94-25071. Implementation of the Domestic Chemical Diversion Control Act of 1993 (Pub. L. 103-200)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 197 (Thursday, October 13, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-25071]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: October 13, 1994]
    Drug Enforcement Administration
    21 CFR Parts 1307, 1309, 1310, 1313 and 1316
    Implementation of the Domestic Chemical Diversion Control Act of 
    1993 (Pub. L. 103-200)
    AGENCY: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Justice.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: DEA is proposing these regulations to implement the Domestic 
    Chemical Diversion Control Act of 1993, which became effective on April 
    16, 1994, in order to provide additional safeguards against the 
    diversion of regulated chemicals.
    DATES: Written comments or objections must be received on or before 
    December 12, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Comments and objections should be submitted in quintuplicate 
    to the Deputy Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration, 
    Washington, D.C. 20537, Attention: Federal Register Representative/CCR.
    G. Thomas Gitchel, Chief, Liaison and Policy Section, Office of 
    Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration, Washington, D.C. 
    20537, Telephone (202) 307-4025.
    I. Introduction
        The Chemical Diversion and Trafficking Act of 1988, (PL 100-690) 
    (CDTA) was passed by Congress to control the diversion of certain 
    chemicals (hereinafter referred to as listed chemicals) that are 
    necessary for the illicit manufacture of drugs such as heroin, cocaine, 
    methamphetamine and LSD. The CDTA and its implementing regulations, as 
    set forth in Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR), parts 1310 
    and 1313, established a system of recordkeeping and reporting 
    requirements through which DEA and the chemical industry could identify 
    persons seeking to divert listed chemicals for the manufacture of 
    illicit drugs. The CDTA allows for the tracking and, where necessary, 
    control of domestic and international transactions involving listed 
        The CDTA has had strong success. The greatest impact has been in 
    the international arena, with a significant reduction in exports of 
    listed chemicals from the United States to countries that are known 
    sources of cocaine. Domestically, the volume of chemicals available to 
    clandestine laboratories was reduced. However, these successes also 
    highlighted several shortcomings in the CDTA, including:
        1. The CDTA provided a mechanisms for DEA, with the cooperation of 
    the chemical industry, to identify persons engaging in suspicious 
    transactions and, as needed, take action against those persons. 
    However, lacking evidence that an individual knowingly supplied 
    chemicals for the illicit manufacture of drugs, DEA's options were 
        2. Persons engaged in the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine 
    and methcathinone were able to obtain supplies of the listed chemicals 
    critical to the manufacture of such drugs through the purchase of drug 
    products that were exempted from the provisions of the CDTA.
        3. Illicit drug manufacturers in foreign countries began to 
    purchase their supplies of listed chemicals from countries other than 
    the United States, on occasion utilizing the services of United States 
    based brokers and traders to facilitate the transactions.
        To address these and other concerns, Congress passed legislation in 
    late 1993 to amend the CDTA.
    II. The Domestic Chemical Diversion Control Act of 1993 (Pub. L. 103-
        The Domestic Chemical Diversion Control Act of 1993 (DCDCA) was 
    signed into law on December 17, 1993, and became effective on April 16, 
    1994. The DCDCA is intended to close avenues used by illicit drug 
    manufacturers to circumvent the CDTA. The main provisions of the DCDCA 
    are as follows:
        1. Precursor and essential chemicals have been redesignated as List 
    I and List II chemicals respectively.
        2. Any person who manufactures, distributes, imports or exports a 
    List I chemical must obtain a registration from DEA. DEA is authorized 
    to deny an application for registration or suspend or revoke a 
    registration to manufacture, distribute, import or export a List I 
    chemical, if it is established that such registration would not be in 
    the public interest.
        3. Transactions involving drug products marketed under the Food, 
    Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) which contain ephedrine, either as the 
    sole active medicinal ingredient or in combination with therapeutically 
    insignificant quantities of another active medicinal ingredient, are 
    now included in the definition of regulated transaction. Subjecting 
    these products to the registration, recordkeeping and reporting 
    requirements eliminates a virtually unrestricted source of ephedrine 
    for illicit manufacturers of methamphetamine and methcathinone. The 
    DCDCA also grants DEA the authority to remove the exemption for any 
    other drug that contains a listed chemical if DEA determines that the 
    drug is being diverted in order to obtain the listed chemical for use 
    in the illicit manufacture of a controlled substance.
        4. Brokers and traders based in the United States who arrange 
    international transactions involving listed chemicals will be subject 
    to the same reporting and recordkeeping requirements as exporters of 
    listed chemicals, thus controlling a previously unmonitored source of 
    chemicals for clandestine laboratories in foreign countries.
        5. Manufacturers of listed chemicals are required to provide DEA 
    with annual reports regarding the manufacture of such chemicals. The 
    reports will provide DEA with information regarding the volume of 
    listed chemicals available in the United States.
    III. Implementation of the DCDCA
        To implement the DCDCA, DEA is proposing the following regulatory 
    changes and additions:
        1. A new part 1309 of Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations is to 
    be added, setting forth the specific requirements for registration, the 
    application forms to be used, the application fees, exemptions from the 
    registration requirement, security provisions, and administrative 
    procedures regarding approval or denial of an application, revocation 
    of registration, and administrative hearings. With respect to the 
    requirement of registration in the proposed Section 1309.21, DEA has 
    granted a temporary exemption from the registration requirement pending 
    implementation of the registration program, as set forth in an Interim 
    Rule published in the Federal Register on March 24, 1994 (59 FR 13881).
        Under the CDTA, regulated persons consist of those firms engaged in 
    the distribution, importation or exportation of chemicals. The DCDCA 
    regulates drug products containing ephedrine which are distributed by 
    retail distributors such as convenience stores, liquor stores, truck 
    stops, gas stations, nutrition centers, etc. These retail outlets do 
    not distribute any other listed chemicals and their activities consist 
    solely of the sale of such products directly to walk-in customers. DEA 
    has determined that retail distributors should be categorized 
    separately in light of the limited scope and volume of their chemical 
        Pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 822(d), the Administrator may waive the 
    requirement of registration. The Administrator is proposing in 
    Sec. 1309.25 of these regulations to exempt persons registered with DEA 
    to manufacture, distribute, dispense, import, or export a controlled 
    substance from the chemical registration requirement for equivalent 
    activities involving drug products that are regulated as List I 
    chemicals pursuant to Sec. 1310.01(f)(1)(iv). This includes such 
    traditional sources for these products as pharmacies, hospitals, 
    pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors, etc. Further, the 
    Administrator proposes in Sec. 1309.27 to exempt from the registration 
    requirement those persons who manufacture a List I chemical solely for 
    internal use, with no subsequent distribution or exportation.
        With respect to the exemptions from the registration requirement, 
    DEA has determined that persons who manufacture List I chemicals solely 
    for internal use, without any subsequent distribution or exportation of 
    such chemicals, should not be required to obtain a registration, since 
    there is a low risk of diversion from such persons.
        It has also been determined that persons who are registered with 
    DEA to manufacture, distribute, or dispense controlled substances shall 
    not be required to obtain a separate registration to distribute drug 
    products that are regulated as List I chemicals. Further, persons who 
    are registered with DEA to import or export controlled substances shall 
    not be required to obtain a separate registration to engage in the same 
    activities with drug products which are regulated as List I chemicals. 
    Persons registered to engage in activities with controlled substances 
    are subjected to more comprehensive investigations by Federal and state 
    authorities relating to their controlled substance registrations than 
    is required for a chemical registration. The Administrator reserves the 
    right in this proposal to cancel a person's exemption from the 
    registration requirement, if continuation of the exemption would not be 
    in the public interest.
        2. Section 1310.01 is amended to revise the definitions of 
    ``regulated transaction'' and ``regulated person'', and to add new 
    definitions of ``broker'' and ``trader'', and ``international 
        3. Chemical mixtures that met the definition of ``chemical 
    mixture'' set forth in Sec. 1310.01(g) prior to the effective date of 
    the DCDCA shall remain exempted from the definition of regulated 
    transaction until DEA has promulgated final regulations regarding the 
    procedures by which manufacturers may request exemption of chemical 
        4. Section 1310.02 is amended to remove three chemicals from List 
    I: d-lysergic acid, n-ethylephedrine and n-ethylpseudoephedrine; and to 
    add to List I: nitroethane and benzaldehyde, as established by the 
    DCDCA. In addition, the DEA chemical codes assigned to the listed 
    chemicals have been added.
        5. Section 1310.03 is amended to implement the requirement that 
    manufacturers of listed chemicals report certain data to DEA. This 
    requirement will only apply to bulk manufacturers of listed chemicals.
        6. Section 1310.04 is amended to reflect the additions and 
    deletions of the List I chemicals and to set forth the proposed 
    thresholds for the new chemicals. With respect to the newly added 
    chemicals Nitroethane and Benzaldehyde, records and reports must be 
    kept only for those transactions, including cumulative transactions 
    within a calendar month, which equal or exceed the proposed thresholds.
        7. Sections 1310.05 and 1310.06 are amended to include a reporting 
    requirement with respect to drug products containing ephedrine that are 
    regulated as List I chemicals and to set forth the required format for 
    the chemical manufacturer reports. Drug products containing ephedrine 
    are legitimately distributed solely for human consumption. Thus, the 
    distribution of 375 dosage units (approximately a two-month supply at 
    the current recommended therapeutic dose) or more of such drug products 
    in a calendar month to a person who is not registered with DEA to 
    distribute or export a List I chemical would be considered 
    extraordinary and therefore would have to be reported.
        8. Section 1310.08 is amended to add international transactions to 
    the types of transactions regulated.
        9. Sections 1310.10 through 1310.15 are added to set forth the 
    procedures regarding removal of the exemption from recordkeeping and 
    reporting requirements of drugs distributed under the Food, Drug, and 
    Cosmetic Act, the exemption from recordkeeping and reporting 
    requirements of chemical mixtures, and the identification of drugs 
    which contain ephedrine in combination with therapeutically significant 
    quantities of another medicinal ingredient.
        10. Section 1313.02 is amended to revise the definitions for 
    ``regulated person'' and ``regulated transaction''; and definitions for 
    ``regular importer'', ``established record as an importer'', ``broker'' 
    and ``trader'', and ``international transaction''; and to remove the 
    definition of ``regular supplier''.
        11. Sections 1313.12, 1313.15 and 1313.21 are amended to set forth 
    criteria regarding the waiver of the 15 day notification requirement 
    for certain imports and exports of listed chemicals and the removal of 
    the waiver of the 15 day notification requirement for exports of listed 
    chemicals to specified countries.
        12. Sections 1313.32, 1313.33 and 1313.34 are added to establish 
    the notification requirements for brokers and traders engaging in 
    international transactions.
    IV. Fees
        Section 1309.11 proposes the application fee for registration and 
    reregistration of manufacturers, distributors, importers and exporters 
    of List I chemicals, as authorized by section 3(a) of the DCDCA. The 
    proposed fee was established pursuant to the Office of Management and 
    Budget (OMB) Circular A-25, as revised on July 15, 1993 (58 FR 38142), 
    which sets forth Federal policy regarding user fees.
        1. Circular A-25, Section 6 provides that ``[A] user charge * * * 
    will be assessed against each identifiable recipient for special 
    benefits derived from Federal activities beyond those received by the 
    general public.'' The section further requires that the user charge be 
    sufficient to ``* * * recover the full cost to the Federal Government 
    for providing the special benefit.'' A special benefit is described as 
    a Government service which ``Enables the beneficiary to obtain more 
    immediate or substantial gains or values (which may or may not be 
    measurable in monetary terms) than those that accrue to the general 
    public (e.g., receiving a patent, insurance, or guarantee provision, or 
    a license to carry on a specific activity or business [emphasis added] 
    or various kinds of public land use)''.
        Sections 822 and 957 of Title 21, United States Code, as amended by 
    the DCDCA, require that any person who manufactures, distributes, 
    imports or exports a List I chemical must obtain annually a 
    registration in accordance with DEA rules and regulations. A 
    registration to manufacture, distribute, import or export List I 
    chemicals is a benefit under Circular A-25, in that it allows the 
    registrant to engage in certain activities while a member of the 
    general public may not. Therefore, the costs associated with DEA's 
    issuance of a registration to manufacture, distribute, import or export 
    a List I chemical; certain costs associated with advising registrants 
    of their responsibilities; and maintenance of the integrity of the 
    registration system must be recovered through assessment of a user fee.
        2. Section 6(d) of Circular A-25 describes the requirements for 
    determining the full cost of a service or benefit. ``Full cost'' is 
    defined as all direct and indirect costs, including, but not limited 
    to: direct and indirect personnel costs, including salaries, fringe 
    benefits (such as life and health insurance and retirement) and travel; 
    physical overhead, including material and supply costs such as forms, 
    postage, equipment, rent and utilities; management and supervisory 
    costs; and the costs of enforcement, collection, research, 
    establishment of standards, and regulation. Section 6(d)(1)(e) provides 
    that the cost figures shall be established utilizing ``the best 
    available records of the agency and new cost accounting systems need 
    not be established solely for this purpose.'' The cost of the services 
    provided by DEA were determined by use of proven and accepted budget 
    estimating techniques as outlined in the DOJ budget guidelines and OMB 
    Circular A-11.
    Considerations for the Establishment of the Original Fee
        DEA has identified two distinct categories of chemical registrants: 
    retail distributors, such as convenience stores, gas stations, truck 
    stops, liquor stores, etc., whose regulated activities consist of the 
    direct sale to walk-in customers of drug products that are regulated as 
    List I chemicals; and non-retailers, such as manufacturers which 
    distribute, distributors, importers and exporters of List I chemicals.
        Based upon contacts with the chemical industry and surveys of the 
    industry over the past three years, DEA estimates that approximately 
    1,500 applications for registration will be received from non-
        Based on the information gathered from various sources, including 
    association data, surveys of ephedrine manufacturers and distributors, 
    and correspondence received from ephedrine distributors, DEA estimates 
    that there may have been as many as 100,000 retail distributors that, 
    prior to the April 16, 1994 effective date of the DCDCA, sold drug 
    products that are now subject to regulation. However, estimating the 
    number of persons who will continue to engage in activities with the 
    regulated drug products is speculative, due to a variety of factors. 
    Some retailers who engaged in this previously unregulated activity may 
    decide to no longer sell items for which registration is required by 
    law. Also, the activities of retail distributors may be affected by 
    state laws, such as those in Wisconsin, Florida and Missouri, which 
    require that drug products containing ephedrine as the sole medicinal 
    ingredient may only be dispensed pursuant to prescription. Another 
    consideration is the availability of alternative products that are not 
    subject to the registration, recordkeeping and reporting requirements. 
    DEA has learned that certain distributors of single-entity ephedrine 
    products have already advised their retail customers to switch to such 
    alternative products to avoid the registration and recordkeeping 
    requirements. Therefore, for purposes of establishing the initial fee, 
    DEA estimates that 10,000 applications will be submitted by retail 
    distributors. The number of applications is important only when 
    considering apportionment of indirect costs associated with initial 
    registration. For the first year of the registration program, this 
    amount will constitute $22.00 of the total fee. Thus, a larger or 
    smaller number of applicants would not result in any significant 
    increase or decrease in the registration fee.
        During the implementation of the DCDCA, DEA will focus on 
    processing applications, conducting pre-registration and follow-up 
    investigations and the creation and dissemination of information 
    regarding the registrant's responsibilities under the DCDCA. DEA 
    expects that the majority of its chemical control resources will be 
    required to handle the applications which will be submitted immediately 
    following implementation of the regulations.
        Once the pre-registration process for existing businesses has been 
    handled, the primary focus of DEA's chemical control program will be 
    investigations of violative firms and registration denial or revocation 
    proceedings. Such enforcement activities protect the integrity of the 
    registration system by ensuring that registrants continue to meet the 
    requirements of the DCDCA. DEA's activities will include, but not be 
    limited to, extensive investigation and collection of documentation 
    regarding violative practices by registrants; attorney review and 
    preparation by DEA's Office of Chief Counsel; staff and attorney time 
    to prepare for proceedings to deny or revoke a registration; 
    Administrative Law Judge and staff to conduct registration denial 
    hearings; and DEA budget and controller staff time for budget planning, 
    accounting and auditing of fees collected. The benefits of these 
    activities accrue to the over-all registrant population and the costs 
    for such activities must be averaged across the entire registrant 
    population. However, as described earlier, the expected registrant 
    population and the extent of these enforcement activities are 
    speculative at this time. Therefore, the costs associated with these 
    activities have not been included in this initial fee, since they are 
    indirect costs that would have to be averaged across a presently 
    unknown population of applicants.
        After the registration process is completed and the registrant 
    population and extent of activities necessary to protect the integrity 
    of the system has been determined, DEA will revise its fee schedule to 
    recover the full costs of its chemical control program, as required by 
    Circular A-25. DEA will publish in the Federal Register its revised fee 
    schedule and invite comment by interested parties.
        In light of the above, the initial registration fee will be based 
    upon the cost of processing the individual application, the associated 
    investigation of the qualifications and suitability for registration, 
    and the creation and dissemination of information regarding the 
    responsibilities under the DCDCA. Reregistration fees under this 
    proposal will include enforcement and compliance costs associated with 
    maintenance of the integrity of the registration and control system. 
    These fees will not include enforcement costs of reviews of records and 
    reports of fully complaint registrants exclusively to identify leads to 
    possible illicit drug laboratories.
    The Initial Registration Investigation
        The fundamental purpose of the pre-registration investigation is to 
    determine the fitness and suitability of the applicant to engage in the 
    activities for which registration is requested and to ensure that the 
    applicant is familiar with its responsibilities to prevent the 
    diversion of regulated products or chemicals. This will be accomplished 
    through an on-site visit to the applicant (following receipt and 
    processing of the application for registration by clerical personnel) 
    by DEA Diversion Investigators. During this on-site visit, the 
    applicant's responsibilities with respect to security, record-keeping 
    and reporting will be discussed; the applicant's existing provisions 
    for security, record-keeping and reporting, if any, will be reviewed, 
    along with previous sales and customers; and the applicant will be 
    provided with material, such as the Chemical Handlers Manual, regarding 
    chemical trafficking and controls. In addition, the investigator will 
    perform background checks on the applicant, owner and employees, and 
    prepare the necessary reports summarizing the results of the 
    registration review.
        Retail distributors engage in a limited activity as regulated by 
    the DCDCA. By contrast, non-retail chemical firms may deal in a range 
    of List I chemicals, in bulk lots or, pursuant to orders received by 
    mail, telephone, facsimile or other electronic means. Consequently, the 
    average pre-registration investigation for a retail distributor will 
    entail less DEA investigative time than for a non-retail chemical firm.
    Method for Collection of Fees
        For the initial registration fee, DEA has established separate 
    costs for processing the application, and for conducting the pre-
    registrant investigation. Both costs will be incurred by the applicant 
    prior to their initial registration under the DCDCA.
        As noted above, DEA anticipates receiving 1500 applications from 
    non-retail chemical firms and approximately 10,000 applications from 
    retail distributors. DEA will place priority on the completion of the 
    pre-registration investigations of non-retail chemical firms. All non-
    retail applications will be processed and reviewed within the first 
    year of the effective date of this regulation. Therefore, the full fee 
    (application and pre-registration investigation costs) must be 
    submitted with the application.
        Because of the demands for resources to conduct registration 
    reviews of non-retail applications and for other chemical control 
    activities, DEA will be unable to process and review all of the 
    applications submitted by retail distributors within the first year 
    following the effective date of the final rule. As a consequence, 
    retail distributors will be subject to a split fee schedule for their 
    initial registration. Each retail distributor will include with their 
    application the established fee to cover the costs of processing the 
        Based on available resources, DEA will identify and notify 
    approximately 1500-2000 of the retail applicants that they are 
    scheduled for pre-registration review in the first year. Each applicant 
    so identified will be required to pay the additional established cost 
    for the registration investigation prior to commencement of the review. 
    Based upon the volume of applications received, DEA may conduct 
    additional retail registration investigations in the first year. In the 
    second year, DEA will redirect resources spent conducting non-retail 
    pre-registration investigations to the retail level. DEA anticipates an 
    additional 6,000 to 8,000 pre-registrant investigations to be conducted 
    in the second year. These retail distributors will similarly be 
    notified of the investigation fee to be paid. They will not be required 
    to submit another application fee. However, if a retail distributor 
    fails to submit the required investigation fee within 30 days after 
    notification by DEA, that retail distributor's application will be 
    Reregistration Fees
        Following the completion of the initial registration process, DEA 
    will dedicate ongoing resources to insuring the controls of the DCDCA 
    are being maintained, protecting the integrity of the system, and 
    providing assistance, guidance, and interpretation of the chemical 
    control requirements to the registrants. These costs, along with 
    application processing costs will establish the basis for the annual 
    reregistration fee. Since many of these costs will be averaged across 
    the registrant population, it is only possible to establish a 
    reregistration fee at this time based upon estimated populations. After 
    the full second year of the regulations implementing the DCDCA, the fee 
    schedule will be reviewed, as required by Circular A-25, and a new fee 
    structure proposed for public comment, based upon the actual registrant 
        As stated above, DEA will complete the registration process for all 
    non-retail applicants in the first year. Investigative resources 
    devoted to these pre-registration investigations (approximately 12 
    workyears) will be directed towards completion of the pre-registration 
    process of retail distributor applicants in the second year. At the 
    non-retail level, DEA will dedicate eight workyears of investigator 
    time to conduct follow-up investigations of approximately 75 non-retail 
    firms. Each investigation will require a comprehensive review of each 
    registrant's records, reporting systems and security provisions to 
    ensure that the registrant is complying with the chemical control 
    requirements, and chemicals are not being distributed to persons 
    seeking to divert them. Investigators will conduct a comprehensive on-
    site review of the registrant's records; verification of transactions 
    and purchasers, including record checks of and visits to purchasers; 
    travel; and report preparation. This cost, plus the reregistration 
    processing fee and the above listed indirect costs averaged over the 
    estimated 1500 non-retail registrants will constitute the non-retail 
    reregistration fee.
        At the retail level, due to the large volume of firms and the 
    general lack of experience in the required record-keeping and reporting 
    requirements, DEA will conduct a greater number of follow-up 
    investigations. However, in light of the anticipated smaller volumes of 
    regulated transactions of such firms, each follow-up is scheduled for a 
    smaller amount of on-site time. DEA anticipates that two Diversion 
    Investigator workyears will be required to conduct follow-up 
    investigations at the retail level. This cost, plus the reregistration 
    processing fee and above listed indirect costs averaged over the 
    estimated 2000 retail distributors registered in the first year will 
    constitute the reregistration fee.
        As DEA completes the second year of the chemical registration 
    program, the bulk of the retail distributor new applications will have 
    been processed, thus freeing the resources assigned to conduct the 
    registration investigations. In the following years, there will be a 
    greater number of registrants submitting applications for 
    reregistration. DEA will dedicate proportionally greater resources to 
    these registrants. As noted earlier, following the initial two years of 
    the registration program, DEA will conduct a review of the fee 
    structure and, as needed, publish a notice in the Federal Register 
    regarding amendment of the fee schedule.
    Registration Costs.
        The costs associated with the registration process are as follows. 
    DEA estimates that 1,500 non-retail applications and approximately 
    10,000 retail applications will be received. As previously stated, the 
    personnel costs listed below include all direct and indirect costs, 
    including salaries, fringe benefits (such as life and health insurance 
    and retirement) and travel; physical overhead, including material and 
    supply costs such as forms, postage, equipment, rent and utilities:
                    Costs for Processing an Application and Issuing a Retail Distributor Registration               
                             Cost for processing a retail distributor application                                   
    Clerical Time\1\...  .25 hours................................................  $6.52                           
    Material Costs:\2\                                                                                              
        Application      .........................................................  0.22                            
        Postage........  .........................................................  0.39                            
        Chemical         .........................................................  0.30                            
          Total          .........................................................  7.43                            
                       Cost for registration review for a retail distributor applicant                              
    Direct Costs:                                                                                                   
        Investigator     5.5 hours................................................  219.56                          
        Clerical         .25 hours................................................  6.52                            
        Material Costs:                                                                                             
            Registratio  .........................................................  0.10                            
            Postage....  .........................................................  0.29                            
              Total      .........................................................  226.47                          
    Indirect Costs:                                                                                                 
        Management/Supe  .........................................................  5.58                            
        Regulatory/Poli  .........................................................  1.93                            
        Applicant/Regis  .........................................................  14.49                           
          Total          .........................................................  22.00                           
          Total Direct   .........................................................  248.47                          
           and Indirect                                                                                             
    Notes Regarding the Costs Associated With Issuance of a Retail Distributor Registration                         
    \1\Clerical time includes the time required for preparing and mailing out application packages, time for        
      processing applications received, including computer data entry, encoding the application form, filing, and   
      transmitting a copy of the application to the appropriate DEA field office for the registration review        
    \2\The printing cost for application forms of the same format as will be used for chemical registration is      
      $4,500 for 20,000 forms or 22.5 cents per form. The cost for the last printing of the Chemical Handlers Manual
      was $2,250 for 7,500 copies, or 30 cents per copy.                                                            
    \3\The Investigator time to conduct the registration review consists of:                                        
    2 hours time at the applicant's place of business to review with the applicant the chemical registration and    
      control regulations; review the applicant's existing recordkeeping, reporting and security systems; and       
      discuss customer and trafficking patterns.                                                                    
    .75 hours to conduct the necessary background and record checks of the applicant, owner and employees.          
    .75 hours to prepare the reports regarding the results of the registration review.                              
    \4\The clerical time spent during the registration review includes the time necessary to approve the            
      registration, initiate issuance of the registration certificate, and file copies of the report and            
    \5\Management/Supervisory time is that time spent by management and supervisory personnel in the overall        
      development and maintenance of the registration program, including establishment of program priorities and    
      policy, resource allocation, and administrative direction. The following positions are involved:              
    Deputy Assistant Administrator and Deputy Director of the Office of Diversion Control--.05 work year each--     
    Chief and Deputy Chief Chemical Operations Section--.1 work year each--$27,651.                                 
    Chief, Liaison and Policy Section--.1 work year--$11,853.                                                       
    Chief, Policy Unit--.1 work year--$10,045.                                                                      
    Because the Management/Supervisory costs are related to the general operation of the registration program, they 
      must be averaged across the entire applicant population. For 11,500 applicants, the average cost would be     
    \6\Regulatory and policy development time consists of .25 work year of a program analyst time for drafting new/ 
      amended regulations and Federal Register notices, issuance of policy statements and directives related to the 
      registration program and responding to registrant queries regarding registration matters. This time is for    
      general chemical registration program purposes and must be spread equally across the applicant population. The
      cost of that time, $22,202, divided by 11,500 applicants equals $1.93.                                        
    \7\Applicant/Registrant support time will consist of 2 work years of Diversion Investigator time, which will be 
      dedicated to providing technical assistance, advice and informational materials to the industry to assist in  
      complying with the registration, recordkeeping and reporting requirements. The total cost for 2 work years of 
      Diversion Investigator time is $166,616, divided by 11,500 applicants equals $14.49.                          
                        Costs for Processing an Application and Issuing a Non-Retail Registration                   
    Direct Costs:                                                                                                   
        Clerical Time\1\........................................................  .5 hour..............       $13.05
        Material Costs:\2\                                                                                          
            Application Form....................................................  .....................         0.22
            Postage.............................................................  .....................         0.39
            Chemical Handlers Manual............................................  .....................         0.30
            Registration Certificate............................................  .....................         0.10
            Postage.............................................................  .....................         0.29
        Investigator Time\3\....................................................  14 hours.............       558.88
          Total Direct Costs....................................................  .....................       573.23
    Indirect Costs                                                                                                  
        Management/Supervisory Time\4\..........................................  .....................         5.58
        Regulatory/Policy Development\5\........................................  .....................         1.93
        Applicant/Registrant Support\6\.........................................  .....................        14.49
          Total Indirect Costs..................................................  .....................        22.00
          Total Direct and Indirect Costs.......................................  .....................       595.23
    Notes Regarding the Costs Associated With Issuance of a Non-Retail Registration                                 
    \1\Clerical time includes the time required for preparing and mailing out application packages, time for        
      processing applications received, including computer data entry, encoding the application form, filing, and   
      transmitting a copy of the application to the appropriate DEA field office for the registration review        
      process. Following the registration review, time is required to approve the registration, initiate issuance of
      the registration certificate, and file copies of the report and application.                                  
    \2\The printing cost for application forms of the same format as will be used for chemical registration is      
      $4,500 for 20,000 forms or 22.5 cents per form. The cost for the last printing of the Chemical Handlers Manual
      was $2,250 for 7,500 copies, or 30 cents per copy.                                                            
    \3\The investigator time to conduct the registration review consists of:                                        
    10 hours, 5 hours time each for two investigators, at the applicants place of business to review with the       
      applicant the chemical registration and control regulations; review the applicant's existing recordkeeping,   
      reporting and security systems; and discuss customer and trafficking patterns.                                
    2 hours for travel to and from the applicant's location.                                                        
    1 hour to conduct the necessary background and record checks of the applicant, owner and employees.             
    1 hour to prepare the reports regarding the results of the registration review.                                 
    \4\Management/Supervisory time is that time spent by management and supervisory personnel in the overall        
      development and maintenance of the registration program, including establishment of program priorities and    
      policy, resource allocation, and administrative direction. The following positions are involved:              
    Deputy Assistant Administrator and Deputy Director of the Office of Diversion Control--.05 work year each--     
    Chief and Deputy Chief Chemical Operations Section--.1 work year each--$27,651.                                 
    Chief, Liaison and Policy Section--.1 work year--$11,853.                                                       
    Chief, Policy Unit--.1 work year--$10,045.                                                                      
    Total Costs--$64,168.                                                                                           
    Because the Management/Supervisory costs are related to the general operation of the registration program, they 
      must be averaged across the entire applicant population. For 11,500 applicants, the average cost would be     
    \5\Regulatory and policy development time consists of .25 work year of a program analyst time for drafting new/ 
      amended regulations and Federal Register notices, issuance of policy statements and directives related to the 
      registration program and responding to registrant queries regarding registration matters. This time is for    
      general chemical registration program purposes and must be spread equally across the applicant population. The
      cost of that time, $22,202, divided by 11,500 applicants equals $1.93.                                        
    \6\Applicant/Registrant Support time will consist of 2 work years of Diversion Investigator time, which will be 
      dedicated to providing technical assistance, advice and informational materials to the industry to assist in  
      complying with the registration, recordkeeping and reporting requirements. The total cost for 2 work years of 
      Diversion Investigator time is $166,616, divided by 11,500 applicants equals $14.49.                          
                                Costs for Processing a Retail Reregistration Application                            
    Direct Costs:                                                                                                   
        Clerical         .25 hours................................................  $6.52                           
            Forms......  .........................................................  .45                             
            Postage....  .........................................................  .68                             
              Total      .........................................................  7.65                            
    Indirect Costs:                                                                                                 
        Management/Supe  .........................................................  18.33                           
        Regulatory/Poli  .........................................................  6.34                            
        Follow-up        .........................................................  83.30                           
          Total          .........................................................  107.97                          
          Total Direct   .........................................................  115.62                          
           and Indirect                                                                                             
    Notes Regarding the Costs Associated With a Retail Distributor Reregistration                                   
    \1\Clerical time includes the time required for preparing and mailing out application packages, time for        
      processing applications received, including computer data entry, encoding the application form, filing, and   
      preparing the fee for deposit.                                                                                
    \2\The forms cost covers both the reregistration application form and the registration certificate. Postage is  
      for mailing the reregistration application and the registration certificate.                                  
    \3\ Management/Supervisory time is that time spent by management and supervisory personnel in the overall       
      development and maintenance of the registration program, including establishment of program priorities and    
      policy, resource allocation, and administrative direction. The following positions are involved:              
    Deputy Assistant Administrator and Deputy Director of the Office of Diversion Control--.05 work year each--     
    Chief and Deputy Chief Chemical Operations Section--.1 work year each--$27,651.                                 
    Chief, Liaison and Policy Section--.1 work year--$11,853.                                                       
    Chief, Policy Unit--.1 work year--$10,045.                                                                      
    Total Costs--$64,168.                                                                                           
    Because the Management/Supervisory costs are related to the general operation of the registration program, they 
      must be averaged across the entire reregistration applicant populations. For the initial reregistration year, 
      DEA anticipates receiving 3,500 retail and non-retail reregistration applications. The average cost per       
      application would be $18.33.                                                                                  
    \4\Regulatory and policy development time consists of .25 work year of a program analyst time for drafting new/ 
      amended regulations and Federal Register notices, issuance of policy statements and directives related to the 
      registration program and responding to registrant queries regarding registration matters. This time is for    
      general chemical registration program purposes and must be spread equally across the reregistration applicant 
      population. The cost of that time, $22,202, divided by 3,500 applicants equals $6.34.                         
    \5\DEA will conduct follow-up investigations of retail registrants to ensure that they are complying with the   
      chemical control requirements. The investigations will consist of a comprehensive review of each registrant's 
      records, reporting systems and security provisions. Each investigation will require on-site record reviews;   
      transaction follow-ups, including purchaser verification and record checks; travel; and report preparation.   
      Based on present estimates, DEA anticipates that all such investigations combined will require 2 work years of
      Diversion Investigator time. The total cost for 2 work years of Diversion Investigator time is $166,616,      
      divided by 2,000 retail reregistration applicants equals $83.30.                                              
                              Costs for Processing a Non-Retail Reregistration Application                          
    Direct Costs:                                                                                                   
        Clerical         .25 hours................................................  $6.52                           
            Forms......  .........................................................  .45                             
            Postage....  .........................................................  .68                             
              Total      .........................................................  7.65                            
    Indirect Costs                                                                                                  
        Management/Supe  .........................................................  18.33                           
        Regulatory/Poli  .........................................................  6.34                            
        Follow-up        .........................................................  444.31                          
          Total          .........................................................  468.98                          
          Total Direct   .........................................................  476.63                          
           and Indirect                                                                                             
    Notes Regarding the Costs Associated With a Non-Retail Registration                                             
    \1\Clerical time includes the time required for preparing and mailing out application packages, time for        
      processing applications received, including computer data entry, encoding the application form, filing, and   
      preparing the fee for deposit.                                                                                
    \2\The forms cost covers both the reregistration application form and the registration certificate. Postage is  
      for mailing the reregistration application and the registration certificate.                                  
    \3\Management/Supervisory time is that time spent by management and supervisory personnel in the overall        
      development and maintenance of the registration program including establishment of program priorities and     
      policy, resource allocation, and administrative direction. The following positions are involved:              
    Deputy Assistant Administrator and Deputy Director of the Office of Diversion Control--.05 work year each--     
    Chief and Deputy Chief Chemical Operations Section--.1 work year each--$27,651.                                 
    Chief, Liaison and Policy Section--.1 work year--$11,853                                                        
    Chief, Policy Unit--.1 work year--$10,045.                                                                      
    Total Costs--$64,168.                                                                                           
    Because the Management/Supervisory costs are related to the general operation of the registration program, they 
      must be averaged across the entire reregistration applicant population. For the initial renewal year, DEA     
      anticipates receiving 3,500 retail and non-retail reregistration applications. The average cost per applicant 
      would be $18.33.                                                                                              
    \4\Regulatory and policy development time consists of .25 work year of a program analyst time for drafting new/ 
      amended regulations and Federal Register notices, issuance of policy statements and directives related to the 
      registration program and responding to registrant queries regarding registration matters. This time is for    
      general chemical registration program purposes and must be spread equally across the reregistration applicant 
      population. The cost of that time, $22,202, divided by 3,500 reregistration applicants, 3,500, equals $6.34.  
    \5\DEA will conduct follow-up investigations of approximately 75 non-retail registrants to ensure that          
      registrants are complying with the chemical control requirements and that chemicals are not being distributed 
      to persons which wishing to divert them. The investigations will consist of a comprehensive review of each    
      registrant's records, reporting systems and security provisions. Each investigation will require comprehensive
      on-site review of the registrant's records; verification of transactions and purchasers, including record     
      checks of and visits to purchasers; travel; and report preparation. Based on current estimates, DEA           
      anticipates that all such follow-up investigations combined will require 8 workyears of Diversion Investigator
      time. The total cost for 8 workyears of Diversion Investigator time is $666,464, divided by 1,500 non-retail  
      reregistration applicants equals $444.31.                                                                     
    V. Regulatory Flexibility and Small Business Impact
        DEA has examined the impact of the DCDCA and this proposed rule in 
    the light of Executive Order 12866 and the Regulatory Flexibility Act 
    (PL 96-354). DEA has identified approximately 1,500 firms or persons, 
    other than retail distributors, who handle List I chemicals. These non-
    retail chemical firms are generally known to DEA because most have been 
    subject to the recordkeeping and reporting requirements of the CDTA for 
    a number of years. Independent retail distributors, however, are 
    primarily small business entities.
        DEA has found that in addition to the traditional sources of 
    distribution (i.e., hospitals, pharmacies, pharmaceutical manufacturers 
    and distributors, etc.), independently owned and operated retail 
    outlets such as convenience stores, liquor stores, truck stops, gas 
    stations, and nutrition centers engage in sales to the public of the 
    single entity drug products that are not regulated. Based on 
    information received from various distributors, the potential affected 
    population of retail outlets that handled the single entity drug 
    products prior to the April 1994 effective date of the DCDCA, could be 
    as high as 100,000. How many of these will choose to continue their 
    sales of the single entity drug products and be subject to the 
    registration, recordkeeping and reporting requirements is unclear, due 
    to such factors as: (1) The introduction of state laws making drug 
    products containing ephedrine prescription drugs, (2) the availability 
    of alternative products which are not subject to the chemical 
    regulations at this time, and (3) the intent of the DCDCA to eliminate 
    sales by those persons who have been supplying clandestine 
        The DCDCA requires that any person wishing to distribute, import, 
    or export a List I chemical must obtain a registration from DEA for 
    each location at which such activities are carried out, prior to 
    conducting such activities. The statutory basis for this requirement is 
    found in Sections 822 and 957 of the CSA, as amended by the DCDCA. 
    Therefore, a separate registration must be issued for each location 
    pursuant to the factors regarding the public interest set forth in 
    Section 823(h) of the CSA. Prior to taking final action on an 
    application, DEA will conduct an on-site investigation at each location 
    for which registration is requested. The guidelines set forth in the 
    Office of management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-25 require that the 
    costs of the registration process must be recovered through application 
    fees charged to the applicants. As noted in the fee analysis, the 
    preregistration investigation for retail distributor applicants will be 
    less intensive than the investigation for other chemical applicants, 
    due to the limited scope and volume of a retail distributor's chemical 
    activities. As a result, the retail distributor's fees will be 
    significantly less than those for non-retail chemical applicants. In 
    addition to the cost of registration and reregistration, it is 
    estimated that applicants would be required to expend one-half hour per 
    year completing the appropriate application for registration or 
        In reviewing the implementation of the registration requirement, 
    DEA gave consideration to the specific purposes for requiring 
    registration and the nature of the problem of diversion of List I 
    chemicals and made the following determinations:
        1. DEA will not require that persons already registered to engage 
    in certain activities with controlled substances obtain a separate 
    registration for similar activities with FDA approved drug products 
    which are regulated as List I chemicals. A principal reason for 
    requiring registration is to allow DEA to determine the fitness of the 
    applicant to conduct a specified activity and to allow DEA, if 
    circumstances require, to prohibit the applicant from engaging in the 
    activity. Persons required to register with DEA to engage in activities 
    with controlled substances are subject to Federal and State 
    investigations of their fitness which exceed the requirements for 
    registration for List I chemical activities. Further, the proposed 
    regulation allows that DEA may remove any person's exemption from the 
    registration requirement and may, if appropriate, take action against 
    the person's controlled substance registration, if the person engages 
    in activities in violation of the chemical laws and regulations. 
    Accordingly, DEA is proposing in Sec. 1309.25 to exempt persons 
    registered with DEA to handle controlled substances from the 
    requirement to obtain a separate chemical registration for certain 
    similar activities with the regulated FDA approved drug products. The 
    exemption could potentially exempt over 70,000 hospitals, pharmacies, 
    distributors, manufacturers, importers, and exporters of controlled 
    substances who are currently registered with DEA to handle controlled 
        2. DEA will not require persons who manufacture a List I chemical 
    solely for internal use, with no subsequent distribution or exportation 
    of the chemical, to obtain a chemical registration. DEA has found that 
    such persons have not been a source of any significant diversion of 
    List I chemicals; the primary sources of diversion are through the 
    distribution channels which deal directly with the public. If these 
    manufacturers should later become a source of diversion, the exemption 
    can be removed. DEA is proposing in Section 1309.27 that such 
    manufacturers be exempted from the chemical registration requirement.
        DEA has also determined that the requirement that manufacturers of 
    listed chemicals report to DEA annually can be limited without 
    compromising the intent of the requirement. DEA's primary interest in 
    this area is determining the total quantity of each individual listed 
    chemical that is available on the domestic market. Therefore, DEA 
    proposes that only bulk manufacturers of the chemicals need report to 
    DEA; other manufacturers, such as repacker/relabelers, dosage form, 
    etc., do not need to report.
        DEA has also considered the impact on small businesses of the 
    application of the existing chemical recordkeeping and reporting 
    requirements to those drug products containing ephedrine which are now 
    regulated as List I chemicals. The recordkeeping and reporting 
    provisions of the CDTA, as set forth in section 830 of the CSA and 
    parts 1310 and 1313 of title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, 
    have been in place since 1989 and form the backbone of DEA's chemical 
    control program. The requirements were developed jointly with the 
    chemical industry to provide the necessary information to track 
    chemical transfers while minimizing the recordkeeping and reporting 
    burden on the chemical industry. A retail distributor must keep records 
    that reflect the name and address of the purchaser, the date of the 
    transaction, the type of chemical and amount being transferred, and the 
    form of identification provided by the purchaser. The requirement to 
    make reports is limited to those transactions that are unusual or 
    suspicious and to thefts or losses of listed chemicals. It is estimated 
    that creating and storing a record will require an average of one 
    minute per record. These recordkeeping procedures are accepted practice 
    in the conduct of legitimate chemical commerce in the years they have 
    been in effect.
        DEA is obligated to implement the mandate of Congress as set out in 
    the DCDCA. The DCDCA states that persons who wish to manufacture, 
    distribute, import or export List I chemicals must register with DEA. 
    Further, the DCDCA makes drug products containing ephedrine as the sole 
    medicinal ingredient subject to such registration, as well as to the 
    existing chemical recordkeeping and reporting requirements. 
    Consideration was given to exempting retail distributors from the 
    registration, recordkeeping and reporting requirements. However, such 
    an action would negate the purpose of the DCDCA by leaving a 
    significant portion of the sales of regulated ephedrine products 
    unregulated. Controlling the diversion of these products requires 
    monitoring and recordkeeping by all portions of the industry. DEA has 
    proposed steps to lessen the impact on retail distributors of the 
    DCDCA's requirements, while simultaneously carrying out the chemical 
    control mandate of the DCDCA.
        In addition to these proposed regulations to implement the DCDCA, 
    DEA has published two other notices that should be given consideration 
    by parties concerned with the DCDCA. The first, published on March 17, 
    1994 (59 FR 12562), proposes removal of the established threshold for 
    ephedrine to reduce the diversion of ephedrine to clandestine 
    laboratories for the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine and 
    methcathinone. The second, published on March 24, 1994 (59 FR 13881), 
    establishes a temporary exemption from the registration requirements 
    for persons who manufacture, distribute, import or export List I 
        This notice proposes two new information collections: The DEA 510 
    and 510a application forms for registration and reregistration, and the 
    reports required from certain manufacturers of listed chemicals. DEA is 
    submitting a request to the Office of Management and Budget for review 
    and approval of these new collections pursuant to the provisions of the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, 44 U.S.C. et seq.
        This regulation has been drafted and reviewed in accordance with 
    Executive Order 12866, section 1(b), Principals of Regulation. The DEA 
    has determined that this rule is a significant regulatory action under 
    Executive Order 12866, section 3(f), Regulatory Planning and Review, 
    and accordingly this rule has been reviewed by the Office of Management 
    and Budget.
        This action has been analyzed in accordance with the principles and 
    criteria in Executive Order 12612, and it has been determined that the 
    proposed rule does not have sufficient federalism implications to 
    warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
    List of Subjects
    21 CFR Part 1307
        Drug traffic control.
    21 CFR Part 1309
        Administrative practice and procedure, Drug traffic control, List I 
    and List II chemicals, Security measures.
    21 CFR Part 1310
        Drug traffic control, List I and List II chemicals, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
    21 CFR Part 1313
        Drug traffic control, Exports, Imports, List I and List II 
    chemicals, Transshipment and in-transit shipments.
    21 CFR Part 1316
        Administrative practice and procedure, Drug traffic control, 
    Research, Seizures and forfeitures.
        I. For the reasons set out above, it is proposed that 21 CFR part 
    1307 be amended as follows:
    PART 1307--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 1307 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 821, 822(d), 871(b), unless otherwise 
        2. Section 1307.03 is proposed to be amended by revising the 
    introductory language to read as follows:
    Sec. 1307.03  Exceptions to regulations.
        Any person may apply for an exception to the application of any 
    provision of parts 1301-1313, or 1316 of this chapter by filing a 
    written request stating the reasons for such exception. Requests shall 
    be filed with the Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration, 
    Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20537. The Administrator may 
    grant an exception in his discretion, but in no case shall he be 
    required to grant an exception to any person which is not otherwise 
    required by law or the regulations cited in this section.
        II. 21 CFR part 1309 is proposed to be added to read as follows:
    General Information
    1309.01  Scope of part 1309.
    1309.02  Definitions.
    1309.03  Information; special instructions.
    Fees for Registration and Reregistration
    1309.11  Fee Amounts.
    1309.12  Time and Method of Payment; refund.
    Requirements for Registration
    1309.21  Persons required to register.
    1309.22  Separate registration for independent activities.
    1309.23  Separate registration for separate locations.
    1309.24  Exemption of agents and employees.
    1309.25  Exemption of certain controlled substance registrants.
    1309.26  Exemption of law enforcement officials.
    1309.27  Exemption of certain manufacturers.
    Applications for Registration
    1309.31  Time for application for registration; expiration date.
    1309.32  Application forms; contents, signature.
    1309.33  Filing of application; joint filings.
    1309.34  Acceptance for filing; defective applications.
    1309.35  Additional information.
    1309.36  Amendments to and withdrawals of applications.
    Action on Applications for Registration: Revocation or Suspension of 
    1309.41  Administrative review generally.
    1309.42  Certificate of registration; denial of registration.
    1309.43  Suspension or revocation of registration.
    1309.44  Suspension of registration pending final order.
    1309.45  Extension of registration pending final order.
    1309.46  Order to show cause.
    1309.51  Hearings generally.
    1309.52  Purpose of hearing.
    1309.53  Waiver or modification of rules.
    1309.54  Request for hearing or appearance; waiver.
    1309.55  Burden of proof.
    1309.56  Time and place of hearing.
    1309.57  Final order.
    Modification, Transfer and Termination of Registration
    1309.61  Modification in registration.
    1309.62  Termination of registration.
    1309.63  Transfer of registration.
    Security Requirements
    1309.71  General security requirements.
    1309.72  Felony conviction; employer responsibilities.
    1309.73  Employee responsibility to report diversion.
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 821, 822, 823, 824, 830, 871(b), 875, 877, 
    General Information
    Sec. 1309.01  Scope of part 1309.
        Procedures governing the registration of manufacturers, 
    distributors, importers and exporters of List I chemicals pursuant to 
    sections 102, 302, 303, 1007 and 1008 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802, 822, 
    823, 957 and 958) are set forth generally by those sections and 
    specifically by the sections of this part.
    Sec. 1309.02  Definitions.
        (a) The Term Act means the Controlled Substances Act (84 Stat. 
    1242; 21 U.S.C. 801) and/or the Controlled Substances Import and Export 
    Act (84 Stat. 1285; 21 U.S.C. 951).
        (b) The term hearing means any hearing held pursuant to the part 
    for the granting, denial, revocation, or suspension of a registration 
    pursuant to sections 303 and 304 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 823-824).
        (c) The term person includes any individual, corporation, 
    government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, 
    partnership, association, or other legal entity.
        (d) The terms register and registration refer only to registration 
    required and permitted by sections 302 and 1007 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 
    822 and 957).
        (f) The term registrant means any person who is registered pursuant 
    to either section 303 or section 1008 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 823 and 
        (g) The term retail distributor means a distributor whose List I 
    chemical activities are restricted to the sale of drug products that 
    are regulated as List I chemicals pursuant to Sec. 1310.01(f)(1)(iv), 
    directly to walk-in customers for personal use.
        Any term not defined in this section shall have the definition set 
    forth in section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802) or in Secs. 1310.01 and 
    1313.02 of this chapter.
    Sec. 1309.03  Information; special instructions.
        Information regarding procedures under these rules and instructions 
    supplementing these rules will be furnished upon request by writing to 
    the Drug Enforcement Administration, Chemical Operations Section, 
    Office of Diversion Control, Washington, DC 20537.
    Fees for Registration and Reregistration
    Sec. 1309.11  Fee amounts.
        (a) For each initial registration to manufacture for distribution, 
    distribute, import, or export the applicant shall pay a fee of $595 for 
    an annual registration.
        (b) For each reregistration to manufacture for distribution, 
    distribute, import, or export, the registrant shall pay a fee of $477 
    for an annual registration.
        (c) For each initial registration to conduct business as a retail 
    distributor the applicant shall pay an application processing fee of $7 
    and an investigation fee of $248, for an annual registration.
        (d) For each reregistration to conduct business as a retail 
    distributor the registrant shall pay a fee of $116.
    Sec. 1309.12  Time and method of payment; refund.
        (a) For each application for registration or reregistration to 
    manufacture for distribution, distribute, import, or export the 
    applicant shall pay the fee when the application for registration or 
    reregistration is submitted for filing.
        (b) For retail distributor initial applications, the applicant 
    shall pay the application processing fee when the application for 
    registration is submitted for filing. The investigation fee shall be 
    paid within 30 days after DEA notifies the applicant that the 
    preregistration investigation has been scheduled.
        (c) For retail distributor reregistration applications, the 
    registrant shall pay the fee when the application for reregistration is 
    submitted for filing.
        (d) Payments should be made in the form of a personal, certified, 
    or cashier's check or money order made payable to ``Drug Enforcement 
    Administration.'' Payments made in the form of stamps, foreign 
    currency, or third party endorsed checks will not be accepted. These 
    application fees are not refundable.
    Requirements for Registration
    Sec. 1309.21  Persons required to register.
        (a) Every person who distributes, imports, or exports any List I 
    chemical, other than those List I chemicals contained in a product 
    exempted under Sec. 1310.01(f)(1)(iv) of this chapter, or who proposes 
    to engage in the distribution, importation, or exportation of any List 
    I chemical, shall obtain annually a registration specific to the List I 
    chemicals to be handled, unless exempted by law or pursuant to 
    Secs. 1309.24-1309.27. Only persons actually engaged in such activities 
    are required to obtain a registration; related or affiliated persons 
    who are not engaged in such activities are not required to be 
    registered. (For example, a stockholder or parent corporation of a 
    corporation distributing List I chemicals is not required to obtain a 
        (b) Every person who distributes or exports a List I chemical they 
    have manufactured, other than a List I chemical contained in a product 
    exempted under Sec. 1310.01(f)(1)(iv) of this chapter, or proposes to 
    distribute or export a List I chemical they have manufactured, shall 
    obtain annually a registration specific to the List I chemicals to be 
    handled, unless exempted by law or pursuant to Secs. 1309.24-1309.27.
    Sec. 1309.22  Separate registration for independent activities.
        (a) The following groups of activities are deemed to be independent 
    of each other:
        (1) Retail distributing of List I chemicals;
        (2) Non-Retail distributing of List I chemicals;
        (3) Importing List I chemicals; and
        (4) Exporting List I chemicals.
        (b) Every person who engages in more than one group of independent 
    activities shall obtain a separate registration for each group of 
    activities, unless otherwise exempted by the Act or Secs. 1309.24-
    1309.26, except that a person registered to import any List I chemical 
    shall be authorized to distribute that List I chemical, but no other 
    chemical that the person is not registered to import.
    Sec. 1309.23  Separate registration for separate locations.
        (a) A separate registration is required for each principal place of 
    business at one general physical location where List I chemicals are 
    distributed, imported, or exported by a person.
        (b) The following locations shall be deemed to be places not 
    subject to the registration requirement:
        (1) A warehouse where List I chemicals are stored by or on behalf 
    of a registered person, unless such chemicals are distributed directly 
    from such warehouse to locations other than the registered location 
    from which the chemicals were originally delivered; and
        (2) An office used by agents of a registrant where sales of List I 
    chemicals are solicited, made, or supervised but which neither contains 
    such chemicals (other than chemicals for display purposes) nor serves 
    as a distribution point for filling sales orders.
    Sec. 1309.24  Exemption of agents and employees.
        The requirement of registration is waived for any agent or employee 
    of a person who is registered to engage in any group of independent 
    activities, if such agent or employee is acting in the usual course of 
    his or her business or employment.
    Sec. 1309.25  Exemption of certain controlled substance registrants.
        (a) The requirement of registration is waived for any person who 
    distributes a product containing a List I chemical that is regulated 
    pursuant to Sec. 1310.01(f)(1)(iv) of this chapter, if that person is 
    registered with the Administration to manufacture, distribute or 
    dispense a controlled substance.
        (b) The requirement of registration is waived for any person who 
    imports or exports a product containing a List I chemical that is 
    regulated pursuant to Sec. 1310.01(f)(1)(iv) of this chapter, if that 
    person is registered with the Administration to engage in the same 
    activity with a controlled substance.
        (c) The Administrator may, upon finding that continuation of the 
    waiver would not be in the public interest, suspend or revoke a 
    person's waiver pursuant to the procedures set forth in Secs. 1309.43-
    1309.46 and 1309.51-1309.57. In considering the revocation or 
    suspension of a person's waiver, the Administrator shall also consider 
    whether action to revoke or suspend the person's controlled substance 
    registration pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 824 is warranted.
        (d) Any person exempted from the registration requirement under 
    this section shall comply with the security requirements set forth in 
    Sec. 1309.71-1309.73 and the recordkeeping and reporting requirements 
    set forth under parts 1310 and 1313 of this chapter.
    Sec. 1309.26  Exemption of law enforcement officials.
        (a) The requirement of registration is waived for the following 
    persons in the circumstances described in this section:
        (1) Any officer or employee of the Administration, any officer of 
    the U.S. Customs Service, any officer or employee of the United States 
    Food and Drug Administration, any other Federal officer who is lawfully 
    engaged in the enforcement of any Federal law relating to listed 
    chemicals, controlled substances, drugs or customs, and is duly 
    authorized to possess and distribute List I chemicals in the course of 
    official duties; and
        (2) Any officer or employee of any State, or any political 
    subdivision or agency thereof, who is engaged in the enforcement of any 
    State or local law relating to listed chemicals and controlled 
    substances and is duly authorized to possess and distribute List I 
    chemicals in the course of his official duties.
        (b) Any official exempted by this section may, when acting in the 
    course of official duties, possess any List I chemical and distribute 
    any such chemical to any other official who is also exempted by this 
    section and acting in the course of official duties.
    Sec. 1309.27  Exemption of certain manufacturers.
        The requirement of registration is waived for any manufacturer of a 
    List I chemical, if that chemical is produced solely for internal 
    consumption by the manufacturer and there is no subsequent distribution 
    or exportation of the List I chemical.
    Application for Registration
    Sec. 1309.31  Time for application for registration; expiration date.
        (a) Any person who is required to be registered and who is not so 
    registered may apply for registration at any time. No person required 
    to be registered shall engage in any activity for which registration is 
    required until the application for registration is approved and a 
    Certificate of Registration is issued by the Administrator to such 
        (b) Any person who is registered may apply to be reregistered not 
    more than 60 days before the expiration date of his registration.
        (c) At the time a person is first registered, that person shall be 
    assigned to one of twelve groups, which shall correspond to the months 
    of the year. The expiration date of the registrations of all 
    registrants within any group will be the last day of the month 
    designated for that group. In assigning any of the above persons to a 
    group, the Administration may select a group the expiration date of 
    which is less than one year from the date such business activity was 
    registered. If the person is assigned to a group which has an 
    expiration date less than eleven months from the date of which the 
    person is registered, the registration shall not expire until one year 
    from that expiration date; in all other cases, the registration shall 
    expire on the expiration date following the date on which the person is 
    Sec. 1309.32  Application forms; contents; signature.
        (a) Any person who is required to be registered pursuant to 
    Sec. 1309.21 and is not so registered, shall apply on DEA Form 510.
        (b) Any person who is registered pursuant to Sec. 1309.21, shall 
    apply for reregistration on DEA Form 510a.
        (c) DEA Form 510 may be obtained at any divisional office of the 
    Administration or by writing to the Registration Unit, Drug Enforcement 
    Administration, Department of Justice, Post Office Box 28083, Central 
    Station, Washington, DC 20005. DEA Form 510a will be mailed to each 
    List I chemical registrant approximately 60 days before the expiration 
    date of his or her registration; if any registered person does not 
    receive such forms within 45 days before the expiration date of the 
    registration, notice must be promptly given of such fact and DEA Form 
    510a must be requested by writing to the Registration Unit of the 
    Administration at the foregoing address.
        (d) Each application for registration shall include the 
    Administration Chemical Code Number, as set forth in Sec. 1310.02 of 
    this chapter, for each List I chemical to be distributed, imported, or 
        (e) Registration shall not entitle a person to engage in any 
    activity with any List I chemical not specified in his or her 
        (f) Each application shall include all information called for in 
    the form, unless the item is not applicable, in which case this fact 
    shall be indicated.
        (g) Each application, attachment, or other document filed as part 
    of an application, shall be signed by the applicant, if an individual; 
    by a partner of the applicant, if a partnership; or by an officer of 
    the applicant, if a corporation, corporate division, association, trust 
    or other entity. An applicant may authorize one or more individuals, 
    who would not otherwise be authorized to do so, to sign applications 
    for the applicant by filing with the application or other document a 
    power or attorney for each such individual. The power of attorney shall 
    be signed by a person whose is authorized to sign applications under 
    this paragraph and shall contain the signature of the individual being 
    authorized to sign the application or other document. The power of 
    attorney shall be valid until revoked by the applicant.
    Sec. 1309.33  Filing of application; joint filings.
        (a) All applications for registration shall be submitted for filing 
    to the Registration Unit, Drug Enforcement Administration, Chemical 
    Registration/ODC, Post Office Box 2427, Arlington, Virginia 22202-2427. 
    The appropriate registration fee and any required attachments must 
    accompany the application.
        (b) Any person required to obtain more than one registration may 
    submit all applications in one package. Each application must be 
    complete and must not refer to any accompanying application for 
    required information.
    Sec. 1309.34  Acceptance for filing; defective applications.
        (a) Applications submitted for filing are dated upon receipt. If 
    found to be complete, the application will be accepted for filing. 
    Applications failing to comply with the requirements of this part will 
    not generally be accepted for filing. In the case of minor defects as 
    to completeness, the Administrator may accept the application for 
    filing with a request to the applicant for additional information. A 
    defective application will be returned to the applicant within 10 days 
    of receipt with a statement of the reason for not accepting the 
    application for filing. A defective application may be corrected and 
    resubmitted for filing at any time.
        (b) Accepting an application for filing does not preclude any 
    subsequent request for additional information pursuant to Sec. 1309.35 
    and has no bearing on whether the application will be granted.
    Sec. 1309.35  Additional information.
        The Administrator may require an applicant to submit such documents 
    or written statements of fact relevant to the application as he deems 
    necessary to determine whether the application should be granted. The 
    failure of the applicant to provide such documents or statements within 
    a reasonable time after being requested to do so shall be deemed to be 
    a waiver by the applicant of an opportunity to present such documents 
    or facts for consideration by the Administrator in granting or denying 
    the application.
    Sec. 1309.36  Amendments to and withdrawals of applications.
        (a) An application may be amended or withdrawn without permission 
    of the Administrator at any time before the date on which the applicant 
    receives an order to show cause pursuant to Sec. 1309.46. An 
    application may be amended or withdrawn with permission of the 
    Administrator at any time where good cause is shown by the applicant or 
    where the amendment or withdrawal is in the public interest.
        (b) After an application has been accepted for filing, the request 
    by the applicant that it be returned or the failure of the applicant to 
    respond to official correspondence regarding the application, including 
    a request that the applicant submit the required fee, when sent by 
    registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, shall be deemed 
    to be a withdrawal of the application.
    Action of Applications for Registration: Revocation or Suspension of 
    Sec. 1309.41  Administrative review generally.
        The Administrator may inspect, or cause to be inspected, the 
    establishment of an applicant or registrant, pursuant to subpart A of 
    part 1316 of this chapter. The Administrator shall review the 
    application for registration and other information gathered by the 
    Administrator regarding an applicant in order to determine whether the 
    applicable standards of section 303 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 823) have 
    been met by the applicant.
    Sec. 1309.42  Certificate of registration; denial of registration.
        (a) The Administrator shall issue a Certificate of Registration 
    (DEA Form 511) to an applicant if the issuance of registration or 
    reregistration is required under the applicable provisions of section 
    303 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 823). In the event that the issuance of 
    registration or reregistration is not required, the Administrator shall 
    deny the application. Before denying any application, the Administrator 
    shall issue an order to show cause pursuant to Sec. 1309.46 and, if 
    requested by the applicant, shall hold a hearing on the application 
    pursuant to Sec. 1309.51.
        (b) The Certificate of Registration (DEA Form 511) shall contain 
    the name, address, and registration number of the registrant, the 
    activity authorized by the registration, the amount of fee paid, and 
    the expiration date of the registration. The registrant shall maintain 
    the certificate of registration at the registered location in a readily 
    retrievable manner and shall permit inspection of the certificate by 
    any official, agent or employee of the Administration or of any 
    Federal, State, or local agency engaged in enforcement of laws relating 
    to List I chemicals or controlled substances.
    Sec. 1309.43  Suspension or revocation of registration.
        (a) The Administrator may suspend any registration pursuant to 
    section 304(a) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 824(a)) for any period of time he 
        (b) The Administrator may revoke any registration pursuant to 
    section 304(a) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 824(a)).
        (c) Before revoking or suspending any registration, the 
    Administrator shall issue an order to show cause pursuant to 
    Sec. 1309.46 and, if requested by the registrant, shall hold a hearing 
    pursuant to Sec. 1309.51. Notwithstanding the requirements of this 
    Section, however, the Administrator may suspend any registration 
    pending a final order pursuant to Sec. 1309.44.
        (d) Upon service of the order of the Administrator suspending or 
    revoking registration, the registrant shall immediately deliver his or 
    her Certificate of Registration to the nearest office of the 
    Sec. 1309.44  Suspension of registration pending final order.
        (a) The Administrator may suspend any registration simultaneously 
    with or at any time subsequent to the service upon the registrant of an 
    order to show cause why such registration should not be revoked or 
    suspended, in any case where he finds that there is an imminent danger 
    to the public health or safety. If the Administrator so suspends, he 
    shall serve with the order to show cause pursuant to Sec. 1309.46 an 
    order of immediate suspension that shall contain a statement of his 
    findings regarding the danger to public health or safety.
        (b) Upon service of the order of immediate suspension, the 
    registrant shall promptly return his Certificate of Registration to the 
    nearest office of the Administration.
        (c) Any suspension shall continue in effect until the conclusion of 
    all proceedings upon the revocation or suspension, including any 
    judicial review thereof, unless sooner withdrawn by the Administrator 
    or dissolved by a court of competent jurisdiction. Any registrant whose 
    registration is suspended under this section may request a hearing on 
    the revocation or suspension of his registration at a time earlier than 
    specified in the order to show cause pursuant to Sec. 1309.46, which 
    request shall be granted by the Administrator, who shall fix a date for 
    such hearing as early as reasonably possible.
    Sec. 1309.45  Extension of registration pending final order.
        In the event that an applicant for reregistration (who is doing 
    business under a registration previously granted and not revoked or 
    suspended) has applied for reregistration at least 45 days before the 
    date on which the existing registration is due to expire, and the 
    Administrator has issued no order on the application on the date on 
    which the existing registration is due to expire, the existing 
    registration of the applicant shall automatically be extended and 
    continue in effect until the date on which the Administrator so issues 
    his order. The Administrator may extend any other existing registration 
    under the circumstances contemplated in this section even though the 
    registrant failed to apply for reregistration at least 45 days before 
    expiration of the existing registration, with or without request by the 
    registrant, if the Administrator finds that such extension is not 
    inconsistent with the public health and safety.
    Sec. 1309.46  Order to show cause.
        (a) If, upon examination of the application for registration from 
    any applicant and other information gathered by the Administration 
    regarding the applicant, the Administrator is unable to make the 
    determinations required by the applicable provisions of section 303 of 
    the Act (21 U.S.C. 823) to register the applicant, the Administrator 
    shall serve upon the applicant an order to show cause why the 
    application for registration should not be denied.
        (b) If, upon information gathered by the Administration regarding 
    any registrant, the Administrator determines that the registration of 
    such registrant is subject to suspension or revocation pursuant to 
    section 304 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 824), the Administrator shall serve 
    upon the registrant an order to show cause why the registration should 
    not be revoked or suspended.
        (c) The order to show cause shall call upon the applicant or 
    registrant to appear before the Administrator at a time and place 
    stated in the order, which shall not be less than 30 days after the 
    date of receipt of the order. The order to show cause shall also 
    contain a statement of the legal basis for such hearing and for the 
    denial, revocation, or suspension of registration and a summary of the 
    matters of fact and law asserted.
        (d) Upon receipt of an order to show cause, the applicant or 
    registrant must, if he desires a hearing, file a request for a hearing 
    pursuant to Sec. 1309.54. If a hearing is requested, the Administrator 
    shall hold a hearing at the time and place stated in the order, 
    pursuant to Sec. 1309.51.
        (e) When authorized by the Administrator, any agent of the 
    Administration may serve the order to show cause.
    Sec. 1309.51  Hearings generally.
        (a) In any case where the Administrator shall hold a hearing on any 
    registration or application therefor, the procedures for such hearing 
    shall be governed generally by the adjudication procedures set forth in 
    the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 551-559) and specifically by 
    sections 303 and 304 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 823-824), by Secs. 1309.51-
    1309.57, and by the procedure for administrative hearings under the Act 
    set forth in Secs. 1316.41-1316.67 of this chapter.
        (b) Any hearing under this part shall be independent of, and not in 
    lieu of, criminal prosecutions or other proceedings under the Act or 
    any other law of the United States.
    Sec. 1309.52  Purpose of hearing.
        If requested by a person entitled to a hearing, the Administrator 
    shall hold a hearing for the purpose of receiving factual evidence 
    regarding the issues involved in the denial, revocation, or suspension 
    of any registration. Extensive argument should not be offered into 
    evidence but rather presented in opening or closing statements of 
    counsel or in memoranda or proposed findings of fact and conclusions of 
    Sec. 1309.53  Waiver or modification of rules.
        The Administrator or the presiding officer (with respect to matters 
    pending before him) may modify or waive any rule in this party by 
    notice in advance of the hearing, if he determines that no party in the 
    hearing will be unduly prejudiced and the ends of justice will thereby 
    be served. Such notice of modification or waiver shall be made a part 
    of the record of the hearing.
    Sec. 1309.54  Request for hearing or appearance; waiver.
        (a) Any person entitled to a hearing pursuant to Secs. 1309.42 and 
    1309.43 and desiring a hearing shall, within 30 days after the date of 
    receipt of the order to show cause, file with the Administrator a 
    written request for a hearing in the form prescribed in Section 1316.47 
    of this chapter.
        (b) Any person entitled to a hearing pursuant to Secs. 1309.42 and 
    1309.43, within the period permitted for filing a request for a 
    hearing, file with the Administrator a waiver of an opportunity for a 
    hearing, together with a written statement regarding his position on 
    the matters of fact and law involved in such hearing. Such statement, 
    if admissible, shall be made a part of the record and shall be 
    considered in light of the lack of opportunity for cross-examination in 
    determining the weight to be attached to matters of fact asserted 
        (c) If any person entitled to a hearing pursuant to Secs. 1309.42 
    and 1309.43 fails to file a request for a hearing, or if he so files 
    and fails to appear at the hearing, he shall be deemed to have waived 
    his opportunity for the hearing, unless he shows good cause for such 
        (d) If any person entitled to a hearing waives or is deemed to 
    waive his or her opportunity for the hearing, the Administrator may 
    cancel the hearing, if scheduled, and issue his final order pursuant to 
    Sec. 1309.57 without a hearing.
    Sec. 1309.55  Burden of proof.
        (a) At any hearing for the denial of a registration, the 
    Administrator shall have the burden of proving that the requirements 
    for such registration pursuant to section 303 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 
    823) are not satisfied.
        (b) At any hearing for the revocation or suspension of a 
    registration, the Administrator shall have the burden of proving that 
    the requirements for such revocation or suspension pursuant to section 
    304(a) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 824(a)) are satisfied.
    Sec. 1309.56  Time and place of hearing.
        The hearing will commence at the place and time designated in the 
    order to show cause or notice of hearing published in the Federal 
    Register (unless expedited pursuant to Sec. 1309.44(c)) but thereafter 
    it may be moved to a different place and may be continued from day to 
    day or recessed to a later day without notice other than announcement 
    thereof by the presiding officer at the hearing.
    Sec. 1309.57  Final order.
        As soon as practicable after the presiding officer has certified 
    the record to the Administrator, the Administrator shall cause to be 
    published in the Federal Register his final order in the proceeding, 
    which shall set forth the final rule and the findings of fact and 
    conclusions of law upon which the rule is based. This order shall 
    specify the date on which it shall take effect, which date shall not be 
    less than 30 days from the date of publication in the Federal Register 
    unless the Administrator finds that the public interest in the matter 
    necessitates an earlier effective date, in which case the Administrator 
    shall specify in the order his findings as to the conditions which led 
    him to conclude that an earlier effective date was required.
    Modification, Transfer and Termination of Registration
    Sec. 1309.61  Modification in registration.
        Any registrant may apply to modify his or her registration to 
    authorize the handling of additional List I chemicals or to change his 
    or her name or address, by submitting a letter of request to the Drug 
    Enforcement Administration, Chemical Registration/ODC, Post Office Box 
    2427, Arlington, Virginia 22202-2427. The letter shall contain the 
    registrant's name, address, and registration number as printed on the 
    certificate of registration, and the List I chemicals to be added to 
    his registration or the new name or address and shall be signed in 
    accordance with Sec. 1309.32(g). No fee shall be required to be paid 
    for the modification. The request for modification shall be handled in 
    the same manner as an application for registration. If the modification 
    in registration is approved, the Administrator shall issue a new 
    certificate of registration (DEA Form 511) to the registrant, who shall 
    maintain it with the old certificate of registration until expiration.
    Sec. 1309.62  Termination of registration.
        The registration of any person shall terminate if and when such 
    person dies, ceases legal existence, or discontinues business or 
    professional practice. Any registrant who ceases legal existence or 
    discontinues business or professional practice shall notify the 
    Administrator promptly of such fact.
    Sec. 1309.63  Transfer of registration.
        No registration or any authority conferred thereby shall be 
    assigned or otherwise transferred except upon such conditions as the 
    Administrator may specifically designate and then only pursuant to his 
    written consent.
    Security Requirements
    Sec. 1309.71  General security requirements.
        (a) All applicants and registrants shall provide effective controls 
    and procedures to guard against theft and diversion of List I 
    chemicals. Specific attention shall be paid to storage of and 
    controlling access to List I chemicals as follows:
        (1) Chemicals shall be stored in containers sealed in such a manner 
    as to indicate any attempts at tampering with the container. Where 
    chemicals cannot be stored in sealed containers, access to the 
    chemicals should be controlled through physical means or through human 
    or electronic monitoring.
        (2) In retail settings open to the public where drugs containing 
    List I chemicals that are regulated pursuant to Sec. 1310.01(f)(1)(iv) 
    of this chapter are distributed, such drugs will be stocked behind a 
    counter where only employees have access.
        (b) In evaluating the effectiveness of security controls and 
    procedures, the Administrator shall consider the following factors:
        (1) The type, form, and quantity of List I chemicals handled;
        (2) The location of the premises and the relationship such location 
    bears on the security needs;
        (3) The type of building construction comprising the facility and 
    the general characteristics of the building or buildings;
        (4) The availability of electric detection and alarm systems;
        (5) The extent of unsupervised public access to the facility;
        (6) The adequacy of supervision over employees having access to 
    List I chemicals;
        (7) The procedures for handling business guests, visitors, 
    maintenance personnel, and nonemployee service personnel in areas where 
    List I chemicals are processed or stored;
        (8) The adequacy of the registrant's or applicant's systems for 
    monitoring the receipt, distribution, and disposition of List I 
    chemicals in its operations.
        (c) Any registrant or applicant desiring to determine whether a 
    proposed system of security controls and procedures is adequate may 
    submit materials and plans regarding the proposed security controls and 
    procedures either to the Special Agent in Charge in the region in which 
    the security controls and procedures will be used, or to the Chemical 
    Operations Section Office of Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement 
    Administration, Washington, DC 20537.
    Sec. 1309.72  Felony conviction; employer responsibilities.
        (a) The registrant shall not employ, as an agent or employee who 
    has access to List I chemicals, any person who has been convicted of a 
    felony offense relating to controlled substances or listed chemicals or 
    who has, at any time, had an application for registration with the DEA 
    denied, had a DEA registration revoked or has surrendered a DEA 
    registration for cause. For purposes of this subsection, the term ``for 
    cause'' means a surrender in lieu of, or as a consequence of, any 
    Federal or State administrative, civil or criminal action resulting 
    from an investigation of the individual's handling of controlled 
    substances or listed chemicals.
        (b) It is the position of DEA that employees who possess, sell, use 
    or divert listed chemicals or controlled substances will subject 
    themselves not only to State or Federal prosecution for any illicit 
    activity, but shall also immediately become the subject of independent 
    action regarding their continued employment. The employer will assess 
    the seriousness of the employee's violation, the position of 
    responsibility held by the employee, past record of employment, etc., 
    in determining whether to suspend, transfer, terminate or take other 
    action against the employee.
    Sec. 1309.73  Employee responsibility to report diversion.
        Reports of listed chemical diversion by fellow employees is not 
    only a necessary part of an overall employee security program but also 
    serves the public interest at large. It is, therefore, the position of 
    DEA that an employee who has knowledge of diversion from his employer 
    by a fellow employee has an obligation to report such information to a 
    responsible security official of the employer. The employer shall treat 
    such information as confidential and shall take all reasonable steps to 
    protect the confidentiality of the information and the identity of the 
    employee furnishing information. A failure to report information of 
    chemical diversion will be considered in determining the feasibility of 
    continuing to allow an employee to work in an area with access to 
    chemicals. The employer shall inform all employees concerning this 
        III. 21 CFR Part 1310 is proposed to be amended as follows:
    PART 1310--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 1310 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 802, 830, 871(b).
        2. Section 1310.01 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraphs 
    (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g), redesignating paragraph (k) as 
    paragraph (m) and adding new paragraphs (k) and (l) as follows:
    Sec. 1310.01  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (b) The term listed chemical means any List I chemical or List II 
        (c) The term List I chemical means a chemical specifically 
    designated by the Administrator in Section 1310.02(a) that, in addition 
    to legitimate uses, is used in manufacturing a controlled substance in 
    violation of the Act and is important to the manufacture of a 
    controlled substance.
        (d) The term List II chemical means a chemical, other than a List I 
    chemical, specifically designated by the Administrator in 
    Sec. 1310.02(b) that, in addition to legitimate uses, is used in 
    manufacturing a controlled substance in violation of the Act.
        (e) The term regulated person means any individual, corporation, 
    partnership, association, or other legal entity who manufactures, 
    distributes, imports, or exports a listed chemical, a tableting 
    machine, or an encapsulating machine, or who acts as a broker or trader 
    for an international transaction involving a listed chemical, tableting 
    machine, or encapsulating machine.
        (f) The term regulated transaction means:
        (1) A distribution, receipt, sale, or importation, or exportation 
    of a listed chemical, or an international transaction involving 
    shipment of a listed chemical, or if the Administrator establishes a 
    threshold amount for a specific listed chemical, a threshold amount as 
    determined by the Administrator, which includes a cumulative threshold 
    amount for multiple transactions, of a listed chemical, except that 
    such term does not include:
        (i) A domestic lawful distribution in the usual course of business 
    between agents or employees of a single regulated person; in this 
    context, agents or employees means individuals under the direct 
    management and control of the regulated person;
        (ii) A delivery of a listed chemical to or by a common or contract 
    carrier for carriage in the lawful and usual course of the business of 
    the common or contract carrier, or to or by a warehouseman for storage 
    in the lawful and usual course of the business of the warehouseman, 
    except that if the carriage or storage is in connection with the 
    distribution, importation, or exportation of a listed chemical to a 
    third person, this paragraph does not relieve a distributor, importer, 
    or exporter from compliance with this part or parts 1309 and 1313 of 
    this chapter;
        (iii) Any category of transaction or any category of transaction 
    for a specific listed chemical or chemicals specified by regulation of 
    the Administrator as excluded from this definition as unnecessary for 
    enforcement of the Act;
        (iv) Any transaction in a listed chemical that is contained in a 
    drug that may be marketed or distributed lawfully in the United States 
    under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act unless--
        (A) The drug contain ephedrine or its salts, optical isomers, or 
    salts of optical isomers as the only active medicinal ingredient or 
    contains ephedrine or its salts, optical isomers or salts of optical 
    isomers and therapeutically insignificant quantities of another active 
    medicinal ingredient. For purposes of this paragraph, the term 
    ``therapeutically insignificant quantities'' shall apply if the product 
    formulation (i.e., the qualitative and quantitative composition of 
    active ingredients within the product) is not listed in any of the 
    following compendiums:
        (1) American Pharmaceutical Association (APhA) Handbook of 
    Nonprescription Drugs;
        (2) Drug Facts and Comparisons (published by Wolters Kluwer 
    Company); or
        (3) USP DI (published by authority of the United States 
    Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc.);
        (4) Or the product is not listed in Sec. 1310.15 as an exempt drug 
    product. For drug products having formulations not found in the above 
    compendiums, the Administrator shall determine, pursuant to a written 
    request as specified in Sec. 1310.14, whether the active medicinal 
    ingredients are present in quantities considered therapeutically 
    significant for purposes of this paragraph.
        (B) The Administrator has determined that the drug or group of 
    drugs is being diverted to obtain the listed chemical for use in the 
    illicit production of a controlled substance; and
        (C) The quantity of ephedrine or other listed chemical contained in 
    the drug included in the transaction or multiple transaction equals or 
    exceeds the threshold established for that chemical by the 
    Administrator; or
        (v) Any transaction in a chemical mixture listed in Sec. 1310.13.
        (g) The term chemical mixture means a combination of two or more 
    chemical substances, at least one of which is not a listed chemical, 
    except that such term does not include any combination of a listed 
    chemical with another chemical that is present solely as an impurity or 
    which has been created to evade the requirements of the act.
    * * * * *
        (k) The terms broker and trader mean any individual, corporation, 
    corporate division, partnership, association, or other legal entity 
    which assists in arranging an international transaction in a listed 
    chemical by--
        (1) Negotiating contracts;
        (2) Serving as an agent or intermediary; or
        (3) Bringing together a buyer and seller, a buyer and transporter, 
    or a seller and transporter.
        (l) The term international transaction means a transaction 
    involving the shipment of a listed chemical across an international 
    border (other than a United States border) in which a broker or trader 
    located in the United States participates.
    * * * * *
        3. Section 1310.02 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraphs 
    (a) and (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1310.02  Substances covered.
        The following chemicals have been specifically designated by the 
    Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration as the listed 
    chemicals subject to the provisions of this part and parts 1309 and 
    1313 of this chapter. Each chemical has been assigned the DEA Chemical 
    Code Number set forth opposite it.
        (a) List I chemicals:
    (1) Anthranilic acid, its esters, and its salts
    (2) Benzyl cyanide
    (3) Ephedrine, its salts, optical isomers, and salts of optical isomers
    (4) Ergonovine and its salts
    (5) Ergotamine and its salts
    (6) N-Acetylanthranilic acid, its esters, and its salts
    (7) Norpseudoephedrine, its salts, optical isomers, and salts of 
    optical isomers
    (8) Phenylacetic acid, its esters, and its salts
    (9) Phenylpropanolamine, its salts, optical isomers, and salts of 
    optical isomers
    (10) Piperidine and its salts
    (11) Pseudoephedrine, its salts, optical isomers, and salts of optical 
    (12) 3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone
    (13) Methylamine and its salts
    (14) Ethylamine and its salts
    (15) Propionic anhydride
    (16) Insosafrole (Isosafrole)
    (17) Safrole
    (18) Piperonal
    (19) N-Methylephedrine, its salts, optical isomers, and salts of 
    optical isomers (N-Methylephedrine)
    (20) N-Methylpseudoephedrine, its salts, optical isomers, and salts of 
    optical isomers
    (21) Hydriotic acid (Hydriodic Acid)
    (22) Benzaldehyde
    (23) Nitroethane
        (b) List II Chemicals:
    (1) Acetic anhydride
    (2) Acetone
    (3) Benzyl chloride
    (4) Ethyl ether
    (5) Potassium permanganate
    (6) 2-Butanone (or Methyl Ethyl Ketone or MEK)
    (7) Toluene
    (8) Hydrochloric acid
    (9) Sulfuric acid
    * * * * *
        4. Section 1310.03 is proposed to be amended by redesignating the 
    introductory text as paragraph (a) and adding a new paragraph (b) as 
    Sec. 1310.03  Persons required to keep records and file reports.
        (a) * * *
        (b) Each regulated person who manufactures a listed chemical shall 
    file reports regarding such manufacture as specified by Sec. 1310.05. 
    However, a manufacturer of a drug product that is exempted under 
    Sec. 1310.01(f)(1)(iv) shall not be required to file reports regarding 
    such manufacture.
        5. Section 1310.04 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraphs 
    (a), (b), and (f)(1), introductory text, removing paragraphs 
    (f)(1)(xv), (f)(1)(xxi), and (f)(1)(xxiii); redesignating paragraphs 
    (f)(1) (xvi) through (xx) as (f)(1) (xv) through (xix), paragraph 
    (f)(1) (xxii) as (f)(1) (xx) and paragraph (f)(1) (xxiv) as (f)(1) 
    (xxi); and adding new paragraphs (f)(1) (xxii) and (xxiii), revising 
    (f)(2), introductory test and (f)(2)(iv) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1310.04  Maintenance of records.
        (a) Every record required to be kept subject to Section 1310.03 for 
    a List I chemical, a tableting machine, or an encapsulating machine 
    shall be kept by the regulated person for four years after the date of 
    the transaction.
        (b) Every record required to be kept subject to Section 1310.03 for 
    List II chemical shall be kept by the regulated person for two years 
    after the date of the transaction.
    * * * * *
        (f) * * *
        (1) List I Chemicals:
                       Chemical                     Threshold by base weight
    (i) ***                                                                 
    (xxii) Benzaldehyde...........................  4 kilograms.            
    (xxiii) Nitroethane...........................  2.5 kilograms.          
        (2) List II Chemicals:
        (i) * * *
        (iv) Exports, transshipments and international transactions to 
    Designated Countries set forth in Section 1310.08(b).
    * * * * *
        6. Section 1310.05 is proposed to be amended by redesignating 
    paragraphs (a)(2) through (a)(4) as paragraphs (a)(3) through (a)(5), 
    adding a new paragraph (a)(2), revising paragraph (b), and adding a new 
    paragraph (d) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1310.05  Reports.
        (a) * * *
        (2) Any regulated transaction with a person not registered with DEA 
    who is obtaining within a calendar month and quantity of 375 dosage 
    units or more of a drug product containing ephedrine, which is 
    regulated pursuant to Sec. 1310.01(f)(1)(iv). The requirement to make 
    such reports is waived if a pharmacist employed by the regulated person 
    consults with the purchaser regarding the appropriate uses and dosing 
    of the product for legitimate medical purposes and includes 
    documentation of the consultation in the record of the transaction.
    * * * * *
        (b) Each report submitted pursuant to paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(3), 
    (a)(4), and (a)(5) of this section shall, whenever possible, be made 
    orally to the DEA Divisional Office for the area in which the regulated 
    person making the report is located at the earliest practicable 
    opportunity after the regulated person becomes aware of the 
    circumstances involved and as much in advance of the conclusion of the 
    transaction as possible. Written reports of transactions listed in 
    paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(4) and (a)(5) of this section will subsequently 
    be filed as set forth in Sec. 1310.06 within 15 days after the 
    regulated person becomes aware of the circumstances of the event. 
    Written reports of transactions listed in paragraph (a)(2) of this 
    section shall be submitted to the DEA Divisional Office for the area in 
    which the regulated person making the report is located within 5 days 
    following the end of the calendar month in which the transaction took 
    place. A transaction may not be completed with a person who description 
    or identifying characteristic has previously been furnished to the 
    regulated person by the Administration unless the transaction is 
    approved by the Administration.
    * * * * *
        (d) Each regulated bulk manufacturer of a listed chemical shall 
    submit manufacturing, inventory, transaction and use data on an annual 
    basis as set forth in Sec. 1310.06 (h). For purposes of this paragraph 
    only, the term bulk manufacturer means a person who produces a listed 
    chemical by means of chemical synthesis or by extraction from other 
    substances. The term bulk manufacturer does not include persons whose 
    sole activity consists of the repackaging or relabeling of listed 
    chemical products or the manufacture of drug products containing listed 
    chemicals. This data shall be submitted annually to the Drug and 
    Chemical Evaluation Section, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 
    Washington DC 20537, on or before the 31st day of January of the year 
    immediately following the period for which submitted. This reporting 
    requirement does not apply to drug products which are exempted under 21 
    U.S.c. 802 (39)(A)(iv) except as set forth in Sec. 1310.06 (h)(5). Each 
    report shall be submitted on company letterhead and signed by an 
    appropriate, responsible official.
        7. Section 1310.06 is amended by revising paragraphs (a), 
    introducing text, (a)(1), (c), and (d) and by adding a new paragraph 
    (h) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1310.06  Content of records and reports.
        (a) Each record required by Sec. 1310.03 shall include the 
        (1) The name, address, and, if required, DEA registration number of 
    each party to the regulated transaction.
    * * * * *
        (c) Each report required by Sec. 1310.05(a) shall include the 
    information as specified by Sec. 1310.06(a) and, where obtainable, the 
    registration number of the other party, if such party is registered. A 
    report submitted pursuant to Sec. 1310.059a)(1) or (a)(4) must also 
    include a description of the circumstances leading the regulated person 
    to make the report, such as the reason that the method of payment was 
    uncommon or the loss unusual. If the report is for a loss or 
    disappearance under Sec. 1310.05(a)(4), the circumstances of such loss 
    must be provided (in-transit, theft from premise, etc.)
        (d) A suggested format for the reports is provided below:
    Registration Number----------------------------------------------------
    Business Address-------------------------------------------------------
    Business Phone---------------------------------------------------------
    Registration Number----------------------------------------------------
    Business Address-------------------------------------------------------
    Business Phone---------------------------------------------------------
    Shipping Address (If different than purchaser Address):
    Date of Shipment-------------------------------------------------------
    Name of Listed Chemical(s)---------------------------------------------
    Quantity and Form of Packaging-----------------------------------------
    Description of Machine:
    Serial #---------------------------------------------------------------
    Method of Transfer-----------------------------------------------------
    If Loss or Disappearance:
    Date of Loss-----------------------------------------------------------
    Type of Loss-----------------------------------------------------------
    Description of Circumstances-------------------------------------------
    * * * * *
        (h) Each annual report required by Sec. 1310.05 (d) shall provide 
    the following information for each listed chemical manufactured:
        (1) The name and address of the listed chemical manufacturer and 
    person to contact for information.
        (2) The name and total quantity of the listed chemical manufactured 
    during the preceding calendar year.
        (3) The year end inventory of the listed chemical as of the close 
    of business on the 31st day of December of the preceding calendar year.
        (4) The total quantity of listed chemical used for internal 
    consumption during the preceding calender year and a written 
    description of this use.
        (5) The quantity of listed chemical manufactured which has been 
    converted to a product exempted under Sec. Sec. 1310.01(f)(1)(iv) or 
    1310.01(f)(1)(v) and a written description of the exempt products 
        (6) The total annual quantity of the listed chemical distributed 
    during the preceding calendar year. This data shall include an 
    itemization of foreign versus domestic distribution.
        (7) If applicable, the total annual quantity of the listed chemical 
    purchased during the preceding calendar year.
        (8) Data shall identify the specific isomer, salt or ester when 
    applicable but quantitative data shall be reported as annydrous base or 
    acid in kilograms.
        8. Section 1310.07 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraphs 
    (a) and (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1310.07  Proof of identity.
        (a) Each regulated person who engages in a regulated transaction 
    must identify the other party to the transaction. For domestic 
    transaction, this shall be accomplished by having the other party 
    present documents which would verify the identity, or registration 
    status if a registrant, of the other party to the regulated person at 
    the time the order is placed. For export transactions, this shall be 
    accomplished by good faith inquiry through reasonably available 
    research documents or publicly available information which would 
    indicate the existence of the foreign customer. No proof of identity is 
    required for foreign suppliers.
        (b) The regulated person must verify the existence and apparent 
    validity of a business entity ordering a listed chemical, tableting 
    machine or encapsulating machine. For domestic transactions, this may 
    be accomplished by such methods as checking the telephone directory, 
    the local credit bureau, the local Chamber of Commerce or the local 
    Better Business Bureau, or, it the business entity is a registrant, by 
    verification of the registration. For export transactions, a good faith 
    inquiry to verify the existence and apparent validity of a foreign 
    business entity may be accomplished by such methods as verifying the 
    business telephone listing through international telephone information, 
    the firm's listing in international or foreign national chemical 
    directories or other commerce directories of trade publications, 
    confirmation through foreign subsidiaries of the U.S. regulated person, 
    verification through the country of destination's embassy Commercial 
    Attache, or official documents provided by the purchaser which confirm 
    the existence and apparent validity of the business entity.
    * * * * *
        9. Section 1310.08 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraph 
    (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1310.08  Excluded transactions.
    * * * * *
        (b) Exports, transshipments, and international transactions of 
    hydrochloric and sulfuric acids, except for exports, transshipments and 
    international transactions to the following countries.
    * * * * *
        10. Section 1310.10, 1310.11, 1310.12, 1310.13, 1310.14 and 1310.15 
    are proposed to be added to read as follows:
    Sec. 1310.10  Removal of the exemption of drugs distributed under the 
    Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
        (a) The Administrator may remove from exemption under 
    Sec. 1310.01(f)(1)(iv) any drug or group of drugs that the 
    Administrator finds is being diverted to obtain a listed chemical for 
    use in the illicit production of a controlled substance. In removing a 
    drug or group of drugs from the exemption the Administrator shall 
        (1) The scope, duration, and significance of the diversion;
        (2) Whether the drug or group of drugs is formulated in such a way 
    that it cannot be easily used in the illicit production of a controlled 
    substance; and
        (3) Whether the listed chemical can be readily recovered from the 
    drug or group of drugs.
        (b) Upon determining that a drug or group of drugs should be 
    removed from the exemption under paragraph (a) of this section, the 
    Administrator shall issue and publish in the Federal Register his 
    proposal to remove the drug or group of drugs from exemption, which 
    shall include a reference to the legal authority under which the 
    proposal is based. The Administrator shall permit any interested person 
    to file written comments on or objections to the proposal. After 
    considering any comments or objections filed, the Administrator shall 
    publish in the Federal Register his final order.
        (c) The Administrator shall limit the removal of a drug or group of 
    drugs from exemption under paragraph (a) of this section to the most 
    identifiable type of the drug or group of drugs for which evidence of 
    diversion exists unless there is evidence, based on the pattern of 
    diversion and other relevant factors, that the diversion will not be 
    limited to that particular drug or group of drugs.
        (d) Any manufacturer seeking reinstatement of a particular drug 
    product that has been removed from an exemption under paragraph (a) of 
    this section, may apply to the Administrator for reinstatement of the 
    exemption for that particular drug product on the grounds that the 
    particular drug product is manufactured and distributed in a manner 
    that prevents diversion. In determining whether the exemption should be 
    reinstated the Administrator shall consider:
        (1) The package sizes manner of packaging of the drug product;
        (2) The manner of distribution and advertising of the drug product;
        (3) Evidence of diversion of the drug product;
        (4) Any actions taken by the manufacturer to prevent diversion of 
    the drug product; and
        (5) Such other factors as are relevant to and consistent with the 
    public health and safety, including the factors described in paragraph 
    (a) of this section as applied to the drug product.
        (e) Within a reasonable period of time after receipt of the 
    application for reinstatement of the exemption, The Administrator shall 
    notify the applicant of his acceptance or non-acceptance of his 
    application, and if not accepted, the reason therefor. If the 
    application is accepted for filing, the Administrator shall issue and 
    publish in the Federal Register his order on the reinstatement of the 
    exemption for the particular drug product, which shall include a 
    reference to the legal authority under which the order is based. This 
    order shall specify the date on which it shall take effect. The 
    Administrator shall permit any interested person to file written 
    comments on or objections to the order. If any such comments raise 
    significant issues regarding any finding of fact or conclusion of law 
    upon which the order is based, the Administrator shall immediately 
    suspend the effectiveness of the order until he may reconsider the 
    application in light of the comments and objections filed. Thereafter, 
    the Administrator shall reinstate, revoke, or amend his original order 
    as he determines appropriate.
        (f) Unless the Administrator has evidence that the drug product is 
    being diverted, as determined by applying the factors set forth in 
    paragraph (a) of this section, and the Administrator so notifies the 
    applicant, transactions involving a specific drug product will not be 
    considered regulated transactions during the following periods:
        (1) While a bonafide application for reinstatement of exemption 
    under paragraph (d) of this section for the specific drug product is 
    pending resolution, provided that the application for reinstatement is 
    filed not later than 60 days after the publication of the final order 
    removing the exemption; and
        (2) For a period of 60 days following the Administrator's denial of 
    an application for reinstatement.
        (g) An order published by the Administrator in the Federal Register 
    pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section to reinstate an exemption may 
    be modified or revoked with respect to a particular drug product upon a 
    finding that:
        (1) Applying the factors set forth in paragraph (a) to the 
    particular drug product, the drug product is being diverted; or
        (2) There is a significant change in the data that led to the 
    issuance of the final rule.
    Sec. 1310.11  Reinstatement of exemption for drug products distributed 
    under the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
        (a) The Administrator has reinstated the exemption for the drug 
    products listed in paragraph (e) of this section from application of 
    sections 302, 303, 310, 1007, and 1008 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 822-823, 
    830, and 957-958 to the extent described in paragraphs (b), (c), and 
    (d) of this section.
        (b) Records and reports: All regulated persons who manufacture an 
    exempted drug product must keep complete and accurate records and file 
    all reports required under Secs. 1310.05 and 1310.06 on all listed 
    chemicals used in manufacturing the exempt drug product. Transactions 
    involving reinstated exempt drug products contained in paragraph (e) of 
    this section are not regulated transactions and thus records and 
    reports are not required to be kept for listed chemicals once they 
    become part of the reinstated exempt drug product.
        (c) No reinstated exemption granted pursuant to 1310.10 affects the 
    criminal liability for illegal possession or distribution of listed 
    chemicals contained in the exempt drug product.
        (d) Changes in exempt drug product compositions: Any change in the 
    quantitative or qualitative composition, trade name or other 
    designation of an exempt drug product listed in paragraph (e) of this 
    section requires a new application for reinstatement of the exemption.
        (e) The following drug products, in the form and quantity listed in 
    the application submitted (indicated as the ``date'') are designated as 
    reinstated exempt drug products for the purposes set forth in this 
                              Exempt Drug Products                          
                       Supplier                       name     Form    Date 
    Sec. 1310.12  Exemption of chemical mixtures; application.
        (a) The Administrator may, by publication of a Final Rule in the 
    Federal Register, exempt from the application of all or any part of the 
    Act, a chemical mixture consisting of two or more chemical substances, 
    at least one of which is not a List I or List II chemical, if:
        (1) The mixture is formulated in such a way that it cannot be 
    easily used in the illicit production of a controlled substance; and
        (2) The listed chemical or chemicals contained in the chemical 
    mixture cannot be readily recovered.
        (b) Any person seeking an exemption for a chemical mixture from the 
    application of all or any part of the Act, pursuant to paragraph (a) of 
    this section, may apply to the Administrator, Drug Enforcement 
    Administration, Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20537.
        (c) An application for exemption under this section shall contain 
    the following information:
        (1) The name, address, and registration number, if any, of the 
        (2) The date of the application;
        (3) The name, address, and registration number, if any, of the 
    manufacturer or importer of the chemical mixture, if not the applicant;
        (4) The exact trade name(s) of the applicant's chemical mixture 
    and, if the applicant formulates or manufactures the chemical mixture 
    for other entities, the exact trade names of the chemical mixtures and 
    the names of the entities for which the chemical mixtures were 
        (5) The complete qualitative and quantitative composition of the 
    chemical mixture (including all listed and non-listed chemicals) and 
    its intended use;
        (6) The chemical and physical properties of the mixture and how 
    they differ from the properties of the listed chemical or chemicals;
        (7) A statement which the applicant believes is justification for 
    granting an exemption for the chemical mixture. The statement must 
    explain how the chemical mixture meets the exemption criteria set forth 
    in paragraph (a) of this section.
        (8) The identification of any information on the application which 
    is considered by the applicant to be a trade secret or confidential and 
    entitled to protection under U.S. laws restricting the public 
    disclosure of such information.
        (d) The Administrator may require the applicant to submit such 
    additional documents or written statements of fact relevant to the 
    application which he deems necessary for determining if the application 
    should be granted.
        (e) Within a reasonable period of time after the receipt of a 
    completed application for an exemption under this section, the 
    Administrator shall notify the applicant of acceptance or non-
    acceptance of the application. If the application is not accepted, an 
    explanation will be provided. The Administrator is not required to 
    accept an application if any information required pursuant to paragraph 
    (c) of this section or requested pursuant to paragraph (d) of this 
    section is lacking or not readily understood. The applicant may, 
    however, amend the application to meet the requirements of paragraphs 
    (c) and (d) of this section. If the application is accepted for filing, 
    the Administrator shall issue and publish in the Federal Register an 
    order on the application, which shall include a reference to the legal 
    authority under which the order is based. This order shall specify the 
    date on which it shall take effect. The Administrator shall permit any 
    interested person to file written comments on or objections to the 
    order. If any comments or objections raise significant issues regarding 
    any findings of fact or law upon which the order is based, the 
    Administrator shall immediately suspend the effectiveness of the order 
    until he may reconsider the application in light of the comments and 
    objections filed. Thereafter, the Administrator shall reinstate, 
    revoke, or amend the original order as deemed appropriate.
        (f) The Administrator may at any time revoke or modify any 
    exemption granted pursuant to this section by following the procedures 
    set forth in paragraph (e) of this section for handling an exemption 
    application which has been accepted for filing.
    Sec. 1310.13  Exempt chemical mixtures.
        (a) The chemical mixtures listed in paragraph (e) of this section 
    have been exempted by the Administrator from application of sections 
    302, 303, 310, 1007, and 1008 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 822-3, 830, and 
    957-8 to the extent described in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this 
        (b) Records and reports: All regulated persons who manufacture an 
    exempt chemical mixture must keep complete and accurate records and 
    file all reports required under Secs. 1310.05 and 1310.06 on all listed 
    chemicals used in manufacturing the exempt chemical mixture. 
    Transactions involving approved exempt chemical mixtures contained in 
    paragraph (e) of this section are not regulated transactions and thus 
    records and reports are not required to be kept for listed chemicals 
    once they become part of an exempt chemical mixture.
        (c) No exemption granted pursuant to Sec. 1310.12 affects the 
    criminal liability for illegal possession or distribution of listed 
    chemicals contained in the exempt chemical mixture.
        (d) Changes in chemical mixture compositions: Any change in the 
    quantitative or qualitative composition, trade name or other 
    designation of an exempt chemical mixture listed in paragraph (e) of 
    this section requires a new application for exemption.
        (e) The following chemical mixtures, in the form and quantity 
    listed in the application submitted (indicated as the ``date'') are 
    designated as exempt chemical mixtures for the purposes set forth in 
    this section:
                            Exempt Chemical Mixtures                        
                       Supplier                       name     Form    Date 
    Sec. 1310.14  Exemption of drug products containing ephedrine and 
    therapeutically significant quantities of another active medicinal 
        (a) Any manufacturer of a drug product containing ephedrine in 
    combination with another active medicinal ingredient, the product 
    formulation of which is not listed in the compendiums set forth in 
    Sec. 1310.01(f)(1)(iv)(A), may request that the Administrator exempt 
    the product as one which contains ephedrine together with a 
    therapeutically significant quantity of another active medicinal 
        (b) An application for an exemption under this section shall 
    contain the following information:
        (1) The name and address of the applicant;
        (2) The exact trade name of the drug product for which exemption is 
        (3) The complete quantitative and qualitative composition of the 
    drug product;
        (4) A brief statement of the facts which the applicant believes 
    justify the granting of an exemption under this section; and
        (5) Verification from the Food and Drug Administration that the 
    product may be lawfully marketed or distributed under the Food, Drug, 
    and Cosmetic Act.
        (6) The identification of any information on the application which 
    is considered by the applicant to be a trade secret or confidential and 
    entitled to protection under U.S. laws restricting the public 
    disclosure of such information by government employees.
        (c) The administrator may require the applicant to submit such 
    additional documents or written statements of fact relevant to the 
    application which he deems necessary for determining if the application 
    should be granted.
        (d) Within a reasonable period of time after the receipt of a 
    completed application for an exemption under this section, the 
    Administrator shall notify the applicant of acceptance or nonacceptance 
    of the application. If the application is not accepted, an explanation 
    will be provided. The Administrator is not required to accept an 
    application if any of the information required in paragraph (b) of this 
    section or requested pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section is 
    lacking or not readily understood. The applicant may, however, amend 
    the application to meet the requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) of 
    this section. If the application is accepted for filing, the 
    Administrator shall issue and publish in the Federal Register an order 
    on the application, which shall include a reference to the legal 
    authority under which the order is based. This order shall specify the 
    date on which it shall take effect. The Administrator shall permit any 
    interested person to file written comments on or objections to the 
    order. If any comments or objections raise significant issues regarding 
    any findings of fact or law upon which the order is based, the 
    Administrator shall immediately suspend the effectiveness of the order 
    until he may reconsider the application in light of the comments and 
    objections filed. Thereafter, the Administrator shall reinstate, 
    revoke, or amend the original order as deemed appropriate.
    Sec. 1310.15  Exempt drug products containing ephedrine and 
    therapeutically significant quantities of another active medicinal 
        (a) The drug products containing ephedrine and therapeutically 
    significant quantities of another active medicinal ingredient listed in 
    paragraph (e) of this section have been exempted by the Administrator 
    from application of sections 302, 303, 310, 1007, and 1008 of the Act 
    (21 U.S.C. 822-3, 830, and 957-8) to the extent described in paragraphs 
    (b), (c), and (d) of this section.
        (b) Records and reports: All regulated persons who manufacture an 
    exempt drug product must keep complete and accurate records and file 
    all reports required under Secs. 1310.05 and 1310.06 on all listed 
    chemicals used in manufacturing the exempt drug product. Transactions 
    involving approved exempt drug products contained in paragraph (e) of 
    this section are not regulated transactions and thus records and 
    reports are not required to be kept for listed chemicals once they 
    become part of an exempt drug product.
        (c) No exemption granted pursuant to Sec. 1310.14 affects the 
    criminal liability for illegal possession or distribution of listed 
    chemicals contained in the exempt drug product.
        (d) Changes in drug product compositions: Any change in the 
    quantitative or qualitative composition of an exempt drug product 
    listed in paragraph (e) of this section requires a new application for 
        (e) In addition to the drug products listed in the compendium set 
    forth in Sec. 1310.01(f)(1)(iv)(A), the following drug products, in the 
    form and quantity listed in the application submitted (indicated as the 
    ``date'') are designated as exempt drug products for the purposes set 
    forth in this section:
          Exempt Drug Products Containing Ephedrine and Therapeutically     
          Significant Quantities of Another Active Medicinal Ingredient     
                       Supplier                       name     Form    Date 
        IV. 21 CFR Part 1313 is proposed to be amended as follows:
    PART 1313--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 1313 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 802, 830, 871(b), 971.
        2. Section 1313.02 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraphs 
    (c), (d), (h) and (i); redesignating paragraph (m) as paragraph (o) and 
    adding new paragraphs (m) and (n) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1313.02  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (c) The term regulated person means any individual, corporation, 
    partnership, association, or other legal entity who manufactures, 
    distributes, imports, or exports a listed chemical, a tableting 
    machine, or an encapsulating machine, or who acts as a broker or trader 
    for an international transaction involving a listed chemical, a 
    tableting machine, or an encapsulating machine.
        (d) The term regulated transaction means:
        (1) A distribution, receipt, sale, importation, exportation, or 
    international transaction of a listed chemical, or if the Administrator 
    establishes a threshold amount for a specific listed chemical, a 
    threshold amount as determined by the Administrator, which includes a 
    cumulative threshold amount for multiple transactions, of a listed 
    chemical, except that such term does not include:
        (i) A domestic lawful distribution in the usual course of business 
    between agents or employees of a single regulated person; in this 
    context, agents or employees means individuals under the direct 
    management and control of the regulated person;
        (ii) A delivery of a listed chemical to or by a common or contract 
    carrier for carriage in the lawful and usual course of the business of 
    the common or contract carrier, or to or by a warehouseman for storage 
    in the lawful and usual course of the business of the warehouseman, 
    except that if the carriage or storage is in connection with the 
    distribution, importation, or exportation of a listed chemical to a 
    third person, this paragraph does not relieve a distributor, importer, 
    or exporter from compliance with this part or parts 1309 and 1310 of 
    this chapter;
        (iii) Any category of transaction or any category of transaction 
    for a specific listed chemical or chemicals specified by regulation of 
    the Administrator as excluded from this definition as unnecessary for 
    enforcement of the Act;
        (iv) Any transaction in a listed chemical that is contained in a 
    drug that may be marketed or distributed lawfully in the United States 
    under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act unless--
        (A) The drug contains ephedrine or its salts, optical isomers, or 
    salts of optical isomers as the only active medicinal ingredient or 
    contains ephedrine or its salts, optical isomers or salts of optical 
    isomers and therapeutically insignificant quantities of another active 
    medicinal ingredient (for purposes of this paragraph, the term 
    ``therapeutically insignificant quantities'' shall apply if the product 
    formulation (i.e., the qualitative and quantitative composition of 
    active ingredients within the product) is not listed in any of the 
    following compendiums:
        (1) American Pharmaceutical Association (APhA) Handbook of 
    Nonprescription Drugs;
        (2) Drug Facts and Comparisons (published by Wolters Kluwer 
    Company); or
        (3) USP DI (published by authority of the United States 
    Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc.);
        (4) Or the product is not listed in Sec. 1310.15 as an exempt drug 
    product. For drug products having formulations not found in the above 
    compendiums, the Administrator shall determine, pursuant to a written 
    request as specified in Sec. 1310.14, whether the active medicinal 
    ingredients are present in quantities considered therapeutically 
    significant for purposes of this paragraph.
        (B) The Administrator has determined that the drug or group of 
    drugs is being diverted to obtain the listed chemical for use in the 
    illicit production of a controlled substance; and
        (C) The quantity of ephedrine or other listed chemical contained in 
    the drug included in the transaction or multiple transactions equals or 
    exceeds the threshold established for that chemical by the 
    Administrator; or
        (v) Any transaction in a chemical mixture listed in Sec. 1310.13 of 
    this chapter.
    * * * * *
        (h) The term regular importer means, with respect to a listed 
    chemical, a person that has an established record as an importer of 
    that listed chemical that is reported to the Administrator.
        (i) The term established record as an importer means that the 
    regulated person has imported a listed chemical at least once within 
    the past six months, or twice within the past twelve months from a 
    foreign supplier. The term also means that the regulated person has 
    provided the Administration with the following information in 
    accordance with the waiver of the 15-day advance notice requirements of 
    Sec. 1313.15:
        (1) The name, DEA registration number (where applicable), street 
    address, telephone number, telex number, and, where available, the 
    facsimile number of the regulated person and of each foreign supplier; 
        (2) The frequency and number of transaction occurring during the 
    preceding 12 month period.
    * * * * *
        (m) The terms broker and trader means any individual, corporation, 
    corporate division, partnership, association, or other legal entity 
    which assists in arranging an international transaction in a listed 
    chemical by--
        (1) Negotiating contracts;
        (2) Serving as an agent or intermediary; or
        (3) Bringing together a buyer and seller, a buyer and transporter, 
    or a seller and transporter.
        (n) The term international transaction means a transaction 
    involving the shipment of a listed chemical across an international 
    border (other than a United States border) in which a broker or trade 
    located in the United States participates.
    * * * * *
        3. Section 1313.12 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraph 
    (c) and adding new paragraphs (d), (e) and (f) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1313.12  Requirement of authorization to import.
    * * * * *
        (c) The 15-day advance notification requirement for listed chemical 
    imports may be waived for:
        (1) Any regulated person who has satisfied the requirement for 
    reporting to the Administration as a regular importer of such listed 
        (2) A specific listed chemical, as set forth in paragraph (f) of 
    the section, for which the Administrator determines that advance 
    notification is not necessary for effective chemical diversion control.
        (d) For imports where advance notification is waived pursuant to 
    paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the DEA Form 486 must be received by 
    the Drug Enforcement Administration, Chemical Operations Section, on or 
    before the date of importation through use of the mailing address 
    listed in Sec. 1313.12(b) or through use of electronic facsimile media.
        (e) For importations where advance notification is waived pursuant 
    to paragraph (c)(2) of this section no DEA Form 486 is required, 
    however, the regulated person shall file quarterly reports to the Drug 
    Enforcement Administration, Chemical Operations Section, P.O. Box 
    28346, Washington, DC 20038, by no later than the 15th day of the month 
    following the end of each quarter. The report shall contain the 
    following information regarding each individual importation:
        (1) The name of the listed chemical;
        (2) The quantity and date imported;
        (3) The name and full business address of the supplier;
        (4) The foreign port of embarkation; and
        (5) The port of entry.
        (f) The 15 day advance notification requirement set forth in 
    paragraph (a) of this section has been waived for imports of the 
    following listed chemicals:
        (1)-(2) [Reserved]
        4. Section 1313.15 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    1313.15  Waiver of 15-day advance notice for regular importers.
        (a) Each regulated person seeking designation as a ``regular 
    importer'' shall provide, by certified mail return receipt requested, 
    to the Administration such information as is required under 
    Sec. 1313.02(i), documenting their status as a regular importer.
        (b) Each regulated person making application under paragraph (a) of 
    this section shall be considered a ``regular importer'' for purposes of 
    waiving the 15-days advance notice, 30 days after receipt of the 
    application by the Administration, as indicated on the return receipt, 
    unless the regulated person is otherwise notified in writing by the 
        (c) The Administrator may, at any time, disqualify a regulated 
    person's status as a regular importer on the grounds that the chemical 
    being imported may be diverted to the clandestine manufacture of the 
    chemical substance.
        (d) Unless the Administration notifies the chemical importer to the 
    contrary, the qualification of a regular importer of any one of these 
    three chemicals, acetone, 2-Butanone (MEK), or toluene, qualifies that 
    importer as a regular importer of all three of these chemicals.
        (e) All chemical importer shall be required to file a DEA Form 486 
    as required by Sec. 1313.12.
        5. Section 1313.21 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraph 
    (c), revising the text of and redesignating paragraph (d) as paragraph 
    (g) and adding new paragraphs (d), (e), (f) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1313.21  Requirement of authorization to export.
    * * * * *
        (c) The 15-day advance notification requirement for listed chemical 
    exports may be waived for:
        (1) any regulated person who has satisfied the requirements of 
    Sec. 1313.24 for reporting to the Administration an established 
    business relationship with a foreign customer as defined in 
    Sec. 1313.02(j).
        (2) A specific listed chemical to a specified country, as set forth 
    in paragraph (f) of this section, for which the Administrator 
    determines that advance notification is not necessary for effective 
    chemical diversion control.
        (d) For exports where advance notification is waived pursuant to 
    paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the DEA Form 486 must be received by 
    the Drug Enforcement Administration, Chemical Operations Section, on or 
    before the date of exportation through use of the mailing address 
    listed in Sec. 1313.12(b) or through use of electronic facsimile media.
        (e) For exportations where advance notification is waived pursuant 
    to paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the regulated person shall file 
    quarterly reports to the Drug Enforcement Administration, Chemical 
    Operations Section, PO Box 28346, Washington, DC 20038, by no later 
    than the 15th day of the month following the end of the each quarter. 
    The report shall contain the following information regarding each 
    individual importation:
        (1) The name of the listed chemical;
        (2) The quantity and date exported;
        (3) The name and full business address of the foreign customer;
        (4) The port of embarkation; and
        (5) The foreign port of entry.
        (f) The 15 day advance notification requirement set forth in 
    paragraph (a) of this section has been waived for exports of the 
    following listed chemicals to the following countries:
                           Name of Chemical                         Country 
        (g) No person shall export or cause to be exported any listed 
    chemical, knowing or having reasonable cause to believe the export is 
    in violation of the laws of the country to which the chemical is 
    exported or the chemical will be used to manufacture a controlled 
    substance in violation of the Act or the laws of the country to which 
    the chemical is exported. The Administration will publish a notice of 
    foreign import restrictions for listed chemicals of which DEA has 
    knowledge as provided in Sec. 1313.25.
        6. A new undesignated center heading and new Secs. 1313.32, 1313.33 
    and 1313.34 are proposed to be added to read as follows:
    Transshipments, In-Transit Shipments, and International Transactions 
    Involving Listed Chemicals
    1313.32  Requirement of Authorization for international 
    1313.33  Contents of an international transaction declaration.
    1313.34  Distribution of the international transaction declaration.
    Transshipments, In-Transit Shipments, and International 
    Transactions Involving Listed Chemicals
    Sec. 1313.32  Requirement of authorization for international 
        (a) A broker or trader shall notify the Administrator prior to an 
    international transaction involving a listed chemical which meets or 
    exceeds the threshold amount identified in Sec. 1310.04 of this 
    chapter, in which the broker or trader participates. Notification must 
    be made no later than 15 days before the transaction is to take place. 
    In order to facilitate an international transaction involving listed 
    chemicals and implement the purpose of the Act, regulated persons may 
    wish to provide advance notification to the Administration as far in 
    advance of the 15 days as possible.
        (b) A completed DEA Form 486 must be received at the following 
    address not later than 15 days prior to the international transaction:
        Drug Enforcement Administration, PO Box 28346, Washington, DC 
        A copy of the DEA Form 486 may be transmitted directly to the Drug 
    Enforcement Administration, Chemical Operations Section, through 
    electronic facsimile media not later than 15 days prior to the 
        (c) No person shall serve as a broker or trader for an 
    international transaction involving a listed chemical knowing or having 
    reasonable cause to believe that the transaction is in violation of the 
    laws of the country to which the chemical is exported or the chemical 
    will be used to manufacture a controlled substance in violation of the 
    laws of the country to which the chemical is exported. The 
    Administration will publish a notice of foreign import restrictions for 
    listed chemicals of which DEA has knowledge as provided in 
    Sec. 1313.25.
    Sec. 1313.33  Contents of an international transaction declaration.
        (a) An international transaction involving a chemical listed in 
    Sec. 1310.02 of this chapter which meets the threshold criteria 
    established in Sec. 1310.04 of this chapter may be arranged by a broker 
    or trader if the chemical is needed for medical, commercial, 
    scientific, or other legitimate uses.
        (b) Any broker or trader who desires to arrange an international 
    transaction involving a listed chemical which meets the criteria set 
    forth in Sec. 1310.04 of this chapter shall notify the Administration 
    through the procedures outlined in Sec. 1313.32(b).
        (c) The DEA Form 486 must be executed in triplicate and must 
    include all the following information:
        (1) The name, address, telephone number, telex number, and, where 
    available, the facsimile number of the chemical exporter; the name, 
    address, telephone number, telex number, and, where available, the 
    facsimile number of the chemical importer;
        (2) The name and description of each listed chemical as it appears 
    on the label or container, the name of each listed chemical as it is 
    designated in Sec. 1310.02 of this chapter, the size or weight of 
    container, the number of containers, the net weight of each listed 
    chemical given in kilograms or parts thereof, and the gross weight of 
    the shipment given in kilograms or parts thereof;
        (3) The proposed export date, the port of exportation, and the port 
    of importation; and
        (4) The name, address, telephone, telex, and where available, the 
    facsimile number, of the consignee in the country where the chemical 
    shipment is destined; the name(s) and address(es) of any intermediate 
    Sec. 1313.34  Distribution of the international transaction 
        The required three copies of the DEA Form 486 will be distributed 
    as follows:
        (a) Copies 1 and 3 shall be retained on file by the broker or 
    trader as the official record of the international transaction. 
    Declaration forms involving List I chemicals shall be retained for four 
    years; declaration forms for List II chemicals shall be retained for 
    two years.
        (b) Copy 2 is the Drug Enforcement Administration copy used to 
    fulfill the notification requirements of Sec. 1313.32.
        8. In addition to the amendments set forth above, DEA proposes in 
    21 CFR part 1313 to remove the words ``Precursors and Essential 
    Chemicals'' and ``Precursor and Essential Chemical'' and add, in their 
    place, the words ``listed Chemicals'' in the following places:
        (a) The table of contents of part 1313;
        (b) Section 1313.01;
        (c) The center heading after Section 1313.02;
        (d) Section 1313.14;
        (e) The center heading after Section 1313.15;
        (f) Section 1313.23.
        8. In Secs. 1313.13(a) and 1313.22(a) DEA proposes to remove the 
    words ``precursor or essential chemical'' and add, in their place, the 
    words ``List I or List II chemical''.
        9. In Secs. 1313.14(a) and 1313.23(a) DEA proposes to remove the 
    words ``listed precursor chemical'' and ``listed essential chemical'' 
    and add, in their place, the words ``List I chemical'' and ``List II 
    chemical'' respectively.
        V. 21 CFR part 1316 is proposed to be amended as follows:
    PART 1316--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 1316, Subpart A is proposed to 
    be revised to read as follows:
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 822(f), 830(a), 871(b), 880, 958(f), 965.
        2. Section 1316.02 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraph 
    (c)(2) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1316.02  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (2) Places, including factories, warehouses, or other 
    establishments and conveyances, where persons registered under the Act 
    or exempted from registration under the Act, or regulated persons may 
    lawfully hold, manufacture, or distribute, dispense, administer, or 
    otherwise dispose of controlled substances or listed chemicals or where 
    records relating to those activities are maintained.
    * * * * *
        3. Section 1316.03 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraphs 
    (b), (c), (d) and (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1316.03  Authority to make inspections.
    * * * * *
        (b) Inspecting within reasonable limits and to a reasonable manner 
    all pertinent equipment, finished and unfinished controlled substances, 
    listed chemicals, and other substances or materials, containers, and 
    labeling found at the controlled premises relating to this Act;
        (c) Making a physical inventory of all controlled substances and 
    listed chemicals on-hand at the premises;
        (d) Collecting samples of controlled substances or listed chemicals 
    (in the event any samples are collected during an inspection, the 
    inspector shall issue a receipt for such samples on DEA Form 84 to the 
    owner, operator, or agent in charge of the premises);
        (e) Checking of records and information on distribution of 
    controlled substances or listed chemicals by the registrant or 
    regulated person as they relate to total distribution of the registrant 
    or regulated person (i.e., has the distribution of controlled 
    substances or listed chemicals increased markedly within the past year, 
    and if so why);
    * * * * *
        4. Section 1316.09 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraph 
    (a)(3) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1316.09  Application for administrative inspection warrant.
        (a) * * *
        (3) A statement relating to the nature and extent of the 
    administrative inspection, including, where necessary, a request to 
    seize specified items and/or to collect samples or finished or 
    unfinished controlled substances or listed chemicals;
    * * * * *
        Dated: August 30, 1994.
    Stephen H. Greene,
    Deputy Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration.
    [FR Doc. 94-25071 Filed 10-12-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4410-09-M

Document Information

Drug Enforcement Administration
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Written comments or objections must be received on or before December 12, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: October 13, 1994
CFR: (90)
21 CFR 1310.02(b)
21 CFR 1310.01(f)(1)(iv)
21 CFR 1313.02(i)
21 CFR 1313.02(j)
21 CFR 1310.01(f)(1)(iv)(A)
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