99-155. Quarterly List of Guidance Documents at the Food and Drug Administration  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 3 (Wednesday, January 6, 1999)]
    [Pages 888-903]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-155]
    Food and Drug Administration
    [Docket No. 98N-0046]
    Quarterly List of Guidance Documents at the Food and Drug 
    AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is publishing a 
    quarterly update of all guidance documents issued and withdrawn since 
    the compilation of the quarterly list that published on July 6, 1998. 
    FDA committed to publishing quarterly updates in its February 1997 
    ``Good Guidance Practices'' (GGP's), which set forth the agency's 
    policies and procedures for the development, issuance, and use of 
    guidance documents. This list is intended to inform the public of the 
    existence and availability of guidance documents issued during this 
    quarter. This list also includes some guidance documents that were 
    inadvertently not included on previously published lists.
    DATES: General comments on this list and on agency guidance documents 
    are welcome at any time.
    ADDRESSES: Submit written comments to the Dockets Management Branch 
    (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, 
    Rockville, MD 20852. Information on where to obtain single copies of 
    listed guidance documents is provided for each agency center 
    individually in the specific center's list of guidance documents.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lisa L. Barclay, Office of Policy (HF-
    22), Food and Drug Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 
    20857, 301-827-3360.
    I. Background
        In the Federal Register of February 27, 1997 (62 FR 8961), FDA 
    published a notice announcing its ``Good Guidance Practices'' (GGP's), 
    which set forth the agency's policies and procedures for the 
    development, issuance, and use of guidance documents. The agency 
    adopted the GGP's to ensure public involvement in the development of 
    guidance documents and to enhance public understanding of the 
    availability, nature, and legal effect of such guidance.
        As part of FDA's effort to ensure meaningful interaction with the 
    public regarding guidance documents, the agency committed to publish an 
    annual comprehensive list of guidance documents and quarterly Federal 
    Register notices that list all guidance documents that were issued and 
    withdrawn during that quarter, including ``Level 2'' guidance 
    documents. The following list of guidance documents represents all 
    guidances issued or withdrawn by FDA since the compilation of the July 
    6, 1998 (63 FR 36413) quarterly list and any guidance documents 
    inadvertently not included on previously published lists. The guidance 
    documents are organized by the issuing Center or Office within FDA, and 
    are further grouped by the intended users or regulatory activities to 
    which they pertain. Dates provided in the following list refer to the 
    date of issuance or, where applicable, the date of last revision of the 
    document. Document numbers are provided where available.
    II. Guidance Documents Issued by the Center for Biologics 
    Evaluation and Research (CBER)
    [[Page 889]]
                                                                                                                   How to Obtain a Hard Copy of the Document
                  Name of Document                    Date of Issuance           Grouped by Intended User or       (Name and Address, Phone, FAX, E-mail or
                                                                                     Regulatory Activity                           Internet)
    Draft Guidance for Industry: Manufacturing,  March 1998                  FDA Regulated Industry               Office of Communication, Training, and
     Processing or Holding Active                                                                                  Manufacturers Assistance (HFM-40), Center
     Pharmaceutical Ingredients                                                                                    for Biologics Evaluation and Research
                                                                                                                   (CBER), Food and Drug Administration,
                                                                                                                   1401 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852-
                                                                                                                   1448, 1-800-835-4709 or 301-827-1800, FAX
                                                                                                                   Information System: 1-888-CBER-FAX
                                                                                                                   (within U.S.)or 301-827-3844 (outside
                                                                                                                   U.S. and local to Rockville, MD).
                                                                                                                   Internet access: http://www.fda.gov/cber
    Draft Guidance for Industry: Instructions    May 1998                    Do                                   Do
     for Submitting Electronic Lot Release
     Protocols to the Center for Biologics
     Evaluation and Research
    Draft Guidance for Industry: Pilot Program   May 1998                    Do                                   Do
     for Electronic Investigational New Drug
     (eIND) Applications for Biological
    Draft Guidance for Industry: Electronic      May 1998                    Do                                   Do
     Submissions of Case Report Forms (CRF's),
     Case Report Tabulations (CRT's) and Data
     to the Center for Biologics Evaluation and
    Draft Guidance for Industry: Electronic      May 1998                    Do                                   Do
     Submissions of a Biologics License
     Application (BLA) or Product License
     Application (PLA)/Establishment License
     Application (ELA) to the Center for
     Biologics Evaluation and Research
    Guidance for Industry: Submitting and        May 1998                    Do                                   Do
     Reviewing Complete Responses to Clinical
    Guidance for Industry: Classifying           May 1998                    Do                                   Do
     Resubmissions in Response to Action
    Guidance for Industry: Pharmacokinetics in   May 1998                    Do                                   Do
     Patients with Impaired Renal Function--
     Study Design, Data Analysis and Impact on
     Dosing and Labeling
    Guidance for Industry: Standards for the     May 1998                    Do                                   Do
     Prompt Review of Efficacy Supplements,
     Including Priority Efficacy Supplements
    Guidance for Industry: Providing Clinical    May 1998                    Do                                   Do
     Evidence of Effectiveness for Human Drugs
     and Biological Products
    Draft Guidance for Industry: Stability       June 1998                   Do                                   Do
     Testing of Drug Substances and Drug
    ICH Draft Guidance on Specifications: Test   June 9, 1998                Do                                   Do
     Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for
     Biotechnological/Biological Products
    ICH Guidance on Ethnic Factors in the        June 10, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Acceptability of Foreign Clinical Data
    Draft Guidance for Industry: Exports and     June 12, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Imports Under the FDA Export Reform and
     Enhancement Act of 1996
    Draft Guidance for Industry: Content and     June 1998                   Do                                   Do
     Format of Chemistry, Manufacturing and
     Controls Information and Establishment
     Description Information for a Vaccine or
     Related Product
    Guidance for Industry: Qualifying for        June 1998                   Do                                   Do
     Pediatric Exclusivity Under Section 505A
     of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
    [[Page 890]]
    Draft Guidance for Industry: In the          July 1998                   Do                                   Do
     Manufacture and Clinical Evaluation of In
     Vitro Tests to Detect Nucleic Acid
     Sequences of Human Immunodeficiency Virus
     Type 1
    Draft Guidance for Industry: For the         July 1998                   Do                                   Do
     Submission of Chemistry, Manufacturing and
     Controls and Establishment Description
     Information for Human Blood and Blood
     Components Intended for Transfusion or for
     Further Manufacture and For the Completion
     of the FDA Form 356h ``Application to
     Market a New Drug, Biologic or an
     Antibiotic Drug for Human Use''
    Guidance for Industry: Implementation of     July 1998                   Do                                   Do
     Section 126 of the Food and Drug
     Administration Modernization Act of 1997--
     Elimination of Certain Labeling
    Guidance for Industry: Environmental         July 1998                   Do                                   Do
     Assessment of Human Drug and Biologics
    Draft Guidance for Industry:                 July 1998                   Do                                   Do
     Recommendations for Collecting Red Blood
     Cells by Automated Apheresis Methods
    Draft Guidance for Industry: Content and     August 1998                 Do                                   Do
     Format of Chemistry, Manufacturing and
     Controls Information and Establishment
     Description Information for an Allergenic
     Extract or Allergen Patch Test
    ICH Guidance on Statistical Principles for   September 16, 1998          Do                                   Do
     Clinical Trials
    ICH Guidance on Quality of Biotechnological/ September 21, 1998          Do                                   Do
     Biological Products: Derivation and
     Characterization of Cell Substrates Used
     for Production of Biotechnological/
     Biological Products
    Guidance for Industry: Current Good          September 1998              Do                                   Do
     Manufacturing Practice for Blood and Blood
     Components: (1) Quarantine and Disposition
     of Units from Prior Collections from
     Donors with Repeatedly Reactive Screening
     Tests for Antibody to Hepatitis C Virus
     (Anti-HCV); (2) Supplemental Testing, and
     the Notification of Consignees and Blood
     Recipients of Donor Test Results for Anti-
    ICH Guidance on Viral Safety Evaluation of   September 24, 1998          Do                                   Do
     Biotechnology Products Derived From Cell
     Lines of Human or Animal Origin
    Guidance for Industry: Errors and Accidents  June 1998                   Do                                   Do
     Regarding Saline Dilution of Samples Used
     for Viral Marker Testing (Level 2)
    Guidance for Industry: How to Complete the   September 1998              Do                                   Do
     Vaccine Adverse Reporting System Form
     (VAERS-1) (Level 2)
    Guidance for Industry: Supplemental Testing  September 1998              Do                                   Do
     and the Notification of Consignees of
     Donor Test Results for Antibody to
     Hepatitis C Virus (Anti-HCV)--March 1998
    [[Page 891]]
    Memorandum: Revised Precautionary Measures   September 1998              Do                                   Do
     to Reduce the Possible Risk of
     Transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
     (CJD) by Blood and Blood Products--
     December 11, 1996 (Partial Withdrawal)
     (Withdrawal of recommendations pertaining
     to retrieval, quarantine, destruction, and
     notification for plasma derivatives)
    III. Guidance Documents Issued by the Center for Devices and 
    Radiological (CDRH)
                                                                                                                   How to Obtain a Hard Copy of the Document
                  Name of Document                    Date of Issuance           Grouped by Intended User or       (Name and Address, Phone, FAX, E-mail or
                                                                                     Regulatory Activity                           Internet)
    Medical Devices: Draft Global Harmonization  July 16, 1998               Office of Compliance (OC)            Division of Small Manufacturers
     Task Force Study Group 3 Process                                                                              Assistance, 1-800-638-2041 or 301-827-
     Validation Guidance (Draft)                                                                                   0111 or (FAX) Facts-on-Demand at 1-800-
                                                                                                                   899-0381 or Internet at http://
    Global Harmonization Task Force: Draft       October 28, 1998            Do                                   Do
     Document on the Essential Principles of
     Safety and Performance of Medical Devices
     on a Global Basis
    Global Harmonization Task Force:             August 31, 1998             OC/Office of Surveillance and        Do
     Availability of Draft Documents on Adverse                               Biometrics (OSB)
     Event and Vigilance Reporting of Medical
     Device Events
    Guidance for Industry--Contents of a PDP     April 25, 1998              Office of Device Evaluation (ODE)
    Medical Device Labeling--Suggested Format    May 9, 1997                 Do                                   Do
     and Content
    Guidance for the Content of Premarket        May 28, 1998                Do                                   Do
     Submissions for Software Contained in
     Medical Devices (replaces Reviewer
     Guidance for Computer-Controlled Medical
     Devices Undergoing 510(k) Review 8/29/91)
    New Model Medical Device Development         June 3, 1998                Do                                   Do
    Modifications to Devices Subject to          August 6, 1998              Do                                   Do
     Premarket Approval the PMA Supplement
     Decision Making Process
    Guidance for Off-the Shelf Software Use in   August 17, 1998             Do                                   Do
     Medical Devices
    Convenience Kits Interim Regulatory          May 20, 1997                Do                                   Do
    Kit Certification for 510(k)s                July 1997                   Do                                   Do
    Guidance to Industry Supplements to          May 20, 1998                Do                                   Do
     Approved Applications for Class III
     Medical Devices: Use of Published
     Literature, Use of Previously Submitted
     Materials, and Priority Review
    30-Day Notices and 135-Day PMA Supplements   February 19, 1998           Do                                   Do
     for Manufacturing Method or Process
     Changes, Guidance for Industry and CDRH
    Procedures for Class II Device Exemptions    February 19, 1998           Do                                   Do
     from Premarket Notification, Guidance for
     Industry and CDRH Staff
    Guidance for Submission of                   June 6, 1998                ODE/Division of Clinical Laboratory  Do
     Immunohistochemistry Applications to the                                 Devices (DCLD)
    [[Page 892]]
    In Vitro Diagnostic Creatinine Test System   July 2, 1998                Do                                   Do
    In Vitro Diagnostic Bicarbonate/Carbon       July 6, 1998                Do                                   Do
     Dioxide Test System
    In Vitro Diagnostic Chloride Test System     July 6, 1998                Do                                   Do
    In Vitro Diagnostic Glucose Test System      July 6, 1998                Do                                   Do
    In Vitro Diagnostic Potassium Test System    July 6, 1998                Do                                   Do
    In Vitro Diagnostic Sodium Test System       July 6, 1998                Do                                   Do
    In Vitro Diagnostic Urea Nitrogen Test       July 6, 1998                Do                                   Do
    In Vitro Diagnostic C-Reactive               July 20, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Immunological Test System
    In Vitro Diagnostic Calibrators              July 20, 1998               Do                                   Do
    Points To Consider For Hematology Quality    September 30, 1997          Do                                   Do
     Control Materials
    Points to Consider for Approval of Home      September 16, 1997          Do                                   Do
     Drugs of Abuse Test Kits Draft
    Review Criteria for Assessment of            November 6, 1996            Do                                   Do
     Professional Use Human Chorionic
     Gonadotropin (hCG) in Vitro Diagnostic
     Devices (IVD's)
    Letter to IVD Manufacturers on Streamlined   December 22, 1997           Do                                   Do
    Reviewer Guidance for Premarket              July 19, 1995               ODE/Division of Cardiovascular,      Do
     Notification (510(k)) Submissions--                                      Respiratory, and Neurological
     Labeling, Performance and Environmental                                  Devices (DCRND)
     Testing for Electronic Devices
    Draft Guidance for Format and Content for    July 19, 1995               Do                                   Do
     Premarket Notification 510(k)
    Guidance on the Content and Format of        December 18, 1997           ODE/Division of Dental, Infection    Do
     Premarket Notifications [510(k)]                                         Control, and General Hospital
     Submissions for Liquid Chemical Sterilants                               Devices (DDIGD)
     and High Level Disinfectants
    Guidance on the Content and Format of        January 16, 1998            Do                                   Do
     Premarket Notification [510(k)]
     Submissions for Surgical Masks
    Guidance on the Content and Format of        February 13, 1998           Do                                   Do
     Premarket Notification [510(k)]
     Submissions for Testing for Skin
     Sensitization to Chemicals in Latex
    CDRH Regulatory Guidance Document for        April 27, 1998              Do                                   Do
     Preamendments Unclassified Washers and
     Washer-Disinfectors Intended for
     Processing Reusable Medical Devices
    Guidance on the Content and Format of        August 4, 1998              Do                                   Do
     Premarket Notification [510(k)]
     Submissions of Washers and Washer-
    Devices for the Treatment and/or Diagnosis   June 10, 1998               Do                                   Do
     of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction and/
     or Orofacial Pain
    Dental Impression Materials Premarket        August 17, 1998             Do                                   Do
    OTC Denture Cushions, Pads, Reliners,        August 18, 1998             Do                                   Do
     Repair Kits, and Partially Fabricated
     Denture Kits
    Dental Cements Premarket Notification        August 18, 1998             Do                                   Do
    Further Information on the Regulation of     August 18, 1997             Do                                   Do
     Liquid Chemical Sterilants and High Level
    Letter to Orthopedic Surgical Manufacturers  November 26, 1997           ODE/Division of General and          Do
     Association                                                              Restorative Devices (DGRD)
    Letter to the Health Industry Manufacturers  November 26, 1997           Do                                   Do
    [[Page 893]]
    Guidance Document for Industry and CDRH      March 18, 1998              Do                                   Do
     Staff for the Preparation of
     Investigational Device Exemptions and
     Premarket Approval Applications for Bone
     Growth Stimulator Devices (Replaces:
     Guidance Document for the Preparation of
     Investigational Device Exemptions and
     Premarket Approval Applications for Bone
     Growth Stimulator Devices 8/12/88)
    Guidance for Content of Premarket            April 28, 1998              Do                                   Do
     Notifications for Esophageal and Tracheal
    Guidance Document for Surgical Lamp 510ks    July 13, 1998               Do                                   Do
    Retinoscope Guidance                         July 8, 1998                ODE/Division of Opthalmic Devices    Do
    Opthalmoscope Guidance                       July 8, 1998                Do                                   Do
    Slit Lamp Guidance                           July 8, 1998                Do                                   Do
    Revised Procedures for Adding Lens           August 11, 1998             Do                                   Do
     Finishing Laboratories to Approved
     Premarket Approval Applications for Class
     III Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lens for
     Extended Wear
    Third Party Review Guidance for Vitreous     January 31, 1997            Do                                   Do
     Aspiration and Cutting Device Premarket
     Notification (510K)
    Third Party Review Guidance for              January 31, 1997            Do                                   Do
     Phacofragmentation System Device Premarket
     Notification (510K)
    Dear Sponsor Letter Concerning the           May 20, 1997                Do                                   Do
     Revocation of 21 CFR part 813 IOL IDE
    Guidance for the Content of Premarket        August 7, 1998              ODE/Division of Reproductive         Do
     Notification for Conventional and High                                   Abdominal, ENT, and Radiological
     Permeability Hemodialyzers (replaces:                                    Devices (DRAERD)
     Guidelines for Premarket Testing of New
     Conventional Hemodialyers, High
     Premeability Hemodialyzers and
    Uniform Contraceptive Labeling               July 23, 1998               Do                                   Do
    Guidance for the Content of Premarket        August 7, 1998              Do                                   Do
     Notifications for Conventional and High
     Permeability Hemodialyzers
    Guidance for Industry and CDRH Reviewers on  August 7, 1998              Do                                   Do
     the Content of Premarket Notifications for
     Hemodialysis Delivery Systems
    Devices Used for In Vitro Fertilization and  September 10, 1998          Do                                   Do
     Related Assisted Reproduction Procedures
    Letter to Manufacturers of Falloposcopes     September 5, 1996           Do                                   Do
    Letter to Manufacturers of Prescription      September 6, 1996           Do                                   Do
     Home Monitors for Non-Stress Tests
    Continuing Education Credits for Reading/    April 17, 1998              Office of Health and Industry        Do
     Writing Articles/Papers and Presenting                                   Programs (OHIP)/Division of
     Courses/Lectures                                                         Mammography Quality and Radiation
                                                                              Programs (DMQRP)
    Accidental Radioactive Contamination of      August 13, 1998             Do                                   Do
     Human Food and Animal Feeds:
     Recommendations for State and Local
    Additional Mammography Review Policy         March 26, 1998              Do                                   Do
    Guidance For Review of Cases of Possible     March 26, 1998              Do                                   Do
     Suspension or Revocation of Mammography
     Facility Certificates Under the
     Mammography Quality Standards Act, 42.
     U.S.C. section 263b
    [[Page 894]]
    Guidance for Review of Requests for          March 26, 1998              Do                                   Do
     Reconsideration of Adverse Decisions on
     Accreditation of Mammography Facilities
     Under the Mammography Quality Standards
     Act, 42. U.S.C. section 263b
    Guidance for Submission of Requests for      March 26, 1998              Do                                   Do
     Reconsideration of Adverse Decisions on
     Accreditation of Mammography Facilities
     Under the Mammography Quality Standards
     Act, 42. U.S.C. section 263b
    Supplement to ``The Physician's Continuing   April 9, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Experience Requirement''
    Requalification for Interpreting             May 28, 1998                Do                                   Do
     Physician's Continuing Experience
    MQSA Policy Statements in a Question and     June 2, 1998                Do                                   Do
    Compliance Guidance: The Mammography         July 8, 1998                Do                                   Do
     Quality Standards Act Final Regulations
    MQSA Policy Statements for the Interim       August 6, 1998              Do                                   Do
    Policy for Facilities Changing               April 15, 1998              Do                                   Do
     Accreditation Bodies
    Guidance on FDA's Expectations of Medical    May 15, 1998                Office of Science and Technology     Do
     Device Manufacturers Concerning the Year                                 (OST)/ Division of Electronics and
     2000 Date                                                                Computer Science (DESC)
    Immunotoxicity Testing                       1996                        OST/Division of Life Sciences (DLS)  Do
    Guidance on the Recognition and Use of       February 19, 1998           OST/Office of the Director (OD)      Do
     Consensus Standards
    Biotechnology and FDA Regulation of          January 1, 1986             ODE                                  Do
     Hybridoma In-Vitro Diagnostic Products:
     List of Current Devices and Guidelines for
    DCRND--Draft Guidance for Format and         July 19, 1995               ODE/DCRND                            Do
     Content for Premarket Notification 510(k)
     [replaces 908] [cardiovascular,
     respiratory, neurological]
    Guidance for Safety and Effectiveness Data   March 1, 1983               Do                                   Do
     Required in Premarket Notification
     (510(k)) Applications for Blood
    Automated Defibrillators: Operator's Shift   August 8, 1991              Do                                   Do
     Checklist and Manual Defibrillators:
     Operator's Shift Checklist
    Guidance for the Preparation and Content of  December 4, 1987            Do                                   Do
     Applications to the Food and Drug
     Administration for Ventricular Assist
     Devices and Total Artificial Hearts
    Guidance Document for the Preparation of     August 12, 1988             ODE/DGRD/ORDB                        Do
     IDE and PMA Applications for Bone Growth
     Stimulator Devices
    Reviewer Guidance for Computer Controlled    August 29, 1991             ODE                                  Do
     Medical Devices Undergoing 510(k) Review
    Guidelines for Premarket Testing of New      March 1, 1982               ODE/DRAERD/GRDB                      Do
     Conventional Hemodialyzers, High
     Permeability Hemodialyzers, and
    Frequently Asked Questions on Recognition    February 19, 1998           OST                                  Do
     of Consensus Standards
    [[Page 895]]
    Determining Equivalence of Intraaortic       December 8, 1993            ODE/DCRND                            Do
     Balloon Catheters Under the 510(k)
    Guidance for the Preparation of the Annual   September 1, 1990           Do                                   Do
     Report to the PMA Approved Heart Valve
    Electrocardiograph (ECG) Electrode           February 11, 1997           Do                                   Do
    Electrocardiograph (ECG) Lead Switching      February 11, 1997           Do                                   Do
    Electrocardiograph (ECG) Surface Electrode   February 11, 1997           Do                                   Do
    Reviewer Guidance for Nebulizers, Metered    October 1, 1993             Do                                   Do
     Dose Inhalers, Spacers and Actuators
    Reexamination of the Evaluation Process for  May 19, 1997                ODE/DDIGD                            Do
     Liquid Chemical Sterilant and Height Level
    FDA Guidelines for Multifocal Intraocular    May 29, 1997                ODE/DOD                              Do
     Lens IDE Studies and PMAs
    Information for Manufacturers Seeking        September 30, 1997          ODE/DRAERD/RDB                       Do
     Marketing Clearance of Diagnostic
     Ultrasound Systems and Transducers
    Tympanostomy Tubes, Submission Guidance for  January 14, 1998            ODE/DRAERD                           Do
     a 510(k) Premarket Notification
    IV. Guidance Documents Issued by the Center for Drug Evaluation and 
    Research (CDER)
                                                                                                                   How to Obtain a Hard Copy of the Document
                  Name of Document                    Date of Issuance           Grouped by Intended User or       (Name and Address, Phone, FAX, E-mail or
                                                                                     Regulatory Activity                           Internet)
    Topical Dermatological Drug Product NDA's     June 18, 1998              Biopharmaceutic                      Office of Training and Communication, Drug
     and ANDA's--In Vivo Bioavailability,                                                                          Information Branch, Food and Drug
     Bioequivalence, In Vitro Release and                                                                          Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane,
     Associated Studies, Draft                                                                                     Rockville, MD 20857. Internet access:
    Buspirone Hydrochloride Tablets In Vivo      May 15, 1998                Do                                   Do
     Bioequivalence and In Vitro Dissolution
    SUPAC IR/MR: Immediate Release and Modified  April 28, 1998              Chemistry                            Do
     Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms
     Manufacturing Equipment Addendum, Draft
    Stability Testing of Drug Substances and     June 8, 1998                Do                                   Do
     Drug Products, Draft
    PAC-ATLS: Postapproval Changes- Analytical   April 28, 1998              Do                                   Do
     Testing Laboratory Sites
    Environmental Assessment of Human Drugs and  July 27, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Biologics Applications
    Uncomplicated and Complicated Skin and Skin  July 22, 1998               Clinical Antimicrobial Guidances     Do
     Structure Infections; Developing
     Antimicrobial Drugs for Treatment, Draft
    Acute Bacterial Meningitis; Developing       July 22, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Antimicrobial Drugs for Treatment, Draft
    Uncomplicated Gonorrhea--Cervical,           July 22, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Urethral, Rectal, and/or Pharyngeal;
     Developing Antimicrobial Drugs for
     Treatment, Draft
    Complicated Urinary Tract Infections and     July 22, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Pylonephritis; Developing Antimicrobial
     Drugs for Treatment, Draft
    [[Page 896]]
    Streptococcal Pharyngitis and Tonsillitis;   July 22, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Developing Antimicrobial Drugs for
     Treatment, Draft
    Secondary Bacterial Infections of Acute      July 22, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Bronchitis; Developing Antimicrobial Drugs
     for Treatment, Draft
    Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections;      July 22, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Developing Antimicrobial Drugs for
     Treatment, Draft
    Nosocomial Pneumonia; Developing             July 22, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Antimicrobial Drugs for Treatment, Draft
    Vulvovaginal Candidiasis; Developing         July 22, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Antimicrobial Drugs for Treatment, Draft
    Lyme Disease; Developing Antimicrobial       July 22, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Drugs for Treatment, Draft
    Empiric Therapy of Febrile Neutropenia;      July 22, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Developing Antimicrobial Drugs for
     Treatment, Draft
    Community Acquired Pneumonia; Developing     July 22, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Antimicrobial Drugs for Treatment, Draft
    Bacterial Vaginosis; Developing              July 22, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Antimicrobial Drugs for Treatment, Draft
    Acute Otitis Media; Developing               July 22, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Antimicrobial Drugs for Treatment, Draft
    Acute Bacterial Sinusitis; Developing        July 22, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Antimicrobial Drugs for Treatment, Draft
    Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of Chronic      July 22, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Bronchitis; Developing Antimicrobial Drugs
     for Treatment, Draft
    General Considerations for Clinical Trials;  July 22, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Developing Antimicrobial Drugs for
     Treatment, Draft
    Acute or Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis;      July 22, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Developing Antimicrobial Drugs for
     Treatment, Draft
    Submission of Abbreviated Reports and        September 21, 1998          Clinical Medical                     Do
     Synopses in Support of Marketing
     Applications; Draft
    Developing Medical Imaging Drugs and         October 13, 1998            Do                                   Do
    Providing Clinical Evidence of               May 15, 1998                Do                                   Do
     Effectiveness for Human Drug and
     Biological Products
    Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in     May 15, 1998                Clinical Pharmacology                Do
     Patients with Impaired Renal Function:
     Study Design, Data Analysis, and Impact on
     Dosing and Labeling
    Manufacture, Processing or Holding of        April 17, 1998              Compliance                           Do
     Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Draft
    Investigating Out of Specification (OOS)     September 30, 1998          Do                                   Do
     Test Results for Pharmaceutical Production
    ANDA's: Impurities in Drug Substances,       July 24, 1998               Generic Drug                         Do
    E5 Ethnic Factors in the Acceptability of    June 10, 1998               ICH Efficacy                         Do
     Foreign Clinical Data, Draft
    E9 Statistical Principles for Clinical       September 16, 1998          Do                                   Do
    Q6B Specifications: Test Procedures and      June 9, 1998                ICH Quality                          Do
     Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/
     Biological Products, Draft
    Q5D Quality of Biotechnological/Biological   September 21, 1998          Do                                   Do
     Products: Derivation and Characterization
     of Cell Substrates Used for Production of
     Biotechnological/Biological Products
    Q5A Biotechnological/Biological              September 24, 1998          Do                                   Do
     Pharmaceutical Products; Viral Safety
    [[Page 897]]
    OTC Topical Drug Products for the Treatment  July 16, 1998               Labeling                             Do
     of Vaginal Yeast Infections (Vulvovaginal
     Candidiasis), Draft
    Dipirefrin Hydrochloride Opthalmic Solution  October 1, 1998             Do                                   Do
    Non-Contraceptive Estrogen Class Labeling    October 15, 1998            Do                                   Do
    Submitting Debarment Certification           October 2, 1998             Procedural Guidances                 Do
     Statements, Draft
    National Uniformity for Nonprescription      April 9, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Drugs Ingredient Labeling for OTC Drugs
    Standards for the Prompt Review of Efficacy  May 15, 1998                Do                                   Do
     Supplements, Including Priority Efficacy
    Repeal of Section 507 of the Federal Food,   June 15, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Drug, and Cosmetic Act
    Qualifying for Pediatric Exclusivity Under   June 29, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Section 505A of the Federal Food, Drug,
     and Cosmetic Act
    180-Day Generic Drug Exclusivity Under the   July 14, 1998               Do                                   Do
     Hatch-Waxman Amendments to the Federal
     Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
    Implementation of Section 126, Elimination   July 21, 1998               Do                                   Do
     of Certain Labeling Requirements of the
     FDA Modernization Act of 1997
    Advisory Committees: Implementing Section    November 2, 1998            Do                                   Do
     120 of the FDA Modernization Act of 1997
    Submitting and Reviewing Complete Responses  May 14, 1998                User Fee                             Do
     to Clinical Holds
    Classifying Resubmissions in Response to     May 14, 1998                Do                                   Do
     Action Letters
    Pharmacokinetic Considerations in Drug                                   Biopharmaceutic
    Carbamazepine (tablets) In Vivo              January 20, 1988            Do
     Bioequivalence and In Vitro Dissolution
    Evaluation of Controlled Release Drug        April 18, 1984              Do
     Products; Division Guidelines
    Approaches to Statistical Data Analysis of   November 11, 1985           Do
     Bioavailability/Bioequivalence Studies
    Controlled Release Dosage Forms: Issues and  September 10, 1985          Do
     Controversies (Conference Report)
    Submission of Data for Bioequivalence                                    Do
     Studies in Computer Format
    Albuterol Inhalation Aerosols (Metered Dose  January 27, 1994            Do
     Inhalers) In Vivo Bioequivalence and In
     Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Albuterol Sulfate (tablets) In Vivo          May 29, 1987                Do
     Bioequivalence and In Vitro Dissolution
    Amoxapine (tablets) In Vivo Bioequivalence   August 5, 1988              Do
     and In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Atenolol (tablets) In Vivo Bioequivalence    October 6, 1988             Do
     and In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Clindamycin Hydrochloride (capsules) In      May 31, 1988                Do
     Vivo Bioequivalence and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Diazepam In Vivo Bioequivalence Study        July 8, 1985                Do
    Dipyridamole Drug Products Bioavailability   September 25, 1987          Do
    Disopyramide Phosphate (Capsules)            July 9, 1985                Do
    Doxepin Hydrochloride Drug Products In Vivo  October 9, 1986             Do
     Bioequivalence Study
    Doxycycline Hyclate In Vivo Studies and In   April 11, 1988              Do
     Vitro Dissolution Testing
    [[Page 898]]
    Erythromycin Capsules (Enteric Coated        September 21, 1988          Do
     Pellets) In Vivo Bioequivalence Study and
     In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Fenoprofen (capsules and tablets) In Vivo    February 3, 1988            Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Haloperidol (tablets) In Vivo                April 30, 1987              Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Hydroxyzine Pamoate (capsules) In Vivo       September 28, 1987          Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Isosorbide Dinitrate (chewable tablets,      September 22, 1987          Do
     oral tablets, and sublingual tablets) In
     Vivo Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Isosorbide Dinitrate (Controlled Release)    November 6, 1985            Do
     In Vivo Bioavailability Studies
    Lorazepam (tablets) In Vivo Bioequivalence   September 16, 1987          Do
     Study and In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Megestrol Acetate (tablets) In Vivo          August 17, 1987             Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Methylprednisolone (tablets) In Vivo         June 12, 1986               Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Minoxidil (tablets)                          June 12, 1986               Do
    Nafcillin Sodium (Capsules and Tablets) In   September 10, 1987          Do
     Vivo Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Norethindrone and Ethinyl Estradiol          March 18, 1988              Do
     (tablets) In Vivo Bioequivalence Study and
     In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Norethindrone and Mestranol (tablets) In     May 13, 1988                Do
     Vivo Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Orphenadrine Citrate (tablets) In Vivo       July 22, 1983               Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Procainamide In Vivo Bioavailability         September 28, 1987          Do
    Rifampin (capsules) In Vivo Bioequivalence   September 8, 1988           Do
     Study and In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Silver Sulfadiazine (cream)                  May 7, 1987                 Do
    Spironolactone In Vivo Single Dose Studies   January 1, 1986             Do
     and In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Sulfasalazine (tablets) In Vivo              October 8, 1987             Do
     Bioequivalence and In Vitro Dissolution
    Sulindac (tablets) In Vivo Bioequivalence    July 18, 1988               Do
     and In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Theophylline (conventional dosage form) In   September 1, 1984           Do
     Vivo Bioequivalence and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Timolol Maleate (tablets) In Vivo            August 9, 1988              Do
     Bioequivalence and In Vitro Dissolution
    Tolmetin Sodium (tablets and capsules) In    October 6, 1994             Do
     Vivo Bioequivalence and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Triazolam (tablets) In Vivo Bioequivalence   December 24, 1992           Do
     and In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Acetohexamide (tablets) In Vivo              August 1, 1988              Do
     Bioequivalence and In Vitro Dissolution
    Allopurinol (tablets) In Vivo                July 15, 1985               Do
     Bioequivalence and In Vitro Dissolution
    [[Page 899]]
    Amiloride Hydrochloride (tablets) In Vivo    March 29, 1985              Do
     Bioequivalence and In Vitro Dissolution
    Aminophylline (suppositories) In Vivo        July 5, 1983                Do
     Bioequivalence and In Vitro Dissolution
    Amitriptyline Hydrochloride (tablets) In     July 5, 1983                Do
     Vivo Bioequivalence and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Amoxicillin (capsules, tablets, and          July 10, 1988               Do
     suspensions) In Vivo Bioequivalence and In
     Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Baclofen (tablets) In Vivo Bioequivalence    May 5, 1988                 Do
     and In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Cefadroxil (capsules, tablets, and           October 7, 1988             Do
     suspension) In Vivo Bioequivalence and In
     Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Cephalexin (tablets and capsules) In Vivo    March 19, 1987              Do
     Bioequivalence and In Vitro Dissolution
    Cephradine (capsule and suspension) In Vivo  September 10, 1986          Do
     Bioequivalence Studies
    Chlordiazepoxide and Chlordiazepoxide HCI    July 5, 1983                Do
     Bioavailability and Dissolution Studies
    Chlorpropamide In Vivo Bioavailability       July 5, 1983                Do
    Chlorthalidone (tablets)                     July 5, 1983                Do
    Clofibrate In Vivo Bioavailability Studies   April 7, 1986               Do
    Clonidine Hydrochloride Drug Products In     December 5, 1984            Do
     Vivo Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Clorazepate In Vivo Bioequivalence Study     February 17, 1987           Do
     and In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Cyclobenzaprine Hydrochloride (tablets) In   January 25, 1988            Do
     Vivo Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Desipramine Hydrochloride (tablets) In Vivo  September 22, 1987          Do
     Bioequivalence Studies
    Dicyclomine Hydrochloride Drug Products In   August 10, 1984             Do
     Vivo Bioequivalence
    Dissolution Testing (General)                April 1, 1978               Do
    Estopipate Tablets In Vivo Bioequivalence    August 26, 1992             Do
     Study and In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Flurazepam Hydrochloride (capsules) In Vivo  October 15, 1985            Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Hydrochlorothiazide (tablets) In Vivo        September 28, 1987          Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Hydroxyzine Hydrochloride (tablets)          March 4, 1986               Do
     (dissolution only)
    Indomethacin (capsules) In Vivo              January 27, 1988            Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Isopropamide Iodide (tablets) In Vivo        May 12, 1982                Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Loxapine Succinate (capsules) In Vivo        September 10, 1987          Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Maprotiline Hydrochloride (tablets) In Vivo  August 27, 1987             Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Meclofenamate Sodium (capsules) In Vivo      November 12, 1986           Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Metaproterenol Sulfate (tablets) In Vivo     March 18, 1986              Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    [[Page 900]]
    Metoclopramide Hydrochloride (tablets) In    December 27, 1984           Do
     Vivo Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Nalidixic Acid In Vivo Bioequivalence Study  August 19, 1987             Do
     and In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Nitrofurantion Macrocrystalline (capsules)   January 10, 1986            Do
     In Vivo Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Nitroglycerin Ointment In Vivo               December 17, 1986           Do
     Bioequivalence Studies
    Perphenazine (tablets) In Vivo               August 27, 1987             Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Perphenazine/Amitriptyline (tablets) In      August 27, 1987             Do
     Vivo Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Phenylbutazone Oxyphenbutazone (capsules     September 28, 1987          Do
     and tablets) In Vivo Bioequivalence Study
     and In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Prazepam (capsules and tablets) In Vivo      July 26, 1988               Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Prednisone (tablets) (dissolution only)      July 10, 1985               Do
    Probenecid Drug Products Bioavailability     July 26, 1983               Do
    Propoxyphene Napsylate with Acetaminphen     March 26, 1980              Do
    Propranolol Hydrochloride (tablets) In Vivo  August 1, 1984              Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Propylthiouracil (tablets) In Vivo           August 13, 1986             Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Quinidine Gluconate (tablets, controlled     September 22, 1987          Do
     release) In Vivo Bioequivalence Study and
     In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Ritodrine Hydrochloride (tablets) In Vivo    August 27, 1987             Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Sulfinpyrazone (Capsules and Tablets)        September 25, 1987          Do
    Sulfones (tablets) In Vivo Bioequivalence    November 7, 1986            Do
     Study and In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Temazepam In Vivo Bioequivalence Study and   August 8, 1985              Do
     In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Tolazamide (tablets) In Vivo Bioequivalence  May 30, 1986                Do
     Study and In Vitro Dissolution Testing
    Tolbutamide (tablets) In Vivo                December 1, 1983            Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Trimipramine Maleate (capsules) In Vivo      August 18, 1987             Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Verapamil Hydrochloride (tablets) In Vivo    July 18, 1985               Do
     Bioequivalence Study and In Vitro
     Dissolution Testing
    Clinical Evaluation of Drugs for the                                     Clinical
     Treatment of Peripheral Vascular Disease
    Clinical Evaluation of Bronchodilator Drugs  November 1, 1978            Clinical/Medical
    Topical Corticosteriod Class Labeling                                    Labeling
    V. Guidance Documents Issued by the Center for Food Safety and 
    Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)
    [[Page 901]]
                                                                                                                   How to Obtain a Hard Copy of the Document
                  Name of Document                    Date of Issuance           Grouped by Intended User or       (Name and Address, Phone, FAX, E-mail or
                                                                                     Regulatory Activity                           Internet)
    Level I Guidances
    Draft Working Guide to Minimize Microbial    1998                        Farmers and Food Packers             Lou Carson (HFS-3), Food and Drug
     Hazards for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables                                                                       Administration, 200 C. St. SW.,
                                                                                                                   Washington, DC 20204 or
    Notification of a Health Claim or Nutrient   1998                        Regulated Industry                   Office of Food Labeling (HFS-150), Food
     Content Claim Based on an Authoritative                                                                       and Drug Administration, 200 C. St. NW.,
     Statement of a Scientific Body                                                                                Washington, DC 20204
    VI. Guidance Documents Issued by the Center for Veterinary Medicine 
                                                                                                                   How to Obtain a Hard Copy of the Document
                  Name of Document                    Date of Issuance           Grouped by Intended User or       (Name and Address, Phone, FAX, E-mail or
                                                                                     Regulatory Activity                           Internet)
    Guidance for Industry: Use of Human          April 1998                  FDA Regulated Industry               CVM Internet Home Page at http://
     Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as a Spawning                                                                    www.fda.gov/cvm, or from CVM's
     Aid for Fish                                                                                                  Communications Staff (HFV-12), Food and
                                                                                                                   Drug Administration, 7500 Standish Pl.,
                                                                                                                   Rockville, MD 20855, 301-594-1755, fax
    Guidance for Industry: GMP's For Medicated   May 1998                    Do                                   Do
     Feed Manufacturers Not Required to
     Register and Be Licensed With FDA
    VICH Draft Guidance for Industry: Stability  July 1998                   Do                                   Do
     Testing of New Animal Drug Substances and
    VICH Draft Guidance for Industry: Stability  July 1998                   Do                                   Do
     Testing for New Dosage Forms of New Animal
     Drugs: Draft Guidance
    VICH Draft Guidance for Industry: Stability  July 1998                   Do                                   Do
     Testing: Photostability Testing of New
     Animal Drug Substances and Products
    Guidance for Industry: Questions and         July 1998                   Do                                   Do
     Answers; BSE Feed Regulations
    Guidance for Industry: Interpretation of On- August 1998                 Do                                   Do
     Farm Feed Manufacturing and Mixing
     Operations; Draft
    Tolerances Established for Tetracyclines in  August 11, 1998 (Updated)   Do                                   Do
    Points to Consider Guideline: Development    1993                        Do
     of a Pharmacokinetic Guideline Enabling
     Flexible Labeling of Therapeutic
    VII. Guidance Documents Issued by the Office of Regulatory Affairs
    [[Page 902]]
                                                                                                                   How to Obtain a Hard Copy of the Document
                  Name of Document                    Date of Issuance           Grouped by Intended User or       (Name and Address, Phone, FAX, E-mail or
                                                                                     Regulatory Activity                           Internet)
    Compliance Policy Guide Medical Device       August 27, 1998             FDA Staff Personnel                  Division of Compliance Policy (HFC-230),
     Warning Letter Draft Pilot                                                                                    Office of Enforcement, Food and Drug
                                                                                                                   Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane,
                                                                                                                   Rockville, MD 20857, 301-827-0420 or via
                                                                                                                   Internet at www.fda.gov/ora/compliance--
    Compliance Policy Guide 675.400 (CPG         November 13, 1998           Do                                   Do--Internet at www.fda.gov/ora/
    7126.24): REVISION Rendered Animal Feed                                                                       compliance--ref/cpg/cpgvet/
     Ingredients                                                                                                   cpg675.400.html
    Regulatory Procedures Manual: UPDATE/        June 1998                   Do                                   Do--Internet at www.fda.gov/ora/
     REVISION Subchapter/Seizure                                                                                   compliance--ref/rpm--new2/ch6.html
    Regulatory Procedures Manual: UPDATE/        June 1998                   Do                                   Do--Internet at www.fda.gov/ora/
     REVISION Subchapter/Supervisory Charges                                                                       compliance--ref/rpm--new2/ch9chgs.html
    Regulatory Procedures Manual: NEW            July 1998                   Do                                   Do--Internet at www.fda.gov/ora/
     Subchapter/Civil Penalties--Electronic                                                                        compliance--ref/ch6civpen.html
     Product Radiation Control
    Guide to Traceback of Fresh Fruits and       August 1998                 Do                                   Division of Emergency and Investigational
     Vegetables Implicated in Epidemiological                                                                      Operations (HFC-130), Office of Regional
     Investigations                                                                                                Operations, Food and Drug Administration,
                                                                                                                   5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857
    Guide to Inspections of Computerized         August 1998                 Do                                   Do--Internet at www.fda.gov/ora/inspect--
     Systems in the Food Processing Industry                                                                       ref/igf/iglist.html
    Import Alerts                                Continuously                Do                                   Freedom of Information Staff (HFI-35),
                                                                                                                   Food and Drug Administration, 5600
                                                                                                                   Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857, or via
                                                                                                                   Internet at www.fda.gov/ora/fiars/ora--
    Investigations Operations Manual-REVISION;   July 1998                   Do                                   Division of Emergency and Investigational
     Chapter 4--Sampling                                                                                           Operations (HFC-130), Office of Regional
                                                                                                                   Operations, Food and Drug Administration,
                                                                                                                   5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857
                                                                                                                   301-443-3276 or via internet at
    Investigations Operations Manual-REVISION;   July 1998                   Do                                   Do
     Chapter 5--Establishment Inspection
    Documents Not Included on Previously Published Lists
    Compliance Policy Guide--DRAFT               January 5, 1998             Do                                   Division of Compliance Policy (HFC-230),
     Commercialization of In Vitro Diagnostic                                                                      Office of Enforcement, Food and Drug
     Devices (IVD's) Labeled for Research Use                                                                      Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane,
     Only or Investigational Use Only                                                                              Rockville, MD 301-827-0420 or via
                                                                                                                   internet at www.fda.gov/cdrh/comp/
    Compliance Policy Guide--DRAFT Distributor   August 28, 1998             Do                                   Do or via internet at www.fda/gov/ora/
     Medical Device Reporting                                                                                      compliance--ref/cpg--mdr3.txt
    Compliance Policy Guide 530.400 (CPG         September 23, 1997          Do
     7121.02) Vitamin Products for Human Use--
     Low Potency
    Compliance Policy Guide 210.150 ( CPG
     7134.09)Importation of Licensed Biological
     Products for Human Use
    Corrections to July 6, 1998 Quarterly List
    Guideline for the Monitoring of Clinical     Revised November 1998       FDA Regulated Industry               Division of Compliance Policy (HFC-230),
     Investigators                                                                                                 Office of Enforcement, Food and Drug
                                                                                                                   Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane,
                                                                                                                   Rockville, MD 20857, 301-827-0420
    Computerized Systems Used in Clinical        June 18, 1997               Do                                   Do
     Trials Should be identified as a DRAFT
    [[Page 903]]
    ComplianceProgram 7348.808, Bioresearch      Revised August 17, 1998     FDA Staff Personnel                  Do--Internet http://www.fda.gov/ora/
     Monitoring; Good Laboratory Practices                                                                         compliance--ref/bimo/default.html
    Compliance Program 7348.810; Sponsors,       Revised October 30, 1998    Do                                   Do--Internet http://www.fda.gov/ora/
     Contract Research Organizations and                                                                           compliance--ref/bimo/default.html
    Compliance Program 7348.811; Bioresearch     Revised September 2, 1998   Do                                   Do--Internet http://www.fda.gov/ora/
     Monitoring; Clinical Investigations                                                                           compliance--ref/bimo/default.html
    The following documents are not available    October 1, 1991             Do                                   Do
     via the internet: Food Laboratory Practice
     Program (Nonclinical Laboratories)
     7348.808A; EPA Data Audit Inspections
    Compliance Program 7348.809; Bioresearch     August 18, 1994
     Monitoring; Institutional Review Board
    VIII. Guidance Documents Issued by the Office of the Commissioner 
    and the Office of Policy
                                                                                   How to Obtain a Hard Copy of the
              Name of Document             Date of   Grouped by Intended User or  Document (Name and Address, Phone,
                                          Issuance       Regulatory Activity           FAX, E-mail or Internet)
    Draft Guidance for Industry;         June 1998   FDA Regulated Industry       Via Internet at http://www.fda.gov/
     Exports and Imports under the FDA                                             opacom/fedregister/frexport.html
     Export Review and Enhancement Act
     of 1996
    Policy & Guidance Handbook for FDA   1994        FDA Staff Personnel          National Technical Information
     Advisory Committees                                                           Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal
                                                                                   Rd., Springfield, VA 22161, 703-
                                                                                   487-4650 (Order No. PB94-158854)
        Dated: December 28, 1998.
    William K. Hubbard,
    Associate Commissioner for Policy Coordination.
    [FR Doc. 99-155 Filed 1-5-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4160-01-F

Document Information

Food and Drug Administration
Entry Type:
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General comments on this list and on agency guidance documents are welcome at any time.
888-903 (16 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 98N-0046
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