96-26498. Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast Multispecies Fishery; Monkfish Exempted Trawl Fishery  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 202 (Thursday, October 17, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 54105-54107]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-26498]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    50 CFR Part 648
    [Docket No. 961008281-6281-01; I.D. 091896B]
    RIN 0648-AJ25
    Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast 
    Multispecies Fishery; Monkfish Exempted Trawl Fishery
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: NMFS issues this final rule to modify the regulations 
    implementing the Northeast Multispecies Fishery Management Plan (FMP). 
    This rule allows a year-round exempted trawl fishery for monkfish south 
    of 40 deg.10' N. lat. and east of 72 deg.30' W. long., allows 
    additional bycatch species in the Cultivator Shoal Whiting Fishery, and 
    adds a prohibition to enhance enforcement of the exemptions. The intent 
    of this action is to maximize fishing opportunities in a manner that is 
    consistent with the conservation objectives of the FMP.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: October 10, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Copies of Amendment 7 to the FMP, its regulatory impact 
    review (RIR) and the regulatory flexibility analysis contained within 
    the RIR, and its final supplemental environmental impact statement, are 
    available upon request from Christopher Kellogg, Acting Executive 
    Director, New England Fishery Management Council (Council), 5 Broadway, 
    Saugus, MA 01906-1097. Copies of the Environmental Assessment (EA) 
    supporting this action may be obtained from Dr. Andrew A. Rosenberg, 
    Regional Administrator, NMFS, 1 Blackburn Drive, Gloucester, MA 01930.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: E. Martin Jaffe, Fishery Policy 
    Analyst, 508-281-9272.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Regulations implementing Amendment 7 to the 
    FMP became effective on July 1, 1996 (61 FR 27710, May 31, 1996). These 
    regulations implemented a
    [[Page 54106]]
    comprehensive set of measures to control fishing mortality and rebuild 
    the primary stocks of regulated multispecies. Amendment 7 contains a 
    bycatch control measure that is applied in each of two specific 
    regulated mesh areas: The Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank Regulated Mesh 
    Area and the Southern New England (SNE) Regulated Mesh Area. A vessel 
    may not fish in these areas unless it is fishing under a multispecies 
    or scallop days-at-sea (DAS) allocation, is fishing with exempted gear, 
    is fishing under the handgear or party/charter permit restrictions, or 
    is fishing in an exempted fishery.
        The procedure for adding, modifying, or deleting fisheries from the 
    list of exempted fisheries is found in Sec. 648.80. A fishery may be 
    exempted by the Regional Administrator, Northeast Region (Regional 
    Administrator), after consultation with the Council, if the Regional 
    Administrator determines, based on available data or information, that 
    the bycatch of regulated species is, or can be reduced to, less than 5 
    percent by weight of the total catch and that such exemption will not 
    jeopardize the fishing mortality objectives of the FMP. The Regional 
    Administrator is also authorized to impose specific gear, area, 
    seasonal, or other limitations appropriate to reduce bycatch of 
    regulated species.
        The Council submitted a request to establish an exempted trawl 
    fishery for monkfish south of 40 deg.10' N. lat. and requiring 8-inch 
    (20.3 cm) mesh or larger in the codend. In addition, the Regional 
    Administrator received other requests for monkfish fishery exemptions 
    that differed in area or mesh size but were similar enough to the 
    Council's request to consider and analyze jointly. The data 
    subsequently analyzed consisted of available otter trawl and beam trawl 
    sea sampling, vessel trip reports, and catch data. Consequently, in the 
    regulatory text, references to trawl vessels refer to otter trawl and 
    beam trawl vessels.
        The Regional Administrator has also received and completed the data 
    analysis for a request involving the existing Cultivator Shoal Whiting 
    Fishery exemption. The request was submitted by an individual fisher 
    seeking additional bycatch species that could be retained under the 
    constraints of that program. The Regional Administrator also consulted 
    with the Council on this request and found no opposition to adding the 
    requested species.
        Based on the analysis of the available data regarding regulated 
    species bycatch for the gear, area, and time periods specified in the 
    aforementioned exemption requests, and any other relevant factors, the 
    Regional Administrator has determined that the request for an exempted 
    fishery submitted by the Council and the request for additional bycatch 
    in the Cultivator Shoal Whiting Fishery submitted by a fisher meet the 
    exemption requirements specified in Sec. 648.80(a)(7) and (b)(4). The 
    other requests for monkfish fishery exemptions were determined not to 
    meet the requirements based on the EA, which is available upon request 
    from the Regional Administrator.
        This rule implements an exempted fishery for trawl vessels using a 
    minimum mesh size of 8 inches (20.3 cm) in the codend, in the portion 
    of the SNE Regulated Mesh Area south of 40 deg.10' N. lat. Such vessels 
    may retain monkfish as well as the existing bycatch species allowed for 
    the SNE Regulated Mesh Area (Sec. 648.80(b)(3)). Vessels fishing in 
    this exempted fishery are subject to net stowage requirements if mesh 
    less than 8 inches (20.3 cm) is on board and may not possess regulated 
        Vessels enrolled in the existing Cultivator Shoal Whiting Fishery 
    may retain, in addition to the currently allowed bycatch species, 
    unlimited amounts of butterfish and mackerel and may retain red hake 
    and dogfish, each in amounts not to exceed 10 percent, by weight, of 
    all other species on board. The 10 percent limit is based on data that 
    indicate that, when landed as bycatch these two species would not 
    result in greater than 5 percent bycatch of regulated multispecies. To 
    ensure that a directed fishery does not occur for dogfish and red hake 
    in the Cultivator Shoal Whiting Fishery, and that the species are only 
    bycatch, a 10 percent limit is imposed. Ten percent is consistent with 
    previous bycatch limits.
        A directed fishery for mackerel is unlikely to occur, as it is 
    impractical with the gear used in this fishery. A directed fishery for 
    butterfish is unlikely to occur, because the area is located in the 
    northernmost extent of the species' range and, like mackerel, a 
    directed fishery is impractical with the gear required under the 
    program. Hence, no bycatch limits are necessary for these species. All 
    four additional bycatch species are allowed under the existing time, 
    area, and gear restrictions of the Cultivator Shoal Whiting Fishery 
        Finally, this rule adds a prohibition to the regulations to enhance 
    enforceability, specifically referring to the exemptions authorized 
    under Sec. 648.80.
        The Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA (AA), finds there 
    is good cause to waive prior notice and opportunity for comment under 5 
    U.S.C. 553(b)(B). Public meetings held by the Council to discuss this 
    management measure, as well as consultation with the Council on any 
    request for exemption during a public Council meeting, provided full 
    prior notice and opportunity for public comment to be made and 
    considered, making additional opportunity for public comment 
        Because this rule relieves a restriction under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(1), 
    it is not subject to a delay in effective date.
        This final rule has been determined to be not significant for 
    purposes of E.O. 12866.
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 648
        Fisheries, Fishing, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: October 9, 1996.
    Rolland A. Schmitten,
    Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries 
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 648 is amended 
    as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 648 continues to read as 
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
        2. In Sec. 648.14, paragraph (a)(43) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 648.14  Prohibitions.
        (a) * * *
        (43) Violate any of the provisions of Sec. 648.80(a)(3), (4), (5), 
    (8), (9), (b)(3) or (b)(5), or of any exempted fishery authorized by 
    the Regional Director. A violation of any of these paragraphs is a 
    separate violation.
    * * * * *
        3. In Sec. 648.80, paragraphs (a)(4)(i)(A) and (b)(2)(iii) are 
    revised, and paragraph (b)(5) is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 648.80  Regulated mesh areas and restrictions on gear and methods 
    of fishing.
    * * * * *
        (a) * * *
        (4) * * *
        (i) * * *
        (A) A vessel fishing in the Cultivator Shoal Whiting Fishery 
    Exemption Area under this exemption must have a letter of authorization 
    issued by the Regional Director on board and may not fish for, possess 
    on board, or land any species of fish other than whiting, except for 
    [[Page 54107]]
    following, with the restrictions noted, as allowable bycatch species: 
    Longhorn sculpin; squid; butterfish; mackerel; monkfish and monkfish 
    parts, dogfish, and red hake--up to 10 percent each, by weight, of all 
    other species on board; and American lobster--up to 10 percent by 
    weight of all other species on board or 200 lobsters, whichever is 
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (iii) Other gear and mesh exemptions. The minimum mesh size for any 
    trawl net, sink gillnet, Scottish seine, midwater trawl, or purse seine 
    in use or available for immediate use, as described under 
    Sec. 648.23(b), by a vessel when not fishing under the Northeast 
    multispecies DAS program and when fishing in the SNE regulated mesh 
    area is specified under the exemptions set forth in paragraphs (b)(3), 
    (b)(5), (c), (e), (h), and (i) of this section. Vessels that are not 
    fishing in one of these exemption programs, with exempted gear (as 
    defined under this part), or under the scallop state waters exemption 
    specified in Sec. 648.54, or under a NE multispecies DAS, are 
    prohibited from fishing in the SNE regulated mesh area.
    * * * * *
        (5) SNE Monkfish Fishery Exemption Area. A trawl vessel may fish in 
    the SNE Monkfish Fishery Exemption Area when not under a NE 
    multispecies DAS if the vessel complies with the requirements specified 
    in paragraph (b)(5)(i) of this section. The SNE Monkfish Fishery 
    Exemption Area is defined as the area bounded on the north by a line 
    extending eastward along 40 deg.10' N. lat., and bounded on the west by 
    the eastern boundary of the Mid-Atlantic Regulated Mesh Area.
        (i) Requirements. (A) A vessel fishing in the SNE Monkfish Fishery 
    Exemption Area under this exemption, when not fishing under a NE 
    multispecies DAS, may not fish for, possess on board, or land any 
    species of fish other than monkfish, except that such vessels may 
    retain and land the bycatch species and amounts specified in paragraph 
    (b)(3) of this section. Vessels fishing under this exemption may not 
    possess regulated species unless fishing under the NE Multispecies DAS 
        (B) All trawl nets must comply with a minimum mesh size of 8 inches 
    (20.3 cm) square or diamond mesh applied throughout the codend for at 
    least 45 continuous meshes forward of the terminus of the net.
        (C) All nets with a mesh size smaller than the minimum mesh size 
    specified in paragraph (b)(5)(i)(B) of this section must be stowed in 
    accordance with one of the methods described under Sec. 648.23(b).
        (ii) [Reserved]
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 96-26498 Filed 10-10-96; 4:15 pm]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-F

Document Information

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
October 10, 1996.
54105-54107 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 961008281-6281-01, I.D. 091896B
PDF File:
CFR: (3)
50 CFR 648.23(b)
50 CFR 648.14
50 CFR 648.80