94-280. Certain Stainless Steel Butt-Weld Pipe and Tube Fittings From Japan, Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 4 (Thursday, January 6, 1994)]
    [Pages 740-742]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-280]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: January 6, 1994]
    Certain Stainless Steel Butt-Weld Pipe and Tube Fittings From 
    Japan, Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
    AGENCY: International Trade Administration/Import Administration/
    Department of Commerce.
    ACTION: Notice of Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty 
    Administrative Review.
    SUMMARY: In response to a request from the petitioner, Flowline 
    Division of Markovitz Enterprises, Inc. (Flowline), the Department of 
    Commerce (the Department) has conducted an administrative review of the 
    antidumping duty order on certain stainless steel butt-weld pipe and 
    tube fittings (SSPFs) from Japan. The review covers one manufacturer/
    exporter, Benkan Corporation (Benkan), and exports of the subject 
    merchandise to the United States during the period from March 1, 1992, 
    through February 28, 1993. The review indicates the existence of 
    dumping margins for the period.
        As a result of the review, the Department has preliminarily 
    determined to assess antidumping duties equal to the difference between 
    the United States price (USP) and foreign market value (FMV). 
    Interested parties are invited to comment on these preliminary results.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: January 6, 1994.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David Genovese or Michael Heaney, 
    Office of Antidumping Compliance, International Trade Administration, 
    U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230; telephone (202) 482-
        On March 12, 1993, the Department published a notice of 
    ``Opportunity to Request an Administrative Review'' (58 FR 13583) of 
    the antidumping duty order on SSPFs from Japan (53 FR 9787). On March 
    29, 1993, Flowline requested an administrative review. The Department 
    initiated the review on May 6, 1993 (58 FR 26960), covering the period 
    March 1, 1992, through February 28, 1993. The Department has now 
    conducted this review in accordance with section 751 of the Tariff Act 
    of 1930, as amended (the Act).
    Scope of the Review
        The products covered by this review include certain stainless steel 
    butt-weld pipe and tube fittings. These fittings are used in piping 
    systems for chemical plants, pharmaceutical plants, food processing 
    facilities, waste treatment facilities, semiconductor equipment 
    applications, nuclear power plants, and other areas.
        This merchandise is currently classifiable under the Harmonized 
    Tariff Schedules (HTS) item number 7307.23.0000. The HTS item number is 
    provided for convenience and Customs purposes. The written product 
    description remains dispositive.
        This review covers sales and entries by Benkan of the subject 
    merchandise during the period March 1, 1992, through February 28, 1993.
    Such or Similar Comparisons
        For Benkan, pursuant to section 771(16) of the Act, the Department 
    established the following criteria for matching sales in the home and 
    U.S. markets: Type of fitting, seam condition, steel material grade, 
    unit product weight within 10 percent, nominal pipe size, and wall 
    thickness. An identical pipe is one that matches all of these criteria. 
    A similar pipe is one that has one or more differences in these 
    discrete criteria from the U.S. fitting other than the type of fitting, 
    seam condition, and unit product weight within 10 percent. The 10 
    percent variance in unit product weight reflects our prior practice in 
    this case which was based upon allowable deviations between Japanese 
    and U.S. industry standards. The Department established this hierarchy 
    of criteria after soliciting comments from Flowline and Benkan at the 
    beginning of the 1992-1993 review period. Both Flowline and Benkan 
    agreed on the criteria and their hierarchy.
    United States Price
        In calculating USP, the Department used purchase price, as defined 
    in section 772(b) of the Act, because the merchandise was sold to an 
    unrelated purchaser in the United States prior to its importation and 
    exporter's sales price was not indicated by other circumstances. The 
    Department based USP on the packed, delivered price to those unrelated 
        The Department has determined that the date of sale for this 
    merchandise is the invoice date because the invoice always sets forth 
    agreed prices and quantities and represents the first transactional 
    document which systematically records agreed prices. The Department 
    made deductions, where appropriate, for foreign inland freight, U.S. 
    inland freight, U.S. duties, U.S. brokerage fees, ocean freight, marine 
    insurance, foreign brokerage fees, and discounts.
        On October 7, 1993, the United States Court of International Trade 
    (CIT), in Federal-Mogul Corporation and The Torrington Company v. 
    United States, Slip Op. 93-194 (CIT, October 7, 1993), rejected the 
    Department's methodology for calculating an addition to USP under 
    section 772(d)(1)(C) of the Act to account for taxes that the exporting 
    country would have assessed on the merchandise had it been sold in the 
    home market. The CIT held that the addition to USP under section 
    772(d)(1)(C) of the Act should be the result of applying the foreign 
    market tax rate to the price of the United States merchandise at the 
    same point in the chain of commerce that the foreign market tax was 
    applied to the foreign market sales. Federal-Mogul, Slip Op. 93-194 at 
        The Department has changed its methodology in accordance with the 
    Federal-Mogul decision. The Department will add to USP the result of 
    multiplying the foreign market tax rate by the price of the merchandise 
    sold in the United States at the same point in the chain of commerce 
    that the foreign market tax was applied to foreign market sales. The 
    Department will also adjust the USP tax adjustments and the amount of 
    tax included in FMV. These adjustments will deduct the portions of the 
    foreign market tax and the USP tax adjustment that are the result of 
    expenses that are included in the foreign market price used to 
    calculate foreign market tax and are included in the United States 
    merchandise price used to calculate the USP tax adjustment and that are 
    later deducted to calculate FMV and USP. These adjustments to the 
    amount of the foreign market tax and the USP tax adjustment are 
    necessary to prevent our new methodology for calculating the USP tax 
    adjustment from creating antidumping duty margins where no margins 
    would exist if no taxes were levied upon foreign market sales.
        This margin creation effect is due to the fact that the bases for 
    calculating both the amount of tax included in the price of the foreign 
    market merchandise and the amount of the USP tax adjustment include 
    many expenses that are later deducted when calculating USP and FMV. 
    After these deductions are made, the amount of tax included in FMV and 
    the USP tax adjustment still reflects the amounts of these expenses. 
    Thus, a margin may be created that is not dependent upon a difference 
    between USP and FMV, but is the result of the price of the United 
    States merchandise containing more expenses than the price of the 
    foreign market merchandise. The Department's policy to avoid the margin 
    creation effect is in accordance with the United States Court of 
    Appeals' holding that the application of the USP tax adjustment under 
    section 772(d)(1)(C) of the Act should not create an antidumping duty 
    margin if pre-tax FMV does not exceed USP. Zenith Electronics Corp. v. 
    United States, 988 F.2d 1573, 1581 (Fed. Cir. 1993). In addition, the 
    CIT has specifically held that an adjustment should be made to mitigate 
    the impact of expenses that are deducted from FMV and USP upon the USP 
    tax adjustment and the amount of tax included in FMV. Daewoo 
    Electronics Co., Ltd. v. United States, 760 F. Supp. 200, 208 (CIT, 
    1991). However, the mechanics of the Department's adjustments to the 
    USP tax adjustment and the foreign market tax amount as described above 
    are not identical to those suggested in Daewoo.
    Foreign Market Value
        In calculating FMV, we used home market price, as defined in 
    section 773(a) of the Act. Home market price was based on a packed, 
    delivered price to unrelated purchasers in the home market. In 
    accordance with section 353.45 of the Department's regulations, the 
    Department has excluded sales to related parties because the respondent 
    has failed to provide sufficient evidence to support its claim that 
    sales to related parties were at arm's-length. The Department made 
    adjustments, where applicable, for inland freight, discounts, rebates, 
    and for differences in packing material, packing labor, and credit.
        The Department also made an adjustment to FMV for imputed 
    consumption taxes in accordance with the aforementioned Federal-Mogul 
        Additionally, where similar home market sales were used due to the 
    absence of an identical sale, we made a difference-in-merchandise 
    adjustment. The Department based the difference-in-merchandise 
    adjustment on differences in steel pipe materials cost between U.S. and 
    home market merchandise (see the Department's preliminary analysis memo 
    dated December 29, 1993). When there were no contemporaneous such or 
    similar sales, we based FMV on constructed value. Constructed value 
    data for specific models was provided by Benkan at the request of the 
    Department. Benkan did not provide constructed value information for 
    two models as requested by the Department. For these preliminary 
    results the Department has applied to applicable sales of these two 
    models an antidumping duty margin of 8.05967 percent which is the 
    weighted average margin for sales of SSPFs by Benkan for this review. 
    The Department will request for the final results of this review that 
    Benkan provide constructed value data for these two models.
    Preliminary Results of Review
        As a result of our comparison of USP to FMV, the Department 
    preliminarily determines that a margin of 8.06 percent exists for 
    Benkan for the period March 1, 1992, through February 28, 1993.
        Interested parties may request disclosure within 5 days of the date 
    of publication of this notice and may request a hearing within 10 days 
    of publication. Any hearing, if requested, will be held 44 days after 
    the date of publication of this notice, or the first workday 
    thereafter. Case briefs and/or written comments from interested parties 
    may be submitted not later than 30 days after the date of publication. 
    Rebuttal briefs and rebuttals to written comments, limited to the 
    issues raised in the case briefs and comments, may be filed not later 
    than 37 days after the date of publication. The Department will publish 
    the final results of this administrative review, including the results 
    of its analysis of any such written comments or hearing.
        The Department shall determine, and U.S. Customs shall assess, 
    antidumping duties on all appropriate entries. Individual differences 
    between USP and FMV may vary from the percentage stated above. The 
    Department will issue appraisement instructions directly to Customs.
        Furthermore, the following deposit requirements will be effective 
    for all shipments of the subject merchandise, entered or withdrawn from 
    warehouse, for consumption on or after the publication date of the 
    final results of this administrative review, as provided by section 
    751(a)(1) of the Act: (1) The cash deposit rate for the reviewed 
    company will be that rate established in the final results of this 
    administrative review; (2) for merchandise exported by manufacturers or 
    exporters not covered in this review but covered in a previous review 
    or the original less-than-fair-value (LTFV) investigation, the cash 
    deposit rate will continue to be the rate published in the most recent 
    final results or determination for which the manufacturer or exporter 
    received a company-specific rate; (3) if the exporter is not a firm 
    covered in this review, earlier reviews, or the original investigation, 
    but the manufacturer is, the cash deposit rate will be that established 
    for the manufacturer of the merchandise in these final results of 
    review, earlier reviews, or the original investigation, whichever is 
    the most recent; and (4) the ``all others'' rate will be 49.31 percent, 
    as explained below.
        On May 25, 1993, the CIT, in Floral Trade Council v. United States, 
    Slip Op. 93-79, and Federal-Mogul Corporation v. United States, Slip 
    Op. 93-83, decided that once an ``all others'' rate is established for 
    a company it can only be changed through an administrative review. The 
    Department has determined that in order to implement these decisions, 
    it is appropriate to reinstate the original ``all others'' rate from 
    the LTFV investigation (or that rate as amended for correction of 
    clerical errors or as a result of litigation) in proceedings governed 
    by antidumping duty orders. Accordingly, the cash deposit rate for any 
    future entries from all other manufacturers or exporters, who are not 
    covered in this or prior administrative reviews and who are unrelated 
    to the reviewed firms or any previously reviewed firm, will be the 
    ``all others'' rate established in the original LTFV investigation 
    which is 49.31 percent.
        These deposit requirements, when imposed, shall remain in effect 
    until publication of the final results of the next administrative 
        This notice also serves as a preliminary reminder to importers of 
    their responsibility under 19 CFR 353.26 to file a certificate 
    regarding the reimbursement of antidumping duties prior to liquidation 
    of the relevant entries during this review period. Failure to comply 
    with this requirement could result in the Secretary's presumption that 
    reimbursement of antidumping duties occurred and the subsequent 
    assessment of double antidumping duties.
        This administrative review and notice are in accordance with 
    section 751(a)(1) of the Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(a)(1)) and 19 CFR 353.22.
        Dated: December 29, 1993.
    Barbara R. Stafford,
    Acting Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
    [FR Doc. 94-280 Filed 1-5-94; 8:45 am]

Document Information

International Trade Administration
Entry Type:
Notice of Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review.
Document Number:
January 6, 1994.
740-742 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: January 6, 1994, A-588-702