94-25437. Financial Responsibility Requirements for Nonperformance of Transportation; Inquiry Into Alternative Forms of Financial Responsibility for Nonperformance of Transportation  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 198 (Friday, October 14, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-25437]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: October 14, 1994]
    46 CFR Part 540
    [Docket Nos. 94-06; 94-21]
    Financial Responsibility Requirements for Nonperformance of 
    Transportation; Inquiry Into Alternative Forms of Financial 
    Responsibility for Nonperformance of Transportation
    AGENCY: Federal Maritime Commission.
    ACTION: Notice of Inquiry.
    SUMMARY: The Proposed Rule in Docket No. 94-06 is held in abeyance, 
    pending an Inquiry into alternative methods of establishing financial 
    responsibility. The Inquiry's purpose is to determine whether an 
    acceptable alternative can be fashioned that will address the industry 
    objections to the Proposed Rule, yet ensure that cruise passengers are 
    adequately protected in the event of nonperformance of transportation.
    DATES: Comments due on or before November 28, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Send comments (original and 20 copies) to: Joseph C. 
    Polking, Secretary, Federal Maritime Commission, 800 North Capitol St., 
    NW., Washington, DC 20573-0001, (202) 523-5725.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bryant L. VanBrakle, Director, Bureau 
    of Tariffs, Certification and Licensing, Federal Maritime Commission, 
    800 North Capitol Street NW., Washington, DC 20573-0001, (202) 523-
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Maritime Commission 
    (``Commission'' or ``FMC'') administers section 3, Pub. L. 89-777, 46 
    U.S.C. app. 817e (``Section 3''). Section 3 requires certain passenger 
    vessel operators (``PVOs'') to establish financial responsibility for 
    nonperformance of transportation.1 The Commission's regulations 
    implementing section 3, contained in 46 CFR part 540, subpart A, 
    generally provide that a PVO may evidence its financial responsibility 
    by one or more of the following methods: A guaranty, escrow 
    arrangement, surety bond, insurance or self-insurance. The amount 
    required must equal 110 percent of the PVO's highest UPR over a two-
    year period.2 The maximum coverage amount currently required is 
    $15 million, subject to a sliding scale.3
        \1\Section 3 provides, in pertinent part:
        (a) No person in the United States shall arrange, offer, 
    advertise, or provide passage on a vessel having berth or stateroom 
    accommodations for fifty or more passengers and which is to embark 
    passengers at United States ports without there first having been 
    filed with the Federal Maritime Commission such information as the 
    Commission may deem necessary to establish the financial 
    responsibility of the person arranging, offering, advertising, or 
    providing such transportation, or, in lieu thereof, a copy of a bond 
    or other security, in such form as the Commission, by rule or 
    regulation, may require and accept, for indemnification of 
    passengers for nonperformance of the transportation.
        \2\UPR is defined under 46 CFR 540.2(i) as:
        . . . that passenger revenue received for water transportation 
    and all other accommodations, services, and facilities relating 
    thereto not yet performed.
        \3\The Commission, in Docket No. 92-19, Revision of Financial 
    Responsibility Requirements for Non-Performance of Transportation, 
    amended 46 CFR Part 540, Subpart A, to (1) institute this sliding 
    scale formula for determining the amount of financial responsibility 
    coverage required for operators meeting certain requirements; (2) 
    exclude, under certain conditions, revenue from ``whole-ship'' 
    arrangements from being considered UPR; and (3) publish a suggested 
    form escrow arrangement as a guideline for the industry (57 FR 51887 
    (September 14, 1992)).
        By Notice of Proposed Rulemaking published in the Federal Register 
    on March 31, 1994 (``NPR'' or ``Proposed Rule''),4 the Commission 
    proposed to remove the $15 million unearned passenger revenue (``UPR'') 
    ceiling now applicable to passenger vessel financial responsibility 
    requirements for nonperformance of transportation. The Commission 
    initiated this proposal in part because there is an estimated $700 
    million in UPR without section 3 coverage, raising concern that there 
    could be insufficient financial responsibility to indemnify the 
    travelling public for nonperformance. The Commission also proposed to 
    revise the current UPR sliding scale accordingly--and to require 
    coverage of 110 percent of UPR up to $25 million per operator, with 
    coverage of 90 percent of UPR for amounts exceeding $25 million. The 
    NPR also put forth an alternative proposal which would require coverage 
    of 110 percent of UPR up to $25 million per operator; 75 percent of UPR 
    between $25 million and $50 million per operator; and 50 percent 
    coverage for UPR over $50 million per operator. Additionally, the 
    Commission proposed to remove self-insurance as an option for section 3 
    coverage (except for state or federal entities). Existing self-insured 
    commercial operators would be provided one year following the effective 
    date of any final rule in this matter to obtain other evidence of 
    financial responsibility. In issuing the Proposed Rule, the Commission 
    stated that it considered these changes to be necessary to ensure that 
    cruise passengers are adequately protected in the event of 
    nonperformance of transportation.
        \4\59 FR 15149.
        Comments on the NPR were originally due by May 2, 1994. The comment 
    period was subsequently extended to June 10, 1994,5 in response to 
    a request for a 90-day extension of the comment period by The Delta 
    Queen Steamboat Co., and was again extended in response to a request by 
    the International Council of Cruise Lines to extend the comment period 
    to June 24, 1994.6
        \5\59 FR 23183 (May 5, 1994).
        \6\59 FR 30567 (June 14, 1994).
        Two Congressional interests,7 four PVOs (two U.S.-Flag8 
    and two foreign-flag9), and six trade associations (three 
    representing U.S.-flag PVOs,10 one representing foreign-flag 
    PVOs,11 one representing surety interests,12 and one 
    representing travel agents13) filed comments on the Proposed Rule.
        \7\The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Merchant 
    Marine and Fisheries and Subcommittee on Merchant Marine and 
    Fisheries (``Committees'') filed a comment; Congressman W.J. Tauzin 
    (D-Louisiana) filed a separate comment.
        \8\Alaska Sightseeing/Cruise West (``Alaska Sightseeing'') is a 
    Seattle-based PVO that operates four U.S.-flag vessels ranging in 
    capacity from 58 to 101 passengers, and will be deploying a fifth 
    overnight vessel in 1995. Its 1993 UPR was just under $5 million, 
    and it projects that its UPR will surpass $5 million with the 
    deployment of its fifth vessel.
        American Classic Voyages Co. (``AMCV'') was formerly known as 
    The Delta Queen Steamboat Co., and now is the corporate parent of 
    The Delta Queen Steamboat Co. (``Delta Queen'') and American Hawaii 
    Cruises (``AHC'').
        \9\Carnival Corporation (``Carnival'') is the parent company of 
    Carnival Cruise Lines, Holland America Lines and Windstar Cruises, 
    which operate eighteen cruise vessels which embark passengers at 
    U.S. ports and which it states comprise the largest cruise business 
    in the world.
        Kloster Cruise Limited (``Kloster'') does business under the 
    trade names Norwegian Cruise Line and Royal Viking Line. It is also 
    the parent company of Royal Cruise Line Limited. Kloster states that 
    it is the third largest cruise ship operator in the world.
        \1\0The National Cruise Ship Alliance is an organization of 
    business, government and labor representatives that promotes the 
    development of a U.S.-flag cruise ship industry. It is involved with 
    legislation pending in Congress to attract foreign built cruise 
    ships to U.S. ports and encourage the construction of new U.S.-flag 
    cruise vessels.
        The Transportation Institute represents 140 U.S.-flag shipping 
    companies engaged in foreign and domestic trades, including AMCV.
        The Passenger Vessel Association is a 500-member trade 
    association of U.S.-flag passenger vessel owners, operators and 
    suppliers which operate some 1,200 vessels and carry about 80 
    million people each year. Its members include the American companies 
    which offer overnight cruises, all on U.S.-built, U.S.-crewed, U.S.-
    flag vessels. With the exception of AMCV, these companies all are 
    small, generally family-owned businesses whose vessels range in size 
    from 49 to 138 passengers and operate throughout the Americas, from 
    Venezuela to Alaska.
        \1\1The members of the International Council of Cruise Lines 
    (``ICCL'') have approximately 90% of the cruise industry berth 
    capacity. ICCL's letterhead lists Carnival Cruise Lines, Celebrity 
    Cruise Lines, Commodore Cruise Line, Costa Cruise Lines NV, Crown 
    Cruise Line, Crystal Cruises, Cunard Line Ltd., Dolphin Cruise Line, 
    Epirotiki Lines, Fantasy Cruise Lines, Holland America Line, Majesty 
    Cruise Line, Norwegian Cruise Line, Premier Cruise Lines, Ltd., 
    Princess Cruises, Regency Cruises, Inc., Royal Caribbean Cruises, 
    Ltd., Royal Cruise Line, Royal Viking Line, Seabourn Cruise Line, 
    Sun Line Cruises, Inc., and Windstar Cruises.
        \1\2The Surety Association of America represents 650 surety 
    companies that provide 95% of the surety bonds written in the United 
        \1\3Midwest Agents Selling Travel (``MAST'') is a trade 
    association of over 300 upper Midwestern retail travel agencies 
    which have an estimated $60,000,000 in cruise sales annually, and 
    approximately $10,000,000 in consumer deposits with PVOs at any 
    given time.
        There is virtually unanimous support for the Commission's existing 
    UPR coverage requirements, and widespread questioning of the need for 
    the Proposed Rule. Many commenters draw attention to the Commission's 
    many recent proceedings in this area, and assert that there have been 
    no industry changes warranting this proposal. Positions range from 
    strong Congressional and U.S.-flag PVO opposition to any further 
    changes to current coverage requirements, to conditional support of a 
    modified version of the Proposed Rule by foreign-flag interests. There 
    is no support for the Proposed Rule outright; however, Carnival 
    supports the Proposed Rule's coverage requirements for those PVO's 
    unable to meet its self-insurance proposal.
        Many commenters take issue with the Proposed Rule's requirement for 
    essentially unlimited coverage for UPR. They contend that Pub. L. 89-
    777's purpose is to insure that PVOs are financially responsible to 
    perform transportation, and interpret the statute and the Commission's 
    past interpretations as requiring evidence of financial responsibility, 
    not a financial guaranty.
        U.S.-flag advocates state that the proposal to discontinue self-
    insurance for commercial PVOs would unfairly impact U.S.-flag 
    operators; foreign-flag advocates criticize it for unduly restricting a 
    maturing industry. U.S.-flag advocates also criticize the impact of the 
    Proposed Rule's increased coverage requirements and associated 
    collateralization requirements upon smaller U.S.-flag PVOs, noting that 
    they face much higher operating costs than their foreign competition. 
    In addition, a number of commenters urge the Commission to perform a 
    cost/benefit analysis on the Proposed Rule's impact.
        Many U.S.-flag advocates assert that the impact of the Proposed 
    Rule's increased coverage requirements would be severe enough to cause 
    the cruise industry to generally relocate its embarkations to nearby 
    foreign ports in the Caribbean, Mexico and Canada, thus avoiding FMC 
    jurisdiction and eliminating protection to the U.S. travelling public. 
    However, neither of the commenting foreign-flag PVOs nor ICCL in any 
    way intimate that this would be likely to happen.
        The NPR included an alternative coverage requirement,14 and 
    asked for suggestions for other approaches to ensure adequate UPR 
    coverage. This aspect of the proposal drew considerable comment; 
    although the initial approach set forth in the Proposed Rule drew no 
    unconditional support, the foreign-flag PVO interests in particular 
    supported a modified version of the Proposed Rule's alternative 
    approach. Other alternatives were also offered.
        \1\4The alternative proposal would require coverage of 110 
    percent of UPR up to $25 million per operator; 75 percent of UPR 
    between $25 million and $50 million per operator; and 50 percent 
    coverage for UPR over $50 million per operator.
        ICCL and Kloster support the Commission's alternative proposal to 
    remove the current $15 million ceiling and to implement a sliding 
    scale, provided (1) that it is gradually phased-in; and (2) the 
    Commission amends its self-insurance requirements to make self-
    insurance reasonably available to creditworthy operators, regardless of 
    the location of their qualifying assets. These commenters also propose 
    that (1) only existing UPR be covered, rather than the PVO's highest 
    UPR during the preceding two years; and (2) coverage requirements and 
    self-insurance tests should encompass the organization as a whole, 
    thereby enabling a corporate parent to obtain coverage for its entire 
        Citing American Hawaii Cruises' bankruptcy filing and trade press 
    articles concerning the securing of financing for a Kloster Cruise 
    ship, MAST endorses moves to ensure liquid funds are readily available 
    to protect consumers in the event of a default. It suggests that the 
    Commission give the cruise industry 90 days--under a grant of limited 
    antitrust immunity--to develop its own plan to ensure total and timely 
    consumer protection. Should the industry fail to act in a way 
    satisfactory to the Commission, MAST suggests consideration of higher 
        Alaska Sightseeing recommends that the Commission instead require 
    110% coverage for UPR up to $5 million, and 50% coverage for UPR over 
    $5 million, with no maximum. It also suggests retaining self-insurance 
    for U.S. corporations operating U.S.-flag vessels.
        AMCV requests that the current self-insurance option be maintained 
    and that the existing coverage ceiling be left in place. It stresses 
    that self-insurance is an important alternative for U.S. companies and 
    should be retained. It therefore urges that self-insurance not be 
    simply discarded, but that any concerns should be addressed 
    individually. It suggests, for example, that the percentage threshold 
    of net worth as a function of UPR could be increased above 110% to 
    provide an additional cushion of coverage.
        AMCV's first proposal is that PVOs be required to fully disclose 
    any shortfall between coverage and UPR, and to advise their passengers 
    of the availability of additional insurance coverage. Its second 
    proposal is a new rulemaking to consider a berth-based formula, an 
    indexed increase in the ceiling, or other alternatives to address the 
    coverage ``gap''.
        Carnival believes that the current gap between UPR and coverage 
    levels is a legitimate issue: recent fleet growth has substantially 
    increased the gap between coverage and actual UPR. Carnival therefore 
    suggests that UPR coverage requirements be designed to adjust as PVOs 
    increase in size, and to avoid the need to return to this issue every 
    few years. However, it submits that the Proposed Rule's removal of 
    self-insurance would penalize the most financially sound PVOs. It 
    instead suggests that self-insurance standards be strengthened and made 
    available to PVOs which have either (i) an ``investment grade rating'' 
    of its debt by at least two accepted bond rating agencies; or (ii) 
    which meet certain minimum financial ratios (liquidity of at least 100% 
    of the PVO's UPR plus at least three times its UPR in tangible net 
    worth (excluding intangible assets such as good will)). Thus, Carnival 
    states that the Commission would be accepting the financial standards 
    the rating agencies and Wall Street use to adjudge a maturing industry, 
    arguing that a PVO meeting its proposed self-insurance tests clearly 
    has the resources to satisfy passenger claims for UPR. In the event 
    that a PVO is unable to self-insure by meeting either the investment 
    grade ratings test or the minimum financial ratios test, Carnival 
    supports a significant increase in coverage requirements. In light of 
    the total amount of UPR, Carnival submits that the Commission's first 
    alternative of bonding 110% of UPR up to $25 million, and 90% of UPR 
    exceeding $25 million appears reasonable.
        We continue to believe that the Proposed Rule represents a legally-
    appropriate approach to address the Section 3 coverage issues that are 
    before the Commission. However, in view of the general opposition to 
    the Proposed Rule, the Commission has determined to hold it in abeyance 
    pending the exploration of additional alternatives. The Commission 
    wishes to ensure that full consideration is given to other means of 
    establishing financial responsibility which are more acceptable to the 
    industry. The Commission is therefore instituting this inquiry to 
    determine the feasibility of the PVO industry addressing coverage 
    requirements through (1) the vehicle of voluntary association(s) (such 
    association(s) would be in addition to the current individual methods 
    of evidencing financial responsibility for non-performance); and (2) 
    retained but strengthened self-insurance requirements, as outlined more 
    fully below. The Commission believes that these approaches could 
    provide a level of protection to the travelling public comparable to 
    that envisioned by the Proposed Rule, but with less of an impact upon 
    the industry.
    A. Voluntary Association(s)
        In Docket No. 92-37, Financial Responsibility for Non-Vessel-
    Operating Common Carriers, the Commission permitted a group or 
    association of non-vessel-operating common carriers (``NVOCC's'') to 
    collectively issue bonds to meet financial responsibility coverage 
    requirements imposed upon NVOCC's by the Shipping Act of 1984. Because 
    this approach has proven successful with respect to NVOCC's, the 
    Commission is considering its applicability and adaptability to PVO 
    requirements under Public Law 89-777. At the same time, the Commission 
    recognizes that, because an association approach would necessarily 
    involve concerted carrier activity, such an approach could present 
    issues under the antitrust laws to the extent such activity is not 
    exempted under agreements effective pursuant to the Shipping Act of 
    1984, 46 U.S.C. app. 1701 (``1984 Act'')15 and/or approved 
    pursuant the Shipping Act, 1916, 46 U.S.C. app. 801 (``1916 
    Act'').16 The Commission invites comment on these issues.
        \1\5The 1984 Act governs concerted ocean common carrier activity 
    in the U.S. foreign waterborne trades.
        \1\6The 1916 Act governs concerted activity of common carriers 
    by water in interstate commerce in the transportation by water of 
    passengers on the high seas or the Great Lakes on regular routes 
    from port to port between one U.S. State, Territory, District or 
    possession and any other U.S. State, Territory, District or 
    possession or between places in the same Territory, District or 
        In general terms, the voluntary association concept would work in a 
    manner whereby the involved association would accept liability for all 
    or a part of a PVO's section 3 liability, pursuant to a Commission-
    approved surety bond or guaranty in an amount equal to the combined UPR 
    of the two members having the highest amount of UPR during the past two 
    years. We have set forth below one possible methodology which the 
    Commission could take to implement this alternative and is proffered 
    for comments concerning this alternative's viability. Such an approach 
    could revise the Commission's rules under 46 CFR part 540, subpart A in 
    the following four respects.
        First, it could revise the heading of 46 CFR 540.5 to read:
    ``Sec. 540.5  Insurance, guaranties, escrow accounts, self-
    insurance, associations''.
        Second, it could add a new Sec. 540.5(e) to read:
        (e) Where a group or association of passenger vessel operators 
    accepts liability for all or part of a passenger vessel operator's 
    or a ticket issuer's financial responsibility under section 3 of 
    Pub. L. 89-777, the group or association of passenger vessel 
    operators must file either a Form FMC-132A Surety Bond or a Form 
    FMC-133A Guaranty clearly identifying each passenger vessel operator 
    or ticket issuer and each passenger vessel covered. In such cases 
    the group or association's coverage must be in the amount equal to 
    the combined unearned passenger revenue of the two members having 
    the highest amount of unearned passenger revenue on the date within 
    the 2 fiscal years immediately prior to the filing of the group or 
    association's coverage.
        Third, it could redesignate current Sec. 540.5 (e) and (f) as 
    Sec. 540.5 (f) and (g), respectively.
        Finally, it could add a new Sec. 540.9(l) as follows:
        (l) Evidence of financial responsibility of the type provided 
    for in Secs.  540.5 and 540.6 of this part established through and 
    filed with the Commission by a group or association of passenger 
    vessel operators or ticket issuers on behalf of its members, is 
    subject to the following conditions and procedures:
        (1) Each group or association of passenger vessel operators or 
    ticket issuers shall notify the Commission of its intention to 
    participate in such a program and furnish documentation as will 
    demonstrate its authenticity and authority to represent its members, 
    such as articles of incorporation, bylaws, etc.;
        (2) Each group or association of passenger vessel operators or 
    ticket issuers shall provide the Commission with a list certified by 
    its Chief Executive Officer containing the names of those passenger 
    vessel operators or ticket issuers to which it will provide 
    coverage, in whole or in part; the manner and amount of existing 
    coverage each covered passenger vessel operator or ticket issuer 
    has; an indication that the existing coverage provided each 
    passenger vessel operator or ticket issuer is provided by a surety 
    bond issued by a surety company found acceptable to the Secretary of 
    the Treasury, or by insurance or guaranty issued by a firm 
    acceptable to the Commission; and the name, address and facsimile 
    number of each surety, insurer or guarantor providing coverage 
    pursuant to this section. Each group or association of passenger 
    vessel operators or ticket issuers shall notify the Commission 
    within thirty (30) days of any changes to its list.
        (3) The group or association shall provide the Commission with a 
    sample copy of each type of existing financial responsibility 
    coverage used by member passenger vessel operators or ticket 
        (4) Each group or association of passenger vessel operators or 
    ticket issuers shall be responsible for ensuring that each member's 
    financial responsibility coverage will discharge that member's legal 
    liability to indemnify the passengers of the member's vessels for 
    nonperformance of transportation within the meaning of section 3 of 
    Public Law 89-777. Each group or association of passenger vessel 
    operators or ticket issuers shall be responsible for requiring each 
    member to provide it with valid proof of financial responsibility 
        (5) Where the group or association of passenger vessel operators 
    or ticket issuers determines to secure on behalf of its members 
    other forms of financial responsibility, as specified by this 
    subpart to indemnify passengers for nonperformance of transportation 
    within the meaning of section 3, Public Law 89-777, not covered by a 
    member's individual financial responsibility coverage, such 
    additional coverage must:
        (i) Allow claims to be made in the United States directly 
    against the group or association's Surety, Insurer or Guarantor 
    against each covered member for nonperformance of transportation 
    within the meaning of section 3 of Public Law 89-777; and
        (ii) Be for an amount up to the UPR for each covered member up 
    to a maximum of the UPR in the amount equal to the combined unearned 
    passenger revenue of the two members having the highest amount of 
    unearned passenger revenue on the date within the 2 fiscal years 
    immediately prior to the filing of the group or association's 
        (6) The coverage provided by the group or association of 
    passenger vessel operators or ticket issuers on behalf of its 
    members, in whole or in part, shall be provided by:
        (i) In the case of a surety bond, a surety company found 
    acceptable to the Secretary of the Treasury and issued by such a 
    surety company on Form FMC-132A; and
        (ii) In the case of insurance and guaranty, a firm recognized 
    and approved by the Commission.
    B. Reinforced Self-Insurance
        Strongly-argued support remains for continuing at least a modified 
    version of self-insurance. The Commission is concerned that its present 
    self-insurance standards may be inadequate, but it will consider an 
    approach whereby it would restore its former ((net worth = 100% UPR) + 
    (working capital = 100% UPR)) standard,17 but require prospective 
    self-insurers to provide alternative coverage for a percentage (e.g., 
    50% or 25%) of their uncovered UPR, through either a traditional 
    guaranty, surety, escrow agreement or lien or other security 
    instrument, or through participation in a coverage association along 
    the above-described lines. The Commission would, however, still require 
    qualifying assets to be located in the United States.
        \1\7The former standard provided that the Commission could, for 
    good cause shown, waive the requirement as to the amount of working 
    C. Coverage Requirements
        PVO's electing to secure coverage through an association of the 
    nature described above would be required to effect coverage either 
    equal to that PVO's individual exposure under the coverage requirements 
    ultimately adopted in this matter, or the association could be required 
    to cover the combined UPR attributable to its two largest members. The 
    Commission invites comment on other variants that might also provide 
    adequate coverage.
        We also solicit comments on any other form of security or proposal 
    that would provide adequate coverage for the travelling public.
        The Commission's initiation of this proceeding is not in any way 
    intended to suggest that the PVO industry is unstable or has at any 
    time failed to meet its responsibilities under Public Law 89-777. At 
    the same time, we remain concerned that our present requirements may 
    not provide sufficient coverage in the event of future nonperformance. 
    The Commission affirms its willingness to consider innovative methods 
    of ensuring an adequate degree of Public Law 89-777 coverage without 
    unduly burdening the PVO industry and appreciates the input it has 
    received to date on the development of its rules in this area.
        Now therefore, it is ordered that this Notice of Inquiry be 
    published in the Federal Register; and
        Is further ordered, that the Proposed Rule in Docket No. 94-06 is 
    hereby held in abeyance pending further notice.
        By the Commission,
    Joseph C. Polking,
    [FR Doc. 94-25437 Filed 10-13-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6730-01-P

Document Information

Federal Maritime Commission
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Notice of Inquiry.
Document Number:
Comments due on or before November 28, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: October 14, 1994, Docket Nos. 94-06, 94-21
CFR: (1)
46 CFR 540.5