Exhibit 1—Estimated Annualized Burden Hours
Form Number of respondents Number of responses per respondent Hours per response Total burden Hours 1. PSO Certification for Initial Listing Form 11 1 18 198 2. PSO Certification for Continued Listing Form 40 1 8 320 3. PSO Two Bona Fide Contracts Requirement Form 56 1 1 56 4. PSO Disclosure Statement Form 3 1 3 9 5. PSO Profile Form 74 1 3 222 6. PSO Change of Listing Information 51 1 05/60 4.25 7. PSO Voluntary Relinquishment Form 4 1 30/60 2 8. OCR Patient Safety Confidentiality Complaint Form 1 1 20/60 .33 9. Common Formats 1,000 1 100 100,000 Total NA NA 100,811.58