2024-30648. Air Plan Approval; AK, Fairbanks North Star Borough; 2006 24-Hour PM2.5 Serious Area and 189(d) Plan
Table 1—Summary of the EPA's December 5, 2023, Final Rule
Description of CAA planning requirement Approval Disapproval Base year emissions inventory for Serious areas subject to CAA section 189(b) * (CAA section 172(c)(3); 8 40 CFR 51.1008(b)(1)) Approval of the 2013 base year emissions inventory Base year emissions inventory for areas subject to CAA section 189(d) (CAA section 172(c)(3); 40 CFR 51.1008(c)(1)) Approval of the 2019 base year emissions inventory Attainment projected emissions inventory (CAA section 172(c)(1); 9 40 CFR 51.1008(c)(2)) Disapproval. Serious area nonattainment plan control strategy that ensures that best available control measures (BACM), including best available control technologies (BACT), for the control of direct PM 2.5 and PM 2.5 precursors are implemented in the nonattainment area (CAA section 189(b)(1)(B); 10 40 CFR 51.1010(a)) Partial approval of the control strategy as meeting BACM and BACT requirements under CAA section 189(b)(1)(B) 11 and 40 CFR 51.1010(a) for the solid fuel home heating device source category and residential and commercial fuel oil combustion source category; Partial approval of the control strategy approved as meeting BACM and BACT requirements under CAA section 189(b)(1)(B) 12 and 40 CFR 51.1010(a) for the charbroiler, used oil burner, and mobile source categories (except for rejection of vehicle anti-idling requirements); Approval of specific regulations under 18 AAC 50.075 through 077 (except the requirements for dry wood sellers under 18 AAC 50.076(k)), and Fairbanks Emergency Episode Plan (except the contingency measure portion); Disapproval of the control strategy BACM and BACT requirements (CAA section 189(b)(1)(B) 13 and 40 CFR 51.1010(a)) for the following emissions source categories: (1) Requirements for wood sellers; (2) Coal-fired heating devices; (3) Coffee roasters; (4) Weatherization and energy efficiency measures; (5) Mobile source category (disapproving for lack of vehicle anti-idling requirements); Disapproval of the control strategy BACM and BACT requirements (CAA section 189(b)(1)(B) 14 and 40 CFR 51.1010(a)) for PM 2.5 and sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) for the Doyon-Fort Wainwright Central Heating and Power Plant, University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus Power Plant, Zehnder Power Plant, and North Pole Power Plant. Partial approval as meeting applicable control strategy BACM and BACT requirements (CAA section 189(b)(1)(B) and 40 CFR 51.1010(a)) for ammonia (NH 3 ) for the Chena Power Plant, Doyon-Fort Wainwright Central Heating and Power Plant, University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus Power Plant, Zehnder Power Plant, and North Pole Power Plant; Partial approval of Alaska's PM 2.5 and NH 3 BACT determinations for the Doyon-Fort Wainwright Central Heating and Power Plant; PM 2.5 and NH 3 BACT determination for the University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus Power Plant, except for the three small diesel fired engines (EUs 23, 26, and 27); PM 2.5 and NH 3 BACT determinations for the Zehnder Power Plant; PM 2.5 and NH 3 BACT determinations for the North Pole Power Plant Additional measures (beyond those already adopted in previous nonattainment plan SIP submissions for the area as RACM/RACT, BACM/BACT, and Most Stringent Measures (MSM) 15 (if applicable)) that provide for attainment of the NAAQS as expeditiously as practicable and, from the date of such submission until attainment, demonstrate that the plan will at a minimum achieve an annual five percent reduction in emissions of direct PM 2.5 or any PM 2.5 plan precursor. (CAA section 189(d); 16 40 CFR 51.1010(c)) Disapproval. Attainment demonstration and modeling (CAA sections 188(c)(2) and 189(b)(1)(A); 17 40 CFR 51.1003(c) and 51.1011) Disapproval. Reasonable further progress (RFP) provisions (CAA section 172(c)(2); 18 40 CFR 51.1012) Disapproval. Quantitative milestones (CAA section 189(c); 19 40 CFR 51.1013) Disapproval. ( print page 1602) Motor vehicle emission budgets (CAA section 176, 40 CFR 51.1003(d) and 93.118) Disapproval. An adequate evaluation by the state of sources of all four PM 2.5 precursors for regulation, and implementation of controls on all such precursors, unless the state provides a demonstration establishing that it is either not necessary to regulate a particular precursor in the nonattainment area at issue in order to attain by the attainment date, or that emissions of the precursor do not make a significant contribution to PM 2.5 levels that exceed the standard.* (CAA section 189(e); 20 40 CFR 51.1006) Approval of the State's comprehensive PM 2.5 precursor demonstrations for NO X and VOC emissions Contingency measures applicable to Serious areas subject to CAA section 189(b) (CAA section 172(c)(9); 21 40 CFR 51.1014) Disapproval of the contingency measures requirements of CAA section 172(c)(9) 22 and 40 CFR 51.1014 applicable to Serious areas subject to CAA sections 189(b) and 189(d). Contingency measures applicable to Serious areas subject to CAA section 189(d) (CAA section 172(c)(9); 40 CFR 51.1014) The EPA finalized a limited disapproval of the Fairbanks 189(d) Plan contingency measure because the contingency measure did not fully meet the contingency measure requirements of CAA section 172(c)(9) and 40 CFR 51.1014 but otherwise strengthened the SIP.23 Nonattainment new source review provisions (CAA sections 172(c)(5), 189(b)(3), 189(d), and 189(e), and 40 CFR 51.165, 40 CFR 51.1003(b)(1)(viii), and 40 CFR 51.1003(c)(1)(viii) 24 Approval * The EPA finalized approval of this requirement on September 24, 2021 (86 FR 52997).