Start Preamble
Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), U.S. Department of Transportation.
Notice and request for comments.
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) and its implementing regulations, FRA seeks renewed approval of the proposed information collection activities listed below. Before submitting these information collection requests (ICRs) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval, FRA is soliciting public comment on specific aspects of the activities, which are identified in this notice.
Comments must be received no later than December 11, 2017.
Submit written comments on any or all of the following proposed activities by mail to either: Mr. Robert Brogan, Information Collection Clearance Officer, Office of Railroad Safety, Regulatory Analysis Division, RRS-21, Federal Railroad Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Mail Stop 25, Washington, DC 20590; or Ms. Kim Toone, Information Collection Clearance Officer, Office of Information Technology, RAD-20, Federal Railroad Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Mail Stop 35, Washington, DC 20590. Commenters requesting FRA to acknowledge receipt of their respective comments must include a self-addressed stamped postcard stating, “Comments on OMB Control Number 2130-0571” or “Comments on OMB Control Number 2130-0596,” and should also include the title of the collection of information. Alternatively, comments may be faxed to (202) 493-6216 or (202) 493-6497, or emailed to Mr. Brogan at Robert.Brogan@dot.gov, or Ms. Toone at Kim.Toone@dot.gov. Please refer to the assigned OMB control number in any correspondence submitted. FRA will summarize comments received in response to this notice in a subsequent notice and include them in its information collection submission to OMB for approval.
Mr. Robert Brogan, Information Collection Clearance Officer, Office of Railroad Safety, Safety Regulatory Analysis Division, RRS-21, Federal Railroad Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Mail Stop 25, Washington, DC 20590 (telephone: (202) 493-6292) or Ms. Kim Toone, Information Collection Clearance Officer, Office of Information Technology, RAD-20, Federal Railroad Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Mail Stop 35, Washington, DC 20590 (telephone: (202) 493-6132).
End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental InformationSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
The PRA, 44 U.S.C. 3501-3520, and its implementing regulations, 5 CFR part 1320, require Federal agencies to provide 60-days' notice to the public to allow comment on information collection activities before seeking OMB approval to implement them. See 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A); 5 CFR 1320.8(d)(1), 1320.10(e)(1), 1320.12(a). FRA invites interested respondents to comment on the following summary of proposed information collection activities regarding: (1) Whether the information collection activities are necessary for FRA to properly execute its functions, including whether the activities will have practical utility; (2) the accuracy of FRA's estimates of the burden of the information collection activities, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used to determine the estimates; (3) ways for FRA to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information being collected; and (4) ways for FRA to minimize the burden of information collection activities on the public by automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques and other forms of information technology (e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses). See 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A); 5 CFR 1320.8(d)(1).
FRA believes that soliciting public comment will promote its efforts to reduce the administrative and paperwork burdens associated with the collection of information that Federal regulations mandate. In summary, FRA reasons that comments received will advance three objectives: (1) Reduce Start Printed Page 47596reporting burdens; (2) ensure that it organizes information collection requirements in a “user-friendly” format to improve the use of such information; and (3) accurately assess the resources expended to retrieve and produce information requested. See 44 U.S.C. 3501.
Below is a brief summary of currently approved information collection activities that FRA will submit for renewed clearance by OMB as required under the PRA:
Title: Occupational Noise Exposure for Railroad Operating Employees.
OMB Control Number: 2130-0571.
Abstract: FRA uses the collection of information to ensure railroads covered by this rule establish and implement noise monitoring, hearing conservation, and audiometric testing programs. This collection also includes hearing conservation training programs that protect railroad employees from the damaging and potentially dangerous effects of excessive noise in the everyday rail environment.
Form Number(s): N/A.
Affected Public: Businesses.
Respondent Universe: 755 railroads.
Frequency of Submission: On occasion.
Affected Public: Businesses (Railroads, railroads equipment manufacturers).
Reporting Burden:
CFR section Respondent universe Total annual responses Average time per response Total annual burden hours 227.13—Waivers 502 railroads 2 petitions 60 minutes 2 hours. 227.103—Noise monitoring program: development and implementation 502 railroads 5 programs 30 hours 150 hours. —Notification of employee of monitoring 502 railroads 5 lists 30 minutes 3 hours. 227.107—Hearing Conservation Program (HCP)—Development of programs 502 railroads 5 HCPs 31 hours 155 hours. —Revised hearing conservation programs (HCPs) 502 railroads 5 HCPs 1.75 hours 9 hours. 227.109—Audiometric Testing Program—Existing employees—baseline audiograms 85,600 employees 7,704 tests 25 minutes 3,210 hours. —Periodic audiograms 85,600 employees 28,530 tests 10 minutes 4,755 hours. —Evaluation of audiograms 85,600 employees 2,330 ratings + 93 retests 6 min./+ 30 min. 280 hours. —Problem audiograms/& provision of required documents to medical professional 8,000 employees 45 documents 10 minutes 8 hours. —Follow-up procedures—notifications 8,000 employees 93 notices 5 minutes 8 hours. —Fitting/training of employees: hearing protectors 240 employees 240 tr. session 5 minutes 20 hours. —Referrals for clinical/otological exam 240 employees 20 referrals 2 hours 40 hours. —Notification to employee of need for otological examination 240 employees 20 notices 5 minutes 2 hours. —New audiometric interpretation 240 employees 20 notices 5 minutes 2 hours. 227.111—Audiometric test requirements 1,000 mobile vans 1,000 tests 45 minutes 750 hours. 227.117—Hearing protection attenuation—evaluation 502 railroads 50 evaluations 30 minutes 25 hours. —Re-evaluations of adequacy of hearing protection attenuation when employee noise exposure increases 502 railroads 10 re-evaluations 30 minutes 5 hours. 227.119—Hearing Conservation Training Program—development 502 railroads 5 programs 60 minutes 5 hours. —Employee HCP Training 502 railroads 26,000 tr. employees 30 minutes 13,000 hours. —Periodic Training 502 railroads 7,704 tr. employees 30 minutes 3,852 hours. 227.121—Recordkeeping—authorization: records 502 railroads 30 requests + 30 responses 10 minutes + 15 minutes 13 hours. —Request for copies of reports 502 railroads 150 requests + 150 responses 21 minutes + 45 minutes 166 hours. —Records transfer when carrier becomes defunct 502 railroads 10 records 24 minutes 4 hours. —Railroad audiometric test records 502 railroads 26,000 records 2 minutes 867 hours. —Hearing Conservation Program (HCP): Records 502 railroads 54,000 records 45 seconds 675 hours. 229.121—Locomotive Cab Noise—tests/records and certification 3 equipment manufacturers 610 records + 90 certs 5 minutes + 40 minutes 111 hours. —Equipment maintenance: excessive noise reports 484 railroads 3,000 reports + 3,000 record 1 minute + 1 minute 100 hours. —Maintenance records 484 railroads 3,750 records 1 minute 63 hours. —Internal auditable monitoring systems 484 railroads 22 systems + 2 systems 36 min. + 8.25 hours 30 hours. Appendix H—Static test protocols/records 700 locomotives 2 retests + 2 records 10 minutes + 5 minutes 1 hour. Total Estimated Annual Responses: 164,734.
Total Estimated Annual Burden: 28,311 hours.
Type of Request: Extension of a Currently Approved Collection.
Title: Conductor Certification.Start Printed Page 47597
OMB Control Number: 2130-0596.
Abstract: FRA's conductor certification regulation (49 CFR part 242) requires railroads to have a formal program for certifying conductors. As part of that program, railroads are required to have a formal process for training prospective conductors and determining that all persons are competent before permitting them to serve as a conductor. FRA intended the regulation to ensure that only those persons who meet minimum Federal safety standards serve as conductors. FRA collects information to ensure that railroads and their employees fully comply with all the requirements of part 242, including a conductor certification/recertification program, fitness requirements, initial and periodic testing of conductors, territorial qualifications, etc.
Form Number(s): N/A.
Affected Public: Businesses.
Respondent Universe: 704 railroads.
Frequency of Submission: On occasion; annually.
Reporting Burden:
CFR section/subject Respondent universe Total annual responses Average time per response Total annual burden hours 242.9—Waivers—Petitions 704 railroads 3 petitions 3 hours 9 hours. 242.101/103—Certification programs for new railroads 704 railroads 5 new programs 15.5 hours 78 hours. —Conductor certification submission: Copies to rail labor organizations—RLO 704 railroads 40 copies 15 minutes 10 hours. —Affirmative statements that copies of submissions were sent to RLOs 704 railroads 40 avowals 15 minutes 10 hours. —Certified comments on submissions 704 railroads 15 comments 4 hours 60 hours. —Certification programs disapproved by FRA and then revised 704 railroads 10 programs 3 hours 30 hours. —Revised certification programs still not conforming and then resubmitted 704 railroads 3 programs 2 hours 6 hours. —Certification programs materially modified after initial FRA approval 704 railroads 15 programs 2 hours 30 hours. —Materially modified programs disapproved by FRA & then revised 704 railroads 3 programs 2 hours 6 hours. —Revised programs disapproved and then re-submitted 704 railroads 1 program 2 hours 2 hours. 242.105—Implementation Schedule —Issued certificates (1/3 each year) 704 railroads 16,200 certif 30 minutes 8,100 hours. —Issued certificates (1/3 each year) 704 railroads 1,800 certif. 30 minutes 900 hours. —Requests for delayed certification 704 railroads 200 requests 30 minutes 100 hours. —Testing/evaluation to certify persons 704 railroads 1,000 tests 560 hours 560,000 hours. —Testing/evaluation to certify conductors (Class III) 704 railroads 100 tests 400 hours 40,000 hours. 242.107—Types of service —Reclassification to diff. type of cert 704 railroads 25 conductor tests/ratings 8 hours 200 hours. 242.109—Opportunity by RRs for certification candidates to review and comment on prior safety record 704 Railroads 200 records + 200 comment 30 minutes + 10 minutes 133 hours. 242.111—Prior Safety Conduct as Motor Vehicle Operator —Eligibility determinations 704 Railroads 1,100 ratings 10 minutes 183 hours. —Initial certification for 60 days 704 Railroads 75 certif 10 minutes 13 hours. —Recertification for 60 days 704 Railroads 125 re-certif 10 minutes 21 hours. —Driver info. not provided and request for waiver by persons/railroad 704 Railroads 5 requests 2 hours 10 hours. —Request to obtain driver's license information from licensing agency 54,000 Conductors/Persons 18,000 requests 15 minutes 4,500 hours. —Requests for additional information from licensing agency 54,000 Conductors/Persons 25 requests 10 minutes 4 hours. —Notification to RR by persons of never having a license 54,000 Conductors/Persons 25 notices 10 minutes 4 hours. —Report of Motor Vehicle Incidents 54,000 Conductors 200 reports 10 minutes 33 hours. —Evaluation of driving record 54,000 Conductors 18,000 rating 15 minutes 4,500 hours. —DAC referral by RR after report of driving drug/alcohol incident 704 Railroads 180 referrals 5 minutes 15 hours. —DAC request and supply by persons of prior counseling or treatment 704 Railroads 5 requests/records 30 minutes 3 hours. —Conditional certifications recommended by DAC 704 Railroads 50 certificate endorsements 4 hours 200 hours. 242.113—Prior safety conduct as employee of a different railroad 54,000 conductors 360 requests/360 records 15 minutes + 30 minutes 270 hours. 242.115—Determination that person meets eligibility requirements 54,000 conductors 18,000 determination 2 minutes 600 hours. —Written documents from DAC that person is not affected by a disorder 54,000 conductors 400 docs 30 minutes 200 hours. —Self-referral by conductors for substance abuse counseling 704 railroads 30 self-referrals 10 minutes 5 hours. Start Printed Page 47598 —Certification reviews for occurrence/documentation of prior alcohol/drug conduct by persons/conductors 704 railroads 18,000 cert. reviews 10 minutes 3,000 hours. —Written determination that most recent incident has occurred 704 railroads 150 decision. 60 minutes 150 hours. —Notification to person that recertification has been denied 704 railroads 300 notices 10 minutes 50 hours. —Persons/conductors waiving investigation/de-certifications 54,000 conductors 300 waivers/de-certs 10 minutes 50 hours. 242.117—Vision and Hearing Acuity —Determination vision standards met 704 railroads 18,000 deter 20 minutes 6,000 hours. —Determination hearing standards met 704 railroads 18,000 deter 20 minutes 6,000 hours. —Additional gap hearing tests 704 railroads 200 deter 20 minutes 67 hours. —Medical examiner certificate that person has been examined/passed test 704 railroads 18,000 certif 2 hours 36,000 hours. —Document standards met with conditions 704 railroads 100 docs 30 minutes 50 hours. —Document standards not met 704 railroads 100 docs 30 minutes 50 hours. —Notation person needs corrective device (glasses/hearing aid) 704 railroads 10,000 notes 10 minutes 1,667 hours. —Request for further medical evaluation for new determination 704 railroads 100 requests + 100 ratings 60 minutes + 2 hours 300 hours. —Request for second retest and another medical evaluation 704 railroads 25 requests + 25 ratings 60 minutes + 2 hours 75 hours. —Consultations by medical examiners with railroad officer and issue of conditional certification 704 railroads 100 consults + 100 certif 2 hours + 10 minutes 217 hours. —Notification by certified conductor of deterioration of vision/hearing 704 railroads 10 notices 10 minutes 2 hours. 242.119—Training —New RRs—Training program 5 railroads 5 programs 3 hours 15 hours. —Modification to training program 704 railroads 5 program 30 minutes 3 hours. —Completion of training program by conductors/persons—documents 704 railroads 100 docs 60 minutes 100 hours. —Conductor refresher training 704 railroads 100 retrained conductors 2 hours 200 hours. —Modified training programs due to new laws, regulations, orders, technologies, procedures, or equipment 704 railroads 24 modified programs 4 hours 96 hours. —Employee consultation with qualified supervisory employee if given written test to demonstrate knowledge of physical characteristics of any assigned territory 704 railroads 1,000 consult 15 minutes 250 hours. —Familiarization training for conductor of acquiring railroad from selling company/railroad prior to commencement of new operation 704 railroads 10 trained conductors 8 hours 80 hours. —RR Continuous education/training of conductors 704 railroads 18,000 tr. Conductors 8 hours 144,000 hours. 242.121—Knowledge Testing —Determining eligibility 704 railroads 18,000 deter 30 minutes 9,000 hours. —Retests/re-examinations 704 railroads 500 re-tests 8 hours 4,000 hours. 242.123—Monitoring Operational Performance —Unannounced compliance tests and records 704 railroads 18,000 tests + 18,000 records 10 minutes + 5 minutes 4,500 hours. —Return to service that requires unannounced compliance test/record 704 railroads 1,000 tests + 1,000 records 10 minutes + 5 minutes 250 hours. 242.125/127—Determination made by RR relying on another railroad's certification 704 railroads 100 decisions 30 minutes 50 hours. —Determination by Another Country 704 railroads 100 decisions 30 minutes 50 hours. 242.203—Retaining information supporting determination: Records 704 railroads 18,000 records 15 minutes 4,500 hours. —Amended electronic records 704 railroads 20 records 60 minutes 20 hours. 242.209—Maintenance of Certificates —Request to display certificate 704 railroads 2,000 request/displays 2 minutes 67 hours. —Notification by conductors that RR request to serve exceeds certification 704 railroads 1,000 notices 10 minutes 167 hours. 242.211—Replacement of certificates 704 railroads 500 replaced certifications 5 minutes 42 hours. 242.213—Multiple Certificates Start Printed Page 47599 —Notification to engineer that no conductor is on train 704 railroads 5 notifications 10 minutes 1 hour. —Notification of denial of certification by individuals holding multiple certifications 704 railroads 10 notices 10 minutes 2 hours. 242.215—RR Oversight Responsibility —RR review and analysis of administration of certification program 704 railroads 44 reviews/analyses 40 hours 1,760 hours. —Report of findings by RR to FRA 704 railroads 36 reports 4 hours 144 hours. 242.301—Determinations—Territorial qualification and joint operations 320 railroads 1,080 deter 15 minutes 270 hours. —Notification by persons who do not meet territorial qualification 320 railroads 500 notices 10 minutes 83 hours. 242.401—Notification to candidate of information that forms basis for denying certification and candidate response 704 railroads 40 notices + 40 responses 60 minutes/60 minutes 80 hours. —Written notification of denial of certification 704 railroads 80 notices 60 minutes 80 hours. 242.403/405—Criteria for revoking certification; periods of ineligibility —Review of compliance conduct 704 railroads 950 reviews 10 minutes 158 hours. —Written determination that the most recent incident has occurred 704 railroads 950 written determination 60 minutes 950 hours. 242.407—Process for Revoking Certification —Revocation for violations of section 242.115(e) 704 railroads 950 revoked certificates 8 hours 7,600 hours. —Immediate suspension of certificate 704 railroads 950 suspend certificates 1 hour 950 hours. —Determinations based on RR hearing record 704 railroads 950 decisions 15 minutes 238 hours. —Hearing record 704 railroads 950 records 30 minutes 475 hours. —Written decisions by RR official 704 railroads 950 decisions 2 hours 1,900 hours. —Service of written decision on employee by RR + RR service proof 704 railroads 950 decisions + 950 proofs 10 minutes + 5 minutes 238 hours. —Written waiver of right to hearing 54,000 Conductors 425 waivers 10 minutes 71 hours. —Revocation of certification based on information that another railroad has done so 704 railroads 15 revoked certifications 10 minutes 3 hours. —Placing relevant information in record prior to suspending certification/convening hearing 704 railroads 100 updated Records 1 hour 100 hours. Total Estimated Responses: 268,799.
Total Estimated Total Annual Burden: 856,406 hours.
Type of Request: Extension of a Currently Approved Collection.
Under 44 U.S.C. 3507(a) and 5 CFR 1320.5(b) and 1320.8(b)(3)(vi), FRA informs all interested parties that it may not conduct or sponsor, and a respondent is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Start SignatureBrett Jortland,
Acting Deputy Chief Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2017-22044 Filed 10-11-17; 8:45 am]
Document Information
- Published:
- 10/12/2017
- Department:
- Federal Railroad Administration
- Entry Type:
- Notice
- Action:
- Notice and request for comments.
- Document Number:
- 2017-22044
- Dates:
- Comments must be received no later than December 11, 2017.
- Pages:
- 47595-47599 (5 pages)
- Docket Numbers:
- Docket No. FRA-2017-0002-N-23
- PDF File:
- 2017-22044.pdf