01-227. Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance  

  • Start Preamble


    Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


    Final rule.


    The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is amending its regulations to include a list of the types of Federal financial assistance activities administered by the NRC under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (Title IX). Title IX prohibits recipients of Federal financial assistance from discriminating on the basis of sex in education programs or activities. Subpart F of the Title IX common rule requires each Federal agency that awards Federal financial assistance to publish in the Federal Register a list of Federal financial assistance administered by that Agency.


    February 5, 2001.

    Start Further Info


    Irene P. Little, Director, Office of Small Business and Civil Rights, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, (301) 415-7380.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    Title IX prohibits recipients of Federal financial assistance from discriminating on the basis of sex in education programs or activities. Subpart F of the Title IX common rule requires each Federal agency that awards Federal financial assistance to publish in the Federal Register a notice of the different types of Federal financial assistance covered by the Title IX regulations within sixty (60) days after the effective date of the final common rule. The final common rule for the enforcement of Title IX was published in the Federal Register by twenty-one (21) Federal agencies, including NRC, on August 30, 2000 (65 FR 52858-52895). NRC's portion of the final common rule will be codified at 10 CFR Part 5. Specifically, the statute states that “[n]o person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance,” with specific exceptions for various entities, programs, and activities. 20 U.S.C. 1681(a). Title IX and the Title IX common rule prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in the operation of, and the provision or denial of benefits by, education programs or activities conducted not only by educational institutions but by other entities as well, including, for example, nonprofit organizations.

    Because this amendment deals solely with agency practice and procedure, the notice and comment provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act do not apply under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(A).

    Environmental Impact: Categorical Exclusion

    The NRC has determined that this final rule is the type of action described in categorical exclusion 10 CFR 51.22(c)(1). Therefore, neither an environmental impact statement nor an environmental assessment has been prepared for this final rule.

    Backfit Analysis

    The NRC has determined that the backfit rule does not apply to this final rule; and therefore, a backfit analysis is not required for this final rule because these amendments do not involve any provision that would impose backfits as defined in 10 CFR Chapter I.

    Paperwork Reduction Act Statement

    This final rule contains no information collection requirements and, therefore, is not subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (55 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).

    Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act

    In accordance with the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, the NRC has determined that this action is not a major rule and has verified this determination with the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs of OMB.

    Start List of Subjects

    List of Subjects in 10 CFR Part 5

    • Administrative practice and procedure
    • Buildings and facilities
    • Civil rights
    • Colleges and universities
    • Education of individuals with disabilities
    • Education
    • Educational facilities
    • Educational research
    • Educational study programs
    • Equal educational opportunity
    • Equal employment opportunity
    • Graduate fellowship program
    • Grant programs-education
    • Individuals with disabilities
    • Investigations
    • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
    • Sex discrimination
    • State agreement program
    • Student aid
    • Women
    End List of Subjects Start Amendment Part

    For the reasons set out in the preamble and under the authority of the Start Printed Page 709Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, and 5 U.S.C. 552 and 553, the NRC is adopting the following amendment to 10 CFR part 5.

    End Amendment Part Start Part


    End Part Start Amendment Part

    1. The authority citation for part 5 continues to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Authority

    Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1681, 1682, 1683, 1685, 1686, 1687, 1688.

    End Authority Start Amendment Part

    2. Appendix A is added to part 5 to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Appendix

    Appendix A to Part 5—List of Federal Financial Assistance Administered by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Which Title IX Applies


    All recipients of Federal financial assistance from NRC are subject to Title IX, but Title IX's anti-discrimination prohibitions are limited to the educational components of the recipient's program or activity, if any. Failure to list a type of Federal assistance below shall not mean, if Title IX is otherwise applicable, that a program or activity is not covered by Title IX.

    (a) Conferences on regulatory programs and related matters. Agreements for financial assistance to State and local officials, without full-cost recovery, to confer on regulatory programs and related matters at NRC facilities and offices, or other locations.

    (b) Orientations and instruction. Agreements for financial assistance to State and local officials, without full-cost recovery, to receive orientation and on-the-job instruction at NRC facilities and offices, or other locations.

    (c) Technical training courses. Agreements for financial assistance to State and local officials, without full-cost recovery to attend training on nuclear material licensing, inspection and emergency response regulatory responsibilities to ensure compatibility between NRC and Agreement State regulation.

    (d) Participation in meetings and conferences. Agreements for participation, without full-cost recovery, in meetings, conferences, workshops, and symposia to assist scientific, professional or educational institutions or groups.

    (e) Research support. Agreements for the financial support of basic and applied scientific research and for the exchanges of scientific information.

    End Appendix Start Signature

    Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 19th day of December 2000.

    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

    William D. Travers,

    Executive Director for Operations.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 01-227 Filed 1-3-01; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 7590-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
February 5, 2001.
708-709 (2 pages)
Administrative practice and procedure, Buildings and facilities, Civil rights, Colleges and universities, Education, Education of individuals with disabilities, Educational facilities, Educational research, Educational study programs, Equal educational opportunity, Equal employment opportunity, Grant programs-education, Individuals with disabilities, Investigations, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Sex discrimination, Student aid, Women
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
10 CFR 5