96-1215. Powered Industrial Truck Operator Training  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 20 (Tuesday, January 30, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 3092-3094]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-1215]
    [[Page 3091]]
    Part II
    Department of Labor
    Occupational Safety and Health Administration
    29 CFR Part 1910, et al.
    Powered Industrial Truck Operator Training; Proposed Rules
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 20 / January 30, 1996 / Proposed 
    [[Page 3092]]
    Occupational Safety and Health Administration
    29 CFR Parts 1910, 1915, 1917, 1918
    [Docket No. S-008]
    Powered Industrial Truck Operator Training
    AGENCY: Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Labor.
    ACTION: Proposed rule; reopening of comment period, public hearing.
    SUMMARY: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 
    proposed to revise the standards that provide for the training of 
    powered industrial truck operators in general industry and the maritime 
    industries to reduce injuries and deaths that result from inadequate 
    training. That document was published on March 14, 1995 (60 FR 13782). 
    In a companion document in today's Federal Register, OSHA is proposing 
    to improve such training in the construction industry and is scheduling 
    a public hearing.
        In order to permit consideration of these overlapping matters in 
    the most efficient manner, OSHA is combining these rulemakings, 
    reopening the comment period for general industry and maritime, and 
    scheduling a hearing for all sectors.
    DATES: Written comments on the proposed standard and notices of 
    intention to appear at the informal public hearing on the proposed 
    standard must be postmarked by April 1, 1996. Parties who request more 
    than 10 minutes for their presentations at the informal public hearing 
    and parties who will submit documentary evidence at the hearing must 
    submit the full text of their testimony and all documentary evidence 
    postmarked no later than April 15, 1996. The hearing will take place in 
    Washington, DC and is scheduled to begin on April 30, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be sent in quadruplicate to: Docket Office, 
    Docket No. S-008; Room N2624; U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational 
    Safety and Health Administration, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., 
    Washington, DC 20210 (202-523-7894).
        Notices of intention to appear at the informal rulemaking hearing, 
    testimony, and documentary evidence are to be submitted in 
    quadruplicate to: Mr. Thomas Hall, OSHA Division of Consumer Affairs, 
    Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 200 Constitution Avenue 
    NW,, Room N3647, Washington, DC 20210; (202-219-8615). Written comments 
    received, notices of intention to appear, testimony, and all other 
    material related to the development of this proposed standard will be 
    available for inspection and copying in the public record in the Docket 
    Office, Room N2624, at the above address.
        The hearing will be held in the auditorium of the U.S. Department 
    of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Anne Cyr, Office of Information 
    and Consumer Affairs, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and 
    Health Administration, Room N3647; 200 Constitution Avenue NW., 
    Washington, DC 20210 (202-219-8148, FAX 202-219-5986).
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On March 14, 1995 (60 FR 13782), OSHA 
    proposed standards to improve training of powered industrial truck 
    operators in general industry (29 CFR part 1910) and the maritime 
    industries (29 CFR parts 1915, 1917 and 1918). After consulting with 
    the Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health (ACCSH), OSHA 
    is proposing improved training for those operators in the construction 
    industry in today's Federal Register. OSHA believes the most efficient 
    way to consider these matters is to combine the rulemaking into one 
    proceeding that shares the same record. If the evidence indicates 
    different requirements are needed for different sectors, this can be 
    accommodated in the final standard. Also, some commenters to the March 
    proposal requested a public hearing. (See Ex. 2-47.)
        Accordingly, OSHA is reopening the comment period for the general 
    and maritime industries to April 1, 1996 to coincide with the comment 
    period for construction. In addition, OSHA is scheduling a public 
    hearing for all sectors commencing April 30, 1996. In light of budget 
    stringency, OSHA is only scheduling a hearing in Washington, DC. 
    Regional hearings create substantial expense.
        The Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health made 
    several recommendations for powered industrial truck training in the 
    construction industry that may have merit for other sectors as well. 
    Accordingly, OSHA is requesting comment on these issues for all 
    sectors, in addition to the other issues arising from the proposal. The 
    four specific issues raised by the ACCSH are as follows:
        1. Should an employer be allowed to accept the certification of 
    training by a third party such as a union, training institute, 
    manufacturer, consultant, or other private or public organization? 
    Since OSHA does not accredit certifiers, what criteria should be 
    used to establish their credibility?
        Employees sometimes work only briefly for an employer and it 
    might be inefficient for an employer with high turnover to have to 
    specifically review the performance of each new employee. There 
    would need to be some mechanism to ensure that the operator would be 
    trained in the conditions comparable to those found at the work site 
    and that the employer would know that the operator had been 
    adequately trained.
        2. What type of testing should be conducted during initial 
    training to judge the competency of the trainee (performance testing 
    and oral and/or written tests)?
        A. If tests are administered, what subjects should be tested, 
    and what methods, if any, should be used to judge that the tests are 
    reliable and address the subject matter adequately?
        B. What, if any, should be the acceptable pass/fail requirement 
    for the tests?
        ACCSH recommended that the employer or other organization 
    training operators should give both performance tests and oral/
    written tests to ensure the skill and knowledge of the operator. The 
    committee also recommended that there should be pass/fail criteria 
    for those tests and that records be kept of the results of the 
    tests. They asserted that the requirement would assist in lowering 
    accident rates. They also suggested that if this turned out not to 
    be effective, that OSHA consider accreditation of training programs. 
    OSHA did not propose a written or oral test requirement for general 
    industry or maritime and in its experience, this issue has proven to 
    be very controversial.
        3. Are some of the training areas listed not needed? ACCSH 
    believes that most of the areas for training were necessary but they 
    felt a few might not be. Specifically, they felt that the 
    recommended topic on the differences between driving an auto and a 
    powered industrial truck might be unnecessary. OSHA is concerned 
    that the stability differences and the effects of rear wheel 
    steering are significant matters.
        4. Should an employee receive refresher or remedial training 
    only if operating a vehicle unsafely or if involved in an accident? 
    Is a one year interval too frequent for retraining or 
        The ACCSH asserted that a periodic retraining provision for 
    construction was inappropriate because most construction employees 
    are only on a particular job a short period. However, they 
    recommended reevaluation and possible retraining after an incident, 
    accident or expiration of a certificate. (See question 1.)
        OSHA has also made a few minor stylistic changes to improve the 
    clarity of the regulatory text for construction. Interested parties 
    may wish to comment on these.
    Collection of Information Under the Paperwork Reduction Act
        In addition to the issues raised above, OSHA seeks specific comment 
    on the collection of information requirement proposed in 
    Secs. 1910.178(l)(5), 1915.120(a)(5), 1917.43(i)(5), and 
    [[Page 3093]]
    1918.77(a)(5) [60 FR 13782; March 14, 1995]. Those sections contain a 
    collection of information requirement as defined by the new OMB 
    regulations at 60 FR 44978, August 29, 1995. OSHA is asking for comment 
    on a similar collection of information in Sec. 1926.602(d)(5) as part 
    of the NPRM covering the construction industry. These paragraphs 
    require employers to prepare and maintain a record to certify that 
    employees have been trained and evaluated as required by the powered 
    industrial truck operator training proposed standard. The proposed rule 
    requires employers to certify compliance with the standard by preparing 
    a certification record that contains the name of the employee trained, 
    the date of training, and the signature of the person performing the 
    training and evaluation.
        This certification record is needed to verify that powered 
    industrial truck operators are trained to perform their duties 
    competently and safely. To comply with the training requirement, 
    employers must keep a record certifying that their employees have 
    successfully completed powered industrial truck operator training. Safe 
    operation can decrease the number of fatalities and injuries associated 
    with powered industrial trucks.
        It has been estimated that there are approximately 1.2 million 
    powered industrial truck operators, and which each firm averaging four 
    powered industrial trucks in operation, the total number of responses 
    to this standard should be 360,000. Initial training should occur one 
    time per operator and refresher training when necessary. The refresher 
    training is to be done when working conditions change for any reason, 
    for example, when an operator leaves a job working in general industry 
    (a warehouse) to a job working on a construction site. The working 
    conditions are different, therefore, the operator should be retrained 
    about the new hazards that may exist in the new work environment.
        OSHA estimates that it will take employers about 1 hour to prepare 
    and 8 hours to deliver the training and another 15 minutes to prepare a 
    certification record, make it available during compliance inspections, 
    retain current training materials and course outlines, and document the 
    types of trucks that an operator is authorized to operate. It will cost 
    employers on average about $53 to initially train and certify each 
    employee. The total first year burden for all workplaces is 641,125 
    burden hours at an annual cost of $4,570,881. It should be noted that 
    the $4,570,881 cost is included in the regulatory analysis cost and, by 
    OMB definition, includes training costs, not just the cost of preparing 
    written documents.
        OSHA requests comment from the public on all aspects of this 
    collection of information. Specifically OSHA requests comment or 
    whether this proposed collection of information does:
         Ensure that the collection of information is necessary for 
    the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including 
    whether the information will have practical utility;
         Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the 
    burden of the proposed collection of information, including the 
    validity of the methodology and assumptions used;
         Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
    information to be collected; and
         Minimize the burden of the collection of information on 
    those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate 
    automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection 
    techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting 
    electronic submissions of responses.
        Comments on the collection of information (certification record) 
    should be sent to the OMB Desk Officer for OSHA at Room 10235, 726 
    Jackson Place, NW, Washington, DC 20503. Commenters are encouraged to 
    send a copy of their comment on the collection of information to OSHA 
    along with their other comments. The supporting statement for this 
    collection of information requirement is available in both OMB and the 
    OSHA Docket Offices.
        OMB is currently reviewing OSHA proposed collection of information 
    to determine its consistency with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. 
    At this time OMB has not approved this collection of information.
    Public Participation
        Interested persons are requested to submit written data, views and 
    arguments concerning the proposal of March 14, 1995 and the additional 
    issues raised in this document. These comments must be postmarked by 
    April 1, 1996, and submitted in quadruplicate to the Docket Office, 
    Docket No. S-008, Room N2624, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational 
    Safety and Health Administration, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., 
    Washington, DC 20210.
        All written comments received within the specified comment period 
    will be made a part of the record and will be available for public 
    inspection and copying at the above Docket Office address. The comments 
    submitted as part of the proposal for general industry and maritime 
    will be considered part of the record for construction and those 
    submitted for construction will be considered part of the record for 
    general industry and maritime.
    Notice of Intention to Appear at the Informal Hearing
        Pursuant to section 6(b)(3) of the Occupational Safety and Health 
    Act, an opportunity to submit oral testimony concerning the issues 
    raised by the proposed standard including economic and environmental 
    impacts, will be provided at an informal public hearing to be held in 
    Washington, DC on April 30, 1996. If OSHA receives sufficient requests 
    to participate in the hearing, the hearing period may be extended. 
    Conversely, the hearing may be shortened if there are few requests.
        The hearing will commence at 9:30 a.m. on April 30, 1996, in the 
    Auditorium, Frances Perkins Building, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 
    Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20210.
        All persons desiring to participate in the hearing must file in 
    quadruplicate a notice of intention to appear, postmarked on or before 
    April 1, 1996. The notice of intention to appear, which will be 
    available for inspection and copying at the OSHA Technical Data Center 
    Docket Office (Room N2624), telephone (202) 219-7894, must contain the 
    following information:
        1. The name, address, and telephone number of each person to 
        2. The capacity in which the person will appear;
        3. The approximate amount of time required for the presentation;
        4. The issues that will be addressed;
        5. A brief statement of the position that will be taken with 
    respect to each issue; and
        6. Whether the party intends to submit documentary evidence and, if 
    so, a brief summary of it.
        The notice of intention to appear shall be mailed to Mr. Thomas 
    Hall, OSHA Division of Consumer Affairs, Docket S-008, Room N3647, U.S. 
    Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210; 
    telephone (202) 219-8615.
        A notice of intention to appear also may be transmitted by 
    facsimile to (202) 219-5986 (Attention: Thomas Hall), by the same date, 
    provided the original and 3 copies are sent to the same address and 
    postmarked no more than 3 days later. 
    [[Page 3094]]
    Filing of Testimony and Evidence Before the Hearing
        Any party requesting more than 10 minutes for a presentation at the 
    hearing, or who will submit documentary evidence, must provide in 
    quadruplicate, the complete text of the testimony, including any 
    documentary evidence to be presented at the hearing. One copy shall not 
    be stapled or bound and be suitable for copying. These materials must 
    be provided to Mr. Thomas Hall, OSHA Division of Consumer Affairs at 
    the address above and be postmarked no later than April 15, 1996.
        Each such submission will be reviewed in light of the amount of 
    time requested in the notice of intention to appear. In those instances 
    when the information contained in the submission does not justify the 
    amount of time requested, a more appropriate amount of time will be 
    allocated and the participant will be notified of that fact prior to 
    the informal public hearing.
        Any party who has not substantially complied with this requirement 
    may be limited to a 10-minute presentation, and may be requested to 
    return for questioning at a later time.
        Any party who has not filed a notice of intention to appear may be 
    allowed to testify for no more than 10 minutes as time permits, at the 
    discretion of the Administrative Law Judge, but will not be allowed to 
    question witnesses.
        Notice of intention to appear, testimony and evidence will be 
    available for copying at the Docket Office at the address above.
    Conduct and Nature of the Hearing
        The hearing will commence at 9:30 a.m. on April 30, 1996. At that 
    time, any procedural matters relating to the proceeding will be 
        The nature of an informal rulemaking hearing is established in the 
    legislative history of section 6 of the Occupational Safety and Health 
    Act and is reflected by OSHA's rules of procedure for hearings (29 CFR 
    1911.15(a)). Although the presiding officer is an Administrative Law 
    Judge and limited questioning by persons who have filed notices of 
    intention to appear is allowed on crucial issues, the proceeding is 
    informal and legislative in type. The Agency's intent, in essence, is 
    to provide interested persons with an opportunity to make effective 
    oral presentations that can proceed expeditiously in the absence of 
    procedural restraints that impede or protract the rulemaking process.
        Additionally, since the hearing is primarily for information 
    gathering and clarification, it is an informal administrative 
    proceeding rather than an adjudicative one.
        The technical rules of evidence, for example, do not apply. The 
    regulations that govern hearings and the pre-hearing guidelines to be 
    issued for this hearing will ensure fairness and due process and also 
    facilitate the development of a clear, accurate and complete record. 
    Those rules and guidelines will be interpreted in a manner that 
    furthers that development. Thus, questions of relevance, procedure and 
    participation generally will be decided so as to favor development of 
    the record.
        The hearing will be conducted in accordance with 29 CFR part 1911. 
    It should be noted that Sec. 1911.4 specifies that the Assistant 
    Secretary may, upon reasonable notice, issue alternative procedures to 
    expedite proceedings or for other good cause.
        The hearing will be presided over by an Administrative Law Judge 
    who makes no decision or recommendation on the merits of OSHA's 
    proposal. The responsibility of the Administrative Law Judge is to 
    ensure that the hearing proceeds at a reasonable pace and in an orderly 
    manner. The Administrative Law Judge, therefore, will have all the 
    powers necessary and appropriate to conduct a full and fair informal 
    hearing as provided in 29 CFR 1911, including the powers:
        1. To regulate the course of the proceedings;
        2. To dispose of procedural requests, objections and comparable 
        3. To confine the presentations to the matters pertinent to the 
    issues raised;
        4. To regulate the conduct of those present at the hearing by 
    appropriate means;
        5. At the Judge's discretion, to question and permit the 
    questioning of any witness and to limit the time for questioning; and
        6. At the Judge's discretion, to keep the record open for a 
    reasonable, stated time (known as the post-hearing comment period) to 
    receive written information and additional data, views and arguments 
    from any person who has participated in the oral proceedings.
        OSHA recognizes that there may be interested persons who, through 
    their knowledge of safety or their experience in the operations 
    involved, would wish to endorse or support certain provisions in the 
    standard. OSHA welcomes such supportive comments, including any 
    pertinent accident data or cost information that may be available, in 
    order that the record of this rulemaking will present a balanced 
    picture of the public response on the issues involved.
        Signed at Washington, DC, this 22nd day of January, 1996.
    Joseph A. Dear,
    Assistant Secretary of Labor.
    [FR Doc. 96-1215 Filed 1-29-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4510-26-P