2024-31486. Preventing Access to U.S. Sensitive Personal Data and Government-Related Data by Countries of Concern or Covered Persons  

  • Table V-1—Small Business Size Standard and Affected Firms

    Number of affected firms Share of affected firms that are small Number of affected small firms
    4,500 Approximately 90 percent Approximately 4,050.

    This analysis assumes that the small entities affected by the rule will incur compliance costs of around $32,380 per firm per year, compared with an annual compliance cost of $400,460 for the largest affected firms. The costs as a percentage of annual revenue will vary company by company.

    The Department is not aware of recent reliable revenue data by firm size for the data broker industry, but a reasonable assumption is that if a firm's revenues from data sales are not sufficient to cover the compliance costs, then that firm will have an incentive to exit that market. Furthermore, calculating the proportion of the costs associated with the rule that falls on small firms is complicated by the fact that several of the rule's provisions—specifically the requirements related to cybersecurity, due diligence, recordkeeping, and reporting—likely involve high fixed costs. Even if small entities have less complex business operations, leading to fewer complications related to compliance, they will still face a higher cost burden, proportionally, from the rule than larger firms. Large entities will likely already have a greater portion of the fixed costs associated with the rule covered by existing capabilities. Therefore, while the costs associated with the security and due diligence requirements will be smaller in absolute terms for smaller entities, such entities will likely need to pay a higher proportion of their overall budgets to comply. Due to the unknowns and the large number of small entities, it is possible that a substantial number of small firms will experience a significant impact.

    3. Description of the Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Other Compliance Requirements of the Rule

    The rule requires firms engaged in restricted transactions to adhere to certain standards for data security, due diligence, recordkeeping, and reporting. See § 202.1101. To mitigate the risk of sharing government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data with countries of concern or covered persons through restricted transactions, organizations engaged in restricted transactions would be required to institute organizational and system-level data security policies, practices, and requirements and data-level requirements developed by DHS through CISA in coordination with the Department. See § 202.248. Those requirements, which CISA is releasing and announcing through a Federal Register notice issued concurrently with the final rule, overlap with several similar, widely used cybersecurity standards or frameworks. In addition, the security requirements developed by CISA require firms to protect the data associated with restricted transactions using combinations of the following capabilities necessary to prevent access to covered data by covered persons or countries of concern:

    1. data minimization and data masking;

    2. encryption;

    3. privacy-enhancing technologies; and

    4. denial of access.

    Firms will also be required to undergo annual independent testing and auditing to ensure their continuing compliance with the security requirements. As stated in part IV.I.2 of this preamble, the Department intends to provide additional guidance on the requirements for a sufficiently independent audit after the final rule is published.

    Additionally, to ensure that government-related data and bulk U.S. sensitive personal data are not accessible by countries of concern or covered persons, the rule requires firms to engage in due diligence before pursuing restricted transactions, such as by using KYC/Know-Your-Vendor programs to complete background checks on potential partners. Furthermore, as described in § 202.1002 the rule requires firms to keep records that contain extensive details of their restricted transactions as well as the details of the other parties involved. They are also required to undergo ( print page 1705) annual audits of their records to ensure compliance and assess potential risks.

    4. Identification of All Relevant Federal Rules That May Duplicate, Overlap, or Conflict With the Rule

    As discussed in part IV.L of the preamble, while PADFAA seeks to address some of the same national security risks as the rule does, there are clear differences between PADFAA, the Order, and this rule, including the scope of regulated data-brokerage activities, the types of bulk sensitive personal data that are covered, and the relevant countries of concern. Further, while PADFAA allows the FTC to investigate certain data-brokerage activities involving countries of concern as unfair trade practices, consistent with the FTC's existing jurisdiction, this rule establishes a new set of consistent regulatory requirements that apply across multiple types of commercial transactions and sectors. Finally, as stated in part IV.L of this preamble, the Department will coordinate closely with the FTC to ensure consistency in how both authorities are implemented.

    Some restricted transactions under the rule could also end up being subject to review and action by CFIUS. In 2018, the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2018 gave CFIUS the authority to review certain non-controlling foreign investments that may pose a risk to national security by allowing the sensitive personal data of U.S. citizens to be exploited.[221]

    However, while CFIUS acts on a transaction-by-transaction basis, this final rule creates restrictions and prohibitions on covered data transactions that apply to categories of data transactions involving the six countries of concern. In a situation where a covered data transaction otherwise subject to the rule is later subject to a CFIUS review, such transaction would be exempted from the Department's review under the rule to the extent that CFIUS takes any of the actions identified in the rule. See §§ 202.207 and 202.508.

    Furthermore, the categories of covered data transactions covered by the rule extend beyond the scope of CFIUS, including, for example, the categories addressing the provision of government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data through data brokerage, vendor agreements, and employment agreements. The rule also covers investment agreements that may not be covered by CFIUS, as well as cases where the relevant risks do not result from the covered transaction or may occur before a CFIUS action takes place.

    A description of the alternatives considered, the need for, and objectives of, the rule is included in section I.I. of the FRIA accompanying this rule, and is not repeated here.

    C. Executive Order 13132 (Federalism)

    The rule does not have federalism implications warranting the application of Executive Order 13132. The rule does not have substantial direct effects on the States, on the relationship between the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government.

    D. Executive Order 13175 (Consultation and Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments)

    The rule does not have Tribal implications warranting the application of Executive Order 13175. It does not have substantial direct effects on one or more Indian Tribes, on the relationship between the Federal Government and Indian Tribes, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities between the Federal Government and Indian Tribes.

    E. Executive Order 12988 (Civil Justice Reform)

    This rule meets the applicable standards set forth in sections 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988.

    F. Paperwork Reduction Act

    The collections of information contained in this rule have been approved by OMB in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. 3507, under control number 1124-0007.

    The rule includes seven new collections of information, annual reports, applications for specific licenses, reports on rejected prohibited transactions, requests for advisory opinions, petitions for removal from the designated Covered Persons List, reports of known or suspected violations of the onward transfers prohibition, and recordkeeping requirements for restricted transactions. The Department did not receive any comments specifically on these collections of information or the estimated burden.

    Based on wage rates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and lower- and upper-bound estimates (used because this is a new program and there is uncertainty in the estimated number of potential respondents for each of the forms), the following are the estimated burdens of the collections:

    • Annual reports. The Department estimates that 375 to 750 filers will send an average of one annual report per year, spending an estimated average of 40 hours to prepare and submit each annual report. The Department estimates the aggregated costs for all filers at $821,100 to $1,642,200 annually for annual reports.
    • Applications for specific licenses. The Department estimates that 15 to 25 filers will send an average of one application for a specific license per year, spending an estimated average of 10 hours to prepare and submit each application for a specific license. The Department estimates the aggregated costs for all filers at $8,211 to $13,685 annually for applications for specific licenses.
    • Reports on rejected prohibited transactions. The Department estimates that 15 to 25 filers will send an average of one report on a rejected prohibited transaction per year, spending an estimated average of two hours to prepare and submit each application for a specific license. The Department estimates the aggregated costs for all filers at $1,642 to $2,737 annually for reports on rejected prohibited transactions.
    • Requests for advisory opinions. The Department estimates that 50 to 100 filers will send an average of one request for an advisory opinion per year, spending an estimated average of two hours to prepare and submit each request for an advisory opinion. The Department estimates the aggregated costs for all filers at $5,474 to $10,948 annually for requests for advisory opinions.
    • Petitions for removal from covered persons list. The Department estimates that 15 to 25 filers will send an average of one petition for removal from the Covered Persons List per year, spending an estimated average of five hours to prepare and submit each petition for removal from the Covered Persons List. The Department estimates the aggregated costs for all filers at $4,106 to $6,843 annually for petitions for removal from the Covered Persons List.
    • Reports of known or suspected violations of onward transfers prohibition. The Department estimates that 300 to 450 filers will send an average of one report of known or suspected violations of the onward transfers prohibition per year, spending an estimated average of two hours to prepare and submit each report of known or suspected violations of the onward transfers prohibition. The Department estimates the aggregated costs for all filers at $32,844 to $49,266 annually for reports of known or suspected violations of the onward transfers prohibition. ( print page 1706)
    • Recordkeeping requirements for restricted transactions. The Department estimates that 1,400 small to medium-sized firms will incur a total of $1,344,000 in recordkeeping costs per year. Also, the Department estimates that 100 large firms will incur a total of $22,500,000 in recordkeeping costs per year.

    Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid control number assigned by OMB.

    G. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act requires that Federal agencies prepare a written statement assessing the effects of any Federal mandate in a proposed or final agency rule that may directly result in the expenditure of $100 million or more in 1995 dollars (adjusted annually for inflation) in any one year by State, local, and Tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector (2 U.S.C. 1532(a)). However, the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act does not apply to “any provision” in a proposed or final rule that is “necessary for the national security” (2 U.S.C. 1503(5)).

    In the Order, the President explained that “[t]he continuing effort of certain countries of concern to access Americans' sensitive personal data and United States Government-related data constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat, which has its source in whole or substantial part outside the United States, to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.” The Order expanded the scope of the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13873 of May 15, 2019 (Securing the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain), and further addressed with additional measures in Executive Order 14034 of June 9, 2021 (Protecting Americans' Sensitive Data From Foreign Adversaries). Section 2(a) of the Order thus requires the Attorney General to issue the regulations in this part, subject to public notice and comment, “[t]o assist in addressing the national security emergency described” in the Order. Because the entirety of this rule and every provision in it addresses the national emergency described by the President in the Order, the Department has concluded that the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act does not apply to this rule.

    H. Congressional Review Act

    Pursuant to Subtitle E of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (also known as the Congressional Review Act), the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has determined that this rule meets the criteria set forth in 5 U.S.C. 804(2). As laid out in the FRIA, this rule is expected to result in an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more. The Department will submit the final rule to Congress and the U.S. Government Accountability Office consistent with the Congressional Review Act's requirements no later than its effective date.

    I. Administrative Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2023

    The Department has determined that the Administrative Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2023 (Pub. L. 118-5, div. B, title III, 137 Stat. 31 (2023)) does not apply to this rule because it does not affect direct spending.

    List of Subjects in 28 CFR Part 202

    • Incorporation by reference
    • Military personnel
    • National security
    • Personally identifiable information
    • Privacy
    • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
    • Security measures

    Under the rulemaking authority vested in the Attorney General in 5 U.S.C. 301; 28 U.S.C. 509, 510 and delegated to the Assistant Attorney General for National Security by A.G. Order No. 6067-2024, and for the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Department of Justice adds part 202 to 28 CFR chapter I to read as follows:


    Subpart A—General
    Rules of construction and interpretation.
    Relation of this part to other laws and regulations.
    Delegation of authorities.
    Amendment, modification, or revocation.
    Subpart B—Definitions
    Attorney General.
    Assistant Attorney General.
    Biometric identifiers.
    Bulk U.S. sensitive personal data.
    CFIUS action.
    Country of concern.
    Covered data transaction.
    Covered person.
    Covered personal identifiers.
    Data brokerage.
    Effective date.
    Employment agreement.
    Exempt transaction.
    Former senior official.
    Foreign person.
    Government-related data.
    Human biospecimens.
    Human `omic data.
    Information or informational materials.
    Investment agreement.
    Licenses; general and specific.
    Listed identifier.
    National Security Division.
    North Korea.
    Personal communications.
    Personal financial data.
    Personal health data.
    Precise geolocation data.
    Prohibited transaction.
    Property; property interest.
    Recent former employees or contractors.
    Restricted transaction.
    Security requirements.
    Sensitive personal data.
    Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong.
    Special Administrative Region of Macau.
    Telecommunications service.
    United States.
    United States person or U.S. person.
    U.S. device.
    Vendor agreement.
    Subpart C—Prohibited Transactions and Related Activities
    Prohibited data-brokerage transactions.
    Other prohibited data-brokerage transactions involving potential onward transfer to countries of concern or covered persons.
    Prohibited human `omic data and human biospecimen transactions.
    Prohibited evasions, attempts, causing violations, and conspiracies.
    Knowingly directing prohibited or restricted transactions.
    Subpart D—Restricted Transactions
    Authorization to conduct restricted transactions.
    Subpart E—Exempt Transactions
    Personal communications.
    Information or informational materials.
    Travel. ( print page 1707)
    Official business of the United States Government.
    Financial services.
    Corporate group transactions.
    Transactions required or authorized by Federal law or international agreements, or necessary for compliance with Federal law.
    Investment agreements subject to a CFIUS action.
    Telecommunications services.
    Drug, biological product, and medical device authorizations.
    Other clinical investigations and post-marketing surveillance data.
    Subpart F—Determination of Countries of Concern
    Determination of countries of concern.
    Subpart G—Covered Persons
    Designation of covered persons.
    Procedures governing removal from the Covered Persons List.
    Subpart H—Licensing
    General licenses.
    Specific licenses.
    General provisions.
    Subpart I—Advisory Opinions
    Inquiries concerning application of this part.
    Subpart J—Due Diligence and Audit Requirements
    Due diligence for restricted transactions.
    Audits for restricted transactions.
    Subpart K—Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
    Records and recordkeeping requirements.
    Reports to be furnished on demand.
    Annual reports.
    Reports on rejected prohibited transactions.
    Subpart L—Submitting Applications, Requests, Reports, and Responses
    Subpart M—Penalties and Finding of Violation
    Penalties for violations.
    Process for pre-penalty notice.
    Penalty imposition.
    Administrative collection and litigation.
    Finding of violation.
    Opportunity to respond to a pre-penalty notie or finding of violation.
    Subpart N—Government-Related Location Data List
    Government-Related Location Data List.

    Authority: 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.;50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.;E.O. 14117, 89 FR 15421.

    Subpart A—General


    (a) Executive Order 14117 of February 28, 2024 (Preventing Access to Americans' Bulk Sensitive Personal Data and United States Government-Related Data by Countries of Concern) (“the Order”), directs the Attorney General to issue regulations that prohibit or otherwise restrict United States persons from engaging in any acquisition, holding, use, transfer, transportation, or exportation of, or dealing in, any property in which a foreign country or national thereof has any interest (“transaction”), where the transaction: involves United States Government-related data (“government-related data”) or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data, as defined by final rules implementing the Order; falls within a class of transactions that has been determined by the Attorney General to pose an unacceptable risk to the national security of the United States because the transactions may enable access by countries of concern or covered persons to government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data; and meets other criteria specified by the Order.

    (b) This part contains regulations implementing the Order and addressing the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13873 of May 15, 2019 (Securing the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain), and further addressed with additional measures in Executive Order 14034 of June 9, 2021 (Protecting Americans' Sensitive Data from Foreign Adversaries) and Executive Order 14117.

    Rules of construction and interpretation.

    (a) The examples included in this part are provided for informational purposes and should not be construed to alter the meaning of the text of the regulations in this part.

    (b) As used in this part, the term “including” means “including but not limited to.”

    (c) All references to “days” in this part mean calendar days. In computing any time period specified in this part:

    (1) Exclude the day of the event that triggers the period;

    (2) Count every day, including Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays; and

    (3) Include the last day of the period, but if the last day is a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday, the period continues to run until the end of the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday.

    Relation of this part to other laws and regulations.

    Nothing in this part shall be construed as altering or affecting any other authority, process, regulation, investigation, enforcement measure, or review provided by or established under any other provision of Federal law, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.

    Delegation of authorities.

    Any action that the Attorney General is authorized to take pursuant to the Order or pursuant to this part may be taken by the Assistant Attorney General for National Security or by any other person to whom the Attorney General or Assistant Attorney General for National Security in writing delegates authority so to act.

    Amendment, modification, or revocation.

    Except as otherwise provided by law, any determinations, prohibitions, decisions, licenses (whether general or specific), guidance, authorizations, instructions, orders, or forms issued pursuant to this part may be amended, modified, or revoked, in whole or in part, at any time.


    If any provision of this part is held to be invalid or unenforceable by its terms, or as applied to any person or circumstance, or stayed pending further agency action or judicial review, the provision is to be construed so as to continue to give the maximum effect to the provision permitted by law, unless such holding will be one of utter invalidity or unenforceability, in which event the provision will be severable from this part and will not affect the remainder thereof.

    Subpart B—Definitions


    The term access means logical or physical access, including the ability to obtain, read, copy, decrypt, edit, divert, release, affect, alter the state of, or otherwise view or receive, in any form, including through information systems, information technology systems, cloud-computing platforms, networks, security systems, equipment, or software. For purposes of determining whether a transaction is a covered data transaction, access is determined without regard for the application or effect of any security requirements.

    Attorney General.

    The term Attorney General means the Attorney General of the United States or the Attorney General's designee.

    ( print page 1708)
    Assistant Attorney General.

    The term Assistant Attorney General means the Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, United States Department of Justice, or the Assistant Attorney General's designee.

    Biometric identifiers.

    The term biometric identifiers means measurable physical characteristics or behaviors used to recognize or verify the identity of an individual, including facial images, voice prints and patterns, retina and iris scans, palm prints and fingerprints, gait, and keyboard usage patterns that are enrolled in a biometric system and the templates created by the system.


    The term bulk means any amount of sensitive personal data that meets or exceeds the following thresholds at any point in the preceding 12 months, whether through a single covered data transaction or aggregated across covered data transactions involving the same U.S. person and the same foreign person or covered person:

    (a) Human `omic data collected about or maintained on more than 1,000 U.S. persons, or, in the case of human genomic data, more than 100 U.S. persons;

    (b) Biometric identifiers collected about or maintained on more than 1,000 U.S. persons;

    (c) Precise geolocation data collected about or maintained on more than 1,000 U.S. devices;

    (d) Personal health data collected about or maintained on more than 10,000 U.S. persons;

    (e) Personal financial data collected about or maintained on more than 10,000 U.S. persons;

    (f) Covered personal identifiers collected about or maintained on more than 100,000 U.S. persons; or

    (g) Combined data, meaning any collection or set of data that contains more than one of the categories in paragraphs (a) through (f) of this section, or that contains any listed identifier linked to categories in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section, where any individual data type meets the threshold number of persons or devices collected or maintained in the aggregate for the lowest number of U.S. persons or U.S. devices in that category of data.

    Bulk U.S. sensitive personal data.

    The term bulk U.S. sensitive personal data means a collection or set of sensitive personal data relating to U.S. persons, in any format, regardless of whether the data is anonymized, pseudonymized, de-identified, or encrypted, where such data meets or exceeds the applicable threshold set forth in § 202.205.

    CFIUS action.

    The term CFIUS action means any agreement or condition the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States has entered into or imposed pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 4565(l)(1), (3), or (5) to resolve a national security risk involving access by a country of concern or covered person to sensitive personal data that the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States has explicitly designated, in the agreement or document containing the condition, as a CFIUS action, including:

    (a) Suspension of a proposed or pending transaction, as authorized under 50 U.S.C. 4565(l)(1);

    (b) Entry into or imposition of any agreement or condition with any party to a covered transaction, as authorized under 50 U.S.C. 4565(l)(3); and

    (c) The establishment of interim protections for covered transactions withdrawn before CFIUS's review or investigation is completed, as authorized under 50 U.S.C. 4565(l)(5).


    The term China means the People's Republic of China, including the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong and the Special Administrative Region of Macau, as well as any political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof.

    Country of concern.

    The term country of concern means any foreign government that, as determined by the Attorney General with the concurrence of the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Commerce:

    (a) Has engaged in a long-term pattern or serious instances of conduct significantly adverse to the national security of the United States or security and safety of United States persons; and

    (b) Poses a significant risk of exploiting government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data to the detriment of the national security of the United States or security and safety of U.S. persons.

    Covered data transaction.

    (a) Definition. A covered data transaction is any transaction that involves any access by a country of concern or covered person to any government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data and that involves:

    (1) Data brokerage;

    (2) A vendor agreement;

    (3) An employment agreement; or

    (4) An investment agreement.

    (b) Examples— (1) Example 1. A U.S. institution conducts medical research at its own laboratory in a country of concern, including sending several U.S.-citizen employees to that laboratory to perform and assist with the research. The U.S. institution does not engage in data brokerage or a vendor, employment, or investment agreement that gives a covered person or country of concern access to government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data. Because the U.S. institution does not engage in any data brokerage or enter into a vendor, employment, or investment agreement, the U.S. institution's research activity is not a covered data transaction.

    (2) Example 2. A U.S. person engages in a vendor agreement with a covered person involving access to bulk U.S. sensitive personal data. The vendor agreement is a restricted transaction. To comply with the CISA security requirements, the U.S. person, among other things, uses data-level requirements to mitigate the risk that the covered person could access the data. The vendor agreement remains a covered data transaction subject to the requirements of this part.

    (3) Example 3. A covered person engages in a vendor agreement with a U.S. person involving the U.S. person accessing bulk U.S. sensitive personal data already possessed by the covered person. The vendor agreement is not a covered data transaction because the transaction does not involve access by the covered person.

    Covered person.

    (a) Definition. The term covered person means:

    (1) A foreign person that is an entity that is 50% or more owned, directly or indirectly, individually or in the aggregate, by one or more countries of concern or persons described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section; or that is organized or chartered under the laws of, or has its principal place of business in, a country of concern;

    (2) A foreign person that is an entity that is 50% or more owned, directly or indirectly, individually or in the aggregate, by one or more persons described in paragraphs (a)(1), (3), (4), or (5) of this section;

    (3) A foreign person that is an individual who is an employee or contractor of a country of concern or of an entity described in paragraphs (a)(1), (2), or (5) of this section;

    (4) A foreign person that is an individual who is primarily a resident ( print page 1709) in the territorial jurisdiction of a country of concern; or

    (5) Any person, wherever located, determined by the Attorney General:

    (i) To be, to have been, or to be likely to become owned or controlled by or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of a country of concern or covered person;

    (ii) To act, to have acted or purported to act, or to be likely to act for or on behalf of a country of concern or covered person; or

    (iii) To have knowingly caused or directed, or to be likely to knowingly cause or direct a violation of this part.

    (b) Examples —(1) Example 1. Foreign persons primarily resident in Cuba, Iran, or another country of concern would be covered persons.

    (2) Example 2. Chinese or Russian citizens located in the United States would be treated as U.S. persons and would not be covered persons (except to the extent individually designated). They would be subject to the same prohibitions and restrictions as all other U.S. persons with respect to engaging in covered data transactions with countries of concern or covered persons.

    (3) Example 3. Citizens of a country of concern who are primarily resident in a third country, such as Russian citizens primarily resident in a European Union country or Cuban citizens primarily resident in a South American country that is not a country of concern, would not be covered persons except to the extent they are individually designated or to the extent that they are employees or contractors of a country of concern government or a covered person that is an entity.

    (4) Example 4. A foreign person is located abroad and is employed by a company headquartered in China. Because the company is a covered person that is an entity and the employee is located outside the United States, the employee is a covered person.

    (5) Example 5. A foreign person is located abroad and is employed by a company that has been designated as a covered person. Because the foreign person is the employee of a covered person that is an entity and the employee is a foreign person, the person is a covered person.

    (6) Example 6. A foreign person individual investor who principally resides in Venezuela owns 50% of a technology company that is solely organized under the laws of the United States. The investor is a covered person because the investor is a foreign person that is an individual who is primarily a resident in the territorial jurisdiction of a country of concern. The technology company is a U.S. person because it is an entity organized solely under the laws of the United States or any jurisdiction within the United States. The technology company is not a covered person because it is not a foreign person and therefore does not meet the criteria of § 202.211(a)(2). However, the technology company could still be designated as a covered person following a determination that the technology company meets one or more criteria of § 202.211(a)(5).

    (7) Example 7. Same as Example 6, but the technology company is additionally organized under the laws of Luxembourg. A U.S. company wishes to license bulk U.S. sensitive personal data to the technology company. The technology company is not a U.S. person because it is not solely organized under the laws of the United States. The technology company is a covered person because it is 50% or more owned, directly or indirectly, individually or in the aggregate, by a foreign person that is an individual who is primarily resident in the territorial jurisdiction of a country of concern. The transaction between the U.S. company and the technology company would be a prohibited data transaction.

    (8) Example 8. A foreign person that lives in China owns 50% of Foreign Entity A. Foreign Entity A owns 100% of Foreign Entity B and 100% of Foreign Entity C. Foreign Entity B owns 20% of Foreign Entity D. Foreign Entity C owns 30% of Foreign Entity D. Foreign Entity D would be a covered person for two independent reasons. First, Foreign Entity D because it is “indirectly” 50% or more owned by Foreign Entity A (20% through Foreign Entity B and 30% through Foreign Entity C). Second, Foreign Entity D is directly 50% owned, in the aggregate, by Foreign Entity B and Foreign Entity C, each of which are covered persons because they are 50% or more owned by Foreign Entity A.

    Covered personal identifiers.

    (a) Definition. The term covered personal identifiers means any listed identifier:

    (1) In combination with any other listed identifier; or

    (2) In combination with other data that is disclosed by a transacting party pursuant to the transaction such that the listed identifier is linked or linkable to other listed identifiers or to other sensitive personal data.

    (b) Exclusion. The term covered personal identifiers excludes:

    (1) Demographic or contact data that is linked only to other demographic or contact data (such as first and last name, birthplace, ZIP code, residential street or postal address, phone number, and email address and similar public account identifiers); and

    (2) A network-based identifier, account-authentication data, or call-detail data that is linked only to other network-based identifier, account-authentication data, or call-detail data as necessary for the provision of telecommunications, networking, or similar service.

    (c) Examples of listed identifiers in combination with other listed identifiers— (1) Example 1. A standalone listed identifier in isolation ( i.e., that is not linked to another listed identifier, sensitive personal data, or other data that is disclosed by a transacting party pursuant to the transaction such that the listed identifier is linked or linkable to other listed identifiers or to other sensitive personal data)—such as a Social Security Number or account username—would not constitute a covered personal identifier.

    (2) Example 2. A listed identifier linked to another listed identifier—such as a first and last name linked to a Social Security number, a driver's license number linked to a passport number, a device Media Access Control (“MAC”) address linked to a residential address, an account username linked to a first and last name, or a mobile advertising ID linked to an email address—would constitute covered personal identifiers.

    (3) Example 3. Demographic or contact data linked only to other demographic or contact data—such as a first and last name linked to a residential street address, an email address linked to a first and last name, or a customer loyalty membership record linking a first and last name to a phone number—would not constitute covered personal identifiers.

    (4) Example 4. Demographic or contact data linked to other demographic or contact data and to another listed identifier—such as a first and last name linked to an email address and to an IP address—would constitute covered personal identifiers.

    (5) Example 5. Account usernames linked to passwords as part of a sale of a dataset would constitute covered personal identifiers. Those pieces of account-authentication data are not linked as a necessary part of the provision of telecommunications, networking, or similar services. This combination would constitute covered personal identifiers.

    (d) Examples of a listed identifier in combination with other data disclosed by a transacting party— (1) Example 1. A foreign person who is a covered person asks a U.S. company for a list of Media Access Control (“MAC”) ( print page 1710) addresses from devices that have connected to the wireless network of a U.S. fast-food restaurant located in a particular government building. The U.S. company then sells the list of MAC addresses, without any other listed identifiers or sensitive personal data, to the covered person. The disclosed MAC addresses, when paired with the other data disclosed by the covered person—that the devices “have connected to the wireless network of a U.S. fast-food restaurant located in a particular government building”—makes it so that the MAC addresses are linked or linkable to other sensitive personal data, in this case precise geolocation data of the location of the fast-food restaurant that the national security-related individuals frequent with their devices. This combination of data therefore meets the definition of covered personal identifiers.

    (2) Example 2. A U.S. company sells to a country of concern a list of residential addresses that the company describes (whether in a heading on the list or separately to the country of concern as part of the transaction) as “addresses of members of a country of concern's opposition political party in New York City” or as “addresses of active-duty military officers who live in Howard County, Maryland” without any other listed identifiers or sensitive personal data. The data disclosed by the U.S. company's description, when paired with the disclosed addresses, makes the addresses linked or linkable to other listed identifiers or to other sensitive personal data of the U.S. individuals associated with them. This combination of data therefore meets the definition of covered personal identifiers.

    (3) Example 3. A covered person asks a U.S. company for a bulk list of birth dates for “any American who visited a Starbucks in Washington, DC, in December 2023.” The U.S. company then sells the list of birth dates, without any other listed identifiers or sensitive personal data, to the covered person. The other data disclosed by the covered person—“any American who visited a Starbucks in Washington, DC, in December 2023”—does not make the birth dates linked or linkable to other listed identifiers or to other sensitive personal data. This combination of data therefore does not meet the definition of covered personal identifiers.

    (4) Example 4. Same as Example 3, but the covered person asks the U.S. company for a bulk list of names (rather than birth dates) for “any American who visited a Starbucks in Washington, DC in December 2023.” The other data disclosed by the covered person—“any American who visited a Starbucks in Washington, DC, in December 2023”—does not make the list of names, without more, linked or linkable to other listed identifiers or to other sensitive personal data. This combination of data therefore does not meet the definition of covered personal identifiers.

    (5) Example 5. A U.S. company sells to a covered person a list of residential addresses that the company describes (in a heading in the list or to the covered person as part of the transaction) as “households of Americans who watched more than 50% of episodes” of a specific popular TV show, without any other listed identifiers or sensitive personal data. The other data disclosed by the U.S. company—“Americans who watched more than 50% of episodes” of a specific popular TV show—does not increase the extent to which the addresses are linked or linkable to other listed identifiers or to other sensitive personal data. This combination of data therefore does not meet the definition of covered personal identifiers.


    The term Cuba means the Republic of Cuba, as well as any political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof.

    Data brokerage.

    (a) Definition. The term data brokerage means the sale of data, licensing of access to data, or similar commercial transactions, excluding an employment agreement, investment agreement, or a vendor agreement, involving the transfer of data from any person (the provider) to any other person (the recipient), where the recipient did not collect or process the data directly from the individuals linked or linkable to the collected or processed data.

    (b) Examples— (1) Example 1. A U.S. company sells bulk U.S. sensitive personal data to an entity headquartered in a country of concern. The U.S. company engages in prohibited data brokerage.

    (2) Example 2. A U.S. company enters into an agreement that gives a covered person a license to access government-related data held by the U.S. company. The U.S. company engages in prohibited data brokerage.

    (3) Example 3. A U.S. organization maintains a database of bulk U.S. sensitive personal data and offers annual memberships for a fee that provide members a license to access that data. Providing an annual membership to a covered person that includes a license to access government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data would constitute prohibited data brokerage.

    (4) Example 4. A U.S. company owns and operates a mobile app for U.S. users with available advertising space. As part of selling the advertising space, the U.S. company provides IP addresses and advertising IDs of more than 100,000 U.S. users' devices to an advertising exchange based in a country of concern in a twelve-month period. The U.S. company's provision of this data as part of the sale of advertising space is a covered data transaction involving data brokerage and is a prohibited transaction because IP addresses and advertising IDs are listed identifiers that satisfy the definition of bulk covered personal identifiers in this transaction.

    (5) Example 5. Same as Example 4, but the U.S. company provides the data to an advertising exchange based in the United States. As part of the sale of the advertising space, the U.S. advertising exchange provides the data to advertisers headquartered in a country of concern. The U.S. company's provision of the data to the U.S. advertising exchange would not be a transaction because it is between U.S. persons. The advertising exchange's provision of this data to the country of concern-based advertisers is data brokerage because it is a commercial transaction involving the transfer of data from the U.S. advertising exchange to the advertisers headquartered in the country of concern, where those country-of-concern advertisers did not collect or process the data directly from the individuals linked or linkable to the collected or processed data. Furthermore, the U.S. advertising exchange's provision of this data to the country of concern-based advertisers is a prohibited transaction.

    (6) Example 6. A U.S. information technology company operates an autonomous driving platform that collects the precise geolocation data of its cars operating in the United States. The U.S. company sells or otherwise licenses this bulk data to its parent company headquartered in a country of concern to help develop artificial intelligence technology and machine learning capabilities. The sale or license is data brokerage and a prohibited transaction.

    (7) Example 7. A U.S. company owns or operates a mobile app or website for U.S. users. That mobile app or website contains one or more tracking pixels or software development kits that were knowingly installed or approved for incorporation into the app or website by the U.S. company. The tracking pixels or software development kits transfer or otherwise provide access to ( print page 1711) government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data to a country of concern or covered person-owned social media app for targeted advertising. The U.S. company engages in prohibited data brokerage.

    (8) Example 8. A non-U.S. company is contracted to develop a mobile app for a U.S. company. In developing the mobile app for that U.S. company, the non-U.S. company knowingly incorporates tracking pixels or software development kits into the mobile app that then transfer or otherwise provide access to government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data to a country of concern or covered person for targeted advertising, at the request of the U.S. company. The non-U.S. company has caused a violation of the data brokerage prohibition. If the U.S. company knowingly arranged the transfer of such data to the country of concern or covered person by requesting incorporation of the tracking pixels or software development kits, the U.S. company has engaged in prohibited data brokerage.

    (9) Example 9. A U.S. researcher shares bulk human `omic data on U.S. persons with a researcher in a country of concern (a covered person) with whom the U.S. researcher is drafting a paper for submission to an academic journal. The two researchers exchange country of concern and bulk U.S. human `omic data over a period of several months to analyze and describe the findings of their research for the journal article. The U.S. person does not provide to or receive from the covered person or the covered person's employer any money or other valuable consideration as part of the authors' study. The U.S. person has not engaged in a covered data transaction involving data brokerage, because the transaction does not involve the sale of data, licensing of access to data, or similar commercial transaction involving the transfer of data to the covered person.

    (10) Example 10. A U.S. researcher receives a grant from a university in a country of concern to study. bulk personal health data and bulk human `omic data on U.S. persons. The grant directs the researcher to share the underlying bulk U.S. sensitive personal data with the country of concern university (a covered person). The transaction is a covered data transaction because it involves access by a covered person to bulk U.S. sensitive personal data and is data brokerage because it involves the transfer of bulk U.S. sensitive personal data to a covered person in return for a financial benefit.


    The term directing means having any authority (individually or as part of a group) to make decisions for or on behalf of an entity and exercising that authority.

    Effective date.

    The term effective date refers to the effective date of this part, which is 12:01 a.m. ET on April 8, 2025.

    Employment agreement.

    (a) Definition. The term employment agreement means any agreement or arrangement in which an individual, other than as an independent contractor, performs work or performs job functions directly for a person in exchange for payment or other consideration, including employment on a board or committee, executive-level arrangements or services, and employment services at an operational level.

    (b) Examples— (1) Example 1. A U.S. company that conducts consumer human genomic testing collects and maintains bulk human genomic data from U.S. consumers. The U.S. company has global IT operations, including employing a team of individuals who are citizens of and primarily resident in a country of concern to provide back-end services. The agreements related to employing these individuals are employment agreements. Employment as part of the global IT operations team includes access to the U.S. company's systems containing the bulk human genomic data. These employment agreements would be prohibited transactions (because they involve access to bulk human genomic data).

    (2) Example 2. A U.S. company develops its own mobile games and social media apps that collect the bulk U.S. sensitive personal data of its U.S. users. The U.S. company distributes these games and apps in the United States through U.S.-based digital distribution platforms for software applications. The U.S. company intends to hire as CEO an individual designated by the Attorney General as a covered person because of evidence the CEO acts on behalf of a country of concern. The agreement retaining the individual as CEO would be an employment agreement. The individual's authorities and responsibilities as CEO involve access to all data collected by the apps, including the bulk U.S. sensitive personal data. The CEO's employment would be a restricted transaction.

    (3) Example 3. A U.S. company has derived U.S. persons' biometric identifiers by scraping public photos from social media platforms. The U.S. company stores the derived biometric identifiers in bulk, including face-data scans, for the purpose of training or enhancing facial-recognition software. The U.S. company intends to hire a foreign person, who primarily resides in a country of concern, as a project manager responsible for the database. The agreement retaining the project manager would be an employment agreement. The individual's employment as the lead project manager would involve access to the bulk biometric identifiers. The project manager's employment would be a restricted transaction.

    (4) Example 4. A U.S. financial-services company seeks to hire a data scientist who is a citizen of a country of concern who primarily resides in that country of concern and who is developing a new artificial intelligence-based personal assistant that could be sold as a standalone product to the company's customers. The arrangement retaining the data scientist would be an employment agreement. As part of that individual's employment, the data scientist would have administrator rights that allow that individual to access, download, and transmit bulk quantities of personal financial data not ordinarily incident to and part of the company's underlying provision of financial services to its customers. The data scientist's employment would be a restricted transaction.

    (5) Example 5. A U.S. company sells goods and collects bulk personal financial data about its U.S. customers. The U.S. company appoints a citizen of a country of concern, who is located in a country of concern, to its board of directors. This director would be a covered person, and the arrangement appointing the director would be an employment agreement. In connection with the board's data security and cybersecurity responsibilities, the director could access the bulk personal financial data. The director's employment would be a restricted transaction.


    The term entity means a partnership, association, trust, joint venture, corporation, group, subgroup, or other organization.

    Exempt transaction.

    The term exempt transaction means a data transaction that is subject to one or more exemptions described in subpart E of this part.

    Former senior official.

    The term former senior official means either a “former senior employee” or a ( print page 1712) “former very senior employee,” as those terms are defined in 5 CFR 2641.104.

    Foreign person.

    The term foreign person means any person that is not a U.S. person.

    Government-related data.

    (a) Definition. The term government-related data means the following:

    (1) Any precise geolocation data, regardless of volume, for any location within any area enumerated on the Government-Related Location Data List in § 202.1401 which the Attorney General has determined poses a heightened risk of being exploited by a country of concern to reveal insights about locations controlled by the Federal Government, including insights about facilities, activities, or populations in those locations, to the detriment of national security, because of the nature of those locations or the personnel who work there. Such locations may include:

    (i) The worksite or duty station of Federal Government employees or contractors who occupy a national security position as that term is defined in 5 CFR 1400.102(a)(4);

    (ii) A military installation as that term is defined in 10 U.S.C. 2801(c)(4); or

    (iii) Facilities or locations that otherwise support the Federal Government's national security, defense, intelligence, law enforcement, or foreign policy missions.

    (2) Any sensitive personal data, regardless of volume, that a transacting party markets as linked or linkable to current or recent former employees or contractors, or former senior officials, of the United States Government, including the military and Intelligence Community.

    (b) Examples of government-related data marketed by a transacting party —(1) Example 1. A U.S. company advertises the sale of a set of sensitive personal data as belonging to “active duty” personnel, “military personnel who like to read,” “DoD” personnel, “government employees,” or “communities that are heavily connected to a nearby military base.” The data is government-related data.

    (2) Example 2. In discussing the sale of a set of sensitive personal data with a covered person, a U.S. company describes the dataset as belonging to members of a specific named organization. The identified organization restricts membership to current and former members of the military and their families. The data is government-related data.

    Human biospecimens.

    (a) The term human biospecimens means a quantity of tissue, blood, urine, or other human-derived material, including such material classified under any of the following 10-digit Harmonized System-based Schedule B numbers:

    (1) 0501.00.0000 Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed or scoured; waste of human hair

    (2) 3001.20.0000 Extracts of glands or other organs or of their secretions

    (3) 3001.90.0115 Glands and other organs, dried, whether or not powdered

    (4) 3002.12.0010 Human blood plasma

    (5) 3002.12.0020 Normal human blood sera, whether or not freeze-dried

    (6) 3002.12.0030 Human immune blood sera

    (7) 3002.12.0090 Antisera and other blood fractions, Other

    (8) 3002.51.0000 Cell therapy products

    (9) 3002.59.0000 Cell cultures, whether or not modified, Other

    (10) 3002.90.5210 Whole human blood

    (11) 3002.90.5250 Blood, human/animal, other

    (12) 9705.21.0000 Human specimens and parts thereof

    (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, the term human biospecimens does not include human biospecimens, including human blood, cell, and plasma-derived therapeutics, intended by a recipient solely for use in diagnosing, treating, or preventing any disease or medical condition.

    Human `omic data.

    (a) The term human `omic data means:

    (1) Human genomic data. Data representing the nucleic acid sequences that constitute the entire set or a subset of the genetic instructions found in a human cell, including the result or results of an individual's “genetic test” (as defined in 42 U.S.C. 300gg-91(d)(17)) and any related human genetic sequencing data.

    (2) Human epigenomic data. Data derived from a systems-level analysis of human epigenetic modifications, which are changes in gene expression that do not involve alterations to the DNA sequence itself. These epigenetic modifications include modifications such as DNA methylation, histone modifications, and non-coding RNA regulation. Routine clinical measurements of epigenetic modifications for individualized patient care purposes would not be considered epigenomic data under this rule because such measurements would not entail a systems-level analysis of the epigenetic modifications in a sample.

    (3) Human proteomic data. Data derived from a systems-level analysis of proteins expressed by a human genome, cell, tissue, or organism. Routine clinical measurements of proteins for individualized patient care purposes would not be considered proteomic data under this rule because such measurements would not entail a systems-level analysis of the proteins found in such a sample.

    (4) Human transcriptomic data. Data derived from a systems-level analysis of RNA transcripts produced by the human genome under specific conditions or in a specific cell type. Routine clinical measurements of RNA transcripts for individualized patient care purposes would not be considered transcriptomic data under this rule because such measurements would not entail a systems-level analysis of the RNA transcripts in a sample.

    (b) The term human `omic data excludes pathogen-specific data embedded in human `omic data sets.


    The term IEEPA means the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.).

    Information or informational materials.

    (a) Definition. The term information or informational materials is limited to expressive material and includes publications, films, posters, phonograph records, photographs, microfilms, microfiche, tapes, compact disks, CD ROMs, artworks, and news wire feeds. It does not include data that is technical, functional, or otherwise non-expressive.

    (b) Exclusions. The term information or informational materials does not include:

    (1) Information or informational materials not fully created and in existence at the date of the data transaction, or the substantive or artistic alteration or enhancement of information or informational materials, or the provision of marketing and business consulting services, including to market, produce or co-produce, or assist in the creation of information or informational materials;

    (2) Items that were, as of April 30, 1994, or that thereafter become, controlled for export to the extent that such controls promote the nonproliferation or antiterrorism policies of the United States, or with respect to which acts are prohibited by 18 U.S.C. chapter 37.

    (c) Examples —(1) Example 1. A U.S. person enters into an agreement to ( print page 1713) create a customized dataset of bulk U.S. sensitive personal data that meets a covered person's specifications (such as the specific types and fields of data, date ranges, and other criteria) and to sell that dataset to the covered person. This customized dataset is not fully created and in existence at the date of the agreement, and therefore is not information or informational materials.

    (2) Example 2. A U.S. company has access to several pre-existing databases of different bulk U.S. sensitive personal data. The U.S. company offers, for a fee, to use data analytics to link the data across these databases to the same individuals and to sell that combined dataset to a covered person. This service constitutes a substantive alteration or enhancement of the data in the pre-existing databases and therefore is not information or informational materials.


    Except as otherwise provided in this part, the term interest, when used with respect to property ( e.g., “an interest in property”), means an interest of any nature whatsoever, direct or indirect.

    Investment agreement.

    (a) Definition. The term investment agreement means an agreement or arrangement in which any person, in exchange for payment or other consideration, obtains direct or indirect ownership interests in or rights in relation to:

    (1) Real estate located in the United States; or

    (2) A U.S. legal entity.

    (b) Exclusion for passive investments. The term investment agreement excludes any investment that:

    (1) Is made:

    (i) Into a publicly traded security, with “security” defined in section 3(a)(10) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(10)), denominated in any currency that trades on a securities exchange or through the method of trading that is commonly referred to as “over-the-counter,” in any jurisdiction;

    (ii) Into a security offered by:

    (A) Any “investment company” (as defined in section 3(a)(1) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-3(a)(1)) that is registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, such as index funds, mutual funds, or exchange traded funds; or

    (B) Any company that has elected to be regulated or is regulated as a business development company pursuant to section 54(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-53), or any derivative of either of the foregoing; or

    (iii) As a limited partner into a venture capital fund, private equity fund, fund of funds, or other pooled investment fund, or private entity, if the limited partner's contribution is solely capital and the limited partner cannot make managerial decisions, is not responsible for any debts beyond its investment, and does not have the formal or informal ability to influence or participate in the fund's or a U.S. person's decision making or operations;

    (2) Gives the covered person less than 10% in total voting and equity interest in a U.S. person; and

    (3) Does not give a covered person rights beyond those reasonably considered to be standard minority shareholder protections, including (a) membership or observer rights on, or the right to nominate an individual to a position on, the board of directors or an equivalent governing body of the U.S. person, or (b) any other involvement, beyond the voting of shares, in substantive business decisions, management, or strategy of the U.S. person.

    (c) Examples— (1) Example 1. A U.S. company intends to build a data center located in a U.S. territory. The data center will store bulk personal health data on U.S. persons. A foreign private equity fund located in a country of concern agrees to provide capital for the construction of the data center in exchange for acquiring a majority ownership stake in the data center. The agreement that gives the private equity fund a stake in the data center is an investment agreement. The investment agreement is a restricted transaction.

    (2) Example 2. A foreign technology company that is subject to the jurisdiction of a country of concern and that the Attorney General has designated as a covered person enters into a shareholders' agreement with a U.S. business that develops mobile games and social media apps, acquiring a minority equity stake in the U.S. business. The shareholders' agreement is an investment agreement. These games and apps developed by the U.S. business systematically collect bulk U.S. sensitive personal data of its U.S. users. The investment agreement explicitly gives the foreign technology company the ability to access this data and is therefore a restricted transaction.

    (3) Example 3. Same as Example 2, but the investment agreement either does not explicitly give the foreign technology company the right to access the data or explicitly forbids that access. The investment agreement nonetheless provides the foreign technology company with the sufficient ownership interest, rights, or other involvement in substantive business decisions, management, or strategy such that the investment does not constitute a passive investment. Because it is not a passive investment, the ownership interest, rights, or other involvement in substantive business decisions, management, or strategy gives the foreign technology company the ability to obtain logical or physical access, regardless of how the agreement formally distributes those rights. The investment agreement therefore involves access to bulk U.S. sensitive personal data. The investment agreement is a restricted transaction.

    (4) Example 4. Same as Example 3, but the U.S. business does not maintain or have access to any government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data ( e.g., a pre-commercial company or startup company). Because the data transaction cannot involve access to any government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data, this investment agreement does not meet the definition of a covered data transaction and is not a restricted transaction.


    The term Iran means the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as any political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof.


    (a) Definition. The term knowingly, with respect to conduct, a circumstance, or a result, means that a person has actual knowledge, or reasonably should have known, of the conduct, the circumstance, or the result.

    (b) Examples— (1) Example 1. A U.S. company sells DNA testing kits to U.S. consumers and maintains bulk human genomic data collected from those consumers. The U.S. company enters into a contract with a foreign cloud-computing company (which is not a covered person) to store the U.S. company's database of human genomic data. The foreign company hires employees from other countries, including citizens of countries of concern who primarily reside in a country of concern, to manage databases for its customers, including the U.S. company's human genomic database. There is no indication of evasion, such as the U.S. company knowingly directing the foreign company's employment agreements with covered persons, or the U.S. company engaging in and structuring these transactions to evade the regulations. The cloud-computing services agreement between the U.S. company and the foreign company would not be prohibited or restricted, because that covered data ( print page 1714) transaction is between a U.S. person and a foreign company that does not meet the definition of a covered person. The employment agreements between the foreign company and the covered persons would not be prohibited or restricted because those agreements are between foreign persons.

    (2) Example 2. A U.S. company transmits the bulk U.S. sensitive personal data of U.S. persons to a country of concern, in violation of this part, using a fiber optic cable operated by another U.S. company. The U.S. cable operator has not knowingly engaged in a prohibited transaction or a restricted transaction solely by virtue of operating the fiber optic cable because the U.S. cable operator does not know, and reasonably should not know, the content of the traffic transmitted across the fiber optic cable.

    (3) Example 3. A U.S. service provider provides a software platform on which a U.S. company processes the bulk U.S. sensitive personal data of its U.S.-person customers. While the U.S. service provider is generally aware of the nature of the U.S. company's business, the U.S. service provider is not aware of the kind or volume of data that the U.S. company processes on the platform, how the U.S. company uses the data, or whether the U.S. company engages in data transactions. The U.S. company also primarily controls access to its data on the platform, with the U.S. service provider accessing the data only for troubleshooting or technical support purposes, upon request by the U.S. company. Subsequently, without the actual knowledge of the U.S. service provider and without providing the U.S. service provider with any information from which the service provider should have known, the U.S. company grants access to the data on the U.S. service provider's software platform to a covered person through a covered data transaction, in violation of this part. The U.S. service provider itself, however, has not knowingly engaged in a restricted transaction by enabling the covered persons' access via its software platform.

    (4) Example 4. Same as Example 3, but in addition to providing the software platform, the U.S. company's contract with the U.S. service provider also outsources the U.S. company's processing and handling of the data to the U.S. service provider. As a result, the U.S. service provider primarily controls access to the U.S. company's bulk U.S. sensitive personal data on the platform. The U.S. service provider employs a covered person and grants access to this data as part of this employment. Although the U.S. company's contract with the U.S. service provider is not a restricted transaction, the U.S. service provider's employment agreement with the covered person is a restricted transaction. The U.S. service provider has thus knowingly engaged in a restricted transaction by entering into an employment agreement that grants access to its employee because the U.S. service provider knew or should have known of its employee's covered person status and, as the party responsible for processing and handling the data, the U.S. service provider was aware of the kind and volume of data that the U.S. company processes on the platform.

    (5) Example 5. A U.S. company provides cloud storage to a U.S. customer for the encrypted storage of the customer's bulk U.S. sensitive personal data. The U.S. cloud-service provider has an emergency back-up encryption key for all its customers' data, but the company is contractually limited to using the key to decrypt the data only at the customer's request. The U.S. customer's systems and access to the key become disabled, and the U.S. customer requests that the cloud-service provider use the back-up encryption key to decrypt the data and store it on a backup server while the customer restores its own systems. By having access to and using the backup encryption key to decrypt the data in accordance with the contractual limitation, the U.S. cloud-service provider does not and reasonably should not know the kind and volumes of the U.S. customer's data. If the U.S. customer later uses the cloud storage to knowingly engage in a prohibited transaction, the U.S. cloud-service provider's access to and use of the backup encryption key does not mean that the U.S. cloud-service provider has also knowingly engaged in a restricted transaction.

    (6) Example 6. A prominent human genomics research clinic enters into a cloud-services contract with a U.S. cloud-service provider that specializes in storing and processing healthcare data to store bulk human genomic research data. The cloud-service provider hires IT personnel in a country of concern, who are thus covered persons. While the data that is stored is encrypted, the IT personnel can access the data in encrypted form. The employment agreement between the U.S. cloud-service provider and the IT professionals in the country of concern is a prohibited transaction because the agreement involves giving the IT personnel access to the encrypted data and constitutes a transfer of human genomic data. Given the nature of the research institution's work and the cloud-service provider's expertise in storing healthcare data, the cloud-service provider reasonably should have known that the encrypted data is bulk U.S. sensitive personal data covered by the regulations. The cloud-service provider has therefore knowingly engaged in a prohibited transaction (because it involves access to human genomic data).

    Licenses; general and specific.

    (a) General license. The term general license means a written license issued pursuant to this part authorizing a class of transactions and not limited to a particular person.

    (b) Specific license. The term specific license means a written license issued pursuant to this part to a particular person or persons, authorizing a particular transaction or transactions in response to a written license application.


    (a) Definition. The term linked means associated.

    (b) Examples— (1) Example 1. A U.S. person transfers two listed identifiers in a single spreadsheet—such as a list of names of individuals and associated MAC addresses for those individuals' devices. The names and MAC addresses would be considered linked.

    (2) Example 2. A U.S. person transfers two listed identifiers in different spreadsheets—such as a list of names of individuals in one spreadsheet and MAC addresses in another spreadsheet—to two related parties in two different covered data transactions. The names and MAC addresses would be considered linked, provided that some correlation existed between the names and MAC addresses ( e.g., associated employee ID number is also listed in both spreadsheets).

    (3) Example 3. A U.S. person transfers a standalone list of MAC addresses, without any additional listed identifiers. The standalone list does not include covered personal identifiers. That standalone list of MAC addresses would not become covered personal identifiers even if the receiving party is capable of obtaining separate sets of other listed identifiers or sensitive personal data through separate covered data transactions with unaffiliated parties that would ultimately permit the association of the MAC addresses to specific persons. The MAC addresses would not be considered linked or linkable to those separate sets of other listed identifiers or sensitive personal data.

    ( print page 1715)

    The term linkable means reasonably capable of being linked.

    Note to § 202.233. Data is considered linkable when the identifiers involved in a single covered data transaction, or in multiple covered data transactions or a course of dealing between the same or related parties, are reasonably capable of being associated with the same person(s). Identifiers are not linked or linkable when additional identifiers or data not involved in the relevant covered data transaction(s) would be necessary to associate the identifiers with the same specific person(s).

    Listed identifier.

    The term listed identifier means any piece of data in any of the following data fields:

    (a) Full or truncated government identification or account number (such as a Social Security number, driver's license or State identification number, passport number, or Alien Registration Number);

    (b) Full financial account numbers or personal identification numbers associated with a financial institution or financial-services company;

    (c) Device-based or hardware-based identifier (such as International Mobile Equipment Identity (“IMEI”), Media Access Control (“MAC”) address, or Subscriber Identity Module (“SIM”) card number);

    (d) Demographic or contact data (such as first and last name, birth date, birthplace, ZIP code, residential street or postal address, phone number, email address, or similar public account identifiers);

    (e) Advertising identifier (such as Google Advertising ID, Apple ID for Advertisers, or other mobile advertising ID (“MAID”));

    (f) Account-authentication data (such as account username, account password, or an answer to security questions);

    (g) Network-based identifier (such as Internet Protocol (“IP”) address or cookie data); or

    (h) Call-detail data (such as Customer Proprietary Network Information (“CPNI”)).

    National Security Division.

    The term National Security Division means the National Security Division of the United States Department of Justice.

    North Korea.

    The term North Korea means the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea, and any political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof.


    The term Order means Executive Order 14117 of February 28, 2024 (Preventing Access to Americans' Bulk Sensitive Personal Data and United States Government-Related Data by Countries of Concern), 89 FR 15421 (March 1, 2024).


    The term person means an individual or entity.

    Personal communications.

    The term personal communications means any postal, telegraphic, telephonic, or other personal communication that does not involve the transfer of anything of value, as set out under 50 U.S.C. 1702(b)(1).

    Personal financial data.

    The term personal financial data means data about an individual's credit, charge, or debit card, or bank account, including purchases and payment history; data in a bank, credit, or other financial statement, including assets, liabilities, debts, or trades in a securities portfolio; or data in a credit report or in a “consumer report” (as defined in 15 U.S.C. 1681a(d)).

    Personal health data.

    The term personal health data means health information that indicates, reveals, or describes the past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition of an individual; the provision of healthcare to an individual; or the past, present, or future payment for the provision of healthcare to an individual. This term includes basic physical measurements and health attributes (such as bodily functions, height and weight, vital signs, symptoms, and allergies); social, psychological, behavioral, and medical diagnostic, intervention, and treatment history; test results; logs of exercise habits; immunization data; data on reproductive and sexual health; and data on the use or purchase of prescribed medications.

    Precise geolocation data.

    The term precise geolocation data means data, whether real-time or historical, that identifies the physical location of an individual or a device with a precision of within 1,000 meters.

    Prohibited transaction.

    The term prohibited transaction means a data transaction that is subject to one or more of the prohibitions described in subpart C of this part.

    Property; property interest.

    The terms property and property interest include money; checks; drafts; bullion; bank deposits; savings accounts; debts; indebtedness; obligations; notes; guarantees; debentures; stocks; bonds; coupons; any other financial instruments; bankers acceptances; mortgages, pledges, liens, or other rights in the nature of security; warehouse receipts, bills of lading, trust receipts, bills of sale, or any other evidences of title, ownership, or indebtedness; letters of credit and any documents relating to any rights or obligations thereunder; powers of attorney; goods; wares; merchandise; chattels; stocks on hand; ships; goods on ships; real estate mortgages; deeds of trust; vendors' sales agreements; land contracts, leaseholds, ground rents, real estate and any other interest therein; options; negotiable instruments; trade acceptances; royalties; book accounts; accounts payable; judgments; patents; trademarks or copyrights; insurance policies; safe deposit boxes and their contents; annuities; pooling agreements; services of any nature whatsoever; contracts of any nature whatsoever; any other property, real, personal, or mixed, tangible or intangible, or interest or interests therein, present, future, or contingent.

    Recent former employees or contractors.

    The terms recent former employees or recent former contractors mean employees or contractors who worked for or provided services to the United States Government, in a paid or unpaid status, within the past 2 years of a potential covered data transaction.

    Restricted transaction.

    The term restricted transaction means a data transaction that is subject to subpart D of this part.


    The term Russia means the Russian Federation, and any political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof.

    Security requirements.

    The term security requirements means the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (“CISA”) Security Requirements for Restricted Transactions E.O. 14117 Implementation, January 2025. This material is incorporated by reference into this section with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. This incorporation by reference (“IBR”) material is available for inspection at the Department of Justice and at the ( print page 1716) National Archives and Records Administration (“NARA”). Please contact the Foreign Investment Review Section, National Security Division, U.S. Department of Justice, 175 N St. NE, Washington, DC 20002, telephone: 202-514-8648, NSD.FIRS.datasecurity@usdoj.gov; www.justice.gov/​nsd. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, visit www.archives.gov/​federal-register/​cfr/​ibr-locations or email fr.inspection@nara.gov. The material may be obtained from the National Security Division and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Mail Stop 0380, Department of Homeland Security, 245 Murray Lane, Washington, DC 20528-0380; central@cisa.gov; 888-282-0870; www.cisa.gov/​.

    Sensitive personal data.

    (a) Definition. The term sensitive personal data means covered personal identifiers, precise geolocation data, biometric identifiers, human `omic data, personal health data, personal financial data, or any combination thereof.

    (b) Exclusions. The term sensitive personal data, and each of the categories of sensitive personal data, excludes:

    (1) Public or nonpublic data that does not relate to an individual, including such data that meets the definition of a “trade secret” (as defined in 18 U.S.C. 1839(3)) or “proprietary information” (as defined in 50 U.S.C. 1708(d)(7));

    (2) Data that is, at the time of the transaction, lawfully available to the public from a Federal, State, or local government record (such as court records) or in widely distributed media (such as sources that are generally available to the public through unrestricted and open-access repositories);

    (3) Personal communications; and

    (4) Information or informational materials and ordinarily associated metadata or metadata reasonably necessary to enable the transmission or dissemination of such information or informational materials.

    Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong.

    The term Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong means the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, and any political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof.

    Special Administrative Region of Macau.

    The term Special Administrative Region of Macau means the Special Administrative Region of Macau, and any political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof.

    Telecommunications service.

    The term telecommunications service means the provision of voice and data communications services regardless of format or mode of delivery, including communications services delivered over cable, Internet Protocol, wireless, fiber, or other transmission mechanisms, as well as arrangements for network interconnection, transport, messaging, routing, or international voice, text, and data roaming.


    The term transaction means any acquisition, holding, use, transfer, transportation, exportation of, or dealing in any property in which a foreign country or national thereof has an interest.


    The term transfer means any actual or purported act or transaction, whether or not evidenced by writing, and whether or not done or performed within the United States, the purpose, intent, or effect of which is to create, surrender, release, convey, transfer, or alter, directly or indirectly, any right, remedy, power, privilege, or interest with respect to any property. Without limitation on the foregoing, it shall include the making, execution, or delivery of any assignment, power, conveyance, check, declaration, deed, deed of trust, power of attorney, power of appointment, bill of sale, mortgage, receipt, agreement, contract, certificate, gift, sale, affidavit, or statement; the making of any payment; the setting off of any obligation or credit; the appointment of any agent, trustee, or fiduciary; the creation or transfer of any lien; the issuance, docketing, filing, or levy of or under any judgment, decree, attachment, injunction, execution, or other judicial or administrative process or order, or the service of any garnishment; the acquisition of any interest of any nature whatsoever by reason of a judgment or decree of any foreign country; the fulfillment of any condition; the exercise of any power of appointment, power of attorney, or other power; or the acquisition, disposition, transportation, importation, exportation, or withdrawal of any security.

    United States.

    The term United States means the United States, its territories and possessions, and all areas under the jurisdiction or authority thereof.

    United States person or U.S. person.

    (a) Definition. The terms United States person and U.S. person mean any United States citizen, national, or lawful permanent resident; any individual admitted to the United States as a refugee under 8 U.S.C. 1157 or granted asylum under 8 U.S.C. 1158; any entity organized solely under the laws of the United States or any jurisdiction within the United States (including foreign branches); or any person in the United States.

    (b) Examples— (1) Example 1. An individual is a citizen of a country of concern and is in the United States. The individual is a U.S. person.

    (2) Example 2. An individual is a U.S. citizen. The individual is a U.S. person, regardless of location.

    (3) Example 3. An individual is a dual citizen of the United States and a country of concern. The individual is a U.S. person, regardless of location.

    (4) Example 4. An individual is a citizen of a country of concern, is not a permanent resident alien of the United States, and is outside the United States. The individual is a foreign person.

    (5) Example 5. A company is organized under the laws of the United States and has a foreign branch in a country of concern. The company, including its foreign branch, is a U.S. person.

    (6) Example 6. A parent company is organized under the laws of the United States and has a subsidiary organized under the laws of a country of concern. The subsidiary is a foreign person regardless of the degree of ownership by the parent company; the parent company is a U.S. person.

    (7) Example 7. A company is organized under the laws of a country of concern and has a branch in the United States. The company, including its U.S. branch, is a foreign person.

    (8) Example 8. A parent company is organized under the laws of a country of concern and has a subsidiary organized under the laws of the United States. The subsidiary is a U.S. person regardless of the degree of ownership by the parent company; the parent company is a foreign person.

    U.S. device.

    The term U.S. device means any device with the capacity to store or transmit data that is linked or linkable to a U.S. person.

    Vendor agreement.

    (a) Definition. The term vendor agreement means any agreement or arrangement, other than an employment agreement, in which any person provides goods or services to another person, including cloud-computing services, in exchange for payment or other consideration. ( print page 1717)

    (b) Examples— (1) Example 1. A U.S. company collects bulk precise geolocation data from U.S. users through an app. The U.S. company enters into an agreement with a company headquartered in a country of concern to process and store this data. This vendor agreement is a restricted transaction.

    (2) Example 2. A medical facility in the United States contracts with a company headquartered in a country of concern to provide IT-related services. The contract governing the provision of services is a vendor agreement. The medical facility has bulk personal health data on its U.S. patients. The IT services provided under the contract involve access to the medical facility's systems containing the bulk personal health data. This vendor agreement is a restricted transaction.

    (3) Example 3. A U.S. company, which is owned by an entity headquartered in a country of concern and has been designated a covered person, establishes a new data center in the United States to offer managed services. The U.S. company's data center serves as a vendor to various U.S. companies to store bulk U.S. sensitive personal data collected by those companies. These vendor agreements are restricted transactions.

    (4) Example 4. A U.S. company develops mobile games that collect bulk precise geolocation data and biometric identifiers of U.S.-person users. The U.S. company contracts part of the software development to a foreign person who is primarily resident in a country of concern and is a covered person. The contract with the foreign person is a vendor agreement. The software-development services provided by the covered person under the contract involve access to the bulk precise geolocation data and biometric identifiers. This is a restricted transaction.

    (5) Example 5. A U.S. multinational company maintains bulk U.S. sensitive personal data of U.S. persons. This company has a foreign branch, located in a country of concern, that has access to this data. The foreign branch contracts with a local company located in the country of concern to provide cleaning services for the foreign branch's facilities. The contract is a vendor agreement, the foreign branch is a U.S. person, and the local company is a covered person. Because the services performed under this vendor agreement do not “involve access to” the bulk U.S. sensitive personal data, the vendor agreement would not be a covered data transaction.


    The term Venezuela means the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and any political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof.

    Subpart C—Prohibited Transactions and Related Activities

    Prohibited data-brokerage transactions.

    (a) Prohibition. Except as otherwise authorized pursuant to subparts E or H of this part or any other provision of this part, no U.S. person, on or after the effective date, may knowingly engage in a covered data transaction involving data brokerage with a country of concern or covered person.

    (b) Examples— (1) Example 1. A U.S. subsidiary of a company headquartered in a country of concern develops an artificial intelligence chatbot in the United States that is trained on the bulk U.S. sensitive personal data of U.S. persons. While not its primary commercial use, the chatbot is capable of reproducing or otherwise disclosing the bulk U.S. sensitive personal health data that was used to train the chatbot when responding to queries. The U.S. subsidiary knowingly licenses subscription-based access to that chatbot worldwide, including to covered persons such as its parent entity. Although licensing use of the chatbot itself may not necessarily “involve access” to bulk U.S. sensitive personal data, the U.S. subsidiary knows or should know that the license can be used to obtain access to the U.S. persons' bulk sensitive personal training data if prompted. The licensing of access to this bulk U.S. sensitive personal data is data brokerage because it involves the transfer of data from the U.S. company ( i.e., the provider) to licensees ( i.e., the recipients), where the recipients did not collect or process the data directly from the individuals linked or linkable to the collected or processed data. Even though the license did not explicitly provide access to the data, this is a prohibited transaction because the U.S. company knew or should have known that the use of the chatbot pursuant to the license could be used to obtain access to the training data, and because the U.S. company licensed the product to covered persons.

    (2) [Reserved]

    Other prohibited data-brokerage transactions involving potential onward transfer to countries of concern or covered persons.

    (a) Prohibition. Except as otherwise authorized pursuant to this part, no U.S. person, on or after the effective date, may knowingly engage in any transaction that involves any access by a foreign person to government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data and that involves data brokerage with any foreign person that is not a covered person unless the U.S. person:

    (1) Contractually requires that the foreign person refrain from engaging in a subsequent covered data transaction involving data brokerage of the same data with a country of concern or covered person; and

    (2) Reports any known or suspected violations of this contractual requirement in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.

    (b) Reporting known or suspected violations— (1) When reports are due. U.S. persons shall file reports within 14 days of the U.S. person becoming aware of a known or suspected violation.

    (2) Contents of reports. Reports on known or suspected violations shall include the following, to the extent the information is known and available to the person filing the report at the time of the report:

    (i) The name and address of the U.S. person reporting the known or suspected violation of the contractual requirement in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section;

    (ii) A description of the known or suspected violation, including:

    (A) Date of known or suspected violation;

    (B) Description of the data-brokerage transaction referenced in paragraph (a) of this section;

    (C) Description of the contractual provision prohibiting the onward transfer of the same data to a country of concern or covered person;

    (D) Description of the known or suspected violation of the contractual obligation prohibiting the foreign person from engaging in a subsequent covered data transaction involving the same data with a country of concern or a covered person;

    (E) Any persons substantively participating in the transaction referenced in paragraph (a) of this section;

    (F) Information about the known or suspected persons involved in the onward data transfer transaction, including the name and location of any covered persons or countries of concern;

    (G) A copy of any relevant documentation received or created in connection with the transaction; and

    (iii) Any other information that the Department of Justice may require or any other information that the U.S. person filing the report believes to be pertinent to the known or suspected violation or the implicated covered person. ( print page 1718)

    (3) Additional contents; format and method of submission. Reports required by this section must be submitted in accordance with this section and with subpart L of this part.

    (c) Examples— (1) Example 1. A U.S. business knowingly enters into an agreement to sell bulk human genomic data to a European business that is not a covered person. The U.S. business is required to include in that agreement a limitation on the European business' right to resell or otherwise engage in a covered data transaction involving data brokerage of that data to a country of concern or covered person. Otherwise, the agreement would be a prohibited transaction.

    (2) Example 2. A U.S. company owns and operates a mobile app for U.S. users with available advertising space. As part of selling the advertising space, the U.S. company provides the bulk precise geolocation data, IP address, and advertising IDs of its U.S. users' devices to an advertising exchange based in Europe that is not a covered person. The U.S. company's provision of this data to the advertising exchange is data brokerage and a prohibited transaction unless the U.S. company obtains a contractual commitment from the advertising exchange not to engage in any covered data transactions involving data brokerage of that same data with a country of concern or covered person.

    (3) Example 3. A U.S. business knowingly enters into an agreement to buy bulk human genomic data from a European business that is not a covered person. This provision does not require the U.S. business to include any contractual limitation because the transaction does not involve access by the foreign person.

    Prohibited human `omic data and human biospecimen transactions.

    Except as otherwise authorized pursuant to this part, no U.S. person, on or after the effective date, may knowingly engage in any covered data transaction with a country of concern or covered person that involves access by that country of concern or covered person to bulk U.S. sensitive personal data that involves bulk human `omic data, or to human biospecimens from which bulk human `omic data could be derived.

    Prohibited evasions, attempts, causing violations, and conspiracies.

    (a) Prohibition. Any transaction on or after the effective date that has the purpose of evading or avoiding, causes a violation of, or attempts to violate any of the prohibitions set forth in this part is prohibited. Any conspiracy formed to violate the prohibitions set forth in this part is prohibited.

    (b) Examples— (1) Example 1. A U.S. data broker seeks to sell bulk U.S. sensitive personal data to a foreign person who primarily resides in China. With knowledge that the foreign person is a covered person and with the intent to evade the regulations, the U.S. data broker invites the foreign person to travel to the United States to consummate the data transaction and transfer the bulk U.S. sensitive personal data in the United States. After completing the transaction, the person returns to China with the bulk U.S. sensitive personal data. The transaction in the United States is not a covered data transaction because the person who resides in China is a U.S. person while in the United States (unless that person was individually designated as a covered person pursuant to § 202.211(a)(5), in which case their covered person status would remain, even while in the United States, and the transaction would be a covered data transaction). However, the U.S. data broker has structured the transaction to evade the regulation's prohibitions on covered data transactions with covered persons. As a result, this transaction has the purpose of evading the regulations and is prohibited.

    (2) Example 2. A Russian national, who is employed by a corporation headquartered in Russia, travels to the United States to conduct business with the Russian company's U.S. subsidiary, including with the purpose of obtaining bulk U.S. sensitive personal data from the U.S. subsidiary. The U.S. subsidiary is a U.S. person, the Russian corporation is a covered person, and the Russian employee is a covered person while outside the United States but a U.S. person while temporarily in the United States (unless that Russian employee was individually designated as a covered person pursuant to § 202.211(a)(5), in which case their covered person status would remain, even while in the United States, and the transaction would be a covered data transaction). With knowledge of these facts, the U.S. subsidiary licenses access to bulk U.S. sensitive personal data to the Russian employee while in the United States, who then returns to Russia. This transaction has the purpose of evading the regulations and is prohibited.

    (3) Example 3. A U.S. subsidiary of a company headquartered in a country of concern collects bulk precise geolocation data from U.S. persons. The U.S. subsidiary is a U.S. person, and the parent company is a covered person. With the purpose of evading the regulations, the U.S. subsidiary enters into a vendor agreement with a foreign company that is not a covered person. The vendor agreement provides the foreign company access to the data. The U.S. subsidiary knows (or reasonably should know) that the foreign company is a shell company, and knows that it subsequently outsources the vendor agreement to the U.S. subsidiary's parent company. This transaction has the purpose of evading the regulations and is prohibited.

    (4) Example 4. A U.S. company collects bulk personal health data from U.S. persons. With the purpose of evading the regulations, the U.S. company enters into a vendor agreement with a foreign company that is not a covered person. The agreement provides the foreign company access to the data. The U.S. company knows (or reasonably should know) that the foreign company is a front company staffed primarily by covered persons. The U.S. company has not complied with either the security requirements in § 202.248 or other applicable requirements for conducting restricted transactions as detailed in subpart J of this part. This transaction has the purpose of evading the regulations and is prohibited.

    (5) Example 5. A U.S. online gambling company uses an artificial intelligence algorithm to analyze collected bulk covered personal identifiers to identify users based on impulsivity for targeted advertising. The algorithm is trained on bulk covered personal identifiers and may reveal that raw data. A U.S. subsidiary of a company headquartered in a country of concern knows that the algorithm can reveal the training data. For the purpose of evasion, the U.S. subsidiary licenses the derivative algorithm from the U.S. online gambling company for the purpose of accessing bulk sensitive personal identifiers from the training data that would not otherwise be accessible to the parent company and shares the algorithm with the parent company so that the parent company can obtain the bulk covered personal identifiers. The U.S. subsidiary's licensing transaction with the parent company has the purpose of evading the regulations and is prohibited.

    Knowingly directing prohibited or restricted transactions.

    (a) Prohibition. Except as otherwise authorized pursuant to this part, no U.S. person, on or after the effective date, may knowingly direct any covered data transaction that would be a prohibited transaction or restricted transaction that fails to comply with the requirements of subpart D of this part and all other ( print page 1719) applicable requirements under this part, if engaged in by a U.S. person.

    (b) Examples— (1) Example 1. A U.S. person is an officer, senior manager, or equivalent senior-level employee at a foreign company that is not a covered person, and the foreign company undertakes a covered data transaction at that U.S. person's direction or with that U.S. person's approval when the covered data transaction would be prohibited if performed by a U.S. person. The U.S. person has knowingly directed a prohibited transaction.

    (2) Example 2. Several U.S. persons launch, own, and operate a foreign company that is not a covered person, and that foreign company, under the U.S. persons' operation, undertakes covered data transactions that would be prohibited if performed by a U.S. person. The U.S. persons have knowingly directed a prohibited transaction.

    (3) Example 3. A U.S. person is employed at a U.S.-headquartered multinational company that has a foreign affiliate that is not a covered person. The U.S. person instructs the U.S. company's compliance unit to change (or approve changes to) the operating policies and procedures of the foreign affiliate with the specific purpose of allowing the foreign affiliate to undertake covered data transactions that would be prohibited if performed by a U.S. person. The U.S. person has knowingly directed prohibited transactions.

    (4) Example 4. A U.S. bank processes a payment from a U.S. person to a covered person, or from a covered person to a U.S. person, as part of that U.S. person's engagement in a prohibited transaction. The U.S. bank has not knowingly directed a prohibited transaction, and its activity would not be prohibited (although the U.S. person's covered data transaction would be prohibited).

    (5) Example 5. A U.S. financial institution underwrites a loan or otherwise provides financing for a foreign company that is not a covered person, and the foreign company undertakes covered data transactions that would be prohibited if performed by a U.S. person. The U.S. financial institution has not knowingly directed a prohibited transaction, and its activity would not be prohibited.

    (6) Example 6. A U.S. person, who is employed at a foreign company that is not a covered person, signs paperwork approving the foreign company's procurement of real estate for its operations. The same foreign company separately conducts data transactions that use or are facilitated by operations at that real estate location and that would be prohibited transactions if performed by a U.S. person, but the U.S. employee has no role in approving or directing those separate data transactions. The U.S. person has not knowingly directed a prohibited transaction, and the U.S. person's activity would not be prohibited.

    (7) Example 7. A U.S. company owns or operates a submarine telecommunications cable with one landing point in a foreign country that is not a country of concern and one landing point in a country of concern. The U.S. company leases capacity on the cable to U.S. customers that transmit bulk U.S. sensitive personal data to the landing point in the country of concern, including transmissions as part of prohibited transactions. The U.S. company's ownership or operation of the cable does not constitute knowingly directing a prohibited transaction, and its ownership or operation of the cable would not be prohibited (although the U.S. customers' covered data transactions would be prohibited).

    (8) Example 8. A U.S. person engages in a vendor agreement involving bulk U.S. sensitive personal data with a foreign person who is not a covered person. Such vendor agreement is not a restricted or prohibited transaction. The foreign person then employs an individual who is a covered person and grants them access to bulk U.S. sensitive personal data without the U.S. person's knowledge or direction. There is no covered data transaction between the U.S. person and the covered person, and there is no indication that the parties engaged in these transactions with the purpose of evading the regulations (such as the U.S. person having knowingly directed the foreign person's employment agreement with the covered person or the parties knowingly structuring a restricted transaction into these multiple transactions with the purpose of evading the prohibition). The U.S. person has not knowingly directed a restricted transaction.

    (9) Example 9. A U.S. company sells DNA testing kits to U.S. consumers and maintains bulk human genomic data collected from those consumers. The U.S. company enters into a contract with a foreign cloud-computing company (which is not a covered person) to store the U.S. company's database of human genomic data. The foreign company hires employees from other countries, including citizens of countries of concern who primarily reside in a country of concern, to manage databases for its customers, including the U.S. company's human genomic database. There is no indication of evasion, such as the U.S. company knowingly directing the foreign company's employment agreements or the U.S. company knowingly engaging in and structuring these transactions to evade the regulations. The cloud-computing services agreement between the U.S. company and the foreign company would not be prohibited or restricted because that transaction is between a U.S. person and a foreign company that does not meet the definition of a covered person. The employment agreements between the foreign company and the covered persons would not be prohibited or restricted because those agreements are between foreign persons.

    Subpart D—Restricted Transactions

    Authorization to conduct restricted transactions.

    (a) Restricted transactions. Except as otherwise authorized pursuant to subparts E or H of this part or any other provision of this part, no U.S. person, on or after the effective date, may knowingly engage in a covered data transaction involving a vendor agreement, employment agreement, or investment agreement with a country of concern or covered person unless the U.S. person complies with the security requirements (as defined by § 202.408) required by this subpart D and all other applicable requirements under this part.

    (b) This subpart D does not apply to covered data transactions involving access to bulk human `omic data or human biospecimens from which such data can be derived, and which are subject to the prohibition in § 202.303.

    (c) Examples— (1) Example 1. A U.S. company engages in an employment agreement with a covered person to provide information technology support. As part of their employment, the covered person has access to personal financial data. The U.S. company implements and complies with the security requirements. The employment agreement is authorized as a restricted transaction because the company has complied with the security requirements.

    (2) Example 2. A U.S. company engages in a vendor agreement with a covered person to store bulk personal health data. Instead of implementing the security requirements as identified by reference in this subpart D, the U.S. company implements different controls that it believes mitigate the covered person's access to the bulk personal health data. Because the U.S. person has not complied with the security requirements, the vendor agreement is ( print page 1720) not authorized and thus is a prohibited transaction.

    (3) Example 3. A U.S. person engages in a vendor agreement involving bulk U.S. sensitive personal data with a foreign person who is not a covered person. The foreign person then employs an individual who is a covered person and grants them access to bulk U.S. sensitive personal data without the U.S. person's knowledge or direction. There is no covered data transaction between the U.S. person and the covered person, and there is no indication that the parties engaged in these transactions with the purpose of evading the regulations (such as the U.S. person having knowingly directed the foreign person's employment agreement with the covered person or the parties knowingly structuring a prohibited transaction into these multiple transactions with the purpose of evading the prohibition). As a result, neither the vendor agreement nor the employment agreement would be a restricted transaction.


    Subpart E—Exempt Transactions

    Personal communications.

    This part does not apply to data transactions to the extent that they involve any postal, telegraphic, telephonic, or other personal communication that does not involve the transfer of anything of value.

    Information or informational materials.

    This part does not apply to data transactions to the extent that they involve the importation from any country, or the exportation to any country, whether commercial or otherwise, regardless of format or medium of transmission, of any information or informational materials.


    This part does not apply to data transactions to the extent that they are ordinarily incident to travel to or from any country, including importation of accompanied baggage for personal use; maintenance within any country, including payment of living expenses and acquisition of goods or services for personal use; and arrangement or facilitation of such travel, including nonscheduled air, sea, or land voyages.

    Official business of the United States Government.

    (a) Exemption. Subparts C, and D, J, and K (other than § 202.1102 and § 202.1104) of this part do not apply to data transactions to the extent that they are for the conduct of the official business of the United States Government by its employees, grantees, or contractors; any authorized activity of any United States Government department or agency (including an activity that is performed by a Federal depository institution or credit union supervisory agency in the capacity of receiver or conservator); or transactions conducted pursuant to a grant, contract, or other agreement entered into with the United States Government.

    (b) Examples— (1) Example 1. A U.S. hospital receives a Federal grant to conduct human genomic research on U.S. persons. As part of that federally funded human genomic research, the U.S. hospital contracts with a foreign laboratory that is a covered person, hires a researcher that is a covered person, and gives the laboratory and researcher access to the human biospecimens and human genomic data in bulk. The contract with the foreign laboratory and the employment of the researcher are exempt transactions but would be prohibited transactions if they were not part of the federally funded research.

    (2) Example 2. A U.S. research institution receives a Federal grant to conduct human genomic research on U.S. and foreign persons. The Federal grant directs the U.S. research institution to publicize the results of its research, including the underlying human genomic data, via an internet-accessible database open to public health researchers with valid log-in credentials who pay a small annual fee to access the database, including covered persons primarily resident in a country of concern. The Federal grant does not cover the full costs of the authorized human genomic research or creation and publication of the database. The U.S. research institution obtains funds from private institutions and donors to fund the remaining costs. The human genomic research authorized by the Federal grant and publication of the database at the direction of the Federal grant would constitute a “transaction[ ] conducted pursuant to a grant, contract, or other agreement entered into with the United States Government.” The U.S. research institution must still comply with any requirements or prohibitions on sharing bulk U.S. sensitive personal data with countries of concern or covered persons required by the Federal grantmaker.

    (3) Example 3. Same as Example 2, but the Federal grant is limited in scope to funding the U.S. research institution's purchase of equipment needed to conduct the human genomic research and does not include funding related to publication of the data. The Federal grant does not direct or authorize the U.S. research institution to publicize the human genomic research or make it available to country of concern or covered person researchers via the database for which researchers pay an annual fee to access, or otherwise fund the conduct of the human genomic research. The U.S. research institution contracts with a foreign laboratory that is a covered person and gives the laboratory access to the bulk human genomic data. The contract with the foreign laboratory is not an exempt transaction because that transaction is not within the scope of the Federal grant.

    Financial services.

    (a) Exemption. Subparts C, D, J, and K (other than § 202.1102 and § 202.1104) of this part do not apply to data transactions, to the extent that they are ordinarily incident to and part of the provision of financial services, including:

    (1) Banking, capital-markets (including investment-management services as well as trading and underwriting of securities, commodities, and derivatives), or financial-insurance services;

    (2) A financial activity authorized for national banks by 12 U.S.C. 24 (Seventh) and rules and regulations and written interpretations of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency thereunder;

    (3) An activity that is “financial in nature or incidental to such financial activity” or “complementary to a financial activity,” section (k)(1), as set forth in section (k)(4) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1843(k)(4)) and rules and regulations and written interpretations of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System thereunder;

    (4) The transfer of personal financial data or covered personal identifiers incidental to the purchase and sale of goods and services (such as the purchase, sale, or transfer of consumer products and services through online shopping or e-commerce marketplaces);

    (5) The provision or processing of payments or funds transfers (such as person-to-person, business-to-person, and government-to-person funds transfers) involving the transfer of personal financial data or covered personal identifiers, or the provision of services ancillary to processing payments and funds transfers (such as services for payment dispute resolution, payor authentication, tokenization, payment gateway, payment fraud detection, payment resiliency, mitigation and prevention, and ( print page 1721) payment-related loyalty point program administration); and

    (6) The provision of investment-management services that manage or provide advice on investment portfolios or individual assets for compensation (such as devising strategies and handling financial assets and other investments for clients) or provide services ancillary to investment-management services (such as broker-dealers or futures commission merchants executing trades within an investment portfolio based upon instructions from an investment advisor).

    (b) Examples— (1) Example 1. A U.S. company engages in a data transaction to transfer personal financial data in bulk to a financial institution that is incorporated in, located in, or subject to the jurisdiction or control of a country of concern to clear and settle electronic payment transactions between U.S. individuals and merchants in a country of concern where both the U.S. individuals and the merchants use the U.S. company's infrastructure, such as an e-commerce platform. Both the U.S. company's transaction transferring bulk personal financial data and the payment transactions by U.S. individuals are exempt transactions because they involve access by a covered person to bulk personal financial data, but are ordinarily incident to and part of a financial service.

    (2) Example 2. As ordinarily incident to and part of securitizing and selling asset-backed obligations (such as mortgage and nonmortgage loans) to a covered person, a U.S. bank provides bulk U.S. sensitive personal data to the covered person. The data transfers are exempt transactions because they involve access by a covered person to bulk personal financial data, but are ordinarily incident to and part of a financial service.

    (3) Example 3. A U.S. bank or other financial institution, as ordinarily incident to and part of facilitating payments to U.S. persons in a country of concern, stores and processes the customers' bulk financial data using a data center operated by a third-party service provider in the country of concern. The use of this third-party service provider is a vendor agreement because it involves access by a covered person to personal financial data, but it is an exempt transaction that is ordinarily incident to and part of facilitating international payment.

    (4) Example 4. Same as Example 3, but the underlying payments are between U.S. persons in the United States and do not involve a country of concern. The use of this third-party service provider is a vendor agreement, but it is not an exempt transaction because it involves access by a covered person to bulk personal financial data and it is not ordinarily incident to facilitating this type of financial activity.

    (5) Example 5. As part of operating an online marketplace for the purchase and sale of goods, a U.S. company, as ordinarily incident to and part of U.S. consumers' purchase of goods on that marketplace, transfers bulk contact information, payment information ( e.g., credit-card account number, expiration data, and security code), and delivery address to a merchant in a country of concern. The data transfers are exempt transactions because they involve access by a covered person to bulk personal financial data, but they are ordinarily incident to and part of U.S. consumers' purchase of goods.

    (6) Example 6. A U.S. investment adviser purchases securities of a company incorporated in a country of concern for the accounts of its clients. The investment adviser engages a broker-dealer located in a country of concern to execute the trade, and, as ordinarily incident to and part of the transaction, transfers to the broker-dealer its clients' covered personal identifiers and financial account numbers in bulk. This provision of data is an exempt transaction because it involves access by a covered person to bulk personal financial data, but it is ordinarily incident to and part of the provision of investment-management services.

    (7) Example 7. A U.S. company that provides payment-processing services sells bulk U.S. sensitive personal data to a covered person. This sale is prohibited data brokerage and is not an exempt transaction because it involves access by a covered person to bulk personal financial data and is not ordinarily incident to and part of the payment-processing services provided by the U.S. company.

    (8) Example 8. A U.S. bank facilitates international funds transfers to foreign persons not related to a country of concern, but through intermediaries or locations subject to the jurisdiction or control of a country of concern. These transfers result in access to bulk financial records by some covered persons to complete the transfers and manage associated risks. Providing this access as part of these transfers is ordinarily incident to the provision of financial services and is exempt.

    (9) Example 9. A U.S. insurance company underwrites personal insurance to U.S. persons residing in foreign countries in the same region as a country of concern. The insurance company relies on its own business infrastructure and personnel in the country of concern to support its financial activity in the region, which results in access to the bulk U.S. sensitive personal data of some U.S.-person customers residing in the region, to covered persons at the insurance company supporting these activities. Providing this access is ordinarily incident to the provision of financial services and is exempt.

    (10) Example 10. A U.S. financial services provider operates a foreign branch in a country of concern and provides financial services to U.S. persons living within the country of concern. The financial services provider receives a lawful request from the regulator in the country of concern to review the financial activity conducted in the country, which includes providing access to the bulk U.S. sensitive personal data of U.S. persons resident in the country or U.S. persons conducting transactions through the foreign branch. The financial services provider is also subject to ongoing and routine reporting requirements from various regulators in the country of concern. Responding to the regulator's request, including providing access to this bulk U.S. sensitive personal data, is ordinarily incident to the provision of financial services and is exempt.

    (11) Example 11. A U.S. bank voluntarily shares information, including relevant bulk U.S. sensitive personal data, with financial institutions organized under the laws of a country of concern for the purposes of, and consistent with industry practices for, fraud identification, combatting money laundering and terrorism financing, and U.S. sanctions compliance. Sharing this data for these purposes involves access by a covered person to bulk personal financial data, but is ordinarily incident to the provision of financial services and is exempt.

    (12) Example 12. A U.S. company provides wealth-management services and collects bulk personal financial data on its U.S. clients. The U.S. company appoints a citizen of a country of concern, who is located in a country of concern, to its board of directors. In connection with the board's data security and cybersecurity responsibilities, the director could compel company personnel or influence company policies or practices to provide the director access to the underlying bulk personal financial data the company collects on its U.S. clients. The appointment of the director, who is a covered person, is a restricted ( print page 1722) employment agreement and is not exempt because the board member does not need to access, and in normal circumstances would not be able to access, the bulk financial data to perform his or her responsibilities. The board member's access to the bulk personal financial data is not ordinarily incident to the U.S. company's provision of wealth-management services.

    Corporate group transactions.

    (a) Subparts C, D, J, and K (other than § 202.1102 and § 202.1104) of this part do not apply to data transactions to the extent they are:

    (1) Between a U.S. person and its subsidiary or affiliate located in (or otherwise subject to the ownership, direction, jurisdiction, or control of) a country of concern; and

    (2) Ordinarily incident to and part of administrative or ancillary business operations, including:

    (i) Human resources;

    (ii) Payroll, expense monitoring and reimbursement, and other corporate financial activities;

    (iii) Paying business taxes or fees;

    (iv) Obtaining business permits or licenses;

    (v) Sharing data with auditors and law firms for regulatory compliance;

    (vi) Risk management;

    (vii) Business-related travel;

    (viii) Customer support;

    (ix) Employee benefits; and

    (x) Employees' internal and external communications.

    (b) Examples— (1) Example 1. A U.S. company has a foreign subsidiary located in a country of concern, and the U.S. company's U.S.-person contractors perform services for the foreign subsidiary. As ordinarily incident to and part of the foreign subsidiary's payments to the U.S.-person contractors for those services, the U.S. company engages in a data transaction that gives the subsidiary access to the U.S.-person contractors' bulk personal financial data and covered personal identifiers. This is an exempt corporate group transaction.

    (2) Example 2. A U.S. company aggregates bulk personal financial data. The U.S. company has a subsidiary that is a covered person because it is headquartered in a country of concern. The subsidiary is subject to the country of concern's national security laws requiring it to cooperate with and assist the country's intelligence services. The exemption for corporate group transactions would not apply to the U.S. parent's grant of a license to the subsidiary to access the parent's databases containing the bulk personal financial data for the purpose of complying with a request or order by the country of concern under those national security laws to provide access to that data because granting of such a license is not ordinarily incident to and part of administrative or ancillary business operations.

    (3) Example 3. A U.S. company's affiliate operates a manufacturing facility in a country of concern for one of the U.S. company's products. The affiliate uses employee fingerprints as part of security and identity verification to control access to that facility. To facilitate its U.S. employees' access to that facility as part of their job responsibilities, the U.S. company provides the fingerprints of those employees in bulk to its affiliate. The transaction is an exempt corporate group transaction.

    (4) Example 4. A U.S. company has a foreign subsidiary located in a country of concern that conducts research and development for the U.S. company. The U.S. company sends bulk personal financial data to the subsidiary for the purpose of developing a financial software tool. The transaction is not an exempt corporate group transaction because it is not ordinarily incident to and part of administrative or ancillary business operations.

    (5) Example 5. Same as Example 4, but the U.S. company has a foreign branch located in a country of concern instead of a foreign subsidiary. Because the foreign branch is a U.S. person as part of the U.S. company, the transaction occurs within the same U.S. person and is not subject to the prohibitions or restrictions. If the foreign branch allows employees who are covered persons to access the bulk personal financial data to develop the financial software tool, the foreign branch has engaged in restricted transactions.

    (6) Example 6. A U.S. financial services provider has a subsidiary located in a country of concern. Customers of the U.S. company conduct financial transactions in the country of concern, and customers of the foreign subsidiary conduct financial transactions in the United States. To perform customer service functions related to these financial transactions, the foreign subsidiary accesses bulk U.S. sensitive personal data—specifically, personal financial data. The corporate group transactions exemption would apply to the foreign subsidiary's access to the personal financial data under these circumstances because it is ordinarily incident to and part of the provision of customer support. The foreign subsidiary's access to the personal financial data would also be covered by the financial services exemption.

    Transactions required or authorized by Federal law or international agreements, or necessary for compliance with Federal law.

    (a) Required or authorized by Federal law or international agreements. Subparts C, D, J, and K (other than § 202.1102 and § 202.1104) of this part do not apply to data transactions to the extent they are required or authorized by Federal law or pursuant to an international agreement to which the United States is a party, including relevant provisions in the following:

    (1) Annex 9 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, International Civil Aviation Organization Doc. 7300 (2022);

    (2) Section 2 of the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (1965);

    (3) Articles 1, 12, 14, and 16 of the Postal Payment Services Agreement (2021);

    (4) Articles 63, 64, and 65 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization (1946);

    (5) Article 2 of the Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the People's Republic of China Regarding Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters (1999);

    (6) Article 7 of the Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the People's Republic of China on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (2000);

    (7) Article 25 of the Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the People's Republic of China for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Tax Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income (1987);

    (8) Article 2 of the Agreement Between the United States of America and the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China for Cooperation to Facilitate the Implementation of FATCA (2021);

    (9) The Agreement between the Government of the United States and the Government of the People's Republic of China on Cooperation in Science and Technology (1979), as amended and extended;

    (10) Articles II, III, VII of the Protocol to Extend and Amend the Agreement Between the Department of Health and Human Services of the United States of America and the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China for Cooperation in the Science and ( print page 1723) Technology of Medicine and Public Health (2013);

    (11) Article III of the Treaty Between the United States and Cuba for the Mutual Extradition of Fugitives from Justice (1905);

    (12) Articles 3, 4, 5, 7 of the Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Russian Federation on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters (1994);

    (13) Articles 1, 2, 5, 7, 13, and 16 of the Treaty Between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (1999);

    (14) Articles I, IV, IX, XV, and XVI of the Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Venezuela on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (1997); and

    (15) Articles 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 19, 35, and 45 of the International Health Regulations (2005).

    (b) Global health and pandemic preparedness. Subparts C and D of this part do not apply to data transactions to the extent they are required or authorized by the following:

    (1) The Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Framework; and

    (2) The Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System.

    (c) Compliance with Federal law. Subparts C and D of this part do not apply to data transactions to the extent that they are ordinarily incident to and part of ensuring compliance with any Federal laws and regulations, including the Bank Secrecy Act, 12 U.S.C. 1829b, 1951 through 1960, 31 U.S.C. 310, 5311 through 5314, 5316 through 5336; the Securities Act of 1933, 15 U.S.C. 77a et seq.; the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C. 78a et seq.; the Investment Company Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C. 80a-1 et seq.; the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C. 80b-1 et seq.; the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; the Export Administration Regulations, 15 CFR 730 et seq.; or any notes, guidance, orders, directives, or additional regulations related thereto.

    (d) Examples— (1) Example 1. A U.S. bank or other financial institution engages in a covered data transaction with a covered person that is ordinarily incident to and part of ensuring compliance with U.S. laws and regulations (such as OFAC sanctions and anti-money laundering programs required by the Bank Secrecy Act). This is an exempt transaction.

    (2) [Reserved]

    Investment agreements subject to a CFIUS action.

    (a) Exemption. Subparts C, D, J, and K (other than § 202.1102 and § 202.1104) of this part do not apply to data transactions to the extent that they involve an investment agreement that is subject to a CFIUS action.

    (b) Examples —(1) Example 1. A U.S. software provider is acquired in a CFIUS covered transaction by a foreign entity in which the transaction parties sign a mitigation agreement with CFIUS. The agreement has provisions governing the acquirer's ability to access the data of the U.S. software provider and their customers. The mitigation agreement contains a provision stating that it is a CFIUS action for purposes of this part. Before the effective date of the CFIUS mitigation agreement, the investment agreement is not subject to a CFIUS action and remains subject to these regulations to the extent otherwise applicable. Beginning on the effective date of the CFIUS mitigation agreement, the investment agreement is subject to a CFIUS action and exempt from this part.

    (2) Example 2. Same as Example 1, but CFIUS issues an interim order before entering a mitigation agreement. The interim order states that it constitutes a CFIUS action for purposes of this part. Before the effective date of the interim order, the investment agreement is not subject to a CFIUS action and remains subject to these regulations to the extent otherwise applicable. Beginning on the effective date of the interim order, the investment agreement is subject to a CFIUS action and is exempt from this part. The mitigation agreement also states that it constitutes a CFIUS action for purposes of this part. After the effective date of the mitigation agreement, the investment agreement remains subject to a CFIUS action and is exempt from this part.

    (3) Example 3. A U.S. biotechnology company is acquired by a foreign multinational corporation. CFIUS reviews this acquisition and concludes action without mitigation. This acquisition is not subject to a CFIUS action, and the acquisition remains subject to this part to the extent otherwise applicable.

    (4) Example 4. A U.S. manufacturer is acquired by a foreign owner in which the transaction parties sign a mitigation agreement with CFIUS. The mitigation agreement provides for supply assurances and physical access restrictions but does not address data security, and it does not contain a provision explicitly designating that it is a CFIUS action. This acquisition is not subject to a CFIUS action, and the acquisition remains subject to this part to the extent otherwise applicable.

    (5) Example 5. As a result of CFIUS's review and investigation of a U.S. human genomic company's acquisition by a foreign healthcare company, CFIUS refers the transaction to the President with a recommendation to require the foreign acquirer to divest its interest in the U.S. company. The President issues an order prohibiting the transaction and requiring divestment of the foreign healthcare company's interests and rights in the human genomic company. The presidential order itself does not constitute a CFIUS action. Unless CFIUS takes action, such as by entering into an agreement or imposing conditions to address risk prior to completion of the divestment, the transaction remains subject to this part to the extent otherwise applicable for as long as the investment agreement remains in existence following the presidential order and prior to divestment.

    (6) Example 6. A U.S. healthcare company and foreign acquirer announce a transaction that they believe will be subject to CFIUS jurisdiction and disclose that they intend to file a joint voluntary notice soon. No CFIUS action has occurred yet, and the transaction remains subject to this part to the extent otherwise applicable.

    (7) Example 7. Same as Example 6, but the transaction parties file a joint voluntary notice with CFIUS. No CFIUS action has occurred yet, and the transaction remains subject to this part to the extent otherwise applicable.

    (8) Example 8. Company A, a covered person, acquires 100% of the equity and voting interest of Company B, a U.S. business that maintains bulk U.S. sensitive personal data of U.S. persons. After completing the transaction, the parties fail to implement the security requirements and other conditions required under this part. Company A and Company B later submit a joint voluntary notice to CFIUS with respect to the transaction. Upon accepting the notice, CFIUS determines that the transaction is a covered transaction and takes measures to mitigate interim risk that may arise as a result of the transaction until such time that the Committee has completed action, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 4565(l)(3)(A)(iii). The interim order states that it constitutes a CFIUS action for purposes of this part. Beginning on the effective date of these measures imposed by the interim order, the security requirements and other applicable conditions under this part no longer apply to the transaction. The Department of Justice, however, may take enforcement action under this part, in coordination with ( print page 1724) CFIUS, with respect to the violations that occurred before the effective date of the interim order issued by CFIUS.

    (9) Example 9. Same as Example 8, but before engaging in the investment agreement for the acquisition, Company A and Company B submit the joint voluntary notice to CFIUS, CFIUS determines that the transaction is a CFIUS covered transaction, CFIUS identifies a risk related to data security arising from the transaction, and CFIUS negotiates and enters into a mitigation agreement with the parties to resolve that risk. The mitigation agreement contains a provision stating that it is a CFIUS action for purposes of this part. Because a CFIUS action has occurred before the parties engage in the investment agreement, the acquisition is exempt from this part.

    (10) Example 10. Same as Example 8, but before engaging in the investment agreement for the acquisition, the parties implement the security requirements and other conditions required under these regulations. Company A and Company B then submit a joint voluntary notice to CFIUS, which determines that the transaction is a CFIUS covered transaction. CFIUS identifies a risk related to data security arising from the transaction but determines that the regulations in this part adequately resolve the risk. CFIUS concludes action with respect to the transaction without taking any CFIUS action. Because no CFIUS action has occurred, the transaction remains subject to this part.

    (11) Example 11. Same facts as Example 10, but CFIUS determines that the security requirements and other conditions applicable under this part are inadequate to resolve the national security risk identified by CFIUS. CFIUS negotiates a mitigation agreement with the parties to resolve the risk, which contains a provision stating that it is a CFIUS action for purposes of this part. The transaction is exempt from this part beginning on the effective date of the CFIUS mitigation agreement.

    Telecommunications services.

    (a) Exemption. Subparts C, D, J, and K (other than § 202.1102 and § 202.1104) of this part do not apply to data transactions, other than those involving data brokerage, to the extent that they are ordinarily incident to and part of the provision of telecommunications services.

    (b) Examples— (1) Example 1. A U.S. telecommunications service provider collects covered personal identifiers from its U.S. subscribers. Some of those subscribers travel to a country of concern and use their mobile phone service under an international roaming agreement. The local telecommunications service provider in the country of concern shares these covered personal identifiers with the U.S. service provider for the purposes of either helping provision service to the U.S. subscriber or receiving payment for the U.S. subscriber's use of the country of concern service provider's network under that international roaming agreement. The U.S. service provider provides the country of concern service provider with network or device information for the purpose of provisioning services and obtaining payment for its subscribers' use of the local telecommunications service provider's network. Over the course of 12 months, the volume of network or device information shared by the U.S. service provider with the country of concern service provider for the purpose of provisioning services exceeds the applicable bulk threshold. These transfers of bulk U.S. sensitive personal data are ordinarily incident to and part of the provision of telecommunications services and are thus exempt transactions.

    (2) Example 2. A U.S. telecommunications service provider collects precise geolocation data on its U.S. subscribers. The U.S. telecommunications service provider sells this precise geolocation data in bulk to a covered person for the purpose of targeted advertising. This sale is not ordinarily incident to and part of the provision of telecommunications services and remains a prohibited transaction.

    Drug, biological product, and medical device authorizations.

    (a) Exemption. Except as specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, subparts C, D, J, and K (other than § 202.1102 and § 202.1104) of this part do not apply to a data transaction that

    (1) Involves “regulatory approval data” as defined in paragraph (b) of this section and

    (2) Is necessary to obtain or maintain regulatory authorization or approval to research or market a drug, biological product, device, or a combination product, provided that the U.S. person complies with the recordkeeping and reporting requirements set forth in §§ 202.1101(a) and 202.1102 with respect to such transaction.

    (b) Regulatory approval data. For purposes of this section, the term regulatory approval data means sensitive personal data that is de-identified or pseudonymized consistent with the standards of 21 CFR 314.80 and that is required to be submitted to a regulatory entity, or is required by a regulatory entity to be submitted to a covered person, to obtain or maintain authorization or approval to research or market a drug, biological product, device, or combination product, including in relation to post-marketing studies and post-marketing product surveillance activities, and supplemental product applications for additional uses. The term excludes sensitive personal data not reasonably necessary for a regulatory entity to assess the safety and effectiveness of the drug, biological product, device, or combination product.

    (c) Other terms. For purposes of this section, the terms “drug,” “biological product,” “device,” and “combination product” have the meanings given to them in 21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1), 42 U.S.C. 262(i)(1), 21 U.S.C. 321(h)(1), and 21 CFR 3.2(e), respectively.

    (d) Examples —(1) Example 1. A U.S. pharmaceutical company seeks to market a new drug in a country of concern. The company submits a marketing application to the regulatory entity in the country of concern with authority to approve the drug in the country of concern. The marketing application includes the safety and effectiveness data reasonably necessary to obtain regulatory approval in that country. The transfer of data to the country of concern's regulatory entity is exempt from the prohibitions in this part.

    (2) Example 2. Same as Example 1, except the regulatory entity in the country of concern requires that the data be de-anonymized. The transfer of data is not exempt under this section, because the data includes sensitive personal data that is identified to an individual.

    (3) Example 3. Same as Example 1, except country of concern law requires foreign pharmaceutical companies to submit regulatory approval data using (1) a registered agent who primarily resides in the country of concern, (2) a country of concern incorporated subsidiary, or (3) an employee located in a country of concern. The U.S. pharmaceutical company enters into a vendor agreement with a registered agent in the country of concern to submit the regulatory approval data to the country of concern regulator. The U.S. pharmaceutical company provides to the registered agent only the regulatory approval data the U.S. pharmaceutical company intends the registered agent to submit to the country of concern regulator. The transaction with the registered agent is exempt, because it is necessary to obtain approval to market the drug in a country ( print page 1725) of concern. The U.S. pharmaceutical company must comply with the recordkeeping and reporting requirements set forth in §§ 202.1101(a) and 202.1102 with respect to such transaction, however.

    (4) Example 4. Same as Example 1, except the U.S. company enters a vendor agreement with a covered person located in the country of concern to store and organize the bulk U.S. sensitive personal data for eventual submission to the country of concern regulator. Country of concern law does not require foreign pharmaceutical companies to enter into such vendor agreements. The transaction is not exempt under this section, because the use of a covered person to store and organize the bulk U.S. sensitive personal data for the company's regulatory submission is not necessary to obtain regulatory approval.

    (5) Example 5. A U.S. pharmaceutical company has obtained regulatory approval to market a new drug in a country of concern. The country of concern regulator requires the U.S. pharmaceutical company to submit de-identified sensitive personal data collected as part of the company's post-marketing product surveillance activities to assess the safety and efficacy of the drug to the country of concern regulator via a country of concern registered agent to maintain the U.S. pharmaceutical company's authorization to market the drug. Sharing the de-identified sensitive personal data with the country of concern regulator via the country of concern registered agent to maintain marketing authorization is exempt from the prohibitions and restrictions in subparts C and D of this part.

    (6) Example 6. A U.S. medical device manufacturer provides de-identified bulk U.S. personal health data to a country of concern regulator to obtain authorization to research the safety and effectiveness of a medical device in the country of concern. Country of concern law requires medical device manufacturers to conduct such safety research to obtain regulatory approval to market a new device. The prohibitions and restrictions of subparts C and D of this part do not apply to the de-identified regulatory approval data submitted to the country of concern regulator to obtain authorization to research the device's safety and effectiveness.

    Other clinical investigations and post-marketing surveillance data.

    (a) Exemption. Subparts C, D, J, and K (other than § 202.1102 and § 202.1104) of this part do not apply to data transactions to the extent that those transactions are:

    (1) Ordinarily incident to and part of clinical investigations regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) under sections 505(i) and 520(g) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (“FD&C Act”) or clinical investigations that support applications to the FDA for research or marketing permits for drugs, biological products, devices, combination products, or infant formula; or

    (2) Ordinarily incident to and part of the collection or processing of clinical care data indicating real-world performance or safety of products, or the collection or processing of post-marketing surveillance data (including pharmacovigilance and post-marketing safety monitoring), and necessary to support or maintain authorization by the FDA, provided the data is de-identified or pseudonymized consistent with the standards of 21 CFR 314.80.

    (b) Other terms. For purposes of this section, the terms “drug,” “biological product,” “device,” “combination product,” and “infant formula” have the meanings given to them in 21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1), 42 U.S.C. 262(i)(1), 21 U.S.C. 321(h)(1), 21 CFR 3.2(e), and 21 U.S.C. 321(z) respectively.

    Subpart F—Determination of Countries of Concern

    Determination of countries of concern.

    (a) Countries of concern. Solely for purposes of the Order and this part, the Attorney General has determined, with the concurrence of the Secretaries of State and Commerce, that the following foreign governments have engaged in a long-term pattern or serious instances of conduct significantly adverse to the national security of the United States or security and safety of U.S. persons and pose a significant risk of exploiting government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data to the detriment of the national security of the United States or security and safety of U.S. persons:

    (1) China;

    (2) Cuba;

    (3) Iran;

    (4) North Korea;

    (5) Russia; and

    (6) Venezuela.

    (b) Effective date of amendments. Any amendment to the list of countries of concern will apply to any covered data transaction that is initiated, pending, or completed on or after the effective date of the amendment.

    Subpart G—Covered Persons

    Designation of covered persons.

    (a) Designations. The Attorney General may designate any person as a covered person for purposes of this part if, after consultation with the Department of State and any other agencies as the Attorney General deems appropriate, the Attorney General determines the person meets any of the criteria set forth in § 202.211(a)(5) of this part.

    (b) Information considered. In determining whether to designate a person as a covered person, the Attorney General may consider any information or material the Attorney General deems relevant and appropriate, classified or unclassified, from any Federal department or agency or from any other source.

    (c) Covered Persons List. The names of persons designated as a covered person for purposes of this part, transactions with whom are prohibited or restricted pursuant to this part, are published in the Federal Register and incorporated into the National Security Division's Covered Persons List. The Covered Persons List is accessible through the following page on the National Security Division's website at https://www.justice.gov/​nsd.

    (d) Non-exhaustive. The list of designated covered persons described in this section is not exhaustive of all covered persons and supplements the categories in the definition of covered persons in § 202.211.

    (e) Effective date; actual and constructive knowledge. (1) Designation as a covered person will be effective from the date of any public announcement by the Department. Except as otherwise authorized in this part, a U.S. person with actual knowledge of a designated person's status is prohibited from knowingly engaging in a covered data transaction with that person on or after the date of the Department's public announcement.

    (2) Publication in the Federal Register is deemed to provide constructive knowledge of a person's status as a covered person.

    Procedures governing removal from the Covered Persons List.

    (a) Requests for removal from the Covered Persons List. A person may petition to seek administrative reconsideration of their designation, or may assert that the circumstances resulting in the designation no longer apply, and thus seek to be removed from the Covered Persons List pursuant to the following administrative procedures: ( print page 1726)

    (b) Content of requests. A covered person designated under paragraph (a) of this section may submit arguments or evidence that the person believes establish that insufficient basis exists for the designation. Such a person also may propose remedial steps on the person's part, such as corporate reorganization, resignation of persons from positions in a listed entity, or similar steps, that the person believes would negate the basis for designation.

    (c) Additional content; form and method of submission. Requests for removal from the Covered Persons List must be submitted in accordance with this section and with subpart L of this part.

    (d) Requests for more information. The information submitted by the listed person seeking removal will be reviewed by the Attorney General, who may request clarifying, corroborating, or other additional information.

    (e) Meetings. A person seeking removal may request a meeting with the Attorney General; however, such meetings are not required, and the Attorney General may, in the Attorney General's discretion, decline to conduct such a meeting prior to completing a review pursuant to this section.

    (f) Decisions. After the Attorney General has conducted a review of the request for removal, and after consultation with other agencies as the Attorney General deems appropriate, the Attorney General will provide a written decision to the person seeking removal. A covered person's status as a covered person—including its associated prohibitions and restrictions under this part—remains in effect during the pendency of any request to be removed from the Covered Persons List.

    Subpart H—Licensing

    General licenses.

    (a) General course of procedure. The Department may, as appropriate, issue general licenses to authorize, under appropriate terms and conditions, transactions that are subject to the prohibitions or restrictions in this part. In determining whether to issue a general license, the Attorney General may consider any information or material the Attorney General deems relevant and appropriate, classified or unclassified, from any Federal department or agency or from any other source.

    (b) Relationship with specific licenses. It is the policy of the Department not to grant applications for specific licenses authorizing transactions to which the provisions of a general license are applicable.

    (c) Reports. Persons availing themselves of certain general licenses may be required to file reports and statements in accordance with the instructions specified in those licenses, this part or the Order. Failure to file timely all required information in such reports or statements may nullify the authorization otherwise provided by the general license and result in apparent violations of the applicable prohibitions that may be subject to enforcement action.

    Specific licenses.

    (a) General course of procedure. Transactions subject to the prohibitions or restrictions in this part or the Order, and that are not otherwise permitted under this part or a general license, may be permitted only under a specific license, under appropriate terms and conditions.

    (b) Content of applications for specific licenses. Applications for specific licenses shall include, at a minimum, a description of the nature of the transaction, including each of the following requirements:

    (1) The types and volumes of government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data involved in the transactions;

    (2) The identity of the transaction parties, including any ownership of entities or citizenship or primary residence of individuals;

    (3) The end-use of the data and the method of data transfer; and

    (4) Any other information that the Attorney General may require.

    (c) Additional content; form and method of submissions. Requests for specific licenses must be submitted in accordance with this section and with subpart L of this part.

    (d) Additional conditions. Applicants should submit only one copy of a specific license application to the Department; submitting multiple copies may result in processing delays. Any person having an interest in a transaction or proposed transaction may file an application for a specific license authorizing such a transaction.

    (e) Further information to be supplied. Applicants may be required to furnish such further information as the Department deems necessary to assist in making a determination. Any applicant or other party-in-interest desiring to present additional information concerning a specific license application may do so at any time before or after the Department makes its decision with respect to the application. In unique circumstances, the Department may determine, in its discretion, that an oral presentation regarding a license application would assist in the Department's review of the issues involved. Any requests to make such an oral presentation must be submitted electronically by emailing the National Security Division at NSD.FIRS.datasecurity@usdoj.gov or using another official method to make such requests, in accordance with any instructions on the National Security Division's website.

    (f) Decisions. In determining whether to issue a specific license, the Attorney General may consider any information or material the Attorney General deems relevant and appropriate, classified or unclassified, from any Federal department or agency or from any other source. The Department will advise each applicant of the decision respecting the applicant's filed application. The Department's decision with respect to a license application shall constitute final agency action.

    (g) Time to issuance. The Department shall endeavor to respond to any request for a specific license within 45 days after receipt of the request and of any requested additional information and documents.

    (h) Scope. (1) Unless otherwise specified in the license, a specific license authorizes the transaction:

    (i) Only between the parties identified in the license;

    (ii) Only with respect to the data described in the license; and

    (iii) Only to the extent the conditions specified in the license are satisfied. The applicant must inform any other parties identified in the license of the license's scope and of the specific conditions applicable to them.

    (2) The Department will determine whether to grant specific licenses in reliance on representations the applicant made or submitted in connection with the license application, letters of explanation, and other documents submitted. Any license obtained based on a false or misleading representation in the license application, in any document submitted in connection with the license application, or during an oral presentation under this section shall be deemed void as of the date of issuance.

    (i) Reports under specific licenses. As a condition for the issuance of any specific license, the licensee may be required to file reports or statements with respect to the transaction or transactions authorized by the specific license in such form and at such times as may be prescribed in the license. Failure to file timely all required information in such reports or ( print page 1727) statements may nullify the authorization otherwise provided by the specific license and result in apparent violations of the applicable prohibitions that may be subject to enforcement action.

    (j) Effect of denial. The denial of a specific license does not preclude the reconsideration of an application or the filing of a further application. The applicant or any other party-in-interest may at any time request, by written correspondence, reconsideration of the denial of an application based on new facts or changed circumstances.

    General provisions.

    (a) Effect of license. (1) No license issued under this subpart H, or otherwise issued by the Department, authorizes or validates any transaction effected prior to the issuance of such license or other authorization, unless specifically provided for in such license or authorization.

    (2) No license issued under this subpart H authorizes or validates any transaction prohibited under or subject to this part unless the license is properly issued by the Department and specifically refers to this part.

    (3) Any license authorizing or validating any transaction that is prohibited under or otherwise subject to this part has the effect of removing or amending those prohibitions or other requirements from the transaction, but only to the extent specifically stated by the terms of the license. Unless the license otherwise specifies, such an authorization does not create any right, duty, obligation, claim, or interest in, or with respect to, any property that would not otherwise exist under ordinary principles of law.

    (4) Nothing contained in this part shall be construed to supersede the requirements established under any other provision of law or to relieve a person from any requirement to obtain a license or authorization from another department or agency of the United States Government in compliance with applicable laws and regulations subject to the jurisdiction of that department or agency. For example, issuance of a specific license authorizing a transaction otherwise prohibited by this part does not operate as a license or authorization to conclude the transaction that is otherwise required from the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of the Treasury, or any other department or agency of the United States Government.

    (b) Amendment, modification, or rescission. Except as otherwise provided by law, any licenses (whether general or specific), authorizations, instructions, or forms issued thereunder may be amended, modified, or rescinded at any time.

    (c) Consultation. The Department will issue, amend, modify, or rescind a general or specific license in concurrence with the Departments of State, Commerce, and Homeland Security and in consultation with other relevant agencies.

    (d) Exclusion from licenses and other authorizations. The Attorney General reserves the right to exclude any person, property, or transaction from the operation of any license or from the privileges conferred by any license. The Attorney General also reserves the right to restrict the applicability of any license to particular persons, property, transactions, or classes thereof. Such actions are binding upon all persons receiving actual or constructive notice of the exclusions or restrictions.

    Subpart I—Advisory Opinions

    Inquiries concerning application of this part.

    (a) General. Any U.S. person party to a transaction potentially regulated under the Order and this part, or an agent of the party to such a transaction on the party's behalf, may request from the Attorney General a statement of the present enforcement intentions of the Department of Justice under the Order with respect to that transaction that may be subject to the prohibitions or restrictions in the Order and this part (“advisory opinion”).

    (b) Anonymous, hypothetical, non-party and ex post facto review requests excluded. The entire transaction that is the subject of the advisory opinion request must be an actual, as opposed to hypothetical, transaction and involve disclosed, as opposed to anonymous, parties to the transaction. Advisory opinion requests must be submitted by a U.S. person party to the transaction or that party's agent and have no application to a party that does not join the request. The transaction need not involve only prospective conduct, but an advisory opinion request will not be considered unless that portion of the transaction for which an opinion is sought involves only prospective conduct.

    (c) Contents. Each advisory opinion request shall be specific and must be accompanied by all material information bearing on the conduct for which an advisory opinion is requested, and on the circumstances of the prospective conduct, including background information, complete copies of any and all operative documents, and detailed statements of all collateral or oral understandings, if any. Each request must include, at a minimum:

    (1) The identities of the transaction parties, including any ownership of entities or citizenship or primary residence of individuals;

    (2) A description of the nature of the transaction, including the types and volumes of government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data involved in the transaction, the end-use of the data, the method of data transfer, and any restrictions or requirements related to a party's right or ability to control, access, disseminate, or dispose of the data; and

    (3) Any potential basis for exempting or excluding the transaction from the prohibitions or restrictions imposed in the Order and this part.

    (d) Additional contents; format and method of submissions. Requests for advisory opinions must be submitted in accordance with this section and with subpart L of this part.

    (e) Further information to be supplied. Each party shall provide any additional information or documents that the Department of Justice may thereafter request in its review of the matter. Any information furnished orally shall be confirmed promptly in writing; signed by or on behalf of the party that submitted the initial review request; and certified to be a true, correct, and complete disclosure of the requested information. A request will not be deemed complete until the Department of Justice receives such additional information. In connection with an advisory opinion request, the Department of Justice may conduct any independent investigation it believes appropriate.

    (f) Outcomes. After submission of an advisory opinion request, the Department, in its discretion, may state its present enforcement intention under the Order and this part with respect to the proposed conduct; may decline to state its present enforcement intention; or, if circumstances warrant, may take such other position or initiate such other action as it considers appropriate. Any requesting party or parties may withdraw a request at any time prior to issuance of an advisory opinion. The Department remains free, however, to submit such comments to the requesting party or parties as it deems appropriate. Failure to take action after receipt of a request, documents, or information, whether submitted pursuant to this procedure or otherwise, shall not in any way limit or stop the Department from taking any action at such time thereafter as it deems appropriate. The Department reserves the right to retain ( print page 1728) any advisory opinion request, document, or information submitted to it under this procedure or otherwise, to disclose any advisory opinion and advisory opinion request, including the identities of the requesting party and foreign parties to the transaction, the general nature and circumstances of the proposed conduct, and the action of the Department in response to any advisory opinion request, consistent with applicable law, and to use any such request, document, or information for any governmental purpose.

    (g) Time for response. The Department shall endeavor to respond to any advisory opinion request within 30 days after receipt of the request and of any requested additional information and documents.

    (h) Written decisions only. The requesting party or parties may rely only upon a written advisory opinion signed by the Attorney General.

    (i) Effect of advisory opinion. Each advisory opinion can be relied upon by the requesting party or parties to the extent the disclosures made pursuant to this subpart I were accurate and complete and to the extent the disclosures continue accurately and completely to reflect circumstances after the date of the issuance of the advisory opinion. An advisory opinion will not restrict enforcement actions by any agency other than the Department of Justice. It will not affect a requesting party's obligations to any other agency or under any statutory or regulatory provision other than those specifically discussed in the advisory opinion.

    (j) Amendment or revocation of advisory opinion. An advisory opinion may be amended or revoked at any time after it has been issued. Notice of such will be given in the same manner as notice of the advisory opinion was originally given or in the Federal Register . Whenever possible, a notice of amendment or revocation will state when the Department will consider a party's reliance on the superseded advisory opinion to be unreasonable, and any transition period that may be applicable.

    (k) Compliance. Neither the submission of an advisory opinion request, nor its pendency, shall in any way alter the responsibility or obligation of a requesting party to comply with the Order, this part, or any other applicable law.

    Subpart J—Due Diligence and Audit Requirements

    Due diligence for restricted transactions.

    (a) Data compliance program. By no later than October 6, 2025, U.S. persons engaging in any restricted transactions shall develop and implement a data compliance program.

    (b) Requirements. The data compliance program shall include, at a minimum, each of the following requirements:

    (1) Risk-based procedures for verifying data flows involved in any restricted transaction, including procedures to verify and log, in an auditable manner, the following:

    (i) The types and volumes of government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data involved in the transaction;

    (ii) The identity of the transaction parties, including any ownership of entities or citizenship or primary residence of individuals; and

    (iii) The end-use of the data and the method of data transfer;

    (2) For restricted transactions that involve vendors, risk-based procedures for verifying the identity of vendors;

    (3) A written policy that describes the data compliance program and that is annually certified by an officer, executive, or other employee responsible for compliance;

    (4) A written policy that describes the implementation of the security requirements as defined in § 202.248 and that is annually certified by an officer, executive, or other employee responsible for compliance; and

    (5) Any other information that the Attorney General may require.

    Audits for restricted transactions.

    (a) Audit required. U.S. persons that, on or after October 6, 2025, engage in any restricted transactions under § 202.401 shall conduct an audit that complies with the requirements of this section.

    (b) Who may conduct the audit. The auditor:

    (1) Must be qualified and competent to examine, verify, and attest to the U.S. person's compliance with and the effectiveness of the security requirements, as defined in § 202.248, and all other applicable requirements, as defined in § 202.401, implemented for restricted transactions;

    (2) Must be independent; and

    (3) Cannot be a covered person or a country of concern.

    (c) When required. The audit must be performed once for each calendar year in which the U.S. person engages in any restricted transactions.

    (d) Timeframe. The audit must cover the preceding 12 months.

    (e) Scope. The audit must:

    (1) Examine the U.S. person's restricted transactions;

    (2) Examine the U.S. person's data compliance program required under § 202.1001 and its implementation;

    (3) Examine relevant records required under § 202.1101;

    (4) Examine the U.S. person's security requirements, as defined by § 202.248; and

    (5) Use a reliable methodology to conduct the audit.

    (f) Report. (1) The auditor must prepare and submit a written report to the U.S. person within 60 days of the completion of the audit.

    (2) The audit report must:

    (i) Describe the nature of any restricted transactions engaged in by the U.S. person;

    (ii) Describe the methodology undertaken, including the relevant policies and other documents reviewed, relevant personnel interviewed, and any relevant facilities, equipment, networks, or systems examined;

    (iii) Describe the effectiveness of the U.S. person's data compliance program and its implementation;

    (iv) Describe any vulnerabilities or deficiencies in the implementation of the security requirements that have affected or could affect the risk of access to government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data by a country of concern or covered person;

    (v) Describe any instances in which the security requirements failed or were otherwise not effective in mitigating the risk of access to government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data by a country of concern or covered person; and

    (vi) Recommend any improvements or changes to policies, practices, or other aspects of the U.S. person's business to ensure compliance with the security requirements.

    (3) U.S. persons engaged in restricted transactions must retain the audit report for a period of at least 10 years, consistent with the recordkeeping requirements in § 202.1101.

    Subpart K—Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements

    Records and recordkeeping requirements.

    (a) Records. Except as otherwise provided, U.S. persons engaging in any transaction subject to the provisions of this part shall keep a full and accurate record of each such transaction engaged ( print page 1729) in, and such record shall be available for examination for at least 10 years after the date of such transaction.

    (b) Additional recordkeeping requirements. U.S. persons engaging in any restricted transaction shall create and maintain, at a minimum, the following records in an auditable manner:

    (1) A written policy that describes the data compliance program and that is certified annually by an officer, executive, or other employee responsible for compliance;

    (2) A written policy that describes the implementation of any applicable security requirements as defined in § 202.248 and that is certified annually by an officer, executive, or other employee responsible for compliance;

    (3) The results of any annual audits that verify the U.S. person's compliance with the security requirements and any conditions on a license;

    (4) Documentation of the due diligence conducted to verify the data flow involved in any restricted transaction, including:

    (i) The types and volumes of government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data involved in the transaction;

    (ii) The identity of the transaction parties, including any direct and indirect ownership of entities or citizenship or primary residence of individuals; and

    (iii) A description of the end-use of the data;

    (5) Documentation of the method of data transfer;

    (6) Documentation of the dates the transaction began and ended;

    (7) Copies of any agreements associated with the transaction;

    (8) Copies of any relevant licenses or advisory opinions;

    (9) The document reference number for any original document issued by the Attorney General, such as a license or advisory opinion;

    (10) A copy of any relevant documentation received or created in connection with the transaction; and

    (11) An annual certification by an officer, executive, or other employee responsible for compliance of the completeness and accuracy of the records documenting due diligence.

    Reports to be furnished on demand.

    (a) Reports. Every person is required to furnish under oath, in the form of reports or otherwise, from time to time and at any time as may be required by the Department of Justice, complete information relative to any act or transaction or covered data transaction, regardless of whether such act, transaction, or covered data transaction is effected pursuant to a license or otherwise, subject to the provisions of this part and except as otherwise prohibited by Federal law. The Department of Justice may require that such reports include the production of any books, contracts, letters, papers, or other hard copy or electronic documents relating to any such act, transaction, or covered data transaction, in the custody or control of the persons required to make such reports. Reports may be required either before, during, or after such acts, transactions, or covered data transactions. The Department of Justice may, through any person or agency, conduct investigations, hold hearings, administer oaths, examine witnesses, receive evidence, take depositions, and require by subpoena the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of any books, contracts, letters, papers, and other hard copy or electronic documents relating to any matter under investigation, regardless of whether any report has been required or filed in connection therewith.

    (b) Definition of the term “document. ” For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, the term document includes any written, recorded, or graphic matter or other means of preserving thought or expression (including in electronic format), and all tangible things stored in any medium from which information can be processed, transcribed, or obtained directly or indirectly, including correspondence, memoranda, notes, messages, contemporaneous communications such as text and instant messages, letters, emails, spreadsheets, metadata, contracts, bulletins, diaries, chronological data, minutes, books, reports, examinations, charts, ledgers, books of account, invoices, air waybills, bills of lading, worksheets, receipts, printouts, papers, schedules, affidavits, presentations, transcripts, surveys, graphic representations of any kind, drawings, photographs, graphs, video or sound recordings, and motion pictures or other film.

    (c) Format. Persons providing documents to the Department of Justice pursuant to this section must produce documents in a usable format agreed upon by the Department of Justice. For guidance, see the Department of Justice's data delivery standards available on the National Security Division's website at https://www.justice.gov/​nsd.

    Annual reports.

    (a) Who must report. An annual report must be filed, except as otherwise prohibited by Federal law, by any U.S. person that, on or after October 6, 2025, is engaged in a restricted transaction involving cloud-computing services, and that has 25% or more of the U.S. person's equity interests owned (directly or indirectly, through any contract, arrangement, understanding, relationship, or otherwise) by a country of concern or covered person.

    (b) Primary responsibility to report. A report may be filed on behalf of a U.S. person engaging in the data transaction described in § 202.1103(a) by an attorney, agent, or other person. Primary responsibility for reporting, however, rests with the actual U.S. person engaging in the data transaction. No U.S. person is excused from filing a report by reason of the fact that another U.S. person has submitted a report with regard to the same data transaction, except where the U.S. person has actual knowledge that the other U.S. person filed the report.

    (c) When reports are due. A report on the data transactions described in § 202.1103(a) engaged in as of December 31 of the previous year shall be filed annually by March 1 of the subsequent year.

    (d) Contents of reports. Annual reports on the data transactions described in § 202.1103(a) shall include the following:

    (1) The name and address of the U.S. person engaging in the covered data transaction, and the name, telephone number, and email address of a contact from whom additional information may be obtained;

    (2) A description of the covered data transaction, including:

    (i) The date of the transaction;

    (ii) The types and volumes of government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data involved in the transaction;

    (iii) The method of data transfer; and

    (iv) Any persons participating in the data transaction and their respective locations, including the name and location of each data recipient, the ownership of entities or citizenship or primary residence of individuals, the name and location of any covered persons involved in the transaction, and the name of any countries of concern involved in the transaction;

    (3) A copy of any relevant documentation received or created in connection with the transaction; and

    (4) Any other information that the Department of Justice may require.

    (e) Additional contents; format and method of submission. Reports required by this section must be submitted in accordance with this section and with subpart L of this part.

    ( print page 1730)
    Reports on rejected prohibited transactions.

    (a) Who must report. A report must be filed, except as otherwise prohibited by Federal law, by any U.S. person that, on or after October 6, 2025, has received and affirmatively rejected (including automatically rejected using software, technology, or automated tools) an offer from another person to engage in a prohibited transaction involving data brokerage.

    (b) When reports are due. U.S. persons shall file reports within 14 days of rejecting a transaction prohibited by this part.

    (c) Contents of reports. Reports on rejected transactions shall include the following, to the extent known and available to the person filing the report at the time the transaction is rejected:

    (1) The name and address of the U.S. person that rejected the prohibited transaction, and the name, telephone number, and email address of a contact from whom additional information may be obtained;

    (2) A description of the rejected transaction, including:

    (i) The date the transaction was rejected;

    (ii) The types and volumes of government-related data or bulk U.S. sensitive personal data involved in the transaction;

    (iii) The method of data transfer;

    (iv) Any persons attempting to participate in the transaction and their respective locations, including the name and location of each data recipient, the ownership of entities or citizenship or primary residence of individuals, the name and location of any covered persons involved in the transaction, and the name of any countries of concern involved in the transaction;

    (v) A copy of any relevant documentation received or created in connection with the transaction; and

    (vi) Any other information that the Department of Justice may require.

    (d) Additional contents; format and method of submission. Reports required by this section must be submitted in accordance with this section and with subpart L of this part.

    Subpart L—Submitting Applications, Requests, Reports, and Responses


    (a) Application of this subpart. This subpart L applies to any submissions required or permitted by this part, including reports of known or suspected violations submitted pursuant to § 202.302, requests for removal from the Covered Persons List submitted pursuant to subpart G of this part, requests for specific licenses submitted pursuant to § 202.802, advisory opinion requests submitted pursuant to subpart I of this part, annual reports submitted pursuant to § 202.1103, reports on rejected prohibited transactions submitted pursuant to § 202.1104, and responses to pre-penalty notices and findings of violations submitted pursuant to § 202.1306 (collectively, “submissions”).

    (b) Form of submissions. Submissions must follow the instructions in this part and any instructions on the National Security Division's website. With the exception of responses to pre-penalty notices or findings of violations submitted pursuant to subpart M of this part, submissions must use the forms on the National Security Division's website or another official reporting option as specified by the National Security Division.

    (c) Method of submissions. Submissions must be made to the National Security Division electronically by emailing the National Security Division at NSD.FIRS.datasecurity@usdoj.gov or using another official electronic reporting option, in accordance with any instructions on the National Security Division's website.

    (d) Certification. If the submitting party is an individual, the submission must be signed by the individual or the individual's attorney. If the submitting party is not an individual, the submission must be signed on behalf of each submitting party by an officer, director, a person performing the functions of an officer or a director of, or an attorney for, the submitting party. Annual reports submitted pursuant to § 202.1103, and reports on rejected transactions submitted pursuant to § 202.1104, must be signed by an officer, a director, a person performing the functions of an officer or a director, or an employee responsible for compliance. In appropriate cases, the Department of Justice may require the chief executive officer of a requesting party to sign the request. Each such person signing a submission must certify that the submission is true, accurate, and complete.

    Subpart M—Penalties and Finding of Violation

    Penalties for violations.

    (a) Civil and criminal penalties. Section 206 of IEEPA, 50 U.S.C. 1705, is applicable to violations of the provisions of any license, ruling, regulation, order, directive, or instruction issued by or pursuant to the direction or authorization of the Attorney General pursuant to this part or otherwise under IEEPA.

    (1) A civil penalty not to exceed the amount set forth in section 206 of IEEPA may be imposed on any person who violates, attempts to violate, conspires to violate, or causes a violation of any license, order, regulation, or prohibition issued under IEEPA.

    (2) IEEPA provides for a maximum civil penalty not to exceed the greater of $368,136 or an amount that is twice the amount of the transaction that is the basis of the violation with respect to which the penalty is imposed.

    (3) A person who willfully commits, willfully attempts to commit, willfully conspires to commit, or aids or abets in the commission of a violation of any license, order, regulation, or prohibition issued under IEEPA shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than $1,000,000, or if a natural person, may be imprisoned for not more than 20 years, or both.

    (b) Adjustment of civil penalties. The civil penalties provided in IEEPA are subject to adjustment pursuant to the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-410, as amended, 28 U.S.C. 2461 note).

    (c) Adjustment of criminal penalties. The criminal penalties provided in IEEPA are subject to adjustment pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 3571.

    (d) False statements. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1001, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact; or makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry shall be fined under title 18, United States Code, imprisoned, or both.

    (e) Other applicable laws. Violations of this part may also be subject to other applicable laws.

    Process for pre-penalty notice.

    (a) When and how issued. (1) If the Department of Justice has reason to believe that there has occurred a violation of any provision of this part or a violation of the provisions of any license, ruling, regulation, order, directive, or instruction issued by or pursuant to the direction or authorization of the Attorney General pursuant to this part or otherwise under IEEPA and determines that a civil monetary penalty is warranted, the ( print page 1731) Department of Justice will issue a pre-penalty notice informing the alleged violator of the agency's intent to impose a monetary penalty.

    (2) The pre-penalty notice shall be in writing.

    (3) The pre-penalty notice may be issued whether or not another agency has taken any action with respect to the matter.

    (4) The Department shall provide the alleged violator with the relevant information that is not privileged, classified, or otherwise protected, and that forms the basis for the pre-penalty notice, including a description of the alleged violation and proposed penalty amount.

    (b) Opportunity to respond. An alleged violator has the right to respond to a pre-penalty notice in accordance with § 202.1306.

    (c) Settlement. Settlement discussion may be initiated by the Department of Justice, the alleged violator, or the alleged violator's authorized representative.

    (d) Representation. A representative of the alleged violator may act on behalf of the alleged violator, but any oral communication with the Department of Justice prior to a written submission regarding the specific allegations contained in the pre-penalty notice must be preceded by a written letter of representation, unless the pre-penalty notice was served upon the alleged violator in care of the representative.

    Penalty imposition.

    If, after considering any written response to the pre-penalty notice and any relevant facts, the Department of Justice determines that there was a violation by the alleged violator named in the pre-penalty notice and that a civil monetary penalty is appropriate, the Department of Justice may issue a penalty notice to the violator containing a determination of the violation and the imposition of the monetary penalty. The Department shall provide the violator with any relevant, non-classified information that forms the basis of the penalty. The issuance of the penalty notice shall constitute final agency action. The violator has the right to seek judicial review of that final agency action in Federal district court.

    Administrative collection and litigation.

    In the event that the violator does not pay the penalty imposed pursuant to this part or make payment arrangements acceptable to the Department of Justice, the Department of Justice may refer the matter to the Department of the Treasury for administrative collection measures or take appropriate action to recover the penalty in any civil suit in Federal district court.

    Finding of violation.

    (a) When and how issued. (1) The Department of Justice may issue an initial finding of violation that identifies a violation if the Department of Justice:

    (i) Determines that there has occurred a violation of any provision of this part, or a violation of the provisions of any license, ruling, regulation, order, directive, or instruction issued by or pursuant to the direction or authorization of the Attorney General pursuant to this part or otherwise under IEEPA;

    (ii) Considers it important to document the occurrence of a violation; and

    (iii) Concludes that an administrative response is warranted but that a civil monetary penalty is not the most appropriate response.

    (2) An initial finding of violation shall be in writing and may be issued whether or not another agency has taken any action with respect to the matter.

    (3) The Department shall provide the alleged violator with the relevant information that is not privileged, classified, or otherwise protected, that forms the basis for the finding of violation, including a description of the alleged violation.

    (b) Opportunity to respond. An alleged violator has the right to contest an initial finding of violation in accordance with § 202.1306.

    (c) Determination— (1) Determination that a finding of violation is warranted. If, after considering the response, the Department of Justice determines that a final finding of violation should be issued, the Department of Justice will issue a final finding of violation that will inform the violator of its decision. The Department shall provide the violator with the relevant information that is not privileged, classified, or otherwise protected, that forms the basis for the finding of violation. A final finding of violation shall constitute final agency action. The violator has the right to seek judicial review of that final agency action in Federal district court.

    (2) Determination that a finding of violation is not warranted. If, after considering the response, the Department of Justice determines a finding of violation is not warranted, then the Department of Justice will inform the alleged violator of its decision not to issue a final finding of violation. A determination by the Department of Justice that a final finding of violation is not warranted does not preclude the Department of Justice from pursuing other enforcement actions.

    (d) Representation. A representative of the alleged violator may act on behalf of the alleged violator, but any oral communication with the Department of Justice prior to a written submission regarding the specific alleged violations contained in the initial finding of violation must be preceded by a written letter of representation, unless the initial finding of violation was served upon the alleged violator in care of the representative.

    Opportunity to respond to a pre-penalty notice or finding of violation.

    (a) Right to respond. An alleged violator has the right to respond to a pre-penalty notice or finding of violation by making a written presentation to the Department of Justice.

    (b) Deadline for response. A response to a pre-penalty notice or finding of violation must be electronically submitted within 30 days of electronic service of the notice or finding. The failure to submit a response within 30 days shall be deemed to be a waiver of the right to respond.

    (c) Extensions of time for response. Any extensions of time will be granted, at the discretion of the Department of Justice, only upon specific request to the Department of Justice.

    (d) Contents of response. Any response should set forth in detail why the alleged violator either believes that a violation of the regulations did not occur or why a finding of violation or penalty is otherwise unwarranted under the circumstances. The response should include all documentary or other evidence available to the alleged violator that supports the arguments set forth in the response. The Department of Justice will consider all relevant materials submitted in the response.

    Subpart N—Government-Related Location Data List

    Government-Related Location Data List.

    For each Area ID listed in this section, each of the latitude/longitude coordinate pairs forms a corner of the geofenced area. ( print page 1732)

    Table 1 to § 202.1401

    Area ID Latitude/longitude coordinates of geofenced areas
    1 38.935624, −77.207888 38.931674, −77.199387 38.929289, −77.203229 38.932939, −77.209328.
    2 38.950446, −77.125592 38.952077, −77.120947 38.947468, −77.120060 38.947135, −77.122809.
    3 38.953191, −77.372792 38.953174, −77.369764 38.951148, −77.369759 38.951152, −77.372781.
    4 39.113546, −76.777053 39.131086, −76.758527 39.100086, −76.749715 39.093304, −76.760882.
    5 33.416299, −82.172772 33.416666, −82.164366 33.406350, −82.163645 33.406261, −82.172947.
    6 21.525093, −158.019139 21.525362, −158.002575 21.518161, −158.002233 21.518010, −158.018364.
    7 21.475012, −158.061844 21.483357, −158.057568 21.479226, −158.049881 21.472695, −158.052371.
    8 29.449322, −98.646174 29.452872, −98.637623 29.448069, −98.637303 29.444547, −98.640607.
    9 39.273162771, −76.362684384 39.508996774, −76.362684384 39.508996774, −76.049235582 39.273162771, −76.049235582.
    10 39.0258436940001, −76.9680962199999 39.0402111820001, −76.9680962199999 39.0402111820001, −76.9506770369999 39.0258436940001, −76.9506770369999.
    11 20.7457155230001, −156.440726997 20.7494410490001, −156.440726997 20.7494410490001, −156.431116699 20.7457155230001, −156.431116699.
    12 38.8805363480001, −77.1090209989999 38.8811994730001, −77.1090209989999 38.8811994730001, −77.1082027119999 38.8805363480001, −77.1082027119999.
    13 32.765632877, −97.460085871 32.786292692, −97.460085871 32.786292692, −97.445002478 32.765632877, −97.445002478.
    14 34.602177924, −118.126219217 34.652496869, −118.126219217 34.652496869, −118.040871203 34.602177924, −118.040871203.
    15 32.0905440820001, −110.959444035 32.1053229630001, −110.959444035 32.1053229630001, −110.922377001 32.0905440820001, −110.922377001.
    16 33.8999448750001, −84.540445929 33.9364828150001, −84.540445929 33.9364828150001, −84.511508719 33.8999448750001, −84.511508719.
    17 36.6657671500001, −76.163567934 36.7187899800001, −76.163567934 36.7187899800001, −76.098012048 36.6657671500001, −76.098012048.
    18 27.8761052880001, −98.061583281 27.9157840450001, −98.061583281 27.9157840450001, −98.0214386 27.8761052880001, −98.0214386.
    19 21.3545686960001, −157.926772605 21.3700858780001, −157.926772605 21.3700858780001, −157.89962502 21.3545686960001, −157.89962502.
    20 39.529701323, −78.871120656 39.566862548, −78.871120656 39.566862548, −78.819110448 39.529701323, −78.819110448.
    21 31.227908115, −85.654625655 31.235020282, −85.654625655 31.235020282, −85.646160343 31.227908115, −85.646160343.
    22 45.0576284000001, −83.5785134019999 45.0972929400001, −83.5785134019999 45.0972929400001, −83.5582903029999 45.0576284000001, −83.5582903029999.
    23 34.6379009080001, −99.303633301 34.6889874940001, −99.303633301 34.6889874940001, −99.25506291 34.6379009080001, −99.25506291.
    24 32.6375106470001, −117.168353987 32.6816990190001, −117.168353987 32.6816990190001, −117.138279193 32.6375106470001, −117.138279193.
    25 32.666935251, −117.172352209 32.675675627, −117.172352209 32.675675627, −117.163035197 32.666935251, −117.163035197.
    26 13.5479750120001, 144.840656045 13.6479224930001, 144.840656045 13.6479224930001, 144.956626971 13.5479750120001, 144.956626971.
    27 33.610199773, −86.013461889 33.688770568, −86.013461889 33.688770568, −85.910594886 33.610199773, −85.910594886.
    28 27.6372285040001, −81.364060357 27.6776476600001, −81.364060357 27.6776476600001, −81.326061341 27.6372285040001, −81.326061341.
    29 38.869169115, −77.079135005 38.887908934, −77.079135005 38.887908934, −77.058113411 38.869169115, −77.058113411.
    30 38.865964869, −77.081320445 38.869010908, −77.081320445 38.869010908, −77.07688713 38.865964869, −77.07688713.
    31 30.268965988, −97.74101039 30.26898402, −97.74101039 30.26898402, −97.74098961 30.268965988, −97.74098961.
    32 28.585892605, −81.197868843 28.58638835, −81.197868843 28.58638835, −81.197094434 28.585892605, −81.197094434.
    33 35.9939351130001, −78.8988567119999 35.9939531280001, −78.8988567119999 35.9939531280001, −78.8988345369999 35.9939351130001, −78.8988345369999.
    34 35.290658975, −86.1900228969999 35.448152643, −86.1900228969999 35.448152643, −85.9565678559999 35.290658975, −85.9565678559999.
    35 39.668741192, −74.486379079 39.735566472, −74.486379079 39.735566472, −74.38985998 39.668741192, −74.38985998.
    36 27.5433418430001, −81.440651203 27.7481014920001, −81.440651203 27.7481014920001, −81.140127987 27.5433418430001, −81.140127987.
    37 43.329662741, −89.768817729 43.3804415840001, −89.768817729 43.3804415840001, −89.704814972 43.329662741, −89.704814972.
    38 32.7213462890001, −117.147436521 32.7304327800001, −117.147436521 32.7304327800001, −117.142819245 32.7213462890001, −117.142819245.
    39 44.810736596, −68.845190583 44.824436067, −68.845190583 44.824436067, −68.817759555 44.810736596, −68.817759555.
    40 30.378935891, −87.651017989 30.406043932, −87.651017989 30.406043932, −87.616693181 30.378935891, −87.616693181.
    ( print page 1733)
    41 32.460689648, −93.692932035 32.533707929, −93.692932035 32.533707929, −93.531044113 32.460689648, −93.531044113.
    42 42.1637746650001, −72.721474954 42.1737587120001, −72.721474954 42.1737587120001, −72.713127559 42.1637746650001, −72.713127559.
    43 32.234848137, −114.563241999 32.74030585, −114.563241999 32.74030585, −113.597922719 32.234848137, −113.597922719.
    44 32.8717587680001, −112.742209944 32.9055316810001, −112.742209944 32.9055316810001, −112.715649106 32.8717587680001, −112.715649106.
    45 70.118081036, −143.649422567 70.13677672, −143.649422567 70.13677672, −143.549196508 70.118081036, −143.549196508.
    46 39.0718274430001, −121.477278056 39.1737524000001, −121.477278056 39.1737524000001, −121.321123307 39.0718274430001, −121.321123307.
    47 21.3446919420001, −157.715961149 21.3801950850001, −157.715961149 21.3801950850001, −157.704152283 21.3446919420001, −157.704152283.
    48 39.320337941, −80.27238984 39.332562421, −80.27238984 39.332562421, −80.257518209 39.320337941, −80.257518209.
    49 64.3151851490001, −146.65232338 64.3202659380001, −146.65232338 64.3202659380001, −146.642748991 64.3151851490001, −146.642748991.
    50 33.564586567, −86.7593074919999 33.577571506, −86.7593074919999 33.577571506, −86.749335831 33.564586567, −86.749335831.
    51 33.979025715, −77.920042096 33.98353888, −77.920042096 33.98353888, −77.911945012 33.979025715, −77.911945012.
    52 37.6569067660001, −84.2697493539999 37.7403075720001, −84.2697493539999 37.7403075720001, −84.1739063399999 37.6569067660001, −84.1739063399999.
    53 43.549701982, −116.23995646 43.565222364, −116.23995646 43.565222364, −116.203444555 43.549701982, −116.203444555.
    54 41.928394165, −72.706470888 41.940084218, −72.706470888 41.940084218, −72.6950519379999 41.928394165, −72.6950519379999.
    55 41.5399982100001, −81.628180911 41.5451316070001, −81.628180911 41.5451316070001, −81.623066892 41.5399982100001, −81.623066892.
    56 38.259480861, −119.65128069 38.488443466, −119.65128069 38.488443466, −119.46086144 38.259480861, −119.46086144.
    57 32.7116821270001, −117.172842204 32.7155456210001, −117.172842204 32.7155456210001, −117.171235129 32.7116821270001, −117.171235129.
    58 40.5796208020001, −73.881158344 40.5851822330001, −73.881158344 40.5851822330001, −73.875044844 40.5796208020001, −73.875044844.
    59 31.3815422060001, −85.978073125 31.3912525150001, −85.978073125 31.3912525150001, −85.96646119 31.3815422060001, −85.96646119.
    60 39.6792307960001, −104.791155246 39.7256386980001, −104.791155246 39.7256386980001, −104.732681808 39.6792307960001, −104.732681808.
    61 44.465375824, −73.165872108 44.481431105, −73.165872108 44.481431105, −73.138589437 44.465375824, −73.138589437.
    62 18.246447926, −65.580288041 18.250653732, −65.580288041 18.250653732, −65.57513189 18.246447926, −65.57513189.
    63 31.2653802660001, −85.730112602 31.2900770820001, −85.730112602 31.2900770820001, −85.701272345 31.2653802660001, −85.701272345.
    64 13.488847714, 144.8237902 13.650804937, 144.8237902 13.650804937, 144.882806074 13.488847714, 144.882806074.
    65 41.613354353, −93.9831494479999 42.134619451, −93.9831494479999 42.134619451, −93.625230214 41.613354353, −93.625230214.
    66 34.6199016640001, −84.1105367119999 34.6357614130001, −84.1105367119999 34.6357614130001, −84.0950752379999 34.6199016640001, −84.0950752379999.
    67 44.5103232180001, −85.0727276169999 44.8976058610001, −85.0727276169999 44.8976058610001, −84.4513643499999 44.5103232180001, −84.4513643499999.
    68 35.0011406840001, −79.523939868 35.0683094360001, −79.523939868 35.0683094360001, −79.442653881 35.0011406840001, −79.442653881.
    69 32.641816556, −116.466773316 32.70380767, −116.466773316 32.70380767, −116.419479903 32.641816556, −116.419479903.
    70 32.707519441, −116.520980841 32.714794633, −116.520980841 32.714794633, −116.509578866 32.707519441, −116.509578866.
    71 35.1488975340001, −111.913136629 35.2519317510001, −111.913136629 35.2519317510001, −111.772220092 35.1488975340001, −111.772220092.
    72 35.688234999, −120.85951023 35.893098334, −120.85951023 35.893098334, −120.711509738 35.688234999, −120.711509738.
    73 30.91049165, −89.245591473 31.215207751, −89.245591473 31.215207751, −88.825853545 30.91049165, −88.825853545.
    74 40.3878151230001, −112.116737638 40.4646164020001, −112.116737638 40.4646164020001, −111.91331559 40.3878151230001, −111.91331559.
    75 34.40563345, −103.337070541 34.412489823, −103.337070541 34.412489823, −103.319797859 34.40563345, −103.319797859.
    76 34.3614483640001, −103.354726446 34.4053770780001, −103.354726446 34.4053770780001, −103.295530382 34.3614483640001, −103.295530382.
    ( print page 1734)
    77 28.410293461, −80.611521457 28.569239286, −80.611521457 28.569239286, −80.525040895 28.410293461, −80.525040895.
    78 58.6207566940001, −162.088477025 58.6671382160001, −162.088477025 58.6671382160001, −162.051955173 58.6207566940001, −162.051955173.
    79 39.843911672, −89.673153301 39.853707959, −89.673153301 39.853707959, −89.664434939 39.843911672, −89.664434939.
    80 40.1998354450001, −77.1813079679999 40.2155193840001, −77.1813079679999 40.2155193840001, −77.1567188819999 40.1998354450001, −77.1567188819999.
    81 48.720965666, −97.91415126 48.732224729, −97.91415126 48.732224729, −97.892530954 48.720965666, −97.892530954.
    82 30.3692267820001, −89.145003244 30.3839136300001, −89.145003244 30.3839136300001, −89.1029689419999 30.3692267820001, −89.1029689419999.
    83 34.133132274, −119.113804625 34.1468546850001, −119.113804625 34.1468546850001, −119.107499465 34.133132274, −119.107499465.
    84 35.2130798650001, −80.93434288 35.2209434880001, −80.93434288 35.2209434880001, −80.924747233 35.2130798650001, −80.924747233.
    85 37.268469865, −76.6497831579999 37.300168225, −76.6497831579999 37.300168225, −76.5808454679999 37.268469865, −76.5808454679999.
    86 38.652772446, −76.537514883 38.665190459, −76.537514883 38.665190459, −76.526755785 38.652772446, −76.526755785.
    87 38.730266928, −104.854175709 38.748479779, −104.854175709 38.748479779, −104.830998169 38.730266928, −104.830998169.
    88 41.1585808, −104.827282882 41.163962628, −104.827282882 41.163962628, −104.811583526 41.1585808, −104.811583526.
    89 33.0433918000001, −115.769002927 33.561860554, −115.769002927 33.561860554, −114.937048224 33.0433918000001, −114.937048224.
    90 64.256937909, −149.271311872 64.318532807, −149.271311872 64.318532807, −149.078782527 64.256937909, −149.078782527.
    91 48.0181544170001, −122.749058066 48.0882406420001, −122.749058066 48.0882406420001, −122.699833714 48.0181544170001, −122.699833714.
    92 55.260399471, −162.892009844 55.266039599, −162.892009844 55.266039599, −162.882133146 55.260399471, −162.882133146.
    93 32.9238514580001, −88.597781493 33.6613396510001, −88.597781493 33.6613396510001, −88.419408536 32.9238514580001, −88.419408536.
    94 42.2857517910001, −71.366797532 42.2934966590001, −71.366797532 42.2934966590001, −71.355575286 42.2857517910001, −71.355575286.
    95 30.396955129, −87.301358539 30.41034727, −87.301358539 30.41034727, −87.278142462 30.396955129, −87.278142462.
    96 36.8832992170001, −76.3808126719999 36.8943868090001, −76.3808126719999 36.8943868090001, −76.3390713729999 36.8832992170001, −76.3390713729999.
    97 36.4941214200001, −115.88042321 36.7385429400001, −115.88042321 36.7385429400001, −115.4868387 36.4941214200001, −115.4868387.
    98 21.299764458, −158.073065748 21.327294536, −158.073065748 21.327294536, −158.044610628 21.299764458, −158.044610628.
    99 36.779547069, −119.702471155 36.782099199, −119.702471155 36.782099199, −119.701514522 36.779547069, −119.701514522.
    100 42.15393814, −70.9374754149999 42.158515225, −70.9374754149999 42.158515225, −70.9301741339999 42.15393814, −70.9301741339999.
    101 48.4214595020001, −117.41300542 48.5515751880001, −117.41300542 48.5515751880001, −117.35926532 48.4214595020001, −117.35926532.
    102 26.091587869, −80.111818708 26.092584016, −80.111818708 26.092584016, −80.108205835 26.091587869, −80.108205835.
    103 35.6459372400001, −75.991669019 35.7768890170001, −75.991669019 35.7768890170001, −75.771652698 35.6459372400001, −75.771652698.
    104 32.1193109110001, −110.909314221 32.1962087390001, −110.909314221 32.1962087390001, −110.789766372 32.1193109110001, −110.789766372.
    105 37.408487704, −77.453738162 37.439266805, −77.453738162 37.439266805, −77.435618651 37.408487704, −77.435618651.
    106 38.8781991000001, −77.109040482 38.8792949460001, −77.109040482 38.8792949460001, −77.108174294 38.8781991000001, −77.108174294.
    107 40.1972506380001, −76.853865245 40.2226551520001, −76.853865245 40.2226551520001, −76.8221857039999 40.1972506380001, −76.8221857039999.
    108 39.974582163, −82.913383443 39.985122185, −82.913383443 39.985122185, −82.884325098 39.974582163, −82.884325098.
    109 41.537901628, −93.674402705 41.549978514, −93.674402705 41.549978514, −93.657102163 41.537901628, −93.657102163.
    110 30.40946552, −86.500613385 30.412738745, −86.500613385 30.412738745, −86.4971744769999 30.40946552, −86.4971744769999.
    111 37.9630717110001, −122.027819871 38.0227201040001, −122.027819871 38.0227201040001, −121.939142028 37.9630717110001, −121.939142028.
    112 39.8839370650001, −75.190933843 39.8984743260001, −75.190933843 39.8984743260001, −75.16306509 39.8839370650001, −75.16306509.
    ( print page 1735)
    113 42.4914812000001, −83.046418438 42.5026695230001, −83.046418438 42.5026695230001, −83.037544269 42.4914812000001, −83.037544269.
    114 42.4694829900001, −71.691664547 42.5765892500001, −71.691664547 42.5765892500001, −71.603764233 42.4694829900001, −71.603764233.
    115 46.9314271700001, −67.8969077639999 46.9342671660001, −67.8969077639999 46.9342671660001, −67.8923200479999 46.9314271700001, −67.8923200479999.
    116 21.567863645, −158.21347981 21.581952858, −158.21347981 21.581952858, −158.180039671 21.567863645, −158.180039671.
    117 28.0671354250001, −98.778173769 28.1245884970001, −98.778173769 28.1245884970001, −98.685192869 28.0671354250001, −98.685192869.
    118 33.8969244250001, −84.542380856 33.9367576460001, −84.542380856 33.9367576460001, −84.495305955 33.8969244250001, −84.495305955.
    119 39.10595655, −75.494449085 39.152386899, −75.494449085 39.152386899, −75.436634728 39.10595655, −75.436634728.
    120 24.568031467, −81.781745689 24.585123807, −81.781745689 24.585123807, −81.765170818 24.568031467, −81.765170818.
    121 32.674333394, −117.133765 32.692839739, −117.133765 32.692839739, −117.108967938 32.674333394, −117.108967938.
    122 46.8330442210001, −92.21102751 46.8510308170001, −92.21102751 46.8510308170001, −92.165423416 46.8330442210001, −92.165423416.
    123 32.3941914100001, −99.867572545 32.4478988670001, −99.867572545 32.4478988670001, −99.808678428 32.3941914100001, −99.808678428.
    124 52.7044712040001, 174.053643507 52.7410254930001, 174.053643507 52.7410254930001, 174.156518998 52.7044712040001, 174.156518998.
    125 34.762486344, −118.140763438 35.017611389, −118.140763438 35.017611389, −117.525081645 34.762486344, −117.525081645.
    126 30.381138945, −86.8509824239999 30.405275435, −86.8509824239999 30.405275435, −86.6331687359999 30.381138945, −86.6331687359999.
    127 30.6217855130001, −86.7554594279999 30.6494843350001, −86.7554594279999 30.6494843350001, −86.7303715759999 30.6217855130001, −86.7303715759999.
    128 27.0764966720001, −86.983116121 30.7497294690001, −86.983116121 30.7497294690001, −82.448862506 27.0764966720001, −82.448862506.
    129 64.6012802210001, −147.165786418 64.7480079510001, −147.165786418 64.7480079510001, −146.938371648 64.6012802210001, −146.938371648.
    130 36.8644398160001, −76.3344377989999 36.8708429060001, −76.3344377989999 36.8708429060001, −76.3299793119999 36.8644398160001, −76.3299793119999.
    131 29.5899224830001, −95.17474779 29.6230511860001, −95.17474779 29.6230511860001, −95.16633921 29.5899224830001, −95.16633921.
    132 44.112997566, −103.129144564 44.176511165, −103.129144564 44.176511165, −103.060660125 44.112997566, −103.060660125.
    133 31.325926945, −92.549004972 31.34466339, −92.549004972 31.34466339, −92.532050872 31.325926945, −92.532050872.
    134 39.4012000000001, −77.9954 39.4140000010001, −77.9954 39.4140000010001, −77.9708 39.4012000000001, −77.9708.
    135 47.5887747180001, −117.693058242 47.6428480860001, −117.693058242 47.6428480860001, −117.623082729 47.5887747180001, −117.623082729.
    136 33.3291382400001, −117.313779432 33.3984247810001, −117.313779432 33.3984247810001, −117.249241913 33.3291382400001, −117.249241913.
    137 38.826363557, −118.950589204 39.942237, −118.950589204 39.942237, −117.125199131 38.826363557, −117.125199131.
    138 36.9206436430001, −76.324596591 36.9225983950001, −76.324596591 36.9225983950001, −76.321048116 36.9206436430001, −76.321048116.
    139 30.395125636, −81.633046236 30.406669179, −81.633046236 30.406669179, −81.613437212 30.395125636, −81.613437212.
    140 24.567441214, −81.801443736 24.594738599, −81.801443736 24.594738599, −81.79382837 24.567441214, −81.79382837.
    141 38.9355059150001, −95.6866671779999 38.9672269680001, −95.6866671779999 38.9672269680001, −95.6739997489999 38.9355059150001, −95.6739997489999.
    142 32.7263297590001, −117.225651967 32.7323354850001, −117.225651967 32.7323354850001, −117.215769817 32.7263297590001, −117.215769817.
    143 41.4732485420001, −71.3429884129999 41.4772592680001, −71.3429884129999 41.4772592680001, −71.3354651549999 41.4732485420001, −71.3354651549999.
    144 38.6728683430001, −77.202015081 38.7484680470001, −77.202015081 38.7484680470001, −77.1209734769999 38.6728683430001, −77.1209734769999.
    145 39.855326909, −86.028620872 39.864369447, −86.028620872 39.864369447, −86.003845091 39.855326909, −86.003845091.
    146 31.7888139250001, −106.581474459 32.6965880790001, −106.581474459 32.6965880790001, −105.524846042 31.7888139250001, −105.524846042.
    147 18.4046924090001, −66.1341755349999 18.4221096420001, −66.1341755349999 18.4221096420001, −66.1054899209999 18.4046924090001, −66.1054899209999.
    148 36.5354833810001, −87.820914236 36.7268240330001, −87.820914236 36.7268240330001, −87.423400866 36.5354833810001, −87.423400866.
    ( print page 1736)
    149 38.418237328, −104.967064928 38.765149965, −104.967064928 38.765149965, −104.717754537 38.418237328, −104.717754537.
    150 30.7215072980001, −97.913021062 31.3927951710001, −97.913021062 31.3927951710001, −97.382600936 30.7215072980001, −97.382600936.
    151 21.277988357, −157.837039889 21.28553417, −157.837039889 21.28553417, −157.831141168 21.277988357, −157.831141168.
    152 39.428600294, −77.437471934 39.450390568, −77.437471934 39.450390568, −77.410819037 39.428600294, −77.410819037.
    153 39.0020859900001, −77.060006807 39.0129141590001, −77.060006807 39.0129141590001, −77.05003399 39.0020859900001, −77.05003399.
    154 39.0320227890001, −77.04385429 39.0346693610001, −77.04385429 39.0346693610001, −77.03866628 39.0320227890001, −77.03866628.
    155 44.010913031, −75.842125669 44.256536804, −75.842125669 44.256536804, −75.386367945 44.010913031, −75.386367945.
    156 33.274519335, −82.379611728 33.440619771, −82.379611728 33.440619771, −82.096232277 33.274519335, −82.096232277.
    157 33.6089633770001, −84.35154274 33.6319158920001, −84.35154274 33.6319158920001, −84.307486309 33.6089633770001, −84.307486309.
    158 63.9388112670001, −145.772613518 64.0231208060001, −145.772613518 64.0231208060001, −145.655809936 63.9388112670001, −145.655809936.
    159 37.213516865, −77.358595158 37.298684924, −77.358595158 37.298684924, −77.307488144 37.213516865, −77.307488144.
    160 40.604582683, −74.034049003 40.613167841, −74.034049003 40.613167841, −74.0206090659999 40.604582683, −74.0206090659999.
    161 31.434363842, −110.449131361 31.686859773, −110.449131361 31.686859773, −110.188946087 31.434363842, −110.188946087.
    162 35.7935092910001, −121.426498813 36.1147194860001, −121.426498813 36.1147194860001, −121.031600619 35.7935092910001, −121.031600619.
    163 35.082504812, −117.084003937 35.627708795, −117.084003937 35.627708795, −116.163545882 35.082504812, −116.163545882.
    164 33.9829769470001, −80.959251815 34.0836392030001, −80.959251815 34.0836392030001, −80.704124579 33.9829769470001, −80.704124579.
    165 30.921870988, −93.579998793 31.490503162, −93.579998793 31.490503162, −92.862745164 30.921870988, −92.862745164.
    166 37.78807672, −86.056877114 38.0073711200001, −86.056877114 38.0073711200001, −85.747574551 37.78807672, −85.747574551.
    167 39.3284266840001, −94.949264706 39.3922569280001, −94.949264706 39.3922569280001, −94.880745646 39.3284266840001, −94.880745646.
    168 37.6037963470001, −92.2500513099999 37.7999725520001, −92.2500513099999 37.7999725520001, −92.0408380759999 37.6037963470001, −92.0408380759999.
    169 35.039462073, −79.38062969 35.274563988, −79.38062969 35.274563988, −78.901879671 35.039462073, −78.901879671.
    170 43.90284867, −90.765375865 44.159924233, −90.765375865 44.159924233, −90.587856675 43.90284867, −90.587856675.
    171 39.071479147, −76.776616336 39.130981819, −76.776616336 39.130981819, −76.709232204 39.071479147, −76.709232204.
    172 40.2844597280001, −74.096750839 40.3390552010001, −74.096750839 40.3390552010001, −74.026249284 40.2844597280001, −74.026249284.
    173 37.000205414, −76.3170219039999 37.035192566, −76.3170219039999 37.035192566, −76.2925912169999 37.000205414, −76.2925912169999.
    174 32.2387118290001, −85.021200904 32.5517604030001, −85.021200904 32.5517604030001, −84.637054935 32.2387118290001, −84.637054935.
    175 31.314144049, −85.865695246 31.505687537, −85.865695246 31.505687537, −85.612193512 31.314144049, −85.612193512.
    176 39.0366899860001, −96.962729439 39.3067854380001, −96.962729439 39.3067854380001, −96.681803847 39.0366899860001, −96.681803847.
    177 21.3344869650001, −157.894073145 21.3570876230001, −157.894073145 21.3570876230001, −157.87189508 21.3344869650001, −157.87189508.
    178 42.203459073, −87.8100502569999 42.216029281, −87.8100502569999 42.216029281, −87.7987031449999 42.203459073, −87.7987031449999.
    179 34.637509069, −98.755961597 34.768015017, −98.755961597 34.768015017, −98.282396833 34.637509069, −98.282396833.
    180 35.247127112, −94.374048025 35.345197662, −94.374048025 35.345197662, −94.080609487 35.247127112, −94.080609487.
    181 31.8490945500001, −81.889069385 32.1248422650001, −81.889069385 32.1248422650001, −81.304927888 31.8490945500001, −81.304927888.
    182 63.495426454, −148.652607873 64.877948104, −148.652607873 64.877948104, −145.011700164 63.495426454, −145.011700164.
    183 38.018142733, −77.395133849 38.2229469870001, −77.395133849 38.2229469870001, −77.136746906 38.018142733, −77.136746906.
    184 35.4225141090001, −108.629517745 35.5234010050001, −108.629517745 35.5234010050001, −108.546488603 35.4225141090001, −108.546488603.
    ( print page 1737)
    185 66.558440788, −145.217198219 66.562635721, −145.217198219 66.562635721, −145.196865879 66.558440788, −145.196865879.
    186 41.131595797, −104.888175803 41.201251583, −104.888175803 41.201251583, −104.839386748 41.131595797, −104.839386748.
    187 40.8317168790001, −72.646569509 40.8404590060001, −72.646569509 40.8404590060001, −72.637878307 40.8317168790001, −72.637878307.
    188 36.7652210320001, −119.726849268 36.7866408030001, −119.726849268 36.7866408030001, −119.702290588 36.7652210320001, −119.702290588.
    189 39.046072102, −76.689705918 39.068500337, −76.689705918 39.068500337, −76.660214864 39.046072102, −76.660214864.
    190 42.9373147850001, −87.891735357 42.9447209110001, −87.891735357 42.9447209110001, −87.88532841 42.9373147850001, −87.88532841.
    191 40.6559953350001, −89.713436026 40.6713177760001, −89.713436026 40.6713177760001, −89.691898535 40.6559953350001, −89.691898535.
    192 42.297663631, −87.8562319869999 42.303204758, −87.8562319869999 42.303204758, −87.8518457849999 42.297663631, −87.8518457849999.
    193 42.0902179130001, −87.8412161049999 42.0929537750001, −87.8412161049999 42.0929537750001, −87.8329821559999 42.0902179130001, −87.8329821559999.
    194 31.410361906, −85.4658208399999 31.419467447, −85.4658208399999 31.419467447, −85.4610573259999 31.410361906, −85.4610573259999.
    195 33.422394339, −112.015046889 33.427659719, −112.015046889 33.427659719, −112.006740103 33.422394339, −112.006740103.
    196 31.4211524990001, −100.421423136 31.4502936180001, −100.421423136 31.4502936180001, −100.386562872 31.4211524990001, −100.386562872.
    197 41.5355012680001, −71.3460647429999 41.5398354990001, −71.3460647429999 41.5398354990001, −71.3433558969999 41.5355012680001, −71.3433558969999.
    198 47.921128756, −97.4238744209999 48.00111753, −97.4238744209999 48.00111753, −97.3251566139999 47.921128756, −97.3251566139999.
    199 32.7378756470001, −96.960057831 32.7421326520001, −96.960057831 32.7421326520001, −96.951545219 32.7378756470001, −96.951545219.
    200 47.471916874, −111.370342141 47.482136373, −111.370342141 47.482136373, −111.35856852 47.471916874, −111.35856852.
    201 38.935411516, −110.143618375 38.983389468, −110.143618375 38.983389468, −110.064497018 38.935411516, −110.064497018.
    202 40.629836335, −86.175582897 40.6784136910001, −86.175582897 40.6784136910001, −86.124933251 40.629836335, −86.124933251.
    203 30.404753499, −89.06446994 30.416012997, −89.06446994 30.416012997, −89.05803309 30.404753499, −89.05803309.
    204 62.384524694, −145.202752458 62.438701327, −145.202752458 62.438701327, −145.108315 62.384524694, −145.108315.
    205 43.0985925350001, −76.1175710329999 43.1204055300001, −76.1175710329999 43.1204055300001, −76.0811541549999 43.0985925350001, −76.0811541549999.
    206 42.449141119, −71.2922332959999 42.477596104, −71.2922332959999 42.477596104, −71.263228187 42.449141119, −71.263228187.
    207 32.728744878, −117.208959019 32.730100028, −117.208959019 32.730100028, −117.205155926 32.728744878, −117.205155926.
    208 44.220163461, −90.111781241 44.249174018, −90.111781241 44.249174018, −89.996184064 44.220163461, −89.996184064.
    209 38.229497861, −118.850468214 38.675823329, −118.850468214 38.675823329, −118.465402259 38.229497861, −118.465402259.
    210 46.9082501180001, −96.813335915 46.9192707510001, −96.813335915 46.9192707510001, −96.797905722 46.9082501180001, −96.797905722.
    211 21.530784666, −158.026158574 21.541312201, −158.026158574 21.541312201, −158.012928076 21.530784666, −158.012928076.
    212 21.4521601660001, −158.036478816 21.4580696550001, −158.036478816 21.4580696550001, −158.032403386 21.4521601660001, −158.032403386.
    213 31.1479145100001, −85.744240415 31.1546432720001, −85.744240415 31.1546432720001, −85.729933472 31.1479145100001, −85.729933472.
    214 41.0983339530001, −112.024399889 41.1651189630001, −112.024399889 41.1651189630001, −111.942395214 41.0983339530001, −111.942395214.
    215 32.7930228270001, −106.204383402 33.0771885310001, −106.204383402 33.0771885310001, −106.049512667 32.7930228270001, −106.049512667.
    216 36.4958650950001, −82.684996348 36.5518898770001, −82.684996348 36.5518898770001, −82.546522187 36.4958650950001, −82.546522187.
    217 32.828679521, −115.288498013 32.846906967, −115.288498013 32.846906967, −115.14568048 32.828679521, −115.14568048.
    218 25.4901310220001, −80.4045291039999 25.5181528940001, −80.4045291039999 25.5181528940001, −80.3779792709999 25.4901310220001, −80.3779792709999.
    219 39.446631245, −87.304009056 39.458100621, −87.304009056 39.458100621, −87.290668741 39.446631245, −87.290668741.
    220 31.3751890450001, −85.5828701299999 31.3850761720001, −85.5828701299999 31.3850761720001, −85.5773414419999 31.3751890450001, −85.5773414419999.
    ( print page 1738)
    221 31.9832369490001, −81.198805141 32.0349005460001, −81.198805141 32.0349005460001, −81.113375475 31.9832369490001, −81.113375475.
    222 30.406119645, −86.74211065 30.45486409, −86.74211065 30.45486409, −86.655360926 30.406119645, −86.655360926.
    223 32.5545594160001, −117.133035356 32.5724338440001, −117.133035356 32.5724338440001, −117.089509557 32.5545594160001, −117.089509557.
    224 65.9646785140001, −153.812691683 66.1009999220001, −153.812691683 66.1009999220001, −153.662067587 65.9646785140001, −153.662067587.
    225 38.435308005, −85.627248303 38.4668353, −85.627248303 38.4668353, −85.584713152 38.435308005, −85.584713152.
    226 40.7516430220001, −91.325065862 40.8294821280001, −91.325065862 40.8294821280001, −91.178786412 40.7516430220001, −91.178786412.
    227 32.311624454, −90.0879237459999 32.328439256, −90.0879237459999 32.328439256, −90.0778932449999 32.311624454, −90.0778932449999.
    228 30.402512915, −81.628884649 30.408229141, −81.628884649 30.408229141, −81.613589029 30.402512915, −81.613589029.
    229 29.9570817420001, −81.972797144 30.4921986090001, −81.972797144 30.4921986090001, −81.69382023 29.9570817420001, −81.69382023.
    230 38.8109873670001, −85.4822157569999 39.0601368300001, −85.4822157569999 39.0601368300001, −85.3594923629999 38.8109873670001, −85.3594923629999.
    231 48.1670940830001, −121.958243024 48.2248098330001, −121.958243024 48.2248098330001, −121.887559225 48.1670940830001, −121.887559225.
    232 43.5700133340001, −96.7515566289999 43.5962111540001, −96.7515566289999 43.5962111540001, −96.7347550689999 43.5700133340001, −96.7347550689999.
    233 38.823559833, −77.026428621 38.867319001, −77.026428621 38.867319001, −77.002855219 38.823559833, −77.002855219.
    234 38.7822985190001, −76.90343143 38.829021577, −76.90343143 38.829021577, −76.8490210659999 38.7822985190001, −76.8490210659999.
    235 41.6372929940001, −70.5993199659999 41.7708974620001, −70.5993199659999 41.7708974620001, −70.4886883249999 41.6372929940001, −70.4886883249999.
    236 32.873792952, −81.104787366 33.621879998, −81.104787366 33.621879998, −79.90958174 32.873792952, −79.90958174.
    237 61.1317682310001, −149.879980832 61.4090492570001, −149.879980832 61.4090492570001, −149.522914627 61.1317682310001, −149.522914627.
    238 37.063373746, −76.627940713 37.182586941, −76.627940713 37.182586941, −76.336599693 37.063373746, −76.336599693.
    239 45.8002376150001, −122.802079191 47.2187487550001, −122.802079191 47.2187487550001, −119.30029009 45.8002376150001, −119.30029009.
    240 39.9443860000001, −74.661412648 40.0586108630001, −74.661412648 40.0586108630001, −74.304547511 39.9443860000001, −74.304547511.
    241 38.8611352610001, −77.084491842 38.8880351040001, −77.084491842 38.8880351040001, −77.013817583 38.8611352610001, −77.013817583.
    242 21.2966123480001, −158.17382288 21.6863899190001, −158.17382288 21.6863899190001, −157.850223188 21.2966123480001, −157.850223188.
    243 29.346205018, −98.690308725 29.893089367, −98.690308725 29.893089367, −97.884281333 29.346205018, −97.884281333.
    244 36.892714836, −76.1925524759999 36.932892732, −76.1925524759999 36.932892732, −75.9873603089999 36.892714836, −75.9873603089999.
    245 37.8190118270001, −75.514689614 37.9512715100001, −75.514689614 37.9512715100001, −75.413609963 37.8190118270001, −75.413609963.
    246 40.6939221220001, −84.148196529 40.7086310680001, −84.148196529 40.7086310680001, −84.127525454 40.6939221220001, −84.127525454.
    247 41.3409958870001, −88.082958084 41.3733639960001, −88.082958084 41.3733639960001, −88.046036417 41.3409958870001, −88.046036417.
    248 41.4073674850001, −88.187831293 41.4365859010001, −88.187831293 41.4365859010001, −88.107459928 41.4073674850001, −88.107459928.
    249 21.560298554, −158.266932035 21.572360392, −158.266932035 21.572360392, −158.237835914 21.560298554, −158.237835914.
    250 21.6027392400001, −158.033515202 21.6936355750001, −158.033515202 21.6936355750001, −157.95298898 21.6027392400001, −157.95298898.
    251 22.035974347, −159.75916373 22.042080758, −159.75916373 22.042080758, −159.750865139 22.035974347, −159.750865139.
    252 20.0291620130001, −155.834320072 20.0374297880001, −155.834320072 20.0374297880001, −155.823440805 20.0291620130001, −155.823440805.
    253 30.398126636, −88.9508689469999 30.420139346, −88.9508689469999 30.420139346, −88.896527048 30.398126636, −88.896527048.
    254 36.7153178120001, −98.128361282 36.7547185190001, −98.128361282 36.7547185190001, −98.110051089 36.7153178120001, −98.110051089.
    255 60.558793666, −151.257835885 60.560759837, −151.257835885 60.560759837, −151.254274297 60.558793666, −151.254274297.
    256 19.4318712580001, −155.27720251 19.4367646340001, −155.27720251 19.4367646340001, −155.271614951 19.4318712580001, −155.271614951.
    ( print page 1739)
    257 58.638365343, −156.693447262 58.708746999, −156.693447262 58.708746999, −156.459187473 58.638365343, −156.459187473.
    258 42.1444655070001, −121.753628091 42.1707914760001, −121.753628091 42.1707914760001, −121.727677654 42.1444655070001, −121.727677654.
    259 21.4148860290001, −158.014284187 21.4580033840001, −158.014284187 21.4580033840001, −157.991853913 21.4148860290001, −157.991853913.
    260 34.9471711320001, −106.613226109 35.0673284870001, −106.613226109 35.0673284870001, −106.360768374 34.9471711320001, −106.360768374.
    261 57.816486609, −152.341066882 57.826001907, −152.341066882 57.826001907, −152.325036589 57.816486609, −152.325036589.
    262 66.837046801, −162.617184378 66.856648663, −162.617184378 66.856648663, −162.565302627 66.837046801, −162.565302627.
    263 36.900584673, −76.30409839 36.903859448, −76.30409839 36.903859448, −76.300769409 36.900584673, −76.300769409.
    264 39.080371583, −94.283657449 39.111476783, −94.283657449 39.111476783, −94.21198472 39.080371583, −94.21198472.
    265 38.0785775370001, −92.6119067879999 38.0962204240001, −92.6119067879999 38.0962204240001, −92.5989103479999 38.0785775370001, −92.5989103479999.
    266 29.1085864770001, −100.811107299 29.3792559920001, −100.811107299 29.3792559920001, −100.460775759 29.1085864770001, −100.460775759.
    267 39.979501278, −77.766381881 40.061676766, −77.766381881 40.061676766, −77.627738092 39.979501278, −77.627738092.
    268 40.8367062990001, −96.759207222 40.8453505060001, −96.759207222 40.8453505060001, −96.74825231 40.8367062990001, −96.74825231.
    269 68.865164727, −166.153805131 68.877996761, −166.153805131 68.877996761, −166.053355378 68.865164727, −166.053355378.
    270 34.881841514, −92.178033909 34.928710282, −92.178033909 34.928710282, −92.097368909 34.881841514, −92.097368909.
    271 33.7407601990001, −118.234788427 33.7451476500001, −118.234788427 33.7451476500001, −118.232155662 33.7407601990001, −118.232155662.
    272 32.646434739, −94.170119305 32.694891651, −94.170119305 32.694891651, −94.10955796 32.646434739, −94.10955796.
    273 33.916514003, −118.449299679 34.057048416, −118.449299679 34.057048416, −118.378717014 33.916514003, −118.378717014.
    274 33.8581476250001, −118.23660337 33.8593838490001, −118.23660337 33.8593838490001, −118.235035273 33.8581476250001, −118.235035273.
    275 38.173833589, −85.7272245249999 38.181490413, −85.7272245249999 38.181490413, −85.7200947549999 38.173833589, −85.7200947549999.
    276 31.812802193, −85.654704728 31.818371904, −85.654704728 31.818371904, −85.646082241 31.812802193, −85.646082241.
    277 18.439120508, −65.9970120469999 18.446769386, −65.9970120469999 18.446769386, −65.9877331199999 18.439120508, −65.9877331199999.
    278 33.5136616820001, −112.545349748 33.7241408570001, −112.545349748 33.7241408570001, −112.319683167 33.5136616820001, −112.319683167.
    279 27.821277411, −82.537659279 27.869304053, −82.537659279 27.869304053, −82.469154309 27.821277411, −82.469154309.
    280 22.127046405, −159.731450362 22.13630275, −159.731450362 22.13630275, −159.71827724 22.127046405, −159.71827724.
    281 21.5127546910001, −158.239749591 21.5514708600001, −158.239749591 21.5514708600001, −158.173991939 21.5127546910001, −158.173991939
    282 47.4870471620001, −111.21562151 47.5233762890001, −111.21562151 47.5233762890001, −111.152194907 47.4870471620001, −111.152194907.
    283 47.562267374, −122.556511461 47.570404086, −122.556511461 47.570404086, −122.531291341 47.562267374, −122.531291341.
    284 40.8062092000001, −82.5260369709999 40.8156897690001, −82.5260369709999 40.8156897690001, −82.5130393979999 40.8062092000001, −82.5130393979999.
    285 33.855508925, −117.319151995 33.916474896, −117.319151995 33.916474896, −117.239122083 33.855508925, −117.239122083.
    286 34.2011154190001, −116.717969816 34.7339793100001, −116.717969816 34.7339793100001, −115.720717569 34.2011154190001, −115.720717569.
    287 32.280961146, −80.76567248 32.510825803, −80.76567248 32.510825803, −80.65947492 32.280961146, −80.65947492.
    288 34.6814644040001, −77.2763334639999 35.076192102, −77.2763334639999 35.076192102, −76.3302441729999 34.6814644040001, −76.3302441729999.
    289 32.833111095, −117.188623475 32.920651119, −117.188623475 32.920651119, −116.984937219 32.833111095, −116.984937219.
    290 34.558215246, −77.4842054699999 34.746048414, −77.4842054699999 34.746048414, −77.370277147 34.558215246, −77.370277147.
    291 32.622994906, −114.64004722 32.679820865, −114.64004722 32.679820865, −114.578207704 32.622994906, −114.578207704.
    292 34.4950770080001, −77.6073096539999 34.7485511280001, −77.6073096539999 34.7485511280001, −77.177756721 34.4950770080001, −77.177756721.
    ( print page 1740)
    293 33.205532089, −117.596249485 33.503658101, −117.596249485 33.503658101, −117.249972307 33.205532089, −117.249972307.
    294 21.4274913960001, −157.778625985 21.4626192360001, −157.778625985 21.4626192360001, −157.722086618 21.4274913960001, −157.722086618.
    295 21.38026423, −157.914545183 21.392788317, −157.914545183 21.392788317, −157.897882367 21.38026423, −157.897882367.
    296 38.4790113490001, −77.609862936 38.6440896410001, −77.609862936 38.6440896410001, −77.283059322 38.4790113490001, −77.283059322.
    297 31.5437915750001, −84.095978531 31.5617240260001, −84.095978531 31.5617240260001, −84.007643854 31.5437915750001, −84.007643854.
    298 34.8434594240001, −116.97121195 34.8817582680001, −116.97121195 34.8817582680001, −116.909128396 34.8434594240001, −116.909128396.
    299 38.5154624990001, −77.3711151099999 38.5235364690001, −77.3711151099999 38.5235364690001, −77.3589766939999 38.5154624990001, −77.3589766939999.
    300 30.391006078, −81.537656096 30.413437169, −81.537656096 30.413437169, −81.509630857 30.391006078, −81.509630857.
    301 38.828254514, −77.120041471 38.831963061, −77.120041471 38.831963061, −77.114666209 38.828254514, −77.114666209.
    302 39.32514001, −76.4241855929999 39.337202481, −76.4241855929999 39.337202481, −76.4075152099999 39.32514001, −76.4075152099999.
    303 48.1206874690001, −122.17350321 48.1263336970001, −122.17350321 48.1263336970001, −122.168283314 48.1206874690001, −122.168283314.
    304 32.365364879, −86.376531674 32.415623844, −86.376531674 32.415623844, −86.232684034 32.365364879, −86.232684034.
    305 21.3463596610001, −157.732313131 21.3809869910001, −157.732313131 21.3809869910001, −157.706839578 21.3463596610001, −157.706839578.
    306 34.75300134, −96.021930066 34.887500702, −96.021930066 34.887500702, −95.825334438 34.75300134, −95.825334438.
    307 38.6375594030001, −121.429181885 38.6902393680001, −121.429181885 38.6902393680001, −121.382899272 38.6375594030001, −121.382899272.
    308 37.5874487990001, −97.29929204 37.6560529930001, −97.29929204 37.6560529930001, −97.2134855509999 37.5874487990001, −97.2134855509999.
    309 33.90292894, −80.822110255 33.94386779, −80.822110255 33.94386779, −80.780803864 33.90292894, −80.780803864.
    310 35.800297926, −84.013675843 35.822581272, −84.013675843 35.822581272, −83.989979889 35.800297926, −83.989979889.
    311 38.36798888, −81.594851531 38.378026582, −81.594851531 38.378026582, −81.58529054 38.36798888, −81.58529054.
    312 32.7348147280001, −117.209483129 32.7455697900001, −117.209483129 32.7455697900001, −117.184267844 32.7348147280001, −117.184267844.
    313 34.214686409, −103.863834999 34.383336857, −103.863834999 34.383336857, −103.668558352 34.214686409, −103.668558352.
    314 35.021000852, −89.9701571149999 35.030015831, −89.9701571149999 35.030015831, −89.9638125029999 35.021000852, −89.9638125029999.
    315 35.815792593, −88.754286881 35.946160368, −88.754286881 35.946160368, −88.646037805 35.815792593, −88.646037805.
    316 38.015441735, −122.065438909 38.095180461, −122.065438909 38.095180461, −121.969625159 38.015441735, −121.969625159.
    317 33.9560292030001, −78.0749530269999 34.2460740690001, −78.0749530269999 34.2460740690001, −77.9056468759999 33.9560292030001, −77.9056468759999.
    318 44.8853655020001, −93.222511412 44.8980690540001, −93.222511412 44.8980690540001, −93.19773597 44.8853655020001, −93.19773597.
    319 48.3955222490001, −101.391958779 48.4441800980001, −101.391958779 48.4441800980001, −101.29967086 48.3955222490001, −101.29967086.
    320 32.792070847, −117.105638208 32.815502529, −117.105638208 32.815502529, −117.081336656 32.792070847, −117.081336656.
    321 32.302879454, −86.410672153 32.306804183, −86.410672153 32.306804183, −86.3958063469999 32.302879454, −86.3958063469999.
    322 30.935302703, −83.219069939 31.014479318, −83.219069939 31.014479318, −83.1288484929999 30.935302703, −83.1288484929999.
    323 43.0246506180001, −115.895653384 43.0755981900001, −115.895653384 43.0755981900001, −115.836219587 43.0246506180001, −115.836219587.
    324 39.041961471, −85.545884974 39.059126926, −85.545884974 39.059126926, −85.502112731 39.041961471, −85.502112731.
    325 32.8074254250001, −115.698918811 32.8401116740001, −115.698918811 32.8401116740001, −115.646437997 32.8074254250001, −115.646437997.
    326 28.5876565020001, −97.628083873 28.6265345250001, −97.628083873 28.6265345250001, −97.584907879 28.5876565020001, −97.584907879.
    327 71.310648094, −156.674424861 71.344323368, −156.674424861 71.344323368, −156.617754628 71.310648094, −156.617754628.
    328 43.8597372520001, −69.95330606 43.9103207020001, −69.95330606 43.9103207020001, −69.909873769 43.8597372520001, −69.909873769.
    ( print page 1741)
    329 32.743470873, −97.44549275 32.787133199, −97.44549275 32.787133199, −97.413267401 32.743470873, −97.413267401.
    330 30.1941004770001, −81.7076006299999 30.2458023780001, −81.7076006299999 30.2458023780001, −81.6593342339999 30.1941004770001, −81.6593342339999.
    331 40.1857296150001, −75.164926593 40.2167846540001, −75.164926593 40.2167846540001, −75.134209434 40.1857296150001, −75.134209434.
    332 24.5560839770001, −81.722408305 24.5971158050001, −81.722408305 24.5971158050001, −81.653518462 24.5560839770001, −81.653518462.
    333 27.4674233900001, −97.832157771 27.5231989330001, −97.832157771 27.5231989330001, −97.788047634 27.4674233900001, −97.788047634.
    334 36.255073843, −119.977147505 36.386386503, −119.977147505 36.386386503, −119.869576662 36.255073843, −119.869576662.
    335 30.326507308, −87.352445013 30.375924031, −87.352445013 30.375924031, −87.257235015 30.326507308, −87.257235015.
    336 30.683881264, −87.043781272 30.738102029, −87.043781272 30.738102029, −86.997376436 30.683881264, −86.997376436.
    337 36.106696485, −86.67860059 36.114637747, −86.67860059 36.114637747, −86.67190118 36.106696485, −86.67190118.
    338 32.6696509240001, −117.114230685 32.6740385570001, −117.114230685 32.6740385570001, −117.111967973 32.6696509240001, −117.111967973.
    339 38.9746589920001, −76.4937690629999 39.0026084470001, −76.4937690629999 39.0026084470001, −76.4487817289999 38.9746589920001, −76.4487817289999.
    340 27.61946242, −97.4505952709999 27.718208017, −97.4505952709999 27.718208017, −97.2437083949999 27.61946242, −97.2437083949999.
    341 29.8014398060001, −90.0485449769999 29.8575240390001, −90.0485449769999 29.8575240390001, −89.9938950499999 29.8014398060001, −89.9938950499999.
    342 32.499252175, −88.6318691439999 32.602832677, −88.6318691439999 32.602832677, −88.5064742839999 32.499252175, −88.5064742839999.
    343 36.7852781730001, −76.063232016 36.8386906080001, −76.063232016 36.8386906080001, −75.99817255 36.7852781730001, −75.99817255.
    344 36.760031462, −75.9846076869999 36.818318534, −75.9846076869999 36.818318534, −75.9490831369999 36.760031462, −75.9490831369999.
    345 38.2488191400001, −76.46369128 38.3093935480001, −76.46369128 38.3093935480001, −76.373549279 38.2488191400001, −76.373549279.
    346 48.311418739, −122.708096597 48.369700655, −122.708096597 48.369700655, −122.617753395 48.311418739, −122.617753395.
    347 35.2654343400001, −117.8902031 36.2318077000001, −117.8902031 36.2318077000001, −116.9249447 35.2654343400001, −116.9249447.
    348 13.3091094070001, 144.618332428 13.5883222610001, 144.618332428 13.5883222610001, 144.916357575 13.3091094070001, 144.916357575.
    349 47.6909210600001, −122.628044406 47.705184112, −122.628044406 47.705184112, −122.613798201 47.6909210600001, −122.613798201.
    350 47.6767991730001, −122.747424327 47.7726169310001, −122.747424327 47.7726169310001, −122.691878973 47.6767991730001, −122.691878973.
    351 47.5449361660001, −122.671768178 47.5653870590001, −122.671768178 47.5653870590001, −122.623883723 47.5449361660001, −122.623883723.
    352 32.675119312, −117.256218377 32.713082807, −117.256218377 32.713082807, −117.234025189 32.675119312, −117.234025189.
    353 32.6582935910001, −117.135977498 32.6884541840001, −117.135977498 32.6884541840001, −117.112975083 32.6582935910001, −117.112975083.
    354 34.088069982, −119.160456826 34.13946678, −119.160456826 34.13946678, −119.064184636 34.088069982, −119.064184636.
    355 34.142955882, −119.221480878 34.175763756, −119.221480878 34.175763756, −119.195140105 34.142955882, −119.195140105.
    356 55.5394297110001, −131.764707731 55.5429794870001, −131.764707731 55.5429794870001, −131.755720856 55.5394297110001, −131.755720856.
    357 46.3564572000001, −98.3483000209999 46.3745994580001, −98.3483000209999 46.3745994580001, −98.3233449679999 46.3564572000001, −98.3233449679999.
    358 28.581333934, −81.200124825 28.586585157, −81.200124825 28.586585157, −81.194259644 28.581333934, −81.194259644.
    359 18.392254736, −67.185834374 18.405878229, −67.185834374 18.405878229, −67.170701901 18.392254736, −67.170701901.
    360 44.6232594310001, −67.328272859 44.7036300010001, −67.328272859 44.7036300010001, −67.254518602 44.6232594310001, −67.254518602.
    361 38.9186807040001, −77.070549603 38.9241721890001, −77.070549603 38.9241721890001, −77.063519892 38.9186807040001, −77.063519892.
    362 38.8200046750001, −77.027450812 38.8300043240001, −77.027450812 38.8300043240001, −77.017462058 38.8200046750001, −77.017462058.
    363 38.406152209, −77.110740786 38.43740876, −77.110740786 38.43740876, −77.0729468369999 38.406152209, −77.0729468369999.
    364 30.33369265, −89.64817211 30.417826484, −89.64817211 30.417826484, −89.557854425 30.33369265, −89.557854425.
    ( print page 1742)
    365 38.6769074200001, −76.34415482 38.6792870940001, −76.34415482 38.6792870940001, −76.343227801 38.6769074200001, −76.343227801.
    366 42.3047750280001, −87.845909294 42.3249165520001, −87.845909294 42.3249165520001, −87.828493071 42.3047750280001, −87.828493071.
    367 41.503275973, −71.330843392 41.554006671, −71.330843392 41.554006671, −71.30062478 41.503275973, −71.30062478.
    368 36.9170290100001, −76.335615748 36.9640415810001, −76.335615748 36.9640415810001, −76.2618193489999 36.9170290100001, −76.2618193489999.
    369 30.748875362, −81.576797991 30.837030033, −81.576797991 30.837030033, −81.479993971 30.748875362, −81.479993971.
    370 41.3859700670001, −72.09385059 41.4104621860001, −72.09385059 41.4104621860001, −72.07728596 41.3859700670001, −72.07728596.
    371 36.8809746540001, −76.427321462 36.8890977200001, −76.427321462 36.8890977200001, −76.419013745 36.8809746540001, −76.419013745.
    372 38.74493505, −86.905209651 38.919755352, −86.905209651 38.919755352, −86.6788119869999 38.74493505, −86.6788119869999.
    373 30.158883738, −85.760741626 30.188382598, −85.760741626 30.188382598, −85.738993885 30.158883738, −85.738993885.
    374 40.0361710110001, −75.101397768 40.0471374300001, −75.101397768 40.0471374300001, −75.088731354 40.0361710110001, −75.088731354.
    375 38.871230644, −76.9994186819999 38.876356839, −76.9994186819999 38.876356839, −76.9912418639999 38.871230644, −76.9912418639999.
    376 38.9719405210001, −77.203514559 38.9783021020001, −77.203514559 38.9783021020001, −77.180406372 38.9719405210001, −77.180406372.
    377 38.3186054830001, −77.051455995 38.3591595940001, −77.051455995 38.3591595940001, −77.014266139 38.3186054830001, −77.014266139.
    378 38.5619658580001, −77.2103647979999 38.6069805630001, −77.2103647979999 38.6069805630001, −77.1602485849999 38.5619658580001, −77.1602485849999.
    379 47.9738990070001, −116.566365931 47.9810063290001, −116.566365931 47.9810063290001, −116.520622995 47.9738990070001, −116.520622995.
    380 40.2250093260001, −74.214186736 40.2823128210001, −74.214186736 40.2823128210001, −74.101728286 40.2250093260001, −74.101728286.
    381 33.9177546080001, −117.576534598 33.9314446460001, −117.576534598 33.9314446460001, −117.562312486 33.9177546080001, −117.562312486.
    382 37.208022726, −76.633932842 37.273612882, −76.633932842 37.273612882, −76.522493597 37.208022726, −76.522493597.
    383 45.6322259620001, −119.895359741 45.8065550300001, −119.895359741 45.8065550300001, −119.455477367 45.6322259620001, −119.455477367.
    384 32.681825013, −117.229713083 32.715125046, −117.229713083 32.715125046, −117.180755171 32.681825013, −117.180755171.
    385 36.842303428, −76.3151234269999 36.849661128, −76.3151234269999 36.849661128, −76.3024406369999 36.842303428, −76.3024406369999.
    386 35.180398117, −111.749899909 35.195319693, −111.749899909 35.195319693, −111.736545714 35.180398117, −111.736545714.
    387 40.6710820530001, −112.091693872 40.6820119650001, −112.091693872 40.6820119650001, −112.057868517 40.6710820530001, −112.057868517.
    388 37.4104380160001, −122.031548936 37.4153630160001, −122.031548936 37.4153630160001, −122.025261936 37.4104380160001, −122.025261936.
    389 47.966605751, −122.271045712 47.994496312, −122.271045712 47.994496312, −122.21398207 47.966605751, −122.21398207.
    390 30.361267243, −81.4636657189999 30.400329774, −81.4636657189999 30.400329774, −81.392276891 30.361267243, −81.392276891.
    391 38.976796961, −76.4937690629999 38.986732986, −76.4937690629999 38.986732986, −76.4761382759999 38.976796961, −76.4761382759999.
    392 38.9970659050001, −77.097142558 39.0074154440001, −77.097142558 39.0074154440001, −77.083297186 38.9970659050001, −77.083297186.
    393 36.9181778190001, −76.317281615 36.933520845, −76.317281615 36.933520845, −76.2811604669999 36.9181778190001, −76.2811604669999.
    394 40.216016376, −77.001594842 40.239975455, −77.001594842 40.239975455, −76.970791628 40.216016376, −76.970791628.
    395 35.3183642820001, −89.890382347 35.3408744740001, −89.890382347 35.3408744740001, −89.85751768 35.3183642820001, −89.85751768.
    396 36.593508146, −121.878756787 36.600645199, −121.878756787 36.600645199, −121.867184688 36.593508146, −121.867184688.
    397 36.8096651020001, −76.311406446 36.8288368000001, −76.311406446 36.8288368000001, −76.291685476 36.8096651020001, −76.291685476.
    398 32.384281554, −80.685725766 32.394141164, −80.685725766 32.394141164, −80.678089804 32.384281554, −80.678089804.
    399 33.729669684, −118.099622184 33.774096004, −118.099622184 33.774096004, −118.041605831 33.729669684, −118.041605831.
    400 36.5872707780001, −121.866360531 36.5945029280001, −121.866360531 36.5945029280001, −121.851862108 36.5872707780001, −121.851862108.
    ( print page 1743)
    401 36.2034528880001, −115.073249953 36.3992515790001, −115.073249953 36.3992515790001, −114.91920859 36.2034528880001, −114.91920859.
    402 36.4668551030001, −117.094718948 37.9076912670001, −117.094718948 37.9076912670001, −115.3004082 36.4668551030001, −115.3004082.
    403 42.919235051, −71.671337464 42.952654138, −71.671337464 42.952654138, −71.616026331 42.919235051, −71.616026331.
    404 39.6829375310001, −75.600492457 39.6923952360001, −75.600492457 39.6923952360001, −75.593307553 39.6829375310001, −75.593307553.
    405 43.10473267, −70.797901469 43.107704771, −70.797901469 43.107704771, −70.7919169979999 43.10473267, −70.7919169979999.
    406 33.568962911, −86.751872966 33.57308195, −86.751872966 33.57308195, −86.748821474 33.568962911, −86.748821474.
    407 61.599438526, −149.390055835 61.606721914, −149.390055835 61.606721914, −149.35973238 61.599438526, −149.35973238.
    408 36.013579803, −115.202476334 36.020786485, −115.202476334 36.020786485, −115.198858962 36.013579803, −115.198858962.
    409 45.079114062, −93.178546539 45.108075439, −93.178546539 45.108075439, −93.147375066 45.079114062, −93.147375066.
    410 33.7189514350001, −84.361650185 33.7254539750001, −84.361650185 33.7254539750001, −84.356222295 33.7189514350001, −84.356222295.
    411 44.080835533, −70.290540358 44.094617619, −70.290540358 44.094617619, −70.272902712 44.080835533, −70.272902712.
    412 42.546251763, −71.589424731 42.551133712, −71.589424731 42.551133712, −71.5781617369999 42.546251763, −71.5781617369999.
    413 44.8040301450001, −68.8467649249999 44.8172629220001, −68.8467649249999 44.8172629220001, −68.8068680369999 44.8040301450001, −68.8068680369999.
    414 30.354065667, −91.146045237 30.360422127, −91.146045237 30.360422127, −91.1353207689999 30.354065667, −91.1353207689999.
    415 31.4025019330001, −92.335343385 31.4795765740001, −92.335343385 31.4795765740001, −92.245795576 31.4025019330001, −92.245795576.
    416 40.0877668460001, −83.068853255 40.0907737950001, −83.068853255 40.0907737950001, −83.066002311 40.0877668460001, −83.066002311.
    417 44.022196352, −121.133291583 44.029392756, −121.133291583 44.029392756, −121.123271772 44.022196352, −121.123271772.
    418 30.173439579, −97.674627878 30.178958121, −97.674627878 30.178958121, −97.668747043 30.173439579, −97.668747043.
    419 38.5445306760001, −75.0682735199999 38.5510787900001, −75.0682735199999 38.5510787900001, −75.0589773919999 38.5445306760001, −75.0589773919999.
    420 44.1016551610001, −121.17360693 44.3272733540001, −121.17360693 44.3272733540001, −121.058161787 44.1016551610001, −121.058161787.
    421 46.827120683, −100.725445186 46.832772324, −100.725445186 46.832772324, −100.715045706 46.827120683, −100.715045706.
    422 44.392304805, −70.947124474 44.402273905, −70.947124474 44.402273905, −70.928234819 44.392304805, −70.928234819.
    423 47.549068751, −122.684072241 47.556350796, −122.684072241 47.556350796, −122.678571789 47.549068751, −122.678571789.
    424 33.4426391850001, −112.60836981 33.4939449270001, −112.60836981 33.4939449270001, −112.590831261 33.4426391850001, −112.590831261.
    425 41.788965498, −80.0518139389999 41.798009108, −80.0518139389999 41.798009108, −80.0425795319999 41.788965498, −80.0425795319999.
    426 44.708559069, −123.281143191 44.72023512, −123.281143191 44.72023512, −123.259641857 44.708559069, −123.259641857.
    427 41.056686573, −96.34425821 41.096850084, −96.34425821 41.096850084, −96.326681639 41.056686573, −96.326681639.
    428 39.2163393430001, −86.1037530039999 39.3929446850001, −86.1037530039999 39.3929446850001, −85.9785740709999 39.2163393430001, −85.9785740709999.
    429 31.3661086110001, −92.4083963209999 31.3916242780001, −92.4083963209999 31.3916242780001, −92.3608840609999 31.3661086110001, −92.3608840609999.
    430 31.6146126890001, −98.960277256 31.6667772080001, −98.960277256 31.6667772080001, −98.901021764 31.6146126890001, −98.901021764.
    431 41.607753723, −71.505549174 41.623638419, −71.505549174 41.623638419, −71.491180453 41.607753723, −71.491180453.
    432 47.6525289910001, −98.9417105379999 48.0636008830001, −98.9417105379999 48.0636008830001, −98.6003789309999 47.6525289910001, −98.6003789309999.
    433 35.5952678190001, −95.22118754 35.7838291280001, −95.22118754 35.7838291280001, −95.126697455 35.5952678190001, −95.126697455.
    434 41.9394829350001, −72.670901858 41.9441994120001, −72.670901858 41.9441994120001, −72.661211157 41.9394829350001, −72.661211157.
    435 34.8124732220001, −92.3897548209999 34.9614877180001, −92.3897548209999 34.9614877180001, −92.2396274969999 34.8124732220001, −92.2396274969999.
    436 30.3094558060001, −97.768694553 30.3273409100001, −97.768694553 30.3273409100001, −97.756391927 30.3094558060001, −97.756391927.
    ( print page 1744)
    437 33.774194279, −95.606477742 33.832753059, −95.606477742 33.832753059, −95.526066382 33.774194279, −95.526066382.
    438 32.5353248810001, −93.475517374 32.5878534930001, −93.475517374 32.5878534930001, −93.320012082 32.5353248810001, −93.320012082.
    439 41.328015147, −72.192567648 41.334274179, −72.192567648 41.334274179, −72.18300523 41.328015147, −72.18300523.
    440 43.2872218000001, −116.090973157 43.3084647600001, −116.090973157 43.3084647600001, −116.006279152 43.2872218000001, −116.006279152.
    441 41.5296110640001, −83.029247488 41.5564763520001, −83.029247488 41.5564763520001, −83.011583492 41.5296110640001, −83.011583492.
    442 44.0771040870001, −103.272190023 44.0820854380001, −103.272190023 44.0820854380001, −103.262202287 44.0771040870001, −103.262202287.
    443 41.1628317710001, −81.1929117339999 41.2310363250001, −81.1929117339999 41.2310363250001, −80.97584481 41.1628317710001, −80.97584481.
    444 46.07222877, −94.558733336 46.331943757, −94.558733336 46.331943757, −94.325692646 46.07222877, −94.325692646.
    445 39.34839557, −82.9650961519999 39.360752962, −82.9650961519999 39.360752962, −82.9383779209999 39.34839557, −82.9383779209999.
    446 41.29766305, −73.975066263 41.324571403, −73.975066263 41.324571403, −73.930650098 41.29766305, −73.930650098.
    447 30.2132250780001, −97.335768978 30.310193057, −97.335768978 30.310193057, −97.247469425 30.2132250780001, −97.247469425.
    448 30.310456754, −89.821504134 30.336315048, −89.821504134 30.336315048, −89.7963621059999 30.310456754, −89.7963621059999.
    449 43.922486604, −90.276809935 43.932735952, −90.276809935 43.932735952, −90.261339487 43.922486604, −90.261339487.
    450 45.4105970370001, −122.564234834 45.4146313790001, −122.564234834 45.4146313790001, −122.546020519 45.4105970370001, −122.546020519.
    451 30.192979226, −91.136406361 30.209958464, −91.136406361 30.209958464, −91.120742129 30.192979226, −91.120742129.
    452 33.671756665, −86.017370951 33.757794604, −86.017370951 33.757794604, −85.882188551 33.671756665, −85.882188551.
    453 40.2117159210001, −75.432393416 40.2164501770001, −75.432393416 40.2164501770001, −75.42374491 40.2117159210001, −75.42374491.
    454 33.6765084310001, −89.7534024129999 33.7542460250001, −89.7534024129999 33.7542460250001, −89.6202355929999 33.6765084310001, −89.6202355929999.
    455 39.378532207, −79.708317675 39.454188743, −79.708317675 39.454188743, −79.639802717 39.378532207, −79.639802717.
    456 42.27527302, −85.3763242809999 42.336654723, −85.3763242809999 42.336654723, −85.2764495459999 42.27527302, −85.2764495459999.
    457 34.222785926, −84.1147041419999 34.225953578, −84.1147041419999 34.225953578, −84.1115279319999 34.222785926, −84.1115279319999.
    458 46.8328736340001, −92.1598417499999 46.8345283600001, −92.1598417499999 46.8345283600001, −92.1578269679999 46.8328736340001, −92.1578269679999.
    459 43.14072293, −115.657766227 43.147995984, −115.657766227 43.147995984, −115.647820427 43.14072293, −115.647820427.
    460 38.949813614, −79.985745343 38.958420468, −79.985745343 38.958420468, −79.972014372 38.949813614, −79.972014372.
    461 31.3824479420001, −92.317091139 31.4098514070001, −92.317091139 31.4098514070001, −92.279692875 31.3824479420001, −92.279692875.
    462 44.4989956200001, −73.174626073 44.5216654230001, −73.174626073 44.5216654230001, −73.151341101 44.4989956200001, −73.151341101.
    463 33.05649478, −111.387806148 33.118281303, −111.387806148 33.118281303, −111.318954206 33.05649478, −111.318954206.
    464 36.276929619, −115.061711815 36.307014017, −115.061711815 36.307014017, −115.024997297 36.276929619, −115.024997297.
    465 36.9652916110001, −78.019676053 37.1220791840001, −78.019676053 37.1220791840001, −77.838557255 36.9652916110001, −77.838557255.
    466 35.177556168, −94.342568303 35.36254474, −94.342568303 35.36254474, −94.026321036 35.177556168, −94.026321036.
    467 40.3805917540001, −76.740923494 40.4828843550001, −76.740923494 40.4828843550001, −76.526125382 40.3805917540001, −76.526125382.
    468 33.7233962760001, −85.799971241 33.7412047100001, −85.799971241 33.7412047100001, −85.77787227 33.7233962760001, −85.77787227.
    469 32.8348369830001, −98.0657312119999 32.8906953370001, −98.0657312119999 32.8906953370001, −97.9964332349999 32.8348369830001, −97.9964332349999.
    470 32.775847904, −97.4626718379999 32.781682325, −97.4626718379999 32.781682325, −97.4528046649999 32.775847904, −97.4528046649999.
    471 38.1716157600001, −84.921448944 38.1966283680001, −84.921448944 38.1966283680001, −84.894209462 38.1716157600001, −84.894209462.
    472 18.002735849, −66.5139236319999 18.025884249, −66.5139236319999 18.025884249, −66.4942110159999 18.002735849, −66.4942110159999.
    ( print page 1745)
    473 21.2573388270001, −157.811868495 21.2696069680001, −157.811868495 21.2696069680001, −157.793708924 21.2573388270001, −157.793708924.
    474 33.910428789, −84.5361533929999 33.916196229, −84.5361533929999 33.916196229, −84.522565546 33.910428789, −84.522565546.
    475 40.959663633, −98.301445179 40.964149849, −98.301445179 40.964149849, −98.296290336 40.959663633, −98.296290336.
    476 40.515397589, −98.298239402 40.567785704, −98.298239402 40.567785704, −98.259993615 40.515397589, −98.259993615.
    477 13.471680227, 144.807392696 13.476445623, 144.807392696 13.476445623, 144.812949999 13.471680227, 144.812949999.
    478 30.4045289490001, −89.065284316 30.4205257120001, −89.065284316 30.4205257120001, −89.059168989 30.4045289490001, −89.059168989.
    479 30.520223183, −90.417497467 30.526889408, −90.417497467 30.526889408, −90.406882911 30.520223183, −90.406882911.
    480 39.528072455, −76.1100913129999 39.536739552, −76.1100913129999 39.536739552, −76.0982416589999 39.528072455, −76.0982416589999.
    481 46.6059564510001, −111.975646726 46.6106942060001, −111.975646726 46.6106942060001, −111.967693583 46.6059564510001, −111.967693583.
    482 40.4376721520001, −78.4170869339999 40.4407479890001, −78.4170869339999 40.4407479890001, −78.4124497679999 40.4376721520001, −78.4124497679999.
    483 43.659487912, −70.674869746 43.67992728, −70.674869746 43.67992728, −70.654823081 43.659487912, −70.654823081.
    484 39.7424976190001, −86.230956444 39.7462615480001, −86.230956444 39.7462615480001, −86.225390797 39.7424976190001, −86.225390797.
    485 35.3048305680001, −120.756679866 35.3717978880001, −120.756679866 35.3717978880001, −120.664040578 35.3048305680001, −120.664040578.
    486 35.594877598, −88.916399526 35.601416549, −88.916399526 35.601416549, −88.909521524 35.594877598, −88.909521524.
    487 29.9497813040001, −90.0120117979999 29.9740232620001, −90.0120117979999 29.9740232620001, −89.9987827089999 29.9497813040001, −89.9987827089999.
    488 38.8833909860001, −81.8464996549999 38.905765642, −81.8464996549999 38.905765642, −81.8170444439999 38.8833909860001, −81.8170444439999.
    489 39.01630591, −95.6872730109999 39.022374526, −95.6872730109999 39.022374526, −95.6797306829999 39.01630591, −95.6797306829999.
    490 36.4178126140001, −82.493381518 36.4246402130001, −82.493381518 36.4246402130001, −82.484291574 36.4178126140001, −82.484291574.
    491 21.3142785630001, −158.069986235 21.3240454770001, −158.069986235 21.3240454770001, −158.056465611 21.3142785630001, −158.056465611.
    492 39.764279425, −85.527190456 39.778947386, −85.527190456 39.778947386, −85.508361982 39.764279425, −85.508361982.
    493 44.0647301270001, −122.982252253 44.0670417360001, −122.982252253 44.0670417360001, −122.973786312 44.0647301270001, −122.973786312.
    494 42.766389845, −84.576207556 42.769800145, −84.576207556 42.769800145, −84.567413358 42.766389845, −84.567413358.
    495 32.270748628, −106.939138534 32.280280019, −106.939138534 32.280280019, −106.930519974 32.270748628, −106.930519974.
    496 40.2658142980001, −74.748095306 40.2734112650001, −74.748095306 40.2734112650001, −74.740257715 40.2658142980001, −74.740257715.
    497 35.0150424290001, −97.239011654 35.0295356340001, −97.239011654 35.0295356340001, −97.223711786 35.0150424290001, −97.223711786.
    498 40.8356006820001, −96.758767006 40.8404020610001, −96.758767006 40.8404020610001, −96.749174181 40.8356006820001, −96.749174181.
    499 33.7812372280001, −118.067627933 33.8016134000001, −118.067627933 33.8016134000001, −118.032767969 33.7812372280001, −118.032767969.
    500 32.8597198360001, −83.6073436619999 32.8630748340001, −83.6073436619999 32.8630748340001, −83.6039690959999 32.8597198360001, −83.6039690959999.
    501 39.636663701, −92.534704178 39.721017576, −92.534704178 39.721017576, −92.464676968 39.636663701, −92.464676968.
    502 41.267041534, −88.7046910729999 41.305913573, −88.7046910729999 41.305913573, −88.6608137729999 41.267041534, −88.6608137729999.
    503 29.426494618, −98.3843199139999 29.437625079, −98.3843199139999 29.437625079, −98.3746227379999 29.426494618, −98.3746227379999.
    504 39.6487077620001, −81.847046613 39.6734994180001, −81.847046613 39.6734994180001, −81.831592537 39.6487077620001, −81.831592537.
    505 44.9048285740001, −123.003047071 44.9170262920001, −123.003047071 44.9170262920001, −122.995194144 44.9048285740001, −122.995194144.
    506 41.1829986970001, −96.49160163 41.2049128990001, −96.49160163 41.2049128990001, −96.425755553 41.1829986970001, −96.425755553.
    507 43.7601885300001, −98.047917175 43.7638707560001, −98.047917175 43.7638707560001, −98.039102093 43.7601885300001, −98.039102093.
    508 32.4031817050001, −86.263631114 32.4082452810001, −86.263631114 32.4082452810001, −86.2557011 32.4031817050001, −86.2557011.
    ( print page 1746)
    509 36.1649285010001, −78.833628877 36.2232305700001, −78.833628877 36.2232305700001, −78.75963967 36.1649285010001, −78.75963967.
    510 37.81235573, −94.3097107569999 37.828354979, −94.3097107569999 37.828354979, −94.2731087829999 37.81235573, −94.2731087829999.
    511 36.7579974450001, −94.387727354 36.8328900980001, −94.387727354 36.8328900980001, −94.326852463 36.7579974450001, −94.326852463.
    512 42.5267790020001, −71.08203514 42.5603767370001, −71.08203514 42.5603767370001, −71.063291358 42.5267790020001, −71.063291358.
    513 39.4912259380001, −76.8607346809999 39.5046787930001, −76.8607346809999 39.5046787930001, −76.8318924949999 39.4912259380001, −76.8318924949999.
    514 46.1080148720001, −123.964495138 46.1501140200001, −123.964495138 46.1501140200001, −123.92502133 46.1080148720001, −123.92502133.
    515 17.9872158480001, −66.333706182 18.0695436220001, −66.333706182 18.0695436220001, −66.240579825 17.9872158480001, −66.240579825.
    516 33.780577163, −82.2952040439999 33.807394959, −82.2952040439999 33.807394959, −82.26292394 33.780577163, −82.26292394.
    517 46.6005921770001, −112.190250013 46.6592451280001, −112.190250013 46.6592451280001, −112.094472322 46.6005921770001, −112.094472322.
    518 39.423596381, −76.51081268 39.439023401, −76.51081268 39.439023401, −76.496156333 39.423596381, −76.496156333.
    519 46.220510372, −111.635118944 46.337394743, −111.635118944 46.337394743, −111.504109039 46.220510372, −111.504109039.
    520 42.1437413450001, −104.948278987 42.4788211760001, −104.948278987 42.4788211760001, −104.703889369 42.1437413450001, −104.703889369.
    521 35.656031539, −95.375341077 35.664828514, −95.375341077 35.664828514, −95.369972431 35.656031539, −95.369972431.
    522 36.0958233040001, −86.7615681459999 36.1023428190001, −86.7615681459999 36.1023428190001, −86.7562354 36.0958233040001, −86.7562354.
    523 40.9786701780001, −80.325759923 40.9800945050001, −80.325759923 40.9800945050001, −80.323839076 40.9786701780001, −80.323839076.
    524 35.2622862810001, −97.4851407689999 35.2681205800001, −97.4851407689999 35.2681205800001, −97.4768490759999 35.2622862810001, −97.4768490759999.
    525 33.6157453390001, −84.3128273029999 33.6193347170001, −84.3128273029999 33.6193347170001, −84.3074772369999 33.6157453390001, −84.3074772369999.
    526 33.4618850200001, −111.969623276 33.4727567890001, −111.969623276 33.4727567890001, −111.952212294 33.4618850200001, −111.952212294.
    527 32.6578846960001, −111.495190228 32.6688813430001, −111.495190228 32.6688813430001, −111.481955968 32.6578846960001, −111.481955968.
    528 35.804791455, −78.715406802 35.81355058, −78.715406802 35.81355058, −78.707216709 35.804791455, −78.707216709.
    529 39.8002476090001, −82.9570252779999 39.8098625370001, −82.9570252779999 39.8098625370001, −82.94567622 39.8002476090001, −82.94567622.
    530 35.3683435470001, −106.65493619 35.3777845520001, −106.65493619 35.3777845520001, −106.648878128 35.3683435470001, −106.648878128.
    531 39.627394171, −75.6147487649999 39.639382105, −75.6147487649999 39.639382105, −75.6006753489999 39.627394171, −75.6006753489999.
    532 43.9963073710001, −92.433533997 43.9977499120001, −92.433533997 43.9977499120001, −92.428949024 43.9963073710001, −92.428949024.
    533 44.7463851480001, −93.12881708 44.7488195410001, −93.12881708 44.7488195410001, −93.125978095 44.7463851480001, −93.125978095.
    534 32.284284584, −86.3990584479999 32.295043619, −86.3990584479999 32.295043619, −86.392323549 32.284284584, −86.392323549.
    535 32.847954014, −97.3530685539999 32.861579522, −97.3530685539999 32.861579522, −97.3432426939999 32.847954014, −97.3432426939999.
    536 37.030464438, −113.549169301 37.037578732, −113.549169301 37.037578732, −113.544639 37.030464438, −113.544639.
    537 38.7817203050001, −97.642976177 38.7897490390001, −97.642976177 38.7897490390001, −97.633242512 38.7817203050001, −97.633242512.
    538 37.49085725, −77.3171608389999 37.498350787, −77.3171608389999 37.498350787, −77.3077128829999 37.49085725, −77.3077128829999.
    539 35.5622835610001, −106.10286838 35.5754168170001, −106.10286838 35.5754168170001, −106.071788538 35.5622835610001, −106.071788538.
    540 40.1177429000001, −74.044914025 40.1299027480001, −74.044914025 40.1299027480001, −74.030081087 40.1177429000001, −74.030081087.
    541 39.576923987, −85.816200007 39.580378098, −85.816200007 39.580378098, −85.807738311 39.576923987, −85.807738311.
    542 32.519546491, −111.340100133 32.527987523, −111.340100133 32.527987523, −111.325196238 32.519546491, −111.325196238.
    543 43.5730602740001, −96.6930749859999 43.5983048400001, −96.6930749859999 43.5983048400001, −96.6759672029999 43.5730602740001, −96.6759672029999.
    544 25.9569713660001, −80.31070355 25.9681289730001, −80.31070355 25.9681289730001, −80.298558922 25.9569713660001, −80.298558922.
    ( print page 1747)
    545 38.131120233, −89.745599204 38.190313565, −89.745599204 38.190313565, −89.703313722 38.131120233, −89.703313722.
    546 40.1880831510001, −75.561069736 40.1918052850001, −75.561069736 40.1918052850001, −75.552580986 40.1880831510001, −75.552580986.
    547 39.8160693520001, −89.673473292 39.8306927080001, −89.673473292 39.8306927080001, −89.664369884 39.8160693520001, −89.664369884.
    548 37.2490490960001, −93.395772062 37.2571610570001, −93.395772062 37.2571610570001, −93.384982394 37.2490490960001, −93.384982394.
    549 45.5372774640001, −94.060060866 45.5419761270001, −94.060060866 45.5419761270001, −94.051145099 45.5372774640001, −94.051145099.
    550 45.5645070200001, −94.179496597 45.5652420030001, −94.179496597 45.5652420030001, −94.175345802 45.5645070200001, −94.175345802.
    551 36.8110053980001, −75.9894743689999 36.8227442360001, −75.9894743689999 36.8227442360001, −75.9659250589999 36.8110053980001, −75.9659250589999.
    552 41.3451753470001, −72.293373883 41.3813569730001, −72.293373883 41.3813569730001, −72.253317667 41.3451753470001, −72.253317667.
    553 36.285694226, −95.309758124 36.300130892, −95.309758124 36.300130892, −95.278470963 36.285694226, −95.278470963.
    554 43.2708696780001, −71.1288204539999 43.2848092560001, −71.1288204539999 43.2848092560001, −71.1155219099999 43.2708696780001, −71.1155219099999.
    555 44.4965394450001, −73.168838485 44.5034995140001, −73.168838485 44.5034995140001, −73.160140825 44.4965394450001, −73.160140825.
    556 44.442952367, −72.960320316 44.500157333, −72.960320316 44.500157333, −72.836710736 44.442952367, −72.836710736.
    557 38.546453582, −92.080098162 38.556080633, −92.080098162 38.556080633, −92.055385571 38.546453582, −92.055385571.
    558 19.696784098, −155.052848025 19.715068265, −155.052848025 19.715068265, −155.023635733 19.696784098, −155.023635733.
    559 36.8796769900001, −90.310798339 36.9046015270001, −90.310798339 36.9046015270001, −90.255783907 36.8796769900001, −90.255783907.
    560 39.441791832, −79.6837218599999 39.464465755, −79.6837218599999 39.464465755, −79.6475069149999 39.441791832, −79.6475069149999.
    561 34.9067538520001, −85.070727678 34.9506642170001, −85.070727678 34.9506642170001, −85.045031881 34.9067538520001, −85.045031881.
    562 35.814732012, −88.7542933719999 35.923989023, −88.7542933719999 35.923989023, −88.6437411839999 35.814732012, −88.6437411839999.
    563 36.006276454, −86.516501852 36.027518046, −86.516501852 36.027518046, −86.492335009 36.006276454, −86.492335009.
    564 44.067527784, −103.325214534 44.0784787400001, −103.325214534 44.0784787400001, −103.287313773 44.067527784, −103.287313773.
    565 43.0833898060001, −72.4562338169999 43.0889316040001, −72.4562338169999 43.0889316040001, −72.4474520169999 43.0833898060001, −72.4474520169999.
    566 37.2459669690001, −87.264708566 37.3155568590001, −87.264708566 37.3155568590001, −87.143105234 37.2459669690001, −87.143105234.
    567 39.3487643610001, −81.448406511 39.3590411380001, −81.448406511 39.3590411380001, −81.437125672 39.3487643610001, −81.437125672.
    568 43.230983715, −78.987693814 43.244098627, −78.987693814 43.244098627, −78.957641634 43.230983715, −78.957641634.
    569 38.414110285, −90.4008158519999 38.51933631, −90.4008158519999 38.51933631, −89.8873624389999 38.414110285, −89.8873624389999.
    570 43.1058774480001, −78.9722862359999 43.1213964380001, −78.9722862359999 43.1213964380001, −78.9269798539999 43.1058774480001, −78.9269798539999.
    571 38.8465829040001, −76.9406129989999 38.8511023340001, −76.9406129989999 38.8511023340001, −76.9338436309999 38.8465829040001, −76.9338436309999.
    572 36.799812242, −76.299262352 36.806581273, −76.299262352 36.806581273, −76.291663588 36.799812242, −76.291663588.
    573 36.824516203, −76.2911109619999 36.82654125, −76.2911109619999 36.82654125, −76.2870895149999 36.824516203, −76.2870895149999.
    574 31.0389879680001, −87.076766692 31.0572498550001, −87.076766692 31.0572498550001, −87.053283792 31.0389879680001, −87.053283792.
    575 30.486569113, −86.966743959 30.523283452, −86.966743959 30.523283452, −86.940434633 30.486569113, −86.940434633.
    576 31.4033835660001, −87.057347927 31.4251772980001, −87.057347927 31.4251772980001, −87.022039826 31.4033835660001, −87.022039826.
    577 30.417555556, −86.9026103099999 30.432862018, −86.9026103099999 30.432862018, −86.8837180249999 30.417555556, −86.8837180249999.
    578 30.599791442, −86.950876547 30.619098213, −86.950876547 30.619098213, −86.9265002429999 30.599791442, −86.9265002429999.
    579 30.5546267450001, −87.8164634139999 30.5687059560001, −87.8164634139999 30.5687059560001, −87.8015463849999 30.5546267450001, −87.8015463849999.
    580 30.617963515, −87.148395847 30.632703528, −87.148395847 30.632703528, −87.131141293 30.617963515, −87.131141293.
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    581 30.499075884, −87.6626447849999 30.520323757, −87.6626447849999 30.520323757, −87.6311911829999 30.499075884, −87.6311911829999.
    582 30.338386572, −87.5495986079999 30.351971261, −87.5495986079999 30.351971261, −87.5332728869999 30.338386572, −87.5332728869999.
    583 35.3381397860001, −89.875828209 35.3503400000001, −89.875828209 35.3503400000001, −89.848676466 35.3381397860001, −89.848676466.
    584 36.535830635, −76.292027831 36.580439287, −76.292027831 36.580439287, −76.243039727 36.535830635, −76.243039727.
    585 33.891359251, −118.072946629 33.894991619, −118.072946629 33.894991619, −118.067394654 33.891359251, −118.067394654.
    586 38.3285014350001, −76.4841629759999 38.3442330700001, −76.4841629759999 38.3442330700001, −76.4639193759999 38.3285014350001, −76.4639193759999.
    587 43.077684909, −73.823802707 43.082196982, −73.823802707 43.082196982, −73.818216923 43.077684909, −73.818216923.
    588 18.4266523270001, −66.188700669 18.4276186450001, −66.188700669 18.4276186450001, −66.187788338 18.4266523270001, −66.187788338.
    589 35.086256399, −90.1438097929999 35.090263498, −90.1438097929999 35.090263498, −90.138466962 35.086256399, −90.138466962.
    590 42.4740966470001, −71.292022302 42.4801271500001, −71.292022302 42.4801271500001, −71.286586841 42.4740966470001, −71.286586841.
    591 41.0982621430001, −95.9280611469999 41.1364452900001, −95.9280611469999 41.1364452900001, −95.8780365989999 41.0982621430001, −95.8780365989999.
    592 32.7452306660001, −117.200217282 32.7528565660001, −117.200217282 32.7528565660001, −117.192605845 32.7452306660001, −117.192605845.
    593 32.783231948, −88.8532491779999 32.814254912, −88.8532491779999 32.814254912, −88.8124127399999 32.783231948, −88.8124127399999.
    594 30.37231968, −87.429057305 30.394059181, −87.429057305 30.394059181, −87.396697185 30.37231968, −87.396697185.
    595 48.1708872200001, −122.648186576 48.2120255960001, −122.648186576 48.2120255960001, −122.615173447 48.1708872200001, −122.615173447.
    596 30.338350216, −81.889129182 30.377897748, −81.889129182 30.377897748, −81.84492402 30.338350216, −81.84492402.
    597 70.488162834, −149.926235024 70.509905742, −149.926235024 70.509905742, −149.855544128 70.488162834, −149.855544128.
    598 43.098523582, −116.31428757 43.37173967, −116.31428757 43.37173967, −115.957075202 43.098523582, −115.957075202.
    599 38.0231563570001, −122.170412652 38.0284346090001, −122.170412652 38.0284346090001, −122.162692799 38.0231563570001, −122.162692799.
    600 21.979075729, −159.787895529 22.073530219, −159.787895529 22.073530219, −159.750843749 21.979075729, −159.750843749.
    601 37.709457716, −121.91515472 37.747451286, −121.91515472 37.747451286, −121.871676143 37.709457716, −121.871676143.
    602 28.2124892410001, −80.6189925959999 28.2719774110001, −80.6189925959999 28.2719774110001, −80.5967212699999 28.2124892410001, −80.5967212699999.
    603 21.3812730710001, −157.972837384 21.3857579590001, −157.972837384 21.3857579590001, −157.969830103 21.3812730710001, −157.969830103.
    604 43.0830098340001, −70.8265315799999 43.095680228, −70.8265315799999 43.095680228, −70.8118178159999 43.0830098340001, −70.8118178159999.
    605 38.8665872170001, −77.06187689 38.8804333410001, −77.06187689 38.8804333410001, −77.0457741439999 38.8665872170001, −77.0457741439999.
    606 38.805877954, −104.720171001 38.838836254, −104.720171001 38.838836254, −104.673427575 38.805877954, −104.673427575.
    607 40.9140682660001, −74.590780383 40.9956152640001, −74.590780383 40.9956152640001, −74.494014259 40.9140682660001, −74.494014259.
    608 18.26752057, −65.759072139 18.26922761, −65.759072139 18.26922761, −65.757502273 18.26752057, −65.757502273.
    609 37.495160689, −122.500638613 37.504255663, −122.500638613 37.504255663, −122.494186302 37.495160689, −122.494186302.
    610 34.2702027120001, −92.13996888 34.3785932240001, −92.13996888 34.3785932240001, −92.033468658 34.2702027120001, −92.033468658.
    611 18.2467234310001, −65.600381523 18.2570859030001, −65.600381523 18.2570859030001, −65.5822592889999 18.2467234310001, −65.5822592889999.
    612 37.339590329, −104.173059108 37.644554428, −104.173059108 37.644554428, −103.576450075 37.339590329, −103.576450075.
    613 40.489967456, −80.215160815 40.497923194, −80.215160815 40.497923194, −80.205677052 40.489967456, −80.205677052.
    614 40.4899753650001, −80.215361211 40.4979311050001, −80.215361211 40.4979311050001, −80.205680084 40.4899753650001, −80.205680084.
    615 19.580002141, −155.753584385 19.935340889, −155.753584385 19.935340889, −155.482149063 19.580002141, −155.482149063.
    616 33.737668318, −80.5168304859999 33.849728431, −80.5168304859999 33.849728431, −80.4450008049999 33.737668318, −80.4450008049999.
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    617 38.887515787, −123.552272552 38.895551718, −123.552272552 38.895551718, −123.538718114 38.887515787, −123.538718114.
    618 71.323665191, −156.649567453 71.336534761, −156.649567453 71.336534761, −156.601540334 71.323665191, −156.601540334.
    619 45.57436111, −122.604832246 45.583315392, −122.604832246 45.583315392, −122.585382407 45.57436111, −122.585382407.
    620 42.9087822710001, −71.4221747879999 43.0870732990001, −71.4221747879999 43.0870732990001, −70.722436956 42.9087822710001, −70.722436956.
    621 36.594597106, −121.926941695 36.608467628, −121.926941695 36.608467628, −121.894607972 36.594597106, −121.894607972.
    622 38.263930139, −104.386297178 38.360999196, −104.386297178 38.360999196, −104.275724057 38.263930139, −104.275724057.
    623 38.290060253, −77.0671300829999 38.31683736, −77.0671300829999 38.31683736, −77.0170631189999 38.290060253, −77.0170631189999.
    624 21.3139823400001, −157.992793478 21.3226045200001, −157.992793478 21.3226045200001, −157.982066252 21.3139823400001, −157.982066252.
    625 41.5907533440001, −71.42348666 41.6007626130001, −71.42348666 41.6007626130001, −71.41187911 41.5907533440001, −71.41187911.
    626 37.163382287, −80.5791188709999 37.207412609, −80.5791188709999 37.207412609, −80.5101282629999 37.163382287, −80.5101282629999.
    627 18.5087916470001, −67.099861576 18.5101598370001, −67.099861576 18.5101598370001, −67.098621282 18.5087916470001, −67.098621282.
    628 33.397278645, −94.4116859869999 33.464838472, −94.4116859869999 33.464838472, −94.3047919909999 33.397278645, −94.3047919909999.
    629 44.9551877580001, −70.513638005 45.0169721250001, −70.513638005 45.0169721250001, −70.379987151 44.9551877580001, −70.379987151.
    630 34.550284843, −86.7237782349999 34.710900354, −86.7237782349999 34.710900354, −86.5815630549999 34.550284843, −86.5815630549999.
    631 39.4978523080001, −119.778804811 39.5024544730001, −119.778804811 39.5024544730001, −119.771926612 39.4978523080001, −119.771926612.
    632 39.806889794, −82.949783742 39.819444408, −82.949783742 39.819444408, −82.937417355 39.806889794, −82.937417355.
    633 38.1508457090001, −78.418005901 38.1586875990001, −78.418005901 38.1586875990001, −78.409329548 38.1508457090001, −78.409329548.
    634 37.7110124880001, −120.921809782 37.7227924600001, −120.921809782 37.7227924600001, −120.9168393 37.7110124880001, −120.9168393.
    635 32.5734846130001, −83.613041736 32.6644753900001, −83.613041736 32.6644753900001, −83.555394419 32.5734846130001, −83.555394419.
    636 41.5101975790001, −90.566624136 41.5236820390001, −90.566624136 41.5236820390001, −90.515679261 41.5101975790001, −90.515679261.
    637 39.816797712, −104.880637268 39.895272909, −104.880637268 39.895272909, −104.796958344 39.816797712, −104.796958344.
    638 61.756264087, −166.062507434 61.799913075, −166.062507434 61.799913075, −165.913701567 61.756264087, −165.913701567.
    639 43.2183336890001, −75.415282906 43.2263537340001, −75.415282906 43.2263537340001, −75.407014028 43.2183336890001, −75.407014028.
    640 39.762626991, −94.904952104 39.769793541, −94.904952104 39.769793541, −94.897835881 39.762626991, −94.897835881.
    641 31.3342942350001, −86.0977289259999 31.3453725330001, −86.0977289259999 31.3453725330001, −86.085558079 31.3342942350001, −86.085558079.
    642 40.7838318330001, −111.959489583 40.7949147800001, −111.959489583 40.7949147800001, −111.953751907 40.7838318330001, −111.953751907.
    643 32.8003673640001, −118.606292107 33.0377362220001, −118.606292107 33.0377362220001, −118.348994062 32.8003673640001, −118.348994062.
    644 33.2121599560001, −119.582134532 33.29062044, −119.582134532 33.29062044, −119.418213784 33.2121599560001, −119.418213784.
    645 33.7662733170001, −118.309268541 33.7813000720001, −118.309268541 33.7813000720001, −118.293960351 33.7662733170001, −118.293960351.
    646 33.991029047, −119.635878529 33.997444378, −119.635878529 33.997444378, −119.625797527 33.991029047, −119.625797527.
    647 30.458179069, −87.351595059 30.481667064, −87.351595059 30.481667064, −87.33104122 30.458179069, −87.33104122.
    648 42.1757726720001, −90.4077834729999 42.284196191, −90.4077834729999 42.284196191, −90.2282601739999 42.1757726720001, −90.2282601739999.
    649 32.119801635, −81.1976294959999 32.13505162, −81.1976294959999 32.13505162, −81.1837630719999 32.119801635, −81.1837630719999.
    650 42.5925001000001, −115.678838723 42.8511848830001, −115.678838723 42.8511848830001, −115.453730372 42.5925001000001, −115.453730372.
    651 42.8436851000001, −73.932567765 42.8583933770001, −73.932567765 42.8583933770001, −73.917508999 42.8436851000001, −73.917508999.
    652 38.7843530810001, −104.551986183 38.8241032480001, −104.551986183 38.8241032480001, −104.48867271 38.7843530810001, −104.48867271.
    ( print page 1750)
    653 38.524439918, −89.882877352 38.558372905, −89.882877352 38.558372905, −89.822791153 38.524439918, −89.822791153.
    654 41.402655098, −75.6679100109999 41.405858099, −75.6679100109999 41.405858099, −75.6641420559999 41.402655098, −75.6641420559999.
    655 36.9172616480001, −76.320386974 36.9234795100001, −76.320386974 36.9234795100001, −76.310890414 36.9172616480001, −76.310890414.
    656 48.26740571, −122.645903557 48.3084303770001, −122.645903557 48.3084303770001, −122.555529232 48.26740571, −122.555529232.
    657 42.5944000000001, −82.8511999999999 42.6303400000001, −82.8511999999999 42.6303400000001, −82.8038799999999 42.5944000000001, −82.8038799999999.
    658 36.237894413, −119.894821285 36.250497998, −119.894821285 36.250497998, −119.869682611 36.237894413, −119.869682611.
    659 60.1318770720001, −149.434449035 60.1347511870001, −149.434449035 60.1347511870001, −149.431802327 60.1318770720001, −149.431802327.
    660 35.3214638170001, −77.997073351 35.368940398, −77.997073351 35.368940398, −77.930639313 35.3214638170001, −77.930639313.
    661 33.9530524190001, −80.494323712 33.9954038330001, −80.494323712 33.9954038330001, −80.441564645 33.9530524190001, −80.441564645.
    662 31.3582318730001, −85.856088056 31.3677829840001, −85.856088056 31.3677829840001, −85.84143832 31.3582318730001, −85.84143832.
    663 33.956330827, −98.528137592 34.017271784, −98.528137592 34.017271784, −98.4775551939999 33.956330827, −98.4775551939999.
    664 40.1402214060001, −120.185906595 40.2702161240001, −120.185906595 40.2702161240001, −120.074522544 40.1402214060001, −120.074522544.
    665 32.585610327, −117.134530157 32.609517949, −117.134530157 32.609517949, −117.121573696 32.585610327, −117.121573696.
    666 42.3865801530001, −96.377733927 42.3986855140001, −96.377733927 42.3986855140001, −96.3700527519999 42.3865801530001, −96.3700527519999.
    667 31.2790279390001, −86.135253897 31.2921867390001, −86.135253897 31.2921867390001, −86.12630462 31.2790279390001, −86.12630462.
    668 38.5971126590001, −97.891769008 38.7549420740001, −97.891769008 38.7549420740001, −97.731700038 38.5971126590001, −97.731700038.
    669 32.665275626, −117.245056924 32.670651139, −117.245056924 32.670651139, −117.237168313 32.665275626, −117.237168313.
    670 61.088401402, −155.608677328 61.118439774, −155.608677328 61.118439774, −155.558809541 61.088401402, −155.558809541.
    671 39.8435710260001, −83.84415892 39.8525313250001, −83.84415892 39.8525313250001, −83.827046603 39.8435710260001, −83.827046603.
    672 36.7792288150001, −76.316870104 36.7960357240001, −76.316870104 36.7960357240001, −76.304641406 36.7792288150001, −76.304641406.
    673 38.5886024650001, −90.211334345 38.5936509870001, −90.211334345 38.5936509870001, −90.205345975 38.5886024650001, −90.205345975.
    674 41.491597375, −74.096301663 41.493603532, −74.096301663 41.493603532, −74.09231513 41.491597375, −74.09231513.
    675 41.4957478590001, −74.093456875 41.5071142860001, −74.093456875 41.5071142860001, −74.076705335 41.4957478590001, −74.076705335.
    676 31.3556919110001, −86.019020089 31.3632965050001, −86.019020089 31.3632965050001, −86.009368893 31.3556919110001, −86.009368893.
    677 38.5366165980001, −77.2462204349999 38.5562248710001, −77.2462204349999 38.5562248710001, −77.1968327609999 38.5366165980001, −77.1968327609999.
    678 43.093425804, −76.13209217 43.105369507, −76.13209217 43.105369507, −76.117106326 43.093425804, −76.117106326.
    679 31.1194852620001, −85.983038227 31.1263987840001, −85.983038227 31.1263987840001, −85.975130114 31.1194852620001, −85.975130114.
    680 32.90171336, −115.830667748 33.00155658, −115.830667748 33.00155658, −115.679781585 32.90171336, −115.679781585.
    681 62.864848431, −156.051764799 62.942582989, −156.051764799 62.942582989, −155.664968137 62.864848431, −155.664968137.
    682 32.418304849, −113.683744005 32.912746437, −113.683744005 32.912746437, −112.306115231 32.418304849, −112.306115231.
    683 38.9884924360001, −105.010363219 39.0140804660001, −105.010363219 39.0140804660001, −104.991241919 38.9884924360001, −104.991241919.
    684 65.5522801760001, −168.013053723 65.5830229910001, −168.013053723 65.5830229910001, −167.912258962 65.5522801760001, −167.912258962.
    685 35.384500001, −97.4236999999999 35.4497, −97.4236999999999 35.4497, −97.3502865429999 35.384500001, −97.3502865429999.
    686 41.1825353090001, −75.443820828 41.2131432310001, −75.443820828 41.2131432310001, −75.411887882 41.1825353090001, −75.411887882.
    687 41.58166204, −83.799456627 41.59389898, −83.799456627 41.59389898, −83.786432604 41.58166204, −83.786432604.
    688 40.2607276530001, −112.497273742 40.5755204400001, −112.497273742 40.5755204400001, −112.279088302 40.2607276530001, −112.279088302.
    ( print page 1751)
    689 31.2251159510001, −85.564347313 31.2323695170001, −85.564347313 31.2323695170001, −85.553616915 31.2251159510001, −85.553616915.
    690 31.3753255780001, −81.894810498 31.6654206230001, −81.894810498 31.6654206230001, −81.52596687 31.3753255780001, −81.52596687.
    691 38.231289094, −121.98346892 38.294736015, −121.98346892 38.294736015, −121.881230384 38.231289094, −121.881230384.
    692 38.3228969080001, −121.933846122 38.3283655290001, −121.933846122 38.3283655290001, −121.915378048 38.3228969080001, −121.915378048.
    693 21.351128573, −157.898178476 21.367812054, −157.898178476 21.367812054, −157.879404163 21.351128573, −157.879404163.
    694 21.4642480200001, −158.148373992 21.5218182430001, −158.148373992 21.5218182430001, −157.901772211 21.4642480200001, −157.901772211.
    695 43.1244504040001, −89.341539911 43.1368306370001, −89.341539911 43.1368306370001, −89.328466326 43.1244504040001, −89.328466326.
    696 24.5433363610001, −81.811655077 24.5555222860001, −81.811655077 24.5555222860001, −81.797521593 24.5433363610001, −81.797521593.
    697 24.5614307340001, −81.798222455 24.5672092190001, −81.798222455 24.5672092190001, −81.782640081 24.5614307340001, −81.782640081.
    698 32.127406367, −110.955077243 32.133937736, −110.955077243 32.133937736, −110.945092818 32.127406367, −110.945092818.
    699 36.2121647440001, −95.878742446 36.2203832320001, −95.878742446 36.2203832320001, −95.868966625 36.2121647440001, −95.868966625.
    700 45.07910944, −93.181911062 45.104247148, −93.181911062 45.104247148, −93.166136656 45.07910944, −93.166136656.
    701 29.953597589, −85.6870879419999 30.141953697, −85.6870879419999 30.141953697, −85.444996611 29.953597589, −85.444996611.
    702 38.983678555, −76.5010465079999 38.992477092, −76.5010465079999 38.992477092, −76.4868322629999 38.983678555, −76.4868322629999.
    703 21.469739594, −158.057058607 21.479496623, −158.057058607 21.479496623, −158.050204602 21.469739594, −158.050204602.
    704 38.750330283, −104.304283339 38.795708158, −104.304283339 38.795708158, −104.298582551 38.750330283, −104.298582551.
    705 38.9545078850001, −104.910763947 39.0421097770001, −104.910763947 39.0421097770001, −104.830835276 38.9545078850001, −104.830835276.
    706 33.2114718620001, −117.39895734 33.2146081990001, −117.39895734 33.2146081990001, −117.395706525 33.2114718620001, −117.395706525.
    707 40.339366355, −114.13239866 41.187663286, −114.13239866 41.187663286, −112.775026182 40.339366355, −112.775026182.
    708 36.3075026230001, −97.932652751 36.3645349300001, −97.932652751 36.3645349300001, −97.890961956 36.3075026230001, −97.890961956.
    709 34.5107894400001, −120.645844615 34.9069803380001, −120.645844615 34.9069803380001, −120.439765984 34.5107894400001, −120.439765984.
    710 43.125429819, −75.5932489149999 43.128384246, −75.5932489149999 43.128384246, −75.5892130629999 43.125429819, −75.5892130629999.
    711 18.093746783, −65.5171222009999 18.099320238, −65.5171222009999 18.099320238, −65.5081834699999 18.093746783, −65.5081834699999.
    712 43.9198868560001, −90.281512146 44.2491740180001, −90.281512146 44.2491740180001, −89.9961840639999 43.9198868560001, −89.9961840639999.
    713 42.308018614, −85.261730616 42.319058737, −85.261730616 42.319058737, −85.241088866 42.308018614, −85.241088866.
    714 43.1194738070001, −87.9811739899999 43.1294331440001, −87.9811739899999 43.1294331440001, −87.969765633 43.1194738070001, −87.969765633.
    715 21.444134852, −158.193880164 21.449106118, −158.193880164 21.449106118, −158.188834873 21.444134852, −158.188834873.
    716 33.30623532, −116.726204555 33.348258648, −116.726204555 33.348258648, −116.681746107 33.30623532, −116.681746107.
    717 40.416741642, −74.074863319 40.428227856, −74.074863319 40.428227856, −74.066019589 40.416741642, −74.066019589.
    718 42.715762833, −73.715197659 42.723757367, −73.715197659 42.723757367, −73.7014418059999 42.715762833, −73.7014418059999.
    719 38.131610059, −76.4415151439999 38.158782096, −76.4415151439999 38.158782096, −76.4141914209999 38.131610059, −76.4141914209999.
    720 29.9448494910001, −90.0376652149999 29.9527562370001, −90.0376652149999 29.9527562370001, −90.028618848 29.9448494910001, −90.028618848.
    721 39.905374947, −113.701870713 40.419222199, −113.701870713 40.419222199, −112.723055564 39.905374947, −112.723055564.
    722 41.3164009720001, −74.104566558 41.4138497160001, −74.104566558 41.4138497160001, −73.950569356 41.3164009720001, −73.950569356.
    723 42.1732117120001, −72.560346443 42.2183966200001, −72.560346443 42.2183966200001, −72.513149263 42.1732117120001, −72.513149263.
    724 21.4548202730001, −158.05113405 21.4906567190001, −158.05113405 21.4906567190001, −158.023893229 21.4548202730001, −158.023893229.
    ( print page 1752)
    725 47.6996152880001, −117.582780473 47.7046436220001, −117.582780473 47.7046436220001, −117.571913796 47.6996152880001, −117.571913796.
    726 32.3256631690001, −106.751912813 33.9110868210001, −106.751912813 33.9110868210001, −106.097200035 32.3256631690001, −106.097200035.
    727 38.7024149040001, −93.5961699699999 38.7611248150001, −93.5961699699999 38.7611248150001, −93.530993696 38.7024149040001, −93.530993696.
    728 35.403434766, −97.615579224 35.411418204, −97.615579224 35.411418204, −97.607653269 35.403434766, −97.607653269.
    729 30.5215171080001, −88.98512068 30.5592917870001, −88.98512068 30.5592917870001, −88.952736979 30.5215171080001, −88.952736979.
    730 39.7790113880001, −84.122505244 39.8514988460001, −84.122505244 39.8514988460001, −84.013795999 39.7790113880001, −84.013795999.
    731 28.235254233, −98.748507381 28.257299957, −98.748507381 28.257299957, −98.699312525 28.235254233, −98.699312525.
    732 34.8723464400001, −116.88720812 34.9011810040001, −116.88720812 34.9011810040001, −116.849270991 34.8723464400001, −116.849270991.
    733 37.211273261, −76.4914782399999 37.220744848, −76.4914782399999 37.220744848, −76.4804938719999 37.211273261, −76.4804938719999.
    734 41.2592384490001, −80.6956297689999 41.2720857920001, −80.6956297689999 41.2720857920001, −80.6669307879999 41.2592384490001, −80.6669307879999.
    735 64.7319686270001, −147.051773314 64.8134110040001, −147.051773314 64.8134110040001, −146.755123322 64.7319686270001, −146.755123322.
    736 32.765238373, −114.588551663 33.551544978, −114.588551663 33.551544978, −113.648148435 32.765238373, −113.648148435.

Document Information

Effective Date:
Justice Department
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule has been classified as meeting the criteria under 5 U.S.C. 804(2) and is effective April 8, 2025. However, at the conclusion of the Congressional review, if the effective date has been changed, the Department of Justice will publish a document in the Federal Register to establish the actual date of effectiveness or to terminate the rule. The incorporation by reference of certain material listed in this rule is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of April 8, 2025.
1636-1752 (117 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. NSD 104
1124-AA01: Provisions Regarding Access to Americans' Bulk Sensitive Personal Data and Government-Related Data by Countries of Concern
RIN Links:
Incorporation by reference, Military personnel, Personally identifiable information, Privacy, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Security measures
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
28 CFR 202