94-31982. Amendment to the Bank Secrecy Act Regulations Relating to Orders for Transmittals of Funds by Financial Institutions  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 1 (Tuesday, January 3, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 234-238]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-31982]
    31 CFR Part 103
    RIN 1505-AA46
    Amendment to the Bank Secrecy Act Regulations Relating to Orders 
    for Transmittals of Funds by Financial Institutions
    AGENCY: Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Treasury.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This final rule requires banks and nonbank financial 
    institutions that act as transmittors' financial institutions and 
    intermediary financial institutions in transmittals of funds to include 
    certain information in transmittal orders sent to receiving financial 
    institutions. A companion final rule (the final recordkeeping rule), 
    published elsewhere in today's Federal Register, requires financial 
    institutions to collect and retain the information that, under this 
    final rule, must be included with transmittal orders.
        The final recordkeeping rule sets forth collection of information 
    and recordkeeping requirements with respect to certain transmittals of 
    funds by financial institutions. The amount and type of information 
    required to be collected and retained depends upon the type of 
    financial institution, its role in a particular transaction, the amount 
    of the transaction and whether the parties to the transaction are 
    established customers of the financial institution. To ensure a full 
    understanding of this final rule, the reader is encouraged to review 
    its provisions together with those of the final recordkeeping rule.
        This final rule is promulgated by Treasury under the Annunzio-Wylie 
    Anti-Money Laundering Act of 1992 (Annunzio-Wylie), which is part of 
    the statute generally referred to as the Bank Secrecy Act. Annunzio-
    Wylie authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to require financial 
    institutions to maintain appropriate procedures to comply with the Bank 
    Secrecy Act and guard against money laundering, and to carry out anti-
    money laundering programs. The final recordkeeping rule is promulgated 
    jointly by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 
    (Federal Reserve Board) and by Treasury pursuant to a special statutory 
    requirement under Annunzio-Wylie. The authority of the Secretary to 
    administer the Bank Secrecy Act has been delegated to the Director of 
    the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).
    EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1996.
    Enforcement ((202) 622-0400): A. Carlos Correa, Assistant Director for 
    Rules and Regulations; Roger Weiner, Deputy Director; Peter Djinis, 
    Director; FinCEN, Office of Legal Counsel: Stephen R. Kroll, Legal 
    Counsel (703) 905-3534; Nina A. Nichols, Attorney-Advisor, (703) 905-
        This final rule is promulgated by Treasury under 31 U.S.C. 5318 
    (a)(2) and (h), which are part of the statute generally referred to as 
    the Bank Secrecy Act (Pub. L. 91-508, codified at 12 U.S.C. 1829b and 
    1951-1959, and 31 U.S.C. 5311-5329), and which were added to the Bank 
    Secrecy Act by Annunzio-Wylie. 31 U.S.C. 5318 (a)(2) and (h) authorize 
    the Secretary of the Treasury to require financial institutions to 
    maintain appropriate procedures to comply with the Bank Secrecy Act and 
    guard against money laundering, and to carry out anti-money laundering 
    programs. The final recordkeeping rule is promulgated jointly by the 
    Federal Reserve Board and by Treasury pursuant to a special statutory 
    requirement for such joint issuance contained in 12 U.S.C. 1829b(b), 
    added to the Bank Secrecy Act by section 1515 of Annunzio-Wylie. The 
    authority of the Secretary to administer the Bank Secrecy Act has been 
    delegated to the Director of FinCEN.
        On August 31, 1993, Treasury and the Federal Reserve Board jointly 
    issued a proposed recordkeeping rule (58 FR 46014) requiring financial 
    institutions to obtain and retain information relating to certain 
    transmittals of funds. Treasury also issued a companion proposed travel 
    rule (58 FR 46021, August 31, 1993), which was subsequently modified 
    (58 FR 51269, October 1, 1993), proposing to require any transmittor's 
    financial institution involved in a transmittal of funds to include in 
    its corresponding transmittal order:
        (1) The name and address of the transmittor and the transmittor's 
    deposit account number, if the payment were ordered from a deposit 
    [[Page 235]]
        (2) The amount of the transmittal of funds;
        (3) The execution date of the transmittal order;
        (4) The identity of the recipient's financial institution; and,
        (5) Either the name and address or the account number of the 
    recipient, if received with the transmittal order.
        The proposed travel rule would have required any receiving 
    financial institution acting as an intermediary financial institution 
    to include in its corresponding transmittal order the following 
    information, if received from the sender:
        (1) The name and address of the transmittor and the deposit account 
    number of the transmittor;
        (2) The amount of the transmittal of funds;
        (3) The execution date of the transmittal order;
        (4) The identity of the recipient's financial institution;
        (5) Either the name and address or the account number of the 
    recipient, if received with the transmittal order; and,
        (6) Either the name and address or the numerical identifier of the 
    transmittor's financial institution.
        This final rule will assist law enforcement investigations of money 
    laundering involving transmittals of funds by requiring users of 
    transmittals of funds to provide additional identifying information. 
    Together with the final recordkeeping rule, this final rule will help 
    remedy the difficulties presently encountered by law enforcement in 
    cases involving transmittals of funds in which the transmittal orders 
    do not include the transmittors' and recipients' names or other 
    identifying information, and cases involving transmittals of funds in 
    which such identifying information is not conveyed to intermediary 
    financial institutions. The requirement that transmittal orders include 
    complete transmittor information, as well as recipient information 
    received by the financial institution with the transmittal order, may 
    discourage money launderers from attempting to abuse the payment and 
    message systems and should complicate their ability to do so.
        Treasury will monitor experience under this final rule to assess 
    its usefulness to law enforcement and its effect on the cost and 
    efficiency of the payments system. Within 36 months of the effective 
    date, Treasury will review the effectiveness of this final rule and 
    will consider making any appropriate modifications.
        One hundred thirteen (113) comments were received in response to 
    the proposed recordkeeping rule and the proposed travel rule. Treasury 
    has carefully considered each comment in drafting this final rule.
    Effect of Proposed Changes to Fedwire System
        The proposed travel rule provided for a thirty (30) day comment 
    period concluding on October 4, 1993. Many of the commenters noted that 
    they could neither comment nor initiate changes to their internal wire 
    transfer systems until the Federal Reserve Board announced its proposed 
    changes in the Fedwire format. Treasury believes that the comments it 
    received relating to Fedwire were helpful, and these comments have been 
    taken into account in framing this final rule.
        Commenters on the proposed travel rule were particularly concerned 
    with the difficulty of including the required information on Fedwire, 
    which, unlike the Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS) 
    (operated by the New York Clearing House) and the Society for Worldwide 
    Interbank Financial Telecommunications (S.W.I.F.T.) system, does not 
    have sufficient space in the fields in which to include complete 
    originator and beneficiary information. Commenters also noted that it 
    would be difficult to map information to Fedwire from S.W.I.F.T., CHIPS 
    and other proprietary systems, and to comply with the proposed travel 
    rule's requirements by the proposed effective date.
        One commenter suggested that the proposed travel rule be withdrawn. 
    This commenter characterized the proposed travel rule as unworkable and 
    premature because the Fedwire format had to be expanded, and 
    conventions and protocols coordinated before the proposed travel rule 
    could issue. Other commenters raised similar concerns.
        As more fully discussed below, this final rule recognizes the 
    difficulty that financial institutions will have in including all of 
    the required information within the Fedwire format, and makes 
    appropriate allowances. In light of these allowances, and because the 
    Federal Reserve Board has adopted an expanded Fedwire format (published 
    elsewhere in today's Federal Register), this final rule is promulgated 
    at the appropriate time.
    Effective Date
        The proposed travel rule provided for an effective date twelve 
    months following publication of a final rule. Many commenters believed 
    that the proposed effective date twelve months after publication of a 
    final rule was too soon; they suggested that no effective date be 
    announced until the Federal Reserve Board had published proposed 
    changes to Fedwire, and that any proposed effective date take into 
    account those proposed changes. Alternatively, commenters suggested 
    that the effective date be delayed until twelve months following 
    implementation of Fedwire format changes. Finally, one bank suggested 
    that the effective date of the proposed rule coincide with the 
    effective date of changes to the Fedwire format.
        The effective date of this final rule and of the recordkeeping rule 
    is January 1, 1996. As noted, this final rule allows for the fact that 
    a financial institution will not be able to include all otherwise 
    required information in Fedwire transfers until the format changes have 
    been implemented by that institution.
    Mapping Issues
        The proposed travel rule would have required that certain 
    information be included, at the time of transmittal, in a transmittal 
    order transmitted to a financial institution by any means, including 
    any funds transfer system (e.g., Fedwire, S.W.I.F.T. and CHIPS) or 
    other system for transmittals of funds. This would have meant, for 
    example, that a bank receiving a S.W.I.F.T. message would have been 
    obligated to include all required information, if received, in its 
    corresponding Fedwire transmittal order, and that any originator's bank 
    issuing a Fedwire transmittal order would have had to include all of 
    the required information in that order.
        Currently, the Fedwire fields designated for originator and 
    beneficiary information do not contain sufficient space to include all 
    of the information required by this final rule. However, the Federal 
    Reserve Board, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the National 
    Credit Union Administration, the Office of the Comptroller of the 
    Currency, and the Office of Thrift Supervision have issued a policy 
    encouraging banks to use optional fields where possible to include 
    complete originator and beneficiary information in Fedwire payment 
    orders. A similar statement was issued by the Federal Financial 
    Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC). (See, FFIEC Statement dated 
    March 11, 1993, 58 FR 14400, March 17, 1993.)
        While many commenters acknowledged that complete originator and 
    beneficiary information could be included in S.W.I.F.T. and CHIPS 
    payment orders, they objected to the use [[Page 236]] of optional 
    Fedwire fields to include such information. The commenters observed 
    that the proposed travel rule failed to designate which optional fields 
    should contain which items of information and failed to assign priority 
    to such items in the event that available optional fields could not 
    accommodate all required information. Commenters believed that the lack 
    of industry standards prescribing placement of originator and 
    beneficiary data in optional fields would result in confusion and 
    inefficiency, producing erroneous entries, advices and misapplication 
    of funds. Commenters also noted that the use of optional fields would 
    require excessive manual intervention in what is largely an automated 
    system, causing costly inefficiencies by delaying pass-through 
    payments, which, according to one commenter, make up 85% of all 
        Many commenters suggested the formation of a joint task force 
    including representatives of the financial community, Treasury and the 
    Federal Reserve Board to establish industry standards for the use of 
    optional fields in Fedwire and a timetable for implementation.
        The Federal Reserve Board published its Proposed Expansion of the 
    Fedwire Funds Transfer Format on December 1, 1993 (58 FR 63366), and a 
    finalized expanded Fedwire format is published elsewhere in today's 
    Federal Register. Implementation is to be completed by year-end 1997. 
    Once implemented by financial institutions, the modified Fedwire format 
    will permit inclusion of complete originator and beneficiary 
    information. Under this final rule a financial institution will not be 
    required to include all available information identifying transmittors 
    and recipients in Fedwire payment orders until the financial 
    institution has implemented the new Fedwire format. However, Treasury 
    joins the FFIEC in encouraging financial institutions to include 
    complete transmittor and recipient information in Fedwire payment 
    orders using optional fields.
        Many nonbank financial institutions commented that the proposed 
    recordkeeping rule's lack of a threshold exempting smaller value 
    transfers would make implementation inordinately costly. One commenter 
    noted that 95% of the two million transmittals it conducted annually 
    involved less than $1,000; 98% fell below $3,000; and, 99.96% fell 
    below $10,000. Commenters complained that the enormous expense they 
    would incur in obtaining, maintaining and transmitting data for smaller 
    value transmittals could not be justified by any benefit to law 
    enforcement. Other commenters argued that the absence of any threshold 
    would make it impossible to conduct transmittals in emergencies and in 
    situations in which a transmittor phones, faxes or writes in funds 
    transmittal instructions (for example, in the case of a transmittal of 
    funds to someone whose identification documents have been stolen).
        Treasury and the Federal Reserve Board have considered these 
    comments and have established a threshold of $3,000 for the final 
    recordkeeping rule. Treasury has determined that the same threshold 
    should apply to this final rule. Therefore, financial institutions will 
    not be required to include the specified information in transmittal 
    orders involving less than $3,000 or the foreign equivalent. (Financial 
    institutions should determine the U.S. dollar equivalents of transfers 
    in foreign funds based on the spot exchange rate at the time of a 
    transfer to determine whether a foreign-denominated transfer exceeds 
    the $3,000 threshold.)
        Treasury presently encourages financial institutions to report to 
    the appropriate federal law enforcement agency or agencies transmittals 
    of funds that are structured in amounts of less than $3,000 to evade 
    the requirements of this final rule and the final recordkeeping rule. 
    Treasury intends to issue for comment proposed regulations that would 
    require financial institutions to report suspicious transactions and to 
    establish anti-money laundering measures, including ``know your 
    customer'' policies and programs. Treasury will monitor the 
    effectiveness of such policies and programs, as applied to transmittals 
    of funds, and will consider future modification of the $3,000 threshold 
    or other provisions of this final rule, if appropriate and necessary to 
    counter the evasion of requirements through structuring.
    Contents of Payment Orders
        If a transmittal order is funded from an account, the proposed 
    travel rule would have required the transmittor's financial institution 
    to include in the transmittal order the following: the name and address 
    of the transmittor; the transmittor's account number; the amount and 
    execution date of the transmittal; the identity of the recipient's 
    financial institution; and either the name and address or the account 
    number of the recipient (if received with the transmittal order). The 
    proposed travel rule also would have required any receiving financial 
    institution acting either as an intermediary bank or an intermediary 
    financial institution to include in its transmittal order the same 
    information, if received from the sender.
        Several commenters objected to the proposed requirement that the 
    transmittor's account number be included in the transmittal order. 
    Commenters noted that such information is relevant only to the 
    transmittor's financial institution, is regarded by many as 
    confidential, and increases the risk of fraud if included in a 
    transmittal order. Commenters questioned law enforcement's need to have 
    account information on transmittal orders because such information is 
    easily retrievable through records using the account holder's name. The 
    inclusion of this information, commenters argued, would clutter 
    transmittal orders.
        Treasury has concluded that the transmittor's account number must 
    be included in transmittal orders, but only where an account is debited 
    to fund all or part of the transmittal. This information will be 
    particularly useful to law enforcement in cases in which delay 
    occasioned by a search for account information would hinder the success 
    of an investigation. Inclusion of the information is feasible in both 
    S.W.I.F.T. and CHIPS messages, and (until proposed Fedwire format 
    changes are implemented) information can be included in optional 
    Fedwire fields if there is not sufficient space in the originator 
        Treasury has determined that the inclusion of account numbers in 
    transmittal orders will present only a minor increase in the risk of 
    fraudulent transfers. Banks generally have security procedures that 
    include passwords, codewords and, in the case of electronic 
    transmissions, confirmation to ensure that only authorized parties 
    issue payment orders. These and other protective measures greatly 
    reduce the potential for fraud, to a level at which that risk does not 
    outweigh the immediate and tangible benefit to law enforcement derived 
    from the inclusion of account information in transmittal orders.
        With regard to arguments based on the confidentiality of account 
    numbers, Treasury notes that account numbers are routinely included 
    (and are certainly not treated as confidential) in cases in which an 
    account is the recipient of a transmittal of funds. Furthermore, 
    account numbers are routinely carried on the face of checks and other 
    payment documents that are widely circulated through and outside of 
    banks. Finally, Treasury believes that the fact that a 
    [[Page 237]] transmittor's account number is available through customer 
    account records does not render the inclusion of information in a 
    transmittal order superfluous.
        Commenters requested clarification whether to record the amounts of 
    transmittals involving foreign funds in the foreign exchange or its 
    U.S. dollar equivalent. Treasury does not intend to change industry 
    practice; therefore, in recording the amount transmitted, a financial 
    institution may record either the amount of foreign funds or the U.S. 
    dollar equivalent, in accordance with the financial institution's 
    standard practice.
    Bifurcated Transmittal Orders
        In some instances, to effect payment across multiple time zones, a 
    bank may have to bifurcate a transmittal order into a cover payment 
    order and an underlying direct payment order. One commenter noted that 
    inclusion of a recipient's name and address in both the transmittal 
    order and the related cover order of the recipient might create a risk 
    of duplicate payment.
        It appears to Treasury that bifurcated transmittal orders are 
    comprised of two separate transmittals of funds. Generally, the direct 
    payment order is a transmittal from the originator to the recipient, 
    and the cover payment order is a bank to bank transmittal, which may be 
    effected through intermediary banks. In this analysis, the transmittal 
    order for the cover payment order would not have to identify the 
    recipient of the direct payment order, only the recipient bank. If 
    appropriate, Treasury will consider issuing guidance on this question 
    in the future.
    Closed Systems
        The proposed travel rule would have required any receiving 
    intermediary financial institution accepting a transmittal order to 
    include in a corresponding transmittal order either the name and 
    address or the numerical identifier of the transmittor's financial 
    institution. The proposed travel rule also would have required that any 
    transmittor's financial institution, as well as any receiving 
    intermediary financial institution, accepting a transmittal order to 
    include in a corresponding transmittal order the identity of the 
    recipient's financial institution.
        Many commenters noted the difficulty of identifying the 
    transmittor's financial institution and the recipient's financial 
    institution in transmittals through closed systems. A closed system is 
    a transmittal of funds service that permits a recipient to pick up 
    transmitted funds at any location within the closed system. Such a 
    service can be either entirely domestic or international and does not 
    rely on banks or other outside financial institutions to effect payment 
    to the intended recipient; transmittals of funds are handled entirely 
    by the service's own agents. Finally, and most important, complete 
    records relating to any closed system transmittal of funds are 
    maintained in one central location.
        Commenters also noted that the requirement to identify the 
    transmittor's financial institution might increase the risk of fraud 
    and abuse. For example, the closed system agent serving as the 
    recipient's financial institution could identify and contact the closed 
    system agent that served as the transmittor's financial institution, 
    and establish a funds transmittal service that would neither be 
    conducted by the closed system nor be subject to its control. 
    Commenters also noted that identification of the recipient's financial 
    institution is difficult or impossible in most cases, because the 
    transmittor may not know where the recipient will pick up the 
    transmitted funds.
        Treasury believes that the potential for fraud as described by the 
    commenters may be best addressed by the closed systems and their agents 
    themselves. This final rule requires that the transmittor's financial 
    institution be identified in the transmittal order in all cases. 
    However, in cases involving closed systems as described above, the 
    requirement to identify the recipient's financial institution may be 
    satisfied by including the closed system's name in the transmittal 
    order. Although such information will not identify the specific closed 
    system office that served as the recipient's financial institution, law 
    enforcement's needs will be adequately met by records that are 
    maintained and made available to law enforcement as required by 
    Executive Order 12866
        Treasury finds that this final rule is not a significant rule for 
    purposes of Executive Order 12866. This final rule is not anticipated 
    to have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more. It 
    will not affect adversely in a material way the economy, a sector of 
    the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or state, local, or tribal governments or 
    communities. It creates no inconsistencies with, nor does it interfere 
    with actions taken or planned by other agencies. Finally, it raises no 
    novel legal or policy issues. A cost and benefit analysis is therefore 
    not required.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        It is hereby certified under section 605(b) of the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq., that this final rule will not 
    have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
        The small entities that will be affected by this final rule include 
    small banks and nonbank money transmitting businesses. This final rule 
    exempts transmittals of funds in amounts of less than $3,000; this 
    exemption should particularly benefit nonbank providers of money 
    transmitting services that handle smaller value transfers. Treasury 
    does not believe that compliance with this final rule will require 
    small entities to have specialized professional skills that are not 
    generally available to them.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The collection of information requirements contained in this final 
    rule have been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget for 
    review in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 
    U.S.C. 3504(h)). Comments on the collection of information and the 
    burden estimate should be directed to FinCEN, Office of Legal Counsel, 
    2070 Chain Bridge Road, Vienna, VA 22182, or to the Office of 
    Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (1505-0063), 
    Washington, D.C. 20503.
    Drafting Information
        The principal author of this document is FinCEN. Technical 
    assistance was also provided by the Federal Reserve Board and the 
    Department of Justice.
    List of Subjects in 31 CFR Part 103
        Administrative practice and procedure, Banks and banking, Brokers, 
    Currency, Foreign banking, Foreign currencies, Gambling, 
    Investigations, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
    Authority and Issuance
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, 31 CFR Part 103 is 
    amended as set forth below:
        1. The authority citation for Part 103 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1829b and 1951-1959; 31 U.S.C. 5311-5329.
        2. Section 103.33 is amended by adding new paragraph (g) to read as 
    follows: [[Page 238]] 
    Sec. 103.33  Records to be made and retained by financial institutions.
    * * * * *
        (g) With respect to a transmittal of funds in the amount of $3,000 
    or more by a financial institution:
        (1) The transmittor's financial institution shall include in the 
    transmittal order, at the time it is sent to the receiving financial 
    institution, the following information:
        (i) The name and, if the payment is ordered from an account, the 
    account number of the transmittor;
        (ii) The address of the transmittor, except for a transmittal order 
    through Fedwire until such time as the bank that sends the order to the 
    Federal Reserve Bank completes its conversion to the expanded Fedwire 
        (iii) The amount of the transmittal order;
        (iv) The execution date of the transmittal order;
        (v) The identity of the recipient's financial institution;
        (vi) As many of the following items as are received with the 
    transmittal order:3
        \3\For transmittals of funds effected through the Federal 
    Reserve's Fedwire funds transfer system by a financial institution, 
    only one of the items is required to be included in the transmittal 
    order, if received with the sender's transmittal order, until such 
    time as the bank that sends the order to the Federal Reserve Bank 
    completes its conversion to the expanded Fedwire message format.
        (A) The name and address of the recipient;
        (B) The account number of the recipient;
        (C) Any other specific identifier of the recipient; and
        (vii) Either the name and address or numerical identifier of the 
    transmittor's financial institution.
        (2) A receiving financial institution that acts as an intermediary 
    financial institution, if it accepts a transmittal order, shall include 
    in a corresponding transmittal order at the time it is sent to the next 
    receiving financial institution, the following information, if received 
    from the sender:
        (i) The name and the account number of the transmittor;
        (ii) The address of the transmittor, except for a transmittal order 
    through Fedwire until such time as the bank that sends the order to the 
    Federal Reserve Bank completes its conversion to the expanded Fedwire 
        (iii) The amount of the transmittal order;
        (iv) The execution date of the transmittal order;
        (v) The identity of the recipient's financial institution;
        (vi) As many of the following items as are received with the 
    transmittal order:4
        \4\For transmittals of funds effected through the Federal 
    Reserve's Fedwire funds transfer system by a financial institution, 
    only one of the items is required to be included in the transmittal 
    order, if received with the sender's transmittal order, until such 
    time as the bank that sends the order to the Federal Reserve Bank 
    completes its conversion to the expanded Fedwire message format.
        (A) The name and address of the recipient;
        (B) The account number of the recipient;
        (C) Any other specific identifier of the recipient; and
        (vii) Either the name and address or numerical identifier of the 
    transmittor's financial institution.
        Dated: December 19, 1994.
    Stanley E. Morris,
    Director, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.
    [FR Doc. 94-31982 Filed 12-30-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4810-25-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Treasury Department
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
January 1, 1996.
234-238 (5 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
31 CFR 103.33