Table 1—Summary of Economic Effects, 2025-2034
[$2022, discounted to 2024]
Item Total (undiscounted) Annualized (7%) Annualized (3%) Annualized (2%) Benefits Unquantified Costs: SSOA documentation of enforcement authority $118,140 $16,820 $13,446 $12,894 SSOA oversight 80,338,058 8,093,373 8,058,697 8,050,279 SSOA safety event tracking 183,879 18,388 18,388 18,388 SSOA investigations 7,355,168 735,517 735,517 735,517 SSOA annual reporting to FTA 609,755 60,975 60,975 60,975 RTA investigations and reporting 20,456,560 2,045,656 2,045,656 2,045,656 Total costs 109,061,560 10,970,730 10,932,680 10,923,710 ( print page 83957) Net benefits Unquantified Note: Totals may not sum due to rounding.