96-26646. International Services Surveys: BE-20 Benchmark Survey of Selected Services Transactions With Unaffiliated Foreign Persons  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 202 (Thursday, October 17, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 54109-54111]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-26646]
    Bureau of Economic Analysis
    15 CFR Part 801
    [Docket No. 960918263-6263-01]
    RIN 0691-AA27
    International Services Surveys: BE-20 Benchmark Survey of 
    Selected Services Transactions With Unaffiliated Foreign Persons
    AGENCY: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commerce.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: This notice sets forth proposed rules to amend the reporting 
    requirements for the BE-20, Benchmark Survey of Selected Services 
    Transactions with Unaffiliated Foreign Persons.
        The BE-20 benchmark survey is conducted by the Bureau of Economic 
    Analysis (BEA), U.S. Department of Commerce, under the International 
    Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act. It is taken once every 
    five years. The last survey was conducted for 1991, and the next survey 
    will be conducted for 1996. The BE-20 is a benchmark survey that is 
    intended to cover the universe of selected U.S. services transactions 
    with unaffiliated foreign persons. In nonbenchmark years, universe 
    estimates of these transactions are derived from reported sample data 
    by extrapolating forward the universe data collected in the BE-20 
    survey. The data are needed to support U.S. trade policy initiatives on 
    international services and to compile the U.S. balance of payments and 
    the national income and product accounts.
        The major change to the BE-20 benchmark survey contained in these 
    proposed rules is to expand its coverage to obtain data on additional 
    types of services. Transactions in the following types of services 
    would be covered on the BE-20 for the first time: Merchanting services 
    (sales only), financial services by firms that are not financial 
    services providers (purchases only), operational leasing services, 
    selling agent services, and ``other'' private services. ``Other'' 
    private services consists of transactions in satellite photography, 
    security, actuarial, salvage, oil spill and toxic waste cleanup, 
    language translation, and account collection services.
    DATES: Comments on these proposed rules will receive consideration if 
    submitted in writing on or before November 18, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Comments may be mailed to the Office of the Chief, 
    International Investment Division (BE-50), Bureau of Economic Analysis, 
    U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230, or hand delivered to 
    Room M-100, 1441 L Street, NW., Washington, DC 20005. Comments will be 
    available for public inspection in Room 7006, 1441 L Street, NW., 
    between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    R. David Belli, Assistant Chief, International Investment Division (BE-
    50), Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, 
    Washington, DC 20230; phone (202) 606-9800.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: These proposed rules amend 15 CFR part 801 
    by revising Sec. 801.10 to set forth revised reporting requirements for 
    the BE-20, Benchmark Survey of Selected Services Transactions with 
    Unaffiliated Foreign Persons. The survey is conducted by the Bureau of 
    Economic Analysis (BEA), U.S. Department of Commerce, under the 
    International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act (Pub. L. 94-
    472, 90 Stat. 2059, 22 U.S.C. 3101-3108, as amended). Section 3103(a) 
    of the act provides that ``The President shall, to the extent he deems 
    necessary and feasible--* * * (4) conduct * * * benchmark surveys with 
    respect to trade in services between unaffiliated United States persons 
    and foreign persons. * * *'' In Section 3 of Executive Order 11961, as 
    amended by Executive Order 12518, the President delegated the authority 
    under the Act as concerns international trade in services to the 
    Secretary of Commerce, who has redelegated it to BEA.
        The BE-20 benchmark survey is conducted once every five years. The 
    next survey will cover 1996; the last survey was conducted for 1991. 
    The survey is intended to cover the universe of selected U.S. services 
    transactions with unaffiliated foreign persons. In nonbenchmark years, 
    universe estimates of these transactions are derived from reported 
    sample data by extrapolating forward the universe data collected in the 
    BE-20 benchmark survey. The data are needed to support U.S. trade 
    policy initiatives on international services; compile the U.S. balance 
    of payments and national income and product accounts; develop U.S. 
    international price indexes for services; assess U.S. competitiveness 
    in, and promote, international trade in services; and improve the 
    ability of U.S. businesses to identify and evaluate market 
    opportunities for services trade.
        The major change to the BE-20 benchmark survey contained in these 
    proposed rules is to expand coverage to obtain data on additional types 
    of services. The expanded coverage will fill several of the remaining 
    major gaps in Government statistics on international services 
    transactions in new, growing, and volatile services categories. 
    Transactions in the following types of services would be covered on the 
    BE-20 for the first time: Merchanting services (sales only), financial 
    services by firms that are not financial services providers (purchases 
    only), operational leasing services, selling agent services, and 
    ``other'' private services. ``Other'' private services consists of 
    transactions in satellite photography, security, actuarial, salvage, 
    oil spill and toxic waste cleanup, language translation, and account 
    collection services.
        Reporting in the BE-20 benchmark survey is required from U.S. 
    persons with sales to, or purchases from, unaffiliated foreign persons 
    in excess of $500,000 in any of the services covered during the 
    reporting year. Those meeting this criterion must supply data on the 
    amount of their total sales or total purchases of each type of service 
    in which their transactions exceeded this threshold amount. Except for 
    sales of merchanting services, the data also must
    [[Page 54110]]
    be disaggregated by country; for sales of merchanting services, data 
    are required to be reported only for all foreign countries combined. 
    U.S. persons with purchases or sales during the reporting year of 
    $500,000 or less in a given type of covered service are asked to 
    provide, on a voluntary basis, estimates only of their total purchases 
    or total sales, as appropriate, for the given type of service.
        To reduce respondent burden, BEA is eliminating several questions 
    in the U.S. reporter identification section of the survey. 
    Specifically, a requirement to disaggregate sales or gross operating 
    revenues by individual detailed (3-digit) industry has been eliminated, 
    and only a single industry for the consolidated enterprise is to be 
    reported. In addition, a question on the respondent's total number of 
    full-time and part-time U.S. employees at the end of its fiscal year 
    has been eliminated.
    Executive Order 12612
        These proposed rules do not contain policies with Federalism 
    implications sufficient to warrant preparation of a Federalism 
    assessment under E.O. 12612.
    Executive Order 12866
        These proposed rules have been determined to be not significant for 
    purposes of E.O. 12866.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        These proposed rules contain a collection of information 
    requirement subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act. A request for 
    review of the forms has been submitted to the Office of Management and 
    Budget under section 3504(h) of the Paperwork Reduction Act.
        Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, no person is required 
    to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure 
    to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements 
    of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection displays a 
    currently valid OMB Control Number: such a Control Number (0608-0058) 
    has been displayed.
        Public reporting burden for this collection of information is 
    estimated to vary from 4 to 500 hours, with an overall average burden 
    of 12 hours. This includes time for reviewing the instructions, 
    searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data 
    needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. 
    Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of 
    this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this 
    burden, to: Director, Bureau of Economic Analysis (BE-1), U.S. 
    Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230; and to the Office of 
    Management and Budget, O.I.R.A., Paperwork Reduction Project 0608-0058, 
    Washington, DC 20503.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Assistant General Counsel for Legislation and Regulation, 
    Department of Commerce, has certified to the Chief Counsel for 
    Advocacy, Small Business Administration, under the provisions of the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 605(b)), that this proposed 
    rulemaking, if adopted, will not have a significant economic impact on 
    a substantial number of small entities. The exemption level for the 
    survey excludes most small businesses from mandatory reporting. 
    Reporting is required only if total sales or total purchases 
    transactions with unaffiliated foreign persons in a covered type of 
    service exceed $500,000 during the year. Of those smaller businesses 
    that must report, most will tend to have specialized operations and 
    activities and will likely report only one type of service; therefore, 
    the burden on them should be small.
    List of Subjects in 15 CFR Part 801
        Balance of payments, Economic statistics, Foreign trade, Penalties, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: September 16, 1996.
    J. Steven Landefeld,
    Director, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, BEA proposes to amend 15 
    CFR part 801, as follows:
    PART 801--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for Part 801 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301, 15 U.S.C. 4908, 22 U.S.C. 3101-3108, 
    and E.O. 11961 (3 CFR, 1997 Comp., p. 86) as amended by E.O. 12013 
    (3 CFR, 1977 Comp., p. 147), E.O. 12318 (3 CFR, 1981 Comp., p. 173), 
    and E.O. 12518 (3 CFR, 1985 Comp., p. 348).
        2. Section 801.10 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 801.10  Rules and regulations for the BE-20, Benchmark Survey of 
    Selected Services Transactions with Unaffiliated Foreign Persons.
        The BE-20, Benchmark Survey of Selected Services Transactions with 
    Unaffiliated Foreign Persons, will be conducted covering companies' 
    1996 fiscal year and every fifth year thereafter. All legal 
    authorities, provisions, definitions, and requirements contained in 
    Sec. 801.1 through Sec. 801.9(a) are applicable to this survey. 
    Additional rules and regulations for the BE-20 survey are given below. 
    More detailed instructions and descriptions of the individual types of 
    services covered are given on the report form itself.
        (a) The BE-20 survey consists of two parts and eight schedules. 
    Part I requests information needed to determine whether a report is 
    required and which schedules apply. Part II requests information about 
    the reporting entity. Each of the eight schedules covers one or more 
    types of services and is to be completed only if the U.S. Reporter has 
    transactions of the type(s) covered by the particular schedule.
        (b) Who must report. (1) Mandatory reporting. A BE-20 report is 
    required from each U.S. person who had transactions (either sales or 
    purchases) in excess of $500,000 with unaffiliated foreign persons in 
    any of the services listed in paragraph (c) of this section during its 
    fiscal year covered by the survey.
        (i) The determination of whether a U.S. person is subject to this 
    mandatory reporting requirement may be judgmental, that is, based on 
    the judgment of knowledgeable persons in a company who can identify 
    reportable transactions on a recall basis, with a reasonable degree of 
    certainty, without conducting a detailed manual records search. Because 
    the $500,000 threshold applies separately to sales and purchases, the 
    mandatory reporting requirement may apply only to sales, only to 
    purchases, or to both sales and purchases.
        (ii) Reporters who file pursuant to this mandatory reporting 
    requirement must complete Parts I and II of Form BE-20 and all 
    applicable schedules. The total amounts of transactions applicable to a 
    particular schedule are to be entered in the appropriate column(s) on 
    line 1 of the schedule. In addition, except for sales of merchanting 
    services, these amounts must be distributed below line 1 to the 
    country(ies) involved in the transaction(s). For sales of merchanting 
    services, the data by individual foreign Country are not required to be 
    reported, although these data may be reported voluntarily.
        (iii) Application of the $500,000 exemption level to each covered 
    service is indicated on the schedule for that particular service. It 
    should be noted that an item other than sales or purchases may be used 
    as the measure of a given service for purposes of determining whether 
    the threshold for mandatory reporting of the service is exceeded.
        (2) Voluntary reporting. If, during the fiscal year covered, the 
    U.S. person's
    [[Page 54111]]
    total transactions (either sales or purchases) in any of the types of 
    services listed in paragraph (c) of this section are $500,000 or less, 
    the U.S. person is requested to provide an estimate of the total for 
    each type of service.
        (i) Provision of this information is voluntary. The estimates may 
    be judgmental, that is, based on recall, without conducting a detailed 
    manual records search. Because the $500,000 threshold applies 
    separately to sales and purchases, the voluntary reporting option may 
    apply only to sales, only to purchases, or to both sales and purchases.
        (ii) The amounts of transactions reportable on a particular 
    schedule are to be entered in the appropriate column(s) in the 
    voluntary reporting section of the schedule: they are not required to 
    be disagregated by country. Reporters filing voluntary information only 
    should also complete Parts I and II of the form.
        (3) Any U.S. person that receives the BE-20 survey form from BEA, 
    but is not reporting data in neither the mandatory or voluntary section 
    of the form, must nevertheless complete and return the Exemption Claim 
    included with the form to BEA. This requirement is necessary to ensure 
    compliance with reporting requirements and efficient administration of 
    the Act by eliminating unnecessary followup contact.
        (c) Covered types of services. Only the services listed below are 
    covered by the BE-20 survey. Other services, such as transportation and 
    reinsurance, are NOT covered. Covered services are: Agricultural 
    services; research, development, and testing services; management, 
    consulting, and public relations services; management of health care 
    facilities; accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping services; legal 
    services; educational and training services; mailing, reproduction, and 
    commercial art; employment agencies and temporary help supply services; 
    industrial engineering services; industrial-type maintenance, 
    installation, alteration, and training services; performing arts, 
    sports, and other live performances, presentations, and events; sale or 
    purchase of rights to natural resources, and lease bonus payments; use 
    or lease of rights to natural resources, excluding lease bonus 
    payments; disbursements to fund news-gathering costs of broadcasters; 
    disbursements to fund news-gathering costs of print media; 
    disbursements to fund production costs of motion pictures; 
    disbursements to fund production costs of broadcast program material 
    other than news; disbursements to maintain government tourism and 
    business promotion offices; disbursements for sales promotion and 
    representation; disbursements to participate in foreign trade shows 
    (purchases only); premiums paid on purchases of primary insurance; 
    losses recovered on purchases of primary insurance; construction, 
    engineering, architectural, and mining services (purchases only); 
    merchanting services (sales only); financial services (purchases only, 
    by companies or parts of companies that are not financial services 
    providers); advertising services; computer and data processing 
    services; data base and other information services; telecommunications 
    services; operational leasing services; and ``other'' private services. 
    ``Other'' private services covers transactions in the following types 
    of services: Satellite photography services, security services, 
    actuarial services, salvage services, oil spill and toxic waster 
    cleanup services, language translation services, and account collection 
    [FR Doc. 96-26646 Filed 10-16-96; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Economic Analysis Bureau
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments on these proposed rules will receive consideration if submitted in writing on or before November 18, 1996.
54109-54111 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 960918263-6263-01
0691-AA27: Benchmark Survey of Selected Services Transactions With Unaffiliated Foreign Persons
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
15 CFR 801.1
15 CFR 801.10