98-26133. Firearms and Ammunition Excise Taxes, Parts and Accessories (97R- 1457P)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 190 (Thursday, October 1, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 52601-52603]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-26133]
    Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
    27 CFR Part 53
    [T.D. ATF-404; Ref: Notice No. 836]
    RIN 1512-AB49
    Firearms and Ammunition Excise Taxes, Parts and Accessories (97R-
    AGENCY: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), Department of 
    the Treasury.
    ACTION: Final rule, Treasury decision.
    SUMMARY: This final rule amends regulations relating to the 
    manufacturers excise tax on firearms and ammunition. Under 26 U.S.C. 
    4181, a tax is imposed on the sale by the manufacturer, importer or 
    producer of firearms, shells, and cartridges. The tax is 10 percent of 
    the sale price for pistols and revolvers, 11 percent for firearms 
    (other than pistols and revolvers), and 11 percent for shells and 
    cartridges. Current regulations provide that no tax is imposed by 
    section 4181 on the sale of parts or accessories of firearms, pistols, 
    revolvers, shells, and cartridges when sold separately or when sold 
    with a complete firearm. This final rule amends the regulations to 
    clarify which parts and accessories must be included in the sale price 
    when calculating the tax on firearms.
    DATES: Effective November 30, 1998.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marsha D. Baker, Regulations Division, 
    Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, 650 Massachusetts Avenue, 
    N.W., Washington, D.C. 20226 (202-927-8476).
        The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) is responsible 
    for collecting the firearms and ammunition excise tax imposed by 
    section 4181. The Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act, 16 U.S.C. 
    669 et seq., requires that an amount equal to all of the revenue 
    collected under section 4181 be deposited into the Federal Aid to 
    Wildlife Restoration Fund. This Fund is apportioned to the States for 
    hunter safety programs, maintenance of public target ranges, and 
    wildlife and wetlands conservation.
        The current regulation provides that no tax is imposed by section 
    on the sale of parts or accessories of firearms, pistols, revolvers, 
    shells, and cartridges when sold separately or when sold with a 
    complete firearm. This regulation was at issue in Auto-Ordnance Corp. 
    v. United States, 822 F.2d 1566 (Fed. Cir. 1987). In this case a 
    manufacturer of firearms sued to recover excise taxes paid on sights 
    and compensator units sold with rifles it manufactured. The 
    manufacturer claimed that these parts were nontaxable accessories that 
    should not be included in the taxable sale price of the rifles. The 
    Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the agency responsible for 
    administering the tax on firearms at that time, contended that the 
    sights and compensator units were component parts of the rifles that 
    must be included in the taxable sale price.
        The court noted that the position of the IRS that all component 
    parts of a ``commercially complete'' firearm must be included in the 
    sale price was a concept that was not found in the regulations. Since 
    the regulations did not specify which parts are component parts of a 
    firearm nor define the term ``accessories,'' the court found that it 
    was appropriate to look beyond the language of the regulation. The 
    court discussed several dictionary definitions of the term 
    ``accessories'' as well as tariff and customs classification cases. The 
    court held that the sights and compensator units were nontaxable 
    accessories since they were readily removable and of secondary or 
    subordinate importance to the function of the firearm.
        Since taking over the administration of the firearms and ammunition 
    excise tax from the IRS in 1991, ATF has issued numerous rulings on 
    parts and accessories. ATF has found it increasingly difficult to apply 
    the regulation on parts and accessories as interpreted by the court in 
    Auto-Ordnance. For example, the ``secondary or subordinate importance'' 
    test is difficult to apply to parts that are essential for the safe 
    operation of the firearm. Arguably, such parts are essential to the 
    function of the firearm and should be included in the taxable sale 
    price. However, if such parts are not needed to fire the firearm, it is 
    possible that a Federal court, applying the rationale of Auto-Ordnance, 
    would hold that such parts are nontaxable accessories.
    Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
        On August 29, 1996, ATF published in the Federal Register a notice 
    of proposed rulemaking (Notice No. 836, 61 FR 45377) proposing to 
    provide definitions for ``component parts'' that must be included in 
    the taxable sale price and ``nontaxable parts'' and ``nontaxable 
    accessories'' that are excluded from the taxable sale price. The notice 
    stated that the purpose of the proposed definitions is to reinstate the 
    longstanding ``commercial completeness'' test of the IRS in a manner 
    that will withstand judicial scrutiny. The notice stated that the 
    effect of the definitions would be to replace the readily removable/
    essential to the function test of the Auto-Ordnance case with a more 
    objective, predictable standard to use in determining whether items 
    sold with a firearm are includible in the tax basis.
    Analysis of Comments
        ATF received nine (9) written comments during the comment period in 
    response to Notice No. 836. These comments were submitted by three (3) 
    members of the public, four (4) Federal firearm licensees, and two (2) 
    firearms industry organizations. All nine respondents opposed the 
    proposed regulations.
    [[Page 52602]]
        One commenter felt that ATF lacks the authority to impose a tax and 
    should restrict itself to enforcement matters. The authority to 
    administer the excise tax provisions of 26 U.S.C. 4181 was transferred 
    from the IRS to ATF on January 1, 1991, by Treasury Order No. 120-03 
    (55 FR 47422, November 13, 1990). The order gave ATF the authority to 
    issue regulations with respect to the administration, collection and 
    enforcement of firearms and ammunition excise taxes.
        One commenter requested that ATF modify the payment schedule for 
    excise taxpayers to a quarterly basis. Current regulations require 
    bimonthly deposits for most taxpayers. The commenter stated that some 
    manufacturers provide economic incentives to dealers by providing an 
    extended payment schedule of three, six, or nine months for those 
    accepting products early in the year. This process may cause some 
    manufacturers to borrow money with which to pay excise tax. The 
    commenter suggested that quarterly payments reflecting seasonal 
    fluctuations in consumer demands would assist in alleviating this 
        The deposit system for payment of the taxes imposed by section 4181 
    was not one of the issues raised for public comment by Notice No. 836. 
    Moreover, a change in the current system would require a statutory 
    amendment. Accordingly, ATF is not adopting this comment.
        Five (5) commenters opposed the proposed regulations on the basis 
    that they would overturn the Auto-Ordnance decision and result in more 
    tax being paid by taxpayers and consumers. The commenters believe that 
    by reinstating the commercial completeness test of the IRS, ATF is 
    trying to circumvent the court's finding in Auto-Ordnance. The 
    commenters are opposed to replacing the readily removable/essential to 
    the function test with the commercial completeness test, because they 
    consider the court to have already repudiated the application of a 
    commercial completeness test.
        The Auto-Ordnance case makes it clear that the Federal Circuit 
    rejected the IRS ``commercial completeness'' test only because that 
    test was not clear in the regulations. The court did not hold that the 
    IRS position was an impermissible interpretation of the statute. 
    Accordingly, ATF does not believe the Auto-Ordnance case precludes ATF 
    from establishing a for parts and accessories different from that used 
    by the court.
        Four (4) commenters expressed opposition to proposed section 
    53.61(b)(5), which provides that when taxable firearms are sold by a 
    manufacturer or importer without component parts, the separate sale of 
    the component parts to the same vendee will be considered, in the 
    absence of evidence to the contrary, to have been made in connection 
    with the sale of the basic article even though the component parts are 
    shipped separately.
        These four respondents stated that the implementation of this 
    provision will result in confusing and complex recordkeeping 
    requirements. They stated that recordkeeping requirements would become 
    more difficult and complex for the manufacturers since customer 
    requests for mounts and other accessories on a separate invoice to the 
    dealer would become taxable. The commenters noted that a manufacturer 
    who ships a firearm without sights but provides the retailer with the 
    opportunity to add them at a later date does so for market-driven 
    reasons rather than for evading the small amount of tax on the sights.
        ATF's intent in proposing the separate sales provision of 
    ''53.61(b)(5) was to include in the regulations the longstanding 
    position that tax cannot be evaded through separate shipment and sale 
    of component parts. However, ATF did not intend to impose a continuing 
    obligation on firearms importers and manufacturers to keep records of 
    their sales of parts to vendors and attempt to match them up with 
    previous sales of firearms. Accordingly, ATF is adopting this comment 
    and deleting proposed ''53.61(b)(5) from the final regulations.
        In addition, ATF is amending wording in proposed ''53.61(b)(6)(ii) 
    to remove the term ``parts in a partially completed state.'' ATF 
    believes this language is unnecessary.
        Eight (8) commenters expressed opposition to the proposed 
    regulation because they believed it may be more costly for the 
    manufacturers by increasing their taxes and driving up retail prices. 
    There was also concern that this would force taxpayers to borrow money 
    to meet tax payments in advance of receipt of trade receivables. The 
    commenters stated that this would lead to a negative impact on sales, 
    reduction of the market, and reduction of revenues. They stated that 
    such a change in the regulations would increase costs incurred by the 
    regulated industry.
        ATF does not believe that the implementation of this regulation 
    will place an undue financial burden on excise taxpayers or have a 
    significant impact on sales, the market, or revenues. This regulation 
    will, however, make it easier for the taxpayer to understand the excise 
    taxes for parts and accessories. A better understanding of the 
    distinction between taxable and nontaxable items will lead to fewer 
    mistakes in computing tax. In addition, the clarified definitions of 
    parts and accessories will make it easier for the government to 
    administer the regulation.
        Two (2) commenters stated that the burden of supporting the Aid to 
    Wildlife Restoration Fund should be placed upon those who benefit from 
    the Fund, such as hunters, campers, and hikers as well as businesses 
    whose activities (i.e., pollution, timber cutting, etc.) are 
    detrimental to wildlife. Since the taxes paid into the Fund are imposed 
    by statute on manufacturers and importers of firearms and ammunition, 
    legislation would be necessary to require contribution to the Fund by 
    other persons. This final rule also adds a definition of the term 
    ``knockdown condition'' to the regulations in Sec. 53.11. Since the new 
    definition of ``parts and accessories'' uses this term, the definition 
    of ``knockdown condition'' is added for clarity.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        It is hereby certified under the provisions of the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 605(b), that this final rule will not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
    This rule merely clarifies existing regulations. A copy of the proposed 
    rule was submitted to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small 
    Business Administration in accordance with 26 U.S.C. 7805(f). No 
    comments were received.
    Executive Order 12866
        It has been determined that this regulation is not a significant 
    regulatory action as defined by Executive Order 12866. Accordingly, the 
    final rule is not subject to the analysis required by this Executive 
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 
    104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35, and its implementing regulations, 5 CFR 
    part 1320, do not apply to this final rule because there are no new 
    reporting or recordkeeping requirements.
        Copies of the notice of proposed rulemaking, the written comments, 
    and this final rule will be available for public inspection during 
    normal business hours at: ATF Public Reading Room, Room 6480, 650 
    Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20226.
    [[Page 52603]]
    Drafting Information
        The author of this document is Marsha D. Baker, Regulations 
    Division, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
    List of Subjects in 27 CFR Part 53
        Administrative practice and procedure, Arms and munitions, 
    Authority delegations, Export, Imports, Penalties, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
    Authority and Issuance
        Accordingly, 27 CFR Part 53, Manufacturers Excise Taxes--Firearms 
    and Ammunition, is amended as follows:
        Paragraph 1. The authority citation for 27 CFR part 53 continues to 
    read as follows:
        Authority: 26 U.S.C. 4181, 4182, 4216-4219, 4221-4223, 4225, 
    6001, 6011, 6020, 6021, 6061, 6071, 6081, 6091, 6101-6104, 6109, 
    6151, 6155, 6161, 6301-6303, 6311, 6402, 6404, 6416, and 7502.
        Par. 2. Section 53.11 is amended by adding a new definition for the 
    term ``knockdown condition'' to read as follows:
    Sec. 53.11  Meaning of terms
    * * * * *
        Knockdown condition. A taxable article that is unassembled but 
    complete as to all component parts.
    * * * * *
        Par. 3. Section 53.61(b) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 53.61  Imposition and rates of tax.
    * * * * *
        (b) Parts or accessories. (1) In general. No tax is imposed by 
    section 4181 of the Code on the sale of parts or accessories of 
    firearms, pistols, revolvers, shells, and cartridges when sold 
    separately or when sold with a complete firearm for use as spare parts 
    or accessories. The tax does attach, however, to sales of completed 
    firearms, pistols, revolvers, shells, and cartridges, and to sale of 
    such articles that, although in knockdown condition, are complete as to 
    all component parts.
        (2) Component parts. Component parts are items that would 
    ordinarily be attached to a firearm during use and, in the ordinary 
    course of trade, are packaged with the firearm at the time of sale by 
    the manufacturer or importer. All component parts for firearms are 
    includible in the price for which the article is sold.
        (3) Nontaxable parts. Parts sold with firearms that duplicate 
    component parts that are not includible in the price for which the 
    article is sold.
        (4) Nontaxable accessories. Items that are not designed to be 
    attached to a firearm during use or that are not, in the ordinary 
    course of trade, provided with the firearm at the time of the sale by 
    the manufacturer or importer are not includible in the price for which 
    the article is sold.
        (5) Examples. (i) In general. The following examples are provided 
    as guidelines and are not meant to be all inclusive.
        (ii) Component parts. Component parts include items such as a frame 
    or receiver, breech mechanism, trigger mechanism, barrel, buttstock, 
    forestock, handguard, grips, buttplate, fore end cap, trigger guard, 
    sight or set of sights (iron or optical), sight mount or set of sight 
    mounts, a choke, a flash hider, a muzzle brake, a magazine, a set of 
    sling swivels, and/or an attachable ramrod for muzzle loading firearms 
    when provided by the manufacturer or importer for use with the firearm 
    in the ordinary course of commercial trade. Component parts also 
    include any part provided with the firearm that would affect the tax 
    status of the firearm, such as an attachable shoulder stock.
        (iii) Nontaxable parts. Nontaxable parts include items such as 
    extra barrels, extra sights, optical sights and mounts (in addition to 
    iron sights), spare magazines, spare cylinders, extra choke tubes, and 
    spare pins.
        (iv) Nontaxable accessories. Nontaxable accessories include items 
    such as cleaning equipment, slings, slip on recoil pads (in addition to 
    standard buttplate), tools, gun cases for storage or transportation, 
    separate items such as knives, belt buckles, or medallions. Nontaxable 
    accessories also include optional items purchased by the customer at 
    the time of retail sale that do not change the tax classification of 
    the firearm, such as telescopic sights and mounts, recoil pads, slings, 
    sling swivels, chokes, and flash hiders/muzzle brakes of a type not 
    provided by the manufacturer or importer of the firearm in the ordinary 
    course of commercial trade.
    * * * * *
        Signed: May 28, 1998.
    John W. Magaw,
        Approved: August 3, 1998.
    Dennis M. O'Connell,
    Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary (Regulatory, Tariff and Trade 
    [FR Doc. 98-26133 Filed 9-30-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4810-31-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau
Entry Type:
Final rule, Treasury decision.
Document Number:
Effective November 30, 1998.
52601-52603 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
T.D. ATF-404, Ref: Notice No. 836
1512-AB49: Firearms and Ammunition Excise Taxes Parts and Accessories
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
27 CFR 53.11
27 CFR 53.61