[Federal Register Volume 64, Number 201 (Tuesday, October 19, 1999)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 56286-56287]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 99-27284]
Coast Guard
33 CFR Ch. I
Improvements to Marine Safety in Puget Sound-Area Waters
AGENCY: Coast Guard, DOT.
ACTION: Notice of meeting and reopening comment period.
SUMMARY: The Coast Guard announces two identical meetings to describe
the results of the cost-benefit analysis of potential rules that could
[[Page 56287]]
marine safety in Puget Sound-Area waters and to describe ongoing
activities to improve marine safety in the region. Under consideration
are regulatory requirements for tug escorts and/or dedicated rescue
tugs for certain vessels operating in the Strait of Juan de Fuca and
adjacent waters. Additionally, the docket for the advance notice of
proposed rulemaking for these tug measures has been reopened until
January 31, 2000.
DATES: The meetings will be held from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Tuesday,
November 16, 1999 and from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Wednesday, November 17,
1999. Comments to the docket for the advance notice of proposed
rulemaking must reach the Docket Management Facility on or before
January 31, 2000.
ADDRESSES: The public meeting will be held at the Hotel Edgewater at
Pier 67, 2411 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA 98121.
You may submit your written comments and related material by only
one of the following methods:
(1) By mail to the Docket Management Facility, (USCG-1999-4501),
U.S. Department of Transportation, room PL-401, 400 Seventh Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20590-0001.
(2) By hand to room PL-401 on the Plaza level of the Nassif
Building, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The telephone
number is 202-366-9329.
(3) By fax to the Docket Management Facility at 202-493-2251.
(4) Electronically through the Web Site for the Docket Management
System at http://dms.dot.gov.
The Docket Management Facility maintains the public docket for this
notice. Comments and documents, as indicated in this notice, will
become part of this docket and will be available for inspection or
copying at room PL-401 on the Plaza level of the Nassif Building at the
same address between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays. You may electronically access the public docket for
this notice on the Internet at http://dms.dot.gov.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions on the public meeting,
contact CDR Timothy M. Close, Human Element and Ship Design Division
(G-MSE-1), U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, 2100 Second Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20593-0001, telephone 202-267-2997, fax 202-267-4816,
email fldr-he@comdt.uscg.mil. For questions on viewing or submitting
material to the docket, call Dorothy Walker, Chief, Dockets, Department
of Transportation, telephone 202-366-9329.
Request for Comments
We encourage you to participate by submitting comments and related
material. If you do so, please include your name and address, identify
the docket number [USCG-1998-4501], indicate the specific section of
this document to which each comment applies, and give the reason for
each comment. You may submit your comments and material by mail, hand
delivery, fax, or electronic means to the Docket Management Facility at
the address under ADDRESSES; but please submit your comments and
material by only one means. If you submit them by mail or hand
delivery, submit them in an unbound format, no larger than 8\1/2\ by 11
inches, suitable for copying and electronic filing. If you submit them
by mail and would like to know they reached the Facility, please
enclose a stamped, self-addressed postcard or envelope. We will
consider all comments and material received during the comment period.
We may change this rule in view of them.
Public Meeting
The purpose of the meeting is to describe the results of the cost-
benefit analysis. Also, as time allows, The Coast Guard will respond to
questions about the cost-benefit analysis, and to discuss how the
results will be used. Attendance is open to the public.
Background and Purpose
On November 24, 1998, the Coast Guard published an advance notice
of proposed rulemaking for marine safety in the Puget Sound region (63
FR 64937). Under consideration were regulatory requirements for tug
escorts and/or dedicated rescue tugs for certain vessels operating in
the Strait of Juan de Fuca and adjacent waters. Comments to guide a
cost-benefit analysis were requested by December 24, 1998. Based upon
the comments received, the Coast Guard framed a cost-benefit analysis
of these two measures as well as variations of their application. A
public meeting was held on May 12, 1999 to discuss the framework for
and conduct of the cost-benefit analysis. The purpose of the November
4, 1999 public meeting is to provide the public with a briefing on the
results of the cost-benefit analysis. Comments to the docket regarding
the results of the cost-benefit analysis and their interpretation are
encouraged. These comments will be used by the Navigation Safety
Advisory Council panel formed to develop a long-term oil-spill risk
management plan for the region (64 FR 48442) and by the Secretary in
the final determination regarding the regulatory measures under
consideration. Directions for obtaining a copy of the final report of
the cost-benefit study will be provided at the Public Meeting.
Additionally, a copy will be provided in the docket.
Information on Services for the Handicapped
Contact CDR Close for information on facilities or services for the
handicapped or to request special assistance at the meetings as soon as
Dated: October 13, 1999.
Joseph J. Angelo,
Acting Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety and Environmental
[FR Doc. 99-27284 Filed 10-18-99; 8:45 am]