96-90. Rules Regarding Equal Opportunity  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 3 (Thursday, January 4, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 251-252]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-90]
    12 CFR Part 268
    [Docket No. R-0894]
    Rules Regarding Equal Opportunity
    AGENCY: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the 
    Board) has amended its Rules Regarding Equal Opportunity (Rules) to 
    correct an ambiguity in the provision regarding access to the 
    investigative file. The Rules set out the complaint processing 
    procedures governing complaints by Board employees and applicants for 
    employment alleging discrimination in employment, and related matters.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: February 5, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: J. Mills Williams, Senior Attorney 
    (202/452-3701), or Stephen L. Siciliano, Special Assistant to the 
    General Counsel for Administrative Law (202/452-3920), Legal Division, 
    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th Street and 
    Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20551. For users of 
    Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) only, contact Dorothea 
    Thompson (202/452-3544).
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The amendment to the Rules is hereby issued 
    as a final rule. The Board sought comments on the proposed amendment on 
    August 31, 1995 (60 FR 45385), and no comments were received. No 
    changes have been made in the amendment as proposed.
        The Board's Rules Regarding Equal Opportunity (12 CFR part 268) 
    prior to this amendment provided that a person who files an 
    administrative complaint of discrimination under the Rules must be 
    given a copy of the investigative file relative to the complaint within 
    180 days after the filing of the complaint with the Board, unless the 
    time is otherwise extended. 12 CFR 268.207(f). The Rules further 
    provided that the ``Board may unilaterally extend the time period * * * 
    where it must sanitize a complaint file that may contain confidential 
    information of the Board under 12 CFR part 261, or other privileged 
    information of the Board * * *.'' 12 CFR 268.207(e). The corresponding 
    language in the federal sector complaint processing regulation of the 
    Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Commission) provides that an 
    ``agency may unilaterally extend the time period * * * where it must 
    sanitize a complaint file that may contain information classified 
    pursuant to Executive Order 12356, or successor orders, as secret in 
    the interest of national defense or foreign policy * * *.'' 29 CFR 
        The Board's Rules require that, at the completion of an 
    investigation, the investigative file be made available to each 
    complainant. 12 CFR 268.207(f). It was and continues to be the Board's 
    intention to provide that confidential information of the Board that is 
    relevant to the complaint be included in the investigative file made 
    available to the complainant and to the complainant's personal 
        The Board was concerned, however, that the prior language of 
    Sec. 268.207(e) could be interpreted as preventing confidential Board 
    information that is relevant to a complainant from being included in 
    the investigative file and thus being made available to a complainant. 
    The Board believes that its Rules must make clear that, where relevant, 
    confidential information of the 
    [[Page 252]]
    Board may be included in a complaint file. Accordingly, Sec. 268.207(e) 
    of the Rules has been amended to provide that the time period for 
    completing an investigation may be unilaterally extended by the Board 
    only where classified national security information must be sanitized. 
    This amendment conforms the Rules to the corresponding provision in the 
    complaint processing regulation of the Commission.
        In addition, a new paragraph (Sec. 268.207(e)(2)) has been added to 
    Sec. 268.207(e) of the Board's Rules that expressly authorizes the 
    placement by the investigator, the EEO Programs Director, or another 
    appropriate officer of the Board of relevant confidential information 
    in the investigative file that is provided to a complainant and to his 
    or her personal representative.
        The new paragraph contains a provision making clear that those who 
    have access to an investigative file, such as the complainant and the 
    complainant's personal representative, containing any confidential 
    information are subject to all applicable restrictions in existing law 
    governing the disclosure of such information, in particular, the 
    Board's Rules Regarding Availability of Information (12 CFR Part 261) 
    and, where applicable, the Privacy Act. This means that confidential 
    information in an investigatory file may be disclosed further only to 
    the extent permitted by such restrictions.
        The Board notes, in this regard, that its restrictions on 
    unauthorized disclosure of confidential information by persons in 
    possession of such information bind all such persons, not merely those 
    who are employees of the Board. 12 CFR 261.8(c), 261.13(e), 261.14.
        The Board's Rules Regarding Availability of Information (12 CFR 261 
    subpart C) provide a mechanism by which a person having confidential 
    information of the Board may request permission to disclose further 
    such information, however. Accordingly, application may be made to the 
    Board's General Counsel under 12 CFR 261.13 for approval of further 
    production or disclosure by a complainant or personal representative of 
    confidential information.
        In addition, aside from confidential supervisory information, a 
    particular investigatory file may include information that is subject 
    to the Privacy Act. Such information also may not be disclosed to or by 
    the complainant unless disclosure is authorized consistent with the 
    requirements and/or prohibitions of the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 
    552a).1 Information subject to Executive Order 12356 may not at 
    any point be included in the investigatory file and would not be made 
    available to the complainant or to his/her personal representative.
        \1\ Information subject to the Privacy Act may thereafter be 
    disclosed when necessary in accordance with the routine use 
    provision. 12 CFR 261a.10(b)(3). See Board System of Records, BGFRS-
    5, Federal Reserve Regulatory Service para. 8-338. A federal 
    criminal statute regarding the unauthorized conversion of Board 
    property may restrict disclosure of confidential Board information 
    in certain cases unless authorization has been specifically given. 
    18 U.S.C. 641.
        In addition, the Board has made a technical correction to 
    Sec. 268.304(a)(3)(i)(A) by substituting a reference to Executive Order 
    No. 12356, dealing with national security classified information, for 
    the former reference (Executive Order No. 10450). The Board has 
    determined that this technical correction is not subject to provisions 
    of the Administrative Procedure Act regarding notice and public comment 
    because good cause exists to support the conclusion that notice and 
    public procedure thereon are unnecessary. 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B) and (d).
    List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 268
        Administrative practice and procedure, Aged, Civil rights, Equal 
    employment opportunity, Federal buildings and facilities, Federal 
    Reserve System, Government employees, Individuals with disabilities, 
    Religious discrimination, Sex discrimination, Wages.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Board amends 12 CFR 
    part 268 as set forth below:
        1. The authority citation for part 268 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 244 and 248(i), (k) and (l).
        2. In Sec. 268.207, paragraph (e) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 268.207  Investigation of complaints.
    * * * * *
        (e)(1) The Board shall complete its investigation within 180 days 
    of the date of the filing of an individual complaint or within the time 
    period contained in the determination of the Commission on review of a 
    dismissal pursuant to Sec. 268.206 of this part. By written agreement 
    within those time periods, the complainant and the Board may 
    voluntarily extend the time period for not more than an additional 90 
    days. The Board may unilaterally extend the time period or any period 
    of extension for not more than 30 days where it must sanitize an 
    investigative file that may contain information classified pursuant to 
    Executive Order No. 12356, or successor orders, as secret in the 
    interest of national defense or foreign policy, provided the Board 
    notifies the complainant of the extension.
        (2) Confidential supervisory information, as defined in 12 CFR 
    261.2(b), and other confidential information of the Board may be 
    included in the investigative file by the investigator, the EEO 
    Programs Director, or another appropriate officer of the Board, where 
    such information is relevant to the complaint. Neither the complainant 
    nor the complainant's personal representative may make further 
    disclosure of such information, however, except in compliance with the 
    Board's Rules Regarding Availability of Information, 12 CFR part 261, 
    and where applicable, the Board's Rules Regarding Access to and Review 
    of Personal Information in Systems of Records, 12 CFR part 261a.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 268.304  [Amended]
        3. In Sec. 268.304(a)(3)(i)(A), remove the words ``Executive Order 
    No. 10450 (3 CFR, 1949-1953 Comp., P. 936)'' and add in their place, 
    the words ``Executive Order No. 12356 (3 CFR, 1982 Comp.; p. 166)''.
        By order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 
    System, December 28, 1995.
    Jennifer J. Johnson,
    Deputy Secretary of the Board.
    [FR Doc. 96-90 Filed 1-3-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6210-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Reserve System
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
February 5, 1996.
251-252 (2 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. R-0894
PDF File:
CFR: (4)
12 CFR 268.207(e)
12 CFR 268.304(a)(3)(i)(A)
12 CFR 268.207
12 CFR 268.304