E9-181. Notice of Quarterly Report (July 1, 2008-September 30, 2008)  

  • Start Preamble


    Millennium Challenge Corporation.


    The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is reporting for the quarter July 1, 2008 through September 30, 2008 in respect to both assistance provided under Section 605 of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-199, Division D (the Act)), and transfers or allocations of funds to other federal agencies pursuant to Section 619(b) of the Act. The following report shall be made available to the public by means of publication in the Federal Register and on the Internet Web site of the MCC (http://www.mcc.gov) in accordance with Section 612(b) of the Act.

    Assistance Provided Under Section 605

    ProjectsObligatedObjectivesCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: Madagascar  Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $109,773,000
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA Madagascar  Total quarterly disbursement: $12,296,269
    Land Tenure Project$37,803,000Increase Land Titling and Security$15,491,326Legislative proposal reflecting the National Land Tenure Program submitted to Parliament and passed. Number of land disputes reported and resolved in the target zones and sites of implementation. Percentage of land documents inventoried, restored, and/or digitized.
    Average time and cost required to carry out property transactions.
    Percent of reported land conflicts resolved on titled land in zone 3, 4, 5 during the title regularization operations.
    Percentage of land in the zones that is demarcated and ready for titling.
    Finance Project$35,888,000Increase Competition in the Financial Sector$11,298,895The number of savings accounts and outstanding value of accounts from primary banks. Maximum check clearing delay. Volume of funds in payment system and number of transactions. Increased public awareness of new financial instruments as measured by surveys within intervention zones and large towns.
    The amount of government debt issued with maturities in excess of 52 weeks.
    The number of new individual investors buying government debt securities.
    The number of bank branches of the Central Bank of Madagascar capable of accepting auction tenders.
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    Percentage of all loans included in the central database.
    Agricultural Business Investment Project$17,683,000Improve Agricultural Projection Technologies and Market Capacity in Rural Areas$8,923,689Number of rural producers receiving or soliciting information from Agricultural Business Centers about the opportunities. Intervention zones identified and description of beneficiaries within each zone submitted. Number of visitors receiving information from National Coordinating Center with respect to business opportunities.
    Change in farm income due to improved production and marketing practices.
    Change in enterprise income due to improved production and marketing practices.
    Number of farmers and business employing technical assistance received.
    Program Administration * and Control, Monitoring and Evaluation$18,399,000$10,483,218
    Pending subsequent reports **$12,654,499
    * Program administration funds are used to pay items such as salaries, rent, and the cost of office equipment.
    ** These amounts represent disbursements made that will be allocated to individual projects in the subsequent quarter(s) and reported as such in subsequent quarterly report(s).
    ProjectsObligatedObjectiveCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: Honduras  Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $215,000,000
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA Honduras  Total quarterly disbursement: $13,479,730
    Rural Development Project$70,687,000Increase the productivity and business skills of farmers who operate small and medium-size farms and their employees.$21,844,528Increase in farm income resulting from Rural Development Project. Funds lent by MCA-Honduras to financial institutions.
    Increase in employment income resulting from Rural Development Project.
    Number of Program farmers harvesting high-value horticulture crops.
    Number of hectares harvesting high-value horticulture crops.
    Transportation Project$127,491,876Reduce transportation costs between targeted production centers and national, regional and global markets$8,329,169Freight shipment cost from Tegucigalpa to Puerto Cortes. Price of basic food basket. Number of days per year road is passable.
    Program Administration * and Control, Monitoring and Evaluation$16,821,124$3,994,766
    Pending subsequent reports **$776,067
    ProjectsObligatedObjectivesCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: Cape Verde  Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $110,078,488  
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA Cape Verde  Total quarterly disbursement: $9,450,397
    Watershed and Agricultural Support$10,848,630Increase agricultural production in three targeted watershed areas on three islands$3,541,205Increase in horticultural productivity. Increase in annual income. Value-added for farms and agribusiness.
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    Infrastructure Improvement$83,160,208Increase integration of the internal market and reduce transportation costs$16,923,184Volume of goods shipped between Praia and other islands. Mobility Ratio: Percentage of beneficiary population who take at least 5 trips per month. Savings on transport costs from improvements.
    Private Sector Development$2,800,000Spur private sector development on all islands through increased investment in the priority sectors and through financial sector reform$356,711Value added in priority sectors above current trends. Volume of private investment in priority sectors above current trends.
    Program Administration * and Control, Monitoring and Evaluation$13,269,650$6,218,097
    Pending subsequent reports **0
    ProjectsObligatedObjectiveCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: Nicaragua   Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $174,710,890
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA Nicaragua  Total quarterly disbursement: $ 11,129,188
    Property Regularization Project$22,000,000Increase Investment by strengthening property rights$4,669,995Value of investment on land. Value of urban land. Value of rural land.
    Number of days to conduct a land transaction.
    Total cost to conduct a land transaction.
    Transportation Project$105,193,200Reduce transportation costs between Leon and Chinandega and national, regional and global markets$8,990,461Price of a basket of goods. Travel Time.
    Rural Business Development Project$32,897,500Increase the value added of farms and enterprises in the region$11,325,597Annual percentage increase in value-added of clients of business office. Number of jobs created. Number of program farm plots harvesting higher-value crops or reforesting under improvement of Water Supply Activities.
    Program Administration *, Due Diligence, Monitoring and Evaluation$14,909,300$6,867,070
    Pending subsequent reports **$2,129,337
    ProjectsObligatedObjectiveCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: Georgia  Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $295,300,000
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA Georgia  Total quarterly disbursement: $21,853,277
    Regional Infrastructure Rehabilitation$216,600,000Key Regional Infrastructure Rehabilitated$45,138,132Reduction in Akhalkalaki-Ninotsminda-Teleti journey time. Reduction in vehicle operating costs. Increase in internal regional traffic volumes.
    Decreased technical losses in gas through the main North-South pipeline
    Reduction in the production of greenhouse gas emissions measured in tons of CO2 equivalent.
    Increased collection rate of the Georgian Gas Company (GOGC).
    Number of household beneficiaries served by Regional Infrastructure Development projects.
    Actual operations and maintenance expenditures.
    Regional Enterprise Development$47,350,000Enterprises in Regions Developed$16,230,586Increase in annual revenue in portfolio companies.
    Increase in number of portfolio company employees and number of local suppliers.
    Increase in portfolio companies' wages and payments to local suppliers.
    Jobs created.
    Increase in aggregate incremental net revenue to project assisted firms.
    Direct household net income.
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    Direct household net income for market information initiative beneficiaries.
    Number of beneficiaries.
    Program Administration *, Due Diligence, Monitoring and Evaluation$36,100,000$10,630,824
    Pending subsequent reports **$1,162,968
    ProjectsObligatedObjectiveCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: Vanuatu  Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $65,690,000
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA Vanuatu  Total quarterly disbursement: $9,498,932
    Transportation Infrastructure Project$60,587,816Facilitate transportation to increase tourism and business development$188,462Number of Tourists. Number of days per year road is closed. Number of S-W Bay, Malekula flights cancelled per year due to flooding.
    Vessel wait time at wharf.
    Program Administration *, Due Diligence, Monitoring and Evaluation$5,074,768$19,844,963
    Pending subsequent reports **$19,844,963
    ProjectsObligatedObjectiveCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: Armenia  Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $235,650,000
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA Armenia  Total quarterly disbursement: $5,030,672
    Irrigated Agriculture Project (Agriculture and Water)$145,680,000Increase agricultural productivity Improve and Quality of Irrigation$12,015,860Increase in hectares covered by high value added horticultural and fruit crops. Percentage of respondents satisfied with irrigation services. Share of Water User Association water charges as percentage of Water User Association annual operations and maintenance costs.
    Number of farmers using improved on-farm water management practices.
    Annual increase in irrigated land in Project area.
    State budget expenditures on maintenance of irrigation system.
    Value of loans provided under the project.
    Rural Road Rehabilitation Project$67,100,000Better access to economic and social infrastructure$5,541,926Government budgetary allocations for routine maintenance of the entire road network Average daily traffic in Project area.
    Kilometers of Package 1 road sections rehabilitated.
    Kilometers of Package 2 road sections rehabilitated.
    Kilometers of Package 3 road sections rehabilitated.
    Program Administration *, Due Diligence, Monitoring and Evaluation$22,870,000$5,411,097
    Pending subsequent reports **$1,224,709
    ProjectsObligatedObjectiveCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: Benin  Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $307,298,040
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA Benin  Total quarterly disbursement: $9,377
    Access to Financial Services$19,650,000Expand Access to Financial Services$1,737,505Operational self-sufficiency of participating microfinance institutions. Number of microfinance institutions supervised by the microfinance cellule. Total incremental increase in value of new credit extended and savings received by financial institutions participating in the project.
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    Share value of all loans outstanding that have one or more installments of principal over 30 days past due.
    Total number of loans guaranteed by land titles per year.
    Access to Justice$34,270,000Improved Ability of Justice System to Enforce Contracts and Reconcile Claims$1,424,538Number of cases processed at the arbitration center. Percentage of all cases in the “Tribunal de Premiere Instance” courts per year. Percentage of all cases resolved in court of appeals per year.
    Average distance to reach TPI.
    Number of enterprises registered through the registration center.
    Average number of days required to register an enterprise.
    Access to Land$36,020,000Strengthen property rights and increase investment in rural and urban land$6,417,860Total value of additional investments in target rural land parcels.
    Total value of additional investments in target urban land parcels.
    Access to Markets$169,447,000Improve Access to Markets through Improvements to the Port of Cotonou$4,328,427Total metric tons of exports and imports passing through Port of Cotonou per year.
    Program Administration *, Due Diligence, Monitoring and Evaluation$47,911,040$9,554,759
    Pending subsequent reports **$933,326
    ProjectsObligatedObjectiveCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: Ghana  Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $547,009,000
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA Ghana  Total quarterly disbursement: $10,423,856
    Agriculture Project$240,984,001Enhance Profitability of cultivation, services to agriculture and product handling in support of the expansion of commercial agriculture among groups of smallholder farms$12,127,070Number of hectares irrigated. Number of days to conduct a land transaction. Number of land disputes in the pilot registration districts. Registration of land rights in the pilot registration districts. Metric tons of products passing through post-harvest treatment.
    Portfolio-at-risk of agriculture loan fund.
    Value of loans disbursed to clients from agricultural loan fund.
    Number of additional loans.
    Vehicle operating costs on minor, medium and major rehabilitated roads.
    Rural Development$101,288,000Strengthen the rural institutions that provide services complementary to, and supportive of, agricultural and agriculture business development$973,565Time/ quality per procurement. Score card of citizen satisfaction with services. Gross enrollment rates. Gender parity in school enrollment. Distance to collect water. Time to collect water. Distance to sanitation facility. Travel time to sanitation facility.
    Incidence of guinea worm, diarrhea or bilharzias.
    Average number of days lost due to guinea worm, diarrhea or bilharzias.
    Percentage of households, schools, and agricultural processing plants in target districts with electricity.
    Number of inter-bank transactions.
    Value of deposit accounts in rural banks.
    Transportation$143,104,000Reduce the transportation costs affecting agriculture commerce at sub-regional levels$1,913,952Volume capacity ratio. Vehicles per hour at peak hour. Travel time at peak hour.
    International roughness index.
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    Annual average daily vehicle and passenger traffic.
    Program Administration *, Due Diligence, Monitoring and Evaluation$61,632,999$10,134,998
    Pending subsequent reports **$808,368
    ProjectsObligatedObjectiveCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: El Salvador  Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $460,940,000
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA El Salvador  Total quarterly disbursement: $6,521,093
    Human Development Project$95,073,000Increase human and physical capital of residents of the Northern Zone to take advantage of employment and business opportunities$1,172,454Number of students enrolled in the Chalatenango Center functioning as a MEGATEC institute. Graduation rate of students enrolled in the Chalatenango Center functioning as a MEGATEC institute. Number of students enrolled in participating middle technical schools.
    Graduation rate of students enrolled in participating middle technical schools.
    Number of students enrolled in non-formal training activities.
    Graduation rate of students enrolled in non-formal training activities.
    Number of households with access to water in the Northern Zone.
    Number of households with access to basic sanitation in the Northern Zone.
    Number of households with electricity in the Northern Zone.
    Number of individuals that benefit annually from the strategic infrastructure projects.
    Productive Development Project$87,466,000Increase production and employment in the Northern Zone$5,514,266Investment in productive chains by selected beneficiaries.
    Connectivity Project$233,560,000Reduce travel cost and time within the Northern Zone, with the rest of the country, and within the region$94,900Weighted average of the International Roughness Index for the rehabilitation of the Transnational Highway.
    Weighted average of the International Roughness Index for the rehabilitation of the network of connecting roads.
    Program Administration * and Control, Monitoring and Evaluation$44,841,000$4,998,673
    Pending Subsequent Report **$703,921
    ProjectsObligatedObjectiveCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: Mali  Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $460,811,164
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA Mali  Total quarterly disbursement: $1,638,291
    Bamako Senou Airport Improvement Project$182,007,541Establish an independent and secure link to the regional and global economy$1,377,281Number of weekly flight arrivals and departures. Average time for passengers to complete departures and arrivals procedures.
    Industrial Park Project$2,080,155Develop a platform for industrial activity to be located within the Airport domain$2,080,155Occupancy level. Average number of days required for operator to connect to Industrial Park water and electricity services.
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    Alatona Irrigation Project$234,884,675Increase the agricultural production and productivity in the Alatona zone of the ON$436,925Weighted average of the International Roughness Index for the rehabilitation of the Niono-Goma Coura road. Annual average daily count of vehicles on the Niono-Goma Coura road. Total amount of land irrigated by the Project in the Alatona zone. Average water volume delivered at the farm level in the Alatona zone. Crop water requirements as a percentage share of water supply at the canal headworks in the Alatona Zone. Number of 5 and 10 hectare farm plots allocated in the Alatona zone. Total market garden parcels allocated in the Alatona zone.
    Number of titles registered in the land registration office granted to households in the Alatona zone.
    Number of students enrolled in schools established by the Project.
    Graduation rate of students enrolled in schools established by the Project.
    Number of farms adopting at least one new extension technique as a percentage of all farms receiving technical assistance under the Project.
    Total amount of credit extended in loan portfolios by participating microfinance institutions and banks in the Alatona zone.
    Number of active clients of microfinance institutions and banks in the Alatona zone.
    Program Administration * and Control, Monitoring and Evaluation$41,838,793$6,363,455
    Pending Subsequent Report **$43,016
    ProjectsObligatedObjectiveCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: Mongolia  Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $284,911,363
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA Mongolia  Total quarterly disbursement: $1,216,243
    Property Rights Project$188,378,000Increase security and capitalization of land assets held by lower-income Mongolians, and increased peri-urban herder productivity and incomes$0Immovable property value of hashaa plots. Households accessing bank credit. Hashaa plots directly registered by the Property Rights Project.
    Income of herder households on long-term lease land.
    Herd mortality rate.
    Number of herder groups adopting intensive/semi-intensive farm management techniques.
    Rail Project$23,062,286Increase rail traffic and shipping efficiency$0Increase in GDP due to rail improvements. Freight turnover. Mine traffic. Percent of wagons leased by private firms.
    Railway operating ratio.
    Customer satisfaction.
    Wagon time to destination.
    Average locomotive availability.
    Vocational Education Project$25,512,856Increase employment and income among unemployed and underemployed Mongolians$5,000Annual salary.
    Rate of employment.
    Non-governmental funding of vocational education.
    Students completing newly designed long-term programs.
    Certified vocational education teachers.
    Percent of active teachers receiving certification training.
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    Health Project$17,027,119Increase the adoption of behaviors that reduce non-communicable diseases (NCDIs) among target populations and improved medical treatment and control of NCDIs$16,377Diabetes and hypertension controlled. Cervical cancer prevention. Percentage of cancer cases diagnosed in early stages.
    Percentage of those with known diagnosis of hypertension/diabetes out of all actual cases in adult population.
    Women screened for breast and cervical cancer.
    Counseling for diabetes and hypertension.
    Program Administration * and Control, Monitoring and Evaluation$30,931,102$1,635,428
    Pending subsequent reports **$0
    ProjectsObligatedObjectiveCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: Mozambique  Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $506,924,053
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA Mozambique  Total quarterly disbursement: $2,662,982
    Water and Sanitation Project$203,585,393Increase access to reliable and quality water and sanitation facilities$0Value of productive days gained due to less diarrhea, cholera and/or malaria.
    School attendance days gained due to less diarrhea, cholera and/or malaria.
    Number (Percent) of businesses with access to improved water source.
    Reduction in time for rural/urban households to access improved water sources.
    Number (Percent) of urban households with access to improved water sources.
    Number (Percent) of rural households with access to improved water sources.
    Number (Percent) of urban households with access to improved sanitation facilities.
    Road Rehabilitation Project$176,307,480Increase access to productive resources and markets$0Increase in agricultural production among communities affected by road rehabilitation works.
    Increase in the number of new businesses within 5 km of rehabilitated roads.
    Reduction in vehicle operating costs as a result of rehabilitated roads.
    Time savings due to a reduction in time to travel a fixed length of rehabilitated road.
    Weighted average of the International Roughness Index for the rehabilitation roads.
    Average annual daily traffic volume on rehabilitated roads disaggregated by vehicle type.
    Land Tenure Services Project$39,068,307Establish efficient, secure land access for households and investors$0Increase (Percent) in value of new investments on land.
    Number of new businesses.
    Reduction (Percent) in time to right to land usage.
    More efficient, free and secure land transfers/transactions.
    Increase (Percentage) in parcel-holder land value.
    Reduction (Percent) in costs to right to land usage.
    Farmer Income Support Project$17,882,211Improve coconut productivity and diversification into cash crop$123,900Reduction (Percentage) in loss of coconut production and coconut products' sales.
    Increased income (Percentage) from sales from intercropping activities to small farm plot holders.
    Increased number (Percentage) of live coconut trees.
    Increased productive capacity (Percentage) of coconut trees.
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    Program Administration * and Control, Monitoring and Evaluation$70,924,053$2,670,336
    Pending Subsequent Report **$48,716
    ProjectsObligatedObjectiveCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: Lesotho  Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $362,551,000
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA Lesotho  Total quarterly disbursement: $2,178,797
    Water Project$164,027,584Improve the water supply for industrial and domestic needs, and enhance rural livelihoods through improved watershed management$4,621Increased urban access to potable water supply. Increase in volume of water delivered after treatment at Metolong site.
    Decrease in percentage of urban water that is not accounted for (non-revenue losses plus physical losses).
    Number of people covered per year in rural areas with MCC funded rural water supply.
    Number of new VIP latrines provided to households.
    Health Project$122,398,000Increase access to life-extending ART and essential health services by providing a sustainable delivery platform$548,807Increase in the percentage of health facilities providing full package of standard services for level of center (MoHSW 2007 standard). Increase in TB treatment success rate. Increase in the percentage of health facilities staffed with standard number and type of qualified staff (MoHSW 2007 standard). Increase in the number of patients treated in health centers in Lesotho.
    Increase in immunization rate (measles).
    Number of people receiving ARV treatment (number).
    Increase in annual enrolment at National Health Training College.
    Increase in average referred tests performed at the central laboratory per quarter during the past year.
    Increase in average number of blood units collected per quarter during the past year.
    Private Sector Development Project$36,208,000Stimulate investment by improving access to credit, reducing transaction costs and increasing the participation of women in the economy$401,992Increase in the percentage of the adult population listed by a private credit bureau with current information on repayment history, unpaid debts or credit outstanding. Increase in the number of payments associated with salaries and pensions made through EFT per year.
    Land used as collateral (number of mortgage bonds registered).
    Land transaction costs (percent of property value).
    Land transaction times (median number of days necessary to complete a procedure).
    Increase in the number of pending civil cases in the High Court.
    Gender equality index (percent change in index of knowledge, attitudes, and practices for supporting gender equality in economic rights).
    Program Administration * and Control, Monitoring and Evaluation$39,917,416$3,054,152
    Pending Subsequent Report **$0$422
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    ProjectsObligatedObjectiveCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: Morocco  Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $697,500,000
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA Lesotho  Total quarterly disbursement: $639,367
    Fruit Tree Productivity$306,411,391Reduce volatility of agricultural production and increase volume of fruit agricultural production$433,590Total annual volume of production of dates and olives. Cropped area covered by olive trees. Survival rate of newly planted olive trees after 2 years project-supported establishment period.
    Yield of rehabilitated olive trees.
    Cropped area covered by date trees.
    Yield of rehabilitated date palms.
    Small Scale Fisheries$109,162,154Improve quality of fish moving through domestic channels and assure the sustainable use of fishing resources$0State of fish stock. Domestic fish consumption level. Fisherman net revenue. Average fisherman sales price at PDA. Volume sold at wholesale markets.
    Fish sale price.
    Average sales price.
    Volume of sales among mobile fish vendors.
    Artisan and Fez Medina$106,331,421Increase value added to tourism and artisan sectors$0Average revenue of potters receiving Artisan Production Activity. Employment and wages among Project graduates. Tourist arrivals.
    Artisan profits (artisans engaged in product finishing and points of sale).
    Employment created.
    SME value added.
    Financial Services$46,200,000Increase supply and decrease costs of financial services available to microenterprises$0Gross loan portfolio outstanding of microcredit associations. Portfolio at risk >30 days ratio. Operating Expense Ratio.
    Enterprise Support$36,442,894Improved survival rate of new SMEs and INDH-funded income generating activities; increased revenue for new SMEs and INDH-funded income generating activities$0Average annual sales of participating businesses. Survival rate of participating businesses.
    Program Administration * and Control, Monitoring and Evaluation$92,952,140$342,304
    Pending Subsequent Report **$0$0
    ProjectsObligatedObjectiveCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: Tanzania  Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $698,136,000
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA Tanzania  Total quarterly disbursement: $315,187
    Energy Sector$206,471,000Increase value added to businesses$0TBD.
    Transport Sector$372,776,000Increase cash crop revenue and aggregate visitor spending$0TBD.
    Water Sector Project$66,335,000Increase investment in human and physical capital and to reduce the prevalence of water-related disease$0TBD.
    Program Administration * and Control, Monitoring and Evaluation$52,554,000$563,129
    Pending Subsequent Report **$0−$247,942
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    ProjectsObligatedObjectiveCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: Burkina Faso (CIF ONLY)  Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $16,101,0650
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA Burkina Faso  Total quarterly disbursement: $3,260,580
    Roads Project$337,983Enhance access to markets through investments in the road network$0TBD.
    Rural Land Governance Project$1,105,412Increase investment in land and rural productivity through improved land tenure security and land management$0TBD.
    Agriculture Development Project$4,771,602Expand the productive use of land in order to increase the volume and value of agricultural production in project zones$0TBD.
    Bright 2 Schools Project$3,000,000Increase primary school completion rates$3,000,000TBD.
    Program Administration * and Control, Monitoring and Evaluation$6,886,068$201,694
    Pending Subsequent Report **$0$58,886
    ProjectsObligatedObjectiveCumulative disbursementsMeasures
    Country: Namibia (CIF ONLY)  Year: 2008  Quarter 4  Total obligation: $19,543,175
    Entity to which the assistance is provided: MCA Namibia  Total quarterly disbursement: $0
    Education Project$8,976,296Improve the education sector's effectiveness, efficiency and quality$0TBD.
    Tourism Project$2,475,145Increase incomes and create employment opportunities by improving the marketing, management and infrastructure of Etosha National Park$0TBD.
    Agriculture Project$1,369,139Sustainably improve the economic performance and profitability of the livestock sector and increase the volume of the indigenous natural products for export$0TBD.
    Program Administration * and Control, Monitoring and Evaluation$6,722,595$0
    Pending Subsequent Report **$0$0
    * Program administration funds are used to pay items such as salaries, rent, and the cost of office equipment.
    ** These amounts represent disbursements made that will be allocated to individual projects in the subsequent quarter(s) and reported as such in subsequent quarterly report(s).
    619(b) transfer or allocation of funds
    U.S. agency to which funds were transferred or allocatedAmountDescription of program or project
    USAID$43,405,520Threshold Program.
    Start Signature
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    Dated: January 2, 2009.

    Matthew McLean,

    Vice President, Congressional and Public Affairs, Millennium Challenge Corporation.

    End Signature End Preamble

    [FR Doc. E9-181 Filed 1-8-09; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 9211-03-P

Document Information

Millennium Challenge Corporation
Entry Type:
Document Number:
952-963 (12 pages)
Docket Numbers:
MCC 09-05
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