98-26861. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Determination of Endangered or Threatened Status for Four Southwestern California Plants from Vernal Wetlands and Clay Soils  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 197 (Tuesday, October 13, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 54975-54994]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-26861]
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 197 / Tuesday, October 13, 1998 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 54975]]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 17
    RIN 1018-AL88
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Determination of 
    Endangered or Threatened Status for Four Southwestern California Plants 
    from Vernal Wetlands and Clay Soils
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) determines endangered 
    status pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended 
    (Act), for two plants--Allium munzii (Munz's onion) and Atriplex 
    coronata var. notatior (San Jacinto Valley crownscale), and determines 
    threatened status for two plants--Brodiaea filifolia (thread-leaved 
    brodiaea) and Navarretia fossalis (spreading navarretia). These four 
    plants occur in vernal pools and other wetlands or on clay soils and 
    moist grasslands throughout their respective ranges in southwestern 
    California and northwestern Baja California, Mexico. These plant are 
    variously threatened by one or more of the following: habitat 
    destruction and fragmentation from agricultural and urban development, 
    pipeline construction, alteration of wetland hydrology by draining or 
    excessive flooding, channelization, off-road vehicle activity, cattle 
    and sheep grazing, weed abatement, fire suppression practices 
    (including discing (plowing)), and competition from alien plant 
    species. This rule implements the Federal protection and recovery 
    provisions afforded by the Act for these four plants.
    DATES: This rule is effective on November 12, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: The complete file for this rule is available for inspection, 
    by appointment, during normal business hours at the U.S. Fish and 
    Wildlife Service, Carlsbad Field Office, 2730 Loker Avenue West, 
    Carlsbad, California, 92008.
    telephone (760) 431-9440.
        Allium munzii (Munz's onion), Brodiaea filifolia (thread-leaved 
    brodiaea), Atriplex coronata var. notatior (San Jacinto Valley 
    crownscale), and Navarretia fossalis (spreading navarretia) occur in 
    clay soils or in vernal wetlands that have a clay hardpan or silty 
    alkaline substrate. These habitats are restricted or unique, often 
    associated with a specific soil type or hydrologic regime, or both. The 
    composite range of these four plants encompasses the interior lowlands 
    and foothills of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange, and Riverside 
    counties south into coastal San Diego County, California, and the 
    northwestern State of Baja California, Mexico. Although some of these 
    plants are relatively wide-ranging, all are localized in distribution 
    within their respective ranges because of the restricted and patchy 
    nature of the habitats in which they are found.
        Allium munzii (Munz's onion), a member of the lily family 
    (Liliaceae), was first referred to as Allium fimbriatum var. munzii by 
    Marion Ownbey (Munz and Keck 1959). The varietal epithet was attributed 
    to Ownbey and H. Aase. This name was not validly published because it 
    lacked a proper description and citation, which were provided by Traub 
    (1972), who published the name as Allium fimbriatum var. munzii Ownbey 
    ex Traub, based on a specimen collected by Philip Munz south of Glen 
    Ivy, Riverside County, California, in 1922. McNeal (1992) elevated this 
    taxon to species status (Allium munzii (Traub) D. McNeal).
        Allium munzii is a perennial herb, 15 to 35 centimeters (cm) (0.5 
    to 1.2 feet (ft)) tall, originating from a bulb with a papery, reddish-
    brown outer coat and light brown inner coat. The single leaf is teretes 
    (cylindrical in shape) and up to 1.5 times as long as the stalk of the 
    inflorescence (scape). The inflorescence (flower cluster) is umbellate, 
    consisting of 10 to 35 flowers. The flowers have six perianth segments 
    (undifferentiated petals and sepals) that are white, or white with a 
    red midvein, becoming red with age. They are 6 to 8 millimeters (mm) 
    (0.2 to 0.3 inches (in)) long. The ovary is crested with fine, 
    irregularly dentate (pointed) processes and the fruit is a three-lobed 
    capsule (Munz 1974, McNeal 1993).
        Allium munzii can be distinguished from other members of the genus 
    within its range by its solitary cylindric leaves, elliptic to ovate 
    perianth segments, generally white flowers, and finely and irregularly 
    dentate ovary crests.
        Allium munzii is restricted to mesic clay soils in western 
    Riverside County, California. This species is frequently found in 
    association with southern needlegrass grassland, mixed grassland, and 
    grassy openings in coastal sage scrub or, occasionally, in cismontane 
    juniper woodlands (California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) 1989, 
    Orlando Mistretta, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, in litt. 1993). A. 
    munzii is known from 13 extant populations. Only one of these 
    populations is partially on Federal land (Roberts 1993a, California 
    Natural Diversity Data Base (CNDDB) 1997, Jeff Newman, U.S. Fish and 
    Wildlife Service, pers. comm. 1996). Five populations occur in the 
    Gavilan Hills, including one at Harford Springs County Park, and one on 
    lands managed by the Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency 
    (RCHCA). One population occurs in the Temescal Valley on private land; 
    another population may still be extant but is likely extirpated. One 
    population occurs north of Walker Canyon on private land. Five small 
    populations occur in or near the Paloma Valley, including near the 
    Scott Road, Skunk Hollow, Domenigoni Hills, and Bachelor Mountain 
    areas. These populations are on land managed by the Reserve Management 
    Committees (Domenigoni Hills and Bachelor Mountain) for the Riverside 
    County multispecies plans, or on private land. One population is in the 
    Elsinore Mountains, partly on Federal land in the Cleveland National 
    Forest and partly on private lands (Boyd and Mistretta 1991).
        The Service estimates that there are about 20,000 to 70,000 
    individuals of A. munzii (Roberts 1993a, CNDDB 1997, U.S. Fish and 
    Wildlife Service unpublished data). In response to rainfall and other 
    factors, perennial bulbs may not produce aerial leaves or flowers in a 
    given year or may produce only leaves. As a result, fluctuations in 
    numbers of observed individuals can be misleading. Five populations are 
    large (over 2,000 individuals) and cover as much as 8 hectares (ha) (20 
    acres (ac)). Most populations contain fewer than 1,000 individuals and 
    their areas range from several meters to less than 1 ha (2.5 ac).
        Atriplex coronata var. notatior (San Jacinto Valley crownscale), a 
    member of the goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae), was described by Epson 
    (1914), based on a specimen he collected in 1901 from the dried bed of 
    San Jacinto Lake (= Mystic Lake), Riverside County, California. Hall 
    and Clements (1923) considered this taxon a minor variant and submerged 
    it in A. coronata. Atriplex coronata var. notatior has subsequently 
    been recognized by Munz (1935, 1974) and Taylor and Wilken (1993).
        Atriplex coronata var. notatior is an erect, gray-scurfy annual, 1 
    to 3 decimeters (dm) (4 to 12 in) tall. The grayish leaves are sessile, 
    alternate, 8 to
    [[Page 54976]]
    20 mm (0.3 to 0.8 in) long and elliptic to ovate-triangular in outline. 
    This taxon is monoecious (male and female flowers on the same plant). 
    The female flowers are obscure and develop spherical bracts in the 
    fruiting phase. These bracts have dense tubercles (nodule) that are 
    roughly equal in number to the marginal teeth (Munz 1974, Taylor and 
    Wilken 1993).
        Atriplex coronata var. notatior can be distinguished from the more 
    northern A. coronata var. coronata by its erect stature, the spheric 
    shape of the bracts together in fruiting stage, and the more numerous 
    tubercles and marginal teeth on the bracts. The distributions of the 
    two varieties do not overlap. Atriplex coronata var. coronata is found 
    in the Sacramento, San Joaquin, and neighboring valleys, while A.c. 
    var. notatior is restricted to Riverside County. A.c. var. notatior 
    occurs with eight other native and one introduced species of Atriplex 
    within its range (D. Bramlet 1993b, Bramlet in litt. 1995, U.S. Fish 
    and Wildlife Service, unpubl. data). It can be distinguished from these 
    taxa by a combination of characteristics, including annual habit, the 
    shape of the leaf, and the size and form of the bract (Munz 1974, 
    Taylor and Wilken 1993).
        Atriplex coronata var. notatior is restricted to highly alkaline, 
    silty-clay soils in association with the Traver-Domino-Willows soil 
    association (see Soil Conservation Service and Bureau of Indian Affairs 
    1971 for soil descriptions). Most populations are associated with the 
    Willows soil series. It occurs in alkali sink scrub, alkali playa, 
    vernal pools, and, to a lesser extent, in annual alkali grassland 
    communities (Bramlet 1993a, Roberts 1993b). These areas are typically 
    flooded by winter rains. The duration and extent of flooding are 
    extremely variable from one year to the next. A. coronata var. notatior 
    germinates after the water has receded. It usually flowers in April and 
    May and sets fruit by May or June (D. Bramlet, in litt. 1992).
        Atriplex coronata var. notatior is restricted to the San Jacinto, 
    Perris, Menifee and Elsinore Valleys of western Riverside County, 
    California. This taxon consists of 11 population centers that are 
    primarily associated with the San Jacinto River and Old Salt Creek 
    tributary drainages (Roberts 1993b, Roberts and McMillan 1997, CNDDB 
    1997). One additional isolated and small population has recently been 
    discovered in Willows soils near Lake Elsinore (Roberts and McMillan 
        The number of individuals of Atriplex coronata var. notatior in a 
    population complex varies in any given year in response to rainfall, 
    extent of winter flooding, and temperature. Disturbance (discing, 
    dryland farming, pipeline construction, out of season inundation) has 
    become an increasingly important factor in limiting the number of 
    individuals in a population.
        Between 1990 and 1994, an estimated 78,000 Atriplex coronata var. 
    notatior individuals were located (Metropolitan Water District (MWD) 
    1992, Ogden 1993, D. Bramlet, in litt. 1993, CNDDB 1997, Roberts 
    1993b). These plants occupied about 145 ha (400 ac) of about 3,300 ha 
    (8,200 ac) of potentially suitable habitat (alkali scrub, alkali playa, 
    and annual alkali grassland vegetation associations). The majority of 
    the individuals (about 75 percent) were associated with three 
    population centers (Mystic Lake, the Nuevo-Ramona Expressway segment of 
    the San Jacinto River, and west Hemet) (Roberts 1993b). Since 1993, the 
    population has apparently declined significantly as a result of major 
    flooding in the winter of 1992-1993 and the subsequent conversion or 
    alteration of potential habitat (Roberts and McMillan 1997). Several 
    new populations have since been discovered near historic populations 
    (e.g., 5,200 individuals on the San Jacinto River and fewer than 200 
    individuals near Elsinore, California). However, new discoveries have 
    not appreciably balanced the reduction of populations due to activities 
    and events described above. About 45 ha (115 ac) of nearly 2,200 ha 
    (5,500 ac) of available potentially suitable habitat are currently 
    occupied by about 26,500 individuals of A. coronata var. notatior. 
    About 12 ha (30 ac) of 1,000 ha (2,500 ac) of marginal habitat that has 
    been substantially disturbed are currently occupied by about 500 
    individuals of this taxon (Roberts and McMillan 1997). Atriplex 
    coronata var. notatior appears to have declined about 70 percent since 
        The majority of the population centers of A. coronata var. notatior 
    are located on privately owned lands. Three populations are on State 
    land (San Jacinto Wildlife Area), one population is partially on County 
    lands (RCHCA along the San Jacinto River), and one population is on a 
    private preserve managed by MWD. This plant is not known to occur on 
    Federal lands.
        Brodiaea filifolia, a member of the lily family (Liliaceae), was 
    described by Watson (1882) based on a specimen collected by S. B and W. 
    F. Parish in 1880 at Arrowhead Hot Springs, San Bernardino County, 
    California (Niehaus 1971). Greene (1887) transferred B. filifolia to 
    the genus Hookera. However, monographic and floristic treatments accept 
    B. filifolia as the name for this taxon (Niehaus 1971, Munz 1974, 
    Beauchamp 1986, Keator 1993). Brodiaea orcuttii (Greene) Baker was 
    included as a variety of B. filifolia by Epson (1922) but subsequent 
    authors have recognized this taxon as a distinct species (Niehaus 1971, 
    Munz and Keck 1973, Munz 1974, Keator 1993).
        Brodiaea filifolia is a perennial herb with dark-brown, fibrous-
    coated corms. The flower stalks (scapes) are 2 to 4 dm (8 to 16 in) 
    tall with several narrow leaves that are shorter than the scape. The 
    flowers bloom from May to June and are arranged in a loose umbel. The 
    six perianth segments are violet, spreading, and 9 to 12 mm (0.4 to 0.5 
    in) long. The broad and notched anthers are 3 to 5 mm (0.1 to 0.2 in) 
    long. The fruit is a capsule (Munz 1974, Keator 1993).
        Brodiaea filifolia can be distinguished from the other species of 
    Brodiaea that occur within its range (B. orcuttii, B. jolonensis, and 
    B. terrestris ssp. kernensis) by its narrow, pointed staminodia, rotate 
    perianth lobes (i.e., a saucer-shaped flower), and a thin perianth 
    tube, which is split by developing fruit (Niehaus 1971, Munz 1974).
        Brodiaea filifolia is known to hybridize with B. orcuttii, B. 
    terrestris, and possibly B. jolonensis, where these species coexist 
    (Sandy Morey, CDFG, in litt. 1995, Boyd, et. al. 1992, CNDDB 1997). 
    Significant hybridization is evident on the Santa Rosa Plateau between 
    B. filifolia and B. orcuttii, or B. filifolia and B. terrestris (S. 
    Morey, in litt. 1995). At least one major population in the vicinity of 
    Miller Mountain (San Diego County) in the Cleveland National Forest 
    appears to represent a hybrid swarm between B. orcuttii and B. 
    filifolia (Boyd et al. 1992). The Miller Mountain population alone 
    occupies nearly 45 percent of reported occupied habitat for B. 
    filifolia. Hybridization among these Brodiaea species is a natural 
    phenomenon. However, these plants relied on relatively species-specific 
    native bee species for pollination in the past and the introduction of 
    non-native honeybees, which tend to be species-generalist, may have 
    increased the potential for hybridization (Gary Bell, The Nature 
    Conservancy (TNC), pers. comm. 1997, S. Morey, in litt. 1995).
        This species typically occurs on gentle hillsides, valleys, and 
    floodplains in mesic, southern needlegrass grassland and alkali 
    grassland plant communities in association with clay, loamy sand, or 
    alkaline silty-clay soils (CDFG 1981, Bramlet 1993a). Sites occupied by 
    this species are frequently intermixed with, or near, vernal pool
    [[Page 54977]]
    complexes, such as near San Marcos (San Diego County), the Santa Rosa 
    Plateau, and southwest of Hemet in Riverside County.
        The historical range of B. filifolia extends from the foothills of 
    the San Gabriel Mountains at Glendora (Los Angeles County), east to 
    Arrowhead Hot Springs in the western foothills of the San Bernardino 
    Mountains (San Bernardino County), and south through eastern Orange and 
    western Riverside Counties to Carlsbad in northwestern San Diego 
    County, California (S. Morey, in litt. 1995, CNDDB 1997).
        Forty-six populations of B. filifolia have been reported. At least 
    nine of these populations have been extirpated, primarily in San Diego 
    County, California. Thirty-seven populations are presumed extant. 
    Nearly half of these remaining populations are clustered in the growing 
    cities of Vista, San Marcos, and Carlsbad (nine populations) and in the 
    vicinity of the Santa Rosa Plateau in southwestern Riverside County, 
    California (six populations). The remaining 22 populations are 
    scattered within the counties of Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, San 
    Bernardino, and San Diego.
        The population of B. filifolia reported to have the largest number 
    of individuals is on private land in the City of San Marcos (S. Morey, 
    in litt. 1995). The populations with the largest extent of potentially 
    suitable habitat are on the Santa Rosa Plateau, where only about 15 ha 
    (38 ac) of the plateau is reported as occupied by B. filifolia, but 
    about 120 ha (300 ac) is potentially suitable habitat (MWD 1991, CNDDB 
    1997). These lands are primarily managed by TNC.
        The only populations of Brodiaea filifolia known to occur on 
    Federal land are on Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton in San Diego 
    County (CNNDB 1997, U. S. Marine Corps 1997), where three populations 
    were recently discovered in an abandoned weapons impact area. Six 
    populations were recently discovered in Orange County. Most of the 
    recently discovered populations of Brodiaea filifolia in Orange County 
    are relatively small. The largest population (Forster Ranch) supports 
    about 60 percent of the B. filifolia individuals and about 80 percent 
    of the occupied habitat in Orange County. Only two of the Orange County 
    populations (Casper's Regional Park and Aliso-Woods Canyon Regional 
    Park), with fewer than 1,000 individuals combined, are on lands managed 
    by the County government (Michael Brandman Associates 1996, CNDDB 
    1997). Brodiaea filifolia has also been found on the San Jacinto 
    Wildlife Management Area in Riverside County, managed by the CDFG.
        Brodiaea filifolia, in its entire range, occupies about 330 ha (825 
    ac) of suitable habitat (mesic needlegrass grassland, mixed native-non-
    native grassland with clay soils, or alkali annual grassland with 
    alkaline silty clay soils). The total number of individuals of this 
    species and the extent of occupied habitat vary on an annual basis in 
    response to the timing and amount of rainfall, as well as temperature 
    patterns. Fewer than 2,000 individuals have been observed at most 
    populations. Most of these populations occupy less than 5 ha (13 ac) 
    (CNDDB 1997, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, unpubl. data). The largest 
    extant population in Riverside County, Santa Rosa Plateau, has been 
    estimated to contain over 30,000 observed individuals and occupies 
    about 15 ha (38 ac) of habitat (MWD 1991, CNDDB 1997). In San Diego 
    County, the largest confirmed population is on an isolated 16 ha (40 
    ac) parcel in San Marcos, California. This population may support as 
    many as 342,000 individual plants (S. Morey, in litt. 1995). The number 
    of observed individuals often does not correlate with the number of 
    corms present at a site. For example, at one residential development 
    site, Taylor and Burkhart (1992) reported 20 individuals of B. 
    filifolia, but more than 8,000 corms were found during the effort to 
    transplant B. filifolia to another site.
        Brodiaea filifolia and its suitable habitat have been significantly 
    reduced by urbanization, agricultural conversion, and discing for fire 
    and weed control. In Riverside County, California, most of the annual 
    alkaline grassland near the San Jacinto River and southwest of Hemet 
    has been urbanized or converted to dryland farming or more intensive 
    cultivation (see discussion under A. coronata var. notatior above). 
    Additionally, Brodiaea filifolia is vulnerable to deep discing or 
    repeated discing. Thus, areas that were disced and have partially 
    recovered after being left fallow for a period of time tend to support 
    reduced and gradually declining populations of B. filifolia, if any 
    have survived. For example, at least two B. filifolia populations have 
    been reported in the San Jacinto River flood plain in the vicinity of 
    the I-215 highway crossing. Since 1992, 80 percent of the potentially 
    suitable habitat in this area has been disced for dryland farming 
    (Roberts and McMillan 1997, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, unpubl. 
    data). The most significant threat to this species is urbanization, 
    conversion to farming, and discing for fire and weed control.
        In San Diego County, California, the majority of the B. filifolia 
    populations are concentrated within the cities of San Marcos, Vista, 
    and Carlsbad and are highly correlated with the distribution of clay 
    soils and soils with clay subsoils. Data available from the Soil 
    Conservation Service and Forest Service (1973) and other sources (U.S. 
    Fish and Wildlife Service, unpubl. data) indicate that there are about 
    3,300 ha (8,280 ac) of clay soils and over 1,570 ha (3,940 ac) of soils 
    with clay subsoils in these three cities. By 1994, nearly 65 percent of 
    the clay soils and about 75 percent of the soils with clay subsoils had 
    been developed or urbanized in these three cities and were no longer 
    available for B. filifolia or its associated habitat (U.S. Fish and 
    Wildlife Service, unpubl. data). In the City of Carlsbad, most B. 
    filifolia populations occur in association with a specific soil series: 
    the Altamont Clay soil series. There are about 1,085 ha (2,715 ac) of 
    this soil in Carlsbad. By 1994, about 82 percent had been cultivated or 
    overlain by urban development and was no longer available as habitat 
    for conservation or recovery of this species (U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
    Service, unpubl. data).
        Based on the historic and current distribution of soils within the 
    Vista, San Marcos, and Carlsbad area, it is likely that substantial 
    unreported populations of B. filifolia were extirpated in this area. Of 
    the 16 historically-known populations within these cities, at least 5 
    have been extirpated. Collectively, these sites were known to support 
    as many as 128,000 individuals over at least 9 ha (23 ac) of occupied 
    habitat (CNDDB 1997, Roberts and Vanderwier 1997). One additional major 
    population was significantly reduced from about 8 ha (20 ac) to 1.6 ha 
    (4 ac) around 1990 (WESTEC 1988, Taylor and Burkhart 1992, CNDDB 1997).
        Navarretia fossalis (spreading navarretia), a member of the phlox 
    family (Polemoniaceae), was described by Reid Moran in 1977 based on a 
    specimen he collected in 1969 near La Mision in northwestern Baja 
    California, Mexico (Moran 1977). Navarretia fossalis is a low, mostly 
    spreading or ascending, annual herb, 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 in) tall. The 
    lower portions of the stems are mostly glabrous. The leaves are soft 
    and finely divided, 1 to 5 cm (0.4 to 2 in) long, and spine-tipped when 
    dry. The flowers are white to lavender white with linear petals and are 
    arranged in flat-topped, compact, leafy heads. The fruit is an ovoid, 
    2-chambered capsule (Moran 1977, Day 1993).
    [[Page 54978]]
        Several other species of Navarretia occur within the range of N. 
    fossalis. Two of them, N. intertexta and N. prostrata, can occur in 
    similar habitat. N. fossalis is distinguished from them by its linear 
    or narrowly ovate corolla lobes, erect habit, cymose inflorescences, 
    size and shape of the calyx, and the position of the corolla relative 
    to the calyx. All Navarretia species can be distinguished by the 
    appearance of the pollen grain surface (Day 1993, Steve Spencer, Rancho 
    Santa Ana Botanical Garden, in litt. 1993)
        The primary habitat of N. fossalis is vernal pools. This species 
    occasionally occurs in ditches and other artificial depressions, which 
    often occur in degraded vernal pool habitat (Moran 1977). In western 
    Riverside County, N. fossalis has been found in relatively undisturbed 
    and moderately disturbed vernal pools within a larger vernal wetland 
    plain dominated by annual alkali grassland (Bramlet 1993a).
        Navarretia fossalis is distributed from northwestern Los Angeles 
    County and western Riverside County, south through coastal San Diego 
    County, California to San Quintin in northwestern Baja California, 
    Mexico. Fewer than 30 populations exist in the United States. Nearly 60 
    percent of these populations are concentrated in three locations: Otay 
    Mesa in southern San Diego County, along the San Jacinto River in 
    western Riverside County, and near Hemet in Riverside County (Bauder 
    1986, Bramlet 1993a, CNDDB 1997). Others are scattered in southern 
    Riverside County, Los Angeles County, and coastal San Diego County.
        The number of individuals of N. fossalis varies annually in 
    response to the timing and amount of rainfall and temperature. In 
    Riverside County, one population contains 300,000 individuals. Another 
    population contains 75,000 individuals. However, each of these 
    populations occupies less than 3 ha (8 ac) of habitat. The majority of 
    populations contain fewer than 1,000 individuals and occupy less than 
    0.5 ha (1 ac) of habitat (D. Bramlet, in litt. 1992, CNDDB 1997). The 
    Service estimates that less than 120 ha (300 ac) of habitat in the 
    United States is occupied by this species. The most pressing threat to 
    Navarretia fossalis is the ongoing degradation of vernal pools and 
    their outright destruction due to widespread urbanization, agricultural 
    practices, off-road vehicles, and the longer-term threats from flood 
    control and development.
        The majority of N. fossalis populations are on privately owned 
    lands. At least one population occurs on the federally owned Marine 
    Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, and the plant occurs at three locations on 
    Naval Air Station Miramar (J.S. Walker, Naval Base San Diego, in litt. 
        In Mexico, N. fossalis is known from fewer than 10 populations 
    clustered in three areas: along the international border, on the 
    plateaus south of the Rio Guadalupe, and on the San Quintin coastal 
    plain (Moran 1977).
    Previous Federal Action
        Federal government actions on these four plants began as a result 
    of section 12 of the Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) which 
    directed the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution to prepare a 
    report on those plants considered to be endangered, threatened, or 
    extinct in the United States. This report, designated as House Document 
    No. 94-51, and was presented to Congress on January 9, 1975, and 
    included B. filifolia as endangered. The Service published a notice in 
    the July 1, 1975, Federal Register (40 FR 27823), of its acceptance of 
    the report as a petition within the context of section 4(c)(2) 
    (petition provisions are now found in section 4(b)(3)(A) of the Act) 
    and its intention thereby to review the status of the plant taxa named 
    therein, including B. filifolia. The Service published a proposal in 
    the June 16, 1976, Federal Register (41 FR 24523) to determine 
    approximately 1,700 vascular plant species to be endangered species 
    pursuant to section 4 of the Act. The list of 1,700 plant taxa was 
    assembled on the basis of comments and data received by the Smithsonian 
    Institution and the Service in response to House Document No. 94-51 and 
    the July 1, 1975, Federal Register publication. Brodiaea filifolia was 
    included as endangered in the June 16, 1976, Federal Register notice.
        General comments received in relation to the 1976 proposal were 
    summarized in an April 26, 1978, Federal Register publication (43 FR 
    17909). The Endangered Species Act amendments of 1978 required that all 
    proposals more than 2 years old be withdrawn. A one-year grace period 
    was given to those proposals already more than two years old. In the 
    December 10, 1979, Federal Register (44 FR 70796), the Service 
    published a notice of withdrawal of the June 16, 1976, proposal, along 
    with four other proposals that had expired.
        The Service published an updated notice of review of plants in the 
    Federal Register on December 15, 1980 (45 FR 82480). This notice 
    included Brodiaea filifolia and Navarretia fossalis as category 1 
    candidates. Category 1 species were those for which the Service had on 
    file substantial information on biological vulnerability and threats to 
    support preparation of listing proposals.
        On November 28, 1983, the Service published in the Federal Register 
    a supplement to the Notice of Review (48 FR 53640). The plant notice of 
    review was again revised on September 27, 1985 (50 FR 39526). B. 
    filifolia and N. fossalis were included in the 1983 and 1985 
    supplements as category 2 candidates. Category 2 included taxa for 
    which information in the possession of the Service indicated that a 
    listing proposal was possibly appropriate, but for which sufficient 
    data on biological vulnerability and threat were not available to 
    support a proposed rule. Allium munzii (then known as Allium fimbriatum 
    var. munzii) was included in the 1985 notice of review as a category 2 
    taxon. On February 21, 1990, a revised notice of review was published 
    in the Federal Register (55 FR 6184) that included A. fimbriatum var. 
    munzii and B. filifolia as category 1 candidate taxa, and A. coronata 
    var. notatior as a category 2 candidate taxon; the status of N. 
    fossalis remained unchanged from the 1985 notice of review. All four 
    plant taxa were listed as category 1 candidate species in the September 
    30, 1993, notice of review (58 FR 51144).
        Section 4(b)(3)(B) of the Act requires the Secretary to make 
    certain findings on pending petitions within 12 months of their 
    receipt. Section 2(b)(1) of the 1982 amendments further requires that 
    all petitions pending on October 13, 1982, be treated as having been 
    newly submitted on that date. That was the case for Brodiaea filifolia 
    because the 1975 Smithsonian report had been accepted as a petition. On 
    October 13, 1983, the Service found that the petitioned listing of 
    these species was warranted, but precluded by other pending listing 
    actions, in accordance with section 4(b)(3)(B)(iii) of the Act; 
    notification of this finding was published on January 20, 1984 (49 FR 
    2485). Such a finding requires the petition to be recycled, pursuant to 
    section 4(b)(3)(C)(I) of the Act. The finding was reviewed in October 
    of 1984 through 1993.
        On December 15, 1994 (59 FR 64812), the Service published a 
    proposed rule to list Allium munzii and Atriplex coronata var. notatior 
    as endangered, and Brodiaea filifolia and Navarretia fossalis as 
    threatened. This proposed rule constituted the warranted petition 
    finding for Brodiaea filifolia.
        Based upon information received during public comment periods 
    subsequent to the publication of the proposed rule, the Service now
    [[Page 54979]]
    determines Allium munzii and Atriplex coronata var. notatior to be 
    endangered species, and Brodiaea filifolia and Navarretia fossalis to 
    be threatened species.
        The processing of this final rule follows the Service's fiscal 
    years 1998 and 1999 Listing Priority Guidance published in the Federal 
    Register on May 8, 1998 (63 FR 25502). The guidance establishes the 
    order in which the Service will process rulemakings. The guidance calls 
    for giving highest priority to handling emergency situations (Tier 1) 
    and second highest priority (Tier 2) to resolving the listing status of 
    outstanding proposed listings, processing new listing proposals, 
    processing administrative petition findings, processing a limited 
    number of delisting and reclassification actions. Processing critical 
    habitat determinations is included in Tier 3 of the guidance. This 
    final rule is a Tier 2 action and is being completed in accordance with 
    the current listing priority guidance.
    Summary of Comments and Recommendations
        In the December 15, 1994, proposed rule (59 FR 64812) and 
    associated notifications, all interested parties were requested to 
    submit factual reports or information that might contribute to the 
    development of a final rule. The first comment period closed on 
    February 13, 1995. Appropriate State agencies, county governments, 
    Federal agencies, and other interested parties were contacted and 
    requested to comment. Public notices announcing the publication of the 
    proposed rule were published in the Press Enterprise in Riverside 
    County on January 5, 1995; the Orange County Register on January 11, 
    1995; and San Diego Union Tribune in San Diego County on January 13, 
    1995. Numerous requests for a public hearing were received. On March 7, 
    1995, a notice was published in the Federal Register announcing that a 
    public hearing would be held on March 23, 1995, at the City of 
    Riverside, in Riverside County, California (60 FR 12531). Copies of 
    this notice were sent to parties that requested a public hearing. This 
    notice also announced the reopening of the public comment period until 
    May 20, 1995. Notices were published in the Orange County Register 
    (March 7, 1995), San Diego Union Tribune (March 7, 1995), and Perris 
    Progress (March 8, 1995), announcing the public hearing and extension 
    of the public comment period.
        The Service received a total of 65 written comments. Ten commenters 
    supported the listing of these taxa. Five commenters neither supported 
    nor opposed the proposed listing. Forty-four commenters opposed the 
    proposed listing. During the public hearing, 21 commenters spoke, most 
    of whom also sent written comments. Information from a number of these 
    comments has been incorporated into the final rule. Seventeen issues 
    were raised in these comments. The Service's response to each is as 
        Issue 1: Concerns about taxonomy and identification. Several 
    commenters questioned the taxonomic status of Atriplex coronata var. 
    notatior. One commenter supported listing A. coronata var. notatior but 
    doubted that it was taxonomically distinct from A. c. var. coronata of 
    central California. The commenter noted that A. c. var. coronata 
    appeared at least as uncommon as A. c. var. notatior, and suggested 
    that the entire species should be listed. Other commenters stated that 
    A. coronata var. notatior is a discrete entity. At least one commenter 
    objected to the Service proposing to list a taxon of lower rank than a 
    full species. Another commenter questioned the validity of the 
    identification of reports of Navarretia in Riverside County, 
    California, and suggested that N. fossalis may be more common than 
    currently believed.
        Service Response: The Service is required to make listing 
    determinations based on the best available scientific and commercial 
    data according to Section 4 (b)(1)(A) of the Act, as amended. Section 
    3(16) defines the term ``species'' to include any species or subspecies 
    of fish or wildlife or plants. In plant nomenclature, a taxon 
    recognized as a variety can alternatively be recognized as a 
    subspecies, so varieties qualify for listing. Atriplex coronata var. 
    notatior has been recognized as a distinct taxon from A. coronata var. 
    coronata in floristic treatments since 1935 (Munz 1935, 1971, 1974) as 
    well as in the most recent statewide systematic treatment of the genus 
    (Taylor and Wilken 1993). While the status of A. c. var. coronata is 
    also declining, this taxon is not the subject of this rule.
        All available collections of Navarretia similar to N. fossalis in 
    Riverside County have been reviewed by an expert on the genus. 
    Navarretia fossalis is the primary wetlands dependent species in 
    Riverside County. No new populations of N. fossalis from Riverside 
    County have been reported recently (S. Spencer, in litt. 1993, S. 
    Spencer, pers. comm. 1997).
        Issue 2: One commenter noted that in the years before the proposed 
    listing, an extreme drought had taken place within Riverside County, 
    California. The commenter suggested that these species were represented 
    by low numbers and isolated populations as a direct result of the 
    drought and that the taxa would likely not be rare in wetter years.
        Service Response: The Service agrees that wetland plants generally 
    are both more widely distributed and more numerous in wet years than in 
    dry years. However, wetlands plants are at their greatest risk of 
    extinction or endangerment during dry years. Navarretia fossalis and A. 
    coronata var. notatior populations have declined significantly since 
    the proposed rule was published, irrespective of climatic conditions. 
    Both species have been affected by increased farming activity and other 
    threats that have resulted in continuing habitat disturbance and 
        Issue 3: Several commenters stated that the Service closed the 
    public comment period before additional surveys could be performed and 
    that these surveys were necessary for a final listing determination. 
    Another commenter noted that letters originating from the Service in 
    1991 indicated that A. coronata var. notatior was a category 2 
    candidate for listing as threatened or endangered, thus indicating that 
    there was not enough data to determine if listing was warranted. Then, 
    3 years later, the Service proposed to list A. coronata var. notatior. 
    Other commenters suggested that the Service should postpone listing of 
    this species until citizen concerns were addressed.
        Service Response: The Service utilizes the best available 
    scientific information in determining whether a species qualifies for 
    Federal protection. Although the Service acknowledges that private 
    landowners have legitimate economic and land use concerns, the Service 
    reviews only the biological data in determining whether a species 
    qualifies for Federal protection (See also Issues 2 and 13). Although 
    additional surveys could be useful, they are unnecessary to make a 
    final determination because the majority of the suitable habitat for 
    these species remains threatened. The Service has continued to monitor 
    habitat for these taxa since the proposed rule was published. Analyses 
    of the relevant data reveal that three of the four species have 
    declined considerably since the proposed rule was published in 1994. 
    Although additional localities of B. filifolia have been reported in 
    Orange County and in San Diego County, few of these populations are 
    protected and several are threatened by urbanization.
        Atriplex coronata var. notatior appeared in the 1990 Plant notice 
    [[Page 54980]]
    review (55 FR 6184) as a category 2 candidate. Category 2 candidates 
    were taxa that the Service considered potentially at risk of extinction 
    but did not have data to support a listing proposal. Information newly 
    acquired by the Service between 1992 and 1993 indicated that the 
    species qualified for Federal protection. In the September 30, 1993 
    plant notice of review (58 FR 51144), the Service elevated the status 
    of this taxon to category 1, indicating that the Service possessed 
    enough data in its files to support a listing proposal.
        Issue 4: One commenter indicated that the Service failed to 
    consider populations of A. coronata var. notatior at Mystic Lake and 
    the extensive suitable habitat in the area.
        Service Response: The known populations of A. coronata var. 
    notatior in the vicinity of Mystic Lake were considered in this 
    determination. The Mystic Lake bed and surrounding shoreline areas 
    potentially support over 400 ha (1,000 ac) of suitable habitat for A. 
    coronata var. notatior. In fact, the largest known population was 
    reported in this area in 1992. However, prior to 1992, a significant 
    portion of the lake bottom was under cultivation. In 1993, major 
    flooding filled the lake and this population and several others were 
    inundated. The lake did not recede enough to expose the former 
    population until 1996. Few plants have been reported where 20,000 were 
    once reported. Most of the Mystic Lake area is not within the San 
    Jacinto Wildlife Area and has no formal protection. It has been 
    proposed that reclaimed water be piped into Mystic Lake. The addition 
    of water outside the normal rainy season will undoubtedly slow recovery 
    of suitable habitat for Atriplex coronata var. notatior in this area.
        Issue 5: Several commenters questioned the reliability of the data 
    the Service used in preparation of the proposed rule. Several 
    commenters noted that the Service did not incorporate existing reports 
    that contained important data necessary to the decision making process. 
    Several commenters specifically noted that the San Jacinto River 
    Improvement Project Biological Assessment (Tierra Madre Consultants 
    1991) was not cited in the proposed rule. Another commenter indicated 
    that the results from a number of other reports, such as a floral 
    survey of March Air Force Base (James 1992), imply that these species 
    are more widespread than the Service has indicated.
        Another commenter noted that the soils which species like Atriplex 
    coronata var. notatior appear to rely upon are not restricted to 
    Riverside County. Similar soils occur from Solano to Santa Clara 
    Counties in central California, and the Service did not indicate that 
    surveys for this taxon were conducted in this area. By contrast, 
    another commenter noted that the presence of similar soils outside the 
    known range of A. coronata var. notatior does not necessarily indicate 
    that the plant occurs there; such areas are likely to be occupied by a 
    different variety, A. coronata var. coronata, which is also declining 
    in central California habitat that has been largely converted to 
        Service Response: The Service has used the best available 
    scientific information upon which to make its findings. Although 
    several of the commenters mentioned that the distribution and abundance 
    of populations of these four species may be greater than indicated in 
    the proposed rule, only two provided data to support their assertion. 
    The Service acknowledges that the San Jacinto River Improvement Project 
    Biological Assessment (Tierra Madre Consultants 1991) was not cited in 
    the proposed rule. The Service incorporated the results of this report 
    into this final determination. The Service notes that this report, in 
    discussing A. coronata var. notatior states: ``[i]mpacts to the San 
    Jacinto saltbush on lands to be reclaimed and subsequently developed as 
    residential, commercial, and industrial areas, are direct. Populations 
    of this species that have been reported in this document to occur on 
    natural lands in the 100-year floodplain will suffer local extirpations 
    if valley saltbush scrub habitat is destroyed. Proposed project 
    developments in the 100-year floodplain that impact these remaining 
    parcels of natural habitat should be reviewed by the Riverside County 
    and the City of Perris planning departments on a case-by-case basis and 
    substantial portions of these areas should be designated as `open 
    space' (not parks), or be included as part of the Habitat Conservation 
    Plan for Riverside County.''
        Information from several of the other documents, when appropriate, 
    also has been incorporated into this determination. However, the 
    Service notes that several other documents cited by commenters, such as 
    a floral survey of March Air Force Base (James 1992), indicated only 
    that subject species were known from a given general area, and not 
    necessarily found within the study site.
        The general distribution of the four plants addressed herein is 
    well documented (Munz and Keck 1973, Munz 1974, Taylor and Wilken 1993, 
    Skinner and Pavlik 1994). Several researchers (e.g., Boyd, Bramlet, and 
    Sanders) have conducted directed surveys in Riverside County for these 
    plants over several to many years. In the process, these researchers 
    have verified the plants' habitat-specificity and have documented 
    fluctuations in abundance. Although the Service acknowledges that 
    additional populations of these plant taxa may be identified, it is 
    unlikely, given the fairly specific habitat requirements of these taxa, 
    that significant populations remain undiscovered. If so, it is likely 
    that they would be subject to the same threats that currently place 
    known populations at risk. The Service acknowledges that similar soils 
    that could potentially be suitable habitat for these species occur in 
    central California. However, there is no evidence that two of these 
    species (Navarretia fossalis and Brodiaea filifolia) have ever been 
    documented in central California and in the case of Atriplex coronata, 
    these soils are occupied by a related but distinct taxon (A. c. var. 
        Issue 6: Several commenters stated that the Service did not 
    adequately consider the conservation benefits that will result from 
    regional Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP).
        Service Response: Two of the proposed taxa, Brodiaea filifolia and 
    Navarretia fossalis, are covered species under the Multiple Species 
    Conservation Plan (MSCP) in San Diego County. However, significant 
    populations of both species are found outside of the MSCP boundary. 
    Large populations of both taxa also occur in the Multiple Habitat 
    Conservation Plan (MHCP) area of northern San Diego County. This plan 
    is still in the data analysis stage, and species coverage for these two 
    taxa has yet to be determined. Populations of Brodiaea filifolia and 
    Navarretia fossalis are also found, along with Atriplex coronata var. 
    notatior and Allium munzii, in western Riverside County, where a 
    multiple species planning program is being initiated but conservation 
    levels have not yet been determined.
        Populations of Brodiaea filifolia also occur in Orange, Los 
    Angeles, and San Bernardino Counties. In these counties, planning 
    efforts for areas with these plants are either not yet complete or 
    lacking (See discussion under Factor D). Significant populations of 
    Navarretia fossalis occur in areas such as western Los Angeles County 
    and western Riverside County where protection is still limited to 
    existing land-use and regulatory mechanisms that have not
    [[Page 54981]]
    proven adequate in the past to conserve the species effectively.
        Issue 7: Several commenters indicated that Brodiaea filifolia 
    should be listed as endangered and not threatened.
        Service Response: Brodiaea filifolia has one of the widest 
    distributions of the four plants, being found in Los Angeles, Orange, 
    western Riverside, southwestern San Bernardino, and San Diego Counties. 
    The population with the largest area of potentially suitable habitat is 
    protected in TNC's Santa Rosa Plateau Preserve. Other populations are 
    protected at the CDFG's San Jacinto Wildlife Area. Several new 
    populations have also recently been discovered in Orange County and San 
    Diego County. As such, B. filifolia does not meet the definition of an 
    endangered species under the Act and listing as threatened is 
        Issue 8: Two respondents stated that the Service's notification to 
    the public on this proposal was inadequate. One of these commenters 
    stated specifically that the Service failed to give notice of the 
    proposal to the County of Riverside, Riverside County Flood Control, 
    and that the Service failed to publish notice of the proposed rule in a 
    newspaper of general circulation within Riverside County. Two 
    commenters stated that a single public hearing was inadequate to obtain 
    full public input on the proposal. These same commenters requested that 
    public hearings be held in more than one location. Additionally, 
    several commenters also stated that the Service had not provided enough 
    opportunity for the public to respond.
        Service Response: The Service is obligated to hold one public 
    hearing on a listing proposal if requested to do so within 45 days of 
    publication of the proposal (16 U.S.C. 1533(b)(5)(E)). Considering the 
    limited geographic distribution of the species, the Service determined 
    that holding a single public hearing was not an impediment or undue 
    inconvenience to those wishing to attend. In addition, the Service went 
    through an extensive notification process to make the public aware of 
    this proposal. This process, which is described in detail above, fully 
    satisfied the requirements of the Act.
        As was indicated above, newspaper notices were published in the 
    Orange County Register, San Diego Union Tribune, and the Press 
    Enterprise. All three papers are widely available in western Riverside 
    County. A large number of interested parties, including the County of 
    Riverside Planning Department and the Riverside County Flood Control 
    District, were sent copies of the proposed rule on December 27, 1994.
        The Service is obligated to allow 60 days for the public to respond 
    to a proposed rule. The Service extended the comment period for an 
    additional 60 days to allow for additional public response.
        Issue 9: One commenter stated that the intention of the signed 
    Memorandum of Understanding for the San Jacinto River Corridor Plan 
    (MOU) was to ``avoid the need to list the saltbush'' and to cooperate 
    in the development of a plan to protect the saltbush. Thus, although a 
    plan was developed in accordance with the criteria delineated in the 
    MOU, ``the Service has failed to approve this plan in blatant disregard 
    of its commitments established in the MOU.''
        Service Response: The intent of the MOU was to reduce the threats 
    to the San Jacinto Valley crownscale (saltbush), Atriplex coronata var. 
    notatior, by developing a conservation plan that accommodates 
    channelization of the San Jacinto River while protecting saltbush 
    habitat along the river. The MOU does not cover the entire range of the 
    saltbush; approximately two-thirds of the range of the species is 
    outside of the MOU area. Therefore, the proposal to list the saltbush 
    does not violate the terms of the MOU. The MOU is still in effect, and 
    the Service stands by its signatory responsibilities. However, to date, 
    the Service has not received a plan that provides adequate protection 
    and conservation measures for the species. The Service pledges to 
    continue working with all interested parties to develop a conservation 
    plan for the saltbush along the San Jacinto River that adequately and 
    simultaneously meets the conservation needs of the species and the 
    needs of the stakeholders.
        Issue 10: Several commenters have stated that the Service has not 
    appropriately taken into account the planning and preservation efforts 
    by local jurisdictions. One commenter noted that ``the City of Hemet 
    has undertaken a separate proactive planning effort which the Service 
    also failed to consider when preparing this rule.''
        Service Response: The Service has considered planning and 
    preservation efforts by local jurisdictions in preparation of this 
    determination. For example, although the City of Hemet initiated a 
    conservation plan for the vernal pools and vernal wetlands along the 
    western edge of the city in 1994, the plan apparently has not yet 
    resulted in significant conservation of any of the taxa in this final 
        Issue 11: One commenter stated that the proposed rule discloses 
    inconsistencies in the Service's mitigation recommendations or 
    requirements for various projects that could impact the species 
    addressed herein.
        Service Response: The commenter apparently is referring to the 
    disparity between the mitigation accepted for pipeline projects versus 
    that accepted for flood control projects. Pipeline projects involve 
    temporary impacts and have fewer indirect effects than channelization 
    projects, which permanently alter the habitat and prevent natural 
    habitat recovery within the natural flood plan.
        Issue 12: Four commenters stated that personal letters and informal 
    correspondence should not be considered a legitimate source of 
    information. They felt that the Service had not accounted for bias on 
    the part of these parties.
        Service Response: The Act requires the Service to use the best 
    available scientific information as the sole basis for its listing 
    decision. This information may take the form of published papers, peer 
    review by acknowledged experts on a given subject, scientific reports, 
    letters, and personal communications. The Service considers 
    professional judgment and expert opinion by knowledgeable biologists in 
    making decisions. All such information is subject to peer review during 
    the listing process.
        Issue 13: Two commenters stated the proposed rule failed to 
    consider the protections provided by State and local statutes to the 
    species listed herein. One commenter stated that listing of these 
    species would not provide them with additional protection.
        Service response: The Service considered all the existing 
    applicable regulatory mechanisms that deal with the species listed 
    herein on private, State, and Federal lands throughout their range. 
    These issues are discussed in the Summary of Factors section, Factor D. 
    The Service has concluded that existing regulatory mechanisms do not 
    currently provide adequate protection for these plants. The listing of 
    these species will protect them from a variety of unauthorized 
    activities including removal or reduction to possession from areas 
    under Federal jurisdiction or in violation of a State law, including 
    criminal trespass, and will allow review of projects with a Federal 
    nexus to determine whether such actions may affect the listed species.
        Issue 14: Numerous commenters stated that critical habitat would 
    impose an unnecessary economic burden on property owners or requested 
    that the
    [[Page 54982]]
    boundaries of proposed critical habitat be modified to exclude their 
        Service Response: Because critical habitat is not being designated 
    in this rule, comments regarding critical habitat have not been 
        Issue 15: One commenter stated that existing regulatory mechanisms 
    are adequate but regulatory agencies have failed to enforce these 
        Service Response: The adequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms is 
    discussed under ``D.'' The Service acknowledges that not all regulatory 
    mechanisms are strictly enforced.
        Issue 16: Eight commenters expressed concern about adverse economic 
    effects of the listing.
        Service Response: Under section 4(b)(1)(A) of the Act, a listing 
    determination must be based solely on the best scientific and 
    commercial data available. The legislative history of this provision 
    clearly states the intent of Congress to ``ensure'' that listing 
    decisions are ``* * * based solely on biological criteria and to 
    prevent nonbiological considerations from affecting such decisions ``* 
    * *,'' (H.R. Rep. No. 97-835, 97th Cong. 2nd Sess. 19 (9182)). As 
    further stated in the legislative history, ``* * * economic 
    considerations have no relevance to determinations regarding the status 
    of the species * * *'' (Id. at 20). Because the Service is specifically 
    precluded from considering economic impacts, either positive or 
    negative, in making listing decisions, the Service does not evaluate or 
    consider the economic impacts of listing species.
    Peer Review
        In accordance with interagency policy published in the Federal 
    Register on July 1, 1994 (59 FR 34270), the Service solicited the 
    expert opinions of three independent specialists regarding pertinent 
    scientific or commercial data and assumptions relating to the taxonomy, 
    population models, and supportive biological and ecological information 
    for the taxa under consideration for listing. The purpose of such 
    review is to ensure listing decisions are based on scientifically sound 
    data, assumptions, and analyses, including input from appropriate 
    experts and specialists. One of the three specialists sent a supportive 
    letter during the public comment period. No additional comments were 
    received from the other specialists.
    Summary of Factors Affecting the Species
        Section 4 of the Act and regulations (50 CFR part 424) promulgated 
    to implement the listing provisions of the Act, set forth the 
    procedures for adding species to the Federal lists. A species may be 
    determined to be an endangered or threatened species due to one or more 
    of the five factors described in section 4(a)(1). These factors and 
    their application to Allium munzii (Traub) D. McNeal (Munz's onion), 
    Atriplex coronata S. Watson var. notatior Jeps. (San Jacinto Valley 
    crownscale), Brodiaea filifolia S. Watson (thread-leaved brodiaea), and 
    Navarretia fossalis Moran (spreading navarretia) are as follows and 
    summarized in Table 1.
                                              Table 1.--Summary of Threats
                                  Agriculture/                               Alteration    Trampling/       Alien
               Species            urbanization   ORV use \1\     Mining     of hydrology     grazing       species
    Allium munzii...............            X             X             X   ............            X             X
    Atriplex coronata var.
     notatior...................            X             X   ............            X             X             X
    Brodiaea filifolia..........            X   ............  ............  ............            X             X
    Navarretia fossalis.........            X             X   ............            X             X            X
    \1\ ORV=off road vehicle.
    A. The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment 
    of Their Habitat or Range
        The natural plant communities of coastal Orange and San Diego 
    counties, western Riverside and southwestern San Bernardino counties, 
    California, and northwestern Baja California, Mexico, have undergone 
    significant changes as a result of both direct and indirect human-
    caused activities. The rapid urbanization of this region (which 
    currently harbors over 17 million people) has already eliminated a 
    significant portion of the habitat for these four plants. The remaining 
    patches of habitat are frequently isolated and have been, or are being, 
    degraded and/or fragmented by agricultural practices, streambed 
    channelization and other hydrological alterations, weed abatement, fire 
    suppression practices, and grazing.
        Allium munzii occurs in grassy openings in coastal sage scrub and 
    mesic native perennial grasslands. The majority of B. filifolia 
    populations are known to occur in mesic native perennial grasslands. 
    The extent of these plant communities has undergone significant 
    reduction due to urban and agricultural development (U.S. Fish and 
    Wildlife Service 1993, Oberbauer and Vanderwier 1991). Approximately 59 
    percent of the coastal sage scrub in Riverside County has been 
    destroyed since 1945, and as much as 71 percent has been destroyed 
    since 1930 (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1993). In San Diego County, 
    95 percent of the native perennial grasslands and 72 percent of the 
    coastal sage scrub have been destroyed (Oberbauer and Vanderwier 1991). 
    Native perennial grasslands continue to be at risk and are threatened 
    by urbanization and agricultural conversion throughout the range of 
    Allium munzii and Brodiaea filifolia.
        Little is known concerning the historical distribution of A. 
    munzii. owever, as much as 80 to 90 percent of the clay soils in 
    western Riverside County that may have supported habitat for A. munzii 
    have been adversely modified through extensive agriculture, 
    urbanization, and clay mining (CDFG 1989).
        Allium munzii has recently been extirpated from at least two sites 
    as a result of agricultural development, clay mining, and highway 
    construction. Other populations of this species have been impacted by 
    reduction of available habitat and numbers of individuals. One 
    population of A. munzii was partially eliminated in 1982 by the 
    realignment of the Interstate 15 freeway corridor in the Temescal 
    Valley of Riverside County (Roberts 1993a). Another population was 
    reduced when part of its habitat was inundated for a reservoir (CDFG 
        Two of the remaining 13 populations of Allium munzii are within the 
    boundaries of proposed development (Roberts 1993a, Royce Rigging and 
    Associates, in litt. March 1998, Brenda McMillan, U.S. Fish and 
    Wildlife Service, pers. comm. 1998). Combined these projects contain 
    over 470 ha (1,175 ac) of which a substantial area is potential habitat 
    for A. munzii. Discing for the weed abatement or dry land
    [[Page 54983]]
    farming may destroy habitat and cause population declines of A. munzii. 
    These activities, or off-road vehicle activity, are affecting six of 
    the thirteen known sites of A. munzii (CNDDB 1997, Steve Boyd, Rancho 
    Santa Ana Botanical Garden and D. Bramlet, pers. comm. 1993). One site, 
    for example, that has been persistently disced for dryland farming 
    since it was reported as supporting 1,000 individuals in 1992, was 
    found to contain fewer than 10 individuals in 1998 (B. McMillan, pers. 
    comm. 1998). Altogether 7 of the 13 populations (over 50 percent) 
    supporting about 20 percent of the individuals are threatened by loss 
    of habitat through development, discing, and off-road vehicle activity.
        Over 25 percent of B. filifolia populations have been eliminated by 
    urbanization and agricultural conversion (Roberts and Vanderwier 1997). 
    Over the last 15 years, nearly 60 ha (150 ac) of occupied habitat 
    containing over 80,000 plants have been eliminated in the cities of San 
    Marcos and Vista (CNDDB 1997, Taylor and Burkhart 1992, Wayne 
    Armstrong, Palomar College, pers. comm. 1993, Roberts and Vanderwier 
    1997). Urbanization continues to be the most significant threat to this 
    species. About 20 percent (about 8) of the remaining populations of B. 
    filifolia in San Diego and Riverside counties are currently within 
    proposed or approved development projects. Another 10 percent (4) of 
    the populations are zoned for urbanization or threatened by discing for 
    fire suppression activities or dryland farming. Suitable habitat is at 
    even greater risk. For example, Brodiaea filifolia is associated with 
    clay soils and soils with clay subsoils. In 1994, about 1,595 ha (3,990 
    ac) of these soils (about 30 percent of the historical figure) remained 
    available in the cities of San Marcos, Vista, and Carlsbad. In 1996 and 
    1997, at least 120 ha (300 ac) of clay soils and soils with clay 
    subsoils, in part occupied by B. filifolia, was graded in the City of 
    Carlsbad alone. Two approved projects in the City of Carlsbad are 
    likely to reduce these available appropriate soils by at least 400 ha 
    (1,000 ac) (Soil Conservation Service and Forest Service, et. al. 1973, 
    City of Carlsbad and Fieldstone/La Costa Associates 1994, Sweetwater 
    Environmental Biologists 1994).
        It is probable that the only known population of B. filifolia 
    reported for San Bernardino County in nearly 70 years will be removed 
    by a major pipeline project (Robert Thorne, Rancho Santa Ana Botanical 
    Garden, pers. comm. 1993, Edna Rey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 
    pers. comm. 1993).
        Most of the recently discovered populations of Brodiaea filifolia 
    in Orange County, California are relatively small and are not at 
    immediate risk (2 are on protected land). However, the largest 
    population known in Orange County is within the proposed grading 
    footprint of a 1,600-unit residential development (City of San Clemente 
    1997). This population occupies about 6 ha (15 ac) and supports about 
    60 percent of the reported B. filifolia individuals and about 80 
    percent of the habitat occupied by this species in Orange County. As 
    currently proposed, nearly the entire native population at this site 
    would be impacted.
        The largest reported population of B. filifolia occurs on 16 ha (40 
    ac) of habitat located near downtown San Marcos in San Diego County, 
    which is zoned for industrial development (Kutz 1997). Other 
    populations in San Marcos, although not as extensive, are also 
    threatened. For example, a 9 ha (20 ac) parcel near the largest site is 
    proposed for recreational development (San Diego Union Tribune, January 
    29, 1998).
        The only populations of Brodiaea filifolia known to occur on 
    Federal land are on Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton in San Diego 
    County (CNNDB 1997, U.S. Marine Corps 1997). Several populations have 
    recently been discovered in an abandoned weapons impact area. While no 
    populations are currently reported as directly threatened by 
    development on the base, a recently-proposed project may alter up to 54 
    ha (134 ac) of highly suitable habitat that is immediately adjacent to 
    known occupied habitat (U.S. Marine Corps 1997).
        As discussed below (vernal wetlands discussion), habitat that 
    supports 5 of 6 populations of Brodiaea filifolia within the San 
    Jacinto River flood plain and Old Salt Creek near Hemet is threatened 
    by alteration of hydrology (duck ponds), channelization, discing for 
    dry land farming and fire suppression practices, and urbanization 
    (Roberts and Vanderwier 1997). These populations represent about one 
    third of the populations and over 40 percent of the potential habitat 
    for this species in Riverside County.
        At least 12 of the remaining 37 populations of Brodiaea filifolia 
    within San Bernardino, Orange, Riverside, and San Diego County are 
    threatened by the destruction of habitat that will result from 
    urbanization, discing for dry land farming or fire suppression. These 
    populations include a significant portion of the occupied habitat and 
    the largest populations of Brodiaea filifolia within San Diego and 
    Orange Counties. The reduction of these populations will result in a 
    significant decline in the species.
        Vernal pools have undergone an extraordinary reduction in number 
    and have nearly been eliminated in Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego 
    counties, and have been greatly reduced in Riverside County. In San 
    Diego County, over 97 percent of vernal pool habitat occupied, in part, 
    by Navarretia fossalis, had been lost by 1990 (Bauder 1986, Oberbauer 
    and Vanderweir 1991).
        Loss estimates for vernal pools and vernal wetlands in Riverside 
    County are less certain and are based on the status of soil types that 
    support these kinds of habitat. The Service estimates that about 12,800 
    ha (32,000 ac) in the Perris, western San Jacinto, and Menifee Valleys 
    were historically dominated by alkali scrub, alkali playa, alkali 
    grassland, or vernal pool plant communities that contained significant 
    populations of B. filifolia, A. coronata var. notatior, and N. 
    fossalis. About 75 percent of the 12,800 ha (32,000 ac) has been 
    impacted by a combination of intensive cultivation, urbanization, or 
    watercourse channelization; being filled; or otherwise being highly 
    disturbed and, therefore, unlikely to return to supporting these native 
    plants. A significant portion of the remaining 3,300 ha (8,200 ac) of 
    alkali and vernal pool habitat suitable for these plants has been 
    disturbed, predominantly by dryland farming activities (Tierra Madre 
    Consultants 1992, Roberts 1993b, Roberts and McMillan 1997).
        About 95 percent of the populations of A. coronata var. notatior, 
    about 15 percent of the populations of B. filifolia, and about 50 
    percent of the populations of N. fossalis are associated with the San 
    Jacinto River and a tributary of Old Salt Creek just west of the city 
    of Hemet. Much of this area has been subject to dry land farming or 
    irrigated farming at some time during the last 100 years. However, a 5-
    year drought contributed significantly to a reduction in agricultural 
    activity, particularly along the San Jacinto River. Conversely, in some 
    areas, the soils have routinely been too wet and too alkaline for dry 
    land farming. Both factors have contributed to the continued existence 
    of these taxa in this area.
        Major commercial and urban development, transportation, and flood 
    control projects have been proposed in General and Specific Plans for 
    both the San Jacinto River Valley and the area west of Hemet. According 
    to documents on file with the County of Riverside and the City of 
    Perris in 1994, these proposals could result in over 19,000 new 
    residential units, as well as hotel and commercial developments
    [[Page 54984]]
    encompassing over 3,200 ha (8,000 ac) (Riverside County Planning 
    Department 1991, Louis Massey, Department of Planning, City of Perris, 
    pers. comm. 1993, Mark Goldberg, City of Hemet, pers. comm. 1993). 
    Although not all of these projects may move forward, potential habitat 
    for A. coronata var. notatior, N. fossalis, and B. filifolia could be 
    reduced by over 1,400 ha (3,500 ac) (Roberts 1993b). And, although the 
    urbanization that could result from these major projects and others 
    associated with the cities of San Jacinto and Hemet may not occur for 
    up to five years, these same areas are more imminently threatened by a 
    recent increase in pipeline construction, dry land farming, and weed 
    abatement activities.
        Three pipeline projects have recently destroyed vernal pool, alkali 
    grassland, and alkali playa habitat and directly impacted 5 of 11 
    populations of A. coronata var. notatior, N. fossalis, and at least one 
    historical site for B. filifolia in the San Jacinto River flood plain 
    (Roger Turner, Eastern Municipal Water District, pers. comm. 1992, 
    1993, Tierra Madre Consultants 1992). At least one additional pipeline 
    project will further reduce one population of A. coronata var. notatior 
    and N. fossalis (Roberts and McMillan 1997).
        In 1993, more than 200 ha (500 ac) of occupied or potential habitat 
    for A. coronata var. notatior, B. filifolia, and N. fossalis were 
    disced for weed abatement or fire suppression purposes (Roberts 1993b). 
    In June 1993, an additional 80 ha (200 ac) of habitat containing A. 
    coronata var. notatior and N. fossalis were disced and seeded for dry 
    land farming (Bill Sweeney, landowner, pers. comm. 1993). Additional 
    discing along the San Jacinto River has been reported since 1993. At 
    least 42 stands of A. coronata var. notatior, including 4 of the 
    largest, have been adversely modified since 1990. This has resulted in 
    the decline in total numbers of A. coronata var. notatior plants, 
    throughout its range, of nearly 70 percent since 1992 (Roberts and 
    McMillan 1997).
        While Atriplex coronata var. notatior has displayed some ability to 
    persist despite dryland farming in its habitat, its severe decline 
    since 1992, combined with extensive plans for flood control and further 
    urban development in its habitat show that this plant is in danger of 
    extinction in much of its remaining habitat. The existing protected 
    areas, as discussed below, do not appear to offer adequate area or 
    management to prevent endangerment. Nearly half of the known 
    populations of Navarretia fossalis occur within the same habitat that 
    is occupied by A. coronata var. notatior. However, the distribution of 
    N. fossalis is even more restricted in that it can only persist in the 
    wettest areas of the San Jacinto River flood plain and the vernal pools 
    at Hemet. The loss of these populations will result in a significant 
    decline in the species.
        Navarretia fossalis also occurred historically in the vicinity of 
    Murrieta Hot Springs in Riverside County during the 1920's (Spencer, in 
    litt. 1993). Much of the Murrieta Hot Spring area has been urbanized or 
    converted to agriculture resulting in a significant reduction and 
    fragmentation of potential N. fossalis habitat (U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
    Service, unpublished data). While there are no additional confirmed 
    populations of N. fossalis occurring in the Murrieta area, the 
    continued and rapid urbanization of this area reduces the opportunities 
    to conserve potential habitat for species recovery.
        The larger of two recently discovered occurrences of Navarretia 
    fossalis in northwestern Los Angeles has apparently been partially 
    graded, (Tim Thomas, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, pers. comm. 1998), 
    leading to the ongoing deposition of fill material into the vernal 
        In San Diego County, N. fossalis occurs within vernal pool 
    complexes (Bauder 1986, CNDDB 1997). These areas have been and continue 
    to be impacted by urbanization and agricultural conversion (Bauder 
    1986, Nancy Gilbert and Ellen Berryman, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 
    pers. comm. 1993).
        One of the largest concentrations of N. fossalis occurs on Otay 
    Mesa in San Diego County. At least 37 proposed Precise Plans and 
    Tentative Maps for development have been filed pursuant to the 
    California Environmental Quality Act for this area. These plans 
    encompass about 80 percent of the undeveloped portion of the mesa 
    within the jurisdiction of the City of San Diego and all but four of 
    the remaining vernal pool complexes. Several of these projects will 
    impact N. fossalis. In addition, at least one major transportation 
    project has been proposed for Otay Mesa and could potentially affect 
    vernal pools occupied by N. fossalis (California Department of 
    Transportation 1993).
        Navarretia fossalis and Brodiaea filifolia are found on Federal 
    lands managed by the Navy at Naval Air Station, Miramar and Marine 
    Corps Base, Camp Pendleton. These lands are used, in part, for military 
    training activities that involve off-road vehicle maneuvers that 
    adversely affect these species (D. Hogan, San Diego Biodiversity 
    Project, and D. Belk, The Lady of the Lake University, in litt. 1992, 
    CNDDB 1997).
        Trash dumping has also degraded vernal pools in San Diego County. 
    Chunks of concrete, tires, refrigerators, furniture, and other pieces 
    of garbage or debris have been found in pools containing N. fossalis. 
    This trash crushes or shades vernal pool plants, disrupts the 
    hydrologic functions of the pool, and, in some cases, may release toxic 
    substances. Trash dumping continues to threaten vernal pools that 
    support this species (S. Wynn, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, pers. 
    comm. 1998).
        Vernal pools in Riverside and San Diego counties and, to a lesser 
    extent, the alkali wetland habitats of Riverside County, have also been 
    degraded by off-road vehicles. These vehicles compact soils, crush 
    plants when water is present, cause turbidity, and leave deep ruts. 
    This type of damage may alter the microhydrology of the pools by 
    creating drainage channels or by disrupting the pool's water-retaining 
    hardpan. Dirt roads that go through or adjacent to pools are widened as 
    motorists try to avoid mud puddles, resulting in destruction of pool 
    margins inhabited by N. fossalis and B. filifolia. Pools are 
    incrementally destroyed, both as a result of destruction of vegetation 
    and alteration of hydrology.
        For Navarretia fossalis, whose 30 known populations in the United 
    States are concentrated in Otay Mesa in southern San Diego County, 
    along the San Jacinto River in western Riverside County, and near Hemet 
    in Riverside County, the ongoing degradation of vernal pools and their 
    outright destruction due to widespread urbanization in Otay Mesa is the 
    most pressing threat, followed by agricultural practices and the 
    longer-term threats from flood control and development in the San 
    Jacinto-Hemet areas of Riverside County.
        The vernal pool, alkali grassland, alkali playa, and alkali sink 
    habitats upon which N. fossalis, A. coronata var. notatior, and, to a 
    lesser extent, B. filifolia depend are also vulnerable to indirect 
    destruction due to an alteration of the supporting watershed. An 
    increase in water due to urban run-off leads to increased inundation, 
    which makes pools vulnerable to invasion by plants characteristic of 
    perennial wetlands, which results in decreased abundance of obligate 
    vernal pool plants. At the other extreme, some pools and alkali 
    wetlands have been drained or blocked from their source of water and 
    have shown an increased domination by upland plant species. Of
    [[Page 54985]]
    the species covered by this rule, N. fossalis is the most vulnerable to 
    alterations in hydrology because it is the most dependent on vernal 
    pools. The other species in the plan occur in microhabitats that are 
    more variable in wetness.
        Agricultural and/or urban development adjacent to vernal pools and 
    alkali wetlands may cause adverse alterations in drainage and adverse 
    hydrological alterations to vernal pools. Drainage of wetlands for 
    agricultural purposes may render land suitable for urban development. 
    Wetland drainage is exemplified by recent activities near Hemet in 
    Riverside County, California. In 1989, drainage structures were built 
    in alkali grassland and vernal pools west of Hemet in association with 
    an Auto Mall (M. Goldberg, pers. comm. 1993). These structures have 
    significantly reduced standing water and are responsible for the 
    gradual drying of wetland vegetation as evidenced by relic stands of 
    Eleocharis palustris and other obligate wetland species (Wayne Ferren, 
    University of California, Santa Barbara, pers. comm. 1993). In another 
    example, a vernal pool supporting a large population of N. fossalis in 
    1994 was identified along the San Jacinto River. By 1997, the field had 
    been disced and there was no evidence of the vernal pool nor N. 
        Because Navarretia fossalis is an obligate wetland species, 
    drainage of the wetlands it inhabits will destroy it. The generally 
    small sizes of vernal pool wetlands render them highly vulnerable to 
    deliberate drainage, as discussed above, as well as to more or less 
    unintentional alteration through changes in drainage that occur during 
    development, and from the physical effects of off-road vehicles and 
    trash dumping. The loss of over 97 percent of vernal pool habitat in 
    San Diego County occupied, in part, by Navarretia fossalis, by 1990, 
    shows the intensity of economic and other pressures to develop clay-
    soil areas with vernal pools. To judge from recent development 
    proposals, the remaining three percent of vernal pool habitat is likely 
    to be lost. On the more extensive alkali wetlands of Riverside County, 
    the effects of agricultural activities, drainage of wetlands, 
    alteration of drainage (from diking and rerouting of drainage) likewise 
    mean that the wetlands remaining available to this plant are much 
    smaller and much more vulnerable to the effects of surrounding 
    development than they were earlier in the century.
        Livestock grazing typically changes the composition of native plant 
    communities by reducing or eliminating plants that cannot withstand 
    grazing and trampling and by enabling more resistant (usually non-
    native) species to increase in abundance. Non-native plants often are 
    introduced and flourish under a grazing regime and may reduce or 
    replace native species. Plants in vernal pools or adjacent alkali 
    grasslands, playa, or scrub habitats may be trampled and killed or 
    grazed prior to seed production. For example, sheep are imported to 
    graze along the San Jacinto River and at Old Salt Creek annually, and 
    they frequently trample habitat occupied by Atriplex coronata var. 
    notatior, Navarretia fossalis, and Brodiaea filifolia (F. Roberts, 
    pers. obs.). At least two populations of Allium munzii are within areas 
    grazed by cattle (CNDDB 1997). Grazing also continues to impact vernal 
    pool habitat in San Diego County, which, in part, is occupied by 
    Navarretia fossalis, and on Otay Mesa where some of the most important 
    populations are found, or at Ramona (S. Wynn, pers. comm. 1998).
    B. Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or 
    Educational Purposes
        Overutilization is not currently known to be a factor for these 
    four plants, but unrestricted collecting for scientific or 
    horticultural purposes or excessive visits by individuals interested in 
    seeing rare plants could result from increased publicity as a result of 
    this final rule.
    C. Disease or Predation
        Neither disease nor natural predation are known to be a factor for 
    the four plants. Cattle grazing occurs on Otay Mesa in areas where 
    several vernal pool complexes contain N. fossalis. Intensive sheep 
    grazing occurs west of Hemet and along the San Jacinto River in habitat 
    occupied by N. fossalis, A. coronata var. notatior, and B. filifolia. 
    It is not anticipated that any of the four species are regular forage 
    for grazing animals, and thus effects from grazing are more likely to 
    be from trampling rather than predation.
    D. The Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms
        Existing regulatory mechanisms that could provide some protection 
    for these species include: (1) listing under the California Endangered 
    Species Act (CESA); (2) the California Environmental Quality Act 
    (CEQA); (3) implementation of conservation plans pursuant to the 
    California NCCP program; (4) conservation provisions under the Federal 
    Clean Water Act; (5) the Act in cases where these species occur in 
    habitat occupied by a listed species; (6) land acquisition and 
    management by Federal, State, or local agencies, or by private groups 
    and organizations; (7) local laws and regulations; and (8) enforcement 
    of Mexican laws.
    State Laws and Regulations
        The California Fish and Game Commission has listed B. filifolia as 
    endangered and A. munzii (= A. fimbriatum var. munzii) as threatened 
    under the Native Plant Protection Act (NPPA) (Div. 2, chapter 10, 
    section 1900 et seq. of the California Fish and Game Code) and CESA 
    (chapter 1.5, section 2050 et seq.). A. coronata var. notatior and N. 
    fossalis are included on Lists 1B of the California Native Plant 
    Society's Inventory (Skinner and Pavlik 1994), which, in accordance 
    with section 1901, chapter 10 of the California Department of Fish and 
    Game Code, makes them eligible for State listing. Although both 
    statutes prohibit the ``take'' of State-listed plants (chapter 10 
    section 1908 and chapter 1.5 section 2080), populations of three of the 
    four species have continued to decline. For example, development 
    proposals in Carlsbad (San Diego County) and in the Gavilan Hills 
    (Riverside County) that involve direct impacts to A. munzii and B. 
    filifolia have proceeded without notification to the Department 
    (Roberts 1993a, Jim Dice, CDFG, pers. comm. 1993). In another case, a 
    landowner disced a stand of N. fossalis growing with the State-listed 
    Orcuttia californica for fire control without notifying the CDFG 
    (Howard Windsor, Riverside County Fire Department, pers. comm. 1993).
        California Senate Bill 879, passed in 1997 and effective January 1, 
    1998, requires individuals and entities to obtain 2081(b) incidental 
    take permits to take listed species; however, the draft of proposed 
    regulations to implement Senate Bill 879 would except the prohibition 
    of take of listed plant species from major categories of activities, 
    including take incidental to agricultural operations, approved timber 
    harvest operations, mining assessment work, public works projects, and 
    removal or destruction of plants from building sites on private lands. 
    The extent to which the amended State Statute will afford protection to 
    State-listed plant species is uncertain at this time.
        The majority of the known populations of the four plants considered 
    herein occur on privately owned land. Local lead agencies empowered to 
    uphold and enforce the regulations of the California Environmental 
    Quality Act (CEQA) have made determinations that have or will
    [[Page 54986]]
    adversely affect A. munzii, A. coronata var. notatior, B. filifolia, 
    and N. fossalis. Required biological surveys are often inadequate, and 
    project proponents may ignore the results of surveys if occurrences of 
    sensitive species are viewed as a constraint on project design. 
    Mitigation measures used to condition project approvals are essentially 
    experimental and fail to adequately guarantee long-term protection of 
    sustainable populations. In addition, relocation attempts often fail. 
    Project designs have also failed to provide an adequate buffer zone 
    around sensitive plant populations to protect their long-term viability 
    (WESTEC 1988, D. Bramlet, in litt. 1992, D. Hogan and D. Belk, in litt. 
    1992, and O. Mistretta, in litt. 1993).
        The CEQA requires that a project proponent publicly disclose the 
    potential environmental impacts of proposed projects. The public agency 
    with the primary authority or jurisdiction over the project is 
    designated as the lead agency and is responsible for conducting review 
    of the project and consulting with other agencies concerned with 
    resources affected by the project. Required biological surveys are 
    sometimes inadequate and mitigation measures used to condition project 
    approvals are sometimes experimental and do not always adequately 
    guarantee protection of sustainable populations of the species 
    considered in this rule. Section 15065 of the CEQA guidelines requires 
    a finding of significance if a project has the potential to ``reduce 
    the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or 
    animal.'' CEQA decisions are also subject to overriding social and 
    economic considerations, which allows the CEQA lead agency to approve a 
    project with significant adverse effects on a listed plant species 
    where the agency concludes that overriding considerations justify 
    approval of the project.
        Even though impacts to rare plant taxa including N. fossalis, B. 
    filifolia, and A. coronata var. notatior were considered significant 
    under CEQA when several pipeline projects and Specific Plans were 
    proposed in Riverside County, California, only A. coronata var. 
    notatior was consistently considered in the environmental impact 
    analyses. These projects proposed either no or inadequate mitigation 
    for impacts to sensitive plant taxa (D. Bramlet, in litt. 1992, Roberts 
    1993b). In another case, a major development in San Marcos (San Diego 
    County) resulted in a 70 percent reduction in B. filifolia habitat. 
    Although 5 ha (12 ac) were set aside for preservation of this species, 
    the preserve is surrounded by residential development, has inadequate 
    buffers, and is poorly configured (WESTEC 1988).
    Regional Planning Efforts
        In 1991, the State of California established the NCCP Program to 
    address conservation needs of natural ecosystems throughout the State. 
    The focus of the current planning program is the coastal sage scrub 
    community in southern California, although other vegetation communities 
    are being addressed in an ecosystem-level approach. Brodiaea filifolia 
    and Navarretia fossalis are currently being considered under the MSCP, 
    MHCP, Central/Coastal Subregional NCCP/Habitat Conservation Plan 
    (Central/Coastal) or the Southern Subregional NCCP/Habitat Conservation 
    Plan of Orange County, California. All of these habitat conservation 
    plans are being conducted under the procedures of section 10(a)(1)(B) 
    of the Act, which allows incidental take permits for federally listed 
    animals in return for effective conservation plans.
        The Central/Coastal NCCP of Orange County was approved in July of 
    1996. Only one of the four plants (Brodiaea filifolia) occurs within 
    the Central/Coastal NCCP. It is not considered a covered species 
    because of its recent discovery within the subregion. Covered species 
    are those species that have been adequately considered in terms of 
    long-term preservation within a Habitat Conservation Planning Area or 
    NCCP subregion. Under an agreement with participants, CDFG, and the 
    Service, future potential impacts for covered species are considered 
    adequately addressed through proposed preservation, mitigation, and 
    management. The single population of B. filifolia within the Central/
    Coastal NCCP is situated on land preserved under the regional park 
    system of the County of Orange.
        Five populations of B. filifolia are within the Southern Subregion 
    of the Orange County NCCP. Preserve design in the Southern Subregion is 
    still preliminary, and it is uncertain to what degree it will conserve 
    the four populations of this taxon. However, the largest of the four 
    populations (Forster Ranch) is within a proposed residential 
    development site and is unlikely to benefit from any future preserve 
    (City of San Clemente 1997).
        Since the publication of the proposed rule, the MSCP, a regional 
    planning effort in southwestern San Diego County, has been finalized 
    and submitted to the Service as part of an application for a section 
    10(a)(1)(B) incidental take permit for 85 species, including Brodiaea 
    filifolia and Navarretia fossalis. The Service and the City of San 
    Diego have jointly prepared a Recirculated Environmental Impact 
    Statement, ``Issuance of Take Authorizations for Threatened and 
    Endangered Species due to urban Growth within the Multiple Species 
    Conservation Program (MSCP) Planning Area.'' This document, released on 
    August 30, 1996, and finalized in December 1996, assesses the effects 
    of land-use decisions that will be made by local jurisdictions to 
    implement the plan and the effects of the issuance of the incidental 
    take permit for the 85 species. A permit was issued to the City of San 
    Diego in July 1997 and for the County of San Diego in March 1998. A 
    permit is expected for Chula Vista in 1999.
        The MSCP sets aside preserve areas and provides for monitoring and 
    management for the 85 ``covered species'' addressed in the permit 
    application, including Brodiaea filifolia and Navarretia fossalis. 
    ``Covered species'' are taxa that will be adequately conserved by the 
    plan's proposed preservation and management. Project proponents in 
    areas outside the MSCP subregion will be required to coordinate with 
    the Service on these taxa where applicable.
        About 20 percent of the known populations of N. fossalis in the 
    United States are in the MSCP subregion. The majority of these 
    populations will be conserved by the MSCP. In addition the species is 
    on the list of narrow endemics, which requires jurisdictions to specify 
    and implement measures in their subarea plan to avoid or minimize 
    impacts to all populations. However, significant populations of N. 
    fossalis remain outside the MSCP subregion. Only a single recently 
    reported population of B. filifolia occurs within the MSCP.
        The MHCP area in northwestern San Diego County contains several 
    significant populations of N. fossalis and about half of the B. 
    filifolia populations. The MHCP, which will include the Carlsbad 
    Habitat Management Plan (HMP) program, is still in the early 
    developmental phase, and thus it is uncertain to what degree it will be 
    successful in providing protection for Brodiaea filifolia and 
    Navarretia fossalis.
        About 50 percent of the populations of Navarretia fossalis occur in 
    western Riverside County, along the San Jacinto River and southwest of 
    Hemet. Riverside County is in the process of developing a multiple 
    species plan. However, the plan will not be finalized
    [[Page 54987]]
    this year. B. filifolia, A. coronata var. notatior, and Allium munzii 
    are also expected to benefit from the Riverside County plan when it is 
    finalized. Five of the six populations of B. filifolia in southern 
    Orange County are within multiple species planning areas in southern 
    Orange County and most of these are expected to be conserved through 
    the Southern Subregional NCCP. However, the largest and most 
    significant population (Forster Ranch) will not have substantial 
    conservation as a result of this planning effort. Small populations of 
    N. fossalis and B. filifolia are also known from Los Angeles and San 
    Bernardino County. These populations are generally in jurisdictions 
    that have not developed or implemented regional multispecies planning 
    Conservation Provisions Under the Clean Water Act
        Atriplex coronata var. notatior and N. fossalis could potentially 
    be affected by projects requiring a permit from the Corps under section 
    404 of the Clean Water Act. In Riverside County, the Corps has not 
    required a permit or mitigation for filling of wetland habitat occupied 
    by A. coronata var. notatior, N. fossalis, or B. filifolia in instances 
    where the land had previously been used for agriculture or where the 
    wetland was determined not to be within the jurisdiction of the Corps. 
    The Corps has indicated a lack of certainty over whether hydric soils 
    existed on a particular site, even though hydric vegetation and 
    hydrologic features were present (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in 
    litt. 1993). Even if the Corps establishes jurisdiction under the Clean 
    Water Act over vernal pools, this does not ensure their protection. At 
    least two vernal pool complexes that represented suitable habitat for 
    Navarretia fossalis that were under Corps jurisdiction in San Diego 
    County have been destroyed or degraded without a section 404 permit (J. 
    Dice, pers. comm. 1993, Carrie Phillips, U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
    Service, pers. comm. 1993).
        A permit was issued by the Corps for channelizing the San Jacinto 
    River in 1996. As a condition of approval, the permit was tied to a 
    plan that would be designed to conserve A. coronata var. notatior 
    habitat along a portion of the San Jacinto River. This plan is still in 
    the development stage. It is anticipated that this conservation plan, 
    when finalized, will provide adequate habitat for A. coronata var. 
    notatior and other rare plant species, including N. fossalis. It will 
    cover about one-third of the range of A. coronata var. notatior. This 
    conservation plan is intended to adequately conserve A. coronata var. 
    notatior (but not N. fossalis) in the covered area and to allow for its 
    full recovery once similar conservation measures are undertaken 
    elsewhere in its range.
    Federal Endangered Species Act
        The Act may afford protection to sensitive species if they co-exist 
    with species already listed as threatened or endangered under the Act. 
    Pogogyne abramsii (San Diego mesa mint), P. nudiuscula (Otay Mesa 
    mint), Orcuttia californica (California Orcutt grass), Eryngium 
    aristulatum var. parishii (San Diego button-celery), San Diego fairy 
    shrimp (Branchinecta sandiegoensis), and the Riverside fairy shrimp 
    (Streptocephalus wootoni) are listed as endangered under the Act and 
    occur in the same kinds of habitat type as several of the taxa listed 
    herein. However, these species are often not found in the same vernal 
    pool complexes as the taxa considered in this proposal. N. fossalis co-
    exists with other listed species in only seven vernal pool complexes 
    (one in Riverside County, six in San Diego County).
        The Stephens' kangaroo rat (Dipodomys stephensi) and the Quino 
    checkerspot (Euphydryas editha quino) are listed as endangered, and the 
    coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica) is listed as 
    threatened under the Act. These species occur in coastal sage scrub 
    (gnatcatcher) and grassland (kangaroo rat) habitats. Although A. munzii 
    is known from similar habitats, there is less than 30 percent overlap 
    between its populations and populations of these listed animals. Where 
    overlap does occur, the A. munzii populations are either already 
    preserved or potentially protected from development by other 
    regulations. However, in these cases, A. munzii is still threatened by 
    off-road vehicle activity and non-native plant species. Brodiaea 
    filifolia occurs in the vicinity of California gnatcatcher populations 
    in northern San Diego County but primarily inhabits a different habitat 
    type (mesic grasslands). Brodiaea filifolia is known to co-exist with 
    the Stephen's kangaroo rat at only one locality in Riverside County. 
    The Quino checkerspot, an extremely rare species, is not known to occur 
    with either species.
    Land Acquisition and Management
        Land acquisition and management by Federal, State, or local 
    agencies or by private groups and organizations has contributed to the 
    protection of some localities inhabited by the taxa under consideration 
    in this proposal. However, as discussed below, these efforts are often 
    directed at other species and are inadequate to assure the long-term 
    survival of the taxa considered in this proposal.
        Allium munzii and Brodiaea filifolia are found in the Cleveland 
    National Forest and are recognized by the U.S. Forest Service (Forest 
    Service) as sensitive species (U.S. Forest Service 1992, Boyd, et. al., 
    1992). The Forest Service has policies to protect sensitive plant taxa 
    and attempts to establish these species in suitable or historic 
    habitat. The Forest Service also encourages land ownership adjustments 
    to acquire and protect sensitive plant habitat. To this end, the Forest 
    Service (1992) has released a Management Guide for A. munzii. However, 
    only a portion of a single population actually occurs within the 
    Cleveland National Forest, and it continues to be threatened by off-
    road vehicle activity. The population of B. filifolia on National 
    Forest lands, although one of the largest, is evidently a hybrid swarm 
    (Boyd, et. al., 1992, S. Morey, in. litt. 1995).
        In 1993, the Service entered into a Memorandum of Understanding 
    (MOU) with local jurisdictions in Riverside County and the CDFG 
    concerning channelization of the San Jacinto River and protection of A. 
    coronata var. notatior habitat along the river. The purpose of this MOU 
    is to reconcile conflicts between the conservation of this floodplain 
    species and proposed flood control measures associated with major urban 
    development plans. The MOU does not address the conservation of N. 
    fossalis, B. filifolia, or other rare plants in the project area. The 
    proposed flood control project could result in significant urban 
    development and hydrological alterations that will contribute to the 
    decline of all these taxa. Since 1993, over 400 ha (1,000 ac) of 
    suitable A. coronata var. notatior habitat within the jurisdiction of 
    the MOU was disced for purposes of dryland farming and weed abatement 
    (Roberts 1993b, Roberts and McMillan 1997). Some of this altered 
    habitat is in areas that could potentially be preserved as habitat for 
    A. coronata var. notatior.
        Recently, local property owners have been contributing 
    significantly to the conservation process. The goal is to allow 
    channelization of the San Jacinto River and to protect adequate habitat 
    south of the Ramona Expressway for local conservation of A. coronata 
    var. notatior. In so doing, it is anticipated that the habitat set 
    aside will be adequate for the conservation of other rare plant taxa, 
    including N. fossalis. However, this conservation plan, which is under 
    development, will protect only
    [[Page 54988]]
    part of the habitat occupied by the four plants listed herein. 
    Potentially suitable conservation lands have been identified, but a 
    mechanism to acquire them is still lacking.
        At least two of the plants listed in this rule occur in the San 
    Jacinto Wildlife Area (SJWA), which is managed by the State of 
    California. Although this preserve provides protection from 
    urbanization and agriculture, it was originally established to mitigate 
    impacts of State water projects. The SJWA's mission is to address 
    multiple impacts such as loss of wetlands and to maintain waterfowl 
    hunting along the San Jacinto River. In meeting this objective, a 
    significant area of habitat for the plants listed in this rule has been 
    converted into habitat for migrating waterfowl. Protection of rare 
    plant habitat is only one of many potentially conflicting goals. 
    Although there are rare plant management goals, duck ponds are 
    inundated in regimes not necessarily conducive to the establishment of 
    N. fossalis, A. coronata var. notatior, or B. filifolia, and 
    significant portions of the SJWA support non-native grasses such as 
    Phalaris minor and Crypsis schoenoides (swamp timothy) that feed 
    migratory waterfowl but compete with native vegetation. Habitat within 
    the preserve is also threatened, in part, with destruction from 
    construction of utility lines (MWD 1992).
        The Santa Rosa Plateau Preserve is managed by TNC and contains one 
    of the largest remaining population complexes of B. filifolia and a 
    single, small population of N. fossalis. Although these populations are 
    managed for long-term protection and viability and are very important 
    for the recovery of these plants, they represent a fraction of the 
    range of either species. Other protected areas will be needed to 
    adequately ensure their continued existence.
        The RCHCA has initiated the preparation of a Multi-Species Habitat 
    Conservation Plan (MSHCP). Although the intent of this plan is to 
    identify and acquire areas with high biological diversity and sensitive 
    species, the program is in the early development stage and it is 
    uncertain to what degree it will be successful in providing protection 
    for these taxa. In 1996, one land owner donated about 25 ha (60 ac) of 
    land along the San Jacinto River to the RCHCA. This parcel supports 
    small populations of A. coronata var. notatior and N. fossalis. This 
    land will likely become part of a potential MSHCP preserve system.
        Navarretia fossalis is present at 3 sites on Marine Corps Air 
    Station Miramar, and both it and Brodiaea filifolia are present on 
    Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. These two facilities comprise some 90 
    percent of the remaining vernal pool habitat in San Diego County, so 
    they are essential to the conservation of Navarretia fossalis. 
    Navarretia fossalis is fully protected at the Marine Corps Air Station 
    at Miramar in vernal pool management zones through the Integrated 
    Natural Resource Management Plan (IRMP). This plan is a good example of 
    the permanent protective measures promoted by that the Endangered 
    Species Act. Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton has a Draft Isolated 
    Ephemeral Wetlands Management Plan that did not prevent the 
    unauthorized filling of a vernal pool in April 1998 (Lt. Col. Quigley, 
    U.S. Marine Corps, Environmental Security, Camp Pendleton, in litt. 
    June 1998), and the Service has not been able to review the plan (J. 
    Bartel, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in litt. 1998).
    Local Laws and Regulations
        Local laws and regulations potentially offer some protection to 
    species considered within this proposal but these laws and regulations 
    are subject to overriding considerations, are seldom enforced, and, in 
    some cases, are conflicting. For example, the City of Hemet General 
    Plan requires that biological surveys be conducted at sites that may 
    contain sensitive plants before alteration of a site for development. 
    However, the City has also adopted an ordinance that requires vacant 
    land to be cleared for weed abatement (Ron Wrench, City of Hemet, Fire 
    Department, pers. comm. 1993). This activity has contributed to the 
    decline of A. coronata var. notatior, N. fossalis and other sensitive 
    plant species for which the City general plan requires surveys.
        Habitat in Riverside County for A. coronata var. notatior, N. 
    fossalis, and B. filifolia has been degraded by discing for weed 
    abatement and fire management purposes. County ordinances require that 
    parcels smaller than 2 ha (5 ac) and up to 30 meters (100 feet) 
    adjacent to roads be cleared to reduce the potential for fire (Howard 
    Windsor, Riverside County Fire Abatement, pers. comm. 1993). These 
    activities have contributed to the decline of N. fossalis and the 
    federally-listed, endangered Orcuttia californica. In some cases, 
    landowners have exceeded the clearing requirements, which has resulted 
    in additional reduction of sensitive plant populations and the 
    destruction or perturbation (disturbance) of their habitat.
    Mexican Laws
        Navarretia fossalis also occurs in northwestern Baja California, 
    Mexico. The Service is not aware of any existing regulatory mechanisms 
    in Mexico that would protect this plant or its habitat. Although Mexico 
    has laws that could provide protection to rare plants, they are not 
    easily enforced. At this time there is no specific protections for 
    vernal pools or N. fossalis in Mexico. If specific protections were 
    available to this species in Mexico, the portion of the species range 
    in Mexico alone would not be adequate to assure long-term conservation 
    of this species.
    E. Other Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting Their Continued Existence
        Non-native species of grasses and forbs have invaded many of 
    southern California's plant communities. Their presence and abundance 
    are often an indirect result of habitat disturbance from grazing, 
    development, mining, discing, and alteration of hydrology. All four 
    plant taxa in this final rule are subject to displacement by such non-
    native plant species.
        Many vernal pools on Otay Mesa and in San Marcos (San Diego County) 
    have become dominated by Lolium perenne, the non-native perennial 
    ryegrass that is very widely planted for lawns and other purposes. 
    Ryegrass is tolerant of inundation and displaces native species such as 
    Navarretia fossalis and Brodiaea filifolia in areas where significant 
    populations for both species are known to occur. In Riverside County, 
    Crypsis schoenoides, an aggressive non-native grass, has been seeded as 
    a food source for migratory waterfowl along the San Jacinto River. This 
    species is becoming widespread and has replaced, or is in the process 
    of replacing, native vernal pool (and other) native species, including 
    N. fossalis, B. filifolia, and A. coronata var. notatior, on the San 
    Jacinto Wildlife Area and in other areas west of Hemet (D. Bramlet, in 
    litt. 1992). The impact of this grass is extremely significant for N. 
    fossalis since the majority of populations are found within this area 
    and Crypsis schoenoides competes for the same habitat required by N. 
        Non-native grass species such as Avena barbata and Bromus 
    madritensis are dominant on the clay soils required by A. munzii. 
    Crowding and competition for resources from these grasses threaten the 
    majority of the 13 occurrences of Allium munzii (CNDDB 1997). For 
    example, one of the largest populations (Estelle Peak), has not been 
    located recently and increased competition from alien grasses is likely
    [[Page 54989]]
    the cause of this (B. McMillan, pers. comm. 1998). In San Diego County, 
    aggressive non-native species such as Cynara cardunculus (wild 
    artichoke) and Foeniculum vulgare (fennel) are impacting grassland 
    habitat supporting populations of Brodiaea filifolia (Roberts and 
    Vanderwier 1997, H. Wier, Dudek and Associates, pers. comm. 1997).
        The four plants in this rule rely on seasonal rainfall. Drier 
    conditions, such as those that prevailed from 1986 to 1992, reduce the 
    number of individuals in populations. Such climatic conditions stress 
    species and reduce germination and survival rates. Negative effects of 
    habitat loss and degradation from other factors including development, 
    discing, and grazing, when combined with climatic conditions, increase 
    the level of threat to the involved species.
        The Service has carefully assessed the best scientific and 
    commercial information available regarding the past, present, and 
    future threats faced by these four plants in determining to make this 
    final rule. Much of the remaining habitat for these species is 
    degraded. Based on this evaluation, the Service finds that Allium 
    munzii and A. coronata var. notatior are in danger of extinction 
    throughout all or a significant portion of their ranges. Allium munzii 
    is extremely threatened by competition from alien grass species 
    throughout its entire range, and urban development, dry land farming 
    activities, and off-road vehicle activities throughout a significant 
    portion of its range. A. coronata var. notatior is threatened by 
    alteration of hydrology of its vernal pool and alkali vernal wetland 
    plains habitats, urbanization, grazing, and discing associated with dry 
    land farming and fire suppression, as exemplified by a reduction of 
    over 50 percent of known individuals since this species was proposed 
    for listing as an endangered species in 1994.
        For reasons discussed below, the Service finds that B. filifolia 
    and N. fossalis are likely to become endangered within the foreseeable 
    future throughout all or a significant portion of their ranges. 
    Although many populations of B. filifolia are threatened by 
    urbanization and agricultural development, trampling, grazing, and 
    competition from non-native plant taxa, the Service finds that 
    threatened status is appropriate for B. filifolia because, in part, one 
    of the largest remaining populations (Santa Rosa Plateau) is protected. 
    The Service finds that threatened status is appropriate for N. fossalis 
    because although many populations are threatened by urbanization and 
    agricultural development, alteration of hydrology of its vernal pool 
    habitat, trampling, and competition from exotic plant taxa, this taxon 
    has demonstrated resilience to some forms of disturbance. In addition, 
    both B. filifolia and N. fossalis occur in a large enough number of 
    populations and locations that they are not in immediate danger of 
    Critical Habitat
        Critical habitat is defined in section 3 of the Act as the specific 
    areas within the geographical area occupied by a species, at the time 
    it is listed in accordance with the Act, on which are found those 
    physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the 
    species and that may require special management considerations or 
    protection; and specific areas outside the geographical area occupied 
    by the species at the time it is listed, upon determination that such 
    areas are essential for the conservation of the species. 
    ``Conservation'' means the use of all methods and procedures needed to 
    bring the species to the point at which listing under the Act is no 
    longer necessary.
        Section 4(a) (3) of the Act, as amended, and the Service's 
    implementing regulations (50 CFR 424.12) require that, to the maximum 
    extent prudent and determinable, the Secretary designate critical 
    habitat at the time a species is listed as endangered or threatened. 
    Service regulations (50 CFR 424.12(a)(1)) state that designation of 
    critical habitat is not prudent when: (1) The species is threatened by 
    taking or other human activity, and identification of critical habitat 
    can be expected to increase the degree of threat to the species; and/or 
    (2) such designation of critical habitat would not be beneficial to the 
        Section 7(a)(2) of the Act requires Federal agencies to consult 
    with the Service to ensure that any action authorized, funded, or 
    carried out by such agency, does not jeopardize the continued existence 
    of a federally listed species or does not destroy or adversely modify 
    designated critical habitat. The requirement that Federal agencies 
    refrain from contributing to the destruction or adverse modification of 
    critical habitat in any action authorized, funded or carried out by 
    such agency (agency action) is in addition to the section 7 prohibition 
    against jeopardizing the continued existence of a listed species; and 
    it is the only mandatory legal consequence of a critical habitat 
    designation. The Service's implementing regulations (50 CFR part 402) 
    define ``jeopardize the continuing existence of'' and ``destruction or 
    adverse modification of'' in very similar terms. To jeopardize the 
    continuing existence of a species means to engage in an action ``that 
    reasonably would be expected to reduce appreciably the likelihood of 
    both the survival and recovery of a listed species.'' Destruction or 
    adverse modification of habitat means an ``alteration that appreciably 
    diminishes the value of critical habitat for both the survival and 
    recovery of a listed species in the wild by reducing the reproduction, 
    numbers, or distribution of that species.'' Common to both definitions 
    is an appreciable detrimental effect to both the survival and recovery 
    of a listed species. An action that appreciably diminishes habitat for 
    recovery and survival may also jeopardize the continued existence of 
    the species by reducing reproduction, numbers, or distribution because 
    negative impacts to such habitat may reduce population numbers, 
    decrease reproductive success, or alter species distribution through 
    habitat fragmentation.
        For a listed plant species, an analysis to determine jeopardy under 
    section 7(a)(2) would consider loss of the species associated with 
    habitat impacts. Such an analysis would closely parallel an analysis of 
    habitat impacts conducted to determine adverse modification of critical 
    habitat. As a result, an action that results in adverse modification 
    also would almost certainly jeopardize the continued existence of the 
    species concerned. Because habitat degradation and destruction is the 
    primary threat to these species, listing them will ensure that section 
    7 consultation occurs, and potential impacts to the species and their 
    habitat are considered, for any Federal action that may affect these 
    species. In many cases, listing also ensures that Federal agencies 
    consult with the Service even when Federal actions may affect 
    unoccupied suitable habitat where such habitat is essential to the 
    survival and recovery of the species. This is especially important for 
    plant species where consideration must be given to the seed bank 
    component of the species, and associated pollinators and dispersal 
    agents, which are not necessarily visible in the habitat throughout the 
    year. In practice, the Service consults with Federal agencies proposing 
    projects in areas where there is potentially suitable but unoccupied 
    habitat, particularly when the species was known to recently occur 
    there or in similar nearby areas; or the area is known to harbor seed 
    [[Page 54990]]
        Apart from section 7, the Act provides no additional protection to 
    lands designated as critical habitat. Designating critical habitat does 
    not create a management plan for the areas where the listed species 
    occurs; does not establish numerical population goals or prescribe 
    specific management actions (inside or outside of critical habitat); 
    and does not have a direct effect on areas not designated as critical 
        Critical habitat would provide no benefit to the species addressed 
    in this rule on non-Federal lands (i.e., private, State, County or City 
    lands) beyond that provided by listing. Critical habitat provides 
    protection on non-Federal lands only if there is Federal involvement (a 
    Federal nexus) through authorization or funding of, or participation, 
    in a project or activity on non-Federal lands. In other words, 
    designation of critical habitat on non-Federal lands does not compel or 
    require the private or other non-Federal landowner to undertake active 
    management for the species or to modify any activities in the absence 
    of a Federal nexus. Possible Federal agency involvement or funding that 
    could involve the species addressed in this rule on non-Federal lands 
    include the Corps through section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the 
    Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Aviation 
    Administration, the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service and the 
    Federal Highway Administration. Federal involvement, if it does occur, 
    will be addressed regardless of whether critical habitat is designated 
    because interagency coordination requirements such as the Fish and 
    Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) and section 7 of the Act are already 
    in place. When a plant species is listed, activities occurring on all 
    lands subject to Federal jurisdiction that may adversely affect the 
    species would prompt the requirement for consultation under section 
    7(a)(2) of the Act, regardless of whether critical habitat has been 
        While a designation of critical habitat on private lands would only 
    affect actions where a Federal nexus is present and would not confer 
    any additional benefit beyond that already provided by section 7 
    consultation because virtually any action that would result in an 
    adverse modification determination would also likely jeopardize the 
    species, a designation of critical habitat on private lands could 
    result in a detriment to the species. This is because the limited 
    effect of a critical habitat designation on private lands is often 
    misunderstood by private landowners whose property boundaries could be 
    included within a general description of critical habitat for a 
    specific species. Landowners may mistakenly believe that critical 
    habitat designation will be an obstacle to development and impose 
    restrictions on their use of their property. Unfortunately, inaccurate 
    and misleading statements reported through widely popular medium 
    available worldwide, are the types of misinformation that can and have 
    led private landowners to believe that critical habitat designations 
    prohibit them from making use of their private land when, in fact, they 
    face potential constraints only if they need a Federal permit or 
    receive Federal funding to conduct specific activities on their lands. 
    These types of misunderstandings, and the fear and mistrust they create 
    among potentially affected landowners, make it very difficult for the 
    Service to cultivate meaningful working relationships with such 
    landowners and to encourage voluntary participation in species 
    conservation and recovery activities. Without the participation of 
    landowners in the recovery process, the Service will find it very 
    difficult to recover species that occur on non-Federal lands.
        A designation of critical habitat on private lands could actually 
    encourage habitat destruction by private landowners to rid themselves 
    of the perceived endangered species problem. Listed plants have limited 
    protection under the Act, particularly on private lands. Section 
    9(a)(2) of the Act, implemented by regulations at 50 CFR section 17.61 
    (endangered plants) and 50 CFR 17.71 (threatened plants) prohibits: (1) 
    Removal and reduction of listed plant species to possession from areas 
    under Federal jurisdiction, or their malicious damage or destruction on 
    areas under Federal jurisdiction; or (2) removal, cutting, digging up, 
    or damaging or destroying any such species in knowing violation of any 
    State law or regulation including State criminal trespass laws. 
    Generally, on private lands, collection of, or vandalism to, listed 
    plants must occur in violation of State law to be a violation of 
    section 9 of the Act. The Service is not aware of any State law in 
    California that generally regulates or prohibits the destruction or 
    removal of federally listed plants on private lands (see section 9 
    discussion under ``Available Conservation Measures'' section of this 
    rule). Thus, a private landowner concerned about perceived land 
    management conflicts resulting from a critical habitat designation 
    covering his property would likely face no legal consequences if the 
    landowner removed the listed species or destroyed its habitat. For 
    example, in the spring of 1998, a Los Angeles area developer buried one 
    of the only three populations of the endangered Astragalus brautonii in 
    defiance of efforts under the CEQA to negotiate mitigation for the 
    species (Tim Thomas, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, pers. comm. 1996). 
    The designation of critical habitat involves the publication of habitat 
    descriptions and mapped locations of the species in the Federal 
    Register, increasing the likelihood of potential search and removal 
    activities at specific sites.
        The Service acknowledges that in some situations critical habitat 
    designation may provide some value to the species by notifying the 
    public about areas important for the species conservation and calling 
    attention to those areas in special need of protection. However, when 
    this limited benefit is weighed against the detriment to plant species 
    associated with the widespread misunderstanding about the effects of 
    such designation on private landowners and the environment of mistrust 
    and fear that such misunderstanding can create, the Service concludes 
    that the detriment to the species from a critical habitat designation 
    covering non-Federal lands outweighs the educational benefit of such 
    designation and that such designation is, therefore, not prudent. The 
    information and education process can more effectively be handled by 
    working directly with landowners and communities during the recovery 
    planning process and by the section 7 consultation and coordination 
    where the Federal nexus exists. The use of these existing processes 
    will impart the same knowledge to the landowners that critical habitat 
    designation would but without the confusion and misunderstandings that 
    may accompany a critical habitat designation.
        For similar reasons, the Service also concludes that there would be 
    no additional benefits to the species covered in this rule beyond the 
    benefits conferred by listing from a designation of critical habitat on 
    Federal lands. In the case of each of these plant species, the existing 
    occurrences of the species are known by the DOD and the U.S. Forest 
    Service and any action that would result in adverse modification would 
    almost certainly result in likely jeopardy to the species, so that a 
    designation of critical habitat on Federal lands would not confer any 
    additional benefit on the species. On the other hand, particularly on 
    National Forest System lands, a designation of critical habitat could 
    increase the threats to
    [[Page 54991]]
    these species from vandalism and collection similar to the threats 
    identified in response to listing a species (Oberbauer 1992, Beauchamp 
    in litt. 1997). Simply listing a species can precipitate commercial or 
    scientific interest, both legal and illegal, which can threaten the 
    species through unauthorized and uncontrolled collection for both 
    commercial and scientific purposes. The listing of species as 
    endangered or threatened publicizes their rarity and may make them more 
    susceptible to collection by researchers or curiosity seekers (Mariah 
    Steenson pers. comm. 1997, M.Bosch, U.S. Forest Service in litt. 1997). 
    For example, the Service designated critical habitat for the mountain 
    golden heather (Hudsonia montana), a small shrub not previously known 
    to be commercially valuable or particularly susceptible to collection 
    or vandalism. After the critical habitat designation was published in 
    the Federal Register, unknown persons visited a Forest Service 
    wilderness area in North Carolina where the plants occurred and, with a 
    recently published newspaper article and maps of the plant's critical 
    habitat designation in hand, asked about the location of the plants. 
    Several plants the Service had been monitoring were later found to be 
    missing from unmarked Service study plots. (Nora Murdock, U.S. Fish and 
    Wildlife Service, pers. comm. 1998).
        The Service has weighed the lack of overall benefits of critical 
    habitat designation beyond that provided by listing as threatened or 
    endangered, along with the benefits of public notification against the 
    detrimental effects of the negative public response and 
    misunderstanding of what critical habitat designation means and the 
    increased threats of illegal collection and vandalism, and has 
    concluded that critical habitat designation is not prudent for Allium 
    munzii (Munz's onion), Brodiaea filifolia (thread-leaved brodiaea), 
    Atriplex coronata var. notatior (San Jacinto Valley crownscale), and 
    Navarretia fossalis (spreading navarretia). The specific reasons why 
    designation of critical habitat is not prudent for each of these 
    species are addressed in the following discussion.
    Atriplex coronata var. notatior
        In the December 15, 1994, proposed rule to list these taxa (59 FR 
    64812), the Service proposed to designate critical habitat in Riverside 
    County for A. coronata var. notatior. The Service has now determined to 
    withdraw that proposal, based on the plant's continued decline, by 
    perhaps 50 percent, since its listing was proposed. The decline is due 
    mostly to the end of a prolonged drought and a new source of reclaimed 
    water, which have allowed increased barley farming. Repeated discing of 
    significant areas of habitat occupied by this plant, including proposed 
    critical habitat, is likely to have contributed to the decline, 
    although the Service lacks information on the acreage involved, or the 
    frequency of discing. This continued decline makes it less likely that 
    A. coronata var. notatior will be found on sites that it currently does 
    not occupy, and increases the conservation importance of remaining 
    sites. This decline occurred despite the proposal of critical habitat, 
    so the proposal's map evidently provided no conservation benefit with 
    respect to notification of government agencies and others. In any case, 
    such parties can identify potential habitat for this plant at least as 
    easily and accurately by consulting the county soil survey as by 
    consulting the critical habitat map.
        The majority of the population centers of A. coronata var. notatior 
    are located on privately owned lands. Three populations are on State 
    land (San Jacinto Wildlife Area), one population is partially on County 
    lands (RCHCA along San Jacinto River), and one population is on a 
    private preserve managed by MWD. This plant is not known to occur on 
    Federal lands. Federal involvement on these lands is unlikely because 
    they do not involve wetland areas or any other activity associated with 
    Federal agencies. If, in the future, there is Federal involvement 
    through permitting or funding, such as through the Federal Highway 
    Administration, then interagency coordination and consultation required 
    by section 7 would be in effect if such actions may affect this 
    species, once listed. As previously discussed, an analysis to determine 
    jeopardy under section 7(a)(2) would consider loss of individual plants 
    associated with habitat impacts. Such an analysis would closely 
    parallel any analysis of habitat impacts conducted to determine adverse 
    modification of critical habitat. A jeopardy finding would be 
    equivalent to a finding of adverse modification of critical habitat. 
    Therefore, there would be no additional conservation benefit to the 
    species from designation of critical habitat beyond that provided by 
    the species' listing.
        Therefore, the Service finds that critical habitat is not prudent 
    for Atriplex coronata var. notatior at this time because the Service 
    believes no benefit over that provided by listing would result from 
    identification of critical habitat on the non-Federal lands where this 
    species occurs. The identification of critical habitat would not 
    increase management or conservation efforts on State or private lands 
    and could impair those efforts. The Service believes that conservation 
    of this species on private lands can best be addressed by working 
    directly with landowners and communities during the recovery planning 
    process and through the interagency coordination and consultation 
    processes of section 7 should there be any future unforeseen Federal 
    Navarretia fossalis
        The majority of N. fossalis populations are on privately owned 
    lands. At least one population occurs on Federal lands owned by the 
    Department of the Navy. The Department of the Navy is aware of the 
    occurrences and habitat of the species on their lands. Some of the 
    private land has Federal involvement because Navarretia fossalis is a 
    covered species under the MSCP and populations occur in the MHCP area 
    of northern San Diego County. Navarretia fossalis is protected at 
    Marine Corps Air Station, Miramar in vernal pool management zones 
    through the Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan (IRMP). This 
    plan is an example of the permanent protective measures promoted by the 
    Act. Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton has a similar Draft Isolated 
    Ephemeral Wetlands Management Plan (Lt. Col. Quigley, U.S. Marine 
    Corps, Environmental Security, Camp Pendleton, in litt. June 1998). The 
    Department of Navy consults with the Service under section 7 for 
    activities related to other listed species in the area and would be 
    subject to similar requirements as a result of this listing. 
    Designation of critical habitat would not necessarily require either 
    military agency to increase or change their commitment or management 
    efforts for this species, only to avoid adverse modification of such 
    critical habitat.
        The Service finds that critical habitat is not prudent for 
    Navarretia fossalis at this time because such designation would provide 
    no benefit over that provided by listing on privately owned lands where 
    this species occurs. Landowners where the species occur are aware of 
    its presence and status. Critical habitat designation on these private 
    lands would not change the way those lands are managed or require 
    specific management actions to take place, and could be detrimental 
    because of potential landowner misunderstandings about the real effects 
    of critical habitat designation on private lands. The species is 
    currently known and
    [[Page 54992]]
    managed on Federal lands; no change in management would occur as a 
    result of critical habitat designation and all activities that may 
    affect the species on these Federal lands would be subject to section 7 
    consultation. The Service believes that the conservation of this 
    species on private lands can best be addressed by working directly with 
    landowners and communities during the recovery planning process and 
    through the interagency coordination and consultation processes of 
    section 7 for those activities with Federal agency involvement.
    Allium munzii
        A. munzii is known from 13 extant populations; only one of these 
    populations is partially on Federal land. Five populations occur in the 
    Gavilan Hills, including one at Harford Springs County Park, and one on 
    lands managed by the Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency 
    (RCHCA). Two populations occur on private land. Five small populations 
    occur on land managed by the Reserve Management Committees (Domenigoni 
    Hills and Bachelor Mountain) for the Riverside County multispecies 
    plans, or on private land. One population is in the Elsinore Mountains, 
    partly on Federal land in the Cleveland National Forest and partly on 
    private lands.
        The Service finds that critical habitat is not prudent for Allium 
    munzii at this time because such designation would provide no benefit 
    over that provided by listing on privately owned lands where this 
    species occurs. Landowners where the species occur are aware of its 
    presence and status. The plant occurs on land owned by the RCHCA. Such 
    land is likely to become part of a Multi-Species Habitat Conservation 
    Plan preserve system. Critical habitat designation on these private 
    lands would not change the way those lands are managed or require 
    specific management actions to take place, and could be detrimental 
    because of potential landowner misunderstandings about the real effects 
    of critical habitat designation on private lands. The species is 
    currently known and managed on Federal lands; no change in management 
    would occur as a result of critical habitat designation and all 
    activities that may affect the species on these Federal lands would be 
    subject to section 7 consultation. The Service believes that the 
    conservation of this species on private lands can best be addressed by 
    working directly with landowners and communities during the recovery 
    planning process and through the interagency coordination and 
    consultation processes of section 7 for those activities with Federal 
    agency involvement.
    Brodiaea filifolia
        Brodiaea filifolia occurs on private land, including lands managed 
    by TNC. Two populations are on lands managed by the County government 
    and also on the San Jacinto Wildlife Management Area in Riverside 
    County, managed by the CDFG. The only populations of Brodiaea filifolia 
    known to occur on Federal lands managed by the Department of Navy. 
    Brodiaea filifolia is protected at Marine Corps Air Station, Miramar in 
    vernal pool management zones through the Integrated Natural Resource 
    Management Plan (IRMP). This plan is an example of the permanent 
    protective measures promoted by the Act. Marine Corps Base, Camp 
    Pendleton has a similar Draft Isolated Ephemeral Wetlands Management 
    Plan (Lt. Col. Quigley, U.S. Marine Corps, Environmental Security, Camp 
    Pendleton, in litt. June 1998). The Department of Navy consults with 
    the Service under section 7 for activities related to other listed 
    species in the area and would be subject to similar requirements as a 
    result of this listing. Designation of critical habitat would not 
    necessarily require either military agencies to increase or change 
    their commitment or management efforts for this species, only to avoid 
    adverse modification of such critical habitat. Some of the private land 
    has Federal involvement because Brodiaea filifolia is a covered species 
    under the MSCP and populations occur in the MHCP area of northern San 
    Diego County. Brodiaea filifolia habitat managed by the CDFG (San 
    Jacinto Wildlife Area) is not wetlands, so there is no Federal 
    involvement that would lead to protection through designation of 
    critical habitat.
        The Service finds that critical habitat is not prudent for Brodiaea 
    filifolia at this time because such designation would provide no 
    benefit over that provided by listing on privately owned lands where 
    this species occurs. Landowners where the species occur are aware of 
    its presence and status. Critical habitat designation on these private 
    lands would not change the way those lands are managed or require 
    specific management actions to take place, and could be detrimental 
    because of potential landowner misunderstandings about the real effects 
    of critical habitat designation on private lands. The species is 
    currently known and managed on Federal lands; no change in management 
    would occur as a result of critical habitat designation and all 
    activities that may affect the species on these Federal lands would be 
    subject to section 7 consultation. The Service believes that the 
    conservation of this species on private lands can best be addressed by 
    working directly with landowners and communities during the recovery 
    planning process and through the interagency coordination and 
    consultation processes of section 7 for those activities with Federal 
    agency involvement.
    Available Conservation Measures
        Conservation measures provided to species listed as endangered or 
    threatened under the Act include recognition, recovery actions, 
    requirements for Federal protection, and prohibitions against certain 
    activities. Recognition through listing encourages and results in 
    conservation actions by Federal, State, and local agencies, groups, and 
    individuals. The Act provides for possible land acquisition from 
    willing sellers and cooperation with the State and requires that 
    recovery actions be carried out for all listed species. The protection 
    required of Federal agencies and the prohibitions against certain 
    activities involving listed plants are discussed, in part, below.
        Section 7(a) of the Act, as amended, requires Federal agencies to 
    evaluate their actions with respect to any species that is proposed or 
    listed as endangered or threatened and with respect to its critical 
    habitat, if any is being designated. Regulations implementing this 
    interagency cooperation provision of the Act are codified at 50 CFR 
    part 402. Section 7(a)(4) requires Federal agencies to confer with the 
    Service on any action that is likely to jeopardize the continued 
    existence of a species proposed for listing or result in destruction or 
    adverse modification of proposed critical habitat. If a species is 
    subsequently listed, section 7(a)(2) requires Federal agencies to 
    ensure that activities they authorize, fund, or carry out are not 
    likely to jeopardize the continued existence of such a species or 
    destroy or adversely modify its critical habitat. If a Federal action 
    may affect a listed species or its critical habitat, the responsible 
    Federal agency must enter into formal consultation with the Service.
        Federal agencies expected to have involvement with Allium munzii, 
    Atriplex coronata var. notatior, Brodiaea filifolia, and Navarretia 
    fossalis include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Environmental 
    Protection Agency due to their permit authority under section 404 of 
    the Clean Water Act. The Federal Aviation Administration has 
    jurisdiction over areas with vernal pools containing N.
    [[Page 54993]]
    fossalis near Montgomery Field within the city limits of San Diego and 
    on Brown Field on Otay Mesa in San Diego County. This jurisdiction 
    would also apply if any of the taxa considered in this rule are 
    discovered at Perris Airport or Ryan Airport in Riverside County. The 
    Federal Highways Administration may be involved through potential 
    funding of highway construction projects near Hemet (Riverside County) 
    and Otay Mesa (San Diego County). Because N. fossalis occurs on Naval 
    Air Station, Miramar and on Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, these 
    facilities will also likely be involved through the pursuit of their 
    respective missions or the process of excessing surplus Federal lands. 
    The Immigration and Naturalization Service will need to evaluate the 
    effects of its activities on N. fossalis, which is known to occur along 
    the international border. The Department of Housing and Urban 
    Development may insure housing loans in areas that support some of 
    these species. The Forest Service has jurisdiction over at least part 
    of one population of A. munzii in Cleveland National Forest.
        Listing Allium munzii, Atriplex coronata var. notatior, Brodiaea 
    filifolia, and Navarretia fossalis provides for the development and 
    implementation of recovery plans for the taxa. Such plans will bring 
    together State and Federal efforts for conservation of the species. A 
    recovery plan will establish a framework for agencies to coordinate 
    conservation efforts. A plan will set recovery priorities and estimate 
    the costs of tasks necessary to accomplish the priorities. It will also 
    describe site-specific management actions necessary to achieve 
    conservation and survival of the species.
        The Act and its implementing regulations set forth a series of 
    prohibitions and exceptions that apply to all endangered or threatened 
    plants. All prohibitions of section 9(a)(2) of the Act, implemented by 
    50 CFR parts 17.61, (endangered plants) and 17.71 (threatened plants) 
    apply. These prohibitions, in part, make it illegal for any person 
    subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to import or export, 
    transport in interstate or foreign commerce in the course of a 
    commercial activity, sell or offer for sale in interstate or foreign 
    commerce, or remove and reduce to possession any such species from 
    areas under Federal jurisdiction. In addition, for plants listed as 
    endangered, the Act prohibits malicious damage or destruction any such 
    species on Federal lands or to remove, cut, dig up, damage, or destroy 
    of any such species in knowing violation of any State law or 
    regulation, including criminal trespass laws. Section 4(d) of the Act 
    allows for the provision of such protection to threatened species 
    through regulation. This protection may apply to these taxa in the 
    future if regulations are promulgated. Seeds from cultivated specimens 
    of threatened plant species are exempt from these regulations provided 
    that their containers are marked ``of cultivated origin.'' Certain 
    exceptions apply to agents of the Service and State conservation 
        The Act and 50 CFR 17.62 and 17.63 for endangered plants, and 17.72 
    for threatened plants, provide for the issuance of permits to carry out 
    otherwise prohibited activities involving endangered or threatened 
    plants under certain circumstances. Such permits are available for 
    scientific purposes or for enhancing the propagation or survival of the 
    plants. For threatened plants, permits are also available for botanical 
    or horticultural exhibition, educational purposes, or special purposes 
    consistent with the Act. It is anticipated that few trade permits would 
    ever be sought or issued for the taxa considered herein because they 
    are not common in cultivation or in the wild. These species have 
    specific germination and growth requirements including, in some cases, 
    seasonal inundation that would be difficult to recreate in cultivation.
        It is the policy of the Service, published in the Federal Register 
    on July 1, 1994 (59 FR 34272), to increase public understanding of the 
    prohibited acts that will apply under section 9 of the Act. Allium 
    munzii, Brodiaea filifolia, Atriplex coronata var. notatior, and 
    Navarretia fossalis are known to occur on Federal lands under the 
    jurisdiction of the Forest Service. Collection, damage or destruction 
    of listed species on Federal lands is prohibited, except as authorized 
    under section 7 or section 10(a)(1)(A) of the Act. Such activities on 
    non-Federal lands would constitute a violation of section 9 of the Act 
    if activities were conducted in knowing violation of California State 
    law or regulation, or in violation of California State criminal 
    trespass law.
        The Service believes that, based upon the best available 
    information, the following actions will not result in a violation of 
    section 9, provided these activities are carried out in accordance with 
    existing regulations and permit requirements:
        (1) Activities authorized, funded, or carried out by Federal 
    agencies (e.g., grazing management, agricultural conversions, 
    wetland and riparian habitat modification, flood and erosion 
    control, residential development, recreational trail development, 
    road construction, hazardous material containment and cleanup 
    activities, prescribed burns, pesticide/herbicide application, 
    pipelines or utility lines crossing suitable habitat), when such 
    activity is conducted in accordance with any reasonable and prudent 
    measures given by the Service in a consultation conducted under 
    section 7 of the Act;
        (2) Casual, dispersed human activities on foot or horseback 
    (e.g., bird watching, sightseeing, photography, camping, hiking);
        (3) Activities on private lands that do not require Federal 
    authorization and do not involve Federal funding, such as grazing 
    management, agricultural conversions, flood and erosion control, 
    residential development, road construction, and pesticide/herbicide 
    application when consistent with label restrictions;
        (4) Residential landscape maintenance, including the clearing of 
    vegetation around one's personal residence as a fire break;
        The Service believes that the following might potentially result in 
    a violation of section 9; however, possible violations are not limited 
    to these actions alone:
        (1) Unauthorized collecting of the species on Federal lands;
        (2) Application of herbicides violating label restrictions;
        (3) Interstate or foreign commerce and import/export without 
    previously obtaining an appropriate permit. Permits to conduct 
    activities are available for purposes of scientific research and 
    enhancement of propagation or survival of the species.
        Questions regarding whether specific activities would constitute 
    violations of section 9 should be directed to the Field Supervisor of 
    the Service's Carlsbad Field Office (see ADDRESSES section). Requests 
    for copies of the regulations concerning listed plants (50 CFR 17.61 
    and 17.71) and general inquiries regarding prohibitions and permits may 
    be addressed to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological 
    Services, Endangered Species Permits, 911 N.E. 11th Avenue, Portland, 
    Oregon 97232-4181 (telephone 503/231-2063; facsimile 503/231-6243).
    National Environmental Policy Act
        The Fish and Wildlife Service has determined that Environmental 
    Assessments or Environmental Impact Statements, as defined under the 
    authority of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, need not be 
    prepared in connection with regulations adopted pursuant to section 
    4(a) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. A notice 
    outlining the Service's reasons for this determination was published in 
    the Federal Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).
    [[Page 54994]]
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This rule does not contain any information collection requirements 
    for which the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval under the 
    Paperwork reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. is required. An 
    information collection related to the rule pertaining to permits for 
    endangered and threatened species has OMB approval and is assigned 
    clearance number 1018-0094. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a 
    person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless 
    it displays a currently valid OMB control number. This rule does not 
    alter that information collection requirement. For additional 
    information concerning permits and associated requirements for 
    threatened species, see 50 CFR 17.32.
    References Cited
        A complete list of all references cited herein is available, upon 
    request, from the Field Supervisor, Carlsbad Field Office (see 
    ADDRESSES section).
        Author: This primary author of this final rule is Fred Roberts of 
    the Carlsbad Field Office (see ADDRESSES section).
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
        Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Transportation.
    Regulations Promulgation
        Accordingly, the Service amends part 17, subchapter B of chapter I, 
    title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth below:
    PART 17--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for Part 17 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 16 U.S.C. 1531-1544; 16 U.S.C. 
    4201-4245; Pub. L. 99-625, 100 Stat. 3500, unless otherwise noted.
        2. Section 17.12(h) is amended by adding the following, in 
    alphabetical order under FLOWERING PLANTS, to the List of Endangered 
    and Threatened Plants:
    Sec. 17.12  Endangered and threatened plants.
    * * * * *
        (h) * * *
    ------------------------------------------------------    Historic Range          Family            Status       When       Critical      Special rules
             Scientific Name              Common name                                                               listed      habitat
           *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *
           *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *
    Allium munzii (=A. fimbriatum     Munz's onion.......  U.S.A. (CA)........  Liliaceae--Lily...  E                  650  NA               NA
     var. munzii).
           *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *
    Atriplex coronata var. notatior.  San Jacinto Valley   U.S.A. (CA)........  Chenopodiaceae--Go  E                  650  NA               NA
                                       Crownscale.                               osefoot.
           *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *
    Brodiaea filifolia..............  Thread-leaved        U.S.A. (CA)........  Liliaceae--Lily...  T                  650  NA               NA
           *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *
    Navarretia fossalis.............  Spreading            U.S.A. (CA), Mexico  Polemoniaceae--Phl  T                  650  NA               NA
                                       navarretia.          (Baja California).   ox.
           *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *
        Dated: September 29, 1998.
    Jamie Rappaport Clark,
    Director, Fish and Wildlife Service.
    [FR Doc. 98-26861 Filed 10-9-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-U

Document Information

Effective Date:
Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule is effective on November 12, 1998.
54975-54994 (20 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
50 CFR 17.12