94-182. Availability of Report to Congress on Cement Kiln Dust; Request for Comments and Announcement of Public Hearing  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 4 (Thursday, January 6, 1994)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 709-714]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-182]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: January 6, 1994]
    40 CFR Part 261
    Availability of Report to Congress on Cement Kiln Dust; Request 
    for Comments and Announcement of Public Hearing
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
    ACTION: Notice of availability.
    SUMMARY: This notice announces the availability of the Agency's Report 
    to Congress on Cement Kiln Dust, that is required by section 8002(o) of 
    the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 42 U.S.C. 6982(o). 
    The Report to Congress contains a detailed study of cement kiln dust 
    (CKD), which is within the scope of the exemption from hazardous waste 
    regulations provided by section 3001(b)(3)(A)(iii) of RCRA as codified 
    at 40 CFR 261.4(b)(8); this exemption is often referred to as the 
    Bevill Exemption. The report also presents the Agency's decision making 
    rationale and a series of options being considered regarding regulatory 
    options for cement kiln dust waste. Information submitted in public 
    comments and at a public hearing will be used in conjunction with the 
    Report to Congress to make a final determination on the regulatory 
    status of these wastes.
    DATES: EPA will accept public comments on the Report to Congress on 
    Cement Kiln Dust until February 22, 1994. The Agency will hold a public 
    hearing on the Report to Congress on February 15, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Requests to speak at the public hearing should be submitted 
    in writing to the Public Hearing Officer--Cement Kiln Dust, Office of 
    Solid Waste, Special Waste Branch, U.S. Environmental Protection 
    Agency, 401 M Street (5302W), SW., Washington, DC 20460. The February 
    15, 1994 public hearing will be held at the Renaissance Hotel in 
    Washington, DC, located at 999 9th Street, NW. The hearing will begin 
    at 9 a.m. with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m. The hearing will end 
    at 5 p.m. unless concluded earlier. Oral and written statements may be 
    submitted at the public hearing. Persons who wish to make oral 
    presentations must restrict them to 15 minutes, and are requested to 
    provide written comments for inclusion in the record.
        Copies of the full report are available for inspection and copying 
    at the EPA Headquarters library, at the RCRA Docket in Washington, DC, 
    and at all EPA Regional Office libraries. Copies of the full report can 
    be purchased from the National Technical Information Service (call 
    (703) 487-4660 or (800) 553-NTIS). Copies of the Executive Summary 
    (Volume I) can be obtained by calling the RCRA/Superfund Hotline at 
    (800) 424-9346 or (703) 412-9810.
        Those wishing to submit public comments for the record must send an 
    original and two copies of their comments to the following address: 
    RCRA Docket Information Center (5305), U.S. Environmental Protection 
    Agency, 401 M Street, SW., Washington, DC, 20460. Please place the 
    docket number F-93-RCKA-FFFFF on your comments.
        The RCRA docket is located in room M2616 at EPA Headquarters in 
    Washington, DC. The docket is open from 9 to 4 p.m., Monday through 
    Friday, except Federal holidays. In order to view the docket, please 
    call (202) 260-9327 to make an appointment. Copies are free up to 100 
    pages and thereafter cost $0.15/page.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For general information, contact the 
    RCRA/Superfund Hotline at (800) 424-9346 or (703) 412-9810; for 
    technical information contact Bill Schoenborn, U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency (5302W), 401 M Street, SW., Washington, DC 20460, at 
    (703) 308-8483.
    A. Background Information
        RCRA section 3001(b)(3) (hereafter referred to as the Bevill 
    Exemption) exempts, among other things, cement kiln dust waste from 
    regulation under RCRA subtitle C, pending completion of a Report to 
    Congress and a subsequent determination of whether such regulation is 
    warranted. In RCRA section 8002(o), Congress directed EPA to conduct a 
    detailed and comprehensive study based on eight study factors 
    (discussed below) and submit a Report to Congress on ``the adverse 
    effects on human health and the environment, if any, of the disposal 
    and utilization of cement kiln dust waste''. RCRA section 3001(b)(3)(C) 
    then requires that EPA determine, within six months of the date of 
    submission of the Report to Congress, either to promulgate regulations 
    for CKD under subtitle C or determine that subtitle C regulation is 
        The Bevill Exemption was added to RCRA on October 12, 1980, as part 
    of the 1980 Solid Waste Disposal Act Amendment. In response to the 1980 
    RCRA amendments, EPA published an interim final amendment to its 
    hazardous waste regulations to reflect the provisions of the Bevill 
    Exemption (40 CFR 261.4(b)(8)). Since that time, cement kiln dust has 
    remained exempt from subtitle C of RCRA, meaning that this material has 
    never been subject to hazardous waste regulations under Federal law.
        On March 8, 1989, the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) filed suit 
    against EPA for failing to complete the RTC as required by RCRA. On 
    June 19, 1991, EPA entered into a proposed consent decree with EDF. In 
    the proposed consent decree, EPA agreed to complete the Report to 
    Congress on Cement Kiln Dust by April 30, 1993. The proposed consent 
    decree was later modified to extend the deadline for issuance of the 
    Report to Congress to December 31, 1993.
    B. Report to Congress
        EPA has completed its study of CKD waste and prepared the Report to 
    Congress on Cement Kiln Dust. In keeping with the statutory 
    requirements, the report addresses the following factors (hereafter 
    ``study factors'') required under section 8002(o) of RCRA:
        (1) The source and volumes of such materials generated per year;
        (2) Present disposal practices;
        (3) Potential danger, if any, to human health and the environment 
    from the disposal of such materials;
        (4) Documented cases in which danger to human health or the 
    environment has been proved;
        (5) Alternatives to current disposal methods;
        (6) The costs of such alternatives;
        (7) The impact of those alternatives on the use of natural 
    resources; and
        (8) The current and potential utilization of such materials.
    In addition, section 8002(o) directs the Agency review other Federal 
    and state studies and actions (e.g., regulations) to avoid duplication 
    of effort.
        The Agency's approach in preparing the Report to Congress was to 
    combine certain study factors for purposes of analysis and to evaluate 
    these study factors in a step-wise fashion. This evaluation process, 
    hereafter referred to as EPA's decision rationale, is a three-step 
    methodology that was used in making the regulatory determinations for 
    Mineral Processing Special Wastes (56 FR 27305, June 13, 1991) and the 
    four large-volume Wastes from the Combustion of Coal by Electric 
    Utilities (58 FR 42466, August 9, 1993). The decision rationale 
    contributed to the development of the proposed options for managing CKD 
    waste. EPA is soliciting comment on how the decision rationale can be 
    used in the Agency's decision-making process.
        The resulting review and discussion of EPA's analysis is organized 
    into ten chapters in Volume II of the Report to Congress: Methods and 
    Findings. (Volume I is an Executive Summary.) The first chapter of 
    Volume II briefly summarizes the purpose and scope of the report, 
    general methods and information sources used, and EPA's decision making 
    methodology. The second chapter provides a brief overview of the cement 
    industry, including a description of CKD waste, the industry structure 
    and characteristics, the cement manufacturing process, the types of 
    production processes used, and significant process inputs (RCRA Study 
    Factor 1). The third chapter discusses the generation and chemical and 
    physical characteristics of CKD (Study Factors 1 and 3). The fourth 
    chapter outlines the range of CKD management methods employed at 
    domestic cement plants (Study Factor 2). The fifth chapter identifies 
    and summarizes cases of potential and documented damages to human 
    health and the environment (Study Factor 4). The sixth chapter includes 
    a discussion of EPA's risk assessment in which the Agency examined 
    inherent hazards posed by CKD, evaluated site-specific risk factors, 
    and performed quantitative transport, fate and exposure modeling (Study 
    Factor 3). The seventh chapter summarizes applicable federal and state 
    regulatory controls. The eighth chapter investigates alternative waste 
    management practices and potential utilization of the wastes (Study 
    Factors 5, 6, and 7). The ninth chapter discusses costs and impacts 
    under each of several regulatory and operational scenarios (Study 
    Factor 8). The tenth and final chapter of Volume II of the Report to 
    Congress summarizes and analyzes the findings of EPA's evaluation of 
    the above study factors and presents a series of options the Agency is 
    considering, based on these findings, concerning the management of 
    cement kiln dust.
    C. Decision Rationale
        After studying cement kiln dust, the Agency used the decision 
    rationale to evaluate the findings of the study factors, and to 
    formulate a series of options being considered regarding the level of 
    control needed for CKD. In Step 1 of the decision rationale, the Agency 
    first determined whether the management of CKD poses human health/
    environmental problems and the potential for current practices to cause 
    problems in the future. In Step 2, the Agency looked at waste 
    management practices and existing regulations to examine the potential 
    for releases and exposure under current practices. In Step 3, the 
    Agency evaluated the costs and impacts associated with regulating this 
    waste under Subtitle C and, possibly, other regulatory scenarios.
        The rationale for the order of questions is that cement kiln dust 
    should first be considered to present risk to human health or the 
    environment or a potential risk under plausible mismanagement scenarios 
    before the Agency considers it for regulation under RCRA subtitle C. 
    Second, before it considers regulating the waste under subtitle C, the 
    Agency should determine that current management practices and existing 
    state and Federal regulatory controls are inadequate to limit the risks 
    posed by a waste. Then it should consider whether subtitle C regulation 
    would be effective and appropriate. Finally, the special statutory 
    status of the waste requires that the Agency consider the impacts to 
    the industry that regulation under subtitle C would create in making a 
    decision to regulate the waste as hazardous. Therefore, the decision 
    rationale allows EPA to systematically narrow its focus as to whether 
    the waste may present significant risk of harm and whether additional 
    regulatory controls are necessary and desirable.
        The tentative answers to the questions posed in its three-step 
    decision rationale are discussed below:
        Step 1: Does management of CKD pose human health and environmental 
    problems? Might current practices cause problems in the future?
        After reviewing evidence of damage to human health and the 
    environment, performing a risk assessment, and reviewing the results of 
    laboratory analyses of waste samples, EPA has concluded that risks 
    associated with CKD management are generally low, however, there is a 
    potential under certain circumstances for CKD to pose a danger to human 
    health and environment, and may do so in the future.
        Data collected from state files and EPA site visits identify common 
    CKD waste management practices, including management in exposed, 
    unlined piles, abandoned quarries, and landfills, that have caused, and 
    may continue to cause, contamination of air and nearby surface water 
    and ground water. Management practices such as disposal in a water-
    filled quarry and management in piles adjacent to grazing and 
    agricultural fields or surface water bodies also pose a potential 
    danger to human health and the environment. In addition, risk modeling 
    results supports the conclusion that CKD can potentially pose risks to 
    human health and the environment under certain hypothetical, yet 
    plausible scenarios.
        Step 2: Is more stringent regulation necessary or desirable?
        EPA has reached no conclusions with respect to the need for more 
    stringent regulation. EPA's preliminary analysis of the effectiveness 
    of State and Federal regulations and controls suggests that additional 
    controls should be evaluated; for example, controls for CKD management 
    scenarios which potentially present high risks, if those scenarios 
    exist. While CKD is regulated under State and local laws, the specific 
    requirements for CKD vary from state to state. In many instances, 
    minimal controls are applied to these wastes. Also, recycling 
    technologies could be used as a means to improve waste management 
        Step 3: What would be the operational and economic consequences of 
    a decision to regulate CKD under subtitle C?
        Operational costs of CKD regulation are largely dependent on the 
    management alternative selected. If CKD is managed as a hazardous waste 
    under RCRA subtitle C, facilities that manage their CKD through on-site 
    land disposal are estimated to incur significant compliance costs. 
    However, the financial burden of compliance, even for waste dust 
    generated in kilns that burn RCRA hazardous waste, may be reduced, if 
    facilities are able to adopt pollution prevention technologies which 
    recycle CKD.
        The possible economic outcomes of a decision to regulate CKD under 
    RCRA subtitle C cover a broad spectrum. An economic analysis of 
    innovative pollution prevention technologies (including alkali 
    leaching, flue gas desulfurization, and fluid-bed dust recovery), 
    suggests that the potentially high compliance costs of CKD land 
    disposal may drive the industry toward more recycling of their CKD. 
    However, at this early stage of their development, it is uncertain that 
    these recycling technologies can be widely adopted by the industry. 
    Moreover, even if CKD is recycled, some facilities may incur 
    substantial disposal costs.
    D. Regulatory Options
        This section presents a series of options the Agency is considering 
    concerning the management of cement kiln dust waste based on the 
    findings of this Report. In accordance with RCRA section 3001(b)(3)(C), 
    EPA will make a regulatory determination for cement kiln dust waste 
    after submitting this Report to Congress, and after holding a public 
    hearing, and accepting and reviewing public comments.
        As stated previously, cement kiln dust waste generally presents a 
    low inherent toxicity, is only rarely characteristically hazardous, 
    and, in most cases based on risk modeling, does not present a risk to 
    human health and the environment. However, cement kiln dust waste may 
    pose a potential threat to human health and the environment considering 
    plausible worst case conditions under certain hypothetical management 
    scenarios (see Chapters 5 and 6). Major factors increasing the 
    potential for human health and environmental damages include proximity 
    to potential exposure points such as agricultural fields and surface 
    water bodies, as well as the concentrations of key constituents of 
        Based on the findings, and an initial evaluation of regulatory 
    options, the Agency has not decided whether to retain or remove the CKD 
    exemption. The Agency considered a number of options which represent a 
    wide range of scenarios that would subject CKD to different management 
    requirements and enforcement oversight. From these, the Agency has 
    chosen to highlight five, including three in which CKD would be managed 
    under subtitle C, with the intent to focus public comment from 
    environmental groups, industry, and other interested parties regarding 
    the most appropriate approach to manage CKD.
        EPA notes that regulations for the management of CKD waste under 
    subtitle C may not be warranted or appropriate if other Agency-
    administered programs are better suited to address the concerns 
    identified in this Report. Among the statutes that may have authority 
    to address the indirect foodchain risks associated with CKD are the 
    Clean Water Act (stormwater management regulations), the Clean Air Act 
    (the program defining the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous 
    Air Pollutants), and the Toxic Substances Control Act (which gives the 
    Agency authority to issue appropriate regulations to address the risks 
    from hazardous chemical substances or mixtures). These alternative 
    authorities are being explored and a decision to pursue regulation of 
    CKD under one or more of these statutes may form the basis for a 
    decision that subtitle C regulation of CKD may be limited or even 
        Whether or not the Agency lifts the exemption, dust suppression and 
    storm water management at facilities that burn hazardous waste, as well 
    as on-site CKD management practices at all other facilities would be 
    subject to current and potential future regulation under the Federal 
    Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, and where such provisions exist, all 
    applicable state laws and regulations. Damages at existing CKD disposal 
    sites also could be addressed by RCRA section 7003 and CERCLA section 
    104 and 106, if the site posed an imminent and substantial danger to 
    human health and the environment.
        Option 1: Retain the CKD Exemption.
        Since CKD exhibits low inherent toxicity and poses minimal risk 
    when evaluating the various exposure pathways using average or best 
    case conditions, it may be appropriate to retain the exemption for 
    cement kiln dust waste, that is, maintain the status quo. Under this 
    option, CKD management would continue to be regulated by the States, if 
    at all.
        Option 2: Retain the CKD Exemption, but enter into discussions with 
    the industry, in which they voluntarily implement dust recycling 
    technologies, reduce waste, and monitor and control certain off-site 
        Since certain management scenarios may present risks when assuming 
    plausible worst case conditions and pollution prevention alternatives 
    may be promising in certain instances, the Agency could enter into 
    discussions with the cement manufacturing industry to urge it to 
    implement selected waste minimization/pollution prevention technologies 
    or implement, more environmentally protective management practices, 
    including controlling certain off-site uses.
        For example, some of the potential higher risk situations that have 
    been identified in the hypothetical scenarios relate to on-site CKD 
    management and derive from CKD releases from waste piles or other 
    points via wind-blown dust or storm water runoff or a combination of 
    the two. These contaminant release situations may be controllable (and 
    at some facilities are currently being controlled) at relatively low 
    cost by careful location of the waste pile and active use of 
    conventional dust suppression and storm water management practices. The 
    Agency would hold discussions with the industry to encourage them to 
    voluntarily agree to implement these practices.
        An exception to the above conclusion would appear to be the 15 
    percent or so of cement plants where CKD waste is managed in areas of 
    karst topography or other areas characterized by flow in fractured or 
    cavernous bedrock, where leachate may directly percolate to groundwater 
    with little or no attenuation. For some of these facilities, the 
    groundwater pathway may become of increased concern, depending on other 
    site specific considerations. Again, EPA would discuss with the 
    industry opportunities to either use appropriate liners or relocate the 
    CKD management unit.
        About 20 percent of current net CKD generation is used off-site for 
    a wide variety of purposes, most of which according to the Agency's 
    risk assessment do not pose human health or other risks. However, the 
    use of raw CKD containing higher measured levels of certain metals and/
    or dioxins as a direct substitute for lime on agricultural fields and 
    gardens can concentrate toxic constituents in crops and animal products 
    at levels of concern for human health. This use of CKD, though not 
    widely practiced at present, is otherwise not currently controlled, and 
    may warrant further consideration by the Agency.
        The Agency, under this option, could also develop guidance for 
    States regarding site management, off-site uses, and pollution 
    prevention and waste minimization technologies. This guidance would 
    assist States in reducing the potential risks posed by mismanagement of 
    CKD and recommend implementation of technologies that would promote 
    recycling of CKD.
        Under this option, CKD management would not be controlled by the 
    provisions of RCRA subtitle C. However, since the exemption for CKD 
    remains in place, CKD generated in kilns that burn hazardous waste 
    would still be subject to the two-part test for residuals under 40 CFR 
    266.112. If CKD does not pass the two-part test, it would be treated to 
    standards for land disposal (40 CFR 268.43) and disposed in a subtitle 
    C facility. Damages at existing CKD disposal sites would still be 
    addressed by RCRA section 7003 and CERCLA sections 104 and 106, if the 
    site posed an imminent and substantial danger to human health and the 
        Option 3: Remove the CKD Exemption but delay implementation for 
    some period of time (e.g., two years), that would allow industry time 
    to employ pollution prevention options.
        While CKD may not present risks when evaluating the various 
    exposure pathways using average or best case conditions, CKD may pose a 
    potential danger to human health and the environment if managed in 
    certain ways under a limited set of exposure pathways assuming 
    plausible worst case conditions. Also, damages to the environment 
    resulting from poor CKD management practices have been recorded and are 
    continuing to occur at some facilities. For these reasons, removing the 
    Bevill exemption (codified at 40 CFR 261.4(b)(8)) may be appropriate. 
    Accordingly, provisions of the Boiler and Industrial Furnace rule (40 
    CFR 266.112) would no longer apply to hazardous waste-derived CKD.
        Under this option, on-site CKD management practices at those 
    facilities with dust that exhibited any of the RCRA hazardous waste 
    characteristics, or CKD derived from the burning of listed hazardous 
    wastes (see 40 CFR 261.3(c)(2)(i)) would be affected by the provisions 
    of RCRA subtitle C. CKD disposal piles which are inactive on or before 
    the effective date of the Final Rule would be unaffected by the 
    provisions of subtitle C, unless subsequently managed.
        By delaying lifting the exemption for some period of time (e.g., 
    two years after the Regulatory Determination), industry would be 
    provided an opportunity to implement pollution prevention alternatives 
    and thus, manage the hazardous waste management costs they would incur. 
    During this interim period between submittal of the Report to Congress 
    and the effective date of the Final Rule, the CKD exemption would still 
    be in effect. The Agency believes that many of the affected facilities 
    would utilize the time to adopt pollution prevention technologies which 
    would reduce, if not eliminate the amount of hazardous CKD they 
    generate or stop burning hazardous waste.
        Once the exemption is removed, CKD generated from cement 
    manufacturing facilities that burn RCRA hazardous wastes would be RCRA 
    hazardous waste under the derived-from rule (40 CFR 261.3(c)(2)(i)). 
    The goal of avoiding subtitle C compliance costs would provide an 
    incentive for each facility to look for pollution prevention 
    alternatives to recycle their CKD and reduce the amount of hazardous 
    waste generated. The Agency is requesting additional information on the 
    viability of the CKD recycling options discussed in the RTC and any 
    other available pollution prevention or recycling option not considered 
    in the Report.
        Those facilities that do not burn hazardous waste would not 
    generally be affected by removing the exemption unless they generated 
    characteristic RCRA hazardous waste. The Agency expects the number of 
    non-hazardous waste burning facilities affected by this option would be 
    small, since CKD rarely exhibits a characteristic of hazardous waste. 
    These facilities would have an incentive to control their cement 
    manufacturing process to avoid generating characteristic CKD.
        Option 4: Remove the CKD Exemption, and rely on existing hazardous 
    waste rules to control cement kiln dust.
        This option is similar to Option 3, except the exemption would be 
    removed in accordance with RCRA section 3010(b). (Under subtitle C of 
    RCRA, wastes brought under regulatory control have up to six months 
    from the Regulatory Determination before they become subject to 
    hazardous waste control.) Thus, CKD that is hazardous waste-derived or 
    exhibits a RCRA hazardous characteristic would be made subject to the 
    provisions of RCRA subtitle C. Otherwise, this option is the same as 
    Option 3.
        Option 5: Promulgate Regulatory Standards for the Management of CKD 
        As previously stated, the Agency's analysis of the risks associated 
    with cement kiln dust suggest that by merely lifting the exemption at 
    40 CFR 264.1(b)(8), certain pathways of potential concern under the 
    hypothetical scenarios may not be adequately addressed under Options 3 
    and 4, should EPA decide that subtitle C regulation is warranted for 
    CKD in the first instance. Specifically, EPA's risk assessment 
    indicates indirect foodchain risks are of potential concern from 
    releases of CKD from disposal piles to nearby surface waters and crop 
    lands and from the direct application of CKD to croplands as a soil 
    amendment assuming reasonable worst-case conditions. The Agency 
    acknowledges, as discussed in detail in Chapter 6, that these modelled 
    risks, while plausible, are of probably minimal incidence.
        As described above, the likely regulatory result under Options 3 
    and 4 would be to make CKD generated by a kiln that burns listed 
    hazardous wastes itself a hazardous waste under the derived-from rule 
    (40 CFR 261.3(c)(2)(i)). The indirect foodchain risks potentially 
    identified in this Report, however, are not associated only with CKD 
    generated by hazardous waste burning kilns. As a result, EPA is also 
    considering regulatory mechanisms that would specifically address these 
    risks, including promulgating regulatory standards under subtitle C for 
    the management of CKD waste that would provide adequate protection 
    against these risks.
        RCRA section 3001(b)(3)(C) provides that EPA shall within six 
    months of the RTC ``determine to promulgate regulations under this 
    subchapter * * * or determine that such regulations are unwarranted.'' 
    The statute does not describe the type of regulation that EPA should 
    consider promulgating (if any), other than that such regulation be 
    under subtitle C of RCRA. For example, RCRA does not expressly direct 
    EPA to determine whether to list CKD as hazardous, as required for 
    other wastes under the mandates in RCRA section 3001(c). Furthermore, 
    RCRA section 2002(a) gives the Administrator the broad authority to 
    ``prescribe * * * such regulations as are necessary to carry out his 
    functions under this chapter.'' The Agency believes it has the 
    authority where appropriate to promulgate Federally-enforceable 
    regulatory standards under subtitle C for the management of CKD. EPA 
    could explore mechanisms for imposing regulatory standards for CKD, 
    e.g., under grant of rulemaking authority under section 3001(b)(3)(C). 
    Alternatively, EPA could consider conditioning the CKD exemption from 
    the definition of hazardous waste (40 CFR 261.4(b)(8)) on compliance 
    with appropriate management standards.
        EPA could promulgate minimally burdensome management standards for 
    cement kiln dust that would adequately control the indirect foodchain 
    risks, such as: (1) Requiring that dust piles be kept covered to 
    control fugitive emissions and institute surface water runoff and 
    erosion controls; (2) maintaining groundwater protection, perhaps by 
    requiring that CKD piles be maintained on a non-earthen base or by 
    requiring a liner; and (3) establishing risk-based concentration 
    thresholds for all constituents of concern (including 2,3,7,8-TCDD, 
    arsenic, cadmium, and lead) for CKD used as a direct soil amendment. 
    Additional or alternative standards may be appropriate, and EPA 
    welcomes comments and suggestions on this aspect of its options.
        Of the five options being considered by the Agency, Options 3, 4 
    and 5 would provide more control through implementation of the 
    provisions of subtitle C. The principal difference between Options 3 
    and 4 is the timing of the implementation of the regulatory controls. 
    Option 3 provides industry additional time to implement waste 
    minimization/pollution prevention options and more protective CKD 
    management standards. Option 4 would bring CKD under subtitle C 
    regulatory control more quickly. Removing the exemption also would 
    impose regulatory equity between CKD generated from kilns that burn 
    RCRA hazardous waste and residues from other incinerators that burn 
    RCRA hazardous waste that do not have such an exemption. Option 5 would 
    provide management standards to control all CKD, and would be targeted 
    to specifically address only those risks of potential concern.
        The Agency did not evaluate the risk from the land application of 
    agricultural lime, so it cannot determine whether there is an increase 
    in incremental risk when CKD is substituted. In any event, CKD-sewage 
    sludge derived fertilizers and soil amendments are considered safe for 
    such uses as fertilizer and pose minimal risk because these final 
    products are required to be tested to assure they comply with all 
    provisions of 40 CFR part 503, which are fully protective of human 
    health and the environment. It should be noted that if the exemption is 
    removed, fertilizer that is derived from CKD generated from a kiln that 
    burns listed hazardous waste is itself a hazardous waste under the 
    derived-from rule (40 CFR 261.3(c)(2)(i)); the extent of regulation, 
    however, is limited (see 40 CFR 266.20(b)).
        In addition, it should also be noted that under current rules, if 
    CKD is recycled, the resulting clinker is not automatically subject to 
    the provisions of subtitle C. By removing the exemption, however, 
    clinker may be affected by the derived-from rule (40 CFR 
    261.3(c)(2)(i)) if the kiln burns listed hazardous waste, thereby 
    becoming a hazardous waste. The Agency has not yet fully analyzed 
    available data on trace constituents in clinker. Based on our 
    understanding of current data, however, the Agency does not believe 
    that clinker produced from kilns that burn listed hazardous waste 
    generally poses a hazard to human health and the environment. The 
    Agency is, therefore, considering crafting appropriate regulatory 
    language for clinker. The Agency, however, is interested in receiving 
    comment on this issue.
    E. Public Comment
        The Agency encourages all interested parties to obtain a copy of 
    the Report to Congress and provide comments or further information that 
    might be necessary to the Agency on the data, analysis, and findings 
    contained in the Report to Congress, and on the types of specific 
    requirements that might be necessary under RCRA subtitle C or D for 
    this waste. In addition to receiving input from the various 
    stakeholders regarding the appropriateness of each of the five 
    regulatory options presented for the management of CKD, the Agency is 
    interested in receiving additional information and/or comment on the 
         CKD sampling data (analytical results, including 
    conditions of sampling, fuels burned at time of sampling, types of 
    samples collected and analytical methods used).
         Documented cases of damage to human health and the 
    environment traceable to CKD disposal, including notices of violation, 
    administrative orders, and scientific studies.
         How the burning of RCRA hazardous wastes, non-hazardous 
    wastes (such as tires and non-hazardous used oils), and fossil fuels 
    affect the quantity and chemistry of generated CKD, as well as the 
    partitioning of toxic metals, chlorides, and alkalis between stack 
    gases, CKD, and clinker.
         The Agency's consideration of drafting appropriate 
    regulatory language for clinker acknowledging that, based on the 
    Agency's preliminary assessment, clinker produced from kilns that burn 
    hazardous waste generally poses no hazard to human health or the 
         The extent to which activities such as farming (including 
    the recreational gardening of vegetables) and fishing occur around 
    these facilities.
         Any concerns related to the location of cement 
    manufacturing facilities with respect to environmental justice matters 
    (i.e., the fair treatment of people of all cultures, incomes, and 
    educational levels with respect to protection from environmental 
         The viability of implementing the CKD recycling options 
    discussed in the RTC and any other available pollution prevention or 
    recycling option not considered in the Report.
         How pollution prevention technologies, including flue gas 
    desulfurization, fluid-bed dust recovery, and alkali leaching affect 
    the quantity and chemistry of air emissions, as well as the 
    partitioning of toxic metals, chlorides, and alkalis between CKD and 
         Additional or alternative management standards from those 
    presented in the Report (e.g., covers for dust piles, runoff controls, 
    groundwater protection, and the establishment of risk-based thresholds 
    for all constituents of concern), that might be appropriate for control 
    of indirect foodchain risks.
        Public comments and other documents related to the Report to 
    Congress will be available for inspection at the docket, together with 
    information obtained at the public hearing.
        Following publication of this report, the Agency will consider 
    public comments received during a 45-day public comment period in 
    accordance with RCRA section 3001(b)(3)(c). After evaluating and 
    responding to public comments, the Agency will make a regulatory 
    determination on the status of this waste.
        Dated: December 30, 1993.
    Carol Browner,
    [FR Doc. 94-182 Filed 1-5-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of availability.
Document Number:
EPA will accept public comments on the Report to Congress on Cement Kiln Dust until February 22, 1994. The Agency will hold a public hearing on the Report to Congress on February 15, 1994.
709-714 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: January 6, 1994, FRL-4822-9
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 261