[Federal Register Volume 62, Number 202 (Monday, October 20, 1997)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 54388-54390]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 97-27712]
44 CFR Part 65
[Docket No. FEMA-7233]
Changes in Flood Elevation Determinations
AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA.
ACTION: Interim rule.
SUMMARY: This interim rule lists communities where modification of the
base (1% annual chance) flood elevations is appropriate because of new
scientific or technical data. New flood insurance premium rates will be
calculated from the modified base flood elevations for new buildings
and their contents.
DATES: These modified base flood elevations are currently in effect on
the dates listed in the table and revise the Flood Insurance Rate
Map(s) (FIRMs) in effect prior to this determination for each listed
From the date of the second publication of these changes in a
newspaper of local circulation, any person has ninety (90) days in
which to request through the community that the Associate Director
reconsider the changes. The modified elevations may be changed during
the 90-day period.
ADDRESSES: The modified base flood elevations for each community are
available for inspection at the office of the Chief Executive Officer
of each community. The respective addresses are listed in the following
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Frederick H. Sharrocks, Jr., Chief,
Hazard Identification Branch, Mitigation Directorate, 500 C Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-2796.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The modified base flood elevations are not
listed for each community in this interim rule. However, the address of
the Chief Executive Officer of the community where the modified base
flood elevation determinations are available for inspection is
Any request for reconsideration must be based upon knowledge of
changed conditions, or upon new scientific or technical data.
The modifications are made pursuant to section 201 of the Flood
Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4105, and are in accordance
with the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.,
and with 44 CFR part 65.
For rating purposes, the currently effective community number is
shown and must be used for all new policies and renewals.
The modified base flood elevations are the basis for the floodplain
management measures that the community is required to either adopt or
to show evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or to
remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance
These modified elevations, together with the floodplain management
criteria required by 44 CFR 60.3, are the minimum that are required.
They should not be construed to mean that the community must change any
existing ordinances that are more stringent in their floodplain
management requirements. The community may at any time enact stricter
requirements of its own, or pursuant to policies established by other
Federal, state or regional entities.
The changes in base flood elevations are in accordance with 44 CFR
National Environmental Policy Act
This rule is categorically excluded from the requirements of 44 CFR
Part 10, Environmental Consideration. No environmental impact
assessment has been prepared.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Associate Director, Mitigation Directorate, certifies that this
rule is exempt from the requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act
because modified base flood elevations are required by the Flood
Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4105, and are required to
maintain community eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program.
No regulatory flexibility analysis has been prepared.
Regulatory Classification
This interim rule is not a significant regulatory action under the
criteria of section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 of September 30,
1993, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR 51735.
Executive Order 12612, Federalism
This rule involves no policies that have federalism implications
under Executive Order 12612, Federalism, dated October 26, 1987.
Executive Order 12778, Civil Justice Reform
This rule meets the applicable standards of section 2(b)(2) of
Executive Order 12778.
List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 65
Flood insurance, Floodplains, Reporting and recordkeeping
Accordingly, 44 CFR part 65 is amended to read as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 65 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of
1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR,
1979 Comp., p. 376.
Sec. 65.4 [Amended]
2. The tables published under the authority of Sec. 65.4 are
amended as follows:
Dates and name of
State and county Location newspaper where Chief executive officer of Effective date of Community No.
notice was published community modification
Connecticut: Fairfield............ Town of New Canaan... June 26, 1997, July Mr. Richard P. Bond, First October 1, 1997...... 090010 B
3, 1997, New Canaan Selectman of the Town of
Advertiser. New Canaan, 77 Main
Street, New Canaan,
Connecticut 06840.
Duval......................... City of Jacksonville. July 8, 1997, July The Honorable John A. July 1, 1997......... 120077 E
15, 1997, The Delaney, Mayor of the
Florida Times-Union. City of Jacksonville,
City Hall, 220 East Bay
Street, 14th Floor,
Jacksonville, Florida
[[Page 54389]]
Orange........................ Unincorporated Areas. August 18, 1997, Mr. Ajit Lalchandani, August 11, 1997...... 120179 C
August 25, 1997, The P.E., Director, Orange
Orlando Sentinel. County Public Works
Division, 4200 South John
Young Parkway, Orlando,
Florida 32829-9205.
Georgia: Gwinnett Unincorporated Areas. July 21, 1997, July Mr. Wayne Hill, Chairman October 26, 1997..... 130322 C
28, 1997, Gwinnett of the Gwinnett County
Daily Post. Board of Commissioners,
75 Langley Drive,
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Cook.......................... Village of Chicago August 30, 1996, The Honorable Eugene August 23, 1996...... 170076 B
Ridge. September 5, 1996, Siegel, Mayor of the
The Chicago Ridge Village of Chicago Ridge,
Citizen. 10655 South Oak Avenue,
Chicago Ridge, Illinois
DuPage and Cook............... Village of September 3, 1997, Mr. John C. Geils, August 27, 1997...... 170200 C
Bensenville. September 10, 1997, President of the Village
Press Publications. of Bensenville, 700 West
Irving Park Road,
Bensenville, Illinois
DuPage........................ City of Darien....... August 21, 1997, The Honorable Carmen D. November 26, 1997.... 170750 A
August 28, 1997, Soldato, Mayor of the
Darien Progress. City of Darien, 1702
Plainfield Road, Darien,
Illinois 60561.
DuPage County................. Village of Lisle..... July 25, 1997, August The Honorable Ronald F. July 18, 1997........ 170211 B
1, 1997, The Lisle Ghilardi, Mayor of the
Sun. Village of Lisle, 1040
Burlington Avenue, Lisle,
Illinois 60532.
Stephenson.................... Unincorporated Areas. June 11, 1997, June Mr. Dean Danner, Chairman June 6, 1997......... 170639 B
18, 1997, The of the Stephenson County
Journal Standard. Board of Commissioners,
15 North Galena Avenue,
Freeport, Illinois 61032.
Will and DuPage............... City of Naperville... September 10, 1997, The Honorable A. George December 16, 1997.... 170213 C
September 17, 1997, Pradel, Mayor of the City
Naperville Sun. of Naperville, 400 South
Eagle Street, Naperville,
Illinois 60566.
Winnebago..................... Unincorporated Areas. June 11, 1997, June Ms. Christine Cohn, June 6, 1997......... 170720 B
18, 1997, Rockford Chairman of the Winnebago
Register Star. County Board of
Commissioners, 404 Elm
Street, Room 504,
Rockford, Illinois 61101.
Michigan: Wayne................... Township of Canton... August 14, 1997, Mr. Thomas Yack, Canton November 19, 1997.... 260219 B
August 21, 1997, Township Supervisor, 1150
Canton Observer. South Canton Center Road,
Canton, Michigan 48188.
Maine: York....................... Town of Kittery...... June 3, 1997, June Mr. Phil McCarthy, Kittery May 23, 1997......... 230171 D
10, 1997, Portsmouth Town, Manager, P.O. Box
Herald. 808, Kittery, Maine 03904.
Mississippi: Madison.............. City of Ridgeland.... July 24, 1997, July The Honorable Gene McGee, October 29, 1997..... 280110 D
31, 1997, Madison Mayor of the City of
County Journal. Ridgeland, P.O. Box 217,
Ridgeland, Mississippi
New Hamsphire: Grafton............ Town of Bridgewater.. June 11, 1997, June Mr. Terrance Murphy, Head December 5, 1997..... 33046 C
18, 1997, Record Selectman, Town of
Enterprise. Bridgewater, 297 Mayhew
Turnpike, Bristol, New
Hampshire 03222.
New Jersey:
Ocean......................... Borough of Island July 16, 1997, July The Honorable David January 7, 1998...... 340374 C
Heights. 23, 1997, Ocean Siddons, Mayor of the
County Observer. Borough of Island
Heights, P.O. Box AH,
Island Heights, New
Jersey 08732.
Passaic....................... Borough of West March 5, 1997, March The Honorable Matthew T. June 10, 1997........ 340412 B
Paterson. 12, 1997, North Capano, Mayor of the
Jersey Herald and Borough of West Paterson,
News. 5 Brophy Lane, West
Paterson, New Jersey
North Carolina: Dare.............. Unincorporated Areas. August 28, 1997, Mr. Robert Z. Owens, Jr., August 21, 1997...... 375348 D
September 4, 1997, Chairman of the Dare
Coastland Times. County, Board of
Commissioners, P.O. Box
1000, Manteo, North
Carolina 17954.
Ohio: Cuyahoga.................... City of Beachwood.... June 30, 1997, July The Honorable Merle S. December 19, 1997.... 390094 A
7, 1997, The Plain Gorden, Mayor of the City
Dealer. of Beachwood, 2700
Richmond Road, Beachwood,
Ohio 44122.
[[Page 54390]]
Cuyahoga...................... City of North Olmsted August 28, 1997, The Honorable Edward J. December 3, 1997..... 390120 C
September 4, 1997, Boyle, Mayor of the City
Sun Herald. of North Olmsted, 5200
Dover Center Road, North
Olmsted, Ohio 44070.
Franklin & Fairfield.......... City of Columbus..... August 12, 1997, The Honorable Gregory August 5, 1997....... 390170 G
August 19, 1997, The Lashutka, Mayor of the
Columbus Dispatch. City of Columbus, 90 West
Broad Street, Columbus,
Ohio 43215.
Lake.......................... Unincorporated Areas. June 18, 1997, June Ms. Mildred Teuscher, June 11, 1997........ 390771 C
25, 1997, The News President of the Lake
Herald. County Board of
Commissioners, P.O. Box
490, 105 Main Street,
Painesville, Ohio 44077.
Blair......................... Township of Blair.... July 8, 1997, July Mr. George Harley, June 30, 1997........ 421386 A
15, 1997, Altoona Secretary/Treasurer of
Mirror. the Township of Blair,
575 Cedarcrest Drive,
Pennsylvania 166635.
Bucks......................... Borough of Chalfont.. August 19, 1997, The Honorable Marilyn J. November 24, 1997.... 420184 B
August 26, 1997, Becker, Mayor of the
Intelligencer/Record. Borough of Chalfront,
P.O. Box 80, Chalfont,
Pennsylvania 18914.
Cambria....................... City of Johnstown.... June 13, 1997, June The Honorable Linda June 6, 1997......... 420231 C
20, 1997, Tribune- Weaver, Mayor of the City
Democrat. of Johnstown, 401 Main
Street, Johnstown,
Pennsylvania 15901.
South Carolina: Horry Unincorporated Areas. July 10, 1997, July Ms. Linda Angus, Horry October 15, 1997..... 450104 E
17, 1997, The Sun County Administrator, 103
News. Elm Street, Conway, South
Carolina 29526.
Virginia: (Independent City)...... City of Harrisonburg. August 15, 1997, The Honorable Rodney L. August 5, 1997....... 510076 B
August 22, 1997, Eagle, Mayor of the City
Daily News-Record. of Harrisonburg, City
Hall, Harrisonburg,
Virginia 22801.
Wisconsin: Washington............. Village of Germantown June 5, 1997, June Mr. Paul Brandenburg, September 10, 1997... 550472 B
12, 1997, Germantown Village of Germantown
Banner-Press. Administrator, P.O. Box
337, Germantown,
Wisconsin 53022-0337.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 83.100, ``Flood
Dated: October 9, 1997.
Michael J. Armstrong,
Associate Director for Mitigation.
[FR Doc. 97-27712 Filed 10-17-97; 8:45 am]