97-25828. Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 190 (Wednesday, October 1, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 51564-51569]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-25828]
    [[Page 51563]]
    Part VIII
    Department of Transportation
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Part 93
    Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area; Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 190 / Wednesday, October 1, 1997 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 51564]]
    Federal Aviation Administration
    14 CFR Part 93
    [Docket No. 29029; Notice No. 97-14]
    RIN 2120-AG45
    Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area
    AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).
    SUMMARY: This action proposes to amend the regulations regarding the 
    Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area by revising the description of the 
    Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area and the communication requirements for 
    operating in the area; adding a new segment with communication 
    requirements east of Anchorage International Airport; changing several 
    altitude requirements; modifying the vertical limits of certain 
    segments; updating the communications requirements for operations in 
    several segments due to the decommissioning of certain air traffic 
    control facilities; and making minor editorial changes. The FAA is 
    proposing this action to enhance safety and simplify aircraft operating 
    procedures in the Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area.
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before November 17, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Comments on this notice should be mailed, in triplicate, to: 
    Federal Aviation Administration, Office of the Chief Counsel, 
    Attention: Rules Docket (AGC-200), Docket No. [29029], 800 Independence 
    Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591. Comments may also be sent 
    electronically to the following Internet address: 9-NPRM-
    [email protected] Comments delivered must be marked Docket No. [29029]. 
    The official docket may be examined in the Rules Docket, Office of the 
    Chief Counsel, Room 916G, weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., 
    except on Federal holidays.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Joseph C. White, Airspace and 
    Rules Division, ATA-400, Office of Air Traffic Airspace Management, 
    Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., 
    Washington, DC 20591; telephone (202) 267-8783.
    Comments Invited
        Interested persons are invited to participate in the making of the 
    proposed rule by submitting such written data, views, or arguments as 
    they may desire. Comments that provide the factual basis supporting the 
    views and suggestions presented are particularly helpful in developing 
    reasoned regulatory decisions on the proposal. Comments are 
    specifically invited on the overall regulatory, aeronautical, economic, 
    environmental, and energy-related aspects of the proposal. Substantive 
    comments should be accompanied by cost estimates. Comments should 
    identify the regulatory docket or notice number and should be submitted 
    in triplicate to the Rules Docket address specified above. All comments 
    received on or before the closing date for comments specified will be 
    considered by the Administrator before taking action on this proposed 
    rulemaking. The proposals contained in this notice may be changed in 
    light of comments received. All comments received will be available, 
    both before and after the closing date for comments, in the Rules 
    Docket for examination by interested persons. A report summarizing each 
    substantive public contact with FAA personnel concerned with this 
    rulemaking will be filed in the docket.
        Commenters wishing the FAA to acknowledge receipt of their comments 
    on this notice must include a self-addressed, stamped postcard on which 
    the following statement is made: ``Comment to Docket No. [29029].'' The 
    postcard will be date/time stamped and returned to the commenter.
    Availability of NPRM's
        Any person may obtain a copy of this NPRM by submitting a request 
    to the Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Rulemaking, 800 
    Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591, or by calling (202) 
    267-9677. Communications must identify the notice number of this NPRM. 
    Persons interested in being place on a mailing list for future FAA 
    NPRM's should request a copy of Advisory Circular No. 11-2A, Notice of 
    Proposed Rulemaking Distribution System, which describes application 
        An electronic copy of this document may be downloaded using a modem 
    and suitable communications software from the FAA regulations section 
    of the Fedworld electronic bulletin board service (telephone: 703-321-
    3339) or the Federal Register's electronic bulletin board service 
    (telephone: 202-512-1661).
        Internet users may reach the FAA's web page at http://www.faa.gov 
    or the Federal Register's webpage at http://www.access.gpo.gov/su__docs 
    for access to recently published rulemaking documents.
        On December 17, 1991, the FAA published, in the Federal Register, 
    the Airspace Reclassification Final Rule (56 FR 65638). The purpose of 
    this rule was to change various airspace designations. Among other 
    changes, airport traffic areas were changed to encompass ``Classes'' of 
    airspace and to include Class A, B, C, D, E, and G airspace areas. 
    While these changes were designed to apply to all similarly designated 
    airspace areas, subpart D of part 93 was not amended to reclassify the 
    Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area.
        Additionally, the Bryant Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) and 
    the Anchorage Flight Service Station (FSS) were decommissioned. 
    However, no corresponding changes were initiated to amend part 93, 
    subpart D to reflect the closure of the facilities.
        In this action, the FAA proposes to replace the term ``Airport 
    Traffic Area'' with the new term of ``Terminal Area.'' Also, this 
    action would delete references in part 93 to the Bryant ATCT and the 
    Anchorage FSS, and establish a new Seward Highway segment and 
    communication requirements for aircraft operating in this new Seward 
    Highway segment. These changes would update part 93 to reflect airspace 
    designations as they exist today in the vicinity of Anchorage, Alaska. 
    In addition, several changes would be made to the following part 93 
    Analysis of the Proposed Changes
        Part 93, subpart D prescribes rules governing the operation of 
    aircraft in the vicinity of those airports in the Anchorage, Alaska, 
    Terminal Area (28 FR 6715, June 29, 1963).
        Currently, there are aeronautical charts that graphically depict 
    the Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area. These aeronautical charts are 
    updated frequently without the requirement of any rulemaking action. 
    Consolidated updates of chart changes are available every 56 days in 
    the Alaska Supplement of the flight information publication. The 
    purpose of this supplement, among others, is to provide major changes 
    in aeronautical information that have occurred since the last 
    publication date of each Sectional Aeronautical Chart, World 
    Aeronautical Chart, or Terminal Area Chart. Further, current 
    information can be gained by consulting appropriate Notices to Airmen, 
    and other Flight Information Publications. Conversely, appendix A to 
    part 93--Anchorage Airport Traffic Area: Traffic Patterns, requires 
    rulemaking action to change, thus delaying essential aeronautical 
    information required for the safety of
    [[Page 51565]]
    flight. Therefore, the FAA is proposing to remove appendix A of part 
    93--Anchorage Airport Traffic Area: Traffic Patterns.
    Section 93.51--Applicability
        The FAA is proposing to replace the term ``Airport Traffic Area'' 
    with the new term ``Terminal Area.'' This proposed change would 
    incorporate changes implemented by the Airspace Reclassification Final 
    Section 93.53--Description of Area
        The FAA is proposing to change the description and boundaries of 
    the Anchorage, Alaska, Airport Traffic Area (hereafter referred to as 
    Terminal Area). Currently, Sec. 93.53 describes the Anchorage, Alaska, 
    Terminal Area both in terms of its geographical boundaries and vertical 
    dimensions. The FAA proposes to limit the description of the Anchorage, 
    Alaska, Terminal Area, in this section, to geographical boundaries and 
    delete reference to any vertical dimension. Additionally, the FAA is 
    proposing to change to replace the term ``Airport Traffic Area'' with 
    the new term ``Terminal Area.''
    Section 93.55--Subdivision of Area
        The FAA proposes to modify the description of the Anchorage, 
    Alaska, Terminal Area segment areas described in Sec. 93.55. Currently, 
    the segment areas of the Anchorage Terminal Area are described by 
    reference to geographical boundaries. The vertical dimensions of the 
    segment areas, as defined in the current Sec. 93.53 provided a uniform 
    altitude of up to 3,000 feet mean sea level (MSL). This action proposes 
    to describe the segment areas geographically and vertically to conform 
    with other proposed operational changes within each segment. This 
    action also proposes to add the geographical boundaries and vertical 
    dimension of the proposed Seward Highway segment by designating a new 
    paragraph (f). Additionally, the FAA is proposing to delete any 
    references to term ``airport traffic area.''
    Section 93.57--General Rules: All Segments
        This section describes general rules for operations conducted in 
    all segments of the Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area. The FAA proposes 
    to add the new Seward Highway segment in Sec. 93.57(a) and 
    Sec. 93.57(e). The FAA is also proposing to add the Bryant segment 
    operational requirements to the exception listed in Sec. 93.57(d) and 
    Sec. 93.57(e). Additionally, the FAA is proposing to delete any 
    references to the term ``airport traffic area.''
    Section 93.61--General Rules: Lake Hood Segment
        The FAA proposes to raise the minimum operating altitude provided 
    in Sec. 93.61 for noise mitigation purposes. This section currently 
    states: each person operating an airplane within the segment (except 
    that part described in paragraph (a) of this section) shall operate it 
    at an altitude of at least 600 feet MSL until maneuvering for a safe 
    landing requires further descent. The FAA is proposing to raise the 
    minimum operating altitude from 600 to 1,000 feet MSL.
    Section 93.63--General Rules: Merrill Segment
        The FAA proposes to amend Sec. 93.63(d), which currently requires 
    anyone operating an aircraft in the Merrill segment of the Anchorage 
    Terminal Area to maintain two-way radio communication with the 
    Anchorage Flight Service Station (FSS). The Anchorage FSS was 
    decommissioned in June of 1993; but Sec. 93.63(d) was not amended to 
    reflect this closure. This action proposes to require pilots operating 
    in the described area to contact the Anchorage ATCT when the Merrill 
    ATCT is not operating. This change would update Sec. 93.63(d) by 
    reflecting current operating practices.
    Section 93.65--General Rules: Elmendorf Segment
        The FAA proposes to amend Sec. 93.65 as follows: (1) amend the 
    required minimum operating altitude; and (2) add a new paragraph (f).
        The FAA is proposing to raise the minimum operating altitude 
    provided in Sec. 93.65(b). This section currently requires each person 
    operating an airplane at a speed of 105 knots or less within the 
    Elmendorf segment shall operate it at an altitude of at least 700 feet 
    MSL until maneuvering for a safe landing requires further descent. The 
    FAA proposes to amend Sec. 93.65(b) by raising the minimum operating 
    altitude, for other than turbine-powered airplanes, from 700 to 800 
    feet MSL. This change would enhance safety by requiring airplanes to 
    operate at a higher altitude and accommodate tree growth in the area.
        In addition, the FAA proposes to add a new paragraph (f) to 
    Sec. 93.65. Section 93.65(f) would permit pilots operating to and from 
    Sixmile Lake, within a defined portion of the Elmendorf segment and in 
    accordance with visual flight rules (VFR), to operate without 
    establishing two-way radio communication with air traffic control 
    Section 93.67--General Rules: Bryant Segment
        The FAA proposes to amend the rules for operating in the Bryant 
    segment of the Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area prescribed under 
    Sec. 93.67. The Bryant ATCT was decommissioned on September 30, 1995, 
    but the regulations were never amended to reflect that change. This 
    action proposes to change the language in Sec. 93.67(b) to state: (1) 
    Aircraft operating to or from the Bryant Airport shall conform to the 
    flow of traffic shown on the appropriate aeronautical charts; and (2) 
    when operating within the Bryant segment, pilots should self-announce 
    on Bryant Airport Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF). This change 
    will also enhance air traffic efficiency in the area.
    Section 93.68
        The FAA is proposing to add a new section, Sec. 93.68, to part 93. 
    This new section will prescribe rules for operating in the proposed 
    Seward Highway segment of the Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area. This 
    segment and corresponding operating rules are being proposed to 
    efficiently manage air traffic due to an increase in aircraft 
    operations in the area.
    The Proposal
        This action proposes to amend the regulations regarding the 
    Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area by revising the description of the 
    Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area and the communication requirements for 
    operating in the area; adding a new segment with communication 
    requirements east of Anchorage International Airport; changing several 
    altitude requirements; modifying the vertical limits of certain 
    segments; updating the communications requirements for operations in 
    several segments due to the decommissioning of certain air traffic 
    control facilities; and removing appendix A of part 93. The FAA is 
    proposing this action to enhance safety and simplify aircraft operating 
    procedures in the Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area.
    Regulatory Evaluation Summary
        Changes to Federal regulations must undergo several economic 
    analyses. First, Executive Order 12866 directs that each Federal agency 
    shall propose or adopt a regulation only upon a reasoned determination 
    that the benefits of the intended regulation justify its costs. Second, 
    the Regulatory Flexibility Act requires agencies to analyze the 
    economic effect of regulatory changes on small entities. Third, the 
    Office of Management and Budget directs
    [[Page 51566]]
    agencies to assess the effect of regulatory changes on small entities 
    changes on international trade. In conducting these analyses, the FAA 
    has determined that this NPRM: (1) Would generate benefits that justify 
    its minimal costs and is not ``a significant regulatory action'' as 
    defined in the Executive Order; (2) is not significant as defined in 
    Department of Transportation's Regulatory Policies and Procedures; (3) 
    would not have a significant impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities; (4) would not constitute a barrier to international trade; 
    and (5) would not contain any Federal intergovernmental or private 
    sector mandate. These analyses are summarized here in the preamble and 
    the full Regulatory Evaluation is in the docket.
        The FAA is proposing to amend part 93 of the Federal Aviation 
    Regulations (14 CFR part 93) by modifying the description of the 
    Anchorage, Alaska Terminal Area; revising communication equipment 
    requirements for operators within the airspace area; adding a new 
    segment with communication requirements east of Anchorage International 
    Airport; altering several existing altitude requirements; modifying 
    vertical limits of certain segments; and making editorial changes to 
    ensure consistency between previous modifications. Section 93.55(f) 
    proposes the addition of the new Seward Highway segment. Section 
    93.61(b) proposes to raise the minimum operation altitude in the Lake 
    Hood Segment to 1,000 feet MSL from 600 feet MSL, for the purpose of 
    noise abatement. Section 93.65(c) proposes to raise the minimum 
    operation altitude, for other than turbine powered aircraft, in the 
    Merrill Segment from at least 700 feet MSL to 800 feet MSL, due to the 
    growth of trees in the area. It is believed these increases in altitude 
    requirements would not have a significant cost impact. However, the FAA 
    is soliciting public comments on the effects of these proposed 
    increases in altitude.
        For many years, the predominant direction for aircraft departures 
    was to the west. However, in recent years, transport category aircraft 
    have been departing eastbound from Anchorage International Airport with 
    increasing frequency. These eastbound departures increase the number of 
    aircraft operations and operational complexity in the airspace east of 
    Anchorage International Airport. In order to reduce the potential risk 
    of a midair collision in that airspace, the FAA is proposing to 
    establish the Seward Highway segment east of the Anchorage 
    International Airport. This proposed change would require general 
    aviation (GA) aircraft operating in that airspace segment to establish 
    and maintain radio contact with ATC. This proposed change would assist 
    in the management of aircraft operations and would impose minimal, if 
    any, additional costs on aircraft operating in the area.
        In addition, this NPRM would generate benefits in terms of clarity 
    of existing regulations. The FAA contends that the establishment of the 
    proposed rule would simplify aircraft operating procedures in the 
    Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area.
    Cost Impact on Aircraft Operators
        This determination is based on data contained in the most recent 
    General Aviation and Avionics Survey Report. The report indicates an 
    estimated 92 percent of all Alaskan GA aircraft operators are already 
    equipped with two-way radios. The FAA has also determined that 
    operators without two-way radios would not have to circumnavigate the 
    airspace area, but would instead fly above the 4,100 feet MSL ceiling 
    of the Seward Highway segment without significantly deviating from 
    their regular flight paths. Proposed changes to Secs. 93.57(d), 
    93.61(b), and 93.65(c) are descriptive of altitude changes that would 
    impose negligible or no additional cost on operators. Therefore, the 
    FAA has determined that this proposed amendment would impose minimal, 
    if any, cost on aircraft operators.
    Cost Impact on the FAA
        Currently, Part 93, Subpart D, makes reference to Anchorage FSS and 
    Bryant ATCT. However, the FAA decommissioned the Anchorage FSS in June 
    of 1993. Further, on September 30, 1995, the FAA decommissioned the 
    Bryant ATCT and established the Bryant Airport Common Traffic Advisory 
    Frequency (CTAF). These proposed changes correct these references and 
    do not impose any cost on the agency. The agency has also determined 
    that it could handle the current and projected aviation activity in the 
    Seward Highway segment without needing any additional staff or 
    equipment at Anchorage International Airport ATC Facility. Therefore, 
    the FAA has determined there would be no additional cost as a result of 
    the proposed editorial and description modifications to 14 CFR part 93.
        In view of the minimal cost of compliance, enhanced clarity of FAA 
    regulations covering the Anchorage, AK, Terminal Area, the FAA has 
    determined that this NPRM would be cost-beneficial.
    Initial Regulatory Flexibility Determination
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA), as amended, was 
    enacted by Congress to ensure that small entities are not unnecessarily 
    and disproportionately burdened by Federal regulations. The RFA 
    requires a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis if a proposed rule would 
    have ``significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities.'' FAA Order 2100.14A outlines the FAA's procedures and 
    criteria for implementing the RFA.
        The small entities that may potentially incur minimal, if any, cost 
    with the implementation of this proposed rule are operators of aircraft 
    who do not meet Class D airspace navigational equipment standards 
    (primarily part 135 aircraft without two-way radios). The small 
    entities potentially impacted by the NPRM would not incur any cost for 
    additional navigational equipment or complying with more rigorous 
    operating procedures because they routinely fly into airspace where 
    such equipment requirements are already in place. Also, those operators 
    that do not have two-way radios can easily fly above the airspace where 
    two-way radios are required. Therefore, the FAA has initially 
    determined that this NPRM would not have a significant economic impact 
    on a substantial number of small entities.
    International Trade Impact Assessment
        The NPRM would not constitute a barrier to international trade, 
    including the export of American goods and services to foreign 
    countries and the import of foreign goods and services into the United 
    States. This assessment is based on the fact that the proposed rule 
    would neither impose costs on aircraft operators nor aircraft 
    manufacturers (U.S. or foreign).
    Unfunded Mandates Assessment
        Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (the ACT), 
    enacted as Public Law 104-4 on March 22, 1995, requires each Federal 
    agency, to the extent permitted by law, to prepare a written assessment 
    of the effects of any Federal mandate in a proposed or final agency 
    rule that may result in the expenditure of $100 million or more 
    adjusted annually for inflation in any one year by State, local, and 
    [[Page 51567]]
    governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector. Section 204(a) 
    of the ACT, 2 U.S.C. 1534(a), requires the Federal agency to develop an 
    effective process to permit timely input by elected officers (or their 
    designees) of State, local and tribal governments on a proposed 
    ``significant intergovernmental mandate.'' A ``significant 
    intergovernmental mandate'' under the Act is any provision in a Federal 
    agency regulation that would impose an enforceable duty upon state, 
    local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, (of $100 million 
    adjusted annually for inflation) in any one year. Section 203 of the 
    ACT, 2 U.S.C. 1533, which supplements section 204(a), provides that 
    before establishing any regulatory requirements that might 
    significantly or uniquely affect small governments, the agency shall 
    have developed a plan that among other things, provides for notice to 
    potentially affected small governments, if any, and for a meaningful 
    and timely opportunity to provide input in the development of 
    regulatory proposals.
        This NPRM does not contain any Federal intergovernmental or private 
    sector mandate. Therefore, the requirements of Title II of the Unfunded 
    Mandates Reform ACT of 1995 do not apply.
    Federalism Implications
        The regulation proposed herein would not have substantial direct 
    effects on the States, on the relationship between the national 
    government and the States, or on the distribution of power and 
    responsibilities among the various levels of government. Therefore, in 
    accordance with Executive Order 12612 (52 FR 41695, October 30, 1987), 
    it is determined that this proposed rule does not have sufficient 
    federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a Federalism 
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        There are no requirements for information collection associated 
    with this proposed rule that would require approval from the Office of 
    Management and Budget pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 
    (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)).
    International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Joint Aviation 
        In keeping with the U.S. obligations under the Convention on 
    International Civil Aviation, it is FAA policy to comply with ICAO 
    Standards and Practices to the maximum extent practicable. For this 
    notice, the FAA has determined that this proposal, if adopted, would 
    not present any differences.
        For the reasons discussed in the preamble, and based on the 
    findings in the Regulatory Flexibility Determination and the 
    International Trade Impact Assessment, the FAA has determined that this 
    proposed regulation is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under 
    Executive Order 12866. In addition, the FAA certifies that this 
    proposed regulation will not have a significant economic impact, 
    positive or negative, on a substantial number of small entities under 
    the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. This proposal is not 
    considered significant under DOT Order 2100.5, Policies and Procedures 
    for Simplification, Analysis, and Review of Regulations. An Initial 
    Regulatory Flexibility Determination and International Impact 
    Assessment have been placed in the docket. A copy may be obtained by 
    contacting the person identified under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.
    List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 93
        Air traffic control, Airports, Alaska, Navigation (air), and 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    The Proposed Amendment
        The Federal Aviation Administration proposes to amend Title 14 of 
    the Code of Federal Regulations, part 93, subpart D, Anchorage, Alaska, 
    Terminal Area as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 93 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40106, 40109, 40113, 44502, 
    44514, 44701, 44719, 46301.
        2. Section 93.51 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 93.51  Applicability.
        This subpart prescribes special air traffic rules and traffic 
    patterns for aircraft operating in the Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal 
        3. Section 93.53 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 93.53  Description of area.
        The Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area is designated as that airspace 
    extending upward from the surface to the upper limit of each of the 
    segments described in Sec. 93.55. It is bounded by a line beginning at 
    Point MacKenzie, extending westerly along the bank of Knik Arm to a 
    point intersecting the 350 deg. bearing from the Anchorage 
    International ATCT; thence north to intercept the 5.2-mile arc centered 
    on the geographical center of Anchorage, Alaska ATCT; thence 
    counterclockwise along that arc to its intersection with the new Seward 
    Highway; thence northerly along the new Seward Highway to its 
    intersection with O'Malley Road; thence east along O'Malley Road to its 
    intersection with Lake Otis Parkway; thence northerly along Lake Otis 
    Parkway to its intersection with Abbott Road; thence east along Abbott 
    Road to its intersection with Abbott Loop Road; thence north to its 
    intersect with Tudor Road; thence easterly along Tudor Road to its 
    intersection with Muldoon Road; thence northerly along Muldoon Road to 
    the intersection of the Glenn Highway; thence north and east along the 
    Glenn Highway to meridian long. 149 deg.43'08'' W.; thence north along 
    meridian long. 149 deg.43'08'' W. to lat. 61 deg.17'28'' N.; thence to 
    lat. 61 deg.15'58'' N., long. 149 deg.44'08'' W.; thence to lat. 
    61 deg.19'36'' N., long. 149 deg.46'44'' W.; thence north along 
    meridian long. 149 deg.46'44'' W. to intercept the 4.7-mile radius arc 
    centered on the Elmendorf Air Force Base (AFB), Alaska; thence 
    counterclockwise along the 4.7-mile radius arc to its intersection with 
    the west bank of Knik Arm; thence southerly along the west bank of Knik 
    Arm to the point of beginning.
        4. Section 93.55 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 93.55  Subdivision of Terminal Area.
        The Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area is subdivided as follows:
        (a) International segment. That area from the surface to and 
    including 4,100 feet MSL, within a 5.2-mile radius of the Anchorage 
    International ATCT; excluding that airspace east of the 350 deg. 
    bearing from the Anchorage ATCT and north of the 090 deg. bearing from 
    the Anchorage ATCT and east of a line bearing 180 deg. and 360 deg. 
    from the intersection of the new Seward Highway and International 
    Airport Road and the airspace extending upward from the surface to but 
    not including 600 feet MSL, south of lat. 61 deg.08'28'' N.
        (b) Merrill segment. That area from the surface to and including 
    2,500 feet MSL, within a line beginning at Point Noname; thence direct 
    to the mouth of Ship Creek; thence direct to the intersection of the 
    Glenn Highway and Muldoon Road; thence south along Muldoon Road to 
    Tudor Road; thence west along Tudor Road to the new Seward Highway; 
    thence direct to West Anchorage High School; thence direct to Point 
    MacKenzie; thence via the north
    [[Page 51568]]
    bank of Knik Arm to the point of beginning.
        (c) Lake Hood segment. That area from the surface to and including 
    2,500 feet MSL, within a line beginning at Point MacKenzie; thence 
    direct to West Anchorage High School; thence direct to the intersection 
    of Tudor Road and the new Seward Highway; thence south along the new 
    Seward Highway to the 090 deg. bearing from the Anchorage International 
    ATCT; thence west direct to the Anchorage International ATCT; thence 
    north along the 350 deg. bearing from the Anchorage International ATCT 
    to the north bank of Knik Arm; thence via the north bank of Knik Arm to 
    the point of beginning.
        (d) Elmendorf segment. That area from the surface to and including 
    3,000 feet MSL, within a line beginning at Point Noname; thence via the 
    north bank of Knik Arm to the intersection of the 4.7-mile radius of 
    Elmendorf AFB; thence clockwise along the 4.7-mile radius of Elmendorf 
    AFB to long. 149 deg.46'44'' W.; thence south along long. 
    149 deg.46'44'' W. to lat. 61 deg.19'36'' N.; thence to lat. 
    61 deg.15'58'' N., long. 149 deg.44'08'' W.; thence to lat. 
    61 deg.17'28'' N., long. 149 deg.43'08'' W.; thence south along long. 
    149 deg.43'08'' W. to the Glenn Highway; thence south and west along 
    the Glenn Highway to Muldoon Road; thence direct to the mouth of Ship 
    Creek; thence direct to the point of beginning.
        (e) Bryant segment. That area from the surface to and including 
    2,000 feet MSL, within a line beginning at lat. 61 deg.17'13'' N., 
    long. 149 deg.37'35'' W.; thence west along lat. 61 deg.17'13'' N., to 
    long. 149 deg.43'08'' W. line; thence south along long. 149 deg.43'08'' 
    W., to the Glenn Highway; thence north and east along the Glenn Highway 
    to Ski Bowl Road; thence southeast along the Ski Bowl Road to a point 
    one-half mile south of the Glenn Highway; thence north and east one-
    half mile south of and parallel to the Glenn Highway to its 
    intersection with a line one-half mile east of and parallel to the 
    Bryant Airport Runway \16/34\ extended centerline; thence northeast 
    along a line one-half mile east of and parallel to Bryant Airport 
    Runway \16/34\ extended centerline to the point of beginning.
        (f) Seward Highway segment. That area from the surface to and 
    including, 4,100 feet MSL, within a line beginning at the intersection 
    new Seward Highway and O'Malley Road, lat. 61 deg.07'23'' N., long. 
    149 deg.51'23'' W.; thence east along O'Malley Road to its intersection 
    with Lake Otis Park Way, lat. 61 deg.07'23'' N., long. 149 deg.50'03'' 
    W.; thence northerly along Lake Otis Park Way to its intersection with 
    Abbott Road, lat. 61 deg.08'14'' N., long. 149 deg.50'03'' W.; thence 
    east along Abbott Road to its intersection with Abbott Loop Road, lat. 
    61 deg.08'14'' N., long. 149 deg.48'16'' W.; thence due north to 
    intersect with Tudor Road, lat. 61 deg.20'51'' N., long. 
    149 deg.48'16'' W.; thence west along Tudor Road to its intersection 
    with the new Seward Highway, lat. 61 deg.10'51'' N., long. 
    149 deg.51'38'' W.; thence to the point of beginning.
        5. Section 93.57 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 93.57  General rules: All segments.
        (a) Each person operating an aircraft to, from, or on an airport 
    within the Anchorage, Alaska Terminal Area shall operate that aircraft 
    according to the rules set forth in this section and Secs. 93.59, 
    93.61, 93.63, 93.65, 93.67, or 93.68 as applicable, unless otherwise 
    authorized or required by ATC.
        (b) Each person operating an airplane within the Anchorage, Alaska 
    Terminal Area shall conform to the flow of traffic depicted on the 
    appropriate aeronautical charts.
        (c) Each person operating a helicopter shall operate it in a manner 
    avoiding the flow of airplanes.
        (d) Except as provided in Sec. 93.65(d) and (e), and Sec. 93.67(b), 
    each person operating an aircraft in the Anchorage, Alaska Terminal 
    Area shall operate that aircraft only within the designated segment 
    containing the arrival or departure airport.
        (e) Except as provided in Secs. 93.63(d) and 93.67(b), each person 
    operating an aircraft in the Anchorage, Alaska Terminal Area shall 
    maintain two-way radio communications with the ATCT serving the segment 
    containing the arrival or departure airport.
        6. Section 93.59 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 93.59  General rules: International segment.
        (a) No person may operate an aircraft at an altitude between 1,200 
    feet MSL and 2,000 feet MSL in that portion of this segment lying north 
    of the midchannel of Knik Arm.
        (b) Each person operating an airplane at a speed of more than 105 
    knots within this segment (except that part described in paragraph (a) 
    of this section) shall operate that airplane at an altitude of at least 
    1,600 feet MSL until maneuvering for a safe landing requires further 
        (c) Each person operating an airplane at a speed of 105 knots or 
    less within this segment (except that part described in paragraph (a) 
    of this section) shall operate that airplane at an altitude of at least 
    900 feet MSL until maneuvering for a safe landing requires further 
        7. Section 93.61 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 93.61  General rules: Lake Hood segment.
        (a) No person may operate an aircraft at an altitude between 1,200 
    feet MSL and 2,000 feet MSL in that portion of this segment lying north 
    of the midchannel of Knik Arm.
        (b) Each person operating an airplane within this segment (except 
    that part described in paragraph (a) of this section) shall operate 
    that airplane at an altitude of at least 1,000 feet MSL until 
    maneuvering for a safe landing requires further descent.
        8. Section 93.63 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 93.63  General rules: Merrill segment.
        (a) No person may operate an aircraft at an altitude between 600 
    feet MSL and 2,000 feet MSL in that portion of this segment lying north 
    of the midchannel of Knik Arm.
        (b) Each person operating an airplane at a speed of more than 105 
    knots within this segment (except for that part described in paragraph 
    (a) of this section) shall operate that airplane at an altitude of at 
    least 1,200 feet MSL until maneuvering for a safe landing requires 
    further descent.
        (c) Each person operating an airplane at a speed of 105 knots or 
    less within this segment (except for that part described in paragraph 
    (a) of this section) shall operate that airplane at an altitude of at 
    least 900 feet MSL until maneuvering for a safe landing requires 
    further descent.
        (d) Whenever the Merrill ATCT is not operating, each person 
    operating an aircraft on the airport or in the traffic pattern; in that 
    portion of the Merrill segment north of midchannel of Knik Arm; or in 
    the Seward Highway segment shall contact Anchorage approach control.
        9. Section 93.65 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 93.65  General rules: Elmendorf segment.
        (a) Each person operating a turbine-powered aircraft within this 
    segment shall operate it at an altitude of at least 1,700 feet MSL 
    until maneuvering for a safe landing requires further descent.
        (b) Each person operating an airplane (other than turbine-powered 
    aircraft) at a speed of more than 105 knots within this segment shall 
    operate that airplane at an altitude of at least 1,200 feet MSL until 
    maneuvering for a safe landing requires further descent.
        (c) Each person operating an airplane (other than turbine-powered 
    aircraft) at
    [[Page 51569]]
    a speed of 105 knots or less within the segment shall operate that 
    airplane at an altitude of at least 800 feet MSL until maneuvering for 
    a safe landing requires further descent.
        (d) A person landing or departing from Elmendorf AFB, may operate 
    that aircraft at an altitude between 1,500 feet MSL and 1,700 feet MSL 
    within that portion of the International and Lake Hood segments lying 
    north of the midchannel of Knik Arm.
        (e) A person landing or departing from Elmendorf AFB, may operate 
    that aircraft at an altitude between 900 feet MSL and 1,700 feet MSL 
    within that portion of the Merrill segment lying north of the 
    midchannel of Knik Arm.
        (f) A person operating in VFR conditions, at and below 600 feet 
    MSL, north of a line beginning at the intersection of Farrell Road and 
    the long. 149 deg.43''08'W.; thence west along Farrell Road to the east 
    end of Sixmile Lake; thence west along a line bearing on the middle of 
    Lake Lorraine to the northwest bank of Knik Arm; is not required to 
    establish two-way radio communications with ATC.
        10. Section 93.67 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 93.67  General rules: Bryant segment.
        (a) Each person operating an airplane to or from the Bryant Airport 
    shall conform to the flow of traffic shown on the appropriate 
    aeronautical charts, and while in the traffic pattern, shall operate at 
    an altitude of at least 1,000 feet MSL until maneuvering for a safe 
    landing requires further descent.
        (b) Each person operating an aircraft within the Bryant segment 
    should self-announce intentions on the Bryant Airport CTAF.
        11. Section 93.68 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 93.68  General rules: Seward Highway segment.
        (a) Each person operating an airplane in the Seward Highway segment 
    shall operate at an altitude of at least 1,000 feet MSL unless 
    maneuvering for a safe landing requires further descent.
        (b) Each person operating an aircraft that will transition to the 
    Lake Hood or Merrill segment shall contact the appropriate ATCT prior 
    to entering the Seward Highway segment. During hours that the Merrill 
    ATCT is not operating, pilots shall contact Anchorage approach control 
    for transition through the Seward Highway segment to or from the 
    Merrill segment. All other pilots operating in or through the Seward 
    Highway segment shall contact Anchorage approach control.
    Appendix A--[Removed]
        12. Appendix A, of part 93 is removed.
        Issued in Washington, DC on September 24, 1997.
    Nancy B. Kalinowski,
    Acting Program Director for Air Traffic Airspace Management.
    [FR Doc. 97-25828 Filed 9-30-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-13-P

Document Information

Federal Aviation Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before November 17, 1997.
51564-51569 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 29029, Notice No. 97-14
2120-AG45: Part 93 Subpart D--Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (11)
14 CFR 93.57(e)
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14 CFR 93.53
14 CFR 93.55
14 CFR 93.57
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