98-26462. National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 191 (Friday, October 2, 1998)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 53005-53008]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-26462]
    40 CFR Part 300
    National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; 
    National Priorities List
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
    ACTION: Notice of intent for partial deletion of the Rocky Mountain 
    Arsenal National Priorities List Site from the National Priorities 
    List; request for comments.
    SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 8 announces 
    its intent to delete the western tier parcel of the Rocky Mountain 
    Arsenal National Priorities List Site (RMA/NPL Site) On-Post Operable 
    Unit (OU) from the National Priorities List (NPL) and requests public 
    comment on this proposed action. The NPL constitutes Appendix B of 40 
    CFR part 300 which is the National Oil and Hazardous Substances 
    Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP), which EPA promulgated pursuant to 
    section 105 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, 
    and Liability Act (CERCLA). This partial deletion of the RMA/NPL Site 
    is proposed in accordance with 40 CFR 300.425(e) and Notice of Policy 
    Change: Partial Deletion of Sites listed on the National Priorities 
    List (November 1, 1995).
        EPA bases its proposal to delete the western tier of the RMA/NPL 
    Site on the determination by EPA and the State of Colorado, through the 
    Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), that all 
    appropriate actions under CERCLA have been implemented to protect human 
    health, welfare and the environment and that no further response action 
    by responsible parties is appropriate.
        This partial deletion pertains only to the western tier of the On-
    Post OU of the RMA/NPL Site and does not include the rest of the On-
    Post OU or the Off-Post OU. The rest of the On-Post OU and the Off-Post 
    OU will remain on the NPL and response activities will continue at 
    those OUs.
    DATES: Comments concerning this proposed partial deletion may be 
    submitted on or before November 2, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Comments may be mailed to: Rob Henneke, Community 
    Involvement Coordinator (8OC), U.S. EPA, Region 8, 999 18th Street, 
    Suite 500, Denver, Colorado, 80202-2466, 1-800-227-8917 or (303) 312-
    [[Page 53006]]
        Comprehensive information on the RMA/NPL Site, as well as 
    information specific to this proposed partial deletion, is available 
    through EPA's Region 8 office in Denver, Colorado. Documents are 
    available for viewing by appointment from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., 
    Monday through Friday excluding holidays by calling (303) 312-7287. The 
    Administrative Record for the RMA/NPL Site and the Deletion Docket for 
    this partial deletion are maintained at the Joint Administrative 
    Records Document Facility, Building 135, Room 16, 72nd and Quebec 
    Streets, Commerce City, Colorado 80022, (303) 289-0362.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Laura Williams, Remedial Project 
    Manager (8EPR-F), U.S. EPA, Region 8, 999 18th Street, Suite 500, 
    Denver Colorado, 80202-2466, (303) 312-6660.
    Table of Contents
    I. Introduction
    II. NPL Deletion Criteria
    III. Deletion Procedures
    IV. Basis for Intended Partial Site Deletion
    A. Deletion Docket
    B. Site Coordinate Boundaries
    I. Introduction
        The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 8 
    announces its intent to delete the western tier parcel of the Rocky 
    Mountain Arsenal National Priorities List (RMA/NPL Site), Commerce 
    City, Colorado, from the National Priorities List (NPL) and requests 
    comment on this proposed action. The NPL constitutes Appendix B of the 
    National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP), 
    40 CFR part 300, which EPA promulgated pursuant to section 105 of the 
    Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act 
    (CERCLA), 42 U.S.C. 9605. EPA identifies sites that appear to present a 
    significant risk to public health or the environment and maintains the 
    NPL as the list of those sites. Sites on the NPL may be the subject of 
    remedial actions financed by the Hazardous Substance Superfund (Fund). 
    This partial deletion of the Site is proposed in accordance with 40 CFR 
    300.425(e) and Notice of Policy Change: Partial Deletion of Sites 
    Listed on the National Priorities List (60 FR 55466 (Nov. 1, 1995)). As 
    described in 40 CFR 300.425(e)(3), portions of a site deleted from the 
    NPL remain eligible for further remedial actions if warranted by future 
        EPA will accept comments concerning its intent for partial deletion 
    of the RMA/NPL Site for thirty days after publication of this document 
    in the Federal Register.
        Section II of this document explains the criteria for deleting 
    sites from the NPL. Section III discusses the procedures that EPA is 
    using for this proposed partial deletion. Section IV discusses the 
    western tier of the RMA/NPL Site and explans how it meets the deletion 
    II. NPL Deletion Criteria
        The NCP establishes the criteria that EPA uses to delete sites from 
    the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425(e), sites may be deleted 
    from the NPL where no further response is appropriate to protect public 
    health or the environment. In making such a determination pursuant to 
    Sec. 300.425(e), EPA will consider, in consultation with the State, 
    whether any of the following criteria have been met:
         Section 300.425(e)(1)(i). Responsible parties or other 
    persons have implemented all appropriate response actions required; or
         Section 300.425(e)(1)(ii). All appropriate Fund-financed 
    response under CERCLA has been implemented, and no further response 
    action by responsible parties is appropriate; or
         Section 300.425(e)(1)(iii). The remedial investigation has 
    shown that the release poses no significant threat to public health or 
    the environment and, therefore, taking remedial measures is not 
        A partial deletion of a site from the NPL does not affect or impede 
    EPA's ability to conduct CERCLA response activities for portions not 
    deleted from the NPL. In addition, deletion of a portion of a site from 
    the NPL does not affect the liability of responsible parties or impede 
    agency efforts to recover costs associated with response efforts. The 
    U.S. Army and Shell Oil company will be responsible for all future 
    remedial actions required at the area deleted if future site conditions 
    warrant such actions.
    III. Deletion Procedures
        Upon determination that at least one of the criteria described in 
    Sec. 300.425(e) of the NCP has been met, EPA may formally begin 
    deletion procedures. The following procedures were used for this 
    proposed deletion of the western tier of the RMA/NPL Site:
        (1) EPA has recommended the partial deletion and has prepared the 
    relevant documents.
        (2) The State of Colorado, through the CDPHE, has concurred with 
    publication of this notice of intent for partial deletion.
        (3) Concurrent with this national Notice of Intent for Partial 
    Deletion, a local notice has been published in a newspaper of record 
    and has been distributed to appropriate federal, State, and local 
    officials, and other interested parties. These documents announce a 
    thirty (30) day public comment period on the deletion package, which 
    ends on November 2, 1998, based upon publication of this document in 
    the Federal Register and a local newspaper of record.
        (4) EPA has made all relevant documents available at the 
    information repositories listed previously for public inspection and 
        Upon completion of the thirty calendar day public comment period, 
    EPA Region 8 will evaluate each significant comment and any significant 
    new data received before issuing a final decision concerning the 
    proposed partial deletion. EPA will prepare a responsiveness summary 
    for each significant comment and any significant new data received 
    during the public comment period and will address concerns presented in 
    such comments and data. The responsiveness summary will be made 
    available to the public at the EPA Region 8 office and the information 
    repository listed above and will be included in the final deletion 
    package. Members of the public are encouraged to contact EPA Region 8 
    to obtain a copy of the responsiveness summary. If, after review of all 
    such comments and data, EPA determines that the partial deletion from 
    the NPL is appropriate, EPA will publish a final notice of partial 
    deletion in the Federal Register. Deletion of the western tier of the 
    RMA/NPL Site does not actually occur until a final notice of partial 
    deletion is published in the Federal Register. A copy of the final 
    partial deletion package will be placed at the EPA Region 8 office and 
    the information repository listed above after a final document has been 
    published in the Federal Register.
    IV. Basis for Intended Partial Site Deletion
        The following information provides EPA's rationale for deletion of 
    the western tier of the RMA/NPL Site from the NPL and EPA's finding 
    that the proposed final deletion satisfies 40 CFR 300.425(e) 
        The On-Post OU of the RMA/NPL Site encompasses 27 square miles in 
    southern Adams County, Colorado, approximately 8 miles northeast of the 
    city of Denver. The Rocky Mountain Arsenal was established in 1942 by 
    [[Page 53007]]
    U.S. Army, and was used to manufacture chemical warfare agents and 
    incendiary munitions for use in World War II. Prior to this, the area 
    was largely undeveloped ranch and farm land. Following the war and 
    through the early 1980s, the facilities continued to be used by the 
    Army. Beginning in 1946, some facilities were leased to private 
    companies to manufacture industrial and agricultural chemicals. Shell 
    Oil Company, the principal lessee, primarily manufactured pesticides 
    from 1952 to 1982. After 1982, the only activities at the Arsenal 
    involved remediation.
        By the late 1950s, complaints of ground water pollution north of 
    the RMA/NPL Site began to surface. Common industrial and waste disposal 
    practices used during these years resulted in contamination of 
    structures, soil, surface water, and ground water. As a result of this 
    contamination, the Arsenal was proposed for inclusion on the NPL in 
    July 1987. On February 17, 1989, an interagency agreement--referred to 
    as a Federal Facility Agreement (FFA)--formalizing the process 
    framework for selection and implemention of cleanup remedies at the 
    RMA/NPL Site, was signed by the Army, Shell Oil Company, EPA, U.S. 
    Department of the Interior, U.S. Department of Justice, and the Agency 
    for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
    Western Tier of the On-Post OU
        A remedial investigation (RI) completed in January 1992 studied 
    each of the five environmental media at the RMA/NPL Site, including 
    soils, water, structures, air, and biota. Based upon evidence gathered 
    during the RI, information on the western tier of the RMA/NPL Site 
    indicated the western tier area was exposed to minimal or no 
    contamination and is considered a ``non-source'' area. A structures 
    survey program identified eight structures within the western tier.
        Several ground water plumes below the western tier parcel have been 
    identified but are not attributable to the RMA/NPL Site. Because the 
    ground water does not meet drinking water standards, the Klein Water 
    Treatment Facility was built in 1989--prior to completion of the RI--to 
    treat the ground water contamination that is now known to originate 
    from non-RMA/NPL sources. The Klein Water Treatment Facility is located 
    within the area to be deleted; however, its continued operation, and 
    associated 5-year review requirements, have been incorporated as part 
    of the Chemical Sales Company Superfund Site.
        The Irondale Containment System (ICS) was constructed during 
    development of the RI/FS as an interim response action (IRA). The ICS 
    is partially located on the western tier and was installed to extract 
    and treat ground water emanating from the Rail Yard and the Motor Pool 
    areas which are in close proximity to the western tier.
        A feasibility study (FS) was finalized in October 1995 and a 
    proposed plan prepared and presented to the public in October 1995 as 
    well. On June 11, 1996, the On-Post Record of Decision (ROD) was signed 
    by the Army, EPA, and the State of Colorado. The ROD specified no 
    remedial action for soil within the western tier of the On-Post OU 
    since the soil does not pose a risk to humans or biota. The remedy for 
    structures included the dismantling of three of the eight structures 
    found on the western tier. The selected ground water remedy consisted 
    of continued operation of the ICS.
    Community Involvement
        Since 1988 each of the Parties has made extensive efforts to ensure 
    that the public is kept informed on all aspects of the cleanup program. 
    More than 100 fact sheets about topics ranging from historical 
    information to site remediation have been developed and made available 
    to the public. Following the release and distribution of the draft 
    Detailed Analysis of Alternatives report (a second phase of the FS), 
    the Army held an open house for about 1,000 community members. The open 
    house provided opportunity for individual discussion and understanding 
    of the various technologies being evaluated for cleanup of RMA/NPL.
        The Proposed Plan for the On-Post OU was released for public review 
    on October 16, 1995. On November 18, 1995 a public meeting was held, 
    attended by approximately 50 members of the public, to obtain public 
    comment of the Proposed Plan. As a result of requests at this meeting, 
    the period for submitting written comments on the plan was extended one 
    month, concluding on January 19, 1996. No public comments were received 
    on the alternatives presented for the western tier of the On-Post OU.
    Current Status
        Of the three structures slated for demolition, one was determined 
    to no longer exist (a building foundation), and the other two 
    structures (survey tower and septic tank) were demolished in October 
    1997. Since the ROD was signed, three structures referred to as 
    ``vaults'' were found in section 9 of the western tier parcel. These 
    structures were used for housing antennae associated with the Titan I 
    Missile system deployed in northern Colorado during the late 1950s 
    through the mid-1960s. Evaluation of the vaults confirmed that no 
    radiological, chemical or biological materials were utilized in these 
    structures. The vaults were removed from the western tier during the 
    week of July 20, 1998.
        The ICS extraction wells have met the ROD shut-off criteria and 
    were shut down on October 1, 1997. Extraction wells for the Motor Pool 
    IRA have also met shut-off criteria; therefore, the ICS facility is 
    currently operated solely to treat contaminated ground water which is 
    piped from the Rail Yard IRA and not associated with the western tier 
    parcel. Monitoring of the ground water aquifer previously treated 
    through the ICS extraction wells, as required by the ROD, has been 
    incorporated into the sitewide monitoring program.
        Use of the ground water below the western tier for potable drinking 
    purposes is prohibited by the FFA, the RMA National Wildlife Refuge Act 
    of 1992, and the ROD; and will continue to be prohibited even after 
    portions of the western tier are sold. Additional prohibitions imposed 
    by the FFA, Refuge Act, and ROD include the use of the western tier 
    parcel for residential, industrial, and agricultural purposes, for 
    hunting or fishing for consumptive purposes, and the use of any future 
    surface water as a potable source.
        Based on the extensive investigations and risk assessment performed 
    for the western tier of the RMA/NPL Site, there are no further response 
    actions planned or scheduled for this area. This remedy for soil and 
    structures does not result in hazardous substances remaining at the 
    site above health-based levels with respect to anticipated uses of and 
    access to the site, which are limited under the Federal Facility 
    Agreement, Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge Act and the 
    ROD. All completion requirements for the western tier of the On-Post OU 
    have been achieved as outlined in OSWER Directive 9320.2-3A. Therefore, 
    there are no requirements for a five-year review or operation and 
        EPA, with concurrence from the State of Colorado, has determined 
    that all appropriate CERCLA response actions have been completed at the 
    western tier parcel of the RMA/NPL Site to protect public health and 
    the environment and that no further response action by responsible 
    parties is required. Therefore, EPA proposes to delete the western tier 
    of the On-Post OU of the RMA/NPL Site from the NPL.
    [[Page 53008]]
        Dated: September 25, 1998.
    Kerrigan Clough,
    Acting Regional Administrator, Region 8.
    [FR Doc. 98-26462 Filed 10-1-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of intent for partial deletion of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Priorities List Site from the National Priorities List; request for comments.
Document Number:
Comments concerning this proposed partial deletion may be submitted on or before November 2, 1998.
53005-53008 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 300.425(e)