to certain electric
103-202.... Government Securities Act Amendments of 1993.................... Dec. 17, 1993........ 2344
103-203.... Making a technical amendment of the Clayton Act................. Dec. 17, 1993........ 2368
103-204.... Resolution Trust Corporation Completion Act..................... Dec. 17, 1993........ 2369
103-205.... To extend the suspended implementation of certain requirements Dec. 17, 1993........ 2418
of the food stamp program on Indian reservations, to suspend
certain eligibility requirements for the participation of
retail food stores in the food stamp program, and for other
103-206.... Coast Guard Authorization Act of 1993........................... Dec. 20, 1993........ 2419
103-207.... Providing for the convening of the Second Session of the One Dec. 20, 1993........ 2456
Hundred Third Congress.
103-208.... Higher Education Technical Amendments of 1993................... Dec. 20, 1993........ 2457
103-209.... National Child Protection Act of 1993........................... Dec. 20, 1993........ 2490
103-210.... To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide additional Dec. 20, 1993........ 2496
authority for the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide
health care for veterans of the Persian Gulf War.
Note: The text of laws may be ordered in individual pamphlet form
(referred to as ``slip laws'') from the Superintendent of Documents,
U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 (phone, 202-512-
2470). Some laws may not yet be available for purchase.