[Federal Register Volume 62, Number 202 (Monday, October 20, 1997)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 54410-54427]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 97-27708]
44 CFR Part 67
[Docket No. FEMA-7231]
Proposed Flood Elevation Determinations
AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: Technical information or comments are requested on the
proposed base (1% annual chance) flood elevations and proposed base
flood elevation modifications for the communities listed below. The
base flood elevations are the basis for the floodplain management
measures that the community is required either to adopt or to show
evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain
qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program
DATES: The comment period is ninety (90) days following the second
publication of this proposed rule in a newspaper of local circulation
in each community.
ADDRESSES: The proposed base flood elevations for each community are
available for inspection at the office of the Chief Executive Officer
of each community. The respective addresses are listed in the following
[[Page 54411]]
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Frederick H. Sharrocks, Jr., Chief,
Hazard Identification Branch, Mitigation Directorate, 500 C Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-2796.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA or Agency) proposes to make determinations of base flood
elevations and modified base flood elevations for each community listed
below, in accordance with section 110 of the Flood Disaster Protection
Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and 44 CFR 67.4(a).
These proposed base flood and modified base flood elevations,
together with the floodplain management criteria required by 44 CFR
60.3, are the minimum that are required. They should not be construed
to mean that the community must change any existing ordinances that are
more stringent in their floodplain management requirements. The
community may at any time enact stricter requirements of its own, or
pursuant to policies established by other Federal, state or regional
entities. These proposed elevations are used to meet the floodplain
management requirements of the NFIP and are also used to calculate the
appropriate flood insurance premium rates for new buildings built after
these elevations are made final, and for the contents in these
National Environmental Policy Act
This proposed rule is categorically excluded from the requirements
of 44 CFR Part 10, Environmental Consideration. No environmental impact
assessment has been prepared.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Associate Director, Mitigation Directorate, certifies that this
proposed rule is exempt from the requirements of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act because proposed or modified base flood elevations are
required by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104,
and are required to establish and maintain community eligibility in the
National Flood Insurance Program. As a result, a regulatory flexibility
analysis has not been prepared.
Regulatory Classification
This proposed rule is not a significant regulatory action under the
criteria of section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 of September 30,
1993, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR 51735.
Executive Order 12612, Federalism
This proposed rule involves no policies that have federalism
implications under Executive Order 12612, Federalism, dated October 26,
Executive Order 12778, Civil Justice Reform
This proposed rule meets the applicable standards of section
2(b)(2) of Executive Order 12778.
List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 67
Administrative practice and procedure, Flood insurance, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements.
Accordingly, 44 CFR part 67 is proposed to be amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 67 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of
1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR,
1979 Comp., p. 376.
Sec. 67.4 [Amended]
2. The tables published under the authority of Sec. 67.4 are
proposed to be amended as follows:
# Depth in feet above
ground. *Elevation in
State City/town/county Source of flooding Location feet (NGVD)
Existing Modified
Delaware............................. Newark (City), New Christina River.......................... Approximately 100 feet downstream of State Route 273...... *131 *130
Castle County.
At Wedgewood Road......................................... *161 *158
West Branch Christina River.............. Approximately 580 feet upstream of confluence with *88 *87
Christina River.
At state boundary......................................... *108 *107
Persimmon Run............................ At the confluence with West Branch Christina River........ *97 *96
Approximately 380 feet upstream of confluence with West *99 *98
Branch Christina River.
Tributary to West Branch Christina River. At confluence with West Branch Christina River............ *108 *106
Approximately 300 feet upstream of confluence with West *108 *107
Branch Christina River.
Maps available for inspection at the Newark Planning Department, 220 Elkton Road, Newark, Delaware.
Send comments to Mr. Carl F. Luft, Newark City Manager, 220 Elkton Road, Newark, Delaware 19711.
Delaware............................. New Castle County Christina River.......................... Approximately 50 feet upstream of State Route 273 *134 *133
(Unincorporated Areas). (Nottingham Road).
At State boundary......................................... *162 *160
West Branch Christina River.............. Approximately 1,500 feet upstream of confluence with *91 *90
Christina River.
Approximately 900 feet upstream of State Route 2.......... *108 *106
East Branch Christina River.............. At confluence with Christina River........................ *158 *156
Approximately 100 feet upstream of the confluence with *158 *157
Christina River.
[[Page 54412]]
Maps available for inspection at the New Castle County Department of Planning, 2701 Capitol Trail, Newark, Delaware.
Send comments to Mr. Thomas P. Gordon, New Castle County Executive, 800 North French Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19801.
Florida.............................. Auburndale (City) Polk Lake Arianna............................. Shoreline within community................................ None *138
Lake Lena................................ Shoreline within community................................ None *138
Maps available for inspection at the City of Auburndale Building and Zoning Division, 207 Orange Street, Auburndale, Florida.
Send comments to The Honorable W. B. Whatlay, Mayor of the City of Auburndale, 110 Tampa Street, P.O. Box 186, Auburndale, Florida 33823.
Florida.............................. Dundee (Town) Polk Peace Creek Drainage Canal............... At downstream Town of Dundee corporate limit.............. *122 *124
At upstream Town of Dundee corporate limit................ *122 *124
Lake Dell Outlet Ditch................... At downstream Town of Dundee corporate limit.............. *123 *125
Upstream side of U.S. Highway 27.......................... *125 *126
Peace Creek Drainage Canal Tributary 3... At confluence with Peace Creek Drainage Canal............. *122 *124
At upstream corporate limit............................... None *124
Maps available for inspection at the Dundee Town Hall, 105 Center Street, Dundee, Florida.
Send comments to Mr. Ben Saag, Dundee Town Manager, 105 Center Street, Dundee, Florida 33838.
Florida.............................. Eagle Lake (City), Polk Lake McLeod.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *135
Eagle Lake............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *132
Maps available for inspection at the Eagle Lake City Hall, 75 North Seventh Street, Eagle Lake, Florida.
Send comments to Ms. Linda Weldon, Eagle Lake City Manager, P.O. Box 129, Eagle Lake, Florida 33839.
Florida.............................. Haines City (City), Polk Hammock Lake............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *134 *135
Lake Brooks.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *135
Little Lake Hamilton..................... Entire shoreline within community......................... *123 *124
Lake Alice............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... *130 *131
Shallow Flooding Area.................... Between Melbourne Avenue and Johnson Avenue............... None *110
Between Baker Dairy Road and Johnson Avenue............... None *115
Maps available for inspection at the Haines City City Hall, 502 East Hinson Avenue, Haines City, Florida.
Send comments to The Honorable Kenneth Thompson, Mayor of the City of Haines City, P.O. Box 1507, 502 East Hinson Avenue, Haines City, Florida 33845.
Florida.............................. Hillcrest Heights Crooked Lake............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *126
(Town), Polk County.
Maps available for inspection at the Lake Wales City Hall, 152 East Central Avenue, Lake Wales, Florida.
Send comments to The Honorable Andrew E. Bryan, Mayor of the Town of Hillcrest Heights, P.O. Box 129, Badson Park, Florida 33827.
Florida.............................. Keystone Heights (City). Lake Geneva.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *108
Clay County............. Brooklyn Lake............................ Entire shoreline within community......................... None *118
Maps available for inspection at the Keystone Heights City Hall, 555 South Lawrence Boulevard, Keystone Heights, Florida.
Send comments to The Honorable Archie Green, Mayor of the City of Keystone Heights, P.O. Box 420, Keystone Heights, Florida 32656. Florida
Florida.............................. Lake Alfred (City), Polk Lake Alfred.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *134 *135
Lake Swoope.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *134
Maps available for inspection at the Lake Alfred City Hall, 120 East Pomelo Street, Lake Alfred, Florida.
Send comments to The Honorable Larry Clark, Mayor of the City of Lake Alfred, 155 East Pomelo Street, Lake Alfred, Florida 33850.
Florida.............................. Lakeland (City), Polk Lake Parker #1........................... Shoreline within community................................ *132 *134
Lake Gibson.............................. Shoreline within community................................ None *146
Lake Parker Tributary.................... At Lake Parker Drive...................................... *132 *134
Approximately 1,000 feet downstream of State Road 33...... *133 *134
[[Page 54413]]
Maps available for inspection at the City of Lakeland Building Inspection Division, 228 South Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, Florida.
Send comments to Mr. E.S. Strickland, Lakeland City Manager, 228 South Massachusetts Avenue, Lakeland, Florida 33801-5086.
Florida.............................. Lake Hamilton (Town), Lake Hamilton............................ Entire shoreline within community......................... *123 *124
Polk County.
Flooding effects from Little Lake Approximately 200 feet north of Hughes Road/U.S. Route 27 *123 *124
Hamilton. intersection southeast to Cunningham Street/Kokomo Road
Maps available for inspection at the Lake Hamilton Town Hall, 100 Smith Avenue, Lake Hamilton, Florida.
Send comments to The Honorable Roger Knaus, Mayor of the Town of Lake Hamilton, P.O. Box 126, Lake Hamilton, Florida 33851.
Florida.............................. Lake Wales (City), Polk Peace Creek Drainage Canal............... Approximately 0.95 mile upstream of State Road 653........ None *119
Approximately 0.60 mile upstream of Olson Road............ None *123
Peace Creek Drainage Canal Tributary 2A.. Approximately 900 feet downstream of CSX Transportation... None *118
Approximately 1.20 miles downstream of CSX Transportation. None *118
Peace Creek Drainage Canal Tributary 2B.. Confluence with Peace Creek Drainage Canal................ None *122
Downstream side of Mountain Lake Cutoff Road.............. None *122
Lake Myrtle #2........................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *120
Maps available for inspection at the Lake Wales City Hall, 152 East Central Avenue, Lake Wales, Florida.
Send comments to Mr. David L. Greene, Lake Wales City Manager, 152 East Central Avenue, Lake Wales, Florida 33853.
Florida.............................. Lee County Imperial River........................... Approximately 2,225 feet upstream of Matheson Avenue...... *11 *12
(Unincorporated Areas).
Just upstream of Bonita Grande Road....................... None *17
Maps available for inspection at the Fort Myers/Lee County Library, 2050 Lee Street, Fort Myers, Florida.
Send comments to Mr. Donald D. Stilwell, Lee County Manager, P.O. Box 398, Fort Myers, Florida 33902-0398.
Florida.............................. Polk City (Town), Polk Lake Agnes............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *136
Mud Lake................................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *143
Mud Lake Drain........................... Approximately 550 feet upstream of Sand Lane.............. None *133
At confluence of Mud Lake/ approximately 450 feet upstream None *143
of State Road 33.
Maps available for inspection at the Surface Water Management Department, 330 West Church Street, Bartow, Florida.
Send comments to Mr. John Swanson, Polk City Town Manager, P.O. Box 1139, Polk City, Florida 33868.
Florida.............................. Polk County Fox Branch Tributary..................... At confluence with Fox Branch............................. None *144
(Unincorporated Areas).
Approximately 400 feet upstream of Duff Road.............. None *152
Blackwater Creek......................... At downstream county boundary............................. None *112
At North Galloway Road.................................... None *137
Blackwater Creek Tributary 2............. At downstream county boundary............................. None *108
Approximately 900 feet upstream of Ross Creek Road........ *130 *132
Wahneta Farms Canal...................... Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of confluence with Peace *107 *111
Creek Drainage Canal.
Downstream side of Hoover Road............................ None *133
Wahneta Farms Canal Tributary............ At confluence with Wahneta Farms Canal.................... None *121
Approximately 1.1 miles upstream of Eagle Lake Loop Road.. None *132
Peace Creek Drainage Canal............... Approximately 0.7 mile downstream of 91 Mine Road......... *100 *101
[[Page 54414]]
Approximately 1.6 miles upstream of 91 Mine Road.......... *106 *107
Peace Creek Drainage Canal Tributary 2A.. Confluence with Peace Creek Drainage Canal................ None *115
Approximately 4.6 miles upstream of Crews Road............ None *118
Peace Creek Drainage Canal Tributary 2B.. Confluence with Peace Creek Drainage Canal................ None *122
Approximately 1.6 miles upstream of Mountain Lake Cutoff None *122
Peace Creek Drainage Canal Tributary 3... At confluence with Peace Creek Drainage Canal............. None *124
Approximately 1.3 miles upstream of Lake Daisy Road....... None *129
Peace Creek Drainage Canal Tributary 4... At confluence with Peace Creek Drainage Canal............. None *125
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of Dundee Road............ None *126
Blackwater Creek Tributary 1............. At downstream county boundary............................. None *111
Approximately 0.1 mile upstream of Lewellyn Road.......... *132 *135
Itchepackesassa Creek.................... At downstream county boundary............................. None *114
At confluence of Itchepackesassa Tributaries 1 and 2...... None *120
Itchepackesassa Creek Tributary 1........ At the confluence with Itchepackesassa Creek.............. None *120
Approximately 2,400 feet downstream of North Wabash Avenue *137 *136
Itchepackesassa Creek Tributary 2........ At the confluence with Itchepackesassa Creek.............. None *120
Approximately 450 feet upstream of Airport Road........... None *139
Fox Branch............................... At Polk County boundary................................... None *86
Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of U.S. Route 98........ None *150
Lake Lowery.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *134 *135
Mountain Lake............................ Entire shoreline within community......................... None *121
Lake Effie............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *122
Lake Lee #2.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *124
Venus Lake............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *127
Lake Parker #2........................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *123
Hammock Lake............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *134 *135
Tower Lake............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... *134 *135
Bonnet Lake.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *134 *135
Lake Brooks.............................. Shoreline within county................................... *134 *135
Scott Lake............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *172
Banana Lake.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *107
Lake Myrtle #1........................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *142
Little Van Lake.......................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *142
Lake Griffin............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *134 *135
Lake Alfred.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *134 *135
Lake Medora.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *141
Lake Mariana............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *139 *140
Lake Blue................................ Entire shoreline within community......................... None *151
Sears Lake............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *144
Lake Grass............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *140
Lake Gibson.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *145 *146
Lake McLeod.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *135
Spirit Lake.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *135
Grassy Lake #2........................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *136
Eagle Lake............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *132
Millsite Lake............................ Entire shoreline within community......................... None *126
Lake Parker #1........................... Entire shoreline within community......................... *132 *134
Lake Bonnet Drain........................ Just downstream of North Chestnut Road.................... None *140
Approximately 300 feet downstream of Brunnell Parkway..... None *144
Lake Garfield............................ Entire shoreline within community......................... *107 *108
Lake Myrtle #2........................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *120
Round Lake............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *131
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Reeves Lake.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *126
Lake Hart................................ Entire shoreline within community......................... None *126
Lake Ruby................................ Entire shoreline within community......................... None *126
Lake Daisy............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... *131 *132
Lake Fox................................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *136
River Lake............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *143
Lake Florence............................ Entire shoreline within community......................... *129 *130
Crystal Lake #3.......................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *131
Lake Reed................................ Entire shoreline within community......................... None *140
Lake Annie............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *124
Lake Arbuckle............................ Entire shoreline within community......................... None *59
Lake Bess................................ Entire shoreline within community......................... None *126
Dinner Lake #1........................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *130
Dinner Lake #2........................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *124
Grassy Lake #3........................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *129
Thomas Lake #1........................... Entire shoreline within county............................ None *137
Camp Lake................................ Entire shoreline within county............................ *133 *134
Lake Eva #1.............................. Entire shoreline within county............................ *134 *135
Lake Swoope.............................. Entire shoreline within county............................ None *134
Lake Joe................................. Entire shoreline within county............................ None *126
Lake Marion.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *68 *72
Little Lake Hamilton..................... Entire shoreline within county............................ *123 *124
Lake Hamilton............................ Entire shoreline within county............................ *123 *124
Middle Lake Hamilton..................... Entire shoreline within county............................ *123 *124
Lake Streety............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *110
Hickory Lake............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *99
Silver Lake.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *106
Lake Wedhyakapka......................... Entire shoreline within community......................... *64 *65
Lake Leonore............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *88
Blue Lake................................ Entire shoreline within community......................... None *125
Lake Moody............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *94
Mud Lake................................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *141 *143
Surveyors Lake........................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *135
Gator Lake............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *135
Grassy Lake #4........................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *140
Polecat Lake............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *144
Tiger Lake............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *57
Lake Aurora.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *107
Big Gum Lake............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *95 *96
Cypress Lake............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *102
Little Gum Lake.......................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *98
Parks Lake............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *105
Thomas Lake #2........................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *106
Lake Mabel............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *117
Lake Tennessee........................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *136
Lake Juliana............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *135 *136
Lake Starr............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *117
Lake Otis................................ Entire shoreline within county............................ *130 *134
Lake Ring................................ Entire shoreline within county............................ None *138
Lake Elizabeth........................... Entire shoreline within county............................ None *135
Lake Ida #1.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *135 *138
Lester Lake.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *130 *132
Polk Lake................................ Entire shoreline within community......................... None *110
Mud Lake Drain........................... Approximately 700 feet downstream of State Road 33........ *137 *138
At confluence of Mud Lake................................. *141 *143
Crystal Lake #1.......................... Entire shoreline within county............................ None *140
Lake Davenport........................... Entire shoreline within county............................ None *121
Horse Creek.............................. Approximately 1,450 feet above State Route 547............ None *115
Approximately 2,300 feet above State Route 547............ None *115
Lake Hatchineha.......................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *57
Lake Boomerang........................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *123
Grassy Lake No. 1........................ Entire shoreline within community......................... None *134
Lake Holloway............................ Entire shoreline within community......................... None *141
Crews Lake............................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *149
Lake Henry No. 2......................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *160
Old Lake Davneport....................... Entire shoreline within community......................... None *112
South Prong Alafia River................. At downstream county boundary............................. None *97
[[Page 54416]]
Approximately 1.1 miles upstream of Bethlehem Road........ None *117
Maps available for inspection at the Polk County Engineering Department, 330 West Church Street, Bartow, Florida.
Send comments to Mr. Neil Combee, Chairman of the Polk County Board of Commissioners, P.O. Box 9005, Drawer BC01, Bartow, Florida 33831.
Florida.............................. Stuart (City) Martin St. Lucie River.......................... Approximately 200 feet east of the intersection of U.S. 1 *6 *10
County. and Fern Avenue.
Approximately 1500 feet east of the intersection of East *6 *7
Ocean Boulevard and Flamingo Drive.
North Fork St. Lucie River............... Approximately 300 feet east of the intersection of East None *7
Ocean Boulevard and Flamingo Drive.
Entire reach within community............................. *6 *9
South Fork St. Lucie River............... Approximately 300 feet west of the intersection of West *6 *9
1st Street and Atlanta Avenue.
Approximately 1000 feet southwest of the intersection of *6 *7
South Carolina Drive and Palm City Avenue.
Krueger Creek............................ Approximately 250 feet east of the intersection of East *6 *7
Ocean Boulevard and Krueger Parkway.
Fraizer Creek............................ Approximately 50 feet south of the intersection of 7th *6 *7
Street and Colorado Avenue.
Poppolton Creek.......................... Approximately 300 feet south of the intersection of *6 *7
Federal Highway and Riverview Avenue.
Approximately 0.4 mile east along Central Parkway from None *7
intersection with State Route 76.
Maps available for inspection at the Stuart City Hall, City Development Department, 121 S.W. Flagler Avenue, Stuart, Florida.
Send comments to Mr. David Collier, Stuart City Manager, 121 S.W. Flagler Avenue, Stuart, Florida 34994.
Florida.............................. Winter Haven (City), Lake Hamilton............................ Entire shoreline within community......................... *123 *124
Polk County.
Middle Lake Hamilton..................... Entire shoreline within community......................... *123 *124
Lake Otis................................ Entire shoreline within community......................... *130 *134
Lake Elbert.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *137 *139
Lake IDA #1.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *135 *138
Lake Silver.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... *147 *148
Lake Idyl................................ Entire shoreline within community......................... *134 *137
Maps available for inspection at the Winter Haven City Hall, Building Department, 451 Third Street, N.W., Winter Haven, Florida.
Send comments to Mr. Carl Cheatham, Winter Haven City Manager, P.O. Box 2277, Winter Haven, Florida 33883.
Georgia.............................. Alpharetta (City), Lake Windward............................ Upstream of Lake Windward at city limit................... *1,033 *1,028
Fulton County.
Approximately 100 feet upstream of Lake Windward Drive.... *992 *1,028
Maps available for inspection at the City Engineer's Office, 11875 Haynes Bridge Road, Alpharetta, Georgia.
Send comments to Mr. Michael Wilkes, Alpharetta City Administrator, City Hall, 2 South Main Street, Alpharetta, Georgia 30201.
Illinois............................. Glenview (Village), Cook South Navy Ditch......................... At confluence with Chicago River, North Branch, West Fork. *630 *628
Approximately 100 feet downstream of Soo Line Railroad.... *630 *628
Des Plaines River........................ Upstream side of Central Road............................. None *637
Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of Central Road........... None *637
Chicago River, North Branch, West Fork... At the downstream corporate limits........................ *624 *621
At the upstream corporate limits.......................... *632 *631
Chicago River, North Branch.............. Approximately 300 feet upstream of corporate limits....... None *624
At Central Road........................................... None *621
[[Page 54417]]
Maps available for inspection at the Glenview Village Hall, 1225 Waukegan Road, Glenview, Illinois.
Send comments to Ms. Nancy Firfer, Glenview Village President, 1225 Waukegan Road, Glenview, Illinois 60025.
Illinois............................. Northbrook (Village), Chicago River, North Branch, West Fork... Approximately 80 feet downstream of Old Willow Road....... None *631
Cook County.
Approximately 300 feet downstream of Interstate Route 94.. *652 *651
Chicago River, North Branch, Middle Fork. Approximately 200 feet downstream of Meadow Brook Drive... *635 *636
Approximately 300 feet upstream of Red Oak Drive.......... None *651
Underwriters Tributary................... Approximately 300 feet upstream of confluence with Chicago *651 *649
River, North Branch, West Fork.
Approximately 200 feet downstream of Helen Drive.......... *664 *665
Techny Drain............................. Approximately 300 feet upstream of confluence with Chicago None *636
River, North Branch, West Fork.
Downstream face of culvert approximately 70 feet *668 667
downstream of Pfingston Road.
Techny Drain, South Fork................. At confluence with Techny Drain........................... *653 *652
Approximately 200 feet upstream of Wood Drive............. *666 *663
Maps available for inspection at the Northbrook Village Hall, Engineering Department, 1225 Cedar Lane, Northbrook, Illinois.
Send comments to Mr. Mark Damisch, President of the Village of Northbrook, 1225 Cedar Lane, Northbrook, Illinois 60062.
Maine................................ Sanford (Town), York Mousam River (Lower Reach)............... At the downstream corporate limits........................ None *154
At downstream side of Estes Lake Dam...................... None 184
Maps available for inspection at the Town of Sanford Code Enforcement Office, 267 Main Street, Sanford, Maine.
Send comments to Mr. John Webb, Sanford Town Administrator, 267 Main Street, Sanford, Maine 04073.
Minnesota............................ Olmsted County North Run of the North Fork of Cascade At U.S. Highway 14........................................ *1,007 *1,006
(Unincorporated Areas). Creek.
Approximately 550 feet downstream of KR-6 Dam............. *1,043 *1,037
South Run of the North Fork of Cascade Approximately 100 feet upstream of the confluence with *1,007 *1,006
Creek. Cascade Creek.
Approximately 1.31 miles upstream of Chicago and *1,041 *1,040
Northwestern Railroad.
South Fork Zumbro River.................. Approximately 600 feet downstream of 55th Street NW....... None *968
Approximately 700 feet downstream of Mayowood Road........ *1,028 *1,027
Bear Creek............................... Approximately 520 feet upstream of the confluence of *1,013 *1,012
Willow Creek.
Approximately 220 feet upstream of the confluence of *1,017 *1,016
Badger Creek.
Cascade Creek............................ Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of the confluence of North *1,006 *1,005
Run of the North Fork of Cascade Creek.
Approximately 250 feet downstream of County Road 34....... *1,014 *1,015
Shallow Flooding Area.................... Between the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad and North #1 #2
Run of the North Fork of Cascade Creek.
Maps available for inspection at the City of Rochester-Olmsted Planning Department, 2122 Campus Drive, S.E., Rochester, Minnesota.
Send comments to Mr. Richard Devlin, Olmsted County Administrator, 151 4th Street, S.E., Rochester, Minnesota 55904.
Minnesota............................ Rochester (City) Olmsted North Run of the North Fork of Cascade At confluence with Cascade Creek.......................... *1,006 *1,004
County. Creek.
Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of 19th Street NW....... *1,028 *1,027
South Run of the North Fork of Cascade At confluence with Cascade Creek.......................... *1,007 *1,006
[[Page 54418]]
Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of Chicago and North *1,027 *1,026
Bear Creek............................... Approximately 300 feet downstream of 4th Street SE........ *987 *986
Approximately 50 feet downstream of confluence of Willow *1,012 *1,011
South Fork Zumbro River.................. At 55th Street NW......................................... None *986
Approximately 1,500 feet downstream of Mayowood Road...... *1,027 *1,026
Cascade Creek............................ At confluence with South Fork Zumbro River................ *979 *978
Approximately 250 feet downstream of County Road 34....... *1,014 *1,015
Willow Creek............................. Approximately 660 feet upstream of the confluence with *1,012 *1,013
Bear Creek.
Approximately 265 feet downstream of 11th Avenue SE....... *1,014 *1,015
Shallow Flooding Area.................... Between U.S. Highway 14 and the Chicago and Northwestern #1 #2
Railroad, approximately 850 feet northwest of the
intersection of 7th Street NW and U.S. Highway 14.
Between the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad and the #2 #1
North Run of the North Fork of Cascade Creek.
Between U.S. Highway 14 and the Chicago and Northwestern #1 #3
Railroad, approximately 400 feet northwest of the
intersection of 7th Street NW and U.S. Highway 14.
Maps available for inspection at the City of Rochester-Olmsted Planning Department, 2122 Campus Drive, S.E., Rochester, Minnesota.
Send comments to Mr. Gary Neumann, Assistant City Administrator, City Administrator's Office, 201 4th Street, S.E., Room 266, Rochester, Minnesota 55904-3781.
New Hampshire........................ Alexandria (Town), Newfound Lake............................ Entire shoreline within the community..................... None *591
Grafton County.
Maps available for inspection at the Alexandria Town Hall, Plummer Hill, Alexandria, New Hampshire.
Send comments to Mr. Ernest Parmenter, Chairman of the Town of Alexandria Board of Selectmen, Alexandria Town Office, Plummer Hill, Alexandria, New Hampshire 03222.
New Jersey.......................... Brick (Township), Ocean Atlantic Ocean........................... Approximately 250 feet east of the intersection of Ocean *10 *15
County. Avenue and Bay Avenue South.
Entire shoreline within community......................... *13 *15
Shallow Flooding......................... Approximately 50 feet west of the intersection of Ocean *8 #1
Avenue and Grandview Avenue.
At intersection of southbound lane of State Route 35 and *7 #2
9th Avenue.
Barnegat Bay............................. Approximately 1,200 feet west of the intersection of *6 *7
southbound lane of State Route 35 and Brigantine Lane.
At intersection of Curtis Point Drive and southbound lane *9 *7
of State Route 35.
Maps available for inspection at the Township of Brick Engineering Department, Brick Town Hall, 401 Chambers Bridge Road, Brick, New Jersey.
Send comments to The Honorable Joseph Scarpilley, Mayor of the Township of Brick, 401 Chambers Bridge Road, Brick, New Jersey 08723.
New York............................. Canton (Town), St. Grass River.............................. Approximately 1.02 miles downstream of State Route 68..... None *323
Lawrence County.
Approximately 150 feet downstream of upstream Town of None *497
Canton corporate limit.
Maps available for inspection at the Town of Canton Code Enforcement Office, Canton Municipal Building, 60 Main Street, Canton, New York.
Send comments to Mr. James T. Smith, Canton Town Supervisor, Canton Municipal Building, 60 Main Street, Canton, New York 13617.
North Carolina....................... Alexander County Catawba River (Lake Hickory)............. At upstream side of Oxford Dam............................ None *935
(Unincorporated Areas).
[[Page 54419]]
At downstream side of State Highway 127................... None *936
Catawba River (Lookout Shoals Lake)...... At downstream county boundary............................. None *847
Approximately 1.9 miles upstream of downstream county None *849
Maps available for inspection at the Alexander County Planning and Inspection Emergency Management Office, 322 1st Avenue, S.W., Taylorsville, North Carolina.
Send comments to Mr. Craig Mayberry, Chairman of the Alexander County Commission, 255 Liledoun Road, Taylorsville, North Carolina 28681.
North Carolina....................... Atlantic Beach (Town), Bogue Sound.............................. At the intersection of Salter Path Road and Henderson None *7
Carteret County. Boulevard.
Approximately 800 feet northwest of the intersection of *7 *8
Salter Path Road and Henderson Boulevard.
Atlantic Ocean........................... Approximately 150 feet south from the intersection of None *12
Henderson Boulevard and Asbury Avenue.
Approximately 330 feet south from the intersection of *15 *18
Henderson Boulevard and Ess Pier along Ess Pier.
Maps available for inspection at the Atlantic Beach Town Hall, 125 West Fort Macon Road, Atlantic Beach, North Carolina.
Send comments to Mr. Kim A. Cox, Atlantic Beach Town Manager, 125 West Fort Macon Road, P.O. Box 10, Atlantic Beach, North Carolina 28512.
North Carolina....................... Burke County Rhodhiss Lake............................ At Lake Rhodhiss Dam...................................... None *1,003
(Unincorporated Areas).
At State Route 1001....................................... None *1,005
Maps available for inspection at the Avery Avenue Government Building, 200 Avery Avenue, Morganton, North Carolina.
Send comments to Mr. Jimmy Jacumin, Chairman of the Burke County Board of Commissioners, Resource Center, P.O. Box 219, Morganton, North Carolina 28680-0219.
North Carolina....................... Caldwell County Catawba River............................ At Lake Rhodhiss Dam...................................... None *1,003
(Unincorporated Areas).
At State Route 1001....................................... None *1,005
Maps available for inspection at the Caldwell County Planning Department, Caldwell County Offices, 905 West Avenue, Lenoir, North Carolina.
Send comments to Dr. John Thuss, Chairman of the Caldwell County Board of Commissioners, P.O. Box 2200, Lenoir, North Carolina 28645-2200.
North Carolina....................... Catawba County Catawba River (Lake Hickory)............. At Oxford Dam............................................. None *935
(Unincorporated Areas).
At confluence of Snow Creek............................... None *935
Catawba River (Lookout Shoals Lake)...... At Lookout Shoals Lake.................................... None *849
Approximately 4.3 miles upstream of Lookout Shoals Dam....
Catawba River (Lake Norman).............. At downstream county boundary............................. None *761
Approximately 0.6 mile downstream of NC 1004.............. None *762
Elk Shoal Creek.......................... Approximately 875 feet upstream of confluence with Catawba *840 *849
Approximately 750 feet upstream of State Route 1700....... *848 *849
Dellinger Creek.......................... At confluence with Elk Shoal Creek........................ *849 *850
Approximately 680 feet upstream of confluence with Elk *851 *852
Shoal Creek.
Maps available for inspection at the Catawba County Zoning Office, 100A Southwest Boulevard, Newton, North Carolina.
Send comments to Mr. Tom Lundy, Catawba County Manager, P.O. Box 389, Newton, North Carolina 28658.
North Carolina....................... Emerald Isle (Town), Atlantic Ocean........................... At intersection of Bogue Court and Inlet Drive............ None *15
Carteret County.
[[Page 54420]]
500 feet south of intersection of Ocean Drive and Sea *16 *19
Dunes Drive.
Bogue Sound.............................. 200 feet north of intersection of Burlington Street and None *8
Emerald Drive.
1,000 feet north of the intersection of Bugue Court and *12 *15
Inlet Drive.
Maps available for inspection at the Emerald Isle Town Hall, 7500 Emerald Drive, Emerald Isle, North Carolina.
Send comments to Mr. Peter S. Allen, Emerald Isle Town Manager, 7500 Emerald Drive, Emerald Isle, North Carolina 28594-9320.
North Carolina....................... Goldsboro (City), Wayne Mills Creek.............................. Approximately 600 feet upstream of confluence with West None *95
County. Bear Creek.
Approximately 1,075 feet upstream of State Route 13....... None *116
Maps available for inspection at the Goldsboro City Hall Annex, 222 North Center Street, Goldsboro, North Carolina.
Send comments to The Honorable Howell K. Plonk, Mayor of the City of Goldsboro, P.O. Drawer A, Goldsboro, North Carolina 27530.
North Carolina....................... Haywood County West Fork Pigeon River................... Approximately 200 feet upstream of confluence with East *2,653 *2,654
(Unincorporated Areas). Fork Pigeon River.
At confluence with Lake Logan............................. None *2,865
Maps available for inspection at the Haywood County Planning Director's Office, 2143 Asheville Road, Waynesville, North Carolina.
Send comments to Mr. Jack Horton, Haywood County Manager, 215 North Main Street, Courthouse Annex One, Waynesville, North Carolina 28786.
North Carolina....................... Hickory (City), Burke Lake Hickory............................. At downstream corporate limits............................ None *935
and Catawba Counties.
At NC 127................................................. None *936
Maps available for inspection at the City of Hickory Planning Office, 76 North Center Street, Hickory, North Carolina.
Send comments to The Honorable William R. McDonald, Mayor of the City of Hickory, P.O. Box 398, Hickory, North Carolina 28603-0398.
North Carolina....................... High Point (City) Boulding Branch.......................... Approximately 300 feet upstream of Deep River Road........ *777 *776
Davidson, Guilford, and
Randolph Counties.
Approximately 100 feet downstream of Boundary Avenue...... *850 *849
Payne Creek Tributary.................... At confluence with Payne Creek............................ None *744
Approximately 1.1 miles upstream of Canterbury Road....... None *782
Payne Creek (formerly Stream 95 In High Just upstream of corporate limits......................... *741 *743
Approximately 1,470 feet upstream of Rockford Road........ *825 *826
Stream 97................................ Approximately 1.1 miles downstream of Chestnut Glen Way... None *750
Approximately 115 feet upstream of Westchester Drive...... None *823
Sandy Ridge Tributary.................... Approximately 1,550 feet downstream of State Route 68..... None *797
Approximately 150 feet downstream of Gallimore Dairy Road. None *832
Tributary to West Fork Deep River........ At confluence with West Fork Deep River................... None *817
Approximately 1,700 feet upstream of confluence with West None *817
Fork Deep River.
Davis Lake Tributary No. 1............... At the confluence with East Fork Deep River............... None *787
Just downstream of State Route 68......................... None *805
Davis Lake Tributary No. 2............... At confluence with Davis Lake Tributary No. 1............. None *797
Approximately 1,775 feet upstream of Highway 68........... None *819
Long Branch.............................. Approximately 1,800 feet downstream of Jamesford Road..... *771 *770
Approximately 0.51 mile upstream of Jamesford Drive....... *776 *777
[[Page 54421]]
Stream No. 18............................ Approximately 0.46 mile upstream of confluence with West *776 *777
Fork Deep River.
Approximately 1,350 feet upstream of Hickswood Road....... None *820
Stream No. 92............................ Approximately 300 feet downstream of corporate limits..... *778 *770
Approximately 60 feet downstream of confluence of Stream *792 *779
No. 93.
Stream No. 93............................ Approximately 25 feet upstream of confluence with Stream *793 *792
No. 92.
Approximately 50 feet downstream of Westchester Drive *823 *827
(State Route 68).
Stream 99................................ Approximately 1.4 miles downstream of Westchester Drive... None *748
Approximately 20 feet downstream of Westchester Drive..... *825 *826
Richland Creek........................... Approximately 1,550 feet upstream of Kersey Valley Road... *706 *705
Approximately 900 feet upstream of Brentwood Street....... *783 *784
Rich Fork................................ Approximately 1,450 feet downstream of Rock Bridge Road... *745 *748
Approximately 250 feet upstream of upstream corporate *753 *754
Mile Branch.............................. At confluence with Richland Creek......................... *707 *705
Approximately 950 feet upstream of confluence with *707 *706
Richland Creek.
Maps available for inspection at the City of High Point Municipal Office Building, 211 South Hamilton Street, High Point, North Carolina.
Send comments to The Honorable Rebecca Smothers, Mayor of the City of High Point, P.O. Box 230, High Point, North Carolina 27261.
North Carolina....................... Iredell County Catawba River (Lake Norman).............. At downstream county boundary............................. None *761
(Unincorporated Areas)..
Approximately 1 mile downstream of State Route 1004....... None *763
Catawba River (Lookout Shoals Lake)...... At Lookout Shoals Dam..................................... None *847
At upstream county boundary............................... None *847
Maps available for inspection at the Iredell County Planning Department, 227 South Center Street, Statesville, North Carolina.
Send comments to Mr. Joel Mashburn, Iredell County Manager, P.O. Box 788, Statesville, North Carolina 28687.
North Carolina....................... Lincoln County Lake Norman.............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *761
(Unincorporated Areas).
Maps available for inspection at the Lincoln County Building and Land Development Department, 302 North Academy Street, Lincolnton, North Carolina.
Send comments to Mr. Richard French, Lincoln County Manager, 115 West Main Street, Lincolnton, North Carolina 28092.
North Carolina....................... Mecklenburg County Lake Norman.............................. Entire shoreline within county............................ None *761
(Unincorporated Areas).
Mountain Island Lake..................... At mountain Island Dam.................................... None *655
Approximately 4.8 miles upstream of State Route 16........ None *657
Lake Wylie............................... At downstream county boundary............................. None *571
Approximately 2.4 miles downstream of State Route 49...... None *572
Maps available for inspection at the Mecklenburg County Engineering and Building Standards, 700 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Send comments to Mr. H. Parks Helms, Chairman of the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners, 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202-2835.
North Carolina....................... Transylvania County Lake Toxaway............................. Entire shoreline within community......................... None *3,012
(Unincorporated Areas).
Cardinal Lake............................ Entire shoreline within community......................... None *3,044
[[Page 54422]]
Maps available for inspection at the Transylvania County Community Services Building, 203 East Morgan Street, Brevard, North Carolina.
Send comments to Mr. Robert Masengill, Chairman of the Transylvania County Board of Commissioners, 28 East Main Street, Brevard, North Carolina 28712.
North Carolina....................... Whiteville (City) Soules Swamp............................. Approximately 0.6 mile south of intersection of Canal None *53
Columbus County. Street and Mill Street.
Approximately 0.3 mile south of the intersection of State None *53
Roads 1437 and 1439.
Maps available for inspection at the Whiteville City Hall, 317 South Madison, Whiteville, North Carolina.
Send comments to The Honorable Horace Whitley, Mayor of the City of Whiteville, P.O. Box 607, Whiteville, North Carolina 28472.
Ohio................................. Champaign County Anderson Creek........................... At confluence with Mad River.............................. None *978
(Unincorporated Areas).
Approximately 3,050 feet upstream of Stickley Road........ None *1,013
Mad River................................ At upstream side of County Line Road...................... None *954
Approximately 1.7 miles upstream of U.S. Route 36......... None *1,009
Moore Run................................ At upstream side of County Line Road...................... None *963
Approximately 5,000 feet upstream of Woodburn Road........ None *1,000
Maps available for inspection at the Champaign County Engineer's Office, 428 Beech Street, Urbana, Ohio.
Send comments to Mr. Carmen L. Scott, Director of Logan, Union, and Champaign County Regional Planning Commission, P.O. Box 141, East Liberty, Ohio 43319.
Puerto Rico.......................... Bayamon (Municipality) Municipio de Toa Baja.................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.5
Bayamon County. None 1.6
Maps available for inspection at the Bayamon Planning Office, Street 4L20, Santa Monica, Bayamon, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Ms. Matilde Lopez, Director of the Municipality of Bayamon Planning Office, Street 4L20, Santa Monica, Bayamon, Puerto Rico 00957.
Puerto Rico.......................... Lajas Valley............ Atlantic Ocean Municipio de Cabo Rojo.... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.8
1.6 1.5
Municipio de Guanica..................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 2.2 3.2
2.0 2.4
Municipio de Lajas....................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 2.5 3.8
2.5 2.0
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Lower Rio Grande de Municipio de Hatillo..................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.4
Arecibo Basin. None 1.8
Municipio de Arecibo..................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.4
None 2.1
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Quebrada del Agua....... ....................................... Approximately 0.75 kilometers upstream of confluence with None 2.4
Caribbean Sea.
Approximately 3.45 kilometers upstream of confluence with None 19.6
Caribbean Sea.
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Anton Ruiz.......... Atlantic Ocean: Municipio de Humacao..... Entire shoreline.......................................... 2.9 3.3
2.9 2.7
[[Page 54423]]
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Blanco Basin........ Atlantic Ocean: Municipio de Humacao..... Entire shoreline.......................................... 2.9 3.3
2.5 2.3
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Camuy Basin......... Municipio de Quebradillas................ Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.4
None 2.0
Municipio de Camuy....................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.4
1.6 1.5
Municipio de Hatillo..................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.4
1.6 1.8
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Canos............... ......................................... At confluence with Rio Matilde............................ None 11.7
Approximately 0.4 kilometers upstream of Las Delicias None 38.3
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Canos............... Caribbean Sea: Municipio de Juana Diaz... Entire shoreline.......................................... 2.0 3.3
1.8 2.3
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Cibulo Basin........ Municipio de Vega Baja................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.4
None 2.2
Laguna Turtuguero......................................... None 1.5
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Coamo............... Caribbean Sea: Municipio de Santa Isabel. Entire shoreline.......................................... 2.3 3.9
2.0 2.3
Municipio de Juana Diaz.................. Entire shoreline.......................................... 2.0 3.3
1.8 2.3
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Culebrinos Basin.... Atlantic Ocean: Municipio de Rincon...... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.5
1.6 2.0
Municipio de Aguada...................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.3
1.6 1.8
Municipio de Aguadilla................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.3
1.6 1.5
[[Page 54424]]
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Daguao Basin........ Atlantic Ocean: Municipio de Ceiba....... Entire shoreline.......................................... 2.9 3.6
2.9 2.2
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Espiritu Santo Basin Atlantic Ocean: Municipio de Loiza....... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.6
1.6 2.1
Municipio de Rio Grande.................. Entire shoreline.......................................... 2.3 2.6
2.3 2.1
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Fajardo Basin....... Atlantic Ocean: Isla de Culebra.......... Entire shoreline.......................................... None 4.3
None 2.1
None 2.1
Municipio de Luquillo.................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 3.1 2.7
2.8 1.8
Muncipio Fajardo......................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 3.1 3.4
2.9 1.8
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Grande de Anasco Atlantic Ocean: Municipio de Anasco...... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.6
Basin. 1.6 2.0
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Grande de Guayanes.. Caribbean Sea: Municipio de Yabucoa...... Entire shoreline.......................................... 2.3 1.0
2.5 3.0
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Grande de Loiza Atlantic Ocean: Municipio de Carolina.... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.4
Municipio de Loiza....................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.7
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Grande de Manati Atlantic Ocean: Municipio de Barceloneta. Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.4
Municipio de Manati...................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.4
1.6 1.5
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rios Grande de Patillas Caribbean Sea: Municipo de Patillas...... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.8 3.4
and Guamani. 1.8 2.4
[[Page 54425]]
Municipio de Arroyo...................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.9 3.4
1.8 2.2
Municipio de Guayama..................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 2.2 3.5
1.9 2.4
Municipio de Salinas..................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 2.3 2.2
2.2 2.7
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Grande de Plata Atlantic Ocean: Municipio de Dorado...... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.4
Basin. 1.6 1.8
Municipio de Vega Alta................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.4
None 2.2
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Guajataca Basin..... Municipio de Isabel...................... Entire shoreline.......................................... None 2.3
None 1.5
Municipio de Quebradillas................ Entire shoreline.......................................... None 2.3
None 1.5
Municipio de Aguadilla................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.3
1.6 1.5
None 2.3
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Guanajibo........... Atlantic Ocean: Municipio de Cabo Rojo... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 3.0
1.6 1.8
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rios Guayarilla and Caribbean Sea: Municipio de Penuelas..... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.8 3.4
Tallaboa. 1.8 2.4
Municipio de Guayarilla.................. Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.8 3.5
1.8 2.2
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Humacao............. Atlantic Ocean: Isla de Vieques.......... Entire shoreline.......................................... None 3.7
None 2.4
Municipio de Humacao..................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 2.7 3.3
2.5 2.3
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Majada.............. Caribbean Sea: Municipio de Santa Isabel. Entire shoreline.......................................... 2.3 3.9
2.0 2.3
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Mameyes Basin....... Atlantic Ocean: Municipio de Rio Grande.. Entire shoreline.......................................... 4.3 2.7
3.1 2.0
[[Page 54426]]
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Manaubo............. Caribbean Sea: Municipio de Maunabo...... Entire shoreline.......................................... 2.3 3.2
Municipio de Patillas.................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 2.3 3.3
None 2.2
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Matilde............. ......................................... Approximately 0.18 kilometers upstream of confluence with None 2.4
Caribbean Sea.
At confluence of Rio Pastillo and Rio Canas............... None 11.7
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rios Matilde, Pastillo, Caribbean Sea: De La Ciudad de Ponce..... Entire shoreline west of Rio Portugues.................... None 3.4
Portugues, Canos, None 2.2
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Pastillo............ ......................................... At confluence with Rio Matilde............................ None 11.7
Approximately 0.13 kilometers upstream of Puerto Rico None 42.7
Route 132 bridge.
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Piedras Basin....... Atlantic Ocean and Bahia de San Juan: Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.7
Municipio de San Juan. None 2.1
Atlantic Ocean: Municipio de Carolina.... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.4
Municipio de Guaynabo.................... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 2.7
1.6 1.8
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Rio Yaquez Basin........ Atlantic Ocean: Municipio de Mayaguez.... Entire shoreline.......................................... 1.6 3.0
1.6 1.8
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
Puerto Rico.......................... Yauca................... Caribbean Sea: Municipio de Yauca........ Entire shoreline.......................................... 2.0 3.2
2.0 2.4
Maps available for inspection at the Puerto Rico Planning Board, Minillas Governmental Center, 12th Floor, North Building, De Diego Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Send comments to Mr. Jose R. Caballero Mercado, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Planning Board, P.O. Box 41119, Santurce, Puerto Rico 00940.
South Carolina....................... Mullins (City), Marion Unnamed Tributary to White Oak Creek..... At confluence of White Oak Creek.......................... None *85
County. At downstream side of Yarboro Street...................... None *94
[[Page 54427]]
Maps available for inspection at the Mullins City Hall, 151 Northeast Front Street, Mullins, South Carolina.
Send comments to Mr. J. C. Richardson, Mullins City Administrator, P.O. Box 408, Mullins, South Carolina 29574.
Virginia............................. Rappahannock County Thornton River........................... At State Route 620........................................ None *593
(Unincorporated Areas). Approximately 1.7 miles upstream of State Route 667....... None *960
North Fork Thornton River................ At confluence with Thornton River......................... None *635
Approximately 1,500 feet upstream of State Route 600...... None *755
Maps available for inspection at the Rappahannock County Administration and Zoning Office, 290 Gay Street, Washington, Virginia.
Send comments to Mr. John McCarthy, Rappahannock County Administrator, P.O. Box 519, Washington, Virginia 22747.
Wisconsin............................ Oconto County Pensaukee River.......................... At U.S. Route 41.......................................... None *596
(Unincorporated Areas). Approximately 0.96 mile downstream of confluence of Spring None *635
Brookside Creek.......................... At the confluence with Pensaukee River.................... *606 *607
Approximately 750 feet downstream of Moody Road........... *606 *607
Maps available for inspection at the Oconto County Land and Water Resources-Zoning Division, 301 Washington Street, Oconto, Wisconsin.
Send comments to Mr. Kevin Hamann, Oconto County Administrative Coordinator, Oconto County Courthouse, 301 Washington Street, Oconto, Wisconsin 54153.
Wisconsin............................ Westfield (Village), Westfield Creek.......................... Approximately 400 feet downstream of U.S. Route 51........ *839 *840
Marquette County.
Approximately 75 feet downstream of Spring Street Branch/ *841 *843
Maps available for inspection at the Westfield Village Hall, 124 East Third Street, Westfield, Wisconsin.
Send comments to Ms. Frances L. Demke, President of the Village of Westfield, 124 East Third Street, Westfield, Wisconsin 53964.
Elevation in meters, Mean Sea Level.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 83.100, ``Flood
Dated: October 9, 1997.
Michael J. Armstrong,
Associate Director for Mitigation.
[FR Doc. 97-27708 Filed 10-17-97; 8:45 am]